32.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const LibraryError = require('../globals/LibraryError');
2const Quote = require('../globals/Quote');
3const Match = require('../globals/Match');
4const request = require('request');
5const _ = require('lodash');
8 * Further documentation can be found here: https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/
9 */
10class AlphaVantage {
12 /**
13 * Creates a new AlphaVantage instance.
14 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
15 * @constructor
16 * @param {String} apiKey - The free API key retrieved from
17 */
18 constructor(apiKey) {
19 this.apiKey = apiKey;
20 this.url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query"
21 }
23 /**
24 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
25 * @param {Object} qs The query string object to pass along to the request module
26 * @param {string} objectKeyOverride Set this to the name of the property in the response object that you wish to return.
27 * Leave empty to let _requester use it's default implementation
28 * @private
29 */
30 _requester(qs, objectKeyOverride = undefined) {
31 const _this = this;
32 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
33 qs.apikey = _this.apiKey;
34 qs.datatype = "json";
35 request({
36 uri: _this.url,
37 qs: qs
38 }, (error, response, body ) => {
39 if (error) reject(error);
40 else if (body.indexOf("application-error.html") !== -1) reject(new LibraryError("The Alpha Vantage servers are overloaded. Please try again."));
41 else if (response.statusCode !== 200) reject(body);
42 else {
43 const json = JSON.parse(body);
44 const objectKey = objectKeyOverride ? objectKeyOverride : Object.keys(json)[1];
45 resolve(json[objectKey]);
46 }
47 })
48 });
49 }
51 /**
52 * Returns an array of objects showing historical and real time S&P sector performance.
53 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
54 * @returns {Promise}
55 */
56 sectorPerformance() {
57 const _this = this;
58 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
59 request({
60 uri: _this.url,
61 qs: {
62 apikey: _this.apiKey,
63 datatype: "json",
64 function: "SECTOR"
65 }
66 }, (error, response, body ) => {
67 if (error) reject(error);
68 else if (body.indexOf("application-error.html") !== -1) reject(new LibraryError("The Alpha Vantage servers are overloaded. Please try again."));
69 else if (response.statusCode !== 200) reject(body);
70 else {
71 resolve(JSON.parse(body));
72 }
73 })
74 });
75 }
77 /**
78 * Returns an array of quotes for the equity specified, updated in real time.
79 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
80 * @param {String} symbol
81 * @param {String} interval - How long each quote should represent: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min
82 * @returns {Promise.<Array>}
83 */
84 timeSeriesIntraday(symbol, interval) {
85 return this._requester({
86 function: "TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY",
87 symbol: symbol,
88 interval: interval
89 }).then(res => {
90 let array = [];
91 for (const key in res) {
92 if (res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
93 const o = res[key];
94 array.push(new Quote({
95 symbol: symbol,
96 date: new Date(key),
97 source: "Alpha Vantage",
98 price: {
99 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
100 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
101 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
102 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
103 volume: Number(o["5. volume"])
104 },
105 original: JSON.stringify(o)
106 }))
107 }
108 }
109 return _.sortBy(array, 'date');
110 })
111 }
113 /**
114 * Returns an array of quotes for the equity specified, covering up to 20 years of historical data.
115 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
116 * @param {String} symbol
117 * @param {Boolean} compact - If true, this will return the last 100 data points. If false, it will return up to 20 years of historical data.
118 * @param {Boolean} adjusted - If true, prices will be adjusted for split/dividend events.
119 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
120 */
121 timeSeriesDaily(symbol, compact, adjusted) {
122 return this._requester({
123 function: adjusted ? "TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED" : "TIME_SERIES_DAILY",
124 symbol: symbol,
125 outputsize: compact ? "compact" : "full"
126 }).then(res => {
127 let array = [];
128 for (const key in res) {
129 if (res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
130 const o = res[key];
131 if (adjusted) array.push(new Quote(
132 {
133 symbol: symbol,
134 date: new Date(key),
135 source: "Alpha Vantage",
136 price: {
137 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
138 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
139 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
140 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
141 volume: Number(o["6. volume"]),
142 adjustedClose: Number(o["5. adjusted close"])
143 },
144 meta: {
145 dividendAmount: o["7. dividend amount"],
146 splitCoefficient: o["8. split coefficient"]
147 },
148 original: JSON.stringify(o)
149 }
150 ));
151 else array.push(new Quote(
152 {
153 symbol: symbol,
154 date: new Date(key),
155 source: "Alpha Vantage",
156 price: {
157 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
158 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
159 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
160 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
161 volume: Number(o["5. volume"])
162 },
163 original: JSON.stringify(o)
164 }
165 ))
166 }
167 }
168 return _.sortBy(array, 'date');;
169 })
170 }
172 /**
173 * Returns an array of quotes for the equity specified, covering up to 20 years of historical data.
