1 | [![AOS - Animate on scroll library](https://s32.postimg.org/ktvt59hol/aos_header.png)](http://michalsnik.github.io/aos/)
2 |
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9 |
10 | Small library to animate elements on your page as you scroll.
11 |
12 | You may say it's like WOWJS, yeah - you're right, effect is similar to WOWJS, but I had a different idea how to make such a plugin, so here it is. CSS3 driven scroll animation library.
13 |
14 | AOS allows you to animate elements as you scroll down, and up.
15 | If you scroll back to top, elements will animate to it's previous state and are ready to animate again if you scroll down.
16 |
17 | π To get a better understanding how this actually works, I encourage you to check [my post on CSS-tricks](https://css-tricks.com/aos-css-driven-scroll-animation-library/).
18 |
19 | ---
20 |
21 | ### π [Demo](http://michalsnik.github.io/aos/)
22 |
23 | ### π Codepen Examples
24 | - [Different build in animations](http://codepen.io/michalsnik/pen/WxNdvq)
25 | - [With anchor setting in use](http://codepen.io/michalsnik/pen/jrOYVO)
26 | - [With anchor-placement and different easing](http://codepen.io/michalsnik/pen/EyxoNm)
27 | - [With simple custom animations](http://codepen.io/michalsnik/pen/WxvNvE)
28 |
29 | ---
30 |
31 | ## β Attention
32 | From version `2.0.0` attributes `aos` are no longer supported, always use `data-aos`.
33 |
34 | ## β Setup
35 |
36 | ### Install AOS
37 |
38 | - Using `bower`
39 |
40 | ```bash
41 | bower install aos --save
42 | ```
43 |
44 | - Using `npm`
45 |
46 | ```bash
47 | npm install aos --save
48 | ```
49 |
50 | - Direct download -> [click here](https://github.com/michalsnik/aos/archive/master.zip)
51 |
52 |
53 | ### Link styles
54 |
55 | ```html
56 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/aos/dist/aos.css" />
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ### Add scripts
60 |
61 | ```html
62 | <script src="bower_components/aos/dist/aos.js"></script>
63 | ```
64 |
65 | AOS from version `1.2.0` is available as UMD module, so you can use it as AMD, Global, Node or ES6 module.
66 |
67 | ### Init AOS
68 |
69 | ```javascript
70 | <script>
71 | AOS.init();
72 | </script>
73 | ```
74 |
75 | ## π€ How to use it?
76 |
77 | ### Basic usage
78 |
79 | All you have to do is to add `data-aos` attribute to html element, like so:
80 |
81 | ```html
82 | <div data-aos="animation_name">
83 | ```
84 |
85 | Script will trigger "animation_name" animation on this element, if you scroll to it.
86 |
87 | [Down below](https://github.com/michalsnik/aos#-animations) is a list of all available animations for now :)
88 |
89 | ### π₯ Advanced settings
90 |
91 | These settings can be set both on certain elements, or as default while initializing script (in options object without `data-` part).
92 |
93 | | Attribute | Description | Example value | Default value |
94 | |---------------------------|-------------|---------------|---------|
95 | | *`data-aos-offset`* | Change offset to trigger animations sooner or later (px) | 200 | 120 |
96 | | *`data-aos-duration`* | *Duration of animation (ms) | 600 | 400 |
97 | | *`data-aos-easing`* | Choose timing function to ease elements in different ways | ease-in-sine | ease |
98 | | *`data-aos-delay`* | Delay animation (ms) | 300 | 0 |
99 | | *`data-aos-anchor`* | Anchor element, whose offset will be counted to trigger animation instead of actual elements offset | #selector | null |
100 | | *`data-aos-anchor-placement`* | Anchor placement - which one position of element on the screen should trigger animation | top-center | top-bottom |
101 | | *`data-aos-once`* | Choose wheter animation should fire once, or every time you scroll up/down to element | true | false |
102 |
103 | *Duration accept values from 50 to 3000, with step 50ms, it's because duration of animation is handled by css, and to not make css longer than it is already I created implementations only in this range. I think this should be good for almost all cases.
104 |
105 | If not, you may write simple CSS on your page that will add another duration option value available, for example:
106 |
107 | ```css
108 | body[data-aos-duration='4000'] [data-aos], [data-aos][data-aos][data-aos-duration='4000']{
109 | transition-duration: 4000ms;
110 | }
111 | ```
112 |
113 | This code will add 4000ms duration available for you to set on AOS elements, or to set as global duration while initializing AOS script.
114 |
115 | Notice that double `[data-aos][data-aos]` - it's not a mistake, it is a trick, to make individual settings more important than global, without need to write ugly "!important" there :)
116 |
117 | `data-aos-anchor-placement` - You can set different placement option on each element, the principle is pretty simple, each anchor-placement option contains two words i.e. `top-center`. This means that animation will be triggered when `top` of element will reach `center` of the window.
118 | `bottom-top` means that animation will be triggered when `bottom` of an element reach `top` of the window, and so on.
119 | Down below you can find list of all anchor-placement options.
