14.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
3 * @version v18.1.2
4 * @link http://www.ag-grid.com/
5 * @license MIT
6 */
7"use strict";
8var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
9 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
10 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
11 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
12 return function (d, b) {
13 extendStatics(d, b);
14 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
15 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
16 };
18Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
19var utils_1 = require("../utils");
20var beanStub_1 = require("../context/beanStub");
21var compIdSequence = new utils_1.NumberSequence();
22var Component = (function (_super) {
23 __extends(Component, _super);
24 function Component(template) {
25 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
26 _this.childComponents = [];
27 _this.annotatedEventListeners = [];
28 _this.visible = true;
29 // unique id for this row component. this is used for getting a reference to the HTML dom.
30 // we cannot use the RowNode id as this is not unique (due to animation, old rows can be lying
31 // around as we create a new rowComp instance for the same row node).
32 _this.compId = compIdSequence.next();
33 if (template) {
34 _this.setTemplate(template);
35 }
36 return _this;
37 }
38 Component.prototype.getCompId = function () {
39 return this.compId;
40 };
41 Component.prototype.instantiate = function (context) {
42 this.instantiateRecurse(this.getGui(), context);
43 };
44 Component.prototype.instantiateRecurse = function (parentNode, context) {
45 var _this = this;
46 // we MUST take a copy of the list first, as the 'swapComponentForNode' adds comments into the DOM
47 // which messes up the traversal order of the children.
48 var childNodeList = utils_1.Utils.copyNodeList(parentNode.childNodes);
49 childNodeList.forEach(function (childNode) {
50 var childComp = context.createComponent(childNode, function (childComp) {
51 var attrList = _this.getAttrLists(childNode);
52 _this.copyAttributesFromNode(attrList, childComp.getGui());
53 _this.createChildAttributes(attrList, childComp);
54 _this.addEventListenersToComponent(attrList, childComp);
55 });
56 if (childComp) {
57 _this.swapComponentForNode(childComp, parentNode, childNode);
58 }
59 else {
60 if (childNode.childNodes) {
61 _this.instantiateRecurse(childNode, context);
62 }
63 if (childNode instanceof HTMLElement) {
64 var attrList = _this.getAttrLists(childNode);
65 _this.addEventListenersToElement(attrList, childNode);
66 }
67 }
68 });
69 };
70 Component.prototype.getAttrLists = function (child) {
71 var res = {
72 bindings: [],
73 events: [],
74 normal: []
75 };
76 utils_1.Utils.iterateNamedNodeMap(child.attributes, function (name, value) {
77 var firstCharacter = name.substr(0, 1);
78 if (firstCharacter === '(') {
79 var eventName = name.replace('(', '').replace(')', '');
80 res.events.push({
81 name: eventName,
82 value: value
83 });
84 }
85 else if (firstCharacter === '[') {
86 var bindingName = name.replace('[', '').replace(']', '');
87 res.bindings.push({
88 name: bindingName,
89 value: value
90 });
91 }
92 else {
93 res.normal.push({
94 name: name,
95 value: value
96 });
97 }
98 });
99 return res;
100 };
101 Component.prototype.addEventListenersToElement = function (attrLists, element) {
102 var _this = this;
103 this.addEventListenerCommon(attrLists, function (eventName, listener) {
104 _this.addDestroyableEventListener(element, eventName, listener);
105 });
106 };
107 Component.prototype.addEventListenersToComponent = function (attrLists, component) {
108 var _this = this;
109 this.addEventListenerCommon(attrLists, function (eventName, listener) {
110 _this.addDestroyableEventListener(component, eventName, listener);
111 });
112 };
113 Component.prototype.addEventListenerCommon = function (attrLists, callback) {