174 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
175 * @param {String} symbol
176 * @param {Boolean} adjusted - If true, prices will be adjusted for split/dividend events.
177 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
178 */
179 timeSeriesWeekly(symbol, adjusted) {
180 return this._requester({
182 symbol: symbol
183 }).then(res => {
184 let array = [];
185 for (const key in res) {
186 if (res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
187 const o = res[key];
188 if (adjusted) array.push(new Quote(
189 {
190 symbol: symbol,
191 date: new Date(key),
192 source: "Alpha Vantage",
193 price: {
194 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
195 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
196 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
197 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
198 volume: Number(o["6. volume"]),
199 adjustedClose: Number(o["5. adjusted close"])
200 },
201 meta: {
202 dividendAmount: o["7. dividend amount"],
203 splitCoefficient: o["8. split coefficient"]
204 },
205 original: o
206 }
207 ));
208 else array.push(new Quote(
209 {
210 symbol: symbol,
211 date: new Date(key),
212 source: "Alpha Vantage",
213 price: {
214 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
215 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
216 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
217 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
218 volume: Number(o["5. volume"])
219 },
220 original: o
221 }
222 ))
223 }
224 }
225 return _.sortBy(array, 'date');;
226 })
227 }
229 /**
230 * Returns an array of quotes for the equity specified, covering up to 20 years of historical data.
231 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
232 * @param {String} symbol
233 * @param {Boolean} adjusted - If true, prices will be adjusted for split/dividend events.
234 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
235 */
236 timeSeriesMonthly(symbol, adjusted) {
237 return this._requester({
239 symbol: symbol
240 }).then(res => {
241 let array = [];
242 for (const key in res) {
243 if (res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
244 const o = res[key];
245 if (adjusted) array.push(new Quote(
246 {
247 symbol: symbol,
248 date: new Date(key),
249 source: "Alpha Vantage",
250 price: {
251 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
252 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
253 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
254 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
255 volume: Number(o["6. volume"]),
256 adjustedClose: Number(o["5. adjusted close"])
257 },
258 meta: {
259 dividendAmount: o["7. dividend amount"],
260 splitCoefficient: o["8. split coefficient"]
261 },
262 original: o
263 }
264 ));
265 else array.push(new Quote(
266 {
267 symbol: symbol,
268 date: new Date(key),
269 source: "Alpha Vantage",
270 price: {
271 open: Number(o["1. open"]),
272 high: Number(o["2. high"]),
273 low: Number(o["3. low"]),
274 close: Number(o["4. close"]),
275 volume: Number(o["5. volume"])
276 },
277 original: o
278 }
279 ))
280 }
281 }
282 return _.sortBy(array, 'date');
283 })
284 }
286 /**
287 * Returns an array of search results based off your keyword search string
288 * @author Nicklas Laine Overgaard <https://github.com/nover>
289 * @param {String} keyword The search keyword(s), e.g 'Microsoft' or 'Toshiba'
290 * @returns {Promise<Array{Match}>}
291 */
292 search(keyword) {
293 return this._requester({
294 function: 'SYMBOL_SEARCH',
295 keywords: keyword,
296 }, 'bestMatches').then(res => {
297 const array = [];
298 for (const data of res) {
299 array.push(new Match(data));
300 }
301 return array;
302 })
303 }
305 /**
306 * Get a price quote from the market for the given symbol
307 * @author Nicklas Laine Overgaard <https://github.com/nover>
308 * @param {String} symbol The symbol to get a the current quote price for, e.g AAPL
309 * @returns {Promise<Quote>} A quote instance
310 */
311 quote(symbol) {
312 return this._requester({
313 function: 'GLOBAL_QUOTE',
314 symbol
315 }, 'Global Quote').then(res => {
316 return new Quote({
317 symbol: res['01. symbol'],
318 source: 'Alpha Vantage',
319 date: res['07. latest trading day'],
320 price: {
321 open: Number(res['02. open']),
322 high: Number(res['03. high']),
323 low: Number(res['04. low']),
324 last: Number(res['05. price']),
325 volume: Number(res['06. volume']),
326 },
327 original: JSON.stringify(res),
328 meta: {
329 previousClose: Number(res['08. previous close']),
330 change: Number(res['09. change']),
331 changePercent: res['10. change percent'],
332 }
333 });
334 });
335 }
339 /**
340 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
341 * @private
342 */
343 _technical(type, symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, qs) {
344 let query = {
345 function: type,
346 symbol: symbol,
347 interval: interval,
348 time_period: timePeriod,
349 series_type: seriesType
350 };
351 if (qs) qs.forEach(q => {
352 query[q.key] = q.val;
353 });
354 return this._requester(query).then(res => {
355 let array = [];
356 for (const key in res) {
357 if (res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
358 const o = res[key];
359 let newObject = { date: new Date(key) };
360 Object.keys(o).forEach(k => {
361 newObject[k] = o[k];
362 });
363 array.push(newObject);
364 }
365 }
366 return array;
367 })
368 }
370 /**
371 * Returns an array of simple moving averages for the equity specified.
