15 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "injectables.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "angular-ui-router/injectables.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */\n/**\n * # Angular 1 injectable services\n *\n * This is a list of the objects which can be injected using angular's injector.\n *\n * There are three different kind of injectable objects:\n *\n * ## **Provider** objects\n * #### injectable into a `.config()` block during configtime\n *\n * - [[$uiRouterProvider]]: The UI-Router instance\n * - [[$stateProvider]]: State registration\n * - [[$transitionsProvider]]: Transition hooks\n * - [[$urlServiceProvider]]: All URL related public APIs\n *\n * - [[$uiViewScrollProvider]]: Disable ui-router view scrolling\n * - [[$urlRouterProvider]]: (deprecated) Url matching rules\n * - [[$urlMatcherFactoryProvider]]: (deprecated) Url parsing config\n *\n * ## **Service** objects\n * #### injectable globally during runtime\n *\n * - [[$uiRouter]]: The UI-Router instance\n * - [[$trace]]: Enable transition trace/debug\n * - [[$transitions]]: Transition hooks\n * - [[$state]]: Imperative state related APIs\n * - [[$stateRegistry]]: State registration\n * - [[$urlService]]: All URL related public APIs\n * - [[$uiRouterGlobals]]: Global variables\n * - [[$uiViewScroll]]: Scroll an element into view\n *\n * - [[$stateParams]]: (deprecated) Global state param values\n * - [[$urlRouter]]: (deprecated) URL synchronization\n * - [[$urlMatcherFactory]]: (deprecated) URL parsing config\n *\n * ## **Per-Transition** objects\n *\n * - These kind of objects are injectable into:\n * - Resolves ([[Ng1StateDeclaration.resolve]]),\n * - Transition Hooks ([[TransitionService.onStart]], etc),\n * - Routed Controllers ([[Ng1ViewDeclaration.controller]])\n *\n * #### Different instances are injected based on the [[Transition]]\n *\n * - [[$transition$]]: The current Transition object\n * - [[$stateParams]]: State param values for pending Transition (deprecated)\n * - Any resolve data defined using [[Ng1StateDeclaration.resolve]]\n *\n * @preferred @publicapi @module injectables\n */ /** */\nimport { StateProvider } from './stateProvider';\nimport {\n StateService,\n TransitionService,\n Transition,\n UrlRouter,\n UrlMatcherFactory,\n StateParams,\n StateRegistry,\n UIRouterGlobals,\n UIRouter,\n Trace,\n UrlService,\n} from '@uirouter/core';\nimport { UIViewScrollProvider } from './viewScroll';\nimport { UrlRouterProvider } from './urlRouterProvider';\n\n/**\n * The current (or pending) State Parameters\n *\n * An injectable global **Service Object** which holds the state parameters for the latest **SUCCESSFUL** transition.\n *\n * The values are not updated until *after* a `Transition` successfully completes.\n *\n * **Also:** an injectable **Per-Transition Object** object which holds the pending state parameters for the pending `Transition` currently running.\n *\n * ### Deprecation warning:\n *\n * The value injected for `$stateParams` is different depending on where it is injected.\n *\n * - When injected into an angular service, the object injected is the global **Service Object** with the parameter values for the latest successful `Transition`.\n * - When injected into transition hooks, resolves, or view controllers, the object is the **Per-Transition Object** with the parameter values for the running `Transition`.\n *\n * Because of these confusing details, this service is deprecated.\n *\n * ### Instead of using the global `$stateParams` service object,\n * inject [[$uiRouterGlobals]] and use [[UIRouterGlobals.params]]\n *\n * ```js\n * MyService.$inject = ['$uiRouterGlobals'];\n * function MyService($uiRouterGlobals) {\n * return {\n * paramValues: function () {\n * return $uiRouterGlobals.params;\n * }\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * ### Instead of using the per-transition `$stateParams` object,\n * inject the current `Transition` (as [[$transition$]]) and use [[Transition.params]]\n *\n * ```js\n * MyController.$inject = ['$transition$'];\n * function MyController($transition$) {\n * var username = $transition$.params().username;\n * // .. do something with username\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * ---\n *\n * This object can be injected into other services.\n *\n * #### Deprecated Example:\n * ```js\n * SomeService.$inject = ['$http', '$stateParams'];\n * function SomeService($http, $stateParams) {\n * return {\n * getUser: function() {\n * return $http.get('/api/users/' + $stateParams.username);\n * }\n * }\n * };\n * angular.service('SomeService', SomeService);\n * ```\n * @deprecated\n */\nlet $stateParams: StateParams;\n\n/**\n * Global UI-Router variables\n *\n * The router global state as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This object contains globals such as the current state and current parameter values.