1 | (function(global2, factory) {
2 | typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? factory(exports, require("react"), require("react-dom")) : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(["exports", "react", "react-dom"], factory) : (global2 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global2 || self, factory(global2.antdMobile = {}, global2.React, global2.ReactDOM));
3 | })(this, function(exports2, React$1, ReactDOM) {
4 | "use strict";
5 | function _interopNamespaceDefault(e2) {
6 | const n2 = Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "Module" } });
7 | if (e2) {
8 | for (const k in e2) {
9 | if (k !== "default") {
10 | const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e2, k);
11 | Object.defineProperty(n2, k, d.get ? d : {
12 | enumerable: true,
13 | get: () => e2[k]
14 | });
15 | }
16 | }
17 | }
18 | n2.default = e2;
19 | return Object.freeze(n2);
20 | }
21 | const React__namespace = /* @__PURE__ */ _interopNamespaceDefault(React$1);
22 | const ReactDOM__namespace = /* @__PURE__ */ _interopNamespaceDefault(ReactDOM);
23 | const canUseDom$1 = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement);
24 | if (canUseDom$1) {
25 | document.addEventListener("touchstart", () => {
26 | }, true);
27 | }
28 | var __assign = function() {
29 | __assign = Object.assign || function __assign2(t) {
30 | for (var s, i2 = 1, n2 = arguments.length; i2 < n2; i2++) {
31 | s = arguments[i2];
32 | for (var p in s)
33 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
34 | t[p] = s[p];
35 | }
36 | return t;
37 | };
38 | return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
39 | };
40 | function __rest(s, e2) {
41 | var t = {};
42 | for (var p in s)
43 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e2.indexOf(p) < 0)
44 | t[p] = s[p];
45 | if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
46 | for (var i2 = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i2 < p.length; i2++) {
47 | if (e2.indexOf(p[i2]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i2]))
48 | t[p[i2]] = s[p[i2]];
49 | }
50 | return t;
51 | }
52 | function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
53 | function adopt(value) {
54 | return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) {
55 | resolve(value);
56 | });
57 | }
58 | return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) {
59 | function fulfilled(value) {
60 | try {
61 | step(generator.next(value));
62 | } catch (e2) {
63 | reject(e2);
64 | }
65 | }
66 | function rejected(value) {
67 | try {
68 | step(generator["throw"](value));
69 | } catch (e2) {
70 | reject(e2);
71 | }
72 | }
73 | function step(result) {
74 | result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
75 | }
76 | step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
77 | });
78 | }
79 | function __generator(thisArg, body) {
80 | var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() {
81 | if (t[0] & 1)
82 | throw t[1];
83 | return t[1];
84 | }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
85 | return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
86 | return this;
87 | }), g;
88 | function verb(n2) {
89 | return function(v) {
90 | return step([n2, v]);
91 | };
92 | }
93 | function step(op) {
94 | if (f)
95 | throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
96 | while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _)
97 | try {
98 | if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done)
99 | return t;
100 | if (y = 0, t)
101 | op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
102 | switch (op[0]) {
103 | case 0:
104 | case 1:
105 | t = op;
106 | break;
107 | case 4:
108 | _.label++;
109 | return { value: op[1], done: false };
110 | case 5:
111 | _.label++;
112 | y = op[1];
113 | op = [0];
114 | continue;
115 | case 7:
116 | op = _.ops.pop();
117 | _.trys.pop();
118 | continue;
119 | default:
120 | if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {
121 | _ = 0;
122 | continue;
123 | }
124 | if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {
125 | _.label = op[1];
126 | break;
127 | }
128 | if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {
129 | _.label = t[1];
130 | t = op;
131 | break;
132 | }
133 | if (t && _.label < t[2]) {
134 | _.label = t[2];
135 | _.ops.push(op);
136 | break;
137 | }
138 | if (t[2])
139 | _.ops.pop();
140 | _.trys.pop();
141 | continue;
142 | }
143 | op = body.call(thisArg, _);
144 | } catch (e2) {
145 | op = [6, e2];
146 | y = 0;
147 | } finally {
148 | f = t = 0;
149 | }
150 | if (op[0] & 5)
151 | throw op[1];
152 | return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
153 | }
154 | }
155 | function __values(o) {
156 | var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i2 = 0;
157 | if (m)
158 | return m.call(o);
159 | if (o && typeof o.length === "number")
160 | return {
161 | next: function() {
162 | if (o && i2 >= o.length)
163 | o = void 0;
164 | return { value: o && o[i2++], done: !o };
165 | }
166 | };
167 | throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
168 | }
169 | function __read(o, n2) {
170 | var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
171 | if (!m)
172 | return o;
173 | var i2 = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e2;
174 | try {
175 | while ((n2 === void 0 || n2-- > 0) && !(r = i2.next()).done)
176 | ar.push(r.value);
177 | } catch (error) {
178 | e2 = { error };
179 | } finally {
180 | try {
181 | if (r && !r.done && (m = i2["return"]))
182 | m.call(i2);
183 | } finally {
184 | if (e2)
185 | throw e2.error;
186 | }
187 | }
188 | return ar;
189 | }
190 | function __spreadArray(to2, from, pack) {
191 | if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
192 | for (var i2 = 0, l = from.length, ar; i2 < l; i2++) {
193 | if (ar || !(i2 in from)) {
194 | if (!ar)
195 | ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i2);
196 | ar[i2] = from[i2];
197 | }
198 | }
199 | return to2.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
200 | }
201 | typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function(error, suppressed, message) {
202 | var e2 = new Error(message);
203 | return e2.name = "SuppressedError", e2.error = error, e2.suppressed = suppressed, e2;
204 | };
205 | const typeTemplate$1 = "${label}不是一个有效的${type}";
206 | const zhCN = {
207 | locale: "zh-CH",
208 | common: {
209 | confirm: "确定",
210 | cancel: "取消",
211 | loading: "加载中",
212 | close: "关闭"
213 | },
214 | Calendar: {
215 | title: "日期选择",
216 | confirm: "确认",
217 | start: "开始",
218 | end: "结束",
219 | today: "今日",
220 | markItems: ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "日"],
221 | yearAndMonth: "${year}年${month}月"
222 | },
223 | Cascader: {
224 | placeholder: "请选择"
225 | },
226 | Dialog: {
227 | ok: "我知道了"
228 | },
229 | DatePicker: {
230 | tillNow: "至今"
231 | },
232 | ErrorBlock: {
233 | default: {
234 | title: "页面遇到一些小问题",
235 | description: "待会来试试"
236 | },
237 | busy: {
238 | title: "前方拥堵",
239 | description: "刷新试试"
240 | },
241 | disconnected: {
242 | title: "网络有点忙",
243 | description: "动动手指帮忙修复"
244 | },
245 | empty: {
246 | title: "没有找到你需要的东西",
247 | description: "找找其他的吧"
248 | }
249 | },
250 | Form: {
251 | required: "必填",
252 | optional: "选填",
253 | defaultValidateMessages: {
254 | default: "字段验证错误${label}",
255 | required: "请输入${label}",
256 | enum: "${label}必须是其中一个[${enum}]",
257 | whitespace: "${label}不能为空字符",
258 | date: {
259 | format: "${label}日期格式无效",
260 | parse: "${label}不能转换为日期",
261 | invalid: "${label}是一个无效日期"
262 | },
263 | types: {
264 | string: typeTemplate$1,
265 | method: typeTemplate$1,
266 | array: typeTemplate$1,
267 | object: typeTemplate$1,
268 | number: typeTemplate$1,
269 | date: typeTemplate$1,
270 | boolean: typeTemplate$1,
271 | integer: typeTemplate$1,
272 | float: typeTemplate$1,
273 | regexp: typeTemplate$1,
274 | email: typeTemplate$1,
275 | url: typeTemplate$1,
276 | hex: typeTemplate$1
277 | },
278 | string: {
279 | len: "${label}须为${len}个字符",
280 | min: "${label}最少${min}个字符",
281 | max: "${label}最多${max}个字符",
282 | range: "${label}须在${min}-${max}字符之间"
283 | },
284 | number: {
285 | len: "${label}必须等于${len}",
286 | min: "${label}最小值为${min}",
287 | max: "${label}最大值为${max}",
288 | range: "${label}须在${min}-${max}之间"
289 | },
290 | array: {
291 | len: "须为${len}个${label}",
292 | min: "最少${min}个${label}",
293 | max: "最多${max}个${label}",
294 | range: "${label}数量须在${min}-${max}之间"
295 | },
296 | pattern: {
297 | mismatch: "${label}与模式不匹配${pattern}"
298 | }
299 | }
300 | },
301 | ImageUploader: {
302 | uploading: "上传中...",
303 | upload: "上传"
304 | },
305 | InfiniteScroll: {
306 | noMore: "没有更多了",
307 | failedToLoad: "加载失败",
308 | retry: "重新加载"
309 | },
310 | Input: {
311 | clear: "清除"
312 | },
313 | Mask: {
314 | name: "背景蒙层"
315 | },
316 | Modal: {
317 | ok: "我知道了"
318 | },
319 | PasscodeInput: {
320 | name: "密码输入框"
321 | },
322 | PullToRefresh: {
323 | pulling: "下拉刷新",
324 | canRelease: "释放立即刷新",
325 | complete: "刷新成功"
326 | },
327 | SearchBar: {
328 | name: "搜索框"
329 | },
330 | Slider: {
331 | name: "滑动输入条"
332 | },
333 | Stepper: {
334 | decrease: "减少",
335 | increase: "增加"
336 | },
337 | Switch: {
338 | name: "开关"
339 | },
340 | Selector: {
341 | name: "选择组"
342 | }
343 | };
344 | const zhCN$1 = zhCN;
345 | const defaultConfigRef = {
346 | current: {
347 | locale: zhCN$1
348 | }
349 | };
350 | function setDefaultConfig(config2) {
351 | defaultConfigRef.current = config2;
352 | }
353 | function getDefaultConfig() {
354 | return defaultConfigRef.current;
355 | }
356 | const ConfigContext = React$1.createContext(null);
357 | const ConfigProvider = (props) => {
358 | const {
359 | children
360 | } = props, config2 = __rest(props, ["children"]);
361 | const parentConfig = useConfig();
362 | return React$1.createElement(ConfigContext.Provider, {
363 | value: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parentConfig), config2)
364 | }, children);
365 | };
366 | function useConfig() {
367 | var _a;
368 | return (_a = React$1.useContext(ConfigContext)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : getDefaultConfig();
369 | }
370 | function attachPropertiesToComponent(component, properties) {
371 | const ret = component;
372 | for (const key in properties) {
373 | if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
374 | ret[key] = properties[key];
375 | }
376 | }
377 | return ret;
378 | }
379 | var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
380 | function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
381 | return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, "default") ? x["default"] : x;
382 | }
383 | var classnames = { exports: {} };
384 | |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 | (function(module2) {
390 | (function() {
391 | var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty;
392 | function classNames2() {
393 | var classes = [];
394 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
395 | var arg = arguments[i2];
396 | if (!arg)
397 | continue;
398 | var argType = typeof arg;
399 | if (argType === "string" || argType === "number") {
400 | classes.push(arg);
401 | } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
402 | if (arg.length) {
403 | var inner = classNames2.apply(null, arg);
404 | if (inner) {
405 | classes.push(inner);
406 | }
407 | }
408 | } else if (argType === "object") {
409 | if (arg.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && !arg.toString.toString().includes("[native code]")) {
410 | classes.push(arg.toString());
411 | continue;
412 | }
413 | for (var key in arg) {
414 | if (hasOwn.call(arg, key) && arg[key]) {
415 | classes.push(key);
416 | }
417 | }
418 | }
419 | }
420 | return classes.join(" ");
421 | }
422 | if (module2.exports) {
423 | classNames2.default = classNames2;
424 | module2.exports = classNames2;
425 | } else {
426 | window.classNames = classNames2;
427 | }
428 | })();
429 | })(classnames);
430 | var classnamesExports = classnames.exports;
431 | const classNames = getDefaultExportFromCjs(classnamesExports);
432 | function withNativeProps(props, element) {
433 | const p = Object.assign({}, element.props);
434 | if (props.className) {
435 | p.className = classNames(element.props.className, props.className);
436 | }
437 | if (props.style) {
438 | p.style = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, p.style), props.style);
439 | }
440 | if (props.tabIndex !== void 0) {
441 | p.tabIndex = props.tabIndex;
442 | }
443 | for (const key in props) {
444 | if (!props.hasOwnProperty(key))
445 | continue;
446 | if (key.startsWith("data-") || key.startsWith("aria-")) {
447 | p[key] = props[key];
448 | }
449 | }
450 | return React$1.cloneElement(element, p);
451 | }
452 | function mergeProps(...items) {
453 | const ret = {};
454 | items.forEach((item) => {
455 | if (item) {
456 | Object.keys(item).forEach((key) => {
457 | if (item[key] !== void 0) {
458 | ret[key] = item[key];
459 | }
460 | });
461 | }
462 | });
463 | return ret;
464 | }
465 | function mergeProp(defaultProp, ...propList) {
466 | for (let i2 = propList.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2 -= 1) {
467 | if (propList[i2] !== void 0) {
468 | return propList[i2];
469 | }
470 | }
471 | return defaultProp;
472 | }
473 | var createUpdateEffect = function(hook) {
474 | return function(effect, deps) {
475 | var isMounted = React$1.useRef(false);
476 | hook(function() {
477 | return function() {
478 | isMounted.current = false;
479 | };
480 | }, []);
481 | hook(function() {
482 | if (!isMounted.current) {
483 | isMounted.current = true;
484 | } else {
485 | return effect();
486 | }
487 | }, deps);
488 | };
489 | };
490 | var isFunction = function(value) {
491 | return typeof value === "function";
492 | };
493 | var isNumber = function(value) {
494 | return typeof value === "number";
495 | };
496 | var isDev = true;
497 | const isDev$1 = isDev;
498 | function useMemoizedFn(fn) {
499 | if (isDev$1) {
500 | if (!isFunction(fn)) {
501 | console.error("useMemoizedFn expected parameter is a function, got ".concat(typeof fn));
502 | }
503 | }
504 | var fnRef = React$1.useRef(fn);
505 | fnRef.current = React$1.useMemo(function() {
506 | return fn;
507 | }, [fn]);
508 | var memoizedFn = React$1.useRef();
509 | if (!memoizedFn.current) {
510 | memoizedFn.current = function() {
511 | var args = [];
512 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
513 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
514 | }
515 | return fnRef.current.apply(this, args);
516 | };
517 | }
518 | return memoizedFn.current;
519 | }
520 | const useUpdateEffect = createUpdateEffect(React$1.useEffect);
521 | function depsAreSame(oldDeps, deps) {
522 | if (oldDeps === deps)
523 | return true;
524 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < oldDeps.length; i2++) {
525 | if (!Object.is(oldDeps[i2], deps[i2]))
526 | return false;
527 | }
528 | return true;
529 | }
530 | function useLatest(value) {
531 | var ref = React$1.useRef(value);
532 | ref.current = value;
533 | return ref;
534 | }
535 | var useUnmount = function(fn) {
536 | if (isDev$1) {
537 | if (!isFunction(fn)) {
538 | console.error("useUnmount expected parameter is a function, got ".concat(typeof fn));
539 | }
540 | }
541 | var fnRef = useLatest(fn);
542 | React$1.useEffect(function() {
543 | return function() {
544 | fnRef.current();
545 | };
546 | }, []);
547 | };
548 | const useUnmount$1 = useUnmount;
549 | function isObject$4(value) {
550 | var type = typeof value;
551 | return value != null && (type == "object" || type == "function");
552 | }
553 | var isObject_1 = isObject$4;
554 | var freeGlobal$1 = typeof commonjsGlobal == "object" && commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.Object === Object && commonjsGlobal;
555 | var _freeGlobal = freeGlobal$1;
556 | var freeGlobal = _freeGlobal;
557 | var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
558 | var root$2 = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")();
559 | var _root = root$2;
560 | var root$1 = _root;
561 | var now$1 = function() {
562 | return root$1.Date.now();
563 | };
564 | var now_1 = now$1;
565 | var reWhitespace = /\s/;
566 | function trimmedEndIndex$1(string2) {
567 | var index2 = string2.length;
568 | while (index2-- && reWhitespace.test(string2.charAt(index2))) {
569 | }
570 | return index2;
571 | }
572 | var _trimmedEndIndex = trimmedEndIndex$1;
573 | var trimmedEndIndex = _trimmedEndIndex;
574 | var reTrimStart = /^\s+/;
575 | function baseTrim$1(string2) {
576 | return string2 ? string2.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string2) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, "") : string2;
577 | }
578 | var _baseTrim = baseTrim$1;
579 | var root = _root;
580 | var Symbol$3 = root.Symbol;
581 | var _Symbol = Symbol$3;
582 | var Symbol$2 = _Symbol;
583 | var objectProto$1 = Object.prototype;
584 | var hasOwnProperty = objectProto$1.hasOwnProperty;
585 | var nativeObjectToString$1 = objectProto$1.toString;
586 | var symToStringTag$1 = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.toStringTag : void 0;
587 | function getRawTag$1(value) {
588 | var isOwn = hasOwnProperty.call(value, symToStringTag$1), tag = value[symToStringTag$1];
589 | try {
590 | value[symToStringTag$1] = void 0;
591 | var unmasked = true;
592 | } catch (e2) {
593 | }
594 | var result = nativeObjectToString$1.call(value);
595 | if (unmasked) {
596 | if (isOwn) {
597 | value[symToStringTag$1] = tag;
598 | } else {
599 | delete value[symToStringTag$1];
600 | }
601 | }
602 | return result;
603 | }
604 | var _getRawTag = getRawTag$1;
605 | var objectProto = Object.prototype;
606 | var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;
607 | function objectToString$1(value) {
608 | return nativeObjectToString.call(value);
609 | }
610 | var _objectToString = objectToString$1;
611 | var Symbol$1 = _Symbol, getRawTag = _getRawTag, objectToString = _objectToString;
612 | var nullTag = "[object Null]", undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]";
613 | var symToStringTag = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.toStringTag : void 0;
614 | function baseGetTag$1(value) {
615 | if (value == null) {
616 | return value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag;
617 | }
618 | return symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value);
619 | }
620 | var _baseGetTag = baseGetTag$1;
621 | function isObjectLike$1(value) {
622 | return value != null && typeof value == "object";
623 | }
624 | var isObjectLike_1 = isObjectLike$1;
625 | var baseGetTag = _baseGetTag, isObjectLike = isObjectLike_1;
626 | var symbolTag = "[object Symbol]";
627 | function isSymbol$1(value) {
628 | return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag;
629 | }
630 | var isSymbol_1 = isSymbol$1;
631 | var baseTrim = _baseTrim, isObject$3 = isObject_1, isSymbol = isSymbol_1;
632 | var NAN = 0 / 0;
633 | var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
634 | var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;
635 | var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;
636 | var freeParseInt = parseInt;
637 | function toNumber$1(value) {
638 | if (typeof value == "number") {
639 | return value;
640 | }
641 | if (isSymbol(value)) {
642 | return NAN;
643 | }
644 | if (isObject$3(value)) {
645 | var other = typeof value.valueOf == "function" ? value.valueOf() : value;
646 | value = isObject$3(other) ? other + "" : other;
647 | }
648 | if (typeof value != "string") {
649 | return value === 0 ? value : +value;
650 | }
651 | value = baseTrim(value);
652 | var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);
653 | return isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value;
654 | }
655 | var toNumber_1 = toNumber$1;
656 | var isObject$2 = isObject_1, now = now_1, toNumber = toNumber_1;
657 | var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1 = "Expected a function";
658 | var nativeMax = Math.max, nativeMin = Math.min;
659 | function debounce$1(func, wait, options) {
660 | var lastArgs, lastThis, maxWait, result, timerId, lastCallTime, lastInvokeTime = 0, leading = false, maxing = false, trailing = true;
661 | if (typeof func != "function") {
662 | throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1);
663 | }
664 | wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;
665 | if (isObject$2(options)) {
666 | leading = !!options.leading;
667 | maxing = "maxWait" in options;
668 | maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;
669 | trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;
670 | }
671 | function invokeFunc(time) {
672 | var args = lastArgs, thisArg = lastThis;
673 | lastArgs = lastThis = void 0;
674 | lastInvokeTime = time;
675 | result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
676 | return result;
677 | }
678 | function leadingEdge(time) {
679 | lastInvokeTime = time;
680 | timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
681 | return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;
682 | }
683 | function remainingWait(time) {
684 | var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime, timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall;
685 | return maxing ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting;
686 | }
687 | function shouldInvoke(time) {
688 | var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;
689 | return lastCallTime === void 0 || timeSinceLastCall >= wait || timeSinceLastCall < 0 || maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait;
690 | }
691 | function timerExpired() {
692 | var time = now();
693 | if (shouldInvoke(time)) {
694 | return trailingEdge(time);
695 | }
696 | timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));
697 | }
698 | function trailingEdge(time) {
699 | timerId = void 0;
700 | if (trailing && lastArgs) {
701 | return invokeFunc(time);
702 | }
703 | lastArgs = lastThis = void 0;
704 | return result;
705 | }
706 | function cancel() {
707 | if (timerId !== void 0) {
708 | clearTimeout(timerId);
709 | }
710 | lastInvokeTime = 0;
711 | lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = void 0;
712 | }
713 | function flush2() {
714 | return timerId === void 0 ? result : trailingEdge(now());
715 | }
716 | function debounced() {
717 | var time = now(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);
718 | lastArgs = arguments;
719 | lastThis = this;
720 | lastCallTime = time;
721 | if (isInvoking) {
722 | if (timerId === void 0) {
723 | return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);
724 | }
725 | if (maxing) {
726 | clearTimeout(timerId);
727 | timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
728 | return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);
729 | }
730 | }
731 | if (timerId === void 0) {
732 | timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
733 | }
734 | return result;
735 | }
736 | debounced.cancel = cancel;
737 | debounced.flush = flush2;
738 | return debounced;
739 | }
740 | var debounce_1 = debounce$1;
741 | const debounce$2 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(debounce_1);
742 | var isBrowser$2 = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement);
743 | const isBrowser$3 = isBrowser$2;
744 | var debounce = debounce_1, isObject$1 = isObject_1;
745 | var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
746 | function throttle$1(func, wait, options) {
747 | var leading = true, trailing = true;
748 | if (typeof func != "function") {
749 | throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
750 | }
751 | if (isObject$1(options)) {
752 | leading = "leading" in options ? !!options.leading : leading;
753 | trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;
754 | }
755 | return debounce(func, wait, {
756 | "leading": leading,
757 | "maxWait": wait,
758 | "trailing": trailing
759 | });
760 | }
761 | var throttle_1 = throttle$1;
762 | const throttle$2 = getDefaultExportFromCjs(throttle_1);
763 | var useMount = function(fn) {
764 | if (isDev$1) {
765 | if (!isFunction(fn)) {
766 | console.error('useMount: parameter `fn` expected to be a function, but got "'.concat(typeof fn, '".'));
767 | }
768 | }
769 | React$1.useEffect(function() {
770 | fn === null || fn === void 0 ? void 0 : fn();
771 | }, []);
772 | };
773 | const useMount$1 = useMount;
774 | var useUpdate = function() {
775 | var _a = __read(React$1.useState({}), 2), setState = _a[1];
776 | return React$1.useCallback(function() {
777 | return setState({});
778 | }, []);
779 | };
780 | const useUpdate$1 = useUpdate;
781 | function getTargetElement(target, defaultElement) {
782 | if (!isBrowser$3) {
783 | return void 0;
784 | }
785 | if (!target) {
786 | return defaultElement;
787 | }
788 | var targetElement;
789 | if (isFunction(target)) {
790 | targetElement = target();
791 | } else if ("current" in target) {
792 | targetElement = target.current;
793 | } else {
794 | targetElement = target;
795 | }
796 | return targetElement;
797 | }
798 | var checkIfAllInShadow = function(targets) {
799 | return targets.every(function(item) {
800 | var targetElement = getTargetElement(item);
801 | if (!targetElement)
802 | return false;
803 | if (targetElement.getRootNode() instanceof ShadowRoot)
804 | return true;
805 | });
806 | };
807 | var getShadow = function(node) {
808 | if (!node) {
809 | return document;
810 | }
811 | return node.getRootNode();
812 | };
813 | var getDocumentOrShadow = function(target) {
814 | if (!target || !document.getRootNode) {
815 | return document;
816 | }
817 | var targets = Array.isArray(target) ? target : [target];
818 | if (checkIfAllInShadow(targets)) {
819 | return getShadow(getTargetElement(targets[0]));
820 | }
821 | return document;
822 | };
823 | const getDocumentOrShadow$1 = getDocumentOrShadow;
824 | var createEffectWithTarget = function(useEffectType) {
825 | var useEffectWithTarget2 = function(effect, deps, target) {
826 | var hasInitRef = React$1.useRef(false);
827 | var lastElementRef = React$1.useRef([]);
828 | var lastDepsRef = React$1.useRef([]);
829 | var unLoadRef = React$1.useRef();
830 | useEffectType(function() {
831 | var _a;
832 | var targets = Array.isArray(target) ? target : [target];
833 | var els = targets.map(function(item) {
834 | return getTargetElement(item);
835 | });
836 | if (!hasInitRef.current) {
837 | hasInitRef.current = true;
838 | lastElementRef.current = els;
839 | lastDepsRef.current = deps;
840 | unLoadRef.current = effect();
841 | return;
842 | }
843 | if (els.length !== lastElementRef.current.length || !depsAreSame(els, lastElementRef.current) || !depsAreSame(deps, lastDepsRef.current)) {
844 | (_a = unLoadRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(unLoadRef);
845 | lastElementRef.current = els;
846 | lastDepsRef.current = deps;
847 | unLoadRef.current = effect();
848 | }
849 | });
850 | useUnmount$1(function() {
851 | var _a;
852 | (_a = unLoadRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(unLoadRef);
853 | hasInitRef.current = false;
854 | });
855 | };
856 | return useEffectWithTarget2;
857 | };
858 | const createEffectWithTarget$1 = createEffectWithTarget;
859 | var useEffectWithTarget$1 = createEffectWithTarget$1(React$1.useEffect);
860 | const useEffectWithTarget$2 = useEffectWithTarget$1;
861 | function useClickAway(onClickAway, target, eventName) {
862 | if (eventName === void 0) {
863 | eventName = "click";
864 | }
865 | var onClickAwayRef = useLatest(onClickAway);
866 | useEffectWithTarget$2(function() {
867 | var handler = function(event) {
868 | var targets = Array.isArray(target) ? target : [target];
869 | if (targets.some(function(item) {
870 | var targetElement = getTargetElement(item);
871 | return !targetElement || targetElement.contains(event.target);
872 | })) {
873 | return;
874 | }
875 | onClickAwayRef.current(event);
876 | };
877 | var documentOrShadow = getDocumentOrShadow$1(target);
878 | var eventNames = Array.isArray(eventName) ? eventName : [eventName];
879 | eventNames.forEach(function(event) {
880 | return documentOrShadow.addEventListener(event, handler);
881 | });
882 | return function() {
883 | eventNames.forEach(function(event) {
884 | return documentOrShadow.removeEventListener(event, handler);
885 | });
886 | };
887 | }, Array.isArray(eventName) ? eventName : [eventName], target);
888 | }
889 | var dayjs_min = { exports: {} };
890 | (function(module2, exports3) {
891 | !function(t, e2) {
892 | module2.exports = e2();
893 | }(commonjsGlobal, function() {
894 | var t = 1e3, e2 = 6e4, n2 = 36e5, r = "millisecond", i2 = "second", s = "minute", u = "hour", a = "day", o = "week", c = "month", f = "quarter", h = "year", d = "date", l = "Invalid Date", $ = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, M = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(t2) {
895 | var e3 = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], n3 = t2 % 100;
896 | return "[" + t2 + (e3[(n3 - 20) % 10] || e3[n3] || e3[0]) + "]";
897 | } }, m = function(t2, e3, n3) {
898 | var r2 = String(t2);
899 | return !r2 || r2.length >= e3 ? t2 : "" + Array(e3 + 1 - r2.length).join(n3) + t2;
900 | }, v = { s: m, z: function(t2) {
901 | var e3 = -t2.utcOffset(), n3 = Math.abs(e3), r2 = Math.floor(n3 / 60), i3 = n3 % 60;
902 | return (e3 <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r2, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i3, 2, "0");
903 | }, m: function t2(e3, n3) {
904 | if (e3.date() < n3.date())
905 | return -t2(n3, e3);
906 | var r2 = 12 * (n3.year() - e3.year()) + (n3.month() - e3.month()), i3 = e3.clone().add(r2, c), s2 = n3 - i3 < 0, u2 = e3.clone().add(r2 + (s2 ? -1 : 1), c);
907 | return +(-(r2 + (n3 - i3) / (s2 ? i3 - u2 : u2 - i3)) || 0);
908 | }, a: function(t2) {
909 | return t2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(t2) || 0 : Math.floor(t2);
910 | }, p: function(t2) {
911 | return { M: c, y: h, w: o, d: a, D: d, h: u, m: s, s: i2, ms: r, Q: f }[t2] || String(t2 || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
912 | }, u: function(t2) {
913 | return void 0 === t2;
914 | } }, g = "en", D = {};
915 | D[g] = M;
916 | var p = function(t2) {
917 | return t2 instanceof b;
918 | }, S = function t2(e3, n3, r2) {
919 | var i3;
920 | if (!e3)
921 | return g;
922 | if ("string" == typeof e3) {
923 | var s2 = e3.toLowerCase();
924 | D[s2] && (i3 = s2), n3 && (D[s2] = n3, i3 = s2);
925 | var u2 = e3.split("-");
926 | if (!i3 && u2.length > 1)
927 | return t2(u2[0]);
928 | } else {
929 | var a2 = e3.name;
930 | D[a2] = e3, i3 = a2;
931 | }
932 | return !r2 && i3 && (g = i3), i3 || !r2 && g;
933 | }, w = function(t2, e3) {
934 | if (p(t2))
935 | return t2.clone();
936 | var n3 = "object" == typeof e3 ? e3 : {};
937 | return n3.date = t2, n3.args = arguments, new b(n3);
938 | }, O = v;
939 | O.l = S, O.i = p, O.w = function(t2, e3) {
940 | return w(t2, { locale: e3.$L, utc: e3.$u, x: e3.$x, $offset: e3.$offset });
941 | };
942 | var b = function() {
943 | function M2(t2) {
944 | this.$L = S(t2.locale, null, true), this.parse(t2);
945 | }
946 | var m2 = M2.prototype;
947 | return m2.parse = function(t2) {
948 | this.$d = function(t3) {
949 | var e3 = t3.date, n3 = t3.utc;
950 | if (null === e3)
951 | return new Date(NaN);
952 | if (O.u(e3))
953 | return new Date();
954 | if (e3 instanceof Date)
955 | return new Date(e3);
956 | if ("string" == typeof e3 && !/Z$/i.test(e3)) {
957 | var r2 = e3.match($);
958 | if (r2) {
959 | var i3 = r2[2] - 1 || 0, s2 = (r2[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
960 | return n3 ? new Date(Date.UTC(r2[1], i3, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2)) : new Date(r2[1], i3, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2);
961 | }
962 | }
963 | return new Date(e3);
964 | }(t2), this.$x = t2.x || {}, this.init();
965 | }, m2.init = function() {
966 | var t2 = this.$d;
967 | this.$y = t2.getFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getMonth(), this.$D = t2.getDate(), this.$W = t2.getDay(), this.$H = t2.getHours(), this.$m = t2.getMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getMilliseconds();
968 | }, m2.$utils = function() {
969 | return O;
970 | }, m2.isValid = function() {
971 | return !(this.$d.toString() === l);
972 | }, m2.isSame = function(t2, e3) {
973 | var n3 = w(t2);
974 | return this.startOf(e3) <= n3 && n3 <= this.endOf(e3);
975 | }, m2.isAfter = function(t2, e3) {
976 | return w(t2) < this.startOf(e3);
977 | }, m2.isBefore = function(t2, e3) {
978 | return this.endOf(e3) < w(t2);
979 | }, m2.$g = function(t2, e3, n3) {
980 | return O.u(t2) ? this[e3] : this.set(n3, t2);
981 | }, m2.unix = function() {
982 | return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
983 | }, m2.valueOf = function() {
984 | return this.$d.getTime();
985 | }, m2.startOf = function(t2, e3) {
986 | var n3 = this, r2 = !!O.u(e3) || e3, f2 = O.p(t2), l2 = function(t3, e4) {
987 | var i3 = O.w(n3.$u ? Date.UTC(n3.$y, e4, t3) : new Date(n3.$y, e4, t3), n3);
988 | return r2 ? i3 : i3.endOf(a);
989 | }, $2 = function(t3, e4) {
990 | return O.w(n3.toDate()[t3].apply(n3.toDate("s"), (r2 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e4)), n3);
991 | }, y2 = this.$W, M3 = this.$M, m3 = this.$D, v2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
992 | switch (f2) {
993 | case h:
994 | return r2 ? l2(1, 0) : l2(31, 11);
995 | case c:
996 | return r2 ? l2(1, M3) : l2(0, M3 + 1);
997 | case o:
998 | var g2 = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, D2 = (y2 < g2 ? y2 + 7 : y2) - g2;
999 | return l2(r2 ? m3 - D2 : m3 + (6 - D2), M3);
1000 | case a:
1001 | case d:
1002 | return $2(v2 + "Hours", 0);
1003 | case u:
1004 | return $2(v2 + "Minutes", 1);
1005 | case s:
1006 | return $2(v2 + "Seconds", 2);
1007 | case i2:
1008 | return $2(v2 + "Milliseconds", 3);
1009 | default:
1010 | return this.clone();
1011 | }
1012 | }, m2.endOf = function(t2) {
1013 | return this.startOf(t2, false);
1014 | }, m2.$set = function(t2, e3) {
1015 | var n3, o2 = O.p(t2), f2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), l2 = (n3 = {}, n3[a] = f2 + "Date", n3[d] = f2 + "Date", n3[c] = f2 + "Month", n3[h] = f2 + "FullYear", n3[u] = f2 + "Hours", n3[s] = f2 + "Minutes", n3[i2] = f2 + "Seconds", n3[r] = f2 + "Milliseconds", n3)[o2], $2 = o2 === a ? this.$D + (e3 - this.$W) : e3;
1016 | if (o2 === c || o2 === h) {
1017 | var y2 = this.clone().set(d, 1);
1018 | y2.$d[l2]($2), y2.init(), this.$d = y2.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y2.daysInMonth())).$d;
1019 | } else
1020 | l2 && this.$d[l2]($2);
1021 | return this.init(), this;
1022 | }, m2.set = function(t2, e3) {
1023 | return this.clone().$set(t2, e3);
1024 | }, m2.get = function(t2) {
1025 | return this[O.p(t2)]();
1026 | }, m2.add = function(r2, f2) {
1027 | var d2, l2 = this;
1028 | r2 = Number(r2);
1029 | var $2 = O.p(f2), y2 = function(t2) {
1030 | var e3 = w(l2);
1031 | return O.w(e3.date(e3.date() + Math.round(t2 * r2)), l2);
1032 | };
1033 | if ($2 === c)
1034 | return this.set(c, this.$M + r2);
1035 | if ($2 === h)
1036 | return this.set(h, this.$y + r2);
1037 | if ($2 === a)
1038 | return y2(1);
1039 | if ($2 === o)
1040 | return y2(7);
1041 | var M3 = (d2 = {}, d2[s] = e2, d2[u] = n2, d2[i2] = t, d2)[$2] || 1, m3 = this.$d.getTime() + r2 * M3;
1042 | return O.w(m3, this);
1043 | }, m2.subtract = function(t2, e3) {
1044 | return this.add(-1 * t2, e3);
1045 | }, m2.format = function(t2) {
1046 | var e3 = this, n3 = this.$locale();
1047 | if (!this.isValid())
1048 | return n3.invalidDate || l;
1049 | var r2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", i3 = O.z(this), s2 = this.$H, u2 = this.$m, a2 = this.$M, o2 = n3.weekdays, c6 = n3.months, f2 = n3.meridiem, h2 = function(t3, n4, i4, s3) {
1050 | return t3 && (t3[n4] || t3(e3, r2)) || i4[n4].slice(0, s3);
1051 | }, d2 = function(t3) {
1052 | return O.s(s2 % 12 || 12, t3, "0");
1053 | }, $2 = f2 || function(t3, e4, n4) {
1054 | var r3 = t3 < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
1055 | return n4 ? r3.toLowerCase() : r3;
1056 | };
1057 | return r2.replace(y, function(t3, r3) {
1058 | return r3 || function(t4) {
1059 | switch (t4) {
1060 | case "YY":
1061 | return String(e3.$y).slice(-2);
1062 | case "YYYY":
1063 | return O.s(e3.$y, 4, "0");
1064 | case "M":
1065 | return a2 + 1;
1066 | case "MM":
1067 | return O.s(a2 + 1, 2, "0");
1068 | case "MMM":
1069 | return h2(n3.monthsShort, a2, c6, 3);
1070 | case "MMMM":
1071 | return h2(c6, a2);
1072 | case "D":
1073 | return e3.$D;
1074 | case "DD":
1075 | return O.s(e3.$D, 2, "0");
1076 | case "d":
1077 | return String(e3.$W);
1078 | case "dd":
1079 | return h2(n3.weekdaysMin, e3.$W, o2, 2);
1080 | case "ddd":
1081 | return h2(n3.weekdaysShort, e3.$W, o2, 3);
1082 | case "dddd":
1083 | return o2[e3.$W];
1084 | case "H":
1085 | return String(s2);
1086 | case "HH":
1087 | return O.s(s2, 2, "0");
1088 | case "h":
1089 | return d2(1);
1090 | case "hh":
1091 | return d2(2);
1092 | case "a":
1093 | return $2(s2, u2, true);
1094 | case "A":
1095 | return $2(s2, u2, false);
1096 | case "m":
1097 | return String(u2);
1098 | case "mm":
1099 | return O.s(u2, 2, "0");
1100 | case "s":
1101 | return String(e3.$s);
1102 | case "ss":
1103 | return O.s(e3.$s, 2, "0");
1104 | case "SSS":
1105 | return O.s(e3.$ms, 3, "0");
1106 | case "Z":
1107 | return i3;
1108 | }
1109 | return null;
1110 | }(t3) || i3.replace(":", "");
1111 | });
1112 | }, m2.utcOffset = function() {
1113 | return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
1114 | }, m2.diff = function(r2, d2, l2) {
1115 | var $2, y2 = this, M3 = O.p(d2), m3 = w(r2), v2 = (m3.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e2, g2 = this - m3, D2 = function() {
1116 | return O.m(y2, m3);
1117 | };
1118 | switch (M3) {
1119 | case h:
1120 | $2 = D2() / 12;
1121 | break;
1122 | case c:
1123 | $2 = D2();
1124 | break;
1125 | case f:
1126 | $2 = D2() / 3;
1127 | break;
1128 | case o:
1129 | $2 = (g2 - v2) / 6048e5;
1130 | break;
1131 | case a:
1132 | $2 = (g2 - v2) / 864e5;
1133 | break;
1134 | case u:
1135 | $2 = g2 / n2;
1136 | break;
1137 | case s:
1138 | $2 = g2 / e2;
1139 | break;
1140 | case i2:
1141 | $2 = g2 / t;
1142 | break;
1143 | default:
1144 | $2 = g2;
1145 | }
1146 | return l2 ? $2 : O.a($2);
1147 | }, m2.daysInMonth = function() {
1148 | return this.endOf(c).$D;
1149 | }, m2.$locale = function() {
1150 | return D[this.$L];
1151 | }, m2.locale = function(t2, e3) {
1152 | if (!t2)
1153 | return this.$L;
1154 | var n3 = this.clone(), r2 = S(t2, e3, true);
1155 | return r2 && (n3.$L = r2), n3;
1156 | }, m2.clone = function() {
1157 | return O.w(this.$d, this);
1158 | }, m2.toDate = function() {
1159 | return new Date(this.valueOf());
1160 | }, m2.toJSON = function() {
1161 | return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
1162 | }, m2.toISOString = function() {
1163 | return this.$d.toISOString();
1164 | }, m2.toString = function() {
1165 | return this.$d.toUTCString();
1166 | }, M2;
1167 | }(), _ = b.prototype;
1168 | return w.prototype = _, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i2], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", c], ["$y", h], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(t2) {
1169 | _[t2[1]] = function(e3) {
1170 | return this.$g(e3, t2[0], t2[1]);
1171 | };
1172 | }), w.extend = function(t2, e3) {
1173 | return t2.$i || (t2(e3, b, w), t2.$i = true), w;
1174 | }, w.locale = S, w.isDayjs = p, w.unix = function(t2) {
1175 | return w(1e3 * t2);
1176 | }, w.en = D[g], w.Ls = D, w.p = {}, w;
1177 | });
1178 | })(dayjs_min);
1179 | var dayjs_minExports = dayjs_min.exports;
1180 | const dayjs = getDefaultExportFromCjs(dayjs_minExports);
1181 | function useDebounceFn(fn, options) {
1182 | var _a;
1183 | if (isDev$1) {
1184 | if (!isFunction(fn)) {
1185 | console.error("useDebounceFn expected parameter is a function, got ".concat(typeof fn));
1186 | }
1187 | }
1188 | var fnRef = useLatest(fn);
1189 | var wait = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.wait) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1e3;
1190 | var debounced = React$1.useMemo(function() {
1191 | return debounce$2(function() {
1192 | var args = [];
1193 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1194 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
1195 | }
1196 | return fnRef.current.apply(fnRef, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false));
1197 | }, wait, options);
1198 | }, []);
1199 | useUnmount$1(function() {
1200 | debounced.cancel();
1201 | });
1202 | return {
1203 | run: debounced,
1204 | cancel: debounced.cancel,
1205 | flush: debounced.flush
1206 | };
1207 | }
1208 | function useDebounceEffect(effect, deps, options) {
1209 | var _a = __read(React$1.useState({}), 2), flag = _a[0], setFlag = _a[1];
1210 | var run = useDebounceFn(function() {
1211 | setFlag({});
1212 | }, options).run;
1213 | React$1.useEffect(function() {
1214 | return run();
1215 | }, deps);
1216 | useUpdateEffect(effect, [flag]);
1217 | }
1218 | function useGetState(initialState) {
1219 | var _a = __read(React$1.useState(initialState), 2), state = _a[0], setState = _a[1];
1220 | var stateRef = React$1.useRef(state);
1221 | stateRef.current = state;
1222 | var getState = React$1.useCallback(function() {
1223 | return stateRef.current;
1224 | }, []);
1225 | return [state, setState, getState];
1226 | }
1227 | (function() {
1228 | if (typeof window !== "object") {
1229 | return;
1230 | }
1231 | if ("IntersectionObserver" in window && "IntersectionObserverEntry" in window && "intersectionRatio" in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype) {
1232 | if (!("isIntersecting" in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype)) {
1233 | Object.defineProperty(
1234 | window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype,
1235 | "isIntersecting",
1236 | {
1237 | get: function() {
1238 | return this.intersectionRatio > 0;
1239 | }
1240 | }
1241 | );
1242 | }
1243 | return;
1244 | }
1245 | function getFrameElement(doc) {
1246 | try {
1247 | return doc.defaultView && doc.defaultView.frameElement || null;
1248 | } catch (e2) {
1249 | return null;
1250 | }
1251 | }
1252 | var document2 = function(startDoc) {
1253 | var doc = startDoc;
1254 | var frame = getFrameElement(doc);
1255 | while (frame) {
1256 | doc = frame.ownerDocument;
1257 | frame = getFrameElement(doc);
1258 | }
1259 | return doc;
1260 | }(window.document);
1261 | var registry = [];
1262 | var crossOriginUpdater = null;
1263 | var crossOriginRect = null;
1264 | function IntersectionObserverEntry(entry) {
1265 | this.time = entry.time;
1266 | this.target = entry.target;
1267 | this.rootBounds = ensureDOMRect(entry.rootBounds);
1268 | this.boundingClientRect = ensureDOMRect(entry.boundingClientRect);
1269 | this.intersectionRect = ensureDOMRect(entry.intersectionRect || getEmptyRect());
1270 | this.isIntersecting = !!entry.intersectionRect;
1271 | var targetRect = this.boundingClientRect;
1272 | var targetArea = targetRect.width * targetRect.height;
1273 | var intersectionRect = this.intersectionRect;
1274 | var intersectionArea = intersectionRect.width * intersectionRect.height;
1275 | if (targetArea) {
1276 | this.intersectionRatio = Number((intersectionArea / targetArea).toFixed(4));
1277 | } else {
1278 | this.intersectionRatio = this.isIntersecting ? 1 : 0;
1279 | }
1280 | }
1281 | function IntersectionObserver2(callback, opt_options) {
1282 | var options = opt_options || {};
1283 | if (typeof callback != "function") {
1284 | throw new Error("callback must be a function");
1285 | }
1286 | if (options.root && options.root.nodeType != 1 && options.root.nodeType != 9) {
1287 | throw new Error("root must be a Document or Element");
1288 | }
1289 | this._checkForIntersections = throttle2(
1290 | this._checkForIntersections.bind(this),
1292 | );
1293 | this._callback = callback;
1294 | this._observationTargets = [];
1295 | this._queuedEntries = [];
1296 | this._rootMarginValues = this._parseRootMargin(options.rootMargin);
1297 | this.thresholds = this._initThresholds(options.threshold);
1298 | this.root = options.root || null;
1299 | this.rootMargin = this._rootMarginValues.map(function(margin) {
1300 | return margin.value + margin.unit;
1301 | }).join(" ");
1302 | this._monitoringDocuments = [];
1303 | this._monitoringUnsubscribes = [];
1304 | }
1305 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.THROTTLE_TIMEOUT = 100;
1306 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.POLL_INTERVAL = null;
1307 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.USE_MUTATION_OBSERVER = true;
1308 | IntersectionObserver2._setupCrossOriginUpdater = function() {
1309 | if (!crossOriginUpdater) {
1310 | crossOriginUpdater = function(boundingClientRect, intersectionRect) {
1311 | if (!boundingClientRect || !intersectionRect) {
1312 | crossOriginRect = getEmptyRect();
1313 | } else {
1314 | crossOriginRect = convertFromParentRect(boundingClientRect, intersectionRect);
1315 | }
1316 | registry.forEach(function(observer) {
1317 | observer._checkForIntersections();
1318 | });
1319 | };
1320 | }
1321 | return crossOriginUpdater;
1322 | };
1323 | IntersectionObserver2._resetCrossOriginUpdater = function() {
1324 | crossOriginUpdater = null;
1325 | crossOriginRect = null;
1326 | };
1327 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.observe = function(target) {
1328 | var isTargetAlreadyObserved = this._observationTargets.some(function(item) {
1329 | return item.element == target;
1330 | });
1331 | if (isTargetAlreadyObserved) {
1332 | return;
1333 | }
1334 | if (!(target && target.nodeType == 1)) {
1335 | throw new Error("target must be an Element");
1336 | }
1337 | this._registerInstance();
1338 | this._observationTargets.push({ element: target, entry: null });
1339 | this._monitorIntersections(target.ownerDocument);
1340 | this._checkForIntersections();
1341 | };
1342 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.unobserve = function(target) {
1343 | this._observationTargets = this._observationTargets.filter(function(item) {
1344 | return item.element != target;
1345 | });
1346 | this._unmonitorIntersections(target.ownerDocument);
1347 | if (this._observationTargets.length == 0) {
1348 | this._unregisterInstance();
1349 | }
1350 | };
1351 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.disconnect = function() {
1352 | this._observationTargets = [];
1353 | this._unmonitorAllIntersections();
1354 | this._unregisterInstance();
1355 | };
1356 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype.takeRecords = function() {
1357 | var records = this._queuedEntries.slice();
1358 | this._queuedEntries = [];
1359 | return records;
1360 | };
1361 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._initThresholds = function(opt_threshold) {
1362 | var threshold = opt_threshold || [0];
1363 | if (!Array.isArray(threshold))
1364 | threshold = [threshold];
1365 | return threshold.sort().filter(function(t, i2, a) {
1366 | if (typeof t != "number" || isNaN(t) || t < 0 || t > 1) {
1367 | throw new Error("threshold must be a number between 0 and 1 inclusively");
1368 | }
1369 | return t !== a[i2 - 1];
1370 | });
1371 | };
1372 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._parseRootMargin = function(opt_rootMargin) {
1373 | var marginString = opt_rootMargin || "0px";
1374 | var margins = marginString.split(/\s+/).map(function(margin) {
1375 | var parts = /^(-?\d*\.?\d+)(px|%)$/.exec(margin);
1376 | if (!parts) {
1377 | throw new Error("rootMargin must be specified in pixels or percent");
1378 | }
1379 | return { value: parseFloat(parts[1]), unit: parts[2] };
1380 | });
1381 | margins[1] = margins[1] || margins[0];
1382 | margins[2] = margins[2] || margins[0];
1383 | margins[3] = margins[3] || margins[1];
1384 | return margins;
1385 | };
1386 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._monitorIntersections = function(doc) {
1387 | var win = doc.defaultView;
1388 | if (!win) {
1389 | return;
1390 | }
1391 | if (this._monitoringDocuments.indexOf(doc) != -1) {
1392 | return;
1393 | }
1394 | var callback = this._checkForIntersections;
1395 | var monitoringInterval = null;
1396 | var domObserver = null;
1397 | if (this.POLL_INTERVAL) {
1398 | monitoringInterval = win.setInterval(callback, this.POLL_INTERVAL);
1399 | } else {
1400 | addEvent(win, "resize", callback, true);
1401 | addEvent(doc, "scroll", callback, true);
1402 | if (this.USE_MUTATION_OBSERVER && "MutationObserver" in win) {
1403 | domObserver = new win.MutationObserver(callback);
1404 | domObserver.observe(doc, {
1405 | attributes: true,
1406 | childList: true,
1407 | characterData: true,
1408 | subtree: true
1409 | });
1410 | }
1411 | }
1412 | this._monitoringDocuments.push(doc);
1413 | this._monitoringUnsubscribes.push(function() {
1414 | var win2 = doc.defaultView;
1415 | if (win2) {
1416 | if (monitoringInterval) {
1417 | win2.clearInterval(monitoringInterval);
1418 | }
1419 | removeEvent(win2, "resize", callback, true);
1420 | }
1421 | removeEvent(doc, "scroll", callback, true);
1422 | if (domObserver) {
1423 | domObserver.disconnect();
1424 | }
1425 | });
1426 | var rootDoc = this.root && (this.root.ownerDocument || this.root) || document2;
1427 | if (doc != rootDoc) {
1428 | var frame = getFrameElement(doc);
1429 | if (frame) {
1430 | this._monitorIntersections(frame.ownerDocument);
1431 | }
1432 | }
1433 | };
1434 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._unmonitorIntersections = function(doc) {
1435 | var index2 = this._monitoringDocuments.indexOf(doc);
1436 | if (index2 == -1) {
1437 | return;
1438 | }
1439 | var rootDoc = this.root && (this.root.ownerDocument || this.root) || document2;
1440 | var hasDependentTargets = this._observationTargets.some(function(item) {
1441 | var itemDoc = item.element.ownerDocument;
1442 | if (itemDoc == doc) {
1443 | return true;
1444 | }
1445 | while (itemDoc && itemDoc != rootDoc) {
1446 | var frame2 = getFrameElement(itemDoc);
1447 | itemDoc = frame2 && frame2.ownerDocument;
1448 | if (itemDoc == doc) {
1449 | return true;
1450 | }
1451 | }
1452 | return false;
1453 | });
1454 | if (hasDependentTargets) {
1455 | return;
1456 | }
1457 | var unsubscribe = this._monitoringUnsubscribes[index2];
1458 | this._monitoringDocuments.splice(index2, 1);
1459 | this._monitoringUnsubscribes.splice(index2, 1);
1460 | unsubscribe();
1461 | if (doc != rootDoc) {
1462 | var frame = getFrameElement(doc);
1463 | if (frame) {
1464 | this._unmonitorIntersections(frame.ownerDocument);
1465 | }
1466 | }
1467 | };
1468 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._unmonitorAllIntersections = function() {
1469 | var unsubscribes = this._monitoringUnsubscribes.slice(0);
1470 | this._monitoringDocuments.length = 0;
1471 | this._monitoringUnsubscribes.length = 0;
1472 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < unsubscribes.length; i2++) {
1473 | unsubscribes[i2]();
1474 | }
1475 | };
1476 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._checkForIntersections = function() {
1477 | if (!this.root && crossOriginUpdater && !crossOriginRect) {
1478 | return;
1479 | }
1480 | var rootIsInDom = this._rootIsInDom();
1481 | var rootRect = rootIsInDom ? this._getRootRect() : getEmptyRect();
1482 | this._observationTargets.forEach(function(item) {
1483 | var target = item.element;
1484 | var targetRect = getBoundingClientRect2(target);
1485 | var rootContainsTarget = this._rootContainsTarget(target);
1486 | var oldEntry = item.entry;
1487 | var intersectionRect = rootIsInDom && rootContainsTarget && this._computeTargetAndRootIntersection(target, targetRect, rootRect);
1488 | var rootBounds = null;
1489 | if (!this._rootContainsTarget(target)) {
1490 | rootBounds = getEmptyRect();
1491 | } else if (!crossOriginUpdater || this.root) {
1492 | rootBounds = rootRect;
1493 | }
1494 | var newEntry = item.entry = new IntersectionObserverEntry({
1495 | time: now2(),
1496 | target,
1497 | boundingClientRect: targetRect,
1498 | rootBounds,
1499 | intersectionRect
1500 | });
1501 | if (!oldEntry) {
1502 | this._queuedEntries.push(newEntry);
1503 | } else if (rootIsInDom && rootContainsTarget) {
1504 | if (this._hasCrossedThreshold(oldEntry, newEntry)) {
1505 | this._queuedEntries.push(newEntry);
1506 | }
1507 | } else {
1508 | if (oldEntry && oldEntry.isIntersecting) {
1509 | this._queuedEntries.push(newEntry);
1510 | }
1511 | }
1512 | }, this);
1513 | if (this._queuedEntries.length) {
1514 | this._callback(this.takeRecords(), this);
1515 | }
1516 | };
1517 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._computeTargetAndRootIntersection = function(target, targetRect, rootRect) {
1518 | if (window.getComputedStyle(target).display == "none")
1519 | return;
1520 | var intersectionRect = targetRect;
1521 | var parent = getParentNode2(target);
1522 | var atRoot = false;
1523 | while (!atRoot && parent) {
1524 | var parentRect = null;
1525 | var parentComputedStyle = parent.nodeType == 1 ? window.getComputedStyle(parent) : {};
1526 | if (parentComputedStyle.display == "none")
1527 | return null;
1528 | if (parent == this.root || parent.nodeType ==
1529 | 9) {
1530 | atRoot = true;
1531 | if (parent == this.root || parent == document2) {
1532 | if (crossOriginUpdater && !this.root) {
1533 | if (!crossOriginRect || crossOriginRect.width == 0 && crossOriginRect.height == 0) {
1534 | parent = null;
1535 | parentRect = null;
1536 | intersectionRect = null;
1537 | } else {
1538 | parentRect = crossOriginRect;
1539 | }
1540 | } else {
1541 | parentRect = rootRect;
1542 | }
1543 | } else {
1544 | var frame = getParentNode2(parent);
1545 | var frameRect = frame && getBoundingClientRect2(frame);
1546 | var frameIntersect = frame && this._computeTargetAndRootIntersection(frame, frameRect, rootRect);
1547 | if (frameRect && frameIntersect) {
1548 | parent = frame;
1549 | parentRect = convertFromParentRect(frameRect, frameIntersect);
1550 | } else {
1551 | parent = null;
1552 | intersectionRect = null;
1553 | }
1554 | }
1555 | } else {
1556 | var doc = parent.ownerDocument;
1557 | if (parent != doc.body && parent != doc.documentElement && parentComputedStyle.overflow != "visible") {
1558 | parentRect = getBoundingClientRect2(parent);
1559 | }
1560 | }
1561 | if (parentRect) {
1562 | intersectionRect = computeRectIntersection(parentRect, intersectionRect);
1563 | }
1564 | if (!intersectionRect)
1565 | break;
1566 | parent = parent && getParentNode2(parent);
1567 | }
1568 | return intersectionRect;
1569 | };
1570 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._getRootRect = function() {
1571 | var rootRect;
1572 | if (this.root && !isDoc(this.root)) {
1573 | rootRect = getBoundingClientRect2(this.root);
1574 | } else {
1575 | var doc = isDoc(this.root) ? this.root : document2;
1576 | var html = doc.documentElement;
1577 | var body = doc.body;
1578 | rootRect = {
1579 | top: 0,
1580 | left: 0,
1581 | right: html.clientWidth || body.clientWidth,
1582 | width: html.clientWidth || body.clientWidth,
1583 | bottom: html.clientHeight || body.clientHeight,
1584 | height: html.clientHeight || body.clientHeight
1585 | };
1586 | }
1587 | return this._expandRectByRootMargin(rootRect);
1588 | };
1589 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._expandRectByRootMargin = function(rect) {
1590 | var margins = this._rootMarginValues.map(function(margin, i2) {
1591 | return margin.unit == "px" ? margin.value : margin.value * (i2 % 2 ? rect.width : rect.height) / 100;
1592 | });
1593 | var newRect = {
1594 | top: rect.top - margins[0],
1595 | right: rect.right + margins[1],
1596 | bottom: rect.bottom + margins[2],
1597 | left: rect.left - margins[3]
1598 | };
1599 | newRect.width = newRect.right - newRect.left;
1600 | newRect.height = newRect.bottom - newRect.top;
1601 | return newRect;
1602 | };
1603 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._hasCrossedThreshold = function(oldEntry, newEntry) {
1604 | var oldRatio = oldEntry && oldEntry.isIntersecting ? oldEntry.intersectionRatio || 0 : -1;
1605 | var newRatio = newEntry.isIntersecting ? newEntry.intersectionRatio || 0 : -1;
1606 | if (oldRatio === newRatio)
1607 | return;
1608 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.thresholds.length; i2++) {
1609 | var threshold = this.thresholds[i2];
1610 | if (threshold == oldRatio || threshold == newRatio || threshold < oldRatio !== threshold < newRatio) {
1611 | return true;
1612 | }
1613 | }
1614 | };
1615 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._rootIsInDom = function() {
1616 | return !this.root || containsDeep(document2, this.root);
1617 | };
1618 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._rootContainsTarget = function(target) {
1619 | var rootDoc = this.root && (this.root.ownerDocument || this.root) || document2;
1620 | return containsDeep(rootDoc, target) && (!this.root || rootDoc == target.ownerDocument);
1621 | };
1622 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._registerInstance = function() {
1623 | if (registry.indexOf(this) < 0) {
1624 | registry.push(this);
1625 | }
1626 | };
1627 | IntersectionObserver2.prototype._unregisterInstance = function() {
1628 | var index2 = registry.indexOf(this);
1629 | if (index2 != -1)
1630 | registry.splice(index2, 1);
1631 | };
1632 | function now2() {
1633 | return window.performance && performance.now && performance.now();
1634 | }
1635 | function throttle2(fn, timeout) {
1636 | var timer = null;
1637 | return function() {
1638 | if (!timer) {
1639 | timer = setTimeout(function() {
1640 | fn();
1641 | timer = null;
1642 | }, timeout);
1643 | }
1644 | };
1645 | }
1646 | function addEvent(node, event, fn, opt_useCapture) {
1647 | if (typeof node.addEventListener == "function") {
1648 | node.addEventListener(event, fn, opt_useCapture || false);
1649 | } else if (typeof node.attachEvent == "function") {
1650 | node.attachEvent("on" + event, fn);
1651 | }
1652 | }
1653 | function removeEvent(node, event, fn, opt_useCapture) {
1654 | if (typeof node.removeEventListener == "function") {
1655 | node.removeEventListener(event, fn, opt_useCapture || false);
1656 | } else if (typeof node.detachEvent == "function") {
1657 | node.detachEvent("on" + event, fn);
1658 | }
1659 | }
1660 | function computeRectIntersection(rect1, rect2) {
1661 | var top = Math.max(rect1.top, rect2.top);
1662 | var bottom = Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom);
1663 | var left = Math.max(rect1.left, rect2.left);
1664 | var right = Math.min(rect1.right, rect2.right);
1665 | var width = right - left;
1666 | var height = bottom - top;
1667 | return width >= 0 && height >= 0 && {
1668 | top,
1669 | bottom,
1670 | left,
1671 | right,
1672 | width,
1673 | height
1674 | } || null;
1675 | }
1676 | function getBoundingClientRect2(el) {
1677 | var rect;
1678 | try {
1679 | rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
1680 | } catch (err) {
1681 | }
1682 | if (!rect)
1683 | return getEmptyRect();
1684 | if (!(rect.width && rect.height)) {
1685 | rect = {
1686 | top: rect.top,
1687 | right: rect.right,
1688 | bottom: rect.bottom,
1689 | left: rect.left,
1690 | width: rect.right - rect.left,
1691 | height: rect.bottom - rect.top
1692 | };
1693 | }
1694 | return rect;
1695 | }
1696 | function getEmptyRect() {
1697 | return {
1698 | top: 0,
1699 | bottom: 0,
1700 | left: 0,
1701 | right: 0,
1702 | width: 0,
1703 | height: 0
1704 | };
1705 | }
1706 | function ensureDOMRect(rect) {
1707 | if (!rect || "x" in rect) {
1708 | return rect;
1709 | }
1710 | return {
1711 | top: rect.top,
1712 | y: rect.top,
1713 | bottom: rect.bottom,
1714 | left: rect.left,
1715 | x: rect.left,
1716 | right: rect.right,
1717 | width: rect.width,
1718 | height: rect.height
1719 | };
1720 | }
1721 | function convertFromParentRect(parentBoundingRect, parentIntersectionRect) {
1722 | var top = parentIntersectionRect.top - parentBoundingRect.top;
1723 | var left = parentIntersectionRect.left - parentBoundingRect.left;
1724 | return {
1725 | top,
1726 | left,
1727 | height: parentIntersectionRect.height,
1728 | width: parentIntersectionRect.width,
1729 | bottom: top + parentIntersectionRect.height,
1730 | right: left + parentIntersectionRect.width
1731 | };
1732 | }
1733 | function containsDeep(parent, child) {
1734 | var node = child;
1735 | while (node) {
1736 | if (node == parent)
1737 | return true;
1738 | node = getParentNode2(node);
1739 | }
1740 | return false;
1741 | }
1742 | function getParentNode2(node) {
1743 | var parent = node.parentNode;
1744 | if (node.nodeType ==
1745 | 9 && node != document2) {
1746 | return getFrameElement(node);
1747 | }
1748 | if (parent && parent.assignedSlot) {
1749 | parent = parent.assignedSlot.parentNode;
1750 | }
1751 | if (parent && parent.nodeType == 11 && parent.host) {
1752 | return parent.host;
1753 | }
1754 | return parent;
1755 | }
1756 | function isDoc(node) {
1757 | return node && node.nodeType === 9;
1758 | }
1759 | window.IntersectionObserver = IntersectionObserver2;
1760 | window.IntersectionObserverEntry = IntersectionObserverEntry;
1761 | })();
1762 | function useInViewport(target, options) {
1763 | var _a = __read(React$1.useState(), 2), state = _a[0], setState = _a[1];
1764 | var _b = __read(React$1.useState(), 2), ratio = _b[0], setRatio = _b[1];
1765 | useEffectWithTarget$2(function() {
1766 | var el = getTargetElement(target);
1767 | if (!el) {
1768 | return;
1769 | }
1770 | var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
1771 | var e_1, _a2;
1772 | try {
1773 | for (var entries_1 = __values(entries), entries_1_1 = entries_1.next(); !entries_1_1.done; entries_1_1 = entries_1.next()) {
1774 | var entry = entries_1_1.value;
1775 | setRatio(entry.intersectionRatio);
1776 | setState(entry.isIntersecting);
1777 | }
1778 | } catch (e_1_1) {
1779 | e_1 = {
1780 | error: e_1_1
1781 | };
1782 | } finally {
1783 | try {
1784 | if (entries_1_1 && !entries_1_1.done && (_a2 = entries_1.return))
1785 | _a2.call(entries_1);
1786 | } finally {
1787 | if (e_1)
1788 | throw e_1.error;
1789 | }
1790 | }
1791 | }, __assign(__assign({}, options), {
1792 | root: getTargetElement(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.root)
1793 | }));
1794 | observer.observe(el);
1795 | return function() {
1796 | observer.disconnect();
1797 | };
1798 | }, [options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.rootMargin, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.threshold], target);
1799 | return [state, ratio];
1800 | }
1801 | var useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$1 = isBrowser$3 ? React$1.useLayoutEffect : React$1.useEffect;
1802 | const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2 = useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$1;
1803 | function useLockFn(fn) {
1804 | var _this = this;
1805 | var lockRef = React$1.useRef(false);
1806 | return React$1.useCallback(function() {
1807 | var args = [];
1808 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1809 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
1810 | }
1811 | return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function() {
1812 | var ret, e_1;
1813 | return __generator(this, function(_a) {
1814 | switch (_a.label) {
1815 | case 0:
1816 | if (lockRef.current)
1817 | return [
1818 | 2
1819 |
1820 | ];
1821 | lockRef.current = true;
1822 | _a.label = 1;
1823 | case 1:
1824 | _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
1825 | return [4, fn.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false))];
1826 | case 2:
1827 | ret = _a.sent();
1828 | lockRef.current = false;
1829 | return [2, ret];
1830 | case 3:
1831 | e_1 = _a.sent();
1832 | lockRef.current = false;
1833 | throw e_1;
1834 | case 4:
1835 | return [
1836 | 2
1837 |
1838 | ];
1839 | }
1840 | });
1841 | });
1842 | }, [fn]);
1843 | }
1844 | function useRafState(initialState) {
1845 | var ref = React$1.useRef(0);
1846 | var _a = __read(React$1.useState(initialState), 2), state = _a[0], setState = _a[1];
1847 | var setRafState = React$1.useCallback(function(value) {
1848 | cancelAnimationFrame(ref.current);
1849 | ref.current = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
1850 | setState(value);
1851 | });
1852 | }, []);
1853 | useUnmount$1(function() {
1854 | cancelAnimationFrame(ref.current);
1855 | });
1856 | return [state, setRafState];
1857 | }
1858 | var useUnmountedRef = function() {
1859 | var unmountedRef = React$1.useRef(false);
1860 | React$1.useEffect(function() {
1861 | unmountedRef.current = false;
1862 | return function() {
1863 | unmountedRef.current = true;
1864 | };
1865 | }, []);
1866 | return unmountedRef;
1867 | };
1868 | const useUnmountedRef$1 = useUnmountedRef;
1869 | var MapShim = function() {
1870 | if (typeof Map !== "undefined") {
1871 | return Map;
1872 | }
1873 | function getIndex(arr, key) {
1874 | var result = -1;
1875 | arr.some(function(entry, index2) {
1876 | if (entry[0] === key) {
1877 | result = index2;
1878 | return true;
1879 | }
1880 | return false;
1881 | });
1882 | return result;
1883 | }
1884 | return (
1885 |
1886 | function() {
1887 | function class_1() {
1888 | this.__entries__ = [];
1889 | }
1890 | Object.defineProperty(class_1.prototype, "size", {
1891 | |
1892 |
1893 |
1894 | get: function() {
1895 | return this.__entries__.length;
1896 | },
1897 | enumerable: true,
1898 | configurable: true
1899 | });
1900 | class_1.prototype.get = function(key) {
1901 | var index2 = getIndex(this.__entries__, key);
1902 | var entry = this.__entries__[index2];
1903 | return entry && entry[1];
1904 | };
1905 | class_1.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
1906 | var index2 = getIndex(this.__entries__, key);
1907 | if (~index2) {
1908 | this.__entries__[index2][1] = value;
1909 | } else {
1910 | this.__entries__.push([key, value]);
1911 | }
1912 | };
1913 | class_1.prototype.delete = function(key) {
1914 | var entries = this.__entries__;
1915 | var index2 = getIndex(entries, key);
1916 | if (~index2) {
1917 | entries.splice(index2, 1);
1918 | }
1919 | };
1920 | class_1.prototype.has = function(key) {
1921 | return !!~getIndex(this.__entries__, key);
1922 | };
1923 | class_1.prototype.clear = function() {
1924 | this.__entries__.splice(0);
1925 | };
1926 | class_1.prototype.forEach = function(callback, ctx2) {
1927 | if (ctx2 === void 0) {
1928 | ctx2 = null;
1929 | }
1930 | for (var _i = 0, _a = this.__entries__; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
1931 | var entry = _a[_i];
1932 | callback.call(ctx2, entry[1], entry[0]);
1933 | }
1934 | };
1935 | return class_1;
1936 | }()
1937 | );
1938 | }();
1939 | var isBrowser$1 = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined" && window.document === document;
1940 | var global$1 = function() {
1941 | if (typeof global !== "undefined" && global.Math === Math) {
1942 | return global;
1943 | }
1944 | if (typeof self !== "undefined" && self.Math === Math) {
1945 | return self;
1946 | }
1947 | if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.Math === Math) {
1948 | return window;
1949 | }
1950 | return Function("return this")();
1951 | }();
1952 | var requestAnimationFrame$1 = function() {
1953 | if (typeof requestAnimationFrame === "function") {
1954 | return requestAnimationFrame.bind(global$1);
1955 | }
1956 | return function(callback) {
1957 | return setTimeout(function() {
1958 | return callback(Date.now());
1959 | }, 1e3 / 60);
1960 | };
1961 | }();
1962 | var trailingTimeout = 2;
1963 | function throttle(callback, delay) {
1964 | var leadingCall = false, trailingCall = false, lastCallTime = 0;
1965 | function resolvePending() {
1966 | if (leadingCall) {
1967 | leadingCall = false;
1968 | callback();
1969 | }
1970 | if (trailingCall) {
1971 | proxy();
1972 | }
1973 | }
1974 | function timeoutCallback() {
1975 | requestAnimationFrame$1(resolvePending);
1976 | }
1977 | function proxy() {
1978 | var timeStamp = Date.now();
1979 | if (leadingCall) {
1980 | if (timeStamp - lastCallTime < trailingTimeout) {
1981 | return;
1982 | }
1983 | trailingCall = true;
1984 | } else {
1985 | leadingCall = true;
1986 | trailingCall = false;
1987 | setTimeout(timeoutCallback, delay);
1988 | }
1989 | lastCallTime = timeStamp;
1990 | }
1991 | return proxy;
1992 | }
1993 | var REFRESH_DELAY = 20;
1994 | var transitionKeys = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left", "width", "height", "size", "weight"];
1995 | var mutationObserverSupported = typeof MutationObserver !== "undefined";
1996 | var ResizeObserverController = (
1997 |
1998 | function() {
1999 | function ResizeObserverController2() {
2000 | this.connected_ = false;
2001 | this.mutationEventsAdded_ = false;
2002 | this.mutationsObserver_ = null;
2003 | this.observers_ = [];
2004 | this.onTransitionEnd_ = this.onTransitionEnd_.bind(this);
2005 | this.refresh = throttle(this.refresh.bind(this), REFRESH_DELAY);
2006 | }
2007 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) {
2008 | if (!~this.observers_.indexOf(observer)) {
2009 | this.observers_.push(observer);
2010 | }
2011 | if (!this.connected_) {
2012 | this.connect_();
2013 | }
2014 | };
2015 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.removeObserver = function(observer) {
2016 | var observers2 = this.observers_;
2017 | var index2 = observers2.indexOf(observer);
2018 | if (~index2) {
2019 | observers2.splice(index2, 1);
2020 | }
2021 | if (!observers2.length && this.connected_) {
2022 | this.disconnect_();
2023 | }
2024 | };
2025 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.refresh = function() {
2026 | var changesDetected = this.updateObservers_();
2027 | if (changesDetected) {
2028 | this.refresh();
2029 | }
2030 | };
2031 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.updateObservers_ = function() {
2032 | var activeObservers = this.observers_.filter(function(observer) {
2033 | return observer.gatherActive(), observer.hasActive();
2034 | });
2035 | activeObservers.forEach(function(observer) {
2036 | return observer.broadcastActive();
2037 | });
2038 | return activeObservers.length > 0;
2039 | };
2040 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.connect_ = function() {
2041 | if (!isBrowser$1 || this.connected_) {
2042 | return;
2043 | }
2044 | document.addEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_);
2045 | window.addEventListener("resize", this.refresh);
2046 | if (mutationObserverSupported) {
2047 | this.mutationsObserver_ = new MutationObserver(this.refresh);
2048 | this.mutationsObserver_.observe(document, {
2049 | attributes: true,
2050 | childList: true,
2051 | characterData: true,
2052 | subtree: true
2053 | });
2054 | } else {
2055 | document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh);
2056 | this.mutationEventsAdded_ = true;
2057 | }
2058 | this.connected_ = true;
2059 | };
2060 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.disconnect_ = function() {
2061 | if (!isBrowser$1 || !this.connected_) {
2062 | return;
2063 | }
2064 | document.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_);
2065 | window.removeEventListener("resize", this.refresh);
2066 | if (this.mutationsObserver_) {
2067 | this.mutationsObserver_.disconnect();
2068 | }
2069 | if (this.mutationEventsAdded_) {
2070 | document.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh);
2071 | }
2072 | this.mutationsObserver_ = null;
2073 | this.mutationEventsAdded_ = false;
2074 | this.connected_ = false;
2075 | };
2076 | ResizeObserverController2.prototype.onTransitionEnd_ = function(_a) {
2077 | var _b = _a.propertyName, propertyName = _b === void 0 ? "" : _b;
2078 | var isReflowProperty = transitionKeys.some(function(key) {
2079 | return !!~propertyName.indexOf(key);
2080 | });
2081 | if (isReflowProperty) {
2082 | this.refresh();
2083 | }
2084 | };
2085 | ResizeObserverController2.getInstance = function() {
2086 | if (!this.instance_) {
2087 | this.instance_ = new ResizeObserverController2();
2088 | }
2089 | return this.instance_;
2090 | };
2091 | ResizeObserverController2.instance_ = null;
2092 | return ResizeObserverController2;
2093 | }()
2094 | );
2095 | var defineConfigurable = function(target, props) {
2096 | for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(props); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
2097 | var key = _a[_i];
2098 | Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
2099 | value: props[key],
2100 | enumerable: false,
2101 | writable: false,
2102 | configurable: true
2103 | });
2104 | }
2105 | return target;
2106 | };
2107 | var getWindowOf = function(target) {
2108 | var ownerGlobal = target && target.ownerDocument && target.ownerDocument.defaultView;
2109 | return ownerGlobal || global$1;
2110 | };
2111 | var emptyRect = createRectInit(0, 0, 0, 0);
2112 | function toFloat(value) {
2113 | return parseFloat(value) || 0;
2114 | }
2115 | function getBordersSize(styles) {
2116 | var positions = [];
2117 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2118 | positions[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
2119 | }
2120 | return positions.reduce(function(size, position) {
2121 | var value = styles["border-" + position + "-width"];
2122 | return size + toFloat(value);
2123 | }, 0);
2124 | }
2125 | function getPaddings(styles) {
2126 | var positions = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
2127 | var paddings = {};
2128 | for (var _i = 0, positions_1 = positions; _i < positions_1.length; _i++) {
2129 | var position = positions_1[_i];
2130 | var value = styles["padding-" + position];
2131 | paddings[position] = toFloat(value);
2132 | }
2133 | return paddings;
2134 | }
2135 | function getSVGContentRect(target) {
2136 | var bbox = target.getBBox();
2137 | return createRectInit(0, 0, bbox.width, bbox.height);
2138 | }
2139 | function getHTMLElementContentRect(target) {
2140 | var clientWidth = target.clientWidth, clientHeight = target.clientHeight;
2141 | if (!clientWidth && !clientHeight) {
2142 | return emptyRect;
2143 | }
2144 | var styles = getWindowOf(target).getComputedStyle(target);
2145 | var paddings = getPaddings(styles);
2146 | var horizPad = paddings.left + paddings.right;
2147 | var vertPad = paddings.top + paddings.bottom;
2148 | var width = toFloat(styles.width), height = toFloat(styles.height);
2149 | if (styles.boxSizing === "border-box") {
2150 | if (Math.round(width + horizPad) !== clientWidth) {
2151 | width -= getBordersSize(styles, "left", "right") + horizPad;
2152 | }
2153 | if (Math.round(height + vertPad) !== clientHeight) {
2154 | height -= getBordersSize(styles, "top", "bottom") + vertPad;
2155 | }
2156 | }
2157 | if (!isDocumentElement(target)) {
2158 | var vertScrollbar = Math.round(width + horizPad) - clientWidth;
2159 | var horizScrollbar = Math.round(height + vertPad) - clientHeight;
2160 | if (Math.abs(vertScrollbar) !== 1) {
2161 | width -= vertScrollbar;
2162 | }
2163 | if (Math.abs(horizScrollbar) !== 1) {
2164 | height -= horizScrollbar;
2165 | }
2166 | }
2167 | return createRectInit(paddings.left, paddings.top, width, height);
2168 | }
2169 | var isSVGGraphicsElement = function() {
2170 | if (typeof SVGGraphicsElement !== "undefined") {
2171 | return function(target) {
2172 | return target instanceof getWindowOf(target).SVGGraphicsElement;
2173 | };
2174 | }
2175 | return function(target) {
2176 | return target instanceof getWindowOf(target).SVGElement && typeof target.getBBox === "function";
2177 | };
2178 | }();
2179 | function isDocumentElement(target) {
2180 | return target === getWindowOf(target).document.documentElement;
2181 | }
2182 | function getContentRect(target) {
2183 | if (!isBrowser$1) {
2184 | return emptyRect;
2185 | }
2186 | if (isSVGGraphicsElement(target)) {
2187 | return getSVGContentRect(target);
2188 | }
2189 | return getHTMLElementContentRect(target);
2190 | }
2191 | function createReadOnlyRect(_a) {
2192 | var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
2193 | var Constr = typeof DOMRectReadOnly !== "undefined" ? DOMRectReadOnly : Object;
2194 | var rect = Object.create(Constr.prototype);
2195 | defineConfigurable(rect, {
2196 | x,
2197 | y,
2198 | width,
2199 | height,
2200 | top: y,
2201 | right: x + width,
2202 | bottom: height + y,
2203 | left: x
2204 | });
2205 | return rect;
2206 | }
2207 | function createRectInit(x, y, width, height) {
2208 | return { x, y, width, height };
2209 | }
2210 | var ResizeObservation = (
2211 |
2212 | function() {
2213 | function ResizeObservation2(target) {
2214 | this.broadcastWidth = 0;
2215 | this.broadcastHeight = 0;
2216 | this.contentRect_ = createRectInit(0, 0, 0, 0);
2217 | this.target = target;
2218 | }
2219 | ResizeObservation2.prototype.isActive = function() {
2220 | var rect = getContentRect(this.target);
2221 | this.contentRect_ = rect;
2222 | return rect.width !== this.broadcastWidth || rect.height !== this.broadcastHeight;
2223 | };
2224 | ResizeObservation2.prototype.broadcastRect = function() {
2225 | var rect = this.contentRect_;
2226 | this.broadcastWidth = rect.width;
2227 | this.broadcastHeight = rect.height;
2228 | return rect;
2229 | };
2230 | return ResizeObservation2;
2231 | }()
2232 | );
2233 | var ResizeObserverEntry = (
2234 |
2235 | function() {
2236 | function ResizeObserverEntry2(target, rectInit) {
2237 | var contentRect = createReadOnlyRect(rectInit);
2238 | defineConfigurable(this, { target, contentRect });
2239 | }
2240 | return ResizeObserverEntry2;
2241 | }()
2242 | );
2243 | var ResizeObserverSPI = (
2244 |
2245 | function() {
2246 | function ResizeObserverSPI2(callback, controller, callbackCtx) {
2247 | this.activeObservations_ = [];
2248 | this.observations_ = new MapShim();
2249 | if (typeof callback !== "function") {
2250 | throw new TypeError("The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function.");
2251 | }
2252 | this.callback_ = callback;
2253 | this.controller_ = controller;
2254 | this.callbackCtx_ = callbackCtx;
2255 | }
2256 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.observe = function(target) {
2257 | if (!arguments.length) {
2258 | throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
2259 | }
2260 | if (typeof Element === "undefined" || !(Element instanceof Object)) {
2261 | return;
2262 | }
2263 | if (!(target instanceof getWindowOf(target).Element)) {
2264 | throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".');
2265 | }
2266 | var observations = this.observations_;
2267 | if (observations.has(target)) {
2268 | return;
2269 | }
2270 | observations.set(target, new ResizeObservation(target));
2271 | this.controller_.addObserver(this);
2272 | this.controller_.refresh();
2273 | };
2274 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.unobserve = function(target) {
2275 | if (!arguments.length) {
2276 | throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
2277 | }
2278 | if (typeof Element === "undefined" || !(Element instanceof Object)) {
2279 | return;
2280 | }
2281 | if (!(target instanceof getWindowOf(target).Element)) {
2282 | throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".');
2283 | }
2284 | var observations = this.observations_;
2285 | if (!observations.has(target)) {
2286 | return;
2287 | }
2288 | observations.delete(target);
2289 | if (!observations.size) {
2290 | this.controller_.removeObserver(this);
2291 | }
2292 | };
2293 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.disconnect = function() {
2294 | this.clearActive();
2295 | this.observations_.clear();
2296 | this.controller_.removeObserver(this);
2297 | };
2298 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.gatherActive = function() {
2299 | var _this = this;
2300 | this.clearActive();
2301 | this.observations_.forEach(function(observation) {
2302 | if (observation.isActive()) {
2303 | _this.activeObservations_.push(observation);
2304 | }
2305 | });
2306 | };
2307 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.broadcastActive = function() {
2308 | if (!this.hasActive()) {
2309 | return;
2310 | }
2311 | var ctx2 = this.callbackCtx_;
2312 | var entries = this.activeObservations_.map(function(observation) {
2313 | return new ResizeObserverEntry(observation.target, observation.broadcastRect());
2314 | });
2315 | this.callback_.call(ctx2, entries, ctx2);
2316 | this.clearActive();
2317 | };
2318 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.clearActive = function() {
2319 | this.activeObservations_.splice(0);
2320 | };
2321 | ResizeObserverSPI2.prototype.hasActive = function() {
2322 | return this.activeObservations_.length > 0;
2323 | };
2324 | return ResizeObserverSPI2;
2325 | }()
2326 | );
2327 | var observers = typeof WeakMap !== "undefined" ? new WeakMap() : new MapShim();
2328 | var ResizeObserver$1 = (
2329 |
2330 | function() {
2331 | function ResizeObserver2(callback) {
2332 | if (!(this instanceof ResizeObserver2)) {
2333 | throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function.");
2334 | }
2335 | if (!arguments.length) {
2336 | throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
2337 | }
2338 | var controller = ResizeObserverController.getInstance();
2339 | var observer = new ResizeObserverSPI(callback, controller, this);
2340 | observers.set(this, observer);
2341 | }
2342 | return ResizeObserver2;
2343 | }()
2344 | );
2345 | [
2346 | "observe",
2347 | "unobserve",
2348 | "disconnect"
2349 | ].forEach(function(method) {
2350 | ResizeObserver$1.prototype[method] = function() {
2351 | var _a;
2352 | return (_a = observers.get(this))[method].apply(_a, arguments);
2353 | };
2354 | });
2355 | var index$j = function() {
2356 | if (typeof global$1.ResizeObserver !== "undefined") {
2357 | return global$1.ResizeObserver;
2358 | }
2359 | return ResizeObserver$1;
2360 | }();
2361 | var useEffectWithTarget = createEffectWithTarget$1(React$1.useLayoutEffect);
2362 | const useLayoutEffectWithTarget = useEffectWithTarget;
2363 | var useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithTarget = isBrowser$3 ? useLayoutEffectWithTarget : useEffectWithTarget$2;
2364 | const useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithTarget$1 = useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithTarget;
2365 | function useSize(target) {
2366 | var _a = __read(useRafState(function() {
2367 | var el = getTargetElement(target);
2368 | return el ? {
2369 | width: el.clientWidth,
2370 | height: el.clientHeight
2371 | } : void 0;
2372 | }), 2), state = _a[0], setState = _a[1];
2373 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithTarget$1(function() {
2374 | var el = getTargetElement(target);
2375 | if (!el) {
2376 | return;
2377 | }
2378 | var resizeObserver = new index$j(function(entries) {
2379 | entries.forEach(function(entry) {
2380 | var _a2 = entry.target, clientWidth = _a2.clientWidth, clientHeight = _a2.clientHeight;
2381 | setState({
2382 | width: clientWidth,
2383 | height: clientHeight
2384 | });
2385 | });
2386 | });
2387 | resizeObserver.observe(el);
2388 | return function() {
2389 | resizeObserver.disconnect();
2390 | };
2391 | }, [], target);
2392 | return state;
2393 | }
2394 | function useThrottleFn(fn, options) {
2395 | var _a;
2396 | if (isDev$1) {
2397 | if (!isFunction(fn)) {
2398 | console.error("useThrottleFn expected parameter is a function, got ".concat(typeof fn));
2399 | }
2400 | }
2401 | var fnRef = useLatest(fn);
2402 | var wait = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.wait) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1e3;
2403 | var throttled = React$1.useMemo(function() {
2404 | return throttle$2(function() {
2405 | var args = [];
2406 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2407 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2408 | }
2409 | return fnRef.current.apply(fnRef, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false));
2410 | }, wait, options);
2411 | }, []);
2412 | useUnmount$1(function() {
2413 | throttled.cancel();
2414 | });
2415 | return {
2416 | run: throttled,
2417 | cancel: throttled.cancel,
2418 | flush: throttled.flush
2419 | };
2420 | }
2421 | var useTimeout = function(fn, delay) {
2422 | var timerCallback = useMemoizedFn(fn);
2423 | var timerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
2424 | var clear2 = React$1.useCallback(function() {
2425 | if (timerRef.current) {
2426 | clearTimeout(timerRef.current);
2427 | }
2428 | }, []);
2429 | React$1.useEffect(function() {
2430 | if (!isNumber(delay) || delay < 0) {
2431 | return;
2432 | }
2433 | timerRef.current = setTimeout(timerCallback, delay);
2434 | return clear2;
2435 | }, [delay]);
2436 | return clear2;
2437 | };
2438 | const useTimeout$1 = useTimeout;
2439 | const MIN_DISTANCE = 10;
2440 | function getDirection(x, y) {
2441 | if (x > y && x > MIN_DISTANCE) {
2442 | return "horizontal";
2443 | }
2444 | if (y > x && y > MIN_DISTANCE) {
2445 | return "vertical";
2446 | }
2447 | return "";
2448 | }
2449 | function useTouch() {
2450 | const startX = React$1.useRef(0);
2451 | const startY = React$1.useRef(0);
2452 | const deltaX = React$1.useRef(0);
2453 | const deltaY = React$1.useRef(0);
2454 | const offsetX = React$1.useRef(0);
2455 | const offsetY = React$1.useRef(0);
2456 | const direction = React$1.useRef("");
2457 | const isVertical = () => direction.current === "vertical";
2458 | const isHorizontal = () => direction.current === "horizontal";
2459 | const reset = () => {
2460 | deltaX.current = 0;
2461 | deltaY.current = 0;
2462 | offsetX.current = 0;
2463 | offsetY.current = 0;
2464 | direction.current = "";
2465 | };
2466 | const start2 = (event) => {
2467 | reset();
2468 | startX.current = event.touches[0].clientX;
2469 | startY.current = event.touches[0].clientY;
2470 | };
2471 | const move2 = (event) => {
2472 | const touch = event.touches[0];
2473 | deltaX.current = touch.clientX < 0 ? 0 : touch.clientX - startX.current;
2474 | deltaY.current = touch.clientY - startY.current;
2475 | offsetX.current = Math.abs(deltaX.current);
2476 | offsetY.current = Math.abs(deltaY.current);
2477 | if (!direction.current) {
2478 | direction.current = getDirection(offsetX.current, offsetY.current);
2479 | }
2480 | };
2481 | return {
2482 | move: move2,
2483 | start: start2,
2484 | reset,
2485 | startX,
2486 | startY,
2487 | deltaX,
2488 | deltaY,
2489 | offsetX,
2490 | offsetY,
2491 | direction,
2492 | isVertical,
2493 | isHorizontal
2494 | };
2495 | }
2496 | const defaultRoot = canUseDom$1 ? window : void 0;
2497 | const overflowStylePatterns = ["scroll", "auto", "overlay"];
2498 | function isElement$1(node) {
2499 | const ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE = 1;
2500 | return node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE;
2501 | }
2502 | function getScrollParent(el, root2 = defaultRoot) {
2503 | let node = el;
2504 | while (node && node !== root2 && isElement$1(node)) {
2505 | if (node === document.body) {
2506 | return root2;
2507 | }
2508 | const {
2509 | overflowY
2510 | } = window.getComputedStyle(node);
2511 | if (overflowStylePatterns.includes(overflowY) && node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) {
2512 | return node;
2513 | }
2514 | node = node.parentNode;
2515 | }
2516 | return root2;
2517 | }
2518 | let supportsPassive = false;
2519 | if (canUseDom$1) {
2520 | try {
2521 | const opts = {};
2522 | Object.defineProperty(opts, "passive", {
2523 | get() {
2524 | supportsPassive = true;
2525 | }
2526 | });
2527 | window.addEventListener("test-passive", null, opts);
2528 | } catch (e2) {
2529 | }
2530 | }
2531 | let totalLockCount = 0;
2532 | const BODY_LOCK_CLASS = "adm-overflow-hidden";
2533 | function getScrollableElement(el) {
2534 | let current = el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el.parentElement;
2535 | while (current) {
2536 | if (current.clientHeight < current.scrollHeight) {
2537 | return current;
2538 | }
2539 | current = current.parentElement;
2540 | }
2541 | return null;
2542 | }
2543 | function useLockScroll(rootRef, shouldLock) {
2544 | const touch = useTouch();
2545 | const onTouchMove = (event) => {
2546 | touch.move(event);
2547 | const direction = touch.deltaY.current > 0 ? "10" : "01";
2548 | const el = getScrollParent(event.target, rootRef.current);
2549 | if (!el)
2550 | return;
2551 | if (shouldLock === "strict") {
2552 | const scrollableParent = getScrollableElement(event.target);
2553 | if (scrollableParent === document.body || scrollableParent === document.documentElement) {
2554 | event.preventDefault();
2555 | return;
2556 | }
2557 | }
2558 | const {
2559 | scrollHeight,
2560 | offsetHeight,
2561 | scrollTop
2562 | } = el;
2563 | const {
2564 | height
2565 | } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
2566 | let status = "11";
2567 | if (scrollTop === 0) {
2568 | status = offsetHeight >= scrollHeight ? "00" : "01";
2569 | } else if (scrollHeight <= Math.round(height + scrollTop)) {
2570 | status = "10";
2571 | }
2572 | if (status !== "11" && touch.isVertical() && !(parseInt(status, 2) & parseInt(direction, 2))) {
2573 | if (event.cancelable && supportsPassive) {
2574 | event.preventDefault();
2575 | }
2576 | }
2577 | };
2578 | const lock = () => {
2579 | document.addEventListener("touchstart", touch.start);
2580 | document.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove, supportsPassive ? {
2581 | passive: false
2582 | } : false);
2583 | if (!totalLockCount) {
2584 | document.body.classList.add(BODY_LOCK_CLASS);
2585 | }
2586 | totalLockCount++;
2587 | };
2588 | const unlock = () => {
2589 | if (totalLockCount) {
2590 | document.removeEventListener("touchstart", touch.start);
2591 | document.removeEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove);
2592 | totalLockCount--;
2593 | if (!totalLockCount) {
2594 | document.body.classList.remove(BODY_LOCK_CLASS);
2595 | }
2596 | }
2597 | };
2598 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
2599 | if (shouldLock) {
2600 | lock();
2601 | return () => {
2602 | unlock();
2603 | };
2604 | }
2605 | }, [shouldLock]);
2606 | }
2607 | let updateQueue = makeQueue();
2608 | const raf = (fn) => schedule(fn, updateQueue);
2609 | let writeQueue = makeQueue();
2610 | raf.write = (fn) => schedule(fn, writeQueue);
2611 | let onStartQueue = makeQueue();
2612 | raf.onStart = (fn) => schedule(fn, onStartQueue);
2613 | let onFrameQueue = makeQueue();
2614 | raf.onFrame = (fn) => schedule(fn, onFrameQueue);
2615 | let onFinishQueue = makeQueue();
2616 | raf.onFinish = (fn) => schedule(fn, onFinishQueue);
2617 | let timeouts = [];
2618 | raf.setTimeout = (handler, ms) => {
2619 | let time = raf.now() + ms;
2620 | let cancel = () => {
2621 | let i2 = timeouts.findIndex((t) => t.cancel == cancel);
2622 | if (~i2)
2623 | timeouts.splice(i2, 1);
2624 | pendingCount -= ~i2 ? 1 : 0;
2625 | };
2626 | let timeout = {
2627 | time,
2628 | handler,
2629 | cancel
2630 | };
2631 | timeouts.splice(findTimeout(time), 0, timeout);
2632 | pendingCount += 1;
2633 | start();
2634 | return timeout;
2635 | };
2636 | let findTimeout = (time) => ~(~timeouts.findIndex((t) => t.time > time) || ~timeouts.length);
2637 | raf.cancel = (fn) => {
2638 | onStartQueue.delete(fn);
2639 | onFrameQueue.delete(fn);
2640 | onFinishQueue.delete(fn);
2641 | updateQueue.delete(fn);
2642 | writeQueue.delete(fn);
2643 | };
2644 | raf.sync = (fn) => {
2645 | sync = true;
2646 | raf.batchedUpdates(fn);
2647 | sync = false;
2648 | };
2649 | raf.throttle = (fn) => {
2650 | let lastArgs;
2651 | function queuedFn() {
2652 | try {
2653 | fn(...lastArgs);
2654 | } finally {
2655 | lastArgs = null;
2656 | }
2657 | }
2658 | function throttled(...args) {
2659 | lastArgs = args;
2660 | raf.onStart(queuedFn);
2661 | }
2662 | throttled.handler = fn;
2663 | throttled.cancel = () => {
2664 | onStartQueue.delete(queuedFn);
2665 | lastArgs = null;
2666 | };
2667 | return throttled;
2668 | };
2669 | let nativeRaf = typeof window != "undefined" ? window.requestAnimationFrame : () => {
2670 | };
2671 | raf.use = (impl) => nativeRaf = impl;
2672 | raf.now = typeof performance != "undefined" ? () => performance.now() : Date.now;
2673 | raf.batchedUpdates = (fn) => fn();
2674 | raf.catch = console.error;
2675 | raf.frameLoop = "always";
2676 | raf.advance = () => {
2677 | if (raf.frameLoop !== "demand") {
2678 | console.warn("Cannot call the manual advancement of rafz whilst frameLoop is not set as demand");
2679 | } else {
2680 | update();
2681 | }
2682 | };
2683 | let ts = -1;
2684 | let pendingCount = 0;
2685 | let sync = false;
2686 | function schedule(fn, queue) {
2687 | if (sync) {
2688 | queue.delete(fn);
2689 | fn(0);
2690 | } else {
2691 | queue.add(fn);
2692 | start();
2693 | }
2694 | }
2695 | function start() {
2696 | if (ts < 0) {
2697 | ts = 0;
2698 | if (raf.frameLoop !== "demand") {
2699 | nativeRaf(loop);
2700 | }
2701 | }
2702 | }
2703 | function stop() {
2704 | ts = -1;
2705 | }
2706 | function loop() {
2707 | if (~ts) {
2708 | nativeRaf(loop);
2709 | raf.batchedUpdates(update);
2710 | }
2711 | }
2712 | function update() {
2713 | let prevTs = ts;
2714 | ts = raf.now();
2715 | let count = findTimeout(ts);
2716 | if (count) {
2717 | eachSafely(timeouts.splice(0, count), (t) => t.handler());
2718 | pendingCount -= count;
2719 | }
2720 | if (!pendingCount) {
2721 | stop();
2722 | return;
2723 | }
2724 | onStartQueue.flush();
2725 | updateQueue.flush(prevTs ? Math.min(64, ts - prevTs) : 16.667);
2726 | onFrameQueue.flush();
2727 | writeQueue.flush();
2728 | onFinishQueue.flush();
2729 | }
2730 | function makeQueue() {
2731 | let next = new Set();
2732 | let current = next;
2733 | return {
2734 | add(fn) {
2735 | pendingCount += current == next && !next.has(fn) ? 1 : 0;
2736 | next.add(fn);
2737 | },
2738 | delete(fn) {
2739 | pendingCount -= current == next && next.has(fn) ? 1 : 0;
2740 | return next.delete(fn);
2741 | },
2742 | flush(arg) {
2743 | if (current.size) {
2744 | next = new Set();
2745 | pendingCount -= current.size;
2746 | eachSafely(current, (fn) => fn(arg) && next.add(fn));
2747 | pendingCount += next.size;
2748 | current = next;
2749 | }
2750 | }
2751 | };
2752 | }
2753 | function eachSafely(values, each2) {
2754 | values.forEach((value) => {
2755 | try {
2756 | each2(value);
2757 | } catch (e2) {
2758 | raf.catch(e2);
2759 | }
2760 | });
2761 | }
2762 | function noop$1() {
2763 | }
2764 | const defineHidden = (obj, key, value) => Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
2765 | value,
2766 | writable: true,
2767 | configurable: true
2768 | });
2769 | const is = {
2770 | arr: Array.isArray,
2771 | obj: (a) => !!a && a.constructor.name === "Object",
2772 | fun: (a) => typeof a === "function",
2773 | str: (a) => typeof a === "string",
2774 | num: (a) => typeof a === "number",
2775 | und: (a) => a === void 0
2776 | };
2777 | function isEqual$1(a, b) {
2778 | if (is.arr(a)) {
2779 | if (!is.arr(b) || a.length !== b.length)
2780 | return false;
2781 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < a.length; i2++) {
2782 | if (a[i2] !== b[i2])
2783 | return false;
2784 | }
2785 | return true;
2786 | }
2787 | return a === b;
2788 | }
2789 | const each = (obj, fn) => obj.forEach(fn);
2790 | function eachProp(obj, fn, ctx2) {
2791 | if (is.arr(obj)) {
2792 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < obj.length; i2++) {
2793 | fn.call(ctx2, obj[i2], `${i2}`);
2794 | }
2795 | return;
2796 | }
2797 | for (const key in obj) {
2798 | if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
2799 | fn.call(ctx2, obj[key], key);
2800 | }
2801 | }
2802 | }
2803 | const toArray$3 = (a) => is.und(a) ? [] : is.arr(a) ? a : [a];
2804 | function flush(queue, iterator) {
2805 | if (queue.size) {
2806 | const items = Array.from(queue);
2807 | queue.clear();
2808 | each(items, iterator);
2809 | }
2810 | }
2811 | const flushCalls = (queue, ...args) => flush(queue, (fn) => fn(...args));
2812 | const isSSR = () => typeof window === "undefined" || !window.navigator || /ServerSideRendering|^Deno\//.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
2813 | let createStringInterpolator$1;
2814 | let to$1;
2815 | let colors$1 = null;
2816 | let skipAnimation = false;
2817 | let willAdvance = noop$1;
2818 | const assign = (globals2) => {
2819 | if (globals2.to)
2820 | to$1 = globals2.to;
2821 | if (globals2.now)
2822 | raf.now = globals2.now;
2823 | if (globals2.colors !== void 0)
2824 | colors$1 = globals2.colors;
2825 | if (globals2.skipAnimation != null)
2826 | skipAnimation = globals2.skipAnimation;
2827 | if (globals2.createStringInterpolator)
2828 | createStringInterpolator$1 = globals2.createStringInterpolator;
2829 | if (globals2.requestAnimationFrame)
2830 | raf.use(globals2.requestAnimationFrame);
2831 | if (globals2.batchedUpdates)
2832 | raf.batchedUpdates = globals2.batchedUpdates;
2833 | if (globals2.willAdvance)
2834 | willAdvance = globals2.willAdvance;
2835 | if (globals2.frameLoop)
2836 | raf.frameLoop = globals2.frameLoop;
2837 | };
2838 | var globals = Object.freeze({
2839 | __proto__: null,
2840 | get createStringInterpolator() {
2841 | return createStringInterpolator$1;
2842 | },
2843 | get to() {
2844 | return to$1;
2845 | },
2846 | get colors() {
2847 | return colors$1;
2848 | },
2849 | get skipAnimation() {
2850 | return skipAnimation;
2851 | },
2852 | get willAdvance() {
2853 | return willAdvance;
2854 | },
2855 | assign
2856 | });
2857 | const startQueue = new Set();
2858 | let currentFrame = [];
2859 | let prevFrame = [];
2860 | let priority = 0;
2861 | const frameLoop = {
2862 | get idle() {
2863 | return !startQueue.size && !currentFrame.length;
2864 | },
2865 | start(animation) {
2866 | if (priority > animation.priority) {
2867 | startQueue.add(animation);
2868 | raf.onStart(flushStartQueue);
2869 | } else {
2870 | startSafely(animation);
2871 | raf(advance);
2872 | }
2873 | },
2874 | advance,
2875 | sort(animation) {
2876 | if (priority) {
2877 | raf.onFrame(() => frameLoop.sort(animation));
2878 | } else {
2879 | const prevIndex = currentFrame.indexOf(animation);
2880 | if (~prevIndex) {
2881 | currentFrame.splice(prevIndex, 1);
2882 | startUnsafely(animation);
2883 | }
2884 | }
2885 | },
2886 | clear() {
2887 | currentFrame = [];
2888 | startQueue.clear();
2889 | }
2890 | };
2891 | function flushStartQueue() {
2892 | startQueue.forEach(startSafely);
2893 | startQueue.clear();
2894 | raf(advance);
2895 | }
2896 | function startSafely(animation) {
2897 | if (!currentFrame.includes(animation))
2898 | startUnsafely(animation);
2899 | }
2900 | function startUnsafely(animation) {
2901 | currentFrame.splice(findIndex(currentFrame, (other) => other.priority > animation.priority), 0, animation);
2902 | }
2903 | function advance(dt) {
2904 | const nextFrame = prevFrame;
2905 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < currentFrame.length; i2++) {
2906 | const animation = currentFrame[i2];
2907 | priority = animation.priority;
2908 | if (!animation.idle) {
2909 | willAdvance(animation);
2910 | animation.advance(dt);
2911 | if (!animation.idle) {
2912 | nextFrame.push(animation);
2913 | }
2914 | }
2915 | }
2916 | priority = 0;
2917 | prevFrame = currentFrame;
2918 | prevFrame.length = 0;
2919 | currentFrame = nextFrame;
2920 | return currentFrame.length > 0;
2921 | }
2922 | function findIndex(arr, test) {
2923 | const index2 = arr.findIndex(test);
2924 | return index2 < 0 ? arr.length : index2;
2925 | }
2926 | const clamp$2 = (min2, max2, v) => Math.min(Math.max(v, min2), max2);
2927 | const colors = {
2928 | transparent: 0,
2929 | aliceblue: 4042850303,
2930 | antiquewhite: 4209760255,
2931 | aqua: 16777215,
2932 | aquamarine: 2147472639,
2933 | azure: 4043309055,
2934 | beige: 4126530815,
2935 | bisque: 4293182719,
2936 | black: 255,
2937 | blanchedalmond: 4293643775,
2938 | blue: 65535,
2939 | blueviolet: 2318131967,
2940 | brown: 2771004159,
2941 | burlywood: 3736635391,
2942 | burntsienna: 3934150143,
2943 | cadetblue: 1604231423,
2944 | chartreuse: 2147418367,
2945 | chocolate: 3530104575,
2946 | coral: 4286533887,
2947 | cornflowerblue: 1687547391,
2948 | cornsilk: 4294499583,
2949 | crimson: 3692313855,
2950 | cyan: 16777215,
2951 | darkblue: 35839,
2952 | darkcyan: 9145343,
2953 | darkgoldenrod: 3095792639,
2954 | darkgray: 2846468607,
2955 | darkgreen: 6553855,
2956 | darkgrey: 2846468607,
2957 | darkkhaki: 3182914559,
2958 | darkmagenta: 2332068863,
2959 | darkolivegreen: 1433087999,
2960 | darkorange: 4287365375,
2961 | darkorchid: 2570243327,
2962 | darkred: 2332033279,
2963 | darksalmon: 3918953215,
2964 | darkseagreen: 2411499519,
2965 | darkslateblue: 1211993087,
2966 | darkslategray: 793726975,
2967 | darkslategrey: 793726975,
2968 | darkturquoise: 13554175,
2969 | darkviolet: 2483082239,
2970 | deeppink: 4279538687,
2971 | deepskyblue: 12582911,
2972 | dimgray: 1768516095,
2973 | dimgrey: 1768516095,
2974 | dodgerblue: 512819199,
2975 | firebrick: 2988581631,
2976 | floralwhite: 4294635775,
2977 | forestgreen: 579543807,
2978 | fuchsia: 4278255615,
2979 | gainsboro: 3705462015,
2980 | ghostwhite: 4177068031,
2981 | gold: 4292280575,
2982 | goldenrod: 3668254975,
2983 | gray: 2155905279,
2984 | green: 8388863,
2985 | greenyellow: 2919182335,
2986 | grey: 2155905279,
2987 | honeydew: 4043305215,
2988 | hotpink: 4285117695,
2989 | indianred: 3445382399,
2990 | indigo: 1258324735,
2991 | ivory: 4294963455,
2992 | khaki: 4041641215,
2993 | lavender: 3873897215,
2994 | lavenderblush: 4293981695,
2995 | lawngreen: 2096890111,
2996 | lemonchiffon: 4294626815,
2997 | lightblue: 2916673279,
2998 | lightcoral: 4034953471,
2999 | lightcyan: 3774873599,
3000 | lightgoldenrodyellow: 4210742015,
3001 | lightgray: 3553874943,
3002 | lightgreen: 2431553791,
3003 | lightgrey: 3553874943,
3004 | lightpink: 4290167295,
3005 | lightsalmon: 4288707327,
3006 | lightseagreen: 548580095,
3007 | lightskyblue: 2278488831,
3008 | lightslategray: 2005441023,
3009 | lightslategrey: 2005441023,
3010 | lightsteelblue: 2965692159,
3011 | lightyellow: 4294959359,
3012 | lime: 16711935,
3013 | limegreen: 852308735,
3014 | linen: 4210091775,
3015 | magenta: 4278255615,
3016 | maroon: 2147483903,
3017 | mediumaquamarine: 1724754687,
3018 | mediumblue: 52735,
3019 | mediumorchid: 3126187007,
3020 | mediumpurple: 2473647103,
3021 | mediumseagreen: 1018393087,
3022 | mediumslateblue: 2070474495,
3023 | mediumspringgreen: 16423679,
3024 | mediumturquoise: 1221709055,
3025 | mediumvioletred: 3340076543,
3026 | midnightblue: 421097727,
3027 | mintcream: 4127193855,
3028 | mistyrose: 4293190143,
3029 | moccasin: 4293178879,
3030 | navajowhite: 4292783615,
3031 | navy: 33023,
3032 | oldlace: 4260751103,
3033 | olive: 2155872511,
3034 | olivedrab: 1804477439,
3035 | orange: 4289003775,
3036 | orangered: 4282712319,
3037 | orchid: 3664828159,
3038 | palegoldenrod: 4008225535,
3039 | palegreen: 2566625535,
3040 | paleturquoise: 2951671551,
3041 | palevioletred: 3681588223,
3042 | papayawhip: 4293907967,
3043 | peachpuff: 4292524543,
3044 | peru: 3448061951,
3045 | pink: 4290825215,
3046 | plum: 3718307327,
3047 | powderblue: 2967529215,
3048 | purple: 2147516671,
3049 | rebeccapurple: 1714657791,
3050 | red: 4278190335,
3051 | rosybrown: 3163525119,
3052 | royalblue: 1097458175,
3053 | saddlebrown: 2336560127,
3054 | salmon: 4202722047,
3055 | sandybrown: 4104413439,
3056 | seagreen: 780883967,
3057 | seashell: 4294307583,
3058 | sienna: 2689740287,
3059 | silver: 3233857791,
3060 | skyblue: 2278484991,
3061 | slateblue: 1784335871,
3062 | slategray: 1887473919,
3063 | slategrey: 1887473919,
3064 | snow: 4294638335,
3065 | springgreen: 16744447,
3066 | steelblue: 1182971135,
3067 | tan: 3535047935,
3068 | teal: 8421631,
3069 | thistle: 3636451583,
3070 | tomato: 4284696575,
3071 | turquoise: 1088475391,
3072 | violet: 4001558271,
3073 | wheat: 4125012991,
3074 | white: 4294967295,
3075 | whitesmoke: 4126537215,
3076 | yellow: 4294902015,
3077 | yellowgreen: 2597139199
3078 | };
3079 | const NUMBER = "[-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d+";
3080 | const PERCENTAGE = NUMBER + "%";
3081 | function call$3(...parts) {
3082 | return "\\(\\s*(" + parts.join(")\\s*,\\s*(") + ")\\s*\\)";
3083 | }
3084 | const rgb = new RegExp("rgb" + call$3(NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER));
3085 | const rgba = new RegExp("rgba" + call$3(NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER));
3086 | const hsl = new RegExp("hsl" + call$3(NUMBER, PERCENTAGE, PERCENTAGE));
3087 | const hsla = new RegExp("hsla" + call$3(NUMBER, PERCENTAGE, PERCENTAGE, NUMBER));
3088 | const hex3 = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/;
3089 | const hex4 = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/;
3090 | const hex6 = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/;
3091 | const hex8 = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/;
3092 | function normalizeColor(color) {
3093 | let match;
3094 | if (typeof color === "number") {
3095 | return color >>> 0 === color && color >= 0 && color <= 4294967295 ? color : null;
3096 | }
3097 | if (match = hex6.exec(color))
3098 | return parseInt(match[1] + "ff", 16) >>> 0;
3099 | if (colors$1 && colors$1[color] !== void 0) {
3100 | return colors$1[color];
3101 | }
3102 | if (match = rgb.exec(color)) {
3103 | return (parse255(match[1]) << 24 | parse255(match[2]) << 16 | parse255(match[3]) << 8 | 255) >>> 0;
3104 | }
3105 | if (match = rgba.exec(color)) {
3106 | return (parse255(match[1]) << 24 | parse255(match[2]) << 16 | parse255(match[3]) << 8 | parse1(match[4])) >>> 0;
3107 | }
3108 | if (match = hex3.exec(color)) {
3109 | return parseInt(match[1] + match[1] + match[2] + match[2] + match[3] + match[3] + "ff", 16) >>> 0;
3110 | }
3111 | if (match = hex8.exec(color))
3112 | return parseInt(match[1], 16) >>> 0;
3113 | if (match = hex4.exec(color)) {
3114 | return parseInt(match[1] + match[1] + match[2] + match[2] + match[3] + match[3] + match[4] + match[4], 16) >>> 0;
3115 | }
3116 | if (match = hsl.exec(color)) {
3117 | return (hslToRgb(parse360(match[1]), parsePercentage(match[2]), parsePercentage(match[3])) | 255) >>> 0;
3118 | }
3119 | if (match = hsla.exec(color)) {
3120 | return (hslToRgb(parse360(match[1]), parsePercentage(match[2]), parsePercentage(match[3])) | parse1(match[4])) >>> 0;
3121 | }
3122 | return null;
3123 | }
3124 | function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
3125 | if (t < 0)
3126 | t += 1;
3127 | if (t > 1)
3128 | t -= 1;
3129 | if (t < 1 / 6)
3130 | return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
3131 | if (t < 1 / 2)
3132 | return q;
3133 | if (t < 2 / 3)
3134 | return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
3135 | return p;
3136 | }
3137 | function hslToRgb(h, s, l) {
3138 | const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
3139 | const p = 2 * l - q;
3140 | const r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3);
3141 | const g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
3142 | const b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3);
3143 | return Math.round(r * 255) << 24 | Math.round(g * 255) << 16 | Math.round(b * 255) << 8;
3144 | }
3145 | function parse255(str) {
3146 | const int = parseInt(str, 10);
3147 | if (int < 0)
3148 | return 0;
3149 | if (int > 255)
3150 | return 255;
3151 | return int;
3152 | }
3153 | function parse360(str) {
3154 | const int = parseFloat(str);
3155 | return (int % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360;
3156 | }
3157 | function parse1(str) {
3158 | const num = parseFloat(str);
3159 | if (num < 0)
3160 | return 0;
3161 | if (num > 1)
3162 | return 255;
3163 | return Math.round(num * 255);
3164 | }
3165 | function parsePercentage(str) {
3166 | const int = parseFloat(str);
3167 | if (int < 0)
3168 | return 0;
3169 | if (int > 100)
3170 | return 1;
3171 | return int / 100;
3172 | }
3173 | function colorToRgba(input) {
3174 | let int32Color = normalizeColor(input);
3175 | if (int32Color === null)
3176 | return input;
3177 | int32Color = int32Color || 0;
3178 | let r = (int32Color & 4278190080) >>> 24;
3179 | let g = (int32Color & 16711680) >>> 16;
3180 | let b = (int32Color & 65280) >>> 8;
3181 | let a = (int32Color & 255) / 255;
3182 | return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a})`;
3183 | }
3184 | const createInterpolator = (range2, output, extrapolate) => {
3185 | if (is.fun(range2)) {
3186 | return range2;
3187 | }
3188 | if (is.arr(range2)) {
3189 | return createInterpolator({
3190 | range: range2,
3191 | output,
3192 | extrapolate
3193 | });
3194 | }
3195 | if (is.str(range2.output[0])) {
3196 | return createStringInterpolator$1(range2);
3197 | }
3198 | const config2 = range2;
3199 | const outputRange = config2.output;
3200 | const inputRange = config2.range || [0, 1];
3201 | const extrapolateLeft = config2.extrapolateLeft || config2.extrapolate || "extend";
3202 | const extrapolateRight = config2.extrapolateRight || config2.extrapolate || "extend";
3203 | const easing = config2.easing || ((t) => t);
3204 | return (input) => {
3205 | const range3 = findRange(input, inputRange);
3206 | return interpolate(input, inputRange[range3], inputRange[range3 + 1], outputRange[range3], outputRange[range3 + 1], easing, extrapolateLeft, extrapolateRight, config2.map);
3207 | };
3208 | };
3209 | function interpolate(input, inputMin, inputMax, outputMin, outputMax, easing, extrapolateLeft, extrapolateRight, map) {
3210 | let result = map ? map(input) : input;
3211 | if (result < inputMin) {
3212 | if (extrapolateLeft === "identity")
3213 | return result;
3214 | else if (extrapolateLeft === "clamp")
3215 | result = inputMin;
3216 | }
3217 | if (result > inputMax) {
3218 | if (extrapolateRight === "identity")
3219 | return result;
3220 | else if (extrapolateRight === "clamp")
3221 | result = inputMax;
3222 | }
3223 | if (outputMin === outputMax)
3224 | return outputMin;
3225 | if (inputMin === inputMax)
3226 | return input <= inputMin ? outputMin : outputMax;
3227 | if (inputMin === -Infinity)
3228 | result = -result;
3229 | else if (inputMax === Infinity)
3230 | result = result - inputMin;
3231 | else
3232 | result = (result - inputMin) / (inputMax - inputMin);
3233 | result = easing(result);
3234 | if (outputMin === -Infinity)
3235 | result = -result;
3236 | else if (outputMax === Infinity)
3237 | result = result + outputMin;
3238 | else
3239 | result = result * (outputMax - outputMin) + outputMin;
3240 | return result;
3241 | }
3242 | function findRange(input, inputRange) {
3243 | for (var i2 = 1; i2 < inputRange.length - 1; ++i2)
3244 | if (inputRange[i2] >= input)
3245 | break;
3246 | return i2 - 1;
3247 | }
3248 | const steps = (steps2, direction = "end") => (progress) => {
3249 | progress = direction === "end" ? Math.min(progress, 0.999) : Math.max(progress, 1e-3);
3250 | const expanded = progress * steps2;
3251 | const rounded = direction === "end" ? Math.floor(expanded) : Math.ceil(expanded);
3252 | return clamp$2(0, 1, rounded / steps2);
3253 | };
3254 | const c1 = 1.70158;
3255 | const c2 = c1 * 1.525;
3256 | const c3 = c1 + 1;
3257 | const c4 = 2 * Math.PI / 3;
3258 | const c5 = 2 * Math.PI / 4.5;
3259 | const bounceOut = (x) => {
3260 | const n1 = 7.5625;
3261 | const d1 = 2.75;
3262 | if (x < 1 / d1) {
3263 | return n1 * x * x;
3264 | } else if (x < 2 / d1) {
3265 | return n1 * (x -= 1.5 / d1) * x + 0.75;
3266 | } else if (x < 2.5 / d1) {
3267 | return n1 * (x -= 2.25 / d1) * x + 0.9375;
3268 | } else {
3269 | return n1 * (x -= 2.625 / d1) * x + 0.984375;
3270 | }
3271 | };
3272 | const easings = {
3273 | linear: (x) => x,
3274 | easeInQuad: (x) => x * x,
3275 | easeOutQuad: (x) => 1 - (1 - x) * (1 - x),
3276 | easeInOutQuad: (x) => x < 0.5 ? 2 * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 2) / 2,
3277 | easeInCubic: (x) => x * x * x,
3278 | easeOutCubic: (x) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - x, 3),
3279 | easeInOutCubic: (x) => x < 0.5 ? 4 * x * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 3) / 2,
3280 | easeInQuart: (x) => x * x * x * x,
3281 | easeOutQuart: (x) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - x, 4),
3282 | easeInOutQuart: (x) => x < 0.5 ? 8 * x * x * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 4) / 2,
3283 | easeInQuint: (x) => x * x * x * x * x,
3284 | easeOutQuint: (x) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - x, 5),
3285 | easeInOutQuint: (x) => x < 0.5 ? 16 * x * x * x * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 5) / 2,
3286 | easeInSine: (x) => 1 - Math.cos(x * Math.PI / 2),
3287 | easeOutSine: (x) => Math.sin(x * Math.PI / 2),
3288 | easeInOutSine: (x) => -(Math.cos(Math.PI * x) - 1) / 2,
3289 | easeInExpo: (x) => x === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * x - 10),
3290 | easeOutExpo: (x) => x === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * x),
3291 | easeInOutExpo: (x) => x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2, 20 * x - 10) / 2 : (2 - Math.pow(2, -20 * x + 10)) / 2,
3292 | easeInCirc: (x) => 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(x, 2)),
3293 | easeOutCirc: (x) => Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(x - 1, 2)),
3294 | easeInOutCirc: (x) => x < 0.5 ? (1 - Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(2 * x, 2))) / 2 : (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 2)) + 1) / 2,
3295 | easeInBack: (x) => c3 * x * x * x - c1 * x * x,
3296 | easeOutBack: (x) => 1 + c3 * Math.pow(x - 1, 3) + c1 * Math.pow(x - 1, 2),
3297 | easeInOutBack: (x) => x < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2 * x, 2) * ((c2 + 1) * 2 * x - c2) / 2 : (Math.pow(2 * x - 2, 2) * ((c2 + 1) * (x * 2 - 2) + c2) + 2) / 2,
3298 | easeInElastic: (x) => x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, 10 * x - 10) * Math.sin((x * 10 - 10.75) * c4),
3299 | easeOutElastic: (x) => x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(2, -10 * x) * Math.sin((x * 10 - 0.75) * c4) + 1,
3300 | easeInOutElastic: (x) => x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ? -(Math.pow(2, 20 * x - 10) * Math.sin((20 * x - 11.125) * c5)) / 2 : Math.pow(2, -20 * x + 10) * Math.sin((20 * x - 11.125) * c5) / 2 + 1,
3301 | easeInBounce: (x) => 1 - bounceOut(1 - x),
3302 | easeOutBounce: bounceOut,
3303 | easeInOutBounce: (x) => x < 0.5 ? (1 - bounceOut(1 - 2 * x)) / 2 : (1 + bounceOut(2 * x - 1)) / 2,
3304 | steps
3305 | };
3306 | function _extends$4() {
3307 | _extends$4 = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) {
3308 | for (var i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
3309 | var source = arguments[i2];
3310 | for (var key in source) {
3311 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
3312 | target[key] = source[key];
3313 | }
3314 | }
3315 | }
3316 | return target;
3317 | };
3318 | return _extends$4.apply(this, arguments);
3319 | }
3320 | const $get = Symbol.for("FluidValue.get");
3321 | const $observers = Symbol.for("FluidValue.observers");
3322 | const hasFluidValue = (arg) => Boolean(arg && arg[$get]);
3323 | const getFluidValue = (arg) => arg && arg[$get] ? arg[$get]() : arg;
3324 | const getFluidObservers = (target) => target[$observers] || null;
3325 | function callFluidObserver(observer, event) {
3326 | if (observer.eventObserved) {
3327 | observer.eventObserved(event);
3328 | } else {
3329 | observer(event);
3330 | }
3331 | }
3332 | function callFluidObservers(target, event) {
3333 | let observers2 = target[$observers];
3334 | if (observers2) {
3335 | observers2.forEach((observer) => {
3336 | callFluidObserver(observer, event);
3337 | });
3338 | }
3339 | }
3340 | class FluidValue {
3341 | constructor(get2) {
3342 | this[$get] = void 0;
3343 | this[$observers] = void 0;
3344 | if (!get2 && !(get2 = this.get)) {
3345 | throw Error("Unknown getter");
3346 | }
3347 | setFluidGetter(this, get2);
3348 | }
3349 | }
3350 | const setFluidGetter = (target, get2) => setHidden(target, $get, get2);
3351 | function addFluidObserver(target, observer) {
3352 | if (target[$get]) {
3353 | let observers2 = target[$observers];
3354 | if (!observers2) {
3355 | setHidden(target, $observers, observers2 = new Set());
3356 | }
3357 | if (!observers2.has(observer)) {
3358 | observers2.add(observer);
3359 | if (target.observerAdded) {
3360 | target.observerAdded(observers2.size, observer);
3361 | }
3362 | }
3363 | }
3364 | return observer;
3365 | }
3366 | function removeFluidObserver(target, observer) {
3367 | let observers2 = target[$observers];
3368 | if (observers2 && observers2.has(observer)) {
3369 | const count = observers2.size - 1;
3370 | if (count) {
3371 | observers2.delete(observer);
3372 | } else {
3373 | target[$observers] = null;
3374 | }
3375 | if (target.observerRemoved) {
3376 | target.observerRemoved(count, observer);
3377 | }
3378 | }
3379 | }
3380 | const setHidden = (target, key, value) => Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
3381 | value,
3382 | writable: true,
3383 | configurable: true
3384 | });
3385 | const numberRegex = /[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g;
3386 | const colorRegex = /(#(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){2,4}|(#[0-9a-f]{3})|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?\d+%?[,\s]+){2,3}\s*[\d\.]+%?\))/gi;
