12.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs';
2import { genBasicInputStyle, genInputGroupStyle, genPlaceholderStyle, initInputToken } from '../../input/style';
3import { genBorderlessStyle, genFilledGroupStyle, genFilledStyle, genOutlinedGroupStyle, genOutlinedStyle } from '../../input/style/variants';
4import { resetComponent, resetIcon } from '../../style';
5import { genCompactItemStyle } from '../../style/compact-item';
6import { genStyleHooks, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal';
7import { prepareComponentToken } from './token';
8export const genRadiusStyle = (_ref, size) => {
9 let {
10 componentCls,
11 borderRadiusSM,
12 borderRadiusLG
13 } = _ref;
14 const borderRadius = size === 'lg' ? borderRadiusLG : borderRadiusSM;
15 return {
16 [`&-${size}`]: {
17 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
18 borderStartEndRadius: borderRadius,
19 borderEndEndRadius: borderRadius
20 },
21 [`${componentCls}-handler-up`]: {
22 borderStartEndRadius: borderRadius
23 },
24 [`${componentCls}-handler-down`]: {
25 borderEndEndRadius: borderRadius
26 }
27 }
28 };
30const genInputNumberStyles = token => {
31 const {
32 componentCls,
33 lineWidth,
34 lineType,
35 borderRadius,
36 fontSizeLG,
37 controlHeightLG,
38 controlHeightSM,
39 colorError,
40 paddingInlineSM,
41 paddingBlockSM,
42 paddingBlockLG,
43 paddingInlineLG,
44 colorTextDescription,
45 motionDurationMid,
46 handleHoverColor,
47 paddingInline,
48 paddingBlock,
49 handleBg,
50 handleActiveBg,
51 colorTextDisabled,
52 borderRadiusSM,
53 borderRadiusLG,
54 controlWidth,
55 handleOpacity,
56 handleBorderColor,
57 filledHandleBg,
58 lineHeightLG,
59 calc
60 } = token;
61 return [{
62 [componentCls]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resetComponent(token)), genBasicInputStyle(token)), {
63 display: 'inline-block',
64 width: controlWidth,
65 margin: 0,
66 padding: 0,
67 borderRadius
68 }), genOutlinedStyle(token, {
69 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
70 background: handleBg,
71 [`${componentCls}-handler-down`]: {
72 borderBlockStart: `${unit(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${handleBorderColor}`
73 }
74 }
75 })), genFilledStyle(token, {
76 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
77 background: filledHandleBg,
78 [`${componentCls}-handler-down`]: {
79 borderBlockStart: `${unit(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${handleBorderColor}`
80 }
81 },
82 '&:focus-within': {
83 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
84 background: handleBg
85 }
86 }
87 })), genBorderlessStyle(token)), {
88 '&-rtl': {
89 direction: 'rtl',
90 [`${componentCls}-input`]: {
91 direction: 'rtl'
92 }
93 },
94 '&-lg': {
95 padding: 0,
96 fontSize: fontSizeLG,
97 lineHeight: lineHeightLG,
98 borderRadius: borderRadiusLG,
99 [`input${componentCls}-input`]: {
100 height: calc(controlHeightLG).sub(calc(lineWidth).mul(2)).equal(),
101 padding: `${unit(paddingBlockLG)} ${unit(paddingInlineLG)}`
102 }
103 },
104 '&-sm': {
105 padding: 0,
106 borderRadius: borderRadiusSM,
107 [`input${componentCls}-input`]: {
108 height: calc(controlHeightSM).sub(calc(lineWidth).mul(2)).equal(),
109 padding: `${unit(paddingBlockSM)} ${unit(paddingInlineSM)}`
110 }
111 },
112 // ===================== Out Of Range =====================
113 '&-out-of-range': {
114 [`${componentCls}-input-wrap`]: {
115 input: {
116 color: colorError
117 }
118 }
119 },
120 // Style for input-group: input with label, with button or dropdown...
