3.55 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Tunnel } from "../tunnel/tunnel";
2import { Nest } from "../nest/nest";
3import { Environment } from "../environment/environment";
4import { LifeEvent } from "../environment/lifeEvent";
5import { EmailOptions } from "../environment/emailOptions";
6export declare abstract class Job {
7 protected name: string;
8 protected tunnel: Tunnel;
9 protected nest: Nest;
10 protected e: Environment;
11 protected locallyAvailable: boolean;
12 protected lifeCycle: LifeEvent[];
13 protected id: string;
14 /**
15 * Job constructor
16 * @param e
17 * @param name
18 */
19 constructor(e: Environment, name: string);
20 /**
21 * Class name for logging.
22 * @returns {string}
23 */
24 toString(): string;
25 /**
26 * Check if job is locally available.
27 * @returns {boolean}
28 */
29 isLocallyAvailable(): boolean;
30 /**
31 * Set if the job is locally available.
32 * @param available
33 */
34 setLocallyAvailable(available: boolean): void;
35 /**
36 * Get the life cycle object.
37 * @returns {LifeEvent[]}
38 */
39 getLifeCycle(): LifeEvent[];
40 /**
41 * Create a new life event.
42 * @param verb
43 * @param start
44 * @param finish
45 */
46 protected createLifeEvent(verb: string, start: string, finish: string): void;
47 /**
48 * Set a new name.
49 * @param name
50 */
51 setName(name: string): void;
52 /**
53 * Get the name.
54 * @returns {string}
55 */
56 getName(): string;
57 /**
58 * Get the ID.
59 * @returns {string}
60 */
61 getId(): string;
62 /**
63 * Get the name proper.
64 * @returns {string}
65 */
66 getNameProper(): string;
67 /**
68 * Set the nest.
69 * @param nest
70 */
71 setNest(nest: Nest): void;
72 /**
73 * Get the nest.
74 * @returns {Nest}
75 */
76 getNest(): Nest;
77 /**
78 * Set the tunnel.
79 * @param tunnel
80 */
81 setTunnel(tunnel: Tunnel): void;
82 /**
83 * Get the tunnel.
84 * @returns {Tunnel}
85 */
86 getTunnel(): Tunnel;
87 /**
88 * Function to call to fail a job while in a tunnel.
89 * @param reason
90 */
91 fail(reason: string): void;
92 /**
93 * Transfer a job to another tunnel directly.
94 * @param tunnel
95 */
96 transfer(tunnel: Tunnel): void;
97 /**
98 * Move function error.
99 */
100 move(destinationNest: any, callback: any): void;
101 /**
102 * Sends an email.
103 * @param emailOptions Email options
104 * #### Sending pug template email example
105 * ```js
106 * // my_tunnel.js
107 * tunnel.run(function (job, nest) {
108 * job.email({
109 * subject: "Test email from pug template",
110 * to: "john.smith@example.com",
111 * template: "./template_files/my_email.pug"
112 * });
113 * });
114 * ```
115 *
116 * ```js
117 * // template_files/my_email.pug
118 * h1="Example email!"
119 * p="Got job ID " + job.getId()
120 * ```
121 * #### Sending plain-text email
122 * ```js
123 * tunnel.run(function (job, nest) {
124 * job.email({
125 * subject: "Test email with hard-coded plain-text",
126 * to: "john.smith@example.com",
127 * text: "My email body!"
128 * });
129 * });
130 * ```
131 * #### Sending html email
132 * ```js
133 * tunnel.run(function (job, nest) {
134 * job.email({
135 * subject: "Test email with hard-coded html",
136 * to: "john.smith@example.com",
137 * html: "<h1>My email body!</h1>"
138 * });
139 * });
140 * ```
141 */
142 email(emailOptions: EmailOptions): void;