57.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
3 * @version v18.1.2
4 * @link http://www.ag-grid.com/
5 * @license MIT
6 */
7"use strict";
8var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
9 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
10 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
11 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
12 return function (d, b) {
13 extendStatics(d, b);
14 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
15 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
16 };
18var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
19 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
20 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
21 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
22 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
24var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
25 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
27Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
28var utils_1 = require("../utils");
29var cellComp_1 = require("./cellComp");
30var rowNode_1 = require("../entities/rowNode");
31var gridOptionsWrapper_1 = require("../gridOptionsWrapper");
32var column_1 = require("../entities/column");
33var events_1 = require("../events");
34var context_1 = require("../context/context");
35var component_1 = require("../widgets/component");
36var componentAnnotations_1 = require("../widgets/componentAnnotations");
37var LoadingCellRenderer = (function (_super) {
38 __extends(LoadingCellRenderer, _super);
39 function LoadingCellRenderer() {
40 return _super.call(this, LoadingCellRenderer.TEMPLATE) || this;
41 }
42 LoadingCellRenderer.prototype.init = function (params) {
43 var eLoadingIcon = utils_1._.createIconNoSpan('groupLoading', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
44 this.eLoadingIcon.appendChild(eLoadingIcon);
45 var localeTextFunc = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getLocaleTextFunc();
46 this.eLoadingText.innerText = localeTextFunc('loadingOoo', 'Loading');
47 };
48 LoadingCellRenderer.prototype.refresh = function (params) {
49 return false;
50 };
51 LoadingCellRenderer.TEMPLATE = "<div class=\"ag-stub-cell\">\n <span class=\"ag-loading-icon\" ref=\"eLoadingIcon\"></span>\n <span class=\"ag-loading-text\" ref=\"eLoadingText\"></span>\n </div>";
52 __decorate([
53 context_1.Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper'),
54 __metadata("design:type", gridOptionsWrapper_1.GridOptionsWrapper)
55 ], LoadingCellRenderer.prototype, "gridOptionsWrapper", void 0);
56 __decorate([
57 componentAnnotations_1.RefSelector('eLoadingIcon'),
58 __metadata("design:type", HTMLElement)
59 ], LoadingCellRenderer.prototype, "eLoadingIcon", void 0);
60 __decorate([
61 componentAnnotations_1.RefSelector('eLoadingText'),
62 __metadata("design:type", HTMLElement)
63 ], LoadingCellRenderer.prototype, "eLoadingText", void 0);
64 return LoadingCellRenderer;
66exports.LoadingCellRenderer = LoadingCellRenderer;
67var RowComp = (function (_super) {
68 __extends(RowComp, _super);
69 function RowComp(parentScope, bodyContainerComp, pinnedLeftContainerComp, pinnedRightContainerComp, fullWidthContainerComp, rowNode, beans, animateIn, useAnimationFrameForCreate) {
70 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
71 _this.eAllRowContainers = [];
72 _this.active = true;
73 _this.columnRefreshPending = false;
74 _this.cellComps = {};
75 // for animations, there are bits we want done in the next VM turn, to all DOM to update first.
76 // instead of each row doing a setTimeout(func,0), we put the functions here and the rowRenderer
77 // executes them all in one timeout
78 _this.createSecondPassFuncs = [];
79 // these get called before the row is destroyed - they set up the DOM for the remove animation (ie they
80 // set the DOM up for the animation), then the delayedDestroyFunctions get called when the animation is
81 // complete (ie removes from the dom).
82 _this.removeFirstPassFuncs = [];
83 // for animations, these functions get called 400ms after the row is cleared, called by the rowRenderer
84 // so each row isn't setting up it's own timeout
85 _this.removeSecondPassFuncs = [];
86 _this.initialised = false;
87 _this.parentScope = parentScope;
88 _this.beans = beans;
89 _this.bodyContainerComp = bodyContainerComp;
90 _this.pinnedLeftContainerComp = pinnedLeftContainerComp;
91 _this.pinnedRightContainerComp = pinnedRightContainerComp;
92 _this.fullWidthContainerComp = fullWidthContainerComp;
93 _this.rowNode = rowNode;
94 _this.rowIsEven = _this.rowNode.rowIndex % 2 === 0;
95 _this.paginationPage = _this.beans.paginationProxy.getCurrentPage();
96 _this.useAnimationFrameForCreate = useAnimationFrameForCreate;
97 _this.setAnimateFlags(animateIn);
98 return _this;
99 }
100 RowComp.prototype.init = function () {
101 var _this = this;
102 this.rowFocused = this.beans.focusedCellController.isRowFocused(this.rowNode.rowIndex, this.rowNode.rowPinned);
103 this.scope = this.createChildScopeOrNull(this.rowNode.data);
104 this.setupRowContainers();
105 this.addListeners();
106 if (this.slideRowIn) {
107 this.createSecondPassFuncs.push(function () {
108 _this.onTopChanged();
109 });
110 }
111 if (this.fadeRowIn) {
112 this.createSecondPassFuncs.push(function () {
113 _this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (eRow) { return utils_1._.removeCssClass(eRow, 'ag-opacity-zero'); });
114 });
115 }
116 };
117 RowComp.prototype.createTemplate = function (contents, extraCssClass) {
118 if (extraCssClass === void 0) { extraCssClass = null; }
119 var templateParts = [];
120 var rowHeight = this.rowNode.rowHeight;
121 var rowClasses = this.getInitialRowClasses(extraCssClass).join(' ');
122 var rowIdSanitised = utils_1._.escape(this.rowNode.id);
123 var userRowStyles = this.preProcessStylesFromGridOptions();
124 var businessKey = this.getRowBusinessKey();
125 var businessKeySanitised = utils_1._.escape(businessKey);
126 var rowTopStyle = this.getInitialRowTopStyle();
127 templateParts.push("<div");
128 templateParts.push(" role=\"row\"");
129 templateParts.push(" row-index=\"" + this.rowNode.getRowIndexString() + "\"");
130 templateParts.push(rowIdSanitised ? " row-id=\"" + rowIdSanitised + "\"" : "");
131 templateParts.push(businessKey ? " row-business-key=\"" + businessKeySanitised + "\"" : "");
132 templateParts.push(" comp-id=\"" + this.getCompId() + "\"");
133 templateParts.push(" class=\"" + rowClasses + "\"");
134 templateParts.push(" style=\"height: " + rowHeight + "px; " + rowTopStyle + " " + userRowStyles + "\">");
135 // add in the template for the cells
136 templateParts.push(contents);
137 templateParts.push("</div>");
138 return templateParts.join('');
139 };
140 RowComp.prototype.getCellForCol = function (column) {
141 var cellComp = this.cellComps[column.getColId()];
142 if (cellComp) {
143 return cellComp.getGui();
144 }
145 else {
146 return null;
147 }
148 };
149 RowComp.prototype.afterFlush = function () {
150 if (!this.initialised) {
151 this.initialised = true;
152 this.executeProcessRowPostCreateFunc();
153 }
154 };
155 RowComp.prototype.executeProcessRowPostCreateFunc = function () {
156 var func = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getProcessRowPostCreateFunc();
157 if (func) {
158 var params = {
159 eRow: this.eBodyRow,
160 ePinnedLeftRow: this.ePinnedLeftRow,
161 ePinnedRightRow: this.ePinnedRightRow,
162 node: this.rowNode,
163 api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(),
164 rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex,
165 addRenderedRowListener: this.addEventListener.bind(this),
166 columnApi: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(),
167 context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext()
168 };
169 func(params);
170 }
171 };
172 RowComp.prototype.getInitialRowTopStyle = function () {
173 // if sliding in, we take the old row top. otherwise we just set the current row top.
