249 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@angular/core'), require('@angular/common'), require('rxjs'), require('rxjs/operators'), require('positioning'), require('calendar-utils'), require('angular-draggable-droppable'), require('@angular/animations'), require('angular-resizable-element')) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('angular-calendar', ['exports', '@angular/core', '@angular/common', 'rxjs', 'rxjs/operators', 'positioning', 'calendar-utils', 'angular-draggable-droppable', '@angular/animations', 'angular-resizable-element'], factory) :
4 (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global['angular-calendar'] = {}, global.ng.core, global.ng.common, global.rxjs, global.rxjs.operators, global.positioning, global.calendarUtils, global['angular-draggable-droppable'], global.ng.animations, global['angular-resizable-element']));
5}(this, (function (exports, i0, i1, rxjs, operators, positioning, calendarUtils, i2, animations, i9) { 'use strict';
7 function _interopNamespace(e) {
8 if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
9 var n = Object.create(null);
10 if (e) {
11 Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
12 if (k !== 'default') {
13 var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
14 Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
15 enumerable: true,
16 get: function () {
17 return e[k];
18 }
19 });
20 }
21 });
22 }
23 n['default'] = e;
24 return Object.freeze(n);
25 }
27 var i0__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i0);
28 var i1__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i1);
29 var i2__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i2);
30 var i9__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i9);
32 var ClickDirective = /** @class */ (function () {
33 function ClickDirective(renderer, elm, document) {
34 this.renderer = renderer;
35 this.elm = elm;
36 this.document = document;
37 this.clickListenerDisabled = false;
38 this.click = new i0.EventEmitter(); // eslint-disable-line
39 this.destroy$ = new rxjs.Subject();
40 }
41 ClickDirective.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
42 var _this = this;
43 if (!this.clickListenerDisabled) {
44 this.listen()
45 .pipe(operators.takeUntil(this.destroy$))
46 .subscribe(function (event) {
47 event.stopPropagation();
48 _this.click.emit(event);
49 });
50 }
51 };
52 ClickDirective.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
53 this.destroy$.next();
54 };
55 ClickDirective.prototype.listen = function () {
56 var _this = this;
57 return new rxjs.Observable(function (observer) {
58 return _this.renderer.listen(_this.elm.nativeElement, 'click', function (event) {
59 observer.next(event);
60 });
61 });
62 };
63 return ClickDirective;
64 }());
65 ClickDirective.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: ClickDirective, deps: [{ token: i0__namespace.Renderer2 }, { token: i0__namespace.ElementRef }, { token: i1.DOCUMENT }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive });
66 ClickDirective.ɵdir = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: { clickListenerDisabled: "clickListenerDisabled" }, outputs: { click: "mwlClick" }, ngImport: i0__namespace });
67 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: ClickDirective, decorators: [{
68 type: i0.Directive,
69 args: [{
70 selector: '[mwlClick]',
71 }]
72 }], ctorParameters: function () {
73 return [{ type: i0__namespace.Renderer2 }, { type: i0__namespace.ElementRef }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
74 type: i0.Inject,
75 args: [i1.DOCUMENT]
76 }] }];
77 }, propDecorators: { clickListenerDisabled: [{
78 type: i0.Input
79 }], click: [{
80 type: i0.Output,
81 args: ['mwlClick']
82 }] } });
84 var KeydownEnterDirective = /** @class */ (function () {
85 function KeydownEnterDirective(host, ngZone, renderer) {
86 this.host = host;
87 this.ngZone = ngZone;
88 this.renderer = renderer;
89 this.keydown = new i0.EventEmitter(); // eslint-disable-line
90 this.keydownListener = null;
91 }
92 KeydownEnterDirective.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
93 var _this = this;
94 this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
95 _this.keydownListener = _this.renderer.listen(_this.host.nativeElement, 'keydown', function (event) {
96 if (event.keyCode === 13 ||
97 event.which === 13 ||
98 event.key === 'Enter') {
99 event.preventDefault();
100 event.stopPropagation();
101 _this.ngZone.run(function () {
102 _this.keydown.emit(event);
103 });
104 }
105 });
106 });
107 };
108 KeydownEnterDirective.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
109 if (this.keydownListener !== null) {
110 this.keydownListener();
111 this.keydownListener = null;
112 }
113 };
114 return KeydownEnterDirective;
115 }());
116 KeydownEnterDirective.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: KeydownEnterDirective, deps: [{ token: i0__namespace.ElementRef }, { token: i0__namespace.NgZone }, { token: i0__namespace.Renderer2 }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive });
117 KeydownEnterDirective.ɵdir = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: KeydownEnterDirective, selector: "[mwlKeydownEnter]", outputs: { keydown: "mwlKeydownEnter" }, ngImport: i0__namespace });
118 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: KeydownEnterDirective, decorators: [{
119 type: i0.Directive,
120 args: [{
121 selector: '[mwlKeydownEnter]',
122 }]
123 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0__namespace.ElementRef }, { type: i0__namespace.NgZone }, { type: i0__namespace.Renderer2 }]; }, propDecorators: { keydown: [{
124 type: i0.Output,
125 args: ['mwlKeydownEnter']
126 }] } });
128 /**
129 * This class is responsible for adding accessibility to the calendar.
130 * You may override any of its methods via angulars DI to suit your requirements.
131 * For example:
132 *
133 * ```typescript
134 * import { A11yParams, CalendarA11y } from 'angular-calendar';
135 * import { formatDate, I18nPluralPipe } from '@angular/common';
136 * import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
137 *
138 * // adding your own a11y params
139 * export interface CustomA11yParams extends A11yParams {
140 * isDrSuess?: boolean;
141 * }
142 *
143 * @Injectable()
144 * export class CustomCalendarA11y extends CalendarA11y {
145 * constructor(protected i18nPlural: I18nPluralPipe) {
146 * super(i18nPlural);
147 * }
148 *
149 * // overriding a function
150 * public openDayEventsLandmark({ date, locale, isDrSuess }: CustomA11yParams): string {
151 * if (isDrSuess) {
152 * return `
153 * ${formatDate(date, 'EEEE MMMM d', locale)}
154 * Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive
155 * who is you-er than you!
156 * `;
157 * }
158 * }
159 * }
160 *
161 * // in your component that uses the calendar
162 * providers: [{
163 * provide: CalendarA11y,
164 * useClass: CustomCalendarA11y
165 * }]
166 * ```
167 */
168 var CalendarA11y = /** @class */ (function () {
169 function CalendarA11y(i18nPlural) {
170 this.i18nPlural = i18nPlural;
171 }
172 /**
173 * Aria label for the badges/date of a cell
174 * @example: `Saturday October 19 1 event click to expand`
175 */
176 CalendarA11y.prototype.monthCell = function (_a) {
177 var day = _a.day, locale = _a.locale;
178 if (day.badgeTotal > 0) {
179 return "\n " + i1.formatDate(day.date, 'EEEE MMMM d', locale) + ",\n " + this.i18nPlural.transform(day.badgeTotal, {
180 '=0': 'No events',
181 '=1': 'One event',
182 other: '# events',
183 }) + ",\n click to expand\n ";
184 }
185 else {
186 return "" + i1.formatDate(day.date, 'EEEE MMMM d', locale);
187 }
188 };
189 /**
190 * Aria label for the open day events start landmark
191 * @example: `Saturday October 19 expanded view`
192 */
193 CalendarA11y.prototype.openDayEventsLandmark = function (_a) {
194 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
195 return "\n Beginning of expanded view for " + i1.formatDate(date, 'EEEE MMMM dd', locale) + "\n ";
196 };
197 /**
198 * Aria label for alert that a day in the month view was expanded
199 * @example: `Saturday October 19 expanded`
200 */
201 CalendarA11y.prototype.openDayEventsAlert = function (_a) {
202 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
203 return i1.formatDate(date, 'EEEE MMMM dd', locale) + " expanded";
204 };
205 /**
206 * Descriptive aria label for an event
207 * @example: `Saturday October 19th, Scott's Pizza Party, from 11:00am to 5:00pm`
208 */
209 CalendarA11y.prototype.eventDescription = function (_a) {
210 var event = _a.event, locale = _a.locale;
211 if (event.allDay === true) {
212 return this.allDayEventDescription({ event: event, locale: locale });
213 }
214 var aria = "\n " + i1.formatDate(event.start, 'EEEE MMMM dd', locale) + ",\n " + event.title + ", from " + i1.formatDate(event.start, 'hh:mm a', locale) + "\n ";
215 if (event.end) {
216 return aria + (" to " + i1.formatDate(event.end, 'hh:mm a', locale));
217 }
218 return aria;
219 };
220 /**
221 * Descriptive aria label for an all day event
222 * @example:
223 * `Scott's Party, event spans multiple days: start time October 19 5:00pm, no stop time`
224 */
225 CalendarA11y.prototype.allDayEventDescription = function (_a) {
226 var event = _a.event, locale = _a.locale;
227 var aria = "\n " + event.title + ", event spans multiple days:\n start time " + i1.formatDate(event.start, 'MMMM dd hh:mm a', locale) + "\n ";
228 if (event.end) {
229 return (aria + (", stop time " + i1.formatDate(event.end, 'MMMM d hh:mm a', locale)));
230 }
231 return aria + ", no stop time";
232 };
233 /**
234 * Aria label for the calendar event actions icons
235 * @returns 'Edit' for fa-pencil icons, and 'Delete' for fa-times icons
236 */
237 CalendarA11y.prototype.actionButtonLabel = function (_a) {
238 var action = _a.action;
239 return action.a11yLabel;
240 };
241 /**
242 * @returns {number} Tab index to be given to month cells
243 */
244 CalendarA11y.prototype.monthCellTabIndex = function () {
245 return 0;
246 };
247 /**
248 * @returns true if the events inside the month cell should be aria-hidden
249 */
250 CalendarA11y.prototype.hideMonthCellEvents = function () {
251 return true;
252 };
253 /**
254 * @returns true if event titles should be aria-hidden (global)
255 */
256 CalendarA11y.prototype.hideEventTitle = function () {
257 return true;
258 };
259 /**
260 * @returns true if hour segments in the week view should be aria-hidden
261 */
262 CalendarA11y.prototype.hideWeekHourSegment = function () {
263 return true;
264 };
265 /**
266 * @returns true if hour segments in the day view should be aria-hidden
267 */
268 CalendarA11y.prototype.hideDayHourSegment = function () {
269 return true;
270 };
271 return CalendarA11y;
272 }());
273 CalendarA11y.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarA11y, deps: [{ token: i1__namespace.I18nPluralPipe }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
274 CalendarA11y.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarA11y });
275 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarA11y, decorators: [{
276 type: i0.Injectable
277 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i1__namespace.I18nPluralPipe }]; } });
279 /**
280 * This pipe is primarily for rendering aria labels. Example usage:
281 * ```typescript
282 * // where `myEvent` is a `CalendarEvent` and myLocale is a locale identifier
283 * {{ { event: myEvent, locale: myLocale } | calendarA11y: 'eventDescription' }}
284 * ```
285 */
286 var CalendarA11yPipe = /** @class */ (function () {
287 function CalendarA11yPipe(calendarA11y, locale) {
288 this.calendarA11y = calendarA11y;
289 this.locale = locale;
290 }
291 CalendarA11yPipe.prototype.transform = function (a11yParams, method) {
292 a11yParams.locale = a11yParams.locale || this.locale;
293 if (typeof this.calendarA11y[method] === 'undefined') {
294 var allowedMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(CalendarA11y.prototype)).filter(function (iMethod) { return iMethod !== 'constructor'; });
295 throw new Error(method + " is not a valid a11y method. Can only be one of " + allowedMethods.join(', '));
296 }
297 return this.calendarA11y[method](a11yParams);
298 };
299 return CalendarA11yPipe;
300 }());
301 CalendarA11yPipe.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarA11yPipe, deps: [{ token: CalendarA11y }, { token: i0.LOCALE_ID }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Pipe });
302 CalendarA11yPipe.ɵpipe = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclarePipe({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarA11yPipe, name: "calendarA11y" });
303 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarA11yPipe, decorators: [{
304 type: i0.Pipe,
305 args: [{
306 name: 'calendarA11y',
307 }]
308 }], ctorParameters: function () {
309 return [{ type: CalendarA11y }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
310 type: i0.Inject,
311 args: [i0.LOCALE_ID]
312 }] }];
313 } });
315 var CalendarEventActionsComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
316 function CalendarEventActionsComponent() {
317 this.trackByActionId = function (index, action) { return action.id ? action.id : action; };
318 }
319 return CalendarEventActionsComponent;
320 }());
321 CalendarEventActionsComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventActionsComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
322 CalendarEventActionsComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarEventActionsComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-event-actions", inputs: { event: "event", customTemplate: "customTemplate" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-event=\"event\"\n let-trackByActionId=\"trackByActionId\"\n >\n <span *ngIf=\"event.actions\" class=\"cal-event-actions\">\n <a\n class=\"cal-event-action\"\n href=\"javascript:;\"\n *ngFor=\"let action of event.actions; trackBy: trackByActionId\"\n (mwlClick)=\"action.onClick({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"\n action.onClick({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n [ngClass]=\"action.cssClass\"\n [innerHtml]=\"action.label\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"button\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { action: action } | calendarA11y: 'actionButtonLabel'\n \"\n >\n </a>\n </span>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n event: event,\n trackByActionId: trackByActionId\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }, { type: KeydownEnterDirective, selector: "[mwlKeydownEnter]", outputs: ["mwlKeydownEnter"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe } });
323 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventActionsComponent, decorators: [{
324 type: i0.Component,
325 args: [{
326 selector: 'mwl-calendar-event-actions',
327 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-event=\"event\"\n let-trackByActionId=\"trackByActionId\"\n >\n <span *ngIf=\"event.actions\" class=\"cal-event-actions\">\n <a\n class=\"cal-event-action\"\n href=\"javascript:;\"\n *ngFor=\"let action of event.actions; trackBy: trackByActionId\"\n (mwlClick)=\"action.onClick({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"\n action.onClick({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n [ngClass]=\"action.cssClass\"\n [innerHtml]=\"action.label\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"button\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { action: action } | calendarA11y: 'actionButtonLabel'\n \"\n >\n </a>\n </span>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n event: event,\n trackByActionId: trackByActionId\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
328 }]
329 }], propDecorators: { event: [{
330 type: i0.Input
331 }], customTemplate: [{
332 type: i0.Input
333 }] } });
335 /**
336 * This class is responsible for displaying all event titles within the calendar. You may override any of its methods via angulars DI to suit your requirements. For example:
337 *
338 * ```typescript
339 * import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
340 * import { CalendarEventTitleFormatter, CalendarEvent } from 'angular-calendar';
341 *
342 * @Injectable()
343 * class CustomEventTitleFormatter extends CalendarEventTitleFormatter {
344 *
345 * month(event: CalendarEvent): string {
346 * return `Custom prefix: ${event.title}`;
347 * }
348 *
349 * }
350 *
351 * // in your component
352 * providers: [{
353 * provide: CalendarEventTitleFormatter,
354 * useClass: CustomEventTitleFormatter
355 * }]
356 * ```
357 */
358 var CalendarEventTitleFormatter = /** @class */ (function () {
359 function CalendarEventTitleFormatter() {
360 }
361 /**
362 * The month view event title.
363 */
364 CalendarEventTitleFormatter.prototype.month = function (event, title) {
365 return event.title;
366 };
367 /**
368 * The month view event tooltip. Return a falsey value from this to disable the tooltip.
369 */
370 CalendarEventTitleFormatter.prototype.monthTooltip = function (event, title) {
371 return event.title;
372 };
373 /**
374 * The week view event title.
375 */
376 CalendarEventTitleFormatter.prototype.week = function (event, title) {
377 return event.title;
378 };
379 /**
380 * The week view event tooltip. Return a falsey value from this to disable the tooltip.
381 */
382 CalendarEventTitleFormatter.prototype.weekTooltip = function (event, title) {
383 return event.title;
384 };
385 /**
386 * The day view event title.
387 */
388 CalendarEventTitleFormatter.prototype.day = function (event, title) {
389 return event.title;
390 };
391 /**
392 * The day view event tooltip. Return a falsey value from this to disable the tooltip.