372 * https://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/052201.asp
373 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
374 * @param {String} symbol
375 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
376 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
377 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
378 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
379 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
380 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
381 */
382 sma(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
383 return this._technical("SMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
384 }
386 /**
387 * Returns an array of exponential moving averages for the equity specified.
388 * https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ema.asp
389 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
390 * @param {String} symbol
391 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
392 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
393 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
394 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
395 */
396 ema(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
397 return this._technical("EMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
398 }
400 /**
401 * Returns an array of weighted moving averages for the equity specified.
402 * https://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/060401.asp
403 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
404 * @param {String} symbol
405 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
406 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
407 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
408 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
409 */
410 wma(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
411 return this._technical("WMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
412 }
414 /**
415 * Returns an array of double exponential moving averages for the equity specified.
416 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/10/double-exponential-moving-average.asp
417 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
418 * @param {String} symbol
419 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
420 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
421 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
422 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
423 */
424 dema(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
425 return this._technical("DEMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
426 }
428 /**
429 * Returns an array of double exponential moving averages for the equity specified.
430 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/10/double-exponential-moving-average.asp
431 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
432 * @param {String} symbol
433 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
434 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
435 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
436 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
437 */
438 dema(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
439 return this._technical("DEMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
440 }
442 /**
443 * Returns an array of triple exponential moving averages for the equity specified.
444 * https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/triple-exponential-moving-average.asp
445 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
446 * @param {String} symbol
447 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
448 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
449 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
450 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
451 */
452 tema(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
453 return this._technical("TEMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
454 }
456 /**
457 * Returns an array of triangular moving averages for the equity specified.
458 * http://www.fmlabs.com/reference/default.htm?url=TriangularMA.htm
459 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
460 * @param {String} symbol
461 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
462 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
463 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
464 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
465 */
466 trima(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
467 return this._technical("TRIMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
468 }
470 /**
471 * Returns an array of Kaufman adaptive moving averages for the equity specified.
472 * http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:kaufman_s_adaptive_moving_average
473 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
474 * @param {String} symbol
475 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
476 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
477 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
478 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
479 */
480 kama(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
481 return this._technical("KAMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
482 }
484 /**
485 * Returns an array of MESA adaptive moving averages for the equity specified.
486 * http://www.binarytribune.com/forex-trading-indicators/ehlers-mesa-adaptive-moving-average
487 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
488 * @param {String} symbol
489 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
490 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
491 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
492 * @param {Number} fastLimit
493 * @param {Number} slowLimit
494 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
495 */
496 mama(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, fastLimit, slowLimit) {
497 return this._technical("MAMA", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
498 {
499 key: "fastlimit",
500 val: fastLimit
501 },
502 {
503 key: "slowlimit",
504 val: slowLimit
505 }
506 ]);
507 }
509 /**
510 * Returns an array of T3 values for the equity specified.
511 * http://www.fmlabs.com/reference/default.htm?url=T3.htm
512 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
513 * @param {String} symbol
514 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
515 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
516 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
517 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
518 */
519 t3(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
520 return this._technical("T3", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
521 }
523 /**
524 * Returns an array of moving average convergence / divergence values for the equity specified.