174 var pixels = this.slideRowIn ? this.roundRowTopToBounds(this.rowNode.oldRowTop) : this.rowNode.rowTop;
175 var afterPaginationPixels = this.applyPaginationOffset(pixels);
176 var afterScalingPixels = this.beans.heightScaler.getRealPixelPosition(afterPaginationPixels);
177 if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowTransform()) {
178 return "top: " + afterScalingPixels + "px; ";
179 }
180 else {
181 return "transform: translateY(" + afterScalingPixels + "px); ";
182 }
183 };
184 RowComp.prototype.getRowBusinessKey = function () {
185 if (typeof this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getBusinessKeyForNodeFunc() === 'function') {
186 var businessKey = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getBusinessKeyForNodeFunc()(this.rowNode);
187 return businessKey;
188 }
189 };
190 RowComp.prototype.lazyCreateCells = function (cols, eRow) {
191 if (this.active) {
192 var cellTemplatesAndComps = this.createCells(cols);
193 eRow.innerHTML = cellTemplatesAndComps.template;
194 this.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(cellTemplatesAndComps.cellComps, eRow);
195 }
196 };
197 RowComp.prototype.createRowContainer = function (rowContainerComp, cols, callback) {
198 var _this = this;
199 var cellTemplatesAndComps;
200 if (this.useAnimationFrameForCreate) {
201 cellTemplatesAndComps = { cellComps: [], template: '' };
202 }
203 else {
204 cellTemplatesAndComps = this.createCells(cols);
205 }
206 var rowTemplate = this.createTemplate(cellTemplatesAndComps.template);
207 rowContainerComp.appendRowTemplate(rowTemplate, function () {
208 var eRow = rowContainerComp.getRowElement(_this.getCompId());
209 _this.afterRowAttached(rowContainerComp, eRow);
210 callback(eRow);
211 if (_this.useAnimationFrameForCreate) {
212 _this.beans.taskQueue.addP1Task(_this.lazyCreateCells.bind(_this, cols, eRow));
213 }
214 else {
215 _this.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(cellTemplatesAndComps.cellComps, eRow);
216 }
217 });
218 };
219 RowComp.prototype.createChildScopeOrNull = function (data) {
220 if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isAngularCompileRows()) {
221 var newChildScope_1 = this.parentScope.$new();
222 newChildScope_1.data = data;
223 newChildScope_1.rowNode = this.rowNode;
224 newChildScope_1.context = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext();
225 this.addDestroyFunc(function () {
226 newChildScope_1.$destroy();
227 newChildScope_1.data = null;
228 newChildScope_1.rowNode = null;
229 newChildScope_1.context = null;
230 });
231 return newChildScope_1;
232 }
233 else {
234 return null;
235 }
236 };
237 RowComp.prototype.setupRowContainers = function () {
238 var isFullWidthCellFunc = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getIsFullWidthCellFunc();
239 var isFullWidthCell = isFullWidthCellFunc ? isFullWidthCellFunc(this.rowNode) : false;
240 var isDetailCell = this.beans.doingMasterDetail && this.rowNode.detail;
241 var isGroupSpanningRow = this.rowNode.group && this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupUseEntireRow();
242 if (this.rowNode.stub) {
244 }
245 else if (isDetailCell) {
247 }
248 else if (isFullWidthCell) {
249 this.createFullWidthRows(RowComp.FULL_WIDTH_CELL_RENDERER, null);
250 }
251 else if (isGroupSpanningRow) {
252 this.createFullWidthRows(RowComp.GROUP_ROW_RENDERER, RowComp.GROUP_ROW_RENDERER_COMP_NAME);
253 }
254 else {
255 this.setupNormalRowContainers();
256 }
257 };
258 RowComp.prototype.setupNormalRowContainers = function () {
259 var _this = this;
260 var centerCols = this.beans.columnController.getAllDisplayedCenterVirtualColumnsForRow(this.rowNode);
261 this.createRowContainer(this.bodyContainerComp, centerCols, function (eRow) { return _this.eBodyRow = eRow; });
262 var leftCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedLeftColumnsForRow(this.rowNode);
263 var rightCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedRightColumnsForRow(this.rowNode);
264 this.createRowContainer(this.pinnedRightContainerComp, rightCols, function (eRow) { return _this.ePinnedRightRow = eRow; });
265 this.createRowContainer(this.pinnedLeftContainerComp, leftCols, function (eRow) { return _this.ePinnedLeftRow = eRow; });
266 };
267 RowComp.prototype.createFullWidthRows = function (type, name) {
268 var _this = this;
269 this.fullWidthRow = true;
270 this.fullWidthRowEmbedded = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isEmbedFullWidthRows();
271 if (this.fullWidthRowEmbedded) {
272 this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.bodyContainerComp, null, null, type, name, function (eRow) {
273 _this.eFullWidthRowBody = eRow;
274 }, function (cellRenderer) {
275 _this.fullWidthRowComponentBody = cellRenderer;
276 });
277 this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.pinnedLeftContainerComp, column_1.Column.PINNED_LEFT, 'ag-cell-last-left-pinned', type, name, function (eRow) {
278 _this.eFullWidthRowLeft = eRow;
279 }, function (cellRenderer) {
280 _this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft = cellRenderer;
281 });
282 this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.pinnedRightContainerComp, column_1.Column.PINNED_RIGHT, 'ag-cell-first-right-pinned', type, name, function (eRow) {
283 _this.eFullWidthRowRight = eRow;
284 }, function (cellRenderer) {
285 _this.fullWidthRowComponentRight = cellRenderer;
286 });
287 }
288 else {
289 // otherwise we add to the fullWidth container as normal
290 // let previousFullWidth = ensureDomOrder ? this.lastPlacedElements.eFullWidth : null;
291 this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.fullWidthContainerComp, null, null, type, name, function (eRow) {
292 _this.eFullWidthRow = eRow;
293 }, function (cellRenderer) {
294 _this.fullWidthRowComponent = cellRenderer;
295 });
296 }
297 };
298 RowComp.prototype.setAnimateFlags = function (animateIn) {
299 if (animateIn) {
300 var oldRowTopExists = utils_1._.exists(this.rowNode.oldRowTop);
301 // if the row had a previous position, we slide it in (animate row top)
302 this.slideRowIn = oldRowTopExists;
303 // if the row had no previous position, we fade it in (animate
304 this.fadeRowIn = !oldRowTopExists;
305 }
306 else {
307 this.slideRowIn = false;
308 this.fadeRowIn = false;
309 }
310 };
311 RowComp.prototype.isEditing = function () {
312 return this.editingRow;
313 };
314 RowComp.prototype.stopRowEditing = function (cancel) {
315 this.stopEditing(cancel);
316 };
317 RowComp.prototype.isFullWidth = function () {
318 return this.fullWidthRow;
319 };
320 RowComp.prototype.addListeners = function () {
321 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_HEIGHT_CHANGED, this.onRowHeightChanged.bind(this));
322 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_ROW_SELECTED, this.onRowSelected.bind(this));
323 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_ROW_INDEX_CHANGED, this.onRowIndexChanged.bind(this));
