2.06 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { EventEmitter, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
2import { KmlMouseEvent } from './../services/google-maps-types';
3import { KmlLayerManager } from './../services/managers/kml-layer-manager';
4export declare class SebmGoogleMapKmlLayer implements OnInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges {
5 private _manager;
6 private _addedToManager;
7 private _id;
8 private _subscriptions;
9 private static _kmlLayerOptions;
10 /**
11 * If true, the layer receives mouse events. Default value is true.
12 */
13 clickable: boolean;
14 /**
15 * By default, the input map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the
16 * layer.
17 * If this option is set to true, the viewport is left unchanged, unless the map's center and zoom
18 * were never set.
19 */
20 preserveViewport: boolean;
21 /**
22 * Whether to render the screen overlays. Default true.
23 */
24 screenOverlays: boolean;
25 /**
26 * Suppress the rendering of info windows when layer features are clicked.
27 */
28 suppressInfoWindows: boolean;
29 /**
30 * The URL of the KML document to display.
31 */
32 url: string;
33 /**
34 * The z-index of the layer.
35 */
36 zIndex: number | null;
37 /**
38 * This event is fired when a feature in the layer is clicked.
39 */
40 layerClick: EventEmitter<KmlMouseEvent>;
41 /**
42 * This event is fired when the KML layers default viewport has changed.
43 */
44 defaultViewportChange: EventEmitter<void>;
45 /**
46 * This event is fired when the KML layer has finished loading.
47 * At this point it is safe to read the status property to determine if the layer loaded
48 * successfully.
49 */
50 statusChange: EventEmitter<void>;
51 constructor(_manager: KmlLayerManager);
52 ngOnInit(): void;
53 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
54 private _updatePolygonOptions(changes);
55 private _addEventListeners();
56 /** @internal */
57 id(): string;
58 /** @internal */
59 toString(): string;
60 /** @internal */
61 ngOnDestroy(): void;