357 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('apollo-utilities'), require('zen-observable'), require('graphql/language/printer'), require('symbol-observable'), require('optimism'), require('graphql-anywhere/lib/async'), require('graphql-tag')) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'apollo-utilities', 'zen-observable', 'graphql/language/printer', 'symbol-observable', 'optimism', 'graphql-anywhere/lib/async', 'graphql-tag'], factory) :
4 (global = global || self, factory((global.apollo = global.apollo || {}, global.apollo.boost = {}), global.apolloUtilities, global.zenObservable, global.print, global.$$observable, global.optimism, global.graphqlAnywhere.async, global.gql));
5}(this, function (exports, apolloUtilities, zenObservable, printer, $$observable, optimism, Async, graphqlTag) { 'use strict';
7 zenObservable = zenObservable && zenObservable.hasOwnProperty('default') ? zenObservable['default'] : zenObservable;
8 $$observable = $$observable && $$observable.hasOwnProperty('default') ? $$observable['default'] : $$observable;
9 graphqlTag = graphqlTag && graphqlTag.hasOwnProperty('default') ? graphqlTag['default'] : graphqlTag;
11 /*! *****************************************************************************
12 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
13 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
14 this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
15 License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
22 See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
23 and limitations under the License.
24 ***************************************************************************** */
25 /* global Reflect, Promise */
27 var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
28 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
29 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
30 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
31 return extendStatics(d, b);
32 };
34 function __extends(d, b) {
35 extendStatics(d, b);
36 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
37 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
38 }
40 var __assign = function() {
41 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
42 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
43 s = arguments[i];
44 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
45 }
46 return t;
47 };
48 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
49 };
51 (function (NetworkStatus) {
52 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["loading"] = 1] = "loading";
53 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["setVariables"] = 2] = "setVariables";
54 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["fetchMore"] = 3] = "fetchMore";
55 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["refetch"] = 4] = "refetch";
56 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["poll"] = 6] = "poll";
57 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["ready"] = 7] = "ready";
58 NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["error"] = 8] = "error";
59 })(exports.NetworkStatus || (exports.NetworkStatus = {}));
60 function isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus) {
61 return networkStatus < 7;
62 }
64 /* tslint:disable */
65 var Observable = zenObservable;
67 var __extends$1 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
68 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
69 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
70 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
71 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
72 return extendStatics(d, b);
73 };
74 return function (d, b) {
75 extendStatics(d, b);
76 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
77 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
78 };
79 })();
80 var __assign$1 = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || function () {
81 __assign$1 = Object.assign || function(t) {
82 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
83 s = arguments[i];
84 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
85 t[p] = s[p];
86 }
87 return t;
88 };
89 return __assign$1.apply(this, arguments);
90 };
91 function validateOperation(operation) {
93 'query',
94 'operationName',
95 'variables',
96 'extensions',
97 'context',
98 ];
99 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(operation); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
100 var key = _a[_i];
101 if (OPERATION_FIELDS.indexOf(key) < 0) {
102 throw new Error("illegal argument: " + key);
103 }
104 }
105 return operation;
106 }
107 var LinkError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
108 __extends$1(LinkError, _super);
109 function LinkError(message, link) {
110 var _this = _super.call(this, message) || this;
111 _this.link = link;
112 return _this;
113 }
114 return LinkError;
115 }(Error));
116 function isTerminating(link) {
117 return link.request.length <= 1;
118 }
119 function transformOperation(operation) {
120 var transformedOperation = {
121 variables: operation.variables || {},
122 extensions: operation.extensions || {},
123 operationName: operation.operationName,
124 query: operation.query,
125 };
126 // best guess at an operation name
127 if (!transformedOperation.operationName) {
128 transformedOperation.operationName =
129 typeof transformedOperation.query !== 'string'
130 ? apolloUtilities.getOperationName(transformedOperation.query)
131 : '';
132 }
133 return transformedOperation;
134 }
135 function createOperation(starting, operation) {
136 var context = __assign$1({}, starting);
137 var setContext = function (next) {
138 if (typeof next === 'function') {
139 context = __assign$1({}, context, next(context));
140 }
141 else {
142 context = __assign$1({}, context, next);
143 }
144 };
145 var getContext = function () { return (__assign$1({}, context)); };
146 Object.defineProperty(operation, 'setContext', {
147 enumerable: false,
148 value: setContext,
149 });
150 Object.defineProperty(operation, 'getContext', {
151 enumerable: false,
152 value: getContext,
153 });
154 Object.defineProperty(operation, 'toKey', {
155 enumerable: false,
156 value: function () { return getKey(operation); },
157 });
158 return operation;
159 }
160 function getKey(operation) {
161 // XXX we're assuming here that variables will be serialized in the same order.
162 // that might not always be true
163 return printer.print(operation.query) + "|" + JSON.stringify(operation.variables) + "|" + operation.operationName;
164 }
166 var passthrough = function (op, forward) { return (forward ? forward(op) : Observable.of()); };
167 var toLink = function (handler) {
168 return typeof handler === 'function' ? new ApolloLink(handler) : handler;
169 };
170 var empty = function () {
171 return new ApolloLink(function (op, forward) { return Observable.of(); });
172 };
173 var from = function (links) {
174 if (links.length === 0)
175 return empty();
176 return links.map(toLink).reduce(function (x, y) { return x.concat(y); });
177 };
178 var split = function (test, left, right) {
179 if (right === void 0) { right = new ApolloLink(passthrough); }
180 var leftLink = toLink(left);
181 var rightLink = toLink(right);
182 if (isTerminating(leftLink) && isTerminating(rightLink)) {
183 return new ApolloLink(function (operation) {
184 return test(operation)
185 ? leftLink.request(operation) || Observable.of()
186 : rightLink.request(operation) || Observable.of();
187 });
188 }
189 else {
190 return new ApolloLink(function (operation, forward) {
191 return test(operation)
192 ? leftLink.request(operation, forward) || Observable.of()
193 : rightLink.request(operation, forward) || Observable.of();
194 });
195 }
196 };
197 // join two Links together
198 var concat = function (first, second) {
199 var firstLink = toLink(first);
200 if (isTerminating(firstLink)) {
201 console.warn(new LinkError("You are calling concat on a terminating link, which will have no effect", firstLink));
202 return firstLink;
203 }
204 var nextLink = toLink(second);
205 if (isTerminating(nextLink)) {
206 return new ApolloLink(function (operation) {
207 return firstLink.request(operation, function (op) { return nextLink.request(op) || Observable.of(); }) || Observable.of();
208 });
209 }
210 else {
211 return new ApolloLink(function (operation, forward) {
212 return (firstLink.request(operation, function (op) {
213 return nextLink.request(op, forward) || Observable.of();
214 }) || Observable.of());
215 });
216 }
217 };
218 var ApolloLink = /** @class */ (function () {
219 function ApolloLink(request) {
220 if (request)
221 this.request = request;
222 }
223 ApolloLink.prototype.split = function (test, left, right) {
224 if (right === void 0) { right = new ApolloLink(passthrough); }
225 return this.concat(split(test, left, right));
226 };
227 ApolloLink.prototype.concat = function (next) {
228 return concat(this, next);
229 };
230 ApolloLink.prototype.request = function (operation, forward) {
231 throw new Error('request is not implemented');
232 };
233 ApolloLink.empty = empty;
234 ApolloLink.from = from;
235 ApolloLink.split = split;
236 ApolloLink.execute = execute;
237 return ApolloLink;
238 }());
239 function execute(link, operation) {
240 return (link.request(createOperation(operation.context, transformOperation(validateOperation(operation)))) || Observable.of());
241 }
243 var Observable$1 = (function (_super) {
244 __extends(Observable$$1, _super);
245 function Observable$$1() {
246 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
247 }
248 Observable$$1.prototype[$$observable] = function () {
249 return this;
250 };
251 Observable$$1.prototype['@@observable'] = function () {
252 return this;
253 };
254 return Observable$$1;
255 }(Observable));
257 function isApolloError(err) {
258 return err.hasOwnProperty('graphQLErrors');
259 }
260 var generateErrorMessage = function (err) {
261 var message = '';
262 if (Array.isArray(err.graphQLErrors) && err.graphQLErrors.length !== 0) {
263 err.graphQLErrors.forEach(function (graphQLError) {
264 var errorMessage = graphQLError
265 ? graphQLError.message
266 : 'Error message not found.';
267 message += "GraphQL error: " + errorMessage + "\n";
268 });
269 }
270 if (err.networkError) {
271 message += 'Network error: ' + err.networkError.message + '\n';
272 }
273 message = message.replace(/\n$/, '');
274 return message;
275 };
276 var ApolloError = (function (_super) {
277 __extends(ApolloError, _super);
278 function ApolloError(_a) {
279 var graphQLErrors = _a.graphQLErrors, networkError = _a.networkError, errorMessage = _a.errorMessage, extraInfo = _a.extraInfo;
280 var _this = _super.call(this, errorMessage) || this;
281 _this.graphQLErrors = graphQLErrors || [];
282 _this.networkError = networkError || null;
283 if (!errorMessage) {
284 _this.message = generateErrorMessage(_this);
285 }
286 else {
287 _this.message = errorMessage;
288 }
289 _this.extraInfo = extraInfo;
290 _this.__proto__ = ApolloError.prototype;
291 return _this;
292 }
293 return ApolloError;
294 }(Error));
296 (function (FetchType) {
297 FetchType[FetchType["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
298 FetchType[FetchType["refetch"] = 2] = "refetch";
299 FetchType[FetchType["poll"] = 3] = "poll";
300 })(exports.FetchType || (exports.FetchType = {}));
302 var hasError = function (storeValue, policy) {
303 if (policy === void 0) { policy = 'none'; }
304 return storeValue &&
305 ((storeValue.graphQLErrors &&
306 storeValue.graphQLErrors.length > 0 &&
307 policy === 'none') ||
308 storeValue.networkError);
309 };
310 var ObservableQuery = (function (_super) {
311 __extends(ObservableQuery, _super);
312 function ObservableQuery(_a) {
313 var queryManager = _a.queryManager, options = _a.options, _b = _a.shouldSubscribe, shouldSubscribe = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
314 var _this = _super.call(this, function (observer) {
315 return _this.onSubscribe(observer);
316 }) || this;
317 _this.isTornDown = false;
318 _this.options = options;
319 _this.variables = options.variables || {};
320 _this.queryId = queryManager.generateQueryId();
321 _this.shouldSubscribe = shouldSubscribe;
322 _this.queryManager = queryManager;
323 _this.observers = [];
324 _this.subscriptionHandles = [];
325 return _this;
326 }
327 ObservableQuery.prototype.result = function () {
328 var that = this;
329 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
330 var subscription;
331 var observer = {
332 next: function (result) {
333 resolve(result);
334 if (!that.observers.some(function (obs) { return obs !== observer; })) {
335 that.queryManager.removeQuery(that.queryId);
336 }
337 setTimeout(function () {
338 subscription.unsubscribe();
339 }, 0);
340 },
341 error: function (error) {
342 reject(error);
343 },
344 };
345 subscription = that.subscribe(observer);
346 });
347 };
348 ObservableQuery.prototype.currentResult = function () {
349 if (this.isTornDown) {
350 return {
351 data: this.lastError ? {} : this.lastResult ? this.lastResult.data : {},
352 error: this.lastError,
353 loading: false,
354 networkStatus: exports.NetworkStatus.error,
355 };
356 }
357 var queryStoreValue = this.queryManager.queryStore.get(this.queryId);
358 if (hasError(queryStoreValue, this.options.errorPolicy)) {
359 return {
360 data: {},
361 loading: false,
362 networkStatus: queryStoreValue.networkStatus,
363 error: new ApolloError({
364 graphQLErrors: queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors,
365 networkError: queryStoreValue.networkError,
366 }),
367 };
368 }
369 var _a = this.queryManager.getCurrentQueryResult(this), data = _a.data, partial = _a.partial;
370 var queryLoading = !queryStoreValue ||
371 queryStoreValue.networkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.loading;
372 var loading = (this.options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only' && queryLoading) ||
373 (partial && this.options.fetchPolicy !== 'cache-only');
374 var networkStatus;
375 if (queryStoreValue) {
376 networkStatus = queryStoreValue.networkStatus;
377 }
378 else {
379 networkStatus = loading ? exports.NetworkStatus.loading : exports.NetworkStatus.ready;
380 }
381 var result = {
382 data: data,
383 loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus),
384 networkStatus: networkStatus,
385 };
386 if (queryStoreValue &&
387 queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors &&
388 this.options.errorPolicy === 'all') {
389 result.errors = queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors;
390 }
391 if (!partial) {
392 this.lastResult = __assign({}, result, { stale: false });
393 this.lastResultSnapshot = apolloUtilities.cloneDeep(this.lastResult);
394 }
395 return __assign({}, result, { partial: partial });
396 };
397 ObservableQuery.prototype.isDifferentFromLastResult = function (newResult) {
398 var snapshot = this.lastResultSnapshot;
399 return !(snapshot &&
400 newResult &&
401 snapshot.networkStatus === newResult.networkStatus &&
402 snapshot.stale === newResult.stale &&
403 apolloUtilities.isEqual(snapshot.data, newResult.data));
404 };
405 ObservableQuery.prototype.getLastResult = function () {
406 return this.lastResult;
407 };
408 ObservableQuery.prototype.getLastError = function () {
409 return this.lastError;
410 };
411 ObservableQuery.prototype.resetLastResults = function () {
412 delete this.lastResult;
413 delete this.lastResultSnapshot;
414 delete this.lastError;
415 this.isTornDown = false;
416 };
417 ObservableQuery.prototype.refetch = function (variables) {
418 var fetchPolicy = this.options.fetchPolicy;
419 if (fetchPolicy === 'cache-only') {
420 return Promise.reject(new Error('cache-only fetchPolicy option should not be used together with query refetch.'));
421 }
422 if (!apolloUtilities.isEqual(this.variables, variables)) {
423 this.variables = Object.assign({}, this.variables, variables);
424 }
425 if (!apolloUtilities.isEqual(this.options.variables, this.variables)) {
426 this.options.variables = Object.assign({}, this.options.variables, this.variables);
427 }
428 var isNetworkFetchPolicy = fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache';
429 var combinedOptions = __assign({}, this.options, { fetchPolicy: isNetworkFetchPolicy ? fetchPolicy : 'network-only' });
430 return this.queryManager
431 .fetchQuery(this.queryId, combinedOptions, exports.FetchType.refetch)
432 .then(function (result) { return result; });
433 };
434 ObservableQuery.prototype.fetchMore = function (fetchMoreOptions) {
435 var _this = this;
436 if (!fetchMoreOptions.updateQuery) {
437 throw new Error('updateQuery option is required. This function defines how to update the query data with the new results.');
438 }
439 var combinedOptions;
440 return Promise.resolve()
441 .then(function () {
442 var qid = _this.queryManager.generateQueryId();
443 if (fetchMoreOptions.query) {
444 combinedOptions = fetchMoreOptions;
445 }
446 else {
447 combinedOptions = __assign({}, _this.options, fetchMoreOptions, { variables: Object.assign({}, _this.variables, fetchMoreOptions.variables) });
448 }
449 combinedOptions.fetchPolicy = 'network-only';
450 return _this.queryManager.fetchQuery(qid, combinedOptions, exports.FetchType.normal, _this.queryId);
451 })
452 .then(function (fetchMoreResult) {
453 _this.updateQuery(function (previousResult) {
454 return fetchMoreOptions.updateQuery(previousResult, {
455 fetchMoreResult: fetchMoreResult.data,
456 variables: combinedOptions.variables,
457 });
458 });
459 return fetchMoreResult;
460 });
461 };
462 ObservableQuery.prototype.subscribeToMore = function (options) {
463 var _this = this;
464 var subscription = this.queryManager
465 .startGraphQLSubscription({
466 query: options.document,
467 variables: options.variables,
468 })
469 .subscribe({
470 next: function (subscriptionData) {
471 if (options.updateQuery) {
472 _this.updateQuery(function (previous, _a) {
473 var variables = _a.variables;
474 return options.updateQuery(previous, {
475 subscriptionData: subscriptionData,
476 variables: variables,
477 });
478 });
479 }
480 },
481 error: function (err) {
482 if (options.onError) {
483 options.onError(err);
484 return;
485 }
486 console.error('Unhandled GraphQL subscription error', err);
487 },
488 });
489 this.subscriptionHandles.push(subscription);
490 return function () {
491 var i = _this.subscriptionHandles.indexOf(subscription);
492 if (i >= 0) {
493 _this.subscriptionHandles.splice(i, 1);
494 subscription.unsubscribe();
495 }
496 };
497 };
498 ObservableQuery.prototype.setOptions = function (opts) {
499 var oldOptions = this.options;
500 this.options = Object.assign({}, this.options, opts);
501 if (opts.pollInterval) {
502 this.startPolling(opts.pollInterval);
503 }
504 else if (opts.pollInterval === 0) {
505 this.stopPolling();
506 }
507 var tryFetch = (oldOptions.fetchPolicy !== 'network-only' &&
508 opts.fetchPolicy === 'network-only') ||
509 (oldOptions.fetchPolicy === 'cache-only' &&
510 opts.fetchPolicy !== 'cache-only') ||
511 (oldOptions.fetchPolicy === 'standby' &&
512 opts.fetchPolicy !== 'standby') ||
513 false;
514 return this.setVariables(this.options.variables, tryFetch, opts.fetchResults);
515 };
516 ObservableQuery.prototype.setVariables = function (variables, tryFetch, fetchResults) {
517 if (tryFetch === void 0) { tryFetch = false; }
518 if (fetchResults === void 0) { fetchResults = true; }
519 this.isTornDown = false;
520 var newVariables = variables ? variables : this.variables;
521 if (apolloUtilities.isEqual(newVariables, this.variables) && !tryFetch) {
522 if (this.observers.length === 0 || !fetchResults) {
523 return new Promise(function (resolve) { return resolve(); });
524 }
525 return this.result();
526 }
527 else {
528 this.variables = newVariables;
529 this.options.variables = newVariables;
530 if (this.observers.length === 0) {
531 return new Promise(function (resolve) { return resolve(); });
532 }
533 return this.queryManager
534 .fetchQuery(this.queryId, __assign({}, this.options, { variables: this.variables }))
535 .then(function (result) { return result; });
536 }
537 };
538 ObservableQuery.prototype.updateQuery = function (mapFn) {
539 var _a = this.queryManager.getQueryWithPreviousResult(this.queryId), previousResult = _a.previousResult, variables = _a.variables, document = _a.document;
540 var newResult = apolloUtilities.tryFunctionOrLogError(function () {
541 return mapFn(previousResult, { variables: variables });
542 });
543 if (newResult) {
544 this.queryManager.dataStore.markUpdateQueryResult(document, variables, newResult);
545 this.queryManager.broadcastQueries();
546 }
547 };
548 ObservableQuery.prototype.stopPolling = function () {
549 this.queryManager.stopPollingQuery(this.queryId);
550 this.options.pollInterval = undefined;
551 };
552 ObservableQuery.prototype.startPolling = function (pollInterval) {
553 if (this.options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-first' ||
554 this.options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-only') {
555 throw new Error('Queries that specify the cache-first and cache-only fetchPolicies cannot also be polling queries.');
556 }
557 this.options.pollInterval = pollInterval;
558 this.queryManager.startPollingQuery(this.options, this.queryId);
559 };
560 ObservableQuery.prototype.onSubscribe = function (observer) {
561 var _this = this;
562 if (observer._subscription &&
563 observer._subscription._observer &&
564 !observer._subscription._observer.error) {
565 observer._subscription._observer.error = function (error) {
566 console.error('Unhandled error', error.message, error.stack);
567 };
568 }
569 this.observers.push(observer);
570 if (observer.next && this.lastResult)
571 observer.next(this.lastResult);
572 if (observer.error && this.lastError)
573 observer.error(this.lastError);
574 if (this.observers.length === 1)
575 this.setUpQuery();
576 return function () {
577 _this.observers = _this.observers.filter(function (obs) { return obs !== observer; });
578 if (_this.observers.length === 0) {
579 _this.tearDownQuery();
580 }
581 };
582 };
583 ObservableQuery.prototype.setUpQuery = function () {
584 var _this = this;
585 if (this.shouldSubscribe) {
586 this.queryManager.addObservableQuery(this.queryId, this);
587 }
588 if (!!this.options.pollInterval) {
589 if (this.options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-first' ||
590 this.options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-only') {
591 throw new Error('Queries that specify the cache-first and cache-only fetchPolicies cannot also be polling queries.');
592 }
593 this.queryManager.startPollingQuery(this.options, this.queryId);
594 }
595 var observer = {
596 next: function (result) {
597 _this.lastResult = result;
598 _this.lastResultSnapshot = apolloUtilities.cloneDeep(result);
599 _this.observers.forEach(function (obs) { return obs.next && obs.next(result); });
600 },
601 error: function (error) {
602 _this.lastError = error;
603 _this.observers.forEach(function (obs) { return obs.error && obs.error(error); });
604 },
605 };
606 this.queryManager.startQuery(this.queryId, this.options, this.queryManager.queryListenerForObserver(this.queryId, this.options, observer));
607 };
608 ObservableQuery.prototype.tearDownQuery = function () {
609 this.isTornDown = true;
610 this.queryManager.stopPollingQuery(this.queryId);
611 this.subscriptionHandles.forEach(function (sub) { return sub.unsubscribe(); });
612 this.subscriptionHandles = [];
613 this.queryManager.removeObservableQuery(this.queryId);
614 this.queryManager.stopQuery(this.queryId);
615 this.observers = [];
616 };
617 return ObservableQuery;
618 }(Observable$1));
620 var __extends$2 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
621 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
622 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
623 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
624 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
625 return extendStatics(d, b);
626 };
627 return function (d, b) {
628 extendStatics(d, b);
629 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
630 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
631 };
632 })();
633 /*
634 * Expects context to contain the forceFetch field if no dedup
635 */
636 var DedupLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
637 __extends$2(DedupLink, _super);
638 function DedupLink() {
639 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
640 _this.inFlightRequestObservables = new Map();
641 _this.subscribers = new Map();
642 return _this;
643 }
644 DedupLink.prototype.request = function (operation, forward) {
645 var _this = this;
646 // sometimes we might not want to deduplicate a request, for example when we want to force fetch it.
647 if (operation.getContext().forceFetch) {
648 return forward(operation);
649 }
650 var key = operation.toKey();
651 var cleanup = function (operationKey) {
652 _this.inFlightRequestObservables.delete(operationKey);
653 var prev = _this.subscribers.get(operationKey);
654 return prev;
655 };
656 if (!this.inFlightRequestObservables.get(key)) {
657 // this is a new request, i.e. we haven't deduplicated it yet
658 // call the next link
659 var singleObserver_1 = forward(operation);
660 var subscription_1;
661 var sharedObserver = new Observable(function (observer) {
662 // this will still be called by each subscriber regardless of
663 // deduplication status
664 var prev = _this.subscribers.get(key);
665 if (!prev)
666 prev = { next: [], error: [], complete: [] };
667 _this.subscribers.set(key, {
668 next: prev.next.concat([observer.next.bind(observer)]),
669 error: prev.error.concat([observer.error.bind(observer)]),
670 complete: prev.complete.concat([observer.complete.bind(observer)]),
671 });
672 if (!subscription_1) {
673 subscription_1 = singleObserver_1.subscribe({
674 next: function (result) {
675 var previous = cleanup(key);
676 _this.subscribers.delete(key);
677 if (previous) {
678 previous.next.forEach(function (next) { return next(result); });
679 previous.complete.forEach(function (complete) { return complete(); });
680 }
681 },
682 error: function (error) {
683 var previous = cleanup(key);
684 _this.subscribers.delete(key);
685 if (previous)
686 previous.error.forEach(function (err) { return err(error); });
687 },
688 });
689 }
690 return function () {
691 if (subscription_1)
692 subscription_1.unsubscribe();
693 _this.inFlightRequestObservables.delete(key);
694 };
695 });
696 this.inFlightRequestObservables.set(key, sharedObserver);
697 }
698 // return shared Observable
699 return this.inFlightRequestObservables.get(key);
700 };
701 return DedupLink;
702 }(ApolloLink));
704 var MutationStore = (function () {
705 function MutationStore() {
706 this.store = {};
707 }
708 MutationStore.prototype.getStore = function () {
709 return this.store;
710 };
711 MutationStore.prototype.get = function (mutationId) {
712 return this.store[mutationId];
713 };
714 MutationStore.prototype.initMutation = function (mutationId, mutation, variables) {
715 this.store[mutationId] = {
716 mutation: mutation,
717 variables: variables || {},
718 loading: true,
719 error: null,
720 };
721 };
722 MutationStore.prototype.markMutationError = function (mutationId, error) {
723 var mutation = this.store[mutationId];
724 if (!mutation) {
725 return;
726 }
727 mutation.loading = false;
728 mutation.error = error;
729 };
730 MutationStore.prototype.markMutationResult = function (mutationId) {
731 var mutation = this.store[mutationId];
732 if (!mutation) {
733 return;
734 }
735 mutation.loading = false;
736 mutation.error = null;
737 };
738 MutationStore.prototype.reset = function () {
739 this.store = {};
740 };
741 return MutationStore;
742 }());
744 var QueryStore = (function () {
745 function QueryStore() {
746 this.store = {};
747 }
748 QueryStore.prototype.getStore = function () {
749 return this.store;
750 };
751 QueryStore.prototype.get = function (queryId) {
752 return this.store[queryId];
753 };
754 QueryStore.prototype.initQuery = function (query) {
755 var previousQuery = this.store[query.queryId];
756 if (previousQuery &&
757 previousQuery.document !== query.document &&
758 !apolloUtilities.isEqual(previousQuery.document, query.document)) {
759 throw new Error('Internal Error: may not update existing query string in store');
760 }
761 var isSetVariables = false;
762 var previousVariables = null;
763 if (query.storePreviousVariables &&
764 previousQuery &&
765 previousQuery.networkStatus !== exports.NetworkStatus.loading) {
766 if (!apolloUtilities.isEqual(previousQuery.variables, query.variables)) {
767 isSetVariables = true;
768 previousVariables = previousQuery.variables;
769 }
770 }
771 var networkStatus;
772 if (isSetVariables) {
773 networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.setVariables;
774 }
775 else if (query.isPoll) {
776 networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.poll;
777 }
778 else if (query.isRefetch) {
779 networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.refetch;
780 }
781 else {
782 networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.loading;
783 }
784 var graphQLErrors = [];
785 if (previousQuery && previousQuery.graphQLErrors) {
786 graphQLErrors = previousQuery.graphQLErrors;
787 }
788 this.store[query.queryId] = {
789 document: query.document,
790 variables: query.variables,
791 previousVariables: previousVariables,
792 networkError: null,
793 graphQLErrors: graphQLErrors,
794 networkStatus: networkStatus,
795 metadata: query.metadata,
796 };
797 if (typeof query.fetchMoreForQueryId === 'string' &&
798 this.store[query.fetchMoreForQueryId]) {
799 this.store[query.fetchMoreForQueryId].networkStatus =
800 exports.NetworkStatus.fetchMore;
801 }
802 };
803 QueryStore.prototype.markQueryResult = function (queryId, result, fetchMoreForQueryId) {
804 if (!this.store || !this.store[queryId])
805 return;
806 this.store[queryId].networkError = null;
807 this.store[queryId].graphQLErrors =
808 result.errors && result.errors.length ? result.errors : [];
809 this.store[queryId].previousVariables = null;
810 this.store[queryId].networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.ready;
811 if (typeof fetchMoreForQueryId === 'string' &&
812 this.store[fetchMoreForQueryId]) {
813 this.store[fetchMoreForQueryId].networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.ready;
814 }
815 };
816 QueryStore.prototype.markQueryError = function (queryId, error, fetchMoreForQueryId) {
817 if (!this.store || !this.store[queryId])
818 return;
819 this.store[queryId].networkError = error;
820 this.store[queryId].networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.error;
821 if (typeof fetchMoreForQueryId === 'string') {
822 this.markQueryResultClient(fetchMoreForQueryId, true);
823 }
824 };
825 QueryStore.prototype.markQueryResultClient = function (queryId, complete) {
826 if (!this.store || !this.store[queryId])
827 return;
828 this.store[queryId].networkError = null;
829 this.store[queryId].previousVariables = null;
830 this.store[queryId].networkStatus = complete
831 ? exports.NetworkStatus.ready
832 : exports.NetworkStatus.loading;
833 };
834 QueryStore.prototype.stopQuery = function (queryId) {
835 delete this.store[queryId];
836 };
837 QueryStore.prototype.reset = function (observableQueryIds) {
838 var _this = this;
839 this.store = Object.keys(this.store)
840 .filter(function (queryId) {
841 return observableQueryIds.indexOf(queryId) > -1;
842 })
843 .reduce(function (res, key) {
844 res[key] = __assign({}, _this.store[key], { networkStatus: exports.NetworkStatus.loading });
845 return res;
846 }, {});
847 };
848 return QueryStore;
849 }());
851 var QueryManager = (function () {
852 function QueryManager(_a) {
853 var link = _a.link, _b = _a.queryDeduplication, queryDeduplication = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, store = _a.store, _c = _a.onBroadcast, onBroadcast = _c === void 0 ? function () { return undefined; } : _c, _d = _a.ssrMode, ssrMode = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, _e = _a.clientAwareness, clientAwareness = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e;
854 this.mutationStore = new MutationStore();
855 this.queryStore = new QueryStore();
856 this.clientAwareness = {};
857 this.idCounter = 1;
858 this.queries = new Map();
859 this.fetchQueryRejectFns = new Set();
860 this.queryIdsByName = {};
861 this.pollingInfoByQueryId = new Map();
862 this.nextPoll = null;
863 this.link = link;
864 this.deduplicator = ApolloLink.from([new DedupLink(), link]);
865 this.queryDeduplication = queryDeduplication;
866 this.dataStore = store;
867 this.onBroadcast = onBroadcast;
868 this.clientAwareness = clientAwareness;
869 this.ssrMode = ssrMode;
870 }
871 QueryManager.prototype.mutate = function (_a) {
872 var _this = this;
873 var mutation = _a.mutation, variables = _a.variables, optimisticResponse = _a.optimisticResponse, updateQueriesByName = _a.updateQueries, _b = _a.refetchQueries, refetchQueries = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, _c = _a.awaitRefetchQueries, awaitRefetchQueries = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, updateWithProxyFn = _a.update, _d = _a.errorPolicy, errorPolicy = _d === void 0 ? 'none' : _d, fetchPolicy = _a.fetchPolicy, _e = _a.context, context = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e;
874 if (!mutation) {
875 throw new Error('mutation option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document in the mutation option.');
876 }
877 if (fetchPolicy && fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {
878 throw new Error("fetchPolicy for mutations currently only supports the 'no-cache' policy");
879 }
880 var mutationId = this.generateQueryId();
881 var cache = this.dataStore.getCache();
882 (mutation = cache.transformDocument(mutation)),
883 (variables = apolloUtilities.assign({}, apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues(apolloUtilities.getMutationDefinition(mutation)), variables));
884 this.setQuery(mutationId, function () { return ({ document: mutation }); });
885 var generateUpdateQueriesInfo = function () {
886 var ret = {};
887 if (updateQueriesByName) {
888 Object.keys(updateQueriesByName).forEach(function (queryName) {
889 return (_this.queryIdsByName[queryName] || []).forEach(function (queryId) {
890 ret[queryId] = {
891 updater: updateQueriesByName[queryName],
892 query: _this.queryStore.get(queryId),
893 };
894 });
895 });
896 }
897 return ret;
898 };
899 this.mutationStore.initMutation(mutationId, mutation, variables);
900 this.dataStore.markMutationInit({
901 mutationId: mutationId,
902 document: mutation,
903 variables: variables || {},
904 updateQueries: generateUpdateQueriesInfo(),
905 update: updateWithProxyFn,
906 optimisticResponse: optimisticResponse,
907 });
908 this.broadcastQueries();
909 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
910 var storeResult;
911 var error;
912 var operation = _this.buildOperationForLink(mutation, variables, __assign({}, context, { optimisticResponse: optimisticResponse }));
913 var completeMutation = function () {
914 if (error) {
915 _this.mutationStore.markMutationError(mutationId, error);
916 }
917 _this.dataStore.markMutationComplete({
918 mutationId: mutationId,
919 optimisticResponse: optimisticResponse,
920 });
921 _this.broadcastQueries();
922 if (error) {
923 return Promise.reject(error);
924 }
925 if (typeof refetchQueries === 'function') {
926 refetchQueries = refetchQueries(storeResult);
927 }
928 var refetchQueryPromises = [];
929 for (var _i = 0, refetchQueries_1 = refetchQueries; _i < refetchQueries_1.length; _i++) {
930 var refetchQuery = refetchQueries_1[_i];
931 if (typeof refetchQuery === 'string') {
932 var promise = _this.refetchQueryByName(refetchQuery);
933 if (promise) {
934 refetchQueryPromises.push(promise);
935 }
936 continue;
937 }
938 var queryOptions = {
939 query: refetchQuery.query,
940 variables: refetchQuery.variables,
941 fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
942 };
943 if (refetchQuery.context) {
944 queryOptions.context = refetchQuery.context;
945 }
946 refetchQueryPromises.push(_this.query(queryOptions));
947 }
948 return Promise.all(awaitRefetchQueries ? refetchQueryPromises : []).then(function () {
949 _this.setQuery(mutationId, function () { return ({ document: undefined }); });
950 if (errorPolicy === 'ignore' &&
951 storeResult &&
952 apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(storeResult)) {
953 delete storeResult.errors;
954 }
955 return storeResult;
956 });
957 };
958 execute(_this.link, operation).subscribe({
959 next: function (result) {
960 if (apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(result) && errorPolicy === 'none') {
961 error = new ApolloError({
962 graphQLErrors: result.errors,
963 });
964 return;
965 }
966 _this.mutationStore.markMutationResult(mutationId);
967 if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {
968 _this.dataStore.markMutationResult({
969 mutationId: mutationId,
970 result: result,
971 document: mutation,
972 variables: variables || {},
973 updateQueries: generateUpdateQueriesInfo(),
974 update: updateWithProxyFn,
975 });
976 }
977 storeResult = result;
978 },
979 error: function (err) {
980 _this.mutationStore.markMutationError(mutationId, err);
981 _this.dataStore.markMutationComplete({
982 mutationId: mutationId,
983 optimisticResponse: optimisticResponse,
984 });
985 _this.broadcastQueries();
986 _this.setQuery(mutationId, function () { return ({ document: undefined }); });
987 reject(new ApolloError({
988 networkError: err,
989 }));
990 },
991 complete: function () { return completeMutation().then(resolve, reject); },
992 });
993 });
994 };
995 QueryManager.prototype.fetchQuery = function (queryId, options, fetchType, fetchMoreForQueryId) {
996 var _this = this;
997 var _a = options.variables, variables = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, _b = options.metadata, metadata = _b === void 0 ? null : _b, _c = options.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _c === void 0 ? 'cache-first' : _c;
998 var cache = this.dataStore.getCache();
999 var query = cache.transformDocument(options.query);
1000 var storeResult;
1001 var needToFetch = fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache';
1002 if (fetchType !== exports.FetchType.refetch &&
1003 fetchPolicy !== 'network-only' &&
1004 fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {
1005 var _d = this.dataStore.getCache().diff({
1006 query: query,
1007 variables: variables,
1008 returnPartialData: true,
1009 optimistic: false,
1010 }), complete = _d.complete, result = _d.result;
1011 needToFetch = !complete || fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network';
1012 storeResult = result;
1013 }
1014 var shouldFetch = needToFetch && fetchPolicy !== 'cache-only' && fetchPolicy !== 'standby';
1015 if (apolloUtilities.hasDirectives(['live'], query))
1016 shouldFetch = true;
1017 var requestId = this.generateRequestId();
1018 var cancel = this.updateQueryWatch(queryId, query, options);
1019 this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({
1020 document: query,
1021 lastRequestId: requestId,
1022 invalidated: true,
1023 cancel: cancel,
1024 }); });
1025 this.invalidate(true, fetchMoreForQueryId);
1026 this.queryStore.initQuery({
1027 queryId: queryId,
1028 document: query,
1029 storePreviousVariables: shouldFetch,
1030 variables: variables,
1031 isPoll: fetchType === exports.FetchType.poll,
1032 isRefetch: fetchType === exports.FetchType.refetch,
1033 metadata: metadata,
1034 fetchMoreForQueryId: fetchMoreForQueryId,
1035 });
1036 this.broadcastQueries();
1037 var shouldDispatchClientResult = !shouldFetch || fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network';
1038 if (shouldDispatchClientResult) {
1039 this.queryStore.markQueryResultClient(queryId, !shouldFetch);
1040 this.invalidate(true, queryId, fetchMoreForQueryId);
1041 this.broadcastQueries();
1042 }
1043 if (shouldFetch) {
1044 var networkResult = this.fetchRequest({
1045 requestId: requestId,
1046 queryId: queryId,
1047 document: query,
1048 options: options,
1049 fetchMoreForQueryId: fetchMoreForQueryId,
1050 }).catch(function (error) {
1051 if (isApolloError(error)) {
1052 throw error;
1053 }
1054 else {
1055 var lastRequestId = _this.getQuery(queryId).lastRequestId;
1056 if (requestId >= (lastRequestId || 1)) {
1057 _this.queryStore.markQueryError(queryId, error, fetchMoreForQueryId);
1058 _this.invalidate(true, queryId, fetchMoreForQueryId);
1059 _this.broadcastQueries();
1060 }
1061 throw new ApolloError({ networkError: error });
1062 }
1063 });
1064 if (fetchPolicy !== 'cache-and-network') {
1065 return networkResult;
1066 }
1067 else {
1068 networkResult.catch(function () { });
1069 }
1070 }
1071 return Promise.resolve({ data: storeResult });
1072 };