324 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_TOP_CHANGED, this.onTopChanged.bind(this));
325 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_EXPANDED_CHANGED, this.onExpandedChanged.bind(this));
326 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_DATA_CHANGED, this.onRowNodeDataChanged.bind(this));
327 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_CELL_CHANGED, this.onRowNodeCellChanged.bind(this));
328 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_DRAGGING_CHANGED, this.onRowNodeDraggingChanged.bind(this));
329 var eventService = this.beans.eventService;
330 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_HEIGHT_SCALE_CHANGED, this.onTopChanged.bind(this));
331 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_DISPLAYED_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onDisplayedColumnsChanged.bind(this));
332 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onVirtualColumnsChanged.bind(this));
333 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED, this.onColumnResized.bind(this));
334 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_CELL_FOCUSED, this.onCellFocusChanged.bind(this));
335 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_PAGINATION_CHANGED, this.onPaginationChanged.bind(this));
336 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, events_1.Events.EVENT_GRID_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onGridColumnsChanged.bind(this));
337 };
338 // when grid columns change, then all cells should be cleaned out,
339 // as the new columns could have same id as the previous columns and may conflict
340 RowComp.prototype.onGridColumnsChanged = function () {
341 var allRenderedCellIds = Object.keys(this.cellComps);
342 this.removeRenderedCells(allRenderedCellIds);
343 };
344 RowComp.prototype.onRowNodeDataChanged = function (event) {
345 // if this is an update, we want to refresh, as this will allow the user to put in a transition
346 // into the cellRenderer refresh method. otherwise this might be completely new data, in which case
347 // we will want to completely replace the cells
348 this.forEachCellComp(function (cellComp) {
349 return cellComp.refreshCell({
350 suppressFlash: !event.update,
351 newData: !event.update
352 });
353 });
354 // check for selected also, as this could be after lazy loading of the row data, in which case
355 // the id might of just gotten set inside the row and the row selected state may of changed
356 // as a result. this is what happens when selected rows are loaded in virtual pagination.
357 // - niall note - since moving to the stub component, this may no longer be true, as replacing
358 // the stub component now replaces the entire row
359 this.onRowSelected();
360 // as data has changed, then the style and class needs to be recomputed
361 this.postProcessCss();
362 };
363 RowComp.prototype.onRowNodeCellChanged = function (event) {
364 // as data has changed, then the style and class needs to be recomputed
365 this.postProcessCss();
366 };
367 RowComp.prototype.postProcessCss = function () {
368 this.postProcessStylesFromGridOptions();
369 this.postProcessClassesFromGridOptions();
370 this.postProcessRowClassRules();
371 this.postProcessRowDragging();
372 };
373 RowComp.prototype.onRowNodeDraggingChanged = function () {
374 this.postProcessRowDragging();
375 };
376 RowComp.prototype.postProcessRowDragging = function () {
377 var dragging = this.rowNode.dragging;
378 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-dragging', dragging); });
379 };
380 RowComp.prototype.onExpandedChanged = function () {
381 if (this.rowNode.group && !this.rowNode.footer) {
382 var expanded_1 = this.rowNode.expanded;
383 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-group-expanded', expanded_1); });
384 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-group-contracted', !expanded_1); });
385 }
386 };
387 RowComp.prototype.onDisplayedColumnsChanged = function () {
388 if (!this.fullWidthRow) {
389 this.refreshCells();
390 }
391 };
392 RowComp.prototype.destroyFullWidthComponents = function () {
393 if (this.fullWidthRowComponent) {
394 if (this.fullWidthRowComponent.destroy) {
395 this.fullWidthRowComponent.destroy();
396 }
397 this.fullWidthRowComponent = null;
398 }
399 if (this.fullWidthRowComponentBody) {
400 if (this.fullWidthRowComponentBody.destroy) {
401 this.fullWidthRowComponentBody.destroy();
402 }
403 this.fullWidthRowComponent = null;
404 }
405 if (this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft) {
406 if (this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft.destroy) {
407 this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft.destroy();
408 }
409 this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft = null;
410 }
411 if (this.fullWidthRowComponentRight) {
412 if (this.fullWidthRowComponentRight.destroy) {
413 this.fullWidthRowComponentRight.destroy();
414 }
415 this.fullWidthRowComponent = null;
416 }
417 };
418 RowComp.prototype.getContainerForCell = function (pinnedType) {
419 switch (pinnedType) {
420 case column_1.Column.PINNED_LEFT: return this.ePinnedLeftRow;
421 case column_1.Column.PINNED_RIGHT: return this.ePinnedRightRow;
422 default: return this.eBodyRow;
423 }
424 };
425 RowComp.prototype.onVirtualColumnsChanged = function () {
426 if (!this.fullWidthRow) {
427 this.refreshCells();
428 }
429 };
430 RowComp.prototype.onColumnResized = function () {
431 if (!this.fullWidthRow) {
432 this.refreshCells();
433 }
434 };
435 RowComp.prototype.refreshCells = function () {
436 if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressAnimationFrame()) {
437 this.refreshCellsInAnimationFrame();
438 }
439 else {
440 if (this.columnRefreshPending) {
441 return;
442 }
443 this.beans.taskQueue.addP1Task(this.refreshCellsInAnimationFrame.bind(this));
444 }
445 };
446 RowComp.prototype.refreshCellsInAnimationFrame = function () {
447 if (!this.active) {
448 return;
449 }
450 this.columnRefreshPending = false;
451 var centerCols = this.beans.columnController.getAllDisplayedCenterVirtualColumnsForRow(this.rowNode);
452 var leftCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedLeftColumnsForRow(this.rowNode);
453 var rightCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedRightColumnsForRow(this.rowNode);
454 this.insertCellsIntoContainer(this.eBodyRow, centerCols);
455 this.insertCellsIntoContainer(this.ePinnedLeftRow, leftCols);
456 this.insertCellsIntoContainer(this.ePinnedRightRow, rightCols);
457 var colIdsToRemove = Object.keys(this.cellComps);
458 centerCols.forEach(function (col) { return utils_1._.removeFromArray(colIdsToRemove, col.getId()); });
459 leftCols.forEach(function (col) { return utils_1._.removeFromArray(colIdsToRemove, col.getId()); });
460 rightCols.forEach(function (col) { return utils_1._.removeFromArray(colIdsToRemove, col.getId()); });
461 // we never remove editing cells, as this would cause the cells to loose their values while editing
462 // as the grid is scrolling horizontally.