121 '&-group': Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resetComponent(token)), genInputGroupStyle(token)), {
122 '&-wrapper': Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({
123 display: 'inline-block',
124 textAlign: 'start',
125 verticalAlign: 'top',
126 [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: {
127 width: '100%'
128 },
129 // Size
130 '&-lg': {
131 [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: {
132 borderRadius: borderRadiusLG,
133 fontSize: token.fontSizeLG
134 }
135 },
136 '&-sm': {
137 [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: {
138 borderRadius: borderRadiusSM
139 }
140 }
141 }, genOutlinedGroupStyle(token)), genFilledGroupStyle(token)), {
142 // Fix the issue of using icons in Space Compact mode
143 // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/45764
144 [`&:not(${componentCls}-compact-first-item):not(${componentCls}-compact-last-item)${componentCls}-compact-item`]: {
145 [`${componentCls}, ${componentCls}-group-addon`]: {
146 borderRadius: 0
147 }
148 },
149 [`&:not(${componentCls}-compact-last-item)${componentCls}-compact-first-item`]: {
150 [`${componentCls}, ${componentCls}-group-addon`]: {
151 borderStartEndRadius: 0,
152 borderEndEndRadius: 0
153 }
154 },
155 [`&:not(${componentCls}-compact-first-item)${componentCls}-compact-last-item`]: {
156 [`${componentCls}, ${componentCls}-group-addon`]: {
157 borderStartStartRadius: 0,
158 borderEndStartRadius: 0
159 }
160 }
161 })
162 }),
163 [`&-disabled ${componentCls}-input`]: {
164 cursor: 'not-allowed'
165 },
166 [componentCls]: {
167 '&-input': Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resetComponent(token)), {
168 width: '100%',
169 padding: `${unit(paddingBlock)} ${unit(paddingInline)}`,
170 textAlign: 'start',
171 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
172 border: 0,
173 borderRadius,
174 outline: 0,
175 transition: `all ${motionDurationMid} linear`,
176 appearance: 'textfield',
177 fontSize: 'inherit'
178 }), genPlaceholderStyle(token.colorTextPlaceholder)), {
179 '&[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, &[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button': {
180 margin: 0,
181 /* stylelint-disable-next-line property-no-vendor-prefix */
182 webkitAppearance: 'none',
183 appearance: 'none'
184 }
185 })
186 }
187 })
188 },
189 // Handler
190 {
191 [componentCls]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({
192 [`&:hover ${componentCls}-handler-wrap, &-focused ${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
193 opacity: 1
194 },
195 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
196 position: 'absolute',
197 insetBlockStart: 0,
198 insetInlineEnd: 0,
199 width: token.handleWidth,
200 height: '100%',
201 borderStartStartRadius: 0,
202 borderStartEndRadius: borderRadius,
203 borderEndEndRadius: borderRadius,
204 borderEndStartRadius: 0,
205 opacity: handleOpacity,
206 display: 'flex',
207 flexDirection: 'column',
208 alignItems: 'stretch',
209 transition: `opacity ${motionDurationMid} linear ${motionDurationMid}`,
210 // Fix input number inside Menu makes icon too large
211 // We arise the selector priority by nest selector here
212 // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/14367
213 [`${componentCls}-handler`]: {
214 display: 'flex',
215 alignItems: 'center',
216 justifyContent: 'center',
217 flex: 'auto',
218 height: '40%',
219 [`
220 ${componentCls}-handler-up-inner,
221 ${componentCls}-handler-down-inner
222 `]: {
223 marginInlineEnd: 0,
224 fontSize: token.handleFontSize
225 }
226 }
227 },
228 [`${componentCls}-handler`]: {
229 height: '50%',
230 overflow: 'hidden',
231 color: colorTextDescription,
232 fontWeight: 'bold',
233 lineHeight: 0,
234 textAlign: 'center',
235 cursor: 'pointer',
236 borderInlineStart: `${unit(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${handleBorderColor}`,