1073 QueryManager.prototype.queryListenerForObserver = function (queryId, options, observer) {
1074 var _this = this;
1075 var previouslyHadError = false;
1076 return function (queryStoreValue, newData) {
1077 _this.invalidate(false, queryId);
1078 if (!queryStoreValue)
1079 return;
1080 var observableQuery = _this.getQuery(queryId).observableQuery;
1081 var fetchPolicy = observableQuery
1082 ? observableQuery.options.fetchPolicy
1083 : options.fetchPolicy;
1084 if (fetchPolicy === 'standby')
1085 return;
1086 var errorPolicy = observableQuery
1087 ? observableQuery.options.errorPolicy
1088 : options.errorPolicy;
1089 var lastResult = observableQuery
1090 ? observableQuery.getLastResult()
1091 : null;
1092 var lastError = observableQuery ? observableQuery.getLastError() : null;
1093 var shouldNotifyIfLoading = (!newData && queryStoreValue.previousVariables != null) ||
1094 fetchPolicy === 'cache-only' ||
1095 fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network';
1096 var networkStatusChanged = Boolean(lastResult &&
1097 queryStoreValue.networkStatus !== lastResult.networkStatus);
1098 var errorStatusChanged = errorPolicy &&
1099 (lastError && lastError.graphQLErrors) !==
1100 queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors &&
1101 errorPolicy !== 'none';
1102 if (!isNetworkRequestInFlight(queryStoreValue.networkStatus) ||
1103 (networkStatusChanged && options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange) ||
1104 shouldNotifyIfLoading) {
1105 if (((!errorPolicy || errorPolicy === 'none') &&
1106 queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors &&
1107 queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors.length > 0) ||
1108 queryStoreValue.networkError) {
1109 var apolloError_1 = new ApolloError({
1110 graphQLErrors: queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors,
1111 networkError: queryStoreValue.networkError,
1112 });
1113 previouslyHadError = true;
1114 if (observer.error) {
1115 try {
1116 observer.error(apolloError_1);
1117 }
1118 catch (e) {
1119 setTimeout(function () {
1120 throw e;
1121 }, 0);
1122 }
1123 }
1124 else {
1125 setTimeout(function () {
1126 throw apolloError_1;
1127 }, 0);
1128 if (!apolloUtilities.isProduction()) {
1129 console.info('An unhandled error was thrown because no error handler is registered ' +
1130 'for the query ' +
1131 JSON.stringify(queryStoreValue.document));
1132 }
1133 }
1134 return;
1135 }
1136 try {
1137 var data = void 0;
1138 var isMissing = void 0;
1139 if (newData) {
1140 if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {
1141 _this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({ newData: null }); });
1142 }
1143 data = newData.result;
1144 isMissing = !newData.complete || false;
1145 }
1146 else {
1147 if (lastResult && lastResult.data && !errorStatusChanged) {
1148 data = lastResult.data;
1149 isMissing = false;
1150 }
1151 else {
1152 var document_1 = _this.getQuery(queryId).document;
1153 var readResult = _this.dataStore.getCache().diff({
1154 query: document_1,
1155 variables: queryStoreValue.previousVariables ||
1156 queryStoreValue.variables,
1157 optimistic: true,
1158 });
1159 data = readResult.result;
1160 isMissing = !readResult.complete;
1161 }
1162 }
1163 var resultFromStore = void 0;
1164 if (isMissing && fetchPolicy !== 'cache-only') {
1165 resultFromStore = {
1166 data: lastResult && lastResult.data,
1167 loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(queryStoreValue.networkStatus),
1168 networkStatus: queryStoreValue.networkStatus,
1169 stale: true,
1170 };
1171 }
1172 else {
1173 resultFromStore = {
1174 data: data,
1175 loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(queryStoreValue.networkStatus),
1176 networkStatus: queryStoreValue.networkStatus,
1177 stale: false,
1178 };
1179 }
1180 if (errorPolicy === 'all' &&
1181 queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors &&
1182 queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors.length > 0) {
1183 resultFromStore.errors = queryStoreValue.graphQLErrors;
1184 }
1185 if (observer.next) {
1186 if (previouslyHadError ||
1187 !observableQuery ||
1188 observableQuery.isDifferentFromLastResult(resultFromStore)) {
1189 try {
1190 observer.next(resultFromStore);
1191 }
1192 catch (e) {
1193 setTimeout(function () {
1194 throw e;
1195 }, 0);
1196 }
1197 }
1198 }
1199 previouslyHadError = false;
1200 }
1201 catch (error) {
1202 previouslyHadError = true;
1203 if (observer.error)
1204 observer.error(new ApolloError({ networkError: error }));
1205 return;
1206 }
1207 }
1208 };
1209 };
1210 QueryManager.prototype.watchQuery = function (options, shouldSubscribe) {
1211 if (shouldSubscribe === void 0) { shouldSubscribe = true; }
1212 if (options.fetchPolicy === 'standby') {
1213 throw new Error('client.watchQuery cannot be called with fetchPolicy set to "standby"');
1214 }
1215 var queryDefinition = apolloUtilities.getQueryDefinition(options.query);
1216 if (queryDefinition.variableDefinitions &&
1217 queryDefinition.variableDefinitions.length) {
1218 var defaultValues = apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues(queryDefinition);
1219 options.variables = apolloUtilities.assign({}, defaultValues, options.variables);
1220 }
1221 if (typeof options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange === 'undefined') {
1222 options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = false;
1223 }
1224 var transformedOptions = __assign({}, options);
1225 return new ObservableQuery({
1226 queryManager: this,
1227 options: transformedOptions,
1228 shouldSubscribe: shouldSubscribe,
1229 });
1230 };
1231 QueryManager.prototype.query = function (options) {
1232 var _this = this;
1233 if (!options.query) {
1234 throw new Error('query option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document ' +
1235 'in the query option.');
1236 }
1237 if (options.query.kind !== 'Document') {
1238 throw new Error('You must wrap the query string in a "gql" tag.');
1239 }
1240 if (options.returnPartialData) {
1241 throw new Error('returnPartialData option only supported on watchQuery.');
1242 }
1243 if (options.pollInterval) {
1244 throw new Error('pollInterval option only supported on watchQuery.');
1245 }
1246 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
1247 _this.fetchQueryRejectFns.add(reject);
1248 _this.watchQuery(options, false)
1249 .result()
1250 .then(resolve, reject)
1251 .then(function () { return _this.fetchQueryRejectFns.delete(reject); });
1252 });
1253 };
1254 QueryManager.prototype.generateQueryId = function () {
1255 var queryId = this.idCounter.toString();
1256 this.idCounter++;
1257 return queryId;
1258 };
1259 QueryManager.prototype.stopQueryInStore = function (queryId) {
1260 this.queryStore.stopQuery(queryId);
1261 this.invalidate(true, queryId);
1262 this.broadcastQueries();
1263 };
1264 QueryManager.prototype.addQueryListener = function (queryId, listener) {
1265 this.setQuery(queryId, function (_a) {
1266 var _b = _a.listeners, listeners = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b;
1267 return ({
1268 listeners: listeners.concat([listener]),
1269 invalidate: false,
1270 });
1271 });
1272 };
1273 QueryManager.prototype.updateQueryWatch = function (queryId, document, options) {
1274 var _this = this;
1275 var cancel = this.getQuery(queryId).cancel;
1276 if (cancel)
1277 cancel();
1278 var previousResult = function () {
1279 var previousResult = null;
1280 var observableQuery = _this.getQuery(queryId).observableQuery;
1281 if (observableQuery) {
1282 var lastResult = observableQuery.getLastResult();
1283 if (lastResult) {
1284 previousResult = lastResult.data;
1285 }
1286 }
1287 return previousResult;
1288 };
1289 return this.dataStore.getCache().watch({
1290 query: document,
1291 variables: options.variables,
1292 optimistic: true,
1293 previousResult: previousResult,
1294 callback: function (newData) {
1295 _this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({ invalidated: true, newData: newData }); });
1296 },
1297 });
1298 };
1299 QueryManager.prototype.addObservableQuery = function (queryId, observableQuery) {
1300 this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({ observableQuery: observableQuery }); });
1301 var queryDef = apolloUtilities.getQueryDefinition(observableQuery.options.query);
1302 if (queryDef.name && queryDef.name.value) {
1303 var queryName = queryDef.name.value;
1304 this.queryIdsByName[queryName] = this.queryIdsByName[queryName] || [];
1305 this.queryIdsByName[queryName].push(observableQuery.queryId);
1306 }
1307 };
1308 QueryManager.prototype.removeObservableQuery = function (queryId) {
1309 var _a = this.getQuery(queryId), observableQuery = _a.observableQuery, cancel = _a.cancel;
1310 if (cancel)
1311 cancel();
1312 if (!observableQuery)
1313 return;
1314 var definition = apolloUtilities.getQueryDefinition(observableQuery.options.query);
1315 var queryName = definition.name ? definition.name.value : null;
1316 this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({ observableQuery: null }); });
1317 if (queryName) {
1318 this.queryIdsByName[queryName] = this.queryIdsByName[queryName].filter(function (val) {
1319 return !(observableQuery.queryId === val);
1320 });
1321 }
1322 };
1323 QueryManager.prototype.clearStore = function () {
1324 this.fetchQueryRejectFns.forEach(function (reject) {
1325 reject(new Error('Store reset while query was in flight(not completed in link chain)'));
1326 });
1327 var resetIds = [];
1328 this.queries.forEach(function (_a, queryId) {
1329 var observableQuery = _a.observableQuery;
1330 if (observableQuery)
1331 resetIds.push(queryId);
1332 });
1333 this.queryStore.reset(resetIds);
1334 this.mutationStore.reset();
1335 var reset = this.dataStore.reset();
1336 return reset;
1337 };
1338 QueryManager.prototype.resetStore = function () {
1339 var _this = this;
1340 return this.clearStore().then(function () {
1341 return _this.reFetchObservableQueries();
1342 });
1343 };
1344 QueryManager.prototype.reFetchObservableQueries = function (includeStandby) {
1345 var observableQueryPromises = this.getObservableQueryPromises(includeStandby);
1346 this.broadcastQueries();
1347 return Promise.all(observableQueryPromises);
1348 };
1349 QueryManager.prototype.startQuery = function (queryId, options, listener) {
1350 this.addQueryListener(queryId, listener);
1351 this.fetchQuery(queryId, options)
1352 .catch(function () { return undefined; });
1353 return queryId;
1354 };
1355 QueryManager.prototype.startGraphQLSubscription = function (options) {
1356 var _this = this;
1357 var query = options.query;
1358 var isCacheEnabled = !(options.fetchPolicy && options.fetchPolicy === 'no-cache');
1359 var cache = this.dataStore.getCache();
1360 var transformedDoc = cache.transformDocument(query);
1361 var variables = apolloUtilities.assign({}, apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues(apolloUtilities.getOperationDefinition(query)), options.variables);
1362 var sub;
1363 var observers = [];
1364 return new Observable$1(function (observer) {
1365 observers.push(observer);
1366 if (observers.length === 1) {
1367 var handler = {
1368 next: function (result) {
1369 if (isCacheEnabled) {
1370 _this.dataStore.markSubscriptionResult(result, transformedDoc, variables);
1371 _this.broadcastQueries();
1372 }
1373 observers.forEach(function (obs) {
1374 if (apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(result) && obs.error) {
1375 obs.error(new ApolloError({
1376 graphQLErrors: result.errors,
1377 }));
1378 }
1379 else if (obs.next) {
1380 obs.next(result);
1381 }
1382 });
1383 },
1384 error: function (error) {
1385 observers.forEach(function (obs) {
1386 if (obs.error) {
1387 obs.error(error);
1388 }
1389 });
1390 },
1391 complete: function () {
1392 observers.forEach(function (obs) {
1393 if (obs.complete) {
1394 obs.complete();
1395 }
1396 });
1397 }
1398 };
1399 var operation = _this.buildOperationForLink(transformedDoc, variables);
1400 sub = execute(_this.link, operation).subscribe(handler);
1401 }
1402 return function () {
1403 observers = observers.filter(function (obs) { return obs !== observer; });
1404 if (observers.length === 0 && sub) {
1405 sub.unsubscribe();
1406 }
1407 };
1408 });
1409 };
1410 QueryManager.prototype.stopQuery = function (queryId) {
1411 this.stopQueryInStore(queryId);
1412 this.removeQuery(queryId);
1413 };
1414 QueryManager.prototype.removeQuery = function (queryId) {
1415 var subscriptions = this.getQuery(queryId).subscriptions;
1416 subscriptions.forEach(function (x) { return x.unsubscribe(); });
1417 this.queries.delete(queryId);
1418 };
1419 QueryManager.prototype.getCurrentQueryResult = function (observableQuery, optimistic) {
1420 if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = true; }
1421 var _a = observableQuery.options, variables = _a.variables, query = _a.query;
1422 var lastResult = observableQuery.getLastResult();
1423 var newData = this.getQuery(observableQuery.queryId).newData;
1424 if (newData && newData.complete) {
1425 return { data: newData.result, partial: false };
1426 }
1427 else {
1428 try {
1429 var data = this.dataStore.getCache().read({
1430 query: query,
1431 variables: variables,
1432 previousResult: lastResult ? lastResult.data : undefined,
1433 optimistic: optimistic,
1434 });
1435 return { data: data, partial: false };
1436 }
1437 catch (e) {
1438 return { data: {}, partial: true };
1439 }
1440 }
1441 };
1442 QueryManager.prototype.getQueryWithPreviousResult = function (queryIdOrObservable) {
1443 var observableQuery;
1444 if (typeof queryIdOrObservable === 'string') {
1445 var foundObserveableQuery = this.getQuery(queryIdOrObservable).observableQuery;
1446 if (!foundObserveableQuery) {
1447 throw new Error("ObservableQuery with this id doesn't exist: " + queryIdOrObservable);
1448 }
1449 observableQuery = foundObserveableQuery;
1450 }
1451 else {
1452 observableQuery = queryIdOrObservable;
1453 }
1454 var _a = observableQuery.options, variables = _a.variables, query = _a.query;
1455 var data = this.getCurrentQueryResult(observableQuery, false).data;
1456 return {
1457 previousResult: data,
1458 variables: variables,
1459 document: query,
1460 };
1461 };
1462 QueryManager.prototype.broadcastQueries = function () {
1463 var _this = this;
1464 this.onBroadcast();
1465 this.queries.forEach(function (info, id) {
1466 if (!info.invalidated || !info.listeners)
1467 return;
1468 info.listeners
1469 .filter(function (x) { return !!x; })
1470 .forEach(function (listener) {
1471 listener(_this.queryStore.get(id), info.newData);
1472 });
1473 });
1474 };
1475 QueryManager.prototype.getObservableQueryPromises = function (includeStandby) {
1476 var _this = this;
1477 var observableQueryPromises = [];
1478 this.queries.forEach(function (_a, queryId) {
1479 var observableQuery = _a.observableQuery;
1480 if (!observableQuery)
1481 return;
1482 var fetchPolicy = observableQuery.options.fetchPolicy;
1483 observableQuery.resetLastResults();
1484 if (fetchPolicy !== 'cache-only' &&
1485 (includeStandby || fetchPolicy !== 'standby')) {
1486 observableQueryPromises.push(observableQuery.refetch());
1487 }
1488 _this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({ newData: null }); });
1489 _this.invalidate(true, queryId);
1490 });
1491 return observableQueryPromises;
1492 };
1493 QueryManager.prototype.fetchRequest = function (_a) {
1494 var _this = this;
1495 var requestId = _a.requestId, queryId = _a.queryId, document = _a.document, options = _a.options, fetchMoreForQueryId = _a.fetchMoreForQueryId;
1496 var variables = options.variables, context = options.context, _b = options.errorPolicy, errorPolicy = _b === void 0 ? 'none' : _b, fetchPolicy = options.fetchPolicy;
1497 var operation = this.buildOperationForLink(document, variables, __assign({}, context, { forceFetch: !this.queryDeduplication }));
1498 var resultFromStore;
1499 var errorsFromStore;
1500 var rejectFetchPromise;
1501 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
1502 _this.fetchQueryRejectFns.add(rejectFetchPromise = reject);
1503 var subscription = execute(_this.deduplicator, operation).subscribe({
1504 next: function (result) {
1505 var lastRequestId = _this.getQuery(queryId).lastRequestId;
1506 if (requestId >= (lastRequestId || 1)) {
1507 if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {
1508 try {
1509 _this.dataStore.markQueryResult(result, document, variables, fetchMoreForQueryId, errorPolicy === 'ignore' || errorPolicy === 'all');
1510 }
1511 catch (e) {
1512 reject(e);
1513 return;
1514 }
1515 }
1516 else {
1517 _this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({
1518 newData: { result: result.data, complete: true },
1519 }); });
1520 }
1521 _this.queryStore.markQueryResult(queryId, result, fetchMoreForQueryId);
1522 _this.invalidate(true, queryId, fetchMoreForQueryId);
1523 _this.broadcastQueries();
1524 }
1525 if (result.errors && errorPolicy === 'none') {
1526 reject(new ApolloError({
1527 graphQLErrors: result.errors,
1528 }));
1529 return;
1530 }
1531 else if (errorPolicy === 'all') {
1532 errorsFromStore = result.errors;
1533 }
1534 if (fetchMoreForQueryId || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache') {
1535 resultFromStore = result.data;
1536 }
1537 else {
1538 try {
1539 resultFromStore = _this.dataStore.getCache().read({
1540 variables: variables,
1541 query: document,
1542 optimistic: false,
1543 });
1544 }
1545 catch (e) { }
1546 }
1547 },
1548 error: function (error) {
1549 _this.fetchQueryRejectFns.delete(reject);
1550 _this.setQuery(queryId, function (_a) {
1551 var subscriptions = _a.subscriptions;
1552 return ({
1553 subscriptions: subscriptions.filter(function (x) { return x !== subscription; }),
1554 });
1555 });
1556 reject(error);
1557 },
1558 complete: function () {
1559 _this.fetchQueryRejectFns.delete(reject);
1560 _this.setQuery(queryId, function (_a) {
1561 var subscriptions = _a.subscriptions;
1562 return ({
1563 subscriptions: subscriptions.filter(function (x) { return x !== subscription; }),
1564 });
1565 });
1566 resolve({
1567 data: resultFromStore,
1568 errors: errorsFromStore,
1569 loading: false,
1570 networkStatus: exports.NetworkStatus.ready,
1571 stale: false,
1572 });
1573 },
1574 });
1575 _this.setQuery(queryId, function (_a) {
1576 var subscriptions = _a.subscriptions;
1577 return ({
1578 subscriptions: subscriptions.concat([subscription]),
1579 });
1580 });
1581 }).catch(function (error) {
1582 _this.fetchQueryRejectFns.delete(rejectFetchPromise);
1583 throw error;
1584 });
1585 };
1586 QueryManager.prototype.refetchQueryByName = function (queryName) {
1587 var _this = this;
1588 var refetchedQueries = this.queryIdsByName[queryName];
1589 if (refetchedQueries === undefined)
1590 return;
1591 return Promise.all(refetchedQueries
1592 .map(function (id) { return _this.getQuery(id).observableQuery; })
1593 .filter(function (x) { return !!x; })
1594 .map(function (x) { return x.refetch(); }));
1595 };
1596 QueryManager.prototype.generateRequestId = function () {
1597 var requestId = this.idCounter;
1598 this.idCounter++;
1599 return requestId;
1600 };
1601 QueryManager.prototype.getQuery = function (queryId) {
1602 return (this.queries.get(queryId) || {
1603 listeners: [],
1604 invalidated: false,
1605 document: null,
1606 newData: null,
1607 lastRequestId: null,
1608 observableQuery: null,
1609 subscriptions: [],
1610 });
1611 };
1612 QueryManager.prototype.setQuery = function (queryId, updater) {
1613 var prev = this.getQuery(queryId);
1614 var newInfo = __assign({}, prev, updater(prev));
1615 this.queries.set(queryId, newInfo);
1616 };
1617 QueryManager.prototype.invalidate = function (invalidated, queryId, fetchMoreForQueryId) {
1618 if (queryId)
1619 this.setQuery(queryId, function () { return ({ invalidated: invalidated }); });
1620 if (fetchMoreForQueryId) {
1621 this.setQuery(fetchMoreForQueryId, function () { return ({ invalidated: invalidated }); });
1622 }
1623 };
1624 QueryManager.prototype.buildOperationForLink = function (document, variables, extraContext) {
1625 var cache = this.dataStore.getCache();
1626 return {
1627 query: cache.transformForLink
1628 ? cache.transformForLink(document)
1629 : document,
1630 variables: variables,
1631 operationName: apolloUtilities.getOperationName(document) || undefined,
1632 context: __assign({}, extraContext, { cache: cache, getCacheKey: function (obj) {
1633 if (cache.config) {
1634 return cache.config.dataIdFromObject(obj);
1635 }
1636 else {
1637 throw new Error('To use context.getCacheKey, you need to use a cache that has a configurable dataIdFromObject, like apollo-cache-inmemory.');
1638 }
1639 }, clientAwareness: this.clientAwareness }),
1640 };
1641 };
1642 QueryManager.prototype.checkInFlight = function (queryId) {
1643 var query = this.queryStore.get(queryId);
1644 return (query &&
1645 query.networkStatus !== exports.NetworkStatus.ready &&
1646 query.networkStatus !== exports.NetworkStatus.error);
1647 };
1648 QueryManager.prototype.startPollingQuery = function (options, queryId, listener) {
1649 var pollInterval = options.pollInterval;
1650 if (!pollInterval) {
1651 throw new Error('Attempted to start a polling query without a polling interval.');
1652 }
1653 if (!this.ssrMode) {
1654 this.pollingInfoByQueryId.set(queryId, {
1655 interval: pollInterval,
1656 lastPollTimeMs: Date.now() - 10,
1657 options: __assign({}, options, { fetchPolicy: 'network-only' }),
1658 });
1659 if (listener) {
1660 this.addQueryListener(queryId, listener);
1661 }
1662 this.schedulePoll(pollInterval);
1663 }
1664 return queryId;
1665 };
1666 QueryManager.prototype.stopPollingQuery = function (queryId) {
1667 this.pollingInfoByQueryId.delete(queryId);
1668 };
1669 QueryManager.prototype.schedulePoll = function (timeLimitMs) {
1670 var _this = this;
1671 var now = Date.now();
1672 if (this.nextPoll) {
1673 if (timeLimitMs < this.nextPoll.time - now) {
1674 clearTimeout(this.nextPoll.timeout);
1675 }
1676 else {
1677 return;
1678 }
1679 }
1680 this.nextPoll = {
1681 time: now + timeLimitMs,
1682 timeout: setTimeout(function () {
1683 _this.nextPoll = null;
1684 var nextTimeLimitMs = Infinity;
1685 _this.pollingInfoByQueryId.forEach(function (info, queryId) {
1686 if (info.interval < nextTimeLimitMs) {
1687 nextTimeLimitMs = info.interval;
1688 }
1689 if (!_this.checkInFlight(queryId)) {
1690 if (Date.now() - info.lastPollTimeMs >= info.interval) {
1691 var updateLastPollTime = function () {
1692 info.lastPollTimeMs = Date.now();
1693 };
1694 _this.fetchQuery(queryId, info.options, exports.FetchType.poll).then(updateLastPollTime, updateLastPollTime);
1695 }
1696 }
1697 });
1698 if (isFinite(nextTimeLimitMs)) {
1699 _this.schedulePoll(nextTimeLimitMs);
1700 }
1701 }, timeLimitMs),
1702 };
1703 };
1704 return QueryManager;
1705 }());
1707 var DataStore = (function () {
1708 function DataStore(initialCache) {
1709 this.cache = initialCache;
1710 }
1711 DataStore.prototype.getCache = function () {
1712 return this.cache;
1713 };
1714 DataStore.prototype.markQueryResult = function (result, document, variables, fetchMoreForQueryId, ignoreErrors) {
1715 if (ignoreErrors === void 0) { ignoreErrors = false; }
1716 var writeWithErrors = !apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(result);
1717 if (ignoreErrors && apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(result) && result.data) {
1718 writeWithErrors = true;
1719 }
1720 if (!fetchMoreForQueryId && writeWithErrors) {
1721 this.cache.write({
1722 result: result.data,
1723 dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY',
1724 query: document,
1725 variables: variables,
1726 });
1727 }
1728 };
1729 DataStore.prototype.markSubscriptionResult = function (result, document, variables) {
1730 if (!apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(result)) {
1731 this.cache.write({
1732 result: result.data,
1734 query: document,
1735 variables: variables,
1736 });
1737 }
1738 };
1739 DataStore.prototype.markMutationInit = function (mutation) {
1740 var _this = this;
1741 if (mutation.optimisticResponse) {
1742 var optimistic_1;
1743 if (typeof mutation.optimisticResponse === 'function') {
1744 optimistic_1 = mutation.optimisticResponse(mutation.variables);
1745 }
1746 else {
1747 optimistic_1 = mutation.optimisticResponse;
1748 }
1749 var changeFn_1 = function () {
1750 _this.markMutationResult({
1751 mutationId: mutation.mutationId,
1752 result: { data: optimistic_1 },
1753 document: mutation.document,
1754 variables: mutation.variables,
1755 updateQueries: mutation.updateQueries,
1756 update: mutation.update,
1757 });
1758 };
1759 this.cache.recordOptimisticTransaction(function (c) {
1760 var orig = _this.cache;
1761 _this.cache = c;
1762 try {
1763 changeFn_1();
1764 }
1765 finally {
1766 _this.cache = orig;
1767 }
1768 }, mutation.mutationId);
1769 }
1770 };
1771 DataStore.prototype.markMutationResult = function (mutation) {
1772 var _this = this;
1773 if (!apolloUtilities.graphQLResultHasError(mutation.result)) {
1774 var cacheWrites_1 = [];
1775 cacheWrites_1.push({
1776 result: mutation.result.data,
1777 dataId: 'ROOT_MUTATION',
1778 query: mutation.document,
1779 variables: mutation.variables,
1780 });
1781 if (mutation.updateQueries) {
1782 Object.keys(mutation.updateQueries)
1783 .filter(function (id) { return mutation.updateQueries[id]; })
1784 .forEach(function (queryId) {
1785 var _a = mutation.updateQueries[queryId], query = _a.query, updater = _a.updater;
1786 var _b = _this.cache.diff({
1787 query: query.document,
1788 variables: query.variables,
1789 returnPartialData: true,
1790 optimistic: false,
1791 }), currentQueryResult = _b.result, complete = _b.complete;
1792 if (!complete) {
1793 return;
1794 }
1795 var nextQueryResult = apolloUtilities.tryFunctionOrLogError(function () {
1796 return updater(currentQueryResult, {
1797 mutationResult: mutation.result,
1798 queryName: apolloUtilities.getOperationName(query.document) || undefined,
1799 queryVariables: query.variables,
1800 });
1801 });
1802 if (nextQueryResult) {
1803 cacheWrites_1.push({
1804 result: nextQueryResult,
1805 dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY',
1806 query: query.document,
1807 variables: query.variables,
1808 });
1809 }
1810 });
1811 }
1812 this.cache.performTransaction(function (c) {
1813 cacheWrites_1.forEach(function (write) { return c.write(write); });
1814 });
1815 var update_1 = mutation.update;
1816 if (update_1) {
1817 this.cache.performTransaction(function (c) {
1818 apolloUtilities.tryFunctionOrLogError(function () { return update_1(c, mutation.result); });
1819 });
1820 }
1821 }
1822 };
1823 DataStore.prototype.markMutationComplete = function (_a) {
1824 var mutationId = _a.mutationId, optimisticResponse = _a.optimisticResponse;
1825 if (!optimisticResponse)
1826 return;
1827 this.cache.removeOptimistic(mutationId);
1828 };
1829 DataStore.prototype.markUpdateQueryResult = function (document, variables, newResult) {
1830 this.cache.write({
1831 result: newResult,
1832 dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY',
1833 variables: variables,
1834 query: document,
1835 });
1836 };
1837 DataStore.prototype.reset = function () {
1838 return this.cache.reset();
1839 };
1840 return DataStore;
1841 }());
1843 var version = 'local';
1845 var hasSuggestedDevtools = false;
1846 var ApolloClient = (function () {
1847 function ApolloClient(options) {
1848 var _this = this;
1849 this.defaultOptions = {};
1850 this.resetStoreCallbacks = [];
1851 this.clearStoreCallbacks = [];
1852 this.clientAwareness = {};
1853 var link = options.link, cache = options.cache, _a = options.ssrMode, ssrMode = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, _b = options.ssrForceFetchDelay, ssrForceFetchDelay = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, connectToDevTools = options.connectToDevTools, _c = options.queryDeduplication, queryDeduplication = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, defaultOptions = options.defaultOptions, clientAwarenessName = options.name, clientAwarenessVersion = options.version;
1854 if (!link || !cache) {
1855 throw new Error("\n In order to initialize Apollo Client, you must specify link & cache properties on the config object.\n This is part of the required upgrade when migrating from Apollo Client 1.0 to Apollo Client 2.0.\n For more information, please visit:\n https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/basics/setup.html\n to help you get started.\n ");
1856 }
1857 var supportedCache = new Map();
1858 var supportedDirectives = new ApolloLink(function (operation, forward) {
1859 var result = supportedCache.get(operation.query);
1860 if (!result) {
1861 result = apolloUtilities.removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument(operation.query);
1862 supportedCache.set(operation.query, result);
1863 supportedCache.set(result, result);
1864 }
1865 operation.query = result;
1866 return forward(operation);
1867 });
1868 this.link = supportedDirectives.concat(link);
1869 this.cache = cache;
1870 this.store = new DataStore(cache);
1871 this.disableNetworkFetches = ssrMode || ssrForceFetchDelay > 0;
1872 this.queryDeduplication = queryDeduplication;
1873 this.ssrMode = ssrMode;
1874 this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions || {};
1875 if (ssrForceFetchDelay) {
1876 setTimeout(function () { return (_this.disableNetworkFetches = false); }, ssrForceFetchDelay);
1877 }
1878 this.watchQuery = this.watchQuery.bind(this);
1879 this.query = this.query.bind(this);
1880 this.mutate = this.mutate.bind(this);
1881 this.resetStore = this.resetStore.bind(this);
1882 this.reFetchObservableQueries = this.reFetchObservableQueries.bind(this);
1883 var defaultConnectToDevTools = !apolloUtilities.isProduction() &&
1884 typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
1885 !window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__;
1886 if (typeof connectToDevTools === 'undefined'
1887 ? defaultConnectToDevTools
1888 : connectToDevTools && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
1889 window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ = this;
1890 }
1891 if (!hasSuggestedDevtools && !apolloUtilities.isProduction()) {
1892 hasSuggestedDevtools = true;
1893 if (typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
1894 window.document &&
1895 window.top === window.self) {
1896 if (typeof window.__APOLLO_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === 'undefined') {
1897 if (window.navigator &&
1898 window.navigator.userAgent &&
1899 window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
1900 console.debug('Download the Apollo DevTools ' +
1901 'for a better development experience: ' +
1902 'https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/apollo-client-developer-t/jdkknkkbebbapilgoeccciglkfbmbnfm');
1903 }
1904 }
1905 }
1906 }
1907 this.version = version;
1908 if (clientAwarenessName) {
1909 this.clientAwareness.name = clientAwarenessName;
1910 }
1911 if (clientAwarenessVersion) {
1912 this.clientAwareness.version = clientAwarenessVersion;
1913 }
1914 }
1915 ApolloClient.prototype.watchQuery = function (options) {
1916 if (this.defaultOptions.watchQuery) {
1917 options = __assign({}, this.defaultOptions.watchQuery, options);
1918 }
1919 if (this.disableNetworkFetches &&
1920 (options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only' ||
1921 options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network')) {
1922 options = __assign({}, options, { fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' });
1923 }
1924 return this.initQueryManager().watchQuery(options);
1925 };
1926 ApolloClient.prototype.query = function (options) {
1927 if (this.defaultOptions.query) {
1928 options = __assign({}, this.defaultOptions.query, options);
1929 }
1930 if (options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network') {
1931 throw new Error('cache-and-network fetchPolicy can only be used with watchQuery');
1932 }
1933 if (this.disableNetworkFetches && options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only') {
1934 options = __assign({}, options, { fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' });
1935 }
1936 return this.initQueryManager().query(options);
1937 };
1938 ApolloClient.prototype.mutate = function (options) {
1939 if (this.defaultOptions.mutate) {
1940 options = __assign({}, this.defaultOptions.mutate, options);
1941 }
1942 return this.initQueryManager().mutate(options);
1943 };
1944 ApolloClient.prototype.subscribe = function (options) {
1945 return this.initQueryManager().startGraphQLSubscription(options);
1946 };
1947 ApolloClient.prototype.readQuery = function (options, optimistic) {
1948 if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; }
1949 return this.initProxy().readQuery(options, optimistic);
1950 };
1951 ApolloClient.prototype.readFragment = function (options, optimistic) {
1952 if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; }
1953 return this.initProxy().readFragment(options, optimistic);
1954 };
1955 ApolloClient.prototype.writeQuery = function (options) {
1956 var result = this.initProxy().writeQuery(options);
1957 this.initQueryManager().broadcastQueries();
1958 return result;
1959 };
1960 ApolloClient.prototype.writeFragment = function (options) {
1961 var result = this.initProxy().writeFragment(options);
1962 this.initQueryManager().broadcastQueries();
1963 return result;
1964 };
1965 ApolloClient.prototype.writeData = function (options) {
1966 var result = this.initProxy().writeData(options);
1967 this.initQueryManager().broadcastQueries();
1968 return result;
1969 };
1970 ApolloClient.prototype.__actionHookForDevTools = function (cb) {
1971 this.devToolsHookCb = cb;
1972 };
1973 ApolloClient.prototype.__requestRaw = function (payload) {
1974 return execute(this.link, payload);
1975 };
1976 ApolloClient.prototype.resetStore = function () {
1977 var _this = this;
1978 return Promise.resolve()
1979 .then(function () {
1980 return _this.queryManager
1981 ? _this.queryManager.clearStore()
1982 : Promise.resolve(null);
1983 })
1984 .then(function () { return Promise.all(_this.resetStoreCallbacks.map(function (fn) { return fn(); })); })
1985 .then(function () {
1986 return _this.queryManager && _this.queryManager.reFetchObservableQueries
1987 ? _this.queryManager.reFetchObservableQueries()
1988 : Promise.resolve(null);
1989 });
1990 };
1991 ApolloClient.prototype.clearStore = function () {
1992 var _this = this;
1993 var queryManager = this.queryManager;
1994 return Promise.resolve()
1995 .then(function () { return Promise.all(_this.clearStoreCallbacks.map(function (fn) { return fn(); })); })
1996 .then(function () {
1997 return queryManager ? queryManager.clearStore() : Promise.resolve(null);
1998 });
1999 };
2000 ApolloClient.prototype.onResetStore = function (cb) {
2001 var _this = this;
2002 this.resetStoreCallbacks.push(cb);
2003 return function () {
2004 _this.resetStoreCallbacks = _this.resetStoreCallbacks.filter(function (c) { return c !== cb; });
2005 };
2006 };
2007 ApolloClient.prototype.onClearStore = function (cb) {
2008 var _this = this;
2009 this.clearStoreCallbacks.push(cb);
2010 return function () {
2011 _this.clearStoreCallbacks = _this.clearStoreCallbacks.filter(function (c) { return c !== cb; });
2012 };
2013 };
2014 ApolloClient.prototype.reFetchObservableQueries = function (includeStandby) {
2015 return this.queryManager
2016 ? this.queryManager.reFetchObservableQueries(includeStandby)
2017 : Promise.resolve(null);
2018 };
2019 ApolloClient.prototype.extract = function (optimistic) {
2020 return this.initProxy().extract(optimistic);
2021 };
2022 ApolloClient.prototype.restore = function (serializedState) {
2023 return this.initProxy().restore(serializedState);
2024 };
2025 ApolloClient.prototype.initQueryManager = function () {
2026 var _this = this;
2027 if (!this.queryManager) {
2028 this.queryManager = new QueryManager({
2029 link: this.link,
2030 store: this.store,
2031 queryDeduplication: this.queryDeduplication,
2032 ssrMode: this.ssrMode,
2033 clientAwareness: this.clientAwareness,
2034 onBroadcast: function () {
2035 if (_this.devToolsHookCb) {
2036 _this.devToolsHookCb({
2037 action: {},
2038 state: {
2039 queries: _this.queryManager
2040 ? _this.queryManager.queryStore.getStore()
2041 : {},
2042 mutations: _this.queryManager
2043 ? _this.queryManager.mutationStore.getStore()
2044 : {},
2045 },
2046 dataWithOptimisticResults: _this.cache.extract(true),
2047 });
2048 }
2049 },
2050 });
2051 }
2052 return this.queryManager;
2053 };
2054 ApolloClient.prototype.initProxy = function () {
2055 if (!this.proxy) {
2056 this.initQueryManager();
2057 this.proxy = this.cache;
2058 }
2059 return this.proxy;
2060 };
2061 return ApolloClient;
2062 }());
2064 /* tslint:disable */
2065 var Observable$2 = zenObservable;
2067 var __extends$3 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
2068 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
2069 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
2070 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
2071 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
2072 return extendStatics(d, b);
2073 };
2074 return function (d, b) {
2075 extendStatics(d, b);
2076 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
2077 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
2078 };
2079 })();
2080 var __assign$2 = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || function () {
2081 __assign$2 = Object.assign || function(t) {
2082 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
2083 s = arguments[i];
2084 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
2085 t[p] = s[p];
2086 }
2087 return t;
2088 };
2089 return __assign$2.apply(this, arguments);
2090 };
2091 function validateOperation$1(operation) {
2093 'query',
2094 'operationName',
2095 'variables',
2096 'extensions',
2097 'context',
2098 ];
2099 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(operation); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
2100 var key = _a[_i];
2101 if (OPERATION_FIELDS.indexOf(key) < 0) {
2102 throw new Error("illegal argument: " + key);
2103 }
2104 }
2105 return operation;
2106 }
2107 var LinkError$1 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2108 __extends$3(LinkError, _super);
2109 function LinkError(message, link) {
2110 var _this = _super.call(this, message) || this;
2111 _this.link = link;
2112 return _this;
2113 }
2114 return LinkError;
2115 }(Error));
2116 function isTerminating$1(link) {
2117 return link.request.length <= 1;
2118 }
2119 function toPromise$1(observable) {
2120 var completed = false;
2121 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2122 observable.subscribe({
2123 next: function (data) {
2124 if (completed) {
2125 console.warn("Promise Wrapper does not support multiple results from Observable");
2126 }
2127 else {
2128 completed = true;
2129 resolve(data);
2130 }
2131 },
2132 error: reject,
2133 });
2134 });
2135 }
2136 // backwards compat
2137 var makePromise$1 = toPromise$1;
2138 function fromPromise$1(promise) {
2139 return new Observable$2(function (observer) {
2140 promise
2141 .then(function (value) {
2142 observer.next(value);
2143 observer.complete();
2144 })
2145 .catch(observer.error.bind(observer));
2146 });
2147 }
2148 function fromError$1(errorValue) {
2149 return new Observable$2(function (observer) {
2150 observer.error(errorValue);
2151 });
2152 }
2153 function transformOperation$1(operation) {
2154 var transformedOperation = {
2155 variables: operation.variables || {},
2156 extensions: operation.extensions || {},
2157 operationName: operation.operationName,
2158 query: operation.query,
2159 };
2160 // best guess at an operation name
2161 if (!transformedOperation.operationName) {
2162 transformedOperation.operationName =
2163 typeof transformedOperation.query !== 'string'
2164 ? apolloUtilities.getOperationName(transformedOperation.query)
2165 : '';
2166 }
2167 return transformedOperation;
2168 }
2169 function createOperation$1(starting, operation) {
2170 var context = __assign$2({}, starting);
2171 var setContext = function (next) {
2172 if (typeof next === 'function') {
2173 context = __assign$2({}, context, next(context));
2174 }
2175 else {
2176 context = __assign$2({}, context, next);
2177 }
2178 };
2179 var getContext = function () { return (__assign$2({}, context)); };
2180 Object.defineProperty(operation, 'setContext', {
2181 enumerable: false,
2182 value: setContext,
2183 });
2184 Object.defineProperty(operation, 'getContext', {
2185 enumerable: false,
2186 value: getContext,
2187 });
2188 Object.defineProperty(operation, 'toKey', {
2189 enumerable: false,
2190 value: function () { return getKey$1(operation); },
2191 });
2192 return operation;
2193 }
2194 function getKey$1(operation) {
2195 // XXX we're assuming here that variables will be serialized in the same order.
