1 | import React, { forwardRef, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
2 | import { withNativeProps } from '../../utils/native-props';
3 | import { mergeProps } from '../../utils/with-default-props';
4 | import classNames from 'classnames';
5 | import { SwiperItem } from './swiper-item';
6 | import { devWarning } from '../../utils/dev-log';
7 | import { useSpring, animated } from '@react-spring/web';
8 | import { useDrag } from '@use-gesture/react';
9 | import PageIndicator from '../page-indicator';
10 | import { staged } from 'staged-components';
11 | import { useRefState } from '../../utils/use-ref-state';
12 | import { bound } from '../../utils/bound';
13 | import { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect, useGetState } from 'ahooks';
14 | import { mergeFuncProps } from '../../utils/with-func-props';
15 | const classPrefix = `adm-swiper`;
16 | const eventToPropRecord = {
17 | 'mousedown': 'onMouseDown',
18 | 'mousemove': 'onMouseMove',
19 | 'mouseup': 'onMouseUp'
20 | };
21 | const defaultProps = {
22 | defaultIndex: 0,
23 | allowTouchMove: true,
24 | autoplay: false,
25 | autoplayInterval: 3000,
26 | loop: false,
27 | direction: 'horizontal',
28 | slideSize: 100,
29 | trackOffset: 0,
30 | stuckAtBoundary: true,
31 | rubberband: true,
32 | stopPropagation: []
33 | };
34 | let currentUid;
35 | export const Swiper = forwardRef(staged((p, ref) => {
36 | const props = mergeProps(defaultProps, p);
37 | const {
38 | direction,
39 | total,
40 | children,
41 | indicator
42 | } = props;
43 | const [uid] = useState({});
44 | const timeoutRef = useRef(null);
45 | const isVertical = direction === 'vertical';
46 | const slideRatio = props.slideSize / 100;
47 | const offsetRatio = props.trackOffset / 100;
48 | const {
49 | validChildren,
50 | count,
51 | renderChildren
52 | } = useMemo(() => {
53 | let count = 0;
54 | let renderChildren = undefined;
55 | let validChildren = undefined;
56 | if (typeof children === 'function') {
57 | renderChildren = children;
58 | } else {
59 | validChildren = React.Children.map(children, child => {
60 | if (!React.isValidElement(child)) return null;
61 | if (child.type !== SwiperItem) {
62 | devWarning('Swiper', 'The children of `Swiper` must be `Swiper.Item` components.');
63 | return null;
64 | }
65 | count++;
66 | return child;
67 | });
68 | }
69 | return {
70 | renderChildren,
71 | validChildren,
72 | count
73 | };
74 | }, [children]);
75 | const mergedTotal = total !== null && total !== void 0 ? total : count;
76 | if (mergedTotal === 0 || !validChildren && !renderChildren) {
77 | devWarning('Swiper', '`Swiper` needs at least one child.');
78 | return null;
79 | }
80 | return () => {
81 | let loop = props.loop;
82 | if (slideRatio * (mergedTotal - 1) < 1) {
83 | loop = false;
84 | }
85 | const trackRef = useRef(null);
86 | function getSlidePixels() {
87 | const track = trackRef.current;
88 | if (!track) return 0;
89 | const trackPixels = isVertical ? track.offsetHeight : track.offsetWidth;
90 | return trackPixels * props.slideSize / 100;
91 | }
92 | const [current, setCurrent, getCurrent] = useGetState(props.defaultIndex);
93 | const [dragging, setDragging, draggingRef] = useRefState(false);
94 | function boundIndex(current) {
95 | let min = 0;
96 | let max = mergedTotal - 1;
97 | if (props.stuckAtBoundary) {
98 | min += offsetRatio / slideRatio;
99 | max -= (1 - slideRatio - offsetRatio) / slideRatio;
100 | }
101 | return bound(current, min, max);
102 | }
103 | const [{
104 | position
105 | }, api] = useSpring(() => ({
106 | position: boundIndex(current) * 100,
107 | config: {
108 | tension: 200,
109 | friction: 30
110 | },
111 | onRest: () => {
112 | if (draggingRef.current) return;
113 | if (!loop) return;
114 | const rawX = position.get();