393 */
394 CalendarEventTitleFormatter.prototype.dayTooltip = function (event, title) {
395 return event.title;
396 };
397 return CalendarEventTitleFormatter;
398 }());
400 var CalendarEventTitlePipe = /** @class */ (function () {
401 function CalendarEventTitlePipe(calendarEventTitle) {
402 this.calendarEventTitle = calendarEventTitle;
403 }
404 CalendarEventTitlePipe.prototype.transform = function (title, titleType, event) {
405 return this.calendarEventTitle[titleType](event, title);
406 };
407 return CalendarEventTitlePipe;
408 }());
409 CalendarEventTitlePipe.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventTitlePipe, deps: [{ token: CalendarEventTitleFormatter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Pipe });
410 CalendarEventTitlePipe.ɵpipe = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclarePipe({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventTitlePipe, name: "calendarEventTitle" });
411 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventTitlePipe, decorators: [{
412 type: i0.Pipe,
413 args: [{
414 name: 'calendarEventTitle',
415 }]
416 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: CalendarEventTitleFormatter }]; } });
418 var CalendarEventTitleComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
419 function CalendarEventTitleComponent() {
420 }
421 return CalendarEventTitleComponent;
422 }());
423 CalendarEventTitleComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventTitleComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
424 CalendarEventTitleComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarEventTitleComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-event-title", inputs: { event: "event", customTemplate: "customTemplate", view: "view" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template #defaultTemplate let-event=\"event\" let-view=\"view\">\n <span\n class=\"cal-event-title\"\n [innerHTML]=\"event.title | calendarEventTitle: view:event\"\n [attr.aria-hidden]=\"{} | calendarA11y: 'hideEventTitle'\"\n >\n </span>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n event: event,\n view: view\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarEventTitle": CalendarEventTitlePipe, "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe } });
425 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarEventTitleComponent, decorators: [{
426 type: i0.Component,
427 args: [{
428 selector: 'mwl-calendar-event-title',
429 template: "\n <ng-template #defaultTemplate let-event=\"event\" let-view=\"view\">\n <span\n class=\"cal-event-title\"\n [innerHTML]=\"event.title | calendarEventTitle: view:event\"\n [attr.aria-hidden]=\"{} | calendarA11y: 'hideEventTitle'\"\n >\n </span>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n event: event,\n view: view\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
430 }]
431 }], propDecorators: { event: [{
432 type: i0.Input
433 }], customTemplate: [{
434 type: i0.Input
435 }], view: [{
436 type: i0.Input
437 }] } });
439 /*! *****************************************************************************
440 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
442 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
443 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
452 ***************************************************************************** */
453 /* global Reflect, Promise */
454 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
455 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
456 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
457 function (d, b) { for (var p in b)
458 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p))
459 d[p] = b[p]; };
460 return extendStatics(d, b);
461 };
462 function __extends(d, b) {
463 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
464 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
465 extendStatics(d, b);
466 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
467 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
468 }
469 var __assign = function () {
470 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
471 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
472 s = arguments[i];
473 for (var p in s)
474 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
475 t[p] = s[p];
476 }
477 return t;
478 };
479 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
480 };
481 function __rest(s, e) {
482 var t = {};
483 for (var p in s)
484 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
485 t[p] = s[p];
486 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
487 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
488 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
489 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
490 }
491 return t;
492 }
493 function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
494 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
495 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function")
496 r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
497 else
498 for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
499 if (d = decorators[i])
500 r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
501 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
502 }
503 function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
504 return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); };
505 }
506 function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
507 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function")
508 return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);
509 }
510 function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
511 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
512 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
513 function fulfilled(value) { try {
514 step(generator.next(value));
515 }
516 catch (e) {
517 reject(e);
518 } }
519 function rejected(value) { try {
520 step(generator["throw"](value));
521 }
522 catch (e) {
523 reject(e);
524 } }
525 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
526 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
527 });
528 }
529 function __generator(thisArg, body) {
530 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (t[0] & 1)
531 throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
532 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }), g;
533 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
534 function step(op) {
535 if (f)
536 throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
537 while (_)
538 try {
539 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done)
540 return t;
541 if (y = 0, t)
542 op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
543 switch (op[0]) {
544 case 0:
545 case 1:
546 t = op;
547 break;
548 case 4:
549 _.label++;
550 return { value: op[1], done: false };
551 case 5:
552 _.label++;
553 y = op[1];
554 op = [0];
555 continue;
556 case 7:
557 op = _.ops.pop();
558 _.trys.pop();
559 continue;
560 default:
561 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {
562 _ = 0;
563 continue;
564 }
565 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) {
566 _.label = op[1];
567 break;
568 }
569 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {
570 _.label = t[1];
571 t = op;
572 break;
573 }
574 if (t && _.label < t[2]) {
575 _.label = t[2];
576 _.ops.push(op);
577 break;
578 }
579 if (t[2])
580 _.ops.pop();
581 _.trys.pop();
582 continue;
583 }
584 op = body.call(thisArg, _);
585 }
586 catch (e) {
587 op = [6, e];
588 y = 0;
589 }
590 finally {
591 f = t = 0;
592 }
593 if (op[0] & 5)
594 throw op[1];
595 return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
596 }
597 }
598 var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function (o, m, k, k2) {
599 if (k2 === undefined)
600 k2 = k;
601 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function () { return m[k]; } });
602 }) : (function (o, m, k, k2) {
603 if (k2 === undefined)
604 k2 = k;
605 o[k2] = m[k];
606 });
607 function __exportStar(m, o) {
608 for (var p in m)
609 if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p))
610 __createBinding(o, m, p);
611 }
612 function __values(o) {
613 var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
614 if (m)
615 return m.call(o);
616 if (o && typeof o.length === "number")
617 return {
618 next: function () {
619 if (o && i >= o.length)
620 o = void 0;
621 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
622 }
623 };
624 throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
625 }
626 function __read(o, n) {
627 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
628 if (!m)
629 return o;
630 var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
631 try {
632 while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done)
633 ar.push(r.value);
634 }
635 catch (error) {
636 e = { error: error };
637 }
638 finally {
639 try {
640 if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]))
641 m.call(i);
642 }
643 finally {
644 if (e)
645 throw e.error;
646 }
647 }
648 return ar;
649 }
650 /** @deprecated */
651 function __spread() {
652 for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
653 ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
654 return ar;
655 }
656 /** @deprecated */
657 function __spreadArrays() {
658 for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++)
659 s += arguments[i].length;
660 for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
661 for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
662 r[k] = a[j];
663 return r;
664 }
665 function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
666 if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
667 for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
668 if (ar || !(i in from)) {
669 if (!ar)
670 ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
671 ar[i] = from[i];
672 }
673 }
674 return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
675 }
676 function __await(v) {
677 return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);
678 }
679 function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
680 if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)
681 throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
682 var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
683 return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
684 function verb(n) { if (g[n])
685 i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
686 function resume(n, v) { try {
687 step(g[n](v));
688 }
689 catch (e) {
690 settle(q[0][3], e);
691 } }
692 function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
693 function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
694 function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
695 function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length)
696 resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }
697 }
698 function __asyncDelegator(o) {
699 var i, p;
700 return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
701 function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }
702 }
703 function __asyncValues(o) {
704 if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)
705 throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
706 var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
707 return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
708 function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
709 function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function (v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }
710 }
711 function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
712 if (Object.defineProperty) {
713 Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw });
714 }
715 else {
716 cooked.raw = raw;
717 }
718 return cooked;
719 }
720 ;
721 var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function (o, v) {
722 Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
723 }) : function (o, v) {
724 o["default"] = v;
725 };
726 function __importStar(mod) {
727 if (mod && mod.__esModule)
728 return mod;
729 var result = {};
730 if (mod != null)
731 for (var k in mod)
732 if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k))
733 __createBinding(result, mod, k);
734 __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
735 return result;
736 }
737 function __importDefault(mod) {
738 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };
739 }
740 function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
741 if (kind === "a" && !f)
742 throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
743 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver))
744 throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
745 return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
746 }
747 function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
748 if (kind === "m")
749 throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
750 if (kind === "a" && !f)
751 throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
752 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver))
753 throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
754 return (kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
755 }
757 var CalendarTooltipWindowComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
758 function CalendarTooltipWindowComponent() {
759 }
760 return CalendarTooltipWindowComponent;
761 }());
762 CalendarTooltipWindowComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
763 CalendarTooltipWindowComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-tooltip-window", inputs: { contents: "contents", placement: "placement", event: "event", customTemplate: "customTemplate" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-contents=\"contents\"\n let-placement=\"placement\"\n let-event=\"event\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-tooltip\" [ngClass]=\"'cal-tooltip-' + placement\">\n <div class=\"cal-tooltip-arrow\"></div>\n <div class=\"cal-tooltip-inner\" [innerHtml]=\"contents\"></div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n contents: contents,\n placement: placement,\n event: event\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }] });
764 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, decorators: [{
765 type: i0.Component,
766 args: [{
767 selector: 'mwl-calendar-tooltip-window',
768 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-contents=\"contents\"\n let-placement=\"placement\"\n let-event=\"event\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-tooltip\" [ngClass]=\"'cal-tooltip-' + placement\">\n <div class=\"cal-tooltip-arrow\"></div>\n <div class=\"cal-tooltip-inner\" [innerHtml]=\"contents\"></div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n contents: contents,\n placement: placement,\n event: event\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
769 }]
770 }], propDecorators: { contents: [{
771 type: i0.Input
772 }], placement: [{
773 type: i0.Input
774 }], event: [{
775 type: i0.Input
776 }], customTemplate: [{
777 type: i0.Input
778 }] } });
779 var CalendarTooltipDirective = /** @class */ (function () {
780 function CalendarTooltipDirective(elementRef, injector, renderer, componentFactoryResolver, viewContainerRef, document // eslint-disable-line
781 ) {
782 this.elementRef = elementRef;
783 this.injector = injector;
784 this.renderer = renderer;
785 this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;
786 this.document = document;
787 this.placement = 'auto'; // eslint-disable-line @angular-eslint/no-input-rename
788 this.delay = null; // eslint-disable-line @angular-eslint/no-input-rename
789 this.cancelTooltipDelay$ = new rxjs.Subject();
790 this.tooltipFactory = componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(CalendarTooltipWindowComponent);
791 }
792 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
793 if (this.tooltipRef &&
794 (changes.contents || changes.customTemplate || changes.event)) {
795 this.tooltipRef.instance.contents = this.contents;
796 this.tooltipRef.instance.customTemplate = this.customTemplate;
797 this.tooltipRef.instance.event = this.event;
798 this.tooltipRef.changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();
799 if (!this.contents) {
800 this.hide();
801 }
802 }
803 };
804 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
805 this.hide();
806 };
807 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.onMouseOver = function () {
808 var _this = this;
809 var delay$ = this.delay === null ? rxjs.of('now') : rxjs.timer(this.delay);
810 delay$.pipe(operators.takeUntil(this.cancelTooltipDelay$)).subscribe(function () {
811 _this.show();
812 });
813 };
814 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.onMouseOut = function () {
815 this.hide();
816 };
817 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.show = function () {
818 var _this = this;
819 if (!this.tooltipRef && this.contents) {
820 this.tooltipRef = this.viewContainerRef.createComponent(this.tooltipFactory, 0, this.injector, []);
821 this.tooltipRef.instance.contents = this.contents;
822 this.tooltipRef.instance.customTemplate = this.customTemplate;
823 this.tooltipRef.instance.event = this.event;
824 if (this.appendToBody) {
825 this.document.body.appendChild(this.tooltipRef.location.nativeElement);
826 }
827 requestAnimationFrame(function () {
828 _this.positionTooltip();
829 });
830 }
831 };
832 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.hide = function () {
833 if (this.tooltipRef) {
834 this.viewContainerRef.remove(this.viewContainerRef.indexOf(this.tooltipRef.hostView));
835 this.tooltipRef = null;
836 }
837 this.cancelTooltipDelay$.next();
838 };
839 CalendarTooltipDirective.prototype.positionTooltip = function (previousPositions) {
840 if (previousPositions === void 0) { previousPositions = []; }
841 if (this.tooltipRef) {
842 this.tooltipRef.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges();
843 this.tooltipRef.instance.placement = positioning.positionElements(this.elementRef.nativeElement, this.tooltipRef.location.nativeElement.children[0], this.placement, this.appendToBody);
844 // keep re-positioning the tooltip until the arrow position doesn't make a difference
845 if (previousPositions.indexOf(this.tooltipRef.instance.placement) === -1) {
846 this.positionTooltip(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(previousPositions)), [
847 this.tooltipRef.instance.placement,
848 ]));
849 }
850 }
851 };
852 return CalendarTooltipDirective;
853 }());
854 CalendarTooltipDirective.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarTooltipDirective, deps: [{ token: i0__namespace.ElementRef }, { token: i0__namespace.Injector }, { token: i0__namespace.Renderer2 }, { token: i0__namespace.ComponentFactoryResolver }, { token: i0__namespace.ViewContainerRef }, { token: i1.DOCUMENT }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive });
855 CalendarTooltipDirective.ɵdir = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarTooltipDirective, selector: "[mwlCalendarTooltip]", inputs: { contents: ["mwlCalendarTooltip", "contents"], placement: ["tooltipPlacement", "placement"], customTemplate: ["tooltipTemplate", "customTemplate"], event: ["tooltipEvent", "event"], appendToBody: ["tooltipAppendToBody", "appendToBody"], delay: ["tooltipDelay", "delay"] }, host: { listeners: { "mouseenter": "onMouseOver()", "mouseleave": "onMouseOut()" } }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0__namespace });
856 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarTooltipDirective, decorators: [{
857 type: i0.Directive,
858 args: [{
859 selector: '[mwlCalendarTooltip]',
860 }]
861 }], ctorParameters: function () {
862 return [{ type: i0__namespace.ElementRef }, { type: i0__namespace.Injector }, { type: i0__namespace.Renderer2 }, { type: i0__namespace.ComponentFactoryResolver }, { type: i0__namespace.ViewContainerRef }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
863 type: i0.Inject,
864 args: [i1.DOCUMENT]
865 }] }];
866 }, propDecorators: { contents: [{
867 type: i0.Input,
868 args: ['mwlCalendarTooltip']
869 }], placement: [{
870 type: i0.Input,
871 args: ['tooltipPlacement']
872 }], customTemplate: [{
873 type: i0.Input,
874 args: ['tooltipTemplate']
875 }], event: [{
876 type: i0.Input,
877 args: ['tooltipEvent']
878 }], appendToBody: [{
879 type: i0.Input,
880 args: ['tooltipAppendToBody']
881 }], delay: [{
882 type: i0.Input,
883 args: ['tooltipDelay']
884 }], onMouseOver: [{
885 type: i0.HostListener,
886 args: ['mouseenter']
887 }], onMouseOut: [{
888 type: i0.HostListener,
889 args: ['mouseleave']
890 }] } });
892 exports.CalendarView = void 0;
893 (function (CalendarView) {
894 CalendarView["Month"] = "month";
895 CalendarView["Week"] = "week";
896 CalendarView["Day"] = "day";
897 })(exports.CalendarView || (exports.CalendarView = {}));
899 var validateEvents = function (events) {
900 var warn = function () {
901 var args = [];
902 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
903 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
904 }
905 return console.warn.apply(console, __spreadArray(['angular-calendar'], __read(args)));
906 };
907 return calendarUtils.validateEvents(events, warn);
908 };
909 function isInsideLeftAndRight(outer, inner) {
910 return (Math.floor(outer.left) <= Math.ceil(inner.left) &&
911 Math.floor(inner.left) <= Math.ceil(outer.right) &&
912 Math.floor(outer.left) <= Math.ceil(inner.right) &&
913 Math.floor(inner.right) <= Math.ceil(outer.right));
914 }
915 function isInsideTopAndBottom(outer, inner) {
916 return (Math.floor(outer.top) <= Math.ceil(inner.top) &&
917 Math.floor(inner.top) <= Math.ceil(outer.bottom) &&
918 Math.floor(outer.top) <= Math.ceil(inner.bottom) &&
919 Math.floor(inner.bottom) <= Math.ceil(outer.bottom));
920 }
921 function isInside(outer, inner) {
922 return (isInsideLeftAndRight(outer, inner) && isInsideTopAndBottom(outer, inner));
923 }
924 function roundToNearest(amount, precision) {
925 return Math.round(amount / precision) * precision;
926 }
927 var trackByEventId = function (index, event) { return event.id ? event.id : event; };
928 var trackByWeekDayHeaderDate = function (index, day) { return day.date.toISOString(); };
929 var trackByHourSegment = function (index, segment) { return segment.date.toISOString(); };
930 var trackByHour = function (index, hour) { return hour.segments[0].date.toISOString(); };
931 var trackByWeekAllDayEvent = function (index, weekEvent) { return (weekEvent.event.id ? weekEvent.event.id : weekEvent.event); };
932 var trackByWeekTimeEvent = function (index, weekEvent) { return (weekEvent.event.id ? weekEvent.event.id : weekEvent.event); };
933 var MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60;
934 function getPixelAmountInMinutes(hourSegments, hourSegmentHeight, hourDuration) {
935 return (hourDuration || MINUTES_IN_HOUR) / (hourSegments * hourSegmentHeight);
936 }
937 function getMinutesMoved(movedY, hourSegments, hourSegmentHeight, eventSnapSize, hourDuration) {
938 var draggedInPixelsSnapSize = roundToNearest(movedY, eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight);
939 var pixelAmountInMinutes = getPixelAmountInMinutes(hourSegments, hourSegmentHeight, hourDuration);
940 return draggedInPixelsSnapSize * pixelAmountInMinutes;
941 }
942 function getDefaultEventEnd(dateAdapter, event, minimumMinutes) {
943 if (event.end) {
944 return event.end;
945 }
946 else {
947 return dateAdapter.addMinutes(event.start, minimumMinutes);
948 }
949 }
950 function addDaysWithExclusions(dateAdapter, date, days, excluded) {
951 var daysCounter = 0;
952 var daysToAdd = 0;
953 var changeDays = days < 0 ? dateAdapter.subDays : dateAdapter.addDays;
954 var result = date;
955 while (daysToAdd <= Math.abs(days)) {
956 result = changeDays(date, daysCounter);
957 var day = dateAdapter.getDay(result);
958 if (excluded.indexOf(day) === -1) {
959 daysToAdd++;
960 }
961 daysCounter++;
962 }
963 return result;
964 }
965 function isDraggedWithinPeriod(newStart, newEnd, period) {
966 var end = newEnd || newStart;
967 return ((period.start <= newStart && newStart <= period.end) ||
968 (period.start <= end && end <= period.end));
969 }
970 function shouldFireDroppedEvent(dropEvent, date, allDay, calendarId) {
971 return (dropEvent.dropData &&
972 dropEvent.dropData.event &&
973 (dropEvent.dropData.calendarId !== calendarId ||
974 (dropEvent.dropData.event.allDay && !allDay) ||
975 (!dropEvent.dropData.event.allDay && allDay)));
976 }
977 function getWeekViewPeriod(dateAdapter, viewDate, weekStartsOn, excluded, daysInWeek) {
978 if (excluded === void 0) { excluded = []; }
979 var viewStart = daysInWeek
980 ? dateAdapter.startOfDay(viewDate)
981 : dateAdapter.startOfWeek(viewDate, { weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn });
982 var endOfWeek = dateAdapter.endOfWeek(viewDate, { weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn });
983 while (excluded.indexOf(dateAdapter.getDay(viewStart)) > -1 &&
984 viewStart < endOfWeek) {
985 viewStart = dateAdapter.addDays(viewStart, 1);
986 }
987 if (daysInWeek) {
988 var viewEnd = dateAdapter.endOfDay(addDaysWithExclusions(dateAdapter, viewStart, daysInWeek - 1, excluded));
989 return { viewStart: viewStart, viewEnd: viewEnd };
990 }
991 else {
992 var viewEnd = endOfWeek;
993 while (excluded.indexOf(dateAdapter.getDay(viewEnd)) > -1 &&
994 viewEnd > viewStart) {
995 viewEnd = dateAdapter.subDays(viewEnd, 1);
996 }
997 return { viewStart: viewStart, viewEnd: viewEnd };
998 }
999 }
1000 function isWithinThreshold(_a) {
1001 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
1002 var DRAG_THRESHOLD = 1;
1003 return Math.abs(x) > DRAG_THRESHOLD || Math.abs(y) > DRAG_THRESHOLD;
1004 }
1006 var DateAdapter = /** @class */ (function () {
1007 function DateAdapter() {
1008 }
1009 return DateAdapter;
1010 }());
1012 /**
1013 * Change the view date to the previous view. For example:
1014 *
1015 * ```typescript
1016 * <button
1017 * mwlCalendarPreviousView
1018 * [(viewDate)]="viewDate"
1019 * [view]="view">
1020 * Previous
1021 * </button>
1022 * ```
1023 */
1024 var CalendarPreviousViewDirective = /** @class */ (function () {
1025 function CalendarPreviousViewDirective(dateAdapter) {
1026 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1027 /**
1028 * Days to skip when going back by 1 day
1029 */
1030 this.excludeDays = [];
1031 /**
1032 * Called when the view date is changed
1033 */
1034 this.viewDateChange = new i0.EventEmitter();
1035 }
1036 /**
1037 * @hidden
1038 */
1039 CalendarPreviousViewDirective.prototype.onClick = function () {
1040 var subFn = {
1041 day: this.dateAdapter.subDays,
1042 week: this.dateAdapter.subWeeks,
1043 month: this.dateAdapter.subMonths,
1044 }[this.view];
1045 if (this.view === exports.CalendarView.Day) {
1046 this.viewDateChange.emit(addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, this.viewDate, -1, this.excludeDays));
1047 }
1048 else if (this.view === exports.CalendarView.Week && this.daysInWeek) {
1049 this.viewDateChange.emit(addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, this.viewDate, -this.daysInWeek, this.excludeDays));
1050 }
1051 else {
1052 this.viewDateChange.emit(subFn(this.viewDate, 1));
1053 }
1054 };
1055 return CalendarPreviousViewDirective;
1056 }());
1057 CalendarPreviousViewDirective.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarPreviousViewDirective, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive });
1058 CalendarPreviousViewDirective.ɵdir = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarPreviousViewDirective, selector: "[mwlCalendarPreviousView]", inputs: { view: "view", viewDate: "viewDate", excludeDays: "excludeDays", daysInWeek: "daysInWeek" }, outputs: { viewDateChange: "viewDateChange" }, host: { listeners: { "click": "onClick()" } }, ngImport: i0__namespace });
1059 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarPreviousViewDirective, decorators: [{
1060 type: i0.Directive,
1061 args: [{
1062 selector: '[mwlCalendarPreviousView]',
1063 }]
1064 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }]; }, propDecorators: { view: [{
1065 type: i0.Input
1066 }], viewDate: [{
1067 type: i0.Input
1068 }], excludeDays: [{
1069 type: i0.Input
1070 }], daysInWeek: [{
1071 type: i0.Input
1072 }], viewDateChange: [{
1073 type: i0.Output
1074 }], onClick: [{
1075 type: i0.HostListener,
1076 args: ['click']
1077 }] } });
1079 /**
1080 * Change the view date to the next view. For example:
1081 *
1082 * ```typescript
1083 * <button
1084 * mwlCalendarNextView
1085 * [(viewDate)]="viewDate"
1086 * [view]="view">
1087 * Next
1088 * </button>
1089 * ```
1090 */
1091 var CalendarNextViewDirective = /** @class */ (function () {
1092 function CalendarNextViewDirective(dateAdapter) {
1093 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1094 /**
1095 * Days to skip when going forward by 1 day
1096 */
1097 this.excludeDays = [];
1098 /**
1099 * Called when the view date is changed
1100 */
1101 this.viewDateChange = new i0.EventEmitter();
1102 }
1103 /**
1104 * @hidden
1105 */
1106 CalendarNextViewDirective.prototype.onClick = function () {
1107 var addFn = {
1108 day: this.dateAdapter.addDays,
1109 week: this.dateAdapter.addWeeks,
1110 month: this.dateAdapter.addMonths,
1111 }[this.view];
1112 if (this.view === exports.CalendarView.Day) {
1113 this.viewDateChange.emit(addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, this.viewDate, 1, this.excludeDays));
1114 }
1115 else if (this.view === exports.CalendarView.Week && this.daysInWeek) {
1116 this.viewDateChange.emit(addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, this.viewDate, this.daysInWeek, this.excludeDays));
1117 }
1118 else {
1119 this.viewDateChange.emit(addFn(this.viewDate, 1));
1120 }
1121 };
1122 return CalendarNextViewDirective;
1123 }());
1124 CalendarNextViewDirective.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarNextViewDirective, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive });
1125 CalendarNextViewDirective.ɵdir = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarNextViewDirective, selector: "[mwlCalendarNextView]", inputs: { view: "view", viewDate: "viewDate", excludeDays: "excludeDays", daysInWeek: "daysInWeek" }, outputs: { viewDateChange: "viewDateChange" }, host: { listeners: { "click": "onClick()" } }, ngImport: i0__namespace });
1126 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarNextViewDirective, decorators: [{
1127 type: i0.Directive,
1128 args: [{
1129 selector: '[mwlCalendarNextView]',
1130 }]
1131 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }]; }, propDecorators: { view: [{
1132 type: i0.Input
1133 }], viewDate: [{
1134 type: i0.Input
1135 }], excludeDays: [{
1136 type: i0.Input
1137 }], daysInWeek: [{
1138 type: i0.Input
1139 }], viewDateChange: [{
1140 type: i0.Output
1141 }], onClick: [{
1142 type: i0.HostListener,
1143 args: ['click']
1144 }] } });
1146 /**
1147 * Change the view date to the current day. For example:
1148 *
1149 * ```typescript
1150 * <button
1151 * mwlCalendarToday
1152 * [(viewDate)]="viewDate">
1153 * Today
1154 * </button>
1155 * ```
1156 */
1157 var CalendarTodayDirective = /** @class */ (function () {
1158 function CalendarTodayDirective(dateAdapter) {
1159 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1160 /**
1161 * Called when the view date is changed
1162 */
1163 this.viewDateChange = new i0.EventEmitter();
1164 }
1165 /**
1166 * @hidden
1167 */
1168 CalendarTodayDirective.prototype.onClick = function () {
1169 this.viewDateChange.emit(this.dateAdapter.startOfDay(new Date()));
1170 };
1171 return CalendarTodayDirective;
1172 }());
1173 CalendarTodayDirective.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarTodayDirective, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive });
1174 CalendarTodayDirective.ɵdir = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarTodayDirective, selector: "[mwlCalendarToday]", inputs: { viewDate: "viewDate" }, outputs: { viewDateChange: "viewDateChange" }, host: { listeners: { "click": "onClick()" } }, ngImport: i0__namespace });
1175 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarTodayDirective, decorators: [{
1176 type: i0.Directive,
1177 args: [{
1178 selector: '[mwlCalendarToday]',
1179 }]
1180 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }]; }, propDecorators: { viewDate: [{
1181 type: i0.Input
1182 }], viewDateChange: [{
1183 type: i0.Output
1184 }], onClick: [{
1185 type: i0.HostListener,
1186 args: ['click']
1187 }] } });
1189 /**
1190 * This will use the angular date pipe to do all date formatting. It is the default date formatter used by the calendar.
1191 */
1192 var CalendarAngularDateFormatter = /** @class */ (function () {
1193 function CalendarAngularDateFormatter(dateAdapter) {
1194 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1195 }
1196 /**
1197 * The month view header week day labels
1198 */
1199 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewColumnHeader = function (_a) {
1200 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1201 return i1.formatDate(date, 'EEEE', locale);
1202 };
1203 /**
1204 * The month view cell day number
1205 */
1206 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewDayNumber = function (_a) {
1207 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1208 return i1.formatDate(date, 'd', locale);
1209 };
1210 /**
1211 * The month view title
1212 */
1213 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewTitle = function (_a) {
1214 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1215 return i1.formatDate(date, 'LLLL y', locale);
1216 };
1217 /**
1218 * The week view header week day labels
1219 */
1220 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewColumnHeader = function (_a) {
1221 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1222 return i1.formatDate(date, 'EEEE', locale);
1223 };
1224 /**
1225 * The week view sub header day and month labels
1226 */
1227 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewColumnSubHeader = function (_a) {
1228 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1229 return i1.formatDate(date, 'MMM d', locale);
1230 };
1231 /**
1232 * The week view title
1233 */
1234 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewTitle = function (_a) {
1235 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale, weekStartsOn = _a.weekStartsOn, excludeDays = _a.excludeDays, daysInWeek = _a.daysInWeek;
1236 var _b = getWeekViewPeriod(this.dateAdapter, date, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek), viewStart = _b.viewStart, viewEnd = _b.viewEnd;
1237 var format = function (dateToFormat, showYear) { return i1.formatDate(dateToFormat, 'MMM d' + (showYear ? ', yyyy' : ''), locale); };
1238 return format(viewStart, viewStart.getUTCFullYear() !== viewEnd.getUTCFullYear()) + " - " + format(viewEnd, true);
1239 };
1240 /**
1241 * The time formatting down the left hand side of the week view
1242 */
1243 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewHour = function (_a) {
1244 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1245 return i1.formatDate(date, 'h a', locale);
1246 };
1247 /**
1248 * The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
1249 */
1250 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.dayViewHour = function (_a) {
1251 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1252 return i1.formatDate(date, 'h a', locale);
1253 };
1254 /**
1255 * The day view title
1256 */
1257 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.prototype.dayViewTitle = function (_a) {
1258 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1259 return i1.formatDate(date, 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', locale);
1260 };
1261 return CalendarAngularDateFormatter;
1262 }());
1263 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarAngularDateFormatter, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
1264 CalendarAngularDateFormatter.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarAngularDateFormatter });
1265 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarAngularDateFormatter, decorators: [{
1266 type: i0.Injectable
1267 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }]; } });
1269 /**
1270 * This class is responsible for all formatting of dates. There are 3 implementations available, the `CalendarAngularDateFormatter` (default) which uses the angular date pipe to format dates, the `CalendarNativeDateFormatter` which will use the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl" target="_blank">Intl</a> API to format dates, or there is the `CalendarMomentDateFormatter` which uses <a href="http://momentjs.com/" target="_blank">moment</a>.