2196 // that might not always be true
2197 return printer.print(operation.query) + "|" + JSON.stringify(operation.variables) + "|" + operation.operationName;
2198 }
2200 var passthrough$1 = function (op, forward) { return (forward ? forward(op) : Observable$2.of()); };
2201 var toLink$1 = function (handler) {
2202 return typeof handler === 'function' ? new ApolloLink$1(handler) : handler;
2203 };
2204 var empty$1 = function () {
2205 return new ApolloLink$1(function (op, forward) { return Observable$2.of(); });
2206 };
2207 var from$1 = function (links) {
2208 if (links.length === 0)
2209 return empty$1();
2210 return links.map(toLink$1).reduce(function (x, y) { return x.concat(y); });
2211 };
2212 var split$1 = function (test, left, right) {
2213 if (right === void 0) { right = new ApolloLink$1(passthrough$1); }
2214 var leftLink = toLink$1(left);
2215 var rightLink = toLink$1(right);
2216 if (isTerminating$1(leftLink) && isTerminating$1(rightLink)) {
2217 return new ApolloLink$1(function (operation) {
2218 return test(operation)
2219 ? leftLink.request(operation) || Observable$2.of()
2220 : rightLink.request(operation) || Observable$2.of();
2221 });
2222 }
2223 else {
2224 return new ApolloLink$1(function (operation, forward) {
2225 return test(operation)
2226 ? leftLink.request(operation, forward) || Observable$2.of()
2227 : rightLink.request(operation, forward) || Observable$2.of();
2228 });
2229 }
2230 };
2231 // join two Links together
2232 var concat$1 = function (first, second) {
2233 var firstLink = toLink$1(first);
2234 if (isTerminating$1(firstLink)) {
2235 console.warn(new LinkError$1("You are calling concat on a terminating link, which will have no effect", firstLink));
2236 return firstLink;
2237 }
2238 var nextLink = toLink$1(second);
2239 if (isTerminating$1(nextLink)) {
2240 return new ApolloLink$1(function (operation) {
2241 return firstLink.request(operation, function (op) { return nextLink.request(op) || Observable$2.of(); }) || Observable$2.of();
2242 });
2243 }
2244 else {
2245 return new ApolloLink$1(function (operation, forward) {
2246 return (firstLink.request(operation, function (op) {
2247 return nextLink.request(op, forward) || Observable$2.of();
2248 }) || Observable$2.of());
2249 });
2250 }
2251 };
2252 var ApolloLink$1 = /** @class */ (function () {
2253 function ApolloLink(request) {
2254 if (request)
2255 this.request = request;
2256 }
2257 ApolloLink.prototype.split = function (test, left, right) {
2258 if (right === void 0) { right = new ApolloLink(passthrough$1); }
2259 return this.concat(split$1(test, left, right));
2260 };
2261 ApolloLink.prototype.concat = function (next) {
2262 return concat$1(this, next);
2263 };
2264 ApolloLink.prototype.request = function (operation, forward) {
2265 throw new Error('request is not implemented');
2266 };
2267 ApolloLink.empty = empty$1;
2268 ApolloLink.from = from$1;
2269 ApolloLink.split = split$1;
2270 ApolloLink.execute = execute$1;
2271 return ApolloLink;
2272 }());
2273 function execute$1(link, operation) {
2274 return (link.request(createOperation$1(operation.context, transformOperation$1(validateOperation$1(operation)))) || Observable$2.of());
2275 }
2277 var testMap = new Map();
2278 if (testMap.set(1, 2) !== testMap) {
2279 var set_1 = testMap.set;
2280 Map.prototype.set = function () {
2281 var args = [];
2282 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2283 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2284 }
2285 set_1.apply(this, args);
2286 return this;
2287 };
2288 }
2289 var testSet = new Set();
2290 if (testSet.add(3) !== testSet) {
2291 var add_1 = testSet.add;
2292 Set.prototype.add = function () {
2293 var args = [];
2294 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2295 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2296 }
2297 add_1.apply(this, args);
2298 return this;
2299 };
2300 }
2301 var frozen = {};
2302 if (typeof Object.freeze === 'function') {
2303 Object.freeze(frozen);
2304 }
2305 try {
2306 testMap.set(frozen, frozen).delete(frozen);
2307 }
2308 catch (_a) {
2309 var wrap = function (method) {
2310 return method && (function (obj) {
2311 try {
2312 testMap.set(obj, obj).delete(obj);
2313 }
2314 finally {
2315 return method.call(Object, obj);
2316 }
2317 });
2318 };
2319 Object.freeze = wrap(Object.freeze);
2320 Object.seal = wrap(Object.seal);
2321 Object.preventExtensions = wrap(Object.preventExtensions);
2322 }
2324 function queryFromPojo(obj) {
2325 var op = {
2326 kind: 'OperationDefinition',
2327 operation: 'query',
2328 name: {
2329 kind: 'Name',
2330 value: 'GeneratedClientQuery',
2331 },
2332 selectionSet: selectionSetFromObj(obj),
2333 };
2334 var out = {
2335 kind: 'Document',
2336 definitions: [op],
2337 };
2338 return out;
2339 }
2340 function fragmentFromPojo(obj, typename) {
2341 var frag = {
2342 kind: 'FragmentDefinition',
2343 typeCondition: {
2344 kind: 'NamedType',
2345 name: {
2346 kind: 'Name',
2347 value: typename || '__FakeType',
2348 },
2349 },
2350 name: {
2351 kind: 'Name',
2352 value: 'GeneratedClientQuery',
2353 },
2354 selectionSet: selectionSetFromObj(obj),
2355 };
2356 var out = {
2357 kind: 'Document',
2358 definitions: [frag],
2359 };
2360 return out;
2361 }
2362 function selectionSetFromObj(obj) {
2363 if (typeof obj === 'number' ||
2364 typeof obj === 'boolean' ||
2365 typeof obj === 'string' ||
2366 typeof obj === 'undefined' ||
2367 obj === null) {
2368 return null;
2369 }
2370 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
2371 return selectionSetFromObj(obj[0]);
2372 }
2373 var selections = [];
2374 Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
2375 var nestedSelSet = selectionSetFromObj(obj[key]);
2376 var field = {
2377 kind: 'Field',
2378 name: {
2379 kind: 'Name',
2380 value: key,
2381 },
2382 selectionSet: nestedSelSet || undefined,
2383 };
2384 selections.push(field);
2385 });
2386 var selectionSet = {
2387 kind: 'SelectionSet',
2388 selections: selections,
2389 };
2390 return selectionSet;
2391 }
2392 var justTypenameQuery = {
2393 kind: 'Document',
2394 definitions: [
2395 {
2396 kind: 'OperationDefinition',
2397 operation: 'query',
2398 name: null,
2399 variableDefinitions: null,
2400 directives: [],
2401 selectionSet: {
2402 kind: 'SelectionSet',
2403 selections: [
2404 {
2405 kind: 'Field',
2406 alias: null,
2407 name: {
2408 kind: 'Name',
2409 value: '__typename',
2410 },
2411 arguments: [],
2412 directives: [],
2413 selectionSet: null,
2414 },
2415 ],
2416 },
2417 },
2418 ],
2419 };
2421 var ApolloCache = (function () {
2422 function ApolloCache() {
2423 }
2424 ApolloCache.prototype.transformDocument = function (document) {
2425 return document;
2426 };
2427 ApolloCache.prototype.transformForLink = function (document) {
2428 return document;
2429 };
2430 ApolloCache.prototype.readQuery = function (options, optimistic) {
2431 if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; }
2432 return this.read({
2433 query: options.query,
2434 variables: options.variables,
2435 optimistic: optimistic,
2436 });
2437 };
2438 ApolloCache.prototype.readFragment = function (options, optimistic) {
2439 if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; }
2440 return this.read({
2441 query: apolloUtilities.getFragmentQueryDocument(options.fragment, options.fragmentName),
2442 variables: options.variables,
2443 rootId: options.id,
2444 optimistic: optimistic,
2445 });
2446 };
2447 ApolloCache.prototype.writeQuery = function (options) {
2448 this.write({
2449 dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY',
2450 result: options.data,
2451 query: options.query,
2452 variables: options.variables,
2453 });
2454 };
2455 ApolloCache.prototype.writeFragment = function (options) {
2456 this.write({
2457 dataId: options.id,
2458 result: options.data,
2459 variables: options.variables,
2460 query: apolloUtilities.getFragmentQueryDocument(options.fragment, options.fragmentName),
2461 });
2462 };
2463 ApolloCache.prototype.writeData = function (_a) {
2464 var id = _a.id, data = _a.data;
2465 if (typeof id !== 'undefined') {
2466 var typenameResult = null;
2467 try {
2468 typenameResult = this.read({
2469 rootId: id,
2470 optimistic: false,
2471 query: justTypenameQuery,
2472 });
2473 }
2474 catch (e) {
2475 }
2476 var __typename = (typenameResult && typenameResult.__typename) || '__ClientData';
2477 var dataToWrite = Object.assign({ __typename: __typename }, data);
2478 this.writeFragment({
2479 id: id,
2480 fragment: fragmentFromPojo(dataToWrite, __typename),
2481 data: dataToWrite,
2482 });
2483 }
2484 else {
2485 this.writeQuery({ query: queryFromPojo(data), data: data });
2486 }
2487 };
2488 return ApolloCache;
2489 }());
2491 var haveWarned = false;
2492 var HeuristicFragmentMatcher = (function () {
2493 function HeuristicFragmentMatcher() {
2494 }
2495 HeuristicFragmentMatcher.prototype.ensureReady = function () {
2496 return Promise.resolve();
2497 };
2498 HeuristicFragmentMatcher.prototype.canBypassInit = function () {
2499 return true;
2500 };
2501 HeuristicFragmentMatcher.prototype.match = function (idValue, typeCondition, context) {
2502 var obj = context.store.get(idValue.id);
2503 if (!obj && idValue.id === 'ROOT_QUERY') {
2504 return true;
2505 }
2506 if (!obj) {
2507 return false;
2508 }
2509 if (!obj.__typename) {
2510 if (!haveWarned) {
2511 console.warn("You're using fragments in your queries, but either don't have the addTypename:\n true option set in Apollo Client, or you are trying to write a fragment to the store without the __typename.\n Please turn on the addTypename option and include __typename when writing fragments so that Apollo Client\n can accurately match fragments.");
2512 console.warn('Could not find __typename on Fragment ', typeCondition, obj);
2513 console.warn("DEPRECATION WARNING: using fragments without __typename is unsupported behavior " +
2514 "and will be removed in future versions of Apollo client. You should fix this and set addTypename to true now.");
2515 if (!apolloUtilities.isTest()) {
2516 haveWarned = true;
2517 }
2518 }
2519 return 'heuristic';
2520 }
2521 if (obj.__typename === typeCondition) {
2522 return true;
2523 }
2524 apolloUtilities.warnOnceInDevelopment('You are using the simple (heuristic) fragment matcher, but your ' +
2525 'queries contain union or interface types. Apollo Client will not be ' +
2526 'able to accurately map fragments. To make this error go away, use ' +
2527 'the `IntrospectionFragmentMatcher` as described in the docs: ' +
2528 'https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/advanced/fragments.html#fragment-matcher', 'error');
2529 return 'heuristic';
2530 };
2531 return HeuristicFragmentMatcher;
2532 }());
2533 var IntrospectionFragmentMatcher = (function () {
2534 function IntrospectionFragmentMatcher(options) {
2535 if (options && options.introspectionQueryResultData) {
2536 this.possibleTypesMap = this.parseIntrospectionResult(options.introspectionQueryResultData);
2537 this.isReady = true;
2538 }
2539 else {
2540 this.isReady = false;
2541 }
2542 this.match = this.match.bind(this);
2543 }
2544 IntrospectionFragmentMatcher.prototype.match = function (idValue, typeCondition, context) {
2545 if (!this.isReady) {
2546 throw new Error('FragmentMatcher.match() was called before FragmentMatcher.init()');
2547 }
2548 var obj = context.store.get(idValue.id);
2549 if (!obj) {
2550 return false;
2551 }
2552 if (!obj.__typename) {
2553 throw new Error("Cannot match fragment because __typename property is missing: " + JSON.stringify(obj));
2554 }
2555 if (obj.__typename === typeCondition) {
2556 return true;
2557 }
2558 var implementingTypes = this.possibleTypesMap[typeCondition];
2559 if (implementingTypes && implementingTypes.indexOf(obj.__typename) > -1) {
2560 return true;
2561 }
2562 return false;
2563 };
2564 IntrospectionFragmentMatcher.prototype.parseIntrospectionResult = function (introspectionResultData) {
2565 var typeMap = {};
2566 introspectionResultData.__schema.types.forEach(function (type) {
2567 if (type.kind === 'UNION' || type.kind === 'INTERFACE') {
2568 typeMap[type.name] = type.possibleTypes.map(function (implementingType) { return implementingType.name; });
2569 }
2570 });
2571 return typeMap;
2572 };
2573 return IntrospectionFragmentMatcher;
2574 }());
2576 var CacheKeyNode = (function () {
2577 function CacheKeyNode() {
2578 this.children = null;
2579 this.key = null;
2580 }
2581 CacheKeyNode.prototype.lookup = function () {
2582 var args = [];
2583 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2584 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2585 }
2586 return this.lookupArray(args);
2587 };
2588 CacheKeyNode.prototype.lookupArray = function (array) {
2589 var node = this;
2590 array.forEach(function (value) {
2591 node = node.getOrCreate(value);
2592 });
2593 return node.key || (node.key = Object.create(null));
2594 };
2595 CacheKeyNode.prototype.getOrCreate = function (value) {
2596 var map = this.children || (this.children = new Map());
2597 var node = map.get(value);
2598 if (!node) {
2599 map.set(value, (node = new CacheKeyNode()));
2600 }
2601 return node;
2602 };
2603 return CacheKeyNode;
2604 }());
2606 var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
2607 var DepTrackingCache = (function () {
2608 function DepTrackingCache(data) {
2609 if (data === void 0) { data = Object.create(null); }
2610 var _this = this;
2611 this.data = data;
2612 this.depend = optimism.wrap(function (dataId) { return _this.data[dataId]; }, {
2613 disposable: true,
2614 makeCacheKey: function (dataId) {
2615 return dataId;
2616 }
2617 });
2618 }
2619 DepTrackingCache.prototype.toObject = function () {
2620 return this.data;
2621 };
2622 DepTrackingCache.prototype.get = function (dataId) {
2623 this.depend(dataId);
2624 return this.data[dataId];
2625 };
2626 DepTrackingCache.prototype.set = function (dataId, value) {
2627 var oldValue = this.data[dataId];
2628 if (value !== oldValue) {
2629 this.data[dataId] = value;
2630 this.depend.dirty(dataId);
2631 }
2632 };
2633 DepTrackingCache.prototype.delete = function (dataId) {
2634 if (hasOwn.call(this.data, dataId)) {
2635 delete this.data[dataId];
2636 this.depend.dirty(dataId);
2637 }
2638 };
2639 DepTrackingCache.prototype.clear = function () {
2640 this.replace(null);
2641 };
2642 DepTrackingCache.prototype.replace = function (newData) {
2643 var _this = this;
2644 if (newData) {
2645 Object.keys(newData).forEach(function (dataId) {
2646 _this.set(dataId, newData[dataId]);
2647 });
2648 Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function (dataId) {
2649 if (!hasOwn.call(newData, dataId)) {
2650 _this.delete(dataId);
2651 }
2652 });
2653 }
2654 else {
2655 Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function (dataId) {
2656 _this.delete(dataId);
2657 });
2658 }
2659 };
2660 return DepTrackingCache;
2661 }());
2662 function defaultNormalizedCacheFactory(seed) {
2663 return new DepTrackingCache(seed);
2664 }
2666 var StoreReader = (function () {
2667 function StoreReader(cacheKeyRoot) {
2668 if (cacheKeyRoot === void 0) { cacheKeyRoot = new CacheKeyNode; }
2669 var _this = this;
2670 this.cacheKeyRoot = cacheKeyRoot;
2671 var reader = this;
2672 var executeStoreQuery = reader.executeStoreQuery, executeSelectionSet = reader.executeSelectionSet;
2673 this.executeStoreQuery = optimism.wrap(function (options) {
2674 return executeStoreQuery.call(_this, options);
2675 }, {
2676 makeCacheKey: function (_a) {
2677 var query = _a.query, rootValue = _a.rootValue, contextValue = _a.contextValue, variableValues = _a.variableValues, fragmentMatcher = _a.fragmentMatcher;
2678 if (contextValue.store instanceof DepTrackingCache) {
2679 return reader.cacheKeyRoot.lookup(query, contextValue.store, fragmentMatcher, JSON.stringify(variableValues), rootValue.id);
2680 }
2681 return;
2682 }
2683 });
2684 this.executeSelectionSet = optimism.wrap(function (options) {
2685 return executeSelectionSet.call(_this, options);
2686 }, {
2687 makeCacheKey: function (_a) {
2688 var selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, rootValue = _a.rootValue, execContext = _a.execContext;
2689 if (execContext.contextValue.store instanceof DepTrackingCache) {
2690 return reader.cacheKeyRoot.lookup(selectionSet, execContext.contextValue.store, execContext.fragmentMatcher, JSON.stringify(execContext.variableValues), rootValue.id);
2691 }
2692 return;
2693 }
2694 });
2695 }
2696 StoreReader.prototype.readQueryFromStore = function (options) {
2697 var optsPatch = { returnPartialData: false };
2698 return this.diffQueryAgainstStore(__assign({}, options, optsPatch)).result;
2699 };
2700 StoreReader.prototype.diffQueryAgainstStore = function (_a) {
2701 var store = _a.store, query = _a.query, variables = _a.variables, previousResult = _a.previousResult, _b = _a.returnPartialData, returnPartialData = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.rootId, rootId = _c === void 0 ? 'ROOT_QUERY' : _c, fragmentMatcherFunction = _a.fragmentMatcherFunction, config = _a.config;
2702 var queryDefinition = apolloUtilities.getQueryDefinition(query);
2703 variables = apolloUtilities.assign({}, apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues(queryDefinition), variables);
2704 var context = {
2705 store: store,
2706 dataIdFromObject: (config && config.dataIdFromObject) || null,
2707 cacheRedirects: (config && config.cacheRedirects) || {},
2708 };
2709 var execResult = this.executeStoreQuery({
2710 query: query,
2711 rootValue: {
2712 type: 'id',
2713 id: rootId,
2714 generated: true,
2715 typename: 'Query',
2716 },
2717 contextValue: context,
2718 variableValues: variables,
2719 fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcherFunction,
2720 });
2721 var hasMissingFields = execResult.missing && execResult.missing.length > 0;
2722 if (hasMissingFields && !returnPartialData) {
2723 execResult.missing.forEach(function (info) {
2724 if (info.tolerable)
2725 return;
2726 throw new Error("Can't find field " + info.fieldName + " on object " + JSON.stringify(info.object, null, 2) + ".");
2727 });
2728 }
2729 if (previousResult) {
2730 if (apolloUtilities.isEqual(previousResult, execResult.result)) {
2731 execResult.result = previousResult;
2732 }
2733 }
2734 return {
2735 result: execResult.result,
2736 complete: !hasMissingFields,
2737 };
2738 };
2739 StoreReader.prototype.executeStoreQuery = function (_a) {
2740 var query = _a.query, rootValue = _a.rootValue, contextValue = _a.contextValue, variableValues = _a.variableValues, _b = _a.fragmentMatcher, fragmentMatcher = _b === void 0 ? defaultFragmentMatcher : _b;
2741 var mainDefinition = apolloUtilities.getMainDefinition(query);
2742 var fragments = apolloUtilities.getFragmentDefinitions(query);
2743 var fragmentMap = apolloUtilities.createFragmentMap(fragments);
2744 var execContext = {
2745 query: query,
2746 fragmentMap: fragmentMap,
2747 contextValue: contextValue,
2748 variableValues: variableValues,
2749 fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcher,
2750 };
2751 return this.executeSelectionSet({
2752 selectionSet: mainDefinition.selectionSet,
2753 rootValue: rootValue,
2754 execContext: execContext,
2755 });
2756 };
2757 StoreReader.prototype.executeSelectionSet = function (_a) {
2758 var _this = this;
2759 var selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, rootValue = _a.rootValue, execContext = _a.execContext;
2760 var fragmentMap = execContext.fragmentMap, contextValue = execContext.contextValue, variables = execContext.variableValues;
2761 var finalResult = {
2762 result: {},
2763 };
2764 var objectsToMerge = [];
2765 var object = contextValue.store.get(rootValue.id);
2766 var typename = (object && object.__typename) ||
2767 (rootValue.id === 'ROOT_QUERY' && 'Query') ||
2768 void 0;
2769 function handleMissing(result) {
2770 var _a;
2771 if (result.missing) {
2772 finalResult.missing = finalResult.missing || [];
2773 (_a = finalResult.missing).push.apply(_a, result.missing);
2774 }
2775 return result.result;
2776 }
2777 selectionSet.selections.forEach(function (selection) {
2778 var _a;
2779 if (!apolloUtilities.shouldInclude(selection, variables)) {
2780 return;
2781 }
2782 if (apolloUtilities.isField(selection)) {
2783 var fieldResult = handleMissing(_this.executeField(object, typename, selection, execContext));
2784 if (typeof fieldResult !== 'undefined') {
2785 objectsToMerge.push((_a = {},
2786 _a[apolloUtilities.resultKeyNameFromField(selection)] = fieldResult,
2787 _a));
2788 }
2789 }
2790 else {
2791 var fragment = void 0;
2792 if (apolloUtilities.isInlineFragment(selection)) {
2793 fragment = selection;
2794 }
2795 else {
2796 fragment = fragmentMap[selection.name.value];
2797 if (!fragment) {
2798 throw new Error("No fragment named " + selection.name.value);
2799 }
2800 }
2801 var typeCondition = fragment.typeCondition.name.value;
2802 var match = execContext.fragmentMatcher(rootValue, typeCondition, contextValue);
2803 if (match) {
2804 var fragmentExecResult = _this.executeSelectionSet({
2805 selectionSet: fragment.selectionSet,
2806 rootValue: rootValue,
2807 execContext: execContext,
2808 });
2809 if (match === 'heuristic' && fragmentExecResult.missing) {
2810 fragmentExecResult = __assign({}, fragmentExecResult, { missing: fragmentExecResult.missing.map(function (info) {
2811 return __assign({}, info, { tolerable: true });
2812 }) });
2813 }
2814 objectsToMerge.push(handleMissing(fragmentExecResult));
2815 }
2816 }
2817 });
2818 merge(finalResult.result, objectsToMerge);
2819 return finalResult;
2820 };
2821 StoreReader.prototype.executeField = function (object, typename, field, execContext) {
2822 var variables = execContext.variableValues, contextValue = execContext.contextValue;
2823 var fieldName = field.name.value;
2824 var args = apolloUtilities.argumentsObjectFromField(field, variables);
2825 var info = {
2826 resultKey: apolloUtilities.resultKeyNameFromField(field),
2827 directives: apolloUtilities.getDirectiveInfoFromField(field, variables),
2828 };
2829 var readStoreResult = readStoreResolver(object, typename, fieldName, args, contextValue, info);
2830 if (Array.isArray(readStoreResult.result)) {
2831 return this.combineExecResults(readStoreResult, this.executeSubSelectedArray(field, readStoreResult.result, execContext));
2832 }
2833 if (!field.selectionSet) {
2834 assertSelectionSetForIdValue(field, readStoreResult.result);
2835 return readStoreResult;
2836 }
2837 if (readStoreResult.result == null) {
2838 return readStoreResult;
2839 }
2840 return this.combineExecResults(readStoreResult, this.executeSelectionSet({
2841 selectionSet: field.selectionSet,
2842 rootValue: readStoreResult.result,
2843 execContext: execContext,
2844 }));
2845 };
2846 StoreReader.prototype.combineExecResults = function () {
2847 var execResults = [];
2848 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2849 execResults[_i] = arguments[_i];
2850 }
2851 var missing = null;
2852 execResults.forEach(function (execResult) {
2853 if (execResult.missing) {
2854 missing = missing || [];
2855 missing.push.apply(missing, execResult.missing);
2856 }
2857 });
2858 return {
2859 result: execResults.pop().result,
2860 missing: missing,
2861 };
2862 };
2863 StoreReader.prototype.executeSubSelectedArray = function (field, result, execContext) {
2864 var _this = this;
2865 var missing = null;
2866 function handleMissing(childResult) {
2867 if (childResult.missing) {
2868 missing = missing || [];
2869 missing.push.apply(missing, childResult.missing);
2870 }
2871 return childResult.result;
2872 }
2873 result = result.map(function (item) {
2874 if (item === null) {
2875 return null;
2876 }
2877 if (Array.isArray(item)) {
2878 return handleMissing(_this.executeSubSelectedArray(field, item, execContext));
2879 }
2880 if (field.selectionSet) {
2881 return handleMissing(_this.executeSelectionSet({
2882 selectionSet: field.selectionSet,
2883 rootValue: item,
2884 execContext: execContext,
2885 }));
2886 }
2887 assertSelectionSetForIdValue(field, item);
2888 return item;
2889 });
2890 return { result: result, missing: missing };
2891 };
2892 return StoreReader;
2893 }());
2894 function assertSelectionSetForIdValue(field, value) {
2895 if (!field.selectionSet && apolloUtilities.isIdValue(value)) {
2896 throw new Error("Missing selection set for object of type " + value.typename + " returned for query field " + field.name.value);
2897 }
2898 }
2899 function defaultFragmentMatcher() {
2900 return true;
2901 }
2902 function assertIdValue(idValue) {
2903 if (!apolloUtilities.isIdValue(idValue)) {
2904 throw new Error("Encountered a sub-selection on the query, but the store doesn't have an object reference. This should never happen during normal use unless you have custom code that is directly manipulating the store; please file an issue.");
2905 }
2906 }
2907 function readStoreResolver(object, typename, fieldName, args, context, _a) {
2908 var resultKey = _a.resultKey, directives = _a.directives;
2909 var storeKeyName = fieldName;
2910 if (args || directives) {
2911 storeKeyName = apolloUtilities.getStoreKeyName(storeKeyName, args, directives);
2912 }
2913 var fieldValue = void 0;
2914 if (object) {
2915 fieldValue = object[storeKeyName];
2916 if (typeof fieldValue === 'undefined' &&
2917 context.cacheRedirects &&
2918 typeof typename === 'string') {
2919 var type = context.cacheRedirects[typename];
2920 if (type) {
2921 var resolver = type[fieldName];
2922 if (resolver) {
2923 fieldValue = resolver(object, args, {
2924 getCacheKey: function (storeObj) {
2925 return apolloUtilities.toIdValue({
2926 id: context.dataIdFromObject(storeObj),
2927 typename: storeObj.__typename,
2928 });
2929 },
2930 });
2931 }
2932 }
2933 }
2934 }
2935 if (typeof fieldValue === 'undefined') {
2936 return {
2937 result: fieldValue,
2938 missing: [{
2939 object: object,
2940 fieldName: storeKeyName,
2941 tolerable: false,
2942 }],
2943 };
2944 }
2945 if (apolloUtilities.isJsonValue(fieldValue)) {
2946 fieldValue = fieldValue.json;
2947 }
2948 return {
2949 result: fieldValue,
2950 };
2951 }
2952 var hasOwn$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
2953 function merge(target, sources) {
2954 var pastCopies = [];
2955 sources.forEach(function (source) {
2956 mergeHelper(target, source, pastCopies);
2957 });
2958 return target;
2959 }
2960 function mergeHelper(target, source, pastCopies) {
2961 if (source !== null && typeof source === 'object') {
2962 if (Object.isExtensible && !Object.isExtensible(target)) {
2963 target = shallowCopyForMerge(target, pastCopies);
2964 }
2965 Object.keys(source).forEach(function (sourceKey) {
2966 var sourceValue = source[sourceKey];
2967 if (hasOwn$1.call(target, sourceKey)) {
2968 var targetValue = target[sourceKey];
2969 if (sourceValue !== targetValue) {
2970 target[sourceKey] = mergeHelper(shallowCopyForMerge(targetValue, pastCopies), sourceValue, pastCopies);
2971 }
2972 }
2973 else {
2974 target[sourceKey] = sourceValue;
2975 }
2976 });
2977 }
2978 return target;
2979 }
2980 function shallowCopyForMerge(value, pastCopies) {
2981 if (value !== null &&
2982 typeof value === 'object' &&
2983 pastCopies.indexOf(value) < 0) {
2984 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
2985 value = value.slice(0);
2986 }
2987 else {
2988 value = __assign({}, value);
2989 }
2990 pastCopies.push(value);
2991 }
2992 return value;
2993 }
2995 var ObjectCache = (function () {
2996 function ObjectCache(data) {
2997 if (data === void 0) { data = Object.create(null); }
2998 this.data = data;
2999 }
3000 ObjectCache.prototype.toObject = function () {
3001 return this.data;
3002 };
3003 ObjectCache.prototype.get = function (dataId) {
3004 return this.data[dataId];
3005 };
3006 ObjectCache.prototype.set = function (dataId, value) {
3007 this.data[dataId] = value;
3008 };
3009 ObjectCache.prototype.delete = function (dataId) {
3010 this.data[dataId] = void 0;
3011 };
3012 ObjectCache.prototype.clear = function () {
3013 this.data = Object.create(null);
3014 };
3015 ObjectCache.prototype.replace = function (newData) {
3016 this.data = newData || Object.create(null);
3017 };
3018 return ObjectCache;
3019 }());
3020 function defaultNormalizedCacheFactory$1(seed) {
3021 return new ObjectCache(seed);
3022 }
3024 var WriteError = (function (_super) {
3025 __extends(WriteError, _super);
3026 function WriteError() {
3027 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
3028 _this.type = 'WriteError';
3029 return _this;
3030 }
3031 return WriteError;
3032 }(Error));
3033 function enhanceErrorWithDocument(error, document) {
3034 var enhancedError = new WriteError("Error writing result to store for query:\n " + JSON.stringify(document));
3035 enhancedError.message += '\n' + error.message;
3036 enhancedError.stack = error.stack;
3037 return enhancedError;
3038 }
3039 var StoreWriter = (function () {
3040 function StoreWriter() {
3041 }
3042 StoreWriter.prototype.writeQueryToStore = function (_a) {
3043 var query = _a.query, result = _a.result, _b = _a.store, store = _b === void 0 ? defaultNormalizedCacheFactory() : _b, variables = _a.variables, dataIdFromObject = _a.dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction = _a.fragmentMatcherFunction;
3044 return this.writeResultToStore({
3045 dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY',
3046 result: result,
3047 document: query,
3048 store: store,
3049 variables: variables,
3050 dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,
3051 fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction,
3052 });
3053 };
3054 StoreWriter.prototype.writeResultToStore = function (_a) {
3055 var dataId = _a.dataId, result = _a.result, document = _a.document, _b = _a.store, store = _b === void 0 ? defaultNormalizedCacheFactory() : _b, variables = _a.variables, dataIdFromObject = _a.dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction = _a.fragmentMatcherFunction;
3056 var operationDefinition = apolloUtilities.getOperationDefinition(document);
3057 try {
3058 return this.writeSelectionSetToStore({
3059 result: result,
3060 dataId: dataId,
3061 selectionSet: operationDefinition.selectionSet,
3062 context: {
3063 store: store,
3064 processedData: {},
3065 variables: apolloUtilities.assign({}, apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues(operationDefinition), variables),
3066 dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,
3067 fragmentMap: apolloUtilities.createFragmentMap(apolloUtilities.getFragmentDefinitions(document)),
3068 fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction,
3069 },
3070 });
3071 }
3072 catch (e) {
3073 throw enhanceErrorWithDocument(e, document);
3074 }
3075 };
3076 StoreWriter.prototype.writeSelectionSetToStore = function (_a) {
3077 var _this = this;
3078 var result = _a.result, dataId = _a.dataId, selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, context = _a.context;
3079 var variables = context.variables, store = context.store, fragmentMap = context.fragmentMap;
3080 selectionSet.selections.forEach(function (selection) {
3081 if (!apolloUtilities.shouldInclude(selection, variables)) {
3082 return;
3083 }
3084 if (apolloUtilities.isField(selection)) {
3085 var resultFieldKey = apolloUtilities.resultKeyNameFromField(selection);
3086 var value = result[resultFieldKey];
3087 if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
3088 _this.writeFieldToStore({
3089 dataId: dataId,
3090 value: value,
3091 field: selection,
3092 context: context,
3093 });
3094 }
3095 else {
3096 var isDefered = selection.directives &&
3097 selection.directives.length &&
3098 selection.directives.some(function (directive) { return directive.name && directive.name.value === 'defer'; });
3099 if (!isDefered && context.fragmentMatcherFunction) {
3100 if (!apolloUtilities.isProduction()) {
3101 console.warn("Missing field " + resultFieldKey + " in " + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2).substring(0, 100));
3102 }
3103 }
3104 }
3105 }
3106 else {
3107 var fragment = void 0;
3108 if (apolloUtilities.isInlineFragment(selection)) {
3109 fragment = selection;
3110 }
3111 else {
3112 fragment = (fragmentMap || {})[selection.name.value];
3113 if (!fragment) {
3114 throw new Error("No fragment named " + selection.name.value + ".");
3115 }
3116 }
3117 var matches = true;
3118 if (context.fragmentMatcherFunction && fragment.typeCondition) {
3119 var idValue = apolloUtilities.toIdValue({ id: 'self', typename: undefined });
3120 var fakeContext = {
3121 store: new ObjectCache({ self: result }),
3122 cacheRedirects: {},
3123 };
3124 var match = context.fragmentMatcherFunction(idValue, fragment.typeCondition.name.value, fakeContext);
3125 if (!apolloUtilities.isProduction() && match === 'heuristic') {
3126 console.error('WARNING: heuristic fragment matching going on!');
3127 }
3128 matches = !!match;
3129 }
3130 if (matches) {
3131 _this.writeSelectionSetToStore({
3132 result: result,
3133 selectionSet: fragment.selectionSet,
3134 dataId: dataId,
3135 context: context,
3136 });
3137 }
3138 }
3139 });
3140 return store;
3141 };
3142 StoreWriter.prototype.writeFieldToStore = function (_a) {
3143 var field = _a.field, value = _a.value, dataId = _a.dataId, context = _a.context;
3144 var _b;
3145 var variables = context.variables, dataIdFromObject = context.dataIdFromObject, store = context.store;
3146 var storeValue;
3147 var storeObject;
3148 var storeFieldName = apolloUtilities.storeKeyNameFromField(field, variables);
3149 if (!field.selectionSet || value === null) {
3150 storeValue =
3151 value != null && typeof value === 'object'
3152 ?
