4.84 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AfterContentInit, EventEmitter, OnChanges, OnDestroy, QueryList, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
2import { PolyMouseEvent } from '../services/google-maps-types';
3import { PolylineManager } from '../services/managers/polyline-manager';
4import { SebmGoogleMapPolylinePoint } from './google-map-polyline-point';
6 * SebmGoogleMapPolyline renders a polyline on a {@link SebmGoogleMap}
7 *
8 * ### Example
9 * ```typescript
10 * import { Component } from 'angular2/core';
11 * import { SebmGoogleMap, SebmGooglePolyline, SebmGooglePolylinePoint } from
12 * 'angular2-google-maps/core';
13 *
14 * @Component({
15 * selector: 'my-map-cmp',
16 * directives: [SebmGoogleMap, SebmGooglePolyline, SebmGooglePolylinePoint],
17 * styles: [`
18 * .sebm-google-map-container {
19 * height: 300px;
20 * }
21 * `],
22 * template: `
23 * <sebm-google-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom">
24 * <sebm-google-map-polyline>
25 * <sebm-google-map-polyline-point [latitude]="latA" [longitude]="lngA">
26 * </sebm-google-map-polyline-point>
27 * <sebm-google-map-polyline-point [latitude]="latB" [longitude]="lngB">
28 * </sebm-google-map-polyline-point>
29 * </sebm-google-map-polyline>
30 * </sebm-google-map>
31 * `
32 * })
33 * ```
34 */
35export declare class SebmGoogleMapPolyline implements OnDestroy, OnChanges, AfterContentInit {
36 private _polylineManager;
37 /**
38 * Indicates whether this Polyline handles mouse events. Defaults to true.
39 */
40 clickable: boolean;
41 /**
42 * If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map. The geodesic property defines the
43 * mode of dragging. Defaults to false.
44 */
45 draggable: boolean;
46 /**
47 * If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the control points shown at the
48 * vertices and on each segment. Defaults to false.
49 */
50 editable: boolean;
51 /**
52 * When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of
53 * the Earth. When false, edges of the polygon are rendered as straight lines in screen space.
54 * Note that the shape of a geodesic polygon may appear to change when dragged, as the dimensions
55 * are maintained relative to the surface of the earth. Defaults to false.
56 */
57 geodesic: boolean;
58 /**
59 * The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors.
60 */
61 strokeColor: string;
62 /**
63 * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0.
64 */
65 strokeOpacity: number;
66 /**
67 * The stroke width in pixels.
68 */
69 strokeWeight: number;
70 /**
71 * Whether this polyline is visible on the map. Defaults to true.
72 */
73 visible: boolean;
74 /**
75 * The zIndex compared to other polys.
76 */
77 zIndex: number;
78 /**
79 * This event is fired when the DOM click event is fired on the Polyline.
80 */
81 lineClick: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
82 /**
83 * This event is fired when the DOM dblclick event is fired on the Polyline.
84 */
85 lineDblClick: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
86 /**
87 * This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the polyline.
88 */
89 lineDrag: EventEmitter<MouseEvent>;
90 /**
91 * This event is fired when the user stops dragging the polyline.
92 */
93 lineDragEnd: EventEmitter<MouseEvent>;
94 /**
95 * This event is fired when the user starts dragging the polyline.
96 */
97 lineDragStart: EventEmitter<MouseEvent>;
98 /**
99 * This event is fired when the DOM mousedown event is fired on the Polyline.
100 */
101 lineMouseDown: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
102 /**
103 * This event is fired when the DOM mousemove event is fired on the Polyline.
104 */
105 lineMouseMove: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
106 /**
107 * This event is fired on Polyline mouseout.
108 */
109 lineMouseOut: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
110 /**
111 * This event is fired on Polyline mouseover.
112 */
113 lineMouseOver: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
114 /**
115 * This event is fired whe the DOM mouseup event is fired on the Polyline
116 */
117 lineMouseUp: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
118 /**
119 * This even is fired when the Polyline is right-clicked on.
120 */
121 lineRightClick: EventEmitter<PolyMouseEvent>;
122 /**
123 * @internal
124 */
125 points: QueryList<SebmGoogleMapPolylinePoint>;
126 private static _polylineOptionsAttributes;
127 private _id;
128 private _polylineAddedToManager;
129 private _subscriptions;
130 constructor(_polylineManager: PolylineManager);
131 /** @internal */
132 ngAfterContentInit(): void;
133 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): any;
134 private _init();
135 private _addEventListeners();
136 /** @internal */
137 _getPoints(): Array<SebmGoogleMapPolylinePoint>;
138 /** @internal */
139 id(): string;
140 /** @internal */
141 ngOnDestroy(): void;