5.83 kBPlain TextView Raw
1/* necessary for backward compat */
2export * from 'apollo-client';
3export * from 'apollo-link';
4export * from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
6import { Operation, ApolloLink, Observable } from 'apollo-link';
7import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
8import { onError, ErrorLink } from 'apollo-link-error';
9import { ApolloCache } from 'apollo-cache';
10import { InMemoryCache, CacheResolverMap } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
11import gql from 'graphql-tag';
12import ApolloClient, {
13 Resolvers,
14 LocalStateFragmentMatcher,
15} from 'apollo-client';
16import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';
17import { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';
19export { gql, HttpLink };
21type ClientStateConfig = {
22 cache?: ApolloCache<any>;
23 defaults?: Record<string, any>;
24 resolvers?: Resolvers | Resolvers[];
25 typeDefs?: string | string[] | DocumentNode | DocumentNode[];
26 fragmentMatcher?: LocalStateFragmentMatcher;
29export interface PresetConfig {
30 request?: (operation: Operation) => Promise<void>;
31 uri?: string;
32 credentials?: string;
33 headers?: any;
34 fetch?: GlobalFetch['fetch'];
35 fetchOptions?: HttpLink.Options;
36 clientState?: ClientStateConfig;
37 onError?: ErrorLink.ErrorHandler;
38 cacheRedirects?: CacheResolverMap;
39 cache?: ApolloCache<any>;
40 name?: string;
41 version?: string;
42 resolvers?: Resolvers | Resolvers[];
43 typeDefs?: string | string[] | DocumentNode | DocumentNode[];
44 fragmentMatcher?: LocalStateFragmentMatcher;
47// Yes, these are the exact same as the `PresetConfig` interface. We're
48// defining these again so they can be used to verify that valid config
49// options are being used in the `DefaultClient` constructor, for clients
50// that aren't using Typescript. This duplication is unfortunate, and at
51// some point can likely be adjusted so these items are inferred from
52// the `PresetConfig` interface using a Typescript transform at compilation
53// time. Unfortunately, TS transforms with rollup don't appear to be quite
54// working properly, so this will have to be re-visited at some point.
55// For now, when updating the properties of the `PresetConfig` interface,
56// please also update this constant.
58 'request',
59 'uri',
60 'credentials',
61 'headers',
62 'fetch',
63 'fetchOptions',
64 'clientState',
65 'onError',
66 'cacheRedirects',
67 'cache',
68 'name',
69 'version',
70 'resolvers',
71 'typeDefs',
72 'fragmentMatcher',
75export default class DefaultClient<TCache> extends ApolloClient<TCache> {
76 constructor(config: PresetConfig = {}) {
77 if (config) {
78 const diff = Object.keys(config).filter(
79 key => PRESET_CONFIG_KEYS.indexOf(key) === -1,
80 );
82 if (diff.length > 0) {
83 invariant.warn(
84 'ApolloBoost was initialized with unsupported options: ' +
85 `${diff.join(' ')}`,
86 );
87 }
88 }
90 const {
91 request,
92 uri,
93 credentials,
94 headers,
95 fetch,
96 fetchOptions,
97 clientState,
98 cacheRedirects,
99 onError: errorCallback,
100 name,
101 version,
102 resolvers,
103 typeDefs,
104 fragmentMatcher,
105 } = config;
107 let { cache } = config;
109 invariant(
110 !cache || !cacheRedirects,
111 'Incompatible cache configuration. If providing `cache` then ' +
112 'configure the provided instance with `cacheRedirects` instead.',
113 );
115 if (!cache) {
116 cache = cacheRedirects
117 ? new InMemoryCache({ cacheRedirects })
118 : new InMemoryCache();
119 }
121 const errorLink = errorCallback
122 ? onError(errorCallback)
123 : onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
124 if (graphQLErrors) {
125 graphQLErrors.map(({ message, locations, path }) =>
126 // tslint:disable-next-line
127 invariant.warn(
128 `[GraphQL error]: Message: ${message}, Location: ` +
129 `${locations}, Path: ${path}`,
130 ),
131 );
132 }
133 if (networkError) {
134 // tslint:disable-next-line
135 invariant.warn(`[Network error]: ${networkError}`);
136 }
137 });
139 const requestHandler = request
140 ? new ApolloLink(
141 (operation, forward) =>
142 new Observable(observer => {
143 let handle: any;
144 Promise.resolve(operation)
145 .then(oper => request(oper))
146 .then(() => {
147 handle = forward(operation).subscribe({
148 next: observer.next.bind(observer),
149 error: observer.error.bind(observer),
150 complete: observer.complete.bind(observer),
151 });
152 })
153 .catch(observer.error.bind(observer));
155 return () => {
156 if (handle) {
157 handle.unsubscribe();
158 }
159 };
160 }),
161 )
162 : false;
164 const httpLink = new HttpLink({
165 uri: uri || '/graphql',
166 fetch,
167 fetchOptions: fetchOptions || {},
168 credentials: credentials || 'same-origin',
169 headers: headers || {},
170 });
172 const link = ApolloLink.from([errorLink, requestHandler, httpLink].filter(
173 x => !!x,
174 ) as ApolloLink[]);
176 let activeResolvers = resolvers;
177 let activeTypeDefs = typeDefs;
178 let activeFragmentMatcher = fragmentMatcher;
179 if (clientState) {
180 if (clientState.defaults) {
181 cache.writeData({
182 data: clientState.defaults,
183 });
184 }
185 activeResolvers = clientState.resolvers;
186 activeTypeDefs = clientState.typeDefs;
187 activeFragmentMatcher = clientState.fragmentMatcher;
188 }
190 // super hacky, we will fix the types eventually
191 super({
192 cache,
193 link,
194 name,
195 version,
196 resolvers: activeResolvers,
197 typeDefs: activeTypeDefs,
198 fragmentMatcher: activeFragmentMatcher,
199 } as any);
200 }