3153 { type: 'json', json: value }
3154 :
3155 value;
3156 }
3157 else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
3158 var generatedId = dataId + "." + storeFieldName;
3159 storeValue = this.processArrayValue(value, generatedId, field.selectionSet, context);
3160 }
3161 else {
3162 var valueDataId = dataId + "." + storeFieldName;
3163 var generated = true;
3164 if (!isGeneratedId(valueDataId)) {
3165 valueDataId = '$' + valueDataId;
3166 }
3167 if (dataIdFromObject) {
3168 var semanticId = dataIdFromObject(value);
3169 if (semanticId && isGeneratedId(semanticId)) {
3170 throw new Error('IDs returned by dataIdFromObject cannot begin with the "$" character.');
3171 }
3172 if (semanticId ||
3173 (typeof semanticId === 'number' && semanticId === 0)) {
3174 valueDataId = semanticId;
3175 generated = false;
3176 }
3177 }
3178 if (!isDataProcessed(valueDataId, field, context.processedData)) {
3179 this.writeSelectionSetToStore({
3180 dataId: valueDataId,
3181 result: value,
3182 selectionSet: field.selectionSet,
3183 context: context,
3184 });
3185 }
3186 var typename = value.__typename;
3187 storeValue = apolloUtilities.toIdValue({ id: valueDataId, typename: typename }, generated);
3188 storeObject = store.get(dataId);
3189 var escapedId = storeObject && storeObject[storeFieldName];
3190 if (escapedId !== storeValue && apolloUtilities.isIdValue(escapedId)) {
3191 var hadTypename = escapedId.typename !== undefined;
3192 var hasTypename = typename !== undefined;
3193 var typenameChanged = hadTypename && hasTypename && escapedId.typename !== typename;
3194 if (generated && !escapedId.generated && !typenameChanged) {
3195 throw new Error("Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id" +
3196 (" but the store already contains an id of " + escapedId.id + " for this object. The selectionSet") +
3197 " that was trying to be written is:\n" +
3198 JSON.stringify(field));
3199 }
3200 if (hadTypename && !hasTypename) {
3201 throw new Error("Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided typename" +
3202 (" but the store already contains an object with typename of " + escapedId.typename + " for the object of id " + escapedId.id + ". The selectionSet") +
3203 " that was trying to be written is:\n" +
3204 JSON.stringify(field));
3205 }
3206 if (escapedId.generated) {
3207 if (typenameChanged) {
3208 if (!generated) {
3209 store.delete(escapedId.id);
3210 }
3211 }
3212 else {
3213 mergeWithGenerated(escapedId.id, storeValue.id, store);
3214 }
3215 }
3216 }
3217 }
3218 storeObject = store.get(dataId);
3219 if (!storeObject || !apolloUtilities.isEqual(storeValue, storeObject[storeFieldName])) {
3220 store.set(dataId, __assign({}, storeObject, (_b = {}, _b[storeFieldName] = storeValue, _b)));
3221 }
3222 };
3223 StoreWriter.prototype.processArrayValue = function (value, generatedId, selectionSet, context) {
3224 var _this = this;
3225 return value.map(function (item, index) {
3226 if (item === null) {
3227 return null;
3228 }
3229 var itemDataId = generatedId + "." + index;
3230 if (Array.isArray(item)) {
3231 return _this.processArrayValue(item, itemDataId, selectionSet, context);
3232 }
3233 var generated = true;
3234 if (context.dataIdFromObject) {
3235 var semanticId = context.dataIdFromObject(item);
3236 if (semanticId) {
3237 itemDataId = semanticId;
3238 generated = false;
3239 }
3240 }
3241 if (!isDataProcessed(itemDataId, selectionSet, context.processedData)) {
3242 _this.writeSelectionSetToStore({
3243 dataId: itemDataId,
3244 result: item,
3245 selectionSet: selectionSet,
3246 context: context,
3247 });
3248 }
3249 return apolloUtilities.toIdValue({ id: itemDataId, typename: item.__typename }, generated);
3250 });
3251 };
3252 return StoreWriter;
3253 }());
3254 function isGeneratedId(id) {
3255 return id[0] === '$';
3256 }
3257 function mergeWithGenerated(generatedKey, realKey, cache) {
3258 if (generatedKey === realKey) {
3259 return false;
3260 }
3261 var generated = cache.get(generatedKey);
3262 var real = cache.get(realKey);
3263 var madeChanges = false;
3264 Object.keys(generated).forEach(function (key) {
3265 var value = generated[key];
3266 var realValue = real[key];
3267 if (apolloUtilities.isIdValue(value) &&
3268 isGeneratedId(value.id) &&
3269 apolloUtilities.isIdValue(realValue) &&
3270 !apolloUtilities.isEqual(value, realValue) &&
3271 mergeWithGenerated(value.id, realValue.id, cache)) {
3272 madeChanges = true;
3273 }
3274 });
3275 cache.delete(generatedKey);
3276 var newRealValue = __assign({}, generated, real);
3277 if (apolloUtilities.isEqual(newRealValue, real)) {
3278 return madeChanges;
3279 }
3280 cache.set(realKey, newRealValue);
3281 return true;
3282 }
3283 function isDataProcessed(dataId, field, processedData) {
3284 if (!processedData) {
3285 return false;
3286 }
3287 if (processedData[dataId]) {
3288 if (processedData[dataId].indexOf(field) >= 0) {
3289 return true;
3290 }
3291 else {
3292 processedData[dataId].push(field);
3293 }
3294 }
3295 else {
3296 processedData[dataId] = [field];
3297 }
3298 return false;
3299 }
3301 var defaultConfig = {
3302 fragmentMatcher: new HeuristicFragmentMatcher(),
3303 dataIdFromObject: defaultDataIdFromObject,
3304 addTypename: true,
3305 resultCaching: true,
3306 };
3307 function defaultDataIdFromObject(result) {
3308 if (result.__typename) {
3309 if (result.id !== undefined) {
3310 return result.__typename + ":" + result.id;
3311 }
3312 if (result._id !== undefined) {
3313 return result.__typename + ":" + result._id;
3314 }
3315 }
3316 return null;
3317 }
3318 var hasOwn$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
3319 var OptimisticCacheLayer = (function (_super) {
3320 __extends(OptimisticCacheLayer, _super);
3321 function OptimisticCacheLayer(optimisticId, parent, transaction) {
3322 var _this = _super.call(this, Object.create(null)) || this;
3323 _this.optimisticId = optimisticId;
3324 _this.parent = parent;
3325 _this.transaction = transaction;
3326 return _this;
3327 }
3328 OptimisticCacheLayer.prototype.toObject = function () {
3329 return __assign({}, this.parent.toObject(), this.data);
3330 };
3331 OptimisticCacheLayer.prototype.get = function (dataId) {
3332 return hasOwn$2.call(this.data, dataId)
3333 ? this.data[dataId]
3334 : this.parent.get(dataId);
3335 };
3336 return OptimisticCacheLayer;
3337 }(ObjectCache));
3338 var InMemoryCache = (function (_super) {
3339 __extends(InMemoryCache, _super);
3340 function InMemoryCache(config) {
3341 if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
3342 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
3343 _this.watches = new Set();
3344 _this.typenameDocumentCache = new Map();
3345 _this.cacheKeyRoot = new CacheKeyNode();
3346 _this.silenceBroadcast = false;
3347 _this.config = __assign({}, defaultConfig, config);
3348 if (_this.config.customResolvers) {
3349 console.warn('customResolvers have been renamed to cacheRedirects. Please update your config as we will be deprecating customResolvers in the next major version.');
3350 _this.config.cacheRedirects = _this.config.customResolvers;
3351 }
3352 if (_this.config.cacheResolvers) {
3353 console.warn('cacheResolvers have been renamed to cacheRedirects. Please update your config as we will be deprecating cacheResolvers in the next major version.');
3354 _this.config.cacheRedirects = _this.config.cacheResolvers;
3355 }
3356 _this.addTypename = _this.config.addTypename;
3357 _this.data = _this.config.resultCaching
3358 ? new DepTrackingCache()
3359 : new ObjectCache();
3360 _this.optimisticData = _this.data;
3361 _this.storeReader = new StoreReader(_this.cacheKeyRoot);
3362 _this.storeWriter = new StoreWriter();
3363 var cache = _this;
3364 var maybeBroadcastWatch = cache.maybeBroadcastWatch;
3365 _this.maybeBroadcastWatch = optimism.wrap(function (c) {
3366 return maybeBroadcastWatch.call(_this, c);
3367 }, {
3368 makeCacheKey: function (c) {
3369 if (c.optimistic) {
3370 return;
3371 }
3372 if (c.previousResult) {
3373 return;
3374 }
3375 if (cache.data instanceof DepTrackingCache) {
3376 return cache.cacheKeyRoot.lookup(c.query, JSON.stringify(c.variables));
3377 }
3378 }
3379 });
3380 return _this;
3381 }
3382 InMemoryCache.prototype.restore = function (data) {
3383 if (data)
3384 this.data.replace(data);
3385 return this;
3386 };
3387 InMemoryCache.prototype.extract = function (optimistic) {
3388 if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; }
3389 return (optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data).toObject();
3390 };
3391 InMemoryCache.prototype.read = function (options) {
3392 if (typeof options.rootId === 'string' &&
3393 typeof this.data.get(options.rootId) === 'undefined') {
3394 return null;
3395 }
3396 return this.storeReader.readQueryFromStore({
3397 store: options.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data,
3398 query: this.transformDocument(options.query),
3399 variables: options.variables,
3400 rootId: options.rootId,
3401 fragmentMatcherFunction: this.config.fragmentMatcher.match,
3402 previousResult: options.previousResult,
3403 config: this.config,
3404 });
3405 };
3406 InMemoryCache.prototype.write = function (write) {
3407 this.storeWriter.writeResultToStore({
3408 dataId: write.dataId,
3409 result: write.result,
3410 variables: write.variables,
3411 document: this.transformDocument(write.query),
3412 store: this.data,
3413 dataIdFromObject: this.config.dataIdFromObject,
3414 fragmentMatcherFunction: this.config.fragmentMatcher.match,
3415 });
3416 this.broadcastWatches();
3417 };
3418 InMemoryCache.prototype.diff = function (query) {
3419 return this.storeReader.diffQueryAgainstStore({
3420 store: query.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data,
3421 query: this.transformDocument(query.query),
3422 variables: query.variables,
3423 returnPartialData: query.returnPartialData,
3424 previousResult: query.previousResult,
3425 fragmentMatcherFunction: this.config.fragmentMatcher.match,
3426 config: this.config,
3427 });
3428 };
3429 InMemoryCache.prototype.watch = function (watch) {
3430 var _this = this;
3431 this.watches.add(watch);
3432 return function () {
3433 _this.watches.delete(watch);
3434 };
3435 };
3436 InMemoryCache.prototype.evict = function (query) {
3437 throw new Error("eviction is not implemented on InMemory Cache");
3438 };
3439 InMemoryCache.prototype.reset = function () {
3440 this.data.clear();
3441 this.broadcastWatches();
3442 return Promise.resolve();
3443 };
3444 InMemoryCache.prototype.removeOptimistic = function (idToRemove) {
3445 var toReapply = [];
3446 var removedCount = 0;
3447 var layer = this.optimisticData;
3448 while (layer instanceof OptimisticCacheLayer) {
3449 if (layer.optimisticId === idToRemove) {
3450 ++removedCount;
3451 }
3452 else {
3453 toReapply.push(layer);
3454 }
3455 layer = layer.parent;
3456 }
3457 if (removedCount > 0) {
3458 this.optimisticData = layer;
3459 while (toReapply.length > 0) {
3460 var layer_1 = toReapply.pop();
3461 this.performTransaction(layer_1.transaction, layer_1.optimisticId);
3462 }
3463 this.broadcastWatches();
3464 }
3465 };
3466 InMemoryCache.prototype.performTransaction = function (transaction, optimisticId) {
3467 var _a = this, data = _a.data, silenceBroadcast = _a.silenceBroadcast;
3468 this.silenceBroadcast = true;
3469 if (typeof optimisticId === 'string') {
3470 this.data = this.optimisticData = new OptimisticCacheLayer(optimisticId, this.optimisticData, transaction);
3471 }
3472 try {
3473 transaction(this);
3474 }
3475 finally {
3476 this.silenceBroadcast = silenceBroadcast;
3477 this.data = data;
3478 }
3479 this.broadcastWatches();
3480 };
3481 InMemoryCache.prototype.recordOptimisticTransaction = function (transaction, id) {
3482 return this.performTransaction(transaction, id);
3483 };
3484 InMemoryCache.prototype.transformDocument = function (document) {
3485 if (this.addTypename) {
3486 var result = this.typenameDocumentCache.get(document);
3487 if (!result) {
3488 result = apolloUtilities.addTypenameToDocument(document);
3489 this.typenameDocumentCache.set(document, result);
3490 this.typenameDocumentCache.set(result, result);
3491 }
3492 return result;
3493 }
3494 return document;
3495 };
3496 InMemoryCache.prototype.broadcastWatches = function () {
3497 var _this = this;
3498 if (!this.silenceBroadcast) {
3499 this.watches.forEach(function (c) { return _this.maybeBroadcastWatch(c); });
3500 }
3501 };
3502 InMemoryCache.prototype.maybeBroadcastWatch = function (c) {
3503 c.callback(this.diff({
3504 query: c.query,
3505 variables: c.variables,
3506 previousResult: c.previousResult && c.previousResult(),
3507 optimistic: c.optimistic,
3508 }));
3509 };
3510 return InMemoryCache;
3511 }(ApolloCache));
3513 var __assign$3 = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || function () {
3514 __assign$3 = Object.assign || function(t) {
3515 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
3516 s = arguments[i];
3517 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
3518 t[p] = s[p];
3519 }
3520 return t;
3521 };
3522 return __assign$3.apply(this, arguments);
3523 };
3524 var defaultHttpOptions = {
3525 includeQuery: true,
3526 includeExtensions: false,
3527 };
3528 var defaultHeaders = {
3529 // headers are case insensitive (https://stackoverflow.com/a/5259004)
3530 accept: '*/*',
3531 'content-type': 'application/json',
3532 };
3533 var defaultOptions = {
3534 method: 'POST',
3535 };
3536 var fallbackHttpConfig = {
3537 http: defaultHttpOptions,
3538 headers: defaultHeaders,
3539 options: defaultOptions,
3540 };
3541 var throwServerError = function (response, result, message) {
3542 var error = new Error(message);
3543 error.response = response;
3544 error.statusCode = response.status;
3545 error.result = result;
3546 throw error;
3547 };
3548 //TODO: when conditional types come in ts 2.8, operations should be a generic type that extends Operation | Array<Operation>
3549 var parseAndCheckHttpResponse = function (operations) { return function (response) {
3550 return (response
3551 .text()
3552 .then(function (bodyText) {
3553 try {
3554 return JSON.parse(bodyText);
3555 }
3556 catch (err) {
3557 var parseError = err;
3558 parseError.response = response;
3559 parseError.statusCode = response.status;
3560 parseError.bodyText = bodyText;
3561 return Promise.reject(parseError);
3562 }
3563 })
3564 //TODO: when conditional types come out then result should be T extends Array ? Array<FetchResult> : FetchResult
3565 .then(function (result) {
3566 if (response.status >= 300) {
3567 //Network error
3568 throwServerError(response, result, "Response not successful: Received status code " + response.status);
3569 }
3570 //TODO should really error per response in a Batch based on properties
3571 // - could be done in a validation link
3572 if (!Array.isArray(result) &&
3573 !result.hasOwnProperty('data') &&
3574 !result.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
3575 //Data error
3576 throwServerError(response, result, "Server response was missing for query '" + (Array.isArray(operations)
3577 ? operations.map(function (op) { return op.operationName; })
3578 : operations.operationName) + "'.");
3579 }
3580 return result;
3581 }));
3582 }; };
3583 var checkFetcher = function (fetcher) {
3584 if (!fetcher && typeof fetch === 'undefined') {
3585 var library = 'unfetch';
3586 if (typeof window === 'undefined')
3587 library = 'node-fetch';
3588 throw new Error("\nfetch is not found globally and no fetcher passed, to fix pass a fetch for\nyour environment like https://www.npmjs.com/package/" + library + ".\n\nFor example:\nimport fetch from '" + library + "';\nimport { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';\n\nconst link = createHttpLink({ uri: '/graphql', fetch: fetch });");
3589 }
3590 };
3591 var createSignalIfSupported = function () {
3592 if (typeof AbortController === 'undefined')
3593 return { controller: false, signal: false };
3594 var controller = new AbortController();
3595 var signal = controller.signal;
3596 return { controller: controller, signal: signal };
3597 };
3598 var selectHttpOptionsAndBody = function (operation, fallbackConfig) {
3599 var configs = [];
3600 for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
3601 configs[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
3602 }
3603 var options = __assign$3({}, fallbackConfig.options, { headers: fallbackConfig.headers, credentials: fallbackConfig.credentials });
3604 var http = fallbackConfig.http;
3605 /*
3606 * use the rest of the configs to populate the options
3607 * configs later in the list will overwrite earlier fields
3608 */
3609 configs.forEach(function (config) {
3610 options = __assign$3({}, options, config.options, { headers: __assign$3({}, options.headers, config.headers) });
3611 if (config.credentials)
3612 options.credentials = config.credentials;
3613 http = __assign$3({}, http, config.http);
3614 });
3615 //The body depends on the http options
3616 var operationName = operation.operationName, extensions = operation.extensions, variables = operation.variables, query = operation.query;
3617 var body = { operationName: operationName, variables: variables };
3618 if (http.includeExtensions)
3619 body.extensions = extensions;
3620 // not sending the query (i.e persisted queries)
3621 if (http.includeQuery)
3622 body.query = printer.print(query);
3623 return {
3624 options: options,
3625 body: body,
3626 };
3627 };
3628 var serializeFetchParameter = function (p, label) {
3629 var serialized;
3630 try {
3631 serialized = JSON.stringify(p);
3632 }
3633 catch (e) {
3634 var parseError = new Error("Network request failed. " + label + " is not serializable: " + e.message);
3635 parseError.parseError = e;
3636 throw parseError;
3637 }
3638 return serialized;
3639 };
3640 //selects "/graphql" by default
3641 var selectURI = function (operation, fallbackURI) {
3642 var context = operation.getContext();
3643 var contextURI = context.uri;
3644 if (contextURI) {
3645 return contextURI;
3646 }
3647 else if (typeof fallbackURI === 'function') {
3648 return fallbackURI(operation);
3649 }
3650 else {
3651 return fallbackURI || '/graphql';
3652 }
3653 };
3655 /* tslint:disable */
3656 var __extends$4 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
3657 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
3658 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
3659 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
3660 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
3661 return extendStatics(d, b);
3662 };
3663 return function (d, b) {
3664 extendStatics(d, b);
3665 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
3666 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
3667 };
3668 })();
3669 var __rest$1 = (undefined && undefined.__rest) || function (s, e) {
3670 var t = {};
3671 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
3672 t[p] = s[p];
3673 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
3674 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0)
3675 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
3676 return t;
3677 };
3678 var createHttpLink = function (linkOptions) {
3679 if (linkOptions === void 0) { linkOptions = {}; }
3680 var _a = linkOptions.uri, uri = _a === void 0 ? '/graphql' : _a,
3681 // use default global fetch is nothing passed in
3682 fetcher = linkOptions.fetch, includeExtensions = linkOptions.includeExtensions, useGETForQueries = linkOptions.useGETForQueries, requestOptions = __rest$1(linkOptions, ["uri", "fetch", "includeExtensions", "useGETForQueries"]);
3683 // dev warnings to ensure fetch is present
3684 checkFetcher(fetcher);
3685 //fetcher is set here rather than the destructuring to ensure fetch is
3686 //declared before referencing it. Reference in the destructuring would cause
3687 //a ReferenceError
3688 if (!fetcher) {
3689 fetcher = fetch;
3690 }
3691 var linkConfig = {
3692 http: { includeExtensions: includeExtensions },
3693 options: requestOptions.fetchOptions,
3694 credentials: requestOptions.credentials,
3695 headers: requestOptions.headers,
3696 };
3697 return new ApolloLink$1(function (operation) {
3698 var chosenURI = selectURI(operation, uri);
3699 var context = operation.getContext();
3700 var contextConfig = {
3701 http: context.http,
3702 options: context.fetchOptions,
3703 credentials: context.credentials,
3704 headers: context.headers,
3705 };
3706 //uses fallback, link, and then context to build options
3707 var _a = selectHttpOptionsAndBody(operation, fallbackHttpConfig, linkConfig, contextConfig), options = _a.options, body = _a.body;
3708 var controller;
3709 if (!options.signal) {
3710 var _b = createSignalIfSupported(), _controller = _b.controller, signal = _b.signal;
3711 controller = _controller;
3712 if (controller)
3713 options.signal = signal;
3714 }
3715 // If requested, set method to GET if there are no mutations.
3716 var definitionIsMutation = function (d) {
3717 return d.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && d.operation === 'mutation';
3718 };
3719 if (useGETForQueries &&
3720 !operation.query.definitions.some(definitionIsMutation)) {
3721 options.method = 'GET';
3722 }
3723 if (options.method === 'GET') {
3724 var _c = rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body), newURI = _c.newURI, parseError = _c.parseError;
3725 if (parseError) {
3726 return fromError$1(parseError);
3727 }
3728 chosenURI = newURI;
3729 }
3730 else {
3731 try {
3732 options.body = serializeFetchParameter(body, 'Payload');
3733 }
3734 catch (parseError) {
3735 return fromError$1(parseError);
3736 }
3737 }
3738 return new Observable$2(function (observer) {
3739 fetcher(chosenURI, options)
3740 .then(function (response) {
3741 operation.setContext({ response: response });
3742 return response;
3743 })
3744 .then(parseAndCheckHttpResponse(operation))
3745 .then(function (result) {
3746 // we have data and can send it to back up the link chain
3747 observer.next(result);
3748 observer.complete();
3749 return result;
3750 })
3751 .catch(function (err) {
3752 // fetch was cancelled so its already been cleaned up in the unsubscribe
3753 if (err.name === 'AbortError')
3754 return;
3755 // if it is a network error, BUT there is graphql result info
3756 // fire the next observer before calling error
3757 // this gives apollo-client (and react-apollo) the `graphqlErrors` and `networErrors`
3758 // to pass to UI
3759 // this should only happen if we *also* have data as part of the response key per
3760 // the spec
3761 if (err.result && err.result.errors && err.result.data) {
3762 // if we dont' call next, the UI can only show networkError because AC didn't
3763 // get andy graphqlErrors
3764 // this is graphql execution result info (i.e errors and possibly data)
3765 // this is because there is no formal spec how errors should translate to
3766 // http status codes. So an auth error (401) could have both data
3767 // from a public field, errors from a private field, and a status of 401
3768 // {
3769 // user { // this will have errors
3770 // firstName
3771 // }
3772 // products { // this is public so will have data
3773 // cost
3774 // }
3775 // }
3776 //
3777 // the result of above *could* look like this:
3778 // {
3779 // data: { products: [{ cost: "$10" }] },
3780 // errors: [{
3781 // message: 'your session has timed out',
3782 // path: []
3783 // }]
3784 // }
3785 // status code of above would be a 401
3786 // in the UI you want to show data where you can, errors as data where you can
3787 // and use correct http status codes
3788 observer.next(err.result);
3789 }
3790 observer.error(err);
3791 });
3792 return function () {
3793 // XXX support canceling this request
3794 // https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/abortable-fetch
3795 if (controller)
3796 controller.abort();
3797 };
3798 });
3799 });
3800 };
3801 // For GET operations, returns the given URI rewritten with parameters, or a
3802 // parse error.
3803 function rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body) {
3804 // Implement the standard HTTP GET serialization, plus 'extensions'. Note
3805 // the extra level of JSON serialization!
3806 var queryParams = [];
3807 var addQueryParam = function (key, value) {
3808 queryParams.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value));
3809 };
3810 if ('query' in body) {
3811 addQueryParam('query', body.query);
3812 }
3813 if (body.operationName) {
3814 addQueryParam('operationName', body.operationName);
3815 }
3816 if (body.variables) {
3817 var serializedVariables = void 0;
3818 try {
3819 serializedVariables = serializeFetchParameter(body.variables, 'Variables map');
3820 }
3821 catch (parseError) {
3822 return { parseError: parseError };
3823 }
3824 addQueryParam('variables', serializedVariables);
3825 }
3826 if (body.extensions) {
3827 var serializedExtensions = void 0;
3828 try {
3829 serializedExtensions = serializeFetchParameter(body.extensions, 'Extensions map');
3830 }
3831 catch (parseError) {
3832 return { parseError: parseError };
3833 }
3834 addQueryParam('extensions', serializedExtensions);
3835 }
3836 // Reconstruct the URI with added query params.
3837 // XXX This assumes that the URI is well-formed and that it doesn't
3838 // already contain any of these query params. We could instead use the
3839 // URL API and take a polyfill (whatwg-url@6) for older browsers that
3840 // don't support URLSearchParams. Note that some browsers (and
3841 // versions of whatwg-url) support URL but not URLSearchParams!
3842 var fragment = '', preFragment = chosenURI;
3843 var fragmentStart = chosenURI.indexOf('#');
3844 if (fragmentStart !== -1) {
3845 fragment = chosenURI.substr(fragmentStart);
3846 preFragment = chosenURI.substr(0, fragmentStart);
3847 }
3848 var queryParamsPrefix = preFragment.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';
3849 var newURI = preFragment + queryParamsPrefix + queryParams.join('&') + fragment;
3850 return { newURI: newURI };
3851 }
3852 var HttpLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
3853 __extends$4(HttpLink, _super);
3854 function HttpLink(opts) {
3855 return _super.call(this, createHttpLink(opts).request) || this;
3856 }
3857 return HttpLink;
3858 }(ApolloLink$1));
3860 /**
3861 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
3862 *
3863 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
3864 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
3865 *
3866 * strict
3867 */
3869 /**
3870 * The `applyToJSON()` function defines toJSON() and inspect() prototype
3871 * methods which are aliases for toString().
3872 */
3873 function applyToJSON(classObject) {
3874 classObject.prototype.toJSON = classObject.prototype.inspect = classObject.prototype.toString;
3875 }
3877 /**
3878 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
3879 *
3880 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
3881 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
3882 *
3883 * strict
3884 */
3886 /**
3887 * The `applyToStringTag()` function checks first to see if the runtime
3888 * supports the `Symbol` class and then if the `Symbol.toStringTag` constant
3889 * is defined as a `Symbol` instance. If both conditions are met, the
3890 * Symbol.toStringTag property is defined as a getter that returns the
3891 * supplied class constructor's name.
3892 *
3893 * @method applyToStringTag
3894 *
3895 * @param {Class<any>} classObject a class such as Object, String, Number but
3896 * typically one of your own creation through the class keyword; `class A {}`,
3897 * for example.
3898 */
3899 function applyToStringTag(classObject) {
3900 if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
3901 Object.defineProperty(classObject.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {
3902 get: function get() {
3903 return this.constructor.name;
3904 }
3905 });
3906 }
3907 }
3909 /**
3910 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
3911 *
3912 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
3913 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
3914 *
3915 * strict
3916 */
3918 /**
3919 * A replacement for instanceof which includes an error warning when multi-realm
3920 * constructors are detected.
3921 */
3922 // See: https://expressjs.com/en/advanced/best-practice-performance.html#set-node_env-to-production
3923 // See: https://webpack.js.org/guides/production/
3924 var instanceOf = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
3925 function instanceOf(value, constructor) {
3926 return value instanceof constructor;
3927 } : // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
3928 function instanceOf(value, constructor) {
3929 if (value instanceof constructor) {
3930 return true;
3931 }
3933 if (value) {
3934 var valueClass = value.constructor;
3935 var className = constructor.name;
3937 if (className && valueClass && valueClass.name === className) {
3938 throw new Error("Cannot use ".concat(className, " \"").concat(value, "\" from another module or realm.\n\nEnsure that there is only one instance of \"graphql\" in the node_modules\ndirectory. If different versions of \"graphql\" are the dependencies of other\nrelied on modules, use \"resolutions\" to ensure only one version is installed.\n\nhttps://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions\n\nDuplicate \"graphql\" modules cannot be used at the same time since different\nversions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one\nversion used in the function from another could produce confusing and\nspurious results."));
3939 }
3940 }
3942 return false;
3943 };
3945 function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
3947 /**
3948 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
3949 *
3950 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
3951 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
3952 *
3953 * strict
3954 */
3956 /**
3957 * Used to print values in error messages.
3958 */
3959 function inspect(value) {
3960 switch (_typeof(value)) {
3961 case 'string':
3962 return JSON.stringify(value);
3964 case 'function':
3965 return value.name ? "[function ".concat(value.name, "]") : '[function]';
3967 case 'object':
3968 if (value) {
3969 if (typeof value.inspect === 'function') {
3970 return value.inspect();
3971 } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
3972 return '[' + value.map(inspect).join(', ') + ']';
3973 }
3975 var properties = Object.keys(value).map(function (k) {
3976 return "".concat(k, ": ").concat(inspect(value[k]));
3977 }).join(', ');
3978 return properties ? '{ ' + properties + ' }' : '{}';
3979 }
3981 return String(value);
3983 default:
3984 return String(value);
3985 }
3986 }
3988 /**
3989 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
3990 *
3991 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
3992 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
3993 *
3994 * strict
3995 */
3996 function invariant(condition, message) {
3997 /* istanbul ignore else */
3998 if (!condition) {
3999 throw new Error(message);
4000 }
4001 }
4003 /**
4004 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
4005 *
4006 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4007 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
4008 *
4009 * strict
4010 */
4012 /**
4013 * Creates a keyed JS object from an array, given a function to produce the keys
4014 * for each value in the array.