463 colIdsToRemove = utils_1._.filter(colIdsToRemove, this.isCellEligibleToBeRemoved.bind(this));
464 // remove old cells from gui, but we don't destroy them, we might use them again
465 this.removeRenderedCells(colIdsToRemove);
466 };
467 RowComp.prototype.removeRenderedCells = function (colIds) {
468 var _this = this;
469 colIds.forEach(function (key) {
470 var cellComp = _this.cellComps[key];
471 // could be old reference, ie removed cell
472 if (utils_1._.missing(cellComp)) {
473 return;
474 }
475 cellComp.detach();
476 cellComp.destroy();
477 _this.cellComps[key] = null;
478 });
479 };
480 RowComp.prototype.isCellEligibleToBeRemoved = function (indexStr) {
481 var displayedColumns = this.beans.columnController.getAllDisplayedColumns();
482 var REMOVE_CELL = true;
483 var KEEP_CELL = false;
484 var renderedCell = this.cellComps[indexStr];
485 if (!renderedCell) {
486 return REMOVE_CELL;
487 }
488 // always remove the cell if it's in the wrong pinned location
489 if (this.isCellInWrongRow(renderedCell)) {
490 return REMOVE_CELL;
491 }
492 // we want to try and keep editing and focused cells
493 var editing = renderedCell.isEditing();
494 var focused = this.beans.focusedCellController.isCellFocused(renderedCell.getGridCell());
495 var mightWantToKeepCell = editing || focused;
496 if (mightWantToKeepCell) {
497 var column = renderedCell.getColumn();
498 var cellStillDisplayed = displayedColumns.indexOf(column) >= 0;
499 return cellStillDisplayed ? KEEP_CELL : REMOVE_CELL;
500 }
501 else {
502 return REMOVE_CELL;
503 }
504 };
505 RowComp.prototype.ensureCellInCorrectContainer = function (cellComp) {
506 var element = cellComp.getGui();
507 var column = cellComp.getColumn();
508 var pinnedType = column.getPinned();
509 var eContainer = this.getContainerForCell(pinnedType);
510 // if in wrong container, remove it
511 var eOldContainer = cellComp.getParentRow();
512 var inWrongRow = eOldContainer !== eContainer;
513 if (inWrongRow) {
514 // take out from old row
515 if (eOldContainer) {
516 eOldContainer.removeChild(element);
517 }
518 eContainer.appendChild(element);
519 cellComp.setParentRow(eContainer);
520 }
521 };
522 RowComp.prototype.isCellInWrongRow = function (cellComp) {
523 var column = cellComp.getColumn();
524 var rowWeWant = this.getContainerForCell(column.getPinned());
525 // if in wrong container, remove it
526 var oldRow = cellComp.getParentRow();
527 return oldRow !== rowWeWant;
528 };
529 RowComp.prototype.insertCellsIntoContainer = function (eRow, cols) {
530 var _this = this;
531 if (!eRow) {
532 return;
533 }
534 var cellTemplates = [];
535 var newCellComps = [];
536 cols.forEach(function (col) {
537 var colId = col.getId();
538 var oldCell = _this.cellComps[colId];
539 if (oldCell) {
540 _this.ensureCellInCorrectContainer(oldCell);
541 }
542 else {
543 _this.createNewCell(col, eRow, cellTemplates, newCellComps);
544 }
545 });
546 if (cellTemplates.length > 0) {
547 utils_1._.appendHtml(eRow, cellTemplates.join(''));
548 this.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(newCellComps, eRow);
549 }
550 };
551 RowComp.prototype.addDomData = function (eRowContainer) {
552 var gow = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper;
553 gow.setDomData(eRowContainer, RowComp.DOM_DATA_KEY_RENDERED_ROW, this);
554 this.addDestroyFunc(function () {
555 gow.setDomData(eRowContainer, RowComp.DOM_DATA_KEY_RENDERED_ROW, null);
556 });
557 };
558 RowComp.prototype.createNewCell = function (col, eContainer, cellTemplates, newCellComps) {
559 var newCellComp = new cellComp_1.CellComp(this.scope, this.beans, col, this.rowNode, this, false);
560 var cellTemplate = newCellComp.getCreateTemplate();
561 cellTemplates.push(cellTemplate);
562 newCellComps.push(newCellComp);
563 this.cellComps[col.getId()] = newCellComp;
564 newCellComp.setParentRow(eContainer);
565 };
566 RowComp.prototype.onMouseEvent = function (eventName, mouseEvent) {
567 switch (eventName) {
568 case 'dblclick':
569 this.onRowDblClick(mouseEvent);
570 break;
571 case 'click':
572 this.onRowClick(mouseEvent);
573 break;
574 }
575 };
576 RowComp.prototype.createRowEvent = function (type, domEvent) {
577 return {
578 type: type,
579 node: this.rowNode,
580 data: this.rowNode.data,
581 rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex,
582 rowPinned: this.rowNode.rowPinned,
583 context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(),
584 api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(),
585 columnApi: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(),
586 event: domEvent
587 };
588 };
589 RowComp.prototype.createRowEventWithSource = function (type, domEvent) {
590 var event = this.createRowEvent(type, domEvent);
591 // when first developing this, we included the rowComp in the event.
