8.57 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
3 * @version v18.1.2
4 * @link http://www.ag-grid.com/
5 * @license MIT
6 */
7"use strict";
8var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
9 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
10 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
11 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
12 return function (d, b) {
13 extendStatics(d, b);
14 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
15 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
16 };
18Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
19var utils_1 = require("../../utils");
20var rowNode_1 = require("../../entities/rowNode");
21var beanStub_1 = require("../../context/beanStub");
22var RowNodeBlock = (function (_super) {
23 __extends(RowNodeBlock, _super);
24 function RowNodeBlock(blockNumber, rowNodeCacheParams) {
25 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
26 _this.version = 0;
27 _this.state = RowNodeBlock.STATE_DIRTY;
28 _this.rowNodeCacheParams = rowNodeCacheParams;
29 _this.blockNumber = blockNumber;
30 // we don't need to calculate these now, as the inputs don't change,
31 // however it makes the code easier to read if we work them out up front
32 _this.startRow = blockNumber * rowNodeCacheParams.blockSize;
33 _this.endRow = _this.startRow + rowNodeCacheParams.blockSize;
34 return _this;
35 }
36 RowNodeBlock.prototype.isAnyNodeOpen = function (rowCount) {
37 var result = false;
38 this.forEachNodeCallback(function (rowNode) {
39 if (rowNode.expanded) {
40 result = true;
41 }
42 }, rowCount);
43 return result;
44 };
45 RowNodeBlock.prototype.forEachNodeCallback = function (callback, rowCount) {
46 for (var rowIndex = this.startRow; rowIndex < this.endRow; rowIndex++) {
47 // we check against rowCount as this page may be the last one, and if it is, then
48 // the last rows are not part of the set
49 if (rowIndex < rowCount) {
50 var rowNode = this.getRowUsingLocalIndex(rowIndex);
51 callback(rowNode, rowIndex);
52 }
53 }
54 };
55 RowNodeBlock.prototype.forEachNode = function (callback, sequence, rowCount, deep) {
56 this.forEachNodeCallback(function (rowNode) {
57 callback(rowNode, sequence.next());
58 // this will only every happen for server side row model, as infinite
59 // row model doesn't have groups
60 if (deep && rowNode.childrenCache) {
61 rowNode.childrenCache.forEachNodeDeep(callback, sequence);
62 }
63 }, rowCount);
64 };
65 RowNodeBlock.prototype.forEachNodeDeep = function (callback, sequence, rowCount) {
66 this.forEachNode(callback, sequence, rowCount, true);
67 };
68 RowNodeBlock.prototype.forEachNodeShallow = function (callback, sequence, rowCount) {
69 this.forEachNode(callback, sequence, rowCount, false);
70 };
71 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getVersion = function () {
72 return this.version;
73 };
74 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getLastAccessed = function () {
75 return this.lastAccessed;
76 };
77 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getRowUsingLocalIndex = function (rowIndex, dontTouchLastAccessed) {
78 if (dontTouchLastAccessed === void 0) { dontTouchLastAccessed = false; }
79 if (!dontTouchLastAccessed) {
80 this.lastAccessed = this.rowNodeCacheParams.lastAccessedSequence.next();
81 }
82 var localIndex = rowIndex - this.startRow;
83 return this.rowNodes[localIndex];
84 };
85 RowNodeBlock.prototype.init = function (beans) {
86 this.beans = beans;
87 this.createRowNodes();
88 };
89 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getStartRow = function () {
90 return this.startRow;
91 };
92 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getEndRow = function () {
93 return this.endRow;
94 };
95 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getBlockNumber = function () {
96 return this.blockNumber;
97 };
98 RowNodeBlock.prototype.setDirty = function () {
