13.7 kBJSONView Raw
2 "functions": [
3 {
4 "name": "useAntdTable",
5 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-antd-table",
6 "description": "`useAntdTable` is implemented based on `useRequest` and encapsulates the commonly used [Ant Design Form](https://ant.design/components/form/) and [Ant Design Table](https://ant.design/components/table/) data binding logic"
7 },
8 {
9 "name": "useAsyncEffect",
10 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-async-effect",
11 "description": "useEffect support async function"
12 },
13 {
14 "name": "useBoolean",
15 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-boolean",
16 "description": "a hook that elegantly manages boolean state"
17 },
18 {
19 "name": "useClickAway",
20 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-click-away",
21 "description": "listen for click events outside the target element"
22 },
23 {
24 "name": "useControllableValue",
25 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-controllable-value",
26 "description": "in some components"
27 },
28 {
29 "name": "useCookieState",
30 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-cookie-state",
31 "description": "a Hook that store state into Cookie"
32 },
33 {
34 "name": "useCountDown",
35 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-count-down",
36 "description": "a hook for manage countdown"
37 },
38 {
39 "name": "useCounter",
40 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-counter",
41 "description": "a hook that manage counter"
42 },
43 {
44 "name": "useCreation",
45 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-creation",
46 "description": "`useCreation` is the replacement for `useMemo` or `useRef`"
47 },
48 {
49 "name": "useDebounce",
50 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-debounce",
51 "description": "a hook that deal with the debounced value"
52 },
53 {
54 "name": "useDebounceEffect",
55 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-debounce-effect",
56 "description": "debounce your `useEffect`"
57 },
58 {
59 "name": "useDebounceFn",
60 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-debounce-fn",
61 "description": "a hook that deal with the debounced function"
62 },
63 {
64 "name": "useDeepCompareEffect",
65 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-deep-compare-effect",
66 "description": "usage is the same as `useEffect`"
67 },
68 {
69 "name": "useDeepCompareLayoutEffect",
70 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-deep-compare-layout-effect",
71 "description": "usage is the same as `useLayoutEffect`"
72 },
73 {
74 "name": "useDocumentVisibility",
75 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-document-visibility",
76 "description": "a Hook can tell if the page is visible"
77 },
78 {
79 "name": "useDrag",
80 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-drag"
81 },
82 {
83 "name": "useDrop",
84 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-drop",
85 "description": "& useDrag"
86 },
87 {
88 "name": "useDynamicList",
89 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-dynamic-list",
90 "description": "a hook that helps you manage dynamic list and generate unique key for each item"
91 },
92 {
93 "name": "useEventEmitter",
94 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-event-emitter",
95 "description": "sometimes it is difficult to pass events between multiple components"
96 },
97 {
98 "name": "useEventListener",
99 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-event-listener",
100 "description": "use addEventListener elegant by Hook"
101 },
102 {
103 "name": "useEventTarget",
104 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-event-target",
105 "description": "a hook that encapsulates `onChange` and `value` logic for form controls that obtains value through `event.target.value`"
106 },
107 {
108 "name": "useExternal",
109 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-external",
110 "description": "dynamically load JS or CSS"
111 },
112 {
113 "name": "useFavicon",
114 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-favicon",
115 "description": "a hook that set the favicon of the page"
116 },
117 {
118 "name": "useFocusWithin",
119 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-focus-within",
120 "description": "monitor whether the current focus is within a certain area"
121 },
122 {
123 "name": "useFullscreen",
124 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-fullscreen",
125 "description": "manages DOM full screen"
126 },
127 {
128 "name": "useFusionTable",
129 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-fusion-table",
130 "description": "useFusionTable encapsulates the commonly used [Fusion Form](https://fusion.design/pc/component/basic/form) and [Fusion Table](https://fusion.design/pc/component/basic/table) data binding logic"
131 },
132 {
133 "name": "useGetState",
134 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-get-state",
135 "description": "add a getter method to the return value of `React.useState` to get the latest value"
136 },
137 {
138 "name": "useHistoryTravel",
139 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-history-travel",
140 "description": "a hook to manage state change history"
141 },
142 {
143 "name": "useHover",
144 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-hover",
145 "description": "a hook that tracks whether the element is being hovered"
146 },
147 {
148 "name": "useInViewport",
149 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-in-viewport",
150 "description": "observe whether the element is in the visible area"
151 },
152 {
153 "name": "useInfiniteScroll",
154 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-infinite-scroll",
155 "description": "useInfiniteScroll encapsulates the common infinite scroll logic"
156 },
157 {
158 "name": "useInterval",
159 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-interval",
160 "description": "a hook that handles the `setInterval` timer function"
161 },
162 {
163 "name": "useIsomorphicLayoutEffect",
164 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-isomorphic-layout-effect",
165 "description": "in SSR mode"
166 },
167 {
168 "name": "useKeyPress",
169 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-key-press",
170 "description": "listen for the keyboard press"
171 },
172 {
173 "name": "useLatest",
174 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-latest",
175 "description": "a Hook that returns the latest value"
176 },
177 {
178 "name": "useLocalStorageState",
179 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-local-storage-state",
180 "description": "a Hook that store state into localStorage"
181 },
182 {
183 "name": "useLockFn",
184 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-lock-fn",
185 "description": "add lock to an async function to prevent parallel executions"
186 },
187 {
188 "name": "useLongPress",
189 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-long-press",
190 "description": "listen for the long press event of the target element"
