2.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs';
2import { resetComponent } from '../../style';
3import { genStyleHooks, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal';
4// ============================== Shared ==============================
5const genSharedBackTopStyle = token => {
6 const {
7 componentCls,
8 backTopFontSize,
9 backTopSize,
10 zIndexPopup
11 } = token;
12 return {
13 [componentCls]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resetComponent(token)), {
14 position: 'fixed',
15 insetInlineEnd: token.backTopInlineEnd,
16 insetBlockEnd: token.backTopBlockEnd,
17 zIndex: zIndexPopup,
18 width: 40,
19 height: 40,
20 cursor: 'pointer',
21 '&:empty': {
22 display: 'none'
23 },
24 [`${componentCls}-content`]: {
25 width: backTopSize,
26 height: backTopSize,
27 overflow: 'hidden',
28 color: token.backTopColor,
29 textAlign: 'center',
30 backgroundColor: token.backTopBackground,
31 borderRadius: backTopSize,
32 transition: `all ${token.motionDurationMid}`,
33 '&:hover': {
34 backgroundColor: token.backTopHoverBackground,
35 transition: `all ${token.motionDurationMid}`
36 }
37 },
38 // change to .backtop .backtop-icon
39 [`${componentCls}-icon`]: {
40 fontSize: backTopFontSize,
41 lineHeight: unit(backTopSize)
42 }
43 })
44 };
46const genMediaBackTopStyle = token => {
47 const {
48 componentCls,
49 screenMD,
50 screenXS,
51 backTopInlineEndMD,
52 backTopInlineEndXS
53 } = token;
54 return {
55 [`@media (max-width: ${unit(screenMD)})`]: {
56 [componentCls]: {
57 insetInlineEnd: backTopInlineEndMD
58 }
59 },
60 [`@media (max-width: ${unit(screenXS)})`]: {
61 [componentCls]: {
62 insetInlineEnd: backTopInlineEndXS
63 }
64 }
65 };
67export const prepareComponentToken = token => ({
68 zIndexPopup: token.zIndexBase + 10
70// ============================== Export ==============================
71export default genStyleHooks('BackTop', token => {
72 const {
73 fontSizeHeading3,
74 colorTextDescription,
75 colorTextLightSolid,
76 colorText,
77 controlHeightLG,
78 calc
79 } = token;
80 const backTopToken = mergeToken(token, {
81 backTopBackground: colorTextDescription,
82 backTopColor: colorTextLightSolid,
83 backTopHoverBackground: colorText,
84 backTopFontSize: fontSizeHeading3,
85 backTopSize: controlHeightLG,
86 backTopBlockEnd: calc(controlHeightLG).mul(1.25).equal(),
87 backTopInlineEnd: calc(controlHeightLG).mul(2.5).equal(),
88 backTopInlineEndMD: calc(controlHeightLG).mul(1.5).equal(),
89 backTopInlineEndXS: calc(controlHeightLG).mul(0.5).equal()
90 });
91 return [genSharedBackTopStyle(backTopToken), genMediaBackTopStyle(backTopToken)];
92}, prepareComponentToken);
\No newline at end of file