3387 | const unitRegex = new RegExp(`(${numberRegex.source})(%|[a-z]+)`, "i");
3388 | const rgbaRegex = /rgba\(([0-9\.-]+), ([0-9\.-]+), ([0-9\.-]+), ([0-9\.-]+)\)/gi;
3389 | const cssVariableRegex = /var\((--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+),? ?([a-zA-Z0-9 ()%#.,-]+)?\)/;
3390 | const variableToRgba = (input) => {
3391 | const [token, fallback] = parseCSSVariable(input);
3392 | if (!token || isSSR()) {
3393 | return input;
3394 | }
3395 | const value = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(token);
3396 | if (value) {
3397 | return value.trim();
3398 | } else if (fallback && fallback.startsWith("--")) {
3399 | const _value = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(fallback);
3400 | if (_value) {
3401 | return _value;
3402 | } else {
3403 | return input;
3404 | }
3405 | } else if (fallback && cssVariableRegex.test(fallback)) {
3406 | return variableToRgba(fallback);
3407 | } else if (fallback) {
3408 | return fallback;
3409 | }
3410 | return input;
3411 | };
3412 | const parseCSSVariable = (current) => {
3413 | const match = cssVariableRegex.exec(current);
3414 | if (!match)
3415 | return [,];
3416 | const [, token, fallback] = match;
3417 | return [token, fallback];
3418 | };
3419 | let namedColorRegex;
3420 | const rgbaRound = (_, p1, p2, p3, p4) => `rgba(${Math.round(p1)}, ${Math.round(p2)}, ${Math.round(p3)}, ${p4})`;
3421 | const createStringInterpolator = (config2) => {
3422 | if (!namedColorRegex)
3423 | namedColorRegex = colors$1 ? new RegExp(`(${Object.keys(colors$1).join("|")})(?!\\w)`, "g") : /^\b$/;
3424 | const output = config2.output.map((value) => {
3425 | return getFluidValue(value).replace(cssVariableRegex, variableToRgba).replace(colorRegex, colorToRgba).replace(namedColorRegex, colorToRgba);
3426 | });
3427 | const keyframes = output.map((value) => value.match(numberRegex).map(Number));
3428 | const outputRanges = keyframes[0].map((_, i2) => keyframes.map((values) => {
3429 | if (!(i2 in values)) {
3430 | throw Error('The arity of each "output" value must be equal');
3431 | }
3432 | return values[i2];
3433 | }));
3434 | const interpolators = outputRanges.map((output2) => createInterpolator(_extends$4({}, config2, {
3435 | output: output2
3436 | })));
3437 | return (input) => {
3438 | var _output$find;
3439 | const missingUnit = !unitRegex.test(output[0]) && ((_output$find = output.find((value) => unitRegex.test(value))) == null ? void 0 : _output$find.replace(numberRegex, ""));
3440 | let i2 = 0;
3441 | return output[0].replace(numberRegex, () => `${interpolators[i2++](input)}${missingUnit || ""}`).replace(rgbaRegex, rgbaRound);
3442 | };
3443 | };
3444 | const prefix = "react-spring: ";
3445 | const once = (fn) => {
3446 | const func = fn;
3447 | let called = false;
3448 | if (typeof func != "function") {
3449 | throw new TypeError(`${prefix}once requires a function parameter`);
3450 | }
3451 | return (...args) => {
3452 | if (!called) {
3453 | func(...args);
3454 | called = true;
3455 | }
3456 | };
3457 | };
3458 | const warnInterpolate = once(console.warn);
3459 | function deprecateInterpolate() {
3460 | warnInterpolate(`${prefix}The "interpolate" function is deprecated in v9 (use "to" instead)`);
3461 | }
3462 | const warnDirectCall = once(console.warn);
3463 | function deprecateDirectCall() {
3464 | warnDirectCall(`${prefix}Directly calling start instead of using the api object is deprecated in v9 (use ".start" instead), this will be removed in later 0.X.0 versions`);
3465 | }
3466 | function isAnimatedString(value) {
3467 | return is.str(value) && (value[0] == "#" || /\d/.test(value) || !isSSR() && cssVariableRegex.test(value) || value in (colors$1 || {}));
3468 | }
3469 | const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = isSSR() ? React$1.useEffect : React$1.useLayoutEffect;
3470 | const useIsMounted = () => {
3471 | const isMounted = React$1.useRef(false);
3472 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
3473 | isMounted.current = true;
3474 | return () => {
3475 | isMounted.current = false;
3476 | };
3477 | }, []);
3478 | return isMounted;
3479 | };
3480 | function useForceUpdate() {
3481 | const update2 = React$1.useState()[1];
3482 | const isMounted = useIsMounted();
3483 | return () => {
3484 | if (isMounted.current) {
3485 | update2(Math.random());
3486 | }
3487 | };
3488 | }
3489 | function useMemoOne(getResult, inputs) {
3490 | const [initial] = React$1.useState(() => ({
3491 | inputs,
3492 | result: getResult()
3493 | }));
3494 | const committed = React$1.useRef();
3495 | const prevCache = committed.current;
3496 | let cache = prevCache;
3497 | if (cache) {
3498 | const useCache = Boolean(inputs && cache.inputs && areInputsEqual(inputs, cache.inputs));
3499 | if (!useCache) {
3500 | cache = {
3501 | inputs,
3502 | result: getResult()
3503 | };
3504 | }
3505 | } else {
3506 | cache = initial;
3507 | }
3508 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
3509 | committed.current = cache;
3510 | if (prevCache == initial) {
3511 | initial.inputs = initial.result = void 0;
3512 | }
3513 | }, [cache]);
3514 | return cache.result;
3515 | }
3516 | function areInputsEqual(next, prev) {
3517 | if (next.length !== prev.length) {
3518 | return false;
3519 | }
3520 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < next.length; i2++) {
3521 | if (next[i2] !== prev[i2]) {
3522 | return false;
3523 | }
3524 | }
3525 | return true;
3526 | }
3527 | const useOnce = (effect) => React$1.useEffect(effect, emptyDeps);
3528 | const emptyDeps = [];
3529 | function usePrev(value) {
3530 | const prevRef = React$1.useRef();
3531 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
3532 | prevRef.current = value;
3533 | });
3534 | return prevRef.current;
3535 | }
3536 | const $node = Symbol.for("Animated:node");
3537 | const isAnimated = (value) => !!value && value[$node] === value;
3538 | const getAnimated = (owner) => owner && owner[$node];
3539 | const setAnimated = (owner, node) => defineHidden(owner, $node, node);
3540 | const getPayload = (owner) => owner && owner[$node] && owner[$node].getPayload();
3541 | class Animated {
3542 | constructor() {
3543 | this.payload = void 0;
3544 | setAnimated(this, this);
3545 | }
3546 | getPayload() {
3547 | return this.payload || [];
3548 | }
3549 | }
3550 | class AnimatedValue extends Animated {
3551 | constructor(_value) {
3552 | super();
3553 | this.done = true;
3554 | this.elapsedTime = void 0;
3555 | this.lastPosition = void 0;
3556 | this.lastVelocity = void 0;
3557 | this.v0 = void 0;
3558 | this.durationProgress = 0;
3559 | this._value = _value;
3560 | if (is.num(this._value)) {
3561 | this.lastPosition = this._value;
3562 | }
3563 | }
3564 | static create(value) {
3565 | return new AnimatedValue(value);
3566 | }
3567 | getPayload() {
3568 | return [this];
3569 | }
3570 | getValue() {
3571 | return this._value;
3572 | }
3573 | setValue(value, step) {
3574 | if (is.num(value)) {
3575 | this.lastPosition = value;
3576 | if (step) {
3577 | value = Math.round(value / step) * step;
3578 | if (this.done) {
3579 | this.lastPosition = value;
3580 | }
3581 | }
3582 | }
3583 | if (this._value === value) {
3584 | return false;
3585 | }
3586 | this._value = value;
3587 | return true;
3588 | }
3589 | reset() {
3590 | const {
3591 | done
3592 | } = this;
3593 | this.done = false;
3594 | if (is.num(this._value)) {
3595 | this.elapsedTime = 0;
3596 | this.durationProgress = 0;
3597 | this.lastPosition = this._value;
3598 | if (done)
3599 | this.lastVelocity = null;
3600 | this.v0 = null;
3601 | }
3602 | }
3603 | }
3604 | class AnimatedString extends AnimatedValue {
3605 | constructor(value) {
3606 | super(0);
3607 | this._string = null;
3608 | this._toString = void 0;
3609 | this._toString = createInterpolator({
3610 | output: [value, value]
3611 | });
3612 | }
3613 | static create(value) {
3614 | return new AnimatedString(value);
3615 | }
3616 | getValue() {
3617 | let value = this._string;
3618 | return value == null ? this._string = this._toString(this._value) : value;
3619 | }
3620 | setValue(value) {
3621 | if (is.str(value)) {
3622 | if (value == this._string) {
3623 | return false;
3624 | }
3625 | this._string = value;
3626 | this._value = 1;
3627 | } else if (super.setValue(value)) {
3628 | this._string = null;
3629 | } else {
3630 | return false;
3631 | }
3632 | return true;
3633 | }
3634 | reset(goal) {
3635 | if (goal) {
3636 | this._toString = createInterpolator({
3637 | output: [this.getValue(), goal]
3638 | });
3639 | }
3640 | this._value = 0;
3641 | super.reset();
3642 | }
3643 | }
3644 | const TreeContext = {
3645 | dependencies: null
3646 | };
3647 | class AnimatedObject extends Animated {
3648 | constructor(source) {
3649 | super();
3650 | this.source = source;
3651 | this.setValue(source);
3652 | }
3653 | getValue(animated2) {
3654 | const values = {};
3655 | eachProp(this.source, (source, key) => {
3656 | if (isAnimated(source)) {
3657 | values[key] = source.getValue(animated2);
3658 | } else if (hasFluidValue(source)) {
3659 | values[key] = getFluidValue(source);
3660 | } else if (!animated2) {
3661 | values[key] = source;
3662 | }
3663 | });
3664 | return values;
3665 | }
3666 | setValue(source) {
3667 | this.source = source;
3668 | this.payload = this._makePayload(source);
3669 | }
3670 | reset() {
3671 | if (this.payload) {
3672 | each(this.payload, (node) => node.reset());
3673 | }
3674 | }
3675 | _makePayload(source) {
3676 | if (source) {
3677 | const payload = new Set();
3678 | eachProp(source, this._addToPayload, payload);
3679 | return Array.from(payload);
3680 | }
3681 | }
3682 | _addToPayload(source) {
3683 | if (TreeContext.dependencies && hasFluidValue(source)) {
3684 | TreeContext.dependencies.add(source);
3685 | }
3686 | const payload = getPayload(source);
3687 | if (payload) {
3688 | each(payload, (node) => this.add(node));
3689 | }
3690 | }
3691 | }
3692 | class AnimatedArray extends AnimatedObject {
3693 | constructor(source) {
3694 | super(source);
3695 | }
3696 | static create(source) {
3697 | return new AnimatedArray(source);
3698 | }
3699 | getValue() {
3700 | return this.source.map((node) => node.getValue());
3701 | }
3702 | setValue(source) {
3703 | const payload = this.getPayload();
3704 | if (source.length == payload.length) {
3705 | return payload.map((node, i2) => node.setValue(source[i2])).some(Boolean);
3706 | }
3707 | super.setValue(source.map(makeAnimated));
3708 | return true;
3709 | }
3710 | }
3711 | function makeAnimated(value) {
3712 | const nodeType = isAnimatedString(value) ? AnimatedString : AnimatedValue;
3713 | return nodeType.create(value);
3714 | }
3715 | function getAnimatedType(value) {
3716 | const parentNode = getAnimated(value);
3717 | return parentNode ? parentNode.constructor : is.arr(value) ? AnimatedArray : isAnimatedString(value) ? AnimatedString : AnimatedValue;
3718 | }
3719 | function _extends$3() {
3720 | _extends$3 = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) {
3721 | for (var i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
3722 | var source = arguments[i2];
3723 | for (var key in source) {
3724 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
3725 | target[key] = source[key];
3726 | }
3727 | }
3728 | }
3729 | return target;
3730 | };
3731 | return _extends$3.apply(this, arguments);
3732 | }
3733 | const withAnimated = (Component, host2) => {
3734 | const hasInstance = !is.fun(Component) || Component.prototype && Component.prototype.isReactComponent;
3735 | return React$1.forwardRef((givenProps, givenRef) => {
3736 | const instanceRef = React$1.useRef(null);
3737 | const ref = hasInstance && React$1.useCallback((value) => {
3738 | instanceRef.current = updateRef(givenRef, value);
3739 | }, [givenRef]);
3740 | const [props, deps] = getAnimatedState(givenProps, host2);
3741 | const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
3742 | const callback = () => {
3743 | const instance = instanceRef.current;
3744 | if (hasInstance && !instance) {
3745 | return;
3746 | }
3747 | const didUpdate = instance ? host2.applyAnimatedValues(instance, props.getValue(true)) : false;
3748 | if (didUpdate === false) {
3749 | forceUpdate();
3750 | }
3751 | };
3752 | const observer = new PropsObserver(callback, deps);
3753 | const observerRef = React$1.useRef();
3754 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
3755 | observerRef.current = observer;
3756 | each(deps, (dep) => addFluidObserver(dep, observer));
3757 | return () => {
3758 | if (observerRef.current) {
3759 | each(observerRef.current.deps, (dep) => removeFluidObserver(dep, observerRef.current));
3760 | raf.cancel(observerRef.current.update);
3761 | }
3762 | };
3763 | });
3764 | React$1.useEffect(callback, []);
3765 | useOnce(() => () => {
3766 | const observer2 = observerRef.current;
3767 | each(observer2.deps, (dep) => removeFluidObserver(dep, observer2));
3768 | });
3769 | const usedProps = host2.getComponentProps(props.getValue());
3770 | return React__namespace.createElement(Component, _extends$3({}, usedProps, {
3771 | ref
3772 | }));
3773 | });
3774 | };
3775 | class PropsObserver {
3776 | constructor(update2, deps) {
3777 | this.update = update2;
3778 | this.deps = deps;
3779 | }
3780 | eventObserved(event) {
3781 | if (event.type == "change") {
3782 | raf.write(this.update);
3783 | }
3784 | }
3785 | }
3786 | function getAnimatedState(props, host2) {
3787 | const dependencies = new Set();
3788 | TreeContext.dependencies = dependencies;
3789 | if (props.style)
3790 | props = _extends$3({}, props, {
3791 | style: host2.createAnimatedStyle(props.style)
3792 | });
3793 | props = new AnimatedObject(props);
3794 | TreeContext.dependencies = null;
3795 | return [props, dependencies];
3796 | }
3797 | function updateRef(ref, value) {
3798 | if (ref) {
3799 | if (is.fun(ref))
3800 | ref(value);
3801 | else
3802 | ref.current = value;
3803 | }
3804 | return value;
3805 | }
3806 | const cacheKey = Symbol.for("AnimatedComponent");
3807 | const createHost = (components, {
3808 | applyAnimatedValues: _applyAnimatedValues = () => false,
3809 | createAnimatedStyle: _createAnimatedStyle = (style) => new AnimatedObject(style),
3810 | getComponentProps: _getComponentProps = (props) => props
3811 | } = {}) => {
3812 | const hostConfig = {
3813 | applyAnimatedValues: _applyAnimatedValues,
3814 | createAnimatedStyle: _createAnimatedStyle,
3815 | getComponentProps: _getComponentProps
3816 | };
3817 | const animated2 = (Component) => {
3818 | const displayName = getDisplayName(Component) || "Anonymous";
3819 | if (is.str(Component)) {
3820 | Component = animated2[Component] || (animated2[Component] = withAnimated(Component, hostConfig));
3821 | } else {
3822 | Component = Component[cacheKey] || (Component[cacheKey] = withAnimated(Component, hostConfig));
3823 | }
3824 | Component.displayName = `Animated(${displayName})`;
3825 | return Component;
3826 | };
3827 | eachProp(components, (Component, key) => {
3828 | if (is.arr(components)) {
3829 | key = getDisplayName(Component);
3830 | }
3831 | animated2[key] = animated2(Component);
3832 | });
3833 | return {
3834 | animated: animated2
3835 | };
3836 | };
3837 | const getDisplayName = (arg) => is.str(arg) ? arg : arg && is.str(arg.displayName) ? arg.displayName : is.fun(arg) && arg.name || null;
3838 | function _extends$2() {
3839 | _extends$2 = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) {
3840 | for (var i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
3841 | var source = arguments[i2];
3842 | for (var key in source) {
3843 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
3844 | target[key] = source[key];
3845 | }
3846 | }
3847 | }
3848 | return target;
3849 | };
3850 | return _extends$2.apply(this, arguments);
3851 | }
3852 | function callProp(value, ...args) {
3853 | return is.fun(value) ? value(...args) : value;
3854 | }
3855 | const matchProp = (value, key) => value === true || !!(key && value && (is.fun(value) ? value(key) : toArray$3(value).includes(key)));
3856 | const resolveProp = (prop, key) => is.obj(prop) ? key && prop[key] : prop;
3857 | const getDefaultProp = (props, key) => props.default === true ? props[key] : props.default ? props.default[key] : void 0;
3858 | const noopTransform = (value) => value;
3859 | const getDefaultProps = (props, transform = noopTransform) => {
3860 | let keys = DEFAULT_PROPS;
3861 | if (props.default && props.default !== true) {
3862 | props = props.default;
3863 | keys = Object.keys(props);
3864 | }
3865 | const defaults2 = {};
3866 | for (const key of keys) {
3867 | const value = transform(props[key], key);
3868 | if (!is.und(value)) {
3869 | defaults2[key] = value;
3870 | }
3871 | }
3872 | return defaults2;
3873 | };
3874 | const DEFAULT_PROPS = ["config", "onProps", "onStart", "onChange", "onPause", "onResume", "onRest"];
3875 | const RESERVED_PROPS = {
3876 | config: 1,
3877 | from: 1,
3878 | to: 1,
3879 | ref: 1,
3880 | loop: 1,
3881 | reset: 1,
3882 | pause: 1,
3883 | cancel: 1,
3884 | reverse: 1,
3885 | immediate: 1,
3886 | default: 1,
3887 | delay: 1,
3888 | onProps: 1,
3889 | onStart: 1,
3890 | onChange: 1,
3891 | onPause: 1,
3892 | onResume: 1,
3893 | onRest: 1,
3894 | onResolve: 1,
3895 | items: 1,
3896 | trail: 1,
3897 | sort: 1,
3898 | expires: 1,
3899 | initial: 1,
3900 | enter: 1,
3901 | update: 1,
3902 | leave: 1,
3903 | children: 1,
3904 | onDestroyed: 1,
3905 | keys: 1,
3906 | callId: 1,
3907 | parentId: 1
3908 | };
3909 | function getForwardProps(props) {
3910 | const forward = {};
3911 | let count = 0;
3912 | eachProp(props, (value, prop) => {
3913 | if (!RESERVED_PROPS[prop]) {
3914 | forward[prop] = value;
3915 | count++;
3916 | }
3917 | });
3918 | if (count) {
3919 | return forward;
3920 | }
3921 | }
3922 | function inferTo(props) {
3923 | const to2 = getForwardProps(props);
3924 | if (to2) {
3925 | const out = {
3926 | to: to2
3927 | };
3928 | eachProp(props, (val, key) => key in to2 || (out[key] = val));
3929 | return out;
3930 | }
3931 | return _extends$2({}, props);
3932 | }
3933 | function computeGoal(value) {
3934 | value = getFluidValue(value);
3935 | return is.arr(value) ? value.map(computeGoal) : isAnimatedString(value) ? globals.createStringInterpolator({
3936 | range: [0, 1],
3937 | output: [value, value]
3938 | })(1) : value;
3939 | }
3940 | function hasProps(props) {
3941 | for (const _ in props)
3942 | return true;
3943 | return false;
3944 | }
3945 | function isAsyncTo(to2) {
3946 | return is.fun(to2) || is.arr(to2) && is.obj(to2[0]);
3947 | }
3948 | function detachRefs(ctrl, ref) {
3949 | var _ctrl$ref;
3950 | (_ctrl$ref = ctrl.ref) == null ? void 0 : _ctrl$ref.delete(ctrl);
3951 | ref == null ? void 0 : ref.delete(ctrl);
3952 | }
3953 | function replaceRef(ctrl, ref) {
3954 | if (ref && ctrl.ref !== ref) {
3955 | var _ctrl$ref2;
3956 | (_ctrl$ref2 = ctrl.ref) == null ? void 0 : _ctrl$ref2.delete(ctrl);
3957 | ref.add(ctrl);
3958 | ctrl.ref = ref;
3959 | }
3960 | }
3961 | const config$1 = {
3962 | default: {
3963 | tension: 170,
3964 | friction: 26
3965 | },
3966 | gentle: {
3967 | tension: 120,
3968 | friction: 14
3969 | },
3970 | wobbly: {
3971 | tension: 180,
3972 | friction: 12
3973 | },
3974 | stiff: {
3975 | tension: 210,
3976 | friction: 20
3977 | },
3978 | slow: {
3979 | tension: 280,
3980 | friction: 60
3981 | },
3982 | molasses: {
3983 | tension: 280,
3984 | friction: 120
3985 | }
3986 | };
3987 | const defaults = _extends$2({}, config$1.default, {
3988 | mass: 1,
3989 | damping: 1,
3990 | easing: easings.linear,
3991 | clamp: false
3992 | });
3993 | class AnimationConfig {
3994 | constructor() {
3995 | this.tension = void 0;
3996 | this.friction = void 0;
3997 | this.frequency = void 0;
3998 | this.damping = void 0;
3999 | this.mass = void 0;
4000 | this.velocity = 0;
4001 | this.restVelocity = void 0;
4002 | this.precision = void 0;
4003 | this.progress = void 0;
4004 | this.duration = void 0;
4005 | this.easing = void 0;
4006 | this.clamp = void 0;
4007 | this.bounce = void 0;
4008 | this.decay = void 0;
4009 | this.round = void 0;
4010 | Object.assign(this, defaults);
4011 | }
4012 | }
4013 | function mergeConfig(config2, newConfig, defaultConfig) {
4014 | if (defaultConfig) {
4015 | defaultConfig = _extends$2({}, defaultConfig);
4016 | sanitizeConfig(defaultConfig, newConfig);
4017 | newConfig = _extends$2({}, defaultConfig, newConfig);
4018 | }
4019 | sanitizeConfig(config2, newConfig);
4020 | Object.assign(config2, newConfig);
4021 | for (const key in defaults) {
4022 | if (config2[key] == null) {
4023 | config2[key] = defaults[key];
4024 | }
4025 | }
4026 | let {
4027 | mass,
4028 | frequency,
4029 | damping
4030 | } = config2;
4031 | if (!is.und(frequency)) {
4032 | if (frequency < 0.01)
4033 | frequency = 0.01;
4034 | if (damping < 0)
4035 | damping = 0;
4036 | config2.tension = Math.pow(2 * Math.PI / frequency, 2) * mass;
4037 | config2.friction = 4 * Math.PI * damping * mass / frequency;
4038 | }
4039 | return config2;
4040 | }
4041 | function sanitizeConfig(config2, props) {
4042 | if (!is.und(props.decay)) {
4043 | config2.duration = void 0;
4044 | } else {
4045 | const isTensionConfig = !is.und(props.tension) || !is.und(props.friction);
4046 | if (isTensionConfig || !is.und(props.frequency) || !is.und(props.damping) || !is.und(props.mass)) {
4047 | config2.duration = void 0;
4048 | config2.decay = void 0;
4049 | }
4050 | if (isTensionConfig) {
4051 | config2.frequency = void 0;
4052 | }
4053 | }
4054 | }
4055 | const emptyArray = [];
4056 | class Animation {
4057 | constructor() {
4058 | this.changed = false;
4059 | this.values = emptyArray;
4060 | this.toValues = null;
4061 | this.fromValues = emptyArray;
4062 | this.to = void 0;
4063 | this.from = void 0;
4064 | this.config = new AnimationConfig();
4065 | this.immediate = false;
4066 | }
4067 | }
4068 | function scheduleProps(callId, {
4069 | key,
4070 | props,
4071 | defaultProps: defaultProps2,
4072 | state,
4073 | actions
4074 | }) {
4075 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
4076 | var _props$cancel;
4077 | let delay;
4078 | let timeout;
4079 | let cancel = matchProp((_props$cancel = props.cancel) != null ? _props$cancel : defaultProps2 == null ? void 0 : defaultProps2.cancel, key);
4080 | if (cancel) {
4081 | onStart();
4082 | } else {
4083 | if (!is.und(props.pause)) {
4084 | state.paused = matchProp(props.pause, key);
4085 | }
4086 | let pause = defaultProps2 == null ? void 0 : defaultProps2.pause;
4087 | if (pause !== true) {
4088 | pause = state.paused || matchProp(pause, key);
4089 | }
4090 | delay = callProp(props.delay || 0, key);
4091 | if (pause) {
4092 | state.resumeQueue.add(onResume);
4093 | actions.pause();
4094 | } else {
4095 | actions.resume();
4096 | onResume();
4097 | }
4098 | }
4099 | function onPause() {
4100 | state.resumeQueue.add(onResume);
4101 | state.timeouts.delete(timeout);
4102 | timeout.cancel();
4103 | delay = timeout.time - raf.now();
4104 | }
4105 | function onResume() {
4106 | if (delay > 0 && !globals.skipAnimation) {
4107 | state.delayed = true;
4108 | timeout = raf.setTimeout(onStart, delay);
4109 | state.pauseQueue.add(onPause);
4110 | state.timeouts.add(timeout);
4111 | } else {
4112 | onStart();
4113 | }
4114 | }
4115 | function onStart() {
4116 | if (state.delayed) {
4117 | state.delayed = false;
4118 | }
4119 | state.pauseQueue.delete(onPause);
4120 | state.timeouts.delete(timeout);
4121 | if (callId <= (state.cancelId || 0)) {
4122 | cancel = true;
4123 | }
4124 | try {
4125 | actions.start(_extends$2({}, props, {
4126 | callId,
4127 | cancel
4128 | }), resolve);
4129 | } catch (err) {
4130 | reject(err);
4131 | }
4132 | }
4133 | });
4134 | }
4135 | const getCombinedResult = (target, results) => results.length == 1 ? results[0] : results.some((result) => result.cancelled) ? getCancelledResult(target.get()) : results.every((result) => result.noop) ? getNoopResult(target.get()) : getFinishedResult(target.get(), results.every((result) => result.finished));
4136 | const getNoopResult = (value) => ({
4137 | value,
4138 | noop: true,
4139 | finished: true,
4140 | cancelled: false
4141 | });
4142 | const getFinishedResult = (value, finished, cancelled = false) => ({
4143 | value,
4144 | finished,
4145 | cancelled
4146 | });
4147 | const getCancelledResult = (value) => ({
4148 | value,
4149 | cancelled: true,
4150 | finished: false
4151 | });
4152 | function runAsync(to2, props, state, target) {
4153 | const {
4154 | callId,
4155 | parentId,
4156 | onRest
4157 | } = props;
4158 | const {
4159 | asyncTo: prevTo,
4160 | promise: prevPromise
4161 | } = state;
4162 | if (!parentId && to2 === prevTo && !props.reset) {
4163 | return prevPromise;
4164 | }
4165 | return state.promise = (async () => {
4166 | state.asyncId = callId;
4167 | state.asyncTo = to2;
4168 | const defaultProps2 = getDefaultProps(props, (value, key) => key === "onRest" ? void 0 : value);
4169 | let preventBail;
4170 | let bail;
4171 | const bailPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => (preventBail = resolve, bail = reject));
4172 | const bailIfEnded = (bailSignal) => {
4173 | const bailResult = callId <= (state.cancelId || 0) && getCancelledResult(target) || callId !== state.asyncId && getFinishedResult(target, false);
4174 | if (bailResult) {
4175 | bailSignal.result = bailResult;
4176 | bail(bailSignal);
4177 | throw bailSignal;
4178 | }
4179 | };
4180 | const animate = (arg1, arg2) => {
4181 | const bailSignal = new BailSignal();
4182 | const skipAnimationSignal = new SkipAnimationSignal();
4183 | return (async () => {
4184 | if (globals.skipAnimation) {
4185 | stopAsync(state);
4186 | skipAnimationSignal.result = getFinishedResult(target, false);
4187 | bail(skipAnimationSignal);
4188 | throw skipAnimationSignal;
4189 | }
4190 | bailIfEnded(bailSignal);
4191 | const props2 = is.obj(arg1) ? _extends$2({}, arg1) : _extends$2({}, arg2, {
4192 | to: arg1
4193 | });
4194 | props2.parentId = callId;
4195 | eachProp(defaultProps2, (value, key) => {
4196 | if (is.und(props2[key])) {
4197 | props2[key] = value;
4198 | }
4199 | });
4200 | const result2 = await target.start(props2);
4201 | bailIfEnded(bailSignal);
4202 | if (state.paused) {
4203 | await new Promise((resume) => {
4204 | state.resumeQueue.add(resume);
4205 | });
4206 | }
4207 | return result2;
4208 | })();
4209 | };
4210 | let result;
4211 | if (globals.skipAnimation) {
4212 | stopAsync(state);
4213 | return getFinishedResult(target, false);
4214 | }
4215 | try {
4216 | let animating;
4217 | if (is.arr(to2)) {
4218 | animating = (async (queue) => {
4219 | for (const props2 of queue) {
4220 | await animate(props2);
4221 | }
4222 | })(to2);
4223 | } else {
4224 | animating = Promise.resolve(to2(animate, target.stop.bind(target)));
4225 | }
4226 | await Promise.all([animating.then(preventBail), bailPromise]);
4227 | result = getFinishedResult(target.get(), true, false);
4228 | } catch (err) {
4229 | if (err instanceof BailSignal) {
4230 | result = err.result;
4231 | } else if (err instanceof SkipAnimationSignal) {
4232 | result = err.result;
4233 | } else {
4234 | throw err;
4235 | }
4236 | } finally {
4237 | if (callId == state.asyncId) {
4238 | state.asyncId = parentId;
4239 | state.asyncTo = parentId ? prevTo : void 0;
4240 | state.promise = parentId ? prevPromise : void 0;
4241 | }
4242 | }
4243 | if (is.fun(onRest)) {
4244 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => {
4245 | onRest(result, target, target.item);
4246 | });
4247 | }
4248 | return result;
4249 | })();
4250 | }
4251 | function stopAsync(state, cancelId) {
4252 | flush(state.timeouts, (t) => t.cancel());
4253 | state.pauseQueue.clear();
4254 | state.resumeQueue.clear();
4255 | state.asyncId = state.asyncTo = state.promise = void 0;
4256 | if (cancelId)
4257 | state.cancelId = cancelId;
4258 | }
4259 | class BailSignal extends Error {
4260 | constructor() {
4261 | super("An async animation has been interrupted. You see this error because you forgot to use `await` or `.catch(...)` on its returned promise.");
4262 | this.result = void 0;
4263 | }
4264 | }
4265 | class SkipAnimationSignal extends Error {
4266 | constructor() {
4267 | super("SkipAnimationSignal");
4268 | this.result = void 0;
4269 | }
4270 | }
4271 | const isFrameValue = (value) => value instanceof FrameValue;
4272 | let nextId$1 = 1;
4273 | class FrameValue extends FluidValue {
4274 | constructor(...args) {
4275 | super(...args);
4276 | this.id = nextId$1++;
4277 | this.key = void 0;
4278 | this._priority = 0;
4279 | }
4280 | get priority() {
4281 | return this._priority;
4282 | }
4283 | set priority(priority2) {
4284 | if (this._priority != priority2) {
4285 | this._priority = priority2;
4286 | this._onPriorityChange(priority2);
4287 | }
4288 | }
4289 | get() {
4290 | const node = getAnimated(this);
4291 | return node && node.getValue();
4292 | }
4293 | to(...args) {
4294 | return globals.to(this, args);
4295 | }
4296 | interpolate(...args) {
4297 | deprecateInterpolate();
4298 | return globals.to(this, args);
4299 | }
4300 | toJSON() {
4301 | return this.get();
4302 | }
4303 | observerAdded(count) {
4304 | if (count == 1)
4305 | this._attach();
4306 | }
4307 | observerRemoved(count) {
4308 | if (count == 0)
4309 | this._detach();
4310 | }
4311 | _attach() {
4312 | }
4313 | _detach() {
4314 | }
4315 | _onChange(value, idle = false) {
4316 | callFluidObservers(this, {
4317 | type: "change",
4318 | parent: this,
4319 | value,
4320 | idle
4321 | });
4322 | }
4323 | _onPriorityChange(priority2) {
4324 | if (!this.idle) {
4325 | frameLoop.sort(this);
4326 | }
4327 | callFluidObservers(this, {
4328 | type: "priority",
4329 | parent: this,
4330 | priority: priority2
4331 | });
4332 | }
4333 | }
4334 | const $P = Symbol.for("SpringPhase");
4335 | const HAS_ANIMATED = 1;
4336 | const IS_ANIMATING = 2;
4337 | const IS_PAUSED = 4;
4338 | const hasAnimated = (target) => (target[$P] & HAS_ANIMATED) > 0;
4339 | const isAnimating = (target) => (target[$P] & IS_ANIMATING) > 0;
4340 | const isPaused = (target) => (target[$P] & IS_PAUSED) > 0;
4341 | const setActiveBit = (target, active) => active ? target[$P] |= IS_ANIMATING | HAS_ANIMATED : target[$P] &= ~IS_ANIMATING;
4342 | const setPausedBit = (target, paused) => paused ? target[$P] |= IS_PAUSED : target[$P] &= ~IS_PAUSED;
4343 | class SpringValue extends FrameValue {
4344 | constructor(arg1, arg2) {
4345 | super();
4346 | this.key = void 0;
4347 | this.animation = new Animation();
4348 | this.queue = void 0;
4349 | this.defaultProps = {};
4350 | this._state = {
4351 | paused: false,
4352 | delayed: false,
4353 | pauseQueue: new Set(),
4354 | resumeQueue: new Set(),
4355 | timeouts: new Set()
4356 | };
4357 | this._pendingCalls = new Set();
4358 | this._lastCallId = 0;
4359 | this._lastToId = 0;
4360 | this._memoizedDuration = 0;
4361 | if (!is.und(arg1) || !is.und(arg2)) {
4362 | const props = is.obj(arg1) ? _extends$2({}, arg1) : _extends$2({}, arg2, {
4363 | from: arg1
4364 | });
4365 | if (is.und(props.default)) {
4366 | props.default = true;
4367 | }
4368 | this.start(props);
4369 | }
4370 | }
4371 | get idle() {
4372 | return !(isAnimating(this) || this._state.asyncTo) || isPaused(this);
4373 | }
4374 | get goal() {
4375 | return getFluidValue(this.animation.to);
4376 | }
4377 | get velocity() {
4378 | const node = getAnimated(this);
4379 | return node instanceof AnimatedValue ? node.lastVelocity || 0 : node.getPayload().map((node2) => node2.lastVelocity || 0);
4380 | }
4381 | get hasAnimated() {
4382 | return hasAnimated(this);
4383 | }
4384 | get isAnimating() {
4385 | return isAnimating(this);
4386 | }
4387 | get isPaused() {
4388 | return isPaused(this);
4389 | }
4390 | get isDelayed() {
4391 | return this._state.delayed;
4392 | }
4393 | advance(dt) {
4394 | let idle = true;
4395 | let changed = false;
4396 | const anim = this.animation;
4397 | let {
4398 | config: config2,
4399 | toValues
4400 | } = anim;
4401 | const payload = getPayload(anim.to);
4402 | if (!payload && hasFluidValue(anim.to)) {
4403 | toValues = toArray$3(getFluidValue(anim.to));
4404 | }
4405 | anim.values.forEach((node2, i2) => {
4406 | if (node2.done)
4407 | return;
4408 | const to2 = node2.constructor == AnimatedString ? 1 : payload ? payload[i2].lastPosition : toValues[i2];
4409 | let finished = anim.immediate;
4410 | let position = to2;
4411 | if (!finished) {
4412 | position = node2.lastPosition;
4413 | if (config2.tension <= 0) {
4414 | node2.done = true;
4415 | return;
4416 | }
4417 | let elapsed = node2.elapsedTime += dt;
4418 | const from = anim.fromValues[i2];
4419 | const v0 = node2.v0 != null ? node2.v0 : node2.v0 = is.arr(config2.velocity) ? config2.velocity[i2] : config2.velocity;
4420 | let velocity;
4421 | const precision = config2.precision || (from == to2 ? 5e-3 : Math.min(1, Math.abs(to2 - from) * 1e-3));
4422 | if (!is.und(config2.duration)) {
4423 | let p = 1;
4424 | if (config2.duration > 0) {
4425 | if (this._memoizedDuration !== config2.duration) {
4426 | this._memoizedDuration = config2.duration;
4427 | if (node2.durationProgress > 0) {
4428 | node2.elapsedTime = config2.duration * node2.durationProgress;
4429 | elapsed = node2.elapsedTime += dt;
4430 | }
4431 | }
4432 | p = (config2.progress || 0) + elapsed / this._memoizedDuration;
4433 | p = p > 1 ? 1 : p < 0 ? 0 : p;
4434 | node2.durationProgress = p;
4435 | }
4436 | position = from + config2.easing(p) * (to2 - from);
4437 | velocity = (position - node2.lastPosition) / dt;
4438 | finished = p == 1;
4439 | } else if (config2.decay) {
4440 | const decay = config2.decay === true ? 0.998 : config2.decay;
4441 | const e2 = Math.exp(-(1 - decay) * elapsed);
4442 | position = from + v0 / (1 - decay) * (1 - e2);
4443 | finished = Math.abs(node2.lastPosition - position) <= precision;
4444 | velocity = v0 * e2;
4445 | } else {
4446 | velocity = node2.lastVelocity == null ? v0 : node2.lastVelocity;
4447 | const restVelocity = config2.restVelocity || precision / 10;
4448 | const bounceFactor = config2.clamp ? 0 : config2.bounce;
4449 | const canBounce = !is.und(bounceFactor);
4450 | const isGrowing = from == to2 ? node2.v0 > 0 : from < to2;
4451 | let isMoving;
4452 | let isBouncing = false;
4453 | const step = 1;
4454 | const numSteps = Math.ceil(dt / step);
4455 | for (let n2 = 0; n2 < numSteps; ++n2) {
4456 | isMoving = Math.abs(velocity) > restVelocity;
4457 | if (!isMoving) {
4458 | finished = Math.abs(to2 - position) <= precision;
4459 | if (finished) {
4460 | break;
4461 | }
4462 | }
4463 | if (canBounce) {
4464 | isBouncing = position == to2 || position > to2 == isGrowing;
4465 | if (isBouncing) {
4466 | velocity = -velocity * bounceFactor;
4467 | position = to2;
4468 | }
4469 | }
4470 | const springForce = -config2.tension * 1e-6 * (position - to2);
4471 | const dampingForce = -config2.friction * 1e-3 * velocity;
4472 | const acceleration = (springForce + dampingForce) / config2.mass;
4473 | velocity = velocity + acceleration * step;
4474 | position = position + velocity * step;
4475 | }
4476 | }
4477 | node2.lastVelocity = velocity;
4478 | if (Number.isNaN(position)) {
4479 | console.warn(`Got NaN while animating:`, this);
4480 | finished = true;
4481 | }
4482 | }
4483 | if (payload && !payload[i2].done) {
4484 | finished = false;
4485 | }
4486 | if (finished) {
4487 | node2.done = true;
4488 | } else {
4489 | idle = false;
4490 | }
4491 | if (node2.setValue(position, config2.round)) {
4492 | changed = true;
4493 | }
4494 | });
4495 | const node = getAnimated(this);
4496 | const currVal = node.getValue();
4497 | if (idle) {
4498 | const finalVal = getFluidValue(anim.to);
4499 | if ((currVal !== finalVal || changed) && !config2.decay) {
4500 | node.setValue(finalVal);
4501 | this._onChange(finalVal);
4502 | } else if (changed && config2.decay) {
4503 | this._onChange(currVal);
4504 | }
4505 | this._stop();
4506 | } else if (changed) {
4507 | this._onChange(currVal);
4508 | }
4509 | }
4510 | set(value) {
4511 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => {
4512 | this._stop();
4513 | this._focus(value);
4514 | this._set(value);
4515 | });
4516 | return this;
4517 | }
4518 | pause() {
4519 | this._update({
4520 | pause: true
4521 | });
4522 | }
4523 | resume() {
4524 | this._update({
4525 | pause: false
4526 | });
4527 | }
4528 | finish() {
4529 | if (isAnimating(this)) {
4530 | const {
4531 | to: to2,
4532 | config: config2
4533 | } = this.animation;
4534 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => {
4535 | this._onStart();
4536 | if (!config2.decay) {
4537 | this._set(to2, false);
4538 | }
4539 | this._stop();
4540 | });
4541 | }
4542 | return this;
4543 | }
4544 | update(props) {
4545 | const queue = this.queue || (this.queue = []);
4546 | queue.push(props);
4547 | return this;
4548 | }
4549 | start(to2, arg2) {
4550 | let queue;
4551 | if (!is.und(to2)) {
4552 | queue = [is.obj(to2) ? to2 : _extends$2({}, arg2, {
4553 | to: to2
4554 | })];
4555 | } else {
4556 | queue = this.queue || [];
4557 | this.queue = [];
4558 | }
4559 | return Promise.all(queue.map((props) => {
4560 | const up = this._update(props);
4561 | return up;
4562 | })).then((results) => getCombinedResult(this, results));
4563 | }
4564 | stop(cancel) {
4565 | const {
4566 | to: to2
4567 | } = this.animation;
4568 | this._focus(this.get());
4569 | stopAsync(this._state, cancel && this._lastCallId);
4570 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => this._stop(to2, cancel));
4571 | return this;
4572 | }
4573 | reset() {
4574 | this._update({
4575 | reset: true
4576 | });
4577 | }
4578 | eventObserved(event) {
4579 | if (event.type == "change") {
4580 | this._start();
4581 | } else if (event.type == "priority") {
4582 | this.priority = event.priority + 1;
4583 | }
4584 | }
4585 | _prepareNode(props) {
4586 | const key = this.key || "";
4587 | let {
4588 | to: to2,
4589 | from
4590 | } = props;
4591 | to2 = is.obj(to2) ? to2[key] : to2;
4592 | if (to2 == null || isAsyncTo(to2)) {
4593 | to2 = void 0;
4594 | }
4595 | from = is.obj(from) ? from[key] : from;
4596 | if (from == null) {
4597 | from = void 0;
4598 | }
4599 | const range2 = {
4600 | to: to2,
4601 | from
4602 | };
4603 | if (!hasAnimated(this)) {
4604 | if (props.reverse)
4605 | [to2, from] = [from, to2];
4606 | from = getFluidValue(from);
4607 | if (!is.und(from)) {
4608 | this._set(from);
4609 | } else if (!getAnimated(this)) {
4610 | this._set(to2);
4611 | }
4612 | }
4613 | return range2;
4614 | }
4615 | _update(_ref, isLoop) {
4616 | let props = _extends$2({}, _ref);
4617 | const {
4618 | key,
4619 | defaultProps: defaultProps2
4620 | } = this;
4621 | if (props.default)
4622 | Object.assign(defaultProps2, getDefaultProps(props, (value, prop) => /^on/.test(prop) ? resolveProp(value, key) : value));
4623 | mergeActiveFn(this, props, "onProps");
4624 | sendEvent(this, "onProps", props, this);
4625 | const range2 = this._prepareNode(props);
4626 | if (Object.isFrozen(this)) {
4627 | throw Error("Cannot animate a `SpringValue` object that is frozen. Did you forget to pass your component to `animated(...)` before animating its props?");
4628 | }
4629 | const state = this._state;
4630 | return scheduleProps(++this._lastCallId, {
4631 | key,
4632 | props,
4633 | defaultProps: defaultProps2,
4634 | state,
4635 | actions: {
4636 | pause: () => {
4637 | if (!isPaused(this)) {
4638 | setPausedBit(this, true);
4639 | flushCalls(state.pauseQueue);
4640 | sendEvent(this, "onPause", getFinishedResult(this, checkFinished(this, this.animation.to)), this);
4641 | }
4642 | },
4643 | resume: () => {
4644 | if (isPaused(this)) {
4645 | setPausedBit(this, false);
4646 | if (isAnimating(this)) {
4647 | this._resume();
4648 | }
4649 | flushCalls(state.resumeQueue);
4650 | sendEvent(this, "onResume", getFinishedResult(this, checkFinished(this, this.animation.to)), this);
4651 | }
4652 | },
4653 | start: this._merge.bind(this, range2)
4654 | }
4655 | }).then((result) => {
4656 | if (props.loop && result.finished && !(isLoop && result.noop)) {
4657 | const nextProps = createLoopUpdate(props);
4658 | if (nextProps) {
4659 | return this._update(nextProps, true);
4660 | }
4661 | }
4662 | return result;
4663 | });
4664 | }
4665 | _merge(range2, props, resolve) {
4666 | if (props.cancel) {
4667 | this.stop(true);
4668 | return resolve(getCancelledResult(this));
4669 | }
4670 | const hasToProp = !is.und(range2.to);
4671 | const hasFromProp = !is.und(range2.from);
4672 | if (hasToProp || hasFromProp) {
4673 | if (props.callId > this._lastToId) {
4674 | this._lastToId = props.callId;
4675 | } else {
4676 | return resolve(getCancelledResult(this));
4677 | }
4678 | }
4679 | const {
4680 | key,
4681 | defaultProps: defaultProps2,
4682 | animation: anim
4683 | } = this;
4684 | const {
4685 | to: prevTo,
4686 | from: prevFrom
4687 | } = anim;
4688 | let {
4689 | to: to2 = prevTo,
4690 | from = prevFrom
4691 | } = range2;
4692 | if (hasFromProp && !hasToProp && (!props.default || is.und(to2))) {
4693 | to2 = from;
4694 | }
4695 | if (props.reverse)
4696 | [to2, from] = [from, to2];
4697 | const hasFromChanged = !isEqual$1(from, prevFrom);
4698 | if (hasFromChanged) {
4699 | anim.from = from;
4700 | }
4701 | from = getFluidValue(from);
4702 | const hasToChanged = !isEqual$1(to2, prevTo);
4703 | if (hasToChanged) {
4704 | this._focus(to2);
4705 | }
4706 | const hasAsyncTo = isAsyncTo(props.to);
4707 | const {
4708 | config: config2
4709 | } = anim;
4710 | const {
4711 | decay,
4712 | velocity
4713 | } = config2;
4714 | if (hasToProp || hasFromProp) {
4715 | config2.velocity = 0;
4716 | }
4717 | if (props.config && !hasAsyncTo) {
4718 | mergeConfig(config2, callProp(props.config, key), props.config !== defaultProps2.config ? callProp(defaultProps2.config, key) : void 0);
4719 | }
4720 | let node = getAnimated(this);
4721 | if (!node || is.und(to2)) {
4722 | return resolve(getFinishedResult(this, true));
4723 | }
4724 | const reset = is.und(props.reset) ? hasFromProp && !props.default : !is.und(from) && matchProp(props.reset, key);
4725 | const value = reset ? from : this.get();
4726 | const goal = computeGoal(to2);
4727 | const isAnimatable = is.num(goal) || is.arr(goal) || isAnimatedString(goal);
4728 | const immediate = !hasAsyncTo && (!isAnimatable || matchProp(defaultProps2.immediate || props.immediate, key));
4729 | if (hasToChanged) {
4730 | const nodeType = getAnimatedType(to2);
4731 | if (nodeType !== node.constructor) {
4732 | if (immediate) {
4733 | node = this._set(goal);
4734 | } else
4735 | throw Error(`Cannot animate between ${node.constructor.name} and ${nodeType.name}, as the "to" prop suggests`);
4736 | }
4737 | }
4738 | const goalType = node.constructor;
4739 | let started = hasFluidValue(to2);
4740 | let finished = false;
4741 | if (!started) {
4742 | const hasValueChanged = reset || !hasAnimated(this) && hasFromChanged;
4743 | if (hasToChanged || hasValueChanged) {
4744 | finished = isEqual$1(computeGoal(value), goal);
4745 | started = !finished;
4746 | }
4747 | if (!isEqual$1(anim.immediate, immediate) && !immediate || !isEqual$1(config2.decay, decay) || !isEqual$1(config2.velocity, velocity)) {
4748 | started = true;
4749 | }
4750 | }
4751 | if (finished && isAnimating(this)) {
4752 | if (anim.changed && !reset) {
4753 | started = true;
4754 | } else if (!started) {
4755 | this._stop(prevTo);
4756 | }
4757 | }
4758 | if (!hasAsyncTo) {
4759 | if (started || hasFluidValue(prevTo)) {
4760 | anim.values = node.getPayload();
4761 | anim.toValues = hasFluidValue(to2) ? null : goalType == AnimatedString ? [1] : toArray$3(goal);
4762 | }
4763 | if (anim.immediate != immediate) {
4764 | anim.immediate = immediate;
4765 | if (!immediate && !reset) {
4766 | this._set(prevTo);
4767 | }
4768 | }
4769 | if (started) {
4770 | const {
4771 | onRest
4772 | } = anim;
4773 | each(ACTIVE_EVENTS, (type) => mergeActiveFn(this, props, type));
4774 | const result = getFinishedResult(this, checkFinished(this, prevTo));
4775 | flushCalls(this._pendingCalls, result);
4776 | this._pendingCalls.add(resolve);
4777 | if (anim.changed)
4778 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => {
4779 | anim.changed = !reset;
4780 | onRest == null ? void 0 : onRest(result, this);
4781 | if (reset) {
4782 | callProp(defaultProps2.onRest, result);
4783 | } else {
4784 | anim.onStart == null ? void 0 : anim.onStart(result, this);
4785 | }
4786 | });
4787 | }
4788 | }
4789 | if (reset) {
4790 | this._set(value);
4791 | }
4792 | if (hasAsyncTo) {
4793 | resolve(runAsync(props.to, props, this._state, this));
4794 | } else if (started) {
4795 | this._start();
4796 | } else if (isAnimating(this) && !hasToChanged) {
4797 | this._pendingCalls.add(resolve);
4798 | } else {
4799 | resolve(getNoopResult(value));
4800 | }
4801 | }
4802 | _focus(value) {
4803 | const anim = this.animation;
4804 | if (value !== anim.to) {
4805 | if (getFluidObservers(this)) {
4806 | this._detach();
4807 | }
4808 | anim.to = value;
4809 | if (getFluidObservers(this)) {
4810 | this._attach();
4811 | }
4812 | }
4813 | }
4814 | _attach() {
4815 | let priority2 = 0;
4816 | const {
4817 | to: to2
4818 | } = this.animation;
4819 | if (hasFluidValue(to2)) {
4820 | addFluidObserver(to2, this);
4821 | if (isFrameValue(to2)) {
4822 | priority2 = to2.priority + 1;
4823 | }
4824 | }
4825 | this.priority = priority2;
4826 | }
4827 | _detach() {
4828 | const {
4829 | to: to2
4830 | } = this.animation;
4831 | if (hasFluidValue(to2)) {
4832 | removeFluidObserver(to2, this);
4833 | }
4834 | }
4835 | _set(arg, idle = true) {
4836 | const value = getFluidValue(arg);
4837 | if (!is.und(value)) {
4838 | const oldNode = getAnimated(this);
4839 | if (!oldNode || !isEqual$1(value, oldNode.getValue())) {
4840 | const nodeType = getAnimatedType(value);
4841 | if (!oldNode || oldNode.constructor != nodeType) {
4842 | setAnimated(this, nodeType.create(value));
4843 | } else {
4844 | oldNode.setValue(value);
4845 | }
4846 | if (oldNode) {
4847 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => {
4848 | this._onChange(value, idle);
4849 | });
4850 | }
4851 | }
4852 | }
4853 | return getAnimated(this);
4854 | }
4855 | _onStart() {
4856 | const anim = this.animation;
4857 | if (!anim.changed) {
4858 | anim.changed = true;
4859 | sendEvent(this, "onStart", getFinishedResult(this, checkFinished(this, anim.to)), this);
4860 | }
4861 | }
4862 | _onChange(value, idle) {
4863 | if (!idle) {
4864 | this._onStart();
4865 | callProp(this.animation.onChange, value, this);
4866 | }
4867 | callProp(this.defaultProps.onChange, value, this);
4868 | super._onChange(value, idle);
4869 | }
4870 | _start() {
4871 | const anim = this.animation;
4872 | getAnimated(this).reset(getFluidValue(anim.to));
4873 | if (!anim.immediate) {
4874 | anim.fromValues = anim.values.map((node) => node.lastPosition);
4875 | }
4876 | if (!isAnimating(this)) {
4877 | setActiveBit(this, true);
4878 | if (!isPaused(this)) {
4879 | this._resume();
4880 | }
4881 | }
4882 | }
4883 | _resume() {
4884 | if (globals.skipAnimation) {
4885 | this.finish();
4886 | } else {
4887 | frameLoop.start(this);
4888 | }
4889 | }
4890 | _stop(goal, cancel) {
4891 | if (isAnimating(this)) {
4892 | setActiveBit(this, false);
4893 | const anim = this.animation;
4894 | each(anim.values, (node) => {
4895 | node.done = true;
4896 | });
4897 | if (anim.toValues) {
4898 | anim.onChange = anim.onPause = anim.onResume = void 0;
4899 | }
4900 | callFluidObservers(this, {
4901 | type: "idle",
4902 | parent: this
4903 | });
4904 | const result = cancel ? getCancelledResult(this.get()) : getFinishedResult(this.get(), checkFinished(this, goal != null ? goal : anim.to));
4905 | flushCalls(this._pendingCalls, result);
4906 | if (anim.changed) {
4907 | anim.changed = false;
4908 | sendEvent(this, "onRest", result, this);
4909 | }
4910 | }
4911 | }
4912 | }
4913 | function checkFinished(target, to2) {
4914 | const goal = computeGoal(to2);
4915 | const value = computeGoal(target.get());
4916 | return isEqual$1(value, goal);
4917 | }
4918 | function createLoopUpdate(props, loop2 = props.loop, to2 = props.to) {
4919 | let loopRet = callProp(loop2);
4920 | if (loopRet) {
4921 | const overrides = loopRet !== true && inferTo(loopRet);
4922 | const reverse = (overrides || props).reverse;
4923 | const reset = !overrides || overrides.reset;
4924 | return createUpdate(_extends$2({}, props, {
4925 | loop: loop2,
4926 | default: false,
4927 | pause: void 0,
4928 | to: !reverse || isAsyncTo(to2) ? to2 : void 0,
4929 | from: reset ? props.from : void 0,
4930 | reset
4931 | }, overrides));
4932 | }
4933 | }
4934 | function createUpdate(props) {
4935 | const {
4936 | to: to2,
4937 | from
4938 | } = props = inferTo(props);
4939 | const keys = new Set();
4940 | if (is.obj(to2))
4941 | findDefined(to2, keys);
4942 | if (is.obj(from))
4943 | findDefined(from, keys);
4944 | props.keys = keys.size ? Array.from(keys) : null;
4945 | return props;
4946 | }
4947 | function declareUpdate(props) {
4948 | const update2 = createUpdate(props);
4949 | if (is.und(update2.default)) {
4950 | update2.default = getDefaultProps(update2);
4951 | }
4952 | return update2;
4953 | }
4954 | function findDefined(values, keys) {
4955 | eachProp(values, (value, key) => value != null && keys.add(key));
4956 | }
4957 | const ACTIVE_EVENTS = ["onStart", "onRest", "onChange", "onPause", "onResume"];
4958 | function mergeActiveFn(target, props, type) {
4959 | target.animation[type] = props[type] !== getDefaultProp(props, type) ? resolveProp(props[type], target.key) : void 0;
4960 | }
4961 | function sendEvent(target, type, ...args) {
4962 | var _target$animation$typ, _target$animation, _target$defaultProps$, _target$defaultProps;
4963 | (_target$animation$typ = (_target$animation = target.animation)[type]) == null ? void 0 : _target$animation$typ.call(_target$animation, ...args);
4964 | (_target$defaultProps$ = (_target$defaultProps = target.defaultProps)[type]) == null ? void 0 : _target$defaultProps$.call(_target$defaultProps, ...args);
4965 | }
4966 | const BATCHED_EVENTS = ["onStart", "onChange", "onRest"];
4967 | let nextId = 1;
4968 | let Controller$1 = class Controller {
4969 | constructor(props, flush2) {
4970 | this.id = nextId++;
4971 | this.springs = {};
4972 | this.queue = [];
4973 | this.ref = void 0;
4974 | this._flush = void 0;
4975 | this._initialProps = void 0;
4976 | this._lastAsyncId = 0;
4977 | this._active = new Set();
4978 | this._changed = new Set();
4979 | this._started = false;
4980 | this._item = void 0;
4981 | this._state = {
4982 | paused: false,
4983 | pauseQueue: new Set(),
4984 | resumeQueue: new Set(),
4985 | timeouts: new Set()
4986 | };
4987 | this._events = {
4988 | onStart: new Map(),
4989 | onChange: new Map(),
4990 | onRest: new Map()
4991 | };
4992 | this._onFrame = this._onFrame.bind(this);
4993 | if (flush2) {
4994 | this._flush = flush2;
4995 | }
4996 | if (props) {
4997 | this.start(_extends$2({
4998 | default: true
4999 | }, props));
5000 | }
5001 | }
5002 | get idle() {
5003 | return !this._state.asyncTo && Object.values(this.springs).every((spring) => {
5004 | return spring.idle && !spring.isDelayed && !spring.isPaused;
5005 | });
5006 | }
5007 | get item() {
5008 | return this._item;
5009 | }
5010 | set item(item) {
5011 | this._item = item;
5012 | }
5013 | get() {
5014 | const values = {};
5015 | this.each((spring, key) => values[key] = spring.get());
5016 | return values;
5017 | }
5018 | set(values) {
5019 | for (const key in values) {
5020 | const value = values[key];
5021 | if (!is.und(value)) {
5022 | this.springs[key].set(value);
5023 | }
5024 | }
5025 | }
5026 | update(props) {
5027 | if (props) {
5028 | this.queue.push(createUpdate(props));
5029 | }
5030 | return this;
5031 | }
5032 | start(props) {
5033 | let {
5034 | queue
5035 | } = this;
5036 | if (props) {
5037 | queue = toArray$3(props).map(createUpdate);
5038 | } else {
5039 | this.queue = [];
5040 | }
5041 | if (this._flush) {
5042 | return this._flush(this, queue);
5043 | }
5044 | prepareKeys(this, queue);
5045 | return flushUpdateQueue(this, queue);
5046 | }
5047 | stop(arg, keys) {
5048 | if (arg !== !!arg) {
5049 | keys = arg;
5050 | }
5051 | if (keys) {
5052 | const springs = this.springs;
5053 | each(toArray$3(keys), (key) => springs[key].stop(!!arg));
5054 | } else {
5055 | stopAsync(this._state, this._lastAsyncId);
5056 | this.each((spring) => spring.stop(!!arg));
5057 | }
5058 | return this;
5059 | }
5060 | pause(keys) {
5061 | if (is.und(keys)) {
5062 | this.start({
5063 | pause: true
5064 | });
5065 | } else {
5066 | const springs = this.springs;
5067 | each(toArray$3(keys), (key) => springs[key].pause());
5068 | }
5069 | return this;
5070 | }
5071 | resume(keys) {
5072 | if (is.und(keys)) {
5073 | this.start({
5074 | pause: false
5075 | });
5076 | } else {
5077 | const springs = this.springs;
5078 | each(toArray$3(keys), (key) => springs[key].resume());
5079 | }
5080 | return this;
5081 | }
5082 | each(iterator) {
5083 | eachProp(this.springs, iterator);
5084 | }
5085 | _onFrame() {
5086 | const {
5087 | onStart,
5088 | onChange,
5089 | onRest
5090 | } = this._events;
5091 | const active = this._active.size > 0;
5092 | const changed = this._changed.size > 0;
5093 | if (active && !this._started || changed && !this._started) {
5094 | this._started = true;
5095 | flush(onStart, ([onStart2, result]) => {
5096 | result.value = this.get();
5097 | onStart2(result, this, this._item);
5098 | });
5099 | }
5100 | const idle = !active && this._started;
5101 | const values = changed || idle && onRest.size ? this.get() : null;
5102 | if (changed && onChange.size) {
5103 | flush(onChange, ([onChange2, result]) => {
5104 | result.value = values;
5105 | onChange2(result, this, this._item);
5106 | });
5107 | }
5108 | if (idle) {
5109 | this._started = false;
5110 | flush(onRest, ([onRest2, result]) => {
5111 | result.value = values;
5112 | onRest2(result, this, this._item);
5113 | });
5114 | }
5115 | }
5116 | eventObserved(event) {
5117 | if (event.type == "change") {
5118 | this._changed.add(event.parent);
5119 | if (!event.idle) {
5120 | this._active.add(event.parent);
5121 | }
5122 | } else if (event.type == "idle") {
5123 | this._active.delete(event.parent);
5124 | } else
5125 | return;
5126 | raf.onFrame(this._onFrame);
5127 | }
5128 | };
5129 | function flushUpdateQueue(ctrl, queue) {
5130 | return Promise.all(queue.map((props) => flushUpdate(ctrl, props))).then((results) => getCombinedResult(ctrl, results));
5131 | }
5132 | async function flushUpdate(ctrl, props, isLoop) {
5133 | const {
5134 | keys,
5135 | to: to2,
5136 | from,
5137 | loop: loop2,
5138 | onRest,
5139 | onResolve
5140 | } = props;
5141 | const defaults2 = is.obj(props.default) && props.default;
5142 | if (loop2) {
5143 | props.loop = false;
5144 | }
5145 | if (to2 === false)
5146 | props.to = null;
5147 | if (from === false)
5148 | props.from = null;
5149 | const asyncTo = is.arr(to2) || is.fun(to2) ? to2 : void 0;
5150 | if (asyncTo) {
5151 | props.to = void 0;
5152 | props.onRest = void 0;
5153 | if (defaults2) {
5154 | defaults2.onRest = void 0;
5155 | }
5156 | } else {
5157 | each(BATCHED_EVENTS, (key) => {
5158 | const handler = props[key];
5159 | if (is.fun(handler)) {
5160 | const queue = ctrl["_events"][key];
5161 | props[key] = ({
5162 | finished,
5163 | cancelled
5164 | }) => {
5165 | const result2 = queue.get(handler);
5166 | if (result2) {
5167 | if (!finished)
5168 | result2.finished = false;
5169 | if (cancelled)
5170 | result2.cancelled = true;
5171 | } else {
5172 | queue.set(handler, {
5173 | value: null,
5174 | finished: finished || false,
5175 | cancelled: cancelled || false
5176 | });
5177 | }
5178 | };
5179 | if (defaults2) {
5180 | defaults2[key] = props[key];
5181 | }
5182 | }
5183 | });
5184 | }
5185 | const state = ctrl["_state"];
5186 | if (props.pause === !state.paused) {
5187 | state.paused = props.pause;
5188 | flushCalls(props.pause ? state.pauseQueue : state.resumeQueue);
5189 | } else if (state.paused) {
5190 | props.pause = true;
5191 | }
5192 | const promises = (keys || Object.keys(ctrl.springs)).map((key) => ctrl.springs[key].start(props));
5193 | const cancel = props.cancel === true || getDefaultProp(props, "cancel") === true;
5194 | if (asyncTo || cancel && state.asyncId) {
5195 | promises.push(scheduleProps(++ctrl["_lastAsyncId"], {
5196 | props,
5197 | state,
5198 | actions: {
5199 | pause: noop$1,
5200 | resume: noop$1,
5201 | start(props2, resolve) {
5202 | if (cancel) {
5203 | stopAsync(state, ctrl["_lastAsyncId"]);
5204 | resolve(getCancelledResult(ctrl));
5205 | } else {
5206 | props2.onRest = onRest;
5207 | resolve(runAsync(asyncTo, props2, state, ctrl));
5208 | }
5209 | }
5210 | }
5211 | }));
5212 | }
5213 | if (state.paused) {
5214 | await new Promise((resume) => {
5215 | state.resumeQueue.add(resume);
5216 | });
5217 | }
5218 | const result = getCombinedResult(ctrl, await Promise.all(promises));
5219 | if (loop2 && result.finished && !(isLoop && result.noop)) {
5220 | const nextProps = createLoopUpdate(props, loop2, to2);
5221 | if (nextProps) {
5222 | prepareKeys(ctrl, [nextProps]);
5223 | return flushUpdate(ctrl, nextProps, true);
5224 | }
5225 | }
5226 | if (onResolve) {
5227 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => onResolve(result, ctrl, ctrl.item));
5228 | }
5229 | return result;
5230 | }
5231 | function getSprings(ctrl, props) {
5232 | const springs = _extends$2({}, ctrl.springs);
5233 | if (props) {
5234 | each(toArray$3(props), (props2) => {
5235 | if (is.und(props2.keys)) {
5236 | props2 = createUpdate(props2);
5237 | }
5238 | if (!is.obj(props2.to)) {
5239 | props2 = _extends$2({}, props2, {
5240 | to: void 0
5241 | });
5242 | }
5243 | prepareSprings(springs, props2, (key) => {
5244 | return createSpring(key);
5245 | });
5246 | });
5247 | }
5248 | setSprings(ctrl, springs);
5249 | return springs;
5250 | }
5251 | function setSprings(ctrl, springs) {
5252 | eachProp(springs, (spring, key) => {
5253 | if (!ctrl.springs[key]) {
5254 | ctrl.springs[key] = spring;
5255 | addFluidObserver(spring, ctrl);
5256 | }
5257 | });
5258 | }
5259 | function createSpring(key, observer) {
5260 | const spring = new SpringValue();
5261 | spring.key = key;
5262 | if (observer) {
5263 | addFluidObserver(spring, observer);
5264 | }
5265 | return spring;
5266 | }
5267 | function prepareSprings(springs, props, create2) {
5268 | if (props.keys) {
5269 | each(props.keys, (key) => {
5270 | const spring = springs[key] || (springs[key] = create2(key));
5271 | spring["_prepareNode"](props);
5272 | });
5273 | }
5274 | }
5275 | function prepareKeys(ctrl, queue) {
5276 | each(queue, (props) => {
5277 | prepareSprings(ctrl.springs, props, (key) => {
5278 | return createSpring(key, ctrl);
5279 | });
5280 | });
5281 | }
5282 | function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$3(source, excluded) {
5283 | if (source == null)
5284 | return {};
5285 | var target = {};
5286 | var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
5287 | var key, i2;
5288 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < sourceKeys.length; i2++) {
5289 | key = sourceKeys[i2];
5290 | if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0)
5291 | continue;
5292 | target[key] = source[key];
5293 | }
5294 | return target;
5295 | }
5296 | const _excluded$6 = ["children"];
5297 | const SpringContext = (_ref) => {
5298 | let {
5299 | children
5300 | } = _ref, props = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$3(_ref, _excluded$6);
5301 | const inherited = React$1.useContext(ctx);
5302 | const pause = props.pause || !!inherited.pause, immediate = props.immediate || !!inherited.immediate;
5303 | props = useMemoOne(() => ({
5304 | pause,
5305 | immediate
5306 | }), [pause, immediate]);
5307 | const {
5308 | Provider
5309 | } = ctx;
5310 | return React__namespace.createElement(Provider, {
5311 | value: props
5312 | }, children);
5313 | };
5314 | const ctx = makeContext(SpringContext, {});
5315 | SpringContext.Provider = ctx.Provider;
5316 | SpringContext.Consumer = ctx.Consumer;
5317 | function makeContext(target, init) {
5318 | Object.assign(target, React__namespace.createContext(init));
5319 | target.Provider._context = target;
5320 | target.Consumer._context = target;
5321 | return target;
5322 | }
5323 | const SpringRef = () => {
5324 | const current = [];
5325 | const SpringRef2 = function SpringRef3(props) {
5326 | deprecateDirectCall();
5327 | const results = [];
5328 | each(current, (ctrl, i2) => {
5329 | if (is.und(props)) {
5330 | results.push(ctrl.start());
5331 | } else {
5332 | const update2 = _getProps(props, ctrl, i2);
5333 | if (update2) {
5334 | results.push(ctrl.start(update2));
5335 | }
5336 | }
5337 | });
5338 | return results;
5339 | };
5340 | SpringRef2.current = current;
5341 | SpringRef2.add = function(ctrl) {
5342 | if (!current.includes(ctrl)) {
5343 | current.push(ctrl);
5344 | }
5345 | };
5346 | SpringRef2.delete = function(ctrl) {
5347 | const i2 = current.indexOf(ctrl);
5348 | if (~i2)
5349 | current.splice(i2, 1);
5350 | };
5351 | SpringRef2.pause = function() {
5352 | each(current, (ctrl) => ctrl.pause(...arguments));
5353 | return this;
5354 | };
5355 | SpringRef2.resume = function() {
5356 | each(current, (ctrl) => ctrl.resume(...arguments));
5357 | return this;
5358 | };
5359 | SpringRef2.set = function(values) {
5360 | each(current, (ctrl) => ctrl.set(values));
5361 | };
5362 | SpringRef2.start = function(props) {
5363 | const results = [];
5364 | each(current, (ctrl, i2) => {
5365 | if (is.und(props)) {
5366 | results.push(ctrl.start());
5367 | } else {
5368 | const update2 = this._getProps(props, ctrl, i2);
5369 | if (update2) {
5370 | results.push(ctrl.start(update2));
5371 | }
5372 | }
5373 | });
5374 | return results;
5375 | };
5376 | SpringRef2.stop = function() {
5377 | each(current, (ctrl) => ctrl.stop(...arguments));
5378 | return this;
5379 | };
5380 | SpringRef2.update = function(props) {
5381 | each(current, (ctrl, i2) => ctrl.update(this._getProps(props, ctrl, i2)));
5382 | return this;
5383 | };
5384 | const _getProps = function _getProps2(arg, ctrl, index2) {
5385 | return is.fun(arg) ? arg(index2, ctrl) : arg;
5386 | };
5387 | SpringRef2._getProps = _getProps;
5388 | return SpringRef2;
5389 | };
5390 | function useSprings(length, props, deps) {
5391 | const propsFn = is.fun(props) && props;
5392 | if (propsFn && !deps)
5393 | deps = [];
5394 | const ref = React$1.useMemo(() => propsFn || arguments.length == 3 ? SpringRef() : void 0, []);
5395 | const layoutId = React$1.useRef(0);
5396 | const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
5397 | const state = React$1.useMemo(() => ({
5398 | ctrls: [],
5399 | queue: [],
5400 | flush(ctrl, updates2) {
5401 | const springs2 = getSprings(ctrl, updates2);
5402 | const canFlushSync = layoutId.current > 0 && !state.queue.length && !Object.keys(springs2).some((key) => !ctrl.springs[key]);
5403 | return canFlushSync ? flushUpdateQueue(ctrl, updates2) : new Promise((resolve) => {
5404 | setSprings(ctrl, springs2);
5405 | state.queue.push(() => {
5406 | resolve(flushUpdateQueue(ctrl, updates2));
5407 | });
5408 | forceUpdate();
5409 | });
5410 | }
5411 | }), []);
5412 | const ctrls = React$1.useRef([...state.ctrls]);
5413 | const updates = [];
5414 | const prevLength = usePrev(length) || 0;
5415 | React$1.useMemo(() => {
5416 | each(ctrls.current.slice(length, prevLength), (ctrl) => {
5417 | detachRefs(ctrl, ref);
5418 | ctrl.stop(true);
5419 | });
5420 | ctrls.current.length = length;
5421 | declareUpdates(prevLength, length);
5422 | }, [length]);
5423 | React$1.useMemo(() => {
5424 | declareUpdates(0, Math.min(prevLength, length));
5425 | }, deps);
5426 | function declareUpdates(startIndex, endIndex) {
5427 | for (let i2 = startIndex; i2 < endIndex; i2++) {
5428 | const ctrl = ctrls.current[i2] || (ctrls.current[i2] = new Controller$1(null, state.flush));
5429 | const update2 = propsFn ? propsFn(i2, ctrl) : props[i2];
5430 | if (update2) {
5431 | updates[i2] = declareUpdate(update2);
5432 | }
5433 | }
5434 | }
5435 | const springs = ctrls.current.map((ctrl, i2) => getSprings(ctrl, updates[i2]));
5436 | const context = React$1.useContext(SpringContext);
5437 | const prevContext = usePrev(context);
5438 | const hasContext = context !== prevContext && hasProps(context);
5439 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
5440 | layoutId.current++;
5441 | state.ctrls = ctrls.current;
5442 | const {
5443 | queue
5444 | } = state;
5445 | if (queue.length) {
5446 | state.queue = [];
5447 | each(queue, (cb) => cb());
5448 | }
5449 | each(ctrls.current, (ctrl, i2) => {
5450 | ref == null ? void 0 : ref.add(ctrl);
5451 | if (hasContext) {
5452 | ctrl.start({
5453 | default: context
5454 | });
5455 | }
5456 | const update2 = updates[i2];
5457 | if (update2) {
5458 | replaceRef(ctrl, update2.ref);
5459 | if (ctrl.ref) {
5460 | ctrl.queue.push(update2);
5461 | } else {
5462 | ctrl.start(update2);
5463 | }
5464 | }
5465 | });
5466 | });
5467 | useOnce(() => () => {
5468 | each(state.ctrls, (ctrl) => ctrl.stop(true));
5469 | });
5470 | const values = springs.map((x) => _extends$2({}, x));
5471 | return ref ? [values, ref] : values;
5472 | }
5473 | function useSpring(props, deps) {
5474 | const isFn = is.fun(props);
5475 | const [[values], ref] = useSprings(1, isFn ? props : [props], isFn ? deps || [] : deps);
5476 | return isFn || arguments.length == 2 ? [values, ref] : values;
5477 | }
5478 | let TransitionPhase;
5479 | (function(TransitionPhase2) {
5480 | TransitionPhase2["MOUNT"] = "mount";
5481 | TransitionPhase2["ENTER"] = "enter";
5482 | TransitionPhase2["UPDATE"] = "update";
5483 | TransitionPhase2["LEAVE"] = "leave";
5484 | })(TransitionPhase || (TransitionPhase = {}));
5485 | class Interpolation extends FrameValue {
5486 | constructor(source, args) {
5487 | super();
5488 | this.key = void 0;
5489 | this.idle = true;
5490 | this.calc = void 0;
5491 | this._active = new Set();
5492 | this.source = source;
5493 | this.calc = createInterpolator(...args);
5494 | const value = this._get();
5495 | const nodeType = getAnimatedType(value);
5496 | setAnimated(this, nodeType.create(value));
5497 | }
5498 | advance(_dt) {
5499 | const value = this._get();
5500 | const oldValue = this.get();
5501 | if (!isEqual$1(value, oldValue)) {
5502 | getAnimated(this).setValue(value);
5503 | this._onChange(value, this.idle);
5504 | }
5505 | if (!this.idle && checkIdle(this._active)) {
5506 | becomeIdle(this);
5507 | }
5508 | }
5509 | _get() {
5510 | const inputs = is.arr(this.source) ? this.source.map(getFluidValue) : toArray$3(getFluidValue(this.source));
5511 | return this.calc(...inputs);
5512 | }
5513 | _start() {
5514 | if (this.idle && !checkIdle(this._active)) {
5515 | this.idle = false;
5516 | each(getPayload(this), (node) => {
5517 | node.done = false;
5518 | });
5519 | if (globals.skipAnimation) {
5520 | raf.batchedUpdates(() => this.advance());
5521 | becomeIdle(this);
5522 | } else {
5523 | frameLoop.start(this);
5524 | }
5525 | }
5526 | }
5527 | _attach() {
5528 | let priority2 = 1;
5529 | each(toArray$3(this.source), (source) => {
5530 | if (hasFluidValue(source)) {
5531 | addFluidObserver(source, this);
5532 | }
5533 | if (isFrameValue(source)) {
5534 | if (!source.idle) {
5535 | this._active.add(source);
5536 | }
5537 | priority2 = Math.max(priority2, source.priority + 1);
5538 | }
5539 | });
5540 | this.priority = priority2;
5541 | this._start();
5542 | }
5543 | _detach() {
5544 | each(toArray$3(this.source), (source) => {
5545 | if (hasFluidValue(source)) {
5546 | removeFluidObserver(source, this);
5547 | }
5548 | });
5549 | this._active.clear();
5550 | becomeIdle(this);
5551 | }
5552 | eventObserved(event) {
5553 | if (event.type == "change") {
5554 | if (event.idle) {
5555 | this.advance();
5556 | } else {
5557 | this._active.add(event.parent);
5558 | this._start();
5559 | }
5560 | } else if (event.type == "idle") {
5561 | this._active.delete(event.parent);
5562 | } else if (event.type == "priority") {
5563 | this.priority = toArray$3(this.source).reduce((highest, parent) => Math.max(highest, (isFrameValue(parent) ? parent.priority : 0) + 1), 0);
5564 | }
5565 | }
5566 | }
5567 | function isIdle(source) {
5568 | return source.idle !== false;
5569 | }
5570 | function checkIdle(active) {
5571 | return !active.size || Array.from(active).every(isIdle);
5572 | }
5573 | function becomeIdle(self2) {
5574 | if (!self2.idle) {
5575 | self2.idle = true;
5576 | each(getPayload(self2), (node) => {
5577 | node.done = true;
5578 | });
5579 | callFluidObservers(self2, {
5580 | type: "idle",
5581 | parent: self2
5582 | });
5583 | }
5584 | }
5585 | const to = (source, ...args) => new Interpolation(source, args);
5586 | globals.assign({
5587 | createStringInterpolator,
5588 | to: (source, args) => new Interpolation(source, args)
5589 | });
5590 | function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$2(source, excluded) {
5591 | if (source == null)
5592 | return {};
5593 | var target = {};
5594 | var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
5595 | var key, i2;
5596 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < sourceKeys.length; i2++) {
5597 | key = sourceKeys[i2];
5598 | if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0)
5599 | continue;
5600 | target[key] = source[key];
5601 | }
5602 | return target;
5603 | }
5604 | const _excluded$2$1 = ["style", "children", "scrollTop", "scrollLeft", "viewBox"];
5605 | const isCustomPropRE = /^--/;
5606 | function dangerousStyleValue(name, value) {
5607 | if (value == null || typeof value === "boolean" || value === "")
5608 | return "";
5609 | if (typeof value === "number" && value !== 0 && !isCustomPropRE.test(name) && !(isUnitlessNumber.hasOwnProperty(name) && isUnitlessNumber[name]))
5610 | return value + "px";
5611 | return ("" + value).trim();
5612 | }
5613 | const attributeCache = {};
5614 | function applyAnimatedValues(instance, props) {
5615 | if (!instance.nodeType || !instance.setAttribute) {
5616 | return false;
5617 | }
5618 | const isFilterElement = instance.nodeName === "filter" || instance.parentNode && instance.parentNode.nodeName === "filter";
5619 | const _ref = props, {
5620 | style,
5621 | children,
5622 | scrollTop,
5623 | scrollLeft,
5624 | viewBox
5625 | } = _ref, attributes = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$2(_ref, _excluded$2$1);
5626 | const values = Object.values(attributes);
5627 | const names = Object.keys(attributes).map((name) => isFilterElement || instance.hasAttribute(name) ? name : attributeCache[name] || (attributeCache[name] = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, (n2) => "-" + n2.toLowerCase())));
5628 | if (children !== void 0) {
5629 | instance.textContent = children;
5630 | }
5631 | for (let name in style) {
5632 | if (style.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
5633 | const value = dangerousStyleValue(name, style[name]);
5634 | if (isCustomPropRE.test(name)) {
5635 | instance.style.setProperty(name, value);
5636 | } else {
5637 | instance.style[name] = value;
5638 | }
5639 | }
5640 | }
5641 | names.forEach((name, i2) => {
5642 | instance.setAttribute(name, values[i2]);
5643 | });
5644 | if (scrollTop !== void 0) {
5645 | instance.scrollTop = scrollTop;
5646 | }
5647 | if (scrollLeft !== void 0) {
5648 | instance.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
5649 | }
5650 | if (viewBox !== void 0) {
5651 | instance.setAttribute("viewBox", viewBox);
5652 | }
5653 | }
5654 | let isUnitlessNumber = {
5655 | animationIterationCount: true,
5656 | borderImageOutset: true,
5657 | borderImageSlice: true,
5658 | borderImageWidth: true,
5659 | boxFlex: true,
5660 | boxFlexGroup: true,
5661 | boxOrdinalGroup: true,
5662 | columnCount: true,
5663 | columns: true,
5664 | flex: true,
5665 | flexGrow: true,
5666 | flexPositive: true,
5667 | flexShrink: true,
5668 | flexNegative: true,
5669 | flexOrder: true,
5670 | gridRow: true,
5671 | gridRowEnd: true,
5672 | gridRowSpan: true,
5673 | gridRowStart: true,
5674 | gridColumn: true,
5675 | gridColumnEnd: true,
5676 | gridColumnSpan: true,
5677 | gridColumnStart: true,
5678 | fontWeight: true,
5679 | lineClamp: true,
5680 | lineHeight: true,
5681 | opacity: true,
5682 | order: true,
5683 | orphans: true,
5684 | tabSize: true,
5685 | widows: true,
5686 | zIndex: true,
5687 | zoom: true,
5688 | fillOpacity: true,
5689 | floodOpacity: true,
5690 | stopOpacity: true,
5691 | strokeDasharray: true,
5692 | strokeDashoffset: true,
5693 | strokeMiterlimit: true,
5694 | strokeOpacity: true,
5695 | strokeWidth: true
5696 | };
5697 | const prefixKey = (prefix2, key) => prefix2 + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substring(1);
5698 | const prefixes = ["Webkit", "Ms", "Moz", "O"];
5699 | isUnitlessNumber = Object.keys(isUnitlessNumber).reduce((acc, prop) => {
5700 | prefixes.forEach((prefix2) => acc[prefixKey(prefix2, prop)] = acc[prop]);
5701 | return acc;
5702 | }, isUnitlessNumber);
5703 | const _excluded$1$1 = ["x", "y", "z"];
5704 | const domTransforms = /^(matrix|translate|scale|rotate|skew)/;
5705 | const pxTransforms = /^(translate)/;
5706 | const degTransforms = /^(rotate|skew)/;
5707 | const addUnit = (value, unit) => is.num(value) && value !== 0 ? value + unit : value;
5708 | const isValueIdentity = (value, id) => is.arr(value) ? value.every((v) => isValueIdentity(v, id)) : is.num(value) ? value === id : parseFloat(value) === id;
5709 | class AnimatedStyle extends AnimatedObject {
5710 | constructor(_ref) {
5711 | let {
5712 | x,
5713 | y,
5714 | z
5715 | } = _ref, style = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$2(_ref, _excluded$1$1);
5716 | const inputs = [];
5717 | const transforms = [];
5718 | if (x || y || z) {
5719 | inputs.push([x || 0, y || 0, z || 0]);
5720 | transforms.push((xyz) => [`translate3d(${xyz.map((v) => addUnit(v, "px")).join(",")})`, isValueIdentity(xyz, 0)]);
5721 | }
5722 | eachProp(style, (value, key) => {
5723 | if (key === "transform") {
5724 | inputs.push([value || ""]);
5725 | transforms.push((transform) => [transform, transform === ""]);
5726 | } else if (domTransforms.test(key)) {
5727 | delete style[key];
5728 | if (is.und(value))
5729 | return;
5730 | const unit = pxTransforms.test(key) ? "px" : degTransforms.test(key) ? "deg" : "";
5731 | inputs.push(toArray$3(value));
5732 | transforms.push(key === "rotate3d" ? ([x2, y2, z2, deg]) => [`rotate3d(${x2},${y2},${z2},${addUnit(deg, unit)})`, isValueIdentity(deg, 0)] : (input) => [`${key}(${input.map((v) => addUnit(v, unit)).join(",")})`, isValueIdentity(input, key.startsWith("scale") ? 1 : 0)]);
5733 | }
5734 | });
5735 | if (inputs.length) {
5736 | style.transform = new FluidTransform(inputs, transforms);
5737 | }
5738 | super(style);
5739 | }
5740 | }
5741 | class FluidTransform extends FluidValue {
5742 | constructor(inputs, transforms) {
5743 | super();
5744 | this._value = null;
5745 | this.inputs = inputs;
5746 | this.transforms = transforms;
5747 | }
5748 | get() {
5749 | return this._value || (this._value = this._get());
5750 | }
5751 | _get() {
5752 | let transform = "";
5753 | let identity2 = true;
5754 | each(this.inputs, (input, i2) => {
5755 | const arg1 = getFluidValue(input[0]);
5756 | const [t, id] = this.transforms[i2](is.arr(arg1) ? arg1 : input.map(getFluidValue));
5757 | transform += " " + t;
5758 | identity2 = identity2 && id;
5759 | });
5760 | return identity2 ? "none" : transform;
5761 | }
5762 | observerAdded(count) {
5763 | if (count == 1)
5764 | each(this.inputs, (input) => each(input, (value) => hasFluidValue(value) && addFluidObserver(value, this)));
5765 | }
5766 | observerRemoved(count) {
5767 | if (count == 0)
5768 | each(this.inputs, (input) => each(input, (value) => hasFluidValue(value) && removeFluidObserver(value, this)));
5769 | }
5770 | eventObserved(event) {
5771 | if (event.type == "change") {
5772 | this._value = null;
5773 | }
5774 | callFluidObservers(this, event);
5775 | }
5776 | }
5777 | const primitives = ["a", "abbr", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "base", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "data", "datalist", "dd", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "main", "map", "mark", "menu", "menuitem", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", "section", "select", "small", "source", "span", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr", "circle", "clipPath", "defs", "ellipse", "foreignObject", "g", "image", "line", "linearGradient", "mask", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialGradient", "rect", "stop", "svg", "text", "tspan"];
5778 | const _excluded$4 = ["scrollTop", "scrollLeft"];
5779 | globals.assign({
5780 | batchedUpdates: ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates,
5781 | createStringInterpolator,
5782 | colors
5783 | });
5784 | const host = createHost(primitives, {
5785 | applyAnimatedValues,
5786 | createAnimatedStyle: (style) => new AnimatedStyle(style),
5787 | getComponentProps: (_ref) => {
5788 | let props = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$2(_ref, _excluded$4);
5789 | return props;
5790 | }
5791 | });
5792 | const animated = host.animated;
5793 | function resolveContainer(getContainer) {
5794 | const container = typeof getContainer === "function" ? getContainer() : getContainer;
5795 | return container || document.body;
5796 | }
5797 | function renderToContainer(getContainer, node) {
5798 | if (canUseDom$1 && getContainer) {
5799 | const container = resolveContainer(getContainer);
5800 | return ReactDOM.createPortal(node, container);
5801 | }
5802 | return node;
5803 | }
5804 | function useInitialized(check) {
5805 | const initializedRef = React$1.useRef(check);
5806 | if (check) {
5807 | initializedRef.current = true;
5808 | }
5809 | return !!initializedRef.current;
5810 | }
5811 | const ShouldRender = (props) => {
5812 | const shouldRender = useShouldRender(props.active, props.forceRender, props.destroyOnClose);
5813 | return shouldRender ? props.children : null;
5814 | };
5815 | function useShouldRender(active, forceRender, destroyOnClose) {
5816 | const initialized = useInitialized(active);
5817 | if (forceRender)
5818 | return true;
5819 | if (active)
5820 | return true;
5821 | if (!initialized)
5822 | return false;
5823 | return !destroyOnClose;
5824 | }
5825 | const eventToPropRecord$1 = {
5826 | "click": "onClick",
5827 | "touchstart": "onTouchStart"
5828 | };
5829 | function withStopPropagation(events, element) {
5830 | const props = Object.assign({}, element.props);
5831 | for (const key of events) {
5832 | const prop = eventToPropRecord$1[key];
5833 | props[prop] = function(e2) {
5834 | var _a, _b;
5835 | e2.stopPropagation();
5836 | (_b = (_a = element.props)[prop]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, e2);
5837 | };
5838 | }
5839 | return React$1.cloneElement(element, props);
5840 | }
5841 | const classPrefix$1p = `adm-mask`;
5842 | const opacityRecord = {
5843 | default: 0.55,
5844 | thin: 0.35,
5845 | thick: 0.75
5846 | };
5847 | const colorRecord$4 = {
5848 | black: "0, 0, 0",
5849 | white: "255, 255, 255"
5850 | };
5851 | const defaultProps$14 = {
5852 | visible: true,
5853 | destroyOnClose: false,
5854 | forceRender: false,
5855 | color: "black",
5856 | opacity: "default",
5857 | disableBodyScroll: true,
5858 | getContainer: null,
5859 | stopPropagation: ["click"]
5860 | };
5861 | const Mask = (p) => {
5862 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$14, p);
5863 | const {
5864 | locale
5865 | } = useConfig();
5866 | const ref = React$1.useRef(null);
5867 | useLockScroll(ref, props.visible && props.disableBodyScroll);
5868 | const background = React$1.useMemo(() => {
5869 | var _a;
5870 | const opacity2 = (_a = opacityRecord[props.opacity]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.opacity;
5871 | const rgb2 = colorRecord$4[props.color];
5872 | return rgb2 ? `rgba(${rgb2}, ${opacity2})` : props.color;
5873 | }, [props.color, props.opacity]);
5874 | const [active, setActive] = React$1.useState(props.visible);
5875 | const unmountedRef = useUnmountedRef$1();
5876 | const {
5877 | opacity
5878 | } = useSpring({
5879 | opacity: props.visible ? 1 : 0,
5880 | config: {
5881 | precision: 0.01,
5882 | mass: 1,
5883 | tension: 250,
5884 | friction: 30,
5885 | clamp: true
5886 | },
5887 | onStart: () => {
5888 | setActive(true);
5889 | },
5890 | onRest: () => {
5891 | var _a, _b;
5892 | if (unmountedRef.current)
5893 | return;
5894 | setActive(props.visible);
5895 | if (props.visible) {
5896 | (_a = props.afterShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
5897 | } else {
5898 | (_b = props.afterClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
5899 | }
5900 | }
5901 | });
5902 | const node = withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagation, withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
5903 | className: classPrefix$1p,
5904 | ref,
5905 | "aria-hidden": true,
5906 | style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props.style), {
5907 | background,
5908 | opacity,
5909 | display: active ? void 0 : "none"
5910 | }),
5911 | onClick: (e2) => {
5912 | var _a;
5913 | if (e2.target === e2.currentTarget) {
5914 | (_a = props.onMaskClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
5915 | }
5916 | }
5917 | }, props.onMaskClick && React$1.createElement("div", {
5918 | className: `${classPrefix$1p}-aria-button`,
5919 | role: "button",
5920 | "aria-label": locale.Mask.name,
5921 | onClick: props.onMaskClick
5922 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
5923 | className: `${classPrefix$1p}-content`
5924 | }, props.children))));
5925 | return React$1.createElement(ShouldRender, {
5926 | active,
5927 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
5928 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose
5929 | }, renderToContainer(props.getContainer, node));
5930 | };
5931 | function AddOutline(props) {
5932 | return React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({
5933 | width: "1em",
5934 | height: "1em",
5935 | viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
5936 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
5937 | xmlnsXlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
5938 | }, props, {
5939 | style: Object.assign({
5940 | verticalAlign: "-0.125em"
5941 | }, props.style),
5942 | className: ["antd-mobile-icon", props.className].filter(Boolean).join(" ")
5943 | }), React__namespace.createElement("g", {
5944 | id: "AddOutline-AddOutline",
5945 | stroke: "none",
5946 | strokeWidth: 1,
5947 | fill: "none",
5948 | fillRule: "evenodd"
5949 | }, React__namespace.createElement("g", {
5950 | id: "AddOutline-add"
5951 | }, React__namespace.createElement("rect", {
5952 | id: "AddOutline-矩形",
5953 | fill: "#FFFFFF",
5954 | opacity: 0,
5955 | x: 0,
5956 | y: 0,
5957 | width: 48,
5958 | height: 48
5959 | }), React__namespace.createElement("path", {
5960 | d: "M25.1,6.5 C25.3209139,6.5 25.5,6.6790861 25.5,6.9 L25.5,22.5 L41.1,22.5 C41.3209139,22.5 41.5,22.6790861 41.5,22.9 L41.5,25.1 C41.5,25.3209139 41.3209139,25.5 41.1,25.5 L25.5,25.5 L25.5,41.1 C25.5,41.3209139 25.3209139,41.5 25.1,41.5 L22.9,41.5 C22.6790861,41.5 22.5,41.3209139 22.5,41.1 L22.5,25.5 L6.9,25.5 C6.6790861,25.5 6.5,25.3209139 6.5,25.1 L6.5,22.9 C6.5,22.6790861 6.6790861,22.5 6.9,22.5 L22.5,22.5 L22.5,6.9 C22.5,6.6790861 22.6790861,6.5 22.9,6.5 L25.1,6.5 Z",
5961 | id: "AddOutline-路径",
5962 | fill: "currentColor",
5963 | fillRule: "nonzero"
5964 | }))));
5965 | }
5966 | function CheckCircleFill(props) {
5967 | return React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({
5968 | width: "1em",
5969 | height: "1em",
5970 | viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
5971 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
5972 | xmlnsXlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
5973 | }, props, {
5974 | style: Object.assign({
5975 | verticalAlign: "-0.125em"
5976 | }, props.style),
5977 | className: ["antd-mobile-icon", props.className].filter(Boolean).join(" ")
5978 | }), React__namespace.createElement("g", {
5979 | id: "CheckCircleFill-CheckCircleFill",
5980 | stroke: "none",
5981 | strokeWidth: 1,
5982 | fill: "none",
5983 | fillRule: "evenodd"
5984 | }, React__namespace.createElement("g", {
5985 | id: "CheckCircleFill-编组"
5986 | }, React__namespace.createElement("rect", {
5987 | id: "CheckCircleFill-矩形",
5988 | fill: "#FFFFFF",
5989 | opacity: 0,
5990 | x: 0,
5991 | y: 0,
5992 | width: 48,
5993 | height: 48
5994 | }), React__namespace.createElement("path", {
5995 | d: "M24,2 C36.1502645,2 46,11.8497355 46,24 C46,36.1502645 36.1502645,46 24,46 C11.8497355,46 2,36.1502645 2,24 C2,11.8497355 11.8497355,2 24,2 Z M35.8202936,17 L32.7086692,17 C32.6025922,17 32.500859,17.0421352 32.4258461,17.1171378 L32.4258461,17.1171378 L21.3922352,28.1492247 L16.3591562,23.1163755 C16.2841422,23.0413649 16.1824034,22.9992247 16.0763199,22.9992247 L16.0763199,22.9992247 L12.9653996,22.9992247 C12.859342,22.9992247 12.7576259,23.0413445 12.6826161,23.1163228 C12.5263737,23.2724998 12.5263207,23.5257658 12.6824977,23.6820082 C12.8583452,23.8579294 13.0341927,24.0338505 13.2100402,24.2097716 C13.2577488,24.2575002 13.3065097,24.3063074 13.3562592,24.3561283 L13.6661084,24.6666997 C14.3074913,25.3100963 15.0728595,26.0807873 15.8520136,26.8666654 L16.4372421,27.4571699 C18.2552812,29.2922548 19.9983838,31.0574343 20.2666114,31.3285298 L20.301004,31.3632341 C20.8867904,31.9490205 21.8365379,31.9490205 22.4223243,31.3632341 L22.4223243,31.3632341 L36.1031319,17.6828471 C36.1781492,17.6078322 36.2202936,17.5060887 36.2202936,17.4 C36.2202936,17.1790861 36.0412075,17 35.8202936,17 L35.8202936,17 Z",
5996 | id: "CheckCircleFill-形状结合",
5997 | fill: "currentColor",
5998 | fillRule: "nonzero"
5999 | }))));
6000 | }
6001 | function CheckOutline(props) {
6002 | return React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({
6003 | width: "1em",
6004 | height: "1em",
6005 | viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
6006 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
6007 | xmlnsXlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
6008 | }, props, {
6009 | style: Object.assign({
6010 | verticalAlign: "-0.125em"
6011 | }, props.style),
6012 | className: ["antd-mobile-icon", props.className].filter(Boolean).join(" ")
6013 | }), React__namespace.createElement("g", {
6014 | id: "CheckOutline-CheckOutline",
6015 | stroke: "none",
6016 | strokeWidth: 1,
6017 | fill: "none",
6018 | fillRule: "evenodd"
6019 | }, React__namespace.createElement("g", {
6020 | id: "CheckOutline-编组"
6021 | }, React__namespace.createElement("rect", {
6022 | id: "CheckOutline-矩形",
6023 | fill: "#FFFFFF",
6024 | opacity: 0,
6025 | x: 0,
6026 | y: 0,
6027 | width: 48,
6028 | height: 48
6029 | }), React__namespace.createElement("path", {
6030 | d: "M44.309608,12.6841286 L21.2180499,35.5661955 L21.2180499,35.5661955 C20.6343343,36.1446015 19.6879443,36.1446015 19.1042286,35.5661955 C19.0538201,35.5162456 19.0077648,35.4636155 18.9660627,35.4087682 C18.9113105,35.368106 18.8584669,35.3226694 18.808302,35.2729607 L3.6903839,20.2920499 C3.53346476,20.1365529 3.53231192,19.8832895 3.68780898,19.7263704 C3.7629255,19.6505669 3.86521855,19.6079227 3.97193622,19.6079227 L7.06238923,19.6079227 C7.16784214,19.6079227 7.26902895,19.6495648 7.34393561,19.7237896 L20.160443,32.4236157 L20.160443,32.4236157 L40.656066,12.115858 C40.7309719,12.0416387 40.8321549,12 40.9376034,12 L44.0280571,12 C44.248971,12 44.4280571,12.1790861 44.4280571,12.4 C44.4280571,12.5067183 44.3854124,12.609012 44.309608,12.6841286 Z",
6031 | id: "CheckOutline-路径",
6032 | fill: "currentColor",
6033 | fillRule: "nonzero"
6034 | }))));
6035 | }
6036 | function ClockCircleFill(props) {
6037 | return React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({
6038 | width: "1em",
6039 | height: "1em",
6040 | viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
6041 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
6042 | xmlnsXlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
6043 | }, props, {
6044 | style: Object.assign({
6045 | verticalAlign: "-0.125em"
6046 | }, props.style),
6047 | className: ["antd-mobile-icon", props.className].filter(Boolean).join(" ")
6048 | }), React__namespace.createElement("g", {
6049 | id: "ClockCircleFill-ClockCircleFill",
6050 | stroke: "none",
6051 | strokeWidth: 1,
6052 | fill: "none",
6053 | fillRule: "evenodd"
6054 | }, React__namespace.createElement("g", {
6055 | id: "ClockCircleFill-编组"
6056 | }, React__namespace.createElement("rect", {
6057 | id: "ClockCircleFill-矩形",
6058 | fill: "#FFFFFF",
6059 | opacity: 0,
6060 | x: 0,
6061 | y: 0,
6062 | width: 48,
6063 | height: 48
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6453 | return React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({
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6482 | id: "SoundOutline-形状",
6483 | fill: "currentColor",
6484 | fillRule: "nonzero"
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6488 | return React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({
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6517 | id: "TextDeletionOutline-形状结合",
6518 | fill: "currentColor",
6519 | fillRule: "nonzero"
6520 | }))));
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6522 | const defaultPopupBaseProps = {
6523 | closeOnMaskClick: false,
6524 | closeIcon: React$1.createElement(CloseOutline, null),
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6526 | disableBodyScroll: true,
6527 | forceRender: false,
6528 | getContainer: () => document.body,
6529 | mask: true,
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6531 | stopPropagation: ["click"],
6532 | visible: false
6533 | };
6534 | function useInnerVisible(outerVisible) {
6535 | const [innerVisible, setInnerVisible] = React$1.useState(outerVisible);
6536 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
6537 | setInnerVisible(outerVisible);
6538 | }, [outerVisible]);
6539 | return innerVisible;
6540 | }
6541 | function clamp$1(v, min2, max2) {
6542 | return Math.max(min2, Math.min(v, max2));
6543 | }
6544 | const V = {
6545 | toVector(v, fallback) {
6546 | if (v === void 0)
6547 | v = fallback;
6548 | return Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v, v];
6549 | },
6550 | add(v1, v2) {
6551 | return [v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1]];
6552 | },
6553 | sub(v1, v2) {
6554 | return [v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1]];
6555 | },
6556 | addTo(v1, v2) {
6557 | v1[0] += v2[0];
6558 | v1[1] += v2[1];
6559 | },
6560 | subTo(v1, v2) {
6561 | v1[0] -= v2[0];
6562 | v1[1] -= v2[1];
6563 | }
6564 | };
6565 | function rubberband$1(distance, dimension, constant) {
6566 | if (dimension === 0 || Math.abs(dimension) === Infinity)
6567 | return Math.pow(distance, constant * 5);
6568 | return distance * dimension * constant / (dimension + constant * distance);
6569 | }
6570 | function rubberbandIfOutOfBounds$1(position, min2, max2, constant = 0.15) {
6571 | if (constant === 0)
6572 | return clamp$1(position, min2, max2);
6573 | if (position < min2)
6574 | return -rubberband$1(min2 - position, max2 - min2, constant) + min2;
6575 | if (position > max2)
6576 | return +rubberband$1(position - max2, max2 - min2, constant) + max2;
6577 | return position;
6578 | }
6579 | function computeRubberband(bounds, [Vx, Vy], [Rx, Ry]) {
6580 | const [[X0, X1], [Y0, Y1]] = bounds;
6581 | return [rubberbandIfOutOfBounds$1(Vx, X0, X1, Rx), rubberbandIfOutOfBounds$1(Vy, Y0, Y1, Ry)];
6582 | }
6583 | function _toPrimitive$1(input, hint) {
6584 | if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null)
6585 | return input;
6586 | var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive];
6587 | if (prim !== void 0) {
6588 | var res = prim.call(input, hint || "default");
6589 | if (typeof res !== "object")
6590 | return res;
6591 | throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
6592 | }
6593 | return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input);
6594 | }
6595 | function _toPropertyKey$1(arg) {
6596 | var key = _toPrimitive$1(arg, "string");
6597 | return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key);
6598 | }
6599 | function _defineProperty$1(obj, key, value) {
6600 | key = _toPropertyKey$1(key);
6601 | if (key in obj) {
6602 | Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
6603 | value,
6604 | enumerable: true,
6605 | configurable: true,
6606 | writable: true
6607 | });
6608 | } else {
6609 | obj[key] = value;
6610 | }
6611 | return obj;
6612 | }
6613 | function ownKeys$1(e2, r) {
6614 | var t = Object.keys(e2);
6615 | if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
6616 | var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e2);
6617 | r && (o = o.filter(function(r2) {
6618 | return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e2, r2).enumerable;
6619 | })), t.push.apply(t, o);
6620 | }
6621 | return t;
6622 | }
6623 | function _objectSpread2$1(e2) {
6624 | for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
6625 | var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {};
6626 | r % 2 ? ownKeys$1(Object(t), true).forEach(function(r2) {
6627 | _defineProperty$1(e2, r2, t[r2]);
6628 | }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e2, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys$1(Object(t)).forEach(function(r2) {
6629 | Object.defineProperty(e2, r2, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r2));
6630 | });
6631 | }
6632 | return e2;
6633 | }
6634 | const EVENT_TYPE_MAP = {
6635 | pointer: {
6636 | start: "down",
6637 | change: "move",
6638 | end: "up"
6639 | },
6640 | mouse: {
6641 | start: "down",
6642 | change: "move",
6643 | end: "up"
6644 | },
6645 | touch: {
6646 | start: "start",
6647 | change: "move",
6648 | end: "end"
6649 | },
6650 | gesture: {
6651 | start: "start",
6652 | change: "change",
6653 | end: "end"
6654 | }
6655 | };
6656 | function capitalize(string2) {
6657 | if (!string2)
6658 | return "";
6659 | return string2[0].toUpperCase() + string2.slice(1);
6660 | }
6661 | const actionsWithoutCaptureSupported = ["enter", "leave"];
6662 | function hasCapture(capture = false, actionKey) {
6663 | return capture && !actionsWithoutCaptureSupported.includes(actionKey);
6664 | }
6665 | function toHandlerProp(device, action = "", capture = false) {
6666 | const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device];
6667 | const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action;
6668 | return "on" + capitalize(device) + capitalize(actionKey) + (hasCapture(capture, actionKey) ? "Capture" : "");
6669 | }
6670 | const pointerCaptureEvents = ["gotpointercapture", "lostpointercapture"];
6671 | function parseProp(prop) {
6672 | let eventKey = prop.substring(2).toLowerCase();
6673 | const passive = !!~eventKey.indexOf("passive");
6674 | if (passive)
6675 | eventKey = eventKey.replace("passive", "");
6676 | const captureKey = pointerCaptureEvents.includes(eventKey) ? "capturecapture" : "capture";
6677 | const capture = !!~eventKey.indexOf(captureKey);
6678 | if (capture)
6679 | eventKey = eventKey.replace("capture", "");
6680 | return {
6681 | device: eventKey,
6682 | capture,
6683 | passive
6684 | };
6685 | }
6686 | function toDomEventType(device, action = "") {
6687 | const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device];
6688 | const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action;
6689 | return device + actionKey;
6690 | }
6691 | function isTouch(event) {
6692 | return "touches" in event;
6693 | }
6694 | function getPointerType(event) {
6695 | if (isTouch(event))
6696 | return "touch";
6697 | if ("pointerType" in event)
6698 | return event.pointerType;
6699 | return "mouse";
6700 | }
6701 | function getCurrentTargetTouchList(event) {
6702 | return Array.from(event.touches).filter((e2) => {
6703 | var _event$currentTarget, _event$currentTarget$;
6704 | return e2.target === event.currentTarget || ((_event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget) === null || _event$currentTarget === void 0 || (_event$currentTarget$ = _event$currentTarget.contains) === null || _event$currentTarget$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$currentTarget$.call(_event$currentTarget, e2.target));
6705 | });
6706 | }
6707 | function getTouchList(event) {
6708 | return event.type === "touchend" || event.type === "touchcancel" ? event.changedTouches : event.targetTouches;
6709 | }
6710 | function getValueEvent(event) {
6711 | return isTouch(event) ? getTouchList(event)[0] : event;
6712 | }
6713 | function distanceAngle(P1, P2) {
6714 | try {
6715 | const dx = P2.clientX - P1.clientX;
6716 | const dy = P2.clientY - P1.clientY;
6717 | const cx = (P2.clientX + P1.clientX) / 2;
6718 | const cy = (P2.clientY + P1.clientY) / 2;
6719 | const distance = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
6720 | const angle = -(Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180) / Math.PI;
6721 | const origin = [cx, cy];
6722 | return {
6723 | angle,
6724 | distance,
6725 | origin
6726 | };
6727 | } catch (_unused) {
6728 | }
6729 | return null;
6730 | }
6731 | function touchIds(event) {
6732 | return getCurrentTargetTouchList(event).map((touch) => touch.identifier);
6733 | }
6734 | function touchDistanceAngle(event, ids) {
6735 | const [P1, P2] = Array.from(event.touches).filter((touch) => ids.includes(touch.identifier));
6736 | return distanceAngle(P1, P2);
6737 | }
6738 | function pointerId(event) {
6739 | const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event);
6740 | return isTouch(event) ? valueEvent.identifier : valueEvent.pointerId;
6741 | }
6742 | function pointerValues(event) {
6743 | const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event);
6744 | return [valueEvent.clientX, valueEvent.clientY];
6745 | }
6746 | const LINE_HEIGHT = 40;
6747 | const PAGE_HEIGHT = 800;
6748 | function wheelValues(event) {
6749 | let {
6750 | deltaX,
6751 | deltaY,
6752 | deltaMode
6753 | } = event;
6754 | if (deltaMode === 1) {
6755 | deltaX *= LINE_HEIGHT;
6756 | deltaY *= LINE_HEIGHT;
6757 | } else if (deltaMode === 2) {
6758 | deltaX *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
6759 | deltaY *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
6760 | }
6761 | return [deltaX, deltaY];
6762 | }
6763 | function getEventDetails(event) {
6764 | const payload = {};
6765 | if ("buttons" in event)
6766 | payload.buttons = event.buttons;
6767 | if ("shiftKey" in event) {
6768 | const {
6769 | shiftKey,
6770 | altKey,
6771 | metaKey,
6772 | ctrlKey
6773 | } = event;
6774 | Object.assign(payload, {
6775 | shiftKey,
6776 | altKey,
6777 | metaKey,
6778 | ctrlKey
6779 | });
6780 | }
6781 | return payload;
6782 | }
6783 | function call$2(v, ...args) {
6784 | if (typeof v === "function") {
6785 | return v(...args);
6786 | } else {
6787 | return v;
6788 | }
6789 | }
6790 | function noop() {
6791 | }
6792 | function chain(...fns) {
6793 | if (fns.length === 0)
6794 | return noop;
6795 | if (fns.length === 1)
6796 | return fns[0];
6797 | return function() {
6798 | let result;
6799 | for (const fn of fns) {
6800 | result = fn.apply(this, arguments) || result;
6801 | }
6802 | return result;
6803 | };
6804 | }
6805 | function assignDefault(value, fallback) {
6806 | return Object.assign({}, fallback, value || {});
6807 | }
6809 | class Engine {
6810 | constructor(ctrl, args, key) {
6811 | this.ctrl = ctrl;
6812 | this.args = args;
6813 | this.key = key;
6814 | if (!this.state) {
6815 | this.state = {};
6816 | this.computeValues([0, 0]);
6817 | this.computeInitial();
6818 | if (this.init)
6819 | this.init();
6820 | this.reset();
6821 | }
6822 | }
6823 | get state() {
6824 | return this.ctrl.state[this.key];
6825 | }
6826 | set state(state) {
6827 | this.ctrl.state[this.key] = state;
6828 | }
6829 | get shared() {
6830 | return this.ctrl.state.shared;
6831 | }
6832 | get eventStore() {
6833 | return this.ctrl.gestureEventStores[this.key];
6834 | }
6835 | get timeoutStore() {
6836 | return this.ctrl.gestureTimeoutStores[this.key];
6837 | }
6838 | get config() {
6839 | return this.ctrl.config[this.key];
6840 | }
6841 | get sharedConfig() {
6842 | return this.ctrl.config.shared;
6843 | }
6844 | get handler() {
6845 | return this.ctrl.handlers[this.key];
6846 | }
6847 | reset() {
6848 | const {
6849 | state,
6850 | shared,
6851 | ingKey,
6852 | args
6853 | } = this;
6854 | shared[ingKey] = state._active = state.active = state._blocked = state._force = false;
6855 | state._step = [false, false];
6856 | state.intentional = false;
6857 | state._movement = [0, 0];
6858 | state._distance = [0, 0];
6859 | state._direction = [0, 0];
6860 | state._delta = [0, 0];
6861 | state._bounds = [[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]];
6862 | state.args = args;
6863 | state.axis = void 0;
6864 | state.memo = void 0;
6865 | state.elapsedTime = state.timeDelta = 0;
6866 | state.direction = [0, 0];
6867 | state.distance = [0, 0];
6868 | state.overflow = [0, 0];
6869 | state._movementBound = [false, false];
6870 | state.velocity = [0, 0];
6871 | state.movement = [0, 0];
6872 | state.delta = [0, 0];
6873 | state.timeStamp = 0;
6874 | }
6875 | start(event) {
6876 | const state = this.state;
6877 | const config2 = this.config;
6878 | if (!state._active) {
6879 | this.reset();
6880 | this.computeInitial();
6881 | state._active = true;
6882 | state.target = event.target;
6883 | state.currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
6884 | state.lastOffset = config2.from ? call$2(config2.from, state) : state.offset;
6885 | state.offset = state.lastOffset;
6886 | state.startTime = state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;
6887 | }
6888 | }
6889 | computeValues(values) {
6890 | const state = this.state;
6891 | state._values = values;
6892 | state.values = this.config.transform(values);
6893 | }
6894 | computeInitial() {
6895 | const state = this.state;
6896 | state._initial = state._values;
6897 | state.initial = state.values;
6898 | }
6899 | compute(event) {
6900 | const {
6901 | state,
6902 | config: config2,
6903 | shared
6904 | } = this;
6905 | state.args = this.args;
6906 | let dt = 0;
6907 | if (event) {
6908 | state.event = event;
6909 | if (config2.preventDefault && event.cancelable)
6910 | state.event.preventDefault();
6911 | state.type = event.type;
6912 | shared.touches = this.ctrl.pointerIds.size || this.ctrl.touchIds.size;
6913 | shared.locked = !!document.pointerLockElement;
6914 | Object.assign(shared, getEventDetails(event));
6915 | shared.down = shared.pressed = shared.buttons % 2 === 1 || shared.touches > 0;
6916 | dt = event.timeStamp - state.timeStamp;
6917 | state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;
6918 | state.elapsedTime = state.timeStamp - state.startTime;
6919 | }
6920 | if (state._active) {
6921 | const _absoluteDelta = state._delta.map(Math.abs);
6922 | V.addTo(state._distance, _absoluteDelta);
6923 | }
6924 | if (this.axisIntent)
6925 | this.axisIntent(event);
6926 | const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement;
6927 | const [t0, t1] = config2.threshold;
6928 | const {
6929 | _step,
6930 | values
6931 | } = state;
6932 | if (config2.hasCustomTransform) {
6933 | if (_step[0] === false)
6934 | _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && values[0];
6935 | if (_step[1] === false)
6936 | _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && values[1];
6937 | } else {
6938 | if (_step[0] === false)
6939 | _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && Math.sign(_m0) * t0;
6940 | if (_step[1] === false)
6941 | _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && Math.sign(_m1) * t1;
6942 | }
6943 | state.intentional = _step[0] !== false || _step[1] !== false;
6944 | if (!state.intentional)
6945 | return;
6946 | const movement = [0, 0];
6947 | if (config2.hasCustomTransform) {
6948 | const [v0, v1] = values;
6949 | movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? v0 - _step[0] : 0;
6950 | movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? v1 - _step[1] : 0;
6951 | } else {
6952 | movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? _m0 - _step[0] : 0;
6953 | movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? _m1 - _step[1] : 0;
6954 | }
6955 | if (this.restrictToAxis && !state._blocked)
6956 | this.restrictToAxis(movement);
6957 | const previousOffset = state.offset;
6958 | const gestureIsActive = state._active && !state._blocked || state.active;
6959 | if (gestureIsActive) {
6960 | state.first = state._active && !state.active;
6961 | state.last = !state._active && state.active;
6962 | state.active = shared[this.ingKey] = state._active;
6963 | if (event) {
6964 | if (state.first) {
6965 | if ("bounds" in config2)
6966 | state._bounds = call$2(config2.bounds, state);
6967 | if (this.setup)
6968 | this.setup();
6969 | }
6970 | state.movement = movement;
6971 | this.computeOffset();
6972 | }
6973 | }
6974 | const [ox, oy] = state.offset;
6975 | const [[x0, x1], [y0, y1]] = state._bounds;
6976 | state.overflow = [ox < x0 ? -1 : ox > x1 ? 1 : 0, oy < y0 ? -1 : oy > y1 ? 1 : 0];
6977 | state._movementBound[0] = state.overflow[0] ? state._movementBound[0] === false ? state._movement[0] : state._movementBound[0] : false;
6978 | state._movementBound[1] = state.overflow[1] ? state._movementBound[1] === false ? state._movement[1] : state._movementBound[1] : false;
6979 | const rubberband2 = state._active ? config2.rubberband || [0, 0] : [0, 0];
6980 | state.offset = computeRubberband(state._bounds, state.offset, rubberband2);
6981 | state.delta = V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset);
6982 | this.computeMovement();
6983 | if (gestureIsActive && (!state.last || dt > BEFORE_LAST_KINEMATICS_DELAY)) {
6984 | state.delta = V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset);
6985 | const absoluteDelta = state.delta.map(Math.abs);
6986 | V.addTo(state.distance, absoluteDelta);
6987 | state.direction = state.delta.map(Math.sign);
6988 | state._direction = state._delta.map(Math.sign);
6989 | if (!state.first && dt > 0) {
6990 | state.velocity = [absoluteDelta[0] / dt, absoluteDelta[1] / dt];
6991 | state.timeDelta = dt;
6992 | }
6993 | }
6994 | }
6995 | emit() {
6996 | const state = this.state;
6997 | const shared = this.shared;
6998 | const config2 = this.config;
6999 | if (!state._active)
7000 | this.clean();
7001 | if ((state._blocked || !state.intentional) && !state._force && !config2.triggerAllEvents)
7002 | return;
7003 | const memo = this.handler(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, shared), state), {}, {
7004 | [this.aliasKey]: state.values
7005 | }));
7006 | if (memo !== void 0)
7007 | state.memo = memo;
7008 | }
7009 | clean() {
7010 | this.eventStore.clean();
7011 | this.timeoutStore.clean();
7012 | }
7013 | }
7014 | function selectAxis([dx, dy], threshold) {
7015 | const absDx = Math.abs(dx);
7016 | const absDy = Math.abs(dy);
7017 | if (absDx > absDy && absDx > threshold) {
7018 | return "x";
7019 | }
7020 | if (absDy > absDx && absDy > threshold) {
7021 | return "y";
7022 | }
7023 | return void 0;
7024 | }
7025 | class CoordinatesEngine extends Engine {
7026 | constructor(...args) {
7027 | super(...args);
7028 | _defineProperty$1(this, "aliasKey", "xy");
7029 | }
7030 | reset() {
7031 | super.reset();
7032 | this.state.axis = void 0;
7033 | }
7034 | init() {
7035 | this.state.offset = [0, 0];
7036 | this.state.lastOffset = [0, 0];
7037 | }
7038 | computeOffset() {
7039 | this.state.offset = V.add(this.state.lastOffset, this.state.movement);
7040 | }
7041 | computeMovement() {
7042 | this.state.movement = V.sub(this.state.offset, this.state.lastOffset);
7043 | }
7044 | axisIntent(event) {
7045 | const state = this.state;
7046 | const config2 = this.config;
7047 | if (!state.axis && event) {
7048 | const threshold = typeof config2.axisThreshold === "object" ? config2.axisThreshold[getPointerType(event)] : config2.axisThreshold;
7049 | state.axis = selectAxis(state._movement, threshold);
7050 | }
7051 | state._blocked = (config2.lockDirection || !!config2.axis) && !state.axis || !!config2.axis && config2.axis !== state.axis;
7052 | }
7053 | restrictToAxis(v) {
7054 | if (this.config.axis || this.config.lockDirection) {
7055 | switch (this.state.axis) {
7056 | case "x":
7057 | v[1] = 0;
7058 | break;
7059 | case "y":
7060 | v[0] = 0;
7061 | break;
7062 | }
7063 | }
7064 | }
7065 | }
7066 | const identity = (v) => v;
7067 | const DEFAULT_RUBBERBAND = 0.15;
7068 | const commonConfigResolver = {
7069 | enabled(value = true) {
7070 | return value;
7071 | },
7072 | eventOptions(value, _k, config2) {
7073 | return _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, config2.shared.eventOptions), value);
7074 | },
7075 | preventDefault(value = false) {
7076 | return value;
7077 | },
7078 | triggerAllEvents(value = false) {
7079 | return value;
7080 | },
7081 | rubberband(value = 0) {
7082 | switch (value) {
7083 | case true:
7085 | case false:
7086 | return [0, 0];
7087 | default:
7088 | return V.toVector(value);
7089 | }
7090 | },
7091 | from(value) {
7092 | if (typeof value === "function")
7093 | return value;
7094 | if (value != null)
7095 | return V.toVector(value);
7096 | },
7097 | transform(value, _k, config2) {
7098 | const transform = value || config2.shared.transform;
7099 | this.hasCustomTransform = !!transform;
7100 | {
7101 | const originalTransform = transform || identity;
7102 | return (v) => {
7103 | const r = originalTransform(v);
7104 | if (!isFinite(r[0]) || !isFinite(r[1])) {
7105 | console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: config.transform() must produce a valid result, but it was: [${r[0]},${[1]}]`);
7106 | }
7107 | return r;
7108 | };
7109 | }
7110 | },
7111 | threshold(value) {
7112 | return V.toVector(value, 0);
7113 | }
7114 | };
7115 | {
7116 | Object.assign(commonConfigResolver, {
7117 | domTarget(value) {
7118 | if (value !== void 0) {
7119 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`);
7120 | }
7121 | return NaN;
7122 | },
7123 | lockDirection(value) {
7124 | if (value !== void 0) {
7125 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`lockDirection\` option has been merged with \`axis\`. Use it as in \`{ axis: 'lock' }\``);
7126 | }
7127 | return NaN;
7128 | },
7129 | initial(value) {
7130 | if (value !== void 0) {
7131 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`initial\` option has been renamed to \`from\`.`);
7132 | }
7133 | return NaN;
7134 | }
7135 | });
7136 | }
7137 | const DEFAULT_AXIS_THRESHOLD = 0;
7138 | const coordinatesConfigResolver = _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {
7139 | axis(_v, _k, {
7140 | axis
7141 | }) {
7142 | this.lockDirection = axis === "lock";
7143 | if (!this.lockDirection)
7144 | return axis;
7145 | },
7146 | axisThreshold(value = DEFAULT_AXIS_THRESHOLD) {
7147 | return value;
7148 | },
7149 | bounds(value = {}) {
7150 | if (typeof value === "function") {
7151 | return (state) => coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(value(state));
7152 | }
7153 | if ("current" in value) {
7154 | return () => value.current;
7155 | }
7156 | if (typeof HTMLElement === "function" && value instanceof HTMLElement) {
7157 | return value;
7158 | }
7159 | const {
7160 | left = -Infinity,
7161 | right = Infinity,
7162 | top = -Infinity,
7163 | bottom = Infinity
7164 | } = value;
7165 | return [[left, right], [top, bottom]];
7166 | }
7167 | });
7168 | const KEYS_DELTA_MAP = {
7169 | ArrowRight: (displacement, factor = 1) => [displacement * factor, 0],
7170 | ArrowLeft: (displacement, factor = 1) => [-1 * displacement * factor, 0],
7171 | ArrowUp: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, -1 * displacement * factor],
7172 | ArrowDown: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, displacement * factor]
7173 | };
7174 | class DragEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
7175 | constructor(...args) {
7176 | super(...args);
7177 | _defineProperty$1(this, "ingKey", "dragging");
7178 | }
7179 | reset() {
7180 | super.reset();
7181 | const state = this.state;
7182 | state._pointerId = void 0;
7183 | state._pointerActive = false;
7184 | state._keyboardActive = false;
7185 | state._preventScroll = false;
7186 | state._delayed = false;
7187 | state.swipe = [0, 0];
7188 | state.tap = false;
7189 | state.canceled = false;
7190 | state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this);
7191 | }
7192 | setup() {
7193 | const state = this.state;
7194 | if (state._bounds instanceof HTMLElement) {
7195 | const boundRect = state._bounds.getBoundingClientRect();
7196 | const targetRect = state.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
7197 | const _bounds = {
7198 | left: boundRect.left - targetRect.left + state.offset[0],
7199 | right: boundRect.right - targetRect.right + state.offset[0],
7200 | top: boundRect.top - targetRect.top + state.offset[1],
7201 | bottom: boundRect.bottom - targetRect.bottom + state.offset[1]
7202 | };
7203 | state._bounds = coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(_bounds);
7204 | }
7205 | }
7206 | cancel() {
7207 | const state = this.state;
7208 | if (state.canceled)
7209 | return;
7210 | state.canceled = true;
7211 | state._active = false;
7212 | setTimeout(() => {
7213 | this.compute();
7214 | this.emit();
7215 | }, 0);
7216 | }
7217 | setActive() {
7218 | this.state._active = this.state._pointerActive || this.state._keyboardActive;
7219 | }
7220 | clean() {
7221 | this.pointerClean();
7222 | this.state._pointerActive = false;
7223 | this.state._keyboardActive = false;
7224 | super.clean();
7225 | }
7226 | pointerDown(event) {
7227 | const config2 = this.config;
7228 | const state = this.state;
7229 | if (event.buttons != null && (Array.isArray(config2.pointerButtons) ? !config2.pointerButtons.includes(event.buttons) : config2.pointerButtons !== -1 && config2.pointerButtons !== event.buttons))
7230 | return;
7231 | const ctrlIds = this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
7232 | if (config2.pointerCapture) {
7233 | event.target.setPointerCapture(event.pointerId);
7234 | }
7235 | if (ctrlIds && ctrlIds.size > 1 && state._pointerActive)
7236 | return;
7237 | this.start(event);
7238 | this.setupPointer(event);
7239 | state._pointerId = pointerId(event);
7240 | state._pointerActive = true;
7241 | this.computeValues(pointerValues(event));
7242 | this.computeInitial();
7243 | if (config2.preventScrollAxis && getPointerType(event) !== "mouse") {
7244 | state._active = false;
7245 | this.setupScrollPrevention(event);
7246 | } else if (config2.delay > 0) {
7247 | this.setupDelayTrigger(event);
7248 | if (config2.triggerAllEvents) {
7249 | this.compute(event);
7250 | this.emit();
7251 | }
7252 | } else {
7253 | this.startPointerDrag(event);
7254 | }
7255 | }
7256 | startPointerDrag(event) {
7257 | const state = this.state;
7258 | state._active = true;
7259 | state._preventScroll = true;
7260 | state._delayed = false;
7261 | this.compute(event);
7262 | this.emit();
7263 | }
7264 | pointerMove(event) {
7265 | const state = this.state;
7266 | const config2 = this.config;
7267 | if (!state._pointerActive)
7268 | return;
7269 | const id = pointerId(event);
7270 | if (state._pointerId !== void 0 && id !== state._pointerId)
7271 | return;
7272 | const _values = pointerValues(event);
7273 | if (document.pointerLockElement === event.target) {
7274 | state._delta = [event.movementX, event.movementY];
7275 | } else {
7276 | state._delta = V.sub(_values, state._values);
7277 | this.computeValues(_values);
7278 | }
7279 | V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
7280 | this.compute(event);
7281 | if (state._delayed && state.intentional) {
7282 | this.timeoutStore.remove("dragDelay");
7283 | state.active = false;
7284 | this.startPointerDrag(event);
7285 | return;
7286 | }
7287 | if (config2.preventScrollAxis && !state._preventScroll) {
7288 | if (state.axis) {
7289 | if (state.axis === config2.preventScrollAxis || config2.preventScrollAxis === "xy") {
7290 | state._active = false;
7291 | this.clean();
7292 | return;
7293 | } else {
7294 | this.timeoutStore.remove("startPointerDrag");
7295 | this.startPointerDrag(event);
7296 | return;
7297 | }
7298 | } else {
7299 | return;
7300 | }
7301 | }
7302 | this.emit();
7303 | }
7304 | pointerUp(event) {
7305 | this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
7306 | try {
7307 | if (this.config.pointerCapture && event.target.hasPointerCapture(event.pointerId)) {
7308 | ;
7309 | event.target.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId);
7310 | }
7311 | } catch (_unused) {
7312 | {
7313 | console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: If you see this message, it's likely that you're using an outdated version of \`@react-three/fiber\`.
