25.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.CodeGen = exports.Name = exports.nil = exports.stringify = exports.str = exports._ = exports.KeywordCxt = void 0;
4var validate_1 = require("./compile/validate");
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "KeywordCxt", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return validate_1.KeywordCxt; } });
6var codegen_1 = require("./compile/codegen");
7Object.defineProperty(exports, "_", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return codegen_1._; } });
8Object.defineProperty(exports, "str", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return codegen_1.str; } });
9Object.defineProperty(exports, "stringify", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return codegen_1.stringify; } });
10Object.defineProperty(exports, "nil", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return codegen_1.nil; } });
11Object.defineProperty(exports, "Name", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return codegen_1.Name; } });
12Object.defineProperty(exports, "CodeGen", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return codegen_1.CodeGen; } });
13const validation_error_1 = require("./runtime/validation_error");
14const ref_error_1 = require("./compile/ref_error");
15const rules_1 = require("./compile/rules");
16const compile_1 = require("./compile");
17const codegen_2 = require("./compile/codegen");
18const resolve_1 = require("./compile/resolve");
19const dataType_1 = require("./compile/validate/dataType");
20const util_1 = require("./compile/util");
21const $dataRefSchema = require("./refs/data.json");
22const uri_1 = require("./runtime/uri");
23const defaultRegExp = (str, flags) => new RegExp(str, flags);
24defaultRegExp.code = "new RegExp";
25const META_IGNORE_OPTIONS = ["removeAdditional", "useDefaults", "coerceTypes"];
26const EXT_SCOPE_NAMES = new Set([
27 "validate",
28 "serialize",
29 "parse",
30 "wrapper",
31 "root",
32 "schema",
33 "keyword",
34 "pattern",
35 "formats",
36 "validate$data",
37 "func",
38 "obj",
39 "Error",
41const removedOptions = {
42 errorDataPath: "",
43 format: "`validateFormats: false` can be used instead.",
44 nullable: '"nullable" keyword is supported by default.',
45 jsonPointers: "Deprecated jsPropertySyntax can be used instead.",
46 extendRefs: "Deprecated ignoreKeywordsWithRef can be used instead.",
47 missingRefs: "Pass empty schema with $id that should be ignored to ajv.addSchema.",
48 processCode: "Use option `code: {process: (code, schemaEnv: object) => string}`",
49 sourceCode: "Use option `code: {source: true}`",
50 strictDefaults: "It is default now, see option `strict`.",
51 strictKeywords: "It is default now, see option `strict`.",
52 uniqueItems: '"uniqueItems" keyword is always validated.',
53 unknownFormats: "Disable strict mode or pass `true` to `ajv.addFormat` (or `formats` option).",
54 cache: "Map is used as cache, schema object as key.",
55 serialize: "Map is used as cache, schema object as key.",
56 ajvErrors: "It is default now.",
58const deprecatedOptions = {
59 ignoreKeywordsWithRef: "",
60 jsPropertySyntax: "",
61 unicode: '"minLength"/"maxLength" account for unicode characters by default.',
63const MAX_EXPRESSION = 200;
64// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
65function requiredOptions(o) {
66 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0;
67 const s = o.strict;
68 const _optz = (_a = o.code) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.optimize;
69 const optimize = _optz === true || _optz === undefined ? 1 : _optz || 0;
70 const regExp = (_c = (_b = o.code) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.regExp) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : defaultRegExp;
71 const uriResolver = (_d = o.uriResolver) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : uri_1.default;
72 return {