525 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/05/macddiverge.asp
526 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
527 * @param {String} symbol
528 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
529 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
530 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
531 * @param {Number|Null} fastPeriod
532 * @param {Number|Null} slowPeriod
533 * @param {Number|Null} signalPeriod
534 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
535 */
536 macd(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod) {
537 return this._technical("MACD", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
538 {
539 key: "fastperiod",
540 val: fastPeriod !== null ? fastPeriod : 12
541 },
542 {
543 key: "slowperiod",
544 val: slowPeriod !== null ? fastPeriod : 26
545 },
546 {
547 key: "signalperiod",
548 val: signalPeriod !== null ? signalPeriod : 9
549 }
550 ]);
551 }
553 /**
554 * Returns an array of moving average convergence / divergence values with controllable moving average type for the equity specified.
555 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/05/macddiverge.asp
556 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
557 * @param {String} symbol
558 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
559 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
560 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
561 * @param {Number|Null} fastPeriod
562 * @param {Number|Null} slowPeriod
563 * @param {Number|Null} signalPeriod
564 * @param {Number|Null} fastMaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
565 * @param {Number|Null} slowMaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
566 * @param {Number|Null} signalMaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
567 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
568 */
569 macd(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod, fastMaType, slowMaType, signalMaType) {
570 return this._technical("MACD", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
571 {
572 key: "fastperiod",
573 val: fastPeriod !== null ? fastPeriod : 12
574 },
575 {
576 key: "slowperiod",
577 val: slowPeriod !== null ? fastPeriod : 26
578 },
579 {
580 key: "signalperiod",
581 val: signalPeriod !== null ? signalPeriod : 9
582 },
583 {
584 key: "fastmatype",
585 val: fastMaType !== null ? fastMaType : 0
586 },
587 {
588 key: "slowmatype",
589 val: slowMaType !== null ? slowMaType : 0
590 },
591 {
592 key: "signalmatype",
593 val: signalMaType !== null ? signalMaType : 0
594 }
595 ]);
596 }
598 /**
599 * Returns an array of stochastic oscillators for the equity specified.
600 * http://www.investopedia.com/university/indicator_oscillator/ind_osc8.asp
601 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
602 * @param {String} symbol
603 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
604 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
605 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
606 * @param {Number|Null} fastKPeriod
607 * @param {Number|Null} slowKPeriod
608 * @param {Number|Null} slowDPeriod
609 * @param {Number|Null} slowKmaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
610 * @param {Number|Null} slowDmaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
611 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
612 */
613 stoch(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, fastKPeriod, slowKPeriod, slowDPeriod, slowKmaType, slowDmaType) {
614 return this._technical("STOCH", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
615 {
616 key: "fastkperiod",
617 val: fastKPeriod !== null ? fastKPeriod : 12
618 },
619 {
620 key: "slowkperiod",
621 val: slowKPeriod !== null ? slowKPeriod : 26
622 },
623 {
624 key: "slowdperiod",
625 val: slowDPeriod !== null ? slowDPeriod : 9
626 },
627 {
628 key: "slowkmatype",
629 val: slowKmaType !== null ? slowKmaType : 0
630 },
631 {
632 key: "slowdmatype",
633 val: slowDmaType !== null ? slowDmaType : 0
634 }
635 ]);
636 }
638 /**
639 * Returns an array of stochastic fast oscillators for the equity specified.
640 * http://www.investopedia.com/university/indicator_oscillator/ind_osc8.asp
641 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
642 * @param {String} symbol
643 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
644 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
645 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
646 * @param {Number|Null} fastKPeriod
647 * @param {Number|Null} fastDPeriod
648 * @param {Number|Null} fastDmaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
649 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
650 */
651 stochf(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, fastKPeriod, fastDPeriod, fastDmaType) {
652 return this._technical("STOCHF", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
653 {
654 key: "fastkperiod",
655 val: fastKPeriod !== null ? fastKPeriod : 12
656 },
657 {
658 key: "fastdperiod",
659 val: fastDPeriod !== null ? fastDPeriod : 26
660 },
661 {
662 key: "fastdmatype",
663 val: fastDmaType !== null ? fastDmaType : 9
664 }
665 ]);
666 }
668 /**
669 * Returns an array of relative strength index values for the equity specified.