592 // this seems very weird. so when introducing the event types, i left the 'source'
593 // out of the type, and just include the source in the two places where this event
594 // was fired (rowClicked and rowDoubleClicked). it doesn't make sense for any
595 // users to be using this, as the rowComp isn't an object we expose, so would be
596 // very surprising if a user was using it.
597 event.source = this;
598 return event;
599 };
600 RowComp.prototype.onRowDblClick = function (mouseEvent) {
601 if (utils_1._.isStopPropagationForAgGrid(mouseEvent)) {
602 return;
603 }
604 var agEvent = this.createRowEventWithSource(events_1.Events.EVENT_ROW_DOUBLE_CLICKED, mouseEvent);
605 this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(agEvent);
606 };
607 RowComp.prototype.onRowClick = function (mouseEvent) {
608 var stop = utils_1._.isStopPropagationForAgGrid(mouseEvent);
609 if (stop) {
610 return;
611 }
612 var agEvent = this.createRowEventWithSource(events_1.Events.EVENT_ROW_CLICKED, mouseEvent);
613 this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(agEvent);
614 // ctrlKey for windows, metaKey for Apple
615 var multiSelectKeyPressed = mouseEvent.ctrlKey || mouseEvent.metaKey;
616 var shiftKeyPressed = mouseEvent.shiftKey;
617 // we do not allow selecting groups by clicking (as the click here expands the group)
618 // so return if it's a group row
619 if (this.rowNode.group) {
620 return;
621 }
622 // we also don't allow selection of pinned rows
623 if (this.rowNode.rowPinned) {
624 return;
625 }
626 // if no selection method enabled, do nothing
627 if (!this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowSelection()) {
628 return;
629 }
630 // if click selection suppressed, do nothing
631 if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowClickSelection()) {
632 return;
633 }
634 var multiSelectOnClick = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowMultiSelectWithClick();
635 var rowDeselectionWithCtrl = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowDeselection();
636 if (this.rowNode.isSelected()) {
637 if (multiSelectOnClick) {
638 this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({ newValue: false });
639 }
640 else if (multiSelectKeyPressed) {
641 if (rowDeselectionWithCtrl) {
642 this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({ newValue: false });
643 }
644 }
645 else {
646 // selected with no multi key, must make sure anything else is unselected
647 this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({ newValue: true, clearSelection: true });
648 }
649 }
650 else {
651 var clearSelection = multiSelectOnClick ? false : !multiSelectKeyPressed;
652 this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({ newValue: true, clearSelection: clearSelection, rangeSelect: shiftKeyPressed });
653 }
654 };
655 RowComp.prototype.createFullWidthRowContainer = function (rowContainerComp, pinned, extraCssClass, cellRendererType, cellRendererName, eRowCallback, cellRendererCallback) {
656 var _this = this;
657 var rowTemplate = this.createTemplate('', extraCssClass);
658 rowContainerComp.appendRowTemplate(rowTemplate, function () {
659 var eRow = rowContainerComp.getRowElement(_this.getCompId());
660 var params = _this.createFullWidthParams(eRow, pinned);
661 var callback = function (cellRenderer) {
662 if (_this.isAlive()) {
663 var gui = cellRenderer.getGui();
664 eRow.appendChild(gui);
665 cellRendererCallback(cellRenderer);
666 }
667 else {
668 if (cellRenderer.destroy) {
669 cellRenderer.destroy();
670 }
671 }
672 };
673 _this.beans.componentResolver.createAgGridComponent(null, params, cellRendererType, params, cellRendererName).then(callback);
674 _this.afterRowAttached(rowContainerComp, eRow);
675 eRowCallback(eRow);
676 _this.angular1Compile(eRow);
677 });
678 };
679 RowComp.prototype.angular1Compile = function (element) {
680 if (this.scope) {
681 this.beans.$compile(element)(this.scope);
682 }
683 };
684 RowComp.prototype.createFullWidthParams = function (eRow, pinned) {
685 var params = {
686 fullWidth: true,
687 data: this.rowNode.data,
688 node: this.rowNode,
689 value: this.rowNode.key,
690 $scope: this.scope,
691 rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex,
692 api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(),
693 columnApi: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(),
694 context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(),
695 // these need to be taken out, as part of 'afterAttached' now
696 eGridCell: eRow,
697 eParentOfValue: eRow,
698 pinned: pinned,
699 addRenderedRowListener: this.addEventListener.bind(this)
700 };
701 return params;
702 };
703 RowComp.prototype.getInitialRowClasses = function (extraCssClass) {
704 var classes = [];
705 if (utils_1._.exists(extraCssClass)) {
706 classes.push(extraCssClass);
707 }
708 classes.push('ag-row');
709 classes.push(this.rowFocused ? 'ag-row-focus' : 'ag-row-no-focus');
710 if (this.fadeRowIn) {
711 classes.push('ag-opacity-zero');
712 }
713 if (this.rowIsEven) {
714 classes.push('ag-row-even');
715 }
716 else {
717 classes.push('ag-row-odd');
718 }
719 if (this.rowNode.isSelected()) {
720 classes.push('ag-row-selected');
721 }
722 if (this.rowNode.group) {
723 classes.push('ag-row-group');
724 // if a group, put the level of the group in
725 classes.push('ag-row-level-' + this.rowNode.level);
726 if (this.rowNode.footer) {
727 classes.push('ag-row-footer');
728 }
729 }
730 else {
731 // if a leaf, and a parent exists, put a level of the parent, else put level of 0 for top level item
732 if (this.rowNode.parent) {
733 classes.push('ag-row-level-' + (this.rowNode.parent.level + 1));
734 }
735 else {
736 classes.push('ag-row-level-0');
737 }
738 }
739 if (this.rowNode.stub) {
740 classes.push('ag-row-stub');
741 }
742 if (this.fullWidthRow) {
743 classes.push('ag-full-width-row');
744 }
745 if (this.rowNode.group && !this.rowNode.footer) {
746 classes.push(this.rowNode.expanded ? 'ag-row-group-expanded' : 'ag-row-group-contracted');
747 }
748 if (this.rowNode.dragging) {
749 classes.push('ag-row-dragging');
750 }
751 utils_1._.pushAll(classes, this.processClassesFromGridOptions());
752 utils_1._.pushAll(classes, this.preProcessRowClassRules());
753 return classes;
754 };
755 RowComp.prototype.preProcessRowClassRules = function () {
756 var res = [];
757 this.processRowClassRules(function (className) {
758 res.push(className);
759 }, function (className) {
760 // not catered for, if creating, no need
761 // to remove class as it was never there
762 });
763 return res;
764 };
765 RowComp.prototype.processRowClassRules = function (onApplicableClass, onNotApplicableClass) {
766 this.beans.stylingService.processClassRules(this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.rowClassRules(), {
767 value: undefined,
768 colDef: undefined,
769 data: this.rowNode.data,
770 node: this.rowNode,
771 rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex,
772 api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(),
773 $scope: this.scope,
774 context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext()
775 }, onApplicableClass, onNotApplicableClass);
776 };
777 RowComp.prototype.stopEditing = function (cancel) {
778 if (cancel === void 0) { cancel = false; }
779 this.forEachCellComp(function (renderedCell) {
780 renderedCell.stopEditing(cancel);
781 });
782 if (this.editingRow) {
783 if (!cancel) {
784 var event_1 = this.createRowEvent(events_1.Events.EVENT_ROW_VALUE_CHANGED);
785 this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(event_1);
786 }
787 this.setEditingRow(false);
788 }
789 };
790 RowComp.prototype.setEditingRow = function (value) {
791 this.editingRow = value;
792 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-editing', value); });
793 var event = value ?
