8.19 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { VueNode } from '../_util/type';
2export declare const CommentProps: {
3 actions: import("vue-types").VueTypeValidableDef<unknown[]> & {
4 default: () => unknown[];
5 };
6 /** The element to display as the comment author. */
7 author: import("vue-types").VueTypeValidableDef<VueNode>;
8 /** The element to display as the comment avatar - generally an antd Avatar */
9 avatar: import("vue-types").VueTypeValidableDef<VueNode>;
10 /** The main content of the comment */
11 content: import("vue-types").VueTypeValidableDef<VueNode>;
12 /** Comment prefix defaults to '.ant-comment' */
13 prefixCls: import("vue-types").VueTypeValidableDef<string> & {
14 default: string;
15 };
16 /** A datetime element containing the time to be displayed */
17 datetime: import("vue-types").VueTypeValidableDef<VueNode>;
19declare const _default: ({
20 new (...args: any[]): {
21 $: import("vue").ComponentInternalInstance;
22 $data: {};
23 $props: Partial<{
24 prefixCls: string;
25 actions: unknown[];
26 }> & Pick<Readonly<{
27 prefixCls: string;
28 actions: unknown[];
29 } & {
30 content?: VueNode;
31 avatar?: VueNode;
32 author?: VueNode;
33 datetime?: VueNode;
34 }> & import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, "style" | "class" | "key" | "ref" | "onVnodeBeforeMount" | "onVnodeMounted" | "onVnodeBeforeUpdate" | "onVnodeUpdated" | "onVnodeBeforeUnmount" | "onVnodeUnmounted" | "content" | "avatar" | "author" | "datetime">;
35 $attrs: Record<string, unknown>;
36 $refs: Record<string, unknown>;
37 $slots: Readonly<{
38 [name: string]: import("vue").Slot;
39 }>;
40 $root: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, {}>>;
41 $parent: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, {}>>;
42 $emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
43 $el: any;
44 $options: import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<Readonly<{
45 prefixCls: string;
46 actions: unknown[];
47 } & {
48 content?: VueNode;
49 avatar?: VueNode;
50 author?: VueNode;
51 datetime?: VueNode;
52 }>, {
53 configProvider: import("../config-provider").ConfigConsumerProps;
54 }, unknown, {}, {
55 getAction(actions: VueNode[]): JSX.Element[];
56 renderNested(prefixCls: string, children: VueNode): JSX.Element;
57 }, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, Record<string, any>, string, {
58 prefixCls: string;
59 actions: unknown[];
60 }>;
61 $forceUpdate: import("vue").ReactiveEffect<any>;
62 $nextTick: typeof import("vue").nextTick;
63 $watch(source: string | Function, cb: Function, options?: import("vue").WatchOptions<boolean>): import("vue").WatchStopHandle;
64 } & Readonly<{
65 prefixCls: string;
66 actions: unknown[];
67 } & {
68 content?: VueNode;
69 avatar?: VueNode;
70 author?: VueNode;
71 datetime?: VueNode;
72 }> & import("vue").ShallowUnwrapRef<{
73 configProvider: import("../config-provider").ConfigConsumerProps;
74 }> & {} & {
75 getAction(actions: VueNode[]): JSX.Element[];
76 renderNested(prefixCls: string, children: VueNode): JSX.Element;
77 } & import("vue").ComponentCustomProperties;
78 __isFragment?: never;
79 __isTeleport?: never;
80 __isSuspense?: never;
81} & import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<Readonly<{
82 prefixCls: string;
83 actions: unknown[];
84} & {
85 content?: VueNode;
86 avatar?: VueNode;
87 author?: VueNode;
88 datetime?: VueNode;
89}>, {
90 configProvider: import("../config-provider").ConfigConsumerProps;
91}, unknown, {}, {
92 getAction(actions: VueNode[]): JSX.Element[];
93 renderNested(prefixCls: string, children: VueNode): JSX.Element;
94}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, Record<string, any>, string, {
95 prefixCls: string;
96 actions: unknown[];
97}> & import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps & ((app: import("vue").App<any>, ...options: any[]) => any) & {
98 install?: (app: import("vue").App<any>, ...options: any[]) => any;
99}) | ({
100 new (...args: any[]): {
101 $: import("vue").ComponentInternalInstance;
102 $data: {};
103 $props: Partial<{
104 prefixCls: string;
105 actions: unknown[];
106 }> & Pick<Readonly<{
107 prefixCls: string;
108 actions: unknown[];
109 } & {
110 content?: VueNode;
111 avatar?: VueNode;
112 author?: VueNode;
113 datetime?: VueNode;
114 }> & import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, "style" | "class" | "key" | "ref" | "onVnodeBeforeMount" | "onVnodeMounted" | "onVnodeBeforeUpdate" | "onVnodeUpdated" | "onVnodeBeforeUnmount" | "onVnodeUnmounted" | "content" | "avatar" | "author" | "datetime">;
115 $attrs: Record<string, unknown>;
116 $refs: Record<string, unknown>;
117 $slots: Readonly<{
118 [name: string]: import("vue").Slot;
119 }>;
120 $root: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, {}>>;
121 $parent: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, {}>>;
122 $emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
123 $el: any;
124 $options: import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<Readonly<{
125 prefixCls: string;
126 actions: unknown[];
127 } & {
128 content?: VueNode;
129 avatar?: VueNode;
130 author?: VueNode;
131 datetime?: VueNode;
132 }>, {
133 configProvider: import("../config-provider").ConfigConsumerProps;
134 }, unknown, {}, {
135 getAction(actions: VueNode[]): JSX.Element[];
136 renderNested(prefixCls: string, children: VueNode): JSX.Element;
137 }, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, Record<string, any>, string, {
138 prefixCls: string;
139 actions: unknown[];
140 }>;
141 $forceUpdate: import("vue").ReactiveEffect<any>;
142 $nextTick: typeof import("vue").nextTick;
143 $watch(source: string | Function, cb: Function, options?: import("vue").WatchOptions<boolean>): import("vue").WatchStopHandle;
144 } & Readonly<{
145 prefixCls: string;
146 actions: unknown[];
147 } & {
148 content?: VueNode;
149 avatar?: VueNode;
150 author?: VueNode;
151 datetime?: VueNode;
152 }> & import("vue").ShallowUnwrapRef<{
153 configProvider: import("../config-provider").ConfigConsumerProps;
154 }> & {} & {
155 getAction(actions: VueNode[]): JSX.Element[];
156 renderNested(prefixCls: string, children: VueNode): JSX.Element;
157 } & import("vue").ComponentCustomProperties;
158 __isFragment?: never;
159 __isTeleport?: never;
160 __isSuspense?: never;
161} & import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase<Readonly<{
162 prefixCls: string;
163 actions: unknown[];
164} & {
165 content?: VueNode;
166 avatar?: VueNode;
167 author?: VueNode;
168 datetime?: VueNode;
169}>, {
170 configProvider: import("../config-provider").ConfigConsumerProps;
171}, unknown, {}, {
172 getAction(actions: VueNode[]): JSX.Element[];
173 renderNested(prefixCls: string, children: VueNode): JSX.Element;
174}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, Record<string, any>, string, {
175 prefixCls: string;
176 actions: unknown[];
177}> & import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps & {
178 install: (app: import("vue").App<any>, ...options: any[]) => any;
180export default _default;