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5 | import { ATNConfigSet } from "./atn/ATNConfigSet";
6 | import { BitSet } from "./misc/BitSet";
7 | import { DFA } from "./dfa/DFA";
8 | import { Parser } from "./Parser";
9 | import { ParserErrorListener } from "./ParserErrorListener";
10 | import { RecognitionException } from "./RecognitionException";
11 | import { Recognizer } from "./Recognizer";
12 | import { SimulatorState } from "./atn/SimulatorState";
13 | import { Token } from "./Token";
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33 | export declare class DiagnosticErrorListener implements ParserErrorListener {
34 | protected exactOnly: boolean;
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42 | constructor(exactOnly?: boolean);
43 | syntaxError<T extends Token>(recognizer: Recognizer<T, any>, offendingSymbol: T | undefined, line: number, charPositionInLine: number, msg: string, e: RecognitionException | undefined): void;
44 | reportAmbiguity(recognizer: Parser, dfa: DFA, startIndex: number, stopIndex: number, exact: boolean, ambigAlts: BitSet | undefined, configs: ATNConfigSet): void;
45 | reportAttemptingFullContext(recognizer: Parser, dfa: DFA, startIndex: number, stopIndex: number, conflictingAlts: BitSet | undefined, conflictState: SimulatorState): void;
46 | reportContextSensitivity(recognizer: Parser, dfa: DFA, startIndex: number, stopIndex: number, prediction: number, acceptState: SimulatorState): void;
47 | protected getDecisionDescription(recognizer: Parser, dfa: DFA): string;
48 | /**
49 | * Computes the set of conflicting or ambiguous alternatives from a
50 | * configuration set, if that information was not already provided by the
51 | * parser.
52 | *
53 | * @param reportedAlts The set of conflicting or ambiguous alternatives, as
54 | * reported by the parser.
55 | * @param configs The conflicting or ambiguous configuration set.
56 | * @returns Returns `reportedAlts` if it is not `undefined`, otherwise
57 | * returns the set of alternatives represented in `configs`.
58 | */
59 | protected getConflictingAlts(reportedAlts: BitSet | undefined, configs: ATNConfigSet): BitSet;
60 | }