794 this.createRowEvent(events_1.Events.EVENT_ROW_EDITING_STARTED)
795 : this.createRowEvent(events_1.Events.EVENT_ROW_EDITING_STOPPED);
796 this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(event);
797 };
798 RowComp.prototype.startRowEditing = function (keyPress, charPress, sourceRenderedCell) {
799 if (keyPress === void 0) { keyPress = null; }
800 if (charPress === void 0) { charPress = null; }
801 if (sourceRenderedCell === void 0) { sourceRenderedCell = null; }
802 // don't do it if already editing
803 if (this.editingRow) {
804 return;
805 }
806 this.forEachCellComp(function (renderedCell) {
807 var cellStartedEdit = renderedCell === sourceRenderedCell;
808 if (cellStartedEdit) {
809 renderedCell.startEditingIfEnabled(keyPress, charPress, cellStartedEdit);
810 }
811 else {
812 renderedCell.startEditingIfEnabled(null, null, cellStartedEdit);
813 }
814 });
815 this.setEditingRow(true);
816 };
817 RowComp.prototype.forEachCellComp = function (callback) {
818 utils_1._.iterateObject(this.cellComps, function (key, cellComp) {
819 if (cellComp) {
820 callback(cellComp);
821 }
822 });
823 };
824 RowComp.prototype.postProcessClassesFromGridOptions = function () {
825 var _this = this;
826 var cssClasses = this.processClassesFromGridOptions();
827 if (cssClasses) {
828 cssClasses.forEach(function (classStr) {
829 _this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addCssClass(row, classStr); });
830 });
831 }
832 };
833 RowComp.prototype.postProcessRowClassRules = function () {
834 var _this = this;
835 this.processRowClassRules(function (className) {
836 _this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addCssClass(row, className); });
837 }, function (className) {
838 _this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.removeCssClass(row, className); });
839 });
840 };
841 RowComp.prototype.processClassesFromGridOptions = function () {
842 var res = [];
843 var process = function (rowClass) {
844 if (typeof rowClass === 'string') {
845 res.push(rowClass);
846 }
847 else if (Array.isArray(rowClass)) {
848 rowClass.forEach(function (e) { return res.push(e); });
849 }
850 };
851 // part 1 - rowClass
852 var rowClass = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowClass();
853 if (rowClass) {
854 if (typeof rowClass === 'function') {
855 console.warn('ag-Grid: rowClass should not be a function, please use getRowClass instead');
856 return;
857 }
858 process(rowClass);
859 }
860 // part 2 - rowClassFunc
861 var rowClassFunc = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowClassFunc();
862 if (rowClassFunc) {
863 var params = {
864 node: this.rowNode,
865 data: this.rowNode.data,
866 rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex,
867 context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(),
868 api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi()
869 };
870 var rowClassFuncResult = rowClassFunc(params);
871 process(rowClassFuncResult);
872 }
873 return res;
874 };
875 RowComp.prototype.preProcessStylesFromGridOptions = function () {
876 var rowStyles = this.processStylesFromGridOptions();
877 return utils_1._.cssStyleObjectToMarkup(rowStyles);
878 };
879 RowComp.prototype.postProcessStylesFromGridOptions = function () {
880 var rowStyles = this.processStylesFromGridOptions();
881 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addStylesToElement(row, rowStyles); });
882 };
883 RowComp.prototype.processStylesFromGridOptions = function () {
884 // part 1 - rowStyle
885 var rowStyle = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowStyle();
886 if (rowStyle && typeof rowStyle === 'function') {
887 console.log('ag-Grid: rowStyle should be an object of key/value styles, not be a function, use getRowStyle() instead');
888 return;
889 }
890 // part 1 - rowStyleFunc
891 var rowStyleFunc = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowStyleFunc();
892 var rowStyleFuncResult;
893 if (rowStyleFunc) {
894 var params = {
895 data: this.rowNode.data,
896 node: this.rowNode,
897 api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(),
898 context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(),
899 $scope: this.scope
900 };
901 rowStyleFuncResult = rowStyleFunc(params);
902 }
903 return utils_1._.assign({}, rowStyle, rowStyleFuncResult);
904 };
905 RowComp.prototype.createCells = function (cols) {
906 var _this = this;
907 var templateParts = [];
908 var newCellComps = [];
909 cols.forEach(function (col) {
910 var newCellComp = new cellComp_1.CellComp(_this.scope, _this.beans, col, _this.rowNode, _this, false);
911 var cellTemplate = newCellComp.getCreateTemplate();
912 templateParts.push(cellTemplate);
913 newCellComps.push(newCellComp);
914 _this.cellComps[col.getId()] = newCellComp;
915 });
916 var templateAndComps = {
917 template: templateParts.join(''),
918 cellComps: newCellComps
919 };
920 return templateAndComps;
921 };
922 RowComp.prototype.onRowSelected = function () {
923 var selected = this.rowNode.isSelected();
924 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-selected', selected); });
925 };
926 // called:
927 // + after row created for first time
928 // + after horizontal scroll, so new cells due to column virtualisation
929 RowComp.prototype.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells = function (newCellComps, eRow) {
930 var _this = this;
931 newCellComps.forEach(function (cellComp) {
932 cellComp.setParentRow(eRow);
933 cellComp.afterAttached();
934 // if we are editing the row, then the cell needs to turn
935 // into edit mode
936 if (_this.editingRow) {
937 cellComp.startEditingIfEnabled();
938 }
939 });
940 };
941 RowComp.prototype.afterRowAttached = function (rowContainerComp, eRow) {
942 var _this = this;
943 this.addDomData(eRow);