73 strictSchema: (_f = (_e = o.strictSchema) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : s) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : true,
74 strictNumbers: (_h = (_g = o.strictNumbers) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : s) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : true,
75 strictTypes: (_k = (_j = o.strictTypes) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : s) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : "log",
76 strictTuples: (_m = (_l = o.strictTuples) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : s) !== null && _m !== void 0 ? _m : "log",
77 strictRequired: (_p = (_o = o.strictRequired) !== null && _o !== void 0 ? _o : s) !== null && _p !== void 0 ? _p : false,
78 code: o.code ? { ...o.code, optimize, regExp } : { optimize, regExp },
79 loopRequired: (_q = o.loopRequired) !== null && _q !== void 0 ? _q : MAX_EXPRESSION,
80 loopEnum: (_r = o.loopEnum) !== null && _r !== void 0 ? _r : MAX_EXPRESSION,
81 meta: (_s = o.meta) !== null && _s !== void 0 ? _s : true,
82 messages: (_t = o.messages) !== null && _t !== void 0 ? _t : true,
83 inlineRefs: (_u = o.inlineRefs) !== null && _u !== void 0 ? _u : true,
84 schemaId: (_v = o.schemaId) !== null && _v !== void 0 ? _v : "$id",
85 addUsedSchema: (_w = o.addUsedSchema) !== null && _w !== void 0 ? _w : true,
86 validateSchema: (_x = o.validateSchema) !== null && _x !== void 0 ? _x : true,
87 validateFormats: (_y = o.validateFormats) !== null && _y !== void 0 ? _y : true,
88 unicodeRegExp: (_z = o.unicodeRegExp) !== null && _z !== void 0 ? _z : true,
89 int32range: (_0 = o.int32range) !== null && _0 !== void 0 ? _0 : true,
90 uriResolver: uriResolver,
91 };
93class Ajv {
94 constructor(opts = {}) {
95 this.schemas = {};
96 this.refs = {};
97 this.formats = {};
98 this._compilations = new Set();
99 this._loading = {};
100 this._cache = new Map();
101 opts = this.opts = { ...opts, ...requiredOptions(opts) };
102 const { es5, lines } = this.opts.code;
103 this.scope = new codegen_2.ValueScope({ scope: {}, prefixes: EXT_SCOPE_NAMES, es5, lines });
104 this.logger = getLogger(opts.logger);
105 const formatOpt = opts.validateFormats;
106 opts.validateFormats = false;
107 this.RULES = (0, rules_1.getRules)();
108 checkOptions.call(this, removedOptions, opts, "NOT SUPPORTED");
109 checkOptions.call(this, deprecatedOptions, opts, "DEPRECATED", "warn");
110 this._metaOpts = getMetaSchemaOptions.call(this);
111 if (opts.formats)
112 addInitialFormats.call(this);
113 this._addVocabularies();
114 this._addDefaultMetaSchema();
115 if (opts.keywords)
116 addInitialKeywords.call(this, opts.keywords);
117 if (typeof opts.meta == "object")
118 this.addMetaSchema(opts.meta);
119 addInitialSchemas.call(this);
120 opts.validateFormats = formatOpt;
121 }
122 _addVocabularies() {
123 this.addKeyword("$async");
124 }
125 _addDefaultMetaSchema() {
126 const { $data, meta, schemaId } = this.opts;
127 let _dataRefSchema = $dataRefSchema;
128 if (schemaId === "id") {
129 _dataRefSchema = { ...$dataRefSchema };
130 _dataRefSchema.id = _dataRefSchema.$id;
131 delete _dataRefSchema.$id;
132 }
133 if (meta && $data)
134 this.addMetaSchema(_dataRefSchema, _dataRefSchema[schemaId], false);
135 }
136 defaultMeta() {
137 const { meta, schemaId } = this.opts;
138 return (this.opts.defaultMeta = typeof meta == "object" ? meta[schemaId] || meta : undefined);
139 }
140 validate(schemaKeyRef, // key, ref or schema object
141 data // to be validated
142 ) {
143 let v;
144 if (typeof schemaKeyRef == "string") {
145 v = this.getSchema(schemaKeyRef);
146 if (!v)
147 throw new Error(`no schema with key or ref "${schemaKeyRef}"`);
148 }
149 else {
150 v = this.compile(schemaKeyRef);
151 }
152 const valid = v(data);
153 if (!("$async" in v))
154 this.errors = v.errors;
155 return valid;
156 }
157 compile(schema, _meta) {
158 const sch = this._addSchema(schema, _meta);
159 return (sch.validate || this._compileSchemaEnv(sch));
160 }
161 compileAsync(schema, meta) {
