1.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for ag-grid v18.1.2
2// Project: http://www.ag-grid.com/
3// Definitions by: Niall Crosby <https://github.com/ag-grid/>
4import { BeanStub } from "../context/beanStub";
5import { GridPanel } from "../gridPanel/gridPanel";
7 * This class solves the 'max height' problem, where the user might want to show more data than
8 * the max div height actually allows.
9 */
10export declare class HeightScaler extends BeanStub {
11 private eventService;
12 private gridPanel;
13 private maxDivHeight;
14 private scaling;
15 private modelHeight;
16 private uiContainerHeight;
17 private pixelsToShave;
18 private offset;
19 private scrollY;
20 private uiBodyHeight;
21 private maxScrollY;
22 private scrollBarWidth;
23 private postConstruct();
24 registerGridComp(gridPanel: GridPanel): void;
25 isScaling(): boolean;
26 getOffset(): number;
27 update(): void;
28 private calculateOffset();
29 private clearOffset();
30 private setOffset(newOffset);
31 setModelHeight(modelHeight: number): void;
32 getUiContainerHeight(): number;
33 getRealPixelPosition(modelPixel: number): number;
34 private getUiBodyHeight();
35 getScrollPositionForPixel(rowTop: number): number;