944 this.removeSecondPassFuncs.push(function () {
945 // console.log(eRow);
946 rowContainerComp.removeRowElement(eRow);
947 });
948 this.removeFirstPassFuncs.push(function () {
949 if (utils_1._.exists(_this.rowNode.rowTop)) {
950 // the row top is updated anyway, however we set it here again
951 // to something more reasonable for the animation - ie if the
952 // row top is 10000px away, the row will flash out, so this
953 // gives it a rounded value, so row animates out more slowly
954 var rowTop = _this.roundRowTopToBounds(_this.rowNode.rowTop);
955 _this.setRowTop(rowTop);
956 }
957 else {
958 utils_1._.addCssClass(eRow, 'ag-opacity-zero');
959 }
960 });
961 this.eAllRowContainers.push(eRow);
962 // adding hover functionality adds listener to this row, so we
963 // do it lazily in an animation frame
964 if (this.useAnimationFrameForCreate) {
965 this.beans.taskQueue.addP1Task(this.addHoverFunctionality.bind(this, eRow));
966 }
967 else {
968 this.addHoverFunctionality(eRow);
969 }
970 };
971 RowComp.prototype.addHoverFunctionality = function (eRow) {
972 var _this = this;
973 // because we use animation frames to do this, it's possible the row no longer exists
974 // by the time we get to add it
975 if (!this.active) {
976 return;
977 }
978 // because mouseenter and mouseleave do not propagate, we cannot listen on the gridPanel
979 // like we do for all the other mouse events.
980 // because of the pinning, we cannot simply add / remove the class based on the eRow. we
981 // have to check all eRow's (body & pinned). so the trick is if any of the rows gets a
982 // mouse hover, it sets such in the rowNode, and then all three reflect the change as
983 // all are listening for event on the row node.
984 // step 1 - add listener, to set flag on row node
985 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eRow, 'mouseenter', function () { return _this.rowNode.onMouseEnter(); });
986 this.addDestroyableEventListener(eRow, 'mouseleave', function () { return _this.rowNode.onMouseLeave(); });
987 // step 2 - listen for changes on row node (which any eRow can trigger)
988 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER, function () {
989 // if hover turned off, we don't add the class. we do this here so that if the application
990 // toggles this property mid way, we remove the hover form the last row, but we stop
991 // adding hovers from that point onwards.
992 if (!_this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowHoverHighlight()) {
993 utils_1._.addCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-hover');
994 }
995 });
996 this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, rowNode_1.RowNode.EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE, function () {
997 utils_1._.removeCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-hover');
998 });
999 };
1000 // for animation, we don't want to animate entry or exit to a very far away pixel,
1001 // otherwise the row would move so fast, it would appear to disappear. so this method
1002 // moves the row closer to the viewport if it is far away, so the row slide in / out
1003 // at a speed the user can see.
1004 RowComp.prototype.roundRowTopToBounds = function (rowTop) {
1005 var range = this.beans.gridPanel.getVScrollPosition();
1006 var minPixel = this.applyPaginationOffset(range.top, true) - 100;
1007 var maxPixel = this.applyPaginationOffset(range.bottom, true) + 100;
1008 if (rowTop < minPixel) {
1009 return minPixel;
1010 }
1011 else if (rowTop > maxPixel) {
1012 return maxPixel;
1013 }
1014 else {
1015 return rowTop;
1016 }
1017 };
1018 RowComp.prototype.onRowHeightChanged = function () {
1019 // check for exists first - if the user is resetting the row height, then
1020 // it will be null (or undefined) momentarily until the next time the flatten
1021 // stage is called where the row will then update again with a new height
1022 if (utils_1._.exists(this.rowNode.rowHeight)) {
1023 var heightPx_1 = this.rowNode.rowHeight + 'px';
1024 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return row.style.height = heightPx_1; });
1025 }
1026 };
1027 RowComp.prototype.addEventListener = function (eventType, listener) {
1028 if (eventType === 'renderedRowRemoved' || eventType === 'rowRemoved') {
1029 eventType = events_1.Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED;
1030 console.warn('ag-Grid: Since version 11, event renderedRowRemoved is now called ' + events_1.Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED);
1031 }
1032 _super.prototype.addEventListener.call(this, eventType, listener);
1033 };
1034 RowComp.prototype.removeEventListener = function (eventType, listener) {
1035 if (eventType === 'renderedRowRemoved' || eventType === 'rowRemoved') {
1036 eventType = events_1.Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED;
1037 console.warn('ag-Grid: Since version 11, event renderedRowRemoved and rowRemoved is now called ' + events_1.Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED);
1038 }
1039 _super.prototype.removeEventListener.call(this, eventType, listener);
1040 };
1041 RowComp.prototype.destroy = function (animate) {
1042 if (animate === void 0) { animate = false; }
1043 _super.prototype.destroy.call(this);
1044 this.active = false;
1045 // why do we have this method? shouldn't everything below be added as a destroy func beside
1046 // the corresponding create logic?
1047 this.destroyFullWidthComponents();
1048 if (animate) {
1049 this.removeFirstPassFuncs.forEach(function (func) { return func(); });
1050 this.removeSecondPassFuncs.push(this.destroyContainingCells.bind(this));
1051 }
1052 else {
1053 this.destroyContainingCells();
1054 // we are not animating, so execute the second stage of removal now.