\n */\nlet $uiRouterGlobals: UIRouterGlobals;\n\n/**\n * The UI-Router instance\n *\n * The [[UIRouter]] singleton (the router instance) as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This object is the UI-Router singleton instance, created by angular dependency injection during application bootstrap.\n * It has references to the other UI-Router services\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$uiRouterProvider]] for injection during angular config time.\n */\nlet $uiRouter: UIRouter;\n\n/**\n * The UI-Router instance\n *\n * The [[UIRouter]] singleton (the router instance) as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config phase).\n *\n * This object is the UI-Router singleton instance, created by angular dependency injection during application bootstrap.\n * It has references to the other UI-Router services\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$uiRouter]] for injection during runtime.\n */\nlet $uiRouterProvider: UIRouter;\n\n/**\n * Transition debug/tracing\n *\n * The [[Trace]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * Enables or disables Transition tracing which can help to debug issues.\n */\nlet $trace: Trace;\n\n/**\n * The Transition Service\n *\n * The [[TransitionService]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This angular service exposes the [[TransitionService]] singleton, which is primarily\n * used to register global transition hooks.\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$transitionsProvider]] for injection during the config phase.\n */\nlet $transitions: TransitionService;\n\n/**\n * The Transition Service\n *\n * The [[TransitionService]] singleton as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config phase)\n *\n * This angular service exposes the [[TransitionService]] singleton, which is primarily\n * used to register global transition hooks.\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$transitions]] for injection during runtime.\n */\nlet $transitionsProvider: TransitionService;\n\n/**\n * The current [[Transition]] object\n *\n * The current [[Transition]] object as a **Per-Transition Object** (injectable into Resolve, Hooks, Controllers)\n *\n * This object returns information about the current transition, including:\n *\n * - To/from states\n * - To/from parameters\n * - Transition options\n * - States being entered, exited, and retained\n * - Resolve data\n * - A Promise for the transition\n * - Any transition failure information\n * - An injector for both Service and Per-Transition Objects\n */\nlet $transition$: Transition;\n\n/**\n * The State Service\n *\n * The [[StateService]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This service used to manage and query information on registered states.\n * It exposes state related APIs including:\n *\n * - Start a [[Transition]]\n * - Imperatively lazy load states\n * - Check if a state is currently active\n * - Look up states by name\n * - Build URLs for a state+parameters\n * - Configure the global Transition error handler\n *\n * This angular service exposes the [[StateService]] singleton.\n */\nlet $state: StateService;\n\n/**\n * The State Registry\n *\n * The [[StateRegistry]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This service is used to register/deregister states.\n * It has state registration related APIs including:\n *\n * - Register/deregister states\n * - Listen for state registration/deregistration\n * - Get states by name\n * - Add state decorators (to customize the state creation process)\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$stateRegistryProvider]] for injection during the config phase.\n */\nlet $stateRegistry: StateRegistry;\n\n/**\n * The State Registry\n *\n * The [[StateRegistry]] singleton as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config time).\n *\n * This service is used to register/deregister states.\n * It has state registration related APIs including:\n *\n * - Register/deregister states\n * - Listen for state registration/deregistration\n * - Get states by name\n * - Add state decorators (to customize the state creation process)\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$stateRegistry]] for injection during runtime.\n */\nlet $stateRegistryProvider: StateRegistry;\n\n/**\n * The View Scroll provider\n *\n * The [[UIViewScrollProvider]] as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config time).