120 |
121 | #### Examples:
122 |
123 | ```html
124 | <div data-aos="fade-zoom-in" data-aos-offset="200" data-aos-easing="ease-in-sine" data-aos-duration="600">
125 | ```
126 | ```html
127 | <div data-aos="flip-left" data-aos-delay="100" data-aos-anchor=".example-selector">
128 | ```
129 | ```html
130 | <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-anchor-placement="top-center">
131 | ```
132 |
133 |
134 | #### API
135 |
136 | AOS object is exposed as a global variable, for now there are three methods available:
137 |
138 | * `init` - initialize AOS
139 | * `refresh` - recalculate all offsets and positions of elements (called on window resize)
140 | * `refreshHard` - reinit array with AOS elements and trigger `refresh` (called on DOM changes that are related to `aos` elements)
141 |
142 | Example execution:
143 | ```javascript
144 | AOS.refresh();
145 | ```
146 |
147 | By default AOS is watching for DOM changes and if there are any new elements loaded asynchronously or when something is removed from DOM it calls `refreshHard` automatically. In browsers that don't support `MutationObserver` like IE you might need to call `AOS.refreshHard()` by yourself.
148 |
149 | `refresh` method is called on window resize and so on, as it doesn't require to build new store with AOS elements and should be as light as possible.
150 |
151 | ### Global settings
152 |
153 | If you don't want to change setting for each element separately, you can change it globally.
154 |
155 | To do this, pass options object to `init()` function, like so:
156 |
157 | ```javascript
158 | <script>
159 | AOS.init({
160 | offset: 200,
161 | duration: 600,
162 | easing: 'ease-in-sine',
163 | delay: 100,
164 | });
165 | </script>
166 | ```
167 |
168 | #### Additional configuration
169 |
170 | These settings can be set only in options object while initializing AOS.
171 |
172 | | Setting | Description | Example value | Default value |
173 | |---------------------------|-------------|---------------|---------|
174 | | *`disable`* | Condition when AOS should be disabled | mobile | false |
175 | | *`startEvent`* | Name of event, on which AOS should be initialized | exampleEvent | DOMContentLoaded |
176 |
177 | ##### Disabling AOS
178 |
179 | If you want to disable AOS on certain device or under any statement you can set `disable` option. Like so:
180 |
181 | ```javascript
182 | <script>
183 | AOS.init({
184 | disable: 'mobile'
185 | });
186 | </script>
187 | ```
188 |
189 | There are several options that you can use to fit AOS perfectly into your project, you can pass one of three device types:
190 | `mobile` (phones and tablets), `phone` or `tablet`. This will disable AOS on those certains devices. But if you want make your own condition, simple type your statement instead of device type name:
191 |
192 | ```javascript
193 | disable: window.innerWidth < 1024
194 | ```
195 |
196 | There is also posibility to pass a `function`, which should at the end return `true` or `false`:
197 |
198 | ```javascript
199 | disable: function () {
200 | var maxWidth = 1024;
201 | return window.innerWidth < maxWidth;
202 | }
203 | ```
204 |
205 | ##### Start event
206 |
207 | If you don't want to initialize AOS on `DOMContentLoaded` event, you can pass your own event name and trigger it whenever you want. AOS is listening for this event on `document` element.
208 |
209 | ```javascript
210 | <script>
211 | AOS.init({
212 | startEvent: 'someCoolEvent'
213 | });
214 | </script>
215 | ```
216 |
217 | **Important note:** If you set `startEvent: 'load'` it will add event listener on `window` instead of `document`.
218 |
219 |
220 | ### π» Animations
221 |
222 | There are serveral predefined animations you can use already:
223 |
224 | * Fade animations:
225 | * fade
226 | * fade-up
227 | * fade-down
228 | * fade-left
229 | * fade-right
230 | * fade-up-right
231 | * fade-up-left
232 | * fade-down-right
233 | * fade-down-left
234 |
235 | * Flip animations:
236 | * flip-up
237 | * flip-down
238 | * flip-left
239 | * flip-right
240 |
241 | * Slide animations:
242 | * slide-up
243 | * slide-down
244 | * slide-left
245 | * slide-right
246 |
247 | * Zoom animations:
248 | * zoom-in
249 | * zoom-in-up
250 | * zoom-in-down
251 | * zoom-in-left
252 | * zoom-in-right
253 | * zoom-out
254 | * zoom-out-up
255 | * zoom-out-down
256 | * zoom-out-left
257 | * zoom-out-right
258 |
259 | ### Anchor placement:
260 |
261 | * top-bottom
262 | * top-center
263 | * top-top
264 | * center-bottom
265 | * center-center
266 | * center-top
267 | * bottom-bottom
268 | * bottom-center
269 | * bottom-top
270 |
271 |
272 | ### Easing functions:
273 |
274 | You can choose one of these timing function to animate elements nicely:
275 |
276 | * linear
277 | * ease
278 | * ease-in
279 | * ease-out
280 | * ease-in-out
281 | * ease-in-back
282 | * ease-out-back
283 | * ease-in-out-back
284 | * ease-in-sine
285 | * ease-out-sine
286 | * ease-in-out-sine
287 | * ease-in-quad
288 | * ease-out-quad
289 | * ease-in-out-quad
290 | * ease-in-cubic
291 | * ease-out-cubic
292 | * ease-in-out-cubic
293 | * ease-in-quart
294 | * ease-out-quart
295 | * ease-in-out-quart
296 |
297 | ## βοΈ [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md)
298 |
299 | ## π [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)
300 |
301 | ## βQuestions
302 |
303 | If you have any questions, ideas or whatsoever, please check [AOS contribution guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) and don't hesitate to create new issues.