1 | # angular-oauth2-oidc
2 |
3 | Support for OAuth 2 and OpenId Connect (OIDC) in Angular. Already prepared for the upcoming OAuth 2.1.
4 |
5 | 
6 |
7 | ## Credits
8 |
9 | - [jsrsasign](https://kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/) for validating token signature and for hashing
10 | - [Identity Server](https://github.com/identityserver) for testing with an .NET/.NET Core Backend
11 | - [Keycloak (Redhat)](http://www.keycloak.org/) for testing with Java
12 | - [Auth0](https://auth0.com/)
13 |
14 | ## Resources
15 |
16 | - Sources and Sample: [https://github.com/manfredsteyer/angular-oauth2-oidc](https://github.com/manfredsteyer/angular-oauth2-oidc)
17 | - Source Code Documentation: [https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs](https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs)
18 | - Community-provided sample implementation: [https://github.com/jeroenheijmans/sample-angular-oauth2-oidc-with-auth-guards/](https://github.com/jeroenheijmans/sample-angular-oauth2-oidc-with-auth-guards/)
19 |
20 |
21 | ## Tested Environment
22 |
23 | Successfully tested with **Angular 4.3 to Angular 16** and its Router, PathLocationStrategy as well as HashLocationStrategy and CommonJS-Bundling via webpack.
24 |
25 | At server side we've used **IdentityServer** (.NET / .NET Core), Redhat's **Keycloak** (Java), and **Auth0** (Auth0 is officially supported since version 10 of this lib). For Auth0, please have a look into the respective documentation page here.
26 |
27 | For using this library with **Azure Active Directory** (**Azure AD**), we recommend an additional look to this [blog post](https://dev.to/yuriburger/azure-active-directory-b2c-with-pkce-for-your-angular-app-1dcg) and the example linked at the end of this blog post.
28 |
29 | Also, the Okta community created some guidelines on how to use this lib with Okta. See the links at the end of this page for more information.
30 |
31 | **Angular 17**: Use 17.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
32 |
33 | **Angular 16**: Use 16.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
34 |
35 | **Angular 15**: Use 15.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
36 |
37 | **Angular 14**: Use 14.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
38 |
39 | **Angular 13**: Use 13.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
40 |
41 | **Angular 12**: Use 12.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
42 |
43 | **Angular 11**: Use 10.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
44 |
45 | **Angular 10**: Use 10.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
46 |
47 | **Angular 9**: Use 9.x versions of this library (**should also work with older Angular versions!**).
48 |
49 | **Angular 8**: Use 8.x versions of this library.
50 |
51 | **Angular 7**: Use 7.x versions of this library.
52 |
53 | **Angular 6**: Use Version 4.x of this library. Version 4.x was tested with Angular 6. You can also try the newer version 5.x of this library which has a much smaller bundle size.
54 |
55 | **Angular 5.x or 4.3**: If you need support for Angular < 6 (4.3 to 5.x) you can download the former version 3.1.4 (npm i angular-oauth2-oidc@^3 --save).
56 |
57 | ## Release Cycle
58 |
59 | - We plan one major release for each Angular version
60 | - Will contain new features
61 | - Will contain bug fixes and PRs
62 | - Critical bugfixes on demand
63 |
64 | ## Contributions
65 |
66 | - Feel free to file pull requests
67 | - The issues contain some ideas for PRs and enhancements (see labels)
68 | - If you want to contribute to the docs, you can do so in the `docs-src` folder. Make sure you update `summary.json` as well. Then generate the docs with the following commands:
69 |
70 | ```sh
71 | npm install -g @compodoc/compodoc
72 | npm run docs
73 | ```
74 |
75 | ## Features
76 |
77 | - Logging in via Code Flow + PKCE
78 | - Hence, you are safe for the upcoming OAuth 2.1
79 | - Logging in via Implicit Flow (where a user is redirected to Identity Provider)
80 | - "Logging in" via Password Flow (where a user enters their password into the client)
81 | - Token Refresh for all supported flows
82 | - Automatically refreshing a token when/some time before it expires
83 | - Querying Userinfo Endpoint
84 | - Querying Discovery Document to ease configuration
85 | - Validating claims of the id_token regarding the specs
86 | - Hook for further custom validations
87 | - Single-Sign-Out by redirecting to the auth-server's logout-endpoint
88 | - Tested with all modern browsers and IE
89 | - Token Revocation according to [RFC 7009](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7009#section-2.2)
90 |
91 | ## Sample-Auth-Server
92 |
93 | You can use the OIDC-Sample-Server used in our examples. It assumes, that your Web-App runs on http://localhost:4200
94 |
95 | Username/Password:
96 |
97 | - max/geheim
98 | - bob/bob
99 | - alice/alice
100 |
101 | _clientIds:_
102 |
103 | - spa (Code Flow + PKCE)
104 | - implicit (implicit flow)
105 |
106 | _redirectUris:_
107 |
