4.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
3 * @version v18.1.2
4 * @link http://www.ag-grid.com/
5 * @license MIT
6 */
7"use strict";
8Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
9var utils_1 = require("../utils");
10var TabbedLayout = (function () {
11 function TabbedLayout(params) {
12 var _this = this;
13 this.items = [];
14 this.params = params;
15 this.eGui = document.createElement('div');
16 this.eGui.innerHTML = TabbedLayout.TEMPLATE;
17 this.eHeader = this.eGui.querySelector('[ref="tabHeader"]');
18 this.eBody = this.eGui.querySelector('[ref="tabBody"]');
19 utils_1.Utils.addCssClass(this.eGui, params.cssClass);
20 if (params.items) {
21 params.items.forEach(function (item) { return _this.addItem(item); });
22 }
23 }
24 TabbedLayout.prototype.setAfterAttachedParams = function (params) {
25 this.afterAttachedParams = params;
26 };
27 TabbedLayout.prototype.getMinWidth = function () {
28 var eDummyContainer = document.createElement('span');
29 // position fixed, so it isn't restricted to the boundaries of the parent
30 eDummyContainer.style.position = 'fixed';
31 // we put the dummy into the body container, so it will inherit all the
32 // css styles that the real cells are inheriting
33 this.eGui.appendChild(eDummyContainer);
34 var minWidth = 0;
35 this.items.forEach(function (itemWrapper) {
36 utils_1.Utils.removeAllChildren(eDummyContainer);
37 var eClone = itemWrapper.tabbedItem.bodyPromise.resolveNow(null, function (body) { return body.cloneNode(true); });
38 if (eClone == null) {
39 return;
40 }
41 eDummyContainer.appendChild(eClone);
42 if (minWidth < eDummyContainer.offsetWidth) {
43 minWidth = eDummyContainer.offsetWidth;
44 }
45 });
46 // finally check the parent tabs are no wider, as if they
47 // are, then these are the min width and not the child tabs
48 if (minWidth < this.eGui.offsetWidth) {
49 minWidth = this.eGui.offsetWidth;
50 }
51 this.eGui.removeChild(eDummyContainer);
52 return minWidth;
53 };
54 TabbedLayout.prototype.showFirstItem = function () {
55 if (this.items.length > 0) {
56 this.showItemWrapper(this.items[0]);
57 }
58 };
59 TabbedLayout.prototype.addItem = function (item) {
60 var eHeaderButton = document.createElement('span');
61 eHeaderButton.appendChild(item.title);
62 utils_1.Utils.addCssClass(eHeaderButton, 'ag-tab');
63 this.eHeader.appendChild(eHeaderButton);
64 var wrapper = {
65 tabbedItem: item,
66 eHeaderButton: eHeaderButton
67 };
68 this.items.push(wrapper);
69 eHeaderButton.addEventListener('click', this.showItemWrapper.bind(this, wrapper));
70 };
71 TabbedLayout.prototype.showItem = function (tabbedItem) {
72 var itemWrapper = utils_1.Utils.find(this.items, function (itemWrapper) {
73 return itemWrapper.tabbedItem === tabbedItem;
74 });
75 if (itemWrapper) {
76 this.showItemWrapper(itemWrapper);
77 }
78 };
79 TabbedLayout.prototype.showItemWrapper = function (wrapper) {
80 var _this = this;
81 if (this.params.onItemClicked) {
82 this.params.onItemClicked({ item: wrapper.tabbedItem });
83 }
84 if (this.activeItem === wrapper) {
85 utils_1.Utils.callIfPresent(this.params.onActiveItemClicked);
86 return;
87 }
88 utils_1.Utils.removeAllChildren(this.eBody);
89 wrapper.tabbedItem.bodyPromise.then(function (body) {
90 _this.eBody.appendChild(body);
91 });
92 if (this.activeItem) {
93 utils_1.Utils.removeCssClass(this.activeItem.eHeaderButton, 'ag-tab-selected');
94 }
95 utils_1.Utils.addCssClass(wrapper.eHeaderButton, 'ag-tab-selected');
96 this.activeItem = wrapper;
97 if (wrapper.tabbedItem.afterAttachedCallback) {
98 wrapper.tabbedItem.afterAttachedCallback(this.afterAttachedParams);
99 }
100 };
101 TabbedLayout.prototype.getGui = function () {
102 return this.eGui;
103 };
104 TabbedLayout.TEMPLATE = '<div>' +
105 '<div ref="tabHeader" class="ag-tab-header"></div>' +
106 '<div ref="tabBody" class="ag-tab-body"></div>' +
107 '</div>';
108 return TabbedLayout;
110exports.TabbedLayout = TabbedLayout;