1055 // we call getAndClear, so that they are only called once
1056 var delayedDestroyFunctions = this.getAndClearDelayedDestroyFunctions();
1057 delayedDestroyFunctions.forEach(function (func) { return func(); });
1058 }
1059 var event = this.createRowEvent(events_1.Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED);
1060 this.dispatchEvent(event);
1061 this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(event);
1062 };
1063 RowComp.prototype.destroyContainingCells = function () {
1064 this.forEachCellComp(function (renderedCell) { return renderedCell.destroy(); });
1065 this.destroyFullWidthComponents();
1066 };
1067 // we clear so that the functions are never executed twice
1068 RowComp.prototype.getAndClearDelayedDestroyFunctions = function () {
1069 var result = this.removeSecondPassFuncs;
1070 this.removeSecondPassFuncs = [];
1071 return result;
1072 };
1073 RowComp.prototype.onCellFocusChanged = function () {
1074 var rowFocused = this.beans.focusedCellController.isRowFocused(this.rowNode.rowIndex, this.rowNode.rowPinned);
1075 if (rowFocused !== this.rowFocused) {
1076 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-focus', rowFocused); });
1077 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-no-focus', !rowFocused); });
1078 this.rowFocused = rowFocused;
1079 }
1080 // if we are editing, then moving the focus out of a row will stop editing
1081 if (!rowFocused && this.editingRow) {
1082 this.stopEditing(false);
1083 }
1084 };
1085 RowComp.prototype.onPaginationChanged = function () {
1086 var currentPage = this.beans.paginationProxy.getCurrentPage();
1087 // it is possible this row is in the new page, but the page number has changed, which means
1088 // it needs to reposition itself relative to the new page
1089 if (this.paginationPage !== currentPage) {
1090 this.paginationPage = currentPage;
1091 this.onTopChanged();
1092 }
1093 };
1094 RowComp.prototype.onTopChanged = function () {
1095 this.setRowTop(this.rowNode.rowTop);
1096 };
1097 // applies pagination offset, eg if on second page, and page height is 500px, then removes
1098 // 500px from the top position, so a row with rowTop 600px is displayed at location 100px.
1099 // reverse will take the offset away rather than add.
1100 RowComp.prototype.applyPaginationOffset = function (topPx, reverse) {
1101 if (reverse === void 0) { reverse = false; }
1102 if (this.rowNode.isRowPinned()) {
1103 return topPx;
1104 }
1105 else {
1106 var pixelOffset = this.beans.paginationProxy.getPixelOffset();
1107 if (reverse) {
1108 return topPx + pixelOffset;
1109 }
1110 else {
1111 return topPx - pixelOffset;
1112 }
1113 }
1114 };
1115 RowComp.prototype.setRowTop = function (pixels) {
1116 // need to make sure rowTop is not null, as this can happen if the node was once
1117 // visible (ie parent group was expanded) but is now not visible
1118 if (utils_1._.exists(pixels)) {
1119 var afterPaginationPixels = this.applyPaginationOffset(pixels);
1120 var afterScalingPixels = this.beans.heightScaler.getRealPixelPosition(afterPaginationPixels);
1121 var topPx_1 = afterScalingPixels + "px";
1122 if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowTransform()) {
1123 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return row.style.top = "" + topPx_1; });
1124 }
1125 else {
1126 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (row) { return row.style.transform = "translateY(" + topPx_1 + ")"; });
1127 }
1128 }
1129 };
1130 // we clear so that the functions are never executed twice
1131 RowComp.prototype.getAndClearNextVMTurnFunctions = function () {
1132 var result = this.createSecondPassFuncs;
1133 this.createSecondPassFuncs = [];
1134 return result;
1135 };
1136 RowComp.prototype.getRowNode = function () {
1137 return this.rowNode;
1138 };
1139 RowComp.prototype.getRenderedCellForColumn = function (column) {
1140 return this.cellComps[column.getColId()];
1141 };
1142 RowComp.prototype.onRowIndexChanged = function () {
1143 this.onCellFocusChanged();
1144 this.updateRowIndexes();
1145 };
1146 RowComp.prototype.updateRowIndexes = function () {
1147 var rowIndexStr = this.rowNode.getRowIndexString();
1148 var rowIsEven = this.rowNode.rowIndex % 2 === 0;
1149 var rowIsEvenChanged = this.rowIsEven !== rowIsEven;
1150 if (rowIsEvenChanged) {
1151 this.rowIsEven = rowIsEven;
1152 }
1153 this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(function (eRow) {
1154 eRow.setAttribute('row-index', rowIndexStr);
1155 if (rowIsEvenChanged) {
1156 utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-even', rowIsEven);
1157 utils_1._.addOrRemoveCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-odd', !rowIsEven);
1158 }
1159 });
1160 };
1161 RowComp.prototype.ensureDomOrder = function () {
1162 var body = this.getBodyRowElement();
1163 if (body) {
1164 this.bodyContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(body);
1165 }
1166 var left = this.getPinnedLeftRowElement();
1167 if (left) {
1168 this.pinnedLeftContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(left);
1169 }
1170 var right = this.getPinnedRightRowElement();
1171 if (right) {
1172 this.pinnedRightContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(right);
1173 }
1174 var fullWidth = this.getFullWidthRowElement();
1175 if (fullWidth) {
1176 this.fullWidthContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(fullWidth);
1177 }
1178 };
1179 // returns the pinned left container, either the normal one, or the embedded full with one if exists
1180 RowComp.prototype.getPinnedLeftRowElement = function () {
1181 return this.ePinnedLeftRow ? this.ePinnedLeftRow : this.eFullWidthRowLeft;
1182 };
1183 // returns the pinned right container, either the normal one, or the embedded full with one if exists
1184 RowComp.prototype.getPinnedRightRowElement = function () {
1185 return this.ePinnedRightRow ? this.ePinnedRightRow : this.eFullWidthRowRight;
1186 };
1187 // returns the body container, either the normal one, or the embedded full with one if exists
1188 RowComp.prototype.getBodyRowElement = function () {
1189 return this.eBodyRow ? this.eBodyRow : this.eFullWidthRowBody;
1190 };
1191 // returns the full width container
1192 RowComp.prototype.getFullWidthRowElement = function () {
1193 return this.eFullWidthRow;
1194 };
1195 RowComp.DOM_DATA_KEY_RENDERED_ROW = 'renderedRow';
1196 RowComp.FULL_WIDTH_CELL_RENDERER = 'fullWidthCellRenderer';
1197 RowComp.GROUP_ROW_RENDERER = 'groupRowRenderer';
1198 RowComp.GROUP_ROW_RENDERER_COMP_NAME = 'agGroupRowRenderer';
1199 RowComp.LOADING_CELL_RENDERER = 'loadingCellRenderer';
1200 RowComp.LOADING_CELL_RENDERER_COMP_NAME = 'agLoadingCellRenderer';
1201 RowComp.DETAIL_CELL_RENDERER = 'detailCellRenderer';
1202 RowComp.DETAIL_CELL_RENDERER_COMP_NAME = 'agDetailCellRenderer';
1203 return RowComp;
1205exports.RowComp = RowComp;