4015 *
4016 * This provides a convenient lookup for the array items if the key function
4017 * produces unique results.
4018 *
4019 * const phoneBook = [
4020 * { name: 'Jon', num: '555-1234' },
4021 * { name: 'Jenny', num: '867-5309' }
4022 * ]
4023 *
4024 * // { Jon: { name: 'Jon', num: '555-1234' },
4025 * // Jenny: { name: 'Jenny', num: '867-5309' } }
4026 * const entriesByName = keyMap(
4027 * phoneBook,
4028 * entry => entry.name
4029 * )
4030 *
4031 * // { name: 'Jenny', num: '857-6309' }
4032 * const jennyEntry = entriesByName['Jenny']
4033 *
4034 */
4035 function keyMap(list, keyFn) {
4036 return list.reduce(function (map, item) {
4037 return map[keyFn(item)] = item, map;
4038 }, Object.create(null));
4039 }
4041 /**
4042 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
4043 *
4044 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4045 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
4046 *
4047 * strict
4048 */
4050 /**
4051 * The set of allowed kind values for AST nodes.
4052 */
4053 var Kind = Object.freeze({
4054 // Name
4055 NAME: 'Name',
4056 // Document
4057 DOCUMENT: 'Document',
4058 OPERATION_DEFINITION: 'OperationDefinition',
4059 VARIABLE_DEFINITION: 'VariableDefinition',
4060 SELECTION_SET: 'SelectionSet',
4061 FIELD: 'Field',
4062 ARGUMENT: 'Argument',
4063 // Fragments
4064 FRAGMENT_SPREAD: 'FragmentSpread',
4065 INLINE_FRAGMENT: 'InlineFragment',
4066 FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: 'FragmentDefinition',
4067 // Values
4068 VARIABLE: 'Variable',
4069 INT: 'IntValue',
4070 FLOAT: 'FloatValue',
4071 STRING: 'StringValue',
4072 BOOLEAN: 'BooleanValue',
4073 NULL: 'NullValue',
4074 ENUM: 'EnumValue',
4075 LIST: 'ListValue',
4076 OBJECT: 'ObjectValue',
4077 OBJECT_FIELD: 'ObjectField',
4078 // Directives
4079 DIRECTIVE: 'Directive',
4080 // Types
4081 NAMED_TYPE: 'NamedType',
4082 LIST_TYPE: 'ListType',
4083 NON_NULL_TYPE: 'NonNullType',
4084 // Type System Definitions
4085 SCHEMA_DEFINITION: 'SchemaDefinition',
4086 OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'OperationTypeDefinition',
4087 // Type Definitions
4088 SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'ScalarTypeDefinition',
4089 OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'ObjectTypeDefinition',
4090 FIELD_DEFINITION: 'FieldDefinition',
4091 INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION: 'InputValueDefinition',
4092 INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'InterfaceTypeDefinition',
4093 UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'UnionTypeDefinition',
4094 ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'EnumTypeDefinition',
4095 ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION: 'EnumValueDefinition',
4096 INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'InputObjectTypeDefinition',
4097 // Directive Definitions
4098 DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION: 'DirectiveDefinition',
4099 // Type System Extensions
4100 SCHEMA_EXTENSION: 'SchemaExtension',
4101 // Type Extensions
4102 SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'ScalarTypeExtension',
4103 OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'ObjectTypeExtension',
4104 INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'InterfaceTypeExtension',
4105 UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'UnionTypeExtension',
4106 ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'EnumTypeExtension',
4107 INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'InputObjectTypeExtension'
4108 });
4109 /**
4110 * The enum type representing the possible kind values of AST nodes.
4111 */
4113 /**
4114 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
4115 *
4116 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4117 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
4118 *
4119 * strict
4120 */
4122 /**
4123 * Creates a keyed JS object from an array, given a function to produce the keys
4124 * and a function to produce the values from each item in the array.
4125 *
4126 * const phoneBook = [
4127 * { name: 'Jon', num: '555-1234' },
4128 * { name: 'Jenny', num: '867-5309' }
4129 * ]
4130 *
4131 * // { Jon: '555-1234', Jenny: '867-5309' }
4132 * const phonesByName = keyValMap(
4133 * phoneBook,
4134 * entry => entry.name,
4135 * entry => entry.num
4136 * )
4137 *
4138 */
4139 function keyValMap(list, keyFn, valFn) {
4140 return list.reduce(function (map, item) {
4141 return map[keyFn(item)] = valFn(item), map;
4142 }, Object.create(null));
4143 }
4145 /**
4146 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
4147 *
4148 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4149 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
4150 *
4151 * strict
4152 */
4154 /**
4155 * Returns true if a value is undefined, or NaN.
4156 */
4157 function isInvalid(value) {
4158 return value === undefined || value !== value;
4159 }
4161 /**
4162 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
4163 *
4164 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4165 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
4166 *
4167 * strict
4168 */
4170 /**
4171 * Produces a JavaScript value given a GraphQL Value AST.
4172 *
4173 * Unlike `valueFromAST()`, no type is provided. The resulting JavaScript value
4174 * will reflect the provided GraphQL value AST.
4175 *
4176 * | GraphQL Value | JavaScript Value |
4177 * | -------------------- | ---------------- |
4178 * | Input Object | Object |
4179 * | List | Array |
4180 * | Boolean | Boolean |
4181 * | String / Enum | String |
4182 * | Int / Float | Number |
4183 * | Null | null |
4184 *
4185 */
4186 function valueFromASTUntyped(valueNode, variables) {
4187 switch (valueNode.kind) {
4188 case Kind.NULL:
4189 return null;
4191 case Kind.INT:
4192 return parseInt(valueNode.value, 10);
4194 case Kind.FLOAT:
4195 return parseFloat(valueNode.value);
4197 case Kind.STRING:
4198 case Kind.ENUM:
4199 case Kind.BOOLEAN:
4200 return valueNode.value;
4202 case Kind.LIST:
4203 return valueNode.values.map(function (node) {
4204 return valueFromASTUntyped(node, variables);
4205 });
4207 case Kind.OBJECT:
4208 return keyValMap(valueNode.fields, function (field) {
4209 return field.name.value;
4210 }, function (field) {
4211 return valueFromASTUntyped(field.value, variables);
4212 });
4214 case Kind.VARIABLE:
4215 var variableName = valueNode.name.value;
4216 return variables && !isInvalid(variables[variableName]) ? variables[variableName] : undefined;
4217 }
4218 /* istanbul ignore next */
4221 throw new Error('Unexpected value kind: ' + valueNode.kind);
4222 }
4224 function _typeof$1(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof$1 = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof$1 = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof$1(obj); }
4226 function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; var ownKeys = Object.keys(source); if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') { ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable; })); } ownKeys.forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } return target; }
4228 function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
4229 function isType(type) {
4230 return isScalarType(type) || isObjectType(type) || isInterfaceType(type) || isUnionType(type) || isEnumType(type) || isInputObjectType(type) || isListType(type) || isNonNullType(type);
4231 }
4232 function assertType(type) {
4233 !isType(type) ? invariant(0, "Expected ".concat(inspect(type), " to be a GraphQL type.")) : void 0;
4234 return type;
4235 }
4236 /**
4237 * There are predicates for each kind of GraphQL type.
4238 */
4240 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4241 function isScalarType(type) {
4242 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLScalarType);
4243 }
4244 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4245 function isObjectType(type) {
4246 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLObjectType);
4247 }
4248 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4249 function isInterfaceType(type) {
4250 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLInterfaceType);
4251 }
4252 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4253 function isUnionType(type) {
4254 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLUnionType);
4255 }
4256 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4257 function isEnumType(type) {
4258 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLEnumType);
4259 }
4260 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4261 function isInputObjectType(type) {
4262 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLInputObjectType);
4263 }
4264 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4265 function isListType(type) {
4266 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLList);
4267 }
4268 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4269 function isNonNullType(type) {
4270 return instanceOf(type, GraphQLNonNull);
4271 }
4272 /**
4273 * These types may be used as input types for arguments and directives.
4274 */
4276 function isInputType(type) {
4277 return isScalarType(type) || isEnumType(type) || isInputObjectType(type) || isWrappingType(type) && isInputType(type.ofType);
4278 }
4279 /**
4280 * These types may be used as output types as the result of fields.
4281 */
4283 function isOutputType(type) {
4284 return isScalarType(type) || isObjectType(type) || isInterfaceType(type) || isUnionType(type) || isEnumType(type) || isWrappingType(type) && isOutputType(type.ofType);
4285 }
4286 /**
4287 * These types may describe the parent context of a selection set.
4288 */
4290 function isCompositeType(type) {
4291 return isObjectType(type) || isInterfaceType(type) || isUnionType(type);
4292 }
4293 /**
4294 * These types may describe the parent context of a selection set.
4295 */
4297 function isAbstractType(type) {
4298 return isInterfaceType(type) || isUnionType(type);
4299 }
4300 /**
4301 * List Type Wrapper
4302 *
4303 * A list is a wrapping type which points to another type.
4304 * Lists are often created within the context of defining the fields of
4305 * an object type.
4306 *
4307 * Example:
4308 *
4309 * const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
4310 * name: 'Person',
4311 * fields: () => ({
4312 * parents: { type: GraphQLList(PersonType) },
4313 * children: { type: GraphQLList(PersonType) },
4314 * })
4315 * })
4316 *
4317 */
4319 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4320 function GraphQLList(ofType) {
4321 if (this instanceof GraphQLList) {
4322 this.ofType = assertType(ofType);
4323 } else {
4324 return new GraphQLList(ofType);
4325 }
4326 } // Need to cast through any to alter the prototype.
4328 GraphQLList.prototype.toString = function toString() {
4329 return '[' + String(this.ofType) + ']';
4330 };
4332 applyToJSON(GraphQLList);
4333 /**
4334 * Non-Null Type Wrapper
4335 *
4336 * A non-null is a wrapping type which points to another type.
4337 * Non-null types enforce that their values are never null and can ensure
4338 * an error is raised if this ever occurs during a request. It is useful for
4339 * fields which you can make a strong guarantee on non-nullability, for example
4340 * usually the id field of a database row will never be null.
4341 *
4342 * Example:
4343 *
4344 * const RowType = new GraphQLObjectType({
4345 * name: 'Row',
4346 * fields: () => ({
4347 * id: { type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) },
4348 * })
4349 * })
4350 *
4351 * Note: the enforcement of non-nullability occurs within the executor.
4352 */
4354 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
4355 function GraphQLNonNull(ofType) {
4356 if (this instanceof GraphQLNonNull) {
4357 this.ofType = assertNullableType(ofType);
4358 } else {
4359 return new GraphQLNonNull(ofType);
4360 }
4361 } // Need to cast through any to alter the prototype.
4363 GraphQLNonNull.prototype.toString = function toString() {
4364 return String(this.ofType) + '!';
4365 };
4367 applyToJSON(GraphQLNonNull);
4368 /**
4369 * These types wrap and modify other types
4370 */
4372 function isWrappingType(type) {
4373 return isListType(type) || isNonNullType(type);
4374 }
4375 /**
4376 * These types can all accept null as a value.
4377 */
4379 function isNullableType(type) {
4380 return isType(type) && !isNonNullType(type);
4381 }
4382 function assertNullableType(type) {
4383 !isNullableType(type) ? invariant(0, "Expected ".concat(inspect(type), " to be a GraphQL nullable type.")) : void 0;
4384 return type;
4385 }
4386 /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
4388 function getNullableType(type) {
4389 /* eslint-enable no-redeclare */
4390 if (type) {
4391 return isNonNullType(type) ? type.ofType : type;
4392 }
4393 }
4394 /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
4396 function getNamedType(type) {
4397 /* eslint-enable no-redeclare */
4398 if (type) {
4399 var unwrappedType = type;
4401 while (isWrappingType(unwrappedType)) {
4402 unwrappedType = unwrappedType.ofType;
4403 }
4405 return unwrappedType;
4406 }
4407 }
4408 /**
4409 * Used while defining GraphQL types to allow for circular references in
4410 * otherwise immutable type definitions.
4411 */
4413 function resolveThunk(thunk) {
4414 return typeof thunk === 'function' ? thunk() : thunk;
4415 }
4416 /**
4417 * Scalar Type Definition
4418 *
4419 * The leaf values of any request and input values to arguments are
4420 * Scalars (or Enums) and are defined with a name and a series of functions
4421 * used to parse input from ast or variables and to ensure validity.
4422 *
4423 * If a type's serialize function does not return a value (i.e. it returns
4424 * `undefined`) then an error will be raised and a `null` value will be returned
4425 * in the response. If the serialize function returns `null`, then no error will
4426 * be included in the response.
4427 *
4428 * Example:
4429 *
4430 * const OddType = new GraphQLScalarType({
4431 * name: 'Odd',
4432 * serialize(value) {
4433 * if (value % 2 === 1) {
4434 * return value;
4435 * }
4436 * }
4437 * });
4438 *
4439 */
4442 var GraphQLScalarType =
4443 /*#__PURE__*/
4444 function () {
4445 function GraphQLScalarType(config) {
4446 _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0);
4448 _defineProperty(this, "description", void 0);
4450 _defineProperty(this, "serialize", void 0);
4452 _defineProperty(this, "parseValue", void 0);
4454 _defineProperty(this, "parseLiteral", void 0);
4456 _defineProperty(this, "astNode", void 0);
4458 _defineProperty(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
4460 this.name = config.name;
4461 this.description = config.description;
4462 this.serialize = config.serialize;
4464 this.parseValue = config.parseValue || function (value) {
4465 return value;
4466 };
4468 this.parseLiteral = config.parseLiteral || valueFromASTUntyped;
4469 this.astNode = config.astNode;
4470 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes;
4471 !(typeof config.name === 'string') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide name.') : void 0;
4472 !(typeof config.serialize === 'function') ? invariant(0, "".concat(this.name, " must provide \"serialize\" function. If this custom Scalar ") + 'is also used as an input type, ensure "parseValue" and "parseLiteral" ' + 'functions are also provided.') : void 0;
4474 if (config.parseValue || config.parseLiteral) {
4475 !(typeof config.parseValue === 'function' && typeof config.parseLiteral === 'function') ? invariant(0, "".concat(this.name, " must provide both \"parseValue\" and \"parseLiteral\" ") + 'functions.') : void 0;
4476 }
4477 }
4479 var _proto = GraphQLScalarType.prototype;
4481 _proto.toString = function toString() {
4482 return this.name;
4483 };
4485 return GraphQLScalarType;
4486 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
4488 applyToStringTag(GraphQLScalarType);
4489 applyToJSON(GraphQLScalarType);
4491 /**
4492 * Object Type Definition
4493 *
4494 * Almost all of the GraphQL types you define will be object types. Object types
4495 * have a name, but most importantly describe their fields.
4496 *
4497 * Example:
4498 *
4499 * const AddressType = new GraphQLObjectType({
4500 * name: 'Address',
4501 * fields: {
4502 * street: { type: GraphQLString },
4503 * number: { type: GraphQLInt },
4504 * formatted: {
4505 * type: GraphQLString,
4506 * resolve(obj) {
4507 * return obj.number + ' ' + obj.street
4508 * }
4509 * }
4510 * }
4511 * });
4512 *
4513 * When two types need to refer to each other, or a type needs to refer to
4514 * itself in a field, you can use a function expression (aka a closure or a
4515 * thunk) to supply the fields lazily.
4516 *
4517 * Example:
4518 *
4519 * const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
4520 * name: 'Person',
4521 * fields: () => ({
4522 * name: { type: GraphQLString },
4523 * bestFriend: { type: PersonType },
4524 * })
4525 * });
4526 *
4527 */
4528 var GraphQLObjectType =
4529 /*#__PURE__*/
4530 function () {
4531 function GraphQLObjectType(config) {
4532 _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0);
4534 _defineProperty(this, "description", void 0);
4536 _defineProperty(this, "astNode", void 0);
4538 _defineProperty(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
4540 _defineProperty(this, "isTypeOf", void 0);
4542 _defineProperty(this, "_fields", void 0);
4544 _defineProperty(this, "_interfaces", void 0);
4546 this.name = config.name;
4547 this.description = config.description;
4548 this.astNode = config.astNode;
4549 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes;
4550 this.isTypeOf = config.isTypeOf;
4551 this._fields = defineFieldMap.bind(undefined, config);
4552 this._interfaces = defineInterfaces.bind(undefined, config);
4553 !(typeof config.name === 'string') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide name.') : void 0;
4554 !(config.isTypeOf == null || typeof config.isTypeOf === 'function') ? invariant(0, "".concat(this.name, " must provide \"isTypeOf\" as a function, ") + "but got: ".concat(inspect(config.isTypeOf), ".")) : void 0;
4555 }
4557 var _proto2 = GraphQLObjectType.prototype;
4559 _proto2.getFields = function getFields() {
4560 if (typeof this._fields === 'function') {
4561 this._fields = this._fields();
4562 }
4564 return this._fields;
4565 };
4567 _proto2.getInterfaces = function getInterfaces() {
4568 if (typeof this._interfaces === 'function') {
4569 this._interfaces = this._interfaces();
4570 }
4572 return this._interfaces;
4573 };
4575 _proto2.toString = function toString() {
4576 return this.name;
4577 };
4579 return GraphQLObjectType;
4580 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
4582 applyToStringTag(GraphQLObjectType);
4583 applyToJSON(GraphQLObjectType);
4585 function defineInterfaces(config) {
4586 var interfaces = resolveThunk(config.interfaces) || [];
4587 !Array.isArray(interfaces) ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, " interfaces must be an Array or a function which returns ") + 'an Array.') : void 0;
4588 return interfaces;
4589 }
4591 function defineFieldMap(config) {
4592 var fieldMap = resolveThunk(config.fields) || {};
4593 !isPlainObj(fieldMap) ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, " fields must be an object with field names as keys or a ") + 'function which returns such an object.') : void 0;
4594 var resultFieldMap = Object.create(null);
4596 var _arr = Object.keys(fieldMap);
4598 var _loop = function _loop() {
4599 var fieldName = _arr[_i];
4600 var fieldConfig = fieldMap[fieldName];
4601 !isPlainObj(fieldConfig) ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, ".").concat(fieldName, " field config must be an object")) : void 0;
4602 !!fieldConfig.hasOwnProperty('isDeprecated') ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, ".").concat(fieldName, " should provide \"deprecationReason\" ") + 'instead of "isDeprecated".') : void 0;
4604 var field = _objectSpread({}, fieldConfig, {
4605 isDeprecated: Boolean(fieldConfig.deprecationReason),
4606 name: fieldName
4607 });
4609 !(field.resolve == null || typeof field.resolve === 'function') ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, ".").concat(fieldName, " field resolver must be a function if ") + "provided, but got: ".concat(inspect(field.resolve), ".")) : void 0;
4610 var argsConfig = fieldConfig.args;
4612 if (!argsConfig) {
4613 field.args = [];
4614 } else {
4615 !isPlainObj(argsConfig) ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, ".").concat(fieldName, " args must be an object with argument ") + 'names as keys.') : void 0;
4616 field.args = Object.keys(argsConfig).map(function (argName) {
4617 var arg = argsConfig[argName];
4618 return {
4619 name: argName,
4620 description: arg.description === undefined ? null : arg.description,
4621 type: arg.type,
4622 defaultValue: arg.defaultValue,
4623 astNode: arg.astNode
4624 };
4625 });
4626 }
4628 resultFieldMap[fieldName] = field;
4629 };
4631 for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
4632 _loop();
4633 }
4635 return resultFieldMap;
4636 }
4638 function isPlainObj(obj) {
4639 return obj && _typeof$1(obj) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj);
4640 }
4642 /**
4643 * Interface Type Definition
4644 *
4645 * When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Interface type
4646 * is used to describe what types are possible, what fields are in common across
4647 * all types, as well as a function to determine which type is actually used
4648 * when the field is resolved.
4649 *
4650 * Example:
4651 *
4652 * const EntityType = new GraphQLInterfaceType({
4653 * name: 'Entity',
4654 * fields: {
4655 * name: { type: GraphQLString }
4656 * }
4657 * });
4658 *
4659 */
4660 var GraphQLInterfaceType =
4661 /*#__PURE__*/
4662 function () {
4663 function GraphQLInterfaceType(config) {
4664 _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0);
4666 _defineProperty(this, "description", void 0);
4668 _defineProperty(this, "astNode", void 0);
4670 _defineProperty(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
4672 _defineProperty(this, "resolveType", void 0);
4674 _defineProperty(this, "_fields", void 0);
4676 this.name = config.name;
4677 this.description = config.description;
4678 this.astNode = config.astNode;
4679 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes;
4680 this.resolveType = config.resolveType;
4681 this._fields = defineFieldMap.bind(undefined, config);
4682 !(typeof config.name === 'string') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide name.') : void 0;
4683 !(config.resolveType == null || typeof config.resolveType === 'function') ? invariant(0, "".concat(this.name, " must provide \"resolveType\" as a function, ") + "but got: ".concat(inspect(config.resolveType), ".")) : void 0;
4684 }
4686 var _proto3 = GraphQLInterfaceType.prototype;
4688 _proto3.getFields = function getFields() {
4689 if (typeof this._fields === 'function') {
4690 this._fields = this._fields();
4691 }
4693 return this._fields;
4694 };
4696 _proto3.toString = function toString() {
4697 return this.name;
4698 };
4700 return GraphQLInterfaceType;
4701 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
4703 applyToStringTag(GraphQLInterfaceType);
4704 applyToJSON(GraphQLInterfaceType);
4706 /**
4707 * Union Type Definition
4708 *
4709 * When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Union type
4710 * is used to describe what types are possible as well as providing a function
4711 * to determine which type is actually used when the field is resolved.
4712 *
4713 * Example:
4714 *
4715 * const PetType = new GraphQLUnionType({
4716 * name: 'Pet',
4717 * types: [ DogType, CatType ],
4718 * resolveType(value) {
4719 * if (value instanceof Dog) {
4720 * return DogType;
4721 * }
4722 * if (value instanceof Cat) {
4723 * return CatType;
4724 * }
4725 * }
4726 * });
4727 *
4728 */
4729 var GraphQLUnionType =
4730 /*#__PURE__*/
4731 function () {
4732 function GraphQLUnionType(config) {
4733 _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0);
4735 _defineProperty(this, "description", void 0);
4737 _defineProperty(this, "astNode", void 0);
4739 _defineProperty(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
4741 _defineProperty(this, "resolveType", void 0);
4743 _defineProperty(this, "_types", void 0);
4745 this.name = config.name;
4746 this.description = config.description;
4747 this.astNode = config.astNode;
4748 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes;
4749 this.resolveType = config.resolveType;
4750 this._types = defineTypes.bind(undefined, config);
4751 !(typeof config.name === 'string') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide name.') : void 0;
4752 !(config.resolveType == null || typeof config.resolveType === 'function') ? invariant(0, "".concat(this.name, " must provide \"resolveType\" as a function, ") + "but got: ".concat(inspect(config.resolveType), ".")) : void 0;
4753 }
4755 var _proto4 = GraphQLUnionType.prototype;
4757 _proto4.getTypes = function getTypes() {
4758 if (typeof this._types === 'function') {
4759 this._types = this._types();
4760 }
4762 return this._types;
4763 };
4765 _proto4.toString = function toString() {
4766 return this.name;
4767 };
4769 return GraphQLUnionType;
4770 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
4772 applyToStringTag(GraphQLUnionType);
4773 applyToJSON(GraphQLUnionType);
4775 function defineTypes(config) {
4776 var types = resolveThunk(config.types) || [];
4777 !Array.isArray(types) ? invariant(0, 'Must provide Array of types or a function which returns ' + "such an array for Union ".concat(config.name, ".")) : void 0;
4778 return types;
4779 }
4781 /**
4782 * Enum Type Definition
4783 *
4784 * Some leaf values of requests and input values are Enums. GraphQL serializes
4785 * Enum values as strings, however internally Enums can be represented by any
4786 * kind of type, often integers.
4787 *
4788 * Example:
4789 *
4790 * const RGBType = new GraphQLEnumType({
4791 * name: 'RGB',
4792 * values: {
4793 * RED: { value: 0 },
4794 * GREEN: { value: 1 },
4795 * BLUE: { value: 2 }
4796 * }
4797 * });
4798 *
4799 * Note: If a value is not provided in a definition, the name of the enum value
4800 * will be used as its internal value.
4801 */
4802 var GraphQLEnumType
4803 /* <T> */
4804 =
4805 /*#__PURE__*/
4806 function () {
4807 function GraphQLEnumType(config
4808 /* <T> */
4809 ) {
4810 _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0);
4812 _defineProperty(this, "description", void 0);
4814 _defineProperty(this, "astNode", void 0);
4816 _defineProperty(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
4818 _defineProperty(this, "_values", void 0);
4820 _defineProperty(this, "_valueLookup", void 0);
4822 _defineProperty(this, "_nameLookup", void 0);
4824 this.name = config.name;
4825 this.description = config.description;
4826 this.astNode = config.astNode;
4827 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes;
4828 this._values = defineEnumValues(this, config.values);
4829 this._valueLookup = new Map(this._values.map(function (enumValue) {
4830 return [enumValue.value, enumValue];
4831 }));
4832 this._nameLookup = keyMap(this._values, function (value) {
4833 return value.name;
4834 });
4835 !(typeof config.name === 'string') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide name.') : void 0;
4836 }
4838 var _proto5 = GraphQLEnumType.prototype;
4840 _proto5.getValues = function getValues() {
4841 return this._values;
4842 };
4844 _proto5.getValue = function getValue(name) {
4845 return this._nameLookup[name];
4846 };
4848 _proto5.serialize = function serialize(value
4849 /* T */
4850 ) {
4851 var enumValue = this._valueLookup.get(value);
4853 if (enumValue) {
4854 return enumValue.name;
4855 }
4856 };
4858 _proto5.parseValue = function parseValue(value)
4859 /* T */
4860 {
4861 if (typeof value === 'string') {
4862 var enumValue = this.getValue(value);
4864 if (enumValue) {
4865 return enumValue.value;
4866 }
4867 }
4868 };
4870 _proto5.parseLiteral = function parseLiteral(valueNode, _variables)
4871 /* T */
4872 {
4873 // Note: variables will be resolved to a value before calling this function.
4874 if (valueNode.kind === Kind.ENUM) {
4875 var enumValue = this.getValue(valueNode.value);
4877 if (enumValue) {
4878 return enumValue.value;
4879 }
4880 }
4881 };
4883 _proto5.toString = function toString() {
4884 return this.name;
4885 };
4887 return GraphQLEnumType;
4888 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
4890 applyToStringTag(GraphQLEnumType);
4891 applyToJSON(GraphQLEnumType);
4893 function defineEnumValues(type, valueMap
4894 /* <T> */
4895 ) {
4896 !isPlainObj(valueMap) ? invariant(0, "".concat(type.name, " values must be an object with value names as keys.")) : void 0;
4897 return Object.keys(valueMap).map(function (valueName) {
4898 var value = valueMap[valueName];
4899 !isPlainObj(value) ? invariant(0, "".concat(type.name, ".").concat(valueName, " must refer to an object with a \"value\" key ") + "representing an internal value but got: ".concat(inspect(value), ".")) : void 0;
4900 !!value.hasOwnProperty('isDeprecated') ? invariant(0, "".concat(type.name, ".").concat(valueName, " should provide \"deprecationReason\" instead ") + 'of "isDeprecated".') : void 0;
4901 return {
4902 name: valueName,
4903 description: value.description,
4904 isDeprecated: Boolean(value.deprecationReason),
4905 deprecationReason: value.deprecationReason,
4906 astNode: value.astNode,
4907 value: value.hasOwnProperty('value') ? value.value : valueName
4908 };
4909 });
4910 }
4912 /**
4913 * Input Object Type Definition
4914 *
4915 * An input object defines a structured collection of fields which may be
4916 * supplied to a field argument.
4917 *
4918 * Using `NonNull` will ensure that a value must be provided by the query
4919 *
4920 * Example:
4921 *
4922 * const GeoPoint = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
4923 * name: 'GeoPoint',
4924 * fields: {
4925 * lat: { type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) },
4926 * lon: { type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) },
4927 * alt: { type: GraphQLFloat, defaultValue: 0 },
4928 * }
4929 * });
4930 *
4931 */
4932 var GraphQLInputObjectType =
4933 /*#__PURE__*/
4934 function () {
4935 function GraphQLInputObjectType(config) {
4936 _defineProperty(this, "name", void 0);
4938 _defineProperty(this, "description", void 0);
4940 _defineProperty(this, "astNode", void 0);
4942 _defineProperty(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
4944 _defineProperty(this, "_fields", void 0);
4946 this.name = config.name;
4947 this.description = config.description;
4948 this.astNode = config.astNode;
4949 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes;
4950 this._fields = defineInputFieldMap.bind(undefined, config);
4951 !(typeof config.name === 'string') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide name.') : void 0;
4952 }
4954 var _proto6 = GraphQLInputObjectType.prototype;
4956 _proto6.getFields = function getFields() {
4957 if (typeof this._fields === 'function') {
4958 this._fields = this._fields();
4959 }
4961 return this._fields;
4962 };
4964 _proto6.toString = function toString() {
4965 return this.name;
4966 };
4968 return GraphQLInputObjectType;
4969 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
4971 applyToStringTag(GraphQLInputObjectType);
4972 applyToJSON(GraphQLInputObjectType);
4974 function defineInputFieldMap(config) {
4975 var fieldMap = resolveThunk(config.fields) || {};
4976 !isPlainObj(fieldMap) ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, " fields must be an object with field names as keys or a ") + 'function which returns such an object.') : void 0;
4977 var resultFieldMap = Object.create(null);
4979 var _arr2 = Object.keys(fieldMap);
4981 for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < _arr2.length; _i2++) {
4982 var fieldName = _arr2[_i2];
4984 var field = _objectSpread({}, fieldMap[fieldName], {
4985 name: fieldName
4986 });
4988 !!field.hasOwnProperty('resolve') ? invariant(0, "".concat(config.name, ".").concat(fieldName, " field has a resolve property, but ") + 'Input Types cannot define resolvers.') : void 0;
4989 resultFieldMap[fieldName] = field;
4990 }
4992 return resultFieldMap;
4993 }
4995 /**
4996 * Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
4997 *
4998 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4999 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5000 *
5001 * strict
5002 */
5004 /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
5005 // $FlowFixMe workaround for: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/4441
5006 var isFinite$1 = Number.isFinite || function (value) {
5007 return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite$1(value);
5008 };
5010 /**
5011 * Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
5012 *
5013 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5014 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5015 *
5016 * strict
5017 */
5019 /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
5020 // $FlowFixMe workaround for: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/4441
5021 var isInteger = Number.isInteger || function (value) {
5022 return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
5023 };
5025 /**
5026 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
5027 *
5028 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5029 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5030 *
5031 * strict
5032 */
5033 // 32-bit signed integer, providing the broadest support across platforms.
5034 //
5035 // n.b. JavaScript's integers are safe between -(2^53 - 1) and 2^53 - 1 because
5036 // they are internally represented as IEEE 754 doubles.
5038 var MAX_INT = 2147483647;
5039 var MIN_INT = -2147483648;
5041 function serializeInt(value) {
5042 if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
5043 return value ? 1 : 0;
5044 }
5046 var num = value;
5048 if (typeof value === 'string' && value !== '') {
5049 num = Number(value);
5050 }
5052 if (!isInteger(num)) {
5053 throw new TypeError("Int cannot represent non-integer value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5054 }
5056 if (num > MAX_INT || num < MIN_INT) {
5057 throw new TypeError("Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5058 }
5060 return num;
5061 }
5063 function coerceInt(value) {
5064 if (!isInteger(value)) {
5065 throw new TypeError("Int cannot represent non-integer value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5066 }
5068 if (value > MAX_INT || value < MIN_INT) {
5069 throw new TypeError("Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5070 }
5072 return value;
5073 }
5075 var GraphQLInt = new GraphQLScalarType({
5076 name: 'Int',
5077 description: 'The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric ' + 'values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. ',
5078 serialize: serializeInt,
5079 parseValue: coerceInt,
5080 parseLiteral: function parseLiteral(ast) {
5081 if (ast.kind === Kind.INT) {
5082 var num = parseInt(ast.value, 10);
5084 if (num <= MAX_INT && num >= MIN_INT) {
5085 return num;
5086 }
5087 }
5089 return undefined;
5090 }
5091 });
5093 function serializeFloat(value) {
5094 if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
5095 return value ? 1 : 0;
5096 }
5098 var num = value;
5100 if (typeof value === 'string' && value !== '') {
5101 num = Number(value);
5102 }
5104 if (!isFinite$1(num)) {
5105 throw new TypeError("Float cannot represent non numeric value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5106 }
5108 return num;
5109 }
5111 function coerceFloat(value) {
5112 if (!isFinite$1(value)) {
5113 throw new TypeError("Float cannot represent non numeric value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5114 }
5116 return value;
5117 }
5119 var GraphQLFloat = new GraphQLScalarType({
5120 name: 'Float',
5121 description: 'The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional ' + 'values as specified by ' + '[IEEE 754](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point). ',
5122 serialize: serializeFloat,
5123 parseValue: coerceFloat,
5124 parseLiteral: function parseLiteral(ast) {
5125 return ast.kind === Kind.FLOAT || ast.kind === Kind.INT ? parseFloat(ast.value) : undefined;
5126 }
5127 });
5129 function serializeString(value) {
5130 // Support serializing objects with custom valueOf() functions - a common way
5131 // to represent an complex value which can be represented as a string
5132 // (ex: MongoDB id objects).
5133 var result = value && typeof value.valueOf === 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value; // Serialize string, boolean and number values to a string, but do not
5134 // attempt to coerce object, function, symbol, or other types as strings.
5136 if (typeof result === 'string') {
5137 return result;
5138 }
5140 if (typeof result === 'boolean') {
5141 return result ? 'true' : 'false';
5142 }
5144 if (isFinite$1(result)) {
5145 return result.toString();
5146 }
5148 throw new TypeError("String cannot represent value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5149 }
5151 function coerceString(value) {
5152 if (typeof value !== 'string') {
5153 throw new TypeError("String cannot represent a non string value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5154 }
5156 return value;
5157 }
5159 var GraphQLString = new GraphQLScalarType({
5160 name: 'String',
5161 description: 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 ' + 'character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to ' + 'represent free-form human-readable text.',
5162 serialize: serializeString,
5163 parseValue: coerceString,
5164 parseLiteral: function parseLiteral(ast) {
5165 return ast.kind === Kind.STRING ? ast.value : undefined;
5166 }
5167 });
5169 function serializeBoolean(value) {
5170 if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
5171 return value;
5172 }
5174 if (isFinite$1(value)) {
5175 return value !== 0;
5176 }
5178 throw new TypeError("Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5179 }
5181 function coerceBoolean(value) {
5182 if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
5183 throw new TypeError("Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5184 }
5186 return value;
5187 }
5189 var GraphQLBoolean = new GraphQLScalarType({
5190 name: 'Boolean',
5191 description: 'The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`.',
5192 serialize: serializeBoolean,
5193 parseValue: coerceBoolean,
5194 parseLiteral: function parseLiteral(ast) {
5195 return ast.kind === Kind.BOOLEAN ? ast.value : undefined;
5196 }
5197 });
5199 function serializeID(value) {
5200 // Support serializing objects with custom valueOf() functions - a common way
5201 // to represent an object identifier (ex. MongoDB).
