5.05 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { type MatchedRoute, type RadixRouter } from "radix3";
2import type { AkteFiles } from "./AkteFiles";
3import type { Awaitable, GlobalDataFn } from "./types";
4/** Akte app configuration object. */
5export type Config<TGlobalData> = {
6 /**
7 * Akte files this config is responsible for.
8 *
9 * Create them with {@link defineAkteFile} and {@link defineAkteFiles}.
10 */
11 files: AkteFiles<TGlobalData>[];
12 /** Configuration related to Akte build process. */
13 build?: {
14 /**
15 * Output directory for Akte build command.
16 *
17 * @remarks
18 * This directory is overriden by the Akte Vite plugin when running Akte
19 * through Vite.
20 * @defaultValue `"dist"` for Akte build command, `".akte"` for Akte Vite plugin.
21 */
22 outDir?: string;
23 };
24} & (TGlobalData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> ? {
25 /**
26 * Global data retrieval function.
27 *
28 * The return value of this function is then shared with each Akte file.
29 */
30 globalData: GlobalDataFn<TGlobalData>;
31} : {
32 /**
33 * Global data retrieval function.
34 *
35 * The return value of this function is then shared with each Akte file.
36 */
37 globalData?: GlobalDataFn<TGlobalData>;
39/** An Akte app, ready to be interacted with. */
40export declare class AkteApp<TGlobalData = unknown> {
41 protected config: Config<TGlobalData>;
42 /**
43 * Readonly array of {@link AkteFiles} registered within the app.
44 *
45 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
46 */
47 get files(): AkteFiles<TGlobalData>[];
48 constructor(config: Config<TGlobalData>);
49 /**
50 * Looks up the Akte file responsible for rendering the path.
51 *
52 * @param path - Path to lookup, e.g. "/foo"
53 * @returns A match featuring the path, the path parameters if any, and the
54 * Akte file.
55 * @throws {@link NotFoundError} When no Akte file is found for handling
56 * looked up path.
57 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
58 */
59 lookup(path: string): MatchedRoute<{
60 file: AkteFiles<TGlobalData>;
61 }> & {
62 path: string;
63 };
64 /**
65 * Renders a match from {@link lookup}.
66 *
67 * @param match - Match to render.
68 * @returns Rendered file.
69 * @throws {@link NotFoundError} When the Akte file could not render the match
70 * (404), with an optional `cause` attached to it for uncaught errors (500)
71 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
72 */
73 render(match: MatchedRoute<{
74 file: AkteFiles<TGlobalData>;
75 }> & {
76 path: string;
77 globalData?: TGlobalData;
78 data?: unknown;
79 }): Promise<string>;
80 /**
81 * Renders all Akte files.
82 *
83 * @returns Rendered files map.
84 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
85 */
86 renderAll(): Promise<Record<string, string>>;
87 /**
88 * Writes a map of rendered Akte files to the specified `outDir`, or the app
89 * specified one (defaults to `"dist"`).
90 *
91 * @param args - A map of rendered Akte files, and an optional `outDir`
92 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
93 */
94 writeAll(args: {
95 outDir?: string;
96 files: Record<string, string>;
97 }): Promise<void>;
98 /**
99 * Build (renders and write) all Akte files to the specified `outDir`, or the
100 * app specified one (defaults to `"dist"`).
101 *
102 * @param args - An optional `outDir`
103 * @returns Built files array.
104 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
105 */
106 buildAll(args?: {
107 outDir?: string;
108 }): Promise<string[]>;
109 /**
110 * Akte caches all `globalData`, `data`, `bulkData` calls for performance.
111 * This method can be used to clear the cache.
112 *
113 * @param alsoClearFileCache - Also clear cache on all registered Akte files.
114 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
115 */
116 clearCache(alsoClearFileCache?: boolean): void;
117 /**
118 * Readonly cache of the app's definition `globalData` method.
119 *
120 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
121 */
122 get globalDataCache(): Awaitable<TGlobalData> | undefined;
123 private _globalDataCache;
124 /**
125 * Retrieves data from the app's definition `globalData` method.
126 *
127 * @param context - Context to get global data with.
128 * @returns Retrieved global data.
129 * @remark Returned global data may come from cache.
130 * @experimental Programmatic API might still change not following SemVer.
131 */
132 getGlobalData(): Awaitable<TGlobalData>;
133 private _router;
134 protected getRouter(): RadixRouter<{
135 file: AkteFiles<TGlobalData>;
136 }>;