7314 |
7315 | Please upgrade to the latest version.`);
7316 | }
7317 | }
7318 | const state = this.state;
7319 | const config2 = this.config;
7320 | if (!state._active || !state._pointerActive)
7321 | return;
7322 | const id = pointerId(event);
7323 | if (state._pointerId !== void 0 && id !== state._pointerId)
7324 | return;
7325 | this.state._pointerActive = false;
7326 | this.setActive();
7327 | this.compute(event);
7328 | const [dx, dy] = state._distance;
7329 | state.tap = dx <= config2.tapsThreshold && dy <= config2.tapsThreshold;
7330 | if (state.tap && config2.filterTaps) {
7331 | state._force = true;
7332 | } else {
7333 | const [_dx, _dy] = state._delta;
7334 | const [_mx, _my] = state._movement;
7335 | const [svx, svy] = config2.swipe.velocity;
7336 | const [sx, sy] = config2.swipe.distance;
7337 | const sdt = config2.swipe.duration;
7338 | if (state.elapsedTime < sdt) {
7339 | const _vx = Math.abs(_dx / state.timeDelta);
7340 | const _vy = Math.abs(_dy / state.timeDelta);
7341 | if (_vx > svx && Math.abs(_mx) > sx)
7342 | state.swipe[0] = Math.sign(_dx);
7343 | if (_vy > svy && Math.abs(_my) > sy)
7344 | state.swipe[1] = Math.sign(_dy);
7345 | }
7346 | }
7347 | this.emit();
7348 | }
7349 | pointerClick(event) {
7350 | if (!this.state.tap && event.detail > 0) {
7351 | event.preventDefault();
7352 | event.stopPropagation();
7353 | }
7354 | }
7355 | setupPointer(event) {
7356 | const config2 = this.config;
7357 | const device = config2.device;
7358 | {
7359 | try {
7360 | if (device === "pointer" && config2.preventScrollDelay === void 0) {
7361 | const currentTarget = "uv" in event ? event.sourceEvent.currentTarget : event.currentTarget;
7362 | const style = window.getComputedStyle(currentTarget);
7363 | if (style.touchAction === "auto") {
7364 | console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: The drag target has its \`touch-action\` style property set to \`auto\`. It is recommended to add \`touch-action: 'none'\` so that the drag gesture behaves correctly on touch-enabled devices. For more information read this: https://use-gesture.netlify.app/docs/extras/#touch-action.
7365 |
7366 | This message will only show in development mode. It won't appear in production. If this is intended, you can ignore it.`, currentTarget);
7367 | }
7368 | }
7369 | } catch (_unused2) {
7370 | }
7371 | }
7372 | if (config2.pointerLock) {
7373 | event.currentTarget.requestPointerLock();
7374 | }
7375 | if (!config2.pointerCapture) {
7376 | this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, "change", this.pointerMove.bind(this));
7377 | this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, "end", this.pointerUp.bind(this));
7378 | this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, "cancel", this.pointerUp.bind(this));
7379 | }
7380 | }
7381 | pointerClean() {
7382 | if (this.config.pointerLock && document.pointerLockElement === this.state.currentTarget) {
7383 | document.exitPointerLock();
7384 | }
7385 | }
7386 | preventScroll(event) {
7387 | if (this.state._preventScroll && event.cancelable) {
7388 | event.preventDefault();
7389 | }
7390 | }
7391 | setupScrollPrevention(event) {
7392 | this.state._preventScroll = false;
7393 | persistEvent(event);
7394 | const remove = this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, "touch", "change", this.preventScroll.bind(this), {
7395 | passive: false
7396 | });
7397 | this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, "touch", "end", remove);
7398 | this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, "touch", "cancel", remove);
7399 | this.timeoutStore.add("startPointerDrag", this.startPointerDrag.bind(this), this.config.preventScrollDelay, event);
7400 | }
7401 | setupDelayTrigger(event) {
7402 | this.state._delayed = true;
7403 | this.timeoutStore.add("dragDelay", () => {
7404 | this.state._step = [0, 0];
7405 | this.startPointerDrag(event);
7406 | }, this.config.delay);
7407 | }
7408 | keyDown(event) {
7409 | const deltaFn = KEYS_DELTA_MAP[event.key];
7410 | if (deltaFn) {
7411 | const state = this.state;
7412 | const factor = event.shiftKey ? 10 : event.altKey ? 0.1 : 1;
7413 | this.start(event);
7414 | state._delta = deltaFn(this.config.keyboardDisplacement, factor);
7415 | state._keyboardActive = true;
7416 | V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
7417 | this.compute(event);
7418 | this.emit();
7419 | }
7420 | }
7421 | keyUp(event) {
7422 | if (!(event.key in KEYS_DELTA_MAP))
7423 | return;
7424 | this.state._keyboardActive = false;
7425 | this.setActive();
7426 | this.compute(event);
7427 | this.emit();
7428 | }
7429 | bind(bindFunction) {
7430 | const device = this.config.device;
7431 | bindFunction(device, "start", this.pointerDown.bind(this));
7432 | if (this.config.pointerCapture) {
7433 | bindFunction(device, "change", this.pointerMove.bind(this));
7434 | bindFunction(device, "end", this.pointerUp.bind(this));
7435 | bindFunction(device, "cancel", this.pointerUp.bind(this));
7436 | bindFunction("lostPointerCapture", "", this.pointerUp.bind(this));
7437 | }
7438 | if (this.config.keys) {
7439 | bindFunction("key", "down", this.keyDown.bind(this));
7440 | bindFunction("key", "up", this.keyUp.bind(this));
7441 | }
7442 | if (this.config.filterTaps) {
7443 | bindFunction("click", "", this.pointerClick.bind(this), {
7444 | capture: true,
7445 | passive: false
7446 | });
7447 | }
7448 | }
7449 | }
7450 | function persistEvent(event) {
7451 | "persist" in event && typeof event.persist === "function" && event.persist();
7452 | }
7453 | const isBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement;
7454 | function supportsTouchEvents() {
7455 | return isBrowser && "ontouchstart" in window;
7456 | }
7457 | function isTouchScreen() {
7458 | return supportsTouchEvents() || isBrowser && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1;
7459 | }
7460 | function supportsPointerEvents() {
7461 | return isBrowser && "onpointerdown" in window;
7462 | }
7463 | function supportsPointerLock() {
7464 | return isBrowser && "exitPointerLock" in window.document;
7465 | }
7466 | function supportsGestureEvents() {
7467 | try {
7468 | return "constructor" in GestureEvent;
7469 | } catch (e2) {
7470 | return false;
7471 | }
7472 | }
7473 | const SUPPORT = {
7474 | isBrowser,
7475 | gesture: supportsGestureEvents(),
7476 | touch: supportsTouchEvents(),
7477 | touchscreen: isTouchScreen(),
7478 | pointer: supportsPointerEvents(),
7479 | pointerLock: supportsPointerLock()
7480 | };
7482 | const DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY = 180;
7483 | const DEFAULT_SWIPE_VELOCITY = 0.5;
7484 | const DEFAULT_SWIPE_DISTANCE = 50;
7485 | const DEFAULT_SWIPE_DURATION = 250;
7488 | mouse: 0,
7489 | touch: 0,
7490 | pen: 8
7491 | };
7492 | const dragConfigResolver = _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
7493 | device(_v, _k, {
7494 | pointer: {
7495 | touch = false,
7496 | lock = false,
7497 | mouse = false
7498 | } = {}
7499 | }) {
7500 | this.pointerLock = lock && SUPPORT.pointerLock;
7501 | if (SUPPORT.touch && touch)
7502 | return "touch";
7503 | if (this.pointerLock)
7504 | return "mouse";
7505 | if (SUPPORT.pointer && !mouse)
7506 | return "pointer";
7507 | if (SUPPORT.touch)
7508 | return "touch";
7509 | return "mouse";
7510 | },
7511 | preventScrollAxis(value, _k, {
7512 | preventScroll
7513 | }) {
7514 | this.preventScrollDelay = typeof preventScroll === "number" ? preventScroll : preventScroll || preventScroll === void 0 && value ? DEFAULT_PREVENT_SCROLL_DELAY : void 0;
7515 | if (!SUPPORT.touchscreen || preventScroll === false)
7516 | return void 0;
7517 | return value ? value : preventScroll !== void 0 ? "y" : void 0;
7518 | },
7519 | pointerCapture(_v, _k, {
7520 | pointer: {
7521 | capture = true,
7522 | buttons = 1,
7523 | keys = true
7524 | } = {}
7525 | }) {
7526 | this.pointerButtons = buttons;
7527 | this.keys = keys;
7528 | return !this.pointerLock && this.device === "pointer" && capture;
7529 | },
7530 | threshold(value, _k, {
7531 | filterTaps = false,
7532 | tapsThreshold = 3,
7533 | axis = void 0
7534 | }) {
7535 | const threshold = V.toVector(value, filterTaps ? tapsThreshold : axis ? 1 : 0);
7536 | this.filterTaps = filterTaps;
7537 | this.tapsThreshold = tapsThreshold;
7538 | return threshold;
7539 | },
7540 | swipe({
7541 | velocity = DEFAULT_SWIPE_VELOCITY,
7542 | distance = DEFAULT_SWIPE_DISTANCE,
7543 | duration = DEFAULT_SWIPE_DURATION
7544 | } = {}) {
7545 | return {
7546 | velocity: this.transform(V.toVector(velocity)),
7547 | distance: this.transform(V.toVector(distance)),
7548 | duration
7549 | };
7550 | },
7551 | delay(value = 0) {
7552 | switch (value) {
7553 | case true:
7554 | return DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY;
7555 | case false:
7556 | return 0;
7557 | default:
7558 | return value;
7559 | }
7560 | },
7561 | axisThreshold(value) {
7562 | if (!value)
7564 | return _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD), value);
7565 | },
7566 | keyboardDisplacement(value = DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_DISPLACEMENT) {
7567 | return value;
7568 | }
7569 | });
7570 | {
7571 | Object.assign(dragConfigResolver, {
7572 | useTouch(value) {
7573 | if (value !== void 0) {
7574 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`useTouch\` option has been renamed to \`pointer.touch\`. Use it as in \`{ pointer: { touch: true } }\`.`);
7575 | }
7576 | return NaN;
7577 | },
7578 | experimental_preventWindowScrollY(value) {
7579 | if (value !== void 0) {
7580 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`experimental_preventWindowScrollY\` option has been renamed to \`preventScroll\`.`);
7581 | }
7582 | return NaN;
7583 | },
7584 | swipeVelocity(value) {
7585 | if (value !== void 0) {
7586 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeVelocity\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.velocity\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { velocity: 0.5 } }\`.`);
7587 | }
7588 | return NaN;
7589 | },
7590 | swipeDistance(value) {
7591 | if (value !== void 0) {
7592 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDistance\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.distance\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { distance: 50 } }\`.`);
7593 | }
7594 | return NaN;
7595 | },
7596 | swipeDuration(value) {
7597 | if (value !== void 0) {
7598 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`swipeDuration\` option has been renamed to \`swipe.duration\`. Use it as in \`{ swipe: { duration: 250 } }\`.`);
7599 | }
7600 | return NaN;
7601 | }
7602 | });
7603 | }
7604 | function clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state) {
7605 | const [ox, oy] = state.overflow;
7606 | const [dx, dy] = state._delta;
7607 | const [dirx, diry] = state._direction;
7608 | if (ox < 0 && dx > 0 && dirx < 0 || ox > 0 && dx < 0 && dirx > 0) {
7609 | state._movement[0] = state._movementBound[0];
7610 | }
7611 | if (oy < 0 && dy > 0 && diry < 0 || oy > 0 && dy < 0 && diry > 0) {
7612 | state._movement[1] = state._movementBound[1];
7613 | }
7614 | }
7616 | const PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO = 100;
7617 | class PinchEngine extends Engine {
7618 | constructor(...args) {
7619 | super(...args);
7620 | _defineProperty$1(this, "ingKey", "pinching");
7621 | _defineProperty$1(this, "aliasKey", "da");
7622 | }
7623 | init() {
7624 | this.state.offset = [1, 0];
7625 | this.state.lastOffset = [1, 0];
7626 | this.state._pointerEvents = new Map();
7627 | }
7628 | reset() {
7629 | super.reset();
7630 | const state = this.state;
7631 | state._touchIds = [];
7632 | state.canceled = false;
7633 | state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this);
7634 | state.turns = 0;
7635 | }
7636 | computeOffset() {
7637 | const {
7638 | type,
7639 | movement,
7640 | lastOffset
7641 | } = this.state;
7642 | if (type === "wheel") {
7643 | this.state.offset = V.add(movement, lastOffset);
7644 | } else {
7645 | this.state.offset = [(1 + movement[0]) * lastOffset[0], movement[1] + lastOffset[1]];
7646 | }
7647 | }
7648 | computeMovement() {
7649 | const {
7650 | offset: offset2,
7651 | lastOffset
7652 | } = this.state;
7653 | this.state.movement = [offset2[0] / lastOffset[0], offset2[1] - lastOffset[1]];
7654 | }
7655 | axisIntent() {
7656 | const state = this.state;
7657 | const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement;
7658 | if (!state.axis) {
7659 | const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(_m0) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(_m1);
7660 | if (axisMovementDifference < 0)
7661 | state.axis = "angle";
7662 | else if (axisMovementDifference > 0)
7663 | state.axis = "scale";
7664 | }
7665 | }
7666 | restrictToAxis(v) {
7667 | if (this.config.lockDirection) {
7668 | if (this.state.axis === "scale")
7669 | v[1] = 0;
7670 | else if (this.state.axis === "angle")
7671 | v[0] = 0;
7672 | }
7673 | }
7674 | cancel() {
7675 | const state = this.state;
7676 | if (state.canceled)
7677 | return;
7678 | setTimeout(() => {
7679 | state.canceled = true;
7680 | state._active = false;
7681 | this.compute();
7682 | this.emit();
7683 | }, 0);
7684 | }
7685 | touchStart(event) {
7686 | this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
7687 | const state = this.state;
7688 | const ctrlTouchIds = this.ctrl.touchIds;
7689 | if (state._active) {
7690 | if (state._touchIds.every((id) => ctrlTouchIds.has(id)))
7691 | return;
7692 | }
7693 | if (ctrlTouchIds.size < 2)
7694 | return;
7695 | this.start(event);
7696 | state._touchIds = Array.from(ctrlTouchIds).slice(0, 2);
7697 | const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, state._touchIds);
7698 | if (!payload)
7699 | return;
7700 | this.pinchStart(event, payload);
7701 | }
7702 | pointerStart(event) {
7703 | if (event.buttons != null && event.buttons % 2 !== 1)
7704 | return;
7705 | this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
7706 | event.target.setPointerCapture(event.pointerId);
7707 | const state = this.state;
7708 | const _pointerEvents = state._pointerEvents;
7709 | const ctrlPointerIds = this.ctrl.pointerIds;
7710 | if (state._active) {
7711 | if (Array.from(_pointerEvents.keys()).every((id) => ctrlPointerIds.has(id)))
7712 | return;
7713 | }
7714 | if (_pointerEvents.size < 2) {
7715 | _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event);
7716 | }
7717 | if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2)
7718 | return;
7719 | this.start(event);
7720 | const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values()));
7721 | if (!payload)
7722 | return;
7723 | this.pinchStart(event, payload);
7724 | }
7725 | pinchStart(event, payload) {
7726 | const state = this.state;
7727 | state.origin = payload.origin;
7728 | this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle]);
7729 | this.computeInitial();
7730 | this.compute(event);
7731 | this.emit();
7732 | }
7733 | touchMove(event) {
7734 | if (!this.state._active)
7735 | return;
7736 | const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, this.state._touchIds);
7737 | if (!payload)
7738 | return;
7739 | this.pinchMove(event, payload);
7740 | }
7741 | pointerMove(event) {
7742 | const _pointerEvents = this.state._pointerEvents;
7743 | if (_pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) {
7744 | _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event);
7745 | }
7746 | if (!this.state._active)
7747 | return;
7748 | const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values()));
7749 | if (!payload)
7750 | return;
7751 | this.pinchMove(event, payload);
7752 | }
7753 | pinchMove(event, payload) {
7754 | const state = this.state;
7755 | const prev_a = state._values[1];
7756 | const delta_a = payload.angle - prev_a;
7757 | let delta_turns = 0;
7758 | if (Math.abs(delta_a) > 270)
7759 | delta_turns += Math.sign(delta_a);
7760 | this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle - 360 * delta_turns]);
7761 | state.origin = payload.origin;
7762 | state.turns = delta_turns;
7763 | state._movement = [state._values[0] / state._initial[0] - 1, state._values[1] - state._initial[1]];
7764 | this.compute(event);
7765 | this.emit();
7766 | }
7767 | touchEnd(event) {
7768 | this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
7769 | if (!this.state._active)
7770 | return;
7771 | if (this.state._touchIds.some((id) => !this.ctrl.touchIds.has(id))) {
7772 | this.state._active = false;
7773 | this.compute(event);
7774 | this.emit();
7775 | }
7776 | }
7777 | pointerEnd(event) {
7778 | const state = this.state;
7779 | this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);
7780 | try {
7781 | event.target.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId);
7782 | } catch (_unused) {
7783 | }
7784 | if (state._pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) {
7785 | state._pointerEvents.delete(event.pointerId);
7786 | }
7787 | if (!state._active)
7788 | return;
7789 | if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) {
7790 | state._active = false;
7791 | this.compute(event);
7792 | this.emit();
7793 | }
7794 | }
7795 | gestureStart(event) {
7796 | if (event.cancelable)
7797 | event.preventDefault();
7798 | const state = this.state;
7799 | if (state._active)
7800 | return;
7801 | this.start(event);
7802 | this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]);
7803 | state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
7804 | this.compute(event);
7805 | this.emit();
7806 | }
7807 | gestureMove(event) {
7808 | if (event.cancelable)
7809 | event.preventDefault();
7810 | if (!this.state._active)
7811 | return;
7812 | const state = this.state;
7813 | this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]);
7814 | state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
7815 | const _previousMovement = state._movement;
7816 | state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation];
7817 | state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement);
7818 | this.compute(event);
7819 | this.emit();
7820 | }
7821 | gestureEnd(event) {
7822 | if (!this.state._active)
7823 | return;
7824 | this.state._active = false;
7825 | this.compute(event);
7826 | this.emit();
7827 | }
7828 | wheel(event) {
7829 | const modifierKey = this.config.modifierKey;
7830 | if (modifierKey && (Array.isArray(modifierKey) ? !modifierKey.find((k) => event[k]) : !event[modifierKey]))
7831 | return;
7832 | if (!this.state._active)
7833 | this.wheelStart(event);
7834 | else
7835 | this.wheelChange(event);
7836 | this.timeoutStore.add("wheelEnd", this.wheelEnd.bind(this));
7837 | }
7838 | wheelStart(event) {
7839 | this.start(event);
7840 | this.wheelChange(event);
7841 | }
7842 | wheelChange(event) {
7843 | const isR3f = "uv" in event;
7844 | if (!isR3f) {
7845 | if (event.cancelable) {
7846 | event.preventDefault();
7847 | }
7848 | if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
7849 | console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: To properly support zoom on trackpads, try using the \`target\` option.
7850 |
7851 | This message will only appear in development mode.`);
7852 | }
7853 | }
7854 | const state = this.state;
7855 | state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO * state.offset[0], 0];
7856 | V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
7857 | clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state);
7858 | this.state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
7859 | this.compute(event);
7860 | this.emit();
7861 | }
7862 | wheelEnd() {
7863 | if (!this.state._active)
7864 | return;
7865 | this.state._active = false;
7866 | this.compute();
7867 | this.emit();
7868 | }
7869 | bind(bindFunction) {
7870 | const device = this.config.device;
7871 | if (!!device) {
7872 | bindFunction(device, "start", this[device + "Start"].bind(this));
7873 | bindFunction(device, "change", this[device + "Move"].bind(this));
7874 | bindFunction(device, "end", this[device + "End"].bind(this));
7875 | bindFunction(device, "cancel", this[device + "End"].bind(this));
7876 | bindFunction("lostPointerCapture", "", this[device + "End"].bind(this));
7877 | }
7878 | if (this.config.pinchOnWheel) {
7879 | bindFunction("wheel", "", this.wheel.bind(this), {
7880 | passive: false
7881 | });
7882 | }
7883 | }
7884 | }
7885 | const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, {
7886 | device(_v, _k, {
7887 | shared,
7888 | pointer: {
7889 | touch = false
7890 | } = {}
7891 | }) {
7892 | const sharedConfig = shared;
7893 | if (sharedConfig.target && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture)
7894 | return "gesture";
7895 | if (SUPPORT.touch && touch)
7896 | return "touch";
7897 | if (SUPPORT.touchscreen) {
7898 | if (SUPPORT.pointer)
7899 | return "pointer";
7900 | if (SUPPORT.touch)
7901 | return "touch";
7902 | }
7903 | },
7904 | bounds(_v, _k, {
7905 | scaleBounds = {},
7906 | angleBounds = {}
7907 | }) {
7908 | const _scaleBounds = (state) => {
7909 | const D = assignDefault(call$2(scaleBounds, state), {
7910 | min: -Infinity,
7911 | max: Infinity
7912 | });
7913 | return [D.min, D.max];
7914 | };
7915 | const _angleBounds = (state) => {
7916 | const A = assignDefault(call$2(angleBounds, state), {
7917 | min: -Infinity,
7918 | max: Infinity
7919 | });
7920 | return [A.min, A.max];
7921 | };
7922 | if (typeof scaleBounds !== "function" && typeof angleBounds !== "function")
7923 | return [_scaleBounds(), _angleBounds()];
7924 | return (state) => [_scaleBounds(state), _angleBounds(state)];
7925 | },
7926 | threshold(value, _k, config2) {
7927 | this.lockDirection = config2.axis === "lock";
7928 | const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0);
7929 | return threshold;
7930 | },
7931 | modifierKey(value) {
7932 | if (value === void 0)
7933 | return "ctrlKey";
7934 | return value;
7935 | },
7936 | pinchOnWheel(value = true) {
7937 | return value;
7938 | }
7939 | });
7940 | _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
7941 | mouseOnly: (value = true) => value
7942 | });
7943 | class WheelEngine extends CoordinatesEngine {
7944 | constructor(...args) {
7945 | super(...args);
7946 | _defineProperty$1(this, "ingKey", "wheeling");
7947 | }
7948 | wheel(event) {
7949 | if (!this.state._active)
7950 | this.start(event);
7951 | this.wheelChange(event);
7952 | this.timeoutStore.add("wheelEnd", this.wheelEnd.bind(this));
7953 | }
7954 | wheelChange(event) {
7955 | const state = this.state;
7956 | state._delta = wheelValues(event);
7957 | V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta);
7958 | clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state);
7959 | this.compute(event);
7960 | this.emit();
7961 | }
7962 | wheelEnd() {
7963 | if (!this.state._active)
7964 | return;
7965 | this.state._active = false;
7966 | this.compute();
7967 | this.emit();
7968 | }
7969 | bind(bindFunction) {
7970 | bindFunction("wheel", "", this.wheel.bind(this));
7971 | }
7972 | }
7973 | const wheelConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver;
7974 | _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, {
7975 | mouseOnly: (value = true) => value
7976 | });
7977 | const EngineMap = new Map();
7978 | const ConfigResolverMap = new Map();
7979 | function registerAction(action) {
7980 | EngineMap.set(action.key, action.engine);
7981 | ConfigResolverMap.set(action.key, action.resolver);
7982 | }
7983 | const dragAction = {
7984 | key: "drag",
7985 | engine: DragEngine,
7986 | resolver: dragConfigResolver
7987 | };
7988 | const pinchAction = {
7989 | key: "pinch",
7990 | engine: PinchEngine,
7991 | resolver: pinchConfigResolver
7992 | };
7993 | const wheelAction = {
7994 | key: "wheel",
7995 | engine: WheelEngine,
7996 | resolver: wheelConfigResolver
7997 | };
7998 | function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$1(source, excluded) {
7999 | if (source == null)
8000 | return {};
8001 | var target = {};
8002 | var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
8003 | var key, i2;
8004 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < sourceKeys.length; i2++) {
8005 | key = sourceKeys[i2];
8006 | if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0)
8007 | continue;
8008 | target[key] = source[key];
8009 | }
8010 | return target;
8011 | }
8012 | function _objectWithoutProperties$1(source, excluded) {
8013 | if (source == null)
8014 | return {};
8015 | var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose$1(source, excluded);
8016 | var key, i2;
8017 | if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
8018 | var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);
8019 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i2++) {
8020 | key = sourceSymbolKeys[i2];
8021 | if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0)
8022 | continue;
8023 | if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key))
8024 | continue;
8025 | target[key] = source[key];
8026 | }
8027 | }
8028 | return target;
8029 | }
8030 | const sharedConfigResolver = {
8031 | target(value) {
8032 | if (value) {
8033 | return () => "current" in value ? value.current : value;
8034 | }
8035 | return void 0;
8036 | },
8037 | enabled(value = true) {
8038 | return value;
8039 | },
8040 | window(value = SUPPORT.isBrowser ? window : void 0) {
8041 | return value;
8042 | },
8043 | eventOptions({
8044 | passive = true,
8045 | capture = false
8046 | } = {}) {
8047 | return {
8048 | passive,
8049 | capture
8050 | };
8051 | },
8052 | transform(value) {
8053 | return value;
8054 | }
8055 | };
8056 | const _excluded$3 = ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled", "transform"];
8057 | function resolveWith(config2 = {}, resolvers) {
8058 | const result = {};
8059 | for (const [key, resolver] of Object.entries(resolvers)) {
8060 | switch (typeof resolver) {
8061 | case "function":
8062 | {
8063 | const r = resolver.call(result, config2[key], key, config2);
8064 | if (!Number.isNaN(r))
8065 | result[key] = r;
8066 | }
8067 | break;
8068 | case "object":
8069 | result[key] = resolveWith(config2[key], resolver);
8070 | break;
8071 | case "boolean":
8072 | if (resolver)
8073 | result[key] = config2[key];
8074 | break;
8075 | }
8076 | }
8077 | return result;
8078 | }
8079 | function parse(newConfig, gestureKey, _config = {}) {
8080 | const _ref = newConfig, {
8081 | target,
8082 | eventOptions,
8083 | window: window2,
8084 | enabled,
8085 | transform
8086 | } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutProperties$1(_ref, _excluded$3);
8087 | _config.shared = resolveWith({
8088 | target,
8089 | eventOptions,
8090 | window: window2,
8091 | enabled,
8092 | transform
8093 | }, sharedConfigResolver);
8094 | if (gestureKey) {
8095 | const resolver = ConfigResolverMap.get(gestureKey);
8096 | _config[gestureKey] = resolveWith(_objectSpread2$1({
8097 | shared: _config.shared
8098 | }, rest), resolver);
8099 | } else {
8100 | for (const key in rest) {
8101 | const resolver = ConfigResolverMap.get(key);
8102 | if (resolver) {
8103 | _config[key] = resolveWith(_objectSpread2$1({
8104 | shared: _config.shared
8105 | }, rest[key]), resolver);
8106 | } else {
8107 | if (!["drag", "pinch", "scroll", "wheel", "move", "hover"].includes(key)) {
8108 | if (key === "domTarget") {
8109 | throw Error(`[@use-gesture]: \`domTarget\` option has been renamed to \`target\`.`);
8110 | }
8111 | console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: Unknown config key \`${key}\` was used. Please read the documentation for further information.`);
8112 | }
8113 | }
8114 | }
8115 | }
8116 | return _config;
8117 | }
8118 | class EventStore {
8119 | constructor(ctrl, gestureKey) {
8120 | _defineProperty$1(this, "_listeners", new Set());
8121 | this._ctrl = ctrl;
8122 | this._gestureKey = gestureKey;
8123 | }
8124 | add(element, device, action, handler, options) {
8125 | const listeners = this._listeners;
8126 | const type = toDomEventType(device, action);
8127 | const _options = this._gestureKey ? this._ctrl.config[this._gestureKey].eventOptions : {};
8128 | const eventOptions = _objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, _options), options);
8129 | element.addEventListener(type, handler, eventOptions);
8130 | const remove = () => {
8131 | element.removeEventListener(type, handler, eventOptions);
8132 | listeners.delete(remove);
8133 | };
8134 | listeners.add(remove);
8135 | return remove;
8136 | }
8137 | clean() {
8138 | this._listeners.forEach((remove) => remove());
8139 | this._listeners.clear();
8140 | }
8141 | }
8142 | class TimeoutStore {
8143 | constructor() {
8144 | _defineProperty$1(this, "_timeouts", new Map());
8145 | }
8146 | add(key, callback, ms = 140, ...args) {
8147 | this.remove(key);
8148 | this._timeouts.set(key, window.setTimeout(callback, ms, ...args));
8149 | }
8150 | remove(key) {
8151 | const timeout = this._timeouts.get(key);
8152 | if (timeout)
8153 | window.clearTimeout(timeout);
8154 | }
8155 | clean() {
8156 | this._timeouts.forEach((timeout) => void window.clearTimeout(timeout));
8157 | this._timeouts.clear();
8158 | }
8159 | }
8160 | class Controller {
8161 | constructor(handlers) {
8162 | _defineProperty$1(this, "gestures", new Set());
8163 | _defineProperty$1(this, "_targetEventStore", new EventStore(this));
8164 | _defineProperty$1(this, "gestureEventStores", {});
8165 | _defineProperty$1(this, "gestureTimeoutStores", {});
8166 | _defineProperty$1(this, "handlers", {});
8167 | _defineProperty$1(this, "config", {});
8168 | _defineProperty$1(this, "pointerIds", new Set());
8169 | _defineProperty$1(this, "touchIds", new Set());
8170 | _defineProperty$1(this, "state", {
8171 | shared: {
8172 | shiftKey: false,
8173 | metaKey: false,
8174 | ctrlKey: false,
8175 | altKey: false
8176 | }
8177 | });
8178 | resolveGestures(this, handlers);
8179 | }
8180 | setEventIds(event) {
8181 | if (isTouch(event)) {
8182 | this.touchIds = new Set(touchIds(event));
8183 | return this.touchIds;
8184 | } else if ("pointerId" in event) {
8185 | if (event.type === "pointerup" || event.type === "pointercancel")
8186 | this.pointerIds.delete(event.pointerId);
8187 | else if (event.type === "pointerdown")
8188 | this.pointerIds.add(event.pointerId);
8189 | return this.pointerIds;
8190 | }
8191 | }
8192 | applyHandlers(handlers, nativeHandlers) {
8193 | this.handlers = handlers;
8194 | this.nativeHandlers = nativeHandlers;
8195 | }
8196 | applyConfig(config2, gestureKey) {
8197 | this.config = parse(config2, gestureKey, this.config);
8198 | }
8199 | clean() {
8200 | this._targetEventStore.clean();
8201 | for (const key of this.gestures) {
8202 | this.gestureEventStores[key].clean();
8203 | this.gestureTimeoutStores[key].clean();
8204 | }
8205 | }
8206 | effect() {
8207 | if (this.config.shared.target)
8208 | this.bind();
8209 | return () => this._targetEventStore.clean();
8210 | }
8211 | bind(...args) {
8212 | const sharedConfig = this.config.shared;
8213 | const props = {};
8214 | let target;
8215 | if (sharedConfig.target) {
8216 | target = sharedConfig.target();
8217 | if (!target)
8218 | return;
8219 | }
8220 | if (sharedConfig.enabled) {
8221 | for (const gestureKey of this.gestures) {
8222 | const gestureConfig = this.config[gestureKey];
8223 | const bindFunction = bindToProps(props, gestureConfig.eventOptions, !!target);
8224 | if (gestureConfig.enabled) {
8225 | const Engine2 = EngineMap.get(gestureKey);
8226 | new Engine2(this, args, gestureKey).bind(bindFunction);
8227 | }
8228 | }
8229 | const nativeBindFunction = bindToProps(props, sharedConfig.eventOptions, !!target);
8230 | for (const eventKey in this.nativeHandlers) {
8231 | nativeBindFunction(eventKey, "", (event) => this.nativeHandlers[eventKey](_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, this.state.shared), {}, {
8232 | event,
8233 | args
8234 | })), void 0, true);
8235 | }
8236 | }
8237 | for (const handlerProp in props) {
8238 | props[handlerProp] = chain(...props[handlerProp]);
8239 | }
8240 | if (!target)
8241 | return props;
8242 | for (const handlerProp in props) {
8243 | const {
8244 | device,
8245 | capture,
8246 | passive
8247 | } = parseProp(handlerProp);
8248 | this._targetEventStore.add(target, device, "", props[handlerProp], {
8249 | capture,
8250 | passive
8251 | });
8252 | }
8253 | }
8254 | }
8255 | function setupGesture(ctrl, gestureKey) {
8256 | ctrl.gestures.add(gestureKey);
8257 | ctrl.gestureEventStores[gestureKey] = new EventStore(ctrl, gestureKey);
8258 | ctrl.gestureTimeoutStores[gestureKey] = new TimeoutStore();
8259 | }
8260 | function resolveGestures(ctrl, internalHandlers) {
8261 | if (internalHandlers.drag)
8262 | setupGesture(ctrl, "drag");
8263 | if (internalHandlers.wheel)
8264 | setupGesture(ctrl, "wheel");
8265 | if (internalHandlers.scroll)
8266 | setupGesture(ctrl, "scroll");
8267 | if (internalHandlers.move)
8268 | setupGesture(ctrl, "move");
8269 | if (internalHandlers.pinch)
8270 | setupGesture(ctrl, "pinch");
8271 | if (internalHandlers.hover)
8272 | setupGesture(ctrl, "hover");
8273 | }
8274 | const bindToProps = (props, eventOptions, withPassiveOption) => (device, action, handler, options = {}, isNative = false) => {
8275 | var _options$capture, _options$passive;
8276 | const capture = (_options$capture = options.capture) !== null && _options$capture !== void 0 ? _options$capture : eventOptions.capture;
8277 | const passive = (_options$passive = options.passive) !== null && _options$passive !== void 0 ? _options$passive : eventOptions.passive;
8278 | let handlerProp = isNative ? device : toHandlerProp(device, action, capture);
8279 | if (withPassiveOption && passive)
8280 | handlerProp += "Passive";
8281 | props[handlerProp] = props[handlerProp] || [];
8282 | props[handlerProp].push(handler);
8283 | };
8284 | const RE_NOT_NATIVE = /^on(Drag|Wheel|Scroll|Move|Pinch|Hover)/;
8285 | function sortHandlers(_handlers) {
8286 | const native = {};
8287 | const handlers = {};
8288 | const actions = new Set();
8289 | for (let key in _handlers) {
8290 | if (RE_NOT_NATIVE.test(key)) {
8291 | actions.add(RegExp.lastMatch);
8292 | handlers[key] = _handlers[key];
8293 | } else {
8294 | native[key] = _handlers[key];
8295 | }
8296 | }
8297 | return [handlers, native, actions];
8298 | }
8299 | function registerGesture(actions, handlers, handlerKey, key, internalHandlers, config2) {
8300 | if (!actions.has(handlerKey))
8301 | return;
8302 | if (!EngineMap.has(key)) {
8303 | {
8304 | console.warn(`[@use-gesture]: You've created a custom handler that that uses the \`${key}\` gesture but isn't properly configured.
8305 |
8306 | Please add \`${key}Action\` when creating your handler.`);
8307 | }
8308 | return;
8309 | }
8310 | const startKey = handlerKey + "Start";
8311 | const endKey = handlerKey + "End";
8312 | const fn = (state) => {
8313 | let memo = void 0;
8314 | if (state.first && startKey in handlers)
8315 | handlers[startKey](state);
8316 | if (handlerKey in handlers)
8317 | memo = handlers[handlerKey](state);
8318 | if (state.last && endKey in handlers)
8319 | handlers[endKey](state);
8320 | return memo;
8321 | };
8322 | internalHandlers[key] = fn;
8323 | config2[key] = config2[key] || {};
8324 | }
8325 | function parseMergedHandlers(mergedHandlers, mergedConfig) {
8326 | const [handlers, nativeHandlers, actions] = sortHandlers(mergedHandlers);
8327 | const internalHandlers = {};
8328 | registerGesture(actions, handlers, "onDrag", "drag", internalHandlers, mergedConfig);
8329 | registerGesture(actions, handlers, "onWheel", "wheel", internalHandlers, mergedConfig);
8330 | registerGesture(actions, handlers, "onScroll", "scroll", internalHandlers, mergedConfig);
8331 | registerGesture(actions, handlers, "onPinch", "pinch", internalHandlers, mergedConfig);
8332 | registerGesture(actions, handlers, "onMove", "move", internalHandlers, mergedConfig);
8333 | registerGesture(actions, handlers, "onHover", "hover", internalHandlers, mergedConfig);
8334 | return {
8335 | handlers: internalHandlers,
8336 | config: mergedConfig,
8337 | nativeHandlers
8338 | };
8339 | }
8340 | function useRecognizers(handlers, config2 = {}, gestureKey, nativeHandlers) {
8341 | const ctrl = React$1.useMemo(() => new Controller(handlers), []);
8342 | ctrl.applyHandlers(handlers, nativeHandlers);
8343 | ctrl.applyConfig(config2, gestureKey);
8344 | React$1.useEffect(ctrl.effect.bind(ctrl));
8345 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
8346 | return ctrl.clean.bind(ctrl);
8347 | }, []);
8348 | if (config2.target === void 0) {
8349 | return ctrl.bind.bind(ctrl);
8350 | }
8351 | return void 0;
8352 | }
8353 | function useDrag(handler, config2) {
8354 | registerAction(dragAction);
8355 | return useRecognizers({
8356 | drag: handler
8357 | }, config2 || {}, "drag");
8358 | }
8359 | function useWheel(handler, config2) {
8360 | registerAction(wheelAction);
8361 | return useRecognizers({
8362 | wheel: handler
8363 | }, config2 || {}, "wheel");
8364 | }
8365 | function createUseGesture(actions) {
8366 | actions.forEach(registerAction);
8367 | return function useGesture(_handlers, _config) {
8368 | const {
8369 | handlers,
8370 | nativeHandlers,
8371 | config: config2
8372 | } = parseMergedHandlers(_handlers, _config || {});
8373 | return useRecognizers(handlers, config2, void 0, nativeHandlers);
8374 | };
8375 | }
8376 | const classPrefix$1o = `adm-popup`;
8377 | const defaultProps$13 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultPopupBaseProps), {
8378 | closeOnSwipe: false,
8379 | position: "bottom"
8380 | });
8381 | const Popup = (p) => {
8382 | const {
8383 | locale,
8384 | popup: componentConfig = {}
8385 | } = useConfig();
8386 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$13, componentConfig, p);
8387 | const bodyCls = classNames(`${classPrefix$1o}-body`, props.bodyClassName, `${classPrefix$1o}-body-position-${props.position}`);
8388 | const [active, setActive] = React$1.useState(props.visible);
8389 | const ref = React$1.useRef(null);
8390 | useLockScroll(ref, props.disableBodyScroll && active ? "strict" : false);
8391 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
8392 | if (props.visible) {
8393 | setActive(true);
8394 | }
8395 | }, [props.visible]);
8396 | const unmountedRef = useUnmountedRef$1();
8397 | const {
8398 | percent
8399 | } = useSpring({
8400 | percent: props.visible ? 0 : 100,
8401 | config: {
8402 | precision: 0.1,
8403 | mass: 0.4,
8404 | tension: 300,
8405 | friction: 30
8406 | },
8407 | onRest: () => {
8408 | var _a, _b;
8409 | if (unmountedRef.current)
8410 | return;
8411 | setActive(props.visible);
8412 | if (props.visible) {
8413 | (_a = props.afterShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
8414 | } else {
8415 | (_b = props.afterClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
8416 | }
8417 | }
8418 | });
8419 | const bind = useDrag(({
8420 | swipe: [, swipeY]
8421 | }) => {
8422 | var _a;
8423 | if (!props.closeOnSwipe)
8424 | return;
8425 | if (swipeY === 1 && props.position === "bottom" || swipeY === -1 && props.position === "top") {
8426 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
8427 | }
8428 | }, {
8429 | axis: "y",
8430 | enabled: ["top", "bottom"].includes(props.position)
8431 | });
8432 | const maskVisible = useInnerVisible(active && props.visible);
8433 | const node = withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagation, withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
8434 | className: classPrefix$1o,
8435 | onClick: props.onClick,
8436 | style: {
8437 | display: active ? void 0 : "none",
8438 | touchAction: ["top", "bottom"].includes(props.position) ? "none" : "auto"
8439 | }
8440 | }, bind()), props.mask && React$1.createElement(Mask, {
8441 | visible: maskVisible,
8442 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
8443 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
8444 | onMaskClick: (e2) => {
8445 | var _a, _b;
8446 | (_a = props.onMaskClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
8447 | if (props.closeOnMaskClick) {
8448 | (_b = props.onClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
8449 | }
8450 | },
8451 | className: props.maskClassName,
8452 | style: props.maskStyle,
8453 | disableBodyScroll: false,
8454 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation
8455 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
8456 | className: bodyCls,
8457 | style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props.bodyStyle), {
8458 | pointerEvents: percent.to((v) => v === 0 ? "unset" : "none"),
8459 | transform: percent.to((v) => {
8460 | if (props.position === "bottom") {
8461 | return `translate(0, ${v}%)`;
8462 | }
8463 | if (props.position === "top") {
8464 | return `translate(0, -${v}%)`;
8465 | }
8466 | if (props.position === "left") {
8467 | return `translate(-${v}%, 0)`;
8468 | }
8469 | if (props.position === "right") {
8470 | return `translate(${v}%, 0)`;
8471 | }
8472 | return "none";
8473 | })
8474 | }),
8475 | ref
8476 | }, props.showCloseButton && React$1.createElement("a", {
8477 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1o}-close-icon`, "adm-plain-anchor"),
8478 | onClick: () => {
8479 | var _a;
8480 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
8481 | },
8482 | role: "button",
8483 | "aria-label": locale.common.close
8484 | }, props.closeIcon), props.children))));
8485 | return React$1.createElement(ShouldRender, {
8486 | active,
8487 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
8488 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose
8489 | }, renderToContainer(props.getContainer, node));
8490 | };
8491 | const classPrefix$1n = "adm-safe-area";
8492 | const SafeArea = (props) => {
8493 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
8494 | className: classNames(classPrefix$1n, `${classPrefix$1n}-position-${props.position}`)
8495 | }));
8496 | };
8497 | const fullClone = Object.assign({}, ReactDOM__namespace);
8498 | const {
8499 | version,
8500 | render: reactRender,
8501 | unmountComponentAtNode
8502 | } = fullClone;
8503 | let createRoot;
8504 | try {
8505 | const mainVersion = Number((version || "").split(".")[0]);
8506 | if (mainVersion >= 18 && fullClone.createRoot) {
8507 | createRoot = fullClone.createRoot;
8508 | }
8509 | } catch (e2) {
8510 | }
8511 | function toggleWarning(skip) {
8512 | const {
8514 | } = fullClone;
8516 | __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.usingClientEntryPoint = skip;
8517 | }
8518 | }
8519 | const MARK = "__antd_mobile_root__";
8520 | function legacyRender(node, container) {
8521 | reactRender(node, container);
8522 | }
8523 | function concurrentRender(node, container) {
8524 | toggleWarning(true);
8525 | const root2 = container[MARK] || createRoot(container);
8526 | toggleWarning(false);
8527 | root2.render(node);
8528 | container[MARK] = root2;
8529 | }
8530 | function render(node, container) {
8531 | if (createRoot) {
8532 | concurrentRender(node, container);
8533 | return;
8534 | }
8535 | legacyRender(node, container);
8536 | }
8537 | function legacyUnmount(container) {
8538 | return unmountComponentAtNode(container);
8539 | }
8540 | function concurrentUnmount(container) {
8541 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
8542 | return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
8543 | var _a;
8544 | (_a = container[MARK]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unmount();
8545 | delete container[MARK];
8546 | });
8547 | });
8548 | }
8549 | function unmount(container) {
8550 | if (createRoot) {
8551 | return concurrentUnmount(container);
8552 | }
8553 | return legacyUnmount(container);
8554 | }
8555 | function renderToBody(element) {
8556 | const container = document.createElement("div");
8557 | document.body.appendChild(container);
8558 | function unmount$1() {
8559 | const unmountResult = unmount(container);
8560 | if (unmountResult && container.parentNode) {
8561 | container.parentNode.removeChild(container);
8562 | }
8563 | }
8564 | render(element, container);
8565 | return unmount$1;
8566 | }
8567 | function renderImperatively(element) {
8568 | const Wrapper2 = React$1.forwardRef((_, ref) => {
8569 | const [visible, setVisible] = React$1.useState(false);
8570 | const closedRef = React$1.useRef(false);
8571 | const [elementToRender, setElementToRender] = React$1.useState(element);
8572 | const keyRef = React$1.useRef(0);
8573 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
8574 | if (!closedRef.current) {
8575 | setVisible(true);
8576 | } else {
8577 | afterClose();
8578 | }
8579 | }, []);
8580 | function onClose() {
8581 | var _a, _b;
8582 | closedRef.current = true;
8583 | setVisible(false);
8584 | (_b = (_a = elementToRender.props).onClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
8585 | }
8586 | function afterClose() {
8587 | var _a, _b;
8588 | unmount2();
8589 | (_b = (_a = elementToRender.props).afterClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
8590 | }
8591 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
8592 | close: onClose,
8593 | replace: (element2) => {
8594 | var _a, _b;
8595 | keyRef.current++;
8596 | (_b = (_a = elementToRender.props).afterClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
8597 | setElementToRender(element2);
8598 | }
8599 | }));
8600 | return React$1.cloneElement(elementToRender, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, elementToRender.props), {
8601 | key: keyRef.current,
8602 | visible,
8603 | onClose,
8604 | afterClose
8605 | }));
8606 | });
8607 | const wrapperRef = React$1.createRef();
8608 | const unmount2 = renderToBody(React$1.createElement(Wrapper2, {
8609 | ref: wrapperRef
8610 | }));
8611 | return {
8612 | close: () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
8613 | var _a;
8614 | if (!wrapperRef.current) {
8615 | unmount2();
8616 | } else {
8617 | (_a = wrapperRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.close();
8618 | }
8619 | }),
8620 | replace: (element2) => {
8621 | var _a;
8622 | (_a = wrapperRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.replace(element2);
8623 | }
8624 | };
8625 | }
8626 | const classPrefix$1m = `adm-action-sheet`;
8627 | const defaultProps$12 = {
8628 | visible: false,
8629 | actions: [],
8630 | cancelText: "",
8631 | closeOnAction: false,
8632 | closeOnMaskClick: true,
8633 | safeArea: true,
8634 | destroyOnClose: false,
8635 | forceRender: false
8636 | };
8637 | const ActionSheet = (p) => {
8638 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$12, p);
8639 | const {
8640 | styles
8641 | } = props;
8642 | return React$1.createElement(Popup, {
8643 | visible: props.visible,
8644 | onMaskClick: () => {
8645 | var _a, _b;
8646 | (_a = props.onMaskClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
8647 | if (props.closeOnMaskClick) {
8648 | (_b = props.onClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
8649 | }
8650 | },
8651 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
8652 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1m}-popup`, props.popupClassName),
8653 | style: props.popupStyle,
8654 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
8655 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
8656 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
8657 | bodyStyle: styles === null || styles === void 0 ? void 0 : styles.body,
8658 | maskStyle: styles === null || styles === void 0 ? void 0 : styles.mask
8659 | }, withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
8660 | className: classPrefix$1m
8661 | }, props.extra && React$1.createElement("div", {
8662 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-extra`
8663 | }, props.extra), React$1.createElement("div", {
8664 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-button-list`
8665 | }, props.actions.map((action, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
8666 | key: action.key,
8667 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-wrapper`
8668 | }, React$1.createElement("a", {
8669 | className: classNames("adm-plain-anchor", `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item`, {
8670 | [`${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-danger`]: action.danger,
8671 | [`${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-disabled`]: action.disabled,
8672 | [`${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-bold`]: action.bold
8673 | }),
8674 | onClick: () => {
8675 | var _a, _b, _c;
8676 | (_a = action.onClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(action);
8677 | (_b = props.onAction) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, action, index2);
8678 | if (props.closeOnAction) {
8679 | (_c = props.onClose) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props);
8680 | }
8681 | },
8682 | role: "option",
8683 | "aria-disabled": action.disabled
8684 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
8685 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-name`
8686 | }, action.text), action.description && React$1.createElement("div", {
8687 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-description`
8688 | }, action.description))))), props.cancelText && React$1.createElement("div", {
8689 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-cancel`,
8690 | role: "option",
8691 | "aria-label": props.cancelText
8692 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
8693 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-wrapper`
8694 | }, React$1.createElement("a", {
8695 | className: classNames("adm-plain-anchor", `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item`),
8696 | onClick: props.onClose
8697 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
8698 | className: `${classPrefix$1m}-button-item-name`
8699 | }, props.cancelText)))), props.safeArea && React$1.createElement(SafeArea, {
8700 | position: "bottom"
8701 | }))));
8702 | };
8703 | function showActionSheet(props) {
8704 | return renderImperatively(React$1.createElement(ActionSheet, Object.assign({}, props)));
8705 | }
8706 | const index$i = attachPropertiesToComponent(ActionSheet, {
8707 | show: showActionSheet
8708 | });
8709 | const classPrefix$1l = "adm-auto-center";
8710 | const AutoCenter = (props) => withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
8711 | className: classPrefix$1l
8712 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
8713 | className: `${classPrefix$1l}-content`
8714 | }, props.children)));
8715 | const Fallback = React$1.memo(() => React$1.createElement("svg", {
8716 | className: "adm-avatar-fallback",
8717 | width: "88px",
8718 | height: "88px",
8719 | viewBox: "0 0 88 88",
8720 | version: "1.1"
8721 | }, React$1.createElement("title", null, "编组 3"), React$1.createElement("defs", null, React$1.createElement("polygon", {
8722 | id: "path-1",
8723 | points: "0 0 88 0 88 88 0 88"
8724 | })), React$1.createElement("g", {
8725 | id: "页面-1",
8726 | stroke: "none",
8727 | strokeWidth: "1",
8728 | fill: "none",
8729 | fillRule: "evenodd"
8730 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
8731 | id: "语雀",
8732 | transform: "translate(-495.000000, -71.000000)"
8733 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
8734 | id: "编组-3",
8735 | transform: "translate(495.000000, 71.000000)"
8736 | }, React$1.createElement("mask", {
8737 | id: "mask-2",
8738 | fill: "white"
8739 | }, React$1.createElement("use", {
8740 | xlinkHref: "#path-1"
8741 | })), React$1.createElement("use", {
8742 | id: "Mask",
8743 | fill: "#EEEEEE",
8744 | fillRule: "nonzero",
8745 | xlinkHref: "#path-1"
8746 | }), React$1.createElement("path", {
8747 | d: "M44.5707528,16 L43.4292117,16 L42.9575197,16.0086403 L42.9575195,16.0086403 C36.5215787,16.2615464 31.4341803,21.5678078 31.4344832,28.0273864 L31.4344832,34.7776551 L31.4495601,35.3716788 L31.4495593,35.3716628 C31.599687,38.5368723 32.9422041,41.5269327 35.2058513,43.7376716 L38.2147759,46.6775505 L38.4086219,46.8913989 C38.7747759,47.3385365 38.9750835,47.9001589 38.9750835,48.4833848 L38.9750835,48.8938006 L38.9556989,49.1897326 L38.9556989,49.1897325 C38.8577746,49.9812662 38.3754713,50.67284 37.667703,51.036605 L18.7375269,60.7440265 L18.4101421,60.9276334 L18.4101423,60.9276333 C16.9141658,61.8418636 16.0009389,63.4714674 16,65.2283758 L16,66.070809 L16.0129231,66.3948217 C16.1766149,68.4123376 17.860922,70 19.91569,70 L68.0843101,70 L68.08431,70 C70.2460467,70 71.9988087,68.243122 72,66.0751224 L72,65.2326893 C72,63.3382982 70.9446194,61.6037466 69.2624598,60.7440295 L50.3322837,51.036608 L50.3322835,51.0366079 C49.5291218,50.6249082 49.0240448,49.7962466 49.024903,48.8916436 L49.024903,48.4812278 C49.024903,47.8029608 49.3005955,47.1527756 49.7852106,46.6775603 L52.7941352,43.7376813 L52.7941354,43.7376811 C55.204308,41.3832325 56.5636029,38.151975 56.5633606,34.7776456 L56.5633606,28.0273769 L56.5633606,28.0273774 C56.5633606,21.3848531 51.1940878,16 44.5707524,16 L44.5707528,16 Z",
8748 | id: "形状",
8749 | fill: "#CCCCCC",
8750 | fillRule: "nonzero",
8751 | mask: "url(#mask-2)"
8752 | }))))));
8753 | var stagedComponents = {};
8754 | var __importDefault = commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__importDefault || function(mod) {
8755 | return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
8756 | };
8757 | Object.defineProperty(stagedComponents, "__esModule", { value: true });
8758 | var staged_1 = stagedComponents.staged = void 0;
8759 | const react_1 = __importDefault(React$1);
8760 | function processNext(next) {
8761 | if (typeof next === "function") {
8762 | return react_1.default.createElement(Stage, { stage: next });
8763 | } else {
8764 | return next;
8765 | }
8766 | }
8767 | function Stage(props) {
8768 | const next = props.stage();
8769 | return processNext(next);
8770 | }
8771 | function staged(stage) {
8772 | return function Staged(props, ref) {
8773 | const next = stage(props, ref);
8774 | return processNext(next);
8775 | };
8776 | }
8777 | staged_1 = stagedComponents.staged = staged;
8778 | function toCSSLength(val) {
8779 | return typeof val === "number" ? `${val}px` : val;
8780 | }
8781 | const LazyDetector = (props) => {
8782 | const ref = React$1.useRef(null);
8783 | const [inViewport] = useInViewport(ref);
8784 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
8785 | if (inViewport) {
8786 | props.onActive();
8787 | }
8788 | }, [inViewport]);
8789 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
8790 | ref
8791 | });
8792 | };
8793 | const useIsomorphicUpdateLayoutEffect = createUpdateEffect(useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2);
8794 | const ImageIcon = () => React$1.createElement("svg", {
8795 | viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
8796 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
8797 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
8798 | d: "M41.396 6.234c1.923 0 3.487 1.574 3.487 3.505v29.14c0 1.937-1.568 3.51-3.491 3.51H6.604c-1.923 0-3.487-1.573-3.487-3.51V9.745c0-1.936 1.564-3.51 3.487-3.51Zm0 2.847H6.604c-.355 0-.654.3-.654.658V34.9l5.989-8.707a2.373 2.373 0 0 1 1.801-1.005 2.405 2.405 0 0 1 1.933.752l4.182 4.525 7.58-11.005a2.374 2.374 0 0 1 1.96-1.01c.79 0 1.532.38 1.966 1.01L42.05 34.89V9.74a.664.664 0 0 0-.654-.658Zm-28.305 2.763a3.119 3.119 0 0 1 3.117 3.117 3.119 3.119 0 0 1-3.117 3.117 3.122 3.122 0 0 1-3.117-3.117 3.119 3.119 0 0 1 3.117-3.117Z",
8799 | fill: "#DBDBDB",
8800 | fillRule: "nonzero"
8801 | }));
8802 | const BrokenImageIcon = () => React$1.createElement("svg", {
8803 | viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
8804 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
8805 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
8806 | d: "M19.233 6.233 17.42 9.08l-10.817.001a.665.665 0 0 0-.647.562l-.007.096V34.9l5.989-8.707a2.373 2.373 0 0 1 1.801-1.005 2.415 2.415 0 0 1 1.807.625l.126.127 4.182 4.525 2.267-3.292 5.461 7.841-4.065 7.375H6.604c-1.86 0-3.382-1.47-3.482-3.317l-.005-.192V9.744c0-1.872 1.461-3.405 3.296-3.505l.19-.005h12.63Zm22.163 0c1.86 0 3.382 1.472 3.482 3.314l.005.192v29.14a3.507 3.507 0 0 1-3.3 3.505l-.191.006H27.789l3.63-6.587.06-.119a1.87 1.87 0 0 0-.163-1.853l-6.928-9.949 3.047-4.422a2.374 2.374 0 0 1 1.96-1.01 2.4 2.4 0 0 1 1.86.87l.106.14L42.05 34.89V9.74a.664.664 0 0 0-.654-.658H21.855l1.812-2.848h17.73Zm-28.305 5.611c.794 0 1.52.298 2.07.788l-.843 1.325-.067.114a1.87 1.87 0 0 0 .11 1.959l.848 1.217c-.556.515-1.3.83-2.118.83a3.122 3.122 0 0 1-3.117-3.116 3.119 3.119 0 0 1 3.117-3.117Z",
8807 | fill: "#DBDBDB",
8808 | fillRule: "nonzero"
8809 | }));
8810 | const classPrefix$1k = `adm-image`;
8811 | const defaultProps$11 = {
8812 | fit: "fill",
8813 | placeholder: React$1.createElement("div", {
8814 | className: `${classPrefix$1k}-tip`
8815 | }, React$1.createElement(ImageIcon, null)),
8816 | fallback: React$1.createElement("div", {
8817 | className: `${classPrefix$1k}-tip`
8818 | }, React$1.createElement(BrokenImageIcon, null)),
8819 | lazy: false,
8820 | draggable: false
8821 | };
8822 | const Image$1 = staged_1((p) => {
8823 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$11, p);
8824 | const [loaded, setLoaded] = React$1.useState(false);
8825 | const [failed, setFailed] = React$1.useState(false);
8826 | const ref = React$1.useRef(null);
8827 | const imgRef = React$1.useRef(null);
8828 | let src = props.src;
8829 | let srcSet = props.srcSet;
8830 | const [initialized, setInitialized] = React$1.useState(!props.lazy);
8831 | src = initialized ? props.src : void 0;
8832 | srcSet = initialized ? props.srcSet : void 0;
8833 | useIsomorphicUpdateLayoutEffect(() => {
8834 | setLoaded(false);
8835 | setFailed(false);
8836 | }, [src]);
8837 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
8838 | var _a;
8839 | if ((_a = imgRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.complete) {
8840 | setLoaded(true);
8841 | }
8842 | }, []);
8843 | function renderInner() {
8844 | if (failed) {
8845 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, props.fallback);
8846 | }
8847 | const img = React$1.createElement("img", {
8848 | ref: imgRef,
8849 | id: props.id,
8850 | className: `${classPrefix$1k}-img`,
8851 | src,
8852 | alt: props.alt,
8853 | onClick: props.onClick,
8854 | onLoad: (e2) => {
8855 | var _a;
8856 | setLoaded(true);
8857 | (_a = props.onLoad) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
8858 | },
8859 | onError: (e2) => {
8860 | var _a;
8861 | setFailed(true);
8862 | (_a = props.onError) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
8863 | },
8864 | style: {
8865 | objectFit: props.fit,
8866 | display: loaded ? "block" : "none"
8867 | },
8868 | crossOrigin: props.crossOrigin,
8869 | decoding: props.decoding,
8870 | loading: props.loading,
8871 | referrerPolicy: props.referrerPolicy,
8872 | sizes: props.sizes,
8873 | srcSet,
8874 | useMap: props.useMap,
8875 | draggable: props.draggable
8876 | });
8877 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, !loaded && props.placeholder, img);
8878 | }
8879 | const style = {};
8880 | if (props.width) {
8881 | style["--width"] = toCSSLength(props.width);
8882 | style["width"] = toCSSLength(props.width);
8883 | }
8884 | if (props.height) {
8885 | style["--height"] = toCSSLength(props.height);
8886 | style["height"] = toCSSLength(props.height);
8887 | }
8888 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
8889 | ref,
8890 | className: classPrefix$1k,
8891 | style,
8892 | onClick: props.onContainerClick
8893 | }, props.lazy && !initialized && React$1.createElement(LazyDetector, {
8894 | onActive: () => {
8895 | setInitialized(true);
8896 | }
8897 | }), renderInner()));
8898 | });
8899 | const classPrefix$1j = "adm-avatar";
8900 | const defaultProps$10 = {
8901 | fallback: React$1.createElement(Fallback, null),
8902 | fit: "cover"
8903 | };
8904 | const Avatar = (p) => {
8905 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$10, p);
8906 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(Image$1, {
8907 | className: classPrefix$1j,
8908 | src: props.src,
8909 | fallback: props.fallback,
8910 | placeholder: props.fallback,
8911 | alt: props.alt,
8912 | lazy: props.lazy,
8913 | fit: props.fit,
8914 | onClick: props.onClick,
8915 | onError: props.onError,
8916 | onLoad: props.onLoad
8917 | }));
8918 | };
8919 | const classPrefix$1i = `adm-badge`;
8920 | const dot = React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null);
8921 | const Badge$1 = (props) => {
8922 | const {
8923 | content,
8924 | color,
8925 | children
8926 | } = props;
8927 | const isDot = content === dot;
8928 | const badgeClass = classNames(classPrefix$1i, {
8929 | [`${classPrefix$1i}-fixed`]: !!children,
8930 | [`${classPrefix$1i}-dot`]: isDot,
8931 | [`${classPrefix$1i}-bordered`]: props.bordered
8932 | });
8933 | const element = content || content === 0 ? withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
8934 | className: badgeClass,
8935 | style: {
8936 | "--color": color
8937 | }
8938 | }, !isDot && React$1.createElement("div", {
8939 | className: `${classPrefix$1i}-content`
8940 | }, content))) : null;
8941 | return children ? React$1.createElement("div", {
8942 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1i}-wrapper`, props.wrapperClassName),
8943 | style: props.wrapperStyle
8944 | }, children, element) : element;
8945 | };
8946 | const Badge = attachPropertiesToComponent(Badge$1, {
8947 | dot
8948 | });
8949 | const classPrefix$1h = `adm-dot-loading`;
8950 | const colorRecord$3 = {
8951 | default: "var(--adm-color-weak)",
8952 | primary: "var(--adm-color-primary)",
8953 | white: "var(--adm-color-white)"
8954 | };
8955 | const defaultProps$$ = {
8956 | color: "default"
8957 | };
8958 | const DotLoading = React$1.memo((p) => {
8959 | var _a;
8960 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$$, p);
8961 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
8962 | style: {
8963 | color: (_a = colorRecord$3[props.color]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.color
8964 | },
8965 | className: classNames("adm-loading", classPrefix$1h)
8966 | }, React$1.createElement("svg", {
8967 | height: "1em",
8968 | viewBox: "0 0 100 40",
8969 | style: {
8970 | verticalAlign: "-0.125em"
8971 | }
8972 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
8973 | stroke: "none",
8974 | strokeWidth: "1",
8975 | fill: "none",
8976 | fillRule: "evenodd"
8977 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
8978 | transform: "translate(-100.000000, -71.000000)"
8979 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
8980 | transform: "translate(95.000000, 71.000000)"
8981 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
8982 | transform: "translate(5.000000, 0.000000)"
8983 | }, [0, 1, 2].map((i2) => React$1.createElement("rect", {
8984 | key: i2,
8985 | fill: "currentColor",
8986 | x: 20 + i2 * 26,
8987 | y: "16",
8988 | width: "8",
8989 | height: "8",
8990 | rx: "2"
8991 | }, React$1.createElement("animate", {
8992 | attributeName: "y",
8993 | from: "16",
8994 | to: "16",
8995 | dur: "2s",
8996 | begin: `${i2 * 0.2}s`,
8997 | repeatCount: "indefinite",
8998 | values: "16; 6; 26; 16; 16",
8999 | keyTimes: "0; 0.1; 0.3; 0.4; 1"
9000 | }))))))))));
9001 | });
9002 | function isPromise(obj) {
9003 | return !!obj && typeof obj === "object" && typeof obj.then === "function";
9004 | }
9005 | function isIOS() {
9006 | return canUseDom$1 ? /ios|iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) : false;
9007 | }
9008 | const classPrefix$1g = `adm-button`;
9009 | const defaultProps$_ = {
9010 | color: "default",
9011 | fill: "solid",
9012 | block: false,
9013 | loading: false,
9014 | loadingIcon: React$1.createElement(DotLoading, {
9015 | color: "currentColor"
9016 | }),
9017 | type: "button",
9018 | shape: "default",
9019 | size: "middle"
9020 | };
9021 | const Button = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
9022 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$_, p);
9023 | const [innerLoading, setInnerLoading] = React$1.useState(false);
9024 | const nativeButtonRef = React$1.useRef(null);
9025 | const loading = props.loading === "auto" ? innerLoading : props.loading;
9026 | const disabled = props.disabled || loading;
9027 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
9028 | get nativeElement() {
9029 | return nativeButtonRef.current;
9030 | }
9031 | }));
9032 | const handleClick = (e2) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
9033 | if (!props.onClick)
9034 | return;
9035 | const promise = props.onClick(e2);
9036 | if (isPromise(promise)) {
9037 | try {
9038 | setInnerLoading(true);
9039 | yield promise;
9040 | setInnerLoading(false);
9041 | } catch (e3) {
9042 | setInnerLoading(false);
9043 | throw e3;
9044 | }
9045 | }
9046 | });
9047 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("button", {
9048 | ref: nativeButtonRef,
9049 | type: props.type,
9050 | onClick: handleClick,
9051 | className: classNames(classPrefix$1g, {
9052 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-${props.color}`]: props.color,
9053 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-block`]: props.block,
9054 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-disabled`]: disabled,
9055 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-fill-outline`]: props.fill === "outline",
9056 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-fill-none`]: props.fill === "none",
9057 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-mini`]: props.size === "mini",
9058 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-small`]: props.size === "small",
9059 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-large`]: props.size === "large",
9060 | [`${classPrefix$1g}-loading`]: loading
9061 | }, `${classPrefix$1g}-shape-${props.shape}`),
9062 | disabled,
9063 | onMouseDown: props.onMouseDown,
9064 | onMouseUp: props.onMouseUp,
9065 | onTouchStart: props.onTouchStart,
9066 | onTouchEnd: props.onTouchEnd
9067 | }, loading ? React$1.createElement("div", {
9068 | className: `${classPrefix$1g}-loading-wrapper`
9069 | }, props.loadingIcon, props.loadingText) : React$1.createElement("span", null, props.children)));
9070 | });
9071 | const ArrowLeft = () => {
9072 | return React$1.createElement("svg", {
9073 | height: "1em",
9074 | viewBox: "0 0 44 44"
9075 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
9076 | stroke: "none",
9077 | strokeWidth: "1",
9078 | fill: "none",
9079 | fillRule: "evenodd"
9080 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
9081 | transform: "translate(-100.000000, -22.000000)"
9082 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
9083 | transform: "translate(100.000000, 22.000000)"
9084 | }, React$1.createElement("rect", {
9085 | x: "0",
9086 | y: "0",
9087 | width: "44",
9088 | height: "44"
9089 | }), React$1.createElement("g", {
9090 | transform: "translate(12.000000, 4.000000)",
9091 | fill: "currentColor",
9092 | fillRule: "nonzero"
9093 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
9094 | d: "M19.4833058,2.71985611 L3.53051139,17.0699744 C3.0173831,17.5315665 2.97522952,18.3220903 3.43630803,18.8357433 L3.43630796,18.8357432 C3.46601289,18.8688164 3.49745845,18.9002801 3.53051133,18.9300007 L19.4833057,33.2801611 C20.1234001,33.8559077 20.1759552,34.8420707 19.6007967,35.4827774 C19.0256382,36.1235263 18.0404824,36.1761351 17.400388,35.6003885 L1.44759367,21.2502703 L1.4475933,21.25027 C1.33208743,21.1463692 1.22220259,21.036372 1.11840792,20.920748 C-0.49302969,19.1256817 -0.345639536,16.3628317 1.4475933,14.7497465 L17.4003877,0.399628282 C18.0404821,-0.176160428 19.0256378,-0.123509422 19.6007963,0.517239417 C20.1759548,1.1579461 20.1233997,2.14410915 19.4833053,2.7198557 L19.4833058,2.71985611 Z"
9095 | }))))));
9096 | };
9097 | const ArrowLeftDouble = () => {
9098 | return React$1.createElement("svg", {
9099 | height: "1em",
9100 | viewBox: "0 0 44 44"
9101 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
9102 | stroke: "none",
9103 | strokeWidth: "1",
9104 | fill: "none",
9105 | fillRule: "evenodd"
9106 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
9107 | transform: "translate(-24.000000, -22.000000)"
9108 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
9109 | transform: "translate(24.000000, 22.000000)"
9110 | }, React$1.createElement("rect", {
9111 | x: "0",
9112 | y: "0",
9113 | width: "44",
9114 | height: "44"
9115 | }), React$1.createElement("g", {
9116 | transform: "translate(7.000000, 4.000000)",
9117 | fill: "currentColor",
9118 | fillRule: "nonzero"
9119 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
9120 | d: "M19.4833058,2.71985611 L3.53051139,17.0699744 C3.0173831,17.5315665 2.97522952,18.3220903 3.43630803,18.8357433 L3.43630796,18.8357432 C3.46601289,18.8688164 3.49745845,18.9002801 3.53051133,18.9300007 L19.4833057,33.2801611 C20.1234001,33.8559077 20.1759552,34.8420707 19.6007967,35.4827774 C19.0256382,36.1235263 18.0404824,36.1761351 17.400388,35.6003885 L1.44759367,21.2502703 L1.4475933,21.25027 C1.33208743,21.1463692 1.22220259,21.036372 1.11840792,20.920748 C-0.49302969,19.1256817 -0.345639536,16.3628317 1.4475933,14.7497465 L17.4003877,0.399628282 C18.0404821,-0.176160428 19.0256378,-0.123509422 19.6007963,0.517239417 C20.1759548,1.1579461 20.1233997,2.14410915 19.4833053,2.7198557 L19.4833058,2.71985611 Z"
9121 | }), React$1.createElement("path", {
9122 | d: "M19.5305114,17.0699744 C19.0173831,17.5315665 18.9752295,18.3220903 19.436308,18.8357433 C19.4660129,18.8688164 19.4974585,18.9002801 19.5305113,18.9300007 L29.4833057,27.2801611 C30.1234001,27.8559077 30.1759552,28.8420707 29.6007967,29.4827774 C29.0256382,30.1235263 28.0404824,30.1761351 27.400388,29.6003885 L17.4475937,21.2502703 C17.3320874,21.1463692 17.2222026,21.036372 17.1184079,20.920748 C15.5069703,19.1256817 15.6543605,16.3628317 17.4475933,14.7497465 L27.4003877,6.39962828 C28.0404821,5.82383957 29.0256378,5.87649058 29.6007963,6.51723942 C30.1759548,7.1579461 30.1233997,8.14410915 29.4833053,8.7198557 L19.5305114,17.0699744 Z"
9123 | }))))));
9124 | };
9125 | var isoWeek$1 = { exports: {} };
9126 | (function(module2, exports3) {
9127 | !function(e2, t) {
9128 | module2.exports = t();
9129 | }(commonjsGlobal, function() {
9130 | var e2 = "day";
9131 | return function(t, i2, s) {
9132 | var a = function(t2) {
9133 | return t2.add(4 - t2.isoWeekday(), e2);
9134 | }, d = i2.prototype;
9135 | d.isoWeekYear = function() {
9136 | return a(this).year();
9137 | }, d.isoWeek = function(t2) {
9138 | if (!this.$utils().u(t2))
9139 | return this.add(7 * (t2 - this.isoWeek()), e2);
9140 | var i3, d2, n3, o, r = a(this), u = (i3 = this.isoWeekYear(), d2 = this.$u, n3 = (d2 ? s.utc : s)().year(i3).startOf("year"), o = 4 - n3.isoWeekday(), n3.isoWeekday() > 4 && (o += 7), n3.add(o, e2));
9141 | return r.diff(u, "week") + 1;
9142 | }, d.isoWeekday = function(e3) {
9143 | return this.$utils().u(e3) ? this.day() || 7 : this.day(this.day() % 7 ? e3 : e3 - 7);
9144 | };
9145 | var n2 = d.startOf;
9146 | d.startOf = function(e3, t2) {
9147 | var i3 = this.$utils(), s2 = !!i3.u(t2) || t2;
9148 | return "isoweek" === i3.p(e3) ? s2 ? this.date(this.date() - (this.isoWeekday() - 1)).startOf("day") : this.date(this.date() - 1 - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7).endOf("day") : n2.bind(this)(e3, t2);
9149 | };
9150 | };
9151 | });
9152 | })(isoWeek$1);
9153 | var isoWeekExports = isoWeek$1.exports;
9154 | const isoWeek = getDefaultExportFromCjs(isoWeekExports);
9155 | function usePropsValue(options) {
9156 | const {
9157 | value,
9158 | defaultValue,
9159 | onChange
9160 | } = options;
9161 | const update2 = useUpdate$1();
9162 | const stateRef = React$1.useRef(value !== void 0 ? value : defaultValue);
9163 | if (value !== void 0) {
9164 | stateRef.current = value;
9165 | }
9166 | const setState = useMemoizedFn((v, forceTrigger = false) => {
9167 | const nextValue = typeof v === "function" ? v(stateRef.current) : v;
9168 | if (!forceTrigger && nextValue === stateRef.current)
9169 | return;
9170 | stateRef.current = nextValue;
9171 | update2();
9172 | return onChange === null || onChange === void 0 ? void 0 : onChange(nextValue);
9173 | });
9174 | return [stateRef.current, setState];
9175 | }
9176 | function replaceMessage$1(template, kv) {
9177 | return template.replace(/\$\{\w+\}/g, (str) => {
9178 | const key = str.slice(2, -1);
9179 | return kv[key];
9180 | });
9181 | }
9182 | function devWarning(component, message) {
9183 | {
9184 | console.warn(`[antd-mobile: ${component}] ${message}`);
9185 | }
9186 | }
9187 | function devError(component, message) {
9188 | {
9189 | console.error(`[antd-mobile: ${component}] ${message}`);
9190 | }
9191 | }
9192 | function convertValueToRange$1(selectionMode, value) {
9193 | if (selectionMode === void 0 || value === null)
9194 | return null;
9195 | if (Array.isArray(value)) {
9196 | return value;
9197 | }
9198 | return [value, value];
9199 | }
9200 | function convertPageToDayjs$1(page) {
9201 | return dayjs().year(page.year).month(page.month - 1).date(1);
9202 | }
9203 | dayjs.extend(isoWeek);
9204 | const classPrefix$1f = "adm-calendar";
9205 | const defaultProps$Z = {
9206 | weekStartsOn: "Sunday",
9207 | defaultValue: null,
9208 | allowClear: true,
9209 | prevMonthButton: React$1.createElement(ArrowLeft, null),
9210 | prevYearButton: React$1.createElement(ArrowLeftDouble, null),
9211 | nextMonthButton: React$1.createElement(ArrowLeft, null),
9212 | nextYearButton: React$1.createElement(ArrowLeftDouble, null)
9213 | };
9214 | const Calendar = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
9215 | const today = dayjs();
9216 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$Z, p);
9217 | const {
9218 | locale
9219 | } = useConfig();
9220 | const markItems = [...locale.Calendar.markItems];
9221 | if (props.weekStartsOn === "Sunday") {
9222 | const item = markItems.pop();
9223 | if (item)
9224 | markItems.unshift(item);
9225 | }
9226 | const [dateRange, setDateRange] = usePropsValue({
9227 | value: props.value === void 0 ? void 0 : convertValueToRange$1(props.selectionMode, props.value),
9228 | defaultValue: convertValueToRange$1(props.selectionMode, props.defaultValue),
9229 | onChange: (v) => {
9230 | var _a, _b;
9231 | if (props.selectionMode === "single") {
9232 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, v ? v[0] : null);
9233 | } else if (props.selectionMode === "range") {
9234 | (_b = props.onChange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, v);
9235 | }
9236 | }
9237 | });
9238 | const [intermediate, setIntermediate] = React$1.useState(false);
9239 | const [current, setCurrent] = React$1.useState(() => dayjs(dateRange ? dateRange[0] : today).date(1));
9240 | useUpdateEffect(() => {
9241 | var _a;
9242 | (_a = props.onPageChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, current.year(), current.month() + 1);
9243 | }, [current]);
9244 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
9245 | jumpTo: (pageOrPageGenerator) => {
9246 | let page;
9247 | if (typeof pageOrPageGenerator === "function") {
9248 | page = pageOrPageGenerator({
9249 | year: current.year(),
9250 | month: current.month() + 1
9251 | });
9252 | } else {
9253 | page = pageOrPageGenerator;
9254 | }
9255 | setCurrent(convertPageToDayjs$1(page));
9256 | },
9257 | jumpToToday: () => {
9258 | setCurrent(dayjs().date(1));
9259 | }
9260 | }));
9261 | const handlePageChange = (action, num, type) => {
9262 | const nxtCurrent = current[action](num, type);
9263 | if (action === "subtract" && props.minPage) {
9264 | const minPage = convertPageToDayjs$1(props.minPage);
9265 | if (nxtCurrent.isBefore(minPage, type)) {
9266 | return;
9267 | }
9268 | }
9269 | if (action === "add" && props.maxPage) {
9270 | const maxPage = convertPageToDayjs$1(props.maxPage);
9271 | if (nxtCurrent.isAfter(maxPage, type)) {
9272 | return;
9273 | }
9274 | }
9275 | setCurrent(nxtCurrent);
9276 | };
9277 | const header = React$1.createElement("div", {
9278 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-header`
9279 | }, React$1.createElement("a", {
9280 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button ${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button-year`,
9281 | onClick: () => {
9282 | handlePageChange("subtract", 1, "year");
9283 | }
9284 | }, props.prevYearButton), React$1.createElement("a", {
9285 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button ${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button-month`,
9286 | onClick: () => {
9287 | handlePageChange("subtract", 1, "month");
9288 | }
9289 | }, props.prevMonthButton), React$1.createElement("div", {
9290 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-title`
9291 | }, replaceMessage$1(locale.Calendar.yearAndMonth, {
9292 | year: current.year().toString(),
9293 | month: (current.month() + 1).toString()
9294 | })), React$1.createElement("a", {
9295 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button`, `${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button-right`, `${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button-right-month`),
9296 | onClick: () => {
9297 | handlePageChange("add", 1, "month");
9298 | }
9299 | }, props.nextMonthButton), React$1.createElement("a", {
9300 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button`, `${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button-right`, `${classPrefix$1f}-arrow-button-right-year`),
9301 | onClick: () => {
9302 | handlePageChange("add", 1, "year");
9303 | }
9304 | }, props.nextYearButton));
9305 | const maxDay = React$1.useMemo(() => props.max && dayjs(props.max), [props.max]);
9306 | const minDay = React$1.useMemo(() => props.min && dayjs(props.min), [props.min]);
9307 | function renderCells() {
9308 | var _a;
9309 | const cells = [];
9310 | let iterator = current.subtract(current.isoWeekday(), "day");
9311 | if (props.weekStartsOn === "Monday") {
9312 | iterator = iterator.add(1, "day");
9313 | }
9314 | while (cells.length < 6 * 7) {
9315 | const d = iterator;
9316 | let isSelect = false;
9317 | let isBegin = false;
9318 | let isEnd = false;
9319 | let isSelectRowBegin = false;
9320 | let isSelectRowEnd = false;
9321 | if (dateRange) {
9322 | const [begin, end] = dateRange;
9323 | isBegin = d.isSame(begin, "day");
9324 | isEnd = d.isSame(end, "day");
9325 | isSelect = isBegin || isEnd || d.isAfter(begin, "day") && d.isBefore(end, "day");
9326 | if (isSelect) {
9327 | isSelectRowBegin = (cells.length % 7 === 0 || d.isSame(d.startOf("month"), "day")) && !isBegin;
9328 | isSelectRowEnd = (cells.length % 7 === 6 || d.isSame(d.endOf("month"), "day")) && !isEnd;
9329 | }
9330 | }
9331 | const inThisMonth = d.month() === current.month();
9332 | const disabled = props.shouldDisableDate ? props.shouldDisableDate(d.toDate()) : maxDay && d.isAfter(maxDay, "day") || minDay && d.isBefore(minDay, "day");
9333 | cells.push(React$1.createElement("div", {
9334 | key: d.valueOf(),
9335 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1f}-cell`, (disabled || !inThisMonth) && `${classPrefix$1f}-cell-disabled`, inThisMonth && {
9336 | [`${classPrefix$1f}-cell-today`]: d.isSame(today, "day"),
9337 | [`${classPrefix$1f}-cell-selected`]: isSelect,
9338 | [`${classPrefix$1f}-cell-selected-begin`]: isBegin,
9339 | [`${classPrefix$1f}-cell-selected-end`]: isEnd,
9340 | [`${classPrefix$1f}-cell-selected-row-begin`]: isSelectRowBegin,
9341 | [`${classPrefix$1f}-cell-selected-row-end`]: isSelectRowEnd
9342 | }),
9343 | onClick: () => {
9344 | if (!props.selectionMode)
9345 | return;
9346 | if (disabled)
9347 | return;
9348 | const date = d.toDate();
9349 | if (!inThisMonth) {
9350 | setCurrent(d.clone().date(1));
9351 | }
9352 | function shouldClear() {
9353 | if (!props.allowClear)
9354 | return false;
9355 | if (!dateRange)
9356 | return false;
9357 | const [begin, end] = dateRange;
9358 | return d.isSame(begin, "date") && d.isSame(end, "day");
9359 | }
9360 | if (props.selectionMode === "single") {
9361 | if (props.allowClear && shouldClear()) {
9362 | setDateRange(null);
9363 | return;
9364 | }
9365 | setDateRange([date, date]);
9366 | } else if (props.selectionMode === "range") {
9367 | if (!dateRange) {
9368 | setDateRange([date, date]);
9369 | setIntermediate(true);
9370 | return;
9371 | }
9372 | if (shouldClear()) {
9373 | setDateRange(null);
9374 | setIntermediate(false);
9375 | return;
9376 | }
9377 | if (intermediate) {
9378 | const another = dateRange[0];
9379 | setDateRange(another > date ? [date, another] : [another, date]);
9380 | setIntermediate(false);
9381 | } else {
9382 | setDateRange([date, date]);
9383 | setIntermediate(true);
9384 | }
9385 | }
9386 | }
9387 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
9388 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-cell-top`
9389 | }, props.renderDate ? props.renderDate(d.toDate()) : d.date()), React$1.createElement("div", {
9390 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-cell-bottom`
9391 | }, (_a = props.renderLabel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, d.toDate()))));
9392 | iterator = iterator.add(1, "day");
9393 | }
9394 | return cells;
9395 | }
9396 | const body = React$1.createElement("div", {
9397 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-cells`
9398 | }, renderCells());
9399 | const mark = React$1.createElement("div", {
9400 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-mark`
9401 | }, markItems.map((item, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
9402 | key: index2,
9403 | className: `${classPrefix$1f}-mark-cell`
9404 | }, item)));
9405 | {
9406 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
9407 | devWarning("Calendar", "Calendar will be removed in the future, please use CalendarPickerView instead.");
9408 | }, []);
9409 | }
9410 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
9411 | className: classPrefix$1f
9412 | }, header, mark, body));
9413 | });
9414 | var isSameOrBefore$1 = { exports: {} };
9415 | (function(module2, exports3) {
9416 | !function(e2, i2) {
9417 | module2.exports = i2();
9418 | }(commonjsGlobal, function() {
9419 | return function(e2, i2) {
9420 | i2.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(e3, i3) {
9421 | return this.isSame(e3, i3) || this.isBefore(e3, i3);
9422 | };
9423 | };
9424 | });
9425 | })(isSameOrBefore$1);
9426 | var isSameOrBeforeExports = isSameOrBefore$1.exports;
9427 | const isSameOrBefore = getDefaultExportFromCjs(isSameOrBeforeExports);
9428 | function convertValueToRange(selectionMode, value) {
9429 | if (selectionMode === void 0 || value === null)
9430 | return null;
9431 | if (Array.isArray(value)) {
9432 | return value;
9433 | }
9434 | return [value, value];
9435 | }
9436 | function convertPageToDayjs(page) {
9437 | return dayjs().year(page.year).month(page.month - 1).date(1);
9438 | }
9439 | function useEvent(callback) {
9440 | var fnRef = React__namespace.useRef();
9441 | fnRef.current = callback;
9442 | var memoFn = React__namespace.useCallback(function() {
9443 | var _fnRef$current;
9444 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
9445 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
9446 | }
9447 | return (_fnRef$current = fnRef.current) === null || _fnRef$current === void 0 ? void 0 : _fnRef$current.call.apply(_fnRef$current, [fnRef].concat(args));
9448 | }, []);
9449 | return memoFn;
9450 | }
9451 | function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
9452 | if (Array.isArray(arr))
9453 | return arr;
9454 | }
9455 | function _iterableToArrayLimit(r, l) {
9456 | var t = null == r ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && r[Symbol.iterator] || r["@@iterator"];
9457 | if (null != t) {
9458 | var e2, n2, i2, u, a = [], f = true, o = false;
9459 | try {
9460 | if (i2 = (t = t.call(r)).next, 0 === l) {
9461 | if (Object(t) !== t)
9462 | return;
9463 | f = false;
9464 | } else
9465 | for (; !(f = (e2 = i2.call(t)).done) && (a.push(e2.value), a.length !== l); f = true)
9466 | ;
9467 | } catch (r2) {
9468 | o = true, n2 = r2;
9469 | } finally {
9470 | try {
9471 | if (!f && null != t["return"] && (u = t["return"](), Object(u) !== u))
9472 | return;
9473 | } finally {
9474 | if (o)
9475 | throw n2;
9476 | }
9477 | }
9478 | return a;
9479 | }
9480 | }
9481 | function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
9482 | if (len == null || len > arr.length)
9483 | len = arr.length;
9484 | for (var i2 = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i2 < len; i2++)
9485 | arr2[i2] = arr[i2];
9486 | return arr2;
9487 | }
9488 | function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
9489 | if (!o)
9490 | return;
9491 | if (typeof o === "string")
9492 | return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
9493 | var n2 = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
9494 | if (n2 === "Object" && o.constructor)
9495 | n2 = o.constructor.name;
9496 | if (n2 === "Map" || n2 === "Set")
9497 | return Array.from(o);
9498 | if (n2 === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n2))
9499 | return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
9500 | }
9501 | function _nonIterableRest() {
9502 | throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
9503 | }
9504 | function _slicedToArray(arr, i2) {
9505 | return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i2) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i2) || _nonIterableRest();
9506 | }
9507 | function canUseDom() {
9508 | return !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement);
9509 | }
9510 | var useInternalLayoutEffect = canUseDom() ? React__namespace.useLayoutEffect : React__namespace.useEffect;
9511 | var useLayoutEffect = function useLayoutEffect2(callback, deps) {
9512 | var firstMountRef = React__namespace.useRef(true);
9513 | useInternalLayoutEffect(function() {
9514 | return callback(firstMountRef.current);
9515 | }, deps);
9516 | useInternalLayoutEffect(function() {
9517 | firstMountRef.current = false;
9518 | return function() {
9519 | firstMountRef.current = true;
9520 | };
9521 | }, []);
9522 | };
9523 | var useLayoutUpdateEffect = function useLayoutUpdateEffect2(callback, deps) {
9524 | useLayoutEffect(function(firstMount) {
9525 | if (!firstMount) {
9526 | return callback();
9527 | }
9528 | }, deps);
9529 | };
9530 | function useSafeState(defaultValue) {
9531 | var destroyRef = React__namespace.useRef(false);
9532 | var _React$useState = React__namespace.useState(defaultValue), _React$useState2 = _slicedToArray(_React$useState, 2), value = _React$useState2[0], setValue2 = _React$useState2[1];
9533 | React__namespace.useEffect(function() {
9534 | destroyRef.current = false;
9535 | return function() {
9536 | destroyRef.current = true;
9537 | };
9538 | }, []);
9539 | function safeSetState(updater, ignoreDestroy) {
9540 | if (ignoreDestroy && destroyRef.current) {
9541 | return;
9542 | }
9543 | setValue2(updater);
9544 | }
9545 | return [value, safeSetState];
9546 | }
9547 | function hasValue(value) {
9548 | return value !== void 0;
9549 | }
9550 | function useMergedState(defaultStateValue, option) {
9551 | var _ref = option || {}, defaultValue = _ref.defaultValue, value = _ref.value, onChange = _ref.onChange, postState = _ref.postState;
9552 | var _useState = useSafeState(function() {
9553 | if (hasValue(value)) {
9554 | return value;
9555 | } else if (hasValue(defaultValue)) {
9556 | return typeof defaultValue === "function" ? defaultValue() : defaultValue;
9557 | } else {
9558 | return typeof defaultStateValue === "function" ? defaultStateValue() : defaultStateValue;
9559 | }
9560 | }), _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2), innerValue = _useState2[0], setInnerValue = _useState2[1];
9561 | var mergedValue = value !== void 0 ? value : innerValue;
9562 | var postMergedValue = postState ? postState(mergedValue) : mergedValue;
9563 | var onChangeFn = useEvent(onChange);
9564 | var _useState3 = useSafeState([mergedValue]), _useState4 = _slicedToArray(_useState3, 2), prevValue = _useState4[0], setPrevValue = _useState4[1];
9565 | useLayoutUpdateEffect(function() {
9566 | var prev = prevValue[0];
9567 | if (innerValue !== prev) {
9568 | onChangeFn(innerValue, prev);
9569 | }
9570 | }, [prevValue]);
9571 | useLayoutUpdateEffect(function() {
9572 | if (!hasValue(value)) {
9573 | setInnerValue(value);
9574 | }
9575 | }, [value]);
9576 | var triggerChange = useEvent(function(updater, ignoreDestroy) {
9577 | setInnerValue(updater, ignoreDestroy);
9578 | setPrevValue([mergedValue], ignoreDestroy);
9579 | });
9580 | return [postMergedValue, triggerChange];
9581 | }
9582 | function _typeof$1(o) {
9583 | "@babel/helpers - typeof";
9584 | return _typeof$1 = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(o2) {
9585 | return typeof o2;
9586 | } : function(o2) {
9587 | return o2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && o2.constructor === Symbol && o2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o2;
9588 | }, _typeof$1(o);
9589 | }
9590 | var reactIs = { exports: {} };
9591 | var reactIs_development = {};
9592 | |
9593 |
9594 |
9595 |
9596 |
9597 |
9598 |
9599 |
9600 |
9601 | {
9602 | (function() {
9603 | var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE2 = Symbol.for("react.element");
9604 | var REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal");
9605 | var REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment");
9606 | var REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode");
9607 | var REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler");
9608 | var REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.provider");
9609 | var REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.context");
9610 | var REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.server_context");
9611 | var REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref");
9612 | var REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense");
9613 | var REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list");
9614 | var REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo");
9615 | var REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy");
9616 | var REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.offscreen");
9617 | var enableScopeAPI = false;
9618 | var enableCacheElement = false;
9619 | var enableTransitionTracing = false;
9620 | var enableLegacyHidden = false;
9621 | var enableDebugTracing = false;
9623 | {
9624 | REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE = Symbol.for("react.module.reference");
9625 | }
9626 | function isValidElementType(type) {
9627 | if (typeof type === "string" || typeof type === "function") {
9628 | return true;
9629 | }
9630 | if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || enableDebugTracing || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || enableLegacyHidden || type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE || enableScopeAPI || enableCacheElement || enableTransitionTracing) {
9631 | return true;
9632 | }
9633 | if (typeof type === "object" && type !== null) {
9634 | if (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE ||
9635 |
9636 |
9637 |
9638 | type.$$typeof === REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE || type.getModuleId !== void 0) {
9639 | return true;
9640 | }
9641 | }
9642 | return false;
9643 | }
9644 | function typeOf(object) {
9645 | if (typeof object === "object" && object !== null) {
9646 | var $$typeof = object.$$typeof;
9647 | switch ($$typeof) {
9648 | case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE2:
9649 | var type = object.type;
9650 | switch (type) {
9656 | return type;
9657 | default:
9658 | var $$typeofType = type && type.$$typeof;
9659 | switch ($$typeofType) {
9663 | case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
9664 | case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:
9666 | return $$typeofType;
9667 | default:
9668 | return $$typeof;
9669 | }
9670 | }
9671 | case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:
9672 | return $$typeof;
9673 | }
9674 | }
9675 | return void 0;
9676 | }
9677 | var ContextConsumer = REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE;
9678 | var ContextProvider = REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE;
9679 | var Element2 = REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE2;
9680 | var ForwardRef = REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE;
9681 | var Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;
9682 | var Lazy = REACT_LAZY_TYPE;
9683 | var Memo = REACT_MEMO_TYPE;
9684 | var Portal = REACT_PORTAL_TYPE;
9685 | var Profiler = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;
9686 | var StrictMode = REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;
9687 | var Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;
9688 | var SuspenseList = REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE;
9689 | var hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsAsyncMode = false;
9690 | var hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsConcurrentMode = false;
9691 | function isAsyncMode(object) {
9692 | {
9693 | if (!hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsAsyncMode) {
9694 | hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsAsyncMode = true;
9695 | console["warn"]("The ReactIs.isAsyncMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 18+.");
9696 | }
9697 | }
9698 | return false;
9699 | }
9700 | function isConcurrentMode(object) {
9701 | {
9702 | if (!hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsConcurrentMode) {
9703 | hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsConcurrentMode = true;
9704 | console["warn"]("The ReactIs.isConcurrentMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 18+.");
9705 | }
9706 | }
9707 | return false;
9708 | }
9709 | function isContextConsumer(object) {
9710 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE;
9711 | }
9712 | function isContextProvider(object) {
9713 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE;
9714 | }
9715 | function isElement2(object) {
9716 | return typeof object === "object" && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE2;
9717 | }
9718 | function isForwardRef(object) {
9719 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE;
9720 | }
9721 | function isFragment(object) {
9722 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;
9723 | }
9724 | function isLazy(object) {
9725 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_LAZY_TYPE;
9726 | }
9727 | function isMemo(object) {
9728 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_MEMO_TYPE;
9729 | }
9730 | function isPortal(object) {
9731 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_PORTAL_TYPE;
9732 | }
9733 | function isProfiler(object) {
9734 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;
9735 | }
9736 | function isStrictMode(object) {
9737 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;
9738 | }
9739 | function isSuspense(object) {
9740 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;
9741 | }
9742 | function isSuspenseList(object) {
9743 | return typeOf(object) === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE;
9744 | }
9745 | reactIs_development.ContextConsumer = ContextConsumer;
9746 | reactIs_development.ContextProvider = ContextProvider;
9747 | reactIs_development.Element = Element2;
9748 | reactIs_development.ForwardRef = ForwardRef;
9749 | reactIs_development.Fragment = Fragment;
9750 | reactIs_development.Lazy = Lazy;
9751 | reactIs_development.Memo = Memo;
9752 | reactIs_development.Portal = Portal;
9753 | reactIs_development.Profiler = Profiler;
9754 | reactIs_development.StrictMode = StrictMode;
9755 | reactIs_development.Suspense = Suspense;
9756 | reactIs_development.SuspenseList = SuspenseList;
9757 | reactIs_development.isAsyncMode = isAsyncMode;
9758 | reactIs_development.isConcurrentMode = isConcurrentMode;
9759 | reactIs_development.isContextConsumer = isContextConsumer;
9760 | reactIs_development.isContextProvider = isContextProvider;
9761 | reactIs_development.isElement = isElement2;
9762 | reactIs_development.isForwardRef = isForwardRef;
9763 | reactIs_development.isFragment = isFragment;
9764 | reactIs_development.isLazy = isLazy;
9765 | reactIs_development.isMemo = isMemo;
9766 | reactIs_development.isPortal = isPortal;
9767 | reactIs_development.isProfiler = isProfiler;
9768 | reactIs_development.isStrictMode = isStrictMode;
9769 | reactIs_development.isSuspense = isSuspense;
9770 | reactIs_development.isSuspenseList = isSuspenseList;
9771 | reactIs_development.isValidElementType = isValidElementType;
9772 | reactIs_development.typeOf = typeOf;
9773 | })();
9774 | }
9775 | {
9776 | reactIs.exports = reactIs_development;
9777 | }
9778 | var reactIsExports = reactIs.exports;
9779 | function get(entity, path) {
9780 | var current = entity;
9781 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < path.length; i2 += 1) {
9782 | if (current === null || current === void 0) {
9783 | return void 0;
9784 | }
9785 | current = current[path[i2]];
9786 | }
9787 | return current;
9788 | }
9789 | function _toPrimitive(input, hint) {
9790 | if (_typeof$1(input) !== "object" || input === null)
9791 | return input;
9792 | var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive];
9793 | if (prim !== void 0) {
9794 | var res = prim.call(input, hint || "default");
9795 | if (_typeof$1(res) !== "object")
9796 | return res;
9797 | throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
9798 | }
9799 | return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input);
9800 | }
9801 | function _toPropertyKey(arg) {
9802 | var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string");
9803 | return _typeof$1(key) === "symbol" ? key : String(key);
9804 | }
9805 | function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
9806 | key = _toPropertyKey(key);
9807 | if (key in obj) {
9808 | Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
9809 | value,
9810 | enumerable: true,
9811 | configurable: true,
9812 | writable: true
9813 | });
9814 | } else {
9815 | obj[key] = value;
9816 | }
9817 | return obj;
9818 | }
9819 | function ownKeys(e2, r) {
9820 | var t = Object.keys(e2);
9821 | if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
9822 | var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e2);
9823 | r && (o = o.filter(function(r2) {
9824 | return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e2, r2).enumerable;
9825 | })), t.push.apply(t, o);
9826 | }
9827 | return t;
9828 | }
9829 | function _objectSpread2(e2) {
9830 | for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
9831 | var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {};
9832 | r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), true).forEach(function(r2) {
9833 | _defineProperty(e2, r2, t[r2]);
9834 | }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e2, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function(r2) {
9835 | Object.defineProperty(e2, r2, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r2));
9836 | });
9837 | }
9838 | return e2;
9839 | }
9840 | function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
9841 | if (Array.isArray(arr))
9842 | return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);
9843 | }
9844 | function _iterableToArray(iter) {
9845 | if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null)
9846 | return Array.from(iter);
9847 | }
9848 | function _nonIterableSpread() {
9849 | throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
9850 | }
9851 | function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
9852 | return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
9853 | }
9854 | function _toArray(arr) {
9855 | return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableRest();
9856 | }
9857 | function internalSet(entity, paths, value, removeIfUndefined) {
9858 | if (!paths.length) {
9859 | return value;
9860 | }
9861 | var _paths = _toArray(paths), path = _paths[0], restPath = _paths.slice(1);
9862 | var clone;
9863 | if (!entity && typeof path === "number") {
9864 | clone = [];
9865 | } else if (Array.isArray(entity)) {
9866 | clone = _toConsumableArray(entity);
9867 | } else {
9868 | clone = _objectSpread2({}, entity);
9869 | }
9870 | if (removeIfUndefined && value === void 0 && restPath.length === 1) {
9871 | delete clone[path][restPath[0]];
9872 | } else {
9873 | clone[path] = internalSet(clone[path], restPath, value, removeIfUndefined);
9874 | }
9875 | return clone;
9876 | }
9877 | function set(entity, paths, value) {
9878 | var removeIfUndefined = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : false;
9879 | if (paths.length && removeIfUndefined && value === void 0 && !get(entity, paths.slice(0, -1))) {
9880 | return entity;
9881 | }
9882 | return internalSet(entity, paths, value, removeIfUndefined);
9883 | }
9884 | var warned$1 = {};
9885 | var preWarningFns$1 = [];
9886 | var preMessage$1 = function preMessage2(fn) {
9887 | preWarningFns$1.push(fn);
9888 | };
9889 | function warning$3(valid, message) {
9890 | if (!valid && console !== void 0) {
9891 | var finalMessage = preWarningFns$1.reduce(function(msg, preMessageFn) {
9892 | return preMessageFn(msg !== null && msg !== void 0 ? msg : "", "warning");
9893 | }, message);
9894 | if (finalMessage) {
9895 | console.error("Warning: ".concat(finalMessage));
9896 | }
9897 | }
9898 | }
9899 | function note$1(valid, message) {
9900 | if (!valid && console !== void 0) {
9901 | var finalMessage = preWarningFns$1.reduce(function(msg, preMessageFn) {
9902 | return preMessageFn(msg !== null && msg !== void 0 ? msg : "", "note");
9903 | }, message);
9904 | if (finalMessage) {
9905 | console.warn("Note: ".concat(finalMessage));
9906 | }
9907 | }
9908 | }
9909 | function resetWarned$1() {
9910 | warned$1 = {};
9911 | }
9912 | function call$1(method, valid, message) {
9913 | if (!valid && !warned$1[message]) {
9914 | method(false, message);
9915 | warned$1[message] = true;
9916 | }
9917 | }
9918 | function warningOnce$1(valid, message) {
9919 | call$1(warning$3, valid, message);
9920 | }
9921 | function noteOnce$1(valid, message) {
9922 | call$1(note$1, valid, message);
9923 | }
9924 | warningOnce$1.preMessage = preMessage$1;
9925 | warningOnce$1.resetWarned = resetWarned$1;
9926 | warningOnce$1.noteOnce = noteOnce$1;
9927 | function useSyncScroll(current, visible, bodyRef) {
9928 | const rafRef = React$1.useRef();
9929 | const clean = () => {
9930 | if (rafRef.current) {
9931 | cancelAnimationFrame(rafRef.current);
9932 | }
9933 | };
9934 | const scrollTo = useEvent((date) => {
9935 | clean();
9936 | rafRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
9937 | if (bodyRef.current) {
9938 | const yearMonth = date.format("YYYY-M");
9939 | const target = bodyRef.current.querySelector(`[data-year-month="${yearMonth}"]`);
9940 | if (target) {
9941 | target.scrollIntoView({
9942 | block: "start",
9943 | inline: "nearest"
9944 | });
9945 | }
9946 | }
9947 | });
9948 | });
9949 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
9950 | if (visible && current) {
9951 | scrollTo(current);
9952 | return clean;
9953 | }
9954 | }, [current, visible]);
9955 | return scrollTo;
9956 | }
9957 | dayjs.extend(isoWeek);
9958 | dayjs.extend(isSameOrBefore);
9959 | const classPrefix$1e = "adm-calendar-picker-view";
9960 | const Context$2 = React$1.createContext({
9961 | visible: false
9962 | });
9963 | const defaultProps$Y = {
9964 | weekStartsOn: "Sunday",
9965 | defaultValue: null,
9966 | allowClear: true,
9967 | usePopup: true,
9968 | selectionMode: "single"
9969 | };
9970 | const CalendarPickerView = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
9971 | var _a;
9972 | const bodyRef = React$1.useRef(null);
9973 | const today = dayjs();
9974 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$Y, p);
9975 | const {
9976 | locale
9977 | } = useConfig();
9978 | const markItems = [...locale.Calendar.markItems];
9979 | if (props.weekStartsOn === "Sunday") {
9980 | const item = markItems.pop();
9981 | if (item)
9982 | markItems.unshift(item);
9983 | }
9984 | const [dateRange, setDateRange] = usePropsValue({
9985 | value: props.value === void 0 ? void 0 : convertValueToRange(props.selectionMode, props.value),
9986 | defaultValue: convertValueToRange(props.selectionMode, props.defaultValue),
9987 | onChange: (v) => {
9988 | var _a2, _b;
9989 | if (props.selectionMode === "single") {
9990 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, v ? v[0] : null);
9991 | } else if (props.selectionMode === "range") {
9992 | (_b = props.onChange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, v);
9993 | }
9994 | }
9995 | });
9996 | const [intermediate, setIntermediate] = React$1.useState(false);
9997 | const [current, setCurrent] = React$1.useState(() => dayjs(dateRange ? dateRange[0] : today).date(1));
9998 | const context = React$1.useContext(Context$2);
9999 | const scrollTo = useSyncScroll(current, context.visible, bodyRef);
10000 | const maxDay = React$1.useMemo(() => props.max ? dayjs(props.max) : current.add(6, "month"), [props.max, current]);
10001 | const minDay = React$1.useMemo(() => props.min ? dayjs(props.min) : current, [props.min, current]);
10002 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
10003 | jumpTo: (pageOrPageGenerator) => {
10004 | let page;
10005 | if (typeof pageOrPageGenerator === "function") {
10006 | page = pageOrPageGenerator({
10007 | year: current.year(),
10008 | month: current.month() + 1
10009 | });
10010 | } else {
10011 | page = pageOrPageGenerator;
10012 | }
10013 | const next = convertPageToDayjs(page);
10014 | setCurrent(next);
10015 | scrollTo(next);
10016 | },
10017 | jumpToToday: () => {
10018 | const next = dayjs().date(1);
10019 | setCurrent(next);
10020 | scrollTo(next);
10021 | },
10022 | getDateRange: () => dateRange
10023 | }));
10024 | const header = React$1.createElement("div", {
10025 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-header`
10026 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10027 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-title`
10028 | }, (_a = props.title) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : locale.Calendar.title));
10029 | function renderBody() {
10030 | var _a2;
10031 | const cells = [];
10032 | let monthIterator = minDay;
10033 | while (monthIterator.isSameOrBefore(maxDay, "month")) {
10034 | const year = monthIterator.year();
10035 | const month = monthIterator.month() + 1;
10036 | const renderMap = {
10037 | year,
10038 | month
10039 | };
10040 | const yearMonth = `${year}-${month}`;
10041 | const presetEmptyCellCount = props.weekStartsOn === "Monday" ? monthIterator.date(1).isoWeekday() - 1 : monthIterator.date(1).isoWeekday();
10042 | const presetEmptyCells = presetEmptyCellCount == 7 ? null : Array(presetEmptyCellCount).fill(null).map((_, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
10043 | key: index2,
10044 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-cell`
10045 | }));
10046 | cells.push(React$1.createElement("div", {
10047 | key: yearMonth,
10048 | "data-year-month": yearMonth
10049 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10050 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-title`
10051 | }, (_a2 = locale.Calendar.yearAndMonth) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, (_, variable) => {
10052 | var _a3;
10053 | return (_a3 = renderMap[variable]) === null || _a3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a3.toString();
10054 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
10055 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-cells`
10056 | }, presetEmptyCells, Array(monthIterator.daysInMonth()).fill(null).map((_, index2) => {
10057 | var _a3;
10058 | const d = monthIterator.date(index2 + 1);
10059 | let isSelect = false;
10060 | let isBegin = false;
10061 | let isEnd = false;
10062 | let isSelectRowBegin = false;
10063 | let isSelectRowEnd = false;
10064 | if (dateRange) {
10065 | const [begin, end] = dateRange;
10066 | isBegin = d.isSame(begin, "day");
10067 | isEnd = d.isSame(end, "day");
10068 | isSelect = isBegin || isEnd || d.isAfter(begin, "day") && d.isBefore(end, "day");
10069 | if (isSelect) {
10070 | isSelectRowBegin = (cells.length % 7 === 0 || d.isSame(d.startOf("month"), "day")) && !isBegin;
10071 | isSelectRowEnd = (cells.length % 7 === 6 || d.isSame(d.endOf("month"), "day")) && !isEnd;
10072 | }
10073 | }
10074 | const disabled = props.shouldDisableDate ? props.shouldDisableDate(d.toDate()) : maxDay && d.isAfter(maxDay, "day") || minDay && d.isBefore(minDay, "day");
10075 | const renderTop = () => {
10076 | var _a4;
10077 | const top = (_a4 = props.renderTop) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.call(props, d.toDate());
10078 | if (top) {
10079 | return top;
10080 | }
10081 | if (props.selectionMode === "range") {
10082 | if (isBegin) {
10083 | return locale.Calendar.start;
10084 | }
10085 | if (isEnd) {
10086 | return locale.Calendar.end;
10087 | }
10088 | }
10089 | if (d.isSame(today, "day") && !isSelect) {
10090 | return locale.Calendar.today;
10091 | }
10092 | };
10093 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
10094 | key: d.valueOf(),
10095 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1e}-cell`, {
10096 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-today`]: d.isSame(today, "day"),
10097 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-selected`]: isSelect,
10098 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-selected-begin`]: isBegin,
10099 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-selected-end`]: isEnd,
10100 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-selected-row-begin`]: isSelectRowBegin,
10101 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-selected-row-end`]: isSelectRowEnd,
10102 | [`${classPrefix$1e}-cell-disabled`]: !!disabled
10103 | }),
10104 | onClick: () => {
10105 | if (!props.selectionMode)
10106 | return;
10107 | if (disabled)
10108 | return;
10109 | const date = d.toDate();
10110 | function shouldClear() {
10111 | if (!props.allowClear)
10112 | return false;
10113 | if (!dateRange)
10114 | return false;
10115 | const [begin, end] = dateRange;
10116 | return d.isSame(begin, "date") && d.isSame(end, "day");
10117 | }
10118 | if (props.selectionMode === "single") {
10119 | if (props.allowClear && shouldClear()) {
10120 | setDateRange(null);
10121 | return;
10122 | }
10123 | setDateRange([date, date]);
10124 | } else if (props.selectionMode === "range") {
10125 | if (!dateRange) {
10126 | setDateRange([date, date]);
10127 | setIntermediate(true);
10128 | return;
10129 | }
10130 | if (shouldClear()) {
10131 | setDateRange(null);
10132 | setIntermediate(false);
10133 | return;
10134 | }
10135 | if (intermediate) {
10136 | const another = dateRange[0];
10137 | setDateRange(another > date ? [date, another] : [another, date]);
10138 | setIntermediate(false);
10139 | } else {
10140 | setDateRange([date, date]);
10141 | setIntermediate(true);
10142 | }
10143 | }
10144 | }
10145 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10146 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-cell-top`
10147 | }, renderTop()), React$1.createElement("div", {
10148 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-cell-date`
10149 | }, props.renderDate ? props.renderDate(d.toDate()) : d.date()), React$1.createElement("div", {
10150 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-cell-bottom`
10151 | }, (_a3 = props.renderBottom) === null || _a3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a3.call(props, d.toDate())));
10152 | }))));
10153 | monthIterator = monthIterator.add(1, "month");
10154 | }
10155 | return cells;
10156 | }
10157 | const body = React$1.createElement("div", {
10158 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-body`,
10159 | ref: bodyRef
10160 | }, renderBody());
10161 | const mark = React$1.createElement("div", {
10162 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-mark`
10163 | }, markItems.map((item, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
10164 | key: index2,
10165 | className: `${classPrefix$1e}-mark-cell`
10166 | }, item)));
10167 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
10168 | className: classPrefix$1e
10169 | }, header, mark, body));
10170 | });
10171 | const classPrefix$1d = `adm-divider`;
10172 | const defaultProps$X = {
10173 | contentPosition: "center",
10174 | direction: "horizontal"
10175 | };
10176 | const Divider = (p) => {
10177 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$X, p);
10178 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
10179 | className: classNames(classPrefix$1d, `${classPrefix$1d}-${props.direction}`, `${classPrefix$1d}-${props.contentPosition}`)
10180 | }, props.children && React$1.createElement("div", {
10181 | className: `${classPrefix$1d}-content`
10182 | }, props.children)));
10183 | };
10184 | const classPrefix$1c = "adm-calendar-picker";
10185 | const defaultProps$W = {
10186 | weekStartsOn: "Sunday",
10187 | defaultValue: null,
10188 | allowClear: true,
10189 | usePopup: true,
10190 | selectionMode: "single"
10191 | };
10192 | const CalendarPicker = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
10193 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$W, p);
10194 | const {
10195 | locale
10196 | } = useConfig();
10197 | const calendarRef = ref !== null && ref !== void 0 ? ref : React$1.useRef(null);
10198 | const {
10199 | visible,
10200 | confirmText,
10201 | popupClassName,
10202 | popupStyle,
10203 | popupBodyStyle,
10204 | forceRender,
10205 | closeOnMaskClick,
10206 | onClose,
10207 | onConfirm,
10208 | onMaskClick,
10209 | getContainer
10210 | } = props, calendarViewProps = __rest(props, ["visible", "confirmText", "popupClassName", "popupStyle", "popupBodyStyle", "forceRender", "closeOnMaskClick", "onClose", "onConfirm", "onMaskClick", "getContainer"]);
10211 | const viewContext = React$1.useMemo(() => ({
10212 | visible: !!visible
10213 | }), [visible]);
10214 | const footer = React$1.createElement("div", {
10215 | className: `${classPrefix$1c}-footer`
10216 | }, React$1.createElement(Divider, null), React$1.createElement("div", {
10217 | className: `${classPrefix$1c}-footer-bottom`
10218 | }, React$1.createElement(Button, {
10219 | color: "primary",
10220 | onClick: () => {
10221 | var _a, _b, _c, _d;
10222 | const dateRange = (_b = (_a = calendarRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getDateRange()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
10223 | if (props.selectionMode === "single") {
10224 | (_c = props.onConfirm) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props, dateRange ? dateRange[0] : null);
10225 | } else if (props.selectionMode === "range") {
10226 | (_d = props.onConfirm) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(props, dateRange);
10227 | }
10228 | onClose === null || onClose === void 0 ? void 0 : onClose();
10229 | }
10230 | }, confirmText !== null && confirmText !== void 0 ? confirmText : locale.Calendar.confirm)));
10231 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
10232 | className: classPrefix$1c
10233 | }, React$1.createElement(Popup, {
10234 | visible,
10235 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1c}-popup`, popupClassName),
10236 | showCloseButton: true,
10237 | forceRender: ref ? true : forceRender,
10238 | style: popupStyle,
10239 | bodyStyle: Object.assign({
10240 | borderTopLeftRadius: "8px",
10241 | borderTopRightRadius: "8px",
10242 | minHeight: "80vh",
10243 | overflow: "auto"
10244 | }, popupBodyStyle),
10245 | onClose,
10246 | onMaskClick: () => {
10247 | onMaskClick === null || onMaskClick === void 0 ? void 0 : onMaskClick();
10248 | if (closeOnMaskClick) {
10249 | onClose === null || onClose === void 0 ? void 0 : onClose();
10250 | }
10251 | },
10252 | getContainer
10253 | }, React$1.createElement(Context$2.Provider, {
10254 | value: viewContext
10255 | }, React$1.createElement(CalendarPickerView, Object.assign({
10256 | ref: calendarRef
10257 | }, calendarViewProps))), footer)));
10258 | });
10259 | function useResizeEffect(effect, targetRef) {
10260 | const fn = useMemoizedFn(effect);
10261 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
10262 | const target = targetRef.current;
10263 | if (!target)
10264 | return;
10265 | if (window.ResizeObserver) {
10266 | let animationFrame;
10267 | const observer = new ResizeObserver(() => {
10268 | animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => fn(target));
10269 | });
10270 | observer.observe(target);
10271 | return () => {
10272 | window.cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrame);
10273 | observer.disconnect();
10274 | };
10275 | } else {
10276 | fn(target);
10277 | }
10278 | }, [targetRef]);
10279 | }
10280 | function observe(element, options, callback) {
10281 | if (element && typeof MutationObserver !== "undefined") {
10282 | let observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
10283 | callback();
10284 | });
10285 | observer.observe(element, options);
10286 | return () => {
10287 | if (observer) {
10288 | observer.disconnect();
10289 | observer = null;
10290 | }
10291 | };
10292 | }
10293 | return () => {
10294 | };
10295 | }
10296 | function useMutationEffect(effect, targetRef, options) {
10297 | const fn = useMemoizedFn(effect);
10298 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
10299 | const cleanup = observe(targetRef.current, options, fn);
10300 | return cleanup;
10301 | }, [targetRef]);
10302 | }
10303 | function bound(position, min2, max2) {
10304 | let ret = position;
10305 | if (min2 !== void 0) {
10306 | ret = Math.max(position, min2);
10307 | }
10308 | if (max2 !== void 0) {
10309 | ret = Math.min(ret, max2);
10310 | }
10311 | return ret;
10312 | }
10313 | const useTabListScroll = (targetRef, activeIndex) => {
10314 | const [{
10315 | scrollLeft
10316 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
10317 | scrollLeft: 0,
10318 | config: {
10319 | tension: 300,
10320 | clamp: true
10321 | }
10322 | }));
10323 | function animate(immediate = false) {
10324 | const container = targetRef.current;
10325 | if (!container)
10326 | return;
10327 | if (activeIndex === void 0)
10328 | return;
10329 | const activeTabWrapper = container.children.item(activeIndex);
10330 | const activeTab = activeTabWrapper.children.item(0);
10331 | const activeTabLeft = activeTab.offsetLeft;
10332 | const activeTabWidth = activeTab.offsetWidth;
10333 | const containerWidth = container.offsetWidth;
10334 | const containerScrollWidth = container.scrollWidth;
10335 | const containerScrollLeft = container.scrollLeft;
10336 | const maxScrollDistance = containerScrollWidth - containerWidth;
10337 | if (maxScrollDistance <= 0)
10338 | return;
10339 | const nextScrollLeft = bound(activeTabLeft - (containerWidth - activeTabWidth) / 2, 0, containerScrollWidth - containerWidth);
10340 | api.start({
10341 | scrollLeft: nextScrollLeft,
10342 | from: {
10343 | scrollLeft: containerScrollLeft
10344 | },
10345 | immediate: immediate && !scrollLeft.isAnimating
10346 | });
10347 | }
10348 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
10349 | animate(true);
10350 | }, []);
10351 | useIsomorphicUpdateLayoutEffect(() => {
10352 | animate();
10353 | }, [activeIndex]);
10354 | useMutationEffect(() => {
10355 | animate(true);
10356 | }, targetRef, {
10357 | subtree: true,
10358 | childList: true,
10359 | characterData: true
10360 | });
10361 | return {
10362 | scrollLeft,
10363 | animate
10364 | };
10365 | };
10366 | const classPrefix$1b = `adm-scroll-mask`;
10367 | const ScrollMask = (props) => {
10368 | const maskRef = React$1.useRef(null);
10369 | const [{
10370 | leftMaskOpacity,
10371 | rightMaskOpacity
10372 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
10373 | leftMaskOpacity: 0,
10374 | rightMaskOpacity: 0,
10375 | config: {
10376 | clamp: true
10377 | }
10378 | }));
10379 | const {
10380 | run: updateMask
10381 | } = useThrottleFn((immediate = false) => {
10382 | const mask = maskRef.current;
10383 | if (!mask)
10384 | return;
10385 | const scrollEl = props.scrollTrackRef.current;
10386 | if (!scrollEl)
10387 | return;
10388 | const scrollLeft = scrollEl.scrollLeft;
10389 | const showLeftMask = scrollLeft > 0;
10390 | const showRightMask = scrollLeft + scrollEl.offsetWidth < scrollEl.scrollWidth;
10391 | api.start({
10392 | leftMaskOpacity: showLeftMask ? 1 : 0,
10393 | rightMaskOpacity: showRightMask ? 1 : 0,
10394 | immediate
10395 | });
10396 | }, {
10397 | wait: 100,
10398 | trailing: true,
10399 | leading: true
10400 | });
10401 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
10402 | updateMask(true);
10403 | }, []);
10404 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
10405 | const scrollEl = props.scrollTrackRef.current;
10406 | if (!scrollEl)
10407 | return;
10408 | scrollEl.addEventListener("scroll", updateMask);
