3.23 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { Injectable, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
2import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
3import { ApolloLink, Observable } from 'apollo-link';
4import { print } from 'graphql';
5import { prioritize, mergeHeaders, fetch } from 'apollo-angular-link-http-common';
6import { extractFiles } from 'extract-files';
8// XXX find a better name for it
9class HttpLinkHandler extends ApolloLink {
10 constructor(httpClient, options) {
11 super();
12 this.httpClient = httpClient;
13 this.options = options;
14 this.requester = (operation) => new Observable((observer) => {
15 const context = operation.getContext();
16 // decides which value to pick, Context, Options or to just use the default
17 const pick = (key, init) => {
18 return prioritize(context[key], this.options[key], init);
19 };
20 const includeQuery = pick('includeQuery', true);
21 const includeExtensions = pick('includeExtensions', false);
22 const method = pick('method', 'POST');
23 const url = pick('uri', 'graphql');
24 const withCredentials = pick('withCredentials');
25 const useMultipart = pick('useMultipart');
26 const req = {
27 method,
28 url: typeof url === 'function' ? url(operation) : url,
29 body: {
30 operationName: operation.operationName,
31 variables: operation.variables,
32 },
33 options: {
34 withCredentials,
35 useMultipart,
36 headers: this.options.headers,
37 },
38 };
39 if (includeExtensions) {
40 req.body.extensions = operation.extensions;
41 }
42 if (includeQuery) {
43 req.body.query = print(operation.query);
44 }
45 if (context.headers) {
46 req.options.headers = mergeHeaders(req.options.headers, context.headers);
47 }
48 const sub = fetch(req, this.httpClient, extractFiles).subscribe({
49 next: (response) => {
50 operation.setContext({ response });
51 observer.next(response.body);
52 },
53 error: (err) => observer.error(err),
54 complete: () => observer.complete(),
55 });
56 return () => {
57 if (!sub.closed) {
58 sub.unsubscribe();
59 }
60 };
61 });
62 }
63 request(op) {
64 return this.requester(op);
65 }
67class HttpLink {
68 constructor(httpClient) {
69 this.httpClient = httpClient;
70 }
71 create(options) {
72 return new HttpLinkHandler(this.httpClient, options);
73 }
75HttpLink.decorators = [
76 { type: Injectable }
78HttpLink.ctorParameters = () => [
79 { type: HttpClient }
82const PROVIDERS = [HttpLink];
83class HttpLinkModule {
85HttpLinkModule.decorators = [
86 { type: NgModule, args: [{
87 providers: PROVIDERS,
88 },] }
92 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
93 */
95export { HttpLink, HttpLinkHandler, HttpLinkModule, PROVIDERS };
96//# sourceMappingURL=ngApolloLinkHttp.js.map