5202 var result = value && typeof value.valueOf === 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value;
5204 if (typeof result === 'string') {
5205 return result;
5206 }
5208 if (isInteger(result)) {
5209 return String(result);
5210 }
5212 throw new TypeError("ID cannot represent value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5213 }
5215 function coerceID(value) {
5216 if (typeof value === 'string') {
5217 return value;
5218 }
5220 if (isInteger(value)) {
5221 return value.toString();
5222 }
5224 throw new TypeError("ID cannot represent value: ".concat(inspect(value)));
5225 }
5227 var GraphQLID = new GraphQLScalarType({
5228 name: 'ID',
5229 description: 'The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to ' + 'refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON ' + 'response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. ' + 'When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer ' + '(such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID.',
5230 serialize: serializeID,
5231 parseValue: coerceID,
5232 parseLiteral: function parseLiteral(ast) {
5233 return ast.kind === Kind.STRING || ast.kind === Kind.INT ? ast.value : undefined;
5234 }
5235 });
5237 /**
5238 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
5239 *
5240 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5241 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5242 *
5243 * strict
5244 */
5246 /**
5247 * The set of allowed directive location values.
5248 */
5249 var DirectiveLocation = Object.freeze({
5250 // Request Definitions
5251 QUERY: 'QUERY',
5254 FIELD: 'FIELD',
5259 // Type System Definitions
5266 UNION: 'UNION',
5267 ENUM: 'ENUM',
5271 });
5272 /**
5273 * The enum type representing the directive location values.
5274 */
5276 function _defineProperty$1(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
5277 /**
5278 * Test if the given value is a GraphQL directive.
5279 */
5281 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
5282 function isDirective(directive) {
5283 return instanceOf(directive, GraphQLDirective);
5284 }
5285 /**
5286 * Directives are used by the GraphQL runtime as a way of modifying execution
5287 * behavior. Type system creators will usually not create these directly.
5288 */
5290 var GraphQLDirective =
5291 /*#__PURE__*/
5292 function () {
5293 function GraphQLDirective(config) {
5294 _defineProperty$1(this, "name", void 0);
5296 _defineProperty$1(this, "description", void 0);
5298 _defineProperty$1(this, "locations", void 0);
5300 _defineProperty$1(this, "args", void 0);
5302 _defineProperty$1(this, "astNode", void 0);
5304 this.name = config.name;
5305 this.description = config.description;
5306 this.locations = config.locations;
5307 this.astNode = config.astNode;
5308 !config.name ? invariant(0, 'Directive must be named.') : void 0;
5309 !Array.isArray(config.locations) ? invariant(0, 'Must provide locations for directive.') : void 0;
5310 var args = config.args;
5312 if (!args) {
5313 this.args = [];
5314 } else {
5315 !!Array.isArray(args) ? invariant(0, "@".concat(config.name, " args must be an object with argument names as keys.")) : void 0;
5316 this.args = Object.keys(args).map(function (argName) {
5317 var arg = args[argName];
5318 return {
5319 name: argName,
5320 description: arg.description === undefined ? null : arg.description,
5321 type: arg.type,
5322 defaultValue: arg.defaultValue,
5323 astNode: arg.astNode
5324 };
5325 });
5326 }
5327 }
5329 var _proto = GraphQLDirective.prototype;
5331 _proto.toString = function toString() {
5332 return '@' + this.name;
5333 };
5335 return GraphQLDirective;
5336 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
5338 applyToStringTag(GraphQLDirective);
5339 applyToJSON(GraphQLDirective);
5341 /**
5342 * Used to conditionally include fields or fragments.
5343 */
5344 var GraphQLIncludeDirective = new GraphQLDirective({
5345 name: 'include',
5346 description: 'Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when ' + 'the `if` argument is true.',
5347 locations: [DirectiveLocation.FIELD, DirectiveLocation.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, DirectiveLocation.INLINE_FRAGMENT],
5348 args: {
5349 if: {
5350 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLBoolean),
5351 description: 'Included when true.'
5352 }
5353 }
5354 });
5355 /**
5356 * Used to conditionally skip (exclude) fields or fragments.
5357 */
5359 var GraphQLSkipDirective = new GraphQLDirective({
5360 name: 'skip',
5361 description: 'Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the `if` ' + 'argument is true.',
5362 locations: [DirectiveLocation.FIELD, DirectiveLocation.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, DirectiveLocation.INLINE_FRAGMENT],
5363 args: {
5364 if: {
5365 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLBoolean),
5366 description: 'Skipped when true.'
5367 }
5368 }
5369 });
5370 /**
5371 * Constant string used for default reason for a deprecation.
5372 */
5374 var DEFAULT_DEPRECATION_REASON = 'No longer supported';
5375 /**
5376 * Used to declare element of a GraphQL schema as deprecated.
5377 */
5379 var GraphQLDeprecatedDirective = new GraphQLDirective({
5380 name: 'deprecated',
5381 description: 'Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.',
5382 locations: [DirectiveLocation.FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation.ENUM_VALUE],
5383 args: {
5384 reason: {
5385 type: GraphQLString,
5386 description: 'Explains why this element was deprecated, usually also including a ' + 'suggestion for how to access supported similar data. Formatted using ' + 'the Markdown syntax (as specified by [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/).',
5388 }
5389 }
5390 });
5391 /**
5392 * The full list of specified directives.
5393 */
5395 var specifiedDirectives = [GraphQLIncludeDirective, GraphQLSkipDirective, GraphQLDeprecatedDirective];
5397 /**
5398 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
5399 *
5400 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5401 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5402 *
5403 * strict
5404 */
5406 /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
5407 // $FlowFixMe workaround for: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/2221
5408 var objectValues = Object.values || function (obj) {
5409 return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) {
5410 return obj[key];
5411 });
5412 };
5414 /**
5415 * Copyright (c) 2016, Lee Byron
5416 * All rights reserved.
5417 *
5418 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5419 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5420 *
5421 * @flow
5422 * @ignore
5423 */
5425 /**
5426 * [Iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#iterator)
5427 * is a *protocol* which describes a standard way to produce a sequence of
5428 * values, typically the values of the Iterable represented by this Iterator.
5429 *
5430 * While described by the [ES2015 version of JavaScript](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-iterator-interface)
5431 * it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
5432 *
5433 * @external Iterator
5434 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#iterator|MDN Iteration protocols}
5435 */
5437 /**
5438 * [Iterable](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#iterable)
5439 * is a *protocol* which when implemented allows a JavaScript object to define
5440 * their iteration behavior, such as what values are looped over in a
5441 * [`for...of`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of)
5442 * loop or `iterall`'s `forEach` function. Many [built-in types](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#Builtin_iterables)
5443 * implement the Iterable protocol, including `Array` and `Map`.
5444 *
5445 * While described by the [ES2015 version of JavaScript](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-iterable-interface)
5446 * it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
5447 *
5448 * @external Iterable
5449 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#iterable|MDN Iteration protocols}
5450 */
5452 // In ES2015 environments, Symbol exists
5453 var SYMBOL /*: any */ = typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol : void 0;
5455 // In ES2015 (or a polyfilled) environment, this will be Symbol.iterator
5456 var SYMBOL_ITERATOR = SYMBOL && SYMBOL.iterator;
5458 /**
5459 * Returns true if the provided object implements the Iterator protocol via
5460 * either implementing a `Symbol.iterator` or `"@@iterator"` method.
5461 *
5462 * @example
5463 *
5464 * var isIterable = require('iterall').isIterable
5465 * isIterable([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // true
5466 * isIterable('ABC') // true
5467 * isIterable({ length: 1, 0: 'Alpha' }) // false
5468 * isIterable({ key: 'value' }) // false
5469 * isIterable(new Map()) // true
5470 *
5471 * @param obj
5472 * A value which might implement the Iterable protocol.
5473 * @return {boolean} true if Iterable.
5474 */
5475 /*:: declare export function isIterable(obj: any): boolean; */
5476 function isIterable(obj) {
5477 return !!getIteratorMethod(obj)
5478 }
5480 /**
5481 * Returns true if the provided object implements the Array-like protocol via
5482 * defining a positive-integer `length` property.
5483 *
5484 * @example
5485 *
5486 * var isArrayLike = require('iterall').isArrayLike
5487 * isArrayLike([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // true
5488 * isArrayLike('ABC') // true
5489 * isArrayLike({ length: 1, 0: 'Alpha' }) // true
5490 * isArrayLike({ key: 'value' }) // false
5491 * isArrayLike(new Map()) // false
5492 *
5493 * @param obj
5494 * A value which might implement the Array-like protocol.
5495 * @return {boolean} true if Array-like.
5496 */
5497 /*:: declare export function isArrayLike(obj: any): boolean; */
5498 function isArrayLike(obj) {
5499 var length = obj != null && obj.length;
5500 return typeof length === 'number' && length >= 0 && length % 1 === 0
5501 }
5503 /**
5504 * Returns true if the provided object is an Object (i.e. not a string literal)
5505 * and is either Iterable or Array-like.
5506 *
5507 * This may be used in place of [Array.isArray()][isArray] to determine if an
5508 * object should be iterated-over. It always excludes string literals and
5509 * includes Arrays (regardless of if it is Iterable). It also includes other
5510 * Array-like objects such as NodeList, TypedArray, and Buffer.
5511 *
5512 * @example
5513 *
5514 * var isCollection = require('iterall').isCollection
5515 * isCollection([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // true
5516 * isCollection('ABC') // false
5517 * isCollection({ length: 1, 0: 'Alpha' }) // true
5518 * isCollection({ key: 'value' }) // false
5519 * isCollection(new Map()) // true
5520 *
5521 * @example
5522 *
5523 * var forEach = require('iterall').forEach
5524 * if (isCollection(obj)) {
5525 * forEach(obj, function (value) {
5526 * console.log(value)
5527 * })
5528 * }
5529 *
5530 * @param obj
5531 * An Object value which might implement the Iterable or Array-like protocols.
5532 * @return {boolean} true if Iterable or Array-like Object.
5533 */
5534 /*:: declare export function isCollection(obj: any): boolean; */
5535 function isCollection(obj) {
5536 return Object(obj) === obj && (isArrayLike(obj) || isIterable(obj))
5537 }
5539 /**
5540 * If the provided object implements the Iterator protocol, its Iterator object
5541 * is returned. Otherwise returns undefined.
5542 *
5543 * @example
5544 *
5545 * var getIterator = require('iterall').getIterator
5546 * var iterator = getIterator([ 1, 2, 3 ])
5547 * iterator.next() // { value: 1, done: false }
5548 * iterator.next() // { value: 2, done: false }
5549 * iterator.next() // { value: 3, done: false }
5550 * iterator.next() // { value: undefined, done: true }
5551 *
5552 * @template T the type of each iterated value
5553 * @param {Iterable<T>} iterable
5554 * An Iterable object which is the source of an Iterator.
5555 * @return {Iterator<T>} new Iterator instance.
5556 */
5557 /*:: declare export var getIterator:
5558 & (<+TValue>(iterable: Iterable<TValue>) => Iterator<TValue>)
5559 & ((iterable: mixed) => void | Iterator<mixed>); */
5560 function getIterator(iterable) {
5561 var method = getIteratorMethod(iterable);
5562 if (method) {
5563 return method.call(iterable)
5564 }
5565 }
5567 /**
5568 * If the provided object implements the Iterator protocol, the method
5569 * responsible for producing its Iterator object is returned.
5570 *
5571 * This is used in rare cases for performance tuning. This method must be called
5572 * with obj as the contextual this-argument.
5573 *
5574 * @example
5575 *
5576 * var getIteratorMethod = require('iterall').getIteratorMethod
5577 * var myArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
5578 * var method = getIteratorMethod(myArray)
5579 * if (method) {
5580 * var iterator = method.call(myArray)
5581 * }
5582 *
5583 * @template T the type of each iterated value
5584 * @param {Iterable<T>} iterable
5585 * An Iterable object which defines an `@@iterator` method.
5586 * @return {function(): Iterator<T>} `@@iterator` method.
5587 */
5588 /*:: declare export var getIteratorMethod:
5589 & (<+TValue>(iterable: Iterable<TValue>) => (() => Iterator<TValue>))
5590 & ((iterable: mixed) => (void | (() => Iterator<mixed>))); */
5591 function getIteratorMethod(iterable) {
5592 if (iterable != null) {
5593 var method =
5594 (SYMBOL_ITERATOR && iterable[SYMBOL_ITERATOR]) || iterable['@@iterator'];
5595 if (typeof method === 'function') {
5596 return method
5597 }
5598 }
5599 }
5601 /**
5602 * Given an object which either implements the Iterable protocol or is
5603 * Array-like, iterate over it, calling the `callback` at each iteration.
5604 *
5605 * Use `forEach` where you would expect to use a `for ... of` loop in ES6.
5606 * However `forEach` adheres to the behavior of [Array#forEach][] described in
5607 * the ECMAScript specification, skipping over "holes" in Array-likes. It will
5608 * also delegate to a `forEach` method on `collection` if one is defined,
5609 * ensuring native performance for `Arrays`.
5610 *
5611 * Similar to [Array#forEach][], the `callback` function accepts three
5612 * arguments, and is provided with `thisArg` as the calling context.
5613 *
5614 * Note: providing an infinite Iterator to forEach will produce an error.
5615 *
5616 * [Array#forEach]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/forEach
5617 *
5618 * @example
5619 *
5620 * var forEach = require('iterall').forEach
5621 *
5622 * forEach(myIterable, function (value, index, iterable) {
5623 * console.log(value, index, iterable === myIterable)
5624 * })
5625 *
5626 * @example
5627 *
5628 * // ES6:
5629 * for (let value of myIterable) {
5630 * console.log(value)
5631 * }
5632 *
5633 * // Any JavaScript environment:
5634 * forEach(myIterable, function (value) {
5635 * console.log(value)
5636 * })
5637 *
5638 * @template T the type of each iterated value
5639 * @param {Iterable<T>|{ length: number }} collection
5640 * The Iterable or array to iterate over.
5641 * @param {function(T, number, object)} callback
5642 * Function to execute for each iteration, taking up to three arguments
5643 * @param [thisArg]
5644 * Optional. Value to use as `this` when executing `callback`.
5645 */
5646 /*:: declare export var forEach:
5647 & (<+TValue, TCollection: Iterable<TValue>>(
5648 collection: TCollection,
5649 callbackFn: (value: TValue, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
5650 thisArg?: any
5651 ) => void)
5652 & (<TCollection: {length: number}>(
5653 collection: TCollection,
5654 callbackFn: (value: mixed, index: number, collection: TCollection) => any,
5655 thisArg?: any
5656 ) => void); */
5657 function forEach(collection, callback, thisArg) {
5658 if (collection != null) {
5659 if (typeof collection.forEach === 'function') {
5660 return collection.forEach(callback, thisArg)
5661 }
5662 var i = 0;
5663 var iterator = getIterator(collection);
5664 if (iterator) {
5665 var step;
5666 while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {
5667 callback.call(thisArg, step.value, i++, collection);
5668 // Infinite Iterators could cause forEach to run forever.
5669 // After a very large number of iterations, produce an error.
5670 /* istanbul ignore if */
5671 if (i > 9999999) {
5672 throw new TypeError('Near-infinite iteration.')
5673 }
5674 }
5675 } else if (isArrayLike(collection)) {
5676 for (; i < collection.length; i++) {
5677 if (collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
5678 callback.call(thisArg, collection[i], i, collection);
5679 }
5680 }
5681 }
5682 }
5683 }
5685 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5686 // //
5688 // //
5689 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5691 /**
5692 * [AsyncIterable](https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asynciterable-interface)
5693 * is a *protocol* which when implemented allows a JavaScript object to define
5694 * an asynchronous iteration behavior, such as what values are looped over in
5695 * a [`for-await-of`](https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/#sec-for-in-and-for-of-statements)
5696 * loop or `iterall`'s {@link forAwaitEach} function.
5697 *
5698 * While described as a proposed addition to the [ES2017 version of JavaScript](https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/)
5699 * it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
5700 *
5701 * @external AsyncIterable
5702 * @see {@link https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asynciterable-interface|Async Iteration Proposal}
5703 * @template T The type of each iterated value
5704 * @property {function (): AsyncIterator<T>} Symbol.asyncIterator
5705 * A method which produces an AsyncIterator for this AsyncIterable.
5706 */
5708 /**
5709 * [AsyncIterator](https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asynciterator-interface)
5710 * is a *protocol* which describes a standard way to produce and consume an
5711 * asynchronous sequence of values, typically the values of the
5712 * {@link AsyncIterable} represented by this {@link AsyncIterator}.
5713 *
5714 * AsyncIterator is similar to Observable or Stream. Like an {@link Iterator} it
5715 * also as a `next()` method, however instead of an IteratorResult,
5716 * calling this method returns a {@link Promise} for a IteratorResult.
5717 *
5718 * While described as a proposed addition to the [ES2017 version of JavaScript](https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/)
5719 * it can be utilized by any version of JavaScript.
5720 *
5721 * @external AsyncIterator
5722 * @see {@link https://tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asynciterator-interface|Async Iteration Proposal}
5723 */
5725 // In ES2017 (or a polyfilled) environment, this will be Symbol.asyncIterator
5726 var SYMBOL_ASYNC_ITERATOR = SYMBOL && SYMBOL.asyncIterator;
5728 /**
5729 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
5730 *
5731 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5732 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5733 *
5734 * strict
5735 */
5737 /**
5738 * Returns true if a value is null, undefined, or NaN.
5739 */
5740 function isNullish(value) {
5741 return value === null || value === undefined || value !== value;
5742 }
5744 function _typeof$2(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof$2 = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof$2 = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof$2(obj); }
5745 /**
5746 * Produces a GraphQL Value AST given a JavaScript value.
5747 *
5748 * A GraphQL type must be provided, which will be used to interpret different
5749 * JavaScript values.
5750 *
5751 * | JSON Value | GraphQL Value |
5752 * | ------------- | -------------------- |
5753 * | Object | Input Object |
5754 * | Array | List |
5755 * | Boolean | Boolean |
5756 * | String | String / Enum Value |
5757 * | Number | Int / Float |
5758 * | Mixed | Enum Value |
5759 * | null | NullValue |
5760 *
5761 */
5763 function astFromValue(value, type) {
5764 if (isNonNullType(type)) {
5765 var astValue = astFromValue(value, type.ofType);
5767 if (astValue && astValue.kind === Kind.NULL) {
5768 return null;
5769 }
5771 return astValue;
5772 } // only explicit null, not undefined, NaN
5775 if (value === null) {
5776 return {
5777 kind: Kind.NULL
5778 };
5779 } // undefined, NaN
5782 if (isInvalid(value)) {
5783 return null;
5784 } // Convert JavaScript array to GraphQL list. If the GraphQLType is a list, but
5785 // the value is not an array, convert the value using the list's item type.
5788 if (isListType(type)) {
5789 var itemType = type.ofType;
5791 if (isCollection(value)) {
5792 var valuesNodes = [];
5793 forEach(value, function (item) {
5794 var itemNode = astFromValue(item, itemType);
5796 if (itemNode) {
5797 valuesNodes.push(itemNode);
5798 }
5799 });
5800 return {
5801 kind: Kind.LIST,
5802 values: valuesNodes
5803 };
5804 }
5806 return astFromValue(value, itemType);
5807 } // Populate the fields of the input object by creating ASTs from each value
5808 // in the JavaScript object according to the fields in the input type.
5811 if (isInputObjectType(type)) {
5812 if (value === null || _typeof$2(value) !== 'object') {
5813 return null;
5814 }
5816 var fields = objectValues(type.getFields());
5817 var fieldNodes = [];
5818 var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
5819 var _didIteratorError = false;
5820 var _iteratorError = undefined;
5822 try {
5823 for (var _iterator = fields[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
5824 var field = _step.value;
5825 var fieldValue = astFromValue(value[field.name], field.type);
5827 if (fieldValue) {
5828 fieldNodes.push({
5829 kind: Kind.OBJECT_FIELD,
5830 name: {
5831 kind: Kind.NAME,
5832 value: field.name
5833 },
5834 value: fieldValue
5835 });
5836 }
5837 }
5838 } catch (err) {
5839 _didIteratorError = true;
5840 _iteratorError = err;
5841 } finally {
5842 try {
5843 if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
5844 _iterator.return();
5845 }
5846 } finally {
5847 if (_didIteratorError) {
5848 throw _iteratorError;
5849 }
5850 }
5851 }
5853 return {
5854 kind: Kind.OBJECT,
5855 fields: fieldNodes
5856 };
5857 }
5859 if (isScalarType(type) || isEnumType(type)) {
5860 // Since value is an internally represented value, it must be serialized
5861 // to an externally represented value before converting into an AST.
5862 var serialized = type.serialize(value);
5864 if (isNullish(serialized)) {
5865 return null;
5866 } // Others serialize based on their corresponding JavaScript scalar types.
5869 if (typeof serialized === 'boolean') {
5870 return {
5871 kind: Kind.BOOLEAN,
5872 value: serialized
5873 };
5874 } // JavaScript numbers can be Int or Float values.
5877 if (typeof serialized === 'number') {
5878 var stringNum = String(serialized);
5879 return integerStringRegExp.test(stringNum) ? {
5880 kind: Kind.INT,
5881 value: stringNum
5882 } : {
5883 kind: Kind.FLOAT,
5884 value: stringNum
5885 };
5886 }
5888 if (typeof serialized === 'string') {
5889 // Enum types use Enum literals.
5890 if (isEnumType(type)) {
5891 return {
5892 kind: Kind.ENUM,
5893 value: serialized
5894 };
5895 } // ID types can use Int literals.
5898 if (type === GraphQLID && integerStringRegExp.test(serialized)) {
5899 return {
5900 kind: Kind.INT,
5901 value: serialized
5902 };
5903 }
5905 return {
5906 kind: Kind.STRING,
5907 value: serialized
5908 };
5909 }
5911 throw new TypeError("Cannot convert value to AST: ".concat(inspect(serialized)));
5912 }
5913 /* istanbul ignore next */
5916 throw new Error("Unknown type: ".concat(type, "."));
5917 }
5918 /**
5919 * IntValue:
5920 * - NegativeSign? 0
5921 * - NegativeSign? NonZeroDigit ( Digit+ )?
5922 */
5924 var integerStringRegExp = /^-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
5926 /**
5927 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
5928 *
5929 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5930 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5931 *
5932 * strict
5933 */
5934 var QueryDocumentKeys = {
5935 Name: [],
5936 Document: ['definitions'],
5937 OperationDefinition: ['name', 'variableDefinitions', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],
5938 VariableDefinition: ['variable', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'],
5939 Variable: ['name'],
5940 SelectionSet: ['selections'],
5941 Field: ['alias', 'name', 'arguments', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],
5942 Argument: ['name', 'value'],
5943 FragmentSpread: ['name', 'directives'],
5944 InlineFragment: ['typeCondition', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],
5945 FragmentDefinition: ['name', // Note: fragment variable definitions are experimental and may be changed
5946 // or removed in the future.
5947 'variableDefinitions', 'typeCondition', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],
5948 IntValue: [],
5949 FloatValue: [],
5950 StringValue: [],
5951 BooleanValue: [],
5952 NullValue: [],
5953 EnumValue: [],
5954 ListValue: ['values'],
5955 ObjectValue: ['fields'],
5956 ObjectField: ['name', 'value'],
5957 Directive: ['name', 'arguments'],
5958 NamedType: ['name'],
5959 ListType: ['type'],
5960 NonNullType: ['type'],
5961 SchemaDefinition: ['directives', 'operationTypes'],
5962 OperationTypeDefinition: ['type'],
5963 ScalarTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'],
5964 ObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'],
5965 FieldDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'type', 'directives'],
5966 InputValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'],
5967 InterfaceTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'fields'],
5968 UnionTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'types'],
5969 EnumTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'values'],
5970 EnumValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'],
5971 InputObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'fields'],
5972 DirectiveDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'locations'],
5973 SchemaExtension: ['directives', 'operationTypes'],
5974 ScalarTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives'],
5975 ObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'],
5976 InterfaceTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'fields'],
5977 UnionTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'types'],
5978 EnumTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'values'],
5979 InputObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'fields']
5980 };
5981 var BREAK = {};
5982 /**
5983 * visit() will walk through an AST using a depth first traversal, calling
5984 * the visitor's enter function at each node in the traversal, and calling the
5985 * leave function after visiting that node and all of its child nodes.
5986 *
5987 * By returning different values from the enter and leave functions, the
5988 * behavior of the visitor can be altered, including skipping over a sub-tree of
5989 * the AST (by returning false), editing the AST by returning a value or null
5990 * to remove the value, or to stop the whole traversal by returning BREAK.
5991 *
5992 * When using visit() to edit an AST, the original AST will not be modified, and
5993 * a new version of the AST with the changes applied will be returned from the
5994 * visit function.
5995 *
5996 * const editedAST = visit(ast, {
5997 * enter(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) {
5998 * // @return
5999 * // undefined: no action
6000 * // false: skip visiting this node
6001 * // visitor.BREAK: stop visiting altogether
6002 * // null: delete this node
6003 * // any value: replace this node with the returned value
6004 * },
6005 * leave(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) {
6006 * // @return
6007 * // undefined: no action
6008 * // false: no action
6009 * // visitor.BREAK: stop visiting altogether
6010 * // null: delete this node
6011 * // any value: replace this node with the returned value
6012 * }
6013 * });
6014 *
6015 * Alternatively to providing enter() and leave() functions, a visitor can
6016 * instead provide functions named the same as the kinds of AST nodes, or
6017 * enter/leave visitors at a named key, leading to four permutations of
6018 * visitor API:
6019 *
6020 * 1) Named visitors triggered when entering a node a specific kind.
6021 *
6022 * visit(ast, {
6023 * Kind(node) {
6024 * // enter the "Kind" node
6025 * }
6026 * })
6027 *
6028 * 2) Named visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving a node of
6029 * a specific kind.
6030 *
6031 * visit(ast, {
6032 * Kind: {
6033 * enter(node) {
6034 * // enter the "Kind" node
6035 * }
6036 * leave(node) {
6037 * // leave the "Kind" node
6038 * }
6039 * }
6040 * })
6041 *
6042 * 3) Generic visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving any node.
6043 *
6044 * visit(ast, {
6045 * enter(node) {
6046 * // enter any node
6047 * },
6048 * leave(node) {
6049 * // leave any node
6050 * }
6051 * })
6052 *
6053 * 4) Parallel visitors for entering and leaving nodes of a specific kind.
6054 *
6055 * visit(ast, {
6056 * enter: {
6057 * Kind(node) {
6058 * // enter the "Kind" node
6059 * }
6060 * },
6061 * leave: {
6062 * Kind(node) {
6063 * // leave the "Kind" node
6064 * }
6065 * }
6066 * })
6067 */
6069 function visit(root, visitor) {
6070 var visitorKeys = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : QueryDocumentKeys;
6072 /* eslint-disable no-undef-init */
6073 var stack = undefined;
6074 var inArray = Array.isArray(root);
6075 var keys = [root];
6076 var index = -1;
6077 var edits = [];
6078 var node = undefined;
6079 var key = undefined;
6080 var parent = undefined;
6081 var path = [];
6082 var ancestors = [];
6083 var newRoot = root;
6084 /* eslint-enable no-undef-init */
6086 do {
6087 index++;
6088 var isLeaving = index === keys.length;
6089 var isEdited = isLeaving && edits.length !== 0;
6091 if (isLeaving) {
6092 key = ancestors.length === 0 ? undefined : path[path.length - 1];
6093 node = parent;
6094 parent = ancestors.pop();
6096 if (isEdited) {
6097 if (inArray) {
6098 node = node.slice();
6099 } else {
6100 var clone = {};
6102 for (var k in node) {
6103 if (node.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
6104 clone[k] = node[k];
6105 }
6106 }
6108 node = clone;
6109 }
6111 var editOffset = 0;
6113 for (var ii = 0; ii < edits.length; ii++) {
6114 var editKey = edits[ii][0];
6115 var editValue = edits[ii][1];
6117 if (inArray) {
6118 editKey -= editOffset;
6119 }
6121 if (inArray && editValue === null) {
6122 node.splice(editKey, 1);
6123 editOffset++;
6124 } else {
6125 node[editKey] = editValue;
6126 }
6127 }
6128 }
6130 index = stack.index;
6131 keys = stack.keys;
6132 edits = stack.edits;
6133 inArray = stack.inArray;
6134 stack = stack.prev;
6135 } else {
6136 key = parent ? inArray ? index : keys[index] : undefined;
6137 node = parent ? parent[key] : newRoot;
6139 if (node === null || node === undefined) {
6140 continue;
6141 }
6143 if (parent) {
6144 path.push(key);
6145 }
6146 }
6148 var result = void 0;
6150 if (!Array.isArray(node)) {
6151 if (!isNode(node)) {
6152 throw new Error('Invalid AST Node: ' + inspect(node));
6153 }
6155 var visitFn = getVisitFn(visitor, node.kind, isLeaving);
6157 if (visitFn) {
6158 result = visitFn.call(visitor, node, key, parent, path, ancestors);
6160 if (result === BREAK) {
6161 break;
6162 }
6164 if (result === false) {
6165 if (!isLeaving) {
6166 path.pop();
6167 continue;
6168 }
6169 } else if (result !== undefined) {
6170 edits.push([key, result]);
6172 if (!isLeaving) {
6173 if (isNode(result)) {
6174 node = result;
6175 } else {
6176 path.pop();
6177 continue;
6178 }
6179 }
6180 }
6181 }
6182 }
6184 if (result === undefined && isEdited) {
6185 edits.push([key, node]);
6186 }
6188 if (isLeaving) {
6189 path.pop();
6190 } else {
6191 stack = {
6192 inArray: inArray,
6193 index: index,
6194 keys: keys,
6195 edits: edits,
6196 prev: stack
6197 };
6198 inArray = Array.isArray(node);
6199 keys = inArray ? node : visitorKeys[node.kind] || [];
6200 index = -1;
6201 edits = [];
6203 if (parent) {
6204 ancestors.push(parent);
6205 }
6207 parent = node;
6208 }
6209 } while (stack !== undefined);
6211 if (edits.length !== 0) {
6212 newRoot = edits[edits.length - 1][1];
6213 }
6215 return newRoot;
6216 }
6218 function isNode(maybeNode) {
6219 return Boolean(maybeNode && typeof maybeNode.kind === 'string');
6220 }
6221 /**
6222 * Creates a new visitor instance which maintains a provided TypeInfo instance
6223 * along with visiting visitor.
6224 */
6226 function visitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, visitor) {
6227 return {
6228 enter: function enter(node) {
6229 typeInfo.enter(node);
6230 var fn = getVisitFn(visitor, node.kind,
6231 /* isLeaving */
6232 false);
6234 if (fn) {
6235 var result = fn.apply(visitor, arguments);
6237 if (result !== undefined) {
6238 typeInfo.leave(node);
6240 if (isNode(result)) {
6241 typeInfo.enter(result);
6242 }
6243 }
6245 return result;
6246 }
6247 },
6248 leave: function leave(node) {
6249 var fn = getVisitFn(visitor, node.kind,
6250 /* isLeaving */
6251 true);
6252 var result;
6254 if (fn) {
6255 result = fn.apply(visitor, arguments);
6256 }
6258 typeInfo.leave(node);
6259 return result;
6260 }
6261 };
6262 }
6263 /**
6264 * Given a visitor instance, if it is leaving or not, and a node kind, return
6265 * the function the visitor runtime should call.
6266 */
6268 function getVisitFn(visitor, kind, isLeaving) {
6269 var kindVisitor = visitor[kind];
6271 if (kindVisitor) {
6272 if (!isLeaving && typeof kindVisitor === 'function') {
6273 // { Kind() {} }
6274 return kindVisitor;
6275 }
6277 var kindSpecificVisitor = isLeaving ? kindVisitor.leave : kindVisitor.enter;
6279 if (typeof kindSpecificVisitor === 'function') {
6280 // { Kind: { enter() {}, leave() {} } }
6281 return kindSpecificVisitor;
6282 }
6283 } else {
6284 var specificVisitor = isLeaving ? visitor.leave : visitor.enter;
6286 if (specificVisitor) {
6287 if (typeof specificVisitor === 'function') {
6288 // { enter() {}, leave() {} }
6289 return specificVisitor;
6290 }
6292 var specificKindVisitor = specificVisitor[kind];
6294 if (typeof specificKindVisitor === 'function') {
6295 // { enter: { Kind() {} }, leave: { Kind() {} } }
6296 return specificKindVisitor;
6297 }
6298 }
6299 }
6300 }
6302 /**
6303 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
6304 *
6305 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6306 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6307 */
6308 /**
6309 * Converts an AST into a string, using one set of reasonable
6310 * formatting rules.
6311 */
6313 function print(ast) {
6314 return visit(ast, {
6315 leave: printDocASTReducer
6316 });
6317 }
6318 var printDocASTReducer = {
6319 Name: function Name(node) {
6320 return node.value;
6321 },
6322 Variable: function Variable(node) {
6323 return '$' + node.name;
6324 },
6325 // Document
6326 Document: function Document(node) {
6327 return join(node.definitions, '\n\n') + '\n';
6328 },
6329 OperationDefinition: function OperationDefinition(node) {
6330 var op = node.operation;
6331 var name = node.name;
6332 var varDefs = wrap$1('(', join(node.variableDefinitions, ', '), ')');
6333 var directives = join(node.directives, ' ');
6334 var selectionSet = node.selectionSet; // Anonymous queries with no directives or variable definitions can use
6335 // the query short form.
6337 return !name && !directives && !varDefs && op === 'query' ? selectionSet : join([op, join([name, varDefs]), directives, selectionSet], ' ');
6338 },
6339 VariableDefinition: function VariableDefinition(_ref) {
6340 var variable = _ref.variable,
6341 type = _ref.type,
6342 defaultValue = _ref.defaultValue,
6343 directives = _ref.directives;
6344 return variable + ': ' + type + wrap$1(' = ', defaultValue) + wrap$1(' ', join(directives, ' '));
6345 },
6346 SelectionSet: function SelectionSet(_ref2) {
6347 var selections = _ref2.selections;
6348 return block(selections);
6349 },
6350 Field: function Field(_ref3) {
6351 var alias = _ref3.alias,
6352 name = _ref3.name,
6353 args = _ref3.arguments,
6354 directives = _ref3.directives,
6355 selectionSet = _ref3.selectionSet;
6356 return join([wrap$1('', alias, ': ') + name + wrap$1('(', join(args, ', '), ')'), join(directives, ' '), selectionSet], ' ');
6357 },
6358 Argument: function Argument(_ref4) {
6359 var name = _ref4.name,
6360 value = _ref4.value;
6361 return name + ': ' + value;
6362 },
6363 // Fragments
6364 FragmentSpread: function FragmentSpread(_ref5) {
6365 var name = _ref5.name,
6366 directives = _ref5.directives;
6367 return '...' + name + wrap$1(' ', join(directives, ' '));
6368 },
6369 InlineFragment: function InlineFragment(_ref6) {
6370 var typeCondition = _ref6.typeCondition,
6371 directives = _ref6.directives,
6372 selectionSet = _ref6.selectionSet;
6373 return join(['...', wrap$1('on ', typeCondition), join(directives, ' '), selectionSet], ' ');
6374 },
6375 FragmentDefinition: function FragmentDefinition(_ref7) {
6376 var name = _ref7.name,
6377 typeCondition = _ref7.typeCondition,
6378 variableDefinitions = _ref7.variableDefinitions,
6379 directives = _ref7.directives,
6380 selectionSet = _ref7.selectionSet;
6381 return (// Note: fragment variable definitions are experimental and may be changed
6382 // or removed in the future.
