1 | "use client";
2 |
3 | import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray";
4 | var __rest = this && this.__rest || function (s, e) {
5 | var t = {};
6 | for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
7 | if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
8 | if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
9 | }
10 | return t;
11 | };
12 | import * as React from 'react';
13 | import CheckCircleFilled from "@ant-design/icons/es/icons/CheckCircleFilled";
14 | import CloseCircleFilled from "@ant-design/icons/es/icons/CloseCircleFilled";
15 | import ExclamationCircleFilled from "@ant-design/icons/es/icons/ExclamationCircleFilled";
16 | import InfoCircleFilled from "@ant-design/icons/es/icons/InfoCircleFilled";
17 | import classNames from 'classnames';
18 | import { CONTAINER_MAX_OFFSET } from '../_util/hooks/useZIndex';
19 | import { getTransitionName } from '../_util/motion';
20 | import { devUseWarning } from '../_util/warning';
21 | import ConfigProvider from '../config-provider';
22 | import { useLocale } from '../locale';
23 | import useToken from '../theme/useToken';
24 | import CancelBtn from './components/ConfirmCancelBtn';
25 | import OkBtn from './components/ConfirmOkBtn';
26 | import { ModalContextProvider } from './context';
27 | import Modal from './Modal';
28 | import Confirm from './style/confirm';
29 | export function ConfirmContent(props) {
30 | const {
31 | prefixCls,
32 | icon,
33 | okText,
34 | cancelText,
35 | confirmPrefixCls,
36 | type,
37 | okCancel,
38 | footer,
39 |
40 | locale: staticLocale
41 | } = props,
42 | resetProps = __rest(props, ["prefixCls", "icon", "okText", "cancelText", "confirmPrefixCls", "type", "okCancel", "footer", "locale"]);
43 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
44 | const warning = devUseWarning('Modal');
45 | process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? warning(!(typeof icon === 'string' && icon.length > 2), 'breaking', `\`icon\` is using ReactNode instead of string naming in v4. Please check \`${icon}\` at https://ant.design/components/icon`) : void 0;
46 | }
47 |
48 | let mergedIcon = icon;
49 |
50 | if (!icon && icon !== null) {
51 | switch (type) {
52 | case 'info':
53 | mergedIcon = React.createElement(InfoCircleFilled, null);
54 | break;
55 | case 'success':
56 | mergedIcon = React.createElement(CheckCircleFilled, null);
57 | break;
58 | case 'error':
59 | mergedIcon = React.createElement(CloseCircleFilled, null);
60 | break;
61 | default:
62 | mergedIcon = React.createElement(ExclamationCircleFilled, null);
63 | }
64 | }
65 |
66 | const mergedOkCancel = okCancel !== null && okCancel !== void 0 ? okCancel : type === 'confirm';
67 | const autoFocusButton = props.autoFocusButton === null ? false : props.autoFocusButton || 'ok';
68 | const [locale] = useLocale('Modal');
69 | const mergedLocale = staticLocale || locale;
70 |
71 | const okTextLocale = okText || (mergedOkCancel ? mergedLocale === null || mergedLocale === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedLocale.okText : mergedLocale === null || mergedLocale === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedLocale.justOkText);
72 | const cancelTextLocale = cancelText || (mergedLocale === null || mergedLocale === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedLocale.cancelText);
73 |
74 | const btnCtxValue = Object.assign({
75 | autoFocusButton,
76 | cancelTextLocale,
77 | okTextLocale,
78 | mergedOkCancel
79 | }, resetProps);
80 | const btnCtxValueMemo = React.useMemo(() => btnCtxValue, _toConsumableArray(Object.values(btnCtxValue)));
81 |
82 | const footerOriginNode = React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, React.createElement(CancelBtn, null), React.createElement(OkBtn, null));
83 | const hasTitle = props.title !== undefined && props.title !== null;
84 | const bodyCls = `${confirmPrefixCls}-body`;
85 | return React.createElement("div", {
86 | className: `${confirmPrefixCls}-body-wrapper`
87 | }, React.createElement("div", {
88 | className: classNames(bodyCls, {
89 | [`${bodyCls}-has-title`]: hasTitle
90 | })
91 | }, mergedIcon, React.createElement("div", {