10409 | return () => scrollEl.removeEventListener("scroll", updateMask);
10410 | }, []);
10411 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
10412 | ref: maskRef,
10413 | className: classNames(classPrefix$1b, `${classPrefix$1b}-left`),
10414 | style: {
10415 | opacity: leftMaskOpacity
10416 | }
10417 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
10418 | className: classNames(classPrefix$1b, `${classPrefix$1b}-right`),
10419 | style: {
10420 | opacity: rightMaskOpacity
10421 | }
10422 | }));
10423 | };
10424 | function traverseReactNode(children, fn) {
10425 | let i2 = 0;
10426 | function handle(target) {
10427 | React$1.Children.forEach(target, (child) => {
10428 | if (!reactIsExports.isFragment(child)) {
10429 | fn(child, i2);
10430 | i2 += 1;
10431 | } else {
10432 | handle(child.props.children);
10433 | }
10434 | });
10435 | }
10436 | handle(children);
10437 | }
10438 | const classPrefix$1a = `adm-capsule-tabs`;
10439 | const CapsuleTab = () => null;
10440 | const CapsuleTabs = (props) => {
10441 | var _a;
10442 | const tabListContainerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
10443 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
10444 | const keyToIndexRecord = {};
10445 | let firstActiveKey = null;
10446 | const panes = [];
10447 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child, index2) => {
10448 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
10449 | return;
10450 | const key = child.key;
10451 | if (typeof key !== "string")
10452 | return;
10453 | if (index2 === 0) {
10454 | firstActiveKey = key;
10455 | }
10456 | const length = panes.push(child);
10457 | keyToIndexRecord[key] = length - 1;
10458 | });
10459 | const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = usePropsValue({
10460 | value: props.activeKey,
10461 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultActiveKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : firstActiveKey,
10462 | onChange: (v) => {
10463 | var _a2;
10464 | if (v === null)
10465 | return;
10466 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, v);
10467 | }
10468 | });
10469 | const {
10470 | scrollLeft,
10471 | animate
10472 | } = useTabListScroll(tabListContainerRef, keyToIndexRecord[activeKey]);
10473 | useResizeEffect(() => {
10474 | animate(true);
10475 | }, rootRef);
10476 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
10477 | className: classPrefix$1a,
10478 | ref: rootRef
10479 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10480 | className: `${classPrefix$1a}-header`
10481 | }, React$1.createElement(ScrollMask, {
10482 | scrollTrackRef: tabListContainerRef
10483 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
10484 | className: `${classPrefix$1a}-tab-list`,
10485 | ref: tabListContainerRef,
10486 | scrollLeft
10487 | }, panes.map((pane) => withNativeProps(pane.props, React$1.createElement("div", {
10488 | key: pane.key,
10489 | className: `${classPrefix$1a}-tab-wrapper`
10490 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10491 | onClick: () => {
10492 | const {
10493 | key
10494 | } = pane;
10495 | if (pane.props.disabled)
10496 | return;
10497 | if (key === void 0 || key === null) {
10498 | return;
10499 | }
10500 | setActiveKey(key.toString());
10501 | },
10502 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$1a}-tab`, {
10503 | [`${classPrefix$1a}-tab-active`]: pane.key === activeKey,
10504 | [`${classPrefix$1a}-tab-disabled`]: pane.props.disabled
10505 | })
10506 | }, pane.props.title)))))), panes.map((pane) => {
10507 | if (pane.props.children === void 0) {
10508 | return null;
10509 | }
10510 | const active = pane.key === activeKey;
10511 | return React$1.createElement(ShouldRender, {
10512 | key: pane.key,
10513 | active,
10514 | forceRender: pane.props.forceRender,
10515 | destroyOnClose: pane.props.destroyOnClose
10516 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10517 | className: `${classPrefix$1a}-content`,
10518 | style: {
10519 | display: active ? "block" : "none"
10520 | }
10521 | }, pane.props.children));
10522 | })));
10523 | };
10524 | const index$h = attachPropertiesToComponent(CapsuleTabs, {
10525 | Tab: CapsuleTab
10526 | });
10527 | const classPrefix$19 = `adm-card`;
10528 | const Card = (props) => {
10529 | const renderHeader = () => {
10530 | if (!(props.title || props.extra)) {
10531 | return null;
10532 | }
10533 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
10534 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$19}-header`, props.headerClassName),
10535 | style: props.headerStyle,
10536 | onClick: props.onHeaderClick
10537 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10538 | className: `${classPrefix$19}-header-title`
10539 | }, props.title), props.extra);
10540 | };
10541 | const renderBody = () => {
10542 | if (!props.children) {
10543 | return null;
10544 | }
10545 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
10546 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$19}-body`, props.bodyClassName),
10547 | style: props.bodyStyle,
10548 | onClick: props.onBodyClick
10549 | }, props.children);
10550 | };
10551 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
10552 | className: classPrefix$19,
10553 | onClick: props.onClick
10554 | }, renderHeader(), renderBody()));
10555 | };
10556 | function rubberband(distance, dimension, constant) {
10557 | return distance * dimension * constant / (dimension + constant * distance);
10558 | }
10559 | function rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(position, min2, max2, dimension, constant = 0.15) {
10560 | if (constant === 0)
10561 | return bound(position, min2, max2);
10562 | if (position < min2)
10563 | return -rubberband(min2 - position, dimension, constant) + min2;
10564 | if (position > max2)
10565 | return +rubberband(position - max2, dimension, constant) + max2;
10566 | return position;
10567 | }
10568 | var hasElementType = typeof Element !== "undefined";
10569 | var hasMap = typeof Map === "function";
10570 | var hasSet = typeof Set === "function";
10571 | var hasArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer === "function" && !!ArrayBuffer.isView;
10572 | function equal(a, b) {
10573 | if (a === b)
10574 | return true;
10575 | if (a && b && typeof a == "object" && typeof b == "object") {
10576 | if (a.constructor !== b.constructor)
10577 | return false;
10578 | var length, i2, keys;
10579 | if (Array.isArray(a)) {
10580 | length = a.length;
10581 | if (length != b.length)
10582 | return false;
10583 | for (i2 = length; i2-- !== 0; )
10584 | if (!equal(a[i2], b[i2]))
10585 | return false;
10586 | return true;
10587 | }
10588 | var it;
10589 | if (hasMap && a instanceof Map && b instanceof Map) {
10590 | if (a.size !== b.size)
10591 | return false;
10592 | it = a.entries();
10593 | while (!(i2 = it.next()).done)
10594 | if (!b.has(i2.value[0]))
10595 | return false;
10596 | it = a.entries();
10597 | while (!(i2 = it.next()).done)
10598 | if (!equal(i2.value[1], b.get(i2.value[0])))
10599 | return false;
10600 | return true;
10601 | }
10602 | if (hasSet && a instanceof Set && b instanceof Set) {
10603 | if (a.size !== b.size)
10604 | return false;
10605 | it = a.entries();
10606 | while (!(i2 = it.next()).done)
10607 | if (!b.has(i2.value[0]))
10608 | return false;
10609 | return true;
10610 | }
10611 | if (hasArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) {
10612 | length = a.length;
10613 | if (length != b.length)
10614 | return false;
10615 | for (i2 = length; i2-- !== 0; )
10616 | if (a[i2] !== b[i2])
10617 | return false;
10618 | return true;
10619 | }
10620 | if (a.constructor === RegExp)
10621 | return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;
10622 | if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf && typeof a.valueOf === "function" && typeof b.valueOf === "function")
10623 | return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
10624 | if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && typeof a.toString === "function" && typeof b.toString === "function")
10625 | return a.toString() === b.toString();
10626 | keys = Object.keys(a);
10627 | length = keys.length;
10628 | if (length !== Object.keys(b).length)
10629 | return false;
10630 | for (i2 = length; i2-- !== 0; )
10631 | if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, keys[i2]))
10632 | return false;
10633 | if (hasElementType && a instanceof Element)
10634 | return false;
10635 | for (i2 = length; i2-- !== 0; ) {
10636 | if ((keys[i2] === "_owner" || keys[i2] === "__v" || keys[i2] === "__o") && a.$$typeof) {
10637 | continue;
10638 | }
10639 | if (!equal(a[keys[i2]], b[keys[i2]]))
10640 | return false;
10641 | }
10642 | return true;
10643 | }
10644 | return a !== a && b !== b;
10645 | }
10646 | var reactFastCompare = function isEqual2(a, b) {
10647 | try {
10648 | return equal(a, b);
10649 | } catch (error) {
10650 | if ((error.message || "").match(/stack|recursion/i)) {
10651 | console.warn("react-fast-compare cannot handle circular refs");
10652 | return false;
10653 | }
10654 | throw error;
10655 | }
10656 | };
10657 | const isEqual = getDefaultExportFromCjs(reactFastCompare);
10658 | function measureCSSLength(raw) {
10659 | if (raw === null || raw === void 0 || raw === "") {
10660 | {
10661 | devError("Global", "Something went wrong when calculating CSS length. Please report an issue at https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-mobile/issues/new/choose");
10662 | }
10663 | return 0;
10664 | }
10665 | const withUnit = raw.trim();
10666 | if (withUnit.endsWith("px")) {
10667 | return parseFloat(withUnit);
10668 | } else if (withUnit.endsWith("rem")) {
10669 | return parseFloat(withUnit) * parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).fontSize);
10670 | } else if (withUnit.endsWith("vw")) {
10671 | return parseFloat(withUnit) * window.innerWidth / 100;
10672 | } else {
10673 | {
10674 | devError("Global", `You are using a not supported CSS unit in \`${raw}\`. Only \`px\` \`rem\` and \`vw\` are supported.`);
10675 | }
10676 | return 0;
10677 | }
10678 | }
10679 | const classPrefix$18 = `adm-picker-view`;
10680 | const Wheel = React$1.memo((props) => {
10681 | const {
10682 | value,
10683 | column,
10684 | renderLabel
10685 | } = props;
10686 | function onSelect(val) {
10687 | props.onSelect(val, props.index);
10688 | }
10689 | const [{
10690 | y
10691 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
10692 | from: {
10693 | y: 0
10694 | },
10695 | config: {
10696 | tension: 400,
10697 | mass: 0.8
10698 | }
10699 | }));
10700 | const draggingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
10701 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
10702 | const itemHeightMeasureRef = React$1.useRef(null);
10703 | const itemHeight = React$1.useRef(34);
10704 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
10705 | const itemHeightMeasure = itemHeightMeasureRef.current;
10706 | if (!itemHeightMeasure)
10707 | return;
10708 | itemHeight.current = measureCSSLength(window.getComputedStyle(itemHeightMeasure).getPropertyValue("height"));
10709 | });
10710 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
10711 | if (draggingRef.current)
10712 | return;
10713 | if (value === null)
10714 | return;
10715 | const targetIndex = column.findIndex((item) => item.value === value);
10716 | if (targetIndex < 0)
10717 | return;
10718 | const finalPosition = targetIndex * -itemHeight.current;
10719 | api.start({
10720 | y: finalPosition,
10721 | immediate: y.goal !== finalPosition
10722 | });
10723 | }, [value, column]);
10724 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
10725 | if (column.length === 0) {
10726 | if (value !== null) {
10727 | onSelect(null);
10728 | }
10729 | } else {
10730 | if (!column.some((item) => item.value === value)) {
10731 | const firstItem = column[0];
10732 | onSelect(firstItem.value);
10733 | }
10734 | }
10735 | }, [column, value]);
10736 | function scrollSelect(index2) {
10737 | const finalPosition = index2 * -itemHeight.current;
10738 | api.start({
10739 | y: finalPosition
10740 | });
10741 | const item = column[index2];
10742 | if (!item)
10743 | return;
10744 | onSelect(item.value);
10745 | }
10746 | const handleGestureState = (state) => {
10747 | const {
10748 | direction: [, direction],
10749 | distance: [, distance],
10750 | velocity: [, velocity],
10751 | offset: [, offset2],
10752 | last
10753 | } = state;
10754 | return {
10755 | direction,
10756 | distance,
10757 | velocity,
10758 | offset: offset2,
10759 | last
10760 | };
10761 | };
10762 | const handleDrag = (state) => {
10763 | draggingRef.current = true;
10764 | const min2 = -((column.length - 1) * itemHeight.current);
10765 | const max2 = 0;
10766 | const {
10767 | direction,
10768 | last,
10769 | velocity,
10770 | offset: offset2
10771 | } = handleGestureState(state);
10772 | if (last) {
10773 | draggingRef.current = false;
10774 | const position = offset2 + velocity * direction * 50;
10775 | const boundNum = bound(position, min2, max2);
10776 | const targetIndex = -Math.round(boundNum / itemHeight.current);
10777 | scrollSelect(targetIndex);
10778 | } else {
10779 | const position = offset2;
10780 | api.start({
10781 | y: rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(position, min2, max2, itemHeight.current * 50, 0.2)
10782 | });
10783 | }
10784 | };
10785 | const handleWheel = (state) => {
10786 | draggingRef.current = true;
10787 | const min2 = -((column.length - 1) * itemHeight.current);
10788 | const max2 = 0;
10789 | const {
10790 | direction,
10791 | last,
10792 | velocity,
10793 | distance
10794 | } = handleGestureState(state);
10795 | const whellDir = -direction;
10796 | const scrollY = y.get();
10797 | if (last) {
10798 | draggingRef.current = false;
10799 | const speed = velocity * whellDir * 50;
10800 | const position = scrollY + distance * whellDir + speed;
10801 | const boundNum = bound(position, min2, max2);
10802 | const targetIndex = -Math.round(boundNum / itemHeight.current);
10803 | scrollSelect(targetIndex);
10804 | } else {
10805 | const position = scrollY + distance * whellDir;
10806 | api.start({
10807 | y: rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(position, min2, max2, itemHeight.current * 50, 0.2)
10808 | });
10809 | }
10810 | };
10811 | useDrag((state) => {
10812 | state.event.stopPropagation();
10813 | handleDrag(state);
10814 | }, {
10815 | axis: "y",
10816 | from: () => [0, y.get()],
10817 | filterTaps: true,
10818 | pointer: {
10819 | touch: true
10820 | },
10821 | target: rootRef
10822 | });
10823 | useWheel((state) => {
10824 | state.event.stopPropagation();
10825 | handleWheel(state);
10826 | }, {
10827 | target: props.mouseWheel ? rootRef : void 0,
10828 | axis: "y",
10829 | from: () => [0, y.get()],
10830 | preventDefault: true,
10831 | eventOptions: supportsPassive ? {
10832 | passive: false
10833 | } : void 0
10834 | });
10835 | let selectedIndex = null;
10836 | function renderAccessible() {
10837 | if (selectedIndex === null) {
10838 | return null;
10839 | }
10840 | const current = column[selectedIndex];
10841 | const previousIndex = selectedIndex - 1;
10842 | const nextIndex = selectedIndex + 1;
10843 | const previous = column[previousIndex];
10844 | const next = column[nextIndex];
10845 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
10846 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column-accessible`
10847 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10848 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column-accessible-current`,
10849 | role: "button",
10850 | "aria-label": current ? `当前选择的是:${current.label}` : "当前未选择"
10851 | }, "-"), React$1.createElement("div", {
10852 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column-accessible-button`,
10853 | onClick: () => {
10854 | if (!previous)
10855 | return;
10856 | scrollSelect(previousIndex);
10857 | },
10858 | role: previous ? "button" : "text",
10859 | "aria-label": !previous ? "没有上一项" : `选择上一项:${previous.label}`
10860 | }, "-"), React$1.createElement("div", {
10861 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column-accessible-button`,
10862 | onClick: () => {
10863 | if (!next)
10864 | return;
10865 | scrollSelect(nextIndex);
10866 | },
10867 | role: next ? "button" : "text",
10868 | "aria-label": !next ? "没有下一项" : `选择下一项:${next.label}`
10869 | }, "-"));
10870 | }
10871 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
10872 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column`
10873 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10874 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-item-height-measure`,
10875 | ref: itemHeightMeasureRef
10876 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
10877 | ref: rootRef,
10878 | style: {
10879 | translateY: y
10880 | },
10881 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column-wheel`,
10882 | "aria-hidden": true
10883 | }, column.map((item, index2) => {
10884 | var _a;
10885 | const selected = props.value === item.value;
10886 | if (selected)
10887 | selectedIndex = index2;
10888 | function handleClick() {
10889 | draggingRef.current = false;
10890 | scrollSelect(index2);
10891 | }
10892 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
10893 | key: (_a = item.key) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : item.value,
10894 | "data-selected": selected,
10895 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$18}-column-item`, {
10896 | [`${classPrefix$18}-column-item-active`]: selected
10897 | }),
10898 | onClick: handleClick,
10899 | "aria-hidden": !selected,
10900 | "aria-label": selected ? "active" : ""
10901 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
10902 | className: `${classPrefix$18}-column-item-label`
10903 | }, renderLabel(item)));
10904 | })), renderAccessible());
10905 | }, (prev, next) => {
10906 | if (prev.index !== next.index)
10907 | return false;
10908 | if (prev.value !== next.value)
10909 | return false;
10910 | if (prev.onSelect !== next.onSelect)
10911 | return false;
10912 | if (prev.renderLabel !== next.renderLabel)
10913 | return false;
10914 | if (prev.mouseWheel !== next.mouseWheel)
10915 | return false;
10916 | if (!isEqual(prev.column, next.column))
10917 | return false;
10918 | return true;
10919 | });
10920 | Wheel.displayName = "Wheel";
10921 | function withCache(generate) {
10922 | let cache = null;
10923 | return () => {
10924 | if (cache === null) {
10925 | cache = generate();
10926 | }
10927 | return cache;
10928 | };
10929 | }
10930 | function generateColumnsExtend(rawColumns, val) {
10931 | const columns = withCache(() => {
10932 | const c = typeof rawColumns === "function" ? rawColumns(val) : rawColumns;
10933 | return c.map((column) => column.map((item) => typeof item === "string" ? {
10934 | label: item,
10935 | value: item
10936 | } : item));
10937 | });
10938 | const items = withCache(() => {
10939 | return val.map((v, index2) => {
10940 | var _a;
10941 | const column = columns()[index2];
10942 | if (!column)
10943 | return null;
10944 | return (_a = column.find((item) => item.value === v)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
10945 | });
10946 | });
10947 | const extend = {
10948 | get columns() {
10949 | return columns();
10950 | },
10951 | get items() {
10952 | return items();
10953 | }
10954 | };
10955 | return extend;
10956 | }
10957 | function useColumnsExtend(rawColumns, value) {
10958 | return React$1.useMemo(() => generateColumnsExtend(rawColumns, value), [rawColumns, value]);
10959 | }
10960 | const defaultRenderLabel = (item) => item.label;
10961 | var shim = { exports: {} };
10962 | var useSyncExternalStoreShim_development = {};
10963 | |
10964 |
10965 |
10966 |
10967 |
10968 |
10969 |
10970 |
10971 |
10972 | {
10973 | (function() {
10974 | if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart === "function") {
10975 | __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error());
10976 | }
10977 | var React2 = React$1;
10978 | var ReactSharedInternals = React2.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;
10979 | function error(format2) {
10980 | {
10981 | {
10982 | for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
10983 | args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
10984 | }
10985 | printWarning("error", format2, args);
10986 | }
10987 | }
10988 | }
10989 | function printWarning(level, format2, args) {
10990 | {
10991 | var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;
10992 | var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum();
10993 | if (stack !== "") {
10994 | format2 += "%s";
10995 | args = args.concat([stack]);
10996 | }
10997 | var argsWithFormat = args.map(function(item) {
10998 | return String(item);
10999 | });
11000 | argsWithFormat.unshift("Warning: " + format2);
11001 | Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat);
11002 | }
11003 | }
11004 | function is2(x, y) {
11005 | return x === y && (x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y) || x !== x && y !== y;
11006 | }
11007 | var objectIs = typeof Object.is === "function" ? Object.is : is2;
11008 | var useState = React2.useState, useEffect = React2.useEffect, useLayoutEffect2 = React2.useLayoutEffect, useDebugValue = React2.useDebugValue;
11009 | var didWarnOld18Alpha = false;
11010 | var didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot = false;
11011 | function useSyncExternalStore(subscribe2, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {
11012 | {
11013 | if (!didWarnOld18Alpha) {
11014 | if (React2.startTransition !== void 0) {
11015 | didWarnOld18Alpha = true;
11016 | error("You are using an outdated, pre-release alpha of React 18 that does not support useSyncExternalStore. The use-sync-external-store shim will not work correctly. Upgrade to a newer pre-release.");
11017 | }
11018 | }
11019 | }
11020 | var value = getSnapshot();
11021 | {
11022 | if (!didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot) {
11023 | var cachedValue = getSnapshot();
11024 | if (!objectIs(value, cachedValue)) {
11025 | error("The result of getSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop");
11026 | didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot = true;
11027 | }
11028 | }
11029 | }
11030 | var _useState = useState({
11031 | inst: {
11032 | value,
11033 | getSnapshot
11034 | }
11035 | }), inst = _useState[0].inst, forceUpdate = _useState[1];
11036 | useLayoutEffect2(function() {
11037 | inst.value = value;
11038 | inst.getSnapshot = getSnapshot;
11039 | if (checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst)) {
11040 | forceUpdate({
11041 | inst
11042 | });
11043 | }
11044 | }, [subscribe2, value, getSnapshot]);
11045 | useEffect(function() {
11046 | if (checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst)) {
11047 | forceUpdate({
11048 | inst
11049 | });
11050 | }
11051 | var handleStoreChange = function() {
11052 | if (checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst)) {
11053 | forceUpdate({
11054 | inst
11055 | });
11056 | }
11057 | };
11058 | return subscribe2(handleStoreChange);
11059 | }, [subscribe2]);
11060 | useDebugValue(value);
11061 | return value;
11062 | }
11063 | function checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst) {
11064 | var latestGetSnapshot = inst.getSnapshot;
11065 | var prevValue = inst.value;
11066 | try {
11067 | var nextValue = latestGetSnapshot();
11068 | return !objectIs(prevValue, nextValue);
11069 | } catch (error2) {
11070 | return true;
11071 | }
11072 | }
11073 | function useSyncExternalStore$1(subscribe2, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {
11074 | return getSnapshot();
11075 | }
11076 | var canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.document !== "undefined" && typeof window.document.createElement !== "undefined");
11077 | var isServerEnvironment = !canUseDOM;
11078 | var shim2 = isServerEnvironment ? useSyncExternalStore$1 : useSyncExternalStore;
11079 | var useSyncExternalStore$2 = React2.useSyncExternalStore !== void 0 ? React2.useSyncExternalStore : shim2;
11080 | useSyncExternalStoreShim_development.useSyncExternalStore = useSyncExternalStore$2;
11081 | if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop === "function") {
11082 | __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error());
11083 | }
11084 | })();
11085 | }
11086 | {
11087 | shim.exports = useSyncExternalStoreShim_development;
11088 | }
11089 | var shimExports = shim.exports;
11090 | let reduced = false;
11091 | const subscribers = new Set();
11092 | function notify() {
11093 | subscribers.forEach((subscriber) => {
11094 | subscriber();
11095 | });
11096 | }
11097 | function reduceMotion() {
11098 | reduced = true;
11099 | notify();
11100 | globals.assign({
11101 | skipAnimation: true
11102 | });
11103 | }
11104 | function restoreMotion() {
11105 | reduced = false;
11106 | notify();
11107 | globals.assign({
11108 | skipAnimation: false
11109 | });
11110 | }
11111 | function isMotionReduced() {
11112 | return reduced;
11113 | }
11114 | function subscribe(onStoreChange) {
11115 | subscribers.add(onStoreChange);
11116 | return () => {
11117 | subscribers.delete(onStoreChange);
11118 | };
11119 | }
11120 | function useMotionReduced() {
11121 | return shimExports.useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, isMotionReduced, isMotionReduced);
11122 | }
11123 | const classPrefix$17 = "adm-spin-loading";
11124 | const colorRecord$2 = {
11125 | default: "var(--adm-color-weak)",
11126 | primary: "var(--adm-color-primary)",
11127 | white: "var(--adm-color-white)"
11128 | };
11129 | const defaultProps$V = {
11130 | color: "default"
11131 | };
11132 | const circumference = 15 * 3.14159265358979 * 2;
11133 | const SpinLoading = React$1.memo((p) => {
11134 | var _a;
11135 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$V, p);
11136 | const motionReduced = useMotionReduced();
11137 | const {
11138 | percent
11139 | } = useSpring({
11140 | cancel: motionReduced,
11141 | loop: {
11142 | reverse: true
11143 | },
11144 | from: {
11145 | percent: 80
11146 | },
11147 | to: {
11148 | percent: 30
11149 | },
11150 | config: {
11151 | duration: 1200
11152 | }
11153 | });
11154 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
11155 | className: classPrefix$17,
11156 | style: {
11157 | "--color": (_a = colorRecord$2[props.color]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.color,
11158 | "--percent": percent
11159 | }
11160 | }, React$1.createElement("svg", {
11161 | className: `${classPrefix$17}-svg`,
11162 | viewBox: "0 0 32 32"
11163 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.circle, {
11164 | className: `${classPrefix$17}-fill`,
11165 | fill: "transparent",
11166 | strokeWidth: "2",
11167 | strokeDasharray: circumference,
11168 | strokeDashoffset: percent,
11169 | strokeLinecap: "square",
11170 | r: 15,
11171 | cx: 16,
11172 | cy: 16
11173 | }))));
11174 | });
11175 | const classPrefix$16 = `adm-picker-view`;
11176 | const defaultProps$U = {
11177 | defaultValue: [],
11178 | renderLabel: defaultRenderLabel,
11179 | mouseWheel: false,
11180 | loadingContent: React$1.createElement("div", {
11181 | className: `${classPrefix$16}-loading-content`
11182 | }, React$1.createElement(SpinLoading, null))
11183 | };
11184 | const PickerView = React$1.memo((p) => {
11185 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$U, p);
11186 | const [innerValue, setInnerValue] = React$1.useState(props.value === void 0 ? props.defaultValue : props.value);
11187 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
11188 | if (props.value === void 0)
11189 | return;
11190 | if (props.value === innerValue)
11191 | return;
11192 | setInnerValue(props.value);
11193 | }, [props.value]);
11194 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
11195 | if (props.value === innerValue)
11196 | return;
11197 | const timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
11198 | if (props.value !== void 0 && props.value !== innerValue) {
11199 | setInnerValue(props.value);
11200 | }
11201 | }, 1e3);
11202 | return () => {
11203 | window.clearTimeout(timeout);
11204 | };
11205 | }, [props.value, innerValue]);
11206 | const extend = useColumnsExtend(props.columns, innerValue);
11207 | const columns = extend.columns;
11208 | useDebounceEffect(() => {
11209 | var _a;
11210 | if (props.value === innerValue)
11211 | return;
11212 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, innerValue, extend);
11213 | }, [innerValue], {
11214 | wait: 0,
11215 | leading: false,
11216 | trailing: true
11217 | });
11218 | const handleSelect = React$1.useCallback((val, index2) => {
11219 | setInnerValue((prev) => {
11220 | const next = [...prev];
11221 | next[index2] = val;
11222 | return next;
11223 | });
11224 | }, []);
11225 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
11226 | className: `${classPrefix$16}`
11227 | }, props.loading ? props.loadingContent : React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, columns.map((column, index2) => React$1.createElement(Wheel, {
11228 | key: index2,
11229 | index: index2,
11230 | column,
11231 | value: innerValue[index2],
11232 | onSelect: handleSelect,
11233 | renderLabel: props.renderLabel,
11234 | mouseWheel: props.mouseWheel
11235 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
11236 | className: `${classPrefix$16}-mask`
11237 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
11238 | className: `${classPrefix$16}-mask-top`
11239 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
11240 | className: `${classPrefix$16}-mask-middle`
11241 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
11242 | className: `${classPrefix$16}-mask-bottom`
11243 | })))));
11244 | });
11245 | PickerView.displayName = "PickerView";
11246 | const classPrefix$15 = `adm-picker`;
11247 | const defaultProps$T = {
11248 | defaultValue: [],
11249 | closeOnMaskClick: true,
11250 | renderLabel: defaultRenderLabel,
11251 | destroyOnClose: false,
11252 | forceRender: false
11253 | };
11254 | const Picker$1 = React$1.memo(React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
11255 | var _a;
11256 | const {
11257 | locale
11258 | } = useConfig();
11259 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$T, {
11260 | confirmText: locale.common.confirm,
11261 | cancelText: locale.common.cancel
11262 | }, p);
11263 | const [visible, setVisible] = usePropsValue({
11264 | value: props.visible,
11265 | defaultValue: false,
11266 | onChange: (v) => {
11267 | var _a2;
11268 | if (v === false) {
11269 | (_a2 = props.onClose) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props);
11270 | }
11271 | }
11272 | });
11273 | const actions = {
11274 | toggle: () => {
11275 | setVisible((v) => !v);
11276 | },
11277 | open: () => {
11278 | setVisible(true);
11279 | },
11280 | close: () => {
11281 | setVisible(false);
11282 | }
11283 | };
11284 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => actions);
11285 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
11286 | onChange: (val) => {
11287 | var _a2;
11288 | const extend2 = generateColumnsExtend(props.columns, val);
11289 | (_a2 = props.onConfirm) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, val, extend2);
11290 | }
11291 | }));
11292 | const extend = useColumnsExtend(props.columns, value);
11293 | const [innerValue, setInnerValue] = React$1.useState(value);
11294 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
11295 | if (innerValue !== value) {
11296 | setInnerValue(value);
11297 | }
11298 | }, [visible]);
11299 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
11300 | if (!visible) {
11301 | setInnerValue(value);
11302 | }
11303 | }, [value]);
11304 | const onChange = useMemoizedFn((val, ext) => {
11305 | var _a2;
11306 | setInnerValue(val);
11307 | if (visible) {
11308 | (_a2 = props.onSelect) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, val, ext);
11309 | }
11310 | });
11311 | const pickerElement = withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
11312 | className: classPrefix$15
11313 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
11314 | className: `${classPrefix$15}-header`
11315 | }, React$1.createElement("a", {
11316 | role: "button",
11317 | className: `${classPrefix$15}-header-button`,
11318 | onClick: () => {
11319 | var _a2;
11320 | (_a2 = props.onCancel) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props);
11321 | setVisible(false);
11322 | }
11323 | }, props.cancelText), React$1.createElement("div", {
11324 | className: `${classPrefix$15}-header-title`
11325 | }, props.title), React$1.createElement("a", {
11326 | role: "button",
11327 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$15}-header-button`, props.loading && `${classPrefix$15}-header-button-disabled`),
11328 | onClick: () => {
11329 | if (props.loading)
11330 | return;
11331 | setValue2(innerValue, true);
11332 | setVisible(false);
11333 | },
11334 | "aria-disabled": props.loading
11335 | }, props.confirmText)), React$1.createElement("div", {
11336 | className: `${classPrefix$15}-body`
11337 | }, React$1.createElement(PickerView, {
11338 | loading: props.loading,
11339 | loadingContent: props.loadingContent,
11340 | columns: props.columns,
11341 | renderLabel: props.renderLabel,
11342 | value: innerValue,
11343 | mouseWheel: props.mouseWheel,
11344 | onChange
11345 | }))));
11346 | const popupElement = React$1.createElement(Popup, {
11347 | style: props.popupStyle,
11348 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$15}-popup`, props.popupClassName),
11349 | visible,
11350 | position: "bottom",
11351 | onMaskClick: () => {
11352 | var _a2;
11353 | if (!props.closeOnMaskClick)
11354 | return;
11355 | (_a2 = props.onCancel) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props);
11356 | setVisible(false);
11357 | },
11358 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
11359 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
11360 | afterShow: props.afterShow,
11361 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
11362 | onClick: props.onClick,
11363 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
11364 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation
11365 | }, pickerElement, React$1.createElement(SafeArea, {
11366 | position: "bottom"
11367 | }));
11368 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, popupElement, (_a = props.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, extend.items, actions));
11369 | }));
11370 | Picker$1.displayName = "Picker";
11371 | function prompt$3(props) {
11372 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
11373 | const Wrapper2 = () => {
11374 | const [visible, setVisible] = React$1.useState(false);
11375 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
11376 | setVisible(true);
11377 | }, []);
11378 | return React$1.createElement(Picker$1, Object.assign({}, props, {
11379 | visible,
11380 | onConfirm: (val, extend) => {
11381 | var _a;
11382 | (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, val, extend);
11383 | resolve(val);
11384 | },
11385 | onClose: () => {
11386 | var _a;
11387 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
11388 | setVisible(false);
11389 | resolve(null);
11390 | },
11391 | afterClose: () => {
11392 | var _a;
11393 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
11394 | unmount2();
11395 | }
11396 | }));
11397 | };
11398 | const unmount2 = renderToBody(React$1.createElement(Wrapper2, null));
11399 | });
11400 | }
11401 | const Picker = attachPropertiesToComponent(Picker$1, {
11402 | prompt: prompt$3
11403 | });
11404 | function useColumnsFn(options) {
11405 | const depth = React$1.useMemo(() => {
11406 | let depth2 = 0;
11407 | function traverse(options2, currentDepth) {
11408 | if (currentDepth > depth2)
11409 | depth2 = currentDepth;
11410 | const nextDepth = currentDepth + 1;
11411 | options2.forEach((option) => {
11412 | if (option.children) {
11413 | traverse(option.children, nextDepth);
11414 | }
11415 | });
11416 | }
11417 | traverse(options, 1);
11418 | return depth2;
11419 | }, [options]);
11420 | return (selected) => {
11421 | const columns = [];
11422 | let currentOptions = options;
11423 | let i2 = 0;
11424 | while (true) {
11425 | columns.push(currentOptions.map((option) => ({
11426 | label: option.label,
11427 | value: option.value
11428 | })));
11429 | const x = selected[i2];
11430 | const targetOptions = currentOptions.find((option) => option.value === x);
11431 | if (!targetOptions || !targetOptions.children)
11432 | break;
11433 | currentOptions = targetOptions.children;
11434 | i2++;
11435 | }
11436 | while (i2 < depth - 1) {
11437 | columns.push([]);
11438 | i2++;
11439 | }
11440 | return columns;
11441 | };
11442 | }
11443 | const CascadePicker = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
11444 | const {
11445 | options
11446 | } = props, pickerProps = __rest(props, ["options"]);
11447 | const columnsFn = useColumnsFn(options);
11448 | return React$1.createElement(Picker, Object.assign({}, pickerProps, {
11449 | ref,
11450 | columns: columnsFn
11451 | }));
11452 | });
11453 | function prompt$2(props) {
11454 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
11455 | const Wrapper2 = () => {
11456 | const [visible, setVisible] = React$1.useState(false);
11457 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
11458 | setVisible(true);
11459 | }, []);
11460 | return React$1.createElement(CascadePicker, Object.assign({}, props, {
11461 | visible,
11462 | onConfirm: (val, extend) => {
11463 | var _a;
11464 | (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, val, extend);
11465 | resolve(val);
11466 | },
11467 | onClose: () => {
11468 | var _a;
11469 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
11470 | setVisible(false);
11471 | resolve(null);
11472 | },
11473 | afterClose: () => {
11474 | var _a;
11475 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
11476 | unmount2();
11477 | }
11478 | }));
11479 | };
11480 | const unmount2 = renderToBody(React$1.createElement(Wrapper2, null));
11481 | });
11482 | }
11483 | const index$g = attachPropertiesToComponent(CascadePicker, {
11484 | prompt: prompt$2
11485 | });
11486 | const CascadePickerView = (props) => {
11487 | const {
11488 | options
11489 | } = props, pickerProps = __rest(props, ["options"]);
11490 | const columnsFn = useColumnsFn(options);
11491 | return React$1.createElement(PickerView, Object.assign({}, pickerProps, {
11492 | columns: columnsFn
11493 | }));
11494 | };
11495 | const classPrefix$14 = `adm-tabs`;
11496 | const Tab = () => {
11497 | return null;
11498 | };
11499 | const defaultProps$S = {
11500 | activeLineMode: "auto",
11501 | stretch: true,
11502 | direction: "ltr"
11503 | };
11504 | const Tabs$1 = (p) => {
11505 | var _a;
11506 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$S, p);
11507 | const tabListContainerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
11508 | const activeLineRef = React$1.useRef(null);
11509 | const keyToIndexRecord = {};
11510 | let firstActiveKey = null;
11511 | const panes = [];
11512 | const isRTL2 = props.direction === "rtl";
11513 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child, index2) => {
11514 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
11515 | return;
11516 | const key = child.key;
11517 | if (typeof key !== "string")
11518 | return;
11519 | if (index2 === 0) {
11520 | firstActiveKey = key;
11521 | }
11522 | const length = panes.push(child);
11523 | keyToIndexRecord[key] = length - 1;
11524 | });
11525 | const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = usePropsValue({
11526 | value: props.activeKey,
11527 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultActiveKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : firstActiveKey,
11528 | onChange: (v) => {
11529 | var _a2;
11530 | if (v === null)
11531 | return;
11532 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, v);
11533 | }
11534 | });
11535 | const [{
11536 | x,
11537 | width
11538 | }, inkApi] = useSpring(() => ({
11539 | x: 0,
11540 | width: 0,
11541 | config: {
11542 | tension: 300,
11543 | clamp: true
11544 | }
11545 | }));
11546 | const [{
11547 | scrollLeft
11548 | }, scrollApi] = useSpring(() => ({
11549 | scrollLeft: 0,
11550 | config: {
11551 | tension: 300,
11552 | clamp: true
11553 | }
11554 | }));
11555 | const [{
11556 | leftMaskOpacity,
11557 | rightMaskOpacity
11558 | }, maskApi] = useSpring(() => ({
11559 | leftMaskOpacity: 0,
11560 | rightMaskOpacity: 0,
11561 | config: {
11562 | clamp: true
11563 | }
11564 | }));
11565 | function animate(immediate = false, fromMutation = false) {
11566 | const container = tabListContainerRef.current;
11567 | if (!container)
11568 | return;
11569 | const activeIndex = keyToIndexRecord[activeKey];
11570 | if (activeIndex === void 0) {
11571 | inkApi.start({
11572 | x: 0,
11573 | width: 0,
11574 | immediate: true
11575 | });
11576 | return;
11577 | }
11578 | const activeLine = activeLineRef.current;
11579 | if (!activeLine)
11580 | return;
11581 | const activeTabWrapper = container.children.item(activeIndex + 1);
11582 | const activeTab = activeTabWrapper.children.item(0);
11583 | const activeTabLeft = activeTab.offsetLeft;
11584 | const activeTabWidth = activeTab.offsetWidth;
11585 | const activeTabWrapperLeft = activeTabWrapper.offsetLeft;
11586 | const activeTabWrapperWidth = activeTabWrapper.offsetWidth;
11587 | const containerWidth = container.offsetWidth;
11588 | const containerScrollWidth = container.scrollWidth;
11589 | const containerScrollLeft = container.scrollLeft;
11590 | const activeLineWidth = activeLine.offsetWidth;
11591 | let x2 = 0;
11592 | let width2 = 0;
11593 | if (props.activeLineMode === "auto") {
11594 | x2 = activeTabLeft;
11595 | width2 = activeTabWidth;
11596 | } else if (props.activeLineMode === "full") {
11597 | x2 = activeTabWrapperLeft;
11598 | width2 = activeTabWrapperWidth;
11599 | } else {
11600 | x2 = activeTabLeft + (activeTabWidth - activeLineWidth) / 2;
11601 | }
11602 | if (isRTL2) {
11603 | const w = ["auto", "full"].includes(props.activeLineMode) ? width2 : activeLineWidth;
11604 | x2 = -(containerWidth - x2 - w);
11605 | }
11606 | inkApi.start({
11607 | x: x2,
11608 | width: width2,
11609 | immediate
11610 | });
11611 | const maxScrollDistance = containerScrollWidth - containerWidth;
11612 | if (maxScrollDistance <= 0)
11613 | return;
11614 | let nextScrollLeft = 0;
11615 | if (isRTL2) {
11616 | nextScrollLeft = -bound(containerWidth / 2 - activeTabLeft + activeTabWidth / 2 - activeLineWidth, 0, maxScrollDistance);
11617 | } else {
11618 | nextScrollLeft = bound(activeTabLeft - (containerWidth - activeTabWidth) / 2, 0, maxScrollDistance);
11619 | }
11620 | if (!fromMutation || props.autoScroll !== false) {
11621 | scrollApi.start({
11622 | scrollLeft: nextScrollLeft,
11623 | from: {
11624 | scrollLeft: containerScrollLeft
11625 | },
11626 | immediate
11627 | });
11628 | }
11629 | }
11630 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
11631 | animate(!x.isAnimating);
11632 | }, []);
11633 | useIsomorphicUpdateLayoutEffect(() => {
11634 | animate();
11635 | }, [activeKey]);
11636 | useResizeEffect(() => {
11637 | animate(!x.isAnimating);
11638 | }, tabListContainerRef);
11639 | useMutationEffect(() => {
11640 | animate(!x.isAnimating, true);
11641 | }, tabListContainerRef, {
11642 | subtree: true,
11643 | childList: true,
11644 | characterData: true
11645 | });
11646 | const {
11647 | run: updateMask
11648 | } = useThrottleFn((immediate = false) => {
11649 | const container = tabListContainerRef.current;
11650 | if (!container)
11651 | return;
11652 | const scrollLeft2 = container.scrollLeft;
11653 | let showLeftMask = false;
11654 | let showRightMask = false;
11655 | if (isRTL2) {
11656 | showLeftMask = Math.round(-scrollLeft2) + container.offsetWidth < container.scrollWidth;
11657 | showRightMask = scrollLeft2 < 0;
11658 | } else {
11659 | showLeftMask = scrollLeft2 > 0;
11660 | showRightMask = scrollLeft2 + container.offsetWidth < container.scrollWidth;
11661 | }
11662 | maskApi.start({
11663 | leftMaskOpacity: showLeftMask ? 1 : 0,
11664 | rightMaskOpacity: showRightMask ? 1 : 0,
11665 | immediate
11666 | });
11667 | }, {
11668 | wait: 100,
11669 | trailing: true,
11670 | leading: true
11671 | });
11672 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
11673 | updateMask(true);
11674 | }, []);
11675 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
11676 | className: classPrefix$14,
11677 | style: {
11678 | direction: props.direction
11679 | }
11680 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
11681 | className: `${classPrefix$14}-header`
11682 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
11683 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$14}-header-mask`, `${classPrefix$14}-header-mask-left`),
11684 | style: {
11685 | opacity: leftMaskOpacity
11686 | }
11687 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
11688 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$14}-header-mask`, `${classPrefix$14}-header-mask-right`),
11689 | style: {
11690 | opacity: rightMaskOpacity
11691 | }
11692 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
11693 | className: `${classPrefix$14}-tab-list`,
11694 | ref: tabListContainerRef,
11695 | scrollLeft,
11696 | onScroll: updateMask,
11697 | role: "tablist"
11698 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
11699 | ref: activeLineRef,
11700 | className: `${classPrefix$14}-tab-line`,
11701 | style: {
11702 | width: props.activeLineMode === "fixed" ? "var(--fixed-active-line-width, 30px)" : width,
11703 | x
11704 | }
11705 | }), panes.map((pane) => withNativeProps(pane.props, React$1.createElement("div", {
11706 | key: pane.key,
11707 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$14}-tab-wrapper`, {
11708 | [`${classPrefix$14}-tab-wrapper-stretch`]: props.stretch
11709 | })
11710 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
11711 | onClick: () => {
11712 | const {
11713 | key
11714 | } = pane;
11715 | if (pane.props.disabled)
11716 | return;
11717 | if (key === void 0 || key === null) {
11718 | return;
11719 | }
11720 | setActiveKey(key.toString());
11721 | },
11722 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$14}-tab`, {
11723 | [`${classPrefix$14}-tab-active`]: pane.key === activeKey,
11724 | [`${classPrefix$14}-tab-disabled`]: pane.props.disabled
11725 | }),
11726 | role: "tab",
11727 | "aria-selected": pane.key === activeKey
11728 | }, pane.props.title)))))), panes.map((pane) => {
11729 | if (pane.props.children === void 0) {
11730 | return null;
11731 | }
11732 | const active = pane.key === activeKey;
11733 | return React$1.createElement(ShouldRender, {
11734 | key: pane.key,
11735 | active,
11736 | forceRender: pane.props.forceRender,
11737 | destroyOnClose: pane.props.destroyOnClose
11738 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
11739 | className: `${classPrefix$14}-content`,
11740 | style: {
11741 | display: active ? "block" : "none"
11742 | }
11743 | }, pane.props.children));
11744 | })));
11745 | };
11746 | const Tabs = attachPropertiesToComponent(Tabs$1, {
11747 | Tab
11748 | });
11749 | const classPrefix$13 = `adm-list`;
11750 | const defaultProps$R = {
11751 | mode: "default"
11752 | };
11753 | const List$2 = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
11754 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$R, p);
11755 | const nativeElementRef = React$1.useRef(null);
11756 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
11757 | get nativeElement() {
11758 | return nativeElementRef.current;
11759 | }
11760 | }));
11761 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
11762 | className: classNames(classPrefix$13, `${classPrefix$13}-${props.mode}`),
11763 | ref: nativeElementRef
11764 | }, props.header && React$1.createElement("div", {
11765 | className: `${classPrefix$13}-header`
11766 | }, props.header), React$1.createElement("div", {
11767 | className: `${classPrefix$13}-body`
11768 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
11769 | className: `${classPrefix$13}-body-inner`
11770 | }, props.children))));
11771 | });
11772 | function isNodeWithContent(node) {
11773 | return node !== void 0 && node !== null && node !== false;
11774 | }
11775 | const classPrefix$12 = `adm-list-item`;
11776 | const ListItem = (props) => {
11777 | var _a, _b;
11778 | const {
11779 | arrow: arrow2,
11780 | arrowIcon
11781 | } = props;
11782 | const {
11783 | list: componentConfig = {}
11784 | } = useConfig();
11785 | const clickable = (_a = props.clickable) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : !!props.onClick;
11786 | const showArrow = (_b = arrow2 !== null && arrow2 !== void 0 ? arrow2 : arrowIcon) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : clickable;
11787 | const mergedArrowIcon = mergeProp(componentConfig.arrowIcon, arrow2 !== true ? arrow2 : null, arrowIcon !== true ? arrowIcon : null);
11788 | const content = React$1.createElement("div", {
11789 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-content`
11790 | }, isNodeWithContent(props.prefix) && React$1.createElement("div", {
11791 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-content-prefix`
11792 | }, props.prefix), React$1.createElement("div", {
11793 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-content-main`
11794 | }, isNodeWithContent(props.title) && React$1.createElement("div", {
11795 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-title`
11796 | }, props.title), props.children, isNodeWithContent(props.description) && React$1.createElement("div", {
11797 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-description`
11798 | }, props.description)), isNodeWithContent(props.extra) && React$1.createElement("div", {
11799 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-content-extra`
11800 | }, props.extra), showArrow && React$1.createElement("div", {
11801 | className: `${classPrefix$12}-content-arrow`
11802 | }, mergedArrowIcon || React$1.createElement(RightOutline, null)));
11803 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(clickable ? "a" : "div", {
11804 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$12}`, clickable ? ["adm-plain-anchor"] : [], props.disabled && `${classPrefix$12}-disabled`),
11805 | onClick: props.disabled ? void 0 : props.onClick
11806 | }, content));
11807 | };
11808 | const List$1 = attachPropertiesToComponent(List$2, {
11809 | Item: ListItem
11810 | });
11811 | const CheckListContext = React$1.createContext(null);
11812 | const classPrefix$11 = "adm-check-list";
11813 | const defaultProps$Q = {
11814 | multiple: false,
11815 | defaultValue: [],
11816 | activeIcon: React$1.createElement(CheckOutline, null)
11817 | };
11818 | const CheckList$1 = (props) => {
11819 | const {
11820 | checkList: componentConfig = {}
11821 | } = useConfig();
11822 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$Q, componentConfig, props);
11823 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(mergedProps);
11824 | function check(val) {
11825 | if (mergedProps.multiple) {
11826 | setValue2([...value, val]);
11827 | } else {
11828 | setValue2([val]);
11829 | }
11830 | }
11831 | function uncheck(val) {
11832 | setValue2(value.filter((item) => item !== val));
11833 | }
11834 | const {
11835 | activeIcon,
11836 | extra,
11837 | disabled,
11838 | readOnly
11839 | } = mergedProps;
11840 | return React$1.createElement(CheckListContext.Provider, {
11841 | value: {
11842 | value,
11843 | check,
11844 | uncheck,
11845 | activeIcon,
11846 | extra,
11847 | disabled,
11848 | readOnly
11849 | }
11850 | }, withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement(List$1, {
11851 | mode: mergedProps.mode,
11852 | className: classPrefix$11
11853 | }, mergedProps.children)));
11854 | };
11855 | const classPrefix$10 = `adm-check-list-item`;
11856 | const CheckListItem = (props) => {
11857 | const context = React$1.useContext(CheckListContext);
11858 | if (context === null) {
11859 | devWarning("CheckList.Item", "CheckList.Item can only be used inside CheckList.");
11860 | return null;
11861 | }
11862 | const active = context.value.includes(props.value);
11863 | const readOnly = props.readOnly || context.readOnly;
11864 | const defaultExtra = active ? context.activeIcon : null;
11865 | const renderExtra = context.extra ? context.extra(active) : defaultExtra;
11866 | const extra = React$1.createElement("div", {
11867 | className: `${classPrefix$10}-extra`
11868 | }, renderExtra);
11869 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(List$1.Item, {
11870 | title: props.title,
11871 | className: classNames(classPrefix$10, readOnly && `${classPrefix$10}-readonly`, active && `${classPrefix$10}-active`),
11872 | description: props.description,
11873 | prefix: props.prefix,
11874 | onClick: (e2) => {
11875 | var _a;
11876 | if (readOnly)
11877 | return;
11878 | if (active) {
11879 | context.uncheck(props.value);
11880 | } else {
11881 | context.check(props.value);
11882 | }
11883 | (_a = props.onClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
11884 | },
11885 | arrow: false,
11886 | clickable: !readOnly,
11887 | extra,
11888 | disabled: props.disabled || context.disabled
11889 | }, props.children));
11890 | };
11891 | const CheckList = attachPropertiesToComponent(CheckList$1, {
11892 | Item: CheckListItem
11893 | });
11894 | function $cf838c15c8b009ba$var$vrgs(f) {
11895 | var s = f + "", i2 = s.indexOf("...");
11896 | return i2 >= 0 && (i2 < s.indexOf(")") || s.indexOf("arguments") >= 0);
11897 | }
11898 | function $cf838c15c8b009ba$export$22f15dd4e5be7e52(fn, o) {
11899 | o || (o = {});
11900 | var vargs = o.vargs || $cf838c15c8b009ba$var$vrgs(fn), k = [], cache = new Map(), u, to2, d = function(key) {
11901 | return to2 = setTimeout(function() {
11902 | if (u) {
11903 | cache.delete(key);
11904 | return;
11905 | }
11906 | k.splice(key, 1);
11907 | }, o.maxAge);
11908 | }, c = o.maxAge > 0 && o.maxAge < Infinity ? d : 0, eq = o.equals ? o.equals : 0, maxargs = o.maxArgs, srlz = o.serializer, f;
11909 | if (fn.length === 1 && !o.equals && !vargs) {
11910 | f = function(a) {
11911 | if (srlz)
11912 | a = srlz(a);
11913 | var r;
11914 | return cache.get(a) || (!c || c(a), cache.set(a, r = fn.call(this, a)), r);
11915 | };
11916 | u = 1;
11917 | } else if (eq)
11918 | f = function() {
11919 | var l = maxargs || arguments.length, kl = k.length, i2 = -1;
11920 | while (++i2 < kl)
11921 | if (k[i2].length === l) {
11922 | var j = -1;
11923 | while (++j < l && eq(arguments[j], k[i2][j]))
11924 | ;
11925 | if (j === l)
11926 | return k[i2].val;
11927 | }
11928 | k[i2] = arguments;
11929 | return !c || c(i2), arguments.val = fn.apply(this, k[i2]);
11930 | };
11931 | else
11932 | f = function() {
11933 | var l = maxargs || arguments.length, kl = k.length, i2 = -1;
11934 | while (++i2 < kl)
11935 | if (k[i2].length === l) {
11936 | var j = -1;
11937 | while (++j < l && arguments[j] === k[i2][j])
11938 | ;
11939 | if (j === l)
11940 | return k[i2].val;
11941 | }
11942 | k[i2] = arguments;
11943 | return !c || c(i2), arguments.val = fn.apply(this, k[i2]);
11944 | };
11945 | f.clear = function() {
11946 | if (to2)
11947 | clearTimeout(to2);
11948 | cache.clear();
11949 | k = [];
11950 | };
11951 | f.keys = function() {
11952 | return u ? [
11953 | ...cache.keys()
11954 | ] : k.slice();
11955 | };
11956 | f.values = function() {
11957 | return u ? [
11958 | ...cache.values()
11959 | ] : k.map((args) => args.val);
11960 | };
11961 | return f;
11962 | }
11963 | function useCascaderValueExtend(options, fieldNames) {
11964 | const {
11965 | valueName,
11966 | childrenName
11967 | } = fieldNames;
11968 | const generateItems = React$1.useMemo(() => {
11969 | return $cf838c15c8b009ba$export$22f15dd4e5be7e52((val) => {
11970 | const ret = [];
11971 | let currentOptions = options;
11972 | for (const v of val) {
11973 | const target = currentOptions.find((option) => option[valueName] === v);
11974 | if (!target) {
11975 | break;
11976 | }
11977 | ret.push(target);
11978 | if (!target[childrenName])
11979 | break;
11980 | currentOptions = target[childrenName];
11981 | }
11982 | return ret;
11983 | }, {
11984 | equals: isEqual
11985 | });
11986 | }, [options]);
11987 | const generateIsLeaf = React$1.useMemo(() => {
11988 | return $cf838c15c8b009ba$export$22f15dd4e5be7e52((val) => {
11989 | const children = val.reduce((currentOptions, v) => {
11990 | var _a;
11991 | return ((_a = currentOptions.find((option) => option[valueName] === v)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[childrenName]) || [];
11992 | }, options);
11993 | return children.length === 0;
11994 | }, {
11995 | equals: isEqual
11996 | });
11997 | }, [options]);
11998 | function generateValueExtend(val) {
11999 | return {
12000 | get items() {
12001 | return generateItems(val);
12002 | },
12003 | get isLeaf() {
12004 | return generateIsLeaf(val);
12005 | }
12006 | };
12007 | }
12008 | return generateValueExtend;
12009 | }
12010 | const optionSkeleton = [];
12011 | function generateIntArray(from, to2) {
12012 | const array = [];
12013 | for (let i2 = from; i2 <= to2; i2++) {
12014 | array.push(i2);
12015 | }
12016 | return array;
12017 | }
12018 | const classPrefix$$ = "adm-skeleton";
12019 | const Skeleton$1 = (props) => {
12020 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
12021 | className: classNames(classPrefix$$, {
12022 | [`${classPrefix$$}-animated`]: props.animated
12023 | })
12024 | }));
12025 | };
12026 | const SkeletonTitle = (props) => {
12027 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(Skeleton$1, {
12028 | animated: props.animated,
12029 | className: `${classPrefix$$}-title`
12030 | }));
12031 | };
12032 | const defaultSkeletonParagraphProps = {
12033 | lineCount: 3
12034 | };
12035 | const SkeletonParagraph = (p) => {
12036 | const props = mergeProps(defaultSkeletonParagraphProps, p);
12037 | const keys = generateIntArray(1, props.lineCount);
12038 | const node = React$1.createElement("div", {
12039 | className: `${classPrefix$$}-paragraph`
12040 | }, keys.map((key) => React$1.createElement(Skeleton$1, {
12041 | key,
12042 | animated: props.animated,
12043 | className: `${classPrefix$$}-paragraph-line`
12044 | })));
12045 | return withNativeProps(props, node);
12046 | };
12047 | const Skeleton = attachPropertiesToComponent(Skeleton$1, {
12048 | Title: SkeletonTitle,
12049 | Paragraph: SkeletonParagraph
12050 | });
12051 | const useFieldNames = (fieldNames = {}) => {
12052 | const fields = React$1.useMemo(() => {
12053 | const {
12054 | label = "label",
12055 | value = "value",
12056 | disabled = "disabled",
12057 | children = "children"
12058 | } = fieldNames;
12059 | return [label, value, children, disabled];
12060 | }, [JSON.stringify(fieldNames)]);
12061 | return fields;
12062 | };
12063 | const classPrefix$_ = `adm-cascader-view`;
12064 | const defaultProps$P = {
12065 | defaultValue: []
12066 | };
12067 | const CascaderView$1 = (p) => {
12068 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$P, p);
12069 | const {
12070 | locale
12071 | } = useConfig();
12072 | const [labelName, valueName, childrenName, disabledName] = useFieldNames(props.fieldNames);
12073 | const generateValueExtend = useCascaderValueExtend(props.options, {
12074 | valueName,
12075 | childrenName
12076 | });
12077 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
12078 | onChange: (val) => {
12079 | var _a;
12080 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, val, generateValueExtend(val));
12081 | }
12082 | }));
12083 | const [tabActiveIndex, setTabActiveIndex] = React$1.useState(0);
12084 | const levels = React$1.useMemo(() => {
12085 | const ret = [];
12086 | let currentOptions = props.options;
12087 | let reachedEnd = false;
12088 | for (const v of value) {
12089 | const target = currentOptions.find((option) => option[valueName] === v);
12090 | ret.push({
12091 | selected: target,
12092 | options: currentOptions
12093 | });
12094 | if (!target || !target[childrenName]) {
12095 | reachedEnd = true;
12096 | break;
12097 | }
12098 | currentOptions = target[childrenName];
12099 | }
12100 | if (!reachedEnd) {
12101 | ret.push({
12102 | selected: void 0,
12103 | options: currentOptions
12104 | });
12105 | }
12106 | return ret;
12107 | }, [value, props.options]);
12108 | useUpdateEffect(() => {
12109 | var _a;
12110 | (_a = props.onTabsChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, tabActiveIndex);
12111 | }, [tabActiveIndex]);
12112 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
12113 | setTabActiveIndex(levels.length - 1);
12114 | }, [value]);
12115 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
12116 | const max2 = levels.length - 1;
12117 | if (tabActiveIndex > max2) {
12118 | setTabActiveIndex(max2);
12119 | }
12120 | }, [tabActiveIndex, levels]);
12121 | const onItemSelect = (selectValue, depth) => {
12122 | const next = value.slice(0, depth);
12123 | if (selectValue !== void 0) {
12124 | next[depth] = selectValue;
12125 | }
12126 | setValue2(next);
12127 | };
12128 | const whetherLoading = (options) => props.loading || options === optionSkeleton;
12129 | const placeholder = props.placeholder || locale.Cascader.placeholder;
12130 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
12131 | className: classPrefix$_
12132 | }, React$1.createElement(Tabs, {
12133 | activeKey: tabActiveIndex.toString(),
12134 | onChange: (key) => {
12135 | const activeIndex = parseInt(key);
12136 | setTabActiveIndex(activeIndex);
12137 | },
12138 | stretch: false,
12139 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-tabs`
12140 | }, levels.map((level, index2) => {
12141 | const selected = level.selected;
12142 | return React$1.createElement(Tabs.Tab, {
12143 | key: index2.toString(),
12144 | title: React$1.createElement("div", {
12145 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-header-title`
12146 | }, selected ? selected[labelName] : typeof placeholder === "function" ? placeholder(index2) : placeholder),
12147 | forceRender: true
12148 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
12149 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-content`
12150 | }, whetherLoading(level.options) ? React$1.createElement("div", {
12151 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-skeleton`
12152 | }, React$1.createElement(Skeleton, {
12153 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-skeleton-line-1`,
12154 | animated: true
12155 | }), React$1.createElement(Skeleton, {
12156 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-skeleton-line-2`,
12157 | animated: true
12158 | }), React$1.createElement(Skeleton, {
12159 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-skeleton-line-3`,
12160 | animated: true
12161 | }), React$1.createElement(Skeleton, {
12162 | className: `${classPrefix$_}-skeleton-line-4`,
12163 | animated: true
12164 | })) : React$1.createElement(CheckList, {
12165 | value: [value[index2]],
12166 | onChange: (selectValue) => onItemSelect(selectValue[0], index2),
12167 | activeIcon: props.activeIcon
12168 | }, level.options.map((option) => {
12169 | const active = value[index2] === option[valueName];
12170 | return React$1.createElement(CheckList.Item, {
12171 | value: option[valueName],
12172 | key: option[valueName],
12173 | disabled: option[disabledName],
12174 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$_}-item`, {
12175 | [`${classPrefix$_}-item-active`]: active
12176 | })
12177 | }, option[labelName]);
12178 | }))));
12179 | }))));
12180 | };
12181 | const CascaderView = attachPropertiesToComponent(CascaderView$1, {
12182 | optionSkeleton
12183 | });
12184 | const classPrefix$Z = `adm-cascader`;
12185 | const defaultProps$O = {
12186 | defaultValue: [],
12187 | destroyOnClose: true,
12188 | forceRender: false
12189 | };
12190 | const Cascader = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
12191 | var _a;
12192 | const {
12193 | locale
12194 | } = useConfig();
12195 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$O, {
12196 | confirmText: locale.common.confirm,
12197 | cancelText: locale.common.cancel,
12198 | placeholder: locale.Cascader.placeholder
12199 | }, p);
12200 | const [visible, setVisible] = usePropsValue({
12201 | value: props.visible,
12202 | defaultValue: false,
12203 | onChange: (v) => {
12204 | var _a2;
12205 | if (v === false) {
12206 | (_a2 = props.onClose) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props);
12207 | }
12208 | }
12209 | });
12210 | const actions = {
12211 | toggle: () => {
12212 | setVisible((v) => !v);
12213 | },
12214 | open: () => {
12215 | setVisible(true);
12216 | },
12217 | close: () => {
12218 | setVisible(false);
12219 | }
12220 | };
12221 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => actions);
12222 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
12223 | onChange: (val) => {
12224 | var _a2;
12225 | (_a2 = props.onConfirm) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, val, generateValueExtend(val));
12226 | }
12227 | }));
12228 | const [, valueName, childrenName] = useFieldNames(props.fieldNames);
12229 | const generateValueExtend = useCascaderValueExtend(props.options, {
12230 | valueName,
12231 | childrenName
12232 | });
12233 | const [innerValue, setInnerValue] = React$1.useState(value);
12234 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
12235 | if (!visible) {
12236 | setInnerValue(value);
12237 | }
12238 | }, [visible, value]);
12239 | const cascaderElement = withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
12240 | className: classPrefix$Z
12241 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
12242 | className: `${classPrefix$Z}-header`
12243 | }, React$1.createElement("a", {
12244 | className: `${classPrefix$Z}-header-button`,
12245 | onClick: () => {
12246 | var _a2;
12247 | (_a2 = props.onCancel) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props);
12248 | setVisible(false);
12249 | }
12250 | }, props.cancelText), React$1.createElement("div", {
12251 | className: `${classPrefix$Z}-header-title`
12252 | }, props.title), React$1.createElement("a", {
12253 | className: `${classPrefix$Z}-header-button`,
12254 | onClick: () => {
12255 | setValue2(innerValue, true);
12256 | setVisible(false);
12257 | }
12258 | }, props.confirmText)), React$1.createElement("div", {
12259 | className: `${classPrefix$Z}-body`
12260 | }, React$1.createElement(CascaderView, Object.assign({}, props, {
12261 | value: innerValue,
12262 | onChange: (val, ext) => {
12263 | var _a2;
12264 | setInnerValue(val);
12265 | if (visible) {
12266 | (_a2 = props.onSelect) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, val, ext);
12267 | }
12268 | }
12269 | })))));
12270 | const popupElement = React$1.createElement(Popup, {
12271 | visible,
12272 | position: "bottom",
12273 | onMaskClick: () => {
12274 | var _a2;
12275 | (_a2 = props.onCancel) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props);
12276 | setVisible(false);
12277 | },
12278 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
12279 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
12280 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
12281 | afterShow: props.afterShow,
12282 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
12283 | onClick: props.onClick,
12284 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation
12285 | }, cascaderElement);
12286 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, popupElement, (_a = props.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, generateValueExtend(value).items, actions));
12287 | });
12288 | function prompt$1(props) {
12289 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
12290 | const Wrapper2 = () => {
12291 | const [visible, setVisible] = React$1.useState(false);
12292 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
12293 | setVisible(true);
12294 | }, []);
12295 | return React$1.createElement(Cascader, Object.assign({}, props, {
12296 | visible,
12297 | onConfirm: (val, extend) => {
12298 | var _a;
12299 | (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, val, extend);
12300 | resolve(val);
12301 | },
12302 | onClose: () => {
12303 | var _a;
12304 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
12305 | setVisible(false);
12306 | resolve(null);
12307 | },
12308 | afterClose: () => {
12309 | var _a;
12310 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
12311 | unmount2();
12312 | }
12313 | }));
12314 | };
12315 | const unmount2 = renderToBody(React$1.createElement(Wrapper2, null));
12316 | });
12317 | }
12318 | const index$f = attachPropertiesToComponent(Cascader, {
12319 | prompt: prompt$1,
12320 | optionSkeleton
12321 | });
12322 | const classPrefix$Y = "adm-center-popup";
12323 | const defaultProps$N = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultPopupBaseProps), {
12324 | getContainer: null
12325 | });
12326 | const CenterPopup = (props) => {
12327 | const {
12328 | popup: componentConfig = {}
12329 | } = useConfig();
12330 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$N, componentConfig, props);
12331 | const unmountedRef = useUnmountedRef$1();
12332 | const style = useSpring({
12333 | scale: mergedProps.visible ? 1 : 0.8,
12334 | opacity: mergedProps.visible ? 1 : 0,
12335 | config: {
12336 | mass: 1.2,
12337 | tension: 200,
12338 | friction: 25,
12339 | clamp: true
12340 | },
12341 | onRest: () => {
12342 | var _a, _b;
12343 | if (unmountedRef.current)
12344 | return;
12345 | setActive(mergedProps.visible);
12346 | if (mergedProps.visible) {
12347 | (_a = mergedProps.afterShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
12348 | } else {
12349 | (_b = mergedProps.afterClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(mergedProps);
12350 | }
12351 | }
12352 | });
12353 | const [active, setActive] = React$1.useState(mergedProps.visible);
12354 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
12355 | if (mergedProps.visible) {
12356 | setActive(true);
12357 | }
12358 | }, [mergedProps.visible]);
12359 | const ref = React$1.useRef(null);
12360 | useLockScroll(ref, mergedProps.disableBodyScroll && active);
12361 | const maskVisible = useInnerVisible(active && mergedProps.visible);
12362 | const body = React$1.createElement("div", {
12363 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$Y}-body`, mergedProps.bodyClassName),
12364 | style: mergedProps.bodyStyle
12365 | }, mergedProps.children);
12366 | const node = withStopPropagation(mergedProps.stopPropagation, withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
12367 | className: classPrefix$Y,
12368 | style: {
12369 | display: active ? void 0 : "none",
12370 | pointerEvents: active ? void 0 : "none"
12371 | }
12372 | }, mergedProps.mask && React$1.createElement(Mask, {
12373 | visible: maskVisible,
12374 | forceRender: mergedProps.forceRender,
12375 | destroyOnClose: mergedProps.destroyOnClose,
12376 | onMaskClick: (e2) => {
12377 | var _a, _b;
12378 | (_a = mergedProps.onMaskClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
12379 | if (mergedProps.closeOnMaskClick) {
12380 | (_b = mergedProps.onClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(mergedProps);
12381 | }
12382 | },
12383 | style: mergedProps.maskStyle,
12384 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$Y}-mask`, mergedProps.maskClassName),
12385 | disableBodyScroll: false,
12386 | stopPropagation: mergedProps.stopPropagation
12387 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
12388 | className: `${classPrefix$Y}-wrap`,
12389 | role: mergedProps.role,
12390 | "aria-label": mergedProps["aria-label"]
12391 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
12392 | style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, style), {
12393 | pointerEvents: style.opacity.to((v) => v === 1 ? "unset" : "none")
12394 | }),
12395 | ref
12396 | }, mergedProps.showCloseButton && React$1.createElement("a", {
12397 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$Y}-close`, "adm-plain-anchor"),
12398 | onClick: () => {
12399 | var _a;
12400 | (_a = mergedProps.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
12401 | }
12402 | }, mergedProps.closeIcon), body)))));
12403 | return React$1.createElement(ShouldRender, {
12404 | active,
12405 | forceRender: mergedProps.forceRender,
12406 | destroyOnClose: mergedProps.destroyOnClose
12407 | }, renderToContainer(mergedProps.getContainer, node));
12408 | };
12409 | const CheckboxGroupContext = React$1.createContext(null);
12410 | const defaultProps$M = {
12411 | disabled: false,
12412 | defaultValue: []
12413 | };
12414 | const Group$1 = (p) => {
12415 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$M, p);
12416 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(props);
12417 | return React$1.createElement(
12418 | CheckboxGroupContext.Provider,
12419 | {
12420 |
12421 | value: {
12422 | value,
12423 | disabled: props.disabled,
12424 | check: (v) => {
12425 | setValue2([...value, v]);
12426 | },
12427 | uncheck: (v) => {
12428 | setValue2(value.filter((item) => item !== v));
12429 | }
12430 | }
12431 | },
12432 | props.children
12433 | );
12434 | };
12435 | const CheckIcon = React$1.memo((props) => {
12436 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
12437 | viewBox: "0 0 40 40"
12438 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
12439 | d: "M31.5541766,15 L28.0892433,15 L28.0892434,15 C27.971052,15 27.8576674,15.044522 27.7740471,15.1239792 L18.2724722,24.1625319 L13.2248725,19.3630279 L13.2248725,19.3630279 C13.1417074,19.2834412 13.0287551,19.2384807 12.9107898,19.2380079 L9.44474455,19.2380079 L9.44474454,19.2380079 C9.19869815,19.2384085 8.99957935,19.4284738 9,19.66253 C9,19.7747587 9.04719253,19.8823283 9.13066188,19.9616418 L17.0907466,27.5338228 C17.4170809,27.8442545 17.8447695,28 18.2713393,28 L18.2980697,28 C18.7168464,27.993643 19.133396,27.8378975 19.4530492,27.5338228 L31.8693384,15.7236361 L31.8693384,15.7236361 C32.0434167,15.5582251 32.0435739,15.2898919 31.8696892,15.1242941 C31.7860402,15.0446329 31.6725052,15 31.5541421,15 L31.5541766,15 Z",
12440 | fill: "currentColor"
12441 | })));
12442 | });
12443 | const IndeterminateIcon = React$1.memo((props) => {
12444 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
12445 | viewBox: "0 0 40 40"
12446 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
12447 | d: "M20,9 C26.0752953,9 31,13.9247047 31,20 C31,26.0752953 26.0752953,31 20,31 C13.9247047,31 9,26.0752953 9,20 C9,13.9247047 13.9247047,9 20,9 Z",
12448 | fill: "currentColor"
12449 | })));
12450 | });
12451 | const NativeInput = (props) => {
12452 | const inputRef = React$1.useRef(null);
12453 | const handleClick = useMemoizedFn((e2) => {
12454 | e2.stopPropagation();
12455 | e2.stopImmediatePropagation();
12456 | const latestChecked = e2.target.checked;
12457 | if (latestChecked === props.checked)
12458 | return;
12459 | props.onChange(latestChecked);
12460 | });
12461 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
12462 | if (props.disabled)
12463 | return;
12464 | if (!inputRef.current)
12465 | return;
12466 | const input = inputRef.current;
12467 | input.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
12468 | return () => {
12469 | input.removeEventListener("click", handleClick);
12470 | };
12471 | }, [props.disabled, props.onChange]);
12472 | return React$1.createElement("input", {
12473 | ref: inputRef,
12474 | type: props.type,
12475 | checked: props.checked,
12476 | onChange: () => {
12477 | },
12478 | disabled: props.disabled,
12479 | id: props.id
12480 | });
12481 | };
12482 | const classPrefix$X = `adm-checkbox`;
12483 | const defaultProps$L = {
12484 | defaultChecked: false,
12485 | indeterminate: false
12486 | };
12487 | const Checkbox$1 = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
12488 | const groupContext = React$1.useContext(CheckboxGroupContext);
12489 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$L, p);
12490 | let [checked, setChecked] = usePropsValue({
12491 | value: props.checked,
12492 | defaultValue: props.defaultChecked,
12493 | onChange: props.onChange
12494 | });
12495 | let disabled = props.disabled;
12496 | const {
12497 | value
12498 | } = props;
12499 | if (groupContext && value !== void 0) {
12500 | {
12501 | if (p.checked !== void 0) {
12502 | devWarning("Checkbox", "When used within `Checkbox.Group`, the `checked` prop of `Checkbox` will not work.");
12503 | }
12504 | if (p.defaultChecked !== void 0) {
12505 | devWarning("Checkbox", "When used within `Checkbox.Group`, the `defaultChecked` prop of `Checkbox` will not work.");
12506 | }
12507 | }
12508 | checked = groupContext.value.includes(value);
12509 | setChecked = (checked2) => {
12510 | var _a;
12511 | if (checked2) {
12512 | groupContext.check(value);
12513 | } else {
12514 | groupContext.uncheck(value);
12515 | }
12516 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, checked2);
12517 | };
12518 | disabled = disabled || groupContext.disabled;
12519 | }
12520 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
12521 | check: () => {
12522 | setChecked(true);
12523 | },
12524 | uncheck: () => {
12525 | setChecked(false);
12526 | },
12527 | toggle: () => {
12528 | setChecked(!checked);
12529 | }
12530 | }));
12531 | const renderIcon = () => {
12532 | if (props.icon) {
12533 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
12534 | className: `${classPrefix$X}-custom-icon`
12535 | }, props.icon(checked, props.indeterminate));
12536 | }
12537 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
12538 | className: `${classPrefix$X}-icon`
12539 | }, props.indeterminate ? React$1.createElement(IndeterminateIcon, null) : checked && React$1.createElement(CheckIcon, null));
12540 | };
12541 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("label", {
12542 | onClick: props.onClick,
12543 | className: classNames(classPrefix$X, {
12544 | [`${classPrefix$X}-checked`]: checked && !props.indeterminate,
12545 | [`${classPrefix$X}-indeterminate`]: props.indeterminate,
12546 | [`${classPrefix$X}-disabled`]: disabled,
12547 | [`${classPrefix$X}-block`]: props.block
12548 | })
12549 | }, React$1.createElement(NativeInput, {
12550 | type: "checkbox",
12551 | checked,
12552 | onChange: setChecked,
12553 | disabled,
12554 | id: props.id
12555 | }), renderIcon(), props.children && React$1.createElement("div", {
12556 | className: `${classPrefix$X}-content`
12557 | }, props.children)));
12558 | });
12559 | const Checkbox = attachPropertiesToComponent(Checkbox$1, {
12560 | Group: Group$1
12561 | });
12562 | const classPrefix$W = `adm-collapse`;
12563 | const CollapsePanel = () => {
12564 | return null;
12565 | };
12566 | const CollapsePanelContent = (props) => {
12567 | const {
12568 | visible
12569 | } = props;
12570 | const innerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
12571 | const shouldRender = useShouldRender(visible, props.forceRender, props.destroyOnClose);
12572 | const [{
12573 | height
12574 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
12575 | from: {
12576 | height: 0
12577 | },
12578 | config: {
12579 | precision: 0.01,
12580 | mass: 1,
12581 | tension: 200,
12582 | friction: 25,
12583 | clamp: true
12584 | }
12585 | }));
12586 | useMount$1(() => {
12587 | if (!visible)
12588 | return;
12589 | const inner = innerRef.current;
12590 | if (!inner)
12591 | return;
12592 | api.start({
12593 | height: inner.offsetHeight,
12594 | immediate: true
12595 | });
12596 | });
12597 | useIsomorphicUpdateLayoutEffect(() => {
12598 | const inner = innerRef.current;
12599 | if (!inner)
12600 | return;
12601 | if (visible) {
12602 | let lastMotionId = 0;
12603 | let cancelObserve = () => {
12604 | };
12605 | const handleMotion = () => {
12606 | lastMotionId += 1;
12607 | const motionId = lastMotionId;
12608 | api.start({
12609 | height: inner.offsetHeight
12610 | })[0].then(() => {
12611 | if (motionId === lastMotionId) {
12612 | cancelObserve();
12613 | }
12614 | });
12615 | };
12616 | cancelObserve = observe(inner, {
12617 | childList: true,
12618 | subtree: true
12619 | }, handleMotion);
12620 | handleMotion();
12621 | return cancelObserve;
12622 | } else {
12623 | api.start({
12624 | height: inner.offsetHeight,
12625 | immediate: true
12626 | });
12627 | api.start({
12628 | height: 0
12629 | });
12630 | }
12631 | }, [visible]);
12632 | return React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
12633 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$W}-panel-content`, {
12634 | [`${classPrefix$W}-panel-content-active`]: visible
12635 | }),
12636 | style: {
12637 | height: height.to((v) => {
12638 | if (height.idle && visible) {
12639 | return "auto";
12640 | } else {
12641 | return v;
12642 | }
12643 | })
12644 | }
12645 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
12646 | className: `${classPrefix$W}-panel-content-inner`,
12647 | ref: innerRef
12648 | }, React$1.createElement(List$1.Item, null, shouldRender && props.children)));
12649 | };
12650 | const Collapse = (props) => {
12651 | const {
12652 | collapse: componentConfig = {}
12653 | } = useConfig();
12654 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(componentConfig, props);
12655 | const panels = [];
12656 | traverseReactNode(mergedProps.children, (child) => {
12657 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
12658 | return;
12659 | const key = child.key;
12660 | if (typeof key !== "string")
12661 | return;
12662 | panels.push(child);
12663 | });
12664 | const handlePropsValue = () => {
12665 | var _a;
12666 | if (!mergedProps.accordion) {
12667 | return {
12668 | value: mergedProps.activeKey,
12669 | defaultValue: (_a = mergedProps.defaultActiveKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [],
12670 | onChange: mergedProps.onChange
12671 | };
12672 | }
12673 | const initValue = {
12674 | value: [],
12675 | defaultValue: [],
12676 | onChange: (v) => {
12677 | var _a2, _b;
12678 | (_a2 = mergedProps.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(mergedProps, (_b = v[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null);
12679 | }
12680 | };
12681 | if (mergedProps.activeKey === void 0) {
12682 | initValue.value = void 0;
12683 | } else if (mergedProps.activeKey !== null) {
12684 | initValue.value = [mergedProps.activeKey];
12685 | }
12686 | if (![null, void 0].includes(mergedProps.defaultActiveKey)) {
12687 | initValue.defaultValue = [mergedProps.defaultActiveKey];
12688 | }
12689 | return initValue;
12690 | };
12691 | const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = usePropsValue(handlePropsValue());
12692 | const activeKeyList = activeKey === null ? [] : Array.isArray(activeKey) ? activeKey : [activeKey];
12693 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
12694 | className: classPrefix$W
12695 | }, React$1.createElement(List$1, null, panels.map((panel) => {
12696 | const key = panel.key;
12697 | const active = activeKeyList.includes(key);
12698 | function handleClick(event) {
12699 | var _a, _b;
12700 | if (mergedProps.accordion) {
12701 | if (active) {
12702 | setActiveKey([]);
12703 | } else {
12704 | setActiveKey([key]);
12705 | }
12706 | } else {
12707 | if (active) {
12708 | setActiveKey(activeKeyList.filter((v) => v !== key));
12709 | } else {
12710 | setActiveKey([...activeKeyList, key]);
12711 | }
12712 | }
12713 | (_b = (_a = panel.props).onClick) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, event);
12714 | }
12715 | const arrow2 = mergeProp(React$1.createElement(DownOutline, null), mergedProps.arrow, mergedProps.arrowIcon, panel.props.arrow, panel.props.arrowIcon);
12716 | const arrowIcon = typeof arrow2 === "function" ? arrow2(active) : React$1.createElement("div", {
12717 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$W}-arrow`, {
12718 | [`${classPrefix$W}-arrow-active`]: active
12719 | })
12720 | }, arrow2);
12721 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, {
12722 | key
12723 | }, withNativeProps(panel.props, React$1.createElement(List$1.Item, {
12724 | className: `${classPrefix$W}-panel-header`,
12725 | onClick: handleClick,
12726 | disabled: panel.props.disabled,
12727 | arrowIcon
12728 | }, panel.props.title)), React$1.createElement(CollapsePanelContent, {
12729 | visible: active,
12730 | forceRender: !!panel.props.forceRender,
12731 | destroyOnClose: !!panel.props.destroyOnClose
12732 | }, panel.props.children));
12733 | }))));
12734 | };
12735 | const index$e = attachPropertiesToComponent(Collapse, {
12736 | Panel: CollapsePanel
12737 | });
12738 | var isoWeeksInYear$1 = { exports: {} };
12739 | (function(module2, exports3) {
12740 | !function(e2, n2) {
12741 | module2.exports = n2();
12742 | }(commonjsGlobal, function() {
12743 | return function(e2, n2) {
12744 | n2.prototype.isoWeeksInYear = function() {
12745 | var e3 = this.isLeapYear(), n3 = this.endOf("y").day();
12746 | return 4 === n3 || e3 && 5 === n3 ? 53 : 52;
12747 | };
12748 | };
12749 | });
12750 | })(isoWeeksInYear$1);
12751 | var isoWeeksInYearExports = isoWeeksInYear$1.exports;
12752 | const isoWeeksInYear = getDefaultExportFromCjs(isoWeeksInYearExports);
12753 | var isLeapYear$1 = { exports: {} };
12754 | (function(module2, exports3) {
12755 | !function(e2, t) {
12756 | module2.exports = t();
12757 | }(commonjsGlobal, function() {
12758 | return function(e2, t) {
12759 | t.prototype.isLeapYear = function() {
12760 | return this.$y % 4 == 0 && this.$y % 100 != 0 || this.$y % 400 == 0;
12761 | };
12762 | };
12763 | });
12764 | })(isLeapYear$1);
12765 | var isLeapYearExports = isLeapYear$1.exports;
12766 | const isLeapYear = getDefaultExportFromCjs(isLeapYearExports);
12767 | const TILL_NOW = "TILL_NOW";
12768 | dayjs.extend(isoWeek);
12769 | dayjs.extend(isoWeeksInYear);
12770 | dayjs.extend(isLeapYear);
12771 | const precisionRankRecord$1 = {
12772 | year: 0,
12773 | month: 1,
12774 | day: 2,
12775 | hour: 3,
12776 | minute: 4,
12777 | second: 5
12778 | };
12779 | function generateDatePickerColumns$2(selected, min2, max2, precision, renderLabel, filter, tillNow) {
12780 | const ret = [];
12781 | const minYear = min2.getFullYear();
12782 | const minMonth = min2.getMonth() + 1;
12783 | const minDay = min2.getDate();
12784 | const minHour = min2.getHours();
12785 | const minMinute = min2.getMinutes();
12786 | const minSecond = min2.getSeconds();
12787 | const maxYear = max2.getFullYear();
12788 | const maxMonth = max2.getMonth() + 1;
12789 | const maxDay = max2.getDate();
12790 | const maxHour = max2.getHours();
12791 | const maxMinute = max2.getMinutes();
12792 | const maxSecond = max2.getSeconds();
12793 | const rank = precisionRankRecord$1[precision];
12794 | const selectedYear = parseInt(selected[0]);
12795 | const firstDayInSelectedMonth = dayjs(convertStringArrayToDate$2([selected[0], selected[1], "1"]));
12796 | const selectedMonth = parseInt(selected[1]);
12797 | const selectedDay = parseInt(selected[2]);
12798 | const selectedHour = parseInt(selected[3]);
12799 | const selectedMinute = parseInt(selected[4]);
12800 | const isInMinYear = selectedYear === minYear;
12801 | const isInMaxYear = selectedYear === maxYear;
12802 | const isInMinMonth = isInMinYear && selectedMonth === minMonth;
12803 | const isInMaxMonth = isInMaxYear && selectedMonth === maxMonth;
12804 | const isInMinDay = isInMinMonth && selectedDay === minDay;
12805 | const isInMaxDay = isInMaxMonth && selectedDay === maxDay;
12806 | const isInMinHour = isInMinDay && selectedHour === minHour;
12807 | const isInMaxHour = isInMaxDay && selectedHour === maxHour;
12808 | const isInMinMinute = isInMinHour && selectedMinute === minMinute;
12809 | const isInMaxMinute = isInMaxHour && selectedMinute === maxMinute;
12810 | const generateColumn = (from, to2, precision2) => {
12811 | let column = [];
12812 | for (let i2 = from; i2 <= to2; i2++) {
12813 | column.push(i2);
12814 | }
12815 | const prefix2 = selected.slice(0, precisionRankRecord$1[precision2]);
12816 | const currentFilter = filter === null || filter === void 0 ? void 0 : filter[precision2];
12817 | if (currentFilter && typeof currentFilter === "function") {
12818 | column = column.filter((i2) => currentFilter(i2, {
12819 | get date() {
12820 | const stringArray = [...prefix2, i2.toString()];
12821 | return convertStringArrayToDate$2(stringArray);
12822 | }
12823 | }));
12824 | }
12825 | return column;
12826 | };
12827 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord$1.year) {
12828 | const lower = minYear;
12829 | const upper = maxYear;
12830 | const years = generateColumn(lower, upper, "year");
12831 | ret.push(years.map((v) => ({
12832 | label: renderLabel("year", v),
12833 | value: v.toString()
12834 | })));
12835 | }
12836 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord$1.month) {
12837 | const lower = isInMinYear ? minMonth : 1;
12838 | const upper = isInMaxYear ? maxMonth : 12;
12839 | const months = generateColumn(lower, upper, "month");
12840 | ret.push(months.map((v) => ({
12841 | label: renderLabel("month", v),
12842 | value: v.toString()
12843 | })));
12844 | }
12845 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord$1.day) {
12846 | const lower = isInMinMonth ? minDay : 1;
12847 | const upper = isInMaxMonth ? maxDay : firstDayInSelectedMonth.daysInMonth();
12848 | const days = generateColumn(lower, upper, "day");
12849 | ret.push(days.map((v) => ({
12850 | label: renderLabel("day", v),
12851 | value: v.toString()
12852 | })));
12853 | }
12854 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord$1.hour) {
12855 | const lower = isInMinDay ? minHour : 0;
12856 | const upper = isInMaxDay ? maxHour : 23;
12857 | const hours = generateColumn(lower, upper, "hour");
12858 | ret.push(hours.map((v) => ({
12859 | label: renderLabel("hour", v),
12860 | value: v.toString()
12861 | })));
12862 | }
12863 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord$1.minute) {
12864 | const lower = isInMinHour ? minMinute : 0;
12865 | const upper = isInMaxHour ? maxMinute : 59;
12866 | const minutes = generateColumn(lower, upper, "minute");
12867 | ret.push(minutes.map((v) => ({
12868 | label: renderLabel("minute", v),
12869 | value: v.toString()
12870 | })));
12871 | }
12872 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord$1.second) {
12873 | const lower = isInMinMinute ? minSecond : 0;
12874 | const upper = isInMaxMinute ? maxSecond : 59;
12875 | const seconds = generateColumn(lower, upper, "second");
12876 | ret.push(seconds.map((v) => ({
12877 | label: renderLabel("second", v),
12878 | value: v.toString()
12879 | })));
12880 | }
12881 | if (tillNow) {
12882 | ret[0].push({
12883 | label: renderLabel("now", null),
12884 | value: TILL_NOW
12885 | });
12886 | if (TILL_NOW === (selected === null || selected === void 0 ? void 0 : selected[0])) {
12887 | for (let i2 = 1; i2 < ret.length; i2 += 1) {
12888 | ret[i2] = [];
12889 | }
12890 | }
12891 | }
12892 | return ret;
12893 | }
12894 | function convertDateToStringArray$2(date) {
12895 | if (!date)
12896 | return [];
12897 | return [date.getFullYear().toString(), (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(), date.getDate().toString(), date.getHours().toString(), date.getMinutes().toString(), date.getSeconds().toString()];
12898 | }
12899 | function convertStringArrayToDate$2(value) {
12900 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
12901 | const yearString = (_a = value[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "1900";
12902 | const monthString = (_b = value[1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "1";
12903 | const dateString = (_c = value[2]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "1";
12904 | const hourString = (_d = value[3]) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : "0";
12905 | const minuteString = (_e = value[4]) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : "0";
12906 | const secondString = (_f = value[5]) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : "0";
12907 | return new Date(parseInt(yearString), parseInt(monthString) - 1, parseInt(dateString), parseInt(hourString), parseInt(minuteString), parseInt(secondString));
12908 | }
12909 | dayjs.extend(isoWeek);
12910 | dayjs.extend(isoWeeksInYear);
12911 | dayjs.extend(isLeapYear);
12912 | const precisionRankRecord = {
12913 | year: 0,
12914 | week: 1,
12915 | "week-day": 2
12916 | };
12917 | function generateDatePickerColumns$1(selected, min2, max2, precision, renderLabel, filter) {
12918 | const ret = [];
12919 | const minYear = min2.getFullYear();
12920 | const maxYear = max2.getFullYear();
12921 | const rank = precisionRankRecord[precision];
12922 | const selectedYear = parseInt(selected[0]);
12923 | const isInMinYear = selectedYear === minYear;
12924 | const isInMaxYear = selectedYear === maxYear;
12925 | const minDay = dayjs(min2);
12926 | const maxDay = dayjs(max2);
12927 | const minWeek = minDay.isoWeek();
12928 | const maxWeek = maxDay.isoWeek();
12929 | const minWeekday = minDay.isoWeekday();
12930 | const maxWeekday = maxDay.isoWeekday();
12931 | const selectedWeek = parseInt(selected[1]);
12932 | const isInMinWeek = isInMinYear && selectedWeek === minWeek;
12933 | const isInMaxWeek = isInMaxYear && selectedWeek === maxWeek;
12934 | const selectedYearWeeks = dayjs(`${selectedYear}-01-01`).isoWeeksInYear();
12935 | const generateColumn = (from, to2, precision2) => {
12936 | let column = [];
12937 | for (let i2 = from; i2 <= to2; i2++) {
12938 | column.push(i2);
12939 | }
12940 | const prefix2 = selected.slice(0, precisionRankRecord[precision2]);
12941 | const currentFilter = filter === null || filter === void 0 ? void 0 : filter[precision2];
12942 | if (currentFilter && typeof currentFilter === "function") {
12943 | column = column.filter((i2) => currentFilter(i2, {
12944 | get date() {
12945 | const stringArray = [...prefix2, i2.toString()];
12946 | return convertStringArrayToDate$1(stringArray);
12947 | }
12948 | }));
12949 | }
12950 | return column;
12951 | };
12952 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord.year) {
12953 | const lower = minYear;
12954 | const upper = maxYear;
12955 | const years = generateColumn(lower, upper, "year");
12956 | ret.push(years.map((v) => ({
12957 | label: renderLabel("year", v),
12958 | value: v.toString()
12959 | })));
12960 | }
12961 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord.week) {
12962 | const lower = isInMinYear ? minWeek : 1;
12963 | const upper = isInMaxYear ? maxWeek : selectedYearWeeks;
12964 | const weeks = generateColumn(lower, upper, "week");
12965 | ret.push(weeks.map((v) => ({
12966 | label: renderLabel("week", v),
12967 | value: v.toString()
12968 | })));
12969 | }
12970 | if (rank >= precisionRankRecord["week-day"]) {
12971 | const lower = isInMinWeek ? minWeekday : 1;
12972 | const upper = isInMaxWeek ? maxWeekday : 7;
12973 | const weeks = generateColumn(lower, upper, "week-day");
12974 | ret.push(weeks.map((v) => ({
12975 | label: renderLabel("week-day", v),
12976 | value: v.toString()
12977 | })));
12978 | }
12979 | return ret;
12980 | }
12981 | function convertDateToStringArray$1(date) {
12982 | if (!date)
12983 | return [];
12984 | const day = dayjs(date);
12985 | return [day.isoWeekYear().toString(), day.isoWeek().toString(), day.isoWeekday().toString()];
12986 | }
12987 | function convertStringArrayToDate$1(value) {
12988 | var _a, _b, _c;
12989 | const yearString = (_a = value[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "1900";
12990 | const weekString = (_b = value[1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "1";
12991 | const weekdayString = (_c = value[2]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "1";
12992 | const day = dayjs().year(parseInt(yearString)).isoWeek(parseInt(weekString)).isoWeekday(parseInt(weekdayString)).hour(0).minute(0).second(0);
12993 | return day.toDate();
12994 | }
12995 | const precisionLengthRecord = {
12996 | year: 1,
12997 | month: 2,
12998 | day: 3,
12999 | hour: 4,
13000 | minute: 5,
13001 | second: 6
13002 | };
13003 | const convertDateToStringArray = (date, precision) => {
13004 | if (precision.includes("week")) {
13005 | return convertDateToStringArray$1(date);
13006 | } else {
13007 | const datePrecision = precision;
13008 | const stringArray = convertDateToStringArray$2(date);
13009 | return stringArray.slice(0, precisionLengthRecord[datePrecision]);
13010 | }
13011 | };
13012 | const convertStringArrayToDate = (value, precision) => {
13013 | if ((value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value[0]) === TILL_NOW) {
13014 | const now2 = new Date();
13015 | now2.tillNow = true;
13016 | return now2;
13017 | }
13018 | if (precision.includes("week")) {
13019 | return convertStringArrayToDate$1(value);
13020 | } else {
13021 | return convertStringArrayToDate$2(value);
13022 | }
13023 | };
13024 | const generateDatePickerColumns = (selected, min2, max2, precision, renderLabel, filter, tillNow) => {
13025 | if (precision.startsWith("week")) {
13026 | return generateDatePickerColumns$1(selected, min2, max2, precision, renderLabel, filter);
13027 | } else {
13028 | return generateDatePickerColumns$2(selected, min2, max2, precision, renderLabel, filter, tillNow);
13029 | }
13030 | };
13031 | function useRenderLabel(renderLabel) {
13032 | const {
13033 | locale
13034 | } = useConfig();
13035 | return React$1.useCallback((type, data) => {
13036 | if (renderLabel) {
13037 | return renderLabel(type, data);
13038 | }
13039 | switch (type) {
13040 | case "minute":
13041 | case "second":
13042 | case "hour":
13043 | return ("0" + data.toString()).slice(-2);
13044 | case "now":
13045 | return locale.DatePicker.tillNow;
13046 | default:
13047 | return data.toString();
13048 | }
13049 | }, [renderLabel]);
13050 | }
13051 | const thisYear$1 = ( new Date()).getFullYear();
13052 | const defaultProps$K = {
13053 | min: new Date(( new Date()).setFullYear(thisYear$1 - 10)),
13054 | max: new Date(( new Date()).setFullYear(thisYear$1 + 10)),
13055 | precision: "day",
13056 | defaultValue: null
13057 | };
13058 | const DatePicker = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
13059 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$K, p);
13060 | const {
13061 | renderLabel
13062 | } = props;
13063 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
13064 | value: props.value,
13065 | defaultValue: props.defaultValue,
13066 | onChange: (v) => {
13067 | var _a;
13068 | if (v === null)
13069 | return;
13070 | (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, v);
13071 | }
13072 | });
13073 | const now2 = React$1.useMemo(() => new Date(), []);
13074 | const mergedRenderLabel = useRenderLabel(renderLabel);
13075 | const pickerValue = React$1.useMemo(() => {
13076 | let date = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : now2;
13077 | if (date.tillNow) {
13078 | return [TILL_NOW];
13079 | }
13080 | date = new Date(bound(date.getTime(), props.min.getTime(), props.max.getTime()));
13081 | return convertDateToStringArray(date, props.precision);
13082 | }, [value, props.precision, props.min, props.max]);
13083 | const onConfirm = React$1.useCallback((val) => {
13084 | const date = convertStringArrayToDate(val, props.precision);
13085 | setValue2(date, true);
13086 | }, [setValue2, props.precision]);
13087 | const onSelect = useMemoizedFn((val) => {
13088 | var _a;
13089 | const date = convertStringArrayToDate(val, props.precision);
13090 | (_a = props.onSelect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, date);
13091 | });
13092 | const columns = React$1.useCallback((selected) => generateDatePickerColumns(selected, props.min, props.max, props.precision, mergedRenderLabel, props.filter, props.tillNow), [props.min, props.max, props.precision, mergedRenderLabel, props.tillNow]);
13093 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(Picker, {
13094 | ref,
13095 | columns,
13096 | value: pickerValue,
13097 | onCancel: props.onCancel,
13098 | onClose: props.onClose,
13099 | closeOnMaskClick: props.closeOnMaskClick,
13100 | visible: props.visible,
13101 | confirmText: props.confirmText,
13102 | cancelText: props.cancelText,
13103 | onConfirm,
13104 | onSelect,
13105 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
13106 | loading: props.loading,
13107 | loadingContent: props.loadingContent,
13108 | afterShow: props.afterShow,
13109 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
13110 | onClick: props.onClick,
13111 | title: props.title,
13112 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation,
13113 | mouseWheel: props.mouseWheel,
13114 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
13115 | forceRender: props.forceRender
13116 | }, (_, actions) => {
13117 | var _a;
13118 | return (_a = props.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, value, actions);
13119 | }));
13120 | });
13121 | function prompt(props) {
13122 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
13123 | const Wrapper2 = () => {
13124 | const [visible, setVisible] = React$1.useState(false);
13125 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
13126 | setVisible(true);
13127 | }, []);
13128 | return React$1.createElement(DatePicker, Object.assign({}, props, {
13129 | visible,
13130 | onConfirm: (val) => {
13131 | var _a;
13132 | (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, val);
13133 | resolve(val);
13134 | },
13135 | onClose: () => {
13136 | var _a;
13137 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13138 | setVisible(false);
13139 | resolve(null);
13140 | },
13141 | afterClose: () => {
13142 | var _a;
13143 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13144 | unmount2();
13145 | }
13146 | }));
13147 | };
13148 | const unmount2 = renderToBody(React$1.createElement(Wrapper2, null));
13149 | });
13150 | }
13151 | const index$d = attachPropertiesToComponent(DatePicker, {
13152 | prompt,
13154 | });
13155 | const thisYear = ( new Date()).getFullYear();
13156 | const defaultProps$J = {
13157 | min: new Date(( new Date()).setFullYear(thisYear - 10)),
13158 | max: new Date(( new Date()).setFullYear(thisYear + 10)),
13159 | precision: "day"
13160 | };
13161 | const DatePickerView = (p) => {
13162 | var _a;
13163 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$J, p);
13164 | const {
13165 | renderLabel
13166 | } = props;
13167 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
13168 | value: props.value,
13169 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null
13170 | });
13171 | const mergedRenderLabel = useRenderLabel(renderLabel);
13172 | const pickerValue = React$1.useMemo(() => {
13173 | if (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.tillNow) {
13174 | return [TILL_NOW, null, null];
13175 | }
13176 | return convertDateToStringArray(value, props.precision);
13177 | }, [value, props.precision]);
13178 | const onChange = React$1.useCallback((val) => {
13179 | var _a2;
13180 | const date = convertStringArrayToDate(val, props.precision);
13181 | if (date) {
13182 | setValue2(date);
13183 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, date);
13184 | }
13185 | }, [props.onChange, props.precision]);
13186 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(PickerView, {
13187 | columns: (selected) => generateDatePickerColumns(selected, props.min, props.max, props.precision, mergedRenderLabel, props.filter, props.tillNow),
13188 | loading: props.loading,
13189 | loadingContent: props.loadingContent,
13190 | value: pickerValue,
13191 | mouseWheel: props.mouseWheel,
13192 | onChange
13193 | }));
13194 | };
13195 | const DialogActionButton = (props) => {
13196 | const {
13197 | action
13198 | } = props;
13199 | return withNativeProps(props.action, React$1.createElement(Button, {
13200 | key: action.key,
13201 | onClick: props.onAction,
13202 | className: classNames("adm-dialog-button", {
13203 | "adm-dialog-button-bold": action.bold
13204 | }),
13205 | fill: "none",
13206 | shape: "rectangular",
13207 | block: true,
13208 | color: action.danger ? "danger" : "primary",
13209 | loading: "auto",
13210 | disabled: action.disabled
13211 | }, action.text));
13212 | };
13213 | const defaultProps$I = {
13214 | actions: [],
13215 | closeOnAction: false,
13216 | closeOnMaskClick: false,
13217 | getContainer: null
13218 | };
13219 | const Dialog = (p) => {
13220 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$I, p);
13221 | const element = React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, !!props.image && React$1.createElement("div", {
13222 | className: cls$1("image-container")
13223 | }, React$1.createElement(Image$1, {
13224 | src: props.image,
13225 | alt: "dialog header image",
13226 | width: "100%"
13227 | })), !!props.header && React$1.createElement("div", {
13228 | className: cls$1("header")
13229 | }, React$1.createElement(AutoCenter, null, props.header)), !!props.title && React$1.createElement("div", {
13230 | className: cls$1("title")
13231 | }, props.title), React$1.createElement("div", {
13232 | className: classNames(cls$1("content"), !props.content && cls$1("content-empty"))
13233 | }, typeof props.content === "string" ? React$1.createElement(AutoCenter, null, props.content) : props.content), React$1.createElement("div", {
13234 | className: cls$1("footer")
13235 | }, props.actions.map((row, index2) => {
13236 | const actions = Array.isArray(row) ? row : [row];
13237 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
13238 | className: cls$1("action-row"),
13239 | key: index2
13240 | }, actions.map((action, index3) => React$1.createElement(DialogActionButton, {
13241 | key: action.key,
13242 | action,
13243 | onAction: () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13244 | var _a, _b, _c;
13245 | yield Promise.all([(_a = action.onClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(action), (_b = props.onAction) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, action, index3)]);
13246 | if (props.closeOnAction) {
13247 | (_c = props.onClose) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props);
13248 | }
13249 | })
13250 | })));
13251 | })));
13252 | return React$1.createElement(CenterPopup, {
13253 | className: classNames(cls$1(), props.className),
13254 | style: props.style,
13255 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
13256 | afterShow: props.afterShow,
13257 | onMaskClick: props.closeOnMaskClick ? () => {
13258 | var _a;
13259 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13260 | } : void 0,
13261 | visible: props.visible,
13262 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
13263 | bodyStyle: props.bodyStyle,
13264 | bodyClassName: classNames(cls$1("body"), props.image && cls$1("with-image"), props.bodyClassName),
13265 | maskStyle: props.maskStyle,
13266 | maskClassName: props.maskClassName,
13267 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation,
13268 | disableBodyScroll: props.disableBodyScroll,
13269 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
13270 | forceRender: props.forceRender,
13271 | role: "dialog",
13272 | "aria-label": props["aria-label"]
13273 | }, element);
13274 | };
13275 | function cls$1(name = "") {
13276 | return "adm-dialog" + (name && "-") + name;
13277 | }
13278 | const closeFnSet$1 = new Set();
13279 | function show$2(props) {
13280 | const handler = renderImperatively(React$1.createElement(Dialog, Object.assign({}, props, {
13281 | afterClose: () => {
13282 | var _a;
13283 | closeFnSet$1.delete(handler.close);
13284 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13285 | }
13286 | })));
13287 | closeFnSet$1.add(handler.close);
13288 | return handler;
13289 | }
13290 | function alert$1(p) {
13291 | const defaultProps2 = {
13292 | confirmText: getDefaultConfig().locale.Dialog.ok
13293 | };
13294 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps2, p);
13295 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
13296 | show$2(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
13297 | closeOnAction: true,
13298 | actions: [{
13299 | key: "confirm",
13300 | text: props.confirmText
13301 | }],
13302 | onAction: props.onConfirm,
13303 | onClose: () => {
13304 | var _a;
13305 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13306 | resolve();
13307 | }
13308 | }));
13309 | });
13310 | }
13311 | const defaultProps$H = {
13312 | confirmText: "确认",
13313 | cancelText: "取消"
13314 | };
13315 | function confirm$1(p) {
13316 | const {
13317 | locale
13318 | } = getDefaultConfig();
13319 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$H, {
13320 | confirmText: locale.common.confirm,
13321 | cancelText: locale.common.cancel
13322 | }, p);
13323 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
13324 | show$2(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
13325 | closeOnAction: true,
13326 | onClose: () => {
13327 | var _a;
13328 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13329 | resolve(false);
13330 | },
13331 | actions: [[{
13332 | key: "cancel",
13333 | text: props.cancelText,
13334 | onClick: () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13335 | var _a;
13336 | yield (_a = props.onCancel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
13337 | resolve(false);
13338 | })
13339 | }, {
13340 | key: "confirm",
13341 | text: props.confirmText,
13342 | bold: true,
13343 | onClick: () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13344 | var _b;
13345 | yield (_b = props.onConfirm) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
13346 | resolve(true);
13347 | })
13348 | }]]
13349 | }));
13350 | });
13351 | }
13352 | function clear$2() {
13353 | closeFnSet$1.forEach((close) => {
13354 | close();
13355 | });
13356 | }
13357 | const index$c = attachPropertiesToComponent(Dialog, {
13358 | show: show$2,
13359 | alert: alert$1,
13360 | confirm: confirm$1,
13361 | clear: clear$2
13362 | });
13363 | const IconContext = React$1.createContext(null);
13364 | const classPrefix$V = `adm-dropdown-item`;
13365 | const Item = (props) => {
13366 | const {
13367 | dropdown: componentConfig = {}
13368 | } = useConfig();
13369 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(componentConfig, props);
13370 | const {
13371 | active,
13372 | highlight,
13373 | onClick,
13374 | title
13375 | } = mergedProps;
13376 | const cls2 = classNames(classPrefix$V, {
13377 | [`${classPrefix$V}-active`]: active,
13378 | [`${classPrefix$V}-highlight`]: highlight !== null && highlight !== void 0 ? highlight : active
13379 | });
13380 | const contextArrowIcon = React$1.useContext(IconContext);
13381 | const mergedArrowIcon = mergeProp(React$1.createElement(DownFill, null), contextArrowIcon, mergedProps.arrow, mergedProps.arrowIcon);
13382 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
13383 | className: cls2,
13384 | onClick
13385 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
13386 | className: `${classPrefix$V}-title`
13387 | }, React$1.createElement("span", {
13388 | className: `${classPrefix$V}-title-text`
13389 | }, title), React$1.createElement("span", {
13390 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$V}-title-arrow`, {
13391 | [`${classPrefix$V}-title-arrow-active`]: active
13392 | })
13393 | }, mergedArrowIcon))));
13394 | };
13395 | const Item$1 = Item;
13396 | const ItemChildrenWrap = (props) => {
13397 | const {
13398 | active = false
13399 | } = props;
13400 | const shouldRender = useShouldRender(active, props.forceRender, props.destroyOnClose);
13401 | const cls2 = classNames(`${classPrefix$V}-content`, {
13402 | [`${classPrefix$V}-content-hidden`]: !active
13403 | });
13404 | return shouldRender ? React$1.createElement("div", {
13405 | className: cls2,
13406 | onClick: props.onClick
13407 | }, props.children) : null;
13408 | };
13409 | const classPrefix$U = `adm-dropdown`;
13410 | const defaultProps$G = {
13411 | defaultActiveKey: null,
13412 | closeOnMaskClick: true,
13413 | closeOnClickAway: false,
13414 | getContainer: defaultPopupBaseProps["getContainer"]
13415 | };
13416 | const Dropdown = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
13417 | const {
13418 | dropdown: componentConfig = {}
13419 | } = useConfig();
13420 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$G, componentConfig, props);
13421 | const arrowIcon = mergeProp(componentConfig.arrowIcon, props.arrow, props.arrowIcon);
13422 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
13423 | value: mergedProps.activeKey,
13424 | defaultValue: mergedProps.defaultActiveKey,
13425 | onChange: mergedProps.onChange
13426 | });
13427 | const navRef = React$1.useRef(null);
13428 | const contentRef = React$1.useRef(null);
13429 | useClickAway(() => {
13430 | if (!mergedProps.closeOnClickAway)
13431 | return;
13432 | setValue2(null);
13433 | }, [navRef, contentRef]);
13434 | const [top, setTop] = React$1.useState();
13435 | const containerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
13436 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
13437 | const container = containerRef.current;
13438 | if (!container)
13439 | return;
13440 | if (value) {
13441 | const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
13442 | setTop(rect.bottom);
13443 | }
13444 | }, [value]);
13445 | const changeActive = (key) => {
13446 | if (value === key) {
13447 | setValue2(null);
13448 | } else {
13449 | setValue2(key);
13450 | }
13451 | };
13452 | let popupForceRender = false;
13453 | const items = [];
13454 | const navs = React$1.Children.map(mergedProps.children, (child) => {
13455 | if (React$1.isValidElement(child)) {
13456 | const childProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, child.props), {
13457 | onClick: (event) => {
13458 | var _a, _b;
13459 | changeActive(child.key);
13460 | (_b = (_a = child.props).onClick) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, event);
13461 | },
13462 | active: child.key === value
13463 | });
13464 | items.push(child);
13465 | if (child.props.forceRender)
13466 | popupForceRender = true;
13467 | return React$1.cloneElement(child, childProps);
13468 | } else {
13469 | return child;
13470 | }
13471 | });
13472 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
13473 | close: () => {
13474 | setValue2(null);
13475 | }
13476 | }), [setValue2]);
13477 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
13478 | className: classNames(classPrefix$U, {
13479 | [`${classPrefix$U}-open`]: !!value
13480 | }),
13481 | ref: containerRef
13482 | }, React$1.createElement(IconContext.Provider, {
13483 | value: arrowIcon
13484 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
13485 | className: `${classPrefix$U}-nav`,
13486 | ref: navRef
13487 | }, navs)), React$1.createElement(Popup, {
13488 | visible: !!value,
13489 | position: "top",
13490 | getContainer: mergedProps.getContainer,
13491 | className: `${classPrefix$U}-popup`,
13492 | maskClassName: `${classPrefix$U}-popup-mask`,
13493 | bodyClassName: `${classPrefix$U}-popup-body`,
13494 | style: {
13495 | top
13496 | },
13497 | forceRender: popupForceRender,
13498 | onMaskClick: mergedProps.closeOnMaskClick ? () => {
13499 | changeActive(null);
13500 | } : void 0
13501 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
13502 | ref: contentRef
13503 | }, items.map((item) => {
13504 | const isActive = item.key === value;
13505 | return React$1.createElement(ItemChildrenWrap, {
13506 | key: item.key,
13507 | active: isActive,
13508 | forceRender: item.props.forceRender,
13509 | destroyOnClose: item.props.destroyOnClose
13510 | }, item.props.children);
13511 | })))));
13512 | });
13513 | const Dropdown$1 = Dropdown;
13514 | const index$b = attachPropertiesToComponent(Dropdown$1, {
13515 | Item: Item$1
13516 | });
13517 | var i;
13518 | !function(i2) {
13520 | }(i || (i = {}));
13521 | const e = Object.freeze([776, 2359, 2367, 2984, 3007, 3021, 3633, 3635, 3648, 3657, 4352, 4449, 4520]);
13522 | var n;
13523 | function runes(i2) {
13524 | if ("string" != typeof i2)
13525 | throw new TypeError("string cannot be undefined or null");
13526 | const e2 = [];
13527 | let n2 = 0, t = 0;
13528 | for (; n2 < i2.length; )
13529 | t += nextUnits(n2 + t, i2), isGrapheme(i2[n2 + t]) && t++, isVariationSelector(i2[n2 + t]) && t++, isDiacriticalMark(i2[n2 + t]) && t++, isZeroWidthJoiner(i2[n2 + t]) ? t++ : (e2.push(i2.substring(n2, n2 + t)), n2 += t, t = 0);
13530 | return e2;
13531 | }
13532 | function nextUnits(i2, e2) {
13533 | const n2 = e2[i2];
13534 | if (!isFirstOfSurrogatePair(n2) || i2 === e2.length - 1)
13535 | return 1;
13536 | const t = n2 + e2[i2 + 1];
13537 | let r = e2.substring(i2 + 2, i2 + 5);
13538 | return isRegionalIndicator(t) && isRegionalIndicator(r) ? 4 : isSubdivisionFlag(t) && isSupplementarySpecialpurposePlane(r) ? e2.slice(i2).indexOf(String.fromCodePoint(917631)) + 2 : isFitzpatrickModifier(r) ? 4 : 2;
13539 | }
13540 | function isFirstOfSurrogatePair(i2) {
13541 | return i2 && betweenInclusive(i2[0].charCodeAt(0), 55296, 56319);
13542 | }
13543 | function isRegionalIndicator(i2) {
13544 | return betweenInclusive(codePointFromSurrogatePair(i2), 127462, 127487);
13545 | }
13546 | function isSubdivisionFlag(i2) {
13547 | return betweenInclusive(codePointFromSurrogatePair(i2), 127988, 127988);
13548 | }
13549 | function isFitzpatrickModifier(i2) {
13550 | return betweenInclusive(codePointFromSurrogatePair(i2), 127995, 127999);
13551 | }
13552 | function isVariationSelector(i2) {
13553 | return "string" == typeof i2 && betweenInclusive(i2.charCodeAt(0), 65024, 65039);
13554 | }
13555 | function isDiacriticalMark(i2) {
13556 | return "string" == typeof i2 && betweenInclusive(i2.charCodeAt(0), 8400, 8447);
13557 | }
13558 | function isSupplementarySpecialpurposePlane(i2) {
13559 | const e2 = i2.codePointAt(0);
13560 | return "string" == typeof i2 && "number" == typeof e2 && betweenInclusive(e2, 917504, 917631);
13561 | }
13562 | function isGrapheme(i2) {
13563 | return "string" == typeof i2 && e.includes(i2.charCodeAt(0));
13564 | }
13565 | function isZeroWidthJoiner(i2) {
13566 | return "string" == typeof i2 && 8205 === i2.charCodeAt(0);
13567 | }
13568 | function codePointFromSurrogatePair(i2) {
13569 | return (i2.charCodeAt(0) - 55296 << 10) + (i2.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536;
13570 | }
13571 | function betweenInclusive(i2, e2, n2) {
13572 | return i2 >= e2 && i2 <= n2;
13573 | }
13574 | !function(i2) {
13575 | i2[i2.unit_1 = 1] = "unit_1", i2[i2.unit_2 = 2] = "unit_2", i2[i2.unit_4 = 4] = "unit_4";
13576 | }(n || (n = {}));
13577 | const classPrefix$T = `adm-ellipsis`;
13578 | const defaultProps$F = {
13579 | direction: "end",
13580 | rows: 1,
13581 | expandText: "",
13582 | content: "",
13583 | collapseText: "",
13584 | stopPropagationForActionButtons: [],
13585 | onContentClick: () => {
13586 | },
13587 | defaultExpanded: false
13588 | };
13589 | const Ellipsis = (p) => {
13590 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$F, p);
13591 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
13592 | const expandElRef = React$1.useRef(null);
13593 | const collapseElRef = React$1.useRef(null);
13594 | const [ellipsised, setEllipsised] = React$1.useState({});
13595 | const [expanded, setExpanded] = React$1.useState(props.defaultExpanded);
13596 | const [exceeded, setExceeded] = React$1.useState(false);
13597 | const chars = React$1.useMemo(() => runes(props.content), [props.content]);
13598 | function getSubString(start2, end) {
13599 | return chars.slice(start2, end).join("");
13600 | }
13601 | function calcEllipsised() {
13602 | var _a, _b;
13603 | const root2 = rootRef.current;
13604 | if (!root2)
13605 | return;
13606 | const originDisplay = root2.style.display;
13607 | root2.style.display = "block";
13608 | const originStyle = window.getComputedStyle(root2);
13609 | const container = document.createElement("div");
13610 | const styleNames = Array.prototype.slice.apply(originStyle);
13611 | styleNames.forEach((name) => {
13612 | container.style.setProperty(name, originStyle.getPropertyValue(name));
13613 | });
13614 | root2.style.display = originDisplay;
13615 | container.style.height = "auto";
13616 | container.style.minHeight = "auto";
13617 | container.style.maxHeight = "auto";
13618 | container.style.textOverflow = "clip";
13619 | container.style.webkitLineClamp = "unset";
13620 | container.style.display = "block";
13621 | const lineHeight = pxToNumber(originStyle.lineHeight);
13622 | const maxHeight = Math.floor(lineHeight * (props.rows + 0.5) + pxToNumber(originStyle.paddingTop) + pxToNumber(originStyle.paddingBottom));
13623 | container.innerText = props.content;
13624 | document.body.appendChild(container);
13625 | if (container.offsetHeight <= maxHeight) {
13626 | setExceeded(false);
13627 | } else {
13628 | let check = function(left, right) {
13629 | if (right - left <= 1) {
13630 | if (props.direction === "end") {
13631 | return {
13632 | leading: getSubString(0, left) + "..."