670 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/071601.asp
671 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
672 * @param {String} symbol
673 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
674 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
675 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
676 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
677 */
678 rsi(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType) {
679 return this._technical("RSI", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType);
680 }
682 /**
683 * Returns an array of stochastic relative strength index values for the equity specified.
684 * http://www.fmlabs.com/reference/default.htm?url=StochRSI.htm
685 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
686 * @param {String} symbol
687 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
688 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
689 * @param {String} seriesType - What to base the SMA on: open, high, low, close
690 * @param {Number|Null} fastKPeriod
691 * @param {Number|Null} fastDPeriod
692 * @param {Number|Null} fastDmaType - Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings: 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
693 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
694 */
695 stochRSI(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, fastKPeriod, fastDPeriod, fastDmaType) {
696 return this._technical("STOCHRSI", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
697 {
698 key: "fastkperiod",
699 val: fastKPeriod !== null ? fastKPeriod : 12
700 },
701 {
702 key: "fastdperiod",
703 val: fastDPeriod !== null ? fastDPeriod : 26
704 },
705 {
706 key: "fastdmatype",
707 val: fastDmaType !== null ? fastDmaType : 9
708 }
709 ]);
710 }
712 /**
713 * Returns an array of bollinger bands for the equity specified.
714 * https://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/04/030304.asp
715 * @author Torrey Leonard <https://github.com/Ladinn>
716 * @param {String} symbol
717 * @param {String} interval - Time interval between two consecutive data points in the time series. The following values are supported: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
718 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each BBANDS value. Positive integers are accepted (e.g., time_period=60, time_period=200)
719 * @param {String} seriesType - The desired price type in the time series. Four types are supported: close, open, high, low
720 * @param {Number|Null} nbdevup - The standard deviation multiplier of the upper band. Positive integers are accepted. By default, nbdevup=2.
721 * @param {Number|Null} nbdevdn - The standard deviation multiplier of the lower band. Positive integers are accepted. By default, nbdevdn=2.
722 * @param {Number|Null} matype - Moving average type of the time series. By default, matype=0. Integers 0 - 8 are accepted with the following mappings. 0 = Simple Moving Average (SMA), 1 = Exponential Moving Average (EMA), 2 = Weighted Moving Average (WMA), 3 = Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), 4 = Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), 5 = Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA), 6 = T3 Moving Average, 7 = Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), 8 = MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA).
723 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
724 */
725 bbands(symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, nbdevup, nbdevdn, matype) {
726 return this._technical("BBANDS", symbol, interval, timePeriod, seriesType, [
727 {
728 key: "nbdevup",
729 val: nbdevup !== null ? nbdevup : 2
730 },
731 {
732 key: "nbdevdn",
733 val: nbdevdn !== null ? nbdevdn : 2
734 },
735 {
736 key: "matype",
737 val: matype !== null ? matype : 0
738 }
739 ]);
740 }
742 /**
743 * This API returns the minus directional indicator (MINUS_DI) values
744 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/02/050602.asp
745 * @author Colin Gillingham <https://github.com/Gillinghammer>
746 * @param {String} symbol
747 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
748 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
749 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
750 */
751 minus_di(symbol, interval, timePeriod) {
752 return this._technical('MINUS_DI', symbol, interval, timePeriod);
753 }
755 /**
756 * This API returns the plus directional indicator (PLUS_DI) values
757 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/02/050602.asp
758 * @author Colin Gillingham <https://github.com/Gillinghammer>
759 * @param {String} symbol
760 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
761 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each moving average value. Positive integers are accepted.
762 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
763 */
764 plus_di(symbol, interval, timePeriod) {
765 return this._technical('PLUS_DI', symbol, interval, timePeriod);
766 }
768 /**
769 * This API returns the average directional movement index (ADX) values
770 * http://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/07/adx-trend-indicator.as
771 * @author Colin Gillingham <https://github.com/Gillinghammer>
772 * @param {String} symbol
773 * @param {String} interval - Time between two data points in the series: 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, daily, weekly, monthly
774 * @param {Number} timePeriod - Number of data points used to calculate each ADX value. Positive integers are accepted
775 * @returns {Promise<Array>}
776 */
777 adx(symbol, interval, timePeriod) {
778 return this._technical('ADX', symbol, interval, timePeriod);
780 }
784module.exports = AlphaVantage;