6383 "fragment ".concat(name).concat(wrap$1('(', join(variableDefinitions, ', '), ')'), " ") + "on ".concat(typeCondition, " ").concat(wrap$1('', join(directives, ' '), ' ')) + selectionSet
6384 );
6385 },
6386 // Value
6387 IntValue: function IntValue(_ref8) {
6388 var value = _ref8.value;
6389 return value;
6390 },
6391 FloatValue: function FloatValue(_ref9) {
6392 var value = _ref9.value;
6393 return value;
6394 },
6395 StringValue: function StringValue(_ref10, key) {
6396 var value = _ref10.value,
6397 isBlockString = _ref10.block;
6398 return isBlockString ? printBlockString(value, key === 'description') : JSON.stringify(value);
6399 },
6400 BooleanValue: function BooleanValue(_ref11) {
6401 var value = _ref11.value;
6402 return value ? 'true' : 'false';
6403 },
6404 NullValue: function NullValue() {
6405 return 'null';
6406 },
6407 EnumValue: function EnumValue(_ref12) {
6408 var value = _ref12.value;
6409 return value;
6410 },
6411 ListValue: function ListValue(_ref13) {
6412 var values = _ref13.values;
6413 return '[' + join(values, ', ') + ']';
6414 },
6415 ObjectValue: function ObjectValue(_ref14) {
6416 var fields = _ref14.fields;
6417 return '{' + join(fields, ', ') + '}';
6418 },
6419 ObjectField: function ObjectField(_ref15) {
6420 var name = _ref15.name,
6421 value = _ref15.value;
6422 return name + ': ' + value;
6423 },
6424 // Directive
6425 Directive: function Directive(_ref16) {
6426 var name = _ref16.name,
6427 args = _ref16.arguments;
6428 return '@' + name + wrap$1('(', join(args, ', '), ')');
6429 },
6430 // Type
6431 NamedType: function NamedType(_ref17) {
6432 var name = _ref17.name;
6433 return name;
6434 },
6435 ListType: function ListType(_ref18) {
6436 var type = _ref18.type;
6437 return '[' + type + ']';
6438 },
6439 NonNullType: function NonNullType(_ref19) {
6440 var type = _ref19.type;
6441 return type + '!';
6442 },
6443 // Type System Definitions
6444 SchemaDefinition: function SchemaDefinition(_ref20) {
6445 var directives = _ref20.directives,
6446 operationTypes = _ref20.operationTypes;
6447 return join(['schema', join(directives, ' '), block(operationTypes)], ' ');
6448 },
6449 OperationTypeDefinition: function OperationTypeDefinition(_ref21) {
6450 var operation = _ref21.operation,
6451 type = _ref21.type;
6452 return operation + ': ' + type;
6453 },
6454 ScalarTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref22) {
6455 var name = _ref22.name,
6456 directives = _ref22.directives;
6457 return join(['scalar', name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ');
6458 }),
6459 ObjectTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref23) {
6460 var name = _ref23.name,
6461 interfaces = _ref23.interfaces,
6462 directives = _ref23.directives,
6463 fields = _ref23.fields;
6464 return join(['type', name, wrap$1('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');
6465 }),
6466 FieldDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref24) {
6467 var name = _ref24.name,
6468 args = _ref24.arguments,
6469 type = _ref24.type,
6470 directives = _ref24.directives;
6471 return name + (args.every(function (arg) {
6472 return arg.indexOf('\n') === -1;
6473 }) ? wrap$1('(', join(args, ', '), ')') : wrap$1('(\n', indent(join(args, '\n')), '\n)')) + ': ' + type + wrap$1(' ', join(directives, ' '));
6474 }),
6475 InputValueDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref25) {
6476 var name = _ref25.name,
6477 type = _ref25.type,
6478 defaultValue = _ref25.defaultValue,
6479 directives = _ref25.directives;
6480 return join([name + ': ' + type, wrap$1('= ', defaultValue), join(directives, ' ')], ' ');
6481 }),
6482 InterfaceTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref26) {
6483 var name = _ref26.name,
6484 directives = _ref26.directives,
6485 fields = _ref26.fields;
6486 return join(['interface', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');
6487 }),
6488 UnionTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref27) {
6489 var name = _ref27.name,
6490 directives = _ref27.directives,
6491 types = _ref27.types;
6492 return join(['union', name, join(directives, ' '), types && types.length !== 0 ? '= ' + join(types, ' | ') : ''], ' ');
6493 }),
6494 EnumTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref28) {
6495 var name = _ref28.name,
6496 directives = _ref28.directives,
6497 values = _ref28.values;
6498 return join(['enum', name, join(directives, ' '), block(values)], ' ');
6499 }),
6500 EnumValueDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref29) {
6501 var name = _ref29.name,
6502 directives = _ref29.directives;
6503 return join([name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ');
6504 }),
6505 InputObjectTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref30) {
6506 var name = _ref30.name,
6507 directives = _ref30.directives,
6508 fields = _ref30.fields;
6509 return join(['input', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');
6510 }),
6511 DirectiveDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref31) {
6512 var name = _ref31.name,
6513 args = _ref31.arguments,
6514 locations = _ref31.locations;
6515 return 'directive @' + name + (args.every(function (arg) {
6516 return arg.indexOf('\n') === -1;
6517 }) ? wrap$1('(', join(args, ', '), ')') : wrap$1('(\n', indent(join(args, '\n')), '\n)')) + ' on ' + join(locations, ' | ');
6518 }),
6519 SchemaExtension: function SchemaExtension(_ref32) {
6520 var directives = _ref32.directives,
6521 operationTypes = _ref32.operationTypes;
6522 return join(['extend schema', join(directives, ' '), block(operationTypes)], ' ');
6523 },
6524 ScalarTypeExtension: function ScalarTypeExtension(_ref33) {
6525 var name = _ref33.name,
6526 directives = _ref33.directives;
6527 return join(['extend scalar', name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ');
6528 },
6529 ObjectTypeExtension: function ObjectTypeExtension(_ref34) {
6530 var name = _ref34.name,
6531 interfaces = _ref34.interfaces,
6532 directives = _ref34.directives,
6533 fields = _ref34.fields;
6534 return join(['extend type', name, wrap$1('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');
6535 },
6536 InterfaceTypeExtension: function InterfaceTypeExtension(_ref35) {
6537 var name = _ref35.name,
6538 directives = _ref35.directives,
6539 fields = _ref35.fields;
6540 return join(['extend interface', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');
6541 },
6542 UnionTypeExtension: function UnionTypeExtension(_ref36) {
6543 var name = _ref36.name,
6544 directives = _ref36.directives,
6545 types = _ref36.types;
6546 return join(['extend union', name, join(directives, ' '), types && types.length !== 0 ? '= ' + join(types, ' | ') : ''], ' ');
6547 },
6548 EnumTypeExtension: function EnumTypeExtension(_ref37) {
6549 var name = _ref37.name,
6550 directives = _ref37.directives,
6551 values = _ref37.values;
6552 return join(['extend enum', name, join(directives, ' '), block(values)], ' ');
6553 },
6554 InputObjectTypeExtension: function InputObjectTypeExtension(_ref38) {
6555 var name = _ref38.name,
6556 directives = _ref38.directives,
6557 fields = _ref38.fields;
6558 return join(['extend input', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');
6559 }
6560 };
6562 function addDescription(cb) {
6563 return function (node) {
6564 return join([node.description, cb(node)], '\n');
6565 };
6566 }
6567 /**
6568 * Given maybeArray, print an empty string if it is null or empty, otherwise
6569 * print all items together separated by separator if provided
6570 */
6573 function join(maybeArray, separator) {
6574 return maybeArray ? maybeArray.filter(function (x) {
6575 return x;
6576 }).join(separator || '') : '';
6577 }
6578 /**
6579 * Given array, print each item on its own line, wrapped in an
6580 * indented "{ }" block.
6581 */
6584 function block(array) {
6585 return array && array.length !== 0 ? '{\n' + indent(join(array, '\n')) + '\n}' : '';
6586 }
6587 /**
6588 * If maybeString is not null or empty, then wrap with start and end, otherwise
6589 * print an empty string.
6590 */
6593 function wrap$1(start, maybeString, end) {
6594 return maybeString ? start + maybeString + (end || '') : '';
6595 }
6597 function indent(maybeString) {
6598 return maybeString && ' ' + maybeString.replace(/\n/g, '\n ');
6599 }
6600 /**
6601 * Print a block string in the indented block form by adding a leading and
6602 * trailing blank line. However, if a block string starts with whitespace and is
6603 * a single-line, adding a leading blank line would strip that whitespace.
6604 */
6607 function printBlockString(value, isDescription) {
6608 var escaped = value.replace(/"""/g, '\\"""');
6609 return (value[0] === ' ' || value[0] === '\t') && value.indexOf('\n') === -1 ? "\"\"\"".concat(escaped.replace(/"$/, '"\n'), "\"\"\"") : "\"\"\"\n".concat(isDescription ? escaped : indent(escaped), "\n\"\"\"");
6610 }
6612 /**
6613 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
6614 *
6615 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6616 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6617 *
6618 * strict
6619 */
6620 var __Schema = new GraphQLObjectType({
6621 name: '__Schema',
6622 description: 'A GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It ' + 'exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as ' + 'the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.',
6623 fields: function fields() {
6624 return {
6625 types: {
6626 description: 'A list of all types supported by this server.',
6627 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__Type))),
6628 resolve: function resolve(schema) {
6629 return objectValues(schema.getTypeMap());
6630 }
6631 },
6632 queryType: {
6633 description: 'The type that query operations will be rooted at.',
6634 type: GraphQLNonNull(__Type),
6635 resolve: function resolve(schema) {
6636 return schema.getQueryType();
6637 }
6638 },
6639 mutationType: {
6640 description: 'If this server supports mutation, the type that ' + 'mutation operations will be rooted at.',
6641 type: __Type,
6642 resolve: function resolve(schema) {
6643 return schema.getMutationType();
6644 }
6645 },
6646 subscriptionType: {
6647 description: 'If this server support subscription, the type that ' + 'subscription operations will be rooted at.',
6648 type: __Type,
6649 resolve: function resolve(schema) {
6650 return schema.getSubscriptionType();
6651 }
6652 },
6653 directives: {
6654 description: 'A list of all directives supported by this server.',
6655 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__Directive))),
6656 resolve: function resolve(schema) {
6657 return schema.getDirectives();
6658 }
6659 }
6660 };
6661 }
6662 });
6663 var __Directive = new GraphQLObjectType({
6664 name: '__Directive',
6665 description: 'A Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and ' + 'type validation behavior in a GraphQL document.' + "\n\nIn some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's " + 'execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as ' + 'conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by ' + 'describing additional information to the executor.',
6666 fields: function fields() {
6667 return {
6668 name: {
6669 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
6670 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6671 return obj.name;
6672 }
6673 },
6674 description: {
6675 type: GraphQLString,
6676 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6677 return obj.description;
6678 }
6679 },
6680 locations: {
6681 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__DirectiveLocation))),
6682 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6683 return obj.locations;
6684 }
6685 },
6686 args: {
6687 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__InputValue))),
6688 resolve: function resolve(directive) {
6689 return directive.args || [];
6690 }
6691 }
6692 };
6693 }
6694 });
6695 var __DirectiveLocation = new GraphQLEnumType({
6696 name: '__DirectiveLocation',
6697 description: 'A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a ' + '__DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.',
6698 values: {
6699 QUERY: {
6700 value: DirectiveLocation.QUERY,
6701 description: 'Location adjacent to a query operation.'
6702 },
6703 MUTATION: {
6704 value: DirectiveLocation.MUTATION,
6705 description: 'Location adjacent to a mutation operation.'
6706 },
6708 value: DirectiveLocation.SUBSCRIPTION,
6709 description: 'Location adjacent to a subscription operation.'
6710 },
6711 FIELD: {
6712 value: DirectiveLocation.FIELD,
6713 description: 'Location adjacent to a field.'
6714 },
6716 value: DirectiveLocation.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION,
6717 description: 'Location adjacent to a fragment definition.'
6718 },
6720 value: DirectiveLocation.FRAGMENT_SPREAD,
6721 description: 'Location adjacent to a fragment spread.'
6722 },
6724 value: DirectiveLocation.INLINE_FRAGMENT,
6725 description: 'Location adjacent to an inline fragment.'
6726 },
6728 value: DirectiveLocation.VARIABLE_DEFINITION,
6729 description: 'Location adjacent to a variable definition.'
6730 },
6731 SCHEMA: {
6732 value: DirectiveLocation.SCHEMA,
6733 description: 'Location adjacent to a schema definition.'
6734 },
6735 SCALAR: {
6736 value: DirectiveLocation.SCALAR,
6737 description: 'Location adjacent to a scalar definition.'
6738 },
6739 OBJECT: {
6740 value: DirectiveLocation.OBJECT,
6741 description: 'Location adjacent to an object type definition.'
6742 },
6744 value: DirectiveLocation.FIELD_DEFINITION,
6745 description: 'Location adjacent to a field definition.'
6746 },
6748 value: DirectiveLocation.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION,
6749 description: 'Location adjacent to an argument definition.'
6750 },
6752 value: DirectiveLocation.INTERFACE,
6753 description: 'Location adjacent to an interface definition.'
6754 },
6755 UNION: {
6756 value: DirectiveLocation.UNION,
6757 description: 'Location adjacent to a union definition.'
6758 },
6759 ENUM: {
6760 value: DirectiveLocation.ENUM,
6761 description: 'Location adjacent to an enum definition.'
6762 },
6763 ENUM_VALUE: {
6764 value: DirectiveLocation.ENUM_VALUE,
6765 description: 'Location adjacent to an enum value definition.'
6766 },
6768 value: DirectiveLocation.INPUT_OBJECT,
6769 description: 'Location adjacent to an input object type definition.'
6770 },
6772 value: DirectiveLocation.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION,
6773 description: 'Location adjacent to an input object field definition.'
6774 }
6775 }
6776 });
6777 var __Type = new GraphQLObjectType({
6778 name: '__Type',
6779 description: 'The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are ' + 'many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum.' + '\n\nDepending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe ' + 'information about that type. Scalar types provide no information ' + 'beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. ' + 'Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract ' + 'types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible ' + 'at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.',
6780 fields: function fields() {
6781 return {
6782 kind: {
6783 type: GraphQLNonNull(__TypeKind),
6784 resolve: function resolve(type) {
6785 if (isScalarType(type)) {
6786 return TypeKind.SCALAR;
6787 } else if (isObjectType(type)) {
6788 return TypeKind.OBJECT;
6789 } else if (isInterfaceType(type)) {
6790 return TypeKind.INTERFACE;
6791 } else if (isUnionType(type)) {
6792 return TypeKind.UNION;
6793 } else if (isEnumType(type)) {
6794 return TypeKind.ENUM;
6795 } else if (isInputObjectType(type)) {
6796 return TypeKind.INPUT_OBJECT;
6797 } else if (isListType(type)) {
6798 return TypeKind.LIST;
6799 } else if (isNonNullType(type)) {
6800 return TypeKind.NON_NULL;
6801 }
6803 throw new Error('Unknown kind of type: ' + type);
6804 }
6805 },
6806 name: {
6807 type: GraphQLString,
6808 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6809 return obj.name;
6810 }
6811 },
6812 description: {
6813 type: GraphQLString,
6814 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6815 return obj.description;
6816 }
6817 },
6818 fields: {
6819 type: GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__Field)),
6820 args: {
6821 includeDeprecated: {
6822 type: GraphQLBoolean,
6823 defaultValue: false
6824 }
6825 },
6826 resolve: function resolve(type, _ref) {
6827 var includeDeprecated = _ref.includeDeprecated;
6829 if (isObjectType(type) || isInterfaceType(type)) {
6830 var fields = objectValues(type.getFields());
6832 if (!includeDeprecated) {
6833 fields = fields.filter(function (field) {
6834 return !field.deprecationReason;
6835 });
6836 }
6838 return fields;
6839 }
6841 return null;
6842 }
6843 },
6844 interfaces: {
6845 type: GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__Type)),
6846 resolve: function resolve(type) {
6847 if (isObjectType(type)) {
6848 return type.getInterfaces();
6849 }
6850 }
6851 },
6852 possibleTypes: {
6853 type: GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__Type)),
6854 resolve: function resolve(type, args, context, _ref2) {
6855 var schema = _ref2.schema;
6857 if (isAbstractType(type)) {
6858 return schema.getPossibleTypes(type);
6859 }
6860 }
6861 },
6862 enumValues: {
6863 type: GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__EnumValue)),
6864 args: {
6865 includeDeprecated: {
6866 type: GraphQLBoolean,
6867 defaultValue: false
6868 }
6869 },
6870 resolve: function resolve(type, _ref3) {
6871 var includeDeprecated = _ref3.includeDeprecated;
6873 if (isEnumType(type)) {
6874 var values = type.getValues();
6876 if (!includeDeprecated) {
6877 values = values.filter(function (value) {
6878 return !value.deprecationReason;
6879 });
6880 }
6882 return values;
6883 }
6884 }
6885 },
6886 inputFields: {
6887 type: GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__InputValue)),
6888 resolve: function resolve(type) {
6889 if (isInputObjectType(type)) {
6890 return objectValues(type.getFields());
6891 }
6892 }
6893 },
6894 ofType: {
6895 type: __Type,
6896 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6897 return obj.ofType;
6898 }
6899 }
6900 };
6901 }
6902 });
6903 var __Field = new GraphQLObjectType({
6904 name: '__Field',
6905 description: 'Object and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of ' + 'which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.',
6906 fields: function fields() {
6907 return {
6908 name: {
6909 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
6910 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6911 return obj.name;
6912 }
6913 },
6914 description: {
6915 type: GraphQLString,
6916 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6917 return obj.description;
6918 }
6919 },
6920 args: {
6921 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLList(GraphQLNonNull(__InputValue))),
6922 resolve: function resolve(field) {
6923 return field.args || [];
6924 }
6925 },
6926 type: {
6927 type: GraphQLNonNull(__Type),
6928 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6929 return obj.type;
6930 }
6931 },
6932 isDeprecated: {
6933 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLBoolean),
6934 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6935 return obj.isDeprecated;
6936 }
6937 },
6938 deprecationReason: {
6939 type: GraphQLString,
6940 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6941 return obj.deprecationReason;
6942 }
6943 }
6944 };
6945 }
6946 });
6947 var __InputValue = new GraphQLObjectType({
6948 name: '__InputValue',
6949 description: 'Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an ' + 'InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type ' + 'and optionally a default value.',
6950 fields: function fields() {
6951 return {
6952 name: {
6953 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
6954 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6955 return obj.name;
6956 }
6957 },
6958 description: {
6959 type: GraphQLString,
6960 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6961 return obj.description;
6962 }
6963 },
6964 type: {
6965 type: GraphQLNonNull(__Type),
6966 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6967 return obj.type;
6968 }
6969 },
6970 defaultValue: {
6971 type: GraphQLString,
6972 description: 'A GraphQL-formatted string representing the default value for this ' + 'input value.',
6973 resolve: function resolve(inputVal) {
6974 return isInvalid(inputVal.defaultValue) ? null : print(astFromValue(inputVal.defaultValue, inputVal.type));
6975 }
6976 }
6977 };
6978 }
6979 });
6980 var __EnumValue = new GraphQLObjectType({
6981 name: '__EnumValue',
6982 description: 'One possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not ' + 'a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is ' + 'returned in a JSON response as a string.',
6983 fields: function fields() {
6984 return {
6985 name: {
6986 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
6987 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6988 return obj.name;
6989 }
6990 },
6991 description: {
6992 type: GraphQLString,
6993 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
6994 return obj.description;
6995 }
6996 },
6997 isDeprecated: {
6998 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLBoolean),
6999 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
7000 return obj.isDeprecated;
7001 }
7002 },
7003 deprecationReason: {
7004 type: GraphQLString,
7005 resolve: function resolve(obj) {
7006 return obj.deprecationReason;
7007 }
7008 }
7009 };
7010 }
7011 });
7012 var TypeKind = {
7016 UNION: 'UNION',
7017 ENUM: 'ENUM',
7019 LIST: 'LIST',
7021 };
7022 var __TypeKind = new GraphQLEnumType({
7023 name: '__TypeKind',
7024 description: 'An enum describing what kind of type a given `__Type` is.',
7025 values: {
7026 SCALAR: {
7027 value: TypeKind.SCALAR,
7028 description: 'Indicates this type is a scalar.'
7029 },
7030 OBJECT: {
7031 value: TypeKind.OBJECT,
7032 description: 'Indicates this type is an object. ' + '`fields` and `interfaces` are valid fields.'
7033 },
7035 value: TypeKind.INTERFACE,
7036 description: 'Indicates this type is an interface. ' + '`fields` and `possibleTypes` are valid fields.'
7037 },
7038 UNION: {
7039 value: TypeKind.UNION,
7040 description: 'Indicates this type is a union. `possibleTypes` is a valid field.'
7041 },
7042 ENUM: {
7043 value: TypeKind.ENUM,
7044 description: 'Indicates this type is an enum. `enumValues` is a valid field.'
7045 },
7047 value: TypeKind.INPUT_OBJECT,
7048 description: 'Indicates this type is an input object. ' + '`inputFields` is a valid field.'
7049 },
7050 LIST: {
7051 value: TypeKind.LIST,
7052 description: 'Indicates this type is a list. `ofType` is a valid field.'
7053 },
7054 NON_NULL: {
7055 value: TypeKind.NON_NULL,
7056 description: 'Indicates this type is a non-null. `ofType` is a valid field.'
7057 }
7058 }
7059 });
7060 /**
7061 * Note that these are GraphQLField and not GraphQLFieldConfig,
7062 * so the format for args is different.
7063 */
7065 var SchemaMetaFieldDef = {
7066 name: '__schema',
7067 type: GraphQLNonNull(__Schema),
7068 description: 'Access the current type schema of this server.',
7069 args: [],
7070 resolve: function resolve(source, args, context, _ref4) {
7071 var schema = _ref4.schema;
7072 return schema;
7073 }
7074 };
7075 var TypeMetaFieldDef = {
7076 name: '__type',
7077 type: __Type,
7078 description: 'Request the type information of a single type.',
7079 args: [{
7080 name: 'name',
7081 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
7082 }],
7083 resolve: function resolve(source, _ref5, context, _ref6) {
7084 var name = _ref5.name;
7085 var schema = _ref6.schema;
7086 return schema.getType(name);
7087 }
7088 };
7089 var TypeNameMetaFieldDef = {
7090 name: '__typename',
7091 type: GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
7092 description: 'The name of the current Object type at runtime.',
7093 args: [],
7094 resolve: function resolve(source, args, context, _ref7) {
7095 var parentType = _ref7.parentType;
7096 return parentType.name;
7097 }
7098 };
7100 /**
7101 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7102 *
7103 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7104 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7105 *
7106 * strict
7107 */
7108 function find(list, predicate) {
7109 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
7110 if (predicate(list[i])) {
7111 return list[i];
7112 }
7113 }
7114 }
7116 function _typeof$3(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof$3 = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof$3 = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof$3(obj); }
7118 function _defineProperty$2(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
7119 /**
7120 * Schema Definition
7121 *
7122 * A Schema is created by supplying the root types of each type of operation,
7123 * query and mutation (optional). A schema definition is then supplied to the
7124 * validator and executor.
7125 *
7126 * Example:
7127 *
7128 * const MyAppSchema = new GraphQLSchema({
7129 * query: MyAppQueryRootType,
7130 * mutation: MyAppMutationRootType,
7131 * })
7132 *
7133 * Note: If an array of `directives` are provided to GraphQLSchema, that will be
7134 * the exact list of directives represented and allowed. If `directives` is not
7135 * provided then a default set of the specified directives (e.g. @include and
7136 * @skip) will be used. If you wish to provide *additional* directives to these
7137 * specified directives, you must explicitly declare them. Example:
7138 *
7139 * const MyAppSchema = new GraphQLSchema({
7140 * ...
7141 * directives: specifiedDirectives.concat([ myCustomDirective ]),
7142 * })
7143 *
7144 */
7146 var GraphQLSchema =
7147 /*#__PURE__*/
7148 function () {
7149 // Used as a cache for validateSchema().
7150 // Referenced by validateSchema().
7151 function GraphQLSchema(config) {
7152 _defineProperty$2(this, "astNode", void 0);
7154 _defineProperty$2(this, "extensionASTNodes", void 0);
7156 _defineProperty$2(this, "_queryType", void 0);
7158 _defineProperty$2(this, "_mutationType", void 0);
7160 _defineProperty$2(this, "_subscriptionType", void 0);
7162 _defineProperty$2(this, "_directives", void 0);
7164 _defineProperty$2(this, "_typeMap", void 0);
7166 _defineProperty$2(this, "_implementations", void 0);
7168 _defineProperty$2(this, "_possibleTypeMap", void 0);
7170 _defineProperty$2(this, "__validationErrors", void 0);
7172 _defineProperty$2(this, "__allowedLegacyNames", void 0);
7174 // If this schema was built from a source known to be valid, then it may be
7175 // marked with assumeValid to avoid an additional type system validation.
7176 if (config && config.assumeValid) {
7177 this.__validationErrors = [];
7178 } else {
7179 // Otherwise check for common mistakes during construction to produce
7180 // clear and early error messages.
7181 !(_typeof$3(config) === 'object') ? invariant(0, 'Must provide configuration object.') : void 0;
7182 !(!config.types || Array.isArray(config.types)) ? invariant(0, "\"types\" must be Array if provided but got: ".concat(inspect(config.types), ".")) : void 0;
7183 !(!config.directives || Array.isArray(config.directives)) ? invariant(0, '"directives" must be Array if provided but got: ' + "".concat(inspect(config.directives), ".")) : void 0;
7184 !(!config.allowedLegacyNames || Array.isArray(config.allowedLegacyNames)) ? invariant(0, '"allowedLegacyNames" must be Array if provided but got: ' + "".concat(inspect(config.allowedLegacyNames), ".")) : void 0;
7185 }
7187 this.__allowedLegacyNames = config.allowedLegacyNames || [];
7188 this._queryType = config.query;
7189 this._mutationType = config.mutation;
7190 this._subscriptionType = config.subscription; // Provide specified directives (e.g. @include and @skip) by default.
7192 this._directives = config.directives || specifiedDirectives;
7193 this.astNode = config.astNode;
7194 this.extensionASTNodes = config.extensionASTNodes; // Build type map now to detect any errors within this schema.
7196 var initialTypes = [this.getQueryType(), this.getMutationType(), this.getSubscriptionType(), __Schema];
7197 var types = config.types;
7199 if (types) {
7200 initialTypes = initialTypes.concat(types);
7201 } // Keep track of all types referenced within the schema.
7204 var typeMap = Object.create(null); // First by deeply visiting all initial types.
7206 typeMap = initialTypes.reduce(typeMapReducer, typeMap); // Then by deeply visiting all directive types.
7208 typeMap = this._directives.reduce(typeMapDirectiveReducer, typeMap); // Storing the resulting map for reference by the schema.
7210 this._typeMap = typeMap; // Keep track of all implementations by interface name.
7212 this._implementations = Object.create(null);
7214 var _arr = Object.keys(this._typeMap);
7216 for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
7217 var typeName = _arr[_i];
7218 var type = this._typeMap[typeName];
7220 if (isObjectType(type)) {
7221 var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
7222 var _didIteratorError = false;
7223 var _iteratorError = undefined;
7225 try {
7226 for (var _iterator = type.getInterfaces()[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
7227 var iface = _step.value;
7229 if (isInterfaceType(iface)) {
7230 var impls = this._implementations[iface.name];
7232 if (impls) {
7233 impls.push(type);
7234 } else {
7235 this._implementations[iface.name] = [type];
7236 }
7237 }
7238 }
7239 } catch (err) {
7240 _didIteratorError = true;
7241 _iteratorError = err;
7242 } finally {
7243 try {
7244 if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
7245 _iterator.return();
7246 }
7247 } finally {
7248 if (_didIteratorError) {
7249 throw _iteratorError;
7250 }
7251 }
7252 }
7253 } else if (isAbstractType(type) && !this._implementations[type.name]) {
7254 this._implementations[type.name] = [];
7255 }
7256 }
7257 }
7259 var _proto = GraphQLSchema.prototype;
7261 _proto.getQueryType = function getQueryType() {
7262 return this._queryType;
7263 };
7265 _proto.getMutationType = function getMutationType() {
7266 return this._mutationType;
7267 };
7269 _proto.getSubscriptionType = function getSubscriptionType() {
7270 return this._subscriptionType;
7271 };
7273 _proto.getTypeMap = function getTypeMap() {
7274 return this._typeMap;
7275 };
7277 _proto.getType = function getType(name) {
7278 return this.getTypeMap()[name];
7279 };
7281 _proto.getPossibleTypes = function getPossibleTypes(abstractType) {
7282 if (isUnionType(abstractType)) {
7283 return abstractType.getTypes();
7284 }
7286 return this._implementations[abstractType.name];
7287 };
7289 _proto.isPossibleType = function isPossibleType(abstractType, possibleType) {
7290 var possibleTypeMap = this._possibleTypeMap;
7292 if (!possibleTypeMap) {
7293 this._possibleTypeMap = possibleTypeMap = Object.create(null);
7294 }
7296 if (!possibleTypeMap[abstractType.name]) {
7297 var possibleTypes = this.getPossibleTypes(abstractType);
7298 possibleTypeMap[abstractType.name] = possibleTypes.reduce(function (map, type) {
7299 return map[type.name] = true, map;
7300 }, Object.create(null));
7301 }
7303 return Boolean(possibleTypeMap[abstractType.name][possibleType.name]);
7304 };
7306 _proto.getDirectives = function getDirectives() {
7307 return this._directives;
7308 };
7310 _proto.getDirective = function getDirective(name) {
7311 return find(this.getDirectives(), function (directive) {
7312 return directive.name === name;
7313 });
7314 };
7316 return GraphQLSchema;
7317 }(); // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
7319 applyToStringTag(GraphQLSchema);
7321 function typeMapReducer(map, type) {
7322 if (!type) {
7323 return map;
7324 }
7326 if (isWrappingType(type)) {
7327 return typeMapReducer(map, type.ofType);
7328 }
7330 if (map[type.name]) {
7331 !(map[type.name] === type) ? invariant(0, 'Schema must contain unique named types but contains multiple ' + "types named \"".concat(type.name, "\".")) : void 0;
7332 return map;
7333 }
7335 map[type.name] = type;
7336 var reducedMap = map;
7338 if (isUnionType(type)) {
7339 reducedMap = type.getTypes().reduce(typeMapReducer, reducedMap);
7340 }
7342 if (isObjectType(type)) {
7343 reducedMap = type.getInterfaces().reduce(typeMapReducer, reducedMap);
7344 }
7346 if (isObjectType(type) || isInterfaceType(type)) {
7347 var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
7348 var _didIteratorError2 = false;
7349 var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
7351 try {
7352 for (var _iterator2 = objectValues(type.getFields())[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 = _iterator2.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
7353 var field = _step2.value;
7355 if (field.args) {
7356 var fieldArgTypes = field.args.map(function (arg) {
7357 return arg.type;
7358 });
7359 reducedMap = fieldArgTypes.reduce(typeMapReducer, reducedMap);
7360 }
7362 reducedMap = typeMapReducer(reducedMap, field.type);
7363 }
7364 } catch (err) {
7365 _didIteratorError2 = true;
7366 _iteratorError2 = err;
7367 } finally {
7368 try {
7369 if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return != null) {
7370 _iterator2.return();
7371 }
7372 } finally {
7373 if (_didIteratorError2) {
7374 throw _iteratorError2;
7375 }
7376 }
7377 }
7378 }
7380 if (isInputObjectType(type)) {
7381 var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
7382 var _didIteratorError3 = false;
7383 var _iteratorError3 = undefined;
7385 try {
7386 for (var _iterator3 = objectValues(type.getFields())[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 = _iterator3.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
7387 var _field = _step3.value;
7388 reducedMap = typeMapReducer(reducedMap, _field.type);
7389 }
7390 } catch (err) {
7391 _didIteratorError3 = true;
7392 _iteratorError3 = err;
7393 } finally {
7394 try {
7395 if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return != null) {
7396 _iterator3.return();
7397 }
7398 } finally {
7399 if (_didIteratorError3) {
7400 throw _iteratorError3;
7401 }
7402 }
7403 }
7404 }
7406 return reducedMap;
7407 }
7409 function typeMapDirectiveReducer(map, directive) {
7410 // Directives are not validated until validateSchema() is called.
7411 if (!isDirective(directive)) {
7412 return map;
7413 }
7415 return directive.args.reduce(function (_map, arg) {
7416 return typeMapReducer(_map, arg.type);
7417 }, map);
7418 }
7420 /**
7421 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7422 *
7423 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7424 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7425 *
7426 * strict
7427 */
7429 /**
7430 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7431 *
7432 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7433 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7434 *
7435 * strict
7436 */
7438 /**
7439 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7440 *
7441 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7442 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7443 *
7444 * strict
7445 */
7447 /**
7448 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7449 *
7450 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7451 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7452 *
7453 * strict
7454 */
7456 /**
7457 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7458 *
7459 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7460 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7461 *
7462 * strict
7463 */
7465 function _defineProperty$4(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
7467 /**
7468 * A representation of source input to GraphQL.
7469 * `name` and `locationOffset` are optional. They are useful for clients who
7470 * store GraphQL documents in source files; for example, if the GraphQL input
7471 * starts at line 40 in a file named Foo.graphql, it might be useful for name to
7472 * be "Foo.graphql" and location to be `{ line: 40, column: 0 }`.
7473 * line and column in locationOffset are 1-indexed
7474 */
7475 var Source = function Source(body, name, locationOffset) {
7476 _defineProperty$4(this, "body", void 0);
7478 _defineProperty$4(this, "name", void 0);
7480 _defineProperty$4(this, "locationOffset", void 0);
7482 this.body = body;
7483 this.name = name || 'GraphQL request';
7484 this.locationOffset = locationOffset || {
7485 line: 1,
7486 column: 1
7487 };
7488 !(this.locationOffset.line > 0) ? invariant(0, 'line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive') : void 0;
7489 !(this.locationOffset.column > 0) ? invariant(0, 'column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive') : void 0;
7490 }; // Conditionally apply `[Symbol.toStringTag]` if `Symbol`s are supported
7492 applyToStringTag(Source);
7494 /**
7495 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7496 *
7497 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7498 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7499 *
7500 * strict
7501 */
7503 /**
7504 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7505 *
7506 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7507 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7508 *
7509 * strict
7510 */
7512 /**
7513 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7514 *
7515 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7516 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7517 *
7518 * strict
7519 */
7521 /**
7522 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7523 *
7524 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7525 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7526 *
7527 * strict
7528 */
7530 /**
7531 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7532 *
7533 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7534 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7535 *
7536 * strict
7537 */
7539 /**
7540 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7541 *
7542 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7543 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7544 *
7545 * strict
7546 */
7547 /**
7548 * The return type of createLexer.
7549 */
7552 /**
7553 * An exported enum describing the different kinds of tokens that the
7554 * lexer emits.
7555 */
7556 var TokenKind = Object.freeze({
7557 SOF: '<SOF>',
7558 EOF: '<EOF>',
7559 BANG: '!',
7560 DOLLAR: '$',
7561 AMP: '&',
7562 PAREN_L: '(',
7563 PAREN_R: ')',
7564 SPREAD: '...',
7565 COLON: ':',
7566 EQUALS: '=',
7567 AT: '@',
7568 BRACKET_L: '[',
7569 BRACKET_R: ']',
7570 BRACE_L: '{',
7571 PIPE: '|',
7572 BRACE_R: '}',
7573 NAME: 'Name',
7574 INT: 'Int',
7575 FLOAT: 'Float',
7576 STRING: 'String',
7577 BLOCK_STRING: 'BlockString',
7578 COMMENT: 'Comment'
7579 });
7581 /**
7582 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7583 *
7584 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7585 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7586 *
7587 * strict
7588 */
7590 /**
7591 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7592 *
7593 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7594 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7595 *
7596 * strict
7597 */
7598 function typeFromAST(schema, typeNode) {
7599 /* eslint-enable no-redeclare */
7600 var innerType;
7602 if (typeNode.kind === Kind.LIST_TYPE) {
7603 innerType = typeFromAST(schema, typeNode.type);
7604 return innerType && GraphQLList(innerType);
7605 }
7607 if (typeNode.kind === Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE) {
7608 innerType = typeFromAST(schema, typeNode.type);
7609 return innerType && GraphQLNonNull(innerType);
7610 }
7612 if (typeNode.kind === Kind.NAMED_TYPE) {
7613 return schema.getType(typeNode.name.value);
7614 }
7615 /* istanbul ignore next */
7618 throw new Error("Unexpected type kind: ".concat(typeNode.kind, "."));
7619 }
7621 function _defineProperty$5(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
7622 /**
7623 * TypeInfo is a utility class which, given a GraphQL schema, can keep track
7624 * of the current field and type definitions at any point in a GraphQL document
7625 * AST during a recursive descent by calling `enter(node)` and `leave(node)`.