1271 *
1272 * If you wish, you may override any of the defaults via angulars DI. For example:
1273 *
1274 * ```typescript
1275 * import { CalendarDateFormatter, DateFormatterParams } from 'angular-calendar';
1276 * import { formatDate } from '@angular/common';
1277 * import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
1278 *
1279 * @Injectable()
1280 * class CustomDateFormatter extends CalendarDateFormatter {
1281 *
1282 * public monthViewColumnHeader({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {
1283 * return formatDate(date, 'EEE', locale); // use short week days
1284 * }
1285 *
1286 * }
1287 *
1288 * // in your component that uses the calendar
1289 * providers: [{
1290 * provide: CalendarDateFormatter,
1291 * useClass: CustomDateFormatter
1292 * }]
1293 * ```
1294 */
1295 var CalendarDateFormatter = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1296 __extends(CalendarDateFormatter, _super);
1297 function CalendarDateFormatter() {
1298 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
1299 }
1300 return CalendarDateFormatter;
1301 }(CalendarAngularDateFormatter));
1302 CalendarDateFormatter.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDateFormatter, deps: null, target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
1303 CalendarDateFormatter.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDateFormatter });
1304 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDateFormatter, decorators: [{
1305 type: i0.Injectable
1306 }] });
1308 /**
1309 * This pipe is primarily for rendering the current view title. Example usage:
1310 * ```typescript
1311 * // where `viewDate` is a `Date` and view is `'month' | 'week' | 'day'`
1312 * {{ viewDate | calendarDate:(view + 'ViewTitle'):'en' }}
1313 * ```
1314 */
1315 var CalendarDatePipe = /** @class */ (function () {
1316 function CalendarDatePipe(dateFormatter, locale) {
1317 this.dateFormatter = dateFormatter;
1318 this.locale = locale;
1319 }
1320 CalendarDatePipe.prototype.transform = function (date, method, locale, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek) {
1321 if (locale === void 0) { locale = this.locale; }
1322 if (weekStartsOn === void 0) { weekStartsOn = 0; }
1323 if (excludeDays === void 0) { excludeDays = []; }
1324 if (typeof this.dateFormatter[method] === 'undefined') {
1325 var allowedMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(CalendarDateFormatter.prototype)).filter(function (iMethod) { return iMethod !== 'constructor'; });
1326 throw new Error(method + " is not a valid date formatter. Can only be one of " + allowedMethods.join(', '));
1327 }
1328 return this.dateFormatter[method]({
1329 date: date,
1330 locale: locale,
1331 weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn,
1332 excludeDays: excludeDays,
1333 daysInWeek: daysInWeek,
1334 });
1335 };
1336 return CalendarDatePipe;
1337 }());
1338 CalendarDatePipe.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDatePipe, deps: [{ token: CalendarDateFormatter }, { token: i0.LOCALE_ID }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Pipe });
1339 CalendarDatePipe.ɵpipe = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclarePipe({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDatePipe, name: "calendarDate" });
1340 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDatePipe, decorators: [{
1341 type: i0.Pipe,
1342 args: [{
1343 name: 'calendarDate',
1344 }]
1345 }], ctorParameters: function () {
1346 return [{ type: CalendarDateFormatter }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
1347 type: i0.Inject,
1348 args: [i0.LOCALE_ID]
1349 }] }];
1350 } });
1352 var CalendarUtils = /** @class */ (function () {
1353 function CalendarUtils(dateAdapter) {
1354 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1355 }
1356 CalendarUtils.prototype.getMonthView = function (args) {
1357 return calendarUtils.getMonthView(this.dateAdapter, args);
1358 };
1359 CalendarUtils.prototype.getWeekViewHeader = function (args) {
1360 return calendarUtils.getWeekViewHeader(this.dateAdapter, args);
1361 };
1362 CalendarUtils.prototype.getWeekView = function (args) {
1363 return calendarUtils.getWeekView(this.dateAdapter, args);
1364 };
1365 return CalendarUtils;
1366 }());
1367 CalendarUtils.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarUtils, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
1368 CalendarUtils.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarUtils });
1369 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarUtils, decorators: [{
1370 type: i0.Injectable
1371 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }]; } });
1373 var MOMENT = new i0.InjectionToken('Moment');
1374 /**
1375 * This will use <a href="http://momentjs.com/" target="_blank">moment</a> to do all date formatting. To use this class:
1376 *
1377 * ```typescript
1378 * import { CalendarDateFormatter, CalendarMomentDateFormatter, MOMENT } from 'angular-calendar';
1379 * import moment from 'moment';
1380 *
1381 * // in your component
1382 * provide: [{
1383 * provide: MOMENT, useValue: moment
1384 * }, {
1385 * provide: CalendarDateFormatter, useClass: CalendarMomentDateFormatter
1386 * }]
1387 *
1388 * ```
1389 */
1390 var CalendarMomentDateFormatter = /** @class */ (function () {
1391 /**
1392 * @hidden
1393 */
1394 function CalendarMomentDateFormatter(moment, dateAdapter) {
1395 this.moment = moment;
1396 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1397 }
1398 /**
1399 * The month view header week day labels
1400 */
1401 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewColumnHeader = function (_a) {
1402 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1403 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('dddd');
1404 };
1405 /**
1406 * The month view cell day number
1407 */
1408 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewDayNumber = function (_a) {
1409 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1410 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('D');
1411 };
1412 /**
1413 * The month view title
1414 */
1415 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewTitle = function (_a) {
1416 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1417 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('MMMM YYYY');
1418 };
1419 /**
1420 * The week view header week day labels
1421 */
1422 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewColumnHeader = function (_a) {
1423 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1424 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('dddd');
1425 };
1426 /**
1427 * The week view sub header day and month labels
1428 */
1429 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewColumnSubHeader = function (_a) {
1430 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1431 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('MMM D');
1432 };
1433 /**
1434 * The week view title
1435 */
1436 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewTitle = function (_a) {
1437 var _this = this;
1438 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale, weekStartsOn = _a.weekStartsOn, excludeDays = _a.excludeDays, daysInWeek = _a.daysInWeek;
1439 var _b = getWeekViewPeriod(this.dateAdapter, date, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek), viewStart = _b.viewStart, viewEnd = _b.viewEnd;
1440 var format = function (dateToFormat, showYear) { return _this.moment(dateToFormat)
1441 .locale(locale)
1442 .format('MMM D' + (showYear ? ', YYYY' : '')); };
1443 return format(viewStart, viewStart.getUTCFullYear() !== viewEnd.getUTCFullYear()) + " - " + format(viewEnd, true);
1444 };
1445 /**
1446 * The time formatting down the left hand side of the week view
1447 */
1448 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewHour = function (_a) {
1449 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1450 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('ha');
1451 };
1452 /**
1453 * The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
1454 */
1455 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.dayViewHour = function (_a) {
1456 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1457 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('ha');
1458 };
1459 /**
1460 * The day view title
1461 */
1462 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.prototype.dayViewTitle = function (_a) {
1463 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1464 return this.moment(date).locale(locale).format('dddd, LL'); // dddd = Thursday
1465 }; // LL = locale-dependent Month Day, Year
1466 return CalendarMomentDateFormatter;
1467 }());
1468 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMomentDateFormatter, deps: [{ token: MOMENT }, { token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
1469 CalendarMomentDateFormatter.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMomentDateFormatter });
1470 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMomentDateFormatter, decorators: [{
1471 type: i0.Injectable
1472 }], ctorParameters: function () {
1473 return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
1474 type: i0.Inject,
1475 args: [MOMENT]
1476 }] }, { type: DateAdapter }];
1477 } });
1479 /**
1480 * This will use <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl" target="_blank">Intl</a> API to do all date formatting.
1481 *
1482 * You will need to include a <a href="https://github.com/andyearnshaw/Intl.js/">polyfill</a> for older browsers.
1483 */
1484 var CalendarNativeDateFormatter = /** @class */ (function () {
1485 function CalendarNativeDateFormatter(dateAdapter) {
1486 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1487 }
1488 /**
1489 * The month view header week day labels
1490 */
1491 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewColumnHeader = function (_a) {
1492 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1493 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { weekday: 'long' }).format(date);
1494 };
1495 /**
1496 * The month view cell day number
1497 */
1498 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewDayNumber = function (_a) {
1499 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1500 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { day: 'numeric' }).format(date);
1501 };
1502 /**
1503 * The month view title
1504 */
1505 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.monthViewTitle = function (_a) {
1506 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1507 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
1508 year: 'numeric',
1509 month: 'long',
1510 }).format(date);
1511 };
1512 /**
1513 * The week view header week day labels
1514 */
1515 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewColumnHeader = function (_a) {
1516 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1517 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { weekday: 'long' }).format(date);
1518 };
1519 /**
1520 * The week view sub header day and month labels
1521 */
1522 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewColumnSubHeader = function (_a) {
1523 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1524 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
1525 day: 'numeric',
1526 month: 'short',
1527 }).format(date);
1528 };
1529 /**
1530 * The week view title
1531 */
1532 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewTitle = function (_a) {
1533 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale, weekStartsOn = _a.weekStartsOn, excludeDays = _a.excludeDays, daysInWeek = _a.daysInWeek;
1534 var _b = getWeekViewPeriod(this.dateAdapter, date, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek), viewStart = _b.viewStart, viewEnd = _b.viewEnd;
1535 var format = function (dateToFormat, showYear) { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
1536 day: 'numeric',
1537 month: 'short',
1538 year: showYear ? 'numeric' : undefined,
1539 }).format(dateToFormat); };
1540 return format(viewStart, viewStart.getUTCFullYear() !== viewEnd.getUTCFullYear()) + " - " + format(viewEnd, true);
1541 };
1542 /**
1543 * The time formatting down the left hand side of the week view
1544 */
1545 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.weekViewHour = function (_a) {
1546 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1547 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { hour: 'numeric' }).format(date);
1548 };
1549 /**
1550 * The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
1551 */
1552 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.dayViewHour = function (_a) {
1553 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1554 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { hour: 'numeric' }).format(date);
1555 };
1556 /**
1557 * The day view title
1558 */
1559 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.prototype.dayViewTitle = function (_a) {
1560 var date = _a.date, locale = _a.locale;
1561 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
1562 day: 'numeric',
1563 month: 'long',
1564 year: 'numeric',
1565 weekday: 'long',
1566 }).format(date);
1567 };
1568 return CalendarNativeDateFormatter;
1569 }());
1570 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarNativeDateFormatter, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
1571 CalendarNativeDateFormatter.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarNativeDateFormatter });
1572 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarNativeDateFormatter, decorators: [{
1573 type: i0.Injectable
1574 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }]; } });
1576 exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType = void 0;
1577 (function (CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType) {
1578 CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType["Drag"] = "drag";
1579 CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType["Drop"] = "drop";
1580 CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType["Resize"] = "resize";
1581 })(exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType || (exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType = {}));
1583 /**
1584 * Import this module to if you're just using a singular view and want to save on bundle size. Example usage:
1585 *
1586 * ```typescript
1587 * import { CalendarCommonModule, CalendarMonthModule } from 'angular-calendar';
1588 *
1589 * @NgModule({
1590 * imports: [
1591 * CalendarCommonModule.forRoot(),
1592 * CalendarMonthModule
1593 * ]
1594 * })
1595 * class MyModule {}
1596 * ```
1597 *
1598 */
1599 var CalendarCommonModule = /** @class */ (function () {
1600 function CalendarCommonModule() {
1601 }
1602 CalendarCommonModule.forRoot = function (dateAdapter, config) {
1603 if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
1604 return {
1605 ngModule: CalendarCommonModule,
1606 providers: [
1607 dateAdapter,
1608 config.eventTitleFormatter || CalendarEventTitleFormatter,
1609 config.dateFormatter || CalendarDateFormatter,
1610 config.utils || CalendarUtils,
1611 config.a11y || CalendarA11y,
1612 ],
1613 };
1614 };
1615 return CalendarCommonModule;
1616 }());
1617 CalendarCommonModule.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarCommonModule, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule });
1618 CalendarCommonModule.ɵmod = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarCommonModule, declarations: [CalendarEventActionsComponent,
1619 CalendarEventTitleComponent,
1620 CalendarTooltipWindowComponent,
1621 CalendarTooltipDirective,
1622 CalendarPreviousViewDirective,
1623 CalendarNextViewDirective,
1624 CalendarTodayDirective,
1625 CalendarDatePipe,
1626 CalendarEventTitlePipe,
1627 CalendarA11yPipe,
1628 ClickDirective,
1629 KeydownEnterDirective], imports: [i1.CommonModule], exports: [CalendarEventActionsComponent,
1630 CalendarEventTitleComponent,
1631 CalendarTooltipWindowComponent,
1632 CalendarTooltipDirective,
1633 CalendarPreviousViewDirective,
1634 CalendarNextViewDirective,
1635 CalendarTodayDirective,
1636 CalendarDatePipe,
1637 CalendarEventTitlePipe,
1638 CalendarA11yPipe,
1639 ClickDirective,
1640 KeydownEnterDirective] });
1641 CalendarCommonModule.ɵinj = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarCommonModule, providers: [i1.I18nPluralPipe], imports: [[i1.CommonModule]] });
1642 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarCommonModule, decorators: [{
1643 type: i0.NgModule,
1644 args: [{
1645 declarations: [
1646 CalendarEventActionsComponent,
1647 CalendarEventTitleComponent,
1648 CalendarTooltipWindowComponent,
1649 CalendarTooltipDirective,
1650 CalendarPreviousViewDirective,
1651 CalendarNextViewDirective,
1652 CalendarTodayDirective,
1653 CalendarDatePipe,
1654 CalendarEventTitlePipe,
1655 CalendarA11yPipe,
1656 ClickDirective,
1657 KeydownEnterDirective,
1658 ],
1659 imports: [i1.CommonModule],
1660 exports: [
1661 CalendarEventActionsComponent,
1662 CalendarEventTitleComponent,
1663 CalendarTooltipWindowComponent,
1664 CalendarTooltipDirective,
1665 CalendarPreviousViewDirective,
1666 CalendarNextViewDirective,
1667 CalendarTodayDirective,
1668 CalendarDatePipe,
1669 CalendarEventTitlePipe,
1670 CalendarA11yPipe,
1671 ClickDirective,
1672 KeydownEnterDirective,
1673 ],
1674 providers: [i1.I18nPluralPipe],
1675 entryComponents: [CalendarTooltipWindowComponent],
1676 }]
1677 }] });
1679 var CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
1680 function CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent() {
1681 this.columnHeaderClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
1682 this.trackByWeekDayHeaderDate = trackByWeekDayHeaderDate;
1683 }
1684 return CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent;
1685 }());
1686 CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
1687 CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-month-view-header", inputs: { days: "days", locale: "locale", customTemplate: "customTemplate" }, outputs: { columnHeaderClicked: "columnHeaderClicked" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-days=\"days\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-trackByWeekDayHeaderDate=\"trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-cell-row cal-header\" role=\"row\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-cell\"\n *ngFor=\"let day of days; trackBy: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n [class.cal-past]=\"day.isPast\"\n [class.cal-today]=\"day.isToday\"\n [class.cal-future]=\"day.isFuture\"\n [class.cal-weekend]=\"day.isWeekend\"\n (click)=\"\n columnHeaderClicked.emit({\n isoDayNumber: day.day,\n sourceEvent: $event\n })\n \"\n [ngClass]=\"day.cssClass\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"columnheader\"\n >\n {{ day.date | calendarDate: 'monthViewColumnHeader':locale }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n days: days,\n locale: locale,\n trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarDate": CalendarDatePipe } });
1688 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent, decorators: [{
1689 type: i0.Component,
1690 args: [{
1691 selector: 'mwl-calendar-month-view-header',
1692 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-days=\"days\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-trackByWeekDayHeaderDate=\"trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-cell-row cal-header\" role=\"row\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-cell\"\n *ngFor=\"let day of days; trackBy: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n [class.cal-past]=\"day.isPast\"\n [class.cal-today]=\"day.isToday\"\n [class.cal-future]=\"day.isFuture\"\n [class.cal-weekend]=\"day.isWeekend\"\n (click)=\"\n columnHeaderClicked.emit({\n isoDayNumber: day.day,\n sourceEvent: $event\n })\n \"\n [ngClass]=\"day.cssClass\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"columnheader\"\n >\n {{ day.date | calendarDate: 'monthViewColumnHeader':locale }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n days: days,\n locale: locale,\n trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
1693 }]
1694 }], propDecorators: { days: [{
1695 type: i0.Input
1696 }], locale: [{
1697 type: i0.Input
1698 }], customTemplate: [{
1699 type: i0.Input
1700 }], columnHeaderClicked: [{
1701 type: i0.Output
1702 }] } });
1704 var CalendarMonthCellComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
1705 function CalendarMonthCellComponent() {
1706 this.highlightDay = new i0.EventEmitter();
1707 this.unhighlightDay = new i0.EventEmitter();
1708 this.eventClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
1709 this.trackByEventId = trackByEventId;
1710 this.validateDrag = isWithinThreshold;
1711 }
1712 return CalendarMonthCellComponent;
1713 }());
1714 CalendarMonthCellComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthCellComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
1715 CalendarMonthCellComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarMonthCellComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-month-cell", inputs: { day: "day", openDay: "openDay", locale: "locale", tooltipPlacement: "tooltipPlacement", tooltipAppendToBody: "tooltipAppendToBody", customTemplate: "customTemplate", tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", tooltipDelay: "tooltipDelay" }, outputs: { highlightDay: "highlightDay", unhighlightDay: "unhighlightDay", eventClicked: "eventClicked" }, host: { properties: { "class.cal-past": "day.isPast", "class.cal-today": "day.isToday", "class.cal-future": "day.isFuture", "class.cal-weekend": "day.isWeekend", "class.cal-in-month": "day.inMonth", "class.cal-out-month": "!day.inMonth", "class.cal-has-events": "day.events.length > 0", "class.cal-open": "day === openDay", "class.cal-event-highlight": "!!day.backgroundColor" }, classAttribute: "cal-cell cal-day-cell" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-day=\"day\"\n let-openDay=\"openDay\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-tooltipPlacement=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n let-highlightDay=\"highlightDay\"\n let-unhighlightDay=\"unhighlightDay\"\n let-eventClicked=\"eventClicked\"\n let-tooltipTemplate=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n let-tooltipAppendToBody=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n let-tooltipDelay=\"tooltipDelay\"\n let-trackByEventId=\"trackByEventId\"\n let-validateDrag=\"validateDrag\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-cell-top\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { day: day, locale: locale } | calendarA11y: 'monthCell'\n \"\n >\n <span aria-hidden=\"true\">\n <span class=\"cal-day-badge\" *ngIf=\"day.badgeTotal > 0\">{{\n day.badgeTotal\n }}</span>\n <span class=\"cal-day-number\">{{\n day.date | calendarDate: 'monthViewDayNumber':locale\n }}</span>\n </span>\n </div>\n <div class=\"cal-events\" *ngIf=\"day.events.length > 0\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-event\"\n *ngFor=\"let event of day.events; trackBy: trackByEventId\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{ backgroundColor: event.color?.primary }\"\n [ngClass]=\"event?.cssClass\"\n (mouseenter)=\"highlightDay.emit({ event: event })\"\n (mouseleave)=\"unhighlightDay.emit({ event: event })\"\n [mwlCalendarTooltip]=\"\n event.title | calendarEventTitle: 'monthTooltip':event\n \"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipEvent]=\"event\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n mwlDraggable\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"event.draggable\"\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: event, draggedFrom: day }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{ x: event.draggable, y: event.draggable }\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n (mwlClick)=\"eventClicked.emit({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n [attr.aria-hidden]=\"{} | calendarA11y: 'hideMonthCellEvents'\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n day: day,\n openDay: openDay,\n locale: locale,\n tooltipPlacement: tooltipPlacement,\n highlightDay: highlightDay,\n unhighlightDay: unhighlightDay,\n eventClicked: eventClicked,\n tooltipTemplate: tooltipTemplate,\n tooltipAppendToBody: tooltipAppendToBody,\n tooltipDelay: tooltipDelay,\n trackByEventId: trackByEventId,\n validateDrag: validateDrag\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i2__namespace.DraggableDirective, selector: "[mwlDraggable]", inputs: ["dropData", "dragAxis", "dragSnapGrid", "ghostDragEnabled", "showOriginalElementWhileDragging", "validateDrag", "dragCursor", "dragActiveClass", "ghostElementAppendTo", "ghostElementTemplate", "touchStartLongPress", "autoScroll"], outputs: ["dragPointerDown", "dragStart", "ghostElementCreated", "dragging", "dragEnd"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgStyle, selector: "[ngStyle]", inputs: ["ngStyle"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: CalendarTooltipDirective, selector: "[mwlCalendarTooltip]", inputs: ["mwlCalendarTooltip", "tooltipPlacement", "tooltipTemplate", "tooltipEvent", "tooltipAppendToBody", "tooltipDelay"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe, "calendarDate": CalendarDatePipe, "calendarEventTitle": CalendarEventTitlePipe } });
1716 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthCellComponent, decorators: [{
1717 type: i0.Component,
1718 args: [{
