7.74 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
3 for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
4 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
5 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
7var core_1 = require('@angular/core');
8var common_1 = require('@angular/common');
9var tokens_1 = require('./tokens');
10var nodeUrl = require('url');
11var NodeLocation = (function () {
12 function NodeLocation(config) {
13 this.assign(config);
14 }
15 Object.defineProperty(NodeLocation.prototype, "origin", {
16 get: function () {
17 return this.protocol + '//' + this.hostname + ':' + this.port;
18 },
19 enumerable: true,
20 configurable: true
21 });
22 NodeLocation.prototype.parse = function (url) {
23 return nodeUrl.parse(url);
24 };
25 NodeLocation.prototype.format = function (obj) {
26 return nodeUrl.format(obj);
27 };
28 NodeLocation.prototype.assign = function (parsed) {
29 this.pathname = parsed.pathname || '';
30 this.search = parsed.search || '';
31 this.hash = parsed.hash || '';
32 this.host = parsed.host;
33 this.hostname = parsed.hostname;
34 this.href = parsed.href;
35 this.port = parsed.port;
36 this.protocol = parsed.protocol;
37 return this;
38 };
39 NodeLocation.prototype.toJSON = function () {
40 var config = {
41 hash: this.hash,
42 host: this.host,
43 hostname: this.hostname,
44 href: this.href,
45 pathname: this.pathname,
46 port: this.port,
47 protocol: this.protocol,
48 search: this.search
49 };
50 return config;
51 };
52 return NodeLocation;
54exports.NodeLocation = NodeLocation;
55var State = (function () {
56 function State(state, title, url) {
57 this.state = state;
58 this.title = title;
59 this.url = url;
60 }
61 State.prototype.toJSON = function () {
62 return {
63 state: this.state,
64 title: this.title,
65 url: this.url
66 };
67 };
68 return State;
70exports.State = State;
71var PopStateEvent = (function () {
72 function PopStateEvent(state) {
73 this.state = state;
74 this.type = 'popstate';
75 }
76 PopStateEvent.prototype.toJSON = function () {
77 return {
78 state: this.state
79 };
80 };
81 return PopStateEvent;
83exports.PopStateEvent = PopStateEvent;
84var NodePlatformLocation = (function (_super) {
85 __extends(NodePlatformLocation, _super);
86 function NodePlatformLocation(originUrl, requestUrl, baseUrl) {
87 _super.call(this);
88 this._stack = [];
89 this._stackIndex = -1;
90 this._popStateListeners = [];
91 this._baseUrl = '/';
92 this._originUrl = originUrl;
93 this._baseUrl = baseUrl || '/';
94 this.pushState(null, null, requestUrl);
95 }
96 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.updateUrl = function (originUrl, baseUrl) {
97 if (baseUrl === void 0) { baseUrl = '/'; }
98 this._originUrl = originUrl;
99 this._baseUrl = baseUrl || '/';
100 };
101 Object.defineProperty(NodePlatformLocation.prototype, "search", {
102 get: function () { return this._loc.search; },
103 enumerable: true,
104 configurable: true
105 });
106 Object.defineProperty(NodePlatformLocation.prototype, "hash", {
107 get: function () { return this._loc.hash; },
108 enumerable: true,
109 configurable: true
110 });
111 Object.defineProperty(NodePlatformLocation.prototype, "pathname", {
112 get: function () { return this._loc.pathname; },
113 set: function (newPathname) { this._loc.pathname = newPathname; },
114 enumerable: true,
115 configurable: true
116 });
117 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.getBaseHrefFromDOM = function () {
118 throw new Error("\n Attempt to get base href from DOM on the server.\n You have to provide a value for the APP_BASE_HREF token through DI.\n ");
119 };
120 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.getBaseHref = function () { return this._baseUrl; };
121 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.path = function () { return this._loc.pathname; };
122 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.pushState = function (state, title, url) {
123 this._stack.push(new State(state, title, url));
124 this._stackIndex++;
125 this._updateLocation();
126 };
127 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.replaceState = function (state, title, url) {
128 this._stack[this._stackIndex] = new State(state, title, url);
129 this._updateLocation();
130 };
131 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.onPopState = function (fn) { this._popStateListeners.push(fn); };
132 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.onHashChange = function (_fn) { };
133 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.back = function () {
134 if (this._stackIndex === 0) {
135 return;
136 }
137 this._stackIndex--;
138 this._updateLocation();
139 this._callPopStateListeners();
140 };
141 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.forward = function () {
142 if (this._stackIndex === this._stack.length - 1) {
143 return;
144 }
145 this._stackIndex++;
146 this._updateLocation();
147 this._callPopStateListeners();
148 };
149 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.prepareExternalUrl = function (internal) {
150 return joinWithSlash(this._baseUrl, internal);
151 };
152 NodePlatformLocation.prototype.toJSON = function () {
153 return {
154 location: this._loc,
155 stack: this._stack,
156 stackIndex: this._stackIndex,
157 popStateListeners: this._popStateListeners,
158 baseHref: this._baseUrl
159 };
160 };
161 NodePlatformLocation.prototype._updateLocation = function () {
162 var state = this._stack[this._stackIndex];
163 var url = state.url;
164 this._setLocationByUrl(url);
165 };
166 NodePlatformLocation.prototype._setLocationByUrl = function (url) {
167 var resolvedOriginBase = nodeUrl.resolve(this._originUrl, this._baseUrl);
168 var resolvedWithUrl = nodeUrl.resolve(resolvedOriginBase, url);
169 var nodeLocation = nodeUrl.parse(resolvedWithUrl);
170 this._loc = new NodeLocation(nodeLocation);
171 };
172 NodePlatformLocation.prototype._callPopStateListeners = function () {
173 var state = this._stack[this._stackIndex].state;
174 var event = new PopStateEvent(state);
175 this._popStateListeners.forEach(function (listener) { return listener(event); });
176 };
177 NodePlatformLocation.decorators = [
178 { type: core_1.Injectable },
179 ];
180 NodePlatformLocation.ctorParameters = [
181 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Optional }, { type: core_1.Inject, args: [tokens_1.ORIGIN_URL,] },] },
182 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Optional }, { type: core_1.Inject, args: [tokens_1.REQUEST_URL,] },] },
183 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Optional }, { type: core_1.Inject, args: [common_1.APP_BASE_HREF,] },] },
184 ];
185 return NodePlatformLocation;
187exports.NodePlatformLocation = NodePlatformLocation;
188function joinWithSlash(start, end) {
189 if (start.length === 0) {
190 return end;
191 }
192 if (end.length === 0) {
193 return start;
194 }
195 var slashes = 0;
196 if (start.endsWith('/')) {
197 slashes++;
198 }
199 if (end.startsWith('/')) {
200 slashes++;
201 }
202 if (slashes === 2) {
203 return start + end.substring(1);
204 }
205 if (slashes === 1) {
206 return start + end;
207 }
208 return start + '/' + end;
210exports.joinWithSlash = joinWithSlash;
212 { provide: common_1.PlatformLocation, useClass: NodePlatformLocation }
214//# sourceMappingURL=node-location.js.map
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