\n *\n * This angular service exposes the [[UIViewScrollProvider]] singleton and is\n * used to disable UI-Router's scroll behavior.\n */\nlet $uiViewScrollProvider: UIViewScrollProvider;\n\n/**\n * The View Scroll function\n *\n * The View Scroll function as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This is a function that scrolls an element into view.\n * The element is scrolled after a `$timeout` so the DOM has time to refresh.\n *\n * If you prefer to rely on `$anchorScroll` to scroll the view to the anchor,\n * this can be enabled by calling [[UIViewScrollProvider.useAnchorScroll]].\n *\n * Note: this function is used by the [[directives.uiView]] when the `autoscroll` expression evaluates to true.\n */\nlet $uiViewScroll: ($element: JQuery) => void;\n\n/**\n * The StateProvider\n *\n * An angular1-only [[StateProvider]] as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config time).\n *\n * This angular service exposes the [[StateProvider]] singleton.\n *\n * The `StateProvider` is primarily used to register states or add custom state decorators.\n *\n * ##### Note: This provider is a ng1 vestige.\n * It is a passthrough to [[$stateRegistry]] and [[$state]].\n */\nlet $stateProvider: StateProvider;\n\n/**\n * The URL Service Provider\n *\n * The [[UrlService]] singleton as a **Provider Object** (injectable during the angular config phase).\n *\n * A service used to configure and interact with the URL.\n * It has URL related APIs including:\n *\n * - register custom Parameter types `UrlService.config.type` ([[UrlConfigApi.type]])\n * - add URL rules: `UrlService.rules.when` ([[UrlRulesApi.when]])\n * - configure behavior when no url matches: `UrlService.rules.otherwise` ([[UrlRulesApi.otherwise]])\n * - delay initial URL synchronization [[UrlService.deferIntercept]].\n * - get or set the current url: [[UrlService.url]]\n *\n * ##### Note: This service can also be injected during runtime as [[$urlService]].\n */\nlet $urlServiceProvider: UrlService;\n\n/**\n * The URL Service\n *\n * The [[UrlService]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * Note: This service can also be injected during the config phase as [[$urlServiceProvider]].\n *\n * Used to configure the URL.\n * It has URL related APIs including:\n *\n * - register custom Parameter types `UrlService.config.type` ([[UrlConfigApi.type]])\n * - add URL rules: `UrlService.rules.when` ([[UrlRulesApi.when]])\n * - configure behavior when no url matches: `UrlService.rules.otherwise` ([[UrlRulesApi.otherwise]])\n * - delay initial URL synchronization [[UrlService.deferIntercept]].\n * - get or set the current url: [[UrlService.url]]\n *\n * ##### Note: This service can also be injected during the config phase as [[$urlServiceProvider]].\n */\nlet $urlService: UrlService;\n\n/**\n * The URL Router Provider\n *\n * ### Deprecation warning: This object is now considered internal. Use [[$urlServiceProvider]] instead.\n *\n * The [[UrlRouter]] singleton as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config time).\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$urlRouter]] for injection during runtime.\n *\n * @deprecated\n */\nlet $urlRouterProvider: UrlRouterProvider;\n\n/**\n * The Url Router\n *\n * ### Deprecation warning: This object is now considered internal. Use [[$urlService]] instead.\n *\n * The [[UrlRouter]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$urlRouterProvider]] for injection during angular config time.\n *\n * @deprecated\n */\nlet $urlRouter: UrlRouter;\n\n/**\n * The URL Matcher Factory\n *\n * ### Deprecation warning: This object is now considered internal. Use [[$urlService]] instead.\n *\n * The [[UrlMatcherFactory]] singleton as a **Service Object** (injectable during runtime).\n *\n * This service is used to set url mapping options, define custom parameter types, and create [[UrlMatcher]] objects.\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$urlMatcherFactoryProvider]] for injection during angular config time.\n *\n * @deprecated\n */\nlet $urlMatcherFactory: UrlMatcherFactory;\n\n/**\n * The URL Matcher Factory\n *\n * ### Deprecation warning: This object is now considered internal. Use [[$urlService]] instead.\n *\n * The [[UrlMatcherFactory]] singleton as a **Provider Object** (injectable during config time).\n *\n * This service is used to set url mapping options, define custom parameter types, and create [[UrlMatcher]] objects.\n *\n * #### Note: This object is also exposed as [[$urlMatcherFactory]] for injection during runtime.\n *\n * @deprecated\n */\nlet $urlMatcherFactoryProvider: UrlMatcherFactory;\n"
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