114 var _this = this;
115 var methodAliases = this.getAgComponentMetaData('methods');
116 attrLists.events.forEach(function (nameValue) {
117 var methodName = nameValue.value;
118 var methodAlias = utils_1.Utils.find(methodAliases, 'alias', methodName);
119 var methodNameToUse = utils_1.Utils.exists(methodAlias) ? methodAlias.methodName : methodName;
120 var listener = _this[methodNameToUse];
121 if (typeof listener !== 'function') {
122 console.warn('ag-Grid: count not find callback ' + methodName);
123 return;
124 }
125 var eventCamelCase = utils_1.Utils.hyphenToCamelCase(nameValue.name);
126 callback(eventCamelCase, listener.bind(_this));
127 });
128 };
129 Component.prototype.createChildAttributes = function (attrLists, child) {
130 var _this = this;
131 var childAttributes = {};
132 attrLists.normal.forEach(function (nameValue) {
133 var nameCamelCase = utils_1.Utils.hyphenToCamelCase(nameValue.name);
134 childAttributes[nameCamelCase] = nameValue.value;
135 });
136 attrLists.bindings.forEach(function (nameValue) {
137 var nameCamelCase = utils_1.Utils.hyphenToCamelCase(nameValue.name);
138 childAttributes[nameCamelCase] = _this[nameValue.value];
139 });
140 child.props = childAttributes;
141 };
142 Component.prototype.copyAttributesFromNode = function (attrLists, childNode) {
143 attrLists.normal.forEach(function (nameValue) {
144 childNode.setAttribute(nameValue.name, nameValue.value);
145 });
146 };
147 Component.prototype.swapComponentForNode = function (newComponent, parentNode, childNode) {
148 var eComponent = newComponent.getGui();
149 parentNode.replaceChild(eComponent, childNode);
150 parentNode.insertBefore(document.createComment(childNode.nodeName), eComponent);
151 this.childComponents.push(newComponent);
152 this.swapInComponentForQuerySelectors(newComponent, childNode);
153 };
154 Component.prototype.swapInComponentForQuerySelectors = function (newComponent, childNode) {
155 var thisProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
156 var thisNoType = this;
157 while (thisProto != null) {
158 var metaData = thisProto.__agComponentMetaData;
159 var currentProtoName = (thisProto.constructor).name;
160 if (metaData && metaData[currentProtoName] && metaData[currentProtoName].querySelectors) {
161 metaData[currentProtoName].querySelectors.forEach(function (querySelector) {
162 if (thisNoType[querySelector.attributeName] === childNode) {
163 thisNoType[querySelector.attributeName] = newComponent;
164 }
165 });
166 }
167 thisProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(thisProto);
168 }
169 };
170 Component.prototype.setTemplate = function (template) {
171 var eGui = utils_1.Utils.loadTemplate(template);
172 this.setTemplateFromElement(eGui);
173 };
174 Component.prototype.setTemplateFromElement = function (element) {
175 this.eGui = element;
176 this.eGui.__agComponent = this;
177 this.addAnnotatedEventListeners();
178 this.wireQuerySelectors();
179 };
180 Component.prototype.wireQuerySelectors = function () {
181 var _this = this;
182 if (!this.eGui) {
183 return;
184 }
185 var thisProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
186 var _loop_1 = function () {
187 var metaData = thisProto.__agComponentMetaData;
188 var currentProtoName = (thisProto.constructor).name;
189 if (metaData && metaData[currentProtoName] && metaData[currentProtoName].querySelectors) {
190 var thisNoType_1 = this_1;
191 metaData[currentProtoName].querySelectors.forEach(function (querySelector) {
192 var resultOfQuery = _this.eGui.querySelector(querySelector.querySelector);
193 if (resultOfQuery) {
194 var backingComponent = resultOfQuery.__agComponent;
195 if (backingComponent) {
196 thisNoType_1[querySelector.attributeName] = backingComponent;
197 }
198 else {
199 thisNoType_1[querySelector.attributeName] = resultOfQuery;
200 }
201 }
202 else {
203 // put debug msg in here if query selector fails???
