1 | /*!
2 | * Copyright 2016 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
3 | * Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for license information.
4 | */
5 | import { CharStream } from "./CharStream";
6 | import { Token } from "./Token";
7 | import { TokenFactory } from "./TokenFactory";
8 | import { TokenSource } from "./TokenSource";
9 | /**
10 | * Provides an implementation of {@link TokenSource} as a wrapper around a list
11 | * of {@link Token} objects.
12 | *
13 | * If the final token in the list is an {@link Token#EOF} token, it will be used
14 | * as the EOF token for every call to {@link #nextToken} after the end of the
15 | * list is reached. Otherwise, an EOF token will be created.
16 | */
17 | export declare class ListTokenSource implements TokenSource {
18 | /**
19 | * The wrapped collection of {@link Token} objects to return.
20 | */
21 | protected tokens: Token[];
22 | /**
23 | * The name of the input source. If this value is `undefined`, a call to
24 | * {@link #getSourceName} should return the source name used to create the
25 | * the next token in {@link #tokens} (or the previous token if the end of
26 | * the input has been reached).
27 | */
28 | private _sourceName?;
29 | /**
30 | * The index into {@link #tokens} of token to return by the next call to
31 | * {@link #nextToken}. The end of the input is indicated by this value
32 | * being greater than or equal to the number of items in {@link #tokens}.
33 | */
34 | protected i: number;
35 | /**
36 | * This field caches the EOF token for the token source.
37 | */
38 | protected eofToken?: Token;
39 | /**
40 | * This is the backing field for {@link #getTokenFactory} and
41 | * {@link setTokenFactory}.
42 | */
43 | private _factory;
44 | /**
45 | * Constructs a new {@link ListTokenSource} instance from the specified
46 | * collection of {@link Token} objects and source name.
47 | *
48 | * @param tokens The collection of {@link Token} objects to provide as a
49 | * {@link TokenSource}.
50 | * @param sourceName The name of the {@link TokenSource}. If this value is
51 | * `undefined`, {@link #getSourceName} will attempt to infer the name from
52 | * the next {@link Token} (or the previous token if the end of the input has
53 | * been reached).
54 | *
55 | * @exception NullPointerException if `tokens` is `undefined`
56 | */
57 | constructor(tokens: Token[], sourceName?: string);
58 | /**
59 | * { }
60 | */
61 | get charPositionInLine(): number;
62 | /**
63 | * {@inheritDoc}
64 | */
65 | nextToken(): Token;
66 | /**
67 | * {@inheritDoc}
68 | */
69 | get line(): number;
70 | /**
71 | * {@inheritDoc}
72 | */
73 | get inputStream(): CharStream | undefined;
74 | /**
75 | * {@inheritDoc}
76 | */
77 | get sourceName(): string;
78 | /**
79 | * {@inheritDoc}
80 | */
81 | set tokenFactory(factory: TokenFactory);
82 | /**
83 | * {@inheritDoc}
84 | */
85 | get tokenFactory(): TokenFactory;
86 | }