115 | const totalWidth = 100 * mergedTotal;
116 | const standardPosition = modulus(rawX, totalWidth);
117 | if (standardPosition === rawX) return;
118 | api.start({
119 | position: standardPosition,
120 | immediate: true
121 | });
122 | }
123 | }), [mergedTotal]);
124 | const dragCancelRef = useRef(null);
125 | function forceCancelDrag() {
126 | var _a;
127 | (_a = dragCancelRef.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(dragCancelRef);
128 | draggingRef.current = false;
129 | }
130 | const bind = useDrag(state => {
131 | dragCancelRef.current = state.cancel;
132 | if (!state.intentional) return;
133 | if (state.first && !currentUid) {
134 | currentUid = uid;
135 | }
136 | if (currentUid !== uid) return;
137 | currentUid = state.last ? undefined : uid;
138 | const slidePixels = getSlidePixels();
139 | if (!slidePixels) return;
140 | const paramIndex = isVertical ? 1 : 0;
141 | const offset = state.offset[paramIndex];
142 | const direction = state.direction[paramIndex];
143 | const velocity = state.velocity[paramIndex];
144 | setDragging(true);
145 | if (!state.last) {
146 | api.start({
147 | position: offset * 100 / slidePixels,
148 | immediate: true
149 | });
150 | } else {
151 | const minIndex = Math.floor(offset / slidePixels);
152 | const maxIndex = minIndex + 1;
153 | const index = Math.round((offset + velocity * 2000 * direction) / slidePixels);
154 | swipeTo(bound(index, minIndex, maxIndex));
155 | window.setTimeout(() => {
156 | setDragging(false);
157 | });
158 | }
159 | }, {
160 | transform: ([x, y]) => [-x, -y],
161 | from: () => {
162 | const slidePixels = getSlidePixels();
163 | return [position.get() / 100 * slidePixels, position.get() / 100 * slidePixels];
164 | },
165 | triggerAllEvents: true,
166 | bounds: () => {
167 | if (loop) return {};
168 | const slidePixels = getSlidePixels();
169 | const lowerBound = boundIndex(0) * slidePixels;
170 | const upperBound = boundIndex(mergedTotal - 1) * slidePixels;
171 | return isVertical ? {
172 | top: lowerBound,
173 | bottom: upperBound
174 | } : {
175 | left: lowerBound,
176 | right: upperBound
177 | };
178 | },
179 | rubberband: props.rubberband,
180 | axis: isVertical ? 'y' : 'x',
181 | preventScroll: !isVertical,
182 | pointer: {
183 | touch: true
184 | }
185 | });
186 | function swipeTo(index, immediate = false) {
187 | var _a;
188 | const roundedIndex = Math.round(index);
189 | const targetIndex = loop ? modulus(roundedIndex, mergedTotal) : bound(roundedIndex, 0, mergedTotal - 1);
190 | if (targetIndex !== getCurrent()) {
191 | (_a = props.onIndexChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, targetIndex);
192 | }
193 | setCurrent(targetIndex);
194 | api.start({
195 | position: (loop ? roundedIndex : boundIndex(roundedIndex)) * 100,
196 | immediate
197 | });
198 | }
199 | function swipeNext() {
200 | swipeTo(Math.round(position.get() / 100) + 1);
201 | }
202 | function swipePrev() {
203 | swipeTo(Math.round(position.get() / 100) - 1);
204 | }
205 | useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
206 | swipeTo,
207 | swipeNext,
208 | swipePrev
209 | }));
210 | useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
211 | const maxIndex = mergedTotal - 1;
212 | if (current > maxIndex) {
213 | swipeTo(maxIndex, true);
214 | }
215 | });
216 | const {
217 | autoplay,
218 | autoplayInterval
219 | } = props;
220 | const runTimeSwiper = () => {
221 | timeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(() => {
222 | if (autoplay === 'reverse') {
223 | swipePrev();
224 | } else {
225 | swipeNext();
226 | }
227 | runTimeSwiper();
228 | }, autoplayInterval);
229 | };
230 | useEffect(() => {
231 | if (!autoplay || dragging) return;
232 | runTimeSwiper();
233 | return () => {
234 | if (timeoutRef.current) window.clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current);