162 if (typeof this.opts.loadSchema != "function") {
163 throw new Error("options.loadSchema should be a function");
164 }
165 const { loadSchema } = this.opts;
166 return runCompileAsync.call(this, schema, meta);
167 async function runCompileAsync(_schema, _meta) {
168 await loadMetaSchema.call(this, _schema.$schema);
169 const sch = this._addSchema(_schema, _meta);
170 return sch.validate || _compileAsync.call(this, sch);
171 }
172 async function loadMetaSchema($ref) {
173 if ($ref && !this.getSchema($ref)) {
174 await runCompileAsync.call(this, { $ref }, true);
175 }
176 }
177 async function _compileAsync(sch) {
178 try {
179 return this._compileSchemaEnv(sch);
180 }
181 catch (e) {
182 if (!(e instanceof ref_error_1.default))
183 throw e;
184 checkLoaded.call(this, e);
185 await loadMissingSchema.call(this, e.missingSchema);
186 return _compileAsync.call(this, sch);
187 }
188 }
189 function checkLoaded({ missingSchema: ref, missingRef }) {
190 if (this.refs[ref]) {
191 throw new Error(`AnySchema ${ref} is loaded but ${missingRef} cannot be resolved`);
192 }
193 }
194 async function loadMissingSchema(ref) {
195 const _schema = await _loadSchema.call(this, ref);
196 if (!this.refs[ref])
197 await loadMetaSchema.call(this, _schema.$schema);
198 if (!this.refs[ref])
199 this.addSchema(_schema, ref, meta);
200 }
201 async function _loadSchema(ref) {
202 const p = this._loading[ref];
203 if (p)
204 return p;
205 try {
206 return await (this._loading[ref] = loadSchema(ref));
207 }
208 finally {
209 delete this._loading[ref];
210 }
211 }
212 }
213 // Adds schema to the instance
214 addSchema(schema, // If array is passed, `key` will be ignored
215 key, // Optional schema key. Can be passed to `validate` method instead of schema object or id/ref. One schema per instance can have empty `id` and `key`.
216 _meta, // true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally, addMetaSchema should be used instead.
217 _validateSchema = this.opts.validateSchema // false to skip schema validation. Used internally, option validateSchema should be used instead.
218 ) {
219 if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
220 for (const sch of schema)
221 this.addSchema(sch, undefined, _meta, _validateSchema);
222 return this;
223 }
224 let id;
225 if (typeof schema === "object") {
226 const { schemaId } = this.opts;
227 id = schema[schemaId];
228 if (id !== undefined && typeof id != "string") {
229 throw new Error(`schema ${schemaId} must be string`);
230 }
231 }
232 key = (0, resolve_1.normalizeId)(key || id);
233 this._checkUnique(key);
234 this.schemas[key] = this._addSchema(schema, _meta, key, _validateSchema, true);
235 return this;
236 }
237 // Add schema that will be used to validate other schemas
238 // options in META_IGNORE_OPTIONS are alway set to false
239 addMetaSchema(schema, key, // schema key
240 _validateSchema = this.opts.validateSchema // false to skip schema validation, can be used to override validateSchema option for meta-schema
241 ) {
242 this.addSchema(schema, key, true, _validateSchema);
243 return this;
244 }
245 // Validate schema against its meta-schema
246 validateSchema(schema, throwOrLogError) {
247 if (typeof schema == "boolean")
248 return true;
249 let $schema;
250 $schema = schema.$schema;
251 if ($schema !== undefined && typeof $schema != "string") {
252 throw new Error("$schema must be a string");
253 }
254 $schema = $schema || this.opts.defaultMeta || this.defaultMeta();
255 if (!$schema) {
256 this.logger.warn("meta-schema not available");
257 this.errors = null;
258 return true;
259 }
260 const valid = this.validate($schema, schema);
261 if (!valid && throwOrLogError) {
262 const message = "schema is invalid: " + this.errorsText();
263 if (this.opts.validateSchema === "log")
264 this.logger.error(message);
265 else
266 throw new Error(message);
267 }
268 return valid;
269 }
270 // Get compiled schema by `key` or `ref`.