1719 selector: 'mwl-calendar-month-cell',
1720 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-day=\"day\"\n let-openDay=\"openDay\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-tooltipPlacement=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n let-highlightDay=\"highlightDay\"\n let-unhighlightDay=\"unhighlightDay\"\n let-eventClicked=\"eventClicked\"\n let-tooltipTemplate=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n let-tooltipAppendToBody=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n let-tooltipDelay=\"tooltipDelay\"\n let-trackByEventId=\"trackByEventId\"\n let-validateDrag=\"validateDrag\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-cell-top\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { day: day, locale: locale } | calendarA11y: 'monthCell'\n \"\n >\n <span aria-hidden=\"true\">\n <span class=\"cal-day-badge\" *ngIf=\"day.badgeTotal > 0\">{{\n day.badgeTotal\n }}</span>\n <span class=\"cal-day-number\">{{\n day.date | calendarDate: 'monthViewDayNumber':locale\n }}</span>\n </span>\n </div>\n <div class=\"cal-events\" *ngIf=\"day.events.length > 0\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-event\"\n *ngFor=\"let event of day.events; trackBy: trackByEventId\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{ backgroundColor: event.color?.primary }\"\n [ngClass]=\"event?.cssClass\"\n (mouseenter)=\"highlightDay.emit({ event: event })\"\n (mouseleave)=\"unhighlightDay.emit({ event: event })\"\n [mwlCalendarTooltip]=\"\n event.title | calendarEventTitle: 'monthTooltip':event\n \"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipEvent]=\"event\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n mwlDraggable\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"event.draggable\"\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: event, draggedFrom: day }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{ x: event.draggable, y: event.draggable }\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n (mwlClick)=\"eventClicked.emit({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n [attr.aria-hidden]=\"{} | calendarA11y: 'hideMonthCellEvents'\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n day: day,\n openDay: openDay,\n locale: locale,\n tooltipPlacement: tooltipPlacement,\n highlightDay: highlightDay,\n unhighlightDay: unhighlightDay,\n eventClicked: eventClicked,\n tooltipTemplate: tooltipTemplate,\n tooltipAppendToBody: tooltipAppendToBody,\n tooltipDelay: tooltipDelay,\n trackByEventId: trackByEventId,\n validateDrag: validateDrag\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
1721 // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-host-metadata-property
1722 host: {
1723 class: 'cal-cell cal-day-cell',
1724 '[class.cal-past]': 'day.isPast',
1725 '[class.cal-today]': 'day.isToday',
1726 '[class.cal-future]': 'day.isFuture',
1727 '[class.cal-weekend]': 'day.isWeekend',
1728 '[class.cal-in-month]': 'day.inMonth',
1729 '[class.cal-out-month]': '!day.inMonth',
1730 '[class.cal-has-events]': 'day.events.length > 0',
1731 '[class.cal-open]': 'day === openDay',
1732 '[class.cal-event-highlight]': '!!day.backgroundColor',
1733 },
1734 }]
1735 }], propDecorators: { day: [{
1736 type: i0.Input
1737 }], openDay: [{
1738 type: i0.Input
1739 }], locale: [{
1740 type: i0.Input
1741 }], tooltipPlacement: [{
1742 type: i0.Input
1743 }], tooltipAppendToBody: [{
1744 type: i0.Input
1745 }], customTemplate: [{
1746 type: i0.Input
1747 }], tooltipTemplate: [{
1748 type: i0.Input
1749 }], tooltipDelay: [{
1750 type: i0.Input
1751 }], highlightDay: [{
1752 type: i0.Output
1753 }], unhighlightDay: [{
1754 type: i0.Output
1755 }], eventClicked: [{
1756 type: i0.Output
1757 }] } });
1759 var collapseAnimation = animations.trigger('collapse', [
1760 animations.state('void', animations.style({
1761 height: 0,
1762 overflow: 'hidden',
1763 'padding-top': 0,
1764 'padding-bottom': 0,
1765 })),
1766 animations.state('*', animations.style({
1767 height: '*',
1768 overflow: 'hidden',
1769 'padding-top': '*',
1770 'padding-bottom': '*',
1771 })),
1772 animations.transition('* => void', animations.animate('150ms ease-out')),
1773 animations.transition('void => *', animations.animate('150ms ease-in')),
1774 ]);
1775 var CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
1776 function CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent() {
1777 this.isOpen = false;
1778 this.eventClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
1779 this.trackByEventId = trackByEventId;
1780 this.validateDrag = isWithinThreshold;
1781 }
1782 return CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent;
1783 }());
1784 CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
1785 CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-open-day-events", inputs: { locale: "locale", isOpen: "isOpen", events: "events", customTemplate: "customTemplate", eventTitleTemplate: "eventTitleTemplate", eventActionsTemplate: "eventActionsTemplate", date: "date" }, outputs: { eventClicked: "eventClicked" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-events=\"events\"\n let-eventClicked=\"eventClicked\"\n let-isOpen=\"isOpen\"\n let-trackByEventId=\"trackByEventId\"\n let-validateDrag=\"validateDrag\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-open-day-events\"\n [@collapse]\n *ngIf=\"isOpen\"\n role=\"application\"\n >\n <span\n tabindex=\"-1\"\n role=\"alert\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { date: date, locale: locale } | calendarA11y: 'openDayEventsAlert'\n \"\n ></span>\n <span\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"landmark\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { date: date, locale: locale }\n | calendarA11y: 'openDayEventsLandmark'\n \"\n ></span>\n <div\n *ngFor=\"let event of events; trackBy: trackByEventId\"\n [ngClass]=\"event?.cssClass\"\n mwlDraggable\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"event.draggable\"\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: event }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{ x: event.draggable, y: event.draggable }\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n >\n <span\n class=\"cal-event\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{ backgroundColor: event.color?.primary }\"\n >\n </span>\n &ngsp;\n <mwl-calendar-event-title\n [event]=\"event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n view=\"month\"\n (mwlClick)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { event: event, locale: locale }\n | calendarA11y: 'eventDescription'\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-title>\n &ngsp;\n <mwl-calendar-event-actions\n [event]=\"event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-actions>\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n events: events,\n eventClicked: eventClicked,\n isOpen: isOpen,\n trackByEventId: trackByEventId,\n validateDrag: validateDrag\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, components: [{ type: CalendarEventTitleComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-event-title", inputs: ["event", "customTemplate", "view"] }, { type: CalendarEventActionsComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-event-actions", inputs: ["event", "customTemplate"] }], directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i2__namespace.DraggableDirective, selector: "[mwlDraggable]", inputs: ["dropData", "dragAxis", "dragSnapGrid", "ghostDragEnabled", "showOriginalElementWhileDragging", "validateDrag", "dragCursor", "dragActiveClass", "ghostElementAppendTo", "ghostElementTemplate", "touchStartLongPress", "autoScroll"], outputs: ["dragPointerDown", "dragStart", "ghostElementCreated", "dragging", "dragEnd"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgStyle, selector: "[ngStyle]", inputs: ["ngStyle"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }, { type: KeydownEnterDirective, selector: "[mwlKeydownEnter]", outputs: ["mwlKeydownEnter"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe }, animations: [collapseAnimation] });
1786 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, decorators: [{
1787 type: i0.Component,
1788 args: [{
1789 selector: 'mwl-calendar-open-day-events',
1790 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-events=\"events\"\n let-eventClicked=\"eventClicked\"\n let-isOpen=\"isOpen\"\n let-trackByEventId=\"trackByEventId\"\n let-validateDrag=\"validateDrag\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-open-day-events\"\n [@collapse]\n *ngIf=\"isOpen\"\n role=\"application\"\n >\n <span\n tabindex=\"-1\"\n role=\"alert\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { date: date, locale: locale } | calendarA11y: 'openDayEventsAlert'\n \"\n ></span>\n <span\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"landmark\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { date: date, locale: locale }\n | calendarA11y: 'openDayEventsLandmark'\n \"\n ></span>\n <div\n *ngFor=\"let event of events; trackBy: trackByEventId\"\n [ngClass]=\"event?.cssClass\"\n mwlDraggable\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"event.draggable\"\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: event }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{ x: event.draggable, y: event.draggable }\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n >\n <span\n class=\"cal-event\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{ backgroundColor: event.color?.primary }\"\n >\n </span>\n &ngsp;\n <mwl-calendar-event-title\n [event]=\"event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n view=\"month\"\n (mwlClick)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({ event: event, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { event: event, locale: locale }\n | calendarA11y: 'eventDescription'\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-title>\n &ngsp;\n <mwl-calendar-event-actions\n [event]=\"event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-actions>\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n events: events,\n eventClicked: eventClicked,\n isOpen: isOpen,\n trackByEventId: trackByEventId,\n validateDrag: validateDrag\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
1791 animations: [collapseAnimation],
1792 }]
1793 }], propDecorators: { locale: [{
1794 type: i0.Input
1795 }], isOpen: [{
1796 type: i0.Input
1797 }], events: [{
1798 type: i0.Input
1799 }], customTemplate: [{
1800 type: i0.Input
1801 }], eventTitleTemplate: [{
1802 type: i0.Input
1803 }], eventActionsTemplate: [{
1804 type: i0.Input
1805 }], date: [{
1806 type: i0.Input
1807 }], eventClicked: [{
1808 type: i0.Output
1809 }] } });
1811 /**
1812 * Shows all events on a given month. Example usage:
1813 *
1814 * ```typescript
1815 * <mwl-calendar-month-view
1816 * [viewDate]="viewDate"
1817 * [events]="events">
1818 * </mwl-calendar-month-view>
1819 * ```
1820 */
1821 var CalendarMonthViewComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
1822 /**
1823 * @hidden
1824 */
1825 function CalendarMonthViewComponent(cdr, utils, locale, dateAdapter) {
1826 var _this = this;
1827 this.cdr = cdr;
1828 this.utils = utils;
1829 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
1830 /**
1831 * An array of events to display on view.
1832 * The schema is available here: https://github.com/mattlewis92/calendar-utils/blob/c51689985f59a271940e30bc4e2c4e1fee3fcb5c/src/calendarUtils.ts#L49-L63
1833 */
1834 this.events = [];
1835 /**
1836 * An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that will be hidden on the view
1837 */
1838 this.excludeDays = [];
1839 /**
1840 * Whether the events list for the day of the `viewDate` option is visible or not
1841 */
1842 this.activeDayIsOpen = false;
1843 /**
1844 * The placement of the event tooltip
1845 */
1846 this.tooltipPlacement = 'auto';
1847 /**
1848 * Whether to append tooltips to the body or next to the trigger element
1849 */
1850 this.tooltipAppendToBody = true;
1851 /**
1852 * The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip should be displayed. If not provided the tooltip
1853 * will be displayed immediately.
1854 */
1855 this.tooltipDelay = null;
1856 /**
1857 * An output that will be called before the view is rendered for the current month.
1858 * If you add the `cssClass` property to a day in the body it will add that class to the cell element in the template
1859 */
1860 this.beforeViewRender = new i0.EventEmitter();
1861 /**
1862 * Called when the day cell is clicked
1863 */
1864 this.dayClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
1865 /**
1866 * Called when the event title is clicked
1867 */
1868 this.eventClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
1869 /**
1870 * Called when a header week day is clicked. Returns ISO day number.
1871 */
1872 this.columnHeaderClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
1873 /**
1874 * Called when an event is dragged and dropped
1875 */
1876 this.eventTimesChanged = new i0.EventEmitter();
1877 /**
1878 * @hidden
1879 */
1880 this.trackByRowOffset = function (index, offset) { return _this.view.days
1881 .slice(offset, _this.view.totalDaysVisibleInWeek)
1882 .map(function (day) { return day.date.toISOString(); })
1883 .join('-'); };
1884 /**
1885 * @hidden
1886 */
1887 this.trackByDate = function (index, day) { return day.date.toISOString(); };
1888 this.locale = locale;
1889 }
1890 /**
1891 * @hidden
1892 */
1893 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
1894 var _this = this;
1895 if (this.refresh) {
1896 this.refreshSubscription = this.refresh.subscribe(function () {
1897 _this.refreshAll();
1898 _this.cdr.markForCheck();
1899 });
1900 }
1901 };
1902 /**
1903 * @hidden
1904 */
1905 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
1906 var refreshHeader = changes.viewDate || changes.excludeDays || changes.weekendDays;
1907 var refreshBody = changes.viewDate ||
1908 changes.events ||
1909 changes.excludeDays ||
1910 changes.weekendDays;
1911 if (refreshHeader) {
1912 this.refreshHeader();
1913 }
1914 if (changes.events) {
1915 validateEvents(this.events);
1916 }
1917 if (refreshBody) {
1918 this.refreshBody();
1919 }
1920 if (refreshHeader || refreshBody) {
1921 this.emitBeforeViewRender();
1922 }
1923 if (changes.activeDayIsOpen ||
1924 changes.viewDate ||
1925 changes.events ||
1926 changes.excludeDays ||
1927 changes.activeDay) {
1928 this.checkActiveDayIsOpen();
1929 }
1930 };
1931 /**
1932 * @hidden
1933 */
1934 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
1935 if (this.refreshSubscription) {
1936 this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe();
1937 }
1938 };
1939 /**
1940 * @hidden
1941 */
1942 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.toggleDayHighlight = function (event, isHighlighted) {
1943 this.view.days.forEach(function (day) {
1944 if (isHighlighted && day.events.indexOf(event) > -1) {
1945 day.backgroundColor =
1946 (event.color && event.color.secondary) || '#D1E8FF';
1947 }
1948 else {
1949 delete day.backgroundColor;
1950 }
1951 });
1952 };
1953 /**
1954 * @hidden
1955 */
1956 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.eventDropped = function (droppedOn, event, draggedFrom) {
1957 if (droppedOn !== draggedFrom) {
1958 var year = this.dateAdapter.getYear(droppedOn.date);
1959 var month = this.dateAdapter.getMonth(droppedOn.date);
1960 var date = this.dateAdapter.getDate(droppedOn.date);
1961 var newStart = this.dateAdapter.setDate(this.dateAdapter.setMonth(this.dateAdapter.setYear(event.start, year), month), date);
1962 var newEnd = void 0;
1963 if (event.end) {
1964 var secondsDiff = this.dateAdapter.differenceInSeconds(newStart, event.start);
1965 newEnd = this.dateAdapter.addSeconds(event.end, secondsDiff);
1966 }
1967 this.eventTimesChanged.emit({
1968 event: event,
1969 newStart: newStart,
1970 newEnd: newEnd,
1971 day: droppedOn,
1972 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Drop,
1973 });
1974 }
1975 };
1976 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.refreshHeader = function () {
1977 this.columnHeaders = this.utils.getWeekViewHeader({
1978 viewDate: this.viewDate,
1979 weekStartsOn: this.weekStartsOn,
1980 excluded: this.excludeDays,
1981 weekendDays: this.weekendDays,
1982 });
1983 };
1984 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.refreshBody = function () {
1985 this.view = this.utils.getMonthView({
1986 events: this.events,
1987 viewDate: this.viewDate,
1988 weekStartsOn: this.weekStartsOn,
1989 excluded: this.excludeDays,
1990 weekendDays: this.weekendDays,
1991 });
1992 };
1993 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.checkActiveDayIsOpen = function () {
1994 var _this = this;
1995 if (this.activeDayIsOpen === true) {
1996 var activeDay_1 = this.activeDay || this.viewDate;
1997 this.openDay = this.view.days.find(function (day) { return _this.dateAdapter.isSameDay(day.date, activeDay_1); });
1998 var index = this.view.days.indexOf(this.openDay);
1999 this.openRowIndex =
2000 Math.floor(index / this.view.totalDaysVisibleInWeek) *
2001 this.view.totalDaysVisibleInWeek;
2002 }
2003 else {
2004 this.openRowIndex = null;
2005 this.openDay = null;
2006 }
2007 };
2008 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.refreshAll = function () {
2009 this.refreshHeader();
2010 this.refreshBody();
2011 this.emitBeforeViewRender();
2012 this.checkActiveDayIsOpen();
2013 };
2014 CalendarMonthViewComponent.prototype.emitBeforeViewRender = function () {
2015 if (this.columnHeaders && this.view) {
2016 this.beforeViewRender.emit({
2017 header: this.columnHeaders,
2018 body: this.view.days,
2019 period: this.view.period,
2020 });
2021 }
2022 };
2023 return CalendarMonthViewComponent;
2024 }());
2025 CalendarMonthViewComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthViewComponent, deps: [{ token: i0__namespace.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: CalendarUtils }, { token: i0.LOCALE_ID }, { token: DateAdapter }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
2026 CalendarMonthViewComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarMonthViewComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-month-view", inputs: { viewDate: "viewDate", events: "events", excludeDays: "excludeDays", activeDayIsOpen: "activeDayIsOpen", activeDay: "activeDay", refresh: "refresh", locale: "locale", tooltipPlacement: "tooltipPlacement", tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", tooltipAppendToBody: "tooltipAppendToBody", tooltipDelay: "tooltipDelay", weekStartsOn: "weekStartsOn", headerTemplate: "headerTemplate", cellTemplate: "cellTemplate", openDayEventsTemplate: "openDayEventsTemplate", eventTitleTemplate: "eventTitleTemplate", eventActionsTemplate: "eventActionsTemplate", weekendDays: "weekendDays" }, outputs: { beforeViewRender: "beforeViewRender", dayClicked: "dayClicked", eventClicked: "eventClicked", columnHeaderClicked: "columnHeaderClicked", eventTimesChanged: "eventTimesChanged" }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <div class=\"cal-month-view\" role=\"grid\">\n <mwl-calendar-month-view-header\n [days]=\"columnHeaders\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n (columnHeaderClicked)=\"columnHeaderClicked.emit($event)\"\n [customTemplate]=\"headerTemplate\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-month-view-header>\n <div class=\"cal-days\">\n <div\n *ngFor=\"let rowIndex of view.rowOffsets; trackBy: trackByRowOffset\"\n >\n <div role=\"row\" class=\"cal-cell-row\">\n <mwl-calendar-month-cell\n role=\"gridcell\"\n *ngFor=\"\n let day of view.days\n | slice: rowIndex:rowIndex + view.totalDaysVisibleInWeek;\n trackBy: trackByDate\n \"\n [ngClass]=\"day?.cssClass\"\n [day]=\"day\"\n [openDay]=\"openDay\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [customTemplate]=\"cellTemplate\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{ backgroundColor: day.backgroundColor }\"\n (mwlClick)=\"dayClicked.emit({ day: day, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n [clickListenerDisabled]=\"dayClicked.observers.length === 0\"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"\n dayClicked.emit({ day: day, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n (highlightDay)=\"toggleDayHighlight($event.event, true)\"\n (unhighlightDay)=\"toggleDayHighlight($event.event, false)\"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"\n eventDropped(\n day,\n $event.dropData.event,\n $event.dropData.draggedFrom\n )\n \"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: $event.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n [attr.tabindex]=\"{} | calendarA11y: 'monthCellTabIndex'\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-month-cell>\n </div>\n <mwl-calendar-open-day-events\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [isOpen]=\"openRowIndex === rowIndex\"\n [events]=\"openDay?.events\"\n [date]=\"openDay?.date\"\n [customTemplate]=\"openDayEventsTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: $event.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"\n eventDropped(\n openDay,\n $event.dropData.event,\n $event.dropData.draggedFrom\n )\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-open-day-events>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ", isInline: true, components: [{ type: CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-month-view-header", inputs: ["days", "locale", "customTemplate"], outputs: ["columnHeaderClicked"] }, { type: CalendarMonthCellComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-month-cell", inputs: ["day", "openDay", "locale", "tooltipPlacement", "tooltipAppendToBody", "customTemplate", "tooltipTemplate", "tooltipDelay"], outputs: ["highlightDay", "unhighlightDay", "eventClicked"] }, { type: CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-open-day-events", inputs: ["locale", "isOpen", "events", "customTemplate", "eventTitleTemplate", "eventActionsTemplate", "date"], outputs: ["eventClicked"] }], directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i2__namespace.DroppableDirective, selector: "[mwlDroppable]", inputs: ["dragOverClass", "dragActiveClass", "validateDrop"], outputs: ["dragEnter", "dragLeave", "dragOver", "drop"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgStyle, selector: "[ngStyle]", inputs: ["ngStyle"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }, { type: KeydownEnterDirective, selector: "[mwlKeydownEnter]", outputs: ["mwlKeydownEnter"] }], pipes: { "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe, "slice": i1__namespace.SlicePipe } });
2027 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthViewComponent, decorators: [{
2028 type: i0.Component,
2029 args: [{
2030 selector: 'mwl-calendar-month-view',
2031 template: "\n <div class=\"cal-month-view\" role=\"grid\">\n <mwl-calendar-month-view-header\n [days]=\"columnHeaders\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n (columnHeaderClicked)=\"columnHeaderClicked.emit($event)\"\n [customTemplate]=\"headerTemplate\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-month-view-header>\n <div class=\"cal-days\">\n <div\n *ngFor=\"let rowIndex of view.rowOffsets; trackBy: trackByRowOffset\"\n >\n <div role=\"row\" class=\"cal-cell-row\">\n <mwl-calendar-month-cell\n role=\"gridcell\"\n *ngFor=\"\n let day of view.days\n | slice: rowIndex:rowIndex + view.totalDaysVisibleInWeek;\n trackBy: trackByDate\n \"\n [ngClass]=\"day?.cssClass\"\n [day]=\"day\"\n [openDay]=\"openDay\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [customTemplate]=\"cellTemplate\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{ backgroundColor: day.backgroundColor }\"\n (mwlClick)=\"dayClicked.emit({ day: day, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n [clickListenerDisabled]=\"dayClicked.observers.length === 0\"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"\n dayClicked.emit({ day: day, sourceEvent: $event })\n \"\n (highlightDay)=\"toggleDayHighlight($event.event, true)\"\n (unhighlightDay)=\"toggleDayHighlight($event.event, false)\"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"\n eventDropped(\n day,\n $event.dropData.event,\n $event.dropData.draggedFrom\n )\n \"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: $event.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n [attr.tabindex]=\"{} | calendarA11y: 'monthCellTabIndex'\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-month-cell>\n </div>\n <mwl-calendar-open-day-events\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [isOpen]=\"openRowIndex === rowIndex\"\n [events]=\"openDay?.events\"\n [date]=\"openDay?.date\"\n [customTemplate]=\"openDayEventsTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: $event.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"\n eventDropped(\n openDay,\n $event.dropData.event,\n $event.dropData.draggedFrom\n )\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-open-day-events>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ",
2032 }]
2033 }], ctorParameters: function () {
2034 return [{ type: i0__namespace.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: CalendarUtils }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
2035 type: i0.Inject,
2036 args: [i0.LOCALE_ID]
2037 }] }, { type: DateAdapter }];
2038 }, propDecorators: { viewDate: [{
2039 type: i0.Input
2040 }], events: [{
2041 type: i0.Input
2042 }], excludeDays: [{