13633 | };
13634 | } else {
13635 | return {
13636 | tailing: "..." + getSubString(right, end)
13637 | };
13638 | }
13639 | }
13640 | const middle2 = Math.round((left + right) / 2);
13641 | if (props.direction === "end") {
13642 | container.innerHTML = getSubString(0, middle2) + "..." + actionText;
13643 | } else {
13644 | container.innerHTML = actionText + "..." + getSubString(middle2, end);
13645 | }
13646 | if (container.offsetHeight <= maxHeight) {
13647 | if (props.direction === "end") {
13648 | return check(middle2, right);
13649 | } else {
13650 | return check(left, middle2);
13651 | }
13652 | } else {
13653 | if (props.direction === "end") {
13654 | return check(left, middle2);
13655 | } else {
13656 | return check(middle2, right);
13657 | }
13658 | }
13659 | }, checkMiddle = function(leftPart, rightPart) {
13660 | if (leftPart[1] - leftPart[0] <= 1 && rightPart[1] - rightPart[0] <= 1) {
13661 | return {
13662 | leading: getSubString(0, leftPart[0]) + "...",
13663 | tailing: "..." + getSubString(rightPart[1], end)
13664 | };
13665 | }
13666 | const leftPartMiddle = Math.floor((leftPart[0] + leftPart[1]) / 2);
13667 | const rightPartMiddle = Math.ceil((rightPart[0] + rightPart[1]) / 2);
13668 | container.innerHTML = getSubString(0, leftPartMiddle) + "..." + actionText + "..." + getSubString(rightPartMiddle, end);
13669 | if (container.offsetHeight <= maxHeight) {
13670 | return checkMiddle([leftPartMiddle, leftPart[1]], [rightPart[0], rightPartMiddle]);
13671 | } else {
13672 | return checkMiddle([leftPart[0], leftPartMiddle], [rightPartMiddle, rightPart[1]]);
13673 | }
13674 | };
13675 | setExceeded(true);
13676 | const end = props.content.length;
13677 | const collapseEl = typeof props.collapseText === "string" ? props.collapseText : (_a = collapseElRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.innerHTML;
13678 | const expandEl = typeof props.expandText === "string" ? props.expandText : (_b = expandElRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.innerHTML;
13679 | const actionText = expanded ? collapseEl : expandEl;
13680 | const middle = Math.floor((0 + end) / 2);
13681 | const ellipsised2 = props.direction === "middle" ? checkMiddle([0, middle], [middle, end]) : check(0, end);
13682 | setEllipsised(ellipsised2);
13683 | }
13684 | document.body.removeChild(container);
13685 | }
13686 | useResizeEffect(calcEllipsised, rootRef);
13687 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
13688 | calcEllipsised();
13689 | }, [props.content, props.direction, props.rows, props.expandText, props.collapseText]);
13690 | const expandActionElement = !!props.expandText && withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagationForActionButtons, React$1.createElement("a", {
13691 | ref: expandElRef,
13692 | onClick: () => {
13693 | setExpanded(true);
13694 | }
13695 | }, props.expandText));
13696 | const collapseActionElement = !!props.collapseText && withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagationForActionButtons, React$1.createElement("a", {
13697 | ref: collapseElRef,
13698 | onClick: () => {
13699 | setExpanded(false);
13700 | }
13701 | }, props.collapseText));
13702 | const renderContent = () => {
13703 | if (!exceeded)
13704 | return props.content;
13705 | if (expanded)
13706 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, props.content, collapseActionElement);
13707 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, ellipsised.leading, expandActionElement, ellipsised.tailing);
13708 | };
13709 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
13710 | ref: rootRef,
13711 | className: classPrefix$T,
13712 | onClick: (e2) => {
13713 | if (e2.target === e2.currentTarget) {
13714 | props.onContentClick(e2);
13715 | }
13716 | }
13717 | }, renderContent()));
13718 | };
13719 | function pxToNumber(value) {
13720 | if (!value)
13721 | return 0;
13722 | const match = value.match(/^\d*(\.\d*)?/);
13723 | return match ? Number(match[0]) : 0;
13724 | }
13725 | const EmptyIcon = (props) => {
13726 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
13727 | viewBox: "0 0 64 41"
13728 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
13729 | transform: "translate(0 1)",
13730 | fill: "none",
13731 | fillRule: "evenodd"
13732 | }, React$1.createElement("ellipse", {
13733 | fill: "#f5f5f5",
13734 | cx: "32",
13735 | cy: "33",
13736 | rx: "32",
13737 | ry: "7"
13738 | }), React$1.createElement("g", {
13739 | stroke: "#d9d9d9"
13740 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
13741 | d: "M55 12.76L44.854 1.258C44.367.474 43.656 0 42.907 0H21.093c-.749 0-1.46.474-1.947 1.257L9 12.761V22h46v-9.24z"
13742 | }), React$1.createElement("path", {
13743 | d: "M41.613 15.931c0-1.605.994-2.93 2.227-2.931H55v18.137C55 33.26 53.68 35 52.05 35h-40.1C10.32 35 9 33.259 9 31.137V13h11.16c1.233 0 2.227 1.323 2.227 2.928v.022c0 1.605 1.005 2.901 2.237 2.901h14.752c1.232 0 2.237-1.308 2.237-2.913v-.007z",
13744 | fill: "#fafafa"
13745 | })))));
13746 | };
13747 | const classPrefix$S = `adm-empty`;
13748 | const Empty = (props) => {
13749 | function renderImageNode() {
13750 | const {
13751 | image
13752 | } = props;
13753 | if (image === void 0) {
13754 | return React$1.createElement(EmptyIcon, {
13755 | className: `${classPrefix$S}-image`,
13756 | style: props.imageStyle
13757 | });
13758 | }
13759 | if (typeof image === "string") {
13760 | return React$1.createElement("img", {
13761 | className: `${classPrefix$S}-image`,
13762 | style: props.imageStyle,
13763 | src: image,
13764 | alt: "empty"
13765 | });
13766 | }
13767 | return image;
13768 | }
13769 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
13770 | className: classPrefix$S
13771 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
13772 | className: `${classPrefix$S}-image-container`
13773 | }, renderImageNode()), props.description && React$1.createElement("div", {
13774 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$S}-description`)
13775 | }, props.description)));
13776 | };
13777 | const classPrefix$R = `adm-error-block`;
13778 | const defaultProps$E = {
13779 | status: "default"
13780 | };
13781 | function createErrorBlock(imageRecord2) {
13782 | const ErrorBlock2 = (p) => {
13783 | var _a;
13784 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$E, p);
13785 | const {
13786 | locale
13787 | } = useConfig();
13788 | const contentPack = locale.ErrorBlock[props.status];
13789 | const desc = "description" in props ? props.description : contentPack.description;
13790 | const title = "title" in props ? props.title : contentPack.title;
13791 | const image = (_a = props.image) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : imageRecord2[props.status];
13792 | const imageNode = typeof image === "string" ? React$1.createElement("img", {
13793 | src: image,
13794 | alt: "error block image"
13795 | }) : image;
13796 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
13797 | className: classNames(classPrefix$R, {
13798 | [`${classPrefix$R}-full-page`]: props.fullPage
13799 | })
13800 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
13801 | className: `${classPrefix$R}-image`
13802 | }, imageNode), React$1.createElement("div", {
13803 | className: `${classPrefix$R}-description`
13804 | }, ![void 0, null].includes(title) && React$1.createElement("div", {
13805 | className: `${classPrefix$R}-description-title`
13806 | }, title), ![void 0, null].includes(desc) && React$1.createElement("div", {
13807 | className: `${classPrefix$R}-description-subtitle`
13808 | }, desc)), props.children && React$1.createElement("div", {
13809 | className: `${classPrefix$R}-content`
13810 | }, props.children)));
13811 | };
13812 | return ErrorBlock2;
13813 | }
13814 | const defaultImage = React$1.createElement("svg", {
13815 | viewBox: "0 0 200 200",
13816 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
13817 | xmlnsXlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
13818 | }, React$1.createElement("defs", null, React$1.createElement("linearGradient", {
13819 | x1: "50%",
13820 | y1: "-116.862%",
13821 | x2: "50%",
13822 | y2: "90.764%",
13823 | id: "error-block-image-default-a"
13824 | }, React$1.createElement("stop", {
13825 | stopColor: "#72A7FD",
13826 | stopOpacity: 0.207,
13827 | offset: "0%"
13828 | }), React$1.createElement("stop", {
13829 | stopColor: "#72A7FD",
13830 | stopOpacity: 0.115,
13831 | offset: "80.072%"
13832 | }), React$1.createElement("stop", {
13833 | stopColor: "#72A7FD",
13834 | stopOpacity: 0,
13835 | offset: "100%"
13836 | })), React$1.createElement("circle", {
13837 | id: "error-block-image-default-d",
13838 | cx: 18.823,
13839 | cy: 18.823,
13840 | r: 18.823
13841 | }), React$1.createElement("rect", {
13842 | id: "error-block-image-default-b",
13843 | x: 3.5,
13844 | y: 9,
13845 | width: 51.429,
13846 | height: 88,
13847 | rx: 4.571
13848 | })), React$1.createElement("g", {
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14327 | const [innerValue, setInnerValue] = React$1.useState(props.offset === void 0 ? props.defaultOffset : props.offset);
14328 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
14329 | if (props.offset === void 0)
14330 | return;
14331 | api.start({
14332 | x: props.offset.x,
14333 | y: props.offset.y
14334 | });
14335 | }, [props.offset]);
14336 | const [{
14337 | x,
14338 | y,
14339 | opacity
14340 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
14341 | x: innerValue.x,
14342 | y: innerValue.y,
14343 | opacity: 1
14344 | }));
14345 | const bind = useDrag((state) => {
14346 | var _a;
14347 | let nextX = state.offset[0];
14348 | let nextY = state.offset[1];
14349 | if (state.last && props.magnetic) {
14350 | const boundary = boundaryRef.current;
14351 | const button = buttonRef.current;
14352 | if (!boundary || !button)
14353 | return;
14354 | const boundaryRect = boundary.getBoundingClientRect();
14355 | const buttonRect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
14356 | if (props.magnetic === "x") {
14357 | const compensation = x.goal - x.get();
14358 | const leftDistance = buttonRect.left + compensation - boundaryRect.left;
14359 | const rightDistance = boundaryRect.right - (buttonRect.right + compensation);
14360 | if (rightDistance <= leftDistance) {
14361 | nextX += rightDistance;
14362 | } else {
14363 | nextX -= leftDistance;
14364 | }
14365 | } else if (props.magnetic === "y") {
14366 | const compensation = y.goal - y.get();
14367 | const topDistance = buttonRect.top + compensation - boundaryRect.top;
14368 | const bottomDistance = boundaryRect.bottom - (buttonRect.bottom + compensation);
14369 | if (bottomDistance <= topDistance) {
14370 | nextY += bottomDistance;
14371 | } else {
14372 | nextY -= topDistance;
14373 | }
14374 | }
14375 | }
14376 | const nextOffest = {
14377 | x: nextX,
14378 | y: nextY
14379 | };
14380 | if (props.offset === void 0) {
14381 | api.start(nextOffest);
14382 | } else {
14383 | setInnerValue(nextOffest);
14384 | }
14385 | (_a = props.onOffsetChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, nextOffest);
14386 | api.start({
14387 | opacity: state.active ? 0.8 : 1
14388 | });
14389 | }, {
14390 | axis: props.axis === "xy" ? void 0 : props.axis,
14391 | pointer: {
14392 | touch: true
14393 | },
14394 |
14395 | filterTaps: true,
14396 |
14397 | bounds: boundaryRef,
14398 | from: () => [x.get(), y.get()]
14399 | });
14400 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
14401 | className: classPrefix$Q
14402 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
14403 | className: `${classPrefix$Q}-boundary-outer`
14404 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
14405 | className: `${classPrefix$Q}-boundary`,
14406 | ref: boundaryRef
14407 | })), React$1.createElement(animated.div, Object.assign({}, bind(), {
14408 | style: {
14409 | opacity,
14410 | transform: to([x, y], (x2, y2) => `translate(${x2}px, ${y2}px)`)
14411 | },
14412 | onClick: props.onClick,
14413 | className: `${classPrefix$Q}-button`,
14414 | ref: buttonRef
14415 | }), props.children)));
14416 | };
14417 | function nearest(arr, target) {
14418 | return arr.reduce((pre, cur) => {
14419 | return Math.abs(pre - target) < Math.abs(cur - target) ? pre : cur;
14420 | });
14421 | }
14422 | const classPrefix$P = "adm-floating-panel";
14423 | const defaultProps$C = {
14424 | handleDraggingOfContent: true
14425 | };
14426 | const FloatingPanel = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
14427 | var _a, _b;
14428 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$C, p);
14429 | const {
14430 | anchors
14431 | } = props;
14432 | const maxHeight = (_a = anchors[anchors.length - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : window.innerHeight;
14433 | const possibles = anchors.map((x) => -x);
14434 | const elementRef = React$1.useRef(null);
14435 | const headerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
14436 | const contentRef = React$1.useRef(null);
14437 | const [pulling, setPulling] = React$1.useState(false);
14438 | const pullingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
14439 | const bounds = {
14440 | top: possibles[possibles.length - 1],
14441 | bottom: possibles[0]
14442 | };
14443 | const onHeightChange = useMemoizedFn((_b = props.onHeightChange) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : () => {
14444 | });
14445 | const [{
14446 | y
14447 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
14448 | y: bounds.bottom,
14449 | config: {
14450 | tension: 300
14451 | },
14452 | onChange: (result) => {
14453 | onHeightChange(-result.value.y, y.isAnimating);
14454 | }
14455 | }));
14456 | useDrag((state) => {
14457 | const [, offsetY] = state.offset;
14458 | if (state.first) {
14459 | const target = state.event.target;
14460 | const header = headerRef.current;
14461 | if (header === target || (header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 : header.contains(target))) {
14462 | pullingRef.current = true;
14463 | } else {
14464 | if (!props.handleDraggingOfContent)
14465 | return;
14466 | const reachedTop = y.goal <= bounds.top;
14467 | const content = contentRef.current;
14468 | if (!content)
14469 | return;
14470 | if (reachedTop) {
14471 | if (content.scrollTop <= 0 && state.direction[1] > 0) {
14472 | pullingRef.current = true;
14473 | }
14474 | } else {
14475 | pullingRef.current = true;
14476 | }
14477 | }
14478 | }
14479 | setPulling(pullingRef.current);
14480 | if (!pullingRef.current)
14481 | return;
14482 | const {
14483 | event
14484 | } = state;
14485 | if (event.cancelable && supportsPassive) {
14486 | event.preventDefault();
14487 | }
14488 | event.stopPropagation();
14489 | let nextY = offsetY;
14490 | if (state.last) {
14491 | pullingRef.current = false;
14492 | setPulling(false);
14493 | nextY = nearest(possibles, offsetY);
14494 | }
14495 | api.start({
14496 | y: nextY
14497 | });
14498 | }, {
14499 | axis: "y",
14500 | bounds,
14501 | rubberband: true,
14502 | from: () => [0, y.get()],
14503 | pointer: {
14504 | touch: true
14505 | },
14506 | target: elementRef,
14507 | eventOptions: supportsPassive ? {
14508 | passive: false
14509 | } : void 0
14510 | });
14511 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
14512 | setHeight: (height, options) => {
14513 | api.start({
14514 | y: -height,
14515 | immediate: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.immediate
14516 | });
14517 | }
14518 | }), [api]);
14519 | useLockScroll(elementRef, true);
14520 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
14521 | ref: elementRef,
14522 | className: classPrefix$P,
14523 | style: {
14524 | height: Math.round(maxHeight),
14525 | translateY: y.to((y2) => `calc(100% + (${Math.round(y2)}px))`)
14526 | }
14527 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
14528 | className: `${classPrefix$P}-mask`,
14529 | style: {
14530 | display: pulling ? "block" : "none"
14531 | }
14532 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
14533 | className: `${classPrefix$P}-header`,
14534 | ref: headerRef
14535 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
14536 | className: `${classPrefix$P}-bar`
14537 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
14538 | className: `${classPrefix$P}-content`,
14539 | ref: contentRef
14540 | }, props.children)));
14541 | });
14542 | function _extends$1() {
14543 | _extends$1 = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) {
14544 | for (var i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
14545 | var source = arguments[i2];
14546 | for (var key in source) {
14547 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
14548 | target[key] = source[key];
14549 | }
14550 | }
14551 | }
14552 | return target;
14553 | };
14554 | return _extends$1.apply(this, arguments);
14555 | }
14556 | function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
14557 | if (source == null)
14558 | return {};
14559 | var target = {};
14560 | var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
14561 | var key, i2;
14562 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < sourceKeys.length; i2++) {
14563 | key = sourceKeys[i2];
14564 | if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0)
14565 | continue;
14566 | target[key] = source[key];
14567 | }
14568 | return target;
14569 | }
14570 | function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {
14571 | if (source == null)
14572 | return {};
14573 | var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);
14574 | var key, i2;
14575 | if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
14576 | var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);
14577 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i2++) {
14578 | key = sourceSymbolKeys[i2];
14579 | if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0)
14580 | continue;
14581 | if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key))
14582 | continue;
14583 | target[key] = source[key];
14584 | }
14585 | }
14586 | return target;
14587 | }
14588 | function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
14589 | if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
14590 | throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
14591 | }
14592 | }
14593 | function _defineProperties(target, props) {
14594 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < props.length; i2++) {
14595 | var descriptor = props[i2];
14596 | descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
14597 | descriptor.configurable = true;
14598 | if ("value" in descriptor)
14599 | descriptor.writable = true;
14600 | Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor);
14601 | }
14602 | }
14603 | function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
14604 | if (protoProps)
14605 | _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
14606 | if (staticProps)
14607 | _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
14608 | Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", {
14609 | writable: false
14610 | });
14611 | return Constructor;
14612 | }
14613 | function _assertThisInitialized(self2) {
14614 | if (self2 === void 0) {
14615 | throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
14616 | }
14617 | return self2;
14618 | }
14619 | function _setPrototypeOf$1(o, p) {
14620 | _setPrototypeOf$1 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
14621 | o2.__proto__ = p2;
14622 | return o2;
14623 | };
14624 | return _setPrototypeOf$1(o, p);
14625 | }
14626 | function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
14627 | if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
14628 | throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
14629 | }
14630 | subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
14631 | constructor: {
14632 | value: subClass,
14633 | writable: true,
14634 | configurable: true
14635 | }
14636 | });
14637 | Object.defineProperty(subClass, "prototype", {
14638 | writable: false
14639 | });
14640 | if (superClass)
14641 | _setPrototypeOf$1(subClass, superClass);
14642 | }
14643 | function _getPrototypeOf$1(o) {
14644 | _getPrototypeOf$1 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf2(o2) {
14645 | return o2.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o2);
14646 | };
14647 | return _getPrototypeOf$1(o);
14648 | }
14649 | function _isNativeReflectConstruct$1() {
14650 | if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct)
14651 | return false;
14652 | if (Reflect.construct.sham)
14653 | return false;
14654 | if (typeof Proxy === "function")
14655 | return true;
14656 | try {
14657 | Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() {
14658 | }));
14659 | return true;
14660 | } catch (e2) {
14661 | return false;
14662 | }
14663 | }
14664 | function _possibleConstructorReturn(self2, call2) {
14665 | if (call2 && (_typeof$1(call2) === "object" || typeof call2 === "function")) {
14666 | return call2;
14667 | } else if (call2 !== void 0) {
14668 | throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
14669 | }
14670 | return _assertThisInitialized(self2);
14671 | }
14672 | function _createSuper(Derived) {
14673 | var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct$1();
14674 | return function _createSuperInternal() {
14675 | var Super = _getPrototypeOf$1(Derived), result;
14676 | if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) {
14677 | var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf$1(this).constructor;
14678 | result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget);
14679 | } else {
14680 | result = Super.apply(this, arguments);
14681 | }
14682 | return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result);
14683 | };
14684 | }
14685 | function toArray$2(children) {
14686 | var option = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
14687 | var ret = [];
14688 | React$1.Children.forEach(children, function(child) {
14689 | if ((child === void 0 || child === null) && !option.keepEmpty) {
14690 | return;
14691 | }
14692 | if (Array.isArray(child)) {
14693 | ret = ret.concat(toArray$2(child));
14694 | } else if (reactIsExports.isFragment(child) && child.props) {
14695 | ret = ret.concat(toArray$2(child.props.children, option));
14696 | } else {
14697 | ret.push(child);
14698 | }
14699 | });
14700 | return ret;
14701 | }
14703 | var warningFunc$1 = function warningFunc2() {
14704 | warningOnce$1(false, "Can not find FormContext. Please make sure you wrap Field under Form.");
14705 | };
14706 | var Context$1 = React__namespace.createContext({
14707 | getFieldValue: warningFunc$1,
14708 | getFieldsValue: warningFunc$1,
14709 | getFieldError: warningFunc$1,
14710 | getFieldWarning: warningFunc$1,
14711 | getFieldsError: warningFunc$1,
14712 | isFieldsTouched: warningFunc$1,
14713 | isFieldTouched: warningFunc$1,
14714 | isFieldValidating: warningFunc$1,
14715 | isFieldsValidating: warningFunc$1,
14716 | resetFields: warningFunc$1,
14717 | setFields: warningFunc$1,
14718 | setFieldValue: warningFunc$1,
14719 | setFieldsValue: warningFunc$1,
14720 | validateFields: warningFunc$1,
14721 | submit: warningFunc$1,
14722 | getInternalHooks: function getInternalHooks() {
14723 | warningFunc$1();
14724 | return {
14725 | dispatch: warningFunc$1,
14726 | initEntityValue: warningFunc$1,
14727 | registerField: warningFunc$1,
14728 | useSubscribe: warningFunc$1,
14729 | setInitialValues: warningFunc$1,
14730 | destroyForm: warningFunc$1,
14731 | setCallbacks: warningFunc$1,
14732 | registerWatch: warningFunc$1,
14733 | getFields: warningFunc$1,
14734 | setValidateMessages: warningFunc$1,
14735 | setPreserve: warningFunc$1,
14736 | getInitialValue: warningFunc$1
14737 | };
14738 | }
14739 | });
14740 | function toArray$1(value) {
14741 | if (value === void 0 || value === null) {
14742 | return [];
14743 | }
14744 | return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
14745 | }
14746 | function _regeneratorRuntime() {
14747 | _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime2() {
14748 | return e2;
14749 | };
14750 | var t, e2 = {}, r = Object.prototype, n2 = r.hasOwnProperty, o = Object.defineProperty || function(t2, e3, r2) {
14751 | t2[e3] = r2.value;
14752 | }, i2 = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, a = i2.iterator || "@@iterator", c = i2.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", u = i2.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
14753 | function define2(t2, e3, r2) {
14754 | return Object.defineProperty(t2, e3, {
14755 | value: r2,
14756 | enumerable: true,
14757 | configurable: true,
14758 | writable: true
14759 | }), t2[e3];
14760 | }
14761 | try {
14762 | define2({}, "");
14763 | } catch (t2) {
14764 | define2 = function define3(t3, e3, r2) {
14765 | return t3[e3] = r2;
14766 | };
14767 | }
14768 | function wrap(t2, e3, r2, n3) {
14769 | var i3 = e3 && e3.prototype instanceof Generator ? e3 : Generator, a2 = Object.create(i3.prototype), c6 = new Context2(n3 || []);
14770 | return o(a2, "_invoke", {
14771 | value: makeInvokeMethod(t2, r2, c6)
14772 | }), a2;
14773 | }
14774 | function tryCatch(t2, e3, r2) {
14775 | try {
14776 | return {
14777 | type: "normal",
14778 | arg: t2.call(e3, r2)
14779 | };
14780 | } catch (t3) {
14781 | return {
14782 | type: "throw",
14783 | arg: t3
14784 | };
14785 | }
14786 | }
14787 | e2.wrap = wrap;
14788 | var h = "suspendedStart", l = "suspendedYield", f = "executing", s = "completed", y = {};
14789 | function Generator() {
14790 | }
14791 | function GeneratorFunction() {
14792 | }
14793 | function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {
14794 | }
14795 | var p = {};
14796 | define2(p, a, function() {
14797 | return this;
14798 | });
14799 | var d = Object.getPrototypeOf, v = d && d(d(values([])));
14800 | v && v !== r && n2.call(v, a) && (p = v);
14801 | var g = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(p);
14802 | function defineIteratorMethods(t2) {
14803 | ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(e3) {
14804 | define2(t2, e3, function(t3) {
14805 | return this._invoke(e3, t3);
14806 | });
14807 | });
14808 | }
14809 | function AsyncIterator(t2, e3) {
14810 | function invoke(r3, o2, i3, a2) {
14811 | var c6 = tryCatch(t2[r3], t2, o2);
14812 | if ("throw" !== c6.type) {
14813 | var u2 = c6.arg, h2 = u2.value;
14814 | return h2 && "object" == _typeof$1(h2) && n2.call(h2, "__await") ? e3.resolve(h2.__await).then(function(t3) {
14815 | invoke("next", t3, i3, a2);
14816 | }, function(t3) {
14817 | invoke("throw", t3, i3, a2);
14818 | }) : e3.resolve(h2).then(function(t3) {
14819 | u2.value = t3, i3(u2);
14820 | }, function(t3) {
14821 | return invoke("throw", t3, i3, a2);
14822 | });
14823 | }
14824 | a2(c6.arg);
14825 | }
14826 | var r2;
14827 | o(this, "_invoke", {
14828 | value: function value(t3, n3) {
14829 | function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
14830 | return new e3(function(e4, r3) {
14831 | invoke(t3, n3, e4, r3);
14832 | });
14833 | }
14834 | return r2 = r2 ? r2.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
14835 | }
14836 | });
14837 | }
14838 | function makeInvokeMethod(e3, r2, n3) {
14839 | var o2 = h;
14840 | return function(i3, a2) {
14841 | if (o2 === f)
14842 | throw new Error("Generator is already running");
14843 | if (o2 === s) {
14844 | if ("throw" === i3)
14845 | throw a2;
14846 | return {
14847 | value: t,
14848 | done: true
14849 | };
14850 | }
14851 | for (n3.method = i3, n3.arg = a2; ; ) {
14852 | var c6 = n3.delegate;
14853 | if (c6) {
14854 | var u2 = maybeInvokeDelegate(c6, n3);
14855 | if (u2) {
14856 | if (u2 === y)
14857 | continue;
14858 | return u2;
14859 | }
14860 | }
14861 | if ("next" === n3.method)
14862 | n3.sent = n3._sent = n3.arg;
14863 | else if ("throw" === n3.method) {
14864 | if (o2 === h)
14865 | throw o2 = s, n3.arg;
14866 | n3.dispatchException(n3.arg);
14867 | } else
14868 | "return" === n3.method && n3.abrupt("return", n3.arg);
14869 | o2 = f;
14870 | var p2 = tryCatch(e3, r2, n3);
14871 | if ("normal" === p2.type) {
14872 | if (o2 = n3.done ? s : l, p2.arg === y)
14873 | continue;
14874 | return {
14875 | value: p2.arg,
14876 | done: n3.done
14877 | };
14878 | }
14879 | "throw" === p2.type && (o2 = s, n3.method = "throw", n3.arg = p2.arg);
14880 | }
14881 | };
14882 | }
14883 | function maybeInvokeDelegate(e3, r2) {
14884 | var n3 = r2.method, o2 = e3.iterator[n3];
14885 | if (o2 === t)
14886 | return r2.delegate = null, "throw" === n3 && e3.iterator["return"] && (r2.method = "return", r2.arg = t, maybeInvokeDelegate(e3, r2), "throw" === r2.method) || "return" !== n3 && (r2.method = "throw", r2.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + n3 + "' method")), y;
14887 | var i3 = tryCatch(o2, e3.iterator, r2.arg);
14888 | if ("throw" === i3.type)
14889 | return r2.method = "throw", r2.arg = i3.arg, r2.delegate = null, y;
14890 | var a2 = i3.arg;
14891 | return a2 ? a2.done ? (r2[e3.resultName] = a2.value, r2.next = e3.nextLoc, "return" !== r2.method && (r2.method = "next", r2.arg = t), r2.delegate = null, y) : a2 : (r2.method = "throw", r2.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), r2.delegate = null, y);
14892 | }
14893 | function pushTryEntry(t2) {
14894 | var e3 = {
14895 | tryLoc: t2[0]
14896 | };
14897 | 1 in t2 && (e3.catchLoc = t2[1]), 2 in t2 && (e3.finallyLoc = t2[2], e3.afterLoc = t2[3]), this.tryEntries.push(e3);
14898 | }
14899 | function resetTryEntry(t2) {
14900 | var e3 = t2.completion || {};
14901 | e3.type = "normal", delete e3.arg, t2.completion = e3;
14902 | }
14903 | function Context2(t2) {
14904 | this.tryEntries = [{
14905 | tryLoc: "root"
14906 | }], t2.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(true);
14907 | }
14908 | function values(e3) {
14909 | if (e3 || "" === e3) {
14910 | var r2 = e3[a];
14911 | if (r2)
14912 | return r2.call(e3);
14913 | if ("function" == typeof e3.next)
14914 | return e3;
14915 | if (!isNaN(e3.length)) {
14916 | var o2 = -1, i3 = function next() {
14917 | for (; ++o2 < e3.length; )
14918 | if (n2.call(e3, o2))
14919 | return next.value = e3[o2], next.done = false, next;
14920 | return next.value = t, next.done = true, next;
14921 | };
14922 | return i3.next = i3;
14923 | }
14924 | }
14925 | throw new TypeError(_typeof$1(e3) + " is not iterable");
14926 | }
14927 | return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, o(g, "constructor", {
14928 | value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype,
14929 | configurable: true
14930 | }), o(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", {
14931 | value: GeneratorFunction,
14932 | configurable: true
14933 | }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define2(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, u, "GeneratorFunction"), e2.isGeneratorFunction = function(t2) {
14934 | var e3 = "function" == typeof t2 && t2.constructor;
14935 | return !!e3 && (e3 === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (e3.displayName || e3.name));
14936 | }, e2.mark = function(t2) {
14937 | return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t2, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (t2.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define2(t2, u, "GeneratorFunction")), t2.prototype = Object.create(g), t2;
14938 | }, e2.awrap = function(t2) {
14939 | return {
14940 | __await: t2
14941 | };
14942 | }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define2(AsyncIterator.prototype, c, function() {
14943 | return this;
14944 | }), e2.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, e2.async = function(t2, r2, n3, o2, i3) {
14945 | void 0 === i3 && (i3 = Promise);
14946 | var a2 = new AsyncIterator(wrap(t2, r2, n3, o2), i3);
14947 | return e2.isGeneratorFunction(r2) ? a2 : a2.next().then(function(t3) {
14948 | return t3.done ? t3.value : a2.next();
14949 | });
14950 | }, defineIteratorMethods(g), define2(g, u, "Generator"), define2(g, a, function() {
14951 | return this;
14952 | }), define2(g, "toString", function() {
14953 | return "[object Generator]";
14954 | }), e2.keys = function(t2) {
14955 | var e3 = Object(t2), r2 = [];
14956 | for (var n3 in e3)
14957 | r2.push(n3);
14958 | return r2.reverse(), function next() {
14959 | for (; r2.length; ) {
14960 | var t3 = r2.pop();
14961 | if (t3 in e3)
14962 | return next.value = t3, next.done = false, next;
14963 | }
14964 | return next.done = true, next;
14965 | };
14966 | }, e2.values = values, Context2.prototype = {
14967 | constructor: Context2,
14968 | reset: function reset(e3) {
14969 | if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = false, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = t, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !e3)
14970 | for (var r2 in this)
14971 | "t" === r2.charAt(0) && n2.call(this, r2) && !isNaN(+r2.slice(1)) && (this[r2] = t);
14972 | },
14973 | stop: function stop2() {
14974 | this.done = true;
14975 | var t2 = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
14976 | if ("throw" === t2.type)
14977 | throw t2.arg;
14978 | return this.rval;
14979 | },
14980 | dispatchException: function dispatchException(e3) {
14981 | if (this.done)
14982 | throw e3;
14983 | var r2 = this;
14984 | function handle(n3, o3) {
14985 | return a2.type = "throw", a2.arg = e3, r2.next = n3, o3 && (r2.method = "next", r2.arg = t), !!o3;
14986 | }
14987 | for (var o2 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o2 >= 0; --o2) {
14988 | var i3 = this.tryEntries[o2], a2 = i3.completion;
14989 | if ("root" === i3.tryLoc)
14990 | return handle("end");
14991 | if (i3.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
14992 | var c6 = n2.call(i3, "catchLoc"), u2 = n2.call(i3, "finallyLoc");
14993 | if (c6 && u2) {
14994 | if (this.prev < i3.catchLoc)
14995 | return handle(i3.catchLoc, true);
14996 | if (this.prev < i3.finallyLoc)
14997 | return handle(i3.finallyLoc);
14998 | } else if (c6) {
14999 | if (this.prev < i3.catchLoc)
15000 | return handle(i3.catchLoc, true);
15001 | } else {
15002 | if (!u2)
15003 | throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
15004 | if (this.prev < i3.finallyLoc)
15005 | return handle(i3.finallyLoc);
15006 | }
15007 | }
15008 | }
15009 | },
15010 | abrupt: function abrupt(t2, e3) {
15011 | for (var r2 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r2 >= 0; --r2) {
15012 | var o2 = this.tryEntries[r2];
15013 | if (o2.tryLoc <= this.prev && n2.call(o2, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o2.finallyLoc) {
15014 | var i3 = o2;
15015 | break;
15016 | }
15017 | }
15018 | i3 && ("break" === t2 || "continue" === t2) && i3.tryLoc <= e3 && e3 <= i3.finallyLoc && (i3 = null);
15019 | var a2 = i3 ? i3.completion : {};
15020 | return a2.type = t2, a2.arg = e3, i3 ? (this.method = "next", this.next = i3.finallyLoc, y) : this.complete(a2);
15021 | },
15022 | complete: function complete(t2, e3) {
15023 | if ("throw" === t2.type)
15024 | throw t2.arg;
15025 | return "break" === t2.type || "continue" === t2.type ? this.next = t2.arg : "return" === t2.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t2.arg, this.method = "return", this.next = "end") : "normal" === t2.type && e3 && (this.next = e3), y;
15026 | },
15027 | finish: function finish(t2) {
15028 | for (var e3 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e3 >= 0; --e3) {
15029 | var r2 = this.tryEntries[e3];
15030 | if (r2.finallyLoc === t2)
15031 | return this.complete(r2.completion, r2.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(r2), y;
15032 | }
15033 | },
15034 | "catch": function _catch(t2) {
15035 | for (var e3 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e3 >= 0; --e3) {
15036 | var r2 = this.tryEntries[e3];
15037 | if (r2.tryLoc === t2) {
15038 | var n3 = r2.completion;
15039 | if ("throw" === n3.type) {
15040 | var o2 = n3.arg;
15041 | resetTryEntry(r2);
15042 | }
15043 | return o2;
15044 | }
15045 | }
15046 | throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
15047 | },
15048 | delegateYield: function delegateYield(e3, r2, n3) {
15049 | return this.delegate = {
15050 | iterator: values(e3),
15051 | resultName: r2,
15052 | nextLoc: n3
15053 | }, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = t), y;
15054 | }
15055 | }, e2;
15056 | }
15057 | function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
15058 | try {
15059 | var info = gen[key](arg);
15060 | var value = info.value;
15061 | } catch (error) {
15062 | reject(error);
15063 | return;
15064 | }
15065 | if (info.done) {
15066 | resolve(value);
15067 | } else {
15068 | Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
15069 | }
15070 | }
15071 | function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
15072 | return function() {
15073 | var self2 = this, args = arguments;
15074 | return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
15075 | var gen = fn.apply(self2, args);
15076 | function _next(value) {
15077 | asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
15078 | }
15079 | function _throw(err) {
15080 | asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
15081 | }
15082 | _next(void 0);
15083 | });
15084 | };
15085 | }
15086 | function _extends() {
15087 | _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) {
15088 | for (var i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
15089 | var source = arguments[i2];
15090 | for (var key in source) {
15091 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
15092 | target[key] = source[key];
15093 | }
15094 | }
15095 | }
15096 | return target;
15097 | };
15098 | return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
15099 | }
15100 | function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
15101 | subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
15102 | subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
15103 | _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
15104 | }
15105 | function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
15106 | _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf2(o2) {
15107 | return o2.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o2);
15108 | };
15109 | return _getPrototypeOf(o);
15110 | }
15111 | function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
15112 | _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
15113 | o2.__proto__ = p2;
15114 | return o2;
15115 | };
15116 | return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
15117 | }
15118 | function _isNativeReflectConstruct() {
15119 | if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct)
15120 | return false;
15121 | if (Reflect.construct.sham)
15122 | return false;
15123 | if (typeof Proxy === "function")
15124 | return true;
15125 | try {
15126 | Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() {
15127 | }));
15128 | return true;
15129 | } catch (e2) {
15130 | return false;
15131 | }
15132 | }
15133 | function _construct(Parent, args, Class) {
15134 | if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) {
15135 | _construct = Reflect.construct.bind();
15136 | } else {
15137 | _construct = function _construct2(Parent2, args2, Class2) {
15138 | var a = [null];
15139 | a.push.apply(a, args2);
15140 | var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent2, a);
15141 | var instance = new Constructor();
15142 | if (Class2)
15143 | _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class2.prototype);
15144 | return instance;
15145 | };
15146 | }
15147 | return _construct.apply(null, arguments);
15148 | }
15149 | function _isNativeFunction(fn) {
15150 | return Function.toString.call(fn).indexOf("[native code]") !== -1;
15151 | }
15152 | function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) {
15153 | var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? new Map() : void 0;
15154 | _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper2(Class2) {
15155 | if (Class2 === null || !_isNativeFunction(Class2))
15156 | return Class2;
15157 | if (typeof Class2 !== "function") {
15158 | throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
15159 | }
15160 | if (typeof _cache !== "undefined") {
15161 | if (_cache.has(Class2))
15162 | return _cache.get(Class2);
15163 | _cache.set(Class2, Wrapper2);
15164 | }
15165 | function Wrapper2() {
15166 | return _construct(Class2, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor);
15167 | }
15168 | Wrapper2.prototype = Object.create(Class2.prototype, {
15169 | constructor: {
15170 | value: Wrapper2,
15171 | enumerable: false,
15172 | writable: true,
15173 | configurable: true
15174 | }
15175 | });
15176 | return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper2, Class2);
15177 | };
15178 | return _wrapNativeSuper(Class);
15179 | }
15180 | var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
15181 | var warning$2 = function warning2() {
15182 | };
15183 | if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env && true && typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined") {
15184 | warning$2 = function warning3(type4, errors) {
15185 | if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && typeof ASYNC_VALIDATOR_NO_WARNING === "undefined") {
15186 | if (errors.every(function(e2) {
15187 | return typeof e2 === "string";
15188 | })) {
15189 | console.warn(type4, errors);
15190 | }
15191 | }
15192 | };
15193 | }
15194 | function convertFieldsError(errors) {
15195 | if (!errors || !errors.length)
15196 | return null;
15197 | var fields = {};
15198 | errors.forEach(function(error) {
15199 | var field = error.field;
15200 | fields[field] = fields[field] || [];
15201 | fields[field].push(error);
15202 | });
15203 | return fields;
15204 | }
15205 | function format(template) {
15206 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
15207 | args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
15208 | }
15209 | var i2 = 0;
15210 | var len = args.length;
15211 | if (typeof template === "function") {
15212 | return template.apply(null, args);
15213 | }
15214 | if (typeof template === "string") {
15215 | var str = template.replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {
15216 | if (x === "%%") {
15217 | return "%";
15218 | }
15219 | if (i2 >= len) {
15220 | return x;
15221 | }
15222 | switch (x) {
15223 | case "%s":
15224 | return String(args[i2++]);
15225 | case "%d":
15226 | return Number(args[i2++]);
15227 | case "%j":
15228 | try {
15229 | return JSON.stringify(args[i2++]);
15230 | } catch (_) {
15231 | return "[Circular]";
15232 | }
15233 | break;
15234 | default:
15235 | return x;
15236 | }
15237 | });
15238 | return str;
15239 | }
15240 | return template;
15241 | }
15242 | function isNativeStringType(type4) {
15243 | return type4 === "string" || type4 === "url" || type4 === "hex" || type4 === "email" || type4 === "date" || type4 === "pattern";
15244 | }
15245 | function isEmptyValue(value, type4) {
15246 | if (value === void 0 || value === null) {
15247 | return true;
15248 | }
15249 | if (type4 === "array" && Array.isArray(value) && !value.length) {
15250 | return true;
15251 | }
15252 | if (isNativeStringType(type4) && typeof value === "string" && !value) {
15253 | return true;
15254 | }
15255 | return false;
15256 | }
15257 | function asyncParallelArray(arr, func, callback) {
15258 | var results = [];
15259 | var total = 0;
15260 | var arrLength = arr.length;
15261 | function count(errors) {
15262 | results.push.apply(results, errors || []);
15263 | total++;
15264 | if (total === arrLength) {
15265 | callback(results);
15266 | }
15267 | }
15268 | arr.forEach(function(a) {
15269 | func(a, count);
15270 | });
15271 | }
15272 | function asyncSerialArray(arr, func, callback) {
15273 | var index2 = 0;
15274 | var arrLength = arr.length;
15275 | function next(errors) {
15276 | if (errors && errors.length) {
15277 | callback(errors);
15278 | return;
15279 | }
15280 | var original = index2;
15281 | index2 = index2 + 1;
15282 | if (original < arrLength) {
15283 | func(arr[original], next);
15284 | } else {
15285 | callback([]);
15286 | }
15287 | }
15288 | next([]);
15289 | }
15290 | function flattenObjArr(objArr) {
15291 | var ret = [];
15292 | Object.keys(objArr).forEach(function(k) {
15293 | ret.push.apply(ret, objArr[k] || []);
15294 | });
15295 | return ret;
15296 | }
15297 | var AsyncValidationError = function(_Error) {
15298 | _inheritsLoose(AsyncValidationError2, _Error);
15299 | function AsyncValidationError2(errors, fields) {
15300 | var _this;
15301 | _this = _Error.call(this, "Async Validation Error") || this;
15302 | _this.errors = errors;
15303 | _this.fields = fields;
15304 | return _this;
15305 | }
15306 | return AsyncValidationError2;
15307 | }( _wrapNativeSuper(Error));
15308 | function asyncMap(objArr, option, func, callback, source) {
15309 | if (option.first) {
15310 | var _pending = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
15311 | var next = function next2(errors) {
15312 | callback(errors);
15313 | return errors.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(errors, convertFieldsError(errors))) : resolve(source);
15314 | };
15315 | var flattenArr = flattenObjArr(objArr);
15316 | asyncSerialArray(flattenArr, func, next);
15317 | });
15318 | _pending["catch"](function(e2) {
15319 | return e2;
15320 | });
15321 | return _pending;
15322 | }
15323 | var firstFields = option.firstFields === true ? Object.keys(objArr) : option.firstFields || [];
15324 | var objArrKeys = Object.keys(objArr);
15325 | var objArrLength = objArrKeys.length;
15326 | var total = 0;
15327 | var results = [];
15328 | var pending = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
15329 | var next = function next2(errors) {
15330 | results.push.apply(results, errors);
15331 | total++;
15332 | if (total === objArrLength) {
15333 | callback(results);
15334 | return results.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(results, convertFieldsError(results))) : resolve(source);
15335 | }
15336 | };
15337 | if (!objArrKeys.length) {
15338 | callback(results);
15339 | resolve(source);
15340 | }
15341 | objArrKeys.forEach(function(key) {
15342 | var arr = objArr[key];
15343 | if (firstFields.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
15344 | asyncSerialArray(arr, func, next);
15345 | } else {
15346 | asyncParallelArray(arr, func, next);
15347 | }
15348 | });
15349 | });
15350 | pending["catch"](function(e2) {
15351 | return e2;
15352 | });
15353 | return pending;
15354 | }
15355 | function isErrorObj(obj) {
15356 | return !!(obj && obj.message !== void 0);
15357 | }
15358 | function getValue$1(value, path) {
15359 | var v = value;
15360 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < path.length; i2++) {
15361 | if (v == void 0) {
15362 | return v;
15363 | }
15364 | v = v[path[i2]];
15365 | }
15366 | return v;
15367 | }
15368 | function complementError(rule, source) {
15369 | return function(oe) {
15370 | var fieldValue;
15371 | if (rule.fullFields) {
15372 | fieldValue = getValue$1(source, rule.fullFields);
15373 | } else {
15374 | fieldValue = source[oe.field || rule.fullField];
15375 | }
15376 | if (isErrorObj(oe)) {
15377 | oe.field = oe.field || rule.fullField;
15378 | oe.fieldValue = fieldValue;
15379 | return oe;
15380 | }
15381 | return {
15382 | message: typeof oe === "function" ? oe() : oe,
15383 | fieldValue,
15384 | field: oe.field || rule.fullField
15385 | };
15386 | };
15387 | }
15388 | function deepMerge(target, source) {
15389 | if (source) {
15390 | for (var s in source) {
15391 | if (source.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
15392 | var value = source[s];
15393 | if (typeof value === "object" && typeof target[s] === "object") {
15394 | target[s] = _extends({}, target[s], value);
15395 | } else {
15396 | target[s] = value;
15397 | }
15398 | }
15399 | }
15400 | }
15401 | return target;
15402 | }
15403 | var required$1 = function required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type4) {
15404 | if (rule.required && (!source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field) || isEmptyValue(value, type4 || rule.type))) {
15405 | errors.push(format(options.messages.required, rule.fullField));
15406 | }
15407 | };
15408 | var whitespace = function whitespace2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
15409 | if (/^\s+$/.test(value) || value === "") {
15410 | errors.push(format(options.messages.whitespace, rule.fullField));
15411 | }
15412 | };
15413 | var urlReg;
15414 | var getUrlRegex = function() {
15415 | if (urlReg) {
15416 | return urlReg;
15417 | }
15418 | var word = "[a-fA-F\\d:]";
15419 | var b = function b2(options) {
15420 | return options && options.includeBoundaries ? "(?:(?<=\\s|^)(?=" + word + ")|(?<=" + word + ")(?=\\s|$))" : "";
15421 | };
15422 | var v4 = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)){3}";
15423 | var v6seg = "[a-fA-F\\d]{1,4}";
15424 | var v6 = ("\n(?:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){7}(?:" + v6seg + "|:)| // 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:: 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){6}(?:" + v4 + "|:" + v6seg + "|:)| // 1:2:3:4:5:6:: 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){5}(?::" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,2}|:)| // 1:2:3:4:5:: 1:2:3:4:5::7:8 1:2:3:4:5::8 1:2:3:4:5::7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){4}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,1}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,3}|:)| // 1:2:3:4:: 1:2:3:4::6:7:8 1:2:3:4::8 1:2:3:4::6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){3}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,2}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,4}|:)| // 1:2:3:: 1:2:3::5:6:7:8 1:2:3::8 1:2:3::5:6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){2}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,3}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,5}|:)| // 1:2:: 1:2::4:5:6:7:8 1:2::8 1:2::4:5:6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){1}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,4}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,6}|:)| // 1:: 1::3:4:5:6:7:8 1::8 1::3:4:5:6:7:\n(?::(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,5}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,7}|:)) // ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::8 ::\n)(?:%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})? // %eth0 %1\n").replace(/\s*\/\/.*$/gm, "").replace(/\n/g, "").trim();
15425 | var v46Exact = new RegExp("(?:^" + v4 + "$)|(?:^" + v6 + "$)");
15426 | var v4exact = new RegExp("^" + v4 + "$");
15427 | var v6exact = new RegExp("^" + v6 + "$");
15428 | var ip = function ip2(options) {
15429 | return options && options.exact ? v46Exact : new RegExp("(?:" + b(options) + v4 + b(options) + ")|(?:" + b(options) + v6 + b(options) + ")", "g");
15430 | };
15431 | ip.v4 = function(options) {
15432 | return options && options.exact ? v4exact : new RegExp("" + b(options) + v4 + b(options), "g");
15433 | };
15434 | ip.v6 = function(options) {
15435 | return options && options.exact ? v6exact : new RegExp("" + b(options) + v6 + b(options), "g");
15436 | };
15437 | var protocol = "(?:(?:[a-z]+:)?//)";
15438 | var auth = "(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?";
15439 | var ipv4 = ip.v4().source;
15440 | var ipv6 = ip.v6().source;
15441 | var host2 = "(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9][-_]*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)";
15442 | var domain = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*";
15443 | var tld = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))";
15444 | var port = "(?::\\d{2,5})?";
15445 | var path = '(?:[/?#][^\\s"]*)?';
15446 | var regex = "(?:" + protocol + "|www\\.)" + auth + "(?:localhost|" + ipv4 + "|" + ipv6 + "|" + host2 + domain + tld + ")" + port + path;
15447 | urlReg = new RegExp("(?:^" + regex + "$)", "i");
15448 | return urlReg;
15449 | };
15450 | var pattern$2 = {
15451 |
15452 | email: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+\.)+[a-zA-Z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]{2,}))$/,
15453 |
15454 |
15455 |
15456 |
15457 | hex: /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i
15458 | };
15459 | var types = {
15460 | integer: function integer(value) {
15461 | return types.number(value) && parseInt(value, 10) === value;
15462 | },
15463 | "float": function float(value) {
15464 | return types.number(value) && !types.integer(value);
15465 | },
15466 | array: function array(value) {
15467 | return Array.isArray(value);
15468 | },
15469 | regexp: function regexp(value) {
15470 | if (value instanceof RegExp) {
15471 | return true;
15472 | }
15473 | try {
15474 | return !!new RegExp(value);
15475 | } catch (e2) {
15476 | return false;
15477 | }
15478 | },
15479 | date: function date(value) {
15480 | return typeof value.getTime === "function" && typeof value.getMonth === "function" && typeof value.getYear === "function" && !isNaN(value.getTime());
15481 | },
15482 | number: function number(value) {
15483 | if (isNaN(value)) {
15484 | return false;
15485 | }
15486 | return typeof value === "number";
15487 | },
15488 | object: function object(value) {
15489 | return typeof value === "object" && !types.array(value);
15490 | },
15491 | method: function method(value) {
15492 | return typeof value === "function";
15493 | },
15494 | email: function email(value) {
15495 | return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 320 && !!value.match(pattern$2.email);
15496 | },
15497 | url: function url(value) {
15498 | return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 2048 && !!value.match(getUrlRegex());
15499 | },
15500 | hex: function hex(value) {
15501 | return typeof value === "string" && !!value.match(pattern$2.hex);
15502 | }
15503 | };
15504 | var type$1 = function type(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
15505 | if (rule.required && value === void 0) {
15506 | required$1(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15507 | return;
15508 | }
15509 | var custom = ["integer", "float", "array", "regexp", "object", "method", "email", "number", "date", "url", "hex"];
15510 | var ruleType = rule.type;
15511 | if (custom.indexOf(ruleType) > -1) {
15512 | if (!types[ruleType](value)) {
15513 | errors.push(format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
15514 | }
15515 | } else if (ruleType && typeof value !== rule.type) {
15516 | errors.push(format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
15517 | }
15518 | };
15519 | var range = function range2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
15520 | var len = typeof rule.len === "number";
15521 | var min2 = typeof rule.min === "number";
15522 | var max2 = typeof rule.max === "number";
15523 | var spRegexp = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
15524 | var val = value;
15525 | var key = null;
15526 | var num = typeof value === "number";
15527 | var str = typeof value === "string";
15528 | var arr = Array.isArray(value);
15529 | if (num) {
15530 | key = "number";
15531 | } else if (str) {
15532 | key = "string";
15533 | } else if (arr) {
15534 | key = "array";
15535 | }
15536 | if (!key) {
15537 | return false;
15538 | }
15539 | if (arr) {
15540 | val = value.length;
15541 | }
15542 | if (str) {
15543 | val = value.replace(spRegexp, "_").length;
15544 | }
15545 | if (len) {
15546 | if (val !== rule.len) {
15547 | errors.push(format(options.messages[key].len, rule.fullField, rule.len));
15548 | }
15549 | } else if (min2 && !max2 && val < rule.min) {
15550 | errors.push(format(options.messages[key].min, rule.fullField, rule.min));
15551 | } else if (max2 && !min2 && val > rule.max) {
15552 | errors.push(format(options.messages[key].max, rule.fullField, rule.max));
15553 | } else if (min2 && max2 && (val < rule.min || val > rule.max)) {
15554 | errors.push(format(options.messages[key].range, rule.fullField, rule.min, rule.max));
15555 | }
15556 | };
15557 | var ENUM$1 = "enum";
15558 | var enumerable$1 = function enumerable(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
15559 | rule[ENUM$1] = Array.isArray(rule[ENUM$1]) ? rule[ENUM$1] : [];
15560 | if (rule[ENUM$1].indexOf(value) === -1) {
15561 | errors.push(format(options.messages[ENUM$1], rule.fullField, rule[ENUM$1].join(", ")));
15562 | }
15563 | };
15564 | var pattern$1 = function pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
15565 | if (rule.pattern) {
15566 | if (rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
15567 | rule.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
15568 | if (!rule.pattern.test(value)) {
15569 | errors.push(format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
15570 | }
15571 | } else if (typeof rule.pattern === "string") {
15572 | var _pattern = new RegExp(rule.pattern);
15573 | if (!_pattern.test(value)) {
15574 | errors.push(format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
15575 | }
15576 | }
15577 | }
15578 | };
15579 | var rules = {
15580 | required: required$1,
15581 | whitespace,
15582 | type: type$1,
15583 | range,
15584 | "enum": enumerable$1,
15585 | pattern: pattern$1
15586 | };
15587 | var string = function string2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15588 | var errors = [];
15589 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15590 | if (validate) {
15591 | if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) {
15592 | return callback();
15593 | }
15594 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "string");
15595 | if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) {
15596 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15597 | rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15598 | rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15599 | if (rule.whitespace === true) {
15600 | rules.whitespace(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15601 | }
15602 | }
15603 | }
15604 | callback(errors);
15605 | };
15606 | var method2 = function method3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15607 | var errors = [];
15608 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15609 | if (validate) {
15610 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15611 | return callback();
15612 | }
15613 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15614 | if (value !== void 0) {
15615 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15616 | }
15617 | }
15618 | callback(errors);
15619 | };
15620 | var number2 = function number3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15621 | var errors = [];
15622 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15623 | if (validate) {
15624 | if (value === "") {
15625 | value = void 0;
15626 | }
15627 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15628 | return callback();
15629 | }
15630 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15631 | if (value !== void 0) {
15632 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15633 | rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15634 | }
15635 | }
15636 | callback(errors);
15637 | };
15638 | var _boolean = function _boolean2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15639 | var errors = [];
15640 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15641 | if (validate) {
15642 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15643 | return callback();
15644 | }
15645 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15646 | if (value !== void 0) {
15647 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15648 | }
15649 | }
15650 | callback(errors);
15651 | };
15652 | var regexp2 = function regexp3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15653 | var errors = [];
15654 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15655 | if (validate) {
15656 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15657 | return callback();
15658 | }
15659 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15660 | if (!isEmptyValue(value)) {
15661 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15662 | }
15663 | }
15664 | callback(errors);
15665 | };
15666 | var integer2 = function integer3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15667 | var errors = [];
15668 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15669 | if (validate) {
15670 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15671 | return callback();
15672 | }
15673 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15674 | if (value !== void 0) {
15675 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15676 | rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15677 | }
15678 | }
15679 | callback(errors);
15680 | };
15681 | var floatFn = function floatFn2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15682 | var errors = [];
15683 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15684 | if (validate) {
15685 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15686 | return callback();
15687 | }
15688 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15689 | if (value !== void 0) {
15690 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15691 | rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15692 | }
15693 | }
15694 | callback(errors);
15695 | };
15696 | var array2 = function array3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15697 | var errors = [];
15698 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15699 | if (validate) {
15700 | if ((value === void 0 || value === null) && !rule.required) {
15701 | return callback();
15702 | }
15703 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "array");
15704 | if (value !== void 0 && value !== null) {
15705 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15706 | rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15707 | }
15708 | }
15709 | callback(errors);
15710 | };
15711 | var object2 = function object3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15712 | var errors = [];
15713 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15714 | if (validate) {
15715 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15716 | return callback();
15717 | }
15718 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15719 | if (value !== void 0) {
15720 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15721 | }
15722 | }
15723 | callback(errors);
15724 | };
15725 | var ENUM = "enum";
15726 | var enumerable2 = function enumerable3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15727 | var errors = [];
15728 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15729 | if (validate) {
15730 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15731 | return callback();
15732 | }
15733 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15734 | if (value !== void 0) {
15735 | rules[ENUM](rule, value, source, errors, options);
15736 | }
15737 | }
15738 | callback(errors);
15739 | };
15740 | var pattern2 = function pattern3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15741 | var errors = [];
15742 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15743 | if (validate) {
15744 | if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) {
15745 | return callback();
15746 | }
15747 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15748 | if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) {
15749 | rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15750 | }
15751 | }
15752 | callback(errors);
15753 | };
15754 | var date2 = function date3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15755 | var errors = [];
15756 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15757 | if (validate) {
15758 | if (isEmptyValue(value, "date") && !rule.required) {
15759 | return callback();
15760 | }
15761 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15762 | if (!isEmptyValue(value, "date")) {
15763 | var dateObject;
15764 | if (value instanceof Date) {
15765 | dateObject = value;
15766 | } else {
15767 | dateObject = new Date(value);
15768 | }
15769 | rules.type(rule, dateObject, source, errors, options);
15770 | if (dateObject) {
15771 | rules.range(rule, dateObject.getTime(), source, errors, options);
15772 | }
15773 | }
15774 | }
15775 | callback(errors);
15776 | };
15777 | var required2 = function required3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15778 | var errors = [];
15779 | var type4 = Array.isArray(value) ? "array" : typeof value;
15780 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type4);
15781 | callback(errors);
15782 | };
15783 | var type2 = function type3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15784 | var ruleType = rule.type;
15785 | var errors = [];
15786 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15787 | if (validate) {
15788 | if (isEmptyValue(value, ruleType) && !rule.required) {
15789 | return callback();
15790 | }
15791 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, ruleType);
15792 | if (!isEmptyValue(value, ruleType)) {
15793 | rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15794 | }
15795 | }
15796 | callback(errors);
15797 | };
15798 | var any = function any2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
15799 | var errors = [];
15800 | var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
15801 | if (validate) {
15802 | if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
15803 | return callback();
15804 | }
15805 | rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
15806 | }
15807 | callback(errors);
15808 | };
15809 | var validators = {
15810 | string,
15811 | method: method2,
15812 | number: number2,
15813 | "boolean": _boolean,
15814 | regexp: regexp2,
15815 | integer: integer2,
15816 | "float": floatFn,
15817 | array: array2,
15818 | object: object2,
15819 | "enum": enumerable2,
15820 | pattern: pattern2,
15821 | date: date2,
15822 | url: type2,
15823 | hex: type2,
15824 | email: type2,
15825 | required: required2,
15826 | any
15827 | };
15828 | function newMessages() {
15829 | return {
15830 | "default": "Validation error on field %s",
15831 | required: "%s is required",
15832 | "enum": "%s must be one of %s",
15833 | whitespace: "%s cannot be empty",
15834 | date: {
15835 | format: "%s date %s is invalid for format %s",
15836 | parse: "%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ",
15837 | invalid: "%s date %s is invalid"
15838 | },
15839 | types: {
15840 | string: "%s is not a %s",
15841 | method: "%s is not a %s (function)",
15842 | array: "%s is not an %s",
15843 | object: "%s is not an %s",
15844 | number: "%s is not a %s",
15845 | date: "%s is not a %s",
15846 | "boolean": "%s is not a %s",
15847 | integer: "%s is not an %s",
15848 | "float": "%s is not a %s",
15849 | regexp: "%s is not a valid %s",
15850 | email: "%s is not a valid %s",
15851 | url: "%s is not a valid %s",
15852 | hex: "%s is not a valid %s"
15853 | },
15854 | string: {
15855 | len: "%s must be exactly %s characters",
15856 | min: "%s must be at least %s characters",
15857 | max: "%s cannot be longer than %s characters",
15858 | range: "%s must be between %s and %s characters"
15859 | },
15860 | number: {
15861 | len: "%s must equal %s",
15862 | min: "%s cannot be less than %s",
15863 | max: "%s cannot be greater than %s",
15864 | range: "%s must be between %s and %s"
15865 | },
15866 | array: {
15867 | len: "%s must be exactly %s in length",
15868 | min: "%s cannot be less than %s in length",
15869 | max: "%s cannot be greater than %s in length",
15870 | range: "%s must be between %s and %s in length"
15871 | },
15872 | pattern: {
15873 | mismatch: "%s value %s does not match pattern %s"
15874 | },
15875 | clone: function clone() {
15876 | var cloned = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));
15877 | cloned.clone = this.clone;
15878 | return cloned;
15879 | }
15880 | };
15881 | }
15882 | var messages = newMessages();
15883 | var Schema = function() {
15884 | function Schema2(descriptor) {
15885 | this.rules = null;
15886 | this._messages = messages;
15887 | this.define(descriptor);
15888 | }
15889 | var _proto = Schema2.prototype;
15890 | _proto.define = function define2(rules2) {
15891 | var _this = this;
15892 | if (!rules2) {
15893 | throw new Error("Cannot configure a schema with no rules");
15894 | }
15895 | if (typeof rules2 !== "object" || Array.isArray(rules2)) {
15896 | throw new Error("Rules must be an object");
15897 | }
15898 | this.rules = {};
15899 | Object.keys(rules2).forEach(function(name) {
15900 | var item = rules2[name];
15901 | _this.rules[name] = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
15902 | });
15903 | };
15904 | _proto.messages = function messages2(_messages) {
15905 | if (_messages) {
15906 | this._messages = deepMerge(newMessages(), _messages);
15907 | }
15908 | return this._messages;
15909 | };
15910 | _proto.validate = function validate(source_, o, oc) {
15911 | var _this2 = this;
15912 | if (o === void 0) {
15913 | o = {};
15914 | }
15915 | if (oc === void 0) {
15916 | oc = function oc2() {
15917 | };
15918 | }
15919 | var source = source_;
15920 | var options = o;
15921 | var callback = oc;
15922 | if (typeof options === "function") {
15923 | callback = options;
15924 | options = {};
15925 | }
15926 | if (!this.rules || Object.keys(this.rules).length === 0) {
15927 | if (callback) {
15928 | callback(null, source);
15929 | }
15930 | return Promise.resolve(source);
15931 | }
15932 | function complete(results) {
15933 | var errors = [];
15934 | var fields = {};
15935 | function add(e2) {
15936 | if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
15937 | var _errors;
15938 | errors = (_errors = errors).concat.apply(_errors, e2);
15939 | } else {
15940 | errors.push(e2);
15941 | }
15942 | }
15943 | for (var i2 = 0; i2 < results.length; i2++) {
15944 | add(results[i2]);
15945 | }
15946 | if (!errors.length) {
15947 | callback(null, source);
15948 | } else {
15949 | fields = convertFieldsError(errors);
15950 | callback(errors, fields);
15951 | }
15952 | }
15953 | if (options.messages) {
15954 | var messages$1 = this.messages();
15955 | if (messages$1 === messages) {
15956 | messages$1 = newMessages();
15957 | }
15958 | deepMerge(messages$1, options.messages);
15959 | options.messages = messages$1;
15960 | } else {
15961 | options.messages = this.messages();
15962 | }
15963 | var series = {};
15964 | var keys = options.keys || Object.keys(this.rules);
15965 | keys.forEach(function(z) {
15966 | var arr = _this2.rules[z];
15967 | var value = source[z];
15968 | arr.forEach(function(r) {
15969 | var rule = r;
15970 | if (typeof rule.transform === "function") {
15971 | if (source === source_) {
15972 | source = _extends({}, source);
15973 | }
15974 | value = source[z] = rule.transform(value);
15975 | }
15976 | if (typeof rule === "function") {
15977 | rule = {
15978 | validator: rule
15979 | };
15980 | } else {
15981 | rule = _extends({}, rule);
15982 | }
15983 | rule.validator = _this2.getValidationMethod(rule);
15984 | if (!rule.validator) {
15985 | return;
15986 | }
15987 | rule.field = z;
15988 | rule.fullField = rule.fullField || z;
15989 | rule.type = _this2.getType(rule);
15990 | series[z] = series[z] || [];
15991 | series[z].push({
15992 | rule,
15993 | value,
15994 | source,
15995 | field: z
15996 | });
15997 | });
15998 | });
15999 | var errorFields = {};
16000 | return asyncMap(series, options, function(data, doIt) {
16001 | var rule = data.rule;
16002 | var deep = (rule.type === "object" || rule.type === "array") && (typeof rule.fields === "object" || typeof rule.defaultField === "object");
16003 | deep = deep && (rule.required || !rule.required && data.value);
16004 | rule.field = data.field;
16005 | function addFullField(key, schema) {
16006 | return _extends({}, schema, {
16007 | fullField: rule.fullField + "." + key,
16008 | fullFields: rule.fullFields ? [].concat(rule.fullFields, [key]) : [key]
16009 | });
16010 | }
16011 | function cb(e2) {
16012 | if (e2 === void 0) {
16013 | e2 = [];
16014 | }
16015 | var errorList = Array.isArray(e2) ? e2 : [e2];
16016 | if (!options.suppressWarning && errorList.length) {
16017 | Schema2.warning("async-validator:", errorList);
16018 | }
16019 | if (errorList.length && rule.message !== void 0) {
16020 | errorList = [].concat(rule.message);
16021 | }
16022 | var filledErrors = errorList.map(complementError(rule, source));
16023 | if (options.first && filledErrors.length) {
16024 | errorFields[rule.field] = 1;
16025 | return doIt(filledErrors);
16026 | }
16027 | if (!deep) {
16028 | doIt(filledErrors);
16029 | } else {
16030 | if (rule.required && !data.value) {
16031 | if (rule.message !== void 0) {
16032 | filledErrors = [].concat(rule.message).map(complementError(rule, source));
16033 | } else if (options.error) {
16034 | filledErrors = [options.error(rule, format(options.messages.required, rule.field))];
16035 | }
16036 | return doIt(filledErrors);
16037 | }
16038 | var fieldsSchema = {};
16039 | if (rule.defaultField) {
16040 | Object.keys(data.value).map(function(key) {
16041 | fieldsSchema[key] = rule.defaultField;
16042 | });
16043 | }
16044 | fieldsSchema = _extends({}, fieldsSchema, data.rule.fields);
16045 | var paredFieldsSchema = {};
16046 | Object.keys(fieldsSchema).forEach(function(field) {
16047 | var fieldSchema = fieldsSchema[field];
16048 | var fieldSchemaList = Array.isArray(fieldSchema) ? fieldSchema : [fieldSchema];
16049 | paredFieldsSchema[field] = fieldSchemaList.map(addFullField.bind(null, field));
16050 | });
16051 | var schema = new Schema2(paredFieldsSchema);
16052 | schema.messages(options.messages);
16053 | if (data.rule.options) {
16054 | data.rule.options.messages = options.messages;
16055 | data.rule.options.error = options.error;
16056 | }
16057 | schema.validate(data.value, data.rule.options || options, function(errs) {
16058 | var finalErrors = [];
16059 | if (filledErrors && filledErrors.length) {
16060 | finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, filledErrors);
16061 | }
16062 | if (errs && errs.length) {
16063 | finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, errs);
16064 | }
16065 | doIt(finalErrors.length ? finalErrors : null);
16066 | });
16067 | }
16068 | }
16069 | var res;
16070 | if (rule.asyncValidator) {
16071 | res = rule.asyncValidator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
16072 | } else if (rule.validator) {
16073 | try {
16074 | res = rule.validator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
16075 | } catch (error) {
16076 | console.error == null ? void 0 : console.error(error);
16077 | if (!options.suppressValidatorError) {
16078 | setTimeout(function() {
16079 | throw error;
16080 | }, 0);
16081 | }
16082 | cb(error.message);
16083 | }
16084 | if (res === true) {
16085 | cb();
16086 | } else if (res === false) {
16087 | cb(typeof rule.message === "function" ? rule.message(rule.fullField || rule.field) : rule.message || (rule.fullField || rule.field) + " fails");
16088 | } else if (res instanceof Array) {
16089 | cb(res);
16090 | } else if (res instanceof Error) {
16091 | cb(res.message);
16092 | }
16093 | }
16094 | if (res && res.then) {
16095 | res.then(function() {
16096 | return cb();
16097 | }, function(e2) {
16098 | return cb(e2);
16099 | });
16100 | }
16101 | }, function(results) {
16102 | complete(results);
16103 | }, source);
16104 | };
16105 | _proto.getType = function getType(rule) {
16106 | if (rule.type === void 0 && rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
16107 | rule.type = "pattern";
16108 | }
16109 | if (typeof rule.validator !== "function" && rule.type && !validators.hasOwnProperty(rule.type)) {
16110 | throw new Error(format("Unknown rule type %s", rule.type));
16111 | }
16112 | return rule.type || "string";
16113 | };
16114 | _proto.getValidationMethod = function getValidationMethod(rule) {
16115 | if (typeof rule.validator === "function") {
16116 | return rule.validator;
16117 | }
16118 | var keys = Object.keys(rule);
16119 | var messageIndex = keys.indexOf("message");
16120 | if (messageIndex !== -1) {
16121 | keys.splice(messageIndex, 1);
16122 | }
16123 | if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "required") {
16124 | return validators.required;
16125 | }
16126 | return validators[this.getType(rule)] || void 0;
16127 | };
16128 | return Schema2;
16129 | }();
16130 | Schema.register = function register(type4, validator) {
16131 | if (typeof validator !== "function") {
16132 | throw new Error("Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function");
16133 | }
16134 | validators[type4] = validator;
16135 | };
16136 | Schema.warning = warning$2;
16137 | Schema.messages = messages;
16138 | Schema.validators = validators;
16139 | var typeTemplate = "'${name}' is not a valid ${type}";
16140 | var defaultValidateMessages = {
16141 | default: "Validation error on field '${name}'",
16142 | required: "'${name}' is required",
16143 | enum: "'${name}' must be one of [${enum}]",
16144 | whitespace: "'${name}' cannot be empty",
16145 | date: {
16146 | format: "'${name}' is invalid for format date",
16147 | parse: "'${name}' could not be parsed as date",
16148 | invalid: "'${name}' is invalid date"
16149 | },
16150 | types: {
16151 | string: typeTemplate,
16152 | method: typeTemplate,
16153 | array: typeTemplate,
16154 | object: typeTemplate,
16155 | number: typeTemplate,
16156 | date: typeTemplate,
16157 | boolean: typeTemplate,
16158 | integer: typeTemplate,
16159 | float: typeTemplate,
16160 | regexp: typeTemplate,
16161 | email: typeTemplate,
16162 | url: typeTemplate,
16163 | hex: typeTemplate
16164 | },
16165 | string: {
16166 | len: "'${name}' must be exactly ${len} characters",
16167 | min: "'${name}' must be at least ${min} characters",
16168 | max: "'${name}' cannot be longer than ${max} characters",
16169 | range: "'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max} characters"
16170 | },
16171 | number: {
16172 | len: "'${name}' must equal ${len}",
16173 | min: "'${name}' cannot be less than ${min}",
16174 | max: "'${name}' cannot be greater than ${max}",
16175 | range: "'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max}"
16176 | },
16177 | array: {
16178 | len: "'${name}' must be exactly ${len} in length",
16179 | min: "'${name}' cannot be less than ${min} in length",
16180 | max: "'${name}' cannot be greater than ${max} in length",
16181 | range: "'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max} in length"
16182 | },
16183 | pattern: {
16184 | mismatch: "'${name}' does not match pattern ${pattern}"
16185 | }
16186 | };
16187 | function cloneDeep(val) {
16188 | if (Array.isArray(val)) {
16189 | return cloneArrayDeep(val);
16190 | } else if (_typeof$1(val) === "object" && val !== null) {
16191 | return cloneObjectDeep(val);
16192 | }
16193 | return val;
16194 | }
16195 | function cloneObjectDeep(val) {
16196 | if (Object.getPrototypeOf(val) === Object.prototype) {
16197 | var res = {};
16198 | for (var key in val) {
16199 | res[key] = cloneDeep(val[key]);
16200 | }
16201 | return res;
16202 | }
16203 | return val;
16204 | }
16205 | function cloneArrayDeep(val) {
16206 | return val.map(function(item) {
16207 | return cloneDeep(item);
16208 | });
16209 | }
16210 | function getNamePath(path) {
16211 | return toArray$1(path);
16212 | }
16213 | function getValue(store, namePath) {
16214 | var value = get(store, namePath);
16215 | return value;
16216 | }
16217 | function setValue(store, namePath, value) {
16218 | var removeIfUndefined = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : false;
16219 | var newStore = set(store, namePath, value, removeIfUndefined);
16220 | return newStore;
16221 | }
16222 | function cloneByNamePathList(store, namePathList) {
16223 | var newStore = {};
16224 | namePathList.forEach(function(namePath) {
16225 | var value = getValue(store, namePath);
16226 | newStore = setValue(newStore, namePath, value);
16227 | });
16228 | return newStore;
16229 | }
16230 | function containsNamePath(namePathList, namePath) {
16231 | return namePathList && namePathList.some(function(path) {
16232 | return matchNamePath(path, namePath);
16233 | });
16234 | }
16235 | function isObject(obj) {
16236 | return _typeof$1(obj) === "object" && obj !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype;
16237 | }
16238 | function internalSetValues(store, values) {
16239 | var newStore = Array.isArray(store) ? _toConsumableArray(store) : _objectSpread2({}, store);
16240 | if (!values) {
16241 | return newStore;
16242 | }
16243 | Object.keys(values).forEach(function(key) {
16244 | var prevValue = newStore[key];
16245 | var value = values[key];
16246 | var recursive = isObject(prevValue) && isObject(value);
16247 | newStore[key] = recursive ? internalSetValues(prevValue, value || {}) : cloneDeep(value);
16248 | });
16249 | return newStore;
16250 | }
16251 | function setValues(store) {
16252 | for (var _len = arguments.length, restValues = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
16253 | restValues[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
16254 | }
16255 | return restValues.reduce(function(current, newStore) {
16256 | return internalSetValues(current, newStore);
16257 | }, store);
16258 | }
16259 | function matchNamePath(namePath, changedNamePath) {
16260 | if (!namePath || !changedNamePath || namePath.length !== changedNamePath.length) {
16261 | return false;
16262 | }
16263 | return namePath.every(function(nameUnit, i2) {
16264 | return changedNamePath[i2] === nameUnit;
16265 | });
16266 | }
16267 | function isSimilar(source, target) {
16268 | if (source === target) {
16269 | return true;
16270 | }
16271 | if (!source && target || source && !target) {
16272 | return false;
16273 | }
16274 | if (!source || !target || _typeof$1(source) !== "object" || _typeof$1(target) !== "object") {
16275 | return false;
16276 | }
16277 | var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
16278 | var targetKeys = Object.keys(target);
16279 | var keys = new Set([].concat(sourceKeys, targetKeys));
16280 | return _toConsumableArray(keys).every(function(key) {
16281 | var sourceValue = source[key];
16282 | var targetValue = target[key];
16283 | if (typeof sourceValue === "function" && typeof targetValue === "function") {
16284 | return true;
16285 | }
16286 | return sourceValue === targetValue;
16287 | });
16288 | }
16289 | function defaultGetValueFromEvent(valuePropName) {
16290 | var event = arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1];
16291 | if (event && event.target && _typeof$1(event.target) === "object" && valuePropName in event.target) {
16292 | return event.target[valuePropName];
16293 | }
16294 | return event;
16295 | }
16296 | function move(array, moveIndex, toIndex) {
16297 | var length = array.length;
16298 | if (moveIndex < 0 || moveIndex >= length || toIndex < 0 || toIndex >= length) {
16299 | return array;
16300 | }
16301 | var item = array[moveIndex];
16302 | var diff = moveIndex - toIndex;
16303 | if (diff > 0) {
16304 | return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(array.slice(0, toIndex)), [item], _toConsumableArray(array.slice(toIndex, moveIndex)), _toConsumableArray(array.slice(moveIndex + 1, length)));
16305 | }
16306 | if (diff < 0) {
16307 | return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(array.slice(0, moveIndex)), _toConsumableArray(array.slice(moveIndex + 1, toIndex + 1)), [item], _toConsumableArray(array.slice(toIndex + 1, length)));
16308 | }
16309 | return array;
16310 | }
16311 | var AsyncValidator = Schema;
16312 | function replaceMessage(template, kv) {
16313 | return template.replace(/\$\{\w+\}/g, function(str) {
16314 | var key = str.slice(2, -1);
16315 | return kv[key];
16316 | });
16317 | }
16319 | function validateRule(_x, _x2, _x3, _x4, _x5) {
16320 | return _validateRule.apply(this, arguments);
16321 | }
16322 | function _validateRule() {
16323 | _validateRule = _asyncToGenerator( _regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee2(name, value, rule, options, messageVariables) {
16324 | var cloneRule, originValidator, subRuleField, validator, messages2, result, subResults, kv, fillVariableResult;
16325 | return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
16326 | while (1)
16327 | switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
16328 | case 0:
16329 | cloneRule = _objectSpread2({}, rule);
16330 | delete cloneRule.ruleIndex;
16331 | if (cloneRule.validator) {
16332 | originValidator = cloneRule.validator;
16333 | cloneRule.validator = function() {
16334 | try {
16335 | return originValidator.apply(void 0, arguments);
16336 | } catch (error) {
16337 | console.error(error);
16338 | return Promise.reject(CODE_LOGIC_ERROR);
16339 | }
16340 | };
16341 | }
16342 | subRuleField = null;
16343 | if (cloneRule && cloneRule.type === "array" && cloneRule.defaultField) {
16344 | subRuleField = cloneRule.defaultField;
16345 | delete cloneRule.defaultField;
16346 | }
16347 | validator = new AsyncValidator(_defineProperty({}, name, [cloneRule]));
16348 | messages2 = setValues({}, defaultValidateMessages, options.validateMessages);
16349 | validator.messages(messages2);
16350 | result = [];
16351 | _context2.prev = 9;
16352 | _context2.next = 12;
16353 | return Promise.resolve(validator.validate(_defineProperty({}, name, value), _objectSpread2({}, options)));
16354 | case 12:
16355 | _context2.next = 17;
16356 | break;
16357 | case 14:
16358 | _context2.prev = 14;
16359 | _context2.t0 = _context2["catch"](9);
16360 | if (_context2.t0.errors) {
16361 | result = _context2.t0.errors.map(function(_ref4, index2) {
16362 | var message = _ref4.message;
16363 | var mergedMessage = message === CODE_LOGIC_ERROR ? messages2.default : message;
16364 | return React__namespace.isValidElement(mergedMessage) ? (
16365 |
16366 | React__namespace.cloneElement(mergedMessage, {
16367 | key: "error_".concat(index2)
16368 | })
16369 | ) : mergedMessage;
16370 | });
16371 | }
16372 | case 17:
16373 | if (!(!result.length && subRuleField)) {
16374 | _context2.next = 22;
16375 | break;
16376 | }
16377 | _context2.next = 20;
16378 | return Promise.all(value.map(function(subValue, i2) {
16379 | return validateRule("".concat(name, ".").concat(i2), subValue, subRuleField, options, messageVariables);
16380 | }));
16381 | case 20:
16382 | subResults = _context2.sent;
16383 | return _context2.abrupt("return", subResults.reduce(function(prev, errors) {
16384 | return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(prev), _toConsumableArray(errors));
16385 | }, []));
16386 | case 22:
16387 | kv = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
16388 | name,
16389 | enum: (rule.enum || []).join(", ")
16390 | }, messageVariables);
16391 | fillVariableResult = result.map(function(error) {
16392 | if (typeof error === "string") {
16393 | return replaceMessage(error, kv);
16394 | }
16395 | return error;
16396 | });
16397 | return _context2.abrupt("return", fillVariableResult);
16398 | case 25:
16399 | case "end":
16400 | return _context2.stop();
16401 | }
16402 | }, _callee2, null, [[9, 14]]);
16403 | }));
16404 | return _validateRule.apply(this, arguments);
16405 | }
16406 | function validateRules(namePath, value, rules2, options, validateFirst, messageVariables) {
16407 | var name = namePath.join(".");
16408 | var filledRules = rules2.map(function(currentRule, ruleIndex) {
16409 | var originValidatorFunc = currentRule.validator;
16410 | var cloneRule = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, currentRule), {}, {
16411 | ruleIndex
16412 | });
16413 | if (originValidatorFunc) {
16414 | cloneRule.validator = function(rule, val, callback) {
16415 | var hasPromise = false;
16416 | var wrappedCallback = function wrappedCallback2() {
16417 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
16418 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
16419 | }
16420 | Promise.resolve().then(function() {
16421 | warningOnce$1(!hasPromise, "Your validator function has already return a promise. `callback` will be ignored.");
16422 | if (!hasPromise) {
16423 | callback.apply(void 0, args);
16424 | }
16425 | });
16426 | };
16427 | var promise = originValidatorFunc(rule, val, wrappedCallback);
16428 | hasPromise = promise && typeof promise.then === "function" && typeof promise.catch === "function";
16429 | warningOnce$1(hasPromise, "`callback` is deprecated. Please return a promise instead.");
16430 | if (hasPromise) {
16431 | promise.then(function() {
16432 | callback();
16433 | }).catch(function(err) {
16434 | callback(err || " ");
16435 | });
16436 | }
16437 | };
16438 | }
16439 | return cloneRule;
16440 | }).sort(function(_ref, _ref2) {
16441 | var w1 = _ref.warningOnly, i1 = _ref.ruleIndex;
16442 | var w2 = _ref2.warningOnly, i2 = _ref2.ruleIndex;
16443 | if (!!w1 === !!w2) {
16444 | return i1 - i2;
16445 | }
16446 | if (w1) {
16447 | return 1;
16448 | }
16449 | return -1;
16450 | });
16451 | var summaryPromise;
16452 | if (validateFirst === true) {
16453 | summaryPromise = new Promise( function() {
16454 | var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator( _regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee(resolve, reject) {
16455 | var i2, rule, errors;
16456 | return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
16457 | while (1)
16458 | switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
16459 | case 0:
16460 | i2 = 0;
16461 | case 1:
16462 | if (!(i2 < filledRules.length)) {
16463 | _context.next = 12;
16464 | break;
16465 | }
16466 | rule = filledRules[i2];
16467 | _context.next = 5;
16468 | return validateRule(name, value, rule, options, messageVariables);
16469 | case 5:
16470 | errors = _context.sent;
16471 | if (!errors.length) {
16472 | _context.next = 9;
16473 | break;
16474 | }
16475 | reject([{
16476 | errors,
16477 | rule
16478 | }]);
16479 | return _context.abrupt("return");
16480 | case 9:
16481 | i2 += 1;
16482 | _context.next = 1;
16483 | break;
16484 | case 12:
16485 | resolve([]);
16486 | case 13:
16487 | case "end":
16488 | return _context.stop();
16489 | }
16490 | }, _callee);
16491 | }));
16492 | return function(_x6, _x7) {
16493 | return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);
16494 | };
16495 | }());
16496 | } else {
16497 | var rulePromises = filledRules.map(function(rule) {
16498 | return validateRule(name, value, rule, options, messageVariables).then(function(errors) {
16499 | return {
16500 | errors,
16501 | rule
16502 | };
16503 | });
16504 | });
16505 | summaryPromise = (validateFirst ? finishOnFirstFailed(rulePromises) : finishOnAllFailed(rulePromises)).then(function(errors) {
16506 | return Promise.reject(errors);
16507 | });
16508 | }
16509 | summaryPromise.catch(function(e2) {
16510 | return e2;
16511 | });
16512 | return summaryPromise;
16513 | }
16514 | function finishOnAllFailed(_x8) {
16515 | return _finishOnAllFailed.apply(this, arguments);
16516 | }
16517 | function _finishOnAllFailed() {
16518 | _finishOnAllFailed = _asyncToGenerator( _regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee3(rulePromises) {
16519 | return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
16520 | while (1)
16521 | switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
16522 | case 0:
16523 | return _context3.abrupt("return", Promise.all(rulePromises).then(function(errorsList) {
16524 | var _ref5;
16525 | var errors = (_ref5 = []).concat.apply(_ref5, _toConsumableArray(errorsList));
16526 | return errors;
16527 | }));
16528 | case 1:
16529 | case "end":
16530 | return _context3.stop();
16531 | }
16532 | }, _callee3);
16533 | }));
16534 | return _finishOnAllFailed.apply(this, arguments);
16535 | }
16536 | function finishOnFirstFailed(_x9) {
16537 | return _finishOnFirstFailed.apply(this, arguments);
16538 | }
16539 | function _finishOnFirstFailed() {
16540 | _finishOnFirstFailed = _asyncToGenerator( _regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee4(rulePromises) {
16541 | var count;
16542 | return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
16543 | while (1)
16544 | switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
16545 | case 0:
16546 | count = 0;
16547 | return _context4.abrupt("return", new Promise(function(resolve) {
16548 | rulePromises.forEach(function(promise) {
16549 | promise.then(function(ruleError) {
16550 | if (ruleError.errors.length) {
16551 | resolve([ruleError]);
16552 | }
16553 | count += 1;
16554 | if (count === rulePromises.length) {
16555 | resolve([]);
16556 | }
16557 | });
16558 | });
16559 | }));
16560 | case 2:
16561 | case "end":
16562 | return _context4.stop();
16563 | }
16564 | }, _callee4);
16565 | }));
16566 | return _finishOnFirstFailed.apply(this, arguments);
16567 | }
16568 | var _excluded$2 = ["name"];
16569 | var EMPTY_ERRORS = [];
16570 | function requireUpdate(shouldUpdate, prev, next, prevValue, nextValue, info) {
16571 | if (typeof shouldUpdate === "function") {
16572 | return shouldUpdate(prev, next, "source" in info ? {
16573 | source: info.source
16574 | } : {});
16575 | }
16576 | return prevValue !== nextValue;
16577 | }
16578 | var Field = function(_React$Component) {
16579 | _inherits(Field2, _React$Component);
16580 | var _super = _createSuper(Field2);
16581 | function Field2(props) {
16582 | var _this;
16583 | _classCallCheck(this, Field2);
16584 | _this = _super.call(this, props);
16585 | _this.state = {
16586 | resetCount: 0
16587 | };
16588 | _this.cancelRegisterFunc = null;
16589 | _this.mounted = false;
16590 | _this.touched = false;
16591 | _this.dirty = false;
16592 | _this.validatePromise = null;
16593 | _this.prevValidating = void 0;
16594 | _this.errors = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16595 | _this.warnings = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16596 | _this.cancelRegister = function() {
16597 | var _this$props = _this.props, preserve = _this$props.preserve, isListField = _this$props.isListField, name = _this$props.name;
16598 | if (_this.cancelRegisterFunc) {
16599 | _this.cancelRegisterFunc(isListField, preserve, getNamePath(name));
16600 | }
16601 | _this.cancelRegisterFunc = null;
16602 | };
16603 | _this.getNamePath = function() {
16604 | var _this$props2 = _this.props, name = _this$props2.name, fieldContext = _this$props2.fieldContext;
16605 | var _fieldContext$prefixN = fieldContext.prefixName, prefixName = _fieldContext$prefixN === void 0 ? [] : _fieldContext$prefixN;
16606 | return name !== void 0 ? [].concat(_toConsumableArray(prefixName), _toConsumableArray(name)) : [];
16607 | };
16608 | _this.getRules = function() {
16609 | var _this$props3 = _this.props, _this$props3$rules = _this$props3.rules, rules2 = _this$props3$rules === void 0 ? [] : _this$props3$rules, fieldContext = _this$props3.fieldContext;
16610 | return rules2.map(function(rule) {
16611 | if (typeof rule === "function") {
16612 | return rule(fieldContext);
16613 | }
16614 | return rule;
16615 | });
16616 | };
16617 | _this.refresh = function() {
16618 | if (!_this.mounted)
16619 | return;
16620 | _this.setState(function(_ref) {
16621 | var resetCount = _ref.resetCount;
16622 | return {
16623 | resetCount: resetCount + 1
16624 | };
16625 | });
16626 | };
16627 | _this.triggerMetaEvent = function(destroy) {
16628 | var onMetaChange = _this.props.onMetaChange;
16629 | onMetaChange === null || onMetaChange === void 0 ? void 0 : onMetaChange(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, _this.getMeta()), {}, {
16630 | destroy
16631 | }));
16632 | };
16633 | _this.onStoreChange = function(prevStore, namePathList, info) {
16634 | var _this$props4 = _this.props, shouldUpdate = _this$props4.shouldUpdate, _this$props4$dependen = _this$props4.dependencies, dependencies = _this$props4$dependen === void 0 ? [] : _this$props4$dependen, onReset = _this$props4.onReset;
16635 | var store = info.store;
16636 | var namePath = _this.getNamePath();
16637 | var prevValue = _this.getValue(prevStore);
16638 | var curValue = _this.getValue(store);
16639 | var namePathMatch = namePathList && containsNamePath(namePathList, namePath);
16640 | if (info.type === "valueUpdate" && info.source === "external" && prevValue !== curValue) {
16641 | _this.touched = true;
16642 | _this.dirty = true;
16643 | _this.validatePromise = null;
16644 | _this.errors = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16645 | _this.warnings = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16646 | _this.triggerMetaEvent();
16647 | }
16648 | switch (info.type) {
16649 | case "reset":
16650 | if (!namePathList || namePathMatch) {
16651 | _this.touched = false;
16652 | _this.dirty = false;
16653 | _this.validatePromise = null;
16654 | _this.errors = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16655 | _this.warnings = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16656 | _this.triggerMetaEvent();
16657 | onReset === null || onReset === void 0 ? void 0 : onReset();
16658 | _this.refresh();
16659 | return;
16660 | }
16661 | break;
16662 | case "remove": {
16663 | if (shouldUpdate) {
16664 | _this.reRender();
16665 | return;
16666 | }
16667 | break;
16668 | }
16669 | case "setField": {
16670 | if (namePathMatch) {
16671 | var data = info.data;
16672 | if ("touched" in data) {
16673 | _this.touched = data.touched;
16674 | }
16675 | if ("validating" in data && !("originRCField" in data)) {
16676 | _this.validatePromise = data.validating ? Promise.resolve([]) : null;
16677 | }
16678 | if ("errors" in data) {
16679 | _this.errors = data.errors || EMPTY_ERRORS;
16680 | }
16681 | if ("warnings" in data) {
16682 | _this.warnings = data.warnings || EMPTY_ERRORS;
16683 | }
16684 | _this.dirty = true;
16685 | _this.triggerMetaEvent();
16686 | _this.reRender();
16687 | return;
16688 | }
16689 | if (shouldUpdate && !namePath.length && requireUpdate(shouldUpdate, prevStore, store, prevValue, curValue, info)) {
16690 | _this.reRender();
16691 | return;
16692 | }
16693 | break;
16694 | }
16695 | case "dependenciesUpdate": {
16696 | var dependencyList = dependencies.map(getNamePath);
16697 | if (dependencyList.some(function(dependency) {
16698 | return containsNamePath(info.relatedFields, dependency);
16699 | })) {
16700 | _this.reRender();
16701 | return;
16702 | }
16703 | break;
16704 | }
16705 | default:
16706 | if (namePathMatch || (!dependencies.length || namePath.length || shouldUpdate) && requireUpdate(shouldUpdate, prevStore, store, prevValue, curValue, info)) {
16707 | _this.reRender();
16708 | return;
16709 | }
16710 | break;
16711 | }
16712 | if (shouldUpdate === true) {
16713 | _this.reRender();
16714 | }
16715 | };
16716 | _this.validateRules = function(options) {
16717 | var namePath = _this.getNamePath();
16718 | var currentValue = _this.getValue();
16719 | var rootPromise = Promise.resolve().then(function() {
16720 | if (!_this.mounted) {
16721 | return [];
16722 | }
16723 | var _this$props5 = _this.props, _this$props5$validate = _this$props5.validateFirst, validateFirst = _this$props5$validate === void 0 ? false : _this$props5$validate, messageVariables = _this$props5.messageVariables;
16724 | var _ref2 = options || {}, triggerName = _ref2.triggerName;
16725 | var filteredRules = _this.getRules();
16726 | if (triggerName) {
16727 | filteredRules = filteredRules.filter(function(rule) {
16728 | return rule;
16729 | }).filter(function(rule) {
16730 | var validateTrigger = rule.validateTrigger;
16731 | if (!validateTrigger) {
16732 | return true;
16733 | }
16734 | var triggerList = toArray$1(validateTrigger);
16735 | return triggerList.includes(triggerName);
16736 | });
16737 | }
16738 | var promise = validateRules(namePath, currentValue, filteredRules, options, validateFirst, messageVariables);
16739 | promise.catch(function(e2) {
16740 | return e2;
16741 | }).then(function() {
16742 | var ruleErrors = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : EMPTY_ERRORS;
16743 | if (_this.validatePromise === rootPromise) {
16744 | var _ruleErrors$forEach;
16745 | _this.validatePromise = null;
16746 | var nextErrors = [];
16747 | var nextWarnings = [];
16748 | (_ruleErrors$forEach = ruleErrors.forEach) === null || _ruleErrors$forEach === void 0 ? void 0 : _ruleErrors$forEach.call(ruleErrors, function(_ref3) {
16749 | var warningOnly = _ref3.rule.warningOnly, _ref3$errors = _ref3.errors, errors = _ref3$errors === void 0 ? EMPTY_ERRORS : _ref3$errors;
16750 | if (warningOnly) {
16751 | nextWarnings.push.apply(nextWarnings, _toConsumableArray(errors));
16752 | } else {
16753 | nextErrors.push.apply(nextErrors, _toConsumableArray(errors));
16754 | }
16755 | });
16756 | _this.errors = nextErrors;
16757 | _this.warnings = nextWarnings;
16758 | _this.triggerMetaEvent();
16759 | _this.reRender();
16760 | }
16761 | });
16762 | return promise;
16763 | });
16764 | _this.validatePromise = rootPromise;
16765 | _this.dirty = true;
16766 | _this.errors = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16767 | _this.warnings = EMPTY_ERRORS;
16768 | _this.triggerMetaEvent();
16769 | _this.reRender();
16770 | return rootPromise;
16771 | };
16772 | _this.isFieldValidating = function() {
16773 | return !!_this.validatePromise;
16774 | };
16775 | _this.isFieldTouched = function() {
16776 | return _this.touched;
16777 | };
16778 | _this.isFieldDirty = function() {
16779 | if (_this.dirty || _this.props.initialValue !== void 0) {
16780 | return true;
16781 | }
16782 | var fieldContext = _this.props.fieldContext;
16783 | var _fieldContext$getInte = fieldContext.getInternalHooks(HOOK_MARK$1), getInitialValue = _fieldContext$getInte.getInitialValue;
16784 | if (getInitialValue(_this.getNamePath()) !== void 0) {
16785 | return true;
16786 | }
16787 | return false;
16788 | };
16789 | _this.getErrors = function() {
16790 | return _this.errors;
16791 | };
16792 | _this.getWarnings = function() {
16793 | return _this.warnings;
16794 | };
16795 | _this.isListField = function() {
16796 | return _this.props.isListField;
16797 | };
16798 | _this.isList = function() {
16799 | return _this.props.isList;
16800 | };
16801 | _this.isPreserve = function() {
16802 | return _this.props.preserve;
16803 | };
16804 | _this.getMeta = function() {
16805 | _this.prevValidating = _this.isFieldValidating();
16806 | var meta = {
16807 | touched: _this.isFieldTouched(),
16808 | validating: _this.prevValidating,
16809 | errors: _this.errors,
16810 | warnings: _this.warnings,
16811 | name: _this.getNamePath()
16812 | };
16813 | return meta;
16814 | };
16815 | _this.getOnlyChild = function(children) {
16816 | if (typeof children === "function") {
16817 | var meta = _this.getMeta();
16818 | return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, _this.getOnlyChild(children(_this.getControlled(), meta, _this.props.fieldContext))), {}, {
16819 | isFunction: true
16820 | });
16821 | }
16822 | var childList = toArray$2(children);
16823 | if (childList.length !== 1 || ! React__namespace.isValidElement(childList[0])) {
16824 | return {
16825 | child: childList,
16826 | isFunction: false
16827 | };
16828 | }
16829 | return {
16830 | child: childList[0],
16831 | isFunction: false
16832 | };
16833 | };
16834 | _this.getValue = function(store) {
16835 | var getFieldsValue = _this.props.fieldContext.getFieldsValue;
16836 | var namePath = _this.getNamePath();
16837 | return getValue(store || getFieldsValue(true), namePath);
16838 | };
16839 | _this.getControlled = function() {
16840 | var childProps = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
16841 | var _this$props6 = _this.props, trigger = _this$props6.trigger, validateTrigger = _this$props6.validateTrigger, getValueFromEvent = _this$props6.getValueFromEvent, normalize2 = _this$props6.normalize, valuePropName = _this$props6.valuePropName, getValueProps = _this$props6.getValueProps, fieldContext = _this$props6.fieldContext;
16842 | var mergedValidateTrigger = validateTrigger !== void 0 ? validateTrigger : fieldContext.validateTrigger;
16843 | var namePath = _this.getNamePath();
16844 | var getInternalHooks2 = fieldContext.getInternalHooks, getFieldsValue = fieldContext.getFieldsValue;
16845 | var _getInternalHooks = getInternalHooks2(HOOK_MARK$1), dispatch = _getInternalHooks.dispatch;
16846 | var value = _this.getValue();
16847 | var mergedGetValueProps = getValueProps || function(val) {
16848 | return _defineProperty({}, valuePropName, val);
16849 | };
16850 | var originTriggerFunc = childProps[trigger];
16851 | var control = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, childProps), mergedGetValueProps(value));
16852 | control[trigger] = function() {
16853 | _this.touched = true;
16854 | _this.dirty = true;
16855 | _this.triggerMetaEvent();
16856 | var newValue;
16857 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
16858 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
16859 | }
16860 | if (getValueFromEvent) {
16861 | newValue = getValueFromEvent.apply(void 0, args);
16862 | } else {
16863 | newValue = defaultGetValueFromEvent.apply(void 0, [valuePropName].concat(args));
16864 | }
16865 | if (normalize2) {
16866 | newValue = normalize2(newValue, value, getFieldsValue(true));
16867 | }
16868 | dispatch({
16869 | type: "updateValue",
16870 | namePath,
16871 | value: newValue
16872 | });
16873 | if (originTriggerFunc) {
16874 | originTriggerFunc.apply(void 0, args);
16875 | }
16876 | };
16877 | var validateTriggerList = toArray$1(mergedValidateTrigger || []);
16878 | validateTriggerList.forEach(function(triggerName) {
16879 | var originTrigger = control[triggerName];
16880 | control[triggerName] = function() {
16881 | if (originTrigger) {
16882 | originTrigger.apply(void 0, arguments);
16883 | }
16884 | var rules2 = _this.props.rules;
16885 | if (rules2 && rules2.length) {
16886 | dispatch({
16887 | type: "validateField",
16888 | namePath,
16889 | triggerName
16890 | });
16891 | }
16892 | };
16893 | });
16894 | return control;
16895 | };
16896 | if (props.fieldContext) {
16897 | var getInternalHooks = props.fieldContext.getInternalHooks;
16898 | var _getInternalHooks2 = getInternalHooks(HOOK_MARK$1), initEntityValue = _getInternalHooks2.initEntityValue;
16899 | initEntityValue(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
16900 | }
16901 | return _this;
16902 | }
16903 | _createClass(Field2, [{
16904 | key: "componentDidMount",
16905 | value: function componentDidMount() {
16906 | var _this$props7 = this.props, shouldUpdate = _this$props7.shouldUpdate, fieldContext = _this$props7.fieldContext;
16907 | this.mounted = true;
16908 | if (fieldContext) {
16909 | var getInternalHooks = fieldContext.getInternalHooks;
16910 | var _getInternalHooks3 = getInternalHooks(HOOK_MARK$1), registerField = _getInternalHooks3.registerField;
16911 | this.cancelRegisterFunc = registerField(this);
16912 | }
16913 | if (shouldUpdate === true) {
16914 | this.reRender();
16915 | }
16916 | }
16917 | }, {
16918 | key: "componentWillUnmount",
16919 | value: function componentWillUnmount() {
16920 | this.cancelRegister();
16921 | this.triggerMetaEvent(true);
16922 | this.mounted = false;
16923 | }
16924 | }, {
16925 | key: "reRender",
16926 | value: function reRender() {
16927 | if (!this.mounted)
16928 | return;
16929 | this.forceUpdate();
16930 | }
16931 | }, {
16932 | key: "render",
16933 | value: function render2() {
16934 | var resetCount = this.state.resetCount;
16935 | var children = this.props.children;
16936 | var _this$getOnlyChild = this.getOnlyChild(children), child = _this$getOnlyChild.child, isFunction2 = _this$getOnlyChild.isFunction;
16937 | var returnChildNode;
16938 | if (isFunction2) {
16939 | returnChildNode = child;
16940 | } else if ( React__namespace.isValidElement(child)) {
16941 | returnChildNode = React__namespace.cloneElement(child, this.getControlled(child.props));
16942 | } else {
16943 | warningOnce$1(!child, "`children` of Field is not validate ReactElement.");
16944 | returnChildNode = child;
16945 | }
16946 | return React__namespace.createElement(React__namespace.Fragment, {
16947 | key: resetCount
16948 | }, returnChildNode);
16949 | }
16950 | }]);
16951 | return Field2;
16952 | }(React__namespace.Component);
16953 | Field.contextType = Context$1;
16954 | Field.defaultProps = {
16955 | trigger: "onChange",
16956 | valuePropName: "value"
16957 | };
16958 | function WrapperField(_ref5) {
16959 | var name = _ref5.name, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref5, _excluded$2);
16960 | var fieldContext = React__namespace.useContext(Context$1);
16961 | var namePath = name !== void 0 ? getNamePath(name) : void 0;
16962 | var key = "keep";
16963 | if (!restProps.isListField) {
16964 | key = "_".concat((namePath || []).join("_"));
16965 | }
16966 | if (restProps.preserve === false && restProps.isListField && namePath.length <= 1) {
16967 | warningOnce$1(false, "`preserve` should not apply on Form.List fields.");
16968 | }
16969 | return React__namespace.createElement(Field, _extends$1({
16970 | key,
16971 | name: namePath
16972 | }, restProps, {
16973 | fieldContext
16974 | }));
16975 | }
16976 | var ListContext = React__namespace.createContext(null);
16977 | var List = function List2(_ref) {
16978 | var name = _ref.name, initialValue = _ref.initialValue, children = _ref.children, rules2 = _ref.rules, validateTrigger = _ref.validateTrigger;
16979 | var context = React__namespace.useContext(Context$1);
16980 | var keyRef = React__namespace.useRef({
16981 | keys: [],
16982 | id: 0
16983 | });
16984 | var keyManager = keyRef.current;
16985 | var prefixName = React__namespace.useMemo(function() {
16986 | var parentPrefixName = getNamePath(context.prefixName) || [];
16987 | return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(parentPrefixName), _toConsumableArray(getNamePath(name)));
16988 | }, [context.prefixName, name]);
16989 | var fieldContext = React__namespace.useMemo(function() {
16990 | return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, context), {}, {
16991 | prefixName
16992 | });
16993 | }, [context, prefixName]);
16994 | var listContext = React__namespace.useMemo(function() {
16995 | return {
16996 | getKey: function getKey(namePath) {
16997 | var len = prefixName.length;
16998 | var pathName = namePath[len];
16999 | return [keyManager.keys[pathName], namePath.slice(len + 1)];
17000 | }
17001 | };
17002 | }, [prefixName]);
17003 | if (typeof children !== "function") {
17004 | warningOnce$1(false, "Form.List only accepts function as children.");
17005 | return null;
17006 | }
17007 | var shouldUpdate = function shouldUpdate2(prevValue, nextValue, _ref2) {
17008 | var source = _ref2.source;
17009 | if (source === "internal") {
17010 | return false;
17011 | }
17012 | return prevValue !== nextValue;
17013 | };
17014 | return React__namespace.createElement(ListContext.Provider, {
17015 | value: listContext
17016 | }, React__namespace.createElement(Context$1.Provider, {
17017 | value: fieldContext
17018 | }, React__namespace.createElement(WrapperField, {