108 | - localhost:[4200-4202]
109 | - localhost:[4200-4202]/index.html
110 | - localhost:[4200-4202]/silent-refresh.html
111 |
112 | ## Installing
113 |
114 | ```sh
115 | npm i angular-oauth2-oidc --save
116 | ```
117 |
118 |
119 | ## Option 1: Standalone APIs
120 |
121 | If you use Standalone Components introduced with Angular 14, you can use our standalone API (call to ``provideOAuthClient``) in your ``main.ts`` to setup the ``OAuthClient``:
122 |
123 | ```TypeScript
124 | // main.ts -- Angular 15+ version
125 | import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
126 |
127 | import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
128 |
129 | import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';
130 | import { provideOAuthClient } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
131 |
132 | bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
133 | providers: [
134 | provideHttpClient(),
135 | provideOAuthClient()
136 | ]
137 | });
138 | ```
139 |
140 | As Angular 14 does have Standalone Components but no Standalone API for its ``HttpClient``, you need to go with the traditional ``HttpClientModule`` in this version:
141 |
142 | ```TypeScript
143 | // main.ts -- Angular 14 version
144 | import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
145 |
146 | import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
147 |
148 | import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';
149 | import { provideOAuthClient } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
150 | import { importProvidersFrom } from '@angular/core';
151 |
152 | bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
153 | providers: [
154 | importProvidersFrom(HttpClientModule),
155 | provideOAuthClient()
156 | ]
157 | });
158 | ```
159 |
160 | The ``provideOAuthClient`` function takes the same parameters as the forRoot function of the OAuthModule that is still in place for the sake of compatibility with existing code bases.
161 |
162 | ## Option 2: Using NgModules
163 |
164 | ```TypeScript
165 | import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
166 | import { OAuthModule } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
167 | // etc.
168 |
169 | @NgModule({
170 | imports: [
171 | // etc.
172 | HttpClientModule,
173 | OAuthModule.forRoot()
174 | ],
175 | declarations: [
176 | AppComponent,
177 | HomeComponent,
178 | // etc.
179 | ],
180 | bootstrap: [
181 | AppComponent
182 | ]
183 | })
184 | export class AppModule {
185 | }
186 | ```
187 |
188 | # Logging in
189 |
190 | Since Version 8, this library supports code flow and [PKCE](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636) to align with the current draft of the [OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics-13) document. This is also the foundation of the upcoming OAuth 2.1.
191 |
192 | To configure your solution for code flow + PKCE you have to set the `responseType` to `code`:
193 |
194 | ```TypeScript
195 | import { AuthConfig } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
196 |
197 | export const authCodeFlowConfig: AuthConfig = {
198 | // Url of the Identity Provider
199 | issuer: 'https://idsvr4.azurewebsites.net',
200 |
201 | // URL of the SPA to redirect the user to after login
202 | redirectUri: window.location.origin + '/index.html',
203 |
204 | // The SPA's id. The SPA is registerd with this id at the auth-server
205 | // clientId: 'server.code',
206 | clientId: 'spa',
207 |
208 | // Just needed if your auth server demands a secret. In general, this
209 | // is a sign that the auth server is not configured with SPAs in mind
210 | // and it might not enforce further best practices vital for security
211 | // such applications.
212 | // dummyClientSecret: 'secret',
213 |
214 | responseType: 'code',
215 |
216 | // set the scope for the permissions the client should request
217 | // The first four are defined by OIDC.
218 | // Important: Request offline_access to get a refresh token
219 | // The api scope is a usecase specific one
220 | scope: 'openid profile email offline_access api',
221 |
222 | showDebugInformation: true,
223 | };
224 | ```
225 |
226 | After this, you can initialize the code flow using:
227 |
228 | ```TypeScript
229 | this.oauthService.initCodeFlow();
230 | ```
231 |
232 | There is also a convenience method `initLoginFlow` which initializes either the code flow or the implicit flow depending on your configuration.
233 |
234 | ```TypeScript
235 | this.oauthService.initLoginFlow();
236 | ```
237 |
238 | Also -- as shown in the readme -- you have to execute the following code when bootstrapping to make the library to fetch the token:
239 |
240 | ```TypeScript
241 | this.oauthService.configure(authCodeFlowConfig);
242 | this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin();
243 | ```
244 |
245 | ### Logging out
246 |
247 | The logOut method clears the used token store (by default ``sessionStorage``) and forwards the user to the auth servers logout endpoint if one was configured (manually or via the discovery document).