204 }
205 });
206 }
207 thisProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(thisProto);
208 };
209 var this_1 = this;
210 while (thisProto != null) {
211 _loop_1();
212 }
213 };
214 Component.prototype.addAnnotatedEventListeners = function () {
215 var _this = this;
216 this.removeAnnotatedEventListeners();
217 if (!this.eGui) {
218 return;
219 }
220 var listenerMethods = this.getAgComponentMetaData('listenerMethods');
221 if (utils_1.Utils.missingOrEmpty(listenerMethods)) {
222 return;
223 }
224 if (!this.annotatedEventListeners) {
225 this.annotatedEventListeners = [];
226 }
227 listenerMethods.forEach(function (eventListener) {
228 var listener = _this[eventListener.methodName].bind(_this);
229 _this.eGui.addEventListener(eventListener.eventName, listener);
230 _this.annotatedEventListeners.push({ eventName: eventListener.eventName, listener: listener });
231 });
232 };
233 Component.prototype.getAgComponentMetaData = function (key) {
234 var res = [];
235 var thisProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
236 while (thisProto != null) {
237 var metaData = thisProto.__agComponentMetaData;
238 var currentProtoName = (thisProto.constructor).name;
239 if (metaData && metaData[currentProtoName] && metaData[currentProtoName][key]) {
240 res = res.concat(metaData[currentProtoName][key]);
241 }
242 thisProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(thisProto);
243 }
244 return res;
245 };
246 Component.prototype.removeAnnotatedEventListeners = function () {
247 var _this = this;
248 if (!this.annotatedEventListeners) {
249 return;
250 }
251 if (!this.eGui) {
252 return;
253 }
254 this.annotatedEventListeners.forEach(function (eventListener) {
255 _this.eGui.removeEventListener(eventListener.eventName, eventListener.listener);
256 });
257 this.annotatedEventListeners = null;
258 };
259 Component.prototype.getGui = function () {
260 return this.eGui;
261 };
262 // this method is for older code, that wants to provide the gui element,
263 // it is not intended for this to be in ag-Stack
264 Component.prototype.setGui = function (eGui) {
265 this.eGui = eGui;
266 };
267 Component.prototype.queryForHtmlElement = function (cssSelector) {
268 return this.eGui.querySelector(cssSelector);
269 };
270 Component.prototype.queryForHtmlInputElement = function (cssSelector) {
271 return this.eGui.querySelector(cssSelector);
272 };
273 Component.prototype.appendChild = function (newChild) {
274 if (utils_1.Utils.isNodeOrElement(newChild)) {
275 this.eGui.appendChild(newChild);
276 }
277 else {
278 var childComponent = newChild;
279 this.eGui.appendChild(childComponent.getGui());
280 this.childComponents.push(childComponent);
281 }
282 };
283 Component.prototype.addFeature = function (context, feature) {
284 context.wireBean(feature);
285 if (feature.destroy) {
286 this.addDestroyFunc(feature.destroy.bind(feature));
287 }
288 };
289 Component.prototype.isVisible = function () {
290 return this.visible;
291 };
292 Component.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) {
293 if (visible !== this.visible) {
294 this.visible = visible;
295 utils_1.Utils.addOrRemoveCssClass(this.eGui, 'ag-hidden', !visible);
296 var event_1 = {
297 type: Component.EVENT_VISIBLE_CHANGED,
298 visible: this.visible
299 };
300 this.dispatchEvent(event_1);
301 }
302 };
303 Component.prototype.addOrRemoveCssClass = function (className, addOrRemove) {
304 utils_1.Utils.addOrRemoveCssClass(this.eGui, className, addOrRemove);
305 };
306 Component.prototype.destroy = function () {
307 _super.prototype.destroy.call(this);
308 this.childComponents.forEach(function (childComponent) { return childComponent.destroy(); });
309 this.childComponents.length = 0;
310 this.removeAnnotatedEventListeners();
311 };
312 Component.prototype.addGuiEventListener = function (event, listener) {
313 var _this = this;
314 this.getGui().addEventListener(event, listener);
315 this.addDestroyFunc(function () { return _this.getGui().removeEventListener(event, listener); });
316 };
317 Component.prototype.addCssClass = function (className) {
318 utils_1.Utils.addCssClass(this.getGui(), className);
319 };
320 Component.prototype.removeCssClass = function (className) {
321 utils_1.Utils.removeCssClass(this.getGui(), className);
322 };
323 Component.prototype.getAttribute = function (key) {
324 var eGui = this.getGui();
325 if (eGui) {
326 return eGui.getAttribute(key);
327 }
328 else {
329 return null;
330 }
331 };
332 Component.prototype.getRefElement = function (refName) {
333 return this.queryForHtmlElement('[ref="' + refName + '"]');
334 };
335 Component.EVENT_VISIBLE_CHANGED = 'visibleChanged';
336 return Component;
338exports.Component = Component;