17019 | name: [],
17020 | shouldUpdate,
17021 | rules: rules2,
17022 | validateTrigger,
17023 | initialValue,
17024 | isList: true
17025 | }, function(_ref3, meta) {
17026 | var _ref3$value = _ref3.value, value = _ref3$value === void 0 ? [] : _ref3$value, onChange = _ref3.onChange;
17027 | var getFieldValue = context.getFieldValue;
17028 | var getNewValue = function getNewValue2() {
17029 | var values = getFieldValue(prefixName || []);
17030 | return values || [];
17031 | };
17032 | var operations = {
17033 | add: function add(defaultValue, index2) {
17034 | var newValue = getNewValue();
17035 | if (index2 >= 0 && index2 <= newValue.length) {
17036 | keyManager.keys = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(keyManager.keys.slice(0, index2)), [keyManager.id], _toConsumableArray(keyManager.keys.slice(index2)));
17037 | onChange([].concat(_toConsumableArray(newValue.slice(0, index2)), [defaultValue], _toConsumableArray(newValue.slice(index2))));
17038 | } else {
17039 | if (index2 < 0 || index2 > newValue.length) {
17040 | warningOnce$1(false, "The second parameter of the add function should be a valid positive number.");
17041 | }
17042 | keyManager.keys = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(keyManager.keys), [keyManager.id]);
17043 | onChange([].concat(_toConsumableArray(newValue), [defaultValue]));
17044 | }
17045 | keyManager.id += 1;
17046 | },
17047 | remove: function remove(index2) {
17048 | var newValue = getNewValue();
17049 | var indexSet = new Set(Array.isArray(index2) ? index2 : [index2]);
17050 | if (indexSet.size <= 0) {
17051 | return;
17052 | }
17053 | keyManager.keys = keyManager.keys.filter(function(_, keysIndex) {
17054 | return !indexSet.has(keysIndex);
17055 | });
17056 | onChange(newValue.filter(function(_, valueIndex) {
17057 | return !indexSet.has(valueIndex);
17058 | }));
17059 | },
17060 | move: function move$1(from, to2) {
17061 | if (from === to2) {
17062 | return;
17063 | }
17064 | var newValue = getNewValue();
17065 | if (from < 0 || from >= newValue.length || to2 < 0 || to2 >= newValue.length) {
17066 | return;
17067 | }
17068 | keyManager.keys = move(keyManager.keys, from, to2);
17069 | onChange(move(newValue, from, to2));
17070 | }
17071 | };
17072 | var listValue = value || [];
17073 | if (!Array.isArray(listValue)) {
17074 | listValue = [];
17075 | {
17076 | warningOnce$1(false, "Current value of '".concat(prefixName.join(" > "), "' is not an array type."));
17077 | }
17078 | }
17079 | return children(listValue.map(function(__, index2) {
17080 | var key = keyManager.keys[index2];
17081 | if (key === void 0) {
17082 | keyManager.keys[index2] = keyManager.id;
17083 | key = keyManager.keys[index2];
17084 | keyManager.id += 1;
17085 | }
17086 | return {
17087 | name: index2,
17088 | key,
17089 | isListField: true
17090 | };
17091 | }), operations, meta);
17092 | })));
17093 | };
17094 | function allPromiseFinish(promiseList) {
17095 | var hasError = false;
17096 | var count = promiseList.length;
17097 | var results = [];
17098 | if (!promiseList.length) {
17099 | return Promise.resolve([]);
17100 | }
17101 | return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
17102 | promiseList.forEach(function(promise, index2) {
17103 | promise.catch(function(e2) {
17104 | hasError = true;
17105 | return e2;
17106 | }).then(function(result) {
17107 | count -= 1;
17108 | results[index2] = result;
17109 | if (count > 0) {
17110 | return;
17111 | }
17112 | if (hasError) {
17113 | reject(results);
17114 | }
17115 | resolve(results);
17116 | });
17117 | });
17118 | });
17119 | }
17120 | var SPLIT = "__@field_split__";
17121 | function normalize(namePath) {
17122 | return namePath.map(function(cell) {
17123 | return "".concat(_typeof$1(cell), ":").concat(cell);
17124 | }).join(SPLIT);
17125 | }
17126 | var NameMap = function() {
17127 | function NameMap2() {
17128 | _classCallCheck(this, NameMap2);
17129 | this.kvs = new Map();
17130 | }
17131 | _createClass(NameMap2, [{
17132 | key: "set",
17133 | value: function set2(key, value) {
17134 | this.kvs.set(normalize(key), value);
17135 | }
17136 | }, {
17137 | key: "get",
17138 | value: function get2(key) {
17139 | return this.kvs.get(normalize(key));
17140 | }
17141 | }, {
17142 | key: "update",
17143 | value: function update2(key, updater) {
17144 | var origin = this.get(key);
17145 | var next = updater(origin);
17146 | if (!next) {
17147 | this.delete(key);
17148 | } else {
17149 | this.set(key, next);
17150 | }
17151 | }
17152 | }, {
17153 | key: "delete",
17154 | value: function _delete(key) {
17155 | this.kvs.delete(normalize(key));
17156 | }
17157 |
17158 | }, {
17159 | key: "map",
17160 | value: function map(callback) {
17161 | return _toConsumableArray(this.kvs.entries()).map(function(_ref) {
17162 | var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2), key = _ref2[0], value = _ref2[1];
17163 | var cells = key.split(SPLIT);
17164 | return callback({
17165 | key: cells.map(function(cell) {
17166 | var _cell$match = cell.match(/^([^:]*):(.*)$/), _cell$match2 = _slicedToArray(_cell$match, 3), type = _cell$match2[1], unit = _cell$match2[2];
17167 | return type === "number" ? Number(unit) : unit;
17168 | }),
17169 | value
17170 | });
17171 | });
17172 | }
17173 | }, {
17174 | key: "toJSON",
17175 | value: function toJSON() {
17176 | var json = {};
17177 | this.map(function(_ref3) {
17178 | var key = _ref3.key, value = _ref3.value;
17179 | json[key.join(".")] = value;
17180 | return null;
17181 | });
17182 | return json;
17183 | }
17184 | }]);
17185 | return NameMap2;
17186 | }();
17187 | var _excluded$1 = ["name", "errors"];
17188 | var FormStore = _createClass(function FormStore2(forceRootUpdate) {
17189 | var _this = this;
17190 | _classCallCheck(this, FormStore2);
17191 | this.formHooked = false;
17192 | this.forceRootUpdate = void 0;
17193 | this.subscribable = true;
17194 | this.store = {};
17195 | this.fieldEntities = [];
17196 | this.initialValues = {};
17197 | this.callbacks = {};
17198 | this.validateMessages = null;
17199 | this.preserve = null;
17200 | this.lastValidatePromise = null;
17201 | this.getForm = function() {
17202 | return {
17203 | getFieldValue: _this.getFieldValue,
17204 | getFieldsValue: _this.getFieldsValue,
17205 | getFieldError: _this.getFieldError,
17206 | getFieldWarning: _this.getFieldWarning,
17207 | getFieldsError: _this.getFieldsError,
17208 | isFieldsTouched: _this.isFieldsTouched,
17209 | isFieldTouched: _this.isFieldTouched,
17210 | isFieldValidating: _this.isFieldValidating,
17211 | isFieldsValidating: _this.isFieldsValidating,
17212 | resetFields: _this.resetFields,
17213 | setFields: _this.setFields,
17214 | setFieldValue: _this.setFieldValue,
17215 | setFieldsValue: _this.setFieldsValue,
17216 | validateFields: _this.validateFields,
17217 | submit: _this.submit,
17218 | _init: true,
17219 | getInternalHooks: _this.getInternalHooks
17220 | };
17221 | };
17222 | this.getInternalHooks = function(key) {
17223 | if (key === HOOK_MARK$1) {
17224 | _this.formHooked = true;
17225 | return {
17226 | dispatch: _this.dispatch,
17227 | initEntityValue: _this.initEntityValue,
17228 | registerField: _this.registerField,
17229 | useSubscribe: _this.useSubscribe,
17230 | setInitialValues: _this.setInitialValues,
17231 | destroyForm: _this.destroyForm,
17232 | setCallbacks: _this.setCallbacks,
17233 | setValidateMessages: _this.setValidateMessages,
17234 | getFields: _this.getFields,
17235 | setPreserve: _this.setPreserve,
17236 | getInitialValue: _this.getInitialValue,
17237 | registerWatch: _this.registerWatch
17238 | };
17239 | }
17240 | warningOnce$1(false, "`getInternalHooks` is internal usage. Should not call directly.");
17241 | return null;
17242 | };
17243 | this.useSubscribe = function(subscribable) {
17244 | _this.subscribable = subscribable;
17245 | };
17246 | this.prevWithoutPreserves = null;
17247 | this.setInitialValues = function(initialValues, init) {
17248 | _this.initialValues = initialValues || {};
17249 | if (init) {
17250 | var _this$prevWithoutPres;
17251 | var nextStore = setValues({}, initialValues, _this.store);
17252 | (_this$prevWithoutPres = _this.prevWithoutPreserves) === null || _this$prevWithoutPres === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$prevWithoutPres.map(function(_ref) {
17253 | var namePath = _ref.key;
17254 | nextStore = setValue(nextStore, namePath, getValue(initialValues, namePath));
17255 | });
17256 | _this.prevWithoutPreserves = null;
17257 | _this.updateStore(nextStore);
17258 | }
17259 | };
17260 | this.destroyForm = function() {
17261 | var prevWithoutPreserves = new NameMap();
17262 | _this.getFieldEntities(true).forEach(function(entity) {
17263 | if (!_this.isMergedPreserve(entity.isPreserve())) {
17264 | prevWithoutPreserves.set(entity.getNamePath(), true);
17265 | }
17266 | });
17267 | _this.prevWithoutPreserves = prevWithoutPreserves;
17268 | };
17269 | this.getInitialValue = function(namePath) {
17270 | var initValue = getValue(_this.initialValues, namePath);
17271 | return namePath.length ? cloneDeep(initValue) : initValue;
17272 | };
17273 | this.setCallbacks = function(callbacks) {
17274 | _this.callbacks = callbacks;
17275 | };
17276 | this.setValidateMessages = function(validateMessages) {
17277 | _this.validateMessages = validateMessages;
17278 | };
17279 | this.setPreserve = function(preserve) {
17280 | _this.preserve = preserve;
17281 | };
17282 | this.watchList = [];
17283 | this.registerWatch = function(callback) {
17284 | _this.watchList.push(callback);
17285 | return function() {
17286 | _this.watchList = _this.watchList.filter(function(fn) {
17287 | return fn !== callback;
17288 | });
17289 | };
17290 | };
17291 | this.notifyWatch = function() {
17292 | var namePath = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : [];
17293 | if (_this.watchList.length) {
17294 | var values = _this.getFieldsValue();
17295 | _this.watchList.forEach(function(callback) {
17296 | callback(values, namePath);
17297 | });
17298 | }
17299 | };
17300 | this.timeoutId = null;
17301 | this.warningUnhooked = function() {
17302 | if (!_this.timeoutId && typeof window !== "undefined") {
17303 | _this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
17304 | _this.timeoutId = null;
17305 | if (!_this.formHooked) {
17306 | warningOnce$1(false, "Instance created by `useForm` is not connected to any Form element. Forget to pass `form` prop?");
17307 | }
17308 | });
17309 | }
17310 | };
17311 | this.updateStore = function(nextStore) {
17312 | _this.store = nextStore;
17313 | };
17314 | this.getFieldEntities = function() {
17315 | var pure = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : false;
17316 | if (!pure) {
17317 | return _this.fieldEntities;
17318 | }
17319 | return _this.fieldEntities.filter(function(field) {
17320 | return field.getNamePath().length;
17321 | });
17322 | };
17323 | this.getFieldsMap = function() {
17324 | var pure = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : false;
17325 | var cache = new NameMap();
17326 | _this.getFieldEntities(pure).forEach(function(field) {
17327 | var namePath = field.getNamePath();
17328 | cache.set(namePath, field);
17329 | });
17330 | return cache;
17331 | };
17332 | this.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList = function(nameList) {
17333 | if (!nameList) {
17334 | return _this.getFieldEntities(true);
17335 | }
17336 | var cache = _this.getFieldsMap(true);
17337 | return nameList.map(function(name) {
17338 | var namePath = getNamePath(name);
17339 | return cache.get(namePath) || {
17340 | INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH: getNamePath(name)
17341 | };
17342 | });
17343 | };
17344 | this.getFieldsValue = function(nameList, filterFunc) {
17345 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17346 | if (nameList === true && !filterFunc) {
17347 | return _this.store;
17348 | }
17349 | var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(Array.isArray(nameList) ? nameList : null);
17350 | var filteredNameList = [];
17351 | fieldEntities.forEach(function(entity) {
17352 | var _entity$isListField;
17353 | var namePath = "INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH" in entity ? entity.INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH : entity.getNamePath();
17354 | if (!nameList && ((_entity$isListField = entity.isListField) === null || _entity$isListField === void 0 ? void 0 : _entity$isListField.call(entity))) {
17355 | return;
17356 | }
17357 | if (!filterFunc) {
17358 | filteredNameList.push(namePath);
17359 | } else {
17360 | var meta = "getMeta" in entity ? entity.getMeta() : null;
17361 | if (filterFunc(meta)) {
17362 | filteredNameList.push(namePath);
17363 | }
17364 | }
17365 | });
17366 | return cloneByNamePathList(_this.store, filteredNameList.map(getNamePath));
17367 | };
17368 | this.getFieldValue = function(name) {
17369 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17370 | var namePath = getNamePath(name);
17371 | return getValue(_this.store, namePath);
17372 | };
17373 | this.getFieldsError = function(nameList) {
17374 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17375 | var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(nameList);
17376 | return fieldEntities.map(function(entity, index2) {
17377 | if (entity && !("INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH" in entity)) {
17378 | return {
17379 | name: entity.getNamePath(),
17380 | errors: entity.getErrors(),
17381 | warnings: entity.getWarnings()
17382 | };
17383 | }
17384 | return {
17385 | name: getNamePath(nameList[index2]),
17386 | errors: [],
17387 | warnings: []
17388 | };
17389 | });
17390 | };
17391 | this.getFieldError = function(name) {
17392 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17393 | var namePath = getNamePath(name);
17394 | var fieldError = _this.getFieldsError([namePath])[0];
17395 | return fieldError.errors;
17396 | };
17397 | this.getFieldWarning = function(name) {
17398 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17399 | var namePath = getNamePath(name);
17400 | var fieldError = _this.getFieldsError([namePath])[0];
17401 | return fieldError.warnings;
17402 | };
17403 | this.isFieldsTouched = function() {
17404 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17405 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
17406 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
17407 | }
17408 | var arg0 = args[0], arg1 = args[1];
17409 | var namePathList;
17410 | var isAllFieldsTouched = false;
17411 | if (args.length === 0) {
17412 | namePathList = null;
17413 | } else if (args.length === 1) {
17414 | if (Array.isArray(arg0)) {
17415 | namePathList = arg0.map(getNamePath);
17416 | isAllFieldsTouched = false;
17417 | } else {
17418 | namePathList = null;
17419 | isAllFieldsTouched = arg0;
17420 | }
17421 | } else {
17422 | namePathList = arg0.map(getNamePath);
17423 | isAllFieldsTouched = arg1;
17424 | }
17425 | var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntities(true);
17426 | var isFieldTouched = function isFieldTouched2(field) {
17427 | return field.isFieldTouched();
17428 | };
17429 | if (!namePathList) {
17430 | return isAllFieldsTouched ? fieldEntities.every(isFieldTouched) : fieldEntities.some(isFieldTouched);
17431 | }
17432 | var map = new NameMap();
17433 | namePathList.forEach(function(shortNamePath) {
17434 | map.set(shortNamePath, []);
17435 | });
17436 | fieldEntities.forEach(function(field) {
17437 | var fieldNamePath = field.getNamePath();
17438 | namePathList.forEach(function(shortNamePath) {
17439 | if (shortNamePath.every(function(nameUnit, i2) {
17440 | return fieldNamePath[i2] === nameUnit;
17441 | })) {
17442 | map.update(shortNamePath, function(list) {
17443 | return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(list), [field]);
17444 | });
17445 | }
17446 | });
17447 | });
17448 | var isNamePathListTouched = function isNamePathListTouched2(entities) {
17449 | return entities.some(isFieldTouched);
17450 | };
17451 | var namePathListEntities = map.map(function(_ref2) {
17452 | var value = _ref2.value;
17453 | return value;
17454 | });
17455 | return isAllFieldsTouched ? namePathListEntities.every(isNamePathListTouched) : namePathListEntities.some(isNamePathListTouched);
17456 | };
17457 | this.isFieldTouched = function(name) {
17458 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17459 | return _this.isFieldsTouched([name]);
17460 | };
17461 | this.isFieldsValidating = function(nameList) {
17462 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17463 | var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntities();
17464 | if (!nameList) {
17465 | return fieldEntities.some(function(testField) {
17466 | return testField.isFieldValidating();
17467 | });
17468 | }
17469 | var namePathList = nameList.map(getNamePath);
17470 | return fieldEntities.some(function(testField) {
17471 | var fieldNamePath = testField.getNamePath();
17472 | return containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldNamePath) && testField.isFieldValidating();
17473 | });
17474 | };
17475 | this.isFieldValidating = function(name) {
17476 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17477 | return _this.isFieldsValidating([name]);
17478 | };
17479 | this.resetWithFieldInitialValue = function() {
17480 | var info = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
17481 | var cache = new NameMap();
17482 | var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntities(true);
17483 | fieldEntities.forEach(function(field) {
17484 | var initialValue = field.props.initialValue;
17485 | var namePath = field.getNamePath();
17486 | if (initialValue !== void 0) {
17487 | var records = cache.get(namePath) || new Set();
17488 | records.add({
17489 | entity: field,
17490 | value: initialValue
17491 | });
17492 | cache.set(namePath, records);
17493 | }
17494 | });
17495 | var resetWithFields = function resetWithFields2(entities) {
17496 | entities.forEach(function(field) {
17497 | var initialValue = field.props.initialValue;
17498 | if (initialValue !== void 0) {
17499 | var namePath = field.getNamePath();
17500 | var formInitialValue = _this.getInitialValue(namePath);
17501 | if (formInitialValue !== void 0) {
17502 | warningOnce$1(false, "Form already set 'initialValues' with path '".concat(namePath.join("."), "'. Field can not overwrite it."));
17503 | } else {
17504 | var records = cache.get(namePath);
17505 | if (records && records.size > 1) {
17506 | warningOnce$1(false, "Multiple Field with path '".concat(namePath.join("."), "' set 'initialValue'. Can not decide which one to pick."));
17507 | } else if (records) {
17508 | var originValue = _this.getFieldValue(namePath);
17509 | if (!info.skipExist || originValue === void 0) {
17510 | _this.updateStore(setValue(_this.store, namePath, _toConsumableArray(records)[0].value));
17511 | }
17512 | }
17513 | }
17514 | }
17515 | });
17516 | };
17517 | var requiredFieldEntities;
17518 | if (info.entities) {
17519 | requiredFieldEntities = info.entities;
17520 | } else if (info.namePathList) {
17521 | requiredFieldEntities = [];
17522 | info.namePathList.forEach(function(namePath) {
17523 | var records = cache.get(namePath);
17524 | if (records) {
17525 | var _requiredFieldEntitie;
17526 | (_requiredFieldEntitie = requiredFieldEntities).push.apply(_requiredFieldEntitie, _toConsumableArray(_toConsumableArray(records).map(function(r) {
17527 | return r.entity;
17528 | })));
17529 | }
17530 | });
17531 | } else {
17532 | requiredFieldEntities = fieldEntities;
17533 | }
17534 | resetWithFields(requiredFieldEntities);
17535 | };
17536 | this.resetFields = function(nameList) {
17537 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17538 | var prevStore = _this.store;
17539 | if (!nameList) {
17540 | _this.updateStore(setValues({}, _this.initialValues));
17541 | _this.resetWithFieldInitialValue();
17542 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, null, {
17543 | type: "reset"
17544 | });
17545 | _this.notifyWatch();
17546 | return;
17547 | }
17548 | var namePathList = nameList.map(getNamePath);
17549 | namePathList.forEach(function(namePath) {
17550 | var initialValue = _this.getInitialValue(namePath);
17551 | _this.updateStore(setValue(_this.store, namePath, initialValue));
17552 | });
17553 | _this.resetWithFieldInitialValue({
17554 | namePathList
17555 | });
17556 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, namePathList, {
17557 | type: "reset"
17558 | });
17559 | _this.notifyWatch(namePathList);
17560 | };
17561 | this.setFields = function(fields) {
17562 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17563 | var prevStore = _this.store;
17564 | var namePathList = [];
17565 | fields.forEach(function(fieldData) {
17566 | var name = fieldData.name;
17567 | fieldData.errors;
17568 | var data = _objectWithoutProperties(fieldData, _excluded$1);
17569 | var namePath = getNamePath(name);
17570 | namePathList.push(namePath);
17571 | if ("value" in data) {
17572 | _this.updateStore(setValue(_this.store, namePath, data.value));
17573 | }
17574 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, [namePath], {
17575 | type: "setField",
17576 | data: fieldData
17577 | });
17578 | });
17579 | _this.notifyWatch(namePathList);
17580 | };
17581 | this.getFields = function() {
17582 | var entities = _this.getFieldEntities(true);
17583 | var fields = entities.map(function(field) {
17584 | var namePath = field.getNamePath();
17585 | var meta = field.getMeta();
17586 | var fieldData = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, meta), {}, {
17587 | name: namePath,
17588 | value: _this.getFieldValue(namePath)
17589 | });
17590 | Object.defineProperty(fieldData, "originRCField", {
17591 | value: true
17592 | });
17593 | return fieldData;
17594 | });
17595 | return fields;
17596 | };
17597 | this.initEntityValue = function(entity) {
17598 | var initialValue = entity.props.initialValue;
17599 | if (initialValue !== void 0) {
17600 | var namePath = entity.getNamePath();
17601 | var prevValue = getValue(_this.store, namePath);
17602 | if (prevValue === void 0) {
17603 | _this.updateStore(setValue(_this.store, namePath, initialValue));
17604 | }
17605 | }
17606 | };
17607 | this.isMergedPreserve = function(fieldPreserve) {
17608 | var mergedPreserve = fieldPreserve !== void 0 ? fieldPreserve : _this.preserve;
17609 | return mergedPreserve !== null && mergedPreserve !== void 0 ? mergedPreserve : true;
17610 | };
17611 | this.registerField = function(entity) {
17612 | _this.fieldEntities.push(entity);
17613 | var namePath = entity.getNamePath();
17614 | _this.notifyWatch([namePath]);
17615 | if (entity.props.initialValue !== void 0) {
17616 | var prevStore = _this.store;
17617 | _this.resetWithFieldInitialValue({
17618 | entities: [entity],
17619 | skipExist: true
17620 | });
17621 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, [entity.getNamePath()], {
17622 | type: "valueUpdate",
17623 | source: "internal"
17624 | });
17625 | }
17626 | return function(isListField, preserve) {
17627 | var subNamePath = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : [];
17628 | _this.fieldEntities = _this.fieldEntities.filter(function(item) {
17629 | return item !== entity;
17630 | });
17631 | if (!_this.isMergedPreserve(preserve) && (!isListField || subNamePath.length > 1)) {
17632 | var defaultValue = isListField ? void 0 : _this.getInitialValue(namePath);
17633 | if (namePath.length && _this.getFieldValue(namePath) !== defaultValue && _this.fieldEntities.every(function(field) {
17634 | return (
17635 |
17636 | !matchNamePath(field.getNamePath(), namePath)
17637 | );
17638 | })) {
17639 | var _prevStore = _this.store;
17640 | _this.updateStore(setValue(_prevStore, namePath, defaultValue, true));
17641 | _this.notifyObservers(_prevStore, [namePath], {
17642 | type: "remove"
17643 | });
17644 | _this.triggerDependenciesUpdate(_prevStore, namePath);
17645 | }
17646 | }
17647 | _this.notifyWatch([namePath]);
17648 | };
17649 | };
17650 | this.dispatch = function(action) {
17651 | switch (action.type) {
17652 | case "updateValue": {
17653 | var namePath = action.namePath, value = action.value;
17654 | _this.updateValue(namePath, value);
17655 | break;
17656 | }
17657 | case "validateField": {
17658 | var _namePath = action.namePath, triggerName = action.triggerName;
17659 | _this.validateFields([_namePath], {
17660 | triggerName
17661 | });
17662 | break;
17663 | }
17664 | }
17665 | };
17666 | this.notifyObservers = function(prevStore, namePathList, info) {
17667 | if (_this.subscribable) {
17668 | var mergedInfo = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, info), {}, {
17669 | store: _this.getFieldsValue(true)
17670 | });
17671 | _this.getFieldEntities().forEach(function(_ref3) {
17672 | var onStoreChange = _ref3.onStoreChange;
17673 | onStoreChange(prevStore, namePathList, mergedInfo);
17674 | });
17675 | } else {
17676 | _this.forceRootUpdate();
17677 | }
17678 | };
17679 | this.triggerDependenciesUpdate = function(prevStore, namePath) {
17680 | var childrenFields = _this.getDependencyChildrenFields(namePath);
17681 | if (childrenFields.length) {
17682 | _this.validateFields(childrenFields);
17683 | }
17684 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, childrenFields, {
17685 | type: "dependenciesUpdate",
17686 | relatedFields: [namePath].concat(_toConsumableArray(childrenFields))
17687 | });
17688 | return childrenFields;
17689 | };
17690 | this.updateValue = function(name, value) {
17691 | var namePath = getNamePath(name);
17692 | var prevStore = _this.store;
17693 | _this.updateStore(setValue(_this.store, namePath, value));
17694 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, [namePath], {
17695 | type: "valueUpdate",
17696 | source: "internal"
17697 | });
17698 | _this.notifyWatch([namePath]);
17699 | var childrenFields = _this.triggerDependenciesUpdate(prevStore, namePath);
17700 | var onValuesChange = _this.callbacks.onValuesChange;
17701 | if (onValuesChange) {
17702 | var changedValues = cloneByNamePathList(_this.store, [namePath]);
17703 | onValuesChange(changedValues, _this.getFieldsValue());
17704 | }
17705 | _this.triggerOnFieldsChange([namePath].concat(_toConsumableArray(childrenFields)));
17706 | };
17707 | this.setFieldsValue = function(store) {
17708 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17709 | var prevStore = _this.store;
17710 | if (store) {
17711 | var nextStore = setValues(_this.store, store);
17712 | _this.updateStore(nextStore);
17713 | }
17714 | _this.notifyObservers(prevStore, null, {
17715 | type: "valueUpdate",
17716 | source: "external"
17717 | });
17718 | _this.notifyWatch();
17719 | };
17720 | this.setFieldValue = function(name, value) {
17721 | _this.setFields([{
17722 | name,
17723 | value
17724 | }]);
17725 | };
17726 | this.getDependencyChildrenFields = function(rootNamePath) {
17727 | var children = new Set();
17728 | var childrenFields = [];
17729 | var dependencies2fields = new NameMap();
17730 | _this.getFieldEntities().forEach(function(field) {
17731 | var dependencies = field.props.dependencies;
17732 | (dependencies || []).forEach(function(dependency) {
17733 | var dependencyNamePath = getNamePath(dependency);
17734 | dependencies2fields.update(dependencyNamePath, function() {
17735 | var fields = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : new Set();
17736 | fields.add(field);
17737 | return fields;
17738 | });
17739 | });
17740 | });
17741 | var fillChildren = function fillChildren2(namePath) {
17742 | var fields = dependencies2fields.get(namePath) || new Set();
17743 | fields.forEach(function(field) {
17744 | if (!children.has(field)) {
17745 | children.add(field);
17746 | var fieldNamePath = field.getNamePath();
17747 | if (field.isFieldDirty() && fieldNamePath.length) {
17748 | childrenFields.push(fieldNamePath);
17749 | fillChildren2(fieldNamePath);
17750 | }
17751 | }
17752 | });
17753 | };
17754 | fillChildren(rootNamePath);
17755 | return childrenFields;
17756 | };
17757 | this.triggerOnFieldsChange = function(namePathList, filedErrors) {
17758 | var onFieldsChange = _this.callbacks.onFieldsChange;
17759 | if (onFieldsChange) {
17760 | var fields = _this.getFields();
17761 | if (filedErrors) {
17762 | var cache = new NameMap();
17763 | filedErrors.forEach(function(_ref4) {
17764 | var name = _ref4.name, errors = _ref4.errors;
17765 | cache.set(name, errors);
17766 | });
17767 | fields.forEach(function(field) {
17768 | field.errors = cache.get(field.name) || field.errors;
17769 | });
17770 | }
17771 | var changedFields = fields.filter(function(_ref5) {
17772 | var fieldName = _ref5.name;
17773 | return containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldName);
17774 | });
17775 | onFieldsChange(changedFields, fields);
17776 | }
17777 | };
17778 | this.validateFields = function(nameList, options) {
17779 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17780 | var provideNameList = !!nameList;
17781 | var namePathList = provideNameList ? nameList.map(getNamePath) : [];
17782 | var promiseList = [];
17783 | _this.getFieldEntities(true).forEach(function(field) {
17784 | if (!provideNameList) {
17785 | namePathList.push(field.getNamePath());
17786 | }
17787 | if ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.recursive) && provideNameList) {
17788 | var namePath = field.getNamePath();
17789 | if (
17790 |
17791 |
17792 | namePath.every(function(nameUnit, i2) {
17793 | return nameList[i2] === nameUnit || nameList[i2] === void 0;
17794 | })
17795 | ) {
17796 | namePathList.push(namePath);
17797 | }
17798 | }
17799 | if (!field.props.rules || !field.props.rules.length) {
17800 | return;
17801 | }
17802 | var fieldNamePath = field.getNamePath();
17803 | if (!provideNameList || containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldNamePath)) {
17804 | var promise = field.validateRules(_objectSpread2({
17805 | validateMessages: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, defaultValidateMessages), _this.validateMessages)
17806 | }, options));
17807 | promiseList.push(promise.then(function() {
17808 | return {
17809 | name: fieldNamePath,
17810 | errors: [],
17811 | warnings: []
17812 | };
17813 | }).catch(function(ruleErrors) {
17814 | var _ruleErrors$forEach;
17815 | var mergedErrors = [];
17816 | var mergedWarnings = [];
17817 | (_ruleErrors$forEach = ruleErrors.forEach) === null || _ruleErrors$forEach === void 0 ? void 0 : _ruleErrors$forEach.call(ruleErrors, function(_ref6) {
17818 | var warningOnly = _ref6.rule.warningOnly, errors = _ref6.errors;
17819 | if (warningOnly) {
17820 | mergedWarnings.push.apply(mergedWarnings, _toConsumableArray(errors));
17821 | } else {
17822 | mergedErrors.push.apply(mergedErrors, _toConsumableArray(errors));
17823 | }
17824 | });
17825 | if (mergedErrors.length) {
17826 | return Promise.reject({
17827 | name: fieldNamePath,
17828 | errors: mergedErrors,
17829 | warnings: mergedWarnings
17830 | });
17831 | }
17832 | return {
17833 | name: fieldNamePath,
17834 | errors: mergedErrors,
17835 | warnings: mergedWarnings
17836 | };
17837 | }));
17838 | }
17839 | });
17840 | var summaryPromise = allPromiseFinish(promiseList);
17841 | _this.lastValidatePromise = summaryPromise;
17842 | summaryPromise.catch(function(results) {
17843 | return results;
17844 | }).then(function(results) {
17845 | var resultNamePathList = results.map(function(_ref7) {
17846 | var name = _ref7.name;
17847 | return name;
17848 | });
17849 | _this.notifyObservers(_this.store, resultNamePathList, {
17850 | type: "validateFinish"
17851 | });
17852 | _this.triggerOnFieldsChange(resultNamePathList, results);
17853 | });
17854 | var returnPromise = summaryPromise.then(function() {
17855 | if (_this.lastValidatePromise === summaryPromise) {
17856 | return Promise.resolve(_this.getFieldsValue(namePathList));
17857 | }
17858 | return Promise.reject([]);
17859 | }).catch(function(results) {
17860 | var errorList = results.filter(function(result) {
17861 | return result && result.errors.length;
17862 | });
17863 | return Promise.reject({
17864 | values: _this.getFieldsValue(namePathList),
17865 | errorFields: errorList,
17866 | outOfDate: _this.lastValidatePromise !== summaryPromise
17867 | });
17868 | });
17869 | returnPromise.catch(function(e2) {
17870 | return e2;
17871 | });
17872 | return returnPromise;
17873 | };
17874 | this.submit = function() {
17875 | _this.warningUnhooked();
17876 | _this.validateFields().then(function(values) {
17877 | var onFinish = _this.callbacks.onFinish;
17878 | if (onFinish) {
17879 | try {
17880 | onFinish(values);
17881 | } catch (err) {
17882 | console.error(err);
17883 | }
17884 | }
17885 | }).catch(function(e2) {
17886 | var onFinishFailed = _this.callbacks.onFinishFailed;
17887 | if (onFinishFailed) {
17888 | onFinishFailed(e2);
17889 | }
17890 | });
17891 | };
17892 | this.forceRootUpdate = forceRootUpdate;
17893 | });
17894 | function useForm(form) {
17895 | var formRef = React__namespace.useRef();
17896 | var _React$useState = React__namespace.useState({}), _React$useState2 = _slicedToArray(_React$useState, 2), forceUpdate = _React$useState2[1];
17897 | if (!formRef.current) {
17898 | if (form) {
17899 | formRef.current = form;
17900 | } else {
17901 | var forceReRender = function forceReRender2() {
17902 | forceUpdate({});
17903 | };
17904 | var formStore = new FormStore(forceReRender);
17905 | formRef.current = formStore.getForm();
17906 | }
17907 | }
17908 | return [formRef.current];
17909 | }
17910 | var FormContext$1 = React__namespace.createContext({
17911 | triggerFormChange: function triggerFormChange() {
17912 | },
17913 | triggerFormFinish: function triggerFormFinish() {
17914 | },
17915 | registerForm: function registerForm() {
17916 | },
17917 | unregisterForm: function unregisterForm() {
17918 | }
17919 | });
17920 | var FormProvider = function FormProvider2(_ref) {
17921 | var validateMessages = _ref.validateMessages, onFormChange = _ref.onFormChange, onFormFinish = _ref.onFormFinish, children = _ref.children;
17922 | var formContext = React__namespace.useContext(FormContext$1);
17923 | var formsRef = React__namespace.useRef({});
17924 | return React__namespace.createElement(FormContext$1.Provider, {
17925 | value: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, formContext), {}, {
17926 | validateMessages: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, formContext.validateMessages), validateMessages),
17927 |
17928 |
17929 |
17930 | triggerFormChange: function triggerFormChange(name, changedFields) {
17931 | if (onFormChange) {
17932 | onFormChange(name, {
17933 | changedFields,
17934 | forms: formsRef.current
17935 | });
17936 | }
17937 | formContext.triggerFormChange(name, changedFields);
17938 | },
17939 | triggerFormFinish: function triggerFormFinish(name, values) {
17940 | if (onFormFinish) {
17941 | onFormFinish(name, {
17942 | values,
17943 | forms: formsRef.current
17944 | });
17945 | }
17946 | formContext.triggerFormFinish(name, values);
17947 | },
17948 | registerForm: function registerForm(name, form) {
17949 | if (name) {
17950 | formsRef.current = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, formsRef.current), {}, _defineProperty({}, name, form));
17951 | }
17952 | formContext.registerForm(name, form);
17953 | },
17954 | unregisterForm: function unregisterForm(name) {
17955 | var newForms = _objectSpread2({}, formsRef.current);
17956 | delete newForms[name];
17957 | formsRef.current = newForms;
17958 | formContext.unregisterForm(name);
17959 | }
17960 | })
17961 | }, children);
17962 | };
17963 | var _excluded = ["name", "initialValues", "fields", "form", "preserve", "children", "component", "validateMessages", "validateTrigger", "onValuesChange", "onFieldsChange", "onFinish", "onFinishFailed"];
17964 | var Form$1 = function Form2(_ref, ref) {
17965 | var name = _ref.name, initialValues = _ref.initialValues, fields = _ref.fields, form = _ref.form, preserve = _ref.preserve, children = _ref.children, _ref$component = _ref.component, Component = _ref$component === void 0 ? "form" : _ref$component, validateMessages = _ref.validateMessages, _ref$validateTrigger = _ref.validateTrigger, validateTrigger = _ref$validateTrigger === void 0 ? "onChange" : _ref$validateTrigger, onValuesChange = _ref.onValuesChange, _onFieldsChange = _ref.onFieldsChange, _onFinish = _ref.onFinish, onFinishFailed = _ref.onFinishFailed, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
17966 | var formContext = React__namespace.useContext(FormContext$1);
17967 | var _useForm = useForm(form), _useForm2 = _slicedToArray(_useForm, 1), formInstance = _useForm2[0];
17968 | var _formInstance$getInte = formInstance.getInternalHooks(HOOK_MARK$1), useSubscribe = _formInstance$getInte.useSubscribe, setInitialValues = _formInstance$getInte.setInitialValues, setCallbacks = _formInstance$getInte.setCallbacks, setValidateMessages = _formInstance$getInte.setValidateMessages, setPreserve = _formInstance$getInte.setPreserve, destroyForm = _formInstance$getInte.destroyForm;
17969 | React__namespace.useImperativeHandle(ref, function() {
17970 | return formInstance;
17971 | });
17972 | React__namespace.useEffect(function() {
17973 | formContext.registerForm(name, formInstance);
17974 | return function() {
17975 | formContext.unregisterForm(name);
17976 | };
17977 | }, [formContext, formInstance, name]);
17978 | setValidateMessages(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, formContext.validateMessages), validateMessages));
17979 | setCallbacks({
17980 | onValuesChange,
17981 | onFieldsChange: function onFieldsChange(changedFields) {
17982 | formContext.triggerFormChange(name, changedFields);
17983 | if (_onFieldsChange) {
17984 | for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
17985 | rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
17986 | }
17987 | _onFieldsChange.apply(void 0, [changedFields].concat(rest));
17988 | }
17989 | },
17990 | onFinish: function onFinish(values2) {
17991 | formContext.triggerFormFinish(name, values2);
17992 | if (_onFinish) {
17993 | _onFinish(values2);
17994 | }
17995 | },
17996 | onFinishFailed
17997 | });
17998 | setPreserve(preserve);
17999 | var mountRef = React__namespace.useRef(null);
18000 | setInitialValues(initialValues, !mountRef.current);
18001 | if (!mountRef.current) {
18002 | mountRef.current = true;
18003 | }
18004 | React__namespace.useEffect(
18005 | function() {
18006 | return destroyForm;
18007 | },
18008 |
18009 | []
18010 | );
18011 | var childrenNode;
18012 | var childrenRenderProps = typeof children === "function";
18013 | if (childrenRenderProps) {
18014 | var values = formInstance.getFieldsValue(true);
18015 | childrenNode = children(values, formInstance);
18016 | } else {
18017 | childrenNode = children;
18018 | }
18019 | useSubscribe(!childrenRenderProps);
18020 | var prevFieldsRef = React__namespace.useRef();
18021 | React__namespace.useEffect(function() {
18022 | if (!isSimilar(prevFieldsRef.current || [], fields || [])) {
18023 | formInstance.setFields(fields || []);
18024 | }
18025 | prevFieldsRef.current = fields;
18026 | }, [fields, formInstance]);
18027 | var formContextValue = React__namespace.useMemo(function() {
18028 | return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, formInstance), {}, {
18029 | validateTrigger
18030 | });
18031 | }, [formInstance, validateTrigger]);
18032 | var wrapperNode = React__namespace.createElement(Context$1.Provider, {
18033 | value: formContextValue
18034 | }, childrenNode);
18035 | if (Component === false) {
18036 | return wrapperNode;
18037 | }
18038 | return React__namespace.createElement(Component, _extends$1({}, restProps, {
18039 | onSubmit: function onSubmit(event) {
18040 | event.preventDefault();
18041 | event.stopPropagation();
18042 | formInstance.submit();
18043 | },
18044 | onReset: function onReset(event) {
18045 | var _restProps$onReset;
18046 | event.preventDefault();
18047 | formInstance.resetFields();
18048 | (_restProps$onReset = restProps.onReset) === null || _restProps$onReset === void 0 ? void 0 : _restProps$onReset.call(restProps, event);
18049 | }
18050 | }), wrapperNode);
18051 | };
18052 | function stringify(value) {
18053 | try {
18054 | return JSON.stringify(value);
18055 | } catch (err) {
18056 | return Math.random();
18057 | }
18058 | }
18059 | var useWatchWarning = function(namePath) {
18060 | var fullyStr = namePath.join("__RC_FIELD_FORM_SPLIT__");
18061 | var nameStrRef = React$1.useRef(fullyStr);
18062 | warningOnce$1(nameStrRef.current === fullyStr, "`useWatch` is not support dynamic `namePath`. Please provide static instead.");
18063 | };
18064 | function useWatch() {
18065 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
18066 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
18067 | }
18068 | var _args$ = args[0], dependencies = _args$ === void 0 ? [] : _args$, form = args[1];
18069 | var _useState = React$1.useState(), _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2), value = _useState2[0], setValue2 = _useState2[1];
18070 | var valueStr = React$1.useMemo(function() {
18071 | return stringify(value);
18072 | }, [value]);
18073 | var valueStrRef = React$1.useRef(valueStr);
18074 | valueStrRef.current = valueStr;
18075 | var fieldContext = React$1.useContext(Context$1);
18076 | var formInstance = form || fieldContext;
18077 | var isValidForm = formInstance && formInstance._init;
18078 | {
18079 | warningOnce$1(args.length === 2 ? form ? isValidForm : true : isValidForm, "useWatch requires a form instance since it can not auto detect from context.");
18080 | }
18081 | var namePath = getNamePath(dependencies);
18082 | var namePathRef = React$1.useRef(namePath);
18083 | namePathRef.current = namePath;
18084 | useWatchWarning(namePath);
18085 | React$1.useEffect(
18086 | function() {
18087 | if (!isValidForm) {
18088 | return;
18089 | }
18090 | var getFieldsValue = formInstance.getFieldsValue, getInternalHooks = formInstance.getInternalHooks;
18091 | var _getInternalHooks = getInternalHooks(HOOK_MARK$1), registerWatch = _getInternalHooks.registerWatch;
18092 | var cancelRegister = registerWatch(function(store) {
18093 | var newValue = getValue(store, namePathRef.current);
18094 | var nextValueStr = stringify(newValue);
18095 | if (valueStrRef.current !== nextValueStr) {
18096 | valueStrRef.current = nextValueStr;
18097 | setValue2(newValue);
18098 | }
18099 | });
18100 | var initialValue = getValue(getFieldsValue(), namePathRef.current);
18101 | setValue2(initialValue);
18102 | return cancelRegister;
18103 | },
18104 |
18105 |
18106 | [isValidForm]
18107 | );
18108 | return value;
18109 | }
18110 | var InternalForm = React__namespace.forwardRef(Form$1);
18111 | var RefForm = InternalForm;
18112 | RefForm.FormProvider = FormProvider;
18113 | RefForm.Field = WrapperField;
18114 | RefForm.List = List;
18115 | RefForm.useForm = useForm;
18116 | RefForm.useWatch = useWatch;
18117 | const defaultFormContext = {
18118 | name: void 0,
18119 | hasFeedback: true,
18120 | layout: "vertical",
18121 | requiredMarkStyle: "asterisk",
18122 | disabled: false
18123 | };
18124 | const FormContext = React$1.createContext(defaultFormContext);
18125 | const NoStyleItemContext = React$1.createContext(null);
18126 | const Header = () => null;
18127 | var isMergeableObject = function isMergeableObject2(value) {
18128 | return isNonNullObject(value) && !isSpecial(value);
18129 | };
18130 | function isNonNullObject(value) {
18131 | return !!value && typeof value === "object";
18132 | }
18133 | function isSpecial(value) {
18134 | var stringValue = Object.prototype.toString.call(value);
18135 | return stringValue === "[object RegExp]" || stringValue === "[object Date]" || isReactElement(value);
18136 | }
18137 | var canUseSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.for;
18138 | var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = canUseSymbol ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103;
18139 | function isReactElement(value) {
18140 | return value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;
18141 | }
18142 | function emptyTarget(val) {
18143 | return Array.isArray(val) ? [] : {};
18144 | }
18145 | function cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(value, options) {
18146 | return options.clone !== false && options.isMergeableObject(value) ? deepmerge(emptyTarget(value), value, options) : value;
18147 | }
18148 | function defaultArrayMerge(target, source, options) {
18149 | return target.concat(source).map(function(element) {
18150 | return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(element, options);
18151 | });
18152 | }
18153 | function getMergeFunction(key, options) {
18154 | if (!options.customMerge) {
18155 | return deepmerge;
18156 | }
18157 | var customMerge = options.customMerge(key);
18158 | return typeof customMerge === "function" ? customMerge : deepmerge;
18159 | }
18160 | function getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(target) {
18161 | return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target).filter(function(symbol) {
18162 | return Object.propertyIsEnumerable.call(target, symbol);
18163 | }) : [];
18164 | }
18165 | function getKeys(target) {
18166 | return Object.keys(target).concat(getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(target));
18167 | }
18168 | function propertyIsOnObject(object, property) {
18169 | try {
18170 | return property in object;
18171 | } catch (_) {
18172 | return false;
18173 | }
18174 | }
18175 | function propertyIsUnsafe(target, key) {
18176 | return propertyIsOnObject(target, key) && !(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key) && Object.propertyIsEnumerable.call(target, key));
18177 | }
18178 | function mergeObject(target, source, options) {
18179 | var destination = {};
18180 | if (options.isMergeableObject(target)) {
18181 | getKeys(target).forEach(function(key) {
18182 | destination[key] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(target[key], options);
18183 | });
18184 | }
18185 | getKeys(source).forEach(function(key) {
18186 | if (propertyIsUnsafe(target, key)) {
18187 | return;
18188 | }
18189 | if (propertyIsOnObject(target, key) && options.isMergeableObject(source[key])) {
18190 | destination[key] = getMergeFunction(key, options)(target[key], source[key], options);
18191 | } else {
18192 | destination[key] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(source[key], options);
18193 | }
18194 | });
18195 | return destination;
18196 | }
18197 | function deepmerge(target, source, options) {
18198 | options = options || {};
18199 | options.arrayMerge = options.arrayMerge || defaultArrayMerge;
18200 | options.isMergeableObject = options.isMergeableObject || isMergeableObject;
18201 | options.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified;
18202 | var sourceIsArray = Array.isArray(source);
18203 | var targetIsArray = Array.isArray(target);
18204 | var sourceAndTargetTypesMatch = sourceIsArray === targetIsArray;
18205 | if (!sourceAndTargetTypesMatch) {
18206 | return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(source, options);
18207 | } else if (sourceIsArray) {
18208 | return options.arrayMerge(target, source, options);
18209 | } else {
18210 | return mergeObject(target, source, options);
18211 | }
18212 | }
18213 | deepmerge.all = function deepmergeAll(array, options) {
18214 | if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
18215 | throw new Error("first argument should be an array");
18216 | }
18217 | return array.reduce(function(prev, next) {
18218 | return deepmerge(prev, next, options);
18219 | }, {});
18220 | };
18221 | var deepmerge_1 = deepmerge;
18222 | var cjs = deepmerge_1;
18223 | const merge = getDefaultExportFromCjs(cjs);
18224 | const FormArray = (props) => {
18225 | return React$1.createElement(List, {
18226 | name: props.name,
18227 | initialValue: props.initialValue
18228 | }, (rcFields, operation) => {
18229 | const fields = rcFields.map((field) => ({
18230 | index: field.name,
18231 | key: field.key
18232 | }));
18233 | const children = props.children(fields, operation).map((child, index2) => {
18234 | var _a;
18235 | return React$1.createElement(List$1, {
18236 | key: fields[index2].key,
18237 | mode: "card",
18238 | header: (_a = props.renderHeader) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, fields[index2], operation)
18239 | }, child);
18240 | });
18241 | if (props.renderAdd) {
18242 | children.push(React$1.createElement(List$1, {
18243 | key: "add",
18244 | mode: "card"
18245 | }, React$1.createElement(List$1.Item, {
18246 | className: "adm-form-list-operation",
18247 | onClick: () => {
18248 | props.onAdd ? props.onAdd(operation) : operation.add();
18249 | },
18250 | arrow: false
18251 | }, props.renderAdd())));
18252 | }
18253 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, children);
18254 | });
18255 | };
18256 | const classPrefix$O = "adm-form";
18257 | const defaultProps$B = defaultFormContext;
18258 | const Form = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
18259 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$B, p);
18260 | const {
18261 | className,
18262 | style,
18263 | hasFeedback,
18264 | children,
18265 | layout,
18266 | footer,
18267 | mode,
18268 | disabled,
18269 | requiredMarkStyle
18270 | } = props, formProps = __rest(props, ["className", "style", "hasFeedback", "children", "layout", "footer", "mode", "disabled", "requiredMarkStyle"]);
18271 | const {
18272 | locale
18273 | } = useConfig();
18274 | const validateMessages = React$1.useMemo(() => merge(locale.Form.defaultValidateMessages, formProps.validateMessages || {}), [locale.Form.defaultValidateMessages, formProps.validateMessages]);
18275 | const lists = [];
18276 | let currentHeader = null;
18277 | let items = [];
18278 | let count = 0;
18279 | function collect() {
18280 | if (items.length === 0)
18281 | return;
18282 | count += 1;
18283 | lists.push(React$1.createElement(List$1, {
18284 | header: currentHeader,
18285 | key: count,
18286 | mode
18287 | }, items));
18288 | items = [];
18289 | }
18290 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child) => {
18291 | if (React$1.isValidElement(child)) {
18292 | if (child.type === Header) {
18293 | collect();
18294 | currentHeader = child.props.children;
18295 | return;
18296 | }
18297 | if (child.type === FormArray) {
18298 | collect();
18299 | lists.push(child);
18300 | return;
18301 | }
18302 | }
18303 | items.push(child);
18304 | });
18305 | collect();
18306 | return React$1.createElement(RefForm, Object.assign({
18307 | className: classNames(classPrefix$O, className),
18308 | style,
18309 | ref
18310 | }, formProps, {
18311 | validateMessages
18312 | }), React$1.createElement(FormContext.Provider, {
18313 | value: {
18314 | name: formProps.name,
18315 | hasFeedback,
18316 | layout,
18317 | requiredMarkStyle,
18318 | disabled
18319 | }
18320 | }, lists), footer && React$1.createElement("div", {
18321 | className: `${classPrefix$O}-footer`
18322 | }, footer));
18323 | });
18324 | var FieldContext = {};
18325 | var interopRequireWildcard = { exports: {} };
18326 | var _typeof = { exports: {} };
18327 | (function(module2) {
18328 | function _typeof2(o) {
18329 | "@babel/helpers - typeof";
18330 | return module2.exports = _typeof2 = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(o2) {
18331 | return typeof o2;
18332 | } : function(o2) {
18333 | return o2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && o2.constructor === Symbol && o2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o2;
18334 | }, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports, _typeof2(o);
18335 | }
18336 | module2.exports = _typeof2, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports;
18337 | })(_typeof);
18338 | var _typeofExports = _typeof.exports;
18339 | (function(module2) {
18340 | var _typeof2 = _typeofExports["default"];
18341 | function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) {
18342 | if (typeof WeakMap !== "function")
18343 | return null;
18344 | var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap();
18345 | var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap();
18346 | return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache2(nodeInterop2) {
18347 | return nodeInterop2 ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop;
18348 | })(nodeInterop);
18349 | }
18350 | function _interopRequireWildcard2(obj, nodeInterop) {
18351 | if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) {
18352 | return obj;
18353 | }
18354 | if (obj === null || _typeof2(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") {
18355 | return {
18356 | "default": obj
18357 | };
18358 | }
18359 | var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop);
18360 | if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
18361 | return cache.get(obj);
18362 | }
18363 | var newObj = {};
18364 | var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
18365 | for (var key in obj) {
18366 | if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
18367 | var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
18368 | if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
18369 | Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
18370 | } else {
18371 | newObj[key] = obj[key];
18372 | }
18373 | }
18374 | }
18375 | newObj["default"] = obj;
18376 | if (cache) {
18377 | cache.set(obj, newObj);
18378 | }
18379 | return newObj;
18380 | }
18381 | module2.exports = _interopRequireWildcard2, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports;
18382 | })(interopRequireWildcard);
18383 | var interopRequireWildcardExports = interopRequireWildcard.exports;
18384 | var interopRequireDefault = { exports: {} };
18385 | (function(module2) {
18386 | function _interopRequireDefault2(obj) {
18387 | return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
18388 | "default": obj
18389 | };
18390 | }
18391 | module2.exports = _interopRequireDefault2, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports;
18392 | })(interopRequireDefault);
18393 | var interopRequireDefaultExports = interopRequireDefault.exports;
18394 | var warning$1 = {};
18395 | Object.defineProperty(warning$1, "__esModule", {
18396 | value: true
18397 | });
18398 | warning$1.call = call;
18399 | warning$1.default = void 0;
18400 | warning$1.note = note;
18401 | warning$1.noteOnce = noteOnce;
18402 | warning$1.preMessage = void 0;
18403 | warning$1.resetWarned = resetWarned;
18404 | warning$1.warning = warning;
18405 | warning$1.warningOnce = warningOnce;
18406 | var warned = {};
18407 | var preWarningFns = [];
18408 | var preMessage = warning$1.preMessage = function preMessage2(fn) {
18409 | preWarningFns.push(fn);
18410 | };
18411 | function warning(valid, message) {
18412 | if (!valid && console !== void 0) {
18413 | var finalMessage = preWarningFns.reduce(function(msg, preMessageFn) {
18414 | return preMessageFn(msg !== null && msg !== void 0 ? msg : "", "warning");
18415 | }, message);
18416 | if (finalMessage) {
18417 | console.error("Warning: ".concat(finalMessage));
18418 | }
18419 | }
18420 | }
18421 | function note(valid, message) {
18422 | if (!valid && console !== void 0) {
18423 | var finalMessage = preWarningFns.reduce(function(msg, preMessageFn) {
18424 | return preMessageFn(msg !== null && msg !== void 0 ? msg : "", "note");
18425 | }, message);
18426 | if (finalMessage) {
18427 | console.warn("Note: ".concat(finalMessage));
18428 | }
18429 | }
18430 | }
18431 | function resetWarned() {
18432 | warned = {};
18433 | }
18434 | function call(method, valid, message) {
18435 | if (!valid && !warned[message]) {
18436 | method(false, message);
18437 | warned[message] = true;
18438 | }
18439 | }
18440 | function warningOnce(valid, message) {
18441 | call(warning, valid, message);
18442 | }
18443 | function noteOnce(valid, message) {
18444 | call(note, valid, message);
18445 | }
18446 | warningOnce.preMessage = preMessage;
18447 | warningOnce.resetWarned = resetWarned;
18448 | warningOnce.noteOnce = noteOnce;
18449 | warning$1.default = warningOnce;
18450 | var _interopRequireWildcard = interopRequireWildcardExports.default;
18451 | var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default;
18452 | Object.defineProperty(FieldContext, "__esModule", {
18453 | value: true
18454 | });
18455 | var default_1 = FieldContext.default = FieldContext.HOOK_MARK = void 0;
18456 | var _warning = _interopRequireDefault(warning$1);
18457 | var React = _interopRequireWildcard(React$1);
18459 | FieldContext.HOOK_MARK = HOOK_MARK;
18460 | var warningFunc = function warningFunc2() {
18461 | (0, _warning.default)(false, "Can not find FormContext. Please make sure you wrap Field under Form.");
18462 | };
18463 | var Context = React.createContext({
18464 | getFieldValue: warningFunc,
18465 | getFieldsValue: warningFunc,
18466 | getFieldError: warningFunc,
18467 | getFieldWarning: warningFunc,
18468 | getFieldsError: warningFunc,
18469 | isFieldsTouched: warningFunc,
18470 | isFieldTouched: warningFunc,
18471 | isFieldValidating: warningFunc,
18472 | isFieldsValidating: warningFunc,
18473 | resetFields: warningFunc,
18474 | setFields: warningFunc,
18475 | setFieldValue: warningFunc,
18476 | setFieldsValue: warningFunc,
18477 | validateFields: warningFunc,
18478 | submit: warningFunc,
18479 | getInternalHooks: function getInternalHooks() {
18480 | warningFunc();
18481 | return {
18482 | dispatch: warningFunc,
18483 | initEntityValue: warningFunc,
18484 | registerField: warningFunc,
18485 | useSubscribe: warningFunc,
18486 | setInitialValues: warningFunc,
18487 | destroyForm: warningFunc,
18488 | setCallbacks: warningFunc,
18489 | registerWatch: warningFunc,
18490 | getFields: warningFunc,
18491 | setValidateMessages: warningFunc,
18492 | setPreserve: warningFunc,
18493 | getInitialValue: warningFunc
18494 | };
18495 | }
18496 | });
18497 | var _default = Context;
18498 | default_1 = FieldContext.default = _default;
18499 | function undefinedFallback(...items) {
18500 | let i2;
18501 | for (i2 = 0; i2 < items.length; i2++) {
18502 | if (items[i2] !== void 0)
18503 | break;
18504 | }
18505 | return items[i2];
18506 | }
18507 | const Arrow = React$1.memo((props) => {
18508 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
18509 | viewBox: "0 0 30 16"
18510 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
18511 | fill: "currentColor"
18512 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
18513 | d: "M0,0 L30,0 L18.07289,14.312538 C16.65863,16.009645 14.13637,16.238942 12.43926,14.824685 C12.25341,14.669808 12.08199,14.49839 11.92711,14.312538 L0,0 L0,0 Z"
18514 | }))));
18515 | });
18516 | const sides = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
18517 | const min = Math.min;
18518 | const max = Math.max;
18519 | const round = Math.round;
18520 | const floor = Math.floor;
18521 | const createCoords = (v) => ({
18522 | x: v,
18523 | y: v
18524 | });
18525 | const oppositeSideMap = {
18526 | left: "right",
18527 | right: "left",
18528 | bottom: "top",
18529 | top: "bottom"
18530 | };
18531 | const oppositeAlignmentMap = {
18532 | start: "end",
18533 | end: "start"
18534 | };
18535 | function clamp(start2, value, end) {
18536 | return max(start2, min(value, end));
18537 | }
18538 | function evaluate(value, param) {
18539 | return typeof value === "function" ? value(param) : value;
18540 | }
18541 | function getSide(placement) {
18542 | return placement.split("-")[0];
18543 | }
18544 | function getAlignment(placement) {
18545 | return placement.split("-")[1];
18546 | }
18547 | function getOppositeAxis(axis) {
18548 | return axis === "x" ? "y" : "x";
18549 | }
18550 | function getAxisLength(axis) {
18551 | return axis === "y" ? "height" : "width";
18552 | }
18553 | function getSideAxis(placement) {
18554 | return ["top", "bottom"].includes(getSide(placement)) ? "y" : "x";
18555 | }
18556 | function getAlignmentAxis(placement) {
18557 | return getOppositeAxis(getSideAxis(placement));
18558 | }
18559 | function getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl) {
18560 | if (rtl === void 0) {
18561 | rtl = false;
18562 | }
18563 | const alignment = getAlignment(placement);
18564 | const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);
18565 | const length = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis);
18566 | let mainAlignmentSide = alignmentAxis === "x" ? alignment === (rtl ? "end" : "start") ? "right" : "left" : alignment === "start" ? "bottom" : "top";
18567 | if (rects.reference[length] > rects.floating[length]) {
18568 | mainAlignmentSide = getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide);
18569 | }
18570 | return [mainAlignmentSide, getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide)];
18571 | }
18572 | function getExpandedPlacements(placement) {
18573 | const oppositePlacement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
18574 | return [getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(oppositePlacement)];
18575 | }
18576 | function getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) {
18577 | return placement.replace(/start|end/g, (alignment) => oppositeAlignmentMap[alignment]);
18578 | }
18579 | function getSideList(side, isStart, rtl) {
18580 | const lr = ["left", "right"];
18581 | const rl = ["right", "left"];
18582 | const tb = ["top", "bottom"];
18583 | const bt = ["bottom", "top"];
18584 | switch (side) {
18585 | case "top":
18586 | case "bottom":
18587 | if (rtl)
18588 | return isStart ? rl : lr;
18589 | return isStart ? lr : rl;
18590 | case "left":
18591 | case "right":
18592 | return isStart ? tb : bt;
18593 | default:
18594 | return [];
18595 | }
18596 | }
18597 | function getOppositeAxisPlacements(placement, flipAlignment, direction, rtl) {
18598 | const alignment = getAlignment(placement);
18599 | let list = getSideList(getSide(placement), direction === "start", rtl);
18600 | if (alignment) {
18601 | list = list.map((side) => side + "-" + alignment);
18602 | if (flipAlignment) {
18603 | list = list.concat(list.map(getOppositeAlignmentPlacement));
18604 | }
18605 | }
18606 | return list;
18607 | }
18608 | function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
18609 | return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, (side) => oppositeSideMap[side]);
18610 | }
18611 | function expandPaddingObject(padding) {
18612 | return {
18613 | top: 0,
18614 | right: 0,
18615 | bottom: 0,
18616 | left: 0,
18617 | ...padding
18618 | };
18619 | }
18620 | function getPaddingObject(padding) {
18621 | return typeof padding !== "number" ? expandPaddingObject(padding) : {
18622 | top: padding,
18623 | right: padding,
18624 | bottom: padding,
18625 | left: padding
18626 | };
18627 | }
18628 | function rectToClientRect(rect) {
18629 | return {
18630 | ...rect,
18631 | top: rect.y,
18632 | left: rect.x,
18633 | right: rect.x + rect.width,
18634 | bottom: rect.y + rect.height
18635 | };
18636 | }
18637 | function computeCoordsFromPlacement(_ref, placement, rtl) {
18638 | let {
18639 | reference,
18640 | floating
18641 | } = _ref;
18642 | const sideAxis = getSideAxis(placement);
18643 | const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);
18644 | const alignLength = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis);
18645 | const side = getSide(placement);
18646 | const isVertical = sideAxis === "y";
18647 | const commonX = reference.x + reference.width / 2 - floating.width / 2;
18648 | const commonY = reference.y + reference.height / 2 - floating.height / 2;
18649 | const commonAlign = reference[alignLength] / 2 - floating[alignLength] / 2;
18650 | let coords;
18651 | switch (side) {
18652 | case "top":
18653 | coords = {
18654 | x: commonX,
18655 | y: reference.y - floating.height
18656 | };
18657 | break;
18658 | case "bottom":
18659 | coords = {
18660 | x: commonX,
18661 | y: reference.y + reference.height
18662 | };
18663 | break;
18664 | case "right":
18665 | coords = {
18666 | x: reference.x + reference.width,
18667 | y: commonY
18668 | };
18669 | break;
18670 | case "left":
18671 | coords = {
18672 | x: reference.x - floating.width,
18673 | y: commonY
18674 | };
18675 | break;
18676 | default:
18677 | coords = {
18678 | x: reference.x,
18679 | y: reference.y
18680 | };
18681 | }
18682 | switch (getAlignment(placement)) {
18683 | case "start":
18684 | coords[alignmentAxis] -= commonAlign * (rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1);
18685 | break;
18686 | case "end":
18687 | coords[alignmentAxis] += commonAlign * (rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1);
18688 | break;
18689 | }
18690 | return coords;
18691 | }
18692 | const computePosition$1 = async (reference, floating, config2) => {
18693 | const {
18694 | placement = "bottom",
18695 | strategy = "absolute",
18696 | middleware = [],
18697 | platform: platform2
18698 | } = config2;
18699 | const validMiddleware = middleware.filter(Boolean);
18700 | const rtl = await (platform2.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform2.isRTL(floating));
18701 | let rects = await platform2.getElementRects({
18702 | reference,
18703 | floating,
18704 | strategy
18705 | });
18706 | let {
18707 | x,
18708 | y
18709 | } = computeCoordsFromPlacement(rects, placement, rtl);
18710 | let statefulPlacement = placement;
18711 | let middlewareData = {};
18712 | let resetCount = 0;
18713 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < validMiddleware.length; i2++) {
18714 | const {
18715 | name,
18716 | fn
18717 | } = validMiddleware[i2];
18718 | const {
18719 | x: nextX,
18720 | y: nextY,
18721 | data,
18722 | reset
18723 | } = await fn({
18724 | x,
18725 | y,
18726 | initialPlacement: placement,
18727 | placement: statefulPlacement,
18728 | strategy,
18729 | middlewareData,
18730 | rects,
18731 | platform: platform2,
18732 | elements: {
18733 | reference,
18734 | floating
18735 | }
18736 | });
18737 | x = nextX != null ? nextX : x;
18738 | y = nextY != null ? nextY : y;
18739 | middlewareData = {
18740 | ...middlewareData,
18741 | [name]: {
18742 | ...middlewareData[name],
18743 | ...data
18744 | }
18745 | };
18746 | if (reset && resetCount <= 50) {
18747 | resetCount++;
18748 | if (typeof reset === "object") {
18749 | if (reset.placement) {
18750 | statefulPlacement = reset.placement;
18751 | }
18752 | if (reset.rects) {
18753 | rects = reset.rects === true ? await platform2.getElementRects({
18754 | reference,
18755 | floating,
18756 | strategy
18757 | }) : reset.rects;
18758 | }
18759 | ({
18760 | x,
18761 | y
18762 | } = computeCoordsFromPlacement(rects, statefulPlacement, rtl));
18763 | }
18764 | i2 = -1;
18765 | continue;
18766 | }
18767 | }
18768 | return {
18769 | x,
18770 | y,
18771 | placement: statefulPlacement,
18772 | strategy,
18773 | middlewareData
18774 | };
18775 | };
18776 | async function detectOverflow(state, options) {
18777 | var _await$platform$isEle;
18778 | if (options === void 0) {
18779 | options = {};
18780 | }
18781 | const {
18782 | x,
18783 | y,
18784 | platform: platform2,
18785 | rects,
18786 | elements,
18787 | strategy
18788 | } = state;
18789 | const {
18790 | boundary = "clippingAncestors",
18791 | rootBoundary = "viewport",
18792 | elementContext = "floating",
18793 | altBoundary = false,
18794 | padding = 0
18795 | } = evaluate(options, state);
18796 | const paddingObject = getPaddingObject(padding);
18797 | const altContext = elementContext === "floating" ? "reference" : "floating";
18798 | const element = elements[altBoundary ? altContext : elementContext];
18799 | const clippingClientRect = rectToClientRect(await platform2.getClippingRect({
18800 | element: ((_await$platform$isEle = await (platform2.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform2.isElement(element))) != null ? _await$platform$isEle : true) ? element : element.contextElement || await (platform2.getDocumentElement == null ? void 0 : platform2.getDocumentElement(elements.floating)),
18801 | boundary,
18802 | rootBoundary,
18803 | strategy
18804 | }));
18805 | const rect = elementContext === "floating" ? {
18806 | ...rects.floating,
18807 | x,
18808 | y
18809 | } : rects.reference;
18810 | const offsetParent = await (platform2.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : platform2.getOffsetParent(elements.floating));
18811 | const offsetScale = await (platform2.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform2.isElement(offsetParent)) ? await (platform2.getScale == null ? void 0 : platform2.getScale(offsetParent)) || {
18812 | x: 1,
18813 | y: 1
18814 | } : {
18815 | x: 1,
18816 | y: 1
18817 | };
18818 | const elementClientRect = rectToClientRect(platform2.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect ? await platform2.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({
18819 | rect,
18820 | offsetParent,
18821 | strategy
18822 | }) : rect);
18823 | return {
18824 | top: (clippingClientRect.top - elementClientRect.top + paddingObject.top) / offsetScale.y,
18825 | bottom: (elementClientRect.bottom - clippingClientRect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom) / offsetScale.y,
18826 | left: (clippingClientRect.left - elementClientRect.left + paddingObject.left) / offsetScale.x,
18827 | right: (elementClientRect.right - clippingClientRect.right + paddingObject.right) / offsetScale.x
18828 | };
18829 | }
18830 | const arrow = (options) => ({
18831 | name: "arrow",
18832 | options,
18833 | async fn(state) {
18834 | const {
18835 | x,
18836 | y,
18837 | placement,
18838 | rects,
18839 | platform: platform2,
18840 | elements,
18841 | middlewareData
18842 | } = state;
18843 | const {
18844 | element,
18845 | padding = 0
18846 | } = evaluate(options, state) || {};
18847 | if (element == null) {
18848 | return {};
18849 | }
18850 | const paddingObject = getPaddingObject(padding);
18851 | const coords = {
18852 | x,
18853 | y
18854 | };
18855 | const axis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);
18856 | const length = getAxisLength(axis);
18857 | const arrowDimensions = await platform2.getDimensions(element);
18858 | const isYAxis = axis === "y";
18859 | const minProp = isYAxis ? "top" : "left";
18860 | const maxProp = isYAxis ? "bottom" : "right";
18861 | const clientProp = isYAxis ? "clientHeight" : "clientWidth";
18862 | const endDiff = rects.reference[length] + rects.reference[axis] - coords[axis] - rects.floating[length];
18863 | const startDiff = coords[axis] - rects.reference[axis];
18864 | const arrowOffsetParent = await (platform2.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : platform2.getOffsetParent(element));
18865 | let clientSize = arrowOffsetParent ? arrowOffsetParent[clientProp] : 0;
18866 | if (!clientSize || !await (platform2.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform2.isElement(arrowOffsetParent))) {
18867 | clientSize = elements.floating[clientProp] || rects.floating[length];
18868 | }
18869 | const centerToReference = endDiff / 2 - startDiff / 2;
18870 | const largestPossiblePadding = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 - 1;
18871 | const minPadding = min(paddingObject[minProp], largestPossiblePadding);
18872 | const maxPadding = min(paddingObject[maxProp], largestPossiblePadding);
18873 | const min$1 = minPadding;
18874 | const max2 = clientSize - arrowDimensions[length] - maxPadding;
18875 | const center = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 + centerToReference;
18876 | const offset2 = clamp(min$1, center, max2);
18877 | const shouldAddOffset = !middlewareData.arrow && getAlignment(placement) != null && center != offset2 && rects.reference[length] / 2 - (center < min$1 ? minPadding : maxPadding) - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 < 0;
18878 | const alignmentOffset = shouldAddOffset ? center < min$1 ? center - min$1 : center - max2 : 0;
18879 | return {
18880 | [axis]: coords[axis] + alignmentOffset,
18881 | data: {
18882 | [axis]: offset2,
18883 | centerOffset: center - offset2 - alignmentOffset,
18884 | ...shouldAddOffset && {
18885 | alignmentOffset
18886 | }
18887 | },
18888 | reset: shouldAddOffset
18889 | };
18890 | }
18891 | });
18892 | const flip = function(options) {
18893 | if (options === void 0) {
18894 | options = {};
18895 | }
18896 | return {
18897 | name: "flip",
18898 | options,
18899 | async fn(state) {
18900 | var _middlewareData$arrow, _middlewareData$flip;
18901 | const {
18902 | placement,
18903 | middlewareData,
18904 | rects,
18905 | initialPlacement,
18906 | platform: platform2,
18907 | elements
18908 | } = state;
18909 | const {
18910 | mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,
18911 | crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true,
18912 | fallbackPlacements: specifiedFallbackPlacements,
18913 | fallbackStrategy = "bestFit",
18914 | fallbackAxisSideDirection = "none",
18915 | flipAlignment = true,
18916 | ...detectOverflowOptions
18917 | } = evaluate(options, state);
18918 | if ((_middlewareData$arrow = middlewareData.arrow) != null && _middlewareData$arrow.alignmentOffset) {
18919 | return {};
18920 | }
18921 | const side = getSide(placement);
18922 | const isBasePlacement = getSide(initialPlacement) === initialPlacement;
18923 | const rtl = await (platform2.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform2.isRTL(elements.floating));
18924 | const fallbackPlacements = specifiedFallbackPlacements || (isBasePlacement || !flipAlignment ? [getOppositePlacement(initialPlacement)] : getExpandedPlacements(initialPlacement));
18925 | if (!specifiedFallbackPlacements && fallbackAxisSideDirection !== "none") {
18926 | fallbackPlacements.push(...getOppositeAxisPlacements(initialPlacement, flipAlignment, fallbackAxisSideDirection, rtl));
18927 | }
18928 | const placements = [initialPlacement, ...fallbackPlacements];
18929 | const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions);
18930 | const overflows = [];
18931 | let overflowsData = ((_middlewareData$flip = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip.overflows) || [];
18932 | if (checkMainAxis) {
18933 | overflows.push(overflow[side]);
18934 | }
18935 | if (checkCrossAxis) {
18936 | const sides2 = getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl);
18937 | overflows.push(overflow[sides2[0]], overflow[sides2[1]]);
18938 | }
18939 | overflowsData = [...overflowsData, {
18940 | placement,
18941 | overflows
18942 | }];
18943 | if (!overflows.every((side2) => side2 <= 0)) {
18944 | var _middlewareData$flip2, _overflowsData$filter;
18945 | const nextIndex = (((_middlewareData$flip2 = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip2.index) || 0) + 1;
18946 | const nextPlacement = placements[nextIndex];
18947 | if (nextPlacement) {
18948 | return {
18949 | data: {
18950 | index: nextIndex,
18951 | overflows: overflowsData
18952 | },
18953 | reset: {
18954 | placement: nextPlacement
18955 | }
18956 | };
18957 | }
18958 | let resetPlacement = (_overflowsData$filter = overflowsData.filter((d) => d.overflows[0] <= 0).sort((a, b) => a.overflows[1] - b.overflows[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$filter.placement;
18959 | if (!resetPlacement) {
18960 | switch (fallbackStrategy) {
18961 | case "bestFit": {
18962 | var _overflowsData$map$so;
18963 | const placement2 = (_overflowsData$map$so = overflowsData.map((d) => [d.placement, d.overflows.filter((overflow2) => overflow2 > 0).reduce((acc, overflow2) => acc + overflow2, 0)]).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$map$so[0];
18964 | if (placement2) {
18965 | resetPlacement = placement2;
18966 | }
18967 | break;
18968 | }
18969 | case "initialPlacement":
18970 | resetPlacement = initialPlacement;
18971 | break;
18972 | }
18973 | }
18974 | if (placement !== resetPlacement) {
18975 | return {
18976 | reset: {
18977 | placement: resetPlacement
18978 | }
18979 | };
18980 | }
18981 | }
18982 | return {};
18983 | }
18984 | };
18985 | };
18986 | function getSideOffsets(overflow, rect) {
18987 | return {
18988 | top: overflow.top - rect.height,
18989 | right: overflow.right - rect.width,
18990 | bottom: overflow.bottom - rect.height,
18991 | left: overflow.left - rect.width
18992 | };
18993 | }
18994 | function isAnySideFullyClipped(overflow) {
18995 | return sides.some((side) => overflow[side] >= 0);
18996 | }
18997 | const hide = function(options) {
18998 | if (options === void 0) {
18999 | options = {};
19000 | }
19001 | return {
19002 | name: "hide",
19003 | options,
19004 | async fn(state) {
19005 | const {
19006 | rects
19007 | } = state;
19008 | const {
19009 | strategy = "referenceHidden",
19010 | ...detectOverflowOptions
19011 | } = evaluate(options, state);
19012 | switch (strategy) {
19013 | case "referenceHidden": {
19014 | const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, {
19015 | ...detectOverflowOptions,
19016 | elementContext: "reference"
19017 | });
19018 | const offsets = getSideOffsets(overflow, rects.reference);
19019 | return {
19020 | data: {
19021 | referenceHiddenOffsets: offsets,
19022 | referenceHidden: isAnySideFullyClipped(offsets)
19023 | }
19024 | };
19025 | }
19026 | case "escaped": {
19027 | const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, {
19028 | ...detectOverflowOptions,
19029 | altBoundary: true
19030 | });
19031 | const offsets = getSideOffsets(overflow, rects.floating);
19032 | return {
19033 | data: {
19034 | escapedOffsets: offsets,
19035 | escaped: isAnySideFullyClipped(offsets)
19036 | }
19037 | };
19038 | }
19039 | default: {
19040 | return {};
19041 | }
19042 | }
19043 | }
19044 | };
19045 | };
19046 | async function convertValueToCoords(state, options) {
19047 | const {
19048 | placement,
19049 | platform: platform2,
19050 | elements
19051 | } = state;
19052 | const rtl = await (platform2.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform2.isRTL(elements.floating));
19053 | const side = getSide(placement);
19054 | const alignment = getAlignment(placement);
19055 | const isVertical = getSideAxis(placement) === "y";
19056 | const mainAxisMulti = ["left", "top"].includes(side) ? -1 : 1;
19057 | const crossAxisMulti = rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1;
19058 | const rawValue = evaluate(options, state);
19059 | let {
19060 | mainAxis,
19061 | crossAxis,
19062 | alignmentAxis
19063 | } = typeof rawValue === "number" ? {
19064 | mainAxis: rawValue,
19065 | crossAxis: 0,
19066 | alignmentAxis: null
19067 | } : {
19068 | mainAxis: 0,
19069 | crossAxis: 0,
19070 | alignmentAxis: null,
19071 | ...rawValue
19072 | };
19073 | if (alignment && typeof alignmentAxis === "number") {
19074 | crossAxis = alignment === "end" ? alignmentAxis * -1 : alignmentAxis;
19075 | }
19076 | return isVertical ? {
19077 | x: crossAxis * crossAxisMulti,
19078 | y: mainAxis * mainAxisMulti
19079 | } : {
19080 | x: mainAxis * mainAxisMulti,
19081 | y: crossAxis * crossAxisMulti
19082 | };
19083 | }
19084 | const offset = function(options) {
19085 | if (options === void 0) {
19086 | options = 0;
19087 | }
19088 | return {
19089 | name: "offset",
19090 | options,
19091 | async fn(state) {
19092 | const {
19093 | x,
19094 | y
19095 | } = state;
19096 | const diffCoords = await convertValueToCoords(state, options);
19097 | return {
19098 | x: x + diffCoords.x,
19099 | y: y + diffCoords.y,
19100 | data: diffCoords
19101 | };
19102 | }
19103 | };
19104 | };
19105 | const shift = function(options) {
19106 | if (options === void 0) {
19107 | options = {};
19108 | }
19109 | return {
19110 | name: "shift",
19111 | options,
19112 | async fn(state) {
19113 | const {
19114 | x,
19115 | y,
19116 | placement
19117 | } = state;
19118 | const {
19119 | mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,
19120 | crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = false,
19121 | limiter = {
19122 | fn: (_ref) => {
19123 | let {
19124 | x: x2,
19125 | y: y2
19126 | } = _ref;
19127 | return {
19128 | x: x2,
19129 | y: y2
19130 | };
19131 | }
19132 | },
19133 | ...detectOverflowOptions
19134 | } = evaluate(options, state);
19135 | const coords = {
19136 | x,
19137 | y
19138 | };
19139 | const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions);
19140 | const crossAxis = getSideAxis(getSide(placement));
19141 | const mainAxis = getOppositeAxis(crossAxis);
19142 | let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis];
19143 | let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis];
19144 | if (checkMainAxis) {
19145 | const minSide = mainAxis === "y" ? "top" : "left";
19146 | const maxSide = mainAxis === "y" ? "bottom" : "right";
19147 | const min2 = mainAxisCoord + overflow[minSide];
19148 | const max2 = mainAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide];
19149 | mainAxisCoord = clamp(min2, mainAxisCoord, max2);
19150 | }
19151 | if (checkCrossAxis) {
19152 | const minSide = crossAxis === "y" ? "top" : "left";
19153 | const maxSide = crossAxis === "y" ? "bottom" : "right";
19154 | const min2 = crossAxisCoord + overflow[minSide];
19155 | const max2 = crossAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide];
19156 | crossAxisCoord = clamp(min2, crossAxisCoord, max2);
19157 | }
19158 | const limitedCoords = limiter.fn({
19159 | ...state,
19160 | [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord,
19161 | [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord
19162 | });
19163 | return {
19164 | ...limitedCoords,
19165 | data: {
19166 | x: limitedCoords.x - x,
19167 | y: limitedCoords.y - y
19168 | }
19169 | };
19170 | }
19171 | };
19172 | };
19173 | const limitShift = function(options) {
19174 | if (options === void 0) {
19175 | options = {};
19176 | }
19177 | return {
19178 | options,
19179 | fn(state) {
19180 | const {
19181 | x,
19182 | y,
19183 | placement,
19184 | rects,
19185 | middlewareData
19186 | } = state;
19187 | const {
19188 | offset: offset2 = 0,
19189 | mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,
19190 | crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true
19191 | } = evaluate(options, state);
19192 | const coords = {
19193 | x,
19194 | y
19195 | };
19196 | const crossAxis = getSideAxis(placement);
19197 | const mainAxis = getOppositeAxis(crossAxis);
19198 | let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis];
19199 | let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis];
19200 | const rawOffset = evaluate(offset2, state);
19201 | const computedOffset = typeof rawOffset === "number" ? {
19202 | mainAxis: rawOffset,
19203 | crossAxis: 0
19204 | } : {
19205 | mainAxis: 0,
19206 | crossAxis: 0,
19207 | ...rawOffset
19208 | };
19209 | if (checkMainAxis) {
19210 | const len = mainAxis === "y" ? "height" : "width";
19211 | const limitMin = rects.reference[mainAxis] - rects.floating[len] + computedOffset.mainAxis;
19212 | const limitMax = rects.reference[mainAxis] + rects.reference[len] - computedOffset.mainAxis;
19213 | if (mainAxisCoord < limitMin) {
19214 | mainAxisCoord = limitMin;
19215 | } else if (mainAxisCoord > limitMax) {
19216 | mainAxisCoord = limitMax;
19217 | }
19218 | }
19219 | if (checkCrossAxis) {
19220 | var _middlewareData$offse, _middlewareData$offse2;
19221 | const len = mainAxis === "y" ? "width" : "height";
19222 | const isOriginSide = ["top", "left"].includes(getSide(placement));
19223 | const limitMin = rects.reference[crossAxis] - rects.floating[len] + (isOriginSide ? ((_middlewareData$offse = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse[crossAxis]) || 0 : 0) + (isOriginSide ? 0 : computedOffset.crossAxis);
19224 | const limitMax = rects.reference[crossAxis] + rects.reference[len] + (isOriginSide ? 0 : ((_middlewareData$offse2 = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse2[crossAxis]) || 0) - (isOriginSide ? computedOffset.crossAxis : 0);
19225 | if (crossAxisCoord < limitMin) {
19226 | crossAxisCoord = limitMin;
19227 | } else if (crossAxisCoord > limitMax) {
19228 | crossAxisCoord = limitMax;
19229 | }
19230 | }
19231 | return {
19232 | [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord,
19233 | [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord
19234 | };
19235 | }
19236 | };
19237 | };
19238 | function getNodeName(node) {
19239 | if (isNode(node)) {
19240 | return (node.nodeName || "").toLowerCase();
19241 | }
19242 | return "#document";
19243 | }
19244 | function getWindow(node) {
19245 | var _node$ownerDocument;
19246 | return (node == null ? void 0 : (_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument.defaultView) || window;
19247 | }
19248 | function getDocumentElement(node) {
19249 | var _ref;
19250 | return (_ref = (isNode(node) ? node.ownerDocument : node.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : _ref.documentElement;
19251 | }
19252 | function isNode(value) {
19253 | return value instanceof Node || value instanceof getWindow(value).Node;
19254 | }
19255 | function isElement(value) {
19256 | return value instanceof Element || value instanceof getWindow(value).Element;
19257 | }
19258 | function isHTMLElement(value) {
19259 | return value instanceof HTMLElement || value instanceof getWindow(value).HTMLElement;
19260 | }
19261 | function isShadowRoot(value) {
19262 | if (typeof ShadowRoot === "undefined") {
19263 | return false;
19264 | }
19265 | return value instanceof ShadowRoot || value instanceof getWindow(value).ShadowRoot;
19266 | }
19267 | function isOverflowElement(element) {
19268 | const {
19269 | overflow,
19270 | overflowX,
19271 | overflowY,
19272 | display
19273 | } = getComputedStyle(element);
19274 | return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX) && !["inline", "contents"].includes(display);
19275 | }
19276 | function isTableElement(element) {
19277 | return ["table", "td", "th"].includes(getNodeName(element));
19278 | }
19279 | function isContainingBlock(element) {
19280 | const webkit = isWebKit();
19281 | const css = getComputedStyle(element);
19282 | return css.transform !== "none" || css.perspective !== "none" || (css.containerType ? css.containerType !== "normal" : false) || !webkit && (css.backdropFilter ? css.backdropFilter !== "none" : false) || !webkit && (css.filter ? css.filter !== "none" : false) || ["transform", "perspective", "filter"].some((value) => (css.willChange || "").includes(value)) || ["paint", "layout", "strict", "content"].some((value) => (css.contain || "").includes(value));
19283 | }
19284 | function getContainingBlock(element) {
19285 | let currentNode = getParentNode(element);
19286 | while (isHTMLElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) {
19287 | if (isContainingBlock(currentNode)) {
19288 | return currentNode;
19289 | } else {
19290 | currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode);
19291 | }
19292 | }
19293 | return null;
19294 | }
19295 | function isWebKit() {
19296 | if (typeof CSS === "undefined" || !CSS.supports)
19297 | return false;
19298 | return CSS.supports("-webkit-backdrop-filter", "none");
19299 | }
19300 | function isLastTraversableNode(node) {
19301 | return ["html", "body", "#document"].includes(getNodeName(node));
19302 | }
19303 | function getComputedStyle(element) {
19304 | return getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element);
19305 | }
19306 | function getNodeScroll(element) {
19307 | if (isElement(element)) {
19308 | return {
19309 | scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft,
19310 | scrollTop: element.scrollTop
19311 | };
19312 | }
19313 | return {
19314 | scrollLeft: element.pageXOffset,
19315 | scrollTop: element.pageYOffset
19316 | };
19317 | }
19318 | function getParentNode(node) {
19319 | if (getNodeName(node) === "html") {
19320 | return node;
19321 | }
19322 | const result = (
19323 |
19324 | node.assignedSlot ||
19325 | node.parentNode ||
19326 | isShadowRoot(node) && node.host ||
19327 | getDocumentElement(node)
19328 | );
19329 | return isShadowRoot(result) ? result.host : result;
19330 | }
19331 | function getNearestOverflowAncestor(node) {
19332 | const parentNode = getParentNode(node);
19333 | if (isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) {
19334 | return node.ownerDocument ? node.ownerDocument.body : node.body;
19335 | }
19336 | if (isHTMLElement(parentNode) && isOverflowElement(parentNode)) {
19337 | return parentNode;
19338 | }
19339 | return getNearestOverflowAncestor(parentNode);
19340 | }
19341 | function getOverflowAncestors(node, list, traverseIframes) {
19342 | var _node$ownerDocument2;
19343 | if (list === void 0) {
19344 | list = [];
19345 | }
19346 | if (traverseIframes === void 0) {
19347 | traverseIframes = true;
19348 | }
19349 | const scrollableAncestor = getNearestOverflowAncestor(node);
19350 | const isBody = scrollableAncestor === ((_node$ownerDocument2 = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument2.body);
19351 | const win = getWindow(scrollableAncestor);
19352 | if (isBody) {
19353 | return list.concat(win, win.visualViewport || [], isOverflowElement(scrollableAncestor) ? scrollableAncestor : [], win.frameElement && traverseIframes ? getOverflowAncestors(win.frameElement) : []);
19354 | }
19355 | return list.concat(scrollableAncestor, getOverflowAncestors(scrollableAncestor, [], traverseIframes));
19356 | }
19357 | function getCssDimensions(element) {
19358 | const css = getComputedStyle(element);
19359 | let width = parseFloat(css.width) || 0;
19360 | let height = parseFloat(css.height) || 0;
19361 | const hasOffset = isHTMLElement(element);
19362 | const offsetWidth = hasOffset ? element.offsetWidth : width;
19363 | const offsetHeight = hasOffset ? element.offsetHeight : height;
19364 | const shouldFallback = round(width) !== offsetWidth || round(height) !== offsetHeight;
19365 | if (shouldFallback) {
19366 | width = offsetWidth;
19367 | height = offsetHeight;
19368 | }
19369 | return {
19370 | width,
19371 | height,
19372 | $: shouldFallback
19373 | };
19374 | }
19375 | function unwrapElement(element) {
19376 | return !isElement(element) ? element.contextElement : element;
19377 | }
19378 | function getScale(element) {
19379 | const domElement = unwrapElement(element);
19380 | if (!isHTMLElement(domElement)) {
19381 | return createCoords(1);
19382 | }
19383 | const rect = domElement.getBoundingClientRect();
19384 | const {
19385 | width,
19386 | height,
19387 | $
19388 | } = getCssDimensions(domElement);
19389 | let x = ($ ? round(rect.width) : rect.width) / width;
19390 | let y = ($ ? round(rect.height) : rect.height) / height;
19391 | if (!x || !Number.isFinite(x)) {
19392 | x = 1;
19393 | }
19394 | if (!y || !Number.isFinite(y)) {
19395 | y = 1;
19396 | }
19397 | return {
19398 | x,
19399 | y
19400 | };
19401 | }
19402 | const noOffsets = createCoords(0);
19403 | function getVisualOffsets(element) {
19404 | const win = getWindow(element);
19405 | if (!isWebKit() || !win.visualViewport) {
19406 | return noOffsets;
19407 | }
19408 | return {
19409 | x: win.visualViewport.offsetLeft,
19410 | y: win.visualViewport.offsetTop
19411 | };
19412 | }
19413 | function shouldAddVisualOffsets(element, isFixed, floatingOffsetParent) {
19414 | if (isFixed === void 0) {
19415 | isFixed = false;
19416 | }
19417 | if (!floatingOffsetParent || isFixed && floatingOffsetParent !== getWindow(element)) {
19418 | return false;
19419 | }
19420 | return isFixed;
19421 | }
19422 | function getBoundingClientRect(element, includeScale, isFixedStrategy, offsetParent) {
19423 | if (includeScale === void 0) {
19424 | includeScale = false;
19425 | }
19426 | if (isFixedStrategy === void 0) {
19427 | isFixedStrategy = false;
19428 | }
19429 | const clientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
19430 | const domElement = unwrapElement(element);
19431 | let scale2 = createCoords(1);
19432 | if (includeScale) {
19433 | if (offsetParent) {
19434 | if (isElement(offsetParent)) {
19435 | scale2 = getScale(offsetParent);
19436 | }
19437 | } else {
19438 | scale2 = getScale(element);
19439 | }
19440 | }
19441 | const visualOffsets = shouldAddVisualOffsets(domElement, isFixedStrategy, offsetParent) ? getVisualOffsets(domElement) : createCoords(0);
19442 | let x = (clientRect.left + visualOffsets.x) / scale2.x;
19443 | let y = (clientRect.top + visualOffsets.y) / scale2.y;
19444 | let width = clientRect.width / scale2.x;
19445 | let height = clientRect.height / scale2.y;
19446 | if (domElement) {
19447 | const win = getWindow(domElement);
19448 | const offsetWin = offsetParent && isElement(offsetParent) ? getWindow(offsetParent) : offsetParent;
19449 | let currentIFrame = win.frameElement;
19450 | while (currentIFrame && offsetParent && offsetWin !== win) {
19451 | const iframeScale = getScale(currentIFrame);
19452 | const iframeRect = currentIFrame.getBoundingClientRect();
19453 | const css = getComputedStyle(currentIFrame);
19454 | const left = iframeRect.left + (currentIFrame.clientLeft + parseFloat(css.paddingLeft)) * iframeScale.x;
19455 | const top = iframeRect.top + (currentIFrame.clientTop + parseFloat(css.paddingTop)) * iframeScale.y;
19456 | x *= iframeScale.x;
19457 | y *= iframeScale.y;
19458 | width *= iframeScale.x;
19459 | height *= iframeScale.y;
19460 | x += left;
19461 | y += top;
19462 | currentIFrame = getWindow(currentIFrame).frameElement;
19463 | }
19464 | }
19465 | return rectToClientRect({
19466 | width,
19467 | height,
19468 | x,
19469 | y
19470 | });
19471 | }
19472 | function convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect(_ref) {
19473 | let {
19474 | rect,
19475 | offsetParent,
19476 | strategy
19477 | } = _ref;
19478 | const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);
19479 | const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);
19480 | if (offsetParent === documentElement) {
19481 | return rect;
19482 | }
19483 | let scroll = {
19484 | scrollLeft: 0,
19485 | scrollTop: 0
19486 | };
19487 | let scale2 = createCoords(1);
19488 | const offsets = createCoords(0);
19489 | if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && strategy !== "fixed") {
19490 | if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== "body" || isOverflowElement(documentElement)) {
19491 | scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);
19492 | }
19493 | if (isHTMLElement(offsetParent)) {
19494 | const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);
19495 | scale2 = getScale(offsetParent);
19496 | offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft;
19497 | offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop;
19498 | }
19499 | }
19500 | return {
19501 | width: rect.width * scale2.x,
19502 | height: rect.height * scale2.y,
19503 | x: rect.x * scale2.x - scroll.scrollLeft * scale2.x + offsets.x,
19504 | y: rect.y * scale2.y - scroll.scrollTop * scale2.y + offsets.y
19505 | };
19506 | }
19507 | function getClientRects(element) {
19508 | return Array.from(element.getClientRects());
19509 | }
19510 | function getWindowScrollBarX(element) {
19511 | return getBoundingClientRect(getDocumentElement(element)).left + getNodeScroll(element).scrollLeft;
19512 | }
19513 | function getDocumentRect(element) {
19514 | const html = getDocumentElement(element);
19515 | const scroll = getNodeScroll(element);
19516 | const body = element.ownerDocument.body;
19517 | const width = max(html.scrollWidth, html.clientWidth, body.scrollWidth, body.clientWidth);
19518 | const height = max(html.scrollHeight, html.clientHeight, body.scrollHeight, body.clientHeight);
19519 | let x = -scroll.scrollLeft + getWindowScrollBarX(element);
19520 | const y = -scroll.scrollTop;
19521 | if (getComputedStyle(body).direction === "rtl") {
19522 | x += max(html.clientWidth, body.clientWidth) - width;
19523 | }
19524 | return {
19525 | width,
19526 | height,
19527 | x,
19528 | y
19529 | };
19530 | }
19531 | function getViewportRect(element, strategy) {
19532 | const win = getWindow(element);
19533 | const html = getDocumentElement(element);
19534 | const visualViewport = win.visualViewport;
19535 | let width = html.clientWidth;
19536 | let height = html.clientHeight;
19537 | let x = 0;
19538 | let y = 0;
19539 | if (visualViewport) {
19540 | width = visualViewport.width;
19541 | height = visualViewport.height;
19542 | const visualViewportBased = isWebKit();
19543 | if (!visualViewportBased || visualViewportBased && strategy === "fixed") {
19544 | x = visualViewport.offsetLeft;
19545 | y = visualViewport.offsetTop;
19546 | }
19547 | }
19548 | return {
19549 | width,
19550 | height,
19551 | x,
19552 | y
19553 | };
19554 | }
19555 | function getInnerBoundingClientRect(element, strategy) {
19556 | const clientRect = getBoundingClientRect(element, true, strategy === "fixed");
19557 | const top = clientRect.top + element.clientTop;
19558 | const left = clientRect.left + element.clientLeft;
19559 | const scale2 = isHTMLElement(element) ? getScale(element) : createCoords(1);
19560 | const width = element.clientWidth * scale2.x;
19561 | const height = element.clientHeight * scale2.y;
19562 | const x = left * scale2.x;
19563 | const y = top * scale2.y;
19564 | return {
19565 | width,
19566 | height,
19567 | x,
19568 | y
19569 | };
19570 | }
19571 | function getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, clippingAncestor, strategy) {
19572 | let rect;
19573 | if (clippingAncestor === "viewport") {
19574 | rect = getViewportRect(element, strategy);
19575 | } else if (clippingAncestor === "document") {
19576 | rect = getDocumentRect(getDocumentElement(element));
19577 | } else if (isElement(clippingAncestor)) {
19578 | rect = getInnerBoundingClientRect(clippingAncestor, strategy);
19579 | } else {
19580 | const visualOffsets = getVisualOffsets(element);
19581 | rect = {
19582 | ...clippingAncestor,
19583 | x: clippingAncestor.x - visualOffsets.x,
19584 | y: clippingAncestor.y - visualOffsets.y
19585 | };
19586 | }
19587 | return rectToClientRect(rect);
19588 | }
19589 | function hasFixedPositionAncestor(element, stopNode) {
19590 | const parentNode = getParentNode(element);
19591 | if (parentNode === stopNode || !isElement(parentNode) || isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) {
19592 | return false;
19593 | }
19594 | return getComputedStyle(parentNode).position === "fixed" || hasFixedPositionAncestor(parentNode, stopNode);
19595 | }
19596 | function getClippingElementAncestors(element, cache) {
19597 | const cachedResult = cache.get(element);
19598 | if (cachedResult) {
19599 | return cachedResult;
19600 | }
19601 | let result = getOverflowAncestors(element, [], false).filter((el) => isElement(el) && getNodeName(el) !== "body");
19602 | let currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = null;
19603 | const elementIsFixed = getComputedStyle(element).position === "fixed";
19604 | let currentNode = elementIsFixed ? getParentNode(element) : element;
19605 | while (isElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) {
19606 | const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(currentNode);
19607 | const currentNodeIsContaining = isContainingBlock(currentNode);
19608 | if (!currentNodeIsContaining && computedStyle.position === "fixed") {
19609 | currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = null;
19610 | }
19611 | const shouldDropCurrentNode = elementIsFixed ? !currentNodeIsContaining && !currentContainingBlockComputedStyle : !currentNodeIsContaining && computedStyle.position === "static" && !!currentContainingBlockComputedStyle && ["absolute", "fixed"].includes(currentContainingBlockComputedStyle.position) || isOverflowElement(currentNode) && !currentNodeIsContaining && hasFixedPositionAncestor(element, currentNode);
19612 | if (shouldDropCurrentNode) {
19613 | result = result.filter((ancestor) => ancestor !== currentNode);
19614 | } else {
19615 | currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = computedStyle;
19616 | }
19617 | currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode);
19618 | }
19619 | cache.set(element, result);
19620 | return result;
19621 | }
19622 | function getClippingRect(_ref) {
19623 | let {
19624 | element,
19625 | boundary,
19626 | rootBoundary,
19627 | strategy
19628 | } = _ref;
19629 | const elementClippingAncestors = boundary === "clippingAncestors" ? getClippingElementAncestors(element, this._c) : [].concat(boundary);
19630 | const clippingAncestors = [...elementClippingAncestors, rootBoundary];
19631 | const firstClippingAncestor = clippingAncestors[0];
19632 | const clippingRect = clippingAncestors.reduce((accRect, clippingAncestor) => {
19633 | const rect = getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, clippingAncestor, strategy);
19634 | accRect.top = max(rect.top, accRect.top);
19635 | accRect.right = min(rect.right, accRect.right);
19636 | accRect.bottom = min(rect.bottom, accRect.bottom);
19637 | accRect.left = max(rect.left, accRect.left);
19638 | return accRect;
19639 | }, getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, firstClippingAncestor, strategy));
19640 | return {
19641 | width: clippingRect.right - clippingRect.left,
19642 | height: clippingRect.bottom - clippingRect.top,
19643 | x: clippingRect.left,
19644 | y: clippingRect.top
19645 | };
19646 | }
19647 | function getDimensions(element) {
19648 | return getCssDimensions(element);
19649 | }
19650 | function getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(element, offsetParent, strategy) {
19651 | const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);
19652 | const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);
19653 | const isFixed = strategy === "fixed";
19654 | const rect = getBoundingClientRect(element, true, isFixed, offsetParent);
19655 | let scroll = {
19656 | scrollLeft: 0,
19657 | scrollTop: 0
19658 | };
19659 | const offsets = createCoords(0);
19660 | if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) {
19661 | if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== "body" || isOverflowElement(documentElement)) {
19662 | scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);
19663 | }
19664 | if (isOffsetParentAnElement) {
19665 | const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent, true, isFixed, offsetParent);
19666 | offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft;
19667 | offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop;
19668 | } else if (documentElement) {
19669 | offsets.x = getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement);
19670 | }
19671 | }
19672 | return {
19673 | x: rect.left + scroll.scrollLeft - offsets.x,
19674 | y: rect.top + scroll.scrollTop - offsets.y,
19675 | width: rect.width,
19676 | height: rect.height
19677 | };
19678 | }
19679 | function getTrueOffsetParent(element, polyfill) {
19680 | if (!isHTMLElement(element) || getComputedStyle(element).position === "fixed") {
19681 | return null;
19682 | }
19683 | if (polyfill) {
19684 | return polyfill(element);
19685 | }
19686 | return element.offsetParent;
19687 | }
19688 | function getOffsetParent(element, polyfill) {
19689 | const window2 = getWindow(element);
19690 | if (!isHTMLElement(element)) {
19691 | return window2;
19692 | }
19693 | let offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(element, polyfill);
19694 | while (offsetParent && isTableElement(offsetParent) && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === "static") {
19695 | offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(offsetParent, polyfill);
19696 | }
19697 | if (offsetParent && (getNodeName(offsetParent) === "html" || getNodeName(offsetParent) === "body" && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === "static" && !isContainingBlock(offsetParent))) {
19698 | return window2;
19699 | }
19700 | return offsetParent || getContainingBlock(element) || window2;
19701 | }
19702 | const getElementRects = async function(_ref) {
19703 | let {
19704 | reference,
19705 | floating,
19706 | strategy
19707 | } = _ref;
19708 | const getOffsetParentFn = this.getOffsetParent || getOffsetParent;
19709 | const getDimensionsFn = this.getDimensions;
19710 | return {
19711 | reference: getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(reference, await getOffsetParentFn(floating), strategy),
19712 | floating: {
19713 | x: 0,
19714 | y: 0,
19715 | ...await getDimensionsFn(floating)
19716 | }
19717 | };
19718 | };
19719 | function isRTL(element) {
19720 | return getComputedStyle(element).direction === "rtl";
19721 | }
19722 | const platform = {
19723 | convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect,
19724 | getDocumentElement,
19725 | getClippingRect,
19726 | getOffsetParent,
19727 | getElementRects,
19728 | getClientRects,
19729 | getDimensions,
19730 | getScale,
19731 | isElement,
19732 | isRTL
19733 | };
19734 | function observeMove(element, onMove) {
19735 | let io = null;
19736 | let timeoutId;
19737 | const root2 = getDocumentElement(element);
19738 | function cleanup() {
19739 | clearTimeout(timeoutId);
19740 | io && io.disconnect();
19741 | io = null;
19742 | }
19743 | function refresh(skip, threshold) {
19744 | if (skip === void 0) {
19745 | skip = false;
19746 | }
19747 | if (threshold === void 0) {
19748 | threshold = 1;
19749 | }
19750 | cleanup();
19751 | const {
19752 | left,
19753 | top,
19754 | width,
19755 | height
19756 | } = element.getBoundingClientRect();
19757 | if (!skip) {
19758 | onMove();
19759 | }
19760 | if (!width || !height) {
19761 | return;
19762 | }
19763 | const insetTop = floor(top);
19764 | const insetRight = floor(root2.clientWidth - (left + width));
19765 | const insetBottom = floor(root2.clientHeight - (top + height));
19766 | const insetLeft = floor(left);
19767 | const rootMargin = -insetTop + "px " + -insetRight + "px " + -insetBottom + "px " + -insetLeft + "px";
19768 | const options = {
19769 | rootMargin,
19770 | threshold: max(0, min(1, threshold)) || 1
19771 | };
19772 | let isFirstUpdate = true;
19773 | function handleObserve(entries) {
19774 | const ratio = entries[0].intersectionRatio;
19775 | if (ratio !== threshold) {
19776 | if (!isFirstUpdate) {
19777 | return refresh();
19778 | }
19779 | if (!ratio) {
19780 | timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
19781 | refresh(false, 1e-7);
19782 | }, 100);
19783 | } else {
19784 | refresh(false, ratio);
19785 | }
19786 | }
19787 | isFirstUpdate = false;
19788 | }
19789 | try {
19790 | io = new IntersectionObserver(handleObserve, {
19791 | ...options,
19792 |
19793 | root: root2.ownerDocument
19794 | });
19795 | } catch (e2) {
19796 | io = new IntersectionObserver(handleObserve, options);
19797 | }
19798 | io.observe(element);
19799 | }
19800 | refresh(true);
19801 | return cleanup;
19802 | }
19803 | function autoUpdate(reference, floating, update2, options) {
19804 | if (options === void 0) {
19805 | options = {};
19806 | }
19807 | const {
19808 | ancestorScroll = true,
19809 | ancestorResize = true,
19810 | elementResize = typeof ResizeObserver === "function",
19811 | layoutShift = typeof IntersectionObserver === "function",
19812 | animationFrame = false
19813 | } = options;
19814 | const referenceEl = unwrapElement(reference);
19815 | const ancestors = ancestorScroll || ancestorResize ? [...referenceEl ? getOverflowAncestors(referenceEl) : [], ...getOverflowAncestors(floating)] : [];
19816 | ancestors.forEach((ancestor) => {
19817 | ancestorScroll && ancestor.addEventListener("scroll", update2, {
19818 | passive: true
19819 | });
19820 | ancestorResize && ancestor.addEventListener("resize", update2);
19821 | });
19822 | const cleanupIo = referenceEl && layoutShift ? observeMove(referenceEl, update2) : null;
19823 | let reobserveFrame = -1;
19824 | let resizeObserver = null;
19825 | if (elementResize) {
19826 | resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((_ref) => {
19827 | let [firstEntry] = _ref;
19828 | if (firstEntry && firstEntry.target === referenceEl && resizeObserver) {
19829 | resizeObserver.unobserve(floating);
19830 | cancelAnimationFrame(reobserveFrame);
19831 | reobserveFrame = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
19832 | resizeObserver && resizeObserver.observe(floating);
19833 | });
19834 | }
19835 | update2();
19836 | });
19837 | if (referenceEl && !animationFrame) {
19838 | resizeObserver.observe(referenceEl);
19839 | }
19840 | resizeObserver.observe(floating);
19841 | }
19842 | let frameId;
19843 | let prevRefRect = animationFrame ? getBoundingClientRect(reference) : null;
19844 | if (animationFrame) {
19845 | frameLoop2();
19846 | }
19847 | function frameLoop2() {
19848 | const nextRefRect = getBoundingClientRect(reference);
19849 | if (prevRefRect && (nextRefRect.x !== prevRefRect.x || nextRefRect.y !== prevRefRect.y || nextRefRect.width !== prevRefRect.width || nextRefRect.height !== prevRefRect.height)) {
19850 | update2();
19851 | }
19852 | prevRefRect = nextRefRect;
19853 | frameId = requestAnimationFrame(frameLoop2);
19854 | }
19855 | update2();
19856 | return () => {
19857 | ancestors.forEach((ancestor) => {
19858 | ancestorScroll && ancestor.removeEventListener("scroll", update2);
19859 | ancestorResize && ancestor.removeEventListener("resize", update2);
19860 | });
19861 | cleanupIo && cleanupIo();
19862 | resizeObserver && resizeObserver.disconnect();
19863 | resizeObserver = null;
19864 | if (animationFrame) {
19865 | cancelAnimationFrame(frameId);
19866 | }
19867 | };
19868 | }
19869 | const computePosition = (reference, floating, options) => {
19870 | const cache = new Map();
19871 | const mergedOptions = {
19872 | platform,
19873 | ...options
19874 | };
19875 | const platformWithCache = {
19876 | ...mergedOptions.platform,
19877 | _c: cache
19878 | };
19879 | return computePosition$1(reference, floating, {
19880 | ...mergedOptions,
19881 | platform: platformWithCache
19882 | });
19883 | };
19884 | class Wrapper extends React$1.Component {
19885 | constructor() {
19886 | super(...arguments);
19887 | this.element = null;
19888 | }
19889 | componentDidMount() {
19890 | this.componentDidUpdate();
19891 | }
19892 | componentDidUpdate() {
19893 | const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
19894 | if (node instanceof Element) {
19895 | this.element = node;
19896 | } else {
19897 | this.element = null;
19898 | }
19899 | }
19900 | render() {
19901 | return React$1.Children.only(this.props.children);
19902 | }
19903 | }
19904 | const record = {
19905 | "topLeft": "top-start",
19906 | "topRight": "top-end",
19907 | "bottomLeft": "bottom-start",
19908 | "bottomRight": "bottom-end",
19909 | "leftTop": "left-start",
19910 | "leftBottom": "left-end",
19911 | "rightTop": "right-start",
19912 | "rightBottom": "right-end"
19913 | };
19914 | function normalizePlacement(placement) {
19915 | var _a;
19916 | return (_a = record[placement]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : placement;
19917 | }