92 | className: `${confirmPrefixCls}-paragraph`
93 | }, hasTitle && React.createElement("span", {
94 | className: `${confirmPrefixCls}-title`
95 | }, props.title), React.createElement("div", {
96 | className: `${confirmPrefixCls}-content`
97 | }, props.content))), footer === undefined || typeof footer === 'function' ? (React.createElement(ModalContextProvider, {
98 | value: btnCtxValueMemo
99 | }, React.createElement("div", {
100 | className: `${confirmPrefixCls}-btns`
101 | }, typeof footer === 'function' ? footer(footerOriginNode, {
102 | OkBtn,
103 | CancelBtn
104 | }) : footerOriginNode))) : footer, React.createElement(Confirm, {
105 | prefixCls: prefixCls
106 | }));
107 | }
108 | const ConfirmDialog = props => {
109 | const {
110 | close,
111 | zIndex,
112 | afterClose,
113 | open,
114 | keyboard,
115 | centered,
116 | getContainer,
117 | maskStyle,
118 | direction,
119 | prefixCls,
120 | wrapClassName,
121 | rootPrefixCls,
122 | bodyStyle,
123 | closable = false,
124 | closeIcon,
125 | modalRender,
126 | focusTriggerAfterClose,
127 | onConfirm,
128 | styles
129 | } = props;
130 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
131 | const warning = devUseWarning('Modal');
132 | [['visible', 'open'], ['bodyStyle', 'styles.body'], ['maskStyle', 'styles.mask']].forEach(_ref => {
133 | let [deprecatedName, newName] = _ref;
134 | warning.deprecated(!(deprecatedName in props), deprecatedName, newName);
135 | });
136 | }
137 | const confirmPrefixCls = `${prefixCls}-confirm`;
138 | const width = props.width || 416;
139 | const style = props.style || {};
140 | const mask = props.mask === undefined ? true : props.mask;
141 |
142 | const maskClosable = props.maskClosable === undefined ? false : props.maskClosable;
143 | const classString = classNames(confirmPrefixCls, `${confirmPrefixCls}-${props.type}`, {
144 | [`${confirmPrefixCls}-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl'
145 | }, props.className);
146 |
147 | const [, token] = useToken();
148 | const mergedZIndex = React.useMemo(() => {
149 | if (zIndex !== undefined) {
150 | return zIndex;
151 | }
152 |
153 | return token.zIndexPopupBase + CONTAINER_MAX_OFFSET;
154 | }, [zIndex, token]);
155 |
156 | return React.createElement(Modal, {
157 | prefixCls: prefixCls,
158 | className: classString,
159 | wrapClassName: classNames({
160 | [`${confirmPrefixCls}-centered`]: !!props.centered
161 | }, wrapClassName),
162 | onCancel: () => {
163 | close === null || close === void 0 ? void 0 : close({
164 | triggerCancel: true
165 | });
166 | onConfirm === null || onConfirm === void 0 ? void 0 : onConfirm(false);
167 | },
168 | open: open,
169 | title: "",
170 | footer: null,
171 | transitionName: getTransitionName(rootPrefixCls || '', 'zoom', props.transitionName),
172 | maskTransitionName: getTransitionName(rootPrefixCls || '', 'fade', props.maskTransitionName),
173 | mask: mask,
174 | maskClosable: maskClosable,
175 | style: style,
176 | styles: Object.assign({
177 | body: bodyStyle,
178 | mask: maskStyle
179 | }, styles),
180 | width: width,
181 | zIndex: mergedZIndex,
182 | afterClose: afterClose,
183 | keyboard: keyboard,
184 | centered: centered,
185 | getContainer: getContainer,
186 | closable: closable,
187 | closeIcon: closeIcon,
188 | modalRender: modalRender,
189 | focusTriggerAfterClose: focusTriggerAfterClose
190 | }, React.createElement(ConfirmContent, Object.assign({}, props, {
191 | confirmPrefixCls: confirmPrefixCls
192 | })));
193 | };
194 | const ConfirmDialogWrapper = props => {
195 | const {
196 | rootPrefixCls,
197 | iconPrefixCls,
198 | direction,
199 | theme
200 | } = props;
201 | return React.createElement(ConfigProvider, {
202 | prefixCls: rootPrefixCls,
203 | iconPrefixCls: iconPrefixCls,
204 | direction: direction,
205 | theme: theme
206 | }, React.createElement(ConfirmDialog, Object.assign({}, props)));
207 | };
208 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
209 | ConfirmDialog.displayName = 'ConfirmDialog';
210 | ConfirmDialogWrapper.displayName = 'ConfirmDialogWrapper';
211 | }
212 | export default ConfirmDialogWrapper; |
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