7626 */
7628 var TypeInfo =
7629 /*#__PURE__*/
7630 function () {
7631 function TypeInfo(schema, // NOTE: this experimental optional second parameter is only needed in order
7632 // to support non-spec-compliant codebases. You should never need to use it.
7633 getFieldDefFn, // Initial type may be provided in rare cases to facilitate traversals
7634 initialType) {
7635 _defineProperty$5(this, "_schema", void 0);
7637 _defineProperty$5(this, "_typeStack", void 0);
7639 _defineProperty$5(this, "_parentTypeStack", void 0);
7641 _defineProperty$5(this, "_inputTypeStack", void 0);
7643 _defineProperty$5(this, "_fieldDefStack", void 0);
7645 _defineProperty$5(this, "_defaultValueStack", void 0);
7647 _defineProperty$5(this, "_directive", void 0);
7649 _defineProperty$5(this, "_argument", void 0);
7651 _defineProperty$5(this, "_enumValue", void 0);
7653 _defineProperty$5(this, "_getFieldDef", void 0);
7655 this._schema = schema;
7656 this._typeStack = [];
7657 this._parentTypeStack = [];
7658 this._inputTypeStack = [];
7659 this._fieldDefStack = [];
7660 this._defaultValueStack = [];
7661 this._directive = null;
7662 this._argument = null;
7663 this._enumValue = null;
7664 this._getFieldDef = getFieldDefFn || getFieldDef;
7666 if (initialType) {
7667 if (isInputType(initialType)) {
7668 this._inputTypeStack.push(initialType);
7669 }
7671 if (isCompositeType(initialType)) {
7672 this._parentTypeStack.push(initialType);
7673 }
7675 if (isOutputType(initialType)) {
7676 this._typeStack.push(initialType);
7677 }
7678 }
7679 }
7681 var _proto = TypeInfo.prototype;
7683 _proto.getType = function getType() {
7684 if (this._typeStack.length > 0) {
7685 return this._typeStack[this._typeStack.length - 1];
7686 }
7687 };
7689 _proto.getParentType = function getParentType() {
7690 if (this._parentTypeStack.length > 0) {
7691 return this._parentTypeStack[this._parentTypeStack.length - 1];
7692 }
7693 };
7695 _proto.getInputType = function getInputType() {
7696 if (this._inputTypeStack.length > 0) {
7697 return this._inputTypeStack[this._inputTypeStack.length - 1];
7698 }
7699 };
7701 _proto.getParentInputType = function getParentInputType() {
7702 if (this._inputTypeStack.length > 1) {
7703 return this._inputTypeStack[this._inputTypeStack.length - 2];
7704 }
7705 };
7707 _proto.getFieldDef = function getFieldDef() {
7708 if (this._fieldDefStack.length > 0) {
7709 return this._fieldDefStack[this._fieldDefStack.length - 1];
7710 }
7711 };
7713 _proto.getDefaultValue = function getDefaultValue() {
7714 if (this._defaultValueStack.length > 0) {
7715 return this._defaultValueStack[this._defaultValueStack.length - 1];
7716 }
7717 };
7719 _proto.getDirective = function getDirective() {
7720 return this._directive;
7721 };
7723 _proto.getArgument = function getArgument() {
7724 return this._argument;
7725 };
7727 _proto.getEnumValue = function getEnumValue() {
7728 return this._enumValue;
7729 };
7731 _proto.enter = function enter(node) {
7732 var schema = this._schema; // Note: many of the types below are explicitly typed as "mixed" to drop
7733 // any assumptions of a valid schema to ensure runtime types are properly
7734 // checked before continuing since TypeInfo is used as part of validation
7735 // which occurs before guarantees of schema and document validity.
7737 switch (node.kind) {
7738 case Kind.SELECTION_SET:
7739 var namedType = getNamedType(this.getType());
7741 this._parentTypeStack.push(isCompositeType(namedType) ? namedType : undefined);
7743 break;
7745 case Kind.FIELD:
7746 var parentType = this.getParentType();
7747 var fieldDef;
7748 var fieldType;
7750 if (parentType) {
7751 fieldDef = this._getFieldDef(schema, parentType, node);
7753 if (fieldDef) {
7754 fieldType = fieldDef.type;
7755 }
7756 }
7758 this._fieldDefStack.push(fieldDef);
7760 this._typeStack.push(isOutputType(fieldType) ? fieldType : undefined);
7762 break;
7764 case Kind.DIRECTIVE:
7765 this._directive = schema.getDirective(node.name.value);
7766 break;
7769 var type;
7771 if (node.operation === 'query') {
7772 type = schema.getQueryType();
7773 } else if (node.operation === 'mutation') {
7774 type = schema.getMutationType();
7775 } else if (node.operation === 'subscription') {
7776 type = schema.getSubscriptionType();
7777 }
7779 this._typeStack.push(isObjectType(type) ? type : undefined);
7781 break;
7783 case Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT:
7785 var typeConditionAST = node.typeCondition;
7786 var outputType = typeConditionAST ? typeFromAST(schema, typeConditionAST) : getNamedType(this.getType());
7788 this._typeStack.push(isOutputType(outputType) ? outputType : undefined);
7790 break;
7793 var inputType = typeFromAST(schema, node.type);
7795 this._inputTypeStack.push(isInputType(inputType) ? inputType : undefined);
7797 break;
7799 case Kind.ARGUMENT:
7800 var argDef;
7801 var argType;
7802 var fieldOrDirective = this.getDirective() || this.getFieldDef();
7804 if (fieldOrDirective) {
7805 argDef = find(fieldOrDirective.args, function (arg) {
7806 return arg.name === node.name.value;
7807 });
7809 if (argDef) {
7810 argType = argDef.type;
7811 }
7812 }
7814 this._argument = argDef;
7816 this._defaultValueStack.push(argDef ? argDef.defaultValue : undefined);
7818 this._inputTypeStack.push(isInputType(argType) ? argType : undefined);
7820 break;
7822 case Kind.LIST:
7823 var listType = getNullableType(this.getInputType());
7824 var itemType = isListType(listType) ? listType.ofType : listType; // List positions never have a default value.
7826 this._defaultValueStack.push(undefined);
7828 this._inputTypeStack.push(isInputType(itemType) ? itemType : undefined);
7830 break;
7832 case Kind.OBJECT_FIELD:
7833 var objectType = getNamedType(this.getInputType());
7834 var inputFieldType;
7835 var inputField;
7837 if (isInputObjectType(objectType)) {
7838 inputField = objectType.getFields()[node.name.value];
7840 if (inputField) {
7841 inputFieldType = inputField.type;
7842 }
7843 }
7845 this._defaultValueStack.push(inputField ? inputField.defaultValue : undefined);
7847 this._inputTypeStack.push(isInputType(inputFieldType) ? inputFieldType : undefined);
7849 break;
7851 case Kind.ENUM:
7852 var enumType = getNamedType(this.getInputType());
7853 var enumValue;
7855 if (isEnumType(enumType)) {
7856 enumValue = enumType.getValue(node.value);
7857 }
7859 this._enumValue = enumValue;
7860 break;
7861 }
7862 };
7864 _proto.leave = function leave(node) {
7865 switch (node.kind) {
7866 case Kind.SELECTION_SET:
7867 this._parentTypeStack.pop();
7869 break;
7871 case Kind.FIELD:
7872 this._fieldDefStack.pop();
7874 this._typeStack.pop();
7876 break;
7878 case Kind.DIRECTIVE:
7879 this._directive = null;
7880 break;
7883 case Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT:
7885 this._typeStack.pop();
7887 break;
7890 this._inputTypeStack.pop();
7892 break;
7894 case Kind.ARGUMENT:
7895 this._argument = null;
7897 this._defaultValueStack.pop();
7899 this._inputTypeStack.pop();
7901 break;
7903 case Kind.LIST:
7904 case Kind.OBJECT_FIELD:
7905 this._defaultValueStack.pop();
7907 this._inputTypeStack.pop();
7909 break;
7911 case Kind.ENUM:
7912 this._enumValue = null;
7913 break;
7914 }
7915 };
7917 return TypeInfo;
7918 }();
7919 /**
7920 * Not exactly the same as the executor's definition of getFieldDef, in this
7921 * statically evaluated environment we do not always have an Object type,
7922 * and need to handle Interface and Union types.
7923 */
7925 function getFieldDef(schema, parentType, fieldNode) {
7926 var name = fieldNode.name.value;
7928 if (name === SchemaMetaFieldDef.name && schema.getQueryType() === parentType) {
7929 return SchemaMetaFieldDef;
7930 }
7932 if (name === TypeMetaFieldDef.name && schema.getQueryType() === parentType) {
7933 return TypeMetaFieldDef;
7934 }
7936 if (name === TypeNameMetaFieldDef.name && isCompositeType(parentType)) {
7937 return TypeNameMetaFieldDef;
7938 }
7940 if (isObjectType(parentType) || isInterfaceType(parentType)) {
7941 return parentType.getFields()[name];
7942 }
7943 }
7945 /**
7946 * Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
7947 *
7948 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7949 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7950 *
7951 * strict
7952 */
7954 /**
7955 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7956 *
7957 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7958 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7959 *
7960 * strict
7961 */
7963 /**
7964 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7965 *
7966 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7967 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7968 *
7969 * strict
7970 */
7972 /**
7973 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7974 *
7975 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7976 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7977 *
7978 * strict
7979 */
7981 /**
7982 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7983 *
7984 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7985 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7986 *
7987 * strict
7988 */
7990 /**
7991 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
7992 *
7993 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7994 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7995 *
7996 * strict
7997 */
7999 /**
8000 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8001 *
8002 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8003 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8004 *
8005 * strict
8006 */
8008 /**
8009 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8010 *
8011 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8012 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8013 *
8014 * strict
8015 */
8017 /**
8018 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8019 *
8020 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8021 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8022 *
8023 * strict
8024 */
8026 /**
8027 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8028 *
8029 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8030 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8031 *
8032 * strict
8033 */
8035 /**
8036 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8037 *
8038 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8039 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8040 *
8041 * strict
8042 */
8044 /**
8045 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8046 *
8047 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8048 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8049 *
8050 * strict
8051 */
8053 /**
8054 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8055 *
8056 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8057 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8058 *
8059 * strict
8060 */
8062 /**
8063 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8064 *
8065 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8066 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8067 *
8068 * strict
8069 */
8071 /**
8072 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8073 *
8074 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8075 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8076 *
8077 * strict
8078 */
8080 /**
8081 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8082 *
8083 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8084 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8085 *
8086 * strict
8087 */
8089 /**
8090 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8091 *
8092 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8093 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8094 *
8095 * strict
8096 */
8098 /**
8099 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8100 *
8101 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8102 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8103 *
8104 * strict
8105 */
8107 /**
8108 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8109 *
8110 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8111 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8112 *
8113 * strict
8114 */
8116 /**
8117 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8118 *
8119 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8120 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8121 *
8122 * strict
8123 */
8125 /**
8126 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8127 *
8128 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8129 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8130 *
8131 * strict
8132 */
8134 /**
8135 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8136 *
8137 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8138 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8139 *
8140 * strict
8141 */
8143 /**
8144 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8145 *
8146 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8147 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8148 *
8149 * strict
8150 */
8152 /**
8153 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8154 *
8155 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8156 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8157 *
8158 * strict
8159 */
8161 /**
8162 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8163 *
8164 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8165 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8166 *
8167 * strict
8168 */
8170 /**
8171 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8172 *
8173 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8174 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8175 *
8176 * strict
8177 */
8179 /**
8180 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8181 *
8182 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8183 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8184 *
8185 * strict
8186 */
8188 /**
8189 * Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
8190 *
8191 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8192 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8193 *
8194 * strict
8195 */
8197 /**
8198 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8199 *
8200 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8201 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8202 *
8203 * strict
8204 */
8206 function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
8208 function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
8210 function _defineProperty$9(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
8212 /**
8213 * An instance of this class is passed as the "this" context to all validators,
8214 * allowing access to commonly useful contextual information from within a
8215 * validation rule.
8216 */
8217 var ASTValidationContext =
8218 /*#__PURE__*/
8219 function () {
8220 function ASTValidationContext(ast) {
8221 _defineProperty$9(this, "_ast", void 0);
8223 _defineProperty$9(this, "_errors", void 0);
8225 this._ast = ast;
8226 this._errors = [];
8227 }
8229 var _proto = ASTValidationContext.prototype;
8231 _proto.reportError = function reportError(error) {
8232 this._errors.push(error);
8233 };
8235 _proto.getErrors = function getErrors() {
8236 return this._errors;
8237 };
8239 _proto.getDocument = function getDocument() {
8240 return this._ast;
8241 };
8243 return ASTValidationContext;
8244 }();
8245 var SDLValidationContext =
8246 /*#__PURE__*/
8247 function (_ASTValidationContext) {
8248 _inheritsLoose(SDLValidationContext, _ASTValidationContext);
8250 function SDLValidationContext(ast, schema) {
8251 var _this;
8253 _this = _ASTValidationContext.call(this, ast) || this;
8255 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)), "_schema", void 0);
8257 _this._schema = schema;
8258 return _this;
8259 }
8261 var _proto2 = SDLValidationContext.prototype;
8263 _proto2.getSchema = function getSchema() {
8264 return this._schema;
8265 };
8267 return SDLValidationContext;
8268 }(ASTValidationContext);
8269 var ValidationContext =
8270 /*#__PURE__*/
8271 function (_ASTValidationContext2) {
8272 _inheritsLoose(ValidationContext, _ASTValidationContext2);
8274 function ValidationContext(schema, ast, typeInfo) {
8275 var _this2;
8277 _this2 = _ASTValidationContext2.call(this, ast) || this;
8279 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_schema", void 0);
8281 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_typeInfo", void 0);
8283 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_fragments", void 0);
8285 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_fragmentSpreads", void 0);
8287 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_recursivelyReferencedFragments", void 0);
8289 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_variableUsages", void 0);
8291 _defineProperty$9(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "_recursiveVariableUsages", void 0);
8293 _this2._schema = schema;
8294 _this2._typeInfo = typeInfo;
8295 _this2._fragmentSpreads = new Map();
8296 _this2._recursivelyReferencedFragments = new Map();
8297 _this2._variableUsages = new Map();
8298 _this2._recursiveVariableUsages = new Map();
8299 return _this2;
8300 }
8302 var _proto3 = ValidationContext.prototype;
8304 _proto3.getSchema = function getSchema() {
8305 return this._schema;
8306 };
8308 _proto3.getFragment = function getFragment(name) {
8309 var fragments = this._fragments;
8311 if (!fragments) {
8312 this._fragments = fragments = this.getDocument().definitions.reduce(function (frags, statement) {
8313 if (statement.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION) {
8314 frags[statement.name.value] = statement;
8315 }
8317 return frags;
8318 }, Object.create(null));
8319 }
8321 return fragments[name];
8322 };
8324 _proto3.getFragmentSpreads = function getFragmentSpreads(node) {
8325 var spreads = this._fragmentSpreads.get(node);
8327 if (!spreads) {
8328 spreads = [];
8329 var setsToVisit = [node];
8331 while (setsToVisit.length !== 0) {
8332 var set = setsToVisit.pop();
8334 for (var i = 0; i < set.selections.length; i++) {
8335 var selection = set.selections[i];
8337 if (selection.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD) {
8338 spreads.push(selection);
8339 } else if (selection.selectionSet) {
8340 setsToVisit.push(selection.selectionSet);
8341 }
8342 }
8343 }
8345 this._fragmentSpreads.set(node, spreads);
8346 }
8348 return spreads;
8349 };
8351 _proto3.getRecursivelyReferencedFragments = function getRecursivelyReferencedFragments(operation) {
8352 var fragments = this._recursivelyReferencedFragments.get(operation);
8354 if (!fragments) {
8355 fragments = [];
8356 var collectedNames = Object.create(null);
8357 var nodesToVisit = [operation.selectionSet];
8359 while (nodesToVisit.length !== 0) {
8360 var node = nodesToVisit.pop();
8361 var spreads = this.getFragmentSpreads(node);
8363 for (var i = 0; i < spreads.length; i++) {
8364 var fragName = spreads[i].name.value;
8366 if (collectedNames[fragName] !== true) {
8367 collectedNames[fragName] = true;
8368 var fragment = this.getFragment(fragName);
8370 if (fragment) {
8371 fragments.push(fragment);
8372 nodesToVisit.push(fragment.selectionSet);
8373 }
8374 }
8375 }
8376 }
8378 this._recursivelyReferencedFragments.set(operation, fragments);
8379 }
8381 return fragments;
8382 };
8384 _proto3.getVariableUsages = function getVariableUsages(node) {
8385 var usages = this._variableUsages.get(node);
8387 if (!usages) {
8388 var newUsages = [];
8389 var typeInfo = new TypeInfo(this._schema);
8390 visit(node, visitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, {
8391 VariableDefinition: function VariableDefinition() {
8392 return false;
8393 },
8394 Variable: function Variable(variable) {
8395 newUsages.push({
8396 node: variable,
8397 type: typeInfo.getInputType(),
8398 defaultValue: typeInfo.getDefaultValue()
8399 });
8400 }
8401 }));
8402 usages = newUsages;
8404 this._variableUsages.set(node, usages);
8405 }
8407 return usages;
8408 };
8410 _proto3.getRecursiveVariableUsages = function getRecursiveVariableUsages(operation) {
8411 var usages = this._recursiveVariableUsages.get(operation);
8413 if (!usages) {
8414 usages = this.getVariableUsages(operation);
8415 var fragments = this.getRecursivelyReferencedFragments(operation);
8417 for (var i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) {
8418 Array.prototype.push.apply(usages, this.getVariableUsages(fragments[i]));
8419 }
8421 this._recursiveVariableUsages.set(operation, usages);
8422 }
8424 return usages;
8425 };
8427 _proto3.getType = function getType() {
8428 return this._typeInfo.getType();
8429 };
8431 _proto3.getParentType = function getParentType() {
8432 return this._typeInfo.getParentType();
8433 };
8435 _proto3.getInputType = function getInputType() {
8436 return this._typeInfo.getInputType();
8437 };
8439 _proto3.getParentInputType = function getParentInputType() {
8440 return this._typeInfo.getParentInputType();
8441 };
8443 _proto3.getFieldDef = function getFieldDef() {
8444 return this._typeInfo.getFieldDef();
8445 };
8447 _proto3.getDirective = function getDirective() {
8448 return this._typeInfo.getDirective();
8449 };
8451 _proto3.getArgument = function getArgument() {
8452 return this._typeInfo.getArgument();
8453 };
8455 return ValidationContext;
8456 }(ASTValidationContext);
8458 /**
8459 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8460 *
8461 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8462 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8463 *
8464 * strict
8465 */
8467 /**
8468 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8469 *
8470 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8471 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8472 *
8473 * strict
8474 */
8476 /**
8477 * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
8478 *
8479 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8480 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8481 *
8482 * strict
8483 */
8485 /**
8486 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8487 *
8488 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8489 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8490 *
8491 * strict
8492 */
8494 /**
8495 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8496 *
8497 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8498 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8499 *
8500 * strict
8501 */
8503 /**
8504 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8505 *
8506 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8507 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8508 *
8509 * strict
8510 */
8512 /**
8513 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8514 *
8515 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8516 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8517 *
8518 * strict
8519 */
8521 /**
8522 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8523 *
8524 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8525 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8526 *
8527 * strict
8528 */
8530 /**
8531 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8532 *
8533 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8534 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8535 *
8536 * strict
8537 */
8539 /**
8540 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8541 *
8542 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8543 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8544 *
8545 * strict
8546 */
8548 /**
8549 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8550 *
8551 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8552 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8553 *
8554 * strict
8555 */
8557 /**
8558 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8559 *
8560 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8561 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8562 *
8563 * strict
8564 */
8566 /**
8567 * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
8568 *
8569 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8570 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8571 *
8572 * strict
8573 */
8575 /**
8576 * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
8577 *
8578 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8579 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8580 *
8581 * strict
8582 */
8584 /**
8585 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8586 *
8587 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8588 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8589 *
8590 * strict
8591 */
8593 /**
8594 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8595 *
8596 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8597 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8598 *
8599 * strict
8600 */
8601 function getIntrospectionQuery(options) {
8602 var descriptions = !(options && options.descriptions === false);
8603 return "\n query IntrospectionQuery {\n __schema {\n queryType { name }\n mutationType { name }\n subscriptionType { name }\n types {\n ...FullType\n }\n directives {\n name\n ".concat(descriptions ? 'description' : '', "\n locations\n args {\n ...InputValue\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n fragment FullType on __Type {\n kind\n name\n ").concat(descriptions ? 'description' : '', "\n fields(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n ").concat(descriptions ? 'description' : '', "\n args {\n ...InputValue\n }\n type {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n inputFields {\n ...InputValue\n }\n interfaces {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n ").concat(descriptions ? 'description' : '', "\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n possibleTypes {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n }\n\n fragment InputValue on __InputValue {\n name\n ").concat(descriptions ? 'description' : '', "\n type { ...TypeRef }\n defaultValue\n }\n\n fragment TypeRef on __Type {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n ");
8604 }
8605 /**
8606 * Deprecated, call getIntrospectionQuery directly.
8607 *
8608 * This function will be removed in v15
8609 */
8611 var introspectionQuery = getIntrospectionQuery();
8613 /**
8614 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8615 *
8616 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8617 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8618 *
8619 * strict
8620 */
8622 /**
8623 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8624 *
8625 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8626 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8627 *
8628 * strict
8629 */
8631 /**
8632 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8633 *
8634 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8635 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8636 *
8637 * strict
8638 */
8640 /**
8641 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8642 *
8643 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8644 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8645 *
8646 * strict
8647 */
8649 /**
8650 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8651 *
8652 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8653 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8654 *
8655 * strict
8656 */
8658 /**
8659 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8660 *
8661 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8662 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8663 *
8664 * strict
8665 */
8667 /**
8668 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8669 *
8670 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8671 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8672 *
8673 * strict
8674 */
8676 /**
8677 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8678 *
8679 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8680 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8681 *
8682 * strict
8683 */
8685 /**
8686 * Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
8687 *
8688 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8689 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8690 *
8691 * strict
8692 */
8694 /**
8695 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8696 *
8697 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8698 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8699 *
8700 * strict
8701 */
8703 /**
8704 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8705 *
8706 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8707 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8708 *
8709 * strict
8710 */
8712 /**
8713 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
8714 *
8715 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8716 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
8717 *
8718 * strict
8719 */
8721 var connectionRemoveConfig = {
8722 test: function (directive) { return directive.name.value === 'client'; },
8723 remove: true,
8724 };
8725 var removed = new Map();
8726 function removeClientSetsFromDocument(query) {
8727 var cached = removed.get(query);
8728 if (cached)
8729 return cached;
8730 apolloUtilities.checkDocument(query);
8731 var docClone = apolloUtilities.removeDirectivesFromDocument([connectionRemoveConfig], query);
8732 removed.set(query, docClone);
8733 return docClone;
8734 }
8735 function normalizeTypeDefs(typeDefs) {
8736 var defs = Array.isArray(typeDefs) ? typeDefs : [typeDefs];
8737 return defs
8738 .map(function (typeDef) { return (typeof typeDef === 'string' ? typeDef : print(typeDef)); })
8739 .map(function (str) { return str.trim(); })
8740 .join('\n');
8741 }
8743 var __extends$5 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
8744 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
8745 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
8746 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
8747 return function (d, b) {
8748 extendStatics(d, b);
8749 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
8750 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
8751 };
8752 })();
8753 var graphql$1 = Async.graphql;
8754 var capitalizeFirstLetter = function (str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); };
8755 var withClientState = function (clientStateConfig) {
8756 if (clientStateConfig === void 0) { clientStateConfig = { resolvers: {}, defaults: {} }; }
8757 var defaults = clientStateConfig.defaults, cache = clientStateConfig.cache, typeDefs = clientStateConfig.typeDefs, fragmentMatcher = clientStateConfig.fragmentMatcher;
8758 if (cache && defaults) {
8759 cache.writeData({ data: defaults });
8760 }
8761 return new (function (_super) {
8762 __extends$5(StateLink, _super);
8763 function StateLink() {
8764 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
8765 }
8766 StateLink.prototype.writeDefaults = function () {
8767 if (cache && defaults) {
8768 cache.writeData({ data: defaults });
8769 }
8770 };
8771 StateLink.prototype.request = function (operation, forward) {
8772 if (forward === void 0) { forward = function () { return Observable$2.of({ data: {} }); }; }
8773 if (typeDefs) {
8774 var directives_1 = 'directive @client on FIELD';
8775 var definition_1 = normalizeTypeDefs(typeDefs);
8776 operation.setContext(function (_a) {
8777 var _b = _a.schemas, schemas = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b;
8778 return ({
8779 schemas: schemas.concat([{ definition: definition_1, directives: directives_1 }]),
8780 });
8781 });
8782 }
8783 var isClient = apolloUtilities.hasDirectives(['client'], operation.query);
8784 if (!isClient)
8785 return forward(operation);
8786 var resolvers = typeof clientStateConfig.resolvers === 'function'
8787 ? clientStateConfig.resolvers()
8788 : clientStateConfig.resolvers;
8789 var server = removeClientSetsFromDocument(operation.query);
8790 var query = operation.query;
8791 var type = capitalizeFirstLetter((apolloUtilities.getMainDefinition(query) || {}).operation) || 'Query';
8792 var resolver = function (fieldName, rootValue, args, context, info) {
8793 if (rootValue === void 0) { rootValue = {}; }
8794 var resultKey = info.resultKey;
8795 var aliasedNode = rootValue[resultKey];
8796 var preAliasingNode = rootValue[fieldName];
8797 var aliasNeeded = resultKey !== fieldName;
8798 if (aliasedNode !== undefined || preAliasingNode !== undefined) {
8799 return aliasedNode || preAliasingNode;
8800 }
8801 var resolverMap = resolvers[rootValue.__typename || type];
8802 if (resolverMap) {
8803 var resolve = resolverMap[fieldName];
8804 if (resolve)
8805 return resolve(rootValue, args, context, info);
8806 }
8807 return ((aliasNeeded ? aliasedNode : preAliasingNode) ||
8808 (defaults || {})[fieldName]);
8809 };
8810 if (server)
8811 operation.query = server;
8812 var obs = server && forward
8813 ? forward(operation)
8814 : Observable$2.of({
8815 data: {},
8816 });
8817 return new Observable$2(function (observer) {
8818 var complete = false;
8819 var handlingNext = false;
8820 obs.subscribe({
8821 next: function (_a) {
8822 var data = _a.data, errors = _a.errors;
8823 var observerErrorHandler = observer.error.bind(observer);
8824 var context = operation.getContext();
8825 handlingNext = true;
8826 graphql$1(resolver, query, data, context, operation.variables, {
8827 fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcher,
8828 })
8829 .then(function (nextData) {
8830 observer.next({
8831 data: nextData,
8832 errors: errors,
8833 });
8834 if (complete) {
8835 observer.complete();
8836 }
8837 handlingNext = false;
8838 })
8839 .catch(observerErrorHandler);
8840 },
8841 error: observer.error.bind(observer),
8842 complete: function () {
8843 if (!handlingNext) {
8844 observer.complete();
8845 }
8846 complete = true;
8847 },
8848 });
8849 });
8850 };
8851 return StateLink;
8852 }(ApolloLink$1))();
8853 };
8855 /* tslint:disable */
8856 var __extends$6 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
8857 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
8858 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
8859 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
8860 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
8861 return extendStatics(d, b);
8862 };
8863 return function (d, b) {
8864 extendStatics(d, b);
8865 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
8866 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
8867 };
8868 })();
8869 var onError = function (errorHandler) {
8870 return new ApolloLink$1(function (operation, forward) {
8871 return new Observable$2(function (observer) {
8872 var sub;
8873 var retriedSub;
8874 var retriedResult;
8875 try {
8876 sub = forward(operation).subscribe({
8877 next: function (result) {
8878 if (result.errors) {
8879 retriedResult = errorHandler({
8880 graphQLErrors: result.errors,
8881 response: result,
8882 operation: operation,
8883 forward: forward,
8884 });
8885 if (retriedResult) {
8886 retriedSub = retriedResult.subscribe({
8887 next: observer.next.bind(observer),
8888 error: observer.error.bind(observer),
8889 complete: observer.complete.bind(observer),
8890 });
8891 return;
8892 }
8893 }
8894 observer.next(result);
8895 },
8896 error: function (networkError) {
8897 retriedResult = errorHandler({
8898 operation: operation,
8899 networkError: networkError,
8900 //Network errors can return GraphQL errors on for example a 403
8901 graphQLErrors: networkError.result && networkError.result.errors,
8902 forward: forward,
8903 });
8904 if (retriedResult) {
8905 retriedSub = retriedResult.subscribe({
8906 next: observer.next.bind(observer),
8907 error: observer.error.bind(observer),
8908 complete: observer.complete.bind(observer),
8909 });
8910 return;
8911 }
8912 observer.error(networkError);
8913 },
8914 complete: function () {
8915 // disable the previous sub from calling complete on observable
8916 // if retry is in flight.
8917 if (!retriedResult) {
8918 observer.complete.bind(observer)();
8919 }
8920 },
8921 });
8922 }
8923 catch (e) {
8924 errorHandler({ networkError: e, operation: operation, forward: forward });
8925 observer.error(e);
8926 }
8927 return function () {
8928 if (sub)
8929 sub.unsubscribe();
8930 if (retriedSub)
8931 sub.unsubscribe();
8932 };
8933 });
8934 });
8935 };
8936 var ErrorLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8937 __extends$6(ErrorLink, _super);
8938 function ErrorLink(errorHandler) {
8939 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8940 _this.link = onError(errorHandler);
8941 return _this;
8942 }
8943 ErrorLink.prototype.request = function (operation, forward) {
8944 return this.link.request(operation, forward);
8945 };
8946 return ErrorLink;
8947 }(ApolloLink$1));
8950 'request',
8951 'uri',
8952 'credentials',
8953 'headers',
8954 'fetch',
8955 'fetchOptions',
8956 'clientState',
8957 'onError',
8958 'cacheRedirects',
8959 'cache',
8960 ];
8961 var DefaultClient = (function (_super) {
8962 __extends(DefaultClient, _super);
8963 function DefaultClient(config) {
8964 if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
8965 var _this = this;
8966 if (config) {
8967 var diff = Object.keys(config).filter(function (key) { return PRESET_CONFIG_KEYS.indexOf(key) === -1; });
8968 if (diff.length > 0) {
8969 console.warn('ApolloBoost was initialized with unsupported options: ' +
8970 ("" + diff.join(' ')));
8971 }
8972 }
8973 var request = config.request, uri = config.uri, credentials = config.credentials, headers = config.headers, fetch = config.fetch, fetchOptions = config.fetchOptions, clientState = config.clientState, cacheRedirects = config.cacheRedirects, errorCallback = config.onError;
8974 var cache = config.cache;
8975 if (cache && cacheRedirects) {
8976 throw new Error('Incompatible cache configuration. If providing `cache` then ' +
8977 'configure the provided instance with `cacheRedirects` instead.');
8978 }
8979 if (!cache) {
8980 cache = cacheRedirects
8981 ? new InMemoryCache({ cacheRedirects: cacheRedirects })
8982 : new InMemoryCache();
8983 }
8984 var stateLink = clientState
8985 ? withClientState(__assign({}, clientState, { cache: cache }))
8986 : false;
8987 var errorLink = errorCallback
8988 ? onError(errorCallback)
8989 : onError(function (_a) {
8990 var graphQLErrors = _a.graphQLErrors, networkError = _a.networkError;
8991 if (graphQLErrors) {
8992 graphQLErrors.map(function (_a) {
8993 var message = _a.message, locations = _a.locations, path = _a.path;
8994 return console.log("[GraphQL error]: Message: " + message + ", Location: " +
8995 (locations + ", Path: " + path));
8996 });
8997 }
8998 if (networkError) {
8999 console.log("[Network error]: " + networkError);
9000 }
9001 });
9002 var requestHandler = request
9003 ? new ApolloLink$1(function (operation, forward) {
9004 return new Observable$2(function (observer) {
9005 var handle;
9006 Promise.resolve(operation)
9007 .then(function (oper) { return request(oper); })
9008 .then(function () {
9009 handle = forward(operation).subscribe({
9010 next: observer.next.bind(observer),
9011 error: observer.error.bind(observer),
9012 complete: observer.complete.bind(observer),
9013 });
9014 })
9015 .catch(observer.error.bind(observer));
9016 return function () {
9017 if (handle) {
9018 handle.unsubscribe();
9019 }
9020 };
9021 });
9022 })
9023 : false;
9024 var httpLink = new HttpLink({
9025 uri: uri || '/graphql',
9026 fetch: fetch,
9027 fetchOptions: fetchOptions || {},
9028 credentials: credentials || 'same-origin',
9029 headers: headers || {},
9030 });
9031 var link = ApolloLink$1.from([
9032 errorLink,
9033 requestHandler,
9034 stateLink,
9035 httpLink,
9036 ].filter(function (x) { return !!x; }));
9037 _this = _super.call(this, { cache: cache, link: link }) || this;
9038 return _this;
9039 }
9040 return DefaultClient;
9041 }(ApolloClient));
9043 exports.gql = graphqlTag;
9044 exports.HttpLink = HttpLink;
9045 exports.default = DefaultClient;
9046 exports.ApolloClient = ApolloClient;
9047 exports.ObservableQuery = ObservableQuery;
9048 exports.isApolloError = isApolloError;
9049 exports.ApolloError = ApolloError;
9050 exports.Observable = Observable$2;
9051 exports.createOperation = createOperation$1;
9052 exports.makePromise = makePromise$1;
9053 exports.toPromise = toPromise$1;
9054 exports.fromPromise = fromPromise$1;
9055 exports.fromError = fromError$1;
9056 exports.empty = empty$1;
9057 exports.from = from$1;
9058 exports.split = split$1;
9059 exports.concat = concat$1;
9060 exports.ApolloLink = ApolloLink$1;
9061 exports.execute = execute$1;
9062 exports.InMemoryCache = InMemoryCache;
9063 exports.defaultDataIdFromObject = defaultDataIdFromObject;
9064 exports.StoreReader = StoreReader;
9065 exports.assertIdValue = assertIdValue;
9066 exports.WriteError = WriteError;
9067 exports.enhanceErrorWithDocument = enhanceErrorWithDocument;
9068 exports.StoreWriter = StoreWriter;
9069 exports.HeuristicFragmentMatcher = HeuristicFragmentMatcher;
9070 exports.IntrospectionFragmentMatcher = IntrospectionFragmentMatcher;
9071 exports.ObjectCache = ObjectCache;
9072 exports.defaultNormalizedCacheFactory = defaultNormalizedCacheFactory$1;
9074 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
9077//# sourceMappingURL=bundle.umd.js.map