1 | import {NgZone} from '@angular/core';
2 | import {TestBed, inject} from '@angular/core/testing';
3 |
4 | import {SebmGoogleMapPolygon} from '../../directives/google-map-polygon';
5 | import {GoogleMapsAPIWrapper} from '../google-maps-api-wrapper';
6 | import {Polygon} from '../google-maps-types';
7 | import {PolygonManager} from './polygon-manager';
8 |
9 | describe('PolygonManager', () => {
10 | beforeEach(() => {
11 | TestBed.configureTestingModule({
12 | providers: [
13 | {provide: NgZone, useFactory: () => new NgZone({enableLongStackTrace: true})},
14 | PolygonManager, SebmGoogleMapPolygon, {
15 | provide: GoogleMapsAPIWrapper,
16 | useValue: jasmine.createSpyObj('GoogleMapsAPIWrapper', ['createPolygon'])
17 | }
18 | ]
19 | });
20 | });
21 |
22 | describe('Create a new polygon', () => {
23 | it('should call the mapsApiWrapper when creating a new polygon',
24 | inject(
25 | [PolygonManager, GoogleMapsAPIWrapper],
26 | (polygonManager: PolygonManager, apiWrapper: GoogleMapsAPIWrapper) => {
27 | const newPolygon = new SebmGoogleMapPolygon(polygonManager);
28 | polygonManager.addPolygon(newPolygon);
29 |
30 | expect(apiWrapper.createPolygon).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
31 | clickable: true,
32 | draggable: false,
33 | editable: false,
34 | fillColor: undefined,
35 | fillOpacity: undefined,
36 | geodesic: false,
37 | paths: [],
38 | strokeColor: undefined,
39 | strokeOpacity: undefined,
40 | strokeWeight: undefined,
41 | visible: undefined,
42 | zIndex: undefined
43 | });
44 | }));
45 | });
46 |
47 | describe('Delete a polygon', () => {
48 | it('should set the map to null when deleting a existing polygon',
49 | inject(
50 | [PolygonManager, GoogleMapsAPIWrapper],
51 | (polygonManager: PolygonManager, apiWrapper: GoogleMapsAPIWrapper) => {
52 | const newPolygon = new SebmGoogleMapPolygon(polygonManager);
53 |
54 | const polygonInstance: Polygon = jasmine.createSpyObj('Polygon', ['setMap']);
55 | (<any>apiWrapper.createPolygon).and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(polygonInstance));
56 |
57 | polygonManager.addPolygon(newPolygon);
58 | polygonManager.deletePolygon(newPolygon).then(() => {
59 | expect(polygonInstance.setMap).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null);
60 | });
61 | }));
62 | });
63 | });