2.11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { FetchResult, Observable as LinkObservable } from '@apollo/client/core';
2import { ApolloTestingController, MatchOperation } from './controller';
3import { TestOperation, Operation } from './operation';
4import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
6 * A testing backend for `Apollo`.
7 *
8 * `ApolloTestingBackend` works by keeping a list of all open operations.
9 * As operations come in, they're added to the list. Users can assert that specific
10 * operations were made and then flush them. In the end, a verify() method asserts
11 * that no unexpected operations were made.
12 */
13export declare class ApolloTestingBackend implements ApolloTestingController {
14 /**
15 * List of pending operations which have not yet been expected.
16 */
17 private open;
18 /**
19 * Handle an incoming operation by queueing it in the list of open operations.
20 */
21 handle(op: Operation): LinkObservable<FetchResult>;
22 /**
23 * Helper function to search for operations in the list of open operations.
24 */
25 private _match;
26 private matchOp;
27 private compare;
28 /**
29 * Search for operations in the list of open operations, and return all that match
30 * without asserting anything about the number of matches.
31 */
32 match(match: MatchOperation): TestOperation[];
33 /**
34 * Expect that a single outstanding request matches the given matcher, and return
35 * it.
36 *
37 * operations returned through this API will no longer be in the list of open operations,
38 * and thus will not match twice.
39 */
40 expectOne(match: MatchOperation, description?: string): TestOperation;
41 /**
42 * Expect that no outstanding operations match the given matcher, and throw an error
43 * if any do.
44 */
45 expectNone(match: MatchOperation, description?: string): void;
46 /**
47 * Validate that there are no outstanding operations.
48 */
49 verify(): void;
50 private isDocumentNode;
51 private descriptionFromMatcher;
52 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ApolloTestingBackend, never>;
53 static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<ApolloTestingBackend>;