19918 | let tenPxTester = null;
19919 | let tester = null;
19920 | if (canUseDom$1) {
19921 | tenPxTester = document.createElement("div");
19922 | tenPxTester.className = "adm-px-tester";
19923 | tenPxTester.style.setProperty("--size", "10");
19924 | document.body.appendChild(tenPxTester);
19925 | tester = document.createElement("div");
19926 | tester.className = "adm-px-tester";
19927 | document.body.appendChild(tester);
19928 | {
19929 | if (window.getComputedStyle(tester).position !== "fixed") {
19930 | devError("Global", "The px tester is not rendering properly. Please make sure you have imported `antd-mobile/es/global`.");
19931 | }
19932 | }
19933 | }
19934 | function convertPx(px) {
19935 | if (tenPxTester === null || tester === null)
19936 | return px;
19937 | if (tenPxTester.getBoundingClientRect().height === 10) {
19938 | return px;
19939 | }
19940 | tester.style.setProperty("--size", px.toString());
19941 | return tester.getBoundingClientRect().height;
19942 | }
19943 | const classPrefix$N = `adm-popover`;
19944 | const defaultProps$A = {
19945 | placement: "top",
19946 | defaultVisible: false,
19947 | stopPropagation: ["click"],
19948 | getContainer: () => document.body,
19949 | mode: "light"
19950 | };
19951 | const Popover$1 = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
19952 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$A, p);
19953 | const placement = normalizePlacement(props.placement);
19954 | const [visible, setVisible] = usePropsValue({
19955 | value: props.visible,
19956 | defaultValue: props.defaultVisible,
19957 | onChange: props.onVisibleChange
19958 | });
19959 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
19960 | show: () => setVisible(true),
19961 | hide: () => setVisible(false),
19962 | visible
19963 | }), [visible]);
19964 | const targetRef = React$1.useRef(null);
19965 | const floatingRef = React$1.useRef(null);
19966 | const arrowRef = React$1.useRef(null);
19967 | const floating = withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagation, withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
19968 | className: classNames(classPrefix$N, `${classPrefix$N}-${props.mode}`, {
19969 | [`${classPrefix$N}-hidden`]: !visible
19970 | }),
19971 | ref: floatingRef
19972 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
19973 | className: `${classPrefix$N}-arrow`,
19974 | ref: arrowRef
19975 | }, React$1.createElement(Arrow, {
19976 | className: `${classPrefix$N}-arrow-icon`
19977 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
19978 | className: `${classPrefix$N}-inner`
19979 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
19980 | className: `${classPrefix$N}-inner-content`
19981 | }, props.content)))));
19982 | const [targetElement, setTargetElement] = React$1.useState(null);
19983 | function update2() {
19984 | var _a, _b, _c;
19985 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19986 | const target = (_b = (_a = targetRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.element) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
19987 | const floating2 = floatingRef.current;
19988 | const arrowElement = arrowRef.current;
19989 | setTargetElement(target);
19990 | if (!target || !floating2 || !arrowElement)
19991 | return;
19992 | const {
19993 | x,
19994 | y,
19995 | placement: realPlacement,
19996 | middlewareData
19997 | } = yield computePosition(target, floating2, {
19998 | placement,
19999 | middleware: [offset(convertPx(12)), shift({
20000 | padding: convertPx(4),
20001 | crossAxis: false,
20002 | limiter: limitShift()
20003 | }), flip(), hide(), arrow({
20004 | element: arrowElement,
20005 | padding: convertPx(12)
20006 | })]
20007 | });
20008 | Object.assign(floating2.style, {
20009 | left: `${x}px`,
20010 | top: `${y}px`
20011 | });
20012 | const side = realPlacement.split("-")[0];
20013 | const arrowSide = {
20014 | top: "bottom",
20015 | right: "left",
20016 | bottom: "top",
20017 | left: "right"
20018 | }[side];
20019 | const {
20020 | x: arrowX,
20021 | y: arrowY
20022 | } = (_c = middlewareData.arrow) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {};
20023 | Object.assign(arrowElement.style, {
20024 | left: arrowX != null ? `${arrowX}px` : "",
20025 | top: arrowY != null ? `${arrowY}px` : "",
20026 | right: "",
20027 | bottom: "",
20028 | [arrowSide]: "calc(var(--arrow-size) * -1)"
20029 | });
20030 | const arrowRotate = {
20031 | top: "0deg",
20032 | bottom: "180deg",
20033 | left: "270deg",
20034 | right: "90deg"
20035 | }[side];
20036 | arrowElement.style.setProperty("--arrow-icon-rotate", arrowRotate);
20037 | });
20038 | }
20039 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
20040 | update2();
20041 | });
20042 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
20043 | if (!targetElement)
20044 | return;
20045 | if (!props.trigger)
20046 | return;
20047 | function handleClick() {
20048 | setVisible((v) => !v);
20049 | }
20050 | targetElement.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
20051 | return () => {
20052 | targetElement.removeEventListener("click", handleClick);
20053 | };
20054 | }, [targetElement, props.trigger]);
20055 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
20056 | const floatingElement = floatingRef.current;
20057 | if (!targetElement || !floatingElement)
20058 | return;
20059 | return autoUpdate(targetElement, floatingElement, update2, {
20060 | elementResize: typeof ResizeObserver !== "undefined"
20061 | });
20062 | }, [targetElement]);
20063 | useClickAway(() => {
20064 | if (!props.trigger)
20065 | return;
20066 | setVisible(false);
20067 | }, [() => {
20068 | var _a;
20069 | return (_a = targetRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.element;
20070 | }, floatingRef], ["click", "touchmove"]);
20071 | const shouldRender = useShouldRender(visible, false, props.destroyOnHide);
20072 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, React$1.createElement(Wrapper, {
20073 | ref: targetRef
20074 | }, props.children), shouldRender && renderToContainer(props.getContainer, floating));
20075 | });
20076 | const classPrefix$M = `adm-popover-menu`;
20077 | const PopoverMenu = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
20078 | const innerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
20079 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => innerRef.current, []);
20080 | const onClick = React$1.useCallback((e2) => {
20081 | var _a;
20082 | const {
20083 | onAction
20084 | } = props;
20085 | if (onAction) {
20086 | onAction(e2);
20087 | }
20088 | (_a = innerRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide();
20089 | }, [props.onAction]);
20090 | const overlay = React$1.useMemo(() => {
20091 | const whetherScroll = (props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.maxCount) && props.actions.length > (props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.maxCount);
20092 | const innerHeight = (props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.maxCount) && (props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.maxCount) * 48;
20093 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
20094 | className: `${classPrefix$M}-list`
20095 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
20096 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$M}-list-inner`, {
20097 | [`${classPrefix$M}-list-scroll`]: whetherScroll
20098 | }),
20099 | style: {
20100 | height: innerHeight
20101 | }
20102 | }, props.actions.map((action, index2) => {
20103 | var _a;
20104 | return React$1.createElement("a", {
20105 | key: (_a = action.key) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : index2,
20106 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$M}-item`, "adm-plain-anchor", {
20107 | [`${classPrefix$M}-item-disabled`]: action.disabled
20108 | }),
20109 | onClick: () => {
20110 | var _a2;
20111 | if (action.disabled)
20112 | return;
20113 | onClick(action);
20114 | (_a2 = action.onClick) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(action);
20115 | }
20116 | }, action.icon && React$1.createElement("div", {
20117 | className: `${classPrefix$M}-item-icon`
20118 | }, action.icon), React$1.createElement("div", {
20119 | className: `${classPrefix$M}-item-text`
20120 | }, action.text));
20121 | })));
20122 | }, [props.actions, onClick]);
20123 | return React$1.createElement(Popover$1, Object.assign({
20124 | ref: innerRef
20125 | }, props, {
20126 | className: classNames(classPrefix$M, props.className),
20127 | content: overlay
20128 | }), props.children);
20129 | });
20130 | const Popover = attachPropertiesToComponent(Popover$1, {
20131 | Menu: PopoverMenu
20132 | });
20133 | function toArray(candidate) {
20134 | if (candidate === void 0 || candidate === false)
20135 | return [];
20136 | return Array.isArray(candidate) ? candidate : [candidate];
20137 | }
20138 | function shouldConstruct(Component) {
20139 | const prototype = Component.prototype;
20140 | return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);
20141 | }
20142 | function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) {
20143 | return typeof type === "function" && !shouldConstruct(type) && type.defaultProps === void 0;
20144 | }
20145 | function isSafeSetRefComponent(component) {
20146 | if (reactIsExports.isFragment(component))
20147 | return false;
20148 | if (reactIsExports.isMemo(component))
20149 | return isSafeSetRefComponent(component.type);
20150 | return !isSimpleFunctionComponent(component.type);
20151 | }
20152 | const NAME_SPLIT = "__SPLIT__";
20153 | const classPrefix$L = `adm-form-item`;
20154 | const MemoInput = React$1.memo(({
20155 | children
20156 | }) => children, (prev, next) => prev.value === next.value && prev.update === next.update);
20157 | const FormItemLayout = (props) => {
20158 | var _a;
20159 | const {
20160 | locale,
20161 | form: componentConfig = {}
20162 | } = useConfig();
20163 | const {
20164 | style,
20165 | extra,
20166 | label,
20167 | help,
20168 | helpIcon,
20169 | required,
20170 | children,
20171 | htmlFor,
20172 | hidden,
20173 | arrow: arrow2,
20174 | arrowIcon,
20175 | childElementPosition = "normal"
20176 | } = mergeProps(componentConfig, props);
20177 | const context = React$1.useContext(FormContext);
20178 | const hasFeedback = props.hasFeedback !== void 0 ? props.hasFeedback : context.hasFeedback;
20179 | const layout = props.layout || context.layout;
20180 | const disabled = (_a = props.disabled) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context.disabled;
20181 | const requiredMark = (() => {
20182 | const {
20183 | requiredMarkStyle
20184 | } = context;
20185 | switch (requiredMarkStyle) {
20186 | case "asterisk":
20187 | return required && React$1.createElement("span", {
20188 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-required-asterisk`
20189 | }, "*");
20190 | case "text-required":
20191 | return required && React$1.createElement("span", {
20192 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-required-text`
20193 | }, "(", locale.Form.required, ")");
20194 | case "text-optional":
20195 | return !required && React$1.createElement("span", {
20196 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-required-text`
20197 | }, "(", locale.Form.optional, ")");
20198 | case "none":
20199 | return null;
20200 | default:
20201 | return null;
20202 | }
20203 | })();
20204 | const labelElement = !!label && React$1.createElement("label", {
20205 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-label`,
20206 | htmlFor
20207 | }, label, requiredMark, help && React$1.createElement(Popover, {
20208 | content: help,
20209 | mode: "dark",
20210 | trigger: "click"
20211 | }, React$1.createElement("span", {
20212 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-label-help`,
20213 | onClick: (e2) => {
20214 | e2.stopPropagation();
20215 | e2.preventDefault();
20216 | }
20217 | }, helpIcon || React$1.createElement(QuestionCircleOutline, null))));
20218 | const description = (!!props.description || hasFeedback) && React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, props.description, hasFeedback && React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, props.errors.map((error, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
20219 | key: `error-${index2}`,
20220 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-feedback-error`
20221 | }, error)), props.warnings.map((warning2, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
20222 | key: `warning-${index2}`,
20223 | className: `${classPrefix$L}-feedback-warning`
20224 | }, warning2))));
20225 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(List$1.Item, {
20226 | style,
20227 | title: layout === "vertical" && labelElement,
20228 | prefix: layout === "horizontal" && labelElement,
20229 | extra,
20230 | description,
20231 | className: classNames(classPrefix$L, `${classPrefix$L}-${layout}`, {
20232 | [`${classPrefix$L}-hidden`]: hidden,
20233 | [`${classPrefix$L}-has-error`]: props.errors.length
20234 | }),
20235 | disabled,
20236 | onClick: props.onClick,
20237 | clickable: props.clickable,
20238 | arrowIcon: arrowIcon || arrow2
20239 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
20240 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$L}-child`, `${classPrefix$L}-child-position-${childElementPosition}`)
20241 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
20242 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$L}-child-inner`)
20243 | }, children))));
20244 | };
20245 | const FormItem = (props) => {
20246 | const {
20247 |
20248 | style,
20249 |
20250 | label,
20251 | help,
20252 | helpIcon,
20253 | extra,
20254 | hasFeedback,
20255 | name,
20256 | required,
20257 | noStyle,
20258 | hidden,
20259 | layout,
20260 | childElementPosition,
20261 | description,
20262 |
20263 | disabled,
20264 | rules: rules2,
20265 | children,
20266 | messageVariables,
20267 | trigger = "onChange",
20268 | validateTrigger = trigger,
20269 | onClick,
20270 | shouldUpdate,
20271 | dependencies,
20272 | clickable,
20273 | arrow: arrow2,
20274 | arrowIcon
20275 | } = props, fieldProps = __rest(props, ["style", "label", "help", "helpIcon", "extra", "hasFeedback", "name", "required", "noStyle", "hidden", "layout", "childElementPosition", "description", "disabled", "rules", "children", "messageVariables", "trigger", "validateTrigger", "onClick", "shouldUpdate", "dependencies", "clickable", "arrow", "arrowIcon"]);
20276 | const {
20277 | name: formName
20278 | } = React$1.useContext(FormContext);
20279 | const {
20280 | validateTrigger: contextValidateTrigger
20281 | } = React$1.useContext(default_1);
20282 | const mergedValidateTrigger = undefinedFallback(validateTrigger, contextValidateTrigger, trigger);
20283 | const widgetRef = React$1.useRef(null);
20284 | const updateRef2 = React$1.useRef(0);
20285 | updateRef2.current += 1;
20286 | const [subMetas, setSubMetas] = React$1.useState({});
20287 | const onSubMetaChange = React$1.useCallback((subMeta, namePath) => {
20288 | setSubMetas((prevSubMetas) => {
20289 | const nextSubMetas = Object.assign({}, prevSubMetas);
20290 | const nameKey = namePath.join(NAME_SPLIT);
20291 | if (subMeta.destroy) {
20292 | delete nextSubMetas[nameKey];
20293 | } else {
20294 | nextSubMetas[nameKey] = subMeta;
20295 | }
20296 | return nextSubMetas;
20297 | });
20298 | }, [setSubMetas]);
20299 | function renderLayout(baseChildren, fieldId, meta, isRequired) {
20300 | var _a, _b;
20301 | if (noStyle && !hidden) {
20302 | return baseChildren;
20303 | }
20304 | const curErrors = (_a = meta === null || meta === void 0 ? void 0 : meta.errors) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
20305 | const errors = Object.keys(subMetas).reduce((subErrors, key) => {
20306 | var _a2, _b2;
20307 | const errors2 = (_b2 = (_a2 = subMetas[key]) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.errors) !== null && _b2 !== void 0 ? _b2 : [];
20308 | if (errors2.length) {
20309 | subErrors = [...subErrors, ...errors2];
20310 | }
20311 | return subErrors;
20312 | }, curErrors);
20313 | const curWarnings = (_b = meta === null || meta === void 0 ? void 0 : meta.warnings) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
20314 | const warnings = Object.keys(subMetas).reduce((subWarnings, key) => {
20315 | var _a2, _b2;
20316 | const warnings2 = (_b2 = (_a2 = subMetas[key]) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.warnings) !== null && _b2 !== void 0 ? _b2 : [];
20317 | if (warnings2.length) {
20318 | subWarnings = [...subWarnings, ...warnings2];
20319 | }
20320 | return subWarnings;
20321 | }, curWarnings);
20322 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement(FormItemLayout, {
20323 | style,
20324 | label,
20325 | extra,
20326 | help,
20327 | helpIcon,
20328 | description,
20329 | required: isRequired,
20330 | disabled,
20331 | hasFeedback,
20332 | htmlFor: fieldId,
20333 | errors,
20334 | warnings,
20335 | onClick: onClick && ((e2) => onClick(e2, widgetRef)),
20336 | hidden,
20337 | layout,
20338 | childElementPosition,
20339 | clickable,
20340 | arrow: arrow2,
20341 | arrowIcon
20342 | }, React$1.createElement(NoStyleItemContext.Provider, {
20343 | value: onSubMetaChange
20344 | }, baseChildren)));
20345 | }
20346 | const isRenderProps = typeof children === "function";
20347 | if (!name && !isRenderProps && !props.dependencies) {
20348 | return renderLayout(children);
20349 | }
20350 | let Variables = {};
20351 | Variables.label = typeof label === "string" ? label : "";
20352 | if (messageVariables) {
20353 | Variables = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Variables), messageVariables);
20354 | }
20355 | const notifyParentMetaChange = React$1.useContext(NoStyleItemContext);
20356 | const onMetaChange = (meta) => {
20357 | if (noStyle && notifyParentMetaChange) {
20358 | const namePath = meta.name;
20359 | notifyParentMetaChange(meta, namePath);
20360 | }
20361 | };
20362 | return React$1.createElement(WrapperField, Object.assign({}, fieldProps, {
20363 | name,
20364 | shouldUpdate,
20365 | dependencies,
20366 | rules: rules2,
20367 | trigger,
20368 | validateTrigger: mergedValidateTrigger,
20369 | onMetaChange,
20370 | messageVariables: Variables
20371 | }), (control, meta, context) => {
20372 | let childNode = null;
20373 | const isRequired = required !== void 0 ? required : rules2 && rules2.some((rule) => !!(rule && typeof rule === "object" && rule.required));
20374 | const nameList = toArray(name).length && meta ? meta.name : [];
20375 | const fieldId = (nameList.length > 0 && formName ? [formName, ...nameList] : nameList).join("_");
20376 | if (shouldUpdate && dependencies) {
20377 | devWarning("Form.Item", "`shouldUpdate` and `dependencies` shouldn't be used together.");
20378 | }
20379 | if (isRenderProps) {
20380 | if ((shouldUpdate || dependencies) && !name) {
20381 | childNode = children(context);
20382 | } else {
20383 | if (!(shouldUpdate || dependencies)) {
20384 | devWarning("Form.Item", "`children` of render props only work with `shouldUpdate` or `dependencies`.");
20385 | }
20386 | if (name) {
20387 | devWarning("Form.Item", "Do not use `name` with `children` of render props since it's not a field.");
20388 | }
20389 | }
20390 | } else if (dependencies && !name) {
20391 | devWarning("Form.Item", "Must set `name` or use render props when `dependencies` is set.");
20392 | } else if (React$1.isValidElement(children)) {
20393 | if (children.props.defaultValue) {
20394 | devWarning("Form.Item", "`defaultValue` will not work on controlled Field. You should use `initialValues` of Form instead.");
20395 | }
20396 | const childProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, children.props), control);
20397 | if (isSafeSetRefComponent(children)) {
20398 | childProps.ref = (instance) => {
20399 | const originRef = children.ref;
20400 | if (originRef) {
20401 | if (typeof originRef === "function") {
20402 | originRef(instance);
20403 | }
20404 | if ("current" in originRef) {
20405 | originRef.current = instance;
20406 | }
20407 | }
20408 | widgetRef.current = instance;
20409 | };
20410 | }
20411 | if (!childProps.id) {
20412 | childProps.id = fieldId;
20413 | }
20414 | const triggers = new Set([...toArray(trigger), ...toArray(mergedValidateTrigger)]);
20415 | triggers.forEach((eventName) => {
20416 | childProps[eventName] = (...args) => {
20417 | var _a, _b, _c;
20418 | (_a = control[eventName]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(control, ...args);
20419 | (_c = (_b = children.props)[eventName]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b, ...args);
20420 | };
20421 | });
20422 | childNode = React$1.createElement(MemoInput, {
20423 | value: control[props.valuePropName || "value"],
20424 | update: updateRef2.current
20425 | }, React$1.cloneElement(children, childProps));
20426 | } else {
20427 | if (name) {
20428 | devWarning("Form.Item", "`name` is only used for validate React element. If you are using Form.Item as layout display, please remove `name` instead.");
20429 | }
20430 | childNode = children;
20431 | }
20432 | return renderLayout(childNode, fieldId, meta, isRequired);
20433 | });
20434 | };
20435 | const FormSubscribe = (props) => {
20436 | const update2 = useUpdate$1();
20437 | const form = React$1.useContext(Context$1);
20438 | const value = form.getFieldsValue(props.to);
20439 | const childNode = React$1.useMemo(() => props.children(value, form), [JSON.stringify(value), props.children]);
20440 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, childNode, props.to.map((namePath) => React$1.createElement(Watcher, {
20441 | key: namePath.toString(),
20442 | form,
20443 | namePath,
20444 | onChange: update2
20445 | })));
20446 | };
20447 | const Watcher = React$1.memo((props) => {
20448 | const value = useWatch(props.namePath, props.form);
20449 | useIsomorphicUpdateLayoutEffect(() => {
20450 | props.onChange();
20451 | }, [value]);
20452 | return null;
20453 | });
20454 | const index$a = attachPropertiesToComponent(Form, {
20455 | Item: FormItem,
20456 | Subscribe: FormSubscribe,
20457 | Header,
20458 | Array: FormArray,
20459 | useForm,
20460 | useWatch
20461 | });
20462 | const classPrefix$K = `adm-grid`;
20463 | const Grid$1 = (props) => {
20464 | const style = {
20465 | "--columns": props.columns.toString()
20466 | };
20467 | const {
20468 | gap
20469 | } = props;
20470 | if (gap !== void 0) {
20471 | if (Array.isArray(gap)) {
20472 | style["--gap-horizontal"] = toCSSLength(gap[0]);
20473 | style["--gap-vertical"] = toCSSLength(gap[1]);
20474 | } else {
20475 | style["--gap"] = toCSSLength(gap);
20476 | }
20477 | }
20478 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
20479 | className: classPrefix$K,
20480 | style
20481 | }, props.children));
20482 | };
20483 | const GridItem = (p) => {
20484 | const props = mergeProps({
20485 | span: 1
20486 | }, p);
20487 | const itemStyle = {
20488 | "--item-span": props.span
20489 | };
20490 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
20491 | className: `${classPrefix$K}-item`,
20492 | style: itemStyle,
20493 | onClick: props.onClick
20494 | }, props.children));
20495 | };
20496 | const Grid = attachPropertiesToComponent(Grid$1, {
20497 | Item: GridItem
20498 | });
20499 | const useDragAndPinch = createUseGesture([dragAction, pinchAction]);
20500 | const create = () => {
20501 | return [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
20502 | };
20503 | const getTranslateX = (m) => {
20504 | return m[4];
20505 | };
20506 | const getTranslateY = (m) => {
20507 | return m[5];
20508 | };
20509 | const getScaleX = (m) => {
20510 | return m[0];
20511 | };
20512 | const translate = (m, x, y) => {
20513 | return multiply([1, 0, 0, 1, x, y], m);
20514 | };
20515 | const scale = (m, scaleX, scaleY = scaleX) => {
20516 | return multiply([scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0], m);
20517 | };
20518 | const apply = (m, [ox, oy]) => {
20519 | return [m[0] * ox + m[2] * oy + m[4], m[1] * ox + m[3] * oy + m[5]];
20520 | };
20521 | const multiply = (m1, m2) => {
20522 | return [m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[2] * m2[1], m1[1] * m2[0] + m1[3] * m2[1], m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[2] * m2[3], m1[1] * m2[2] + m1[3] * m2[3], m1[0] * m2[4] + m1[2] * m2[5] + m1[4], m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[3] * m2[5] + m1[5]];
20523 | };
20524 | const classPrefix$J = `adm-image-viewer`;
20525 | const Slide = (props) => {
20526 | const {
20527 | dragLockRef,
20528 | maxZoom
20529 | } = props;
20530 | const initialMartix = React$1.useRef([]);
20531 | const controlRef = React$1.useRef(null);
20532 | const imgRef = React$1.useRef(null);
20533 | const [{
20534 | matrix
20535 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
20536 | matrix: create(),
20537 | config: {
20538 | tension: 200
20539 | }
20540 | }));
20541 | const controlSize = useSize(controlRef);
20542 | const imgSize = useSize(imgRef);
20543 | const pinchLockRef = React$1.useRef(false);
20544 | const getMinAndMax = (nextMatrix) => {
20545 | if (!controlSize || !imgSize)
20546 | return {
20547 | x: {
20548 | position: 0,
20549 | minX: 0,
20550 | maxX: 0
20551 | },
20552 | y: {
20553 | position: 0,
20554 | minY: 0,
20555 | maxY: 0
20556 | }
20557 | };
20558 | const controlLeft = -controlSize.width / 2;
20559 | const controlTop = -controlSize.height / 2;
20560 | const imgLeft = -imgSize.width / 2;
20561 | const imgTop = -imgSize.height / 2;
20562 | const zoom = getScaleX(nextMatrix);
20563 | const scaledImgWidth = zoom * imgSize.width;
20564 | const scaledImgHeight = zoom * imgSize.height;
20565 | const minX = controlLeft - (scaledImgWidth - controlSize.width);
20566 | const maxX = controlLeft;
20567 | const minY = controlTop - (scaledImgHeight - controlSize.height);
20568 | const maxY = controlTop;
20569 | const [x, y] = apply(nextMatrix, [imgLeft, imgTop]);
20570 | return {
20571 | x: {
20572 | position: x,
20573 | minX,
20574 | maxX
20575 | },
20576 | y: {
20577 | position: y,
20578 | minY,
20579 | maxY
20580 | }
20581 | };
20582 | };
20583 | const getReachBound = (position, min2, max2, buffer = 0) => {
20584 | return [position <= min2 - buffer, position >= max2 + buffer];
20585 | };
20586 | const boundMatrix = (nextMatrix, type, last = false) => {
20587 | if (!controlSize || !imgSize)
20588 | return nextMatrix;
20589 | const zoom = getScaleX(nextMatrix);
20590 | const scaledImgWidth = zoom * imgSize.width;
20591 | const scaledImgHeight = zoom * imgSize.height;
20592 | const {
20593 | x: {
20594 | position: x,
20595 | minX,
20596 | maxX
20597 | },
20598 | y: {
20599 | position: y,
20600 | minY,
20601 | maxY
20602 | }
20603 | } = getMinAndMax(nextMatrix);
20604 | if (type === "translate") {
20605 | let boundedX = x;
20606 | let boundedY = y;
20607 | if (scaledImgWidth > controlSize.width) {
20608 | boundedX = last ? bound(x, minX, maxX) : rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(x, minX, maxX, zoom * 50);
20609 | } else {
20610 | boundedX = -scaledImgWidth / 2;
20611 | }
20612 | if (scaledImgHeight > controlSize.height) {
20613 | boundedY = last ? bound(y, minY, maxY) : rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(y, minY, maxY, zoom * 50);
20614 | } else {
20615 | boundedY = -scaledImgHeight / 2;
20616 | }
20617 | return translate(nextMatrix, boundedX - x, boundedY - y);
20618 | }
20619 | if (type === "scale" && last) {
20620 | const [boundedX, boundedY] = [scaledImgWidth > controlSize.width ? bound(x, minX, maxX) : -scaledImgWidth / 2, scaledImgHeight > controlSize.height ? bound(y, minY, maxY) : -scaledImgHeight / 2];
20621 | return translate(nextMatrix, boundedX - x, boundedY - y);
20622 | }
20623 | return nextMatrix;
20624 | };
20625 | useDragAndPinch({
20626 | onDrag: (state) => {
20627 | var _a;
20628 | if (state.first) {
20629 | const {
20630 | x: {
20631 | position: x,
20632 | minX,
20633 | maxX
20634 | }
20635 | } = getMinAndMax(matrix.get());
20636 | initialMartix.current = getReachBound(x, minX, maxX);
20637 | return;
20638 | }
20639 | if (state.pinching)
20640 | return state.cancel();
20641 | if (state.tap && state.elapsedTime > 0 && state.elapsedTime < 1e3) {
20642 | (_a = props.onTap) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
20643 | return;
20644 | }
20645 | const currentZoom = getScaleX(matrix.get());
20646 | if (dragLockRef) {
20647 | dragLockRef.current = currentZoom !== 1;
20648 | }
20649 | if (!pinchLockRef.current && currentZoom <= 1) {
20650 | api.start({
20651 | matrix: create()
20652 | });
20653 | } else {
20654 | const currentMatrix = matrix.get();
20655 | const offset2 = [state.offset[0] - getTranslateX(currentMatrix), state.offset[1] - getTranslateY(currentMatrix)];
20656 | const nextMatrix = translate(currentMatrix, ...state.last ? [offset2[0] + state.velocity[0] * state.direction[0] * 200, offset2[1] + state.velocity[1] * state.direction[1] * 200] : offset2);
20657 | api.start({
20658 | matrix: boundMatrix(nextMatrix, "translate", state.last),
20659 | immediate: !state.last
20660 | });
20661 | const {
20662 | x: {
20663 | position: x,
20664 | minX,
20665 | maxX
20666 | }
20667 | } = getMinAndMax(nextMatrix);
20668 | if (state.last && initialMartix.current.some((i2) => i2) && getReachBound(x, minX, maxX).some((i2) => i2)) {
20669 | if (dragLockRef) {
20670 | dragLockRef.current = false;
20671 | }
20672 | api.start({
20673 | matrix: create()
20674 | });
20675 | }
20676 | }
20677 | },
20678 | onPinch: (state) => {
20679 | var _a;
20680 | pinchLockRef.current = !state.last;
20681 | const [d] = state.offset;
20682 | if (d < 0)
20683 | return;
20684 | let mergedMaxZoom;
20685 | if (maxZoom === "auto") {
20686 | mergedMaxZoom = controlSize && imgSize ? Math.max(controlSize.height / imgSize.height, controlSize.width / imgSize.width) : 1;
20687 | } else {
20688 | mergedMaxZoom = maxZoom;
20689 | }
20690 | const nextZoom = state.last ? bound(d, 1, mergedMaxZoom) : d;
20691 | (_a = props.onZoomChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, nextZoom);
20692 | if (state.last && nextZoom <= 1) {
20693 | api.start({
20694 | matrix: create()
20695 | });
20696 | if (dragLockRef) {
20697 | dragLockRef.current = false;
20698 | }
20699 | } else {
20700 | if (!controlSize)
20701 | return;
20702 | const currentMatrix = matrix.get();
20703 | const currentZoom = getScaleX(currentMatrix);
20704 | const originOffsetX = state.origin[0] - controlSize.width / 2;
20705 | const originOffsetY = state.origin[1] - controlSize.height / 2;
20706 | let nextMatrix = translate(currentMatrix, -originOffsetX, -originOffsetY);
20707 | nextMatrix = scale(nextMatrix, nextZoom / currentZoom);
20708 | nextMatrix = translate(nextMatrix, originOffsetX, originOffsetY);
20709 | api.start({
20710 | matrix: boundMatrix(nextMatrix, "scale", state.last),
20711 | immediate: !state.last
20712 | });
20713 | if (dragLockRef) {
20714 | dragLockRef.current = true;
20715 | }
20716 | }
20717 | }
20718 | }, {
20719 | target: controlRef,
20720 | drag: {
20721 | from: () => [getTranslateX(matrix.get()), getTranslateY(matrix.get())],
20722 | pointer: {
20723 | touch: true
20724 | }
20725 | },
20726 | pinch: {
20727 | from: () => [getScaleX(matrix.get()), 0],
20728 | pointer: {
20729 | touch: true
20730 | }
20731 | }
20732 | });
20733 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
20734 | className: `${classPrefix$J}-slide`
20735 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
20736 | className: `${classPrefix$J}-control`,
20737 | ref: controlRef
20738 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
20739 | className: `${classPrefix$J}-image-wrapper`,
20740 | style: {
20741 | matrix
20742 | }
20743 | }, React$1.createElement("img", {
20744 | ref: imgRef,
20745 | src: props.image,
20746 | draggable: false,
20747 | alt: props.image
20748 | }))));
20749 | };
20750 | const classPrefix$I = `adm-image-viewer`;
20751 | const Slides = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
20752 | const slideWidth = window.innerWidth + convertPx(16);
20753 | const [{
20754 | x
20755 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
20756 | x: props.defaultIndex * slideWidth,
20757 | config: {
20758 | tension: 250,
20759 | clamp: true
20760 | }
20761 | }));
20762 | const count = props.images.length;
20763 | function swipeTo(index2, immediate = false) {
20764 | var _a;
20765 | const i2 = bound(index2, 0, count - 1);
20766 | (_a = props.onIndexChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, i2);
20767 | api.start({
20768 | x: i2 * slideWidth,
20769 | immediate
20770 | });
20771 | }
20772 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
20773 | swipeTo
20774 | }));
20775 | const dragLockRef = React$1.useRef(false);
20776 | const bind = useDrag((state) => {
20777 | if (dragLockRef.current)
20778 | return;
20779 | const [offsetX] = state.offset;
20780 | if (state.last) {
20781 | const minIndex = Math.floor(offsetX / slideWidth);
20782 | const maxIndex = minIndex + 1;
20783 | const velocityOffset = Math.min(state.velocity[0] * 2e3, slideWidth) * state.direction[0];
20784 | swipeTo(bound(Math.round((offsetX + velocityOffset) / slideWidth), minIndex, maxIndex));
20785 | } else {
20786 | api.start({
20787 | x: offsetX,
20788 | immediate: true
20789 | });
20790 | }
20791 | }, {
20792 | transform: ([x2, y]) => [-x2, y],
20793 | from: () => [x.get(), 0],
20794 | bounds: () => ({
20795 | left: 0,
20796 | right: (count - 1) * slideWidth
20797 | }),
20798 | rubberband: true,
20799 | axis: "x",
20800 | pointer: {
20801 | touch: true
20802 | }
20803 | });
20804 | return React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
20805 | className: `${classPrefix$I}-slides`
20806 | }, bind()), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
20807 | className: `${classPrefix$I}-indicator`
20808 | }, x.to((v) => {
20809 | const index2 = bound(Math.round(v / slideWidth), 0, count - 1);
20810 | return `${index2 + 1} / ${count}`;
20811 | })), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
20812 | className: `${classPrefix$I}-slides-inner`,
20813 | style: {
20814 | x: x.to((x2) => -x2)
20815 | }
20816 | }, props.images.map((image, index2) => React$1.createElement(Slide, {
20817 | key: index2,
20818 | image,
20819 | onTap: props.onTap,
20820 | maxZoom: props.maxZoom,
20821 | onZoomChange: (zoom) => {
20822 | if (zoom !== 1) {
20823 | const index3 = Math.round(x.get() / slideWidth);
20824 | api.start({
20825 | x: index3 * slideWidth
20826 | });
20827 | }
20828 | },
20829 | dragLockRef
20830 | }))));
20831 | });
20832 | const classPrefix$H = `adm-image-viewer`;
20833 | const defaultProps$z = {
20834 | maxZoom: 3,
20835 | getContainer: null,
20836 | visible: false
20837 | };
20838 | const ImageViewer$1 = (p) => {
20839 | var _a, _b, _c;
20840 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$z, p);
20841 | const node = React$1.createElement(Mask, {
20842 | visible: props.visible,
20843 | disableBodyScroll: false,
20844 | opacity: "thick",
20845 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
20846 | destroyOnClose: true,
20847 | className: (_a = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.classNames) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mask
20848 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
20849 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$H}-content`, (_b = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.classNames) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.body)
20850 | }, props.image && React$1.createElement(Slide, {
20851 | image: props.image,
20852 | onTap: props.onClose,
20853 | maxZoom: props.maxZoom
20854 | })), props.image && React$1.createElement("div", {
20855 | className: `${classPrefix$H}-footer`
20856 | }, (_c = props.renderFooter) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props, props.image), React$1.createElement(SafeArea, {
20857 | position: "bottom"
20858 | })));
20859 | return renderToContainer(props.getContainer, node);
20860 | };
20861 | const multiDefaultProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultProps$z), {
20862 | defaultIndex: 0
20863 | });
20864 | const MultiImageViewer = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
20865 | var _a, _b, _c;
20866 | const props = mergeProps(multiDefaultProps, p);
20867 | const [index2, setIndex] = React$1.useState(props.defaultIndex);
20868 | const slidesRef = React$1.useRef(null);
20869 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
20870 | swipeTo: (index3, immediate) => {
20871 | var _a2;
20872 | setIndex(index3);
20873 | (_a2 = slidesRef.current) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.swipeTo(index3, immediate);
20874 | }
20875 | }));
20876 | const onSlideChange = React$1.useCallback((newIndex) => {
20877 | var _a2;
20878 | if (newIndex === index2)
20879 | return;
20880 | setIndex(newIndex);
20881 | (_a2 = props.onIndexChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, newIndex);
20882 | }, [props.onIndexChange, index2]);
20883 | const node = React$1.createElement(Mask, {
20884 | visible: props.visible,
20885 | disableBodyScroll: false,
20886 | opacity: "thick",
20887 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
20888 | destroyOnClose: true,
20889 | className: (_a = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.classNames) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mask
20890 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
20891 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$H}-content`, (_b = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.classNames) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.body)
20892 | }, props.images && React$1.createElement(Slides, {
20893 | ref: slidesRef,
20894 | defaultIndex: index2,
20895 | onIndexChange: onSlideChange,
20896 | images: props.images,
20897 | onTap: props.onClose,
20898 | maxZoom: props.maxZoom
20899 | })), props.images && React$1.createElement("div", {
20900 | className: `${classPrefix$H}-footer`
20901 | }, (_c = props.renderFooter) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props, props.images[index2], index2), React$1.createElement(SafeArea, {
20902 | position: "bottom"
20903 | })));
20904 | return renderToContainer(props.getContainer, node);
20905 | });
20906 | const handlerSet = new Set();
20907 | function showImageViewer(props) {
20908 | clearImageViewer();
20909 | const handler = renderImperatively(React$1.createElement(ImageViewer$1, Object.assign({}, props, {
20910 | afterClose: () => {
20911 | var _a;
20912 | handlerSet.delete(handler);
20913 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
20914 | }
20915 | })));
20916 | handlerSet.add(handler);
20917 | return handler;
20918 | }
20919 | function showMultiImageViewer(props) {
20920 | clearImageViewer();
20921 | const handler = renderImperatively(React$1.createElement(MultiImageViewer, Object.assign({}, props, {
20922 | afterClose: () => {
20923 | var _a;
20924 | handlerSet.delete(handler);
20925 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
20926 | }
20927 | })));
20928 | handlerSet.add(handler);
20929 | return handler;
20930 | }
20931 | function clearImageViewer() {
20932 | handlerSet.forEach((handler) => {
20933 | handler.close();
20934 | });
20935 | handlerSet.clear();
20936 | }
20937 | const Multi = attachPropertiesToComponent(MultiImageViewer, {
20938 | show: showMultiImageViewer
20939 | });
20940 | const ImageViewer = attachPropertiesToComponent(ImageViewer$1, {
20941 | Multi,
20942 | show: showImageViewer,
20943 | clear: clearImageViewer
20944 | });
20945 | const classPrefix$G = `adm-image-uploader`;
20946 | const PreviewItem = (props) => {
20947 | const {
20948 | locale
20949 | } = useConfig();
20950 | const {
20951 | url,
20952 | file,
20953 | deletable,
20954 | deleteIcon,
20955 | onDelete,
20956 | imageFit
20957 | } = props;
20958 | const src = React$1.useMemo(() => {
20959 | if (url) {
20960 | return url;
20961 | }
20962 | if (file) {
20963 | return URL.createObjectURL(file);
20964 | }
20965 | return "";
20966 | }, [url, file]);
20967 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
20968 | return () => {
20969 | if (file)
20970 | URL.revokeObjectURL(src);
20971 | };
20972 | }, [src, file]);
20973 | function renderLoading() {
20974 | return props.status === "pending" && React$1.createElement("div", {
20975 | className: `${classPrefix$G}-cell-mask`
20976 | }, React$1.createElement("span", {
20977 | className: `${classPrefix$G}-cell-loading`
20978 | }, React$1.createElement(SpinLoading, {
20979 | color: "white"
20980 | }), React$1.createElement("span", {
20981 | className: `${classPrefix$G}-cell-mask-message`
20982 | }, locale.ImageUploader.uploading)));
20983 | }
20984 | function renderDelete() {
20985 | return deletable && React$1.createElement("span", {
20986 | className: `${classPrefix$G}-cell-delete`,
20987 | onClick: onDelete
20988 | }, deleteIcon);
20989 | }
20990 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
20991 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$G}-cell`, props.status === "fail" && `${classPrefix$G}-cell-fail`)
20992 | }, React$1.createElement(Image$1, {
20993 | className: `${classPrefix$G}-cell-image`,
20994 | src,
20995 | fit: imageFit,
20996 | onClick: props.onClick
20997 | }), renderLoading(), renderDelete());
20998 | };
20999 | const PreviewItem$1 = PreviewItem;
21000 | const classPrefix$F = `adm-space`;
21001 | const defaultProps$y = {
21002 | direction: "horizontal"
21003 | };
21004 | const Space = (p) => {
21005 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$y, p);
21006 | const {
21007 | direction,
21008 | onClick
21009 | } = props;
21010 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21011 | className: classNames(classPrefix$F, {
21012 | [`${classPrefix$F}-wrap`]: props.wrap,
21013 | [`${classPrefix$F}-block`]: props.block,
21014 | [`${classPrefix$F}-${direction}`]: true,
21015 | [`${classPrefix$F}-align-${props.align}`]: !!props.align,
21016 | [`${classPrefix$F}-justify-${props.justify}`]: !!props.justify
21017 | }),
21018 | onClick
21019 | }, React$1.Children.map(props.children, (child) => {
21020 | return child !== null && child !== void 0 && React$1.createElement("div", {
21021 | className: `${classPrefix$F}-item`
21022 | }, child);
21023 | })));
21024 | };
21025 | const classPrefix$E = `adm-image-uploader`;
21026 | const defaultProps$x = {
21027 | disableUpload: false,
21028 | deletable: true,
21029 | deleteIcon: React$1.createElement(CloseOutline, {
21030 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-cell-delete-icon`
21031 | }),
21032 | showUpload: true,
21033 | multiple: false,
21034 | maxCount: 0,
21035 | defaultValue: [],
21036 | accept: "image/*",
21037 | preview: true,
21038 | showFailed: true,
21039 | imageFit: "cover"
21040 | };
21041 | const ImageUploader = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
21042 | const {
21043 | locale
21044 | } = useConfig();
21045 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$x, p);
21046 | const {
21047 | columns
21048 | } = props;
21049 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(props);
21050 | const [tasks, setTasks] = React$1.useState([]);
21051 | const containerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21052 | const containerSize = useSize(containerRef);
21053 | const gapMeasureRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21054 | const [cellSize, setCellSize] = React$1.useState(80);
21055 | const inputRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21056 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
21057 | const gapMeasure = gapMeasureRef.current;
21058 | if (columns && containerSize && gapMeasure) {
21059 | const width = containerSize.width;
21060 | const gap = measureCSSLength(window.getComputedStyle(gapMeasure).getPropertyValue("height"));
21061 | setCellSize((width - gap * (columns - 1)) / columns);
21062 | }
21063 | }, [containerSize === null || containerSize === void 0 ? void 0 : containerSize.width]);
21064 | const style = {
21065 | "--cell-size": cellSize + "px"
21066 | };
21067 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
21068 | setTasks((prev) => prev.filter((task) => {
21069 | if (task.url === void 0)
21070 | return true;
21071 | return !value.some((fileItem) => fileItem.url === task.url);
21072 | }));
21073 | }, [value]);
21074 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
21075 | var _a;
21076 | (_a = props.onUploadQueueChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, tasks.map((item) => ({
21077 | id: item.id,
21078 | status: item.status
21079 | })));
21080 | }, [tasks]);
21081 | const idCountRef = React$1.useRef(0);
21082 | const {
21083 | maxCount,
21084 | onPreview,
21085 | renderItem
21086 | } = props;
21087 | function processFile(file, fileList) {
21088 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21089 | const {
21090 | beforeUpload
21091 | } = props;
21092 | let transformedFile = file;
21093 | transformedFile = yield beforeUpload === null || beforeUpload === void 0 ? void 0 : beforeUpload(file, fileList);
21094 | return transformedFile;
21095 | });
21096 | }
21097 | function getFinalTasks(tasks2) {
21098 | return props.showFailed ? tasks2 : tasks2.filter((task) => task.status !== "fail");
21099 | }
21100 | function onChange(e2) {
21101 | var _a;
21102 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21103 | e2.persist();
21104 | const {
21105 | files: rawFiles
21106 | } = e2.target;
21107 | if (!rawFiles)
21108 | return;
21109 | let files = [].slice.call(rawFiles);
21110 | e2.target.value = "";
21111 | if (props.beforeUpload) {
21112 | const postFiles = files.map((file) => processFile(file, files));
21113 | yield Promise.all(postFiles).then((filesList) => {
21114 | files = filesList.filter(Boolean);
21115 | });
21116 | }
21117 | if (files.length === 0) {
21118 | return;
21119 | }
21120 | if (maxCount > 0) {
21121 | const exceed = value.length + files.length - maxCount;
21122 | if (exceed > 0) {
21123 | files = files.slice(0, files.length - exceed);
21124 | (_a = props.onCountExceed) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, exceed);
21125 | }
21126 | }
21127 | const newTasks = files.map((file) => ({
21128 | id: idCountRef.current++,
21129 | status: "pending",
21130 | file
21131 | }));
21132 | setTasks((prev) => [...getFinalTasks(prev), ...newTasks]);
21133 | const newVal = [];
21134 | yield Promise.all(newTasks.map((currentTask, index2) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21135 | try {
21136 | const result = yield props.upload(currentTask.file);
21137 | newVal[index2] = result;
21138 | setTasks((prev) => {
21139 | return prev.map((task) => {
21140 | if (task.id === currentTask.id) {
21141 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, task), {
21142 | status: "success",
21143 | url: result.url
21144 | });
21145 | }
21146 | return task;
21147 | });
21148 | });
21149 | } catch (e3) {
21150 | setTasks((prev) => {
21151 | return prev.map((task) => {
21152 | if (task.id === currentTask.id) {
21153 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, task), {
21154 | status: "fail"
21155 | });
21156 | }
21157 | return task;
21158 | });
21159 | });
21160 | throw e3;
21161 | }
21162 | }))).catch((error) => console.error(error));
21163 | setValue2((prev) => prev.concat(newVal));
21164 | });
21165 | }
21166 | const imageViewerHandlerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21167 | function previewImage(index2) {
21168 | imageViewerHandlerRef.current = ImageViewer.Multi.show({
21169 | images: value.map((fileItem) => fileItem.url),
21170 | defaultIndex: index2,
21171 | onClose: () => {
21172 | imageViewerHandlerRef.current = null;
21173 | }
21174 | });
21175 | }
21176 | useUnmount$1(() => {
21177 | var _a;
21178 | (_a = imageViewerHandlerRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.close();
21179 | });
21180 | const finalTasks = getFinalTasks(tasks);
21181 | const showUpload = props.showUpload && (maxCount === 0 || value.length + finalTasks.length < maxCount);
21182 | const renderImages = () => {
21183 | return value.map((fileItem, index2) => {
21184 | var _a, _b;
21185 | const originNode = React$1.createElement(PreviewItem$1, {
21186 | key: (_a = fileItem.key) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : index2,
21187 | url: (_b = fileItem.thumbnailUrl) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : fileItem.url,
21188 | deletable: props.deletable,
21189 | deleteIcon: props.deleteIcon,
21190 | imageFit: props.imageFit,
21191 | onClick: () => {
21192 | if (props.preview) {
21193 | previewImage(index2);
21194 | }
21195 | onPreview && onPreview(index2, fileItem);
21196 | },
21197 | onDelete: () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21198 | var _c;
21199 | const canDelete = yield (_c = props.onDelete) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props, fileItem);
21200 | if (canDelete === false)
21201 | return;
21202 | setValue2(value.filter((x, i2) => i2 !== index2));
21203 | })
21204 | });
21205 | return renderItem ? renderItem(originNode, fileItem, value) : originNode;
21206 | });
21207 | };
21208 | const contentNode = React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, renderImages(), tasks.map((task) => {
21209 | if (!props.showFailed && task.status === "fail") {
21210 | return null;
21211 | }
21212 | return React$1.createElement(PreviewItem$1, {
21213 | key: task.id,
21214 | file: task.file,
21215 | deletable: task.status !== "pending",
21216 | deleteIcon: props.deleteIcon,
21217 | status: task.status,
21218 | imageFit: props.imageFit,
21219 | onDelete: () => {
21220 | setTasks(tasks.filter((x) => x.id !== task.id));
21221 | }
21222 | });
21223 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
21224 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-upload-button-wrap`,
21225 | style: showUpload ? void 0 : {
21226 | display: "none"
21227 | }
21228 | }, props.children || React$1.createElement("span", {
21229 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-cell ${classPrefix$E}-upload-button`,
21230 | role: "button",
21231 | "aria-label": locale.ImageUploader.upload
21232 | }, React$1.createElement("span", {
21233 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-upload-button-icon`
21234 | }, React$1.createElement(AddOutline, null))), !props.disableUpload && React$1.createElement("input", {
21235 | ref: inputRef,
21236 | capture: props.capture,
21237 | accept: props.accept,
21238 | multiple: props.multiple,
21239 | type: "file",
21240 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-input`,
21241 | onChange,
21242 | "aria-hidden": true
21243 | })));
21244 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
21245 | get nativeElement() {
21246 | return inputRef.current;
21247 | }
21248 | }));
21249 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21250 | className: classPrefix$E,
21251 | ref: containerRef
21252 | }, columns ? React$1.createElement(Grid, {
21253 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-grid`,
21254 | columns,
21255 | style
21256 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21257 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-gap-measure`,
21258 | ref: gapMeasureRef
21259 | }), contentNode.props.children) : React$1.createElement(Space, {
21260 | className: `${classPrefix$E}-space`,
21261 | wrap: true,
21262 | block: true
21263 | }, contentNode.props.children)));
21264 | });
21265 | const Panel = () => null;
21266 | const classPrefix$D = `adm-index-bar`;
21267 | const Sidebar = (props) => {
21268 | const [interacting, setInteracting] = React$1.useState(false);
21269 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
21270 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$D}-sidebar`, {
21271 | [`${classPrefix$D}-sidebar-interacting`]: interacting
21272 | }),
21273 | onMouseDown: () => {
21274 | setInteracting(true);
21275 | },
21276 | onMouseUp: () => {
21277 | setInteracting(false);
21278 | },
21279 | onTouchStart: () => {
21280 | setInteracting(true);
21281 | },
21282 | onTouchEnd: () => {
21283 | setInteracting(false);
21284 | },
21285 | onTouchMove: (e2) => {
21286 | if (!interacting)
21287 | return;
21288 | const {
21289 | clientX,
21290 | clientY
21291 | } = e2.touches[0];
21292 | const target = document.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
21293 | if (!target)
21294 | return;
21295 | const index2 = target.dataset["index"];
21296 | if (index2) {
21297 | props.onActive(index2);
21298 | }
21299 | }
21300 | }, props.indexItems.map(({
21301 | index: index2,
21302 | brief
21303 | }) => {
21304 | const active = index2 === props.activeIndex;
21305 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
21306 | className: `${classPrefix$D}-sidebar-row`,
21307 | onMouseDown: () => {
21308 | props.onActive(index2);
21309 | },
21310 | onTouchStart: () => {
21311 | props.onActive(index2);
21312 | },
21313 | onMouseEnter: () => {
21314 | if (interacting) {
21315 | props.onActive(index2);
21316 | }
21317 | },
21318 | "data-index": index2,
21319 | key: index2
21320 | }, interacting && active && React$1.createElement("div", {
21321 | className: `${classPrefix$D}-sidebar-bubble`
21322 | }, brief), React$1.createElement("div", {
21323 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$D}-sidebar-item`, {
21324 | [`${classPrefix$D}-sidebar-item-active`]: active
21325 | }),
21326 | "data-index": index2
21327 | }, React$1.createElement("div", null, brief)));
21328 | }));
21329 | };
21330 | const classPrefix$C = `adm-index-bar`;
21331 | const defaultProps$w = {
21332 | sticky: true
21333 | };
21334 | const IndexBar = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
21335 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$w, p);
21336 | const titleHeight = convertPx(35);
21337 | const bodyRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21338 | const indexItems = [];
21339 | const panels = [];
21340 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child) => {
21341 | var _a;
21342 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
21343 | return;
21344 | if (child.type !== Panel) {
21345 | devWarning("IndexBar", "The children of `IndexBar` must be `IndexBar.Panel` components.");
21346 | return;
21347 | }
21348 | indexItems.push({
21349 | index: child.props.index,
21350 | brief: (_a = child.props.brief) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : child.props.index.charAt(0)
21351 | });
21352 | panels.push(withNativeProps(child.props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21353 | key: child.props.index,
21354 | "data-index": child.props.index,
21355 | className: `${classPrefix$C}-anchor`
21356 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21357 | className: `${classPrefix$C}-anchor-title`
21358 | }, child.props.title || child.props.index), child.props.children)));
21359 | });
21360 | const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = React$1.useState(() => {
21361 | const firstItem = indexItems[0];
21362 | return firstItem ? firstItem.index : null;
21363 | });
21364 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
21365 | scrollTo
21366 | }));
21367 | function scrollTo(index2) {
21368 | var _a;
21369 | const body = bodyRef.current;
21370 | if (!body)
21371 | return;
21372 | const children = body.children;
21373 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < children.length; i2++) {
21374 | const panel = children.item(i2);
21375 | if (!panel)
21376 | continue;
21377 | const panelIndex = panel.dataset["index"];
21378 | if (panelIndex === index2) {
21379 | body.scrollTop = panel.offsetTop;
21380 | setActiveIndex(index2);
21381 | activeIndex !== index2 && ((_a = props.onIndexChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, index2));
21382 | return;
21383 | }
21384 | }
21385 | }
21386 | const {
21387 | run: checkActiveIndex
21388 | } = useThrottleFn(() => {
21389 | var _a;
21390 | const body = bodyRef.current;
21391 | if (!body)
21392 | return;
21393 | const scrollTop = body.scrollTop;
21394 | const elements = body.getElementsByClassName(`${classPrefix$C}-anchor`);
21395 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < elements.length; i2++) {
21396 | const panel = elements.item(i2);
21397 | if (!panel)
21398 | continue;
21399 | const panelIndex = panel.dataset["index"];
21400 | if (!panelIndex)
21401 | continue;
21402 | if (panel.offsetTop + panel.clientHeight - titleHeight > scrollTop) {
21403 | setActiveIndex(panelIndex);
21404 | activeIndex !== panelIndex && ((_a = props.onIndexChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, panelIndex));
21405 | return;
21406 | }
21407 | }
21408 | }, {
21409 | wait: 50,
21410 | trailing: true,
21411 | leading: true
21412 | });
21413 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21414 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$C}`, {
21415 | [`${classPrefix$C}-sticky`]: props.sticky
21416 | })
21417 | }, React$1.createElement(Sidebar, {
21418 | indexItems,
21419 | activeIndex,
21420 | onActive: (index2) => {
21421 | scrollTo(index2);
21422 | }
21423 | }), React$1.createElement("div", {
21424 | className: `${classPrefix$C}-body`,
21425 | ref: bodyRef,
21426 | onScroll: checkActiveIndex
21427 | }, panels)));
21428 | });
21429 | const index$9 = attachPropertiesToComponent(IndexBar, {
21430 | Panel
21431 | });
21432 | function isWindow(element) {
21433 | return element === window;
21434 | }
21435 | const classPrefix$B = `adm-infinite-scroll`;
21436 | const defaultProps$v = {
21437 | threshold: 250,
21438 | children: (hasMore, failed, retry) => React$1.createElement(InfiniteScrollContent, {
21439 | hasMore,
21440 | failed,
21441 | retry
21442 | })
21443 | };
21444 | const InfiniteScroll = (p) => {
21445 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$v, p);
21446 | const [failed, setFailed] = React$1.useState(false);
21447 | const doLoadMore = useLockFn((isRetry) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21448 | try {
21449 | yield props.loadMore(isRetry);
21450 | } catch (e2) {
21451 | setFailed(true);
21452 | throw e2;
21453 | }
21454 | }));
21455 | const elementRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21456 | const [flag, setFlag] = React$1.useState({});
21457 | const nextFlagRef = React$1.useRef(flag);
21458 | const [scrollParent, setScrollParent] = React$1.useState();
21459 | const {
21460 | run: check
21461 | } = useThrottleFn(() => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21462 | if (nextFlagRef.current !== flag)
21463 | return;
21464 | if (!props.hasMore)
21465 | return;
21466 | const element = elementRef.current;
21467 | if (!element)
21468 | return;
21469 | if (!element.offsetParent)
21470 | return;
21471 | const parent = getScrollParent(element);
21472 | setScrollParent(parent);
21473 | if (!parent)
21474 | return;
21475 | const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
21476 | const elementTop = rect.top;
21477 | const current = isWindow(parent) ? window.innerHeight : parent.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
21478 | if (current >= elementTop - props.threshold) {
21479 | const nextFlag = {};
21480 | nextFlagRef.current = nextFlag;
21481 | try {
21482 | yield doLoadMore(false);
21483 | setFlag(nextFlag);
21484 | } catch (e2) {
21485 | }
21486 | }
21487 | }), {
21488 | wait: 100,
21489 | leading: true,
21490 | trailing: true
21491 | });
21492 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
21493 | check();
21494 | });
21495 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
21496 | const element = elementRef.current;
21497 | if (!element)
21498 | return;
21499 | if (!scrollParent)
21500 | return;
21501 | function onScroll() {
21502 | check();
21503 | }
21504 | scrollParent.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
21505 | return () => {
21506 | scrollParent.removeEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
21507 | };
21508 | }, [scrollParent]);
21509 | function retry() {
21510 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21511 | setFailed(false);
21512 | try {
21513 | yield doLoadMore(true);
21514 | setFlag(nextFlagRef.current);
21515 | } catch (e2) {
21516 | }
21517 | });
21518 | }
21519 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21520 | className: classPrefix$B,
21521 | ref: elementRef
21522 | }, typeof props.children === "function" ? props.children(props.hasMore, failed, retry) : props.children));
21523 | };
21524 | const InfiniteScrollContent = (props) => {
21525 | const {
21526 | locale
21527 | } = useConfig();
21528 | if (!props.hasMore) {
21529 | return React$1.createElement("span", null, locale.InfiniteScroll.noMore);
21530 | }
21531 | if (props.failed) {
21532 | return React$1.createElement("span", null, React$1.createElement("span", {
21533 | className: `${classPrefix$B}-failed-text`
21534 | }, locale.InfiniteScroll.failedToLoad), React$1.createElement("a", {
21535 | onClick: () => {
21536 | props.retry();
21537 | }
21538 | }, locale.InfiniteScroll.retry));
21539 | }
21540 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, React$1.createElement("span", null, locale.common.loading), React$1.createElement(DotLoading, null));
21541 | };
21542 | function useInputHandleKeyDown({
21543 | onEnterPress,
21544 | onKeyDown,
21545 | nativeInputRef,
21546 | enterKeyHint
21547 | }) {
21548 | const handleKeydown = (e2) => {
21549 | if (onEnterPress && (e2.code === "Enter" || e2.keyCode === 13)) {
21550 | onEnterPress(e2);
21551 | }
21552 | onKeyDown === null || onKeyDown === void 0 ? void 0 : onKeyDown(e2);
21553 | };
21554 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
21555 | const ele = nativeInputRef.current;
21556 | if (!enterKeyHint || !ele)
21557 | return;
21558 | ele.setAttribute("enterkeyhint", enterKeyHint);
21559 | return () => {
21560 | ele.removeAttribute("enterkeyhint");
21561 | };
21562 | }, [enterKeyHint]);
21563 | return handleKeydown;
21564 | }
21565 | const classPrefix$A = `adm-input`;
21566 | const defaultProps$u = {
21567 | defaultValue: "",
21568 | clearIcon: React$1.createElement(CloseCircleFill, null),
21569 | onlyShowClearWhenFocus: true
21570 | };
21571 | const Input = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
21572 | const {
21573 | locale,
21574 | input: componentConfig = {}
21575 | } = useConfig();
21576 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$u, componentConfig, props);
21577 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(mergedProps);
21578 | const [hasFocus, setHasFocus] = React$1.useState(false);
21579 | const compositionStartRef = React$1.useRef(false);
21580 | const nativeInputRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21581 | const handleKeydown = useInputHandleKeyDown({
21582 | onEnterPress: mergedProps.onEnterPress,
21583 | onKeyDown: mergedProps.onKeyDown,
21584 | nativeInputRef,
21585 | enterKeyHint: mergedProps.enterKeyHint
21586 | });
21587 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
21588 | clear: () => {
21589 | setValue2("");
21590 | },
21591 | focus: () => {
21592 | var _a;
21593 | (_a = nativeInputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
21594 | },
21595 | blur: () => {
21596 | var _a;
21597 | (_a = nativeInputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
21598 | },
21599 | get nativeElement() {
21600 | return nativeInputRef.current;
21601 | }
21602 | }));
21603 | function checkValue() {
21604 | let nextValue = value;
21605 | if (mergedProps.type === "number") {
21606 | const boundValue = nextValue && bound(parseFloat(nextValue), mergedProps.min, mergedProps.max).toString();
21607 | if (Number(nextValue) !== Number(boundValue)) {
21608 | nextValue = boundValue;
21609 | }
21610 | }
21611 | if (nextValue !== value) {
21612 | setValue2(nextValue);
21613 | }
21614 | }
21615 | const shouldShowClear = (() => {
21616 | if (!mergedProps.clearable || !value || mergedProps.readOnly)
21617 | return false;
21618 | if (mergedProps.onlyShowClearWhenFocus) {
21619 | return hasFocus;
21620 | } else {
21621 | return true;
21622 | }
21623 | })();
21624 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
21625 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$A}`, mergedProps.disabled && `${classPrefix$A}-disabled`)
21626 | }, React$1.createElement("input", {
21627 | ref: nativeInputRef,
21628 | className: `${classPrefix$A}-element`,
21629 | value,
21630 | onChange: (e2) => {
21631 | setValue2(e2.target.value);
21632 | },
21633 | onFocus: (e2) => {
21634 | var _a;
21635 | setHasFocus(true);
21636 | (_a = mergedProps.onFocus) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
21637 | },
21638 | onBlur: (e2) => {
21639 | var _a;
21640 | setHasFocus(false);
21641 | checkValue();
21642 | (_a = mergedProps.onBlur) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
21643 | },
21644 | id: mergedProps.id,
21645 | placeholder: mergedProps.placeholder,
21646 | disabled: mergedProps.disabled,
21647 | readOnly: mergedProps.readOnly,
21648 | maxLength: mergedProps.maxLength,
21649 | minLength: mergedProps.minLength,
21650 | max: mergedProps.max,
21651 | min: mergedProps.min,
21652 | autoComplete: mergedProps.autoComplete,
21653 | enterKeyHint: mergedProps.enterKeyHint,
21654 | autoFocus: mergedProps.autoFocus,
21655 | pattern: mergedProps.pattern,
21656 | inputMode: mergedProps.inputMode,
21657 | type: mergedProps.type,
21658 | name: mergedProps.name,
21659 | autoCapitalize: mergedProps.autoCapitalize,
21660 | autoCorrect: mergedProps.autoCorrect,
21661 | onKeyDown: handleKeydown,
21662 | onKeyUp: mergedProps.onKeyUp,
21663 | onCompositionStart: (e2) => {
21664 | var _a;
21665 | compositionStartRef.current = true;
21666 | (_a = mergedProps.onCompositionStart) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
21667 | },
21668 | onCompositionEnd: (e2) => {
21669 | var _a;
21670 | compositionStartRef.current = false;
21671 | (_a = mergedProps.onCompositionEnd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
21672 | },
21673 | onClick: mergedProps.onClick,
21674 | step: mergedProps.step,
21675 | role: mergedProps.role,
21676 | "aria-valuenow": mergedProps["aria-valuenow"],
21677 | "aria-valuemax": mergedProps["aria-valuemax"],
21678 | "aria-valuemin": mergedProps["aria-valuemin"],
21679 | "aria-label": mergedProps["aria-label"]
21680 | }), shouldShowClear && React$1.createElement("div", {
21681 | className: `${classPrefix$A}-clear`,
21682 | onMouseDown: (e2) => {
21683 | e2.preventDefault();
21684 | },
21685 | onClick: () => {
21686 | var _a, _b;
21687 | setValue2("");
21688 | (_a = mergedProps.onClear) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
21689 | if (isIOS() && compositionStartRef.current) {
21690 | compositionStartRef.current = false;
21691 | (_b = nativeInputRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blur();
21692 | }
21693 | },
21694 | "aria-label": locale.Input.clear
21695 | }, mergedProps.clearIcon)));
21696 | });
21697 | const classPrefix$z = `adm-jumbo-tabs`;
21698 | const JumboTab = () => {
21699 | return null;
21700 | };
21701 | const JumboTabs = (props) => {
21702 | var _a;
21703 | const tabListContainerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21704 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
21705 | const keyToIndexRecord = {};
21706 | let firstActiveKey = null;
21707 | const panes = [];
21708 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child, index2) => {
21709 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
21710 | return;
21711 | const key = child.key;
21712 | if (typeof key !== "string")
21713 | return;
21714 | if (index2 === 0) {
21715 | firstActiveKey = key;
21716 | }
21717 | const length = panes.push(child);
21718 | keyToIndexRecord[key] = length - 1;
21719 | });
21720 | const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = usePropsValue({
21721 | value: props.activeKey,
21722 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultActiveKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : firstActiveKey,
21723 | onChange: (v) => {
21724 | var _a2;
21725 | if (v === null)
21726 | return;
21727 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, v);
21728 | }
21729 | });
21730 | const {
21731 | scrollLeft,
21732 | animate
21733 | } = useTabListScroll(tabListContainerRef, keyToIndexRecord[activeKey]);
21734 | useResizeEffect(() => {
21735 | animate(true);
21736 | }, rootRef);
21737 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21738 | className: classPrefix$z,
21739 | ref: rootRef
21740 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21741 | className: `${classPrefix$z}-header`
21742 | }, React$1.createElement(ScrollMask, {
21743 | scrollTrackRef: tabListContainerRef
21744 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
21745 | className: `${classPrefix$z}-tab-list`,
21746 | ref: tabListContainerRef,
21747 | scrollLeft
21748 | }, panes.map((pane) => withNativeProps(pane.props, React$1.createElement("div", {
21749 | key: pane.key,
21750 | className: `${classPrefix$z}-tab-wrapper`
21751 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21752 | onClick: () => {
21753 | const {
21754 | key
21755 | } = pane;
21756 | if (pane.props.disabled)
21757 | return;
21758 | if (key === void 0 || key === null) {
21759 | return;
21760 | }
21761 | setActiveKey(key.toString());
21762 | },
21763 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$z}-tab`, {
21764 | [`${classPrefix$z}-tab-active`]: pane.key === activeKey,
21765 | [`${classPrefix$z}-tab-disabled`]: pane.props.disabled
21766 | })
21767 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21768 | className: `${classPrefix$z}-tab-title`
21769 | }, pane.props.title), React$1.createElement("div", {
21770 | className: `${classPrefix$z}-tab-description`
21771 | }, pane.props.description))))))), panes.map((pane) => {
21772 | if (pane.props.children === void 0) {
21773 | return null;
21774 | }
21775 | const active = pane.key === activeKey;
21776 | return React$1.createElement(ShouldRender, {
21777 | key: pane.key,
21778 | active,
21779 | forceRender: pane.props.forceRender,
21780 | destroyOnClose: pane.props.destroyOnClose
21781 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21782 | className: `${classPrefix$z}-content`,
21783 | style: {
21784 | display: active ? "block" : "none"
21785 | }
21786 | }, pane.props.children));
21787 | })));
21788 | };
21789 | const index$8 = attachPropertiesToComponent(JumboTabs, {
21790 | Tab: JumboTab
21791 | });
21792 | const ModalActionButton = (props) => {
21793 | const {
21794 | action
21795 | } = props;
21796 | return withNativeProps(props.action, React$1.createElement(Button, {
21797 | key: action.key,
21798 | onClick: props.onAction,
21799 | className: classNames("adm-modal-button", {
21800 | "adm-modal-button-primary": props.action.primary
21801 | }),
21802 | fill: props.action.primary ? "solid" : "none",
21803 | size: props.action.primary ? "large" : "middle",
21804 | block: true,
21805 | color: action.danger ? "danger" : "primary",
21806 | loading: "auto",
21807 | disabled: action.disabled
21808 | }, action.text));
21809 | };
21810 | const defaultProps$t = {
21811 | actions: [],
21812 | closeOnAction: false,
21813 | closeOnMaskClick: false,
21814 | getContainer: null
21815 | };
21816 | const Modal = (p) => {
21817 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$t, p);
21818 | const element = React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, !!props.image && React$1.createElement("div", {
21819 | className: cls("image-container")
21820 | }, React$1.createElement(Image$1, {
21821 | src: props.image,
21822 | alt: "modal header image",
21823 | width: "100%"
21824 | })), !!props.header && React$1.createElement("div", {
21825 | className: cls("header")
21826 | }, React$1.createElement(AutoCenter, null, props.header)), !!props.title && React$1.createElement("div", {
21827 | className: cls("title")
21828 | }, props.title), React$1.createElement("div", {
21829 | className: cls("content")
21830 | }, typeof props.content === "string" ? React$1.createElement(AutoCenter, null, props.content) : props.content), React$1.createElement(Space, {
21831 | direction: "vertical",
21832 | block: true,
21833 | className: classNames(cls("footer"), props.actions.length === 0 && cls("footer-empty"))
21834 | }, props.actions.map((action, index2) => React$1.createElement(ModalActionButton, {
21835 | key: action.key,
21836 | action,
21837 | onAction: () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21838 | var _a, _b, _c;
21839 | yield Promise.all([(_a = action.onClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(action), (_b = props.onAction) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, action, index2)]);
21840 | if (props.closeOnAction) {
21841 | (_c = props.onClose) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(props);
21842 | }
21843 | })
21844 | }))));
21845 | return React$1.createElement(CenterPopup, {
21846 | className: classNames(cls(), props.className),
21847 | style: props.style,
21848 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
21849 | afterShow: props.afterShow,
21850 | showCloseButton: props.showCloseButton,
21851 | closeOnMaskClick: props.closeOnMaskClick,
21852 | onClose: props.onClose,
21853 | visible: props.visible,
21854 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
21855 | bodyStyle: props.bodyStyle,
21856 | bodyClassName: classNames(cls("body"), props.image && cls("with-image"), props.bodyClassName),
21857 | maskStyle: props.maskStyle,
21858 | maskClassName: props.maskClassName,
21859 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation,
21860 | disableBodyScroll: props.disableBodyScroll,
21861 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
21862 | forceRender: props.forceRender
21863 | }, element);
21864 | };
21865 | function cls(name = "") {
21866 | return "adm-modal" + (name && "-") + name;
21867 | }
21868 | const closeFnSet = new Set();
21869 | function show$1(props) {
21870 | const handler = renderImperatively(React$1.createElement(Modal, Object.assign({}, props, {
21871 | afterClose: () => {
21872 | var _a;
21873 | closeFnSet.delete(handler.close);
21874 | (_a = props.afterClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
21875 | }
21876 | })));
21877 | closeFnSet.add(handler.close);
21878 | return handler;
21879 | }
21880 | function alert(p) {
21881 | const defaultProps2 = {
21882 | confirmText: getDefaultConfig().locale.Modal.ok
21883 | };
21884 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps2, p);
21885 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
21886 | show$1(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
21887 | closeOnAction: true,
21888 | actions: [{
21889 | key: "confirm",
21890 | text: props.confirmText,
21891 | primary: true
21892 | }],
21893 | onAction: props.onConfirm,
21894 | onClose: () => {
21895 | var _a;
21896 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
21897 | resolve();
21898 | }
21899 | }));
21900 | });
21901 | }
21902 | const defaultProps$s = {
21903 | confirmText: "确认",
21904 | cancelText: "取消"
21905 | };
21906 | function confirm(p) {
21907 | const {
21908 | locale
21909 | } = getDefaultConfig();
21910 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$s, {
21911 | confirmText: locale.common.confirm,
21912 | cancelText: locale.common.cancel
21913 | }, p);
21914 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
21915 | show$1(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
21916 | closeOnAction: true,
21917 | onClose: () => {
21918 | var _a;
21919 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
21920 | resolve(false);
21921 | },
21922 | actions: [{
21923 | key: "confirm",
21924 | text: props.confirmText,
21925 | primary: true,
21926 | onClick: () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21927 | var _a;
21928 | yield (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
21929 | resolve(true);
21930 | })
21931 | }, {
21932 | key: "cancel",
21933 | text: props.cancelText,
21934 | onClick: () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21935 | var _b;
21936 | yield (_b = props.onCancel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
21937 | resolve(false);
21938 | })
21939 | }]
21940 | }));
21941 | });
21942 | }
21943 | function clear$1() {
21944 | closeFnSet.forEach((close) => {
21945 | close();
21946 | });
21947 | }
21948 | const index$7 = attachPropertiesToComponent(Modal, {
21949 | show: show$1,
21950 | alert,
21951 | confirm,
21952 | clear: clear$1
21953 | });
21954 | const classPrefix$y = `adm-nav-bar`;
21955 | const defaultBackIcon = React$1.createElement(LeftOutline, null);
21956 | const NavBar = (props) => {
21957 | const {
21958 | navBar: componentConfig = {}
21959 | } = useConfig();
21960 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(componentConfig, props);
21961 | const {
21962 | back,
21963 | backIcon,
21964 | backArrow
21965 | } = mergedProps;
21966 | const mergedDefaultBackIcon = componentConfig.backIcon || defaultBackIcon;
21967 | const mergedBackIcon = mergeProp(defaultBackIcon, componentConfig.backIcon, backArrow === true ? mergedDefaultBackIcon : backArrow, backIcon === true ? mergedDefaultBackIcon : backIcon);
21968 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
21969 | className: classNames(classPrefix$y)
21970 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
21971 | className: `${classPrefix$y}-left`,
21972 | role: "button"
21973 | }, back !== null && React$1.createElement("div", {
21974 | className: `${classPrefix$y}-back`,
21975 | onClick: mergedProps.onBack
21976 | }, mergedBackIcon && React$1.createElement("span", {
21977 | className: `${classPrefix$y}-back-arrow`
21978 | }, mergedBackIcon), React$1.createElement("span", {
21979 | "aria-hidden": "true"
21980 | }, back)), mergedProps.left), React$1.createElement("div", {
21981 | className: `${classPrefix$y}-title`
21982 | }, mergedProps.children), React$1.createElement("div", {
21983 | className: `${classPrefix$y}-right`
21984 | }, mergedProps.right)));
21985 | };
21986 | const classPrefix$x = `adm-notice-bar`;
21987 | const defaultProps$r = {
21988 | color: "default",
21989 | delay: 2e3,
21990 | speed: 50,
21991 | icon: React$1.createElement(SoundOutline, null),
21992 | wrap: false
21993 | };
21994 | const NoticeBar = React$1.memo((props) => {
21995 | const {
21996 | noticeBar: componentConfig = {}
21997 | } = useConfig();
21998 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$r, componentConfig, props);
21999 | const closeIcon = mergeProp(React$1.createElement(CloseOutline, {
22000 | className: `${classPrefix$x}-close-icon`
22001 | }), componentConfig.closeIcon, props.closeIcon);
22002 | const containerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22003 | const textRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22004 | const [visible, setVisible] = React$1.useState(true);
22005 | const speed = mergedProps.speed;
22006 | const delayLockRef = React$1.useRef(true);
22007 | const animatingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
22008 | function start2() {
22009 | if (delayLockRef.current || mergedProps.wrap)
22010 | return;
22011 | const container = containerRef.current;
22012 | const text = textRef.current;
22013 | if (!container || !text)
22014 | return;
22015 | if (container.offsetWidth >= text.offsetWidth) {
22016 | animatingRef.current = false;
22017 | text.style.removeProperty("transition-duration");
22018 | text.style.removeProperty("transform");
22019 | return;
22020 | }
22021 | if (animatingRef.current)
22022 | return;
22023 | const initial = !text.style.transform;
22024 | text.style.transitionDuration = "0s";
22025 | if (initial) {
22026 | text.style.transform = "translateX(0)";
22027 | } else {
22028 | text.style.transform = `translateX(${container.offsetWidth}px)`;
22029 | }
22030 | const distance = initial ? text.offsetWidth : container.offsetWidth + text.offsetWidth;
22031 | animatingRef.current = true;
22032 | text.style.transitionDuration = `${Math.round(distance / speed)}s`;
22033 | text.style.transform = `translateX(-${text.offsetWidth}px)`;
22034 | }
22035 | useTimeout$1(() => {
22036 | delayLockRef.current = false;
22037 | start2();
22038 | }, mergedProps.delay);
22039 | useResizeEffect(() => {
22040 | start2();
22041 | }, containerRef);
22042 | useMutationEffect(() => {
22043 | start2();
22044 | }, textRef, {
22045 | subtree: true,
22046 | childList: true,
22047 | characterData: true
22048 | });
22049 | if (!visible)
22050 | return null;
22051 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
22052 | className: classNames(classPrefix$x, `${classPrefix$x}-${mergedProps.color}`, {
22053 | [`${classPrefix$x}-wrap`]: mergedProps.wrap
22054 | }),
22055 | onClick: mergedProps.onClick
22056 | }, mergedProps.icon && React$1.createElement("span", {
22057 | className: `${classPrefix$x}-left`
22058 | }, mergedProps.icon), React$1.createElement("span", {
22059 | ref: containerRef,
22060 | className: `${classPrefix$x}-content`
22061 | }, React$1.createElement("span", {
22062 | onTransitionEnd: () => {
22063 | animatingRef.current = false;
22064 | start2();
22065 | },
22066 | ref: textRef,
22067 | className: `${classPrefix$x}-content-inner`
22068 | }, mergedProps.content)), (mergedProps.closeable || mergedProps.extra) && React$1.createElement("span", {
22069 | className: `${classPrefix$x}-right`
22070 | }, mergedProps.extra, mergedProps.closeable && React$1.createElement("div", {
22071 | className: `${classPrefix$x}-close`,
22072 | onClick: () => {
22073 | var _a;
22074 | setVisible(false);
22075 | (_a = mergedProps.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
22076 | }
22077 | }, closeIcon))));
22078 | });
22079 | function shuffle(array) {
22080 | const result = [...array];
22081 | for (let i2 = result.length; i2 > 0; i2--) {
22082 | const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i2);
22083 | [result[i2 - 1], result[j]] = [result[j], result[i2 - 1]];
22084 | }
22085 | return result;
22086 | }
22087 | const classPrefix$w = "adm-number-keyboard";
22088 | const defaultProps$q = {
22089 | defaultVisible: false,
22090 | randomOrder: false,
22091 | showCloseButton: true,
22092 | confirmText: null,
22093 | closeOnConfirm: true,
22094 | safeArea: true,
22095 | destroyOnClose: false,
22096 | forceRender: false
22097 | };
22098 | const NumberKeyboard = (p) => {
22099 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$q, p);
22100 | const {
22101 | visible,
22102 | title,
22103 | getContainer,
22104 | confirmText,
22105 | customKey,
22106 | randomOrder,
22107 | showCloseButton,
22108 | onInput
22109 | } = props;
22110 | const {
22111 | locale
22112 | } = useConfig();
22113 | const keyboardRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22114 | const keys = React$1.useMemo(() => {
22115 | const defaultKeys = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"];
22116 | const keyList = randomOrder ? shuffle(defaultKeys) : defaultKeys;
22117 | const customKeys = Array.isArray(customKey) ? customKey : [customKey];
22118 | keyList.push("0");
22119 | if (confirmText) {
22120 | if (customKeys.length === 2) {
22121 | keyList.splice(9, 0, customKeys.pop());
22122 | }
22123 | keyList.push(customKeys[0] || "");
22124 | } else {
22125 | keyList.splice(9, 0, customKeys[0] || "");
22126 | keyList.push(customKeys[1] || "BACKSPACE");
22127 | }
22128 | return keyList;
22129 | }, [customKey, confirmText, randomOrder, randomOrder && visible]);
22130 | const timeoutRef = React$1.useRef(-1);
22131 | const intervalRef = React$1.useRef(-1);
22132 | const onDelete = useMemoizedFn(() => {
22133 | var _a;
22134 | (_a = props.onDelete) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
22135 | });
22136 | const startContinueClear = () => {
22137 | timeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(() => {
22138 | onDelete();
22139 | intervalRef.current = window.setInterval(onDelete, 150);
22140 | }, 700);
22141 | };
22142 | const stopContinueClear = () => {
22143 | clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current);
22144 | clearInterval(intervalRef.current);
22145 | };
22146 | const onKeyPress = (e2, key) => {
22147 | var _a, _b;
22148 | e2.preventDefault();
22149 | switch (key) {
22150 | case "BACKSPACE":
22151 | onDelete === null || onDelete === void 0 ? void 0 : onDelete();
22152 | break;
22153 | case "OK":
22154 | (_a = props.onConfirm) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
22155 | if (props.closeOnConfirm) {
22156 | (_b = props.onClose) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
22157 | }
22158 | break;
22159 | default:
22160 | if (key !== "")
22161 | onInput === null || onInput === void 0 ? void 0 : onInput(key);
22162 | break;
22163 | }
22164 | };
22165 | const renderHeader = () => {
22166 | if (!showCloseButton && !title)
22167 | return null;
22168 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
22169 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$w}-header`, {
22170 | [`${classPrefix$w}-header-with-title`]: !!title
22171 | })
22172 | }, !!title && React$1.createElement("div", {
22173 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-title`,
22174 | "aria-label": title
22175 | }, title), showCloseButton && React$1.createElement("span", {
22176 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-header-close-button`,
22177 | onClick: () => {
22178 | var _a;
22179 | (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
22180 | },
22181 | role: "button",
22182 | title: locale.common.close,
22183 | tabIndex: -1
22184 | }, React$1.createElement(DownOutline, null)));
22185 | };
22186 | const renderKey = (key, index2) => {
22187 | const isNumberKey = /^\d$/.test(key);
22188 | const className = classNames(`${classPrefix$w}-key`, {
22189 | [`${classPrefix$w}-key-number`]: isNumberKey,
22190 | [`${classPrefix$w}-key-sign`]: !isNumberKey && key,
22191 | [`${classPrefix$w}-key-mid`]: index2 === 9 && !!confirmText && keys.length < 12
22192 | });
22193 | const ariaProps = key ? {
22194 | role: "button",
22195 | title: key,
22196 | tabIndex: -1
22197 | } : void 0;
22198 | return React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
22199 | key,
22200 | className,
22201 | onTouchStart: () => {
22202 | stopContinueClear();
22203 | if (key === "BACKSPACE") {
22204 | startContinueClear();
22205 | }
22206 | },
22207 | onTouchEnd: (e2) => {
22208 | onKeyPress(e2, key);
22209 | if (key === "BACKSPACE") {
22210 | stopContinueClear();
22211 | }
22212 | }
22213 | }, ariaProps), key === "BACKSPACE" ? React$1.createElement(TextDeletionOutline, null) : key);
22214 | };
22215 | return React$1.createElement(Popup, {
22216 | visible,
22217 | getContainer,
22218 | mask: false,
22219 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
22220 | afterShow: props.afterShow,
22221 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-popup`,
22222 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation,
22223 | destroyOnClose: props.destroyOnClose,
22224 | forceRender: props.forceRender
22225 | }, withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22226 | ref: keyboardRef,
22227 | className: classPrefix$w,
22228 | onMouseDown: (e2) => {
22229 | e2.preventDefault();
22230 | }
22231 | }, renderHeader(), React$1.createElement("div", {
22232 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-wrapper`
22233 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22234 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$w}-main`, {
22235 | [`${classPrefix$w}-main-confirmed-style`]: !!confirmText
22236 | })
22237 | }, keys.map(renderKey)), !!confirmText && React$1.createElement("div", {
22238 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-confirm`
22239 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22240 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-key ${classPrefix$w}-key-extra ${classPrefix$w}-key-bs`,
22241 | onTouchStart: () => {
22242 | startContinueClear();
22243 | },
22244 | onTouchEnd: (e2) => {
22245 | onKeyPress(e2, "BACKSPACE");
22246 | stopContinueClear();
22247 | },
22248 | onContextMenu: (e2) => {
22249 | e2.preventDefault();
22250 | },
22251 | title: locale.Input.clear,
22252 | role: "button",
22253 | tabIndex: -1
22254 | }, React$1.createElement(TextDeletionOutline, null)), React$1.createElement("div", {
22255 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-key ${classPrefix$w}-key-extra ${classPrefix$w}-key-ok`,
22256 | onTouchEnd: (e2) => onKeyPress(e2, "OK"),
22257 | role: "button",
22258 | tabIndex: -1,
22259 | "aria-label": confirmText
22260 | }, confirmText))), props.safeArea && React$1.createElement("div", {
22261 | className: `${classPrefix$w}-footer`
22262 | }, React$1.createElement(SafeArea, {
22263 | position: "bottom"
22264 | })))));
22265 | };
22266 | const classPrefix$v = `adm-page-indicator`;
22267 | const defaultProps$p = {
22268 | color: "primary",
22269 | direction: "horizontal"
22270 | };
22271 | const PageIndicator = React$1.memo((p) => {
22272 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$p, p);
22273 | const dots = [];
22274 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < props.total; i2++) {
22275 | dots.push(React$1.createElement("div", {
22276 | key: i2,
22277 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$v}-dot`, {
22278 | [`${classPrefix$v}-dot-active`]: props.current === i2
22279 | })
22280 | }));
22281 | }
22282 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22283 | className: classNames(classPrefix$v, `${classPrefix$v}-${props.direction}`, `${classPrefix$v}-color-${props.color}`)
22284 | }, dots));
22285 | });
22286 | const classPrefix$u = "adm-passcode-input";
22287 | const defaultProps$o = {
22288 | defaultValue: "",
22289 | length: 6,
22290 | plain: false,
22291 | error: false,
22292 | seperated: false,
22293 | caret: true
22294 | };
22295 | const PasscodeInput = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
22296 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$o, p);
22297 | const cellLength = props.length > 0 && props.length < Infinity ? Math.floor(props.length) : defaultProps$o.length;
22298 | const {
22299 | locale
22300 | } = useConfig();
22301 | const [focused, setFocused] = React$1.useState(false);
22302 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(props);
22303 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22304 | const nativeInputRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22305 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
22306 | var _a;
22307 | if (value.length >= cellLength) {
22308 | (_a = props.onFill) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, value);
22309 | }
22310 | }, [value, cellLength]);
22311 | const onFocus = () => {
22312 | var _a, _b;
22313 | if (!props.keyboard) {
22314 | (_a = nativeInputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
22315 | }
22316 | setFocused(true);
22317 | (_b = props.onFocus) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props);
22318 | };
22319 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
22320 | if (!focused)
22321 | return;
22322 | const timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
22323 | var _a;
22324 | (_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollIntoView({
22325 | block: "center",
22326 | inline: "center",
22327 | behavior: "smooth"
22328 | });
22329 | }, 100);
22330 | return () => {
22331 | window.clearTimeout(timeout);
22332 | };
22333 | }, [focused]);
22334 | const onBlur = () => {
22335 | var _a;
22336 | setFocused(false);
22337 | (_a = props.onBlur) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
22338 | };
22339 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
22340 | focus: () => {
22341 | var _a;
22342 | return (_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
22343 | },
22344 | blur: () => {
22345 | var _a, _b;
22346 | (_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
22347 | (_b = nativeInputRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blur();
22348 | }
22349 | }));
22350 | const renderCells = () => {
22351 | const cells = [];
22352 | const chars = value.split("");
22353 | const caretIndex = chars.length;
22354 | const focusedIndex = bound(chars.length, 0, cellLength - 1);
22355 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < cellLength; i2++) {
22356 | cells.push(React$1.createElement("div", {
22357 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$u}-cell`, {
22358 | [`${classPrefix$u}-cell-caret`]: props.caret && caretIndex === i2 && focused,
22359 | [`${classPrefix$u}-cell-focused`]: focusedIndex === i2 && focused,
22360 | [`${classPrefix$u}-cell-dot`]: !props.plain && chars[i2]
22361 | }),
22362 | key: i2
22363 | }, chars[i2] && props.plain ? chars[i2] : ""));
22364 | }
22365 | return cells;
22366 | };
22367 | const cls2 = classNames(classPrefix$u, {
22368 | [`${classPrefix$u}-focused`]: focused,
22369 | [`${classPrefix$u}-error`]: props.error,
22370 | [`${classPrefix$u}-seperated`]: props.seperated
22371 | });
22372 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22373 | ref: rootRef,
22374 | tabIndex: 0,
22375 | className: cls2,
22376 | onFocus,
22377 | onBlur,
22378 | role: "button",
22379 | "aria-label": locale.PasscodeInput.name
22380 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22381 | className: `${classPrefix$u}-cell-container`
22382 | }, renderCells()), React$1.createElement("input", {
22383 | ref: nativeInputRef,
22384 | className: `${classPrefix$u}-native-input`,
22385 | value,
22386 | type: "text",
22387 | pattern: "[0-9]*",
22388 | inputMode: "numeric",
22389 | onChange: (e2) => {
22390 | setValue2(e2.target.value.slice(0, props.length));
22391 | },
22392 | "aria-hidden": true
22393 | }))), props.keyboard && React$1.cloneElement(props.keyboard, {
22394 | visible: focused,
22395 | onInput: (v) => {
22396 | if (value.length < cellLength) {
22397 | setValue2((value + v).slice(0, props.length));
22398 | }
22399 | },
22400 | onDelete: () => {
22401 | setValue2(value.slice(0, -1));
22402 | },
22403 | onClose: () => {
22404 | var _a;
22405 | (_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
22406 | }
22407 | }));
22408 | });
22409 | const classPrefix$t = `adm-progress-bar`;
22410 | const defaultProps$n = {
22411 | percent: 0,
22412 | rounded: true,
22413 | text: false
22414 | };
22415 | const ProgressBar = (p) => {
22416 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$n, p);
22417 | const fillStyle = {
22418 | width: `${props.percent}%`
22419 | };
22420 | const textElement = function() {
22421 | if (props.text === true) {
22422 | return `${props.percent}%`;
22423 | }
22424 | if (typeof props.text === "function") {
22425 | return props.text(props.percent);
22426 | }
22427 | return props.text;
22428 | }();
22429 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22430 | className: classNames(classPrefix$t, props.rounded && `${classPrefix$t}-rounded`)
22431 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22432 | className: `${classPrefix$t}-trail`
22433 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22434 | className: `${classPrefix$t}-fill`,
22435 | style: fillStyle
22436 | })), isNodeWithContent(textElement) && React$1.createElement("div", {
22437 | className: `${classPrefix$t}-text`
22438 | }, textElement)));
22439 | };
22440 | const classPrefix$s = `adm-progress-circle`;
22441 | const ProgressCircle = (p) => {
22442 | const props = mergeProps({
22443 | percent: 0
22444 | }, p);
22445 | const style = {
22446 | "--percent": props.percent.toString()
22447 | };
22448 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22449 | className: `${classPrefix$s}`,
22450 | style
22451 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22452 | className: `${classPrefix$s}-content`
22453 | }, React$1.createElement("svg", {
22454 | className: `${classPrefix$s}-svg`
22455 | }, React$1.createElement("circle", {
22456 | className: `${classPrefix$s}-track`,
22457 | fill: "transparent"
22458 | }), React$1.createElement("circle", {
22459 | className: `${classPrefix$s}-fill`,
22460 | fill: "transparent"
22461 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
22462 | className: `${classPrefix$s}-info`
22463 | }, props.children))));
22464 | };
22465 | const sleep = (time) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
22466 | const classPrefix$r = `adm-pull-to-refresh`;
22467 | const defaultProps$m = {
22468 | pullingText: "下拉刷新",
22469 | canReleaseText: "释放立即刷新",
22470 | refreshingText: "加载中...",
22471 | completeText: "刷新成功",
22472 | completeDelay: 500,
22473 | disabled: false,
22474 | onRefresh: () => {
22475 | }
22476 | };
22477 | const PullToRefresh = (p) => {
22478 | var _a, _b;
22479 | const {
22480 | locale
22481 | } = useConfig();
22482 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$m, {
22483 | refreshingText: `${locale.common.loading}...`,
22484 | pullingText: locale.PullToRefresh.pulling,
22485 | canReleaseText: locale.PullToRefresh.canRelease,
22486 | completeText: locale.PullToRefresh.complete
22487 | }, p);
22488 | const headHeight = (_a = props.headHeight) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : convertPx(40);
22489 | const threshold = (_b = props.threshold) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : convertPx(60);
22490 | const [status, setStatus] = React$1.useState("pulling");
22491 | const [springStyles, api] = useSpring(() => ({
22492 | from: {
22493 | height: 0
22494 | },
22495 | config: {
22496 | tension: 300,
22497 | friction: 30,
22498 | round: true,
22499 | clamp: true
22500 | }
22501 | }));
22502 | const elementRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22503 | const pullingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
22504 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
22505 | var _a2;
22506 | (_a2 = elementRef.current) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.addEventListener("touchmove", () => {
22507 | });
22508 | }, []);
22509 | const reset = () => {
22510 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
22511 | api.start({
22512 | to: {
22513 | height: 0
22514 | },
22515 | onResolve() {
22516 | setStatus("pulling");
22517 | resolve();
22518 | }
22519 | });
22520 | });
22521 | };
22522 | function doRefresh() {
22523 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22524 | api.start({
22525 | height: headHeight
22526 | });
22527 | setStatus("refreshing");
22528 | try {
22529 | yield props.onRefresh();
22530 | setStatus("complete");
22531 | } catch (e2) {
22532 | reset();
22533 | throw e2;
22534 | }
22535 | if (props.completeDelay > 0) {
22536 | yield sleep(props.completeDelay);
22537 | }
22538 | reset();
22539 | });
22540 | }
22541 | useDrag((state) => {
22542 | if (status === "refreshing" || status === "complete")
22543 | return;
22544 | const {
22545 | event
22546 | } = state;
22547 | if (state.last) {
22548 | pullingRef.current = false;
22549 | if (status === "canRelease") {
22550 | doRefresh();
22551 | } else {
22552 | api.start({
22553 | height: 0
22554 | });
22555 | }
22556 | return;
22557 | }
22558 | const [, y] = state.movement;
22559 | const parsedY = Math.ceil(y);
22560 | if (state.first && parsedY > 0) {
22561 | let getScrollTop = function(element) {
22562 | return "scrollTop" in element ? element.scrollTop : element.scrollY;
22563 | };
22564 | const target = state.event.target;
22565 | if (!target || !(target instanceof Element))
22566 | return;
22567 | let scrollParent = getScrollParent(target);
22568 | while (true) {
22569 | if (!scrollParent)
22570 | return;
22571 | const scrollTop = getScrollTop(scrollParent);
22572 | if (scrollTop > 0) {
22573 | return;
22574 | }
22575 | if (scrollParent instanceof Window) {
22576 | break;
22577 | }
22578 | scrollParent = getScrollParent(scrollParent.parentNode);
22579 | }
22580 | pullingRef.current = true;
22581 | }
22582 | if (!pullingRef.current)
22583 | return;
22584 | if (event.cancelable) {
22585 | event.preventDefault();
22586 | }
22587 | event.stopPropagation();
22588 | const height = Math.max(rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(parsedY, 0, 0, headHeight * 5, 0.5), 0);
22589 | api.start({
22590 | height
22591 | });
22592 | setStatus(height > threshold ? "canRelease" : "pulling");
22593 | }, {
22594 | pointer: {
22595 | touch: true
22596 | },
22597 | axis: "y",
22598 | target: elementRef,
22599 | enabled: !props.disabled,
22600 | eventOptions: supportsPassive ? {
22601 | passive: false
22602 | } : void 0
22603 | });
22604 | const renderStatusText = () => {
22605 | var _a2;
22606 | if (props.renderText) {
22607 | return (_a2 = props.renderText) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, status);
22608 | }
22609 | if (status === "pulling")
22610 | return props.pullingText;
22611 | if (status === "canRelease")
22612 | return props.canReleaseText;
22613 | if (status === "refreshing")
22614 | return props.refreshingText;
22615 | if (status === "complete")
22616 | return props.completeText;
22617 | };
22618 | return React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
22619 | ref: elementRef,
22620 | className: classPrefix$r
22621 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
22622 | style: springStyles,
22623 | className: `${classPrefix$r}-head`
22624 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22625 | className: `${classPrefix$r}-head-content`,
22626 | style: {
22627 | height: headHeight
22628 | }
22629 | }, renderStatusText())), React$1.createElement("div", {
22630 | className: `${classPrefix$r}-content`
22631 | }, props.children));
22632 | };
22633 | const RadioGroupContext = React$1.createContext(null);
22634 | const defaultProps$l = {
22635 | disabled: false,
22636 | defaultValue: null
22637 | };
22638 | const Group = (p) => {
22639 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$l, p);
22640 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
22641 | value: props.value,
22642 | defaultValue: props.defaultValue,
22643 | onChange: (v) => {
22644 | var _a;
22645 | if (v === null)
22646 | return;
22647 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, v);
22648 | }
22649 | });
22650 | return React$1.createElement(
22651 | RadioGroupContext.Provider,
22652 | {
22653 |
22654 | value: {
22655 | value: value === null ? [] : [value],
22656 | check: (v) => {
22657 | setValue2(v);
22658 | },
22659 | uncheck: () => {
22660 | },
22661 | disabled: props.disabled
22662 | }
22663 | },
22664 | props.children
22665 | );
22666 | };
22667 | const classPrefix$q = `adm-radio`;
22668 | const defaultProps$k = {
22669 | defaultChecked: false
22670 | };
22671 | const Radio = (p) => {
22672 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$k, p);
22673 | const groupContext = React$1.useContext(RadioGroupContext);
22674 | let [checked, setChecked] = usePropsValue({
22675 | value: props.checked,
22676 | defaultValue: props.defaultChecked,
22677 | onChange: props.onChange
22678 | });
22679 | let disabled = props.disabled;
22680 | const {
22681 | value
22682 | } = props;
22683 | if (groupContext && value !== void 0) {
22684 | {
22685 | if (p.checked !== void 0) {
22686 | devWarning("Radio", "When used within `Radio.Group`, the `checked` prop of `Radio` will not work.");
22687 | }
22688 | if (p.defaultChecked !== void 0) {
22689 | devWarning("Radio", "When used within `Radio.Group`, the `defaultChecked` prop of `Radio` will not work.");
22690 | }
22691 | }
22692 | checked = groupContext.value.includes(value);
22693 | setChecked = (innerChecked) => {
22694 | var _a;
22695 | if (innerChecked) {
22696 | groupContext.check(value);
22697 | } else {
22698 | groupContext.uncheck(value);
22699 | }
22700 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, innerChecked);
22701 | };
22702 | disabled = disabled || groupContext.disabled;
22703 | }
22704 | const renderIcon = () => {
22705 | if (props.icon) {
22706 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
22707 | className: `${classPrefix$q}-custom-icon`
22708 | }, props.icon(checked));
22709 | }
22710 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
22711 | className: `${classPrefix$q}-icon`
22712 | }, checked && React$1.createElement(CheckIcon, null));
22713 | };
22714 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("label", {
22715 | onClick: props.onClick,
22716 | className: classNames(classPrefix$q, {
22717 | [`${classPrefix$q}-checked`]: checked,
22718 | [`${classPrefix$q}-disabled`]: disabled,
22719 | [`${classPrefix$q}-block`]: props.block
22720 | })
22721 | }, React$1.createElement(NativeInput, {
22722 | type: "radio",
22723 | checked,
22724 | onChange: setChecked,
22725 | disabled,
22726 | id: props.id
22727 | }), renderIcon(), props.children && React$1.createElement("div", {
22728 | className: `${classPrefix$q}-content`
22729 | }, props.children)));
22730 | };
22731 | const index$6 = attachPropertiesToComponent(Radio, {
22732 | Group
22733 | });
22734 | const Star = () => {
22735 | return React$1.createElement("svg", {
22736 | viewBox: "0 0 42 40",
22737 | height: "1em",
22738 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
22739 | style: {
22740 | verticalAlign: "-0.125em"
22741 | }
22742 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
22743 | d: "m21 34-10.52 5.53a2 2 0 0 1-2.902-2.108l2.01-11.714-8.511-8.296a2 2 0 0 1 1.108-3.411l11.762-1.71 5.26-10.657a2 2 0 0 1 3.586 0l5.26 10.658L39.815 14a2 2 0 0 1 1.108 3.411l-8.51 8.296 2.009 11.714a2 2 0 0 1-2.902 2.109L21 34Z",
22744 | fill: "currentColor",
22745 | fillRule: "evenodd"
22746 | }));
22747 | };
22748 | const classPrefix$p = `adm-rate`;
22749 | const defaultProps$j = {
22750 | count: 5,
22751 | allowHalf: false,
22752 | character: React$1.createElement(Star, null),
22753 | defaultValue: 0,
22754 | readOnly: false,
22755 | allowClear: true
22756 | };
22757 | const Rate = (p) => {
22758 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$j, p);
22759 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(props);
22760 | const containerRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22761 | const starList = Array(props.count).fill(null);
22762 | function renderStar(v, half) {
22763 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
22764 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$p}-star`, {
22765 | [`${classPrefix$p}-star-active`]: value >= v,
22766 | [`${classPrefix$p}-star-half`]: half,
22767 | [`${classPrefix$p}-star-readonly`]: props.readOnly
22768 | }),
22769 | role: "radio",
22770 | "aria-checked": value >= v,
22771 | "aria-label": "" + v
22772 | }, props.character);
22773 | }
22774 | const bind = useDrag((state) => {
22775 | if (props.readOnly)
22776 | return;
22777 | const {
22778 | xy: [clientX],
22779 | tap
22780 | } = state;
22781 | const container = containerRef.current;
22782 | if (!container)
22783 | return;
22784 | const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
22785 | const rawValue = (clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * props.count;
22786 | const ceiledValue = props.allowHalf ? Math.ceil(rawValue * 2) / 2 : Math.ceil(rawValue);
22787 | const boundValue = bound(ceiledValue, 0, props.count);
22788 | if (tap) {
22789 | if (props.allowClear && boundValue === value) {
22790 | setValue2(0);
22791 | return;
22792 | }
22793 | }
22794 | setValue2(boundValue);
22795 | }, {
22796 | axis: "x",
22797 | pointer: {
22798 | touch: true
22799 | },
22800 | filterTaps: true
22801 | });
22802 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
22803 | className: classNames(classPrefix$p, {
22804 | [`${classPrefix$p}-half`]: props.allowHalf
22805 | }),
22806 | role: "radiogroup",
22807 | "aria-readonly": props.readOnly,
22808 | ref: containerRef
22809 | }, bind()), starList.map((_, i2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
22810 | key: i2,
22811 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$p}-box`)
22812 | }, props.allowHalf && renderStar(i2 + 0.5, true), renderStar(i2 + 1, false)))));
22813 | };
22814 | const useResultIcon = (status) => {
22815 | const {
22816 | result: componentConfig = {}
22817 | } = useConfig();
22818 | const {
22819 | successIcon = React$1.createElement(CheckCircleFill, null),
22820 | errorIcon = React$1.createElement(CloseCircleFill, null),
22821 | infoIcon = React$1.createElement(InformationCircleFill, null),
22822 | waitingIcon = React$1.createElement(ClockCircleFill, null),
22823 | warningIcon = React$1.createElement(ExclamationCircleFill, null)
22824 | } = componentConfig || {};
22825 | switch (status) {
22826 | case "success":
22827 | return successIcon;
22828 | case "error":
22829 | return errorIcon;
22830 | case "info":
22831 | return infoIcon;
22832 | case "waiting":
22833 | return waitingIcon;
22834 | case "warning":
22835 | return warningIcon;
22836 | default:
22837 | return null;
22838 | }
22839 | };
22840 | const classPrefix$o = `adm-result`;
22841 | const defaultProps$i = {
22842 | status: "info"
22843 | };
22844 | const Result = (p) => {
22845 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$i, p);
22846 | const {
22847 | status,
22848 | title,
22849 | description,
22850 | icon
22851 | } = props;
22852 | const fallbackIcon = useResultIcon(status);
22853 | if (!status)
22854 | return null;
22855 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22856 | className: classNames(classPrefix$o, `${classPrefix$o}-${status}`)
22857 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22858 | className: `${classPrefix$o}-icon`
22859 | }, icon || fallbackIcon), React$1.createElement("div", {
22860 | className: `${classPrefix$o}-title`
22861 | }, title), !!description && React$1.createElement("div", {
22862 | className: `${classPrefix$o}-description`
22863 | }, description)));
22864 | };
22865 | const classPrefix$n = `adm-result-page`;
22866 | const defaultProps$h = {
22867 | status: "info",
22868 | details: []
22869 | };
22870 | const ResultPage = (p) => {
22871 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$h, p);
22872 | const {
22873 | status,
22874 | title,
22875 | description,
22876 | details,
22877 | icon,
22878 | primaryButtonText,
22879 | secondaryButtonText,
22880 | onPrimaryButtonClick,
22881 | onSecondaryButtonClick
22882 | } = props;
22883 | const fallbackIcon = useResultIcon(status);
22884 | const [collapse, setCollapse] = React$1.useState(true);
22885 | const showSecondaryButton = isNodeWithContent(secondaryButtonText);
22886 | const showPrimaryButton = isNodeWithContent(primaryButtonText);
22887 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22888 | className: classPrefix$n
22889 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22890 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-header`
22891 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22892 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-icon`
22893 | }, icon || fallbackIcon), React$1.createElement("div", {
22894 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-title`