271 // (`key` that was passed to `addSchema` or full schema reference - `schema.$id` or resolved id)
272 getSchema(keyRef) {
273 let sch;
274 while (typeof (sch = getSchEnv.call(this, keyRef)) == "string")
275 keyRef = sch;
276 if (sch === undefined) {
277 const { schemaId } = this.opts;
278 const root = new compile_1.SchemaEnv({ schema: {}, schemaId });
279 sch = compile_1.resolveSchema.call(this, root, keyRef);
280 if (!sch)
281 return;
282 this.refs[keyRef] = sch;
283 }
284 return (sch.validate || this._compileSchemaEnv(sch));
285 }
286 // Remove cached schema(s).
287 // If no parameter is passed all schemas but meta-schemas are removed.
288 // If RegExp is passed all schemas with key/id matching pattern but meta-schemas are removed.
289 // Even if schema is referenced by other schemas it still can be removed as other schemas have local references.
290 removeSchema(schemaKeyRef) {
291 if (schemaKeyRef instanceof RegExp) {
292 this._removeAllSchemas(this.schemas, schemaKeyRef);
293 this._removeAllSchemas(this.refs, schemaKeyRef);
294 return this;
295 }
296 switch (typeof schemaKeyRef) {
297 case "undefined":
298 this._removeAllSchemas(this.schemas);
299 this._removeAllSchemas(this.refs);
300 this._cache.clear();
301 return this;
302 case "string": {
303 const sch = getSchEnv.call(this, schemaKeyRef);
304 if (typeof sch == "object")
305 this._cache.delete(sch.schema);
306 delete this.schemas[schemaKeyRef];
307 delete this.refs[schemaKeyRef];
308 return this;
309 }
310 case "object": {
311 const cacheKey = schemaKeyRef;
312 this._cache.delete(cacheKey);
313 let id = schemaKeyRef[this.opts.schemaId];
314 if (id) {
315 id = (0, resolve_1.normalizeId)(id);
316 delete this.schemas[id];
317 delete this.refs[id];
318 }
319 return this;
320 }
321 default:
322 throw new Error("ajv.removeSchema: invalid parameter");
323 }
324 }
325 // add "vocabulary" - a collection of keywords
326 addVocabulary(definitions) {
327 for (const def of definitions)
328 this.addKeyword(def);
329 return this;
330 }
331 addKeyword(kwdOrDef, def // deprecated
332 ) {
333 let keyword;
334 if (typeof kwdOrDef == "string") {
335 keyword = kwdOrDef;
336 if (typeof def == "object") {
337 this.logger.warn("these parameters are deprecated, see docs for addKeyword");
338 def.keyword = keyword;
339 }
340 }
341 else if (typeof kwdOrDef == "object" && def === undefined) {
342 def = kwdOrDef;
343 keyword = def.keyword;
344 if (Array.isArray(keyword) && !keyword.length) {
345 throw new Error("addKeywords: keyword must be string or non-empty array");
346 }
347 }
348 else {
349 throw new Error("invalid addKeywords parameters");
350 }
351 checkKeyword.call(this, keyword, def);
352 if (!def) {
353 (0, util_1.eachItem)(keyword, (kwd) => addRule.call(this, kwd));
354 return this;
355 }
356 keywordMetaschema.call(this, def);
357 const definition = {
358 ...def,
359 type: (0, dataType_1.getJSONTypes)(def.type),
360 schemaType: (0, dataType_1.getJSONTypes)(def.schemaType),
361 };
362 (0, util_1.eachItem)(keyword, definition.type.length === 0
363 ? (k) => addRule.call(this, k, definition)
364 : (k) => definition.type.forEach((t) => addRule.call(this, k, definition, t)));
365 return this;
366 }
367 getKeyword(keyword) {
368 const rule = this.RULES.all[keyword];
369 return typeof rule == "object" ? rule.definition : !!rule;
370 }
371 // Remove keyword
372 removeKeyword(keyword) {
373 // TODO return type should be Ajv
374 const { RULES } = this;
375 delete RULES.keywords[keyword];
376 delete RULES.all[keyword];
377 for (const group of RULES.rules) {
378 const i = group.rules.findIndex((rule) => rule.keyword === keyword);
379 if (i >= 0)
380 group.rules.splice(i, 1);
381 }
382 return this;
383 }
384 // Add format
385 addFormat(name, format) {
