2.31 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2016 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
3 * Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for license information.
4 */
5import { DefaultErrorStrategy } from "./DefaultErrorStrategy";
6import { Parser } from "./Parser";
7import { RecognitionException } from "./RecognitionException";
8import { Token } from "./Token";
10 * This implementation of {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy} responds to syntax errors
11 * by immediately canceling the parse operation with a
12 * {@link ParseCancellationException}. The implementation ensures that the
13 * {@link ParserRuleContext#exception} field is set for all parse tree nodes
14 * that were not completed prior to encountering the error.
15 *
16 * This error strategy is useful in the following scenarios.
17 *
18 * * **Two-stage parsing:** This error strategy allows the first
19 * stage of two-stage parsing to immediately terminate if an error is
20 * encountered, and immediately fall back to the second stage. In addition to
21 * avoiding wasted work by attempting to recover from errors here, the empty
22 * implementation of {@link BailErrorStrategy#sync} improves the performance of
23 * the first stage.
24 * * **Silent validation:** When syntax errors are not being
25 * reported or logged, and the parse result is simply ignored if errors occur,
26 * the {@link BailErrorStrategy} avoids wasting work on recovering from errors
27 * when the result will be ignored either way.
28 *
29 * ```
30 * myparser.errorHandler = new BailErrorStrategy();
31 * ```
32 *
33 * @see Parser.errorHandler
34 */
35export declare class BailErrorStrategy extends DefaultErrorStrategy {
36 /** Instead of recovering from exception `e`, re-throw it wrapped
37 * in a {@link ParseCancellationException} so it is not caught by the
38 * rule function catches. Use {@link Exception#getCause()} to get the
39 * original {@link RecognitionException}.
40 */
41 recover(recognizer: Parser, e: RecognitionException): void;
42 /** Make sure we don't attempt to recover inline; if the parser
43 * successfully recovers, it won't throw an exception.
44 */
45 recoverInline(recognizer: Parser): Token;
46 /** Make sure we don't attempt to recover from problems in subrules. */
47 sync(recognizer: Parser): void;