1 | # angular 15.0+ drag and drop
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9 | ## Demo
10 |
11 | https://mattlewis92.github.io/angular-draggable-droppable/
12 |
13 | ## Table of contents
14 |
15 | - [About](#about)
16 | - [Installation](#installation)
17 | - [Documentation](#documentation)
18 | - [Development](#development)
19 | - [License](#licence)
20 |
21 | ## About
22 |
23 | Observable powered drag and drop for angular 15.0+
24 |
25 | ## Installation
26 |
27 | Install through npm:
28 |
29 | ```
30 | npm install angular-draggable-droppable
31 | ```
32 |
33 | Then use it in your app like so:
34 |
35 | ```typescript
36 | import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
37 | import { DragAndDropModule } from 'angular-draggable-droppable';
38 |
39 | @NgModule({
40 | declarations: [DemoApp],
41 | imports: [DragAndDropModule],
42 | bootstrap: [DemoApp],
43 | })
44 | class DemoModule {}
45 |
46 | @Component({
47 | selector: 'demo-app',
48 | template: `
49 | <div mwlDraggable (dragEnd)="dragEnd($event)">Drag me!</div>
50 | <div mwlDroppable (drop)="this.droppedData = $event.dropData">
51 | <span [hidden]="droppedData">Drop here</span>
52 | <span [hidden]="!droppedData"
53 | >Item dropped here with data: "{{ droppedData }}"!</span
54 | >
55 | </div>
56 | `,
57 | })
58 | class DemoApp {
59 | droppedData: string;
60 |
61 | dragEnd(event) {
62 | console.log('Element was dragged', event);
63 | }
64 | }
65 | ```
66 |
67 | Note: if draggable elements are inside a scrollable element then you will need to add `mwlDraggableScrollContainer` as an attribute to the scrollable container.
68 |
69 | You may also find it useful to view the [demo source](https://github.com/mattlewis92/angular-draggable-droppable/tree/main/src/demo).
70 |
71 | ## Documentation
72 |
73 | All documentation is auto-generated from the source and can be viewed here:
74 | https://mattlewis92.github.io/angular-draggable-droppable/docs/
75 |
76 | ## Alternatives
77 |
78 | I wrote this library because I needed drag and drop whilst snapping to a grid. If you don't need this feature then I recommend checking out one of these other awesome drag and drop libraries:
79 |
80 | - [Angular CDK drag and drop](https://material.angular.io/cdk/drag-drop/overview)
81 | - [angular-skyhook](https://github.com/cormacrelf/angular-skyhook)
82 | - [ng-drag-drop](https://github.com/ObaidUrRehman/ng-drag-drop)
83 |
84 | ## Development
85 |
86 | ### Prepare your environment
87 |
88 | - Install [Node.js (>=14.19.0 or >=16.9.0)](http://nodejs.org/)
89 | - Install pnpm: `corepack enable`
90 | - Install local dev dependencies: `pnpm install` while current directory is this repo
91 |
92 | ### Development server
93 |
94 | Run `pnpm start` to start a development server on port 8000 with auto reload + tests.
95 |
96 | ### Testing
97 |
98 | Run `pnpm test` to run tests once or `pnpm test:watch` to continually run tests.
99 |
100 | ### Release
101 |
102 | ```bash
103 | pnpm release
104 | ```
105 |
106 | ## License
107 |
108 | MIT