2.36 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for ag-grid v18.1.2
2// Project: http://www.ag-grid.com/
3// Definitions by: Niall Crosby <https://github.com/ag-grid/>
4import { Column } from "../../entities/column";
5import { RowNode } from "../../entities/rowNode";
6import { GridApi } from "../../gridApi";
7import { ColumnApi } from "../../columnController/columnApi";
8import { IComponent } from "../../interfaces/iComponent";
9export interface ICellEditor {
10 /** Return the final value - called by the grid once after editing is complete */
11 getValue(): any;
12 /** Gets called once after initialised. If you return true, the editor will appear in a popup, so is not constrained
13 * to the boundaries of the cell. This is great if you want to, for example, provide you own custom dropdown list
14 * for selection. Default is false (ie if you don't provide the method). */
15 isPopup?(): boolean;
16 /** Gets called once after initialised. If you return true, the editor will not be used and the grid will continue
17 * editing. Use this to make a decision on editing inside the init() function, eg maybe you want to only start
18 * editing if the user hits a numeric key, but not a letter, if the editor is for numbers.
19 * */
20 isCancelBeforeStart?(): boolean;
21 /** Gets called once after editing is complete. If your return true, then the new value will not be used. The
22 * editing will have no impact on the record. Use this if you do not want a new value from your gui, i.e. you
23 * want to cancel the editing. */
24 isCancelAfterEnd?(): boolean;
25 /** If doing full line edit, then gets called when focus should be put into the editor */
26 focusIn?(): void;
27 /** If doing full line edit, then gets called when focus is leaving the editor */
28 focusOut?(): void;
30export interface ICellEditorComp extends ICellEditor, IComponent<ICellEditorParams> {
32export interface ICellEditorParams {
33 value: any;
34 keyPress: number;
35 charPress: string;
36 column: Column;
37 node: RowNode;
38 rowIndex: number;
39 api: GridApi;
40 columnApi: ColumnApi;
41 cellStartedEdit: boolean;
42 context: any;
43 $scope: any;
44 onKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void;
45 stopEditing: (suppressNavigateAfterEdit?: boolean) => void;
46 eGridCell: HTMLElement;
47 parseValue: (value: any) => any;
48 formatValue: (value: any) => any;