22895 | }, title), isNodeWithContent(description) ? React$1.createElement("div", {
22896 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-description`
22897 | }, description) : null, (details === null || details === void 0 ? void 0 : details.length) ? React$1.createElement("div", {
22898 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-details`
22899 | }, (collapse ? details.slice(0, 3) : details).map((detail, index2) => {
22900 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
22901 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$n}-detail`, detail.bold && `${classPrefix$n}-detail-bold`),
22902 | key: index2
22903 | }, React$1.createElement("span", null, detail.label), React$1.createElement("span", null, detail.value));
22904 | }), details.length > 3 && React$1.createElement("div", {
22905 | onClick: () => setCollapse((prev) => !prev)
22906 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22907 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$n}-collapse`, !collapse && `${classPrefix$n}-collapse-active`)
22908 | }))) : null, React$1.createElement("div", {
22909 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-bgWrapper`
22910 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
22911 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-bg`
22912 | }))), React$1.createElement("div", {
22913 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-content`
22914 | }, props.children), (showPrimaryButton || showSecondaryButton) && React$1.createElement("div", {
22915 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-footer`
22916 | }, showSecondaryButton && React$1.createElement(Button, {
22917 | block: true,
22918 | color: "default",
22919 | fill: "solid",
22920 | size: "large",
22921 | onClick: onSecondaryButtonClick,
22922 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-footer-btn`
22923 | }, secondaryButtonText), showPrimaryButton && showSecondaryButton && React$1.createElement("div", {
22924 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-footer-space`
22925 | }), showPrimaryButton && React$1.createElement(Button, {
22926 | block: true,
22927 | color: "primary",
22928 | fill: "solid",
22929 | size: "large",
22930 | onClick: onPrimaryButtonClick,
22931 | className: `${classPrefix$n}-footer-btn`
22932 | }, primaryButtonText))));
22933 | };
22934 | const classPrefix$m = `adm-result-page-card`;
22935 | const ResultPageCard = (props) => {
22936 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
22937 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$m}`)
22938 | }, props.children));
22939 | };
22940 | const index$5 = attachPropertiesToComponent(ResultPage, {
22941 | Card: ResultPageCard
22942 | });
22943 | const classPrefix$l = `adm-search-bar`;
22944 | const defaultProps$g = {
22945 | clearable: true,
22946 | onlyShowClearWhenFocus: false,
22947 | showCancelButton: false,
22948 | defaultValue: "",
22949 | clearOnCancel: true
22950 | };
22951 | const SearchBar = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
22952 | const {
22953 | locale,
22954 | searchBar: componentConfig = {}
22955 | } = useConfig();
22956 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$g, componentConfig, {
22957 | cancelText: locale.common.cancel
22958 | }, props);
22959 | const searchIcon = mergeProp(React$1.createElement(SearchOutline, null), componentConfig.searchIcon, props.icon, props.searchIcon);
22960 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(mergedProps);
22961 | const [hasFocus, setHasFocus] = React$1.useState(false);
22962 | const inputRef = React$1.useRef(null);
22963 | const composingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
22964 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
22965 | clear: () => {
22966 | var _a;
22967 | return (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.clear();
22968 | },
22969 | focus: () => {
22970 | var _a;
22971 | return (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
22972 | },
22973 | blur: () => {
22974 | var _a;
22975 | return (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
22976 | },
22977 | get nativeElement() {
22978 | var _a, _b;
22979 | return (_b = (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nativeElement) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
22980 | }
22981 | }));
22982 | const renderCancelButton = () => {
22983 | let isShowCancel;
22984 | if (typeof mergedProps.showCancelButton === "function") {
22985 | isShowCancel = mergedProps.showCancelButton(hasFocus, value);
22986 | } else {
22987 | isShowCancel = mergedProps.showCancelButton && hasFocus;
22988 | }
22989 | return isShowCancel && React$1.createElement("div", {
22990 | className: `${classPrefix$l}-suffix`
22991 | }, React$1.createElement(Button, {
22992 | fill: "none",
22993 | className: `${classPrefix$l}-cancel-button`,
22994 | onClick: () => {
22995 | var _a, _b, _c;
22996 | if (mergedProps.clearOnCancel) {
22997 | (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.clear();
22998 | }
22999 | (_b = inputRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blur();
23000 | (_c = mergedProps.onCancel) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(mergedProps);
23001 | },
23002 | onMouseDown: (e2) => {
23003 | e2.preventDefault();
23004 | }
23005 | }, mergedProps.cancelText));
23006 | };
23007 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
23008 | className: classNames(classPrefix$l, {
23009 | [`${classPrefix$l}-active`]: hasFocus
23010 | })
23011 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
23012 | className: `${classPrefix$l}-input-box`
23013 | }, searchIcon && React$1.createElement("div", {
23014 | className: `${classPrefix$l}-input-box-icon`
23015 | }, searchIcon), React$1.createElement(Input, {
23016 | ref: inputRef,
23017 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$l}-input`, {
23018 | [`${classPrefix$l}-input-without-icon`]: !searchIcon
23019 | }),
23020 | value,
23021 | onChange: setValue2,
23022 | maxLength: mergedProps.maxLength,
23023 | placeholder: mergedProps.placeholder,
23024 | clearable: mergedProps.clearable,
23025 | onlyShowClearWhenFocus: mergedProps.onlyShowClearWhenFocus,
23026 | onFocus: (e2) => {
23027 | var _a;
23028 | setHasFocus(true);
23029 | (_a = mergedProps.onFocus) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
23030 | },
23031 | onBlur: (e2) => {
23032 | var _a;
23033 | setHasFocus(false);
23034 | (_a = mergedProps.onBlur) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
23035 | },
23036 | onClear: mergedProps.onClear,
23037 | type: "search",
23038 | enterKeyHint: "search",
23039 | onEnterPress: () => {
23040 | var _a, _b;
23041 | if (!composingRef.current) {
23042 | (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
23043 | (_b = mergedProps.onSearch) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(mergedProps, value);
23044 | }
23045 | },
23046 | "aria-label": locale.SearchBar.name,
23047 | onCompositionStart: (e2) => {
23048 | var _a;
23049 | composingRef.current = true;
23050 | (_a = mergedProps.onCompositionStart) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
23051 | },
23052 | onCompositionEnd: (e2) => {
23053 | var _a;
23054 | composingRef.current = false;
23055 | (_a = mergedProps.onCompositionEnd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps, e2);
23056 | }
23057 | })), renderCancelButton()));
23058 | });
23059 | const CheckMark = React$1.memo(() => {
23060 | return React$1.createElement("svg", {
23061 | width: "17px",
23062 | height: "13px",
23063 | viewBox: "0 0 17 13",
23064 | version: "1.1",
23065 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
23066 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23067 | stroke: "none",
23068 | strokeWidth: "1",
23069 | fill: "none",
23070 | fillRule: "evenodd",
23071 | strokeLinecap: "round",
23072 | strokeLinejoin: "round"
23073 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23074 | transform: "translate(-2832.000000, -1103.000000)",
23075 | stroke: "#FFFFFF",
23076 | strokeWidth: "3"
23077 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23078 | transform: "translate(2610.000000, 955.000000)"
23079 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23080 | transform: "translate(24.000000, 91.000000)"
23081 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23082 | transform: "translate(179.177408, 36.687816)"
23083 | }, React$1.createElement("polyline", {
23084 | points: "34.2767388 22 24.797043 31.4796958 21 27.6826527"
23085 | })))))));
23086 | });
23087 | const classPrefix$k = `adm-selector`;
23088 | const defaultProps$f = {
23089 | multiple: false,
23090 | defaultValue: [],
23091 | showCheckMark: true
23092 | };
23093 | const Selector = (p) => {
23094 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$f, p);
23095 | const [labelName, valueName, , disabledName] = useFieldNames(props.fieldNames);
23096 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
23097 | value: props.value,
23098 | defaultValue: props.defaultValue,
23099 | onChange: (val) => {
23100 | var _a;
23101 | const extend = {
23102 | get items() {
23103 | return props.options.filter((option) => val.includes(option[valueName]));
23104 | }
23105 | };
23106 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, val, extend);
23107 | }
23108 | });
23109 | const {
23110 | locale
23111 | } = useConfig();
23112 | const items = props.options.map((option) => {
23113 | const active = (value || []).includes(option[valueName]);
23114 | const disabled = option[disabledName] || props.disabled;
23115 | const itemCls = classNames(`${classPrefix$k}-item`, {
23116 | [`${classPrefix$k}-item-active`]: active && !props.multiple,
23117 | [`${classPrefix$k}-item-multiple-active`]: active && props.multiple,
23118 | [`${classPrefix$k}-item-disabled`]: disabled
23119 | });
23120 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
23121 | key: option[valueName],
23122 | className: itemCls,
23123 | onClick: () => {
23124 | if (disabled) {
23125 | return;
23126 | }
23127 | if (props.multiple) {
23128 | const val = active ? value.filter((v) => v !== option[valueName]) : [...value, option[valueName]];
23129 | setValue2(val);
23130 | } else {
23131 | const val = active ? [] : [option[valueName]];
23132 | setValue2(val);
23133 | }
23134 | },
23135 | role: "option",
23136 | "aria-selected": active && !props.multiple || active && props.multiple
23137 | }, option[labelName], option.description && React$1.createElement("div", {
23138 | className: `${classPrefix$k}-item-description`
23139 | }, option.description), active && props.showCheckMark && React$1.createElement("div", {
23140 | className: `${classPrefix$k}-check-mark-wrapper`
23141 | }, React$1.createElement(CheckMark, null)));
23142 | });
23143 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
23144 | className: classPrefix$k,
23145 | role: "listbox",
23146 | "aria-label": locale.Selector.name
23147 | }, props.columns ? React$1.createElement(Grid, {
23148 | columns: props.columns
23149 | }, items) : React$1.createElement(Space, {
23150 | wrap: true
23151 | }, items)));
23152 | };
23153 | const Corner = React$1.memo((props) => withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
23154 | viewBox: "0 0 30 30"
23155 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23156 | stroke: "none",
23157 | strokeWidth: "1",
23158 | fill: "none",
23159 | fillRule: "evenodd"
23160 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
23161 | d: "M30,0 C13.4314575,3.04359188e-15 -2.02906125e-15,13.4314575 0,30 L0,30 L0,0 Z",
23162 | fill: "var(--adm-color-background)",
23163 | transform: "translate(15.000000, 15.000000) scale(-1, -1) translate(-15.000000, -15.000000) "
23164 | })))));
23165 | const classPrefix$j = `adm-side-bar`;
23166 | const SideBarItem = () => {
23167 | return null;
23168 | };
23169 | const SideBar = (props) => {
23170 | var _a;
23171 | let firstActiveKey = null;
23172 | const items = [];
23173 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child, index2) => {
23174 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
23175 | return;
23176 | const key = child.key;
23177 | if (typeof key !== "string")
23178 | return;
23179 | if (index2 === 0) {
23180 | firstActiveKey = key;
23181 | }
23182 | items.push(child);
23183 | });
23184 | const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = usePropsValue({
23185 | value: props.activeKey,
23186 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultActiveKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : firstActiveKey,
23187 | onChange: (v) => {
23188 | var _a2;
23189 | if (v === null)
23190 | return;
23191 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, v);
23192 | }
23193 | });
23194 | const lastItem = items[items.length - 1];
23195 | const isLastItemActive = lastItem && lastItem.key === activeKey;
23196 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
23197 | className: classPrefix$j
23198 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
23199 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-items`
23200 | }, items.map((item, index2) => {
23201 | const active = item.key === activeKey;
23202 | const isActiveNextSibling = items[index2 - 1] && items[index2 - 1].key === activeKey;
23203 | const isActivePreviousSibling = items[index2 + 1] && items[index2 + 1].key === activeKey;
23204 | return withNativeProps(item.props, React$1.createElement("div", {
23205 | key: item.key,
23206 | onClick: () => {
23207 | const {
23208 | key
23209 | } = item;
23210 | if (key === void 0 || key === null || item.props.disabled)
23211 | return;
23212 | setActiveKey(key.toString());
23213 | },
23214 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$j}-item`, {
23215 | [`${classPrefix$j}-item-active`]: active,
23216 | [`${classPrefix$j}-item-disabled`]: item.props.disabled
23217 | })
23218 | }, React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, isActiveNextSibling && React$1.createElement(Corner, {
23219 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-item-corner ${classPrefix$j}-item-corner-top`
23220 | }), isActivePreviousSibling && React$1.createElement(Corner, {
23221 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-item-corner ${classPrefix$j}-item-corner-bottom`
23222 | })), React$1.createElement(Badge, {
23223 | content: item.props.badge,
23224 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-badge`
23225 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
23226 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-item-title`
23227 | }, active && React$1.createElement("div", {
23228 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-item-highlight`
23229 | }), item.props.title))));
23230 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
23231 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$j}-extra-space`, isLastItemActive && `${classPrefix$j}-item-active-next-sibling`)
23232 | }, isLastItemActive && React$1.createElement(Corner, {
23233 | className: `${classPrefix$j}-item-corner ${classPrefix$j}-item-corner-top`
23234 | }))));
23235 | };
23236 | const index$4 = attachPropertiesToComponent(SideBar, {
23237 | Item: SideBarItem
23238 | });
23239 | const classPrefix$i = `adm-slider`;
23240 | const Ticks = ({
23241 | points,
23242 | max: max2,
23243 | min: min2,
23244 | upperBound,
23245 | lowerBound
23246 | }) => {
23247 | const range2 = max2 - min2;
23248 | const elements = points.map((point) => {
23249 | const offset2 = `${Math.abs(point - min2) / range2 * 100}%`;
23250 | const isActived = point <= upperBound && point >= lowerBound;
23251 | const style = {
23252 | left: offset2
23253 | };
23254 | const pointClassName = classNames({
23255 | [`${classPrefix$i}-tick`]: true,
23256 | [`${classPrefix$i}-tick-active`]: isActived
23257 | });
23258 | return React$1.createElement("span", {
23259 | className: pointClassName,
23260 | style,
23261 | key: point
23262 | });
23263 | });
23264 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
23265 | className: `${classPrefix$i}-ticks`
23266 | }, elements);
23267 | };
23268 | const Ticks$1 = Ticks;
23269 | const classPrefix$h = `adm-slider-mark`;
23270 | const Marks = ({
23271 | marks,
23272 | upperBound,
23273 | lowerBound,
23274 | max: max2,
23275 | min: min2
23276 | }) => {
23277 | const marksKeys = Object.keys(marks);
23278 | const range2 = max2 - min2;
23279 | const elements = marksKeys.map(parseFloat).sort((a, b) => a - b).filter((point) => point >= min2 && point <= max2).map((point) => {
23280 | const markPoint = marks[point];
23281 | if (!markPoint && markPoint !== 0) {
23282 | return null;
23283 | }
23284 | const isActive = point <= upperBound && point >= lowerBound;
23285 | const markClassName = classNames({
23286 | [`${classPrefix$h}-text`]: true,
23287 | [`${classPrefix$h}-text-active`]: isActive
23288 | });
23289 | const style = {
23290 | left: `${(point - min2) / range2 * 100}%`
23291 | };
23292 | return React$1.createElement("span", {
23293 | className: markClassName,
23294 | style,
23295 | key: point
23296 | }, markPoint);
23297 | });
23298 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
23299 | className: classPrefix$h
23300 | }, elements);
23301 | };
23302 | const Marks$1 = Marks;
23303 | function supportBigInt() {
23304 | return typeof BigInt === "function";
23305 | }
23306 | function isEmpty(value) {
23307 | return !value && value !== 0 && !Number.isNaN(value) || !String(value).trim();
23308 | }
23309 | function trimNumber(numStr) {
23310 | var str = numStr.trim();
23311 | var negative = str.startsWith("-");
23312 | if (negative) {
23313 | str = str.slice(1);
23314 | }
23315 | str = str.replace(/(\.\d*[^0])0*$/, "$1").replace(/\.0*$/, "").replace(/^0+/, "");
23316 | if (str.startsWith(".")) {
23317 | str = "0".concat(str);
23318 | }
23319 | var trimStr = str || "0";
23320 | var splitNumber = trimStr.split(".");
23321 | var integerStr = splitNumber[0] || "0";
23322 | var decimalStr = splitNumber[1] || "0";
23323 | if (integerStr === "0" && decimalStr === "0") {
23324 | negative = false;
23325 | }
23326 | var negativeStr = negative ? "-" : "";
23327 | return {
23328 | negative,
23329 | negativeStr,
23330 | trimStr,
23331 | integerStr,
23332 | decimalStr,
23333 | fullStr: "".concat(negativeStr).concat(trimStr)
23334 | };
23335 | }
23336 | function isE(number) {
23337 | var str = String(number);
23338 | return !Number.isNaN(Number(str)) && str.includes("e");
23339 | }
23340 | function getNumberPrecision(number) {
23341 | var numStr = String(number);
23342 | if (isE(number)) {
23343 | var precision = Number(numStr.slice(numStr.indexOf("e-") + 2));
23344 | var decimalMatch = numStr.match(/\.(\d+)/);
23345 | if (decimalMatch !== null && decimalMatch !== void 0 && decimalMatch[1]) {
23346 | precision += decimalMatch[1].length;
23347 | }
23348 | return precision;
23349 | }
23350 | return numStr.includes(".") && validateNumber(numStr) ? numStr.length - numStr.indexOf(".") - 1 : 0;
23351 | }
23352 | function num2str(number) {
23353 | var numStr = String(number);
23354 | if (isE(number)) {
23355 | if (number > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
23356 | return String(supportBigInt() ? BigInt(number).toString() : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
23357 | }
23358 | if (number < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
23359 | return String(supportBigInt() ? BigInt(number).toString() : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);
23360 | }
23361 | numStr = number.toFixed(getNumberPrecision(numStr));
23362 | }
23363 | return trimNumber(numStr).fullStr;
23364 | }
23365 | function validateNumber(num) {
23366 | if (typeof num === "number") {
23367 | return !Number.isNaN(num);
23368 | }
23369 | if (!num) {
23370 | return false;
23371 | }
23372 | return (
23373 |
23374 | /^\s*-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s*$/.test(num) ||
23375 | /^\s*-?\d+\.\s*$/.test(num) ||
23376 | /^\s*-?\.\d+\s*$/.test(num)
23377 | );
23378 | }
23379 | var BigIntDecimal = function() {
23380 | function BigIntDecimal2(value) {
23381 | _classCallCheck(this, BigIntDecimal2);
23382 | _defineProperty(this, "origin", "");
23383 | _defineProperty(this, "negative", void 0);
23384 | _defineProperty(this, "integer", void 0);
23385 | _defineProperty(this, "decimal", void 0);
23386 | _defineProperty(this, "decimalLen", void 0);
23387 | _defineProperty(this, "empty", void 0);
23388 | _defineProperty(this, "nan", void 0);
23389 | if (isEmpty(value)) {
23390 | this.empty = true;
23391 | return;
23392 | }
23393 | this.origin = String(value);
23394 | if (value === "-" || Number.isNaN(value)) {
23395 | this.nan = true;
23396 | return;
23397 | }
23398 | var mergedValue = value;
23399 | if (isE(mergedValue)) {
23400 | mergedValue = Number(mergedValue);
23401 | }
23402 | mergedValue = typeof mergedValue === "string" ? mergedValue : num2str(mergedValue);
23403 | if (validateNumber(mergedValue)) {
23404 | var trimRet = trimNumber(mergedValue);
23405 | this.negative = trimRet.negative;
23406 | var numbers = trimRet.trimStr.split(".");
23407 | this.integer = BigInt(numbers[0]);
23408 | var decimalStr = numbers[1] || "0";
23409 | this.decimal = BigInt(decimalStr);
23410 | this.decimalLen = decimalStr.length;
23411 | } else {
23412 | this.nan = true;
23413 | }
23414 | }
23415 | _createClass(BigIntDecimal2, [{
23416 | key: "getMark",
23417 | value: function getMark() {
23418 | return this.negative ? "-" : "";
23419 | }
23420 | }, {
23421 | key: "getIntegerStr",
23422 | value: function getIntegerStr() {
23423 | return this.integer.toString();
23424 | }
23425 | |
23426 |
23427 |
23428 | }, {
23429 | key: "getDecimalStr",
23430 | value: function getDecimalStr() {
23431 | return this.decimal.toString().padStart(this.decimalLen, "0");
23432 | }
23433 | |
23434 |
23435 |
23436 |
23437 | }, {
23438 | key: "alignDecimal",
23439 | value: function alignDecimal(decimalLength) {
23440 | var str = "".concat(this.getMark()).concat(this.getIntegerStr()).concat(this.getDecimalStr().padEnd(decimalLength, "0"));
23441 | return BigInt(str);
23442 | }
23443 | }, {
23444 | key: "negate",
23445 | value: function negate() {
23446 | var clone = new BigIntDecimal2(this.toString());
23447 | clone.negative = !clone.negative;
23448 | return clone;
23449 | }
23450 | }, {
23451 | key: "cal",
23452 | value: function cal(offset2, calculator, calDecimalLen) {
23453 | var maxDecimalLength = Math.max(this.getDecimalStr().length, offset2.getDecimalStr().length);
23454 | var myAlignedDecimal = this.alignDecimal(maxDecimalLength);
23455 | var offsetAlignedDecimal = offset2.alignDecimal(maxDecimalLength);
23456 | var valueStr = calculator(myAlignedDecimal, offsetAlignedDecimal).toString();
23457 | var nextDecimalLength = calDecimalLen(maxDecimalLength);
23458 | var _trimNumber = trimNumber(valueStr), negativeStr = _trimNumber.negativeStr, trimStr = _trimNumber.trimStr;
23459 | var hydrateValueStr = "".concat(negativeStr).concat(trimStr.padStart(nextDecimalLength + 1, "0"));
23460 | return new BigIntDecimal2("".concat(hydrateValueStr.slice(0, -nextDecimalLength), ".").concat(hydrateValueStr.slice(-nextDecimalLength)));
23461 | }
23462 | }, {
23463 | key: "add",
23464 | value: function add(value) {
23465 | if (this.isInvalidate()) {
23466 | return new BigIntDecimal2(value);
23467 | }
23468 | var offset2 = new BigIntDecimal2(value);
23469 | if (offset2.isInvalidate()) {
23470 | return this;
23471 | }
23472 | return this.cal(offset2, function(num1, num2) {
23473 | return num1 + num2;
23474 | }, function(len) {
23475 | return len;
23476 | });
23477 | }
23478 | }, {
23479 | key: "multi",
23480 | value: function multi(value) {
23481 | var target = new BigIntDecimal2(value);
23482 | if (this.isInvalidate() || target.isInvalidate()) {
23483 | return new BigIntDecimal2(NaN);
23484 | }
23485 | return this.cal(target, function(num1, num2) {
23486 | return num1 * num2;
23487 | }, function(len) {
23488 | return len * 2;
23489 | });
23490 | }
23491 | }, {
23492 | key: "isEmpty",
23493 | value: function isEmpty2() {
23494 | return this.empty;
23495 | }
23496 | }, {
23497 | key: "isNaN",
23498 | value: function isNaN2() {
23499 | return this.nan;
23500 | }
23501 | }, {
23502 | key: "isInvalidate",
23503 | value: function isInvalidate() {
23504 | return this.isEmpty() || this.isNaN();
23505 | }
23506 | }, {
23507 | key: "equals",
23508 | value: function equals(target) {
23509 | return this.toString() === (target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.toString());
23510 | }
23511 | }, {
23512 | key: "lessEquals",
23513 | value: function lessEquals(target) {
23514 | return this.add(target.negate().toString()).toNumber() <= 0;
23515 | }
23516 | }, {
23517 | key: "toNumber",
23518 | value: function toNumber2() {
23519 | if (this.isNaN()) {
23520 | return NaN;
23521 | }
23522 | return Number(this.toString());
23523 | }
23524 | }, {
23525 | key: "toString",
23526 | value: function toString() {
23527 | var safe = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : true;
23528 | if (!safe) {
23529 | return this.origin;
23530 | }
23531 | if (this.isInvalidate()) {
23532 | return "";
23533 | }
23534 | return trimNumber("".concat(this.getMark()).concat(this.getIntegerStr(), ".").concat(this.getDecimalStr())).fullStr;
23535 | }
23536 | }]);
23537 | return BigIntDecimal2;
23538 | }();
23539 | var NumberDecimal = function() {
23540 | function NumberDecimal2(value) {
23541 | _classCallCheck(this, NumberDecimal2);
23542 | _defineProperty(this, "origin", "");
23543 | _defineProperty(this, "number", void 0);
23544 | _defineProperty(this, "empty", void 0);
23545 | if (isEmpty(value)) {
23546 | this.empty = true;
23547 | return;
23548 | }
23549 | this.origin = String(value);
23550 | this.number = Number(value);
23551 | }
23552 | _createClass(NumberDecimal2, [{
23553 | key: "negate",
23554 | value: function negate() {
23555 | return new NumberDecimal2(-this.toNumber());
23556 | }
23557 | }, {
23558 | key: "add",
23559 | value: function add(value) {
23560 | if (this.isInvalidate()) {
23561 | return new NumberDecimal2(value);
23562 | }
23563 | var target = Number(value);
23564 | if (Number.isNaN(target)) {
23565 | return this;
23566 | }
23567 | var number = this.number + target;
23568 | if (number > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
23569 | return new NumberDecimal2(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
23570 | }
23571 | if (number < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
23572 | return new NumberDecimal2(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);
23573 | }
23574 | var maxPrecision = Math.max(getNumberPrecision(this.number), getNumberPrecision(target));
23575 | return new NumberDecimal2(number.toFixed(maxPrecision));
23576 | }
23577 | }, {
23578 | key: "multi",
23579 | value: function multi(value) {
23580 | var target = Number(value);
23581 | if (this.isInvalidate() || Number.isNaN(target)) {
23582 | return new NumberDecimal2(NaN);
23583 | }
23584 | var number = this.number * target;
23585 | if (number > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
23586 | return new NumberDecimal2(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
23587 | }
23588 | if (number < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
23589 | return new NumberDecimal2(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);
23590 | }
23591 | var maxPrecision = Math.max(getNumberPrecision(this.number), getNumberPrecision(target));
23592 | return new NumberDecimal2(number.toFixed(maxPrecision));
23593 | }
23594 | }, {
23595 | key: "isEmpty",
23596 | value: function isEmpty2() {
23597 | return this.empty;
23598 | }
23599 | }, {
23600 | key: "isNaN",
23601 | value: function isNaN2() {
23602 | return Number.isNaN(this.number);
23603 | }
23604 | }, {
23605 | key: "isInvalidate",
23606 | value: function isInvalidate() {
23607 | return this.isEmpty() || this.isNaN();
23608 | }
23609 | }, {
23610 | key: "equals",
23611 | value: function equals(target) {
23612 | return this.toNumber() === (target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.toNumber());
23613 | }
23614 | }, {
23615 | key: "lessEquals",
23616 | value: function lessEquals(target) {
23617 | return this.add(target.negate().toString()).toNumber() <= 0;
23618 | }
23619 | }, {
23620 | key: "toNumber",
23621 | value: function toNumber2() {
23622 | return this.number;
23623 | }
23624 | }, {
23625 | key: "toString",
23626 | value: function toString() {
23627 | var safe = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : true;
23628 | if (!safe) {
23629 | return this.origin;
23630 | }
23631 | if (this.isInvalidate()) {
23632 | return "";
23633 | }
23634 | return num2str(this.number);
23635 | }
23636 | }]);
23637 | return NumberDecimal2;
23638 | }();
23639 | function getMiniDecimal(value) {
23640 | if (supportBigInt()) {
23641 | return new BigIntDecimal(value);
23642 | }
23643 | return new NumberDecimal(value);
23644 | }
23645 | function toFixed(numStr, separatorStr, precision) {
23646 | var cutOnly = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : false;
23647 | if (numStr === "") {
23648 | return "";
23649 | }
23650 | var _trimNumber = trimNumber(numStr), negativeStr = _trimNumber.negativeStr, integerStr = _trimNumber.integerStr, decimalStr = _trimNumber.decimalStr;
23651 | var precisionDecimalStr = "".concat(separatorStr).concat(decimalStr);
23652 | var numberWithoutDecimal = "".concat(negativeStr).concat(integerStr);
23653 | if (precision >= 0) {
23654 | var advancedNum = Number(decimalStr[precision]);
23655 | if (advancedNum >= 5 && !cutOnly) {
23656 | var advancedDecimal = getMiniDecimal(numStr).add("".concat(negativeStr, "0.").concat("0".repeat(precision)).concat(10 - advancedNum));
23657 | return toFixed(advancedDecimal.toString(), separatorStr, precision, cutOnly);
23658 | }
23659 | if (precision === 0) {
23660 | return numberWithoutDecimal;
23661 | }
23662 | return "".concat(numberWithoutDecimal).concat(separatorStr).concat(decimalStr.padEnd(precision, "0").slice(0, precision));
23663 | }
23664 | if (precisionDecimalStr === ".0") {
23665 | return numberWithoutDecimal;
23666 | }
23667 | return "".concat(numberWithoutDecimal).concat(precisionDecimalStr);
23668 | }
23669 | const ThumbIcon = (props) => {
23670 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
23671 | viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
23672 | xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
23673 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
23674 | fill: "currentColor",
23675 | fillRule: "evenodd"
23676 | }, React$1.createElement("rect", {
23677 | x: 10,
23678 | width: 4,
23679 | height: 24,
23680 | rx: 2
23681 | }), React$1.createElement("rect", {
23682 | y: 4,
23683 | width: 4,
23684 | height: 16,
23685 | rx: 2
23686 | }), React$1.createElement("rect", {
23687 | x: 20,
23688 | y: 4,
23689 | width: 4,
23690 | height: 16,
23691 | rx: 2
23692 | }))));
23693 | };
23694 | const classPrefix$g = `adm-slider`;
23695 | const Thumb = (props) => {
23696 | const {
23697 | value,
23698 | min: min2,
23699 | max: max2,
23700 | disabled,
23701 | icon,
23702 | residentPopover,
23703 | onDrag
23704 | } = props;
23705 | const prevValue = React$1.useRef(value);
23706 | const {
23707 | locale
23708 | } = useConfig();
23709 | const currentPosition = () => {
23710 | return {
23711 | left: `${(value - min2) / (max2 - min2) * 100}%`,
23712 | right: "auto"
23713 | };
23714 | };
23715 | const [dragging, setDragging] = React$1.useState(false);
23716 | const bind = useDrag((state) => {
23717 | var _a;
23718 | if (disabled)
23719 | return;
23720 | if (state.first) {
23721 | prevValue.current = value;
23722 | }
23723 | const x = state.xy[0] - state.initial[0];
23724 | const sliderOffsetWith = (_a = props.trackRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offsetWidth;
23725 | if (!sliderOffsetWith)
23726 | return;
23727 | const diff = x / Math.ceil(sliderOffsetWith) * (max2 - min2);
23728 | onDrag(prevValue.current + diff, state.first, state.last);
23729 | setDragging(!state.last);
23730 | }, {
23731 | axis: "x",
23732 | pointer: {
23733 | touch: true
23734 | }
23735 | });
23736 | const renderPopoverContent = typeof props.popover === "function" ? props.popover : props.popover ? (value2) => value2.toString() : null;
23737 | const thumbElement = React$1.createElement("div", {
23738 | className: `${classPrefix$g}-thumb`
23739 | }, icon ? icon : React$1.createElement(ThumbIcon, {
23740 | className: `${classPrefix$g}-thumb-icon`
23741 | }));
23742 | return React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
23743 | className: `${classPrefix$g}-thumb-container`,
23744 | style: currentPosition()
23745 | }, bind(), {
23746 | role: "slider",
23747 | "aria-label": props["aria-label"] || locale.Slider.name,
23748 | "aria-valuemax": max2,
23749 | "aria-valuemin": min2,
23750 | "aria-valuenow": value,
23751 | "aria-disabled": disabled
23752 | }), renderPopoverContent ? React$1.createElement(Popover, {
23753 | content: renderPopoverContent(value),
23754 | placement: "top",
23755 | visible: residentPopover || dragging,
23756 | getContainer: null,
23757 | mode: "dark"
23758 | }, thumbElement) : thumbElement);
23759 | };
23760 | const Thumb$1 = Thumb;
23761 | const classPrefix$f = `adm-slider`;
23762 | const defaultProps$e = {
23763 | min: 0,
23764 | max: 100,
23765 | step: 1,
23766 | ticks: false,
23767 | range: false,
23768 | disabled: false,
23769 | popover: false,
23770 | residentPopover: false
23771 | };
23772 | const Slider = (p) => {
23773 | var _a;
23774 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$e, p);
23775 | const {
23776 | min: min2,
23777 | max: max2,
23778 | disabled,
23779 | marks,
23780 | ticks,
23781 | step,
23782 | icon
23783 | } = props;
23784 | function sortValue(val) {
23785 | return val.sort((a, b) => a - b);
23786 | }
23787 | function convertValue(value) {
23788 | return props.range ? value : [props.min, value];
23789 | }
23790 | function alignValue(value, decimalLen) {
23791 | const decimal = getMiniDecimal(value);
23792 | const fixedStr = toFixed(decimal.toString(), ".", decimalLen);
23793 | return getMiniDecimal(fixedStr).toNumber();
23794 | }
23795 | function reverseValue(value) {
23796 | const mergedDecimalLen = Math.max(getDecimalLen(step), getDecimalLen(value[0]), getDecimalLen(value[1]));
23797 | return props.range ? value.map((v) => alignValue(v, mergedDecimalLen)) : alignValue(value[1], mergedDecimalLen);
23798 | }
23799 | function getDecimalLen(n2) {
23800 | return (`${n2}`.split(".")[1] || "").length;
23801 | }
23802 | function onAfterChange(value) {
23803 | var _a2;
23804 | (_a2 = props.onAfterChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, reverseValue(value));
23805 | }
23806 | let propsValue = props.value;
23807 | if (props.range && typeof props.value === "number") {
23808 | devWarning("Slider", "When `range` prop is enabled, the `value` prop should be an array, like: [0, 0]");
23809 | propsValue = [0, props.value];
23810 | }
23811 | const [rawValue, setRawValue] = usePropsValue({
23812 | value: propsValue,
23813 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.range ? [min2, min2] : min2,
23814 | onChange: props.onChange
23815 | });
23816 | const sliderValue = sortValue(convertValue(rawValue));
23817 | function setSliderValue(value) {
23818 | const next = sortValue(value);
23819 | const current = sliderValue;
23820 | if (next[0] === current[0] && next[1] === current[1])
23821 | return;
23822 | setRawValue(reverseValue(next));
23823 | }
23824 | const trackRef = React$1.useRef(null);
23825 | const fillSize = `${100 * (sliderValue[1] - sliderValue[0]) / (max2 - min2)}%`;
23826 | const fillStart = `${100 * (sliderValue[0] - min2) / (max2 - min2)}%`;
23827 | const pointList = React$1.useMemo(() => {
23828 | if (marks) {
23829 | return Object.keys(marks).map(parseFloat).sort((a, b) => a - b);
23830 | } else if (ticks) {
23831 | const points = [];
23832 | for (let i2 = getMiniDecimal(min2); i2.lessEquals(getMiniDecimal(max2)); i2 = i2.add(step)) {
23833 | points.push(i2.toNumber());
23834 | }
23835 | return points;
23836 | }
23837 | return [];
23838 | }, [marks, ticks, step, min2, max2]);
23839 | function getValueByPosition(position) {
23840 | const newPosition = position < min2 ? min2 : position > max2 ? max2 : position;
23841 | let value = min2;
23842 | if (pointList.length) {
23843 | value = nearest(pointList, newPosition);
23844 | } else {
23845 | const cell = Math.round((newPosition - min2) / step);
23846 | const nextVal = getMiniDecimal(cell).multi(step);
23847 | value = getMiniDecimal(min2).add(nextVal.toString()).toNumber();
23848 | }
23849 | return value;
23850 | }
23851 | const dragLockRef = React$1.useRef(0);
23852 | const onTrackClick = (event) => {
23853 | if (dragLockRef.current > 0)
23854 | return;
23855 | event.stopPropagation();
23856 | if (disabled)
23857 | return;
23858 | const track = trackRef.current;
23859 | if (!track)
23860 | return;
23861 | const sliderOffsetLeft = track.getBoundingClientRect().left;
23862 | const position = (event.clientX - sliderOffsetLeft) / Math.ceil(track.offsetWidth) * (max2 - min2) + min2;
23863 | const targetValue = getValueByPosition(position);
23864 | let nextSliderValue;
23865 | if (props.range) {
23866 | if (Math.abs(targetValue - sliderValue[0]) > Math.abs(targetValue - sliderValue[1])) {
23867 | nextSliderValue = [sliderValue[0], targetValue];
23868 | } else {
23869 | nextSliderValue = [targetValue, sliderValue[1]];
23870 | }
23871 | } else {
23872 | nextSliderValue = [props.min, targetValue];
23873 | }
23874 | setSliderValue(nextSliderValue);
23875 | onAfterChange(nextSliderValue);
23876 | };
23877 | const valueBeforeDragRef = React$1.useRef();
23878 | const renderThumb = (index2) => {
23879 | return React$1.createElement(Thumb$1, {
23880 | key: index2,
23881 | value: sliderValue[index2],
23882 | min: min2,
23883 | max: max2,
23884 | disabled,
23885 | trackRef,
23886 | icon,
23887 | popover: props.popover,
23888 | residentPopover: props.residentPopover,
23889 | onDrag: (position, first, last) => {
23890 | if (first) {
23891 | dragLockRef.current += 1;
23892 | valueBeforeDragRef.current = sliderValue;
23893 | }
23894 | const val = getValueByPosition(position);
23895 | const valueBeforeDrag = valueBeforeDragRef.current;
23896 | if (!valueBeforeDrag)
23897 | return;
23898 | const next = [...valueBeforeDrag];
23899 | next[index2] = val;
23900 | setSliderValue(next);
23901 | if (last) {
23902 | onAfterChange(next);
23903 | window.setTimeout(() => {
23904 | dragLockRef.current -= 1;
23905 | }, 100);
23906 | }
23907 | },
23908 | "aria-label": props["aria-label"]
23909 | });
23910 | };
23911 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
23912 | className: classNames(classPrefix$f, {
23913 | [`${classPrefix$f}-disabled`]: disabled
23914 | })
23915 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
23916 | className: `${classPrefix$f}-track-container`,
23917 | onClick: onTrackClick
23918 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
23919 | className: `${classPrefix$f}-track`,
23920 | onClick: onTrackClick,
23921 | ref: trackRef
23922 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
23923 | className: `${classPrefix$f}-fill`,
23924 | style: {
23925 | width: fillSize,
23926 | left: fillStart
23927 | }
23928 | }), props.ticks && React$1.createElement(Ticks$1, {
23929 | points: pointList,
23930 | min: min2,
23931 | max: max2,
23932 | lowerBound: sliderValue[0],
23933 | upperBound: sliderValue[1]
23934 | }), props.range && renderThumb(0), renderThumb(1))), marks && React$1.createElement(Marks$1, {
23935 | min: min2,
23936 | max: max2,
23937 | marks,
23938 | lowerBound: sliderValue[0],
23939 | upperBound: sliderValue[1]
23940 | })));
23941 | };
23942 | const classPrefix$e = `adm-stepper`;
23943 | const defaultProps$d = {
23944 | step: 1,
23945 | disabled: false,
23946 | allowEmpty: false
23947 | };
23948 | function InnerStepper(p, ref) {
23949 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$d, p);
23950 | const {
23951 | defaultValue = 0,
23952 | value,
23953 | onChange,
23954 | disabled,
23955 | step,
23956 | max: max2,
23957 | min: min2,
23958 | inputReadOnly,
23959 | digits,
23960 | stringMode,
23961 | formatter,
23962 | parser
23963 | } = props;
23964 | const {
23965 | locale
23966 | } = useConfig();
23967 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
23968 | focus: () => {
23969 | var _a;
23970 | (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
23971 | },
23972 | blur: () => {
23973 | var _a;
23974 | (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
23975 | },
23976 | get nativeElement() {
23977 | var _a, _b;
23978 | return (_b = (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nativeElement) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
23979 | }
23980 | }));
23981 | const fixedValue = (value2) => {
23982 | const fixedValue2 = digits !== void 0 ? toFixed(value2.toString(), ".", digits) : value2;
23983 | return fixedValue2.toString();
23984 | };
23985 | const getValueAsType = (value2) => stringMode ? value2.toString() : value2.toNumber();
23986 | const parseValue = (text) => {
23987 | if (text === "")
23988 | return null;
23989 | if (parser) {
23990 | return String(parser(text));
23991 | }
23992 | const decimal = getMiniDecimal(text);
23993 | return decimal.isInvalidate() ? null : decimal.toString();
23994 | };
23995 | const formatValue = (value2) => {
23996 | if (value2 === null)
23997 | return "";
23998 | return formatter ? formatter(value2) : fixedValue(value2);
23999 | };
24000 | const [mergedValue, setMergedValue] = useMergedState(defaultValue, {
24001 | value,
24002 | onChange: (nextValue) => {
24003 | onChange === null || onChange === void 0 ? void 0 : onChange(nextValue);
24004 | }
24005 | });
24006 | const [inputValue, setInputValue] = React$1.useState(() => formatValue(mergedValue));
24007 | function setValueWithCheck(nextValue) {
24008 | if (nextValue.isNaN())
24009 | return;
24010 | let target = nextValue;
24011 | if (min2 !== void 0) {
24012 | const minDecimal = getMiniDecimal(min2);
24013 | if (target.lessEquals(minDecimal)) {
24014 | target = minDecimal;
24015 | }
24016 | }
24017 | if (max2 !== void 0) {
24018 | const maxDecimal = getMiniDecimal(max2);
24019 | if (maxDecimal.lessEquals(target)) {
24020 | target = maxDecimal;
24021 | }
24022 | }
24023 | if (digits !== void 0) {
24024 | target = getMiniDecimal(fixedValue(getValueAsType(target)));
24025 | }
24026 | setMergedValue(getValueAsType(target));
24027 | }
24028 | const handleInputChange = (v) => {
24029 | setInputValue(v);
24030 | const valueStr = parseValue(v);
24031 | if (valueStr === null) {
24032 | if (props.allowEmpty) {
24033 | setMergedValue(null);
24034 | } else {
24035 | setMergedValue(defaultValue);
24036 | }
24037 | } else {
24038 | setValueWithCheck(getMiniDecimal(valueStr));
24039 | }
24040 | };
24041 | const [focused, setFocused] = React$1.useState(false);
24042 | const inputRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24043 | function triggerFocus(nextFocus) {
24044 | setFocused(nextFocus);
24045 | if (nextFocus) {
24046 | setInputValue(mergedValue !== null && mergedValue !== void 0 ? String(mergedValue) : "");
24047 | }
24048 | }
24049 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
24050 | var _a, _b, _c;
24051 | if (focused) {
24052 | (_c = (_b = (_a = inputRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nativeElement) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.select) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b);
24053 | }
24054 | }, [focused]);
24055 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
24056 | if (!focused) {
24057 | setInputValue(formatValue(mergedValue));
24058 | }
24059 | }, [focused, mergedValue, digits]);
24060 | const handleOffset = (positive) => {
24061 | let stepValue = getMiniDecimal(step);
24062 | if (!positive) {
24063 | stepValue = stepValue.negate();
24064 | }
24065 | setValueWithCheck(getMiniDecimal(mergedValue !== null && mergedValue !== void 0 ? mergedValue : 0).add(stepValue.toString()));
24066 | };
24067 | const handleMinus = () => {
24068 | handleOffset(false);
24069 | };
24070 | const handlePlus = () => {
24071 | handleOffset(true);
24072 | };
24073 | const minusDisabled = () => {
24074 | if (disabled)
24075 | return true;
24076 | if (mergedValue === null)
24077 | return false;
24078 | if (min2 !== void 0) {
24079 | return mergedValue <= min2;
24080 | }
24081 | return false;
24082 | };
24083 | const plusDisabled = () => {
24084 | if (disabled)
24085 | return true;
24086 | if (mergedValue === null)
24087 | return false;
24088 | if (max2 !== void 0) {
24089 | return mergedValue >= max2;
24090 | }
24091 | return false;
24092 | };
24093 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24094 | className: classNames(classPrefix$e, {
24095 | [`${classPrefix$e}-active`]: focused
24096 | })
24097 | }, React$1.createElement(Button, {
24098 | className: `${classPrefix$e}-minus`,
24099 | onClick: handleMinus,
24100 | disabled: minusDisabled(),
24101 | fill: "none",
24102 | shape: "rectangular",
24103 | color: "primary",
24104 | "aria-label": locale.Stepper.decrease
24105 | }, React$1.createElement(MinusOutline, null)), React$1.createElement("div", {
24106 | className: `${classPrefix$e}-middle`
24107 | }, React$1.createElement(Input, {
24108 | ref: inputRef,
24109 | className: `${classPrefix$e}-input`,
24110 | onFocus: (e2) => {
24111 | var _a;
24112 | triggerFocus(true);
24113 | (_a = props.onFocus) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
24114 | },
24115 | value: inputValue,
24116 | onChange: (val) => {
24117 | disabled || handleInputChange(val);
24118 | },
24119 | disabled,
24120 | onBlur: (e2) => {
24121 | var _a;
24122 | triggerFocus(false);
24123 | (_a = props.onBlur) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
24124 | },
24125 | readOnly: inputReadOnly,
24126 | role: "spinbutton",
24127 | "aria-valuenow": Number(inputValue),
24128 | "aria-valuemax": Number(max2),
24129 | "aria-valuemin": Number(min2),
24130 | inputMode: "decimal"
24131 | })), React$1.createElement(Button, {
24132 | className: `${classPrefix$e}-plus`,
24133 | onClick: handlePlus,
24134 | disabled: plusDisabled(),
24135 | fill: "none",
24136 | shape: "rectangular",
24137 | color: "primary",
24138 | "aria-label": locale.Stepper.increase
24139 | }, React$1.createElement(AddOutline, null))));
24140 | }
24141 | const Stepper = React$1.forwardRef(InnerStepper);
24142 | const classPrefix$d = `adm-step`;
24143 | const Step = (props) => {
24144 | const {
24145 | title,
24146 | description,
24147 | icon,
24148 | status = "wait"
24149 | } = props;
24150 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24151 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$d}`, `${classPrefix$d}-status-${status}`)
24152 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
24153 | className: `${classPrefix$d}-indicator`
24154 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
24155 | className: `${classPrefix$d}-icon-container`
24156 | }, icon)), React$1.createElement("div", {
24157 | className: `${classPrefix$d}-content`
24158 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
24159 | className: `${classPrefix$d}-title`
24160 | }, title), !!description && React$1.createElement("div", {
24161 | className: `${classPrefix$d}-description`
24162 | }, description))));
24163 | };
24164 | const classPrefix$c = `adm-steps`;
24165 | const stepClassPrefix = `adm-step`;
24166 | const defaultIcon = React$1.createElement("span", {
24167 | className: `${stepClassPrefix}-icon-dot`
24168 | });
24169 | const defaultProps$c = {
24170 | current: 0,
24171 | direction: "horizontal"
24172 | };
24173 | const Steps = (p) => {
24174 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$c, p);
24175 | const {
24176 | direction,
24177 | current
24178 | } = props;
24179 | const classString = classNames(classPrefix$c, `${classPrefix$c}-${direction}`);
24180 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24181 | className: classString
24182 | }, React$1.Children.map(props.children, (child, index2) => {
24183 | var _a;
24184 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child)) {
24185 | return child;
24186 | }
24187 | const childProps = child.props;
24188 | let status = childProps.status || "wait";
24189 | if (index2 < current) {
24190 | status = childProps.status || "finish";
24191 | } else if (index2 === current) {
24192 | status = childProps.status || "process";
24193 | }
24194 | const icon = (_a = childProps.icon) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultIcon;
24195 | return React$1.cloneElement(child, {
24196 | status,
24197 | icon
24198 | });
24199 | })));
24200 | };
24201 | const index$3 = attachPropertiesToComponent(Steps, {
24202 | Step
24203 | });
24204 | const classPrefix$b = `adm-swipe-action`;
24205 | const defaultProps$b = {
24206 | rightActions: [],
24207 | leftActions: [],
24208 | closeOnTouchOutside: true,
24209 | closeOnAction: true,
24210 | stopPropagation: []
24211 | };
24212 | const SwipeAction = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
24213 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$b, p);
24214 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24215 | const leftRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24216 | const rightRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24217 | function getWidth(ref2) {
24218 | const element = ref2.current;
24219 | if (!element)
24220 | return 0;
24221 | return element.offsetWidth;
24222 | }
24223 | function getLeftWidth() {
24224 | return getWidth(leftRef);
24225 | }
24226 | function getRightWidth() {
24227 | return getWidth(rightRef);
24228 | }
24229 | const [{
24230 | x
24231 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
24232 | x: 0,
24233 | config: {
24234 | tension: 200,
24235 | friction: 30
24236 | }
24237 | }), []);
24238 | const draggingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
24239 | const dragCancelRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24240 | function forceCancelDrag() {
24241 | var _a;
24242 | (_a = dragCancelRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(dragCancelRef);
24243 | draggingRef.current = false;
24244 | }
24245 | const bind = useDrag((state) => {
24246 | var _a;
24247 | dragCancelRef.current = state.cancel;
24248 | if (!state.intentional)
24249 | return;
24250 | if (state.down) {
24251 | draggingRef.current = true;
24252 | }
24253 | if (!draggingRef.current)
24254 | return;
24255 | const [offsetX] = state.offset;
24256 | if (state.last) {
24257 | const leftWidth = getLeftWidth();
24258 | const rightWidth = getRightWidth();
24259 | let position = offsetX + state.velocity[0] * state.direction[0] * 50;
24260 | if (offsetX > 0) {
24261 | position = Math.max(0, position);
24262 | } else if (offsetX < 0) {
24263 | position = Math.min(0, position);
24264 | } else {
24265 | position = 0;
24266 | }
24267 | const targetX = nearest([-rightWidth, 0, leftWidth], position);
24268 | api.start({
24269 | x: targetX
24270 | });
24271 | if (targetX !== 0) {
24272 | (_a = p.onActionsReveal) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(p, targetX > 0 ? "left" : "right");
24273 | }
24274 | window.setTimeout(() => {
24275 | draggingRef.current = false;
24276 | });
24277 | } else {
24278 | api.start({
24279 | x: offsetX,
24280 | immediate: true
24281 | });
24282 | }
24283 | }, {
24284 | from: () => [x.get(), 0],
24285 | bounds: () => {
24286 | const leftWidth = getLeftWidth();
24287 | const rightWidth = getRightWidth();
24288 | return {
24289 | left: -rightWidth,
24290 | right: leftWidth
24291 | };
24292 | },
24293 | axis: "x",
24294 | preventScroll: true,
24295 | pointer: {
24296 | touch: true
24297 | },
24298 | triggerAllEvents: true
24299 | });
24300 | function close() {
24301 | api.start({
24302 | x: 0
24303 | });
24304 | forceCancelDrag();
24305 | }
24306 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
24307 | show: (side = "right") => {
24308 | var _a;
24309 | if (side === "right") {
24310 | api.start({
24311 | x: -getRightWidth()
24312 | });
24313 | } else if (side === "left") {
24314 | api.start({
24315 | x: getLeftWidth()
24316 | });
24317 | }
24318 | (_a = p.onActionsReveal) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(p, side);
24319 | },
24320 | close
24321 | }));
24322 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
24323 | if (!props.closeOnTouchOutside)
24324 | return;
24325 | function handle(e2) {
24326 | if (x.get() === 0) {
24327 | return;
24328 | }
24329 | const root2 = rootRef.current;
24330 | if (root2 && !root2.contains(e2.target)) {
24331 | close();
24332 | }
24333 | }
24334 | document.addEventListener("touchstart", handle);
24335 | return () => {
24336 | document.removeEventListener("touchstart", handle);
24337 | };
24338 | }, [props.closeOnTouchOutside]);
24339 | function renderAction(action) {
24340 | var _a, _b;
24341 | const color = (_a = action.color) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "light";
24342 | return React$1.createElement(Button, {
24343 | key: action.key,
24344 | className: `${classPrefix$b}-action-button`,
24345 | style: {
24346 | "--background-color": (_b = colorRecord$1[color]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : color
24347 | },
24348 | onClick: (e2) => {
24349 | var _a2, _b2;
24350 | if (props.closeOnAction) {
24351 | close();
24352 | }
24353 | (_a2 = action.onClick) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(action, e2);
24354 | (_b2 = props.onAction) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.call(props, action, e2);
24355 | }
24356 | }, action.text);
24357 | }
24358 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
24359 | className: classPrefix$b
24360 | }, bind(), {
24361 | ref: rootRef,
24362 | onClickCapture: (e2) => {
24363 | if (draggingRef.current) {
24364 | e2.stopPropagation();
24365 | e2.preventDefault();
24366 | }
24367 | }
24368 | }), React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
24369 | className: `${classPrefix$b}-track`,
24370 | style: {
24371 | x
24372 | }
24373 | }, withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagation, React$1.createElement("div", {
24374 | className: `${classPrefix$b}-actions ${classPrefix$b}-actions-left`,
24375 | ref: leftRef
24376 | }, props.leftActions.map(renderAction))), React$1.createElement("div", {
24377 | className: `${classPrefix$b}-content`,
24378 | onClickCapture: (e2) => {
24379 | if (x.goal !== 0) {
24380 | e2.preventDefault();
24381 | e2.stopPropagation();
24382 | close();
24383 | }
24384 | }
24385 | }, React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
24386 | style: {
24387 | pointerEvents: x.to((v) => v !== 0 && x.goal !== 0 ? "none" : "auto")
24388 | }
24389 | }, props.children)), withStopPropagation(props.stopPropagation, React$1.createElement("div", {
24390 | className: `${classPrefix$b}-actions ${classPrefix$b}-actions-right`,
24391 | ref: rightRef
24392 | }, props.rightActions.map(renderAction))))));
24393 | });
24394 | const colorRecord$1 = {
24395 | light: "var(--adm-color-light)",
24396 | weak: "var(--adm-color-weak)",
24397 | primary: "var(--adm-color-primary)",
24398 | success: "var(--adm-color-success)",
24399 | warning: "var(--adm-color-warning)",
24400 | danger: "var(--adm-color-danger)"
24401 | };
24402 | const SwiperItem = (props) => {
24403 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24404 | className: "adm-swiper-item",
24405 | onClick: props.onClick
24406 | }, props.children));
24407 | };
24408 | function useRefState(initialState) {
24409 | const [state, setState] = React$1.useState(initialState);
24410 | const ref = React$1.useRef(state);
24411 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
24412 | ref.current = state;
24413 | }, [state]);
24414 | return [state, setState, ref];
24415 | }
24416 | function mergeFuncProps(p1, p2) {
24417 | const p1Keys = Object.keys(p1);
24418 | const p2Keys = Object.keys(p2);
24419 | const keys = new Set([...p1Keys, ...p2Keys]);
24420 | const res = {};
24421 | keys.forEach((key) => {
24422 | const p1Value = p1[key];
24423 | const p2Value = p2[key];
24424 | if (typeof p1Value === "function" && typeof p2Value === "function") {
24425 | res[key] = function(...args) {
24426 | p1Value(...args);
24427 | p2Value(...args);
24428 | };
24429 | } else {
24430 | res[key] = p1Value || p2Value;
24431 | }
24432 | });
24433 | return res;
24434 | }
24435 | const classPrefix$a = `adm-swiper`;
24436 | const eventToPropRecord = {
24437 | "mousedown": "onMouseDown",
24438 | "mousemove": "onMouseMove",
24439 | "mouseup": "onMouseUp"
24440 | };
24441 | const defaultProps$a = {
24442 | defaultIndex: 0,
24443 | allowTouchMove: true,
24444 | autoplay: false,
24445 | autoplayInterval: 3e3,
24446 | loop: false,
24447 | direction: "horizontal",
24448 | slideSize: 100,
24449 | trackOffset: 0,
24450 | stuckAtBoundary: true,
24451 | rubberband: true,
24452 | stopPropagation: []
24453 | };
24454 | let currentUid;
24455 | const Swiper = React$1.forwardRef(staged_1((p, ref) => {
24456 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$a, p);
24457 | const {
24458 | direction,
24459 | total,
24460 | children,
24461 | indicator
24462 | } = props;
24463 | const [uid] = React$1.useState({});
24464 | const timeoutRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24465 | const isVertical = direction === "vertical";
24466 | const slideRatio = props.slideSize / 100;
24467 | const offsetRatio = props.trackOffset / 100;
24468 | const {
24469 | validChildren,
24470 | count,
24471 | renderChildren
24472 | } = React$1.useMemo(() => {
24473 | let count2 = 0;
24474 | let renderChildren2 = void 0;
24475 | let validChildren2 = void 0;
24476 | if (typeof children === "function") {
24477 | renderChildren2 = children;
24478 | } else {
24479 | validChildren2 = React$1.Children.map(children, (child) => {
24480 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
24481 | return null;
24482 | if (child.type !== SwiperItem) {
24483 | devWarning("Swiper", "The children of `Swiper` must be `Swiper.Item` components.");
24484 | return null;
24485 | }
24486 | count2++;
24487 | return child;
24488 | });
24489 | }
24490 | return {
24491 | renderChildren: renderChildren2,
24492 | validChildren: validChildren2,
24493 | count: count2
24494 | };
24495 | }, [children]);
24496 | const mergedTotal = total !== null && total !== void 0 ? total : count;
24497 | if (mergedTotal === 0 || !validChildren && !renderChildren) {
24498 | devWarning("Swiper", "`Swiper` needs at least one child.");
24499 | return null;
24500 | }
24501 | return () => {
24502 | let loop2 = props.loop;
24503 | if (slideRatio * (mergedTotal - 1) < 1) {
24504 | loop2 = false;
24505 | }
24506 | const trackRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24507 | function getSlidePixels() {
24508 | const track = trackRef.current;
24509 | if (!track)
24510 | return 0;
24511 | const trackPixels = isVertical ? track.offsetHeight : track.offsetWidth;
24512 | return trackPixels * props.slideSize / 100;
24513 | }
24514 | const [current, setCurrent, getCurrent] = useGetState(props.defaultIndex);
24515 | const [dragging, setDragging, draggingRef] = useRefState(false);
24516 | function boundIndex(current2) {
24517 | let min2 = 0;
24518 | let max2 = mergedTotal - 1;
24519 | if (props.stuckAtBoundary) {
24520 | min2 += offsetRatio / slideRatio;
24521 | max2 -= (1 - slideRatio - offsetRatio) / slideRatio;
24522 | }
24523 | return bound(current2, min2, max2);
24524 | }
24525 | const [{
24526 | position
24527 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
24528 | position: boundIndex(current) * 100,
24529 | config: {
24530 | tension: 200,
24531 | friction: 30
24532 | },
24533 | onRest: () => {
24534 | if (draggingRef.current)
24535 | return;
24536 | if (!loop2)
24537 | return;
24538 | const rawX = position.get();
24539 | const totalWidth = 100 * mergedTotal;
24540 | const standardPosition = modulus(rawX, totalWidth);
24541 | if (standardPosition === rawX)
24542 | return;
24543 | api.start({
24544 | position: standardPosition,
24545 | immediate: true
24546 | });
24547 | }
24548 | }), [mergedTotal]);
24549 | const dragCancelRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24550 | function forceCancelDrag() {
24551 | var _a;
24552 | (_a = dragCancelRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(dragCancelRef);
24553 | draggingRef.current = false;
24554 | }
24555 | const bind = useDrag((state) => {
24556 | dragCancelRef.current = state.cancel;
24557 | if (!state.intentional)
24558 | return;
24559 | if (state.first && !currentUid) {
24560 | currentUid = uid;
24561 | }
24562 | if (currentUid !== uid)
24563 | return;
24564 | currentUid = state.last ? void 0 : uid;
24565 | const slidePixels = getSlidePixels();
24566 | if (!slidePixels)
24567 | return;
24568 | const paramIndex = isVertical ? 1 : 0;
24569 | const offset2 = state.offset[paramIndex];
24570 | const direction2 = state.direction[paramIndex];
24571 | const velocity = state.velocity[paramIndex];
24572 | setDragging(true);
24573 | if (!state.last) {
24574 | api.start({
24575 | position: offset2 * 100 / slidePixels,
24576 | immediate: true
24577 | });
24578 | } else {
24579 | const minIndex = Math.floor(offset2 / slidePixels);
24580 | const maxIndex = minIndex + 1;
24581 | const index2 = Math.round((offset2 + velocity * 2e3 * direction2) / slidePixels);
24582 | swipeTo(bound(index2, minIndex, maxIndex));
24583 | window.setTimeout(() => {
24584 | setDragging(false);
24585 | });
24586 | }
24587 | }, {
24588 | transform: ([x, y]) => [-x, -y],
24589 | from: () => {
24590 | const slidePixels = getSlidePixels();
24591 | return [position.get() / 100 * slidePixels, position.get() / 100 * slidePixels];
24592 | },
24593 | triggerAllEvents: true,
24594 | bounds: () => {
24595 | if (loop2)
24596 | return {};
24597 | const slidePixels = getSlidePixels();
24598 | const lowerBound = boundIndex(0) * slidePixels;
24599 | const upperBound = boundIndex(mergedTotal - 1) * slidePixels;
24600 | return isVertical ? {
24601 | top: lowerBound,
24602 | bottom: upperBound
24603 | } : {
24604 | left: lowerBound,
24605 | right: upperBound
24606 | };
24607 | },
24608 | rubberband: props.rubberband,
24609 | axis: isVertical ? "y" : "x",
24610 | preventScroll: !isVertical,
24611 | pointer: {
24612 | touch: true
24613 | }
24614 | });
24615 | function swipeTo(index2, immediate = false) {
24616 | var _a;
24617 | const roundedIndex = Math.round(index2);
24618 | const targetIndex = loop2 ? modulus(roundedIndex, mergedTotal) : bound(roundedIndex, 0, mergedTotal - 1);
24619 | if (targetIndex !== getCurrent()) {
24620 | (_a = props.onIndexChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, targetIndex);
24621 | }
24622 | setCurrent(targetIndex);
24623 | api.start({
24624 | position: (loop2 ? roundedIndex : boundIndex(roundedIndex)) * 100,
24625 | immediate
24626 | });
24627 | }
24628 | function swipeNext() {
24629 | swipeTo(Math.round(position.get() / 100) + 1);
24630 | }
24631 | function swipePrev() {
24632 | swipeTo(Math.round(position.get() / 100) - 1);
24633 | }
24634 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
24635 | swipeTo,
24636 | swipeNext,
24637 | swipePrev
24638 | }));
24639 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
24640 | const maxIndex = mergedTotal - 1;
24641 | if (current > maxIndex) {
24642 | swipeTo(maxIndex, true);
24643 | }
24644 | });
24645 | const {
24646 | autoplay,
24647 | autoplayInterval
24648 | } = props;
24649 | const runTimeSwiper = () => {
24650 | timeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(() => {
24651 | if (autoplay === "reverse") {
24652 | swipePrev();
24653 | } else {
24654 | swipeNext();
24655 | }
24656 | runTimeSwiper();
24657 | }, autoplayInterval);
24658 | };
24659 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
24660 | if (!autoplay || dragging)
24661 | return;
24662 | runTimeSwiper();
24663 | return () => {
24664 | if (timeoutRef.current)
24665 | window.clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current);
24666 | };
24667 | }, [autoplay, autoplayInterval, dragging, mergedTotal]);
24668 | function renderItem(index2, child) {
24669 | let itemStyle = {};
24670 | if (loop2) {
24671 | itemStyle = {
24672 | [isVertical ? "y" : "x"]: position.to((position2) => {
24673 | let finalPosition = -position2 + index2 * 100;
24674 | const totalWidth = mergedTotal * 100;
24675 | const flagWidth = totalWidth / 2;
24676 | finalPosition = modulus(finalPosition + flagWidth, totalWidth) - flagWidth;
24677 | return `${finalPosition}%`;
24678 | }),
24679 | [isVertical ? "top" : "left"]: `-${index2 * 100}%`
24680 | };
24681 | }
24682 | return React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
24683 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$a}-slide`, {
24684 | [`${classPrefix$a}-slide-active`]: current === index2
24685 | }),
24686 | style: itemStyle,
24687 | key: index2
24688 | }, child);
24689 | }
24690 | function renderItems() {
24691 | if (renderChildren && total) {
24692 | const offsetCount = 2;
24693 | const startIndex = Math.max(current - offsetCount, 0);
24694 | const endIndex = Math.min(current + offsetCount, total - 1);
24695 | const items = [];
24696 | for (let index2 = startIndex; index2 <= endIndex; index2 += 1) {
24697 | items.push(renderItem(index2, renderChildren(index2)));
24698 | }
24699 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, React$1.createElement("div", {
24700 | className: `${classPrefix$a}-slide-placeholder`,
24701 | style: {
24702 | width: `${startIndex * 100}%`
24703 | }
24704 | }), items);
24705 | }
24706 | return React$1.Children.map(validChildren, (child, index2) => {
24707 | return renderItem(index2, child);
24708 | });
24709 | }
24710 | function renderTrackInner() {
24711 | if (loop2) {
24712 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
24713 | className: `${classPrefix$a}-track-inner`
24714 | }, renderItems());
24715 | } else {
24716 | return React$1.createElement(animated.div, {
24717 | className: `${classPrefix$a}-track-inner`,
24718 | style: {
24719 | [isVertical ? "y" : "x"]: position.to((position2) => `${-position2}%`)
24720 | }
24721 | }, renderItems());
24722 | }
24723 | }
24724 | const style = {
24725 | "--slide-size": `${props.slideSize}%`,
24726 | "--track-offset": `${props.trackOffset}%`
24727 | };
24728 | const dragProps = Object.assign({}, props.allowTouchMove ? bind() : {});
24729 | const stopPropagationProps = {};
24730 | for (const key of props.stopPropagation) {
24731 | const prop = eventToPropRecord[key];
24732 | stopPropagationProps[prop] = function(e2) {
24733 | e2.stopPropagation();
24734 | };
24735 | }
24736 | const mergedProps = mergeFuncProps(dragProps, stopPropagationProps);
24737 | let indicatorNode = null;
24738 | if (typeof indicator === "function") {
24739 | indicatorNode = indicator(mergedTotal, current);
24740 | } else if (indicator !== false) {
24741 | indicatorNode = React$1.createElement("div", {
24742 | className: `${classPrefix$a}-indicator`
24743 | }, React$1.createElement(PageIndicator, Object.assign({}, props.indicatorProps, {
24744 | total: mergedTotal,
24745 | current,
24746 | direction
24747 | })));
24748 | }
24749 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24750 | className: classNames(classPrefix$a, `${classPrefix$a}-${direction}`),
24751 | style
24752 | }, React$1.createElement("div", Object.assign({
24753 | ref: trackRef,
24754 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$a}-track`, {
24755 | [`${classPrefix$a}-track-allow-touch-move`]: props.allowTouchMove
24756 | }),
24757 | onClickCapture: (e2) => {
24758 | if (draggingRef.current) {
24759 | e2.stopPropagation();
24760 | }
24761 | forceCancelDrag();
24762 | }
24763 | }, mergedProps), renderTrackInner()), indicatorNode));
24764 | };
24765 | }));
24766 | function modulus(value, division) {
24767 | const remainder = value % division;
24768 | return remainder < 0 ? remainder + division : remainder;
24769 | }
24770 | const index$2 = attachPropertiesToComponent(Swiper, {
24771 | Item: SwiperItem
24772 | });
24773 | const SpinIcon = React$1.memo((props) => {
24774 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("svg", {
24775 | width: "28px",
24776 | height: "28px",
24777 | viewBox: "0 0 28 28"
24778 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
24779 | stroke: "none",
24780 | strokeWidth: "1",
24781 | fill: "none",
24782 | fillRule: "evenodd"
24783 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
24784 | transform: "translate(-137.000000, -840.000000)",
24785 | fill: "#1576FE"
24786 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
24787 | transform: "translate(80.000000, 823.000000)"
24788 | }, React$1.createElement("g", {
24789 | transform: "translate(53.000000, 13.000000)"
24790 | }, React$1.createElement("path", {
24791 | d: "M17.9996753,31.5 C10.5556724,31.5 4.5,25.4443275 4.5,18.0003247 C4.5,10.5563219 10.5556724,4.5 17.9996753,4.5 C18.5355492,4.5 18.9702974,4.93474816 18.9702974,5.47062208 C18.9702974,6.006496 18.5355492,6.44124416 17.9996753,6.44124416 C11.6261524,6.44124416 6.44124416,11.6267709 6.44124416,18.0002938 C6.44124416,24.3738167 11.6261524,29.5587249 17.9996753,29.5587249 C24.3731982,29.5587249 29.5587249,24.3738167 29.5587249,18.0002938 C29.5587249,14.7964616 28.2778291,11.8169616 25.9523687,9.61220279 C25.5637302,9.24317094 25.5473089,8.62893223 25.9157222,8.23967523 C26.2841356,7.84976878 26.8989928,7.83461537 27.2882498,8.20302872 C30.0042351,10.7787368 31.5,14.2580826 31.5,18.0002938 C31.5,25.4443275 25.4436781,31.5 17.9996753,31.5 Z"
24792 | })))))));
24793 | });
24794 | const classPrefix$9 = `adm-switch`;
24795 | const defaultProps$9 = {
24796 | defaultChecked: false
24797 | };
24798 | const Switch = (p) => {
24799 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$9, p);
24800 | const disabled = props.disabled || props.loading || false;
24801 | const [changing, setChanging] = React$1.useState(false);
24802 | const {
24803 | locale
24804 | } = useConfig();
24805 | const [checked, setChecked] = usePropsValue({
24806 | value: props.checked,
24807 | defaultValue: props.defaultChecked,
24808 | onChange: props.onChange
24809 | });
24810 | function onClick() {
24811 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24812 | if (disabled || props.loading || changing) {
24813 | return;
24814 | }
24815 | const nextChecked = !checked;
24816 | if (props.beforeChange) {
24817 | setChanging(true);
24818 | try {
24819 | yield props.beforeChange(nextChecked);
24820 | setChanging(false);
24821 | } catch (e2) {
24822 | setChanging(false);
24823 | throw e2;
24824 | }
24825 | }
24826 | const result = setChecked(nextChecked);
24827 | if (isPromise(result)) {
24828 | setChanging(true);
24829 | try {
24830 | yield result;
24831 | setChanging(false);
24832 | } catch (e2) {
24833 | setChanging(false);
24834 | throw e2;
24835 | }
24836 | }
24837 | });
24838 | }
24839 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24840 | onClick,
24841 | className: classNames(classPrefix$9, {
24842 | [`${classPrefix$9}-checked`]: checked,
24843 | [`${classPrefix$9}-disabled`]: disabled || changing
24844 | }),
24845 | role: "switch",
24846 | "aria-label": locale.Switch.name,
24847 | "aria-checked": checked,
24848 | "aria-disabled": disabled
24849 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
24850 | className: `${classPrefix$9}-checkbox`
24851 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
24852 | className: `${classPrefix$9}-handle`
24853 | }, (props.loading || changing) && React$1.createElement(SpinIcon, {
24854 | className: `${classPrefix$9}-spin-icon`
24855 | })), React$1.createElement("div", {
24856 | className: `${classPrefix$9}-inner`
24857 | }, checked ? props.checkedText : props.uncheckedText))));
24858 | };
24859 | const TabBarItem = () => {
24860 | return null;
24861 | };
24862 | const classPrefix$8 = `adm-tab-bar`;
24863 | const defaultProps$8 = {
24864 | safeArea: false
24865 | };
24866 | const TabBar = (p) => {
24867 | var _a;
24868 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$8, p);
24869 | let firstActiveKey = null;
24870 | const items = [];
24871 | traverseReactNode(props.children, (child, index2) => {
24872 | if (!React$1.isValidElement(child))
24873 | return;
24874 | const key = child.key;
24875 | if (typeof key !== "string")
24876 | return;
24877 | if (index2 === 0) {
24878 | firstActiveKey = key;
24879 | }
24880 | items.push(child);
24881 | });
24882 | const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = usePropsValue({
24883 | value: props.activeKey,
24884 | defaultValue: (_a = props.defaultActiveKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : firstActiveKey,
24885 | onChange: (v) => {
24886 | var _a2;
24887 | if (v === null)
24888 | return;
24889 | (_a2 = props.onChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, v);
24890 | }
24891 | });
24892 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24893 | className: classPrefix$8
24894 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
24895 | className: `${classPrefix$8}-wrap`
24896 | }, items.map((item) => {
24897 | const active = item.key === activeKey;
24898 | function renderContent() {
24899 | const iconElement = item.props.icon && React$1.createElement("div", {
24900 | className: `${classPrefix$8}-item-icon`
24901 | }, typeof item.props.icon === "function" ? item.props.icon(active) : item.props.icon);
24902 | const titleElement = item.props.title && React$1.createElement("div", {
24903 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$8}-item-title`, Boolean(iconElement) && `${classPrefix$8}-item-title-with-icon`)
24904 | }, typeof item.props.title === "function" ? item.props.title(active) : item.props.title);
24905 | if (iconElement) {
24906 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, React$1.createElement(Badge, {
24907 | content: item.props.badge,
24908 | className: `${classPrefix$8}-icon-badge`
24909 | }, iconElement), titleElement);
24910 | } else if (titleElement) {
24911 | return React$1.createElement(Badge, {
24912 | content: item.props.badge,
24913 | className: `${classPrefix$8}-title-badge`
24914 | }, titleElement);
24915 | }
24916 | return null;
24917 | }
24918 | return withNativeProps(item.props, React$1.createElement("div", {
24919 | key: item.key,
24920 | onClick: () => {
24921 | const {
24922 | key
24923 | } = item;
24924 | if (key === void 0 || key === null)
24925 | return;
24926 | setActiveKey(key.toString());
24927 | },
24928 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$8}-item`, {
24929 | [`${classPrefix$8}-item-active`]: active
24930 | })
24931 | }, renderContent()));
24932 | })), props.safeArea && React$1.createElement(SafeArea, {
24933 | position: "bottom"
24934 | })));
24935 | };
24936 | const index$1 = attachPropertiesToComponent(TabBar, {
24937 | Item: TabBarItem
24938 | });
24939 | const classPrefix$7 = `adm-tag`;
24940 | const colorRecord = {
24941 | default: "var(--adm-color-text-secondary, #666666)",
24942 | primary: "var(--adm-color-primary, #1677ff)",
24943 | success: "var(--adm-color-success, #00b578)",
24944 | warning: "var(--adm-color-warning, #ff8f1f)",
24945 | danger: "var(--adm-color-danger, #ff3141)"
24946 | };
24947 | const defaultProps$7 = {
24948 | color: "default",
24949 | fill: "solid",
24950 | round: false
24951 | };
24952 | const Tag = (p) => {
24953 | var _a;
24954 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$7, p);
24955 | const color = (_a = colorRecord[props.color]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.color;
24956 | const style = {
24957 | "--border-color": color,
24958 | "--text-color": props.fill === "outline" ? color : "#ffffff",
24959 | "--background-color": props.fill === "outline" ? "transparent" : color
24960 | };
24961 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("span", {
24962 | style,
24963 | onClick: props.onClick,
24964 | className: classNames(classPrefix$7, {
24965 | [`${classPrefix$7}-round`]: props.round
24966 | })
24967 | }, props.children));
24968 | };
24969 | const classPrefix$6 = "adm-text-area";
24970 | const defaultProps$6 = {
24971 | rows: 2,
24972 | showCount: false,
24973 | autoSize: false,
24974 | defaultValue: ""
24975 | };
24976 | const TextArea = React$1.forwardRef((p, ref) => {
24977 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$6, p);
24978 | const {
24979 | autoSize,
24980 | showCount,
24981 | maxLength
24982 | } = props;
24983 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), {
24984 | value: props.value === null ? "" : props.value
24985 | }));
24986 | if (props.value === null) {
24987 | devError("TextArea", "`value` prop on `TextArea` should not be `null`. Consider using an empty string to clear the component.");
24988 | }
24989 | const nativeTextAreaRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24990 | const heightRef = React$1.useRef("auto");
24991 | const hiddenTextAreaRef = React$1.useRef(null);
24992 | const handleKeydown = useInputHandleKeyDown({
24993 | onEnterPress: props.onEnterPress,
24994 | onKeyDown: props.onKeyDown,
24995 | nativeInputRef: nativeTextAreaRef,
24996 | enterKeyHint: props.enterKeyHint
24997 | });
24998 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
24999 | clear: () => {
25000 | setValue2("");
25001 | },
25002 | focus: () => {
25003 | var _a;
25004 | (_a = nativeTextAreaRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
25005 | },
25006 | blur: () => {
25007 | var _a;
25008 | (_a = nativeTextAreaRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
25009 | },
25010 | get nativeElement() {
25011 | return nativeTextAreaRef.current;
25012 | }
25013 | }));
25014 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
25015 | if (!autoSize)
25016 | return;
25017 | const textArea = nativeTextAreaRef.current;
25018 | const hiddenTextArea = hiddenTextAreaRef.current;
25019 | if (!textArea)
25020 | return;
25021 | textArea.style.height = heightRef.current;
25022 | if (!hiddenTextArea)
25023 | return;
25024 | let height = hiddenTextArea.scrollHeight;
25025 | if (typeof autoSize === "object") {
25026 | const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(textArea);
25027 | const lineHeight = parseFloat(computedStyle.lineHeight);
25028 | if (autoSize.minRows) {
25029 | height = Math.max(height, autoSize.minRows * lineHeight);
25030 | }
25031 | if (autoSize.maxRows) {
25032 | height = Math.min(height, autoSize.maxRows * lineHeight);
25033 | }
25034 | }
25035 | heightRef.current = `${height}px`;
25036 | textArea.style.height = `${height}px`;
25037 | }, [value, autoSize]);
25038 | const compositingRef = React$1.useRef(false);
25039 | let count;
25040 | const valueLength = runes(value).length;
25041 | if (typeof showCount === "function") {
25042 | count = showCount(valueLength, maxLength);
25043 | } else if (showCount) {
25044 | count = React$1.createElement("div", {
25045 | className: `${classPrefix$6}-count`
25046 | }, maxLength === void 0 ? valueLength : valueLength + "/" + maxLength);
25047 | }
25048 | let rows = props.rows;
25049 | if (typeof autoSize === "object") {
25050 | if (autoSize.maxRows && rows > autoSize.maxRows) {
25051 | rows = autoSize.maxRows;
25052 | }
25053 | if (autoSize.minRows && rows < autoSize.minRows) {
25054 | rows = autoSize.minRows;
25055 | }
25056 | }
25057 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
25058 | className: classPrefix$6
25059 | }, React$1.createElement("textarea", {
25060 | ref: nativeTextAreaRef,
25061 | className: `${classPrefix$6}-element`,
25062 | rows,
25063 | value,
25064 | placeholder: props.placeholder,
25065 | onChange: (e2) => {
25066 | let v = e2.target.value;
25067 | if (maxLength && !compositingRef.current) {
25068 | v = runes(v).slice(0, maxLength).join("");
25069 | }
25070 | setValue2(v);
25071 | },
25072 | id: props.id,
25073 | onCompositionStart: (e2) => {
25074 | var _a;
25075 | compositingRef.current = true;
25076 | (_a = props.onCompositionStart) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
25077 | },
25078 | onCompositionEnd: (e2) => {
25079 | var _a;
25080 | compositingRef.current = false;
25081 | if (maxLength) {
25082 | const v = e2.target.value;
25083 | setValue2(runes(v).slice(0, maxLength).join(""));
25084 | }
25085 | (_a = props.onCompositionEnd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e2);
25086 | },
25087 | autoComplete: props.autoComplete,
25088 | autoFocus: props.autoFocus,
25089 | disabled: props.disabled,
25090 | readOnly: props.readOnly,
25091 | name: props.name,
25092 | onFocus: props.onFocus,
25093 | onBlur: props.onBlur,
25094 | onClick: props.onClick,
25095 | onKeyDown: handleKeydown
25096 | }), count, autoSize && React$1.createElement("textarea", {
25097 | ref: hiddenTextAreaRef,
25098 | className: `${classPrefix$6}-element ${classPrefix$6}-element-hidden`,
25099 | value,
25100 | rows,
25101 | "aria-hidden": true,
25102 | readOnly: true
25103 | })));
25104 | });
25105 | TextArea.defaultProps = defaultProps$6;
25106 | const classPrefix$5 = `adm-toast`;
25107 | const defaultProps$5 = {
25108 | maskClickable: true,
25109 | stopPropagation: ["click"]
25110 | };
25111 | const InternalToast = (p) => {
25112 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$5, p);
25113 | const {
25114 | maskClickable,
25115 | content,
25116 | icon,
25117 | position
25118 | } = props;
25119 | const iconElement = React$1.useMemo(() => {
25120 | if (icon === null || icon === void 0)
25121 | return null;
25122 | switch (icon) {
25123 | case "success":
25124 | return React$1.createElement(CheckOutline, {
25125 | className: `${classPrefix$5}-icon-success`
25126 | });
25127 | case "fail":
25128 | return React$1.createElement(CloseOutline, {
25129 | className: `${classPrefix$5}-icon-fail`
25130 | });
25131 | case "loading":
25132 | return React$1.createElement(SpinLoading, {
25133 | color: "white",
25134 | className: `${classPrefix$5}-loading`
25135 | });
25136 | default:
25137 | return icon;
25138 | }
25139 | }, [icon]);
25140 | const top = React$1.useMemo(() => {
25141 | switch (position) {
25142 | case "top":
25143 | return "20%";
25144 | case "bottom":
25145 | return "80%";
25146 | default:
25147 | return "50%";
25148 | }
25149 | }, [position]);
25150 | return React$1.createElement(Mask, {
25151 | visible: props.visible,
25152 | destroyOnClose: true,
25153 | opacity: 0,
25154 | disableBodyScroll: !maskClickable,
25155 | getContainer: props.getContainer,
25156 | afterClose: props.afterClose,
25157 | style: Object.assign({
25158 | pointerEvents: maskClickable ? "none" : "auto"
25159 | }, props.maskStyle),
25160 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$5}-mask`, props.maskClassName),
25161 | stopPropagation: props.stopPropagation
25162 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
25163 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$5}-wrap`)
25164 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
25165 | style: {
25166 | top
25167 | },
25168 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$5}-main`, icon ? `${classPrefix$5}-main-icon` : `${classPrefix$5}-main-text`)
25169 | }, iconElement && React$1.createElement("div", {
25170 | className: `${classPrefix$5}-icon`
25171 | }, iconElement), React$1.createElement(AutoCenter, null, content))));
25172 | };
25173 | let currentHandler = null;
25174 | let currentTimeout = null;
25175 | const defaultProps$4 = {
25176 | duration: 2e3,
25177 | position: "center",
25178 | maskClickable: true
25179 | };
25180 | const ToastInner = (props) => React$1.createElement(InternalToast, Object.assign({}, props));
25181 | function show(p) {
25182 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$4, typeof p === "string" ? {
25183 | content: p
25184 | } : p);
25185 | const element = React$1.createElement(ToastInner, Object.assign({}, props, {
25186 | onClose: () => {
25187 | currentHandler = null;
25188 | }
25189 | }));
25190 | if (currentHandler) {
25191 | currentHandler.replace(element);
25192 | } else {
25193 | currentHandler = renderImperatively(element);
25194 | }
25195 | if (currentTimeout) {
25196 | window.clearTimeout(currentTimeout);
25197 | }
25198 | if (props.duration !== 0) {
25199 | currentTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
25200 | clear();
25201 | }, props.duration);
25202 | }
25203 | return currentHandler;
25204 | }
25205 | function clear() {
25206 | currentHandler === null || currentHandler === void 0 ? void 0 : currentHandler.close();
25207 | currentHandler = null;
25208 | }
25209 | function config(val) {
25210 | if (val.duration !== void 0) {
25211 | defaultProps$4.duration = val.duration;
25212 | }
25213 | if (val.position !== void 0) {
25214 | defaultProps$4.position = val.position;
25215 | }
25216 | if (val.maskClickable !== void 0) {
25217 | defaultProps$4.maskClickable = val.maskClickable;
25218 | }
25219 | }
25220 | const Toast = {
25221 | show,
25222 | clear,
25223 | config
25224 | };
25225 | const Toast$1 = Toast;
25226 | function getTreeDeep(treeData, childrenName = "children") {
25227 | const walker = (tree) => {
25228 | let deep = 0;
25229 | tree.forEach((item) => {
25230 | if (item[childrenName]) {
25231 | deep = Math.max(deep, walker(item[childrenName]) + 1);
25232 | } else {
25233 | deep = Math.max(deep, 1);
25234 | }
25235 | });
25236 | return deep;
25237 | };
25238 | return walker(treeData);
25239 | }
25240 | const classPrefix$4 = `adm-tree-select`;
25241 | const defaultProps$3 = {
25242 | options: [],
25243 | fieldNames: {},
25244 | defaultValue: []
25245 | };
25246 | const TreeSelect = (p) => {
25247 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$3, p);
25248 | const [labelName, valueName, childrenName] = useFieldNames(props.fieldNames);
25249 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
25250 | value: props.value,
25251 | defaultValue: props.defaultValue
25252 | });
25253 | const [deep, optionsMap, optionsParentMap] = React$1.useMemo(() => {
25254 | const deep2 = getTreeDeep(props.options, childrenName);
25255 | const optionsMap2 = new Map();
25256 | const optionsParentMap2 = new Map();
25257 | function traverse(current, children) {
25258 | children.forEach((item) => {
25259 | optionsParentMap2.set(item[valueName], current);
25260 | optionsMap2.set(item[valueName], item);
25261 | if (item[childrenName]) {
25262 | traverse(item, item[childrenName]);
25263 | }
25264 | });
25265 | }
25266 | traverse(void 0, props.options);
25267 | return [deep2, optionsMap2, optionsParentMap2];
25268 | }, [props.options]);
25269 | const onItemSelect = (node) => {
25270 | var _a;
25271 | const parentNodes = [];
25272 | let current = node;
25273 | while (current) {
25274 | parentNodes.push(current);
25275 | const next = optionsParentMap.get(current[valueName]);
25276 | current = next;
25277 | }
25278 | const values = parentNodes.reverse().map((i2) => i2[valueName]);
25279 | setValue2(values);
25280 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, values, {
25281 | options: parentNodes
25282 | });
25283 | };
25284 | const renderItems = (columnOptions = [], index2) => {
25285 | return columnOptions.map((item) => {
25286 | const isActive = item[valueName] === value[index2];
25287 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
25288 | key: item[valueName],
25289 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$4}-item`, {
25290 | [`${classPrefix$4}-item-active`]: isActive
25291 | }),
25292 | onClick: () => {
25293 | if (!isActive) {
25294 | onItemSelect(item);
25295 | }
25296 | }
25297 | }, item[labelName]);
25298 | });
25299 | };
25300 | const renderColumns = () => {
25301 | var _a;
25302 | const columns = [];
25303 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < deep; i2++) {
25304 | let width = `${100 / deep}%`;
25305 | if (deep === 2 && i2 === 0) {
25306 | width = `33.33%`;
25307 | }
25308 | if (deep === 2 && i2 === 1) {
25309 | width = `66.67%`;
25310 | }
25311 | const column = React$1.createElement("div", {
25312 | key: i2,
25313 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$4}-column`),
25314 | style: {
25315 | width
25316 | }
25317 | }, renderItems(i2 === 0 ? props.options : (_a = optionsMap.get(value[i2 - 1])) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[childrenName], i2));
25318 | columns.push(column);
25319 | }
25320 | return columns;
25321 | };
25322 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
25323 | className: classPrefix$4
25324 | }, renderColumns()));
25325 | };
25326 | const classPrefix$3 = `adm-tree-select-multiple`;
25327 | const Multiple = (p) => {
25328 | const props = mergeProps({
25329 | options: [],
25330 | fieldNames: {},
25331 | allSelectText: [],
25332 | defaultExpandKeys: [],
25333 | defaultValue: []
25334 | }, p);
25335 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
25336 | devWarning("TreeSelect", "TreeSelect.Multiple has been deprecated.");
25337 | }, []);
25338 | const [labelName, valueName, childrenName] = useFieldNames(props.fieldNames);
25339 | const [expandKeys, setExpandKeys] = usePropsValue({
25340 | value: props.expandKeys,
25341 | defaultValue: props.defaultExpandKeys
25342 | });
25343 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue({
25344 | value: props.value,
25345 | defaultValue: props.defaultValue
25346 | });
25347 | const getLeafKeys = (option) => {
25348 | const keys = [];
25349 | const walker = (op) => {
25350 | var _a;
25351 | if (!op) {
25352 | return;
25353 | }
25354 | if ((_a = op[childrenName]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {
25355 | op[childrenName].forEach((i2) => walker(i2));
25356 | } else {
25357 | keys.push(op[valueName]);
25358 | }
25359 | };
25360 | walker(option);
25361 | return keys;
25362 | };
25363 | const [deep, optionsMap, optionsParentMap] = React$1.useMemo(() => {
25364 | const deep2 = getTreeDeep(props.options, childrenName);
25365 | const optionsMap2 = new Map();
25366 | const optionsParentMap2 = new Map();
25367 | function traverse(current, children) {
25368 | children.forEach((item) => {
25369 | optionsParentMap2.set(item[valueName], current);
25370 | optionsMap2.set(item[valueName], item);
25371 | if (item[childrenName]) {
25372 | traverse(item, item[childrenName]);
25373 | }
25374 | });
25375 | }
25376 | traverse(void 0, props.options);
25377 | return [deep2, optionsMap2, optionsParentMap2];
25378 | }, [props.options]);
25379 | const allSelectedLeafKeys = React$1.useMemo(() => {
25380 | let leafKeys = [];
25381 | value.forEach((v) => {
25382 | const option = optionsMap.get(v);
25383 | leafKeys = leafKeys.concat(getLeafKeys(option));
25384 | });
25385 | return leafKeys;
25386 | }, [value, optionsMap]);
25387 | const dotMap = React$1.useMemo(() => {
25388 | const map = new Map();
25389 | const walker = (key) => {
25390 | const parentOption = optionsParentMap.get(key);
25391 | if (!parentOption) {
25392 | return;
25393 | }
25394 | map.set(parentOption[valueName], true);
25395 | walker(parentOption[valueName]);
25396 | };
25397 | allSelectedLeafKeys.forEach((key) => {
25398 | map.set(key, true);
25399 | walker(key);
25400 | });
25401 | return map;
25402 | }, [optionsParentMap, value]);
25403 | const onChange = (targetKeys) => {
25404 | var _a;
25405 | let groupKeys = [...targetKeys];
25406 | let unusedKeys = [];
25407 | const walker = (keys) => {
25408 | keys.forEach((key) => {
25409 | var _a2;
25410 | if (unusedKeys.includes(key)) {
25411 | return;
25412 | }
25413 | const parent = optionsParentMap.get(key);
25414 | if (!parent) {
25415 | return;
25416 | }
25417 | const childrenKeys = ((_a2 = parent[childrenName]) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.map((i2) => i2[valueName])) || [];
25418 | if (childrenKeys.every((i2) => groupKeys.includes(i2))) {
25419 | groupKeys.push(parent[valueName]);
25420 | unusedKeys = unusedKeys.concat(childrenKeys);
25421 | }
25422 | });
25423 | };
25424 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < deep; i2++) {
25425 | walker(groupKeys);
25426 | }
25427 | groupKeys = groupKeys.filter((i2) => !unusedKeys.includes(i2));
25428 | const groupOptions = groupKeys.map((i2) => optionsMap.get(i2));
25429 | setValue2(groupKeys);
25430 | (_a = props.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, groupKeys, groupOptions);
25431 | };
25432 | const onItemSelect = (option) => {
25433 | var _a;
25434 | const parentNodes = [];
25435 | let current = option;
25436 | while (current) {
25437 | parentNodes.unshift(current);
25438 | const next = optionsParentMap.get(current[valueName]);
25439 | current = next;
25440 | }
25441 | const keys = parentNodes.map((i2) => i2[valueName]);
25442 | setExpandKeys(keys);
25443 | (_a = props.onExpand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, keys, parentNodes);
25444 | };
25445 | const renderSelectAllItem = (columnOptions, index2) => {
25446 | var _a;
25447 | const text = (_a = props.selectAllText) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[index2];
25448 | if (!text) {
25449 | return;
25450 | }
25451 | let currentLeafKeys = [];
25452 | columnOptions.forEach((option) => {
25453 | currentLeafKeys = currentLeafKeys.concat(getLeafKeys(option));
25454 | });
25455 | const allSelected = currentLeafKeys.every((i2) => allSelectedLeafKeys.includes(i2));
25456 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
25457 | onClick: () => {
25458 | if (allSelected) {
25459 | onChange(allSelectedLeafKeys.filter((i2) => !currentLeafKeys.includes(i2)));
25460 | } else {
25461 | onChange(allSelectedLeafKeys.concat(currentLeafKeys));
25462 | }
25463 | },
25464 | className: `${classPrefix$3}-item`
25465 | }, text);
25466 | };
25467 | const renderSelectAllLeafItem = (columnOptions, index2) => {
25468 | var _a;
25469 | const text = (_a = props.selectAllText) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[index2];
25470 | if (!text) {
25471 | return;
25472 | }
25473 | const currentLeafKeys = columnOptions.map((i2) => i2[valueName]);
25474 | const allSelected = currentLeafKeys.every((i2) => allSelectedLeafKeys.includes(i2));
25475 | const halfSelected = allSelected ? false : currentLeafKeys.some((i2) => allSelectedLeafKeys.includes(i2));
25476 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
25477 | onClick: () => {
25478 | if (allSelected) {
25479 | onChange(allSelectedLeafKeys.filter((i2) => !currentLeafKeys.includes(i2)));
25480 | } else {
25481 | onChange(allSelectedLeafKeys.concat(currentLeafKeys));
25482 | }
25483 | },
25484 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$3}-item`, `${classPrefix$3}-item-leaf`)
25485 | }, React$1.createElement(Checkbox, {
25486 | className: `${classPrefix$3}-item-checkbox`,
25487 | checked: allSelected,
25488 | indeterminate: halfSelected
25489 | }), text);
25490 | };
25491 | const renderItem = (option) => {
25492 | const isExpand = expandKeys.includes(option[valueName]);
25493 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
25494 | key: option[valueName],
25495 | onClick: () => {
25496 | if (!isExpand) {
25497 | onItemSelect(option);
25498 | }
25499 | },
25500 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$3}-item`, {
25501 | [`${classPrefix$3}-item-expand`]: isExpand
25502 | })
25503 | }, option[labelName], !!dotMap.get(option[valueName]) && React$1.createElement("div", {
25504 | className: `${classPrefix$3}-dot`
25505 | }));
25506 | };
25507 | const renderLeafItem = (option) => {
25508 | const isSelected = allSelectedLeafKeys.includes(option[valueName]);
25509 | return React$1.createElement("div", {
25510 | key: option[valueName],
25511 | onClick: () => {
25512 | if (isSelected) {
25513 | onChange(allSelectedLeafKeys.filter((val) => val !== option[valueName]));
25514 | } else {
25515 | onChange([...allSelectedLeafKeys, option[valueName]]);
25516 | }
25517 | },
25518 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$3}-item`, `${classPrefix$3}-item-leaf`)
25519 | }, React$1.createElement(Checkbox, {
25520 | className: `${classPrefix$3}-item-checkbox`,
25521 | checked: isSelected
25522 | }), option[labelName]);
25523 | };
25524 | const renderItems = (columnOptions = [], index2) => {
25525 | if (columnOptions.length === 0) {
25526 | return;
25527 | }
25528 | const isLeaf = deep === index2 + 1;
25529 | if (isLeaf) {
25530 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, renderSelectAllLeafItem(columnOptions, index2), columnOptions.map((option) => renderLeafItem(option)));
25531 | }
25532 | return React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, null, renderSelectAllItem(columnOptions, index2), columnOptions.map((option) => renderItem(option)));
25533 | };
25534 | const renderColumns = () => {
25535 | var _a;
25536 | const columns = [];
25537 | for (let i2 = 0; i2 < deep; i2++) {
25538 | let width = `${100 / deep}%`;
25539 | if (deep === 2 && i2 === 0) {
25540 | width = `33.33%`;
25541 | }
25542 | if (deep === 2 && i2 === 1) {
25543 | width = `66.67%`;
25544 | }
25545 | const column = React$1.createElement("div", {
25546 | key: i2,
25547 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix$3}-column`),
25548 | style: {
25549 | width
25550 | }
25551 | }, renderItems(i2 === 0 ? props.options : (_a = optionsMap.get(expandKeys[i2 - 1])) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[childrenName], i2));
25552 | columns.push(column);
25553 | }
25554 | return columns;
25555 | };
25556 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
25557 | className: classPrefix$3
25558 | }, renderColumns()));
25559 | };
25560 | const index = attachPropertiesToComponent(TreeSelect, {
25561 | Multiple
25562 | });
25563 | const classPrefix$2 = "adm-virtual-input";
25564 | const defaultProps$2 = {
25565 | defaultValue: ""
25566 | };
25567 | const VirtualInput = React$1.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
25568 | const {
25569 | locale,
25570 | input: componentConfig = {}
25571 | } = useConfig();
25572 | const mergedProps = mergeProps(defaultProps$2, componentConfig, props);
25573 | const [value, setValue2] = usePropsValue(mergedProps);
25574 | const rootRef = React$1.useRef(null);
25575 | const contentRef = React$1.useRef(null);
25576 | const [hasFocus, setHasFocus] = React$1.useState(false);
25577 | const clearIcon = mergeProp(React$1.createElement(CloseCircleFill, null), componentConfig.clearIcon, props.clearIcon);
25578 | function scrollToEnd() {
25579 | const root2 = rootRef.current;
25580 | if (!root2)
25581 | return;
25582 | if (document.activeElement !== root2) {
25583 | return;
25584 | }
25585 | const content = contentRef.current;
25586 | if (!content)
25587 | return;
25588 | content.scrollLeft = content.clientWidth;
25589 | }
25590 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect$2(() => {
25591 | scrollToEnd();
25592 | }, [value]);
25593 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
25594 | if (hasFocus) {
25595 | scrollToEnd();
25596 | }
25597 | }, [hasFocus]);
25598 | React$1.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
25599 | focus: () => {
25600 | var _a;
25601 | (_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus();
25602 | },
25603 | blur: () => {
25604 | var _a;
25605 | (_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur();
25606 | }
25607 | }));
25608 | function onFocus() {
25609 | var _a;
25610 | setHasFocus(true);
25611 | (_a = mergedProps.onFocus) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
25612 | }
25613 | function onBlur() {
25614 | var _a;
25615 | setHasFocus(false);
25616 | (_a = mergedProps.onBlur) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
25617 | }
25618 | const keyboard = mergedProps.keyboard;
25619 | const keyboardElement = keyboard && React$1.cloneElement(keyboard, {
25620 | onInput: (v) => {
25621 | var _a, _b;
25622 | setValue2(value + v);
25623 | (_b = (_a = keyboard.props).onInput) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, v);
25624 | },
25625 | onDelete: () => {
25626 | var _a, _b;
25627 | setValue2(value.slice(0, -1));
25628 | (_b = (_a = keyboard.props).onDelete) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
25629 | },
25630 | visible: hasFocus,
25631 | onClose: () => {
25632 | var _a, _b, _c, _d;
25633 | const activeElement = document.activeElement;
25634 | if (activeElement && ((_a = rootRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(activeElement))) {
25635 | activeElement.blur();
25636 | } else {
25637 | (_b = rootRef.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blur();
25638 | }
25639 | (_d = (_c = keyboard.props).onClose) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c);
25640 | },
25641 | getContainer: null
25642 | });
25643 | return withNativeProps(mergedProps, React$1.createElement("div", {
25644 | ref: rootRef,
25645 | className: classNames(classPrefix$2, {
25646 | [`${classPrefix$2}-disabled`]: mergedProps.disabled
25647 | }),
25648 | tabIndex: mergedProps.disabled ? void 0 : 0,
25649 | role: "textbox",
25650 | onFocus,
25651 | onBlur,
25652 | onClick: mergedProps.onClick
25653 | }, React$1.createElement("div", {
25654 | className: `${classPrefix$2}-content`,
25655 | ref: contentRef,
25656 | "aria-disabled": mergedProps.disabled,
25657 | "aria-label": mergedProps.placeholder
25658 | }, value, React$1.createElement("div", {
25659 | className: `${classPrefix$2}-caret-container`
25660 | }, hasFocus && React$1.createElement("div", {
25661 | className: `${classPrefix$2}-caret`
25662 | }))), mergedProps.clearable && !!value && hasFocus && React$1.createElement("div", {
25663 | className: `${classPrefix$2}-clear`,
25664 | onClick: (e2) => {
25665 | var _a;
25666 | e2.stopPropagation();
25667 | setValue2("");
25668 | (_a = mergedProps.onClear) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(mergedProps);
25669 | },
25670 | role: "button",
25671 | "aria-label": locale.Input.clear
25672 | }, clearIcon), [void 0, null, ""].includes(value) && React$1.createElement("div", {
25673 | className: `${classPrefix$2}-placeholder`
25674 | }, mergedProps.placeholder), keyboardElement));
25675 | });
25676 | const classPrefix$1 = `adm-water-mark`;
25677 | const defaultProps$1 = {
25678 | fullPage: true
25679 | };
25680 | const WaterMark = (p) => {
25681 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps$1, p);
25682 | const {
25683 | zIndex,
25684 | gapX = 24,
25685 | gapY = 48,
25686 | width = 120,
25687 | height = 64,
25688 | rotate = -22,
25689 | image,
25690 | imageWidth = 120,
25691 | imageHeight = 64,
25692 | content,
25693 | fontStyle = "normal",
25694 | fontWeight = "normal",
25695 | fontColor = "rgba(0,0,0,.15)",
25696 | fontSize = 14,
25697 | fontFamily = "sans-serif"
25698 | } = props;
25699 | const [base64Url, setBase64Url] = React$1.useState("");
25700 | React$1.useEffect(() => {
25701 | const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
25702 | const ratio = window.devicePixelRatio;
25703 | const ctx2 = canvas.getContext("2d");
25704 | const canvasWidth = `${(gapX + width) * ratio}px`;
25705 | const canvasHeight = `${(gapY + height) * ratio}px`;
25706 | const markWidth = width * ratio;
25707 | const markHeight = height * ratio;
25708 | canvas.setAttribute("width", canvasWidth);
25709 | canvas.setAttribute("height", canvasHeight);
25710 | if (ctx2) {
25711 | if (image) {
25712 | ctx2.translate(markWidth / 2, markHeight / 2);
25713 | ctx2.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * Number(rotate));
25714 | const img = new Image();
25715 | img.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
25716 | img.referrerPolicy = "no-referrer";
25717 | img.onload = () => {
25718 | ctx2.drawImage(img, -imageWidth * ratio / 2, -imageHeight * ratio / 2, imageWidth * ratio, imageHeight * ratio);
25719 | ctx2.restore();
25720 | setBase64Url(canvas.toDataURL());
25721 | };
25722 | img.src = image;
25723 | } else if (content) {
25724 | ctx2.textBaseline = "middle";
25725 | ctx2.textAlign = "center";
25726 | ctx2.translate(markWidth / 2, markHeight / 2);
25727 | ctx2.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * Number(rotate));
25728 | const markSize = Number(fontSize) * ratio;
25729 | ctx2.font = `${fontStyle} normal ${fontWeight} ${markSize}px/${markHeight}px ${fontFamily}`;
25730 | ctx2.fillStyle = fontColor;
25731 | if (Array.isArray(content)) {
25732 | content.forEach((item, index2) => ctx2.fillText(item, 0, index2 * markSize));
25733 | } else {
25734 | ctx2.fillText(content, 0, 0);
25735 | }
25736 | ctx2.restore();
25737 | setBase64Url(canvas.toDataURL());
25738 | }
25739 | } else {
25740 | throw new Error("Canvas is not supported in the current environment");
25741 | }
25742 | }, [gapX, gapY, rotate, fontStyle, fontWeight, width, height, fontFamily, fontColor, image, content, fontSize]);
25743 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
25744 | className: classNames(classPrefix$1, {
25745 | [`${classPrefix$1}-full-page`]: props.fullPage
25746 | }),
25747 | style: {
25748 | zIndex,
25749 | backgroundSize: `${gapX + width}px`,
25750 |
25751 | backgroundImage: base64Url === "" ? void 0 : `url('${base64Url}')`
25752 | }
25753 | }));
25754 | };
25755 | const classPrefix = `adm-footer`;
25756 | const defaultProps = {
25757 | label: "",
25758 | links: [],
25759 | content: "",
25760 | chips: []
25761 | };
25762 | const Footer = (p) => {
25763 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps, p);
25764 | const {
25765 | label,
25766 | links,
25767 | content,
25768 | chips,
25769 | onChipClick,
25770 | onLinkClick
25771 | } = props;
25772 | const clickChipItem = (item, index2) => {
25773 | if ((chips === null || chips === void 0 ? void 0 : chips.length) && item.type === "link") {
25774 | onChipClick === null || onChipClick === void 0 ? void 0 : onChipClick(item, index2);
25775 | }
25776 | };
25777 | const clickLinkItem = (item, index2, e2) => {
25778 | if (onLinkClick) {
25779 | e2.preventDefault();
25780 | onLinkClick(item, index2);
25781 | }
25782 | };
25783 | return withNativeProps(props, React$1.createElement("div", {
25784 | className: classNames(classPrefix)
25785 | }, label && React$1.createElement("div", {
25786 | className: `${classPrefix}-label`
25787 | }, React$1.createElement(Divider, null, label)), !!(links === null || links === void 0 ? void 0 : links.length) && React$1.createElement("div", {
25788 | className: `${classPrefix}-links`
25789 | }, links.map((link, index2) => React$1.createElement(React$1.Fragment, {
25790 | key: index2
25791 | }, React$1.createElement("a", {
25792 | href: link.href,
25793 | rel: "noopener noreferrer",
25794 | onClick: (event) => clickLinkItem(link, index2, event)
25795 | }, link.text), index2 !== links.length - 1 && React$1.createElement(Divider, {
25796 | direction: "vertical"
25797 | })))), content && React$1.createElement("div", {
25798 | className: `${classPrefix}-content`
25799 | }, content), chips && chips.length > 0 && React$1.createElement("div", {
25800 | className: `${classPrefix}-chips`
25801 | }, chips.map((chip, index2) => React$1.createElement("div", {
25802 | key: index2,
25803 | onClick: () => clickChipItem(chip, index2),
25804 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix}-chip`, {
25805 | [`${classPrefix}-chip-link`]: chip.type === "link"
25806 | })
25807 | }, chip.text)))));
25808 | };
25809 | exports2.ActionSheet = index$i;
25810 | exports2.AutoCenter = AutoCenter;
25811 | exports2.Avatar = Avatar;
25812 | exports2.Badge = Badge;
25813 | exports2.Button = Button;
25814 | exports2.Calendar = Calendar;
25815 | exports2.CalendarPicker = CalendarPicker;
25816 | exports2.CalendarPickerView = CalendarPickerView;
25817 | exports2.CapsuleTabs = index$h;
25818 | exports2.Card = Card;
25819 | exports2.CascadePicker = index$g;
25820 | exports2.CascadePickerView = CascadePickerView;
25821 | exports2.Cascader = index$f;
25822 | exports2.CascaderView = CascaderView;
25823 | exports2.CenterPopup = CenterPopup;
25824 | exports2.CheckList = CheckList;
25825 | exports2.Checkbox = Checkbox;
25826 | exports2.Collapse = index$e;
25827 | exports2.ConfigProvider = ConfigProvider;
25828 | exports2.DatePicker = index$d;
25829 | exports2.DatePickerView = DatePickerView;
25830 | exports2.Dialog = index$c;
25831 | exports2.Divider = Divider;
25832 | exports2.DotLoading = DotLoading;
25833 | exports2.Dropdown = index$b;
25834 | exports2.Ellipsis = Ellipsis;
25835 | exports2.Empty = Empty;
25836 | exports2.ErrorBlock = ErrorBlock;
25837 | exports2.FloatingBubble = FloatingBubble;
25838 | exports2.FloatingPanel = FloatingPanel;
25839 | exports2.Footer = Footer;
25840 | exports2.Form = index$a;
25841 | exports2.Grid = Grid;
25842 | exports2.Image = Image$1;
25843 | exports2.ImageUploader = ImageUploader;
25844 | exports2.ImageViewer = ImageViewer;
25845 | exports2.IndexBar = index$9;
25846 | exports2.InfiniteScroll = InfiniteScroll;
25847 | exports2.Input = Input;
25848 | exports2.JumboTabs = index$8;
25849 | exports2.List = List$1;
25850 | exports2.Loading = DotLoading;
25851 | exports2.Mask = Mask;
25852 | exports2.Modal = index$7;
25853 | exports2.NavBar = NavBar;
25854 | exports2.NoticeBar = NoticeBar;
25855 | exports2.NumberKeyboard = NumberKeyboard;
25856 | exports2.PageIndicator = PageIndicator;
25857 | exports2.PasscodeInput = PasscodeInput;
25858 | exports2.Picker = Picker;
25859 | exports2.PickerView = PickerView;
25860 | exports2.Popover = Popover;
25861 | exports2.Popup = Popup;
25862 | exports2.ProgressBar = ProgressBar;
25863 | exports2.ProgressCircle = ProgressCircle;
25864 | exports2.PullToRefresh = PullToRefresh;
25865 | exports2.Radio = index$6;
25866 | exports2.Rate = Rate;
25867 | exports2.Result = Result;
25868 | exports2.ResultPage = index$5;
25869 | exports2.SafeArea = SafeArea;
25870 | exports2.ScrollMask = ScrollMask;
25871 | exports2.SearchBar = SearchBar;
25872 | exports2.Selector = Selector;
25873 | exports2.SideBar = index$4;
25874 | exports2.Skeleton = Skeleton;
25875 | exports2.Slider = Slider;
25876 | exports2.Space = Space;
25877 | exports2.SpinLoading = SpinLoading;
25878 | exports2.Stepper = Stepper;
25879 | exports2.Steps = index$3;
25880 | exports2.SwipeAction = SwipeAction;
25881 | exports2.Swiper = index$2;
25882 | exports2.Switch = Switch;
25883 | exports2.TabBar = index$1;
25884 | exports2.Tabs = Tabs;
25885 | exports2.Tag = Tag;
25886 | exports2.TextArea = TextArea;
25887 | exports2.Toast = Toast$1;
25888 | exports2.TreeSelect = index;
25889 | exports2.VirtualInput = VirtualInput;
25890 | exports2.WaterMark = WaterMark;
25891 | exports2.createErrorBlock = createErrorBlock;
25892 | exports2.reduceMotion = reduceMotion;
25893 | exports2.restoreMotion = restoreMotion;
25894 | exports2.setDefaultConfig = setDefaultConfig;
25895 | exports2.useConfig = useConfig;
25896 | Object.defineProperty(exports2, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" });
25897 | });