386 if (typeof format == "string")
387 format = new RegExp(format);
388 this.formats[name] = format;
389 return this;
390 }
391 errorsText(errors = this.errors, // optional array of validation errors
392 { separator = ", ", dataVar = "data" } = {} // optional options with properties `separator` and `dataVar`
393 ) {
394 if (!errors || errors.length === 0)
395 return "No errors";
396 return errors
397 .map((e) => `${dataVar}${e.instancePath} ${e.message}`)
398 .reduce((text, msg) => text + separator + msg);
399 }
400 $dataMetaSchema(metaSchema, keywordsJsonPointers) {
401 const rules = this.RULES.all;
402 metaSchema = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(metaSchema));
403 for (const jsonPointer of keywordsJsonPointers) {
404 const segments = jsonPointer.split("/").slice(1); // first segment is an empty string
405 let keywords = metaSchema;
406 for (const seg of segments)
407 keywords = keywords[seg];
408 for (const key in rules) {
409 const rule = rules[key];
410 if (typeof rule != "object")
411 continue;
412 const { $data } = rule.definition;
413 const schema = keywords[key];
414 if ($data && schema)
415 keywords[key] = schemaOrData(schema);
416 }
417 }
418 return metaSchema;
419 }
420 _removeAllSchemas(schemas, regex) {
421 for (const keyRef in schemas) {
422 const sch = schemas[keyRef];
423 if (!regex || regex.test(keyRef)) {
424 if (typeof sch == "string") {
425 delete schemas[keyRef];
426 }
427 else if (sch && !sch.meta) {
428 this._cache.delete(sch.schema);
429 delete schemas[keyRef];
430 }
431 }
432 }
433 }
434 _addSchema(schema, meta, baseId, validateSchema = this.opts.validateSchema, addSchema = this.opts.addUsedSchema) {
435 let id;
436 const { schemaId } = this.opts;
437 if (typeof schema == "object") {
438 id = schema[schemaId];
439 }
440 else {
441 if (this.opts.jtd)
442 throw new Error("schema must be object");
443 else if (typeof schema != "boolean")
444 throw new Error("schema must be object or boolean");
445 }
446 let sch = this._cache.get(schema);
447 if (sch !== undefined)
448 return sch;
449 baseId = (0, resolve_1.normalizeId)(id || baseId);
450 const localRefs = resolve_1.getSchemaRefs.call(this, schema, baseId);
451 sch = new compile_1.SchemaEnv({ schema, schemaId, meta, baseId, localRefs });
452 this._cache.set(sch.schema, sch);
453 if (addSchema && !baseId.startsWith("#")) {
454 // TODO atm it is allowed to overwrite schemas without id (instead of not adding them)
455 if (baseId)
456 this._checkUnique(baseId);
457 this.refs[baseId] = sch;
458 }
459 if (validateSchema)
460 this.validateSchema(schema, true);
461 return sch;
462 }
463 _checkUnique(id) {
464 if (this.schemas[id] || this.refs[id]) {
465 throw new Error(`schema with key or id "${id}" already exists`);
466 }
467 }
468 _compileSchemaEnv(sch) {
469 if (sch.meta)
470 this._compileMetaSchema(sch);
471 else
472 compile_1.compileSchema.call(this, sch);
473 /* istanbul ignore if */
474 if (!sch.validate)
475 throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
476 return sch.validate;
477 }
478 _compileMetaSchema(sch) {
479 const currentOpts = this.opts;
480 this.opts = this._metaOpts;
481 try {
482 compile_1.compileSchema.call(this, sch);
483 }
484 finally {
485 this.opts = currentOpts;
486 }
487 }
489exports.default = Ajv;
490Ajv.ValidationError = validation_error_1.default;
491Ajv.MissingRefError = ref_error_1.default;
492function checkOptions(checkOpts, options, msg, log = "error") {
493 for (const key in checkOpts) {
494 const opt = key;
495 if (opt in options)
496 this.logger[log](`${msg}: option ${key}. ${checkOpts[opt]}`);
497 }
499function getSchEnv(keyRef) {
500 keyRef = (0, resolve_1.normalizeId)(keyRef); // TODO tests fail without this line
501 return this.schemas[keyRef] || this.refs[keyRef];