2043 type: i0.Input
2044 }], activeDayIsOpen: [{
2045 type: i0.Input
2046 }], activeDay: [{
2047 type: i0.Input
2048 }], refresh: [{
2049 type: i0.Input
2050 }], locale: [{
2051 type: i0.Input
2052 }], tooltipPlacement: [{
2053 type: i0.Input
2054 }], tooltipTemplate: [{
2055 type: i0.Input
2056 }], tooltipAppendToBody: [{
2057 type: i0.Input
2058 }], tooltipDelay: [{
2059 type: i0.Input
2060 }], weekStartsOn: [{
2061 type: i0.Input
2062 }], headerTemplate: [{
2063 type: i0.Input
2064 }], cellTemplate: [{
2065 type: i0.Input
2066 }], openDayEventsTemplate: [{
2067 type: i0.Input
2068 }], eventTitleTemplate: [{
2069 type: i0.Input
2070 }], eventActionsTemplate: [{
2071 type: i0.Input
2072 }], weekendDays: [{
2073 type: i0.Input
2074 }], beforeViewRender: [{
2075 type: i0.Output
2076 }], dayClicked: [{
2077 type: i0.Output
2078 }], eventClicked: [{
2079 type: i0.Output
2080 }], columnHeaderClicked: [{
2081 type: i0.Output
2082 }], eventTimesChanged: [{
2083 type: i0.Output
2084 }] } });
2086 var CalendarMonthModule = /** @class */ (function () {
2087 function CalendarMonthModule() {
2088 }
2089 return CalendarMonthModule;
2090 }());
2091 CalendarMonthModule.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthModule, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule });
2092 CalendarMonthModule.ɵmod = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthModule, declarations: [CalendarMonthViewComponent,
2093 CalendarMonthCellComponent,
2094 CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent,
2095 CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent], imports: [i1.CommonModule, i2.DragAndDropModule, CalendarCommonModule], exports: [i2.DragAndDropModule,
2096 CalendarMonthViewComponent,
2097 CalendarMonthCellComponent,
2098 CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent,
2099 CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent] });
2100 CalendarMonthModule.ɵinj = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthModule, imports: [[i1.CommonModule, i2.DragAndDropModule, CalendarCommonModule], i2.DragAndDropModule] });
2101 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarMonthModule, decorators: [{
2102 type: i0.NgModule,
2103 args: [{
2104 imports: [i1.CommonModule, i2.DragAndDropModule, CalendarCommonModule],
2105 declarations: [
2106 CalendarMonthViewComponent,
2107 CalendarMonthCellComponent,
2108 CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent,
2109 CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent,
2110 ],
2111 exports: [
2112 i2.DragAndDropModule,
2113 CalendarMonthViewComponent,
2114 CalendarMonthCellComponent,
2115 CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent,
2116 CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent,
2117 ],
2118 }]
2119 }] });
2121 var CalendarDragHelper = /** @class */ (function () {
2122 function CalendarDragHelper(dragContainerElement, draggableElement) {
2123 this.dragContainerElement = dragContainerElement;
2124 this.startPosition = draggableElement.getBoundingClientRect();
2125 }
2126 CalendarDragHelper.prototype.validateDrag = function (_a) {
2127 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, snapDraggedEvents = _a.snapDraggedEvents, dragAlreadyMoved = _a.dragAlreadyMoved, transform = _a.transform;
2128 var isDraggedWithinThreshold = isWithinThreshold({ x: x, y: y }) || dragAlreadyMoved;
2129 if (snapDraggedEvents) {
2130 var inner = Object.assign({}, this.startPosition, {
2131 left: this.startPosition.left + transform.x,
2132 right: this.startPosition.right + transform.x,
2133 top: this.startPosition.top + transform.y,
2134 bottom: this.startPosition.bottom + transform.y,
2135 });
2136 if (isDraggedWithinThreshold) {
2137 var outer = this.dragContainerElement.getBoundingClientRect();
2138 var isTopInside = outer.top < inner.top && inner.top < outer.bottom;
2139 var isBottomInside = outer.top < inner.bottom && inner.bottom < outer.bottom;
2140 return (isInsideLeftAndRight(outer, inner) && (isTopInside || isBottomInside));
2141 }
2142 /* istanbul ignore next */
2143 return false;
2144 }
2145 else {
2146 return isDraggedWithinThreshold;
2147 }
2148 };
2149 return CalendarDragHelper;
2150 }());
2152 var CalendarResizeHelper = /** @class */ (function () {
2153 function CalendarResizeHelper(resizeContainerElement, minWidth, rtl) {
2154 this.resizeContainerElement = resizeContainerElement;
2155 this.minWidth = minWidth;
2156 this.rtl = rtl;
2157 }
2158 CalendarResizeHelper.prototype.validateResize = function (_a) {
2159 var rectangle = _a.rectangle, edges = _a.edges;
2160 if (this.rtl) {
2161 // TODO - find a way of testing this, for some reason the tests always fail but it does actually work
2162 /* istanbul ignore next */
2163 if (typeof edges.left !== 'undefined') {
2164 rectangle.left -= edges.left;
2165 rectangle.right += edges.left;
2166 }
2167 else if (typeof edges.right !== 'undefined') {
2168 rectangle.left += edges.right;
2169 rectangle.right -= edges.right;
2170 }
2171 rectangle.width = rectangle.right - rectangle.left;
2172 }
2173 if (this.minWidth &&
2174 Math.ceil(rectangle.width) < Math.ceil(this.minWidth)) {
2175 return false;
2176 }
2177 return isInside(this.resizeContainerElement.getBoundingClientRect(), rectangle);
2178 };
2179 return CalendarResizeHelper;
2180 }());
2182 var CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
2183 function CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent() {
2184 this.dayHeaderClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
2185 this.eventDropped = new i0.EventEmitter();
2186 this.dragEnter = new i0.EventEmitter();
2187 this.trackByWeekDayHeaderDate = trackByWeekDayHeaderDate;
2188 }
2189 return CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent;
2190 }());
2191 CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
2192 CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-header", inputs: { days: "days", locale: "locale", customTemplate: "customTemplate" }, outputs: { dayHeaderClicked: "dayHeaderClicked", eventDropped: "eventDropped", dragEnter: "dragEnter" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-days=\"days\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-dayHeaderClicked=\"dayHeaderClicked\"\n let-eventDropped=\"eventDropped\"\n let-trackByWeekDayHeaderDate=\"trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n let-dragEnter=\"dragEnter\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-day-headers\" role=\"row\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-header\"\n *ngFor=\"let day of days; trackBy: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n [class.cal-past]=\"day.isPast\"\n [class.cal-today]=\"day.isToday\"\n [class.cal-future]=\"day.isFuture\"\n [class.cal-weekend]=\"day.isWeekend\"\n [ngClass]=\"day.cssClass\"\n (mwlClick)=\"dayHeaderClicked.emit({ day: day, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"\n eventDropped.emit({\n event: $event.dropData.event,\n newStart: day.date\n })\n \"\n (dragEnter)=\"dragEnter.emit({ date: day.date })\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"columnheader\"\n >\n <b>{{ day.date | calendarDate: 'weekViewColumnHeader':locale }}</b\n ><br />\n <span>{{\n day.date | calendarDate: 'weekViewColumnSubHeader':locale\n }}</span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n days: days,\n locale: locale,\n dayHeaderClicked: dayHeaderClicked,\n eventDropped: eventDropped,\n dragEnter: dragEnter,\n trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i2__namespace.DroppableDirective, selector: "[mwlDroppable]", inputs: ["dragOverClass", "dragActiveClass", "validateDrop"], outputs: ["dragEnter", "dragLeave", "dragOver", "drop"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarDate": CalendarDatePipe } });
2193 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, decorators: [{
2194 type: i0.Component,
2195 args: [{
2196 selector: 'mwl-calendar-week-view-header',
2197 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-days=\"days\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-dayHeaderClicked=\"dayHeaderClicked\"\n let-eventDropped=\"eventDropped\"\n let-trackByWeekDayHeaderDate=\"trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n let-dragEnter=\"dragEnter\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-day-headers\" role=\"row\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-header\"\n *ngFor=\"let day of days; trackBy: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n [class.cal-past]=\"day.isPast\"\n [class.cal-today]=\"day.isToday\"\n [class.cal-future]=\"day.isFuture\"\n [class.cal-weekend]=\"day.isWeekend\"\n [ngClass]=\"day.cssClass\"\n (mwlClick)=\"dayHeaderClicked.emit({ day: day, sourceEvent: $event })\"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"\n eventDropped.emit({\n event: $event.dropData.event,\n newStart: day.date\n })\n \"\n (dragEnter)=\"dragEnter.emit({ date: day.date })\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"columnheader\"\n >\n <b>{{ day.date | calendarDate: 'weekViewColumnHeader':locale }}</b\n ><br />\n <span>{{\n day.date | calendarDate: 'weekViewColumnSubHeader':locale\n }}</span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n days: days,\n locale: locale,\n dayHeaderClicked: dayHeaderClicked,\n eventDropped: eventDropped,\n dragEnter: dragEnter,\n trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
2198 }]
2199 }], propDecorators: { days: [{
2200 type: i0.Input
2201 }], locale: [{
2202 type: i0.Input
2203 }], customTemplate: [{
2204 type: i0.Input
2205 }], dayHeaderClicked: [{
2206 type: i0.Output
2207 }], eventDropped: [{
2208 type: i0.Output
2209 }], dragEnter: [{
2210 type: i0.Output
2211 }] } });
2213 var CalendarWeekViewEventComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
2214 function CalendarWeekViewEventComponent() {
2215 this.eventClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
2216 }
2217 return CalendarWeekViewEventComponent;
2218 }());
2219 CalendarWeekViewEventComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
2220 CalendarWeekViewEventComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-event", inputs: { locale: "locale", weekEvent: "weekEvent", tooltipPlacement: "tooltipPlacement", tooltipAppendToBody: "tooltipAppendToBody", tooltipDisabled: "tooltipDisabled", tooltipDelay: "tooltipDelay", customTemplate: "customTemplate", eventTitleTemplate: "eventTitleTemplate", eventActionsTemplate: "eventActionsTemplate", tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", column: "column", daysInWeek: "daysInWeek" }, outputs: { eventClicked: "eventClicked" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-weekEvent=\"weekEvent\"\n let-tooltipPlacement=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n let-eventClicked=\"eventClicked\"\n let-tooltipTemplate=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n let-tooltipAppendToBody=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n let-tooltipDisabled=\"tooltipDisabled\"\n let-tooltipDelay=\"tooltipDelay\"\n let-column=\"column\"\n let-daysInWeek=\"daysInWeek\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-event\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{\n backgroundColor: weekEvent.event.color?.secondary,\n borderColor: weekEvent.event.color?.primary\n }\"\n [mwlCalendarTooltip]=\"\n !tooltipDisabled\n ? (weekEvent.event.title\n | calendarEventTitle\n : (daysInWeek === 1 ? 'dayTooltip' : 'weekTooltip')\n : weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event)\n : ''\n \"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipEvent]=\"weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n (mwlClick)=\"eventClicked.emit({ sourceEvent: $event })\"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"eventClicked.emit({ sourceEvent: $event })\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"application\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { event: weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event, locale: locale }\n | calendarA11y: 'eventDescription'\n \"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-event-actions\n [event]=\"weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-actions>\n &ngsp;\n <mwl-calendar-event-title\n [event]=\"weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [view]=\"daysInWeek === 1 ? 'day' : 'week'\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-title>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n weekEvent: weekEvent,\n tooltipPlacement: tooltipPlacement,\n eventClicked: eventClicked,\n tooltipTemplate: tooltipTemplate,\n tooltipAppendToBody: tooltipAppendToBody,\n tooltipDisabled: tooltipDisabled,\n tooltipDelay: tooltipDelay,\n column: column,\n daysInWeek: daysInWeek\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, components: [{ type: CalendarEventActionsComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-event-actions", inputs: ["event", "customTemplate"] }, { type: CalendarEventTitleComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-event-title", inputs: ["event", "customTemplate", "view"] }], directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgStyle, selector: "[ngStyle]", inputs: ["ngStyle"] }, { type: CalendarTooltipDirective, selector: "[mwlCalendarTooltip]", inputs: ["mwlCalendarTooltip", "tooltipPlacement", "tooltipTemplate", "tooltipEvent", "tooltipAppendToBody", "tooltipDelay"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }, { type: KeydownEnterDirective, selector: "[mwlKeydownEnter]", outputs: ["mwlKeydownEnter"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarEventTitle": CalendarEventTitlePipe, "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe } });
2221 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, decorators: [{
2222 type: i0.Component,
2223 args: [{
2224 selector: 'mwl-calendar-week-view-event',
2225 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-weekEvent=\"weekEvent\"\n let-tooltipPlacement=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n let-eventClicked=\"eventClicked\"\n let-tooltipTemplate=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n let-tooltipAppendToBody=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n let-tooltipDisabled=\"tooltipDisabled\"\n let-tooltipDelay=\"tooltipDelay\"\n let-column=\"column\"\n let-daysInWeek=\"daysInWeek\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-event\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{\n backgroundColor: weekEvent.event.color?.secondary,\n borderColor: weekEvent.event.color?.primary\n }\"\n [mwlCalendarTooltip]=\"\n !tooltipDisabled\n ? (weekEvent.event.title\n | calendarEventTitle\n : (daysInWeek === 1 ? 'dayTooltip' : 'weekTooltip')\n : weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event)\n : ''\n \"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipEvent]=\"weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n (mwlClick)=\"eventClicked.emit({ sourceEvent: $event })\"\n (mwlKeydownEnter)=\"eventClicked.emit({ sourceEvent: $event })\"\n tabindex=\"0\"\n role=\"application\"\n [attr.aria-label]=\"\n { event: weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event, locale: locale }\n | calendarA11y: 'eventDescription'\n \"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-event-actions\n [event]=\"weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-actions>\n &ngsp;\n <mwl-calendar-event-title\n [event]=\"weekEvent.tempEvent || weekEvent.event\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [view]=\"daysInWeek === 1 ? 'day' : 'week'\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-event-title>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n weekEvent: weekEvent,\n tooltipPlacement: tooltipPlacement,\n eventClicked: eventClicked,\n tooltipTemplate: tooltipTemplate,\n tooltipAppendToBody: tooltipAppendToBody,\n tooltipDisabled: tooltipDisabled,\n tooltipDelay: tooltipDelay,\n column: column,\n daysInWeek: daysInWeek\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
2226 }]
2227 }], propDecorators: { locale: [{
2228 type: i0.Input
2229 }], weekEvent: [{
2230 type: i0.Input
2231 }], tooltipPlacement: [{
2232 type: i0.Input
2233 }], tooltipAppendToBody: [{
2234 type: i0.Input
2235 }], tooltipDisabled: [{
2236 type: i0.Input
2237 }], tooltipDelay: [{
2238 type: i0.Input
2239 }], customTemplate: [{
2240 type: i0.Input
2241 }], eventTitleTemplate: [{
2242 type: i0.Input
2243 }], eventActionsTemplate: [{
2244 type: i0.Input
2245 }], tooltipTemplate: [{
2246 type: i0.Input
2247 }], column: [{
2248 type: i0.Input
2249 }], daysInWeek: [{
2250 type: i0.Input
2251 }], eventClicked: [{
2252 type: i0.Output
2253 }] } });
2255 var CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
2256 function CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent() {
2257 }
2258 return CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent;
2259 }());
2260 CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
2261 CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment", inputs: { segment: "segment", segmentHeight: "segmentHeight", locale: "locale", isTimeLabel: "isTimeLabel", daysInWeek: "daysInWeek", customTemplate: "customTemplate" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-segment=\"segment\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-segmentHeight=\"segmentHeight\"\n let-isTimeLabel=\"isTimeLabel\"\n let-daysInWeek=\"daysInWeek\"\n >\n <div\n [attr.aria-hidden]=\"\n {}\n | calendarA11y\n : (daysInWeek === 1\n ? 'hideDayHourSegment'\n : 'hideWeekHourSegment')\n \"\n class=\"cal-hour-segment\"\n [style.height.px]=\"segmentHeight\"\n [class.cal-hour-start]=\"segment.isStart\"\n [class.cal-after-hour-start]=\"!segment.isStart\"\n [ngClass]=\"segment.cssClass\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-time\" *ngIf=\"isTimeLabel\">\n {{\n segment.displayDate\n | calendarDate\n : (daysInWeek === 1 ? 'dayViewHour' : 'weekViewHour')\n : locale\n }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n segment: segment,\n locale: locale,\n segmentHeight: segmentHeight,\n isTimeLabel: isTimeLabel,\n daysInWeek: daysInWeek\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "calendarA11y": CalendarA11yPipe, "calendarDate": CalendarDatePipe } });
2262 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, decorators: [{
2263 type: i0.Component,
2264 args: [{
2265 selector: 'mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment',
2266 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-segment=\"segment\"\n let-locale=\"locale\"\n let-segmentHeight=\"segmentHeight\"\n let-isTimeLabel=\"isTimeLabel\"\n let-daysInWeek=\"daysInWeek\"\n >\n <div\n [attr.aria-hidden]=\"\n {}\n | calendarA11y\n : (daysInWeek === 1\n ? 'hideDayHourSegment'\n : 'hideWeekHourSegment')\n \"\n class=\"cal-hour-segment\"\n [style.height.px]=\"segmentHeight\"\n [class.cal-hour-start]=\"segment.isStart\"\n [class.cal-after-hour-start]=\"!segment.isStart\"\n [ngClass]=\"segment.cssClass\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-time\" *ngIf=\"isTimeLabel\">\n {{\n segment.displayDate\n | calendarDate\n : (daysInWeek === 1 ? 'dayViewHour' : 'weekViewHour')\n : locale\n }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n segment: segment,\n locale: locale,\n segmentHeight: segmentHeight,\n isTimeLabel: isTimeLabel,\n daysInWeek: daysInWeek\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
2267 }]
2268 }], propDecorators: { segment: [{
2269 type: i0.Input
2270 }], segmentHeight: [{
2271 type: i0.Input
2272 }], locale: [{
2273 type: i0.Input
2274 }], isTimeLabel: [{
2275 type: i0.Input
2276 }], daysInWeek: [{
2277 type: i0.Input
2278 }], customTemplate: [{
2279 type: i0.Input
2280 }] } });
2282 var CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
2283 function CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent(dateAdapter, zone) {
2284 var _this = this;
2285 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
2286 this.zone = zone;
2287 this.columnDate$ = new rxjs.BehaviorSubject(undefined);
2288 this.marker$ = this.zone.onStable.pipe(operators.switchMap(function () { return rxjs.interval(60 * 1000); }), operators.startWith(0), operators.switchMapTo(this.columnDate$), operators.map(function (columnDate) {
2289 var startOfDay = _this.dateAdapter.setMinutes(_this.dateAdapter.setHours(columnDate, _this.dayStartHour), _this.dayStartMinute);
2290 var endOfDay = _this.dateAdapter.setMinutes(_this.dateAdapter.setHours(columnDate, _this.dayEndHour), _this.dayEndMinute);
2291 var hourHeightModifier = (_this.hourSegments * _this.hourSegmentHeight) /
2292 (_this.hourDuration || 60);
2293 var now = new Date();
2294 return {
2295 isVisible: _this.dateAdapter.isSameDay(columnDate, now) &&
2296 now >= startOfDay &&
2297 now <= endOfDay,
2298 top: _this.dateAdapter.differenceInMinutes(now, startOfDay) *
2299 hourHeightModifier,
2300 };
2301 }));
2302 }
2303 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
2304 if (changes.columnDate) {
2305 this.columnDate$.next(changes.columnDate.currentValue);
2306 }
2307 };
2308 return CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent;
2309 }());
2310 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent, deps: [{ token: DateAdapter }, { token: i0__namespace.NgZone }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
2311 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker", inputs: { columnDate: "columnDate", dayStartHour: "dayStartHour", dayStartMinute: "dayStartMinute", dayEndHour: "dayEndHour", dayEndMinute: "dayEndMinute", hourSegments: "hourSegments", hourDuration: "hourDuration", hourSegmentHeight: "hourSegmentHeight", customTemplate: "customTemplate" }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-columnDate=\"columnDate\"\n let-dayStartHour=\"dayStartHour\"\n let-dayStartMinute=\"dayStartMinute\"\n let-dayEndHour=\"dayEndHour\"\n let-dayEndMinute=\"dayEndMinute\"\n let-isVisible=\"isVisible\"\n let-topPx=\"topPx\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-current-time-marker\"\n *ngIf=\"isVisible\"\n [style.top.px]=\"topPx\"\n ></div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n columnDate: columnDate,\n dayStartHour: dayStartHour,\n dayStartMinute: dayStartMinute,\n dayEndHour: dayEndHour,\n dayEndMinute: dayEndMinute,\n isVisible: (marker$ | async)?.isVisible,\n topPx: (marker$ | async)?.top\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ", isInline: true, directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }], pipes: { "async": i1__namespace.AsyncPipe } });
2312 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent, decorators: [{
2313 type: i0.Component,
2314 args: [{
2315 selector: 'mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker',
2316 template: "\n <ng-template\n #defaultTemplate\n let-columnDate=\"columnDate\"\n let-dayStartHour=\"dayStartHour\"\n let-dayStartMinute=\"dayStartMinute\"\n let-dayEndHour=\"dayEndHour\"\n let-dayEndMinute=\"dayEndMinute\"\n let-isVisible=\"isVisible\"\n let-topPx=\"topPx\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-current-time-marker\"\n *ngIf=\"isVisible\"\n [style.top.px]=\"topPx\"\n ></div>\n </ng-template>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"customTemplate || defaultTemplate\"\n [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{\n columnDate: columnDate,\n dayStartHour: dayStartHour,\n dayStartMinute: dayStartMinute,\n dayEndHour: dayEndHour,\n dayEndMinute: dayEndMinute,\n isVisible: (marker$ | async)?.isVisible,\n topPx: (marker$ | async)?.top\n }\"\n >\n </ng-template>\n ",
2317 }]
2318 }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: DateAdapter }, { type: i0__namespace.NgZone }]; }, propDecorators: { columnDate: [{
2319 type: i0.Input
2320 }], dayStartHour: [{
2321 type: i0.Input
2322 }], dayStartMinute: [{
2323 type: i0.Input
2324 }], dayEndHour: [{
2325 type: i0.Input
2326 }], dayEndMinute: [{
2327 type: i0.Input
2328 }], hourSegments: [{
2329 type: i0.Input
2330 }], hourDuration: [{
2331 type: i0.Input
2332 }], hourSegmentHeight: [{
2333 type: i0.Input
2334 }], customTemplate: [{
2335 type: i0.Input
2336 }] } });
2338 /**
2339 * Shows all events on a given week. Example usage:
2340 *
2341 * ```typescript
2342 * <mwl-calendar-week-view
2343 * [viewDate]="viewDate"
2344 * [events]="events">
2345 * </mwl-calendar-week-view>
2346 * ```
2347 */
2348 var CalendarWeekViewComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
2349 /**
2350 * @hidden
2351 */
2352 function CalendarWeekViewComponent(cdr, utils, locale, dateAdapter, element) {
2353 this.cdr = cdr;
2354 this.utils = utils;
2355 this.dateAdapter = dateAdapter;
2356 this.element = element;
2357 /**
2358 * An array of events to display on view
2359 * The schema is available here: https://github.com/mattlewis92/calendar-utils/blob/c51689985f59a271940e30bc4e2c4e1fee3fcb5c/src/calendarUtils.ts#L49-L63
2360 */
2361 this.events = [];
2362 /**
2363 * An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that will be hidden on the view
2364 */
2365 this.excludeDays = [];
2366 /**
2367 * The placement of the event tooltip
2368 */
2369 this.tooltipPlacement = 'auto';
2370 /**
2371 * Whether to append tooltips to the body or next to the trigger element
2372 */
2373 this.tooltipAppendToBody = true;
2374 /**
2375 * The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip should be displayed. If not provided the tooltip
2376 * will be displayed immediately.