191 },
192 {
193 "name": "useMap",
194 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-map",
195 "description": "a hook that can manage the state of Map"
196 },
197 {
198 "name": "useMemoizedFn",
199 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-memoized-fn",
200 "description": "hooks for persistent functions"
201 },
202 {
203 "name": "useMount",
204 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-mount",
205 "description": "a hook that executes a function after the component is mounted"
206 },
207 {
208 "name": "useMouse",
209 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-mouse",
210 "description": "track cursor position"
211 },
212 {
213 "name": "useMutationObserver",
214 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-mutation-observer",
215 "description": "a hook that provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree"
216 },
217 {
218 "name": "useNetwork",
219 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-network",
220 "description": "a hook that tracks the state of network connection"
221 },
222 {
223 "name": "usePagination",
224 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-pagination",
225 "description": "`usePagination` is implemented based on `useRequest` and encapsulates common paging logic"
226 },
227 {
228 "name": "usePrevious",
229 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-previous",
230 "description": "a Hook to return the previous state"
231 },
232 {
233 "name": "useRafInterval",
234 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-raf-interval",
235 "description": "a hook implements with `requestAnimationFrame` for better performance"
236 },
237 {
238 "name": "useRafState",
239 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-raf-state",
240 "description": "update the state in [requestAnimationFrame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame) callback"
241 },
242 {
243 "name": "useRafTimeout",
244 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-raf-timeout",
245 "description": "a hook implements with `requestAnimationFrame` for better performance"
246 },
247 {
248 "name": "useReactive",
249 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-reactive",
250 "description": "it offers data reactivity when manipulating states and views"
251 },
252 {
253 "name": "useRequest",
254 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-request"
255 },
256 {
257 "name": "useResetState",
258 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-reset-state",
259 "description": "useResetState works similar to `React.useState`"
260 },
261 {
262 "name": "useResponsive",
263 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-responsive",
264 "description": "react Hook for getting responsive info"
265 },
266 {
267 "name": "useSafeState",
268 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-safe-state",
269 "description": "it is exactly the same with `React.useState`"
270 },
271 {
272 "name": "useScroll",
273 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-scroll",
274 "description": "get the scroll position of an element"
275 },
276 {
277 "name": "useSelections",
278 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-selections",
279 "description": "this hook is used for Checkbox group"
280 },
281 {
282 "name": "useSessionStorageState",
283 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-session-storage-state",
284 "description": "a Hook for store state into sessionStorage"
285 },
286 {
287 "name": "useSet",
288 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-set",
289 "description": "a hook that can manage the state of Set"
290 },
291 {
292 "name": "useSetState",
293 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-set-state",
294 "description": "useSetState works similar to `this.setState` of class component"
295 },
296 {
297 "name": "useSize",
298 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-size",
299 "description": "a hook that observes size change of an element"
300 },
301 {
302 "name": "useTextSelection",
303 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-text-selection",
304 "description": "tracking content"
305 },
306 {
307 "name": "useThrottle",
308 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-throttle",
309 "description": "a hook that deal with the throttled value"
310 },
311 {
312 "name": "useThrottleEffect",
313 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-throttle-effect",
314 "description": "throttle your `useEffect`"
315 },
316 {
317 "name": "useThrottleFn",
318 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-throttle-fn",
319 "description": "a hook that deal with the throttled function"
320 },
321 {
322 "name": "useTimeout",
323 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-timeout",
324 "description": "a hook that handles the `setTimeout` timer function"
325 },
326 {
327 "name": "useTitle",
328 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-title",
329 "description": "a hook that set title of the page"
330 },
331 {
332 "name": "useToggle",
333 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-toggle",
334 "description": "a hook that toggle states"
335 },
336 {
337 "name": "useTrackedEffect",
338 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-tracked-effect",
339 "description": "a hook of useEffect that allow us to track which dependencies caused the effect to trigger"
340 },
341 {
342 "name": "useUnmount",
343 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-unmount",
344 "description": "a hook that executes the function right before the component is unmounted"
345 },
346 {
347 "name": "useUnmountedRef",
348 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-unmounted-ref",
349 "description": "a Hook can be used to get whether the component is unmounted"
350 },
351 {
352 "name": "useUpdate",
353 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-update",
354 "description": "a hook that returns a function which can be used to force the component to re-render"
355 },
356 {
357 "name": "useUpdateEffect",
358 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-update-effect",
359 "description": "a hook alike `useEffect` but skips running the effect for the first time"
360 },
361 {
362 "name": "useUpdateLayoutEffect",
363 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-update-layout-effect",
364 "description": "a hook alike `useLayoutEffect` but skips running the effect for the first time"
365 },
366 {
367 "name": "useVirtualList",
368 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-virtual-list",
369 "description": "a hook that allows you to use virtual list to render huge chunks of list data"
370 },
371 {
372 "name": "useWebSocket",
373 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-web-socket",
374 "description": "a hook for WebSocket"
375 },
376 {
377 "name": "useWhyDidYouUpdate",
378 "docs": "https://ahooks.js.org/hooks/use-why-did-you-update",
379 "description": "help developers troubleshoot what changes have caused component rerender"
380 }
381 ]