503function addInitialSchemas() {
504 const optsSchemas = this.opts.schemas;
505 if (!optsSchemas)
506 return;
507 if (Array.isArray(optsSchemas))
508 this.addSchema(optsSchemas);
509 else
510 for (const key in optsSchemas)
511 this.addSchema(optsSchemas[key], key);
513function addInitialFormats() {
514 for (const name in this.opts.formats) {
515 const format = this.opts.formats[name];
516 if (format)
517 this.addFormat(name, format);
518 }
520function addInitialKeywords(defs) {
521 if (Array.isArray(defs)) {
522 this.addVocabulary(defs);
523 return;
524 }
525 this.logger.warn("keywords option as map is deprecated, pass array");
526 for (const keyword in defs) {
527 const def = defs[keyword];
528 if (!def.keyword)
529 def.keyword = keyword;
530 this.addKeyword(def);
531 }
533function getMetaSchemaOptions() {
534 const metaOpts = { ...this.opts };
535 for (const opt of META_IGNORE_OPTIONS)
536 delete metaOpts[opt];
537 return metaOpts;
539const noLogs = { log() { }, warn() { }, error() { } };
540function getLogger(logger) {
541 if (logger === false)
542 return noLogs;
543 if (logger === undefined)
544 return console;
545 if (logger.log && logger.warn && logger.error)
546 return logger;
547 throw new Error("logger must implement log, warn and error methods");
549const KEYWORD_NAME = /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$:-]*$/i;
550function checkKeyword(keyword, def) {
551 const { RULES } = this;
552 (0, util_1.eachItem)(keyword, (kwd) => {
553 if (RULES.keywords[kwd])
554 throw new Error(`Keyword ${kwd} is already defined`);
555 if (!KEYWORD_NAME.test(kwd))
556 throw new Error(`Keyword ${kwd} has invalid name`);
557 });
558 if (!def)
559 return;
560 if (def.$data && !("code" in def || "validate" in def)) {
561 throw new Error('$data keyword must have "code" or "validate" function');
562 }
564function addRule(keyword, definition, dataType) {
565 var _a;
566 const post = definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.post;
567 if (dataType && post)
568 throw new Error('keyword with "post" flag cannot have "type"');
569 const { RULES } = this;
570 let ruleGroup = post ? RULES.post : RULES.rules.find(({ type: t }) => t === dataType);
571 if (!ruleGroup) {
572 ruleGroup = { type: dataType, rules: [] };
573 RULES.rules.push(ruleGroup);
574 }
575 RULES.keywords[keyword] = true;
576 if (!definition)
577 return;
578 const rule = {
579 keyword,
580 definition: {
581 ...definition,
582 type: (0, dataType_1.getJSONTypes)(definition.type),
583 schemaType: (0, dataType_1.getJSONTypes)(definition.schemaType),
584 },
585 };
586 if (definition.before)
587 addBeforeRule.call(this, ruleGroup, rule, definition.before);
588 else
589 ruleGroup.rules.push(rule);
590 RULES.all[keyword] = rule;
591 (_a = definition.implements) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((kwd) => this.addKeyword(kwd));
593function addBeforeRule(ruleGroup, rule, before) {
594 const i = ruleGroup.rules.findIndex((_rule) => _rule.keyword === before);
595 if (i >= 0) {
596 ruleGroup.rules.splice(i, 0, rule);
597 }
598 else {
599 ruleGroup.rules.push(rule);
600 this.logger.warn(`rule ${before} is not defined`);
601 }
603function keywordMetaschema(def) {
604 let { metaSchema } = def;
605 if (metaSchema === undefined)
606 return;
607 if (def.$data && this.opts.$data)
608 metaSchema = schemaOrData(metaSchema);
609 def.validateSchema = this.compile(metaSchema, true);
611const $dataRef = {
612 $ref: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajv-validator/ajv/master/lib/refs/data.json#",
614function schemaOrData(schema) {
615 return { anyOf: [schema, $dataRef] };
617//# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map
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