1 | # HTTP Link
2 |
3 | [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/apollo-angular-link-http.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/apollo-angular-link-http)
4 | [![Get on Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-join-orange.svg)](https://www.apollographql.com/slack)
5 |
6 | ## Purpose
7 |
8 | An Apollo Link to allow sending a single http request per operation.
9 |
10 | ## Installation
11 |
12 | `npm install apollo-angular-link-http --save`
13 |
14 | ## Usage
15 |
16 | ```ts
17 | import {HttpLinkModule, HttpLink} from 'apollo-angular-link-http';
18 |
19 | @NgModule({
20 | imports: [HttpLinkModule],
21 | })
22 | class AppModule {
23 | constructor(httpLink: HttpLink) {
24 | const link = httpLink.create({uri: '/graphql'});
25 | }
26 | }
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ## HttpClient
30 |
31 | The HTTP Link relies on having `HttpClient` (from `@angular/common/http`)
32 | present in your application.
33 |
34 | ## Options
35 |
36 | HTTP Link takes an object with some options on it to customize the behavior of
37 | the link. If your server supports it, the HTTP link can also send over metadata
38 | about the request in the extensions field. To enable this, pass
39 | `includeExtensions` as true. If you would like to use persisted queries or just
40 | not to send a query, disable `includeQuery`.
41 |
42 | | name | value | default | required |
43 | | ----------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | -------- |
44 | | uri | string / function | `/graphql` | false |
45 | | includeExtensions | boolean | `false` | false |
46 | | includeQuery | boolean | `true` | false |
47 | | headers | HttpHeaders | `none` | false |
48 | | withCredentials | boolean | `none` | false |
49 | | method | string | `POST` | false |
50 |
51 | ## Context
52 |
53 | The HTTP Link uses the `headers` field on the context to allow passing headers
54 | to the HTTP request. It also supports the `withCredentials` field for defining
55 | credentials policy for request. These options will override the same key if
56 | passed when creating the the link. If some setting is different than the one in
57 | Options, this one will be used.
58 |
59 | | name | value | default | required |
60 | | ----------------- | ----------- | --------------- | -------- |
61 | | uri | string | `as in options` | false |
62 | | includeExtensions | boolean | `as in options` | false |
63 | | includeQuery | boolean | `as in options` | false |
64 | | headers | HttpHeaders | none | false |
65 | | withCredentials | boolean | `as in options` | false |
66 | | method | string | `as in options` | false |
67 | | useMultipart | boolean | `as in options` | false |
68 |
69 | ```js
70 | import {HttpLinkModule, HttpLink} from 'apollo-link-http';
71 | import {ApolloModule, Apollo} from 'apollo-angular';
72 | import {InMemoryCache} from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
73 | import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
74 |
75 | @NgModules({
76 | imports: [HttpClientModule, ApolloModule, HttpLinkModule],
77 | })
78 | class AppModule {
79 | constructor(apollo: Apollo, httpLink: httpLink) {
80 | apollo.create({
81 | link: httpLink.create({uri: '/graphql'}),
82 | cache: new InMemoryCache(),
83 | });
84 | }
85 | }
86 |
87 | // a query with apollo-angular
88 | apollo.query({
89 | query: MY_QUERY,
90 | context: {
91 | // example of setting the headers with context per operation
92 | headers: new HttpHeaders().set('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value'),
93 | },
94 | });
95 | ```
96 |
97 | ### Uri as function
98 |
99 | ```ts
100 | @NgModules({
101 | imports: [HttpClientModule, ApolloModule, HttpLinkModule],
102 | })
103 | class AppModule {
104 | constructor(apollo: Apollo, httpLink: httpLink) {
105 | apollo.create({
106 | link: httpLink.create({
107 | uri(operation) {
108 | return operation.operationName === 'login' ? '/auth' : '/graphq';
109 | },
110 | }),
111 | cache: new InMemoryCache(),
112 | });
113 | }
114 | }
115 | ```
116 |
117 | ### File upload
118 |
119 | In order to upload a file, you need to turn on `useMultipart` flag:
120 |
121 | ```ts
122 | apollo.query({
123 | query: MY_QUERY,
124 | context: {
125 | useMultipart: true
126 | },
127 | });
128 | ```
129 |
130 | ### Middleware
131 |
132 | ```ts
133 | import {ApolloLink} from 'apollo-link';
134 | import {HttpLink} from 'apollo-angular-link-http';
135 |
136 | class AppModule {
137 | constructor(httpLink: HttpLink) {
138 | const http = httpLink.create({uri: '/graphql'});
139 | const middleware = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
140 | operation.setContext({
141 | headers: new HttpHeaders().set(
142 | 'Authorization',
143 | localStorage.getItem('token') || null,
144 | ),
145 | });
146 | return forward(operation);
147 | });
148 |
149 | const link = middleware.concat(http);
150 | }
151 | }
152 | ```
153 |
154 | ### Afterware (error)
155 |
156 | ```js
157 | import {ApolloLink} from 'apollo-link';
158 | import {HttpLink} from 'apollo-angular-link-http';
159 | import {onError} from 'apollo-link-error';
160 |
161 | import {Auth} from './auth.service';
162 |
163 | class AppModule {
164 | constructor(httpLink: HttpLink, auth: Auth) {
165 | const http = httpLink.create({uri: '/graphql'});
166 | const error = onError(({networkError}) => {
167 | if (networkError.status === 401) {
168 | auth.logout();
169 | }
170 | });
171 |
172 | const link = error.concat(http);
173 | }
174 | }
175 | ```