99 // in case any current loads in progress, this will have their results ignored
100 this.version++;
101 this.state = RowNodeBlock.STATE_DIRTY;
102 };
103 RowNodeBlock.prototype.setDirtyAndPurge = function () {
104 this.setDirty();
105 this.rowNodes.forEach(function (rowNode) {
106 rowNode.setData(null);
107 });
108 };
109 RowNodeBlock.prototype.getState = function () {
110 return this.state;
111 };
112 RowNodeBlock.prototype.setRowNode = function (rowIndex, rowNode) {
113 var localIndex = rowIndex - this.startRow;
114 this.rowNodes[localIndex] = rowNode;
115 };
116 RowNodeBlock.prototype.setBlankRowNode = function (rowIndex) {
117 var localIndex = rowIndex - this.startRow;
118 var newRowNode = this.createBlankRowNode(rowIndex);
119 this.rowNodes[localIndex] = newRowNode;
120 return newRowNode;
121 };
122 RowNodeBlock.prototype.setNewData = function (rowIndex, dataItem) {
123 var newRowNode = this.setBlankRowNode(rowIndex);
124 this.setDataAndId(newRowNode, dataItem, this.startRow + rowIndex);
125 return newRowNode;
126 };
127 RowNodeBlock.prototype.createBlankRowNode = function (rowIndex) {
128 var rowNode = new rowNode_1.RowNode();
129 this.beans.context.wireBean(rowNode);
130 rowNode.setRowHeight(this.rowNodeCacheParams.rowHeight);
131 return rowNode;
132 };
133 // creates empty row nodes, data is missing as not loaded yet
134 RowNodeBlock.prototype.createRowNodes = function () {
135 this.rowNodes = [];
136 for (var i = 0; i < this.rowNodeCacheParams.blockSize; i++) {
137 var rowIndex = this.startRow + i;
138 var rowNode = this.createBlankRowNode(rowIndex);
139 this.rowNodes.push(rowNode);
140 }
141 };
142 RowNodeBlock.prototype.load = function () {
143 this.state = RowNodeBlock.STATE_LOADING;
144 this.loadFromDatasource();
145 };
146 RowNodeBlock.prototype.pageLoadFailed = function () {
147 this.state = RowNodeBlock.STATE_FAILED;
148 var event = {
149 type: RowNodeBlock.EVENT_LOAD_COMPLETE,
150 success: false,
151 page: this,
152 lastRow: null
153 };
154 this.dispatchEvent(event);
155 };
156 RowNodeBlock.prototype.populateWithRowData = function (rows) {
157 var _this = this;
158 var rowNodesToRefresh = [];
159 this.rowNodes.forEach(function (rowNode, index) {
160 var data = rows[index];
161 if (rowNode.stub) {
162 rowNodesToRefresh.push(rowNode);
163 }
164 _this.setDataAndId(rowNode, data, _this.startRow + index);
165 });
166 if (rowNodesToRefresh.length > 0) {
167 this.beans.rowRenderer.redrawRows(rowNodesToRefresh);
168 }
169 };
170 RowNodeBlock.prototype.destroy = function () {
171 _super.prototype.destroy.call(this);
172 this.rowNodes.forEach(function (rowNode) {
173 if (rowNode.childrenCache) {
174 rowNode.childrenCache.destroy();
175 rowNode.childrenCache = null;
176 }
177 // this is needed, so row render knows to fade out the row, otherwise it
178 // see's row top is present, and thinks the row should be shown. maybe
179 // rowNode should have a flag on whether it is visible???
180 rowNode.clearRowTop();
181 });
182 };
183 RowNodeBlock.prototype.pageLoaded = function (version, rows, lastRow) {
184 // we need to check the version, in case there was an old request
185 // from the server that was sent before we refreshed the cache,
186 // if the load was done as a result of a cache refresh
187 if (version === this.version) {
188 this.state = RowNodeBlock.STATE_LOADED;
189 this.populateWithRowData(rows);
190 }
191 lastRow = utils_1.Utils.cleanNumber(lastRow);
192 // check here if lastrow should be set
193 var event = {
194 type: RowNodeBlock.EVENT_LOAD_COMPLETE,
195 success: true,
196 page: this,
197 lastRow: lastRow
198 };
199 this.dispatchEvent(event);
200 };
201 RowNodeBlock.EVENT_LOAD_COMPLETE = 'loadComplete';
202 RowNodeBlock.STATE_DIRTY = 'dirty';
203 RowNodeBlock.STATE_LOADING = 'loading';
204 RowNodeBlock.STATE_LOADED = 'loaded';
205 RowNodeBlock.STATE_FAILED = 'failed';
206 return RowNodeBlock;
208exports.RowNodeBlock = RowNodeBlock;