235 | };
236 | }, [autoplay, autoplayInterval, dragging, mergedTotal]);
237 |
238 |
239 | function renderItem(index, child) {
240 | let itemStyle = {};
241 | if (loop) {
242 | itemStyle = {
243 | [isVertical ? 'y' : 'x']: position.to(position => {
244 | let finalPosition = -position + index * 100;
245 | const totalWidth = mergedTotal * 100;
246 | const flagWidth = totalWidth / 2;
247 | finalPosition = modulus(finalPosition + flagWidth, totalWidth) - flagWidth;
248 | return `${finalPosition}%`;
249 | }),
250 | [isVertical ? 'top' : 'left']: `-${index * 100}%`
251 | };
252 | }
253 | return React.createElement(animated.div, {
254 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix}-slide`, {
255 | [`${classPrefix}-slide-active`]: current === index
256 | }),
257 | style: itemStyle,
258 | key: index
259 | }, child);
260 | }
261 | function renderItems() {
262 | if (renderChildren && total) {
263 | const offsetCount = 2;
264 | const startIndex = Math.max(current - offsetCount, 0);
265 | const endIndex = Math.min(current + offsetCount, total - 1);
266 | const items = [];
267 | for (let index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index += 1) {
268 | items.push(renderItem(index, renderChildren(index)));
269 | }
270 | return React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, React.createElement("div", {
271 | className: `${classPrefix}-slide-placeholder`,
272 | style: {
273 | width: `${startIndex * 100}%`
274 | }
275 | }), items);
276 | }
277 | return React.Children.map(validChildren, (child, index) => {
278 | return renderItem(index, child);
279 | });
280 | }
281 |
282 | function renderTrackInner() {
283 | if (loop) {
284 | return React.createElement("div", {
285 | className: `${classPrefix}-track-inner`
286 | }, renderItems());
287 | } else {
288 | return React.createElement(animated.div, {
289 | className: `${classPrefix}-track-inner`,
290 | style: {
291 | [isVertical ? 'y' : 'x']: position.to(position => `${-position}%`)
292 | }
293 | }, renderItems());
294 | }
295 | }
296 |
297 | const style = {
298 | '--slide-size': `${props.slideSize}%`,
299 | '--track-offset': `${props.trackOffset}%`
300 | };
301 | const dragProps = Object.assign({}, props.allowTouchMove ? bind() : {});
302 | const stopPropagationProps = {};
303 | for (const key of props.stopPropagation) {
304 | const prop = eventToPropRecord[key];
305 | stopPropagationProps[prop] = function (e) {
306 | e.stopPropagation();
307 | };
308 | }
309 | const mergedProps = mergeFuncProps(dragProps, stopPropagationProps);
310 | let indicatorNode = null;
311 | if (typeof indicator === 'function') {
312 | indicatorNode = indicator(mergedTotal, current);
313 | } else if (indicator !== false) {
314 | indicatorNode = React.createElement("div", {
315 | className: `${classPrefix}-indicator`
316 | }, React.createElement(PageIndicator, Object.assign({}, props.indicatorProps, {
317 | total: mergedTotal,
318 | current: current,
319 | direction: direction
320 | })));
321 | }
322 | return withNativeProps(props, React.createElement("div", {
323 | className: classNames(classPrefix, `${classPrefix}-${direction}`),
324 | style: style
325 | }, React.createElement("div", Object.assign({
326 | ref: trackRef,
327 | className: classNames(`${classPrefix}-track`, {
328 | [`${classPrefix}-track-allow-touch-move`]: props.allowTouchMove
329 | }),
330 | onClickCapture: e => {
331 | if (draggingRef.current) {
332 | e.stopPropagation();
333 | }
334 | forceCancelDrag();
335 | }
336 | }, mergedProps), renderTrackInner()), indicatorNode));
337 | };
338 | }));
339 | function modulus(value, division) {
340 | const remainder = value % division;
341 | return remainder < 0 ? remainder + division : remainder;
342 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |