6.39 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2016 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
3 * Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for license information.
4 */
5import { Interval } from "./misc/Interval";
6import { RuleContext } from "./RuleContext";
7import { Token } from "./Token";
8import { TokenSource } from "./TokenSource";
9import { TokenStream } from "./TokenStream";
11 * This implementation of {@link TokenStream} loads tokens from a
12 * {@link TokenSource} on-demand, and places the tokens in a buffer to provide
13 * access to any previous token by index.
14 *
15 * This token stream ignores the value of {@link Token#getChannel}. If your
16 * parser requires the token stream filter tokens to only those on a particular
17 * channel, such as {@link Token#DEFAULT_CHANNEL} or
18 * {@link Token#HIDDEN_CHANNEL}, use a filtering token stream such a
19 * {@link CommonTokenStream}.
20 */
21export declare class BufferedTokenStream implements TokenStream {
22 /**
23 * The {@link TokenSource} from which tokens for this stream are fetched.
24 */
25 private _tokenSource;
26 /**
27 * A collection of all tokens fetched from the token source. The list is
28 * considered a complete view of the input once {@link #fetchedEOF} is set
29 * to `true`.
30 */
31 protected tokens: Token[];
32 /**
33 * The index into {@link #tokens} of the current token (next token to
34 * {@link #consume}). {@link #tokens}`[`{@link #p}`]` should be
35 * {@link #LT LT(1)}.
36 *
37 * This field is set to -1 when the stream is first constructed or when
38 * {@link #setTokenSource} is called, indicating that the first token has
39 * not yet been fetched from the token source. For additional information,
40 * see the documentation of {@link IntStream} for a description of
41 * Initializing Methods.
42 */
43 protected p: number;
44 /**
45 * Indicates whether the {@link Token#EOF} token has been fetched from
46 * {@link #tokenSource} and added to {@link #tokens}. This field improves
47 * performance for the following cases:
48 *
49 * * {@link #consume}: The lookahead check in {@link #consume} to prevent
50 * consuming the EOF symbol is optimized by checking the values of
51 * {@link #fetchedEOF} and {@link #p} instead of calling {@link #LA}.
52 * * {@link #fetch}: The check to prevent adding multiple EOF symbols into
53 * {@link #tokens} is trivial with this field.
54 */
55 protected fetchedEOF: boolean;
56 constructor(tokenSource: TokenSource);
57 get tokenSource(): TokenSource;
58 /** Reset this token stream by setting its token source. */
59 set tokenSource(tokenSource: TokenSource);
60 get index(): number;
61 mark(): number;
62 release(marker: number): void;
63 seek(index: number): void;
64 get size(): number;
65 consume(): void;
66 /** Make sure index `i` in tokens has a token.
67 *
68 * @returns `true` if a token is located at index `i`, otherwise
69 * `false`.
70 * @see #get(int i)
71 */
72 protected sync(i: number): boolean;
73 /** Add `n` elements to buffer.
74 *
75 * @returns The actual number of elements added to the buffer.
76 */
77 protected fetch(n: number): number;
78 get(i: number): Token;
79 /** Get all tokens from start..stop inclusively. */
80 getRange(start: number, stop: number): Token[];
81 LA(i: number): number;
82 protected tryLB(k: number): Token | undefined;
83 LT(k: number): Token;
84 tryLT(k: number): Token | undefined;
85 /**
86 * Allowed derived classes to modify the behavior of operations which change
87 * the current stream position by adjusting the target token index of a seek
88 * operation. The default implementation simply returns `i`. If an
89 * exception is thrown in this method, the current stream index should not be
90 * changed.
91 *
92 * For example, {@link CommonTokenStream} overrides this method to ensure that
93 * the seek target is always an on-channel token.
94 *
95 * @param i The target token index.
96 * @returns The adjusted target token index.
97 */
98 protected adjustSeekIndex(i: number): number;
99 protected lazyInit(): void;
100 protected setup(): void;
101 getTokens(): Token[];
102 getTokens(start: number, stop: number): Token[];
103 getTokens(start: number, stop: number, types: Set<number>): Token[];
104 getTokens(start: number, stop: number, ttype: number): Token[];
105 /**
106 * Given a starting index, return the index of the next token on channel.
107 * Return `i` if `tokens[i]` is on channel. Return the index of
108 * the EOF token if there are no tokens on channel between `i` and
109 * EOF.
110 */
111 protected nextTokenOnChannel(i: number, channel: number): number;
112 /**
113 * Given a starting index, return the index of the previous token on
114 * channel. Return `i` if `tokens[i]` is on channel. Return -1
115 * if there are no tokens on channel between `i` and 0.
116 *
117 * If `i` specifies an index at or after the EOF token, the EOF token
118 * index is returned. This is due to the fact that the EOF token is treated
119 * as though it were on every channel.
120 */
121 protected previousTokenOnChannel(i: number, channel: number): number;
122 /** Collect all tokens on specified channel to the right of
123 * the current token up until we see a token on {@link Lexer#DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL} or
124 * EOF. If `channel` is `-1`, find any non default channel token.
125 */
126 getHiddenTokensToRight(tokenIndex: number, channel?: number): Token[];
127 /** Collect all tokens on specified channel to the left of
128 * the current token up until we see a token on {@link Lexer#DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL}.
129 * If `channel` is `-1`, find any non default channel token.
130 */
131 getHiddenTokensToLeft(tokenIndex: number, channel?: number): Token[];
132 protected filterForChannel(from: number, to: number, channel: number): Token[];
133 get sourceName(): string;
134 /** Get the text of all tokens in this buffer. */
135 getText(): string;
136 getText(interval: Interval): string;
137 getText(context: RuleContext): string;
138 getTextFromRange(start: any, stop: any): string;
139 /** Get all tokens from lexer until EOF. */
140 fill(): void;
141 private isWritableToken;
142 private isToken;