6.39 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2016 Amazon.com,
3 * Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License").
6 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the
7 * License. A copy of the License is located at
8 *
9 * http://aws.amazon.com/asl/
10 *
11 * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
12 * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
13 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License
14 * for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
17import Client from './Client';
18import CognitoUser from './CognitoUser';
19import StorageHelper from './StorageHelper';
20/** @class */
22var CognitoUserPool = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
23 /**
24 * Constructs a new CognitoUserPool object
25 * @param {object} data Creation options.
26 * @param {string} data.UserPoolId Cognito user pool id.
27 * @param {string} data.ClientId User pool application client id.
28 * @param {string} data.endpoint Optional custom service endpoint.
29 * @param {object} data.fetchOptions Optional options for fetch API.
30 * (only credentials option is supported)
31 * @param {object} data.Storage Optional storage object.
32 * @param {boolean} data.AdvancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag Optional:
33 * boolean flag indicating if the data collection is enabled
34 * to support cognito advanced security features. By default, this
35 * flag is set to true.
36 */
37 function CognitoUserPool(data, wrapRefreshSessionCallback) {
38 var _ref = data || {},
39 UserPoolId = _ref.UserPoolId,
40 ClientId = _ref.ClientId,
41 endpoint = _ref.endpoint,
42 fetchOptions = _ref.fetchOptions,
43 AdvancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag = _ref.AdvancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag;
45 if (!UserPoolId || !ClientId) {
46 throw new Error('Both UserPoolId and ClientId are required.');
47 }
49 if (!/^[\w-]+_.+$/.test(UserPoolId)) {
50 throw new Error('Invalid UserPoolId format.');
51 }
53 var region = UserPoolId.split('_')[0];
54 this.userPoolId = UserPoolId;
55 this.clientId = ClientId;
56 this.client = new Client(region, endpoint, fetchOptions);
57 /**
58 * By default, AdvancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag is set to true,
59 * if no input value is provided.
60 */
62 this.advancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag = AdvancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag !== false;
63 this.storage = data.Storage || new StorageHelper().getStorage();
65 if (wrapRefreshSessionCallback) {
66 this.wrapRefreshSessionCallback = wrapRefreshSessionCallback;
67 }
68 }
69 /**
70 * @returns {string} the user pool id
71 */
74 var _proto = CognitoUserPool.prototype;
76 _proto.getUserPoolId = function getUserPoolId() {
77 return this.userPoolId;
78 }
79 /**
80 * @returns {string} the client id
81 */
82 ;
84 _proto.getClientId = function getClientId() {
85 return this.clientId;
86 }
87 /**
88 * @typedef {object} SignUpResult
89 * @property {CognitoUser} user New user.
90 * @property {bool} userConfirmed If the user is already confirmed.
91 */
93 /**
94 * method for signing up a user
95 * @param {string} username User's username.
96 * @param {string} password Plain-text initial password entered by user.
97 * @param {(AttributeArg[])=} userAttributes New user attributes.
98 * @param {(AttributeArg[])=} validationData Application metadata.
99 * @param {(AttributeArg[])=} clientMetadata Client metadata.
100 * @param {nodeCallback<SignUpResult>} callback Called on error or with the new user.
101 * @param {ClientMetadata} clientMetadata object which is passed from client to Cognito Lambda trigger
102 * @returns {void}
103 */
104 ;
106 _proto.signUp = function signUp(username, password, userAttributes, validationData, callback, clientMetadata) {
107 var _this = this;
109 var jsonReq = {
110 ClientId: this.clientId,
111 Username: username,
112 Password: password,
113 UserAttributes: userAttributes,
114 ValidationData: validationData,
115 ClientMetadata: clientMetadata
116 };
118 if (this.getUserContextData(username)) {
119 jsonReq.UserContextData = this.getUserContextData(username);
120 }
122 this.client.request('SignUp', jsonReq, function (err, data) {
123 if (err) {
124 return callback(err, null);
125 }
127 var cognitoUser = {
128 Username: username,
129 Pool: _this,
130 Storage: _this.storage
131 };
132 var returnData = {
133 user: new CognitoUser(cognitoUser),
134 userConfirmed: data.UserConfirmed,
135 userSub: data.UserSub,
136 codeDeliveryDetails: data.CodeDeliveryDetails
137 };
138 return callback(null, returnData);
139 });
140 }
141 /**
142 * method for getting the current user of the application from the local storage
143 *
144 * @returns {CognitoUser} the user retrieved from storage
145 */
146 ;
148 _proto.getCurrentUser = function getCurrentUser() {
149 var lastUserKey = "CognitoIdentityServiceProvider." + this.clientId + ".LastAuthUser";
150 var lastAuthUser = this.storage.getItem(lastUserKey);
152 if (lastAuthUser) {
153 var cognitoUser = {
154 Username: lastAuthUser,
155 Pool: this,
156 Storage: this.storage
157 };
158 return new CognitoUser(cognitoUser);
159 }
161 return null;
162 }
163 /**
164 * This method returns the encoded data string used for cognito advanced security feature.
165 * This would be generated only when developer has included the JS used for collecting the
166 * data on their client. Please refer to documentation to know more about using AdvancedSecurity
167 * features
168 * @param {string} username the username for the context data
169 * @returns {string} the user context data
170 **/
171 ;
173 _proto.getUserContextData = function getUserContextData(username) {
174 if (typeof AmazonCognitoAdvancedSecurityData === 'undefined') {
175 return undefined;
176 }
177 /* eslint-disable */
180 var amazonCognitoAdvancedSecurityDataConst = AmazonCognitoAdvancedSecurityData;
181 /* eslint-enable */
183 if (this.advancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag) {
184 var advancedSecurityData = amazonCognitoAdvancedSecurityDataConst.getData(username, this.userPoolId, this.clientId);
186 if (advancedSecurityData) {
187 var userContextData = {
188 EncodedData: advancedSecurityData
189 };
190 return userContextData;
191 }
192 }
194 return {};
195 };
197 return CognitoUserPool;
200export { CognitoUserPool as default };
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