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1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const function_spy_call_count_matcher_1 = require("./function-spy-call-count-matcher");
4const spy_call_count_type_1 = require("./spy-call-count-type");
5const errors_1 = require("../errors");
6const stringification_1 = require("../stringification");
7class FunctionSpyMatcher {
8 constructor(spy, expectedArguments) {
9 this._expectedArguments = null;
10 if (spy === null || spy === undefined) {
11 throw new TypeError("spy must not be null or undefined.");
12 }
13 if (expectedArguments) {
14 this._expectedArguments = expectedArguments;
15 }
16 this._spy = spy;
17 }
18 exactly(expectedCallCount) {
19 return this._match(count => count !== expectedCallCount, expectedCallCount, "expectedCallCount", spy_call_count_type_1.SpyCallCountType.Exactly, true);
20 }
21 anythingBut(unexpectedCallCount) {
22 return this._match(count => count === unexpectedCallCount, unexpectedCallCount, "unexpectedCallCount", spy_call_count_type_1.SpyCallCountType.Exactly, false);
23 }
24 greaterThan(minimumCallCount) {
25 return this._match(count => count <= minimumCallCount, minimumCallCount, "minimumCallCount", spy_call_count_type_1.SpyCallCountType.GreaterThan, true);
26 }
27 lessThan(maximumCallCount) {
28 return this._match(count => count >= maximumCallCount, maximumCallCount, "maximumCallCount", spy_call_count_type_1.SpyCallCountType.LessThan, true);
29 }
30 _validateCallCount(callCount, callCountName) {
31 if (callCount < 1) {
32 throw new TypeError(`${callCountName} must be greater than 0.`);
33 }
34 }
35 _matchingCallsCount() {
36 if (this._expectedArguments === null) {
37 return this._spy.calls.length;
38 }
39 return this._matchingArguments();
40 }
41 _matchingArguments() {
42 return this._spy.callsWithArguments.apply(this._spy, this._expectedArguments).length;
43 }
44 _match(countIsNotCorrect, callCount, callCountName, callCountType, shouldMatch) {
45 this._validateCallCount(callCount, callCountName);
46 const actualCallCount = this._matchingCallsCount();
47 if (countIsNotCorrect(actualCallCount)) {
48 throw new errors_1.MatchError(`Expected function ${!shouldMatch ? "not " : ""}to be called` +
49 `${this._expectedArguments ? " with " + stringification_1.stringify(this._expectedArguments) : ""}` +
50 `${this.stringifyExpectedCallCount(callCount, callCountType)}.`, `function ${!shouldMatch ? "not " : ""}to be called${this.stringifyExpectedCallCount(callCount, callCountType)}.`, `function was called ${this.stringifyCallCount(actualCallCount)}.`, {
51 actualCallCount: stringification_1.stringify(actualCallCount),
52 expectedCallCount: this.stringifyExpectedCallCount(callCount, callCountType),
53 expectedArguments: stringification_1.stringify(this._expectedArguments)
54 });
55 }
56 return new function_spy_call_count_matcher_1.FunctionSpyCallCountMatcher();
57 }
58 stringifyExpectedCallCount(callCount, callCountType) {
59 return `${this.stringifyCallCountType(callCountType)} ${this.stringifyCallCount(callCount)}`;
60 }
61 stringifyCallCount(callCount) {
62 return `${callCount} time${callCount === 1 ? "" : "s"}`;
63 }
64 stringifyCallCountType(callCountType) {
65 switch (callCountType) {
66 case spy_call_count_type_1.SpyCallCountType.GreaterThan:
67 return " greater than";
68 case spy_call_count_type_1.SpyCallCountType.LessThan:
69 return " less than";
70 default:
71 return "";
72 }
73 }
75exports.FunctionSpyMatcher = FunctionSpyMatcher;
76//# sourceMappingURL=function-spy-matcher.js.map
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