248 |
249 | ```typescript
250 | this.oauthService.logOut();
251 | ```
252 |
253 | If you want to revoke the existing access token and the existing refresh token before logging out, use the following method:
254 |
255 | ```typescript
256 | this.oauthService.revokeTokenAndLogout();
257 | ```
258 |
259 | ### Skipping the Login Form
260 |
261 | If you don't want to display a login form that tells the user that they are redirected to the identity server, you can use the convenience function `this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndLogin();` instead of `this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin();` when setting up the library.
262 |
263 | This directly redirects the user to the identity server if there are no valid tokens. Ensure you have your `issuer` set to your discovery document endpoint!
264 |
265 | ### Calling a Web API with an Access Token
266 |
267 | You can automate this task by switching `sendAccessToken` on and by setting `allowedUrls` to an array with prefixes for the respective URLs. Use lower case for the prefixes.
268 |
269 | ```TypeScript
270 | OAuthModule.forRoot({
271 | resourceServer: {
272 | allowedUrls: ['http://www.angular.at/api'],
273 | sendAccessToken: true
274 | }
275 | })
276 | ```
277 |
278 | If you need more versatility, you can look in the [documentation](https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs/additional-documentation/working-with-httpinterceptors.html) how to setup a custom interceptor.
279 |
280 | ## Token Refresh
281 |
282 | See docs: https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs/additional-documentation/refreshing-a-token.html
283 |
284 | ## Routing
285 |
286 | If you use the `PathLocationStrategy` (which is on by default) and have a general catch-all-route (`path: '**'`) you should be fine. Otherwise look up the section `Routing with the HashStrategy` in the [documentation](https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs/).
287 |
288 | ## Implicit Flow
289 |
290 | Nowadays, using code flow + PKCE -- as shown above -- is the recommended OAuth 2/OIDC flow for SPAs. To use the older implicit flow, lookup this docs: https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs/additional-documentation/using-implicit-flow.html
291 |
292 | ## More Documentation (!)
293 |
294 | See the [documentation](https://manfredsteyer.github.io/angular-oauth2-oidc/docs/) for more information about this library.
295 |
296 |
297 | ## Breaking Change in Version 9
298 |
299 | With regards to tree shaking, beginning with version 9, the `JwksValidationHandler` has been moved to a library of its own. If you need it for implementing **implicit flow**, please install it using npm:
300 |
301 | ```
302 | npm i angular-oauth2-oidc-jwks --save
303 | ```
304 |
305 | After that, you can import it into your application by using this:
306 |
307 | ```typescript
308 | import { JwksValidationHandler } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc-jwks';
309 | ```
310 |
311 | instead of that:
312 |
313 | ```typescript
314 | import { JwksValidationHandler } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
315 | ```
316 |
317 | Please note, that this dependency is not needed for the **code flow**, which is nowadays the **recommended** flow for single page applications. This also results in smaller bundle sizes.
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 | ### Breaking change in 9.1.0
322 |
323 | The use of `encodeURIComponent` on the argument passed to `initImplicitFlow` and its Code Flow counterparts was mandatory before this version.
324 |
325 | Since that was considered a _bug_, the need to do so was removed.
326 | Now the reverse is true **if you're upgrading from before 9.0.0**: you need to remove any call to encode URI components in your own application, as the library will now do it for you.
327 |
328 | ## Tutorials
329 |
330 | - [Tutorial with Demo Servers available online](https://www.softwarearchitekt.at/post/2016/07/03/authentication-in-angular-2-with-oauth2-oidc-and-guards-for-the-newest-new-router-english-version.aspx)
331 | - [Angular Authentication with OpenID Connect and Okta in 20 Minutes](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2017/04/17/angular-authentication-with-oidc)
332 | - [Add Authentication to Your Angular PWA](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2017/06/13/add-authentication-angular-pwa)
333 | - [Build an Ionic App with User Authentication](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2017/08/22/build-an-ionic-app-with-user-authentication)
334 | - [On-Site Workshops](https://www.softwarearchitekt.at)
335 | - [Angular 6 with Auth0 using this library](https://github.com/jeroenheijmans/sample-auth0-angular-oauth2-oidc)
336 |
337 | ## Thanks to all Contributors
338 |
339 | [<img alt="alexandis" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6149843?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/alexandis)[<img alt="anbiniyar" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/407653?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/anbiniyar)[<img alt="anoordende" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/11973801?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/anoordende)[<img alt="ArsProgramma" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4572729?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/ArsProgramma)[<img alt="nihanth007" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/14851784?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/nihanth007)
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341 | [<img alt="bobvandevijver" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1835343?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/bobvandevijver)[<img alt="BobCui20" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/59807069?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/BobCui20)[<img alt="Bottswana" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6907460?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/Bottswana)[<img alt="ErazerBrecht" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6287467?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/ErazerBrecht)[<img alt="Chris3773" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22506071?v=4&s=117" width="117">](https://github.com/Chris3773)
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