237 transition: `all ${motionDurationMid} linear`,
238 '&:active': {
239 background: handleActiveBg
240 },
241 // Hover
242 '&:hover': {
243 height: `60%`,
244 [`
245 ${componentCls}-handler-up-inner,
246 ${componentCls}-handler-down-inner
247 `]: {
248 color: handleHoverColor
249 }
250 },
251 '&-up-inner, &-down-inner': Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resetIcon()), {
252 color: colorTextDescription,
253 transition: `all ${motionDurationMid} linear`,
254 userSelect: 'none'
255 })
256 },
257 [`${componentCls}-handler-up`]: {
258 borderStartEndRadius: borderRadius
259 },
260 [`${componentCls}-handler-down`]: {
261 borderEndEndRadius: borderRadius
262 }
263 }, genRadiusStyle(token, 'lg')), genRadiusStyle(token, 'sm')), {
264 // Disabled
265 '&-disabled, &-readonly': {
266 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
267 display: 'none'
268 },
269 [`${componentCls}-input`]: {
270 color: 'inherit'
271 }
272 },
273 [`
274 ${componentCls}-handler-up-disabled,
275 ${componentCls}-handler-down-disabled
276 `]: {
277 cursor: 'not-allowed'
278 },
279 [`
280 ${componentCls}-handler-up-disabled:hover &-handler-up-inner,
281 ${componentCls}-handler-down-disabled:hover &-handler-down-inner
282 `]: {
283 color: colorTextDisabled
284 }
285 })
286 }];
288const genAffixWrapperStyles = token => {
289 const {
290 componentCls,
291 paddingBlock,
292 paddingInline,
293 inputAffixPadding,
294 controlWidth,
295 borderRadiusLG,
296 borderRadiusSM,
297 paddingInlineLG,
298 paddingInlineSM,
299 paddingBlockLG,
300 paddingBlockSM
301 } = token;
302 return {
303 [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({
304 [`input${componentCls}-input`]: {
305 padding: `${unit(paddingBlock)} 0`
306 }
307 }, genBasicInputStyle(token)), {
308 // or number handler will cover form status
309 position: 'relative',
310 display: 'inline-flex',
311 width: controlWidth,
312 padding: 0,
313 paddingInlineStart: paddingInline,
314 '&-lg': {
315 borderRadius: borderRadiusLG,
316 paddingInlineStart: paddingInlineLG,
317 [`input${componentCls}-input`]: {
318 padding: `${unit(paddingBlockLG)} 0`
319 }
320 },
321 '&-sm': {
322 borderRadius: borderRadiusSM,
323 paddingInlineStart: paddingInlineSM,
324 [`input${componentCls}-input`]: {
325 padding: `${unit(paddingBlockSM)} 0`
326 }
327 },
328 [`&:not(${componentCls}-disabled):hover`]: {
329 zIndex: 1
330 },
331 '&-focused, &:focus': {
332 zIndex: 1
333 },
334 [`&-disabled > ${componentCls}-disabled`]: {
335 background: 'transparent'
336 },
337 [`> div${componentCls}`]: {
338 width: '100%',
339 border: 'none',
340 outline: 'none',
341 [`&${componentCls}-focused`]: {
342 boxShadow: 'none !important'
343 }
344 },
345 '&::before': {
346 display: 'inline-block',
347 width: 0,
348 visibility: 'hidden',
349 content: '"\\a0"'
350 },
351 [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: {
352 zIndex: 2
353 },
354 [componentCls]: {
355 color: 'inherit',
356 '&-prefix, &-suffix': {
357 display: 'flex',
358 flex: 'none',
359 alignItems: 'center',
360 pointerEvents: 'none'
361 },
362 '&-prefix': {
363 marginInlineEnd: inputAffixPadding
364 },
365 '&-suffix': {
366 position: 'absolute',
367 insetBlockStart: 0,
368 insetInlineEnd: 0,
369 zIndex: 1,
370 height: '100%',
371 marginInlineEnd: paddingInline,
372 marginInlineStart: inputAffixPadding
373 }
374 }
375 })
376 };
378export default genStyleHooks('InputNumber', token => {
379 const inputNumberToken = mergeToken(token, initInputToken(token));
380 return [genInputNumberStyles(inputNumberToken), genAffixWrapperStyles(inputNumberToken),
381 // =====================================================
382 // == Space Compact ==
383 // =====================================================
384 genCompactItemStyle(inputNumberToken)];
385}, prepareComponentToken, {
386 unitless: {
387 handleOpacity: true
388 }
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