2377 */
2378 this.tooltipDelay = null;
2379 /**
2380 * The precision to display events.
2381 * `days` will round event start and end dates to the nearest day and `minutes` will not do this rounding
2382 */
2383 this.precision = 'days';
2384 /**
2385 * Whether to snap events to a grid when dragging
2386 */
2387 this.snapDraggedEvents = true;
2388 /**
2389 * The number of segments in an hour. Must divide equally into 60.
2390 */
2391 this.hourSegments = 2;
2392 /**
2393 * The height in pixels of each hour segment
2394 */
2395 this.hourSegmentHeight = 30;
2396 /**
2397 * The minimum height in pixels of each event
2398 */
2399 this.minimumEventHeight = 30;
2400 /**
2401 * The day start hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
2402 */
2403 this.dayStartHour = 0;
2404 /**
2405 * The day start minutes. Must be 0-59
2406 */
2407 this.dayStartMinute = 0;
2408 /**
2409 * The day end hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
2410 */
2411 this.dayEndHour = 23;
2412 /**
2413 * The day end minutes. Must be 0-59
2414 */
2415 this.dayEndMinute = 59;
2416 /**
2417 * Called when a header week day is clicked. Adding a `cssClass` property on `$event.day` will add that class to the header element
2418 */
2419 this.dayHeaderClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
2420 /**
2421 * Called when an event title is clicked
2422 */
2423 this.eventClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
2424 /**
2425 * Called when an event is resized or dragged and dropped
2426 */
2427 this.eventTimesChanged = new i0.EventEmitter();
2428 /**
2429 * An output that will be called before the view is rendered for the current week.
2430 * If you add the `cssClass` property to a day in the header it will add that class to the cell element in the template
2431 */
2432 this.beforeViewRender = new i0.EventEmitter();
2433 /**
2434 * Called when an hour segment is clicked
2435 */
2436 this.hourSegmentClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
2437 /**
2438 * @hidden
2439 */
2440 this.allDayEventResizes = new Map();
2441 /**
2442 * @hidden
2443 */
2444 this.timeEventResizes = new Map();
2445 /**
2446 * @hidden
2447 */
2448 this.eventDragEnterByType = {
2449 allDay: 0,
2450 time: 0,
2451 };
2452 /**
2453 * @hidden
2454 */
2455 this.dragActive = false;
2456 /**
2457 * @hidden
2458 */
2459 this.dragAlreadyMoved = false;
2460 /**
2461 * @hidden
2462 */
2463 this.calendarId = Symbol('angular calendar week view id');
2464 /**
2465 * @hidden
2466 */
2467 this.rtl = false;
2468 /**
2469 * @hidden
2470 */
2471 this.trackByWeekDayHeaderDate = trackByWeekDayHeaderDate;
2472 /**
2473 * @hidden
2474 */
2475 this.trackByHourSegment = trackByHourSegment;
2476 /**
2477 * @hidden
2478 */
2479 this.trackByHour = trackByHour;
2480 /**
2481 * @hidden
2482 */
2483 this.trackByWeekAllDayEvent = trackByWeekAllDayEvent;
2484 /**
2485 * @hidden
2486 */
2487 this.trackByWeekTimeEvent = trackByWeekTimeEvent;
2488 /**
2489 * @hidden
2490 */
2491 this.trackByHourColumn = function (index, column) { return column.hours[0] ? column.hours[0].segments[0].date.toISOString() : column; };
2492 /**
2493 * @hidden
2494 */
2495 this.trackById = function (index, row) { return row.id; };
2496 this.locale = locale;
2497 }
2498 /**
2499 * @hidden
2500 */
2501 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
2502 var _this = this;
2503 if (this.refresh) {
2504 this.refreshSubscription = this.refresh.subscribe(function () {
2505 _this.refreshAll();
2506 _this.cdr.markForCheck();
2507 });
2508 }
2509 };
2510 /**
2511 * @hidden
2512 */
2513 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
2514 var refreshHeader = changes.viewDate ||
2515 changes.excludeDays ||
2516 changes.weekendDays ||
2517 changes.daysInWeek ||
2518 changes.weekStartsOn;
2519 var refreshBody = changes.viewDate ||
2520 changes.dayStartHour ||
2521 changes.dayStartMinute ||
2522 changes.dayEndHour ||
2523 changes.dayEndMinute ||
2524 changes.hourSegments ||
2525 changes.hourDuration ||
2526 changes.weekStartsOn ||
2527 changes.weekendDays ||
2528 changes.excludeDays ||
2529 changes.hourSegmentHeight ||
2530 changes.events ||
2531 changes.daysInWeek ||
2532 changes.minimumEventHeight;
2533 if (refreshHeader) {
2534 this.refreshHeader();
2535 }
2536 if (changes.events) {
2537 validateEvents(this.events);
2538 }
2539 if (refreshBody) {
2540 this.refreshBody();
2541 }
2542 if (refreshHeader || refreshBody) {
2543 this.emitBeforeViewRender();
2544 }
2545 };
2546 /**
2547 * @hidden
2548 */
2549 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
2550 if (this.refreshSubscription) {
2551 this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe();
2552 }
2553 };
2554 /**
2555 * @hidden
2556 */
2557 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.ngAfterViewInit = function () {
2558 this.rtl =
2559 typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
2560 getComputedStyle(this.element.nativeElement).direction === 'rtl';
2561 this.cdr.detectChanges();
2562 };
2563 /**
2564 * @hidden
2565 */
2566 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.timeEventResizeStarted = function (eventsContainer, timeEvent, resizeEvent) {
2567 this.timeEventResizes.set(timeEvent.event, resizeEvent);
2568 this.resizeStarted(eventsContainer, timeEvent);
2569 };
2570 /**
2571 * @hidden
2572 */
2573 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.timeEventResizing = function (timeEvent, resizeEvent) {
2574 var _this = this;
2575 this.timeEventResizes.set(timeEvent.event, resizeEvent);
2576 var adjustedEvents = new Map();
2577 var tempEvents = __spreadArray([], __read(this.events));
2578 this.timeEventResizes.forEach(function (lastResizeEvent, event) {
2579 var newEventDates = _this.getTimeEventResizedDates(event, lastResizeEvent);
2580 var adjustedEvent = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, event), newEventDates);
2581 adjustedEvents.set(adjustedEvent, event);
2582 var eventIndex = tempEvents.indexOf(event);
2583 tempEvents[eventIndex] = adjustedEvent;
2584 });
2585 this.restoreOriginalEvents(tempEvents, adjustedEvents, true);
2586 };
2587 /**
2588 * @hidden
2589 */
2590 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.timeEventResizeEnded = function (timeEvent) {
2591 this.view = this.getWeekView(this.events);
2592 var lastResizeEvent = this.timeEventResizes.get(timeEvent.event);
2593 if (lastResizeEvent) {
2594 this.timeEventResizes.delete(timeEvent.event);
2595 var newEventDates = this.getTimeEventResizedDates(timeEvent.event, lastResizeEvent);
2596 this.eventTimesChanged.emit({
2597 newStart: newEventDates.start,
2598 newEnd: newEventDates.end,
2599 event: timeEvent.event,
2600 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Resize,
2601 });
2602 }
2603 };
2604 /**
2605 * @hidden
2606 */
2607 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.allDayEventResizeStarted = function (allDayEventsContainer, allDayEvent, resizeEvent) {
2608 this.allDayEventResizes.set(allDayEvent, {
2609 originalOffset: allDayEvent.offset,
2610 originalSpan: allDayEvent.span,
2611 edge: typeof resizeEvent.edges.left !== 'undefined' ? 'left' : 'right',
2612 });
2613 this.resizeStarted(allDayEventsContainer, allDayEvent, this.getDayColumnWidth(allDayEventsContainer));
2614 };
2615 /**
2616 * @hidden
2617 */
2618 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.allDayEventResizing = function (allDayEvent, resizeEvent, dayWidth) {
2619 var currentResize = this.allDayEventResizes.get(allDayEvent);
2620 var modifier = this.rtl ? -1 : 1;
2621 if (typeof resizeEvent.edges.left !== 'undefined') {
2622 var diff = Math.round(+resizeEvent.edges.left / dayWidth) * modifier;
2623 allDayEvent.offset = currentResize.originalOffset + diff;
2624 allDayEvent.span = currentResize.originalSpan - diff;
2625 }
2626 else if (typeof resizeEvent.edges.right !== 'undefined') {
2627 var diff = Math.round(+resizeEvent.edges.right / dayWidth) * modifier;
2628 allDayEvent.span = currentResize.originalSpan + diff;
2629 }
2630 };
2631 /**
2632 * @hidden
2633 */
2634 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.allDayEventResizeEnded = function (allDayEvent) {
2635 var currentResize = this.allDayEventResizes.get(allDayEvent);
2636 if (currentResize) {
2637 var allDayEventResizingBeforeStart = currentResize.edge === 'left';
2638 var daysDiff = void 0;
2639 if (allDayEventResizingBeforeStart) {
2640 daysDiff = allDayEvent.offset - currentResize.originalOffset;
2641 }
2642 else {
2643 daysDiff = allDayEvent.span - currentResize.originalSpan;
2644 }
2645 allDayEvent.offset = currentResize.originalOffset;
2646 allDayEvent.span = currentResize.originalSpan;
2647 var newDates = this.getAllDayEventResizedDates(allDayEvent.event, daysDiff, allDayEventResizingBeforeStart);
2648 this.eventTimesChanged.emit({
2649 newStart: newDates.start,
2650 newEnd: newDates.end,
2651 event: allDayEvent.event,
2652 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Resize,
2653 });
2654 this.allDayEventResizes.delete(allDayEvent);
2655 }
2656 };
2657 /**
2658 * @hidden
2659 */
2660 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.getDayColumnWidth = function (eventRowContainer) {
2661 return Math.floor(eventRowContainer.offsetWidth / this.days.length);
2662 };
2663 /**
2664 * @hidden
2665 */
2666 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.dateDragEnter = function (date) {
2667 this.lastDragEnterDate = date;
2668 };
2669 /**
2670 * @hidden
2671 */
2672 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.eventDropped = function (dropEvent, date, allDay) {
2673 if (shouldFireDroppedEvent(dropEvent, date, allDay, this.calendarId) &&
2674 this.lastDragEnterDate.getTime() === date.getTime() &&
2675 (!this.snapDraggedEvents ||
2676 dropEvent.dropData.event !== this.lastDraggedEvent)) {
2677 this.eventTimesChanged.emit({
2678 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Drop,
2679 event: dropEvent.dropData.event,
2680 newStart: date,
2681 allDay: allDay,
2682 });
2683 }
2684 this.lastDraggedEvent = null;
2685 };
2686 /**
2687 * @hidden
2688 */
2689 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.dragEnter = function (type) {
2690 this.eventDragEnterByType[type]++;
2691 };
2692 /**
2693 * @hidden
2694 */
2695 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.dragLeave = function (type) {
2696 this.eventDragEnterByType[type]--;
2697 };
2698 /**
2699 * @hidden
2700 */
2701 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.dragStarted = function (eventsContainerElement, eventElement, event, useY) {
2702 var _this = this;
2703 this.dayColumnWidth = this.getDayColumnWidth(eventsContainerElement);
2704 var dragHelper = new CalendarDragHelper(eventsContainerElement, eventElement);
2705 this.validateDrag = function (_a) {
2706 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, transform = _a.transform;
2707 var isAllowed = _this.allDayEventResizes.size === 0 &&
2708 _this.timeEventResizes.size === 0 &&
2709 dragHelper.validateDrag({
2710 x: x,
2711 y: y,
2712 snapDraggedEvents: _this.snapDraggedEvents,
2713 dragAlreadyMoved: _this.dragAlreadyMoved,
2714 transform: transform,
2715 });
2716 if (isAllowed && _this.validateEventTimesChanged) {
2717 var newEventTimes = _this.getDragMovedEventTimes(event, { x: x, y: y }, _this.dayColumnWidth, useY);
2718 return _this.validateEventTimesChanged({
2719 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Drag,
2720 event: event.event,
2721 newStart: newEventTimes.start,
2722 newEnd: newEventTimes.end,
2723 });
2724 }
2725 return isAllowed;
2726 };
2727 this.dragActive = true;
2728 this.dragAlreadyMoved = false;
2729 this.lastDraggedEvent = null;
2730 this.eventDragEnterByType = {
2731 allDay: 0,
2732 time: 0,
2733 };
2734 if (!this.snapDraggedEvents && useY) {
2735 this.view.hourColumns.forEach(function (column) {
2736 var linkedEvent = column.events.find(function (columnEvent) { return columnEvent.event === event.event && columnEvent !== event; });
2737 // hide any linked events while dragging
2738 if (linkedEvent) {
2739 linkedEvent.width = 0;
2740 linkedEvent.height = 0;
2741 }
2742 });
2743 }
2744 this.cdr.markForCheck();
2745 };
2746 /**
2747 * @hidden
2748 */
2749 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.dragMove = function (dayEvent, dragEvent) {
2750 var newEventTimes = this.getDragMovedEventTimes(dayEvent, dragEvent, this.dayColumnWidth, true);
2751 var originalEvent = dayEvent.event;
2752 var adjustedEvent = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, originalEvent), newEventTimes);
2753 var tempEvents = this.events.map(function (event) {
2754 if (event === originalEvent) {
2755 return adjustedEvent;
2756 }
2757 return event;
2758 });
2759 this.restoreOriginalEvents(tempEvents, new Map([[adjustedEvent, originalEvent]]), this.snapDraggedEvents);
2760 this.dragAlreadyMoved = true;
2761 };
2762 /**
2763 * @hidden
2764 */
2765 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.allDayEventDragMove = function () {
2766 this.dragAlreadyMoved = true;
2767 };
2768 /**
2769 * @hidden
2770 */
2771 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.dragEnded = function (weekEvent, dragEndEvent, dayWidth, useY) {
2772 if (useY === void 0) { useY = false; }
2773 this.view = this.getWeekView(this.events);
2774 this.dragActive = false;
2775 this.validateDrag = null;
2776 var _a = this.getDragMovedEventTimes(weekEvent, dragEndEvent, dayWidth, useY), start = _a.start, end = _a.end;
2777 if ((this.snapDraggedEvents ||
2778 this.eventDragEnterByType[useY ? 'time' : 'allDay'] > 0) &&
2779 isDraggedWithinPeriod(start, end, this.view.period)) {
2780 this.lastDraggedEvent = weekEvent.event;
2781 this.eventTimesChanged.emit({
2782 newStart: start,
2783 newEnd: end,
2784 event: weekEvent.event,
2785 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Drag,
2786 allDay: !useY,
2787 });
2788 }
2789 };
2790 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.refreshHeader = function () {
2791 this.days = this.utils.getWeekViewHeader(Object.assign({ viewDate: this.viewDate, weekStartsOn: this.weekStartsOn, excluded: this.excludeDays, weekendDays: this.weekendDays }, getWeekViewPeriod(this.dateAdapter, this.viewDate, this.weekStartsOn, this.excludeDays, this.daysInWeek)));
2792 };
2793 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.refreshBody = function () {
2794 this.view = this.getWeekView(this.events);
2795 };
2796 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.refreshAll = function () {
2797 this.refreshHeader();
2798 this.refreshBody();
2799 this.emitBeforeViewRender();
2800 };
2801 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.emitBeforeViewRender = function () {
2802 if (this.days && this.view) {
2803 this.beforeViewRender.emit(Object.assign({ header: this.days }, this.view));
2804 }
2805 };
2806 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.getWeekView = function (events) {
2807 return this.utils.getWeekView(Object.assign({ events: events, viewDate: this.viewDate, weekStartsOn: this.weekStartsOn, excluded: this.excludeDays, precision: this.precision, absolutePositionedEvents: true, hourSegments: this.hourSegments, hourDuration: this.hourDuration, dayStart: {
2808 hour: this.dayStartHour,
2809 minute: this.dayStartMinute,
2810 }, dayEnd: {
2811 hour: this.dayEndHour,
2812 minute: this.dayEndMinute,
2813 }, segmentHeight: this.hourSegmentHeight, weekendDays: this.weekendDays, minimumEventHeight: this.minimumEventHeight }, getWeekViewPeriod(this.dateAdapter, this.viewDate, this.weekStartsOn, this.excludeDays, this.daysInWeek)));
2814 };
2815 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.getDragMovedEventTimes = function (weekEvent, dragEndEvent, dayWidth, useY) {
2816 var daysDragged = (roundToNearest(dragEndEvent.x, dayWidth) / dayWidth) *
2817 (this.rtl ? -1 : 1);
2818 var minutesMoved = useY
2819 ? getMinutesMoved(dragEndEvent.y, this.hourSegments, this.hourSegmentHeight, this.eventSnapSize, this.hourDuration)
2820 : 0;
2821 var start = this.dateAdapter.addMinutes(addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, weekEvent.event.start, daysDragged, this.excludeDays), minutesMoved);
2822 var end;
2823 if (weekEvent.event.end) {
2824 end = this.dateAdapter.addMinutes(addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, weekEvent.event.end, daysDragged, this.excludeDays), minutesMoved);
2825 }
2826 return { start: start, end: end };
2827 };
2828 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.restoreOriginalEvents = function (tempEvents, adjustedEvents, snapDraggedEvents) {
2829 if (snapDraggedEvents === void 0) { snapDraggedEvents = true; }
2830 var previousView = this.view;
2831 if (snapDraggedEvents) {
2832 this.view = this.getWeekView(tempEvents);
2833 }
2834 var adjustedEventsArray = tempEvents.filter(function (event) { return adjustedEvents.has(event); });
2835 this.view.hourColumns.forEach(function (column, columnIndex) {
2836 previousView.hourColumns[columnIndex].hours.forEach(function (hour, hourIndex) {
2837 hour.segments.forEach(function (segment, segmentIndex) {
2838 column.hours[hourIndex].segments[segmentIndex].cssClass =
2839 segment.cssClass;
2840 });
2841 });
2842 adjustedEventsArray.forEach(function (adjustedEvent) {
2843 var originalEvent = adjustedEvents.get(adjustedEvent);
2844 var existingColumnEvent = column.events.find(function (columnEvent) { return columnEvent.event ===
2845 (snapDraggedEvents ? adjustedEvent : originalEvent); });
2846 if (existingColumnEvent) {
2847 // restore the original event so trackBy kicks in and the dom isn't changed
2848 existingColumnEvent.event = originalEvent;
2849 existingColumnEvent['tempEvent'] = adjustedEvent;
2850 if (!snapDraggedEvents) {
2851 existingColumnEvent.height = 0;
2852 existingColumnEvent.width = 0;
2853 }
2854 }
2855 else {
2856 // add a dummy event to the drop so if the event was removed from the original column the drag doesn't end early
2857 var event = {
2858 event: originalEvent,
2859 left: 0,
2860 top: 0,
2861 height: 0,
2862 width: 0,
2863 startsBeforeDay: false,
2864 endsAfterDay: false,
2865 tempEvent: adjustedEvent,
2866 };
2867 column.events.push(event);
2868 }
2869 });
2870 });
2871 adjustedEvents.clear();
2872 };
2873 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.getTimeEventResizedDates = function (calendarEvent, resizeEvent) {
2874 var newEventDates = {
2875 start: calendarEvent.start,
2876 end: getDefaultEventEnd(this.dateAdapter, calendarEvent, this.minimumEventHeight),
2877 };
2878 var end = calendarEvent.end, eventWithoutEnd = __rest(calendarEvent, ["end"]);
2879 var smallestResizes = {
2880 start: this.dateAdapter.addMinutes(newEventDates.end, this.minimumEventHeight * -1),
2881 end: getDefaultEventEnd(this.dateAdapter, eventWithoutEnd, this.minimumEventHeight),
2882 };
2883 var modifier = this.rtl ? -1 : 1;
2884 if (typeof resizeEvent.edges.left !== 'undefined') {
2885 var daysDiff = Math.round(+resizeEvent.edges.left / this.dayColumnWidth) * modifier;
2886 var newStart = addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, newEventDates.start, daysDiff, this.excludeDays);
2887 if (newStart < smallestResizes.start) {
2888 newEventDates.start = newStart;
2889 }
2890 else {
2891 newEventDates.start = smallestResizes.start;
2892 }
2893 }
2894 else if (typeof resizeEvent.edges.right !== 'undefined') {
2895 var daysDiff = Math.round(+resizeEvent.edges.right / this.dayColumnWidth) * modifier;
2896 var newEnd = addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, newEventDates.end, daysDiff, this.excludeDays);
2897 if (newEnd > smallestResizes.end) {
2898 newEventDates.end = newEnd;
2899 }
2900 else {
2901 newEventDates.end = smallestResizes.end;
2902 }
2903 }
2904 if (typeof resizeEvent.edges.top !== 'undefined') {
2905 var minutesMoved = getMinutesMoved(resizeEvent.edges.top, this.hourSegments, this.hourSegmentHeight, this.eventSnapSize, this.hourDuration);
2906 var newStart = this.dateAdapter.addMinutes(newEventDates.start, minutesMoved);
2907 if (newStart < smallestResizes.start) {
2908 newEventDates.start = newStart;
2909 }
2910 else {
2911 newEventDates.start = smallestResizes.start;
2912 }
2913 }
2914 else if (typeof resizeEvent.edges.bottom !== 'undefined') {
2915 var minutesMoved = getMinutesMoved(resizeEvent.edges.bottom, this.hourSegments, this.hourSegmentHeight, this.eventSnapSize, this.hourDuration);
2916 var newEnd = this.dateAdapter.addMinutes(newEventDates.end, minutesMoved);
2917 if (newEnd > smallestResizes.end) {
2918 newEventDates.end = newEnd;
2919 }
2920 else {
2921 newEventDates.end = smallestResizes.end;
2922 }
2923 }
2924 return newEventDates;
2925 };
2926 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.resizeStarted = function (eventsContainer, event, dayWidth) {
2927 var _this = this;
2928 this.dayColumnWidth = this.getDayColumnWidth(eventsContainer);
2929 var resizeHelper = new CalendarResizeHelper(eventsContainer, dayWidth, this.rtl);
2930 this.validateResize = function (_a) {
2931 var rectangle = _a.rectangle, edges = _a.edges;
2932 var isWithinBoundary = resizeHelper.validateResize({
2933 rectangle: Object.assign({}, rectangle),
2934 edges: edges,
2935 });
2936 if (isWithinBoundary && _this.validateEventTimesChanged) {
2937 var newEventDates = void 0;
2938 if (!dayWidth) {
2939 newEventDates = _this.getTimeEventResizedDates(event.event, {
2940 rectangle: rectangle,
2941 edges: edges,
2942 });
2943 }
2944 else {
2945 var modifier = _this.rtl ? -1 : 1;
2946 if (typeof edges.left !== 'undefined') {
2947 var diff = Math.round(+edges.left / dayWidth) * modifier;
2948 newEventDates = _this.getAllDayEventResizedDates(event.event, diff, !_this.rtl);
2949 }
2950 else {
2951 var diff = Math.round(+edges.right / dayWidth) * modifier;
2952 newEventDates = _this.getAllDayEventResizedDates(event.event, diff, _this.rtl);
2953 }
2954 }
2955 return _this.validateEventTimesChanged({
2956 type: exports.CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType.Resize,
2957 event: event.event,
2958 newStart: newEventDates.start,
2959 newEnd: newEventDates.end,
2960 });
2961 }
2962 return isWithinBoundary;
2963 };
2964 this.cdr.markForCheck();
2965 };
2966 /**
2967 * @hidden
2968 */
2969 CalendarWeekViewComponent.prototype.getAllDayEventResizedDates = function (event, daysDiff, beforeStart) {
2970 var start = event.start;
2971 var end = event.end || event.start;
2972 if (beforeStart) {
2973 start = addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, start, daysDiff, this.excludeDays);
2974 }
2975 else {
2976 end = addDaysWithExclusions(this.dateAdapter, end, daysDiff, this.excludeDays);
2977 }
2978 return { start: start, end: end };
2979 };
2980 return CalendarWeekViewComponent;
2981 }());
2982 CalendarWeekViewComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewComponent, deps: [{ token: i0__namespace.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: CalendarUtils }, { token: i0.LOCALE_ID }, { token: DateAdapter }, { token: i0__namespace.ElementRef }], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
2983 CalendarWeekViewComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarWeekViewComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view", inputs: { viewDate: "viewDate", events: "events", excludeDays: "excludeDays", refresh: "refresh", locale: "locale", tooltipPlacement: "tooltipPlacement", tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", tooltipAppendToBody: "tooltipAppendToBody", tooltipDelay: "tooltipDelay", weekStartsOn: "weekStartsOn", headerTemplate: "headerTemplate", eventTemplate: "eventTemplate", eventTitleTemplate: "eventTitleTemplate", eventActionsTemplate: "eventActionsTemplate", precision: "precision", weekendDays: "weekendDays", snapDraggedEvents: "snapDraggedEvents", hourSegments: "hourSegments", hourDuration: "hourDuration", hourSegmentHeight: "hourSegmentHeight", minimumEventHeight: "minimumEventHeight", dayStartHour: "dayStartHour", dayStartMinute: "dayStartMinute", dayEndHour: "dayEndHour", dayEndMinute: "dayEndMinute", hourSegmentTemplate: "hourSegmentTemplate", eventSnapSize: "eventSnapSize", allDayEventsLabelTemplate: "allDayEventsLabelTemplate", daysInWeek: "daysInWeek", currentTimeMarkerTemplate: "currentTimeMarkerTemplate", validateEventTimesChanged: "validateEventTimesChanged" }, outputs: { dayHeaderClicked: "dayHeaderClicked", eventClicked: "eventClicked", eventTimesChanged: "eventTimesChanged", beforeViewRender: "beforeViewRender", hourSegmentClicked: "hourSegmentClicked" }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <div class=\"cal-week-view\" role=\"grid\">\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-header\n [days]=\"days\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [customTemplate]=\"headerTemplate\"\n (dayHeaderClicked)=\"dayHeaderClicked.emit($event)\"\n (eventDropped)=\"\n eventDropped({ dropData: $event }, $event.newStart, true)\n \"\n (dragEnter)=\"dateDragEnter($event.date)\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-header>\n <div\n class=\"cal-all-day-events\"\n #allDayEventsContainer\n *ngIf=\"view.allDayEventRows.length > 0\"\n mwlDroppable\n (dragEnter)=\"dragEnter('allDay')\"\n (dragLeave)=\"dragLeave('allDay')\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-day-columns\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-time-label-column\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"allDayEventsLabelTemplate\"\n ></div>\n <div\n class=\"cal-day-column\"\n *ngFor=\"let day of days; trackBy: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"eventDropped($event, day.date, true)\"\n (dragEnter)=\"dateDragEnter(day.date)\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n <div\n *ngFor=\"let eventRow of view.allDayEventRows; trackBy: trackById\"\n #eventRowContainer\n class=\"cal-events-row\"\n >\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let allDayEvent of eventRow.row;\n trackBy: trackByWeekAllDayEvent\n \"\n #event\n class=\"cal-event-container\"\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"\n allDayEvent.event.draggable && allDayEventResizes.size === 0\n \"\n [class.cal-starts-within-week]=\"!allDayEvent.startsBeforeWeek\"\n [class.cal-ends-within-week]=\"!allDayEvent.endsAfterWeek\"\n [ngClass]=\"allDayEvent.event?.cssClass\"\n [style.width.%]=\"(100 / days.length) * allDayEvent.span\"\n [style.marginLeft.%]=\"\n rtl ? null : (100 / days.length) * allDayEvent.offset\n \"\n [style.marginRight.%]=\"\n rtl\n ? (100 / days.length) * (days.length - allDayEvent.offset) * -1\n : null\n \"\n mwlResizable\n [resizeSnapGrid]=\"{ left: dayColumnWidth, right: dayColumnWidth }\"\n [validateResize]=\"validateResize\"\n (resizeStart)=\"\n allDayEventResizeStarted(eventRowContainer, allDayEvent, $event)\n \"\n (resizing)=\"\n allDayEventResizing(allDayEvent, $event, dayColumnWidth)\n \"\n (resizeEnd)=\"allDayEventResizeEnded(allDayEvent)\"\n mwlDraggable\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: allDayEvent.event, calendarId: calendarId }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{\n x: allDayEvent.event.draggable && allDayEventResizes.size === 0,\n y:\n !snapDraggedEvents &&\n allDayEvent.event.draggable &&\n allDayEventResizes.size === 0\n }\"\n [dragSnapGrid]=\"snapDraggedEvents ? { x: dayColumnWidth } : {}\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n (dragStart)=\"\n dragStarted(eventRowContainer, event, allDayEvent, false)\n \"\n (dragging)=\"allDayEventDragMove()\"\n (dragEnd)=\"dragEnded(allDayEvent, $event, dayColumnWidth)\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-before-start\"\n *ngIf=\"\n allDayEvent.event?.resizable?.beforeStart &&\n !allDayEvent.startsBeforeWeek\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{ left: true }\"\n ></div>\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-event\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [weekEvent]=\"allDayEvent\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: allDayEvent.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-event>\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-after-end\"\n *ngIf=\"\n allDayEvent.event?.resizable?.afterEnd &&\n !allDayEvent.endsAfterWeek\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{ right: true }\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div\n class=\"cal-time-events\"\n mwlDroppable\n (dragEnter)=\"dragEnter('time')\"\n (dragLeave)=\"dragLeave('time')\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-time-label-column\"\n *ngIf=\"view.hourColumns.length > 0 && daysInWeek !== 1\"\n >\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let hour of view.hourColumns[0].hours;\n trackBy: trackByHour;\n let odd = odd\n \"\n class=\"cal-hour\"\n [class.cal-hour-odd]=\"odd\"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment\n *ngFor=\"let segment of hour.segments; trackBy: trackByHourSegment\"\n [style.height.px]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [segment]=\"segment\"\n [segmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [customTemplate]=\"hourSegmentTemplate\"\n [isTimeLabel]=\"true\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div\n class=\"cal-day-columns\"\n [class.cal-resize-active]=\"timeEventResizes.size > 0\"\n #dayColumns\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-day-column\"\n *ngFor=\"let column of view.hourColumns; trackBy: trackByHourColumn\"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker\n [columnDate]=\"column.date\"\n [dayStartHour]=\"dayStartHour\"\n [dayStartMinute]=\"dayStartMinute\"\n [dayEndHour]=\"dayEndHour\"\n [dayEndMinute]=\"dayEndMinute\"\n [hourSegments]=\"hourSegments\"\n [hourDuration]=\"hourDuration\"\n [hourSegmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [customTemplate]=\"currentTimeMarkerTemplate\"\n ></mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker>\n <div class=\"cal-events-container\">\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let timeEvent of column.events;\n trackBy: trackByWeekTimeEvent\n \"\n #event\n class=\"cal-event-container\"\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"\n timeEvent.event.draggable && timeEventResizes.size === 0\n \"\n [class.cal-starts-within-day]=\"!timeEvent.startsBeforeDay\"\n [class.cal-ends-within-day]=\"!timeEvent.endsAfterDay\"\n [ngClass]=\"timeEvent.event.cssClass\"\n [hidden]=\"timeEvent.height === 0 && timeEvent.width === 0\"\n [style.top.px]=\"timeEvent.top\"\n [style.height.px]=\"timeEvent.height\"\n [style.left.%]=\"timeEvent.left\"\n [style.width.%]=\"timeEvent.width\"\n mwlResizable\n [resizeSnapGrid]=\"{\n left: dayColumnWidth,\n right: dayColumnWidth,\n top: eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight,\n bottom: eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight\n }\"\n [validateResize]=\"validateResize\"\n [allowNegativeResizes]=\"true\"\n (resizeStart)=\"\n timeEventResizeStarted(dayColumns, timeEvent, $event)\n \"\n (resizing)=\"timeEventResizing(timeEvent, $event)\"\n (resizeEnd)=\"timeEventResizeEnded(timeEvent)\"\n mwlDraggable\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: timeEvent.event, calendarId: calendarId }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{\n x: timeEvent.event.draggable && timeEventResizes.size === 0,\n y: timeEvent.event.draggable && timeEventResizes.size === 0\n }\"\n [dragSnapGrid]=\"\n snapDraggedEvents\n ? {\n x: dayColumnWidth,\n y: eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight\n }\n : {}\n \"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n [ghostDragEnabled]=\"!snapDraggedEvents\"\n [ghostElementTemplate]=\"weekEventTemplate\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n (dragStart)=\"dragStarted(dayColumns, event, timeEvent, true)\"\n (dragging)=\"dragMove(timeEvent, $event)\"\n (dragEnd)=\"dragEnded(timeEvent, $event, dayColumnWidth, true)\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-before-start\"\n *ngIf=\"\n timeEvent.event?.resizable?.beforeStart &&\n !timeEvent.startsBeforeDay\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{\n left: true,\n top: true\n }\"\n ></div>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"weekEventTemplate\"\n ></ng-template>\n <ng-template #weekEventTemplate>\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-event\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [weekEvent]=\"timeEvent\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDisabled]=\"dragActive || timeEventResizes.size > 0\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n [column]=\"column\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: timeEvent.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-event>\n </ng-template>\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-after-end\"\n *ngIf=\"\n timeEvent.event?.resizable?.afterEnd &&\n !timeEvent.endsAfterDay\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{\n right: true,\n bottom: true\n }\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let hour of column.hours;\n trackBy: trackByHour;\n let odd = odd\n \"\n class=\"cal-hour\"\n [class.cal-hour-odd]=\"odd\"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment\n *ngFor=\"\n let segment of hour.segments;\n trackBy: trackByHourSegment\n \"\n [style.height.px]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [segment]=\"segment\"\n [segmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [customTemplate]=\"hourSegmentTemplate\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n (mwlClick)=\"\n hourSegmentClicked.emit({\n date: segment.date,\n sourceEvent: $event\n })\n \"\n [clickListenerDisabled]=\"\n hourSegmentClicked.observers.length === 0\n \"\n mwlDroppable\n [dragOverClass]=\"\n !dragActive || !snapDraggedEvents ? 'cal-drag-over' : null\n \"\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n (drop)=\"eventDropped($event, segment.date, false)\"\n (dragEnter)=\"dateDragEnter(segment.date)\"\n [isTimeLabel]=\"daysInWeek === 1\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ", isInline: true, components: [{ type: CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-header", inputs: ["days", "locale", "customTemplate"], outputs: ["dayHeaderClicked", "eventDropped", "dragEnter"] }, { type: CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-event", inputs: ["locale", "weekEvent", "tooltipPlacement", "tooltipAppendToBody", "tooltipDisabled", "tooltipDelay", "customTemplate", "eventTitleTemplate", "eventActionsTemplate", "tooltipTemplate", "column", "daysInWeek"], outputs: ["eventClicked"] }, { type: CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment", inputs: ["segment", "segmentHeight", "locale", "isTimeLabel", "daysInWeek", "customTemplate"] }, { type: CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker", inputs: ["columnDate", "dayStartHour", "dayStartMinute", "dayEndHour", "dayEndMinute", "hourSegments", "hourDuration", "hourSegmentHeight", "customTemplate"] }], directives: [{ type: i1__namespace.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { type: i2__namespace.DroppableDirective, selector: "[mwlDroppable]", inputs: ["dragOverClass", "dragActiveClass", "validateDrop"], outputs: ["dragEnter", "dragLeave", "dragOver", "drop"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgTemplateOutlet, selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { type: i9__namespace.ResizableDirective, selector: "[mwlResizable]", inputs: ["validateResize", "enableGhostResize", "resizeSnapGrid", "resizeCursors", "ghostElementPositioning", "allowNegativeResizes", "mouseMoveThrottleMS"], outputs: ["resizeStart", "resizing", "resizeEnd"], exportAs: ["mwlResizable"] }, { type: i2__namespace.DraggableDirective, selector: "[mwlDraggable]", inputs: ["dropData", "dragAxis", "dragSnapGrid", "ghostDragEnabled", "showOriginalElementWhileDragging", "validateDrag", "dragCursor", "dragActiveClass", "ghostElementAppendTo", "ghostElementTemplate", "touchStartLongPress", "autoScroll"], outputs: ["dragPointerDown", "dragStart", "ghostElementCreated", "dragging", "dragEnd"] }, { type: i1__namespace.NgClass, selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { type: i9__namespace.ResizeHandleDirective, selector: "[mwlResizeHandle]", inputs: ["resizeEdges", "resizableContainer"] }, { type: ClickDirective, selector: "[mwlClick]", inputs: ["clickListenerDisabled"], outputs: ["mwlClick"] }] });
2984 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekViewComponent, decorators: [{
2985 type: i0.Component,
2986 args: [{
2987 selector: 'mwl-calendar-week-view',
2988 template: "\n <div class=\"cal-week-view\" role=\"grid\">\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-header\n [days]=\"days\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [customTemplate]=\"headerTemplate\"\n (dayHeaderClicked)=\"dayHeaderClicked.emit($event)\"\n (eventDropped)=\"\n eventDropped({ dropData: $event }, $event.newStart, true)\n \"\n (dragEnter)=\"dateDragEnter($event.date)\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-header>\n <div\n class=\"cal-all-day-events\"\n #allDayEventsContainer\n *ngIf=\"view.allDayEventRows.length > 0\"\n mwlDroppable\n (dragEnter)=\"dragEnter('allDay')\"\n (dragLeave)=\"dragLeave('allDay')\"\n >\n <div class=\"cal-day-columns\">\n <div\n class=\"cal-time-label-column\"\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"allDayEventsLabelTemplate\"\n ></div>\n <div\n class=\"cal-day-column\"\n *ngFor=\"let day of days; trackBy: trackByWeekDayHeaderDate\"\n mwlDroppable\n dragOverClass=\"cal-drag-over\"\n (drop)=\"eventDropped($event, day.date, true)\"\n (dragEnter)=\"dateDragEnter(day.date)\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n <div\n *ngFor=\"let eventRow of view.allDayEventRows; trackBy: trackById\"\n #eventRowContainer\n class=\"cal-events-row\"\n >\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let allDayEvent of eventRow.row;\n trackBy: trackByWeekAllDayEvent\n \"\n #event\n class=\"cal-event-container\"\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"\n allDayEvent.event.draggable && allDayEventResizes.size === 0\n \"\n [class.cal-starts-within-week]=\"!allDayEvent.startsBeforeWeek\"\n [class.cal-ends-within-week]=\"!allDayEvent.endsAfterWeek\"\n [ngClass]=\"allDayEvent.event?.cssClass\"\n [style.width.%]=\"(100 / days.length) * allDayEvent.span\"\n [style.marginLeft.%]=\"\n rtl ? null : (100 / days.length) * allDayEvent.offset\n \"\n [style.marginRight.%]=\"\n rtl\n ? (100 / days.length) * (days.length - allDayEvent.offset) * -1\n : null\n \"\n mwlResizable\n [resizeSnapGrid]=\"{ left: dayColumnWidth, right: dayColumnWidth }\"\n [validateResize]=\"validateResize\"\n (resizeStart)=\"\n allDayEventResizeStarted(eventRowContainer, allDayEvent, $event)\n \"\n (resizing)=\"\n allDayEventResizing(allDayEvent, $event, dayColumnWidth)\n \"\n (resizeEnd)=\"allDayEventResizeEnded(allDayEvent)\"\n mwlDraggable\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: allDayEvent.event, calendarId: calendarId }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{\n x: allDayEvent.event.draggable && allDayEventResizes.size === 0,\n y:\n !snapDraggedEvents &&\n allDayEvent.event.draggable &&\n allDayEventResizes.size === 0\n }\"\n [dragSnapGrid]=\"snapDraggedEvents ? { x: dayColumnWidth } : {}\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n (dragStart)=\"\n dragStarted(eventRowContainer, event, allDayEvent, false)\n \"\n (dragging)=\"allDayEventDragMove()\"\n (dragEnd)=\"dragEnded(allDayEvent, $event, dayColumnWidth)\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-before-start\"\n *ngIf=\"\n allDayEvent.event?.resizable?.beforeStart &&\n !allDayEvent.startsBeforeWeek\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{ left: true }\"\n ></div>\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-event\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [weekEvent]=\"allDayEvent\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: allDayEvent.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-event>\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-after-end\"\n *ngIf=\"\n allDayEvent.event?.resizable?.afterEnd &&\n !allDayEvent.endsAfterWeek\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{ right: true }\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div\n class=\"cal-time-events\"\n mwlDroppable\n (dragEnter)=\"dragEnter('time')\"\n (dragLeave)=\"dragLeave('time')\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-time-label-column\"\n *ngIf=\"view.hourColumns.length > 0 && daysInWeek !== 1\"\n >\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let hour of view.hourColumns[0].hours;\n trackBy: trackByHour;\n let odd = odd\n \"\n class=\"cal-hour\"\n [class.cal-hour-odd]=\"odd\"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment\n *ngFor=\"let segment of hour.segments; trackBy: trackByHourSegment\"\n [style.height.px]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [segment]=\"segment\"\n [segmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [customTemplate]=\"hourSegmentTemplate\"\n [isTimeLabel]=\"true\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div\n class=\"cal-day-columns\"\n [class.cal-resize-active]=\"timeEventResizes.size > 0\"\n #dayColumns\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-day-column\"\n *ngFor=\"let column of view.hourColumns; trackBy: trackByHourColumn\"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker\n [columnDate]=\"column.date\"\n [dayStartHour]=\"dayStartHour\"\n [dayStartMinute]=\"dayStartMinute\"\n [dayEndHour]=\"dayEndHour\"\n [dayEndMinute]=\"dayEndMinute\"\n [hourSegments]=\"hourSegments\"\n [hourDuration]=\"hourDuration\"\n [hourSegmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [customTemplate]=\"currentTimeMarkerTemplate\"\n ></mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker>\n <div class=\"cal-events-container\">\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let timeEvent of column.events;\n trackBy: trackByWeekTimeEvent\n \"\n #event\n class=\"cal-event-container\"\n [class.cal-draggable]=\"\n timeEvent.event.draggable && timeEventResizes.size === 0\n \"\n [class.cal-starts-within-day]=\"!timeEvent.startsBeforeDay\"\n [class.cal-ends-within-day]=\"!timeEvent.endsAfterDay\"\n [ngClass]=\"timeEvent.event.cssClass\"\n [hidden]=\"timeEvent.height === 0 && timeEvent.width === 0\"\n [style.top.px]=\"timeEvent.top\"\n [style.height.px]=\"timeEvent.height\"\n [style.left.%]=\"timeEvent.left\"\n [style.width.%]=\"timeEvent.width\"\n mwlResizable\n [resizeSnapGrid]=\"{\n left: dayColumnWidth,\n right: dayColumnWidth,\n top: eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight,\n bottom: eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight\n }\"\n [validateResize]=\"validateResize\"\n [allowNegativeResizes]=\"true\"\n (resizeStart)=\"\n timeEventResizeStarted(dayColumns, timeEvent, $event)\n \"\n (resizing)=\"timeEventResizing(timeEvent, $event)\"\n (resizeEnd)=\"timeEventResizeEnded(timeEvent)\"\n mwlDraggable\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n [dropData]=\"{ event: timeEvent.event, calendarId: calendarId }\"\n [dragAxis]=\"{\n x: timeEvent.event.draggable && timeEventResizes.size === 0,\n y: timeEvent.event.draggable && timeEventResizes.size === 0\n }\"\n [dragSnapGrid]=\"\n snapDraggedEvents\n ? {\n x: dayColumnWidth,\n y: eventSnapSize || hourSegmentHeight\n }\n : {}\n \"\n [touchStartLongPress]=\"{ delay: 300, delta: 30 }\"\n [ghostDragEnabled]=\"!snapDraggedEvents\"\n [ghostElementTemplate]=\"weekEventTemplate\"\n [validateDrag]=\"validateDrag\"\n (dragStart)=\"dragStarted(dayColumns, event, timeEvent, true)\"\n (dragging)=\"dragMove(timeEvent, $event)\"\n (dragEnd)=\"dragEnded(timeEvent, $event, dayColumnWidth, true)\"\n >\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-before-start\"\n *ngIf=\"\n timeEvent.event?.resizable?.beforeStart &&\n !timeEvent.startsBeforeDay\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{\n left: true,\n top: true\n }\"\n ></div>\n <ng-template\n [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"weekEventTemplate\"\n ></ng-template>\n <ng-template #weekEventTemplate>\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-event\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [weekEvent]=\"timeEvent\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDisabled]=\"dragActive || timeEventResizes.size > 0\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [customTemplate]=\"eventTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n [column]=\"column\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n (eventClicked)=\"\n eventClicked.emit({\n event: timeEvent.event,\n sourceEvent: $event.sourceEvent\n })\n \"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-event>\n </ng-template>\n <div\n class=\"cal-resize-handle cal-resize-handle-after-end\"\n *ngIf=\"\n timeEvent.event?.resizable?.afterEnd &&\n !timeEvent.endsAfterDay\n \"\n mwlResizeHandle\n [resizeEdges]=\"{\n right: true,\n bottom: true\n }\"\n ></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div\n *ngFor=\"\n let hour of column.hours;\n trackBy: trackByHour;\n let odd = odd\n \"\n class=\"cal-hour\"\n [class.cal-hour-odd]=\"odd\"\n >\n <mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment\n *ngFor=\"\n let segment of hour.segments;\n trackBy: trackByHourSegment\n \"\n [style.height.px]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [segment]=\"segment\"\n [segmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [customTemplate]=\"hourSegmentTemplate\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"daysInWeek\"\n (mwlClick)=\"\n hourSegmentClicked.emit({\n date: segment.date,\n sourceEvent: $event\n })\n \"\n [clickListenerDisabled]=\"\n hourSegmentClicked.observers.length === 0\n \"\n mwlDroppable\n [dragOverClass]=\"\n !dragActive || !snapDraggedEvents ? 'cal-drag-over' : null\n \"\n dragActiveClass=\"cal-drag-active\"\n (drop)=\"eventDropped($event, segment.date, false)\"\n (dragEnter)=\"dateDragEnter(segment.date)\"\n [isTimeLabel]=\"daysInWeek === 1\"\n >\n </mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ",
2989 }]
2990 }], ctorParameters: function () {
2991 return [{ type: i0__namespace.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: CalendarUtils }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
2992 type: i0.Inject,
2993 args: [i0.LOCALE_ID]
2994 }] }, { type: DateAdapter }, { type: i0__namespace.ElementRef }];
2995 }, propDecorators: { viewDate: [{
2996 type: i0.Input
2997 }], events: [{
2998 type: i0.Input
2999 }], excludeDays: [{
3000 type: i0.Input
3001 }], refresh: [{
3002 type: i0.Input
3003 }], locale: [{
3004 type: i0.Input
3005 }], tooltipPlacement: [{
3006 type: i0.Input
3007 }], tooltipTemplate: [{
3008 type: i0.Input
3009 }], tooltipAppendToBody: [{
3010 type: i0.Input
3011 }], tooltipDelay: [{
3012 type: i0.Input
3013 }], weekStartsOn: [{
3014 type: i0.Input
3015 }], headerTemplate: [{
3016 type: i0.Input
3017 }], eventTemplate: [{
3018 type: i0.Input
3019 }], eventTitleTemplate: [{
3020 type: i0.Input
3021 }], eventActionsTemplate: [{
3022 type: i0.Input
3023 }], precision: [{
3024 type: i0.Input
3025 }], weekendDays: [{
3026 type: i0.Input
3027 }], snapDraggedEvents: [{
3028 type: i0.Input
3029 }], hourSegments: [{
3030 type: i0.Input
3031 }], hourDuration: [{
3032 type: i0.Input
3033 }], hourSegmentHeight: [{
3034 type: i0.Input
3035 }], minimumEventHeight: [{
3036 type: i0.Input
3037 }], dayStartHour: [{
3038 type: i0.Input
3039 }], dayStartMinute: [{
3040 type: i0.Input
3041 }], dayEndHour: [{
3042 type: i0.Input
3043 }], dayEndMinute: [{
3044 type: i0.Input
3045 }], hourSegmentTemplate: [{
3046 type: i0.Input
3047 }], eventSnapSize: [{
3048 type: i0.Input
3049 }], allDayEventsLabelTemplate: [{
3050 type: i0.Input
3051 }], daysInWeek: [{
3052 type: i0.Input
3053 }], currentTimeMarkerTemplate: [{
3054 type: i0.Input
3055 }], validateEventTimesChanged: [{
3056 type: i0.Input
3057 }], dayHeaderClicked: [{
3058 type: i0.Output
3059 }], eventClicked: [{
3060 type: i0.Output
3061 }], eventTimesChanged: [{
3062 type: i0.Output
3063 }], beforeViewRender: [{
3064 type: i0.Output
3065 }], hourSegmentClicked: [{
3066 type: i0.Output
3067 }] } });
3069 var CalendarWeekModule = /** @class */ (function () {
3070 function CalendarWeekModule() {
3071 }
3072 return CalendarWeekModule;
3073 }());
3074 CalendarWeekModule.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekModule, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule });
3075 CalendarWeekModule.ɵmod = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekModule, declarations: [CalendarWeekViewComponent,
3076 CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent,
3077 CalendarWeekViewEventComponent,
3078 CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent,
3079 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent], imports: [i1.CommonModule,
3080 i9.ResizableModule,
3081 i2.DragAndDropModule,
3082 CalendarCommonModule], exports: [i9.ResizableModule,
3083 i2.DragAndDropModule,
3084 CalendarWeekViewComponent,
3085 CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent,
3086 CalendarWeekViewEventComponent,
3087 CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent,
3088 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent] });
3089 CalendarWeekModule.ɵinj = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekModule, imports: [[
3090 i1.CommonModule,
3091 i9.ResizableModule,
3092 i2.DragAndDropModule,
3093 CalendarCommonModule,
3094 ], i9.ResizableModule,
3095 i2.DragAndDropModule] });
3096 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarWeekModule, decorators: [{
3097 type: i0.NgModule,
3098 args: [{
3099 imports: [
3100 i1.CommonModule,
3101 i9.ResizableModule,
3102 i2.DragAndDropModule,
3103 CalendarCommonModule,
3104 ],
3105 declarations: [
3106 CalendarWeekViewComponent,
3107 CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent,
3108 CalendarWeekViewEventComponent,
3109 CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent,
3110 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent,
3111 ],
3112 exports: [
3113 i9.ResizableModule,
3114 i2.DragAndDropModule,
3115 CalendarWeekViewComponent,
3116 CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent,
3117 CalendarWeekViewEventComponent,
3118 CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent,
3119 CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent,
3120 ],
3121 }]
3122 }] });
3124 /**
3125 * Shows all events on a given day. Example usage:
3126 *
3127 * ```typescript
3128 * <mwl-calendar-day-view
3129 * [viewDate]="viewDate"
3130 * [events]="events">
3131 * </mwl-calendar-day-view>
3132 * ```
3133 */
3134 var CalendarDayViewComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
3135 function CalendarDayViewComponent() {
3136 /**
3137 * An array of events to display on view
3138 * The schema is available here: https://github.com/mattlewis92/calendar-utils/blob/c51689985f59a271940e30bc4e2c4e1fee3fcb5c/src/calendarUtils.ts#L49-L63
3139 */
3140 this.events = [];
3141 /**
3142 * The number of segments in an hour. Must divide equally into 60.
3143 */
3144 this.hourSegments = 2;
3145 /**
3146 * The height in pixels of each hour segment
3147 */
3148 this.hourSegmentHeight = 30;
3149 /**
3150 * The minimum height in pixels of each event
3151 */
3152 this.minimumEventHeight = 30;
3153 /**
3154 * The day start hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
3155 */
3156 this.dayStartHour = 0;
3157 /**
3158 * The day start minutes. Must be 0-59
3159 */
3160 this.dayStartMinute = 0;
3161 /**
3162 * The day end hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
3163 */
3164 this.dayEndHour = 23;
3165 /**
3166 * The day end minutes. Must be 0-59
3167 */
3168 this.dayEndMinute = 59;
3169 /**
3170 * The placement of the event tooltip
3171 */
3172 this.tooltipPlacement = 'auto';
3173 /**
3174 * Whether to append tooltips to the body or next to the trigger element
3175 */
3176 this.tooltipAppendToBody = true;
3177 /**
3178 * The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip should be displayed. If not provided the tooltip
3179 * will be displayed immediately.
3180 */
3181 this.tooltipDelay = null;
3182 /**
3183 * Whether to snap events to a grid when dragging
3184 */
3185 this.snapDraggedEvents = true;
3186 /**
3187 * Called when an event title is clicked
3188 */
3189 this.eventClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
3190 /**
3191 * Called when an hour segment is clicked
3192 */
3193 this.hourSegmentClicked = new i0.EventEmitter();
3194 /**
3195 * Called when an event is resized or dragged and dropped
3196 */
3197 this.eventTimesChanged = new i0.EventEmitter();
3198 /**
3199 * An output that will be called before the view is rendered for the current day.
3200 * If you add the `cssClass` property to an hour grid segment it will add that class to the hour segment in the template
3201 */
3202 this.beforeViewRender = new i0.EventEmitter();
3203 }
3204 return CalendarDayViewComponent;
3205 }());
3206 CalendarDayViewComponent.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDayViewComponent, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
3207 CalendarDayViewComponent.ɵcmp = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", type: CalendarDayViewComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-day-view", inputs: { viewDate: "viewDate", events: "events", hourSegments: "hourSegments", hourSegmentHeight: "hourSegmentHeight", hourDuration: "hourDuration", minimumEventHeight: "minimumEventHeight", dayStartHour: "dayStartHour", dayStartMinute: "dayStartMinute", dayEndHour: "dayEndHour", dayEndMinute: "dayEndMinute", refresh: "refresh", locale: "locale", eventSnapSize: "eventSnapSize", tooltipPlacement: "tooltipPlacement", tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", tooltipAppendToBody: "tooltipAppendToBody", tooltipDelay: "tooltipDelay", hourSegmentTemplate: "hourSegmentTemplate", eventTemplate: "eventTemplate", eventTitleTemplate: "eventTitleTemplate", eventActionsTemplate: "eventActionsTemplate", snapDraggedEvents: "snapDraggedEvents", allDayEventsLabelTemplate: "allDayEventsLabelTemplate", currentTimeMarkerTemplate: "currentTimeMarkerTemplate", validateEventTimesChanged: "validateEventTimesChanged" }, outputs: { eventClicked: "eventClicked", hourSegmentClicked: "hourSegmentClicked", eventTimesChanged: "eventTimesChanged", beforeViewRender: "beforeViewRender" }, ngImport: i0__namespace, template: "\n <mwl-calendar-week-view\n class=\"cal-day-view\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"1\"\n [viewDate]=\"viewDate\"\n [events]=\"events\"\n [hourSegments]=\"hourSegments\"\n [hourDuration]=\"hourDuration\"\n [hourSegmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [minimumEventHeight]=\"minimumEventHeight\"\n [dayStartHour]=\"dayStartHour\"\n [dayStartMinute]=\"dayStartMinute\"\n [dayEndHour]=\"dayEndHour\"\n [dayEndMinute]=\"dayEndMinute\"\n [refresh]=\"refresh\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [eventSnapSize]=\"eventSnapSize\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [hourSegmentTemplate]=\"hourSegmentTemplate\"\n [eventTemplate]=\"eventTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n [snapDraggedEvents]=\"snapDraggedEvents\"\n [allDayEventsLabelTemplate]=\"allDayEventsLabelTemplate\"\n [currentTimeMarkerTemplate]=\"currentTimeMarkerTemplate\"\n [validateEventTimesChanged]=\"validateEventTimesChanged\"\n (eventClicked)=\"eventClicked.emit($event)\"\n (hourSegmentClicked)=\"hourSegmentClicked.emit($event)\"\n (eventTimesChanged)=\"eventTimesChanged.emit($event)\"\n (beforeViewRender)=\"beforeViewRender.emit($event)\"\n ></mwl-calendar-week-view>\n ", isInline: true, components: [{ type: CalendarWeekViewComponent, selector: "mwl-calendar-week-view", inputs: ["viewDate", "events", "excludeDays", "refresh", "locale", "tooltipPlacement", "tooltipTemplate", "tooltipAppendToBody", "tooltipDelay", "weekStartsOn", "headerTemplate", "eventTemplate", "eventTitleTemplate", "eventActionsTemplate", "precision", "weekendDays", "snapDraggedEvents", "hourSegments", "hourDuration", "hourSegmentHeight", "minimumEventHeight", "dayStartHour", "dayStartMinute", "dayEndHour", "dayEndMinute", "hourSegmentTemplate", "eventSnapSize", "allDayEventsLabelTemplate", "daysInWeek", "currentTimeMarkerTemplate", "validateEventTimesChanged"], outputs: ["dayHeaderClicked", "eventClicked", "eventTimesChanged", "beforeViewRender", "hourSegmentClicked"] }] });
3208 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDayViewComponent, decorators: [{
3209 type: i0.Component,
3210 args: [{
3211 selector: 'mwl-calendar-day-view',
3212 template: "\n <mwl-calendar-week-view\n class=\"cal-day-view\"\n [daysInWeek]=\"1\"\n [viewDate]=\"viewDate\"\n [events]=\"events\"\n [hourSegments]=\"hourSegments\"\n [hourDuration]=\"hourDuration\"\n [hourSegmentHeight]=\"hourSegmentHeight\"\n [minimumEventHeight]=\"minimumEventHeight\"\n [dayStartHour]=\"dayStartHour\"\n [dayStartMinute]=\"dayStartMinute\"\n [dayEndHour]=\"dayEndHour\"\n [dayEndMinute]=\"dayEndMinute\"\n [refresh]=\"refresh\"\n [locale]=\"locale\"\n [eventSnapSize]=\"eventSnapSize\"\n [tooltipPlacement]=\"tooltipPlacement\"\n [tooltipTemplate]=\"tooltipTemplate\"\n [tooltipAppendToBody]=\"tooltipAppendToBody\"\n [tooltipDelay]=\"tooltipDelay\"\n [hourSegmentTemplate]=\"hourSegmentTemplate\"\n [eventTemplate]=\"eventTemplate\"\n [eventTitleTemplate]=\"eventTitleTemplate\"\n [eventActionsTemplate]=\"eventActionsTemplate\"\n [snapDraggedEvents]=\"snapDraggedEvents\"\n [allDayEventsLabelTemplate]=\"allDayEventsLabelTemplate\"\n [currentTimeMarkerTemplate]=\"currentTimeMarkerTemplate\"\n [validateEventTimesChanged]=\"validateEventTimesChanged\"\n (eventClicked)=\"eventClicked.emit($event)\"\n (hourSegmentClicked)=\"hourSegmentClicked.emit($event)\"\n (eventTimesChanged)=\"eventTimesChanged.emit($event)\"\n (beforeViewRender)=\"beforeViewRender.emit($event)\"\n ></mwl-calendar-week-view>\n ",
3213 }]
3214 }], propDecorators: { viewDate: [{
3215 type: i0.Input
3216 }], events: [{
3217 type: i0.Input
3218 }], hourSegments: [{
3219 type: i0.Input
3220 }], hourSegmentHeight: [{
3221 type: i0.Input
3222 }], hourDuration: [{
3223 type: i0.Input
3224 }], minimumEventHeight: [{
3225 type: i0.Input
3226 }], dayStartHour: [{
3227 type: i0.Input
3228 }], dayStartMinute: [{
3229 type: i0.Input
3230 }], dayEndHour: [{
3231 type: i0.Input
3232 }], dayEndMinute: [{
3233 type: i0.Input
3234 }], refresh: [{
3235 type: i0.Input
3236 }], locale: [{
3237 type: i0.Input
3238 }], eventSnapSize: [{
3239 type: i0.Input
3240 }], tooltipPlacement: [{
3241 type: i0.Input
3242 }], tooltipTemplate: [{
3243 type: i0.Input
3244 }], tooltipAppendToBody: [{
3245 type: i0.Input
3246 }], tooltipDelay: [{
3247 type: i0.Input
3248 }], hourSegmentTemplate: [{
3249 type: i0.Input
3250 }], eventTemplate: [{
3251 type: i0.Input
3252 }], eventTitleTemplate: [{
3253 type: i0.Input
3254 }], eventActionsTemplate: [{
3255 type: i0.Input
3256 }], snapDraggedEvents: [{
3257 type: i0.Input
3258 }], allDayEventsLabelTemplate: [{
3259 type: i0.Input
3260 }], currentTimeMarkerTemplate: [{
3261 type: i0.Input
3262 }], validateEventTimesChanged: [{
3263 type: i0.Input
3264 }], eventClicked: [{
3265 type: i0.Output
3266 }], hourSegmentClicked: [{
3267 type: i0.Output
3268 }], eventTimesChanged: [{
3269 type: i0.Output
3270 }], beforeViewRender: [{
3271 type: i0.Output
3272 }] } });
3274 var CalendarDayModule = /** @class */ (function () {
3275 function CalendarDayModule() {
3276 }
3277 return CalendarDayModule;
3278 }());
3279 CalendarDayModule.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDayModule, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule });
3280 CalendarDayModule.ɵmod = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDayModule, declarations: [CalendarDayViewComponent], imports: [i1.CommonModule, CalendarCommonModule, CalendarWeekModule], exports: [CalendarDayViewComponent] });
3281 CalendarDayModule.ɵinj = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDayModule, imports: [[i1.CommonModule, CalendarCommonModule, CalendarWeekModule]] });
3282 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarDayModule, decorators: [{
3283 type: i0.NgModule,
3284 args: [{
3285 imports: [i1.CommonModule, CalendarCommonModule, CalendarWeekModule],
3286 declarations: [CalendarDayViewComponent],
3287 exports: [CalendarDayViewComponent],
3288 }]
3289 }] });
3291 /**
3292 * The main module of this library. Example usage:
3293 *
3294 * ```typescript
3295 * import { CalenderModule } from 'angular-calendar';
3296 *
3297 * @NgModule({
3298 * imports: [
3299 * CalenderModule.forRoot()
3300 * ]
3301 * })
3302 * class MyModule {}
3303 * ```
3304 *
3305 */
3306 var CalendarModule = /** @class */ (function () {
3307 function CalendarModule() {
3308 }
3309 CalendarModule.forRoot = function (dateAdapter, config) {
3310 if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
3311 return {
3312 ngModule: CalendarModule,
3313 providers: [
3314 dateAdapter,
3315 config.eventTitleFormatter || CalendarEventTitleFormatter,
3316 config.dateFormatter || CalendarDateFormatter,
3317 config.utils || CalendarUtils,
3318 config.a11y || CalendarA11y,
3319 ],
3320 };
3321 };
3322 return CalendarModule;
3323 }());
3324 CalendarModule.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarModule, deps: [], target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule });
3325 CalendarModule.ɵmod = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarModule, imports: [CalendarCommonModule,
3326 CalendarMonthModule,
3327 CalendarWeekModule,
3328 CalendarDayModule], exports: [CalendarCommonModule,
3329 CalendarMonthModule,
3330 CalendarWeekModule,
3331 CalendarDayModule] });
3332 CalendarModule.ɵinj = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarModule, imports: [[
3333 CalendarCommonModule,
3334 CalendarMonthModule,
3335 CalendarWeekModule,
3336 CalendarDayModule,
3337 ], CalendarCommonModule,
3338 CalendarMonthModule,
3339 CalendarWeekModule,
3340 CalendarDayModule] });
3341 i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.3", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: CalendarModule, decorators: [{
3342 type: i0.NgModule,
3343 args: [{
3344 imports: [
3345 CalendarCommonModule,
3346 CalendarMonthModule,
3347 CalendarWeekModule,
3348 CalendarDayModule,
3349 ],
3350 exports: [
3351 CalendarCommonModule,
3352 CalendarMonthModule,
3353 CalendarWeekModule,
3354 CalendarDayModule,
3355 ],
3356 }]
3357 }] });
3359 /*
3360 * Public API Surface of angular-calendar
3361 */
3363 /**
3364 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
3365 */
3367 Object.defineProperty(exports, 'DAYS_OF_WEEK', {
3368 enumerable: true,
3369 get: function () {
3370 return calendarUtils.DAYS_OF_WEEK;
3371 }
3372 });
3373 exports.CalendarA11y = CalendarA11y;
3374 exports.CalendarAngularDateFormatter = CalendarAngularDateFormatter;
3375 exports.CalendarCommonModule = CalendarCommonModule;
3376 exports.CalendarDateFormatter = CalendarDateFormatter;
3377 exports.CalendarDayModule = CalendarDayModule;
3378 exports.CalendarDayViewComponent = CalendarDayViewComponent;
3379 exports.CalendarEventTitleFormatter = CalendarEventTitleFormatter;
3380 exports.CalendarModule = CalendarModule;
3381 exports.CalendarMomentDateFormatter = CalendarMomentDateFormatter;
3382 exports.CalendarMonthModule = CalendarMonthModule;
3383 exports.CalendarMonthViewComponent = CalendarMonthViewComponent;
3384 exports.CalendarNativeDateFormatter = CalendarNativeDateFormatter;
3385 exports.CalendarUtils = CalendarUtils;
3386 exports.CalendarWeekModule = CalendarWeekModule;
3387 exports.CalendarWeekViewComponent = CalendarWeekViewComponent;
3388 exports.DateAdapter = DateAdapter;
3389 exports.MOMENT = MOMENT;
3390 exports.collapseAnimation = collapseAnimation;
3391 exports.getWeekViewPeriod = getWeekViewPeriod;
3392 exports.ɵCalendarA11yPipe = CalendarA11yPipe;
3393 exports.ɵCalendarDatePipe = CalendarDatePipe;
3394 exports.ɵCalendarEventActionsComponent = CalendarEventActionsComponent;
3395 exports.ɵCalendarEventTitleComponent = CalendarEventTitleComponent;
3396 exports.ɵCalendarEventTitlePipe = CalendarEventTitlePipe;
3397 exports.ɵCalendarMonthCellComponent = CalendarMonthCellComponent;
3398 exports.ɵCalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent = CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent;
3399 exports.ɵCalendarNextViewDirective = CalendarNextViewDirective;
3400 exports.ɵCalendarOpenDayEventsComponent = CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent;
3401 exports.ɵCalendarPreviousViewDirective = CalendarPreviousViewDirective;
3402 exports.ɵCalendarTodayDirective = CalendarTodayDirective;
3403 exports.ɵCalendarTooltipDirective = CalendarTooltipDirective;
3404 exports.ɵCalendarTooltipWindowComponent = CalendarTooltipWindowComponent;
3405 exports.ɵCalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent = CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent;
3406 exports.ɵCalendarWeekViewEventComponent = CalendarWeekViewEventComponent;
3407 exports.ɵCalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent = CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent;
3408 exports.ɵCalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent = CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent;
3409 exports.ɵClickDirective = ClickDirective;
3410 exports.ɵKeydownEnterDirective = KeydownEnterDirective;
3412 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
3415//# sourceMappingURL=angular-calendar.umd.js.map