1.41 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ModuleWithProviders, Provider } from '@angular/core';
2import { CalendarModuleConfig } from './common/calendar-common.module';
3import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
4import * as i1 from "./common/calendar-common.module";
5import * as i2 from "./month/calendar-month.module";
6import * as i3 from "./week/calendar-week.module";
7import * as i4 from "./day/calendar-day.module";
8export * from './common/calendar-common.module';
9export * from './month/calendar-month.module';
10export * from './week/calendar-week.module';
11export * from './day/calendar-day.module';
13 * The main module of this library. Example usage:
14 *
15 * ```typescript
16 * import { CalenderModule } from 'angular-calendar';
17 *
18 * @NgModule({
19 * imports: [
20 * CalenderModule.forRoot()
21 * ]
22 * })
23 * class MyModule {}
24 * ```
25 *
26 */
27export declare class CalendarModule {
28 static forRoot(dateAdapter: Provider, config?: CalendarModuleConfig): ModuleWithProviders<CalendarModule>;
29 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarModule, never>;
30 static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<CalendarModule, never, [typeof i1.CalendarCommonModule, typeof i2.CalendarMonthModule, typeof i3.CalendarWeekModule, typeof i4.CalendarDayModule], [typeof i1.CalendarCommonModule, typeof i2.CalendarMonthModule, typeof i3.CalendarWeekModule, typeof i4.CalendarDayModule]>;
31 static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CalendarModule>;