1 | const typeTemplate = '${label} is not a valid ${type}';
2 | export const base = {
3 | locale: 'en',
4 | common: {
5 | confirm: 'Confirm',
6 | cancel: 'Cancel',
7 | loading: 'Loading',
8 | close: 'Close'
9 | },
10 | Calendar: {
11 | title: 'Date selection',
12 | confirm: 'Confirm',
13 | start: 'start',
14 | end: 'end',
15 | today: 'today',
16 | markItems: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
17 | yearAndMonth: '${year}/${month}'
18 | },
19 | Cascader: {
20 | placeholder: 'Selecting'
21 | },
22 | Dialog: {
23 | ok: 'OK'
24 | },
25 | DatePicker: {
26 | tillNow: 'Till Now'
27 | },
28 | ErrorBlock: {
29 | default: {
30 | title: 'Oops, something went wrong',
31 | description: 'Please wait a minute and try again'
32 | },
33 | busy: {
34 | title: 'Oops, not loading',
35 | description: 'Try to refresh the page'
36 | },
37 | disconnected: {
38 | title: 'Network is busy',
39 | description: 'Try to refresh the page'
40 | },
41 | empty: {
42 | title: "Hmm, couldn't find that...",
43 | description: 'Want to try a new search?'
44 | }
45 | },
46 | Form: {
47 | required: 'Required',
48 | optional: 'Optional',
49 | defaultValidateMessages: {
50 | default: 'Field validation error for ${label}',
51 | required: 'Please enter ${label}',
52 | enum: '${label} must be one of [${enum}]',
53 | whitespace: '${label} cannot be a blank character',
54 | date: {
55 | format: '${label} date format is invalid',
56 | parse: '${label} cannot be converted to a date',
57 | invalid: '${label} is an invalid date'
58 | },
59 | types: {
60 | string: typeTemplate,
61 | method: typeTemplate,
62 | array: typeTemplate,
63 | object: typeTemplate,
64 | number: typeTemplate,
65 | date: typeTemplate,
66 | boolean: typeTemplate,
67 | integer: typeTemplate,
68 | float: typeTemplate,
69 | regexp: typeTemplate,
70 | email: typeTemplate,
71 | url: typeTemplate,
72 | hex: typeTemplate
73 | },
74 | string: {
75 | len: '${label} must be ${len} characters',
76 | min: '${label} must be at least ${min} characters',
77 | max: '${label} must be up to ${max} characters',
78 | range: '${label} must be between ${min}-${max} characters'
79 | },
80 | number: {
81 | len: '${label} must be equal to ${len}',
82 | min: '${label} must be minimum ${min}',
83 | max: '${label} must be maximum ${max}',
84 | range: '${label} must be between ${min}-${max}'
85 | },
86 | array: {
87 | len: 'Must be ${len} ${label}',
88 | min: 'At least ${min} ${label}',
89 | max: 'At most ${max} ${label}',
90 | range: 'The amount of ${label} must be between ${min}-${max}'
91 | },
92 | pattern: {
93 | mismatch: '${label} does not match the pattern ${pattern}'
94 | }
95 | }
96 | },
97 | ImageUploader: {
98 | uploading: 'Uploading...',
99 | upload: 'Upload'
100 | },
101 | InfiniteScroll: {
102 | noMore: 'No more',
103 | failedToLoad: 'Failed to load',
104 | retry: 'Retry'
105 | },
106 | Input: {
107 | clear: 'clear'
108 | },
109 | Mask: {
110 | name: 'Mask'
111 | },
112 | Modal: {
113 | ok: 'OK'
114 | },
115 | PasscodeInput: {
116 | name: 'Passcode Input'
117 | },
118 | PullToRefresh: {
119 | pulling: 'Scroll down to refresh',
120 | canRelease: 'Release to refresh immediately',
121 | complete: 'Refresh successful'
122 | },
123 | SearchBar: {
124 | name: 'Search Bar'
125 | },
126 | Slider: {
127 | name: 'Slider'
128 | },
129 | Stepper: {
130 | decrease: 'decrease',
131 | increase: 'increase'
132 | },
133 | Switch: {
134 | name: 'Switch'
135 | },
136 | Selector: {
137 | name: 'Selector'
138 | }
139 | }; |
\ | No newline at end of file |