11.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
5}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
6 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
7 o[k2] = m[k];
9var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
10 Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
11}) : function(o, v) {
12 o["default"] = v;
14var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
15 if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
16 var result = {};
17 if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
18 __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
19 return result;
21var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
22 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
24Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
25exports.FlowAPIGenerator = exports.generateSource = void 0;
26const t = __importStar(require("@babel/types"));
27const common_tags_1 = require("common-tags");
28const graphql_1 = require("graphql");
29const typeCase_1 = require("apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler/visitors/typeCase");
30const collectAndMergeFields_1 = require("apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler/visitors/collectAndMergeFields");
31const language_1 = __importDefault(require("./language"));
32const printer_1 = __importDefault(require("./printer"));
33class FlowGeneratedFile {
34 constructor(fileContents) {
35 this.fileContents = fileContents;
36 }
37 get output() {
38 return this.fileContents;
39 }
41function printEnumsAndInputObjects(generator, context) {
42 generator.printer.enqueue(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
43 //==============================================================
44 // START Enums and Input Objects
45 //==============================================================
46 `);
47 context.typesUsed.filter(graphql_1.isEnumType).forEach(enumType => {
48 generator.typeAliasForEnumType(enumType);
49 });
50 context.typesUsed.filter(graphql_1.isInputObjectType).forEach(inputObjectType => {
51 generator.typeAliasForInputObjectType(inputObjectType);
52 });
53 generator.printer.enqueue(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
54 //==============================================================
55 // END Enums and Input Objects
56 //==============================================================
57 `);
59function generateSource(context) {
60 const generator = new FlowAPIGenerator(context);
61 const generatedFiles = [];
62 Object.values(context.operations).forEach(operation => {
63 generator.fileHeader();
64 generator.typeAliasesForOperation(operation);
65 const output = generator.printer.printAndClear();
66 generatedFiles.push({
67 sourcePath: operation.filePath,
68 fileName: `${operation.operationName}.js`,
69 content: new FlowGeneratedFile(output)
70 });
71 });
72 Object.values(context.fragments).forEach(fragment => {
73 generator.fileHeader();
74 generator.typeAliasesForFragment(fragment);
75 const output = generator.printer.printAndClear();
76 generatedFiles.push({
77 sourcePath: fragment.filePath,
78 fileName: `${fragment.fragmentName}.js`,
79 content: new FlowGeneratedFile(output)
80 });
81 });
82 generator.fileHeader();
83 printEnumsAndInputObjects(generator, context);
84 const common = generator.printer.printAndClear();
85 return {
86 generatedFiles,
87 common
88 };
90exports.generateSource = generateSource;
91class FlowAPIGenerator extends language_1.default {
92 constructor(context) {
93 super(context.options);
94 this.context = context;
95 this.printer = new printer_1.default();
96 this.scopeStack = [];
97 }
98 fileHeader() {
99 this.printer.enqueue(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
100 /* @flow */
101 /* eslint-disable */
102 // @generated
103 // This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.
104 `);
105 }
106 typeAliasForEnumType(enumType) {
107 this.printer.enqueue(this.enumerationDeclaration(enumType));
108 }
109 typeAliasForInputObjectType(inputObjectType) {
110 const typeAlias = this.inputObjectDeclaration(inputObjectType);
111 const { description } = inputObjectType;
112 const exportDeclarationOptions = description
113 ? { comments: ` ${description.replace("\n", " ")}` }
114 : {};
115 const exportedTypeAlias = this.exportDeclaration(typeAlias, exportDeclarationOptions);
116 this.printer.enqueue(exportedTypeAlias);
117 }
118 typeAliasesForOperation(operation) {
119 const { operationType, operationName, variables, selectionSet } = operation;
120 this.scopeStackPush(operationName);
121 this.printer.enqueue(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
122 // ====================================================
123 // GraphQL ${operationType} operation: ${operationName}
124 // ====================================================
125 `);
126 const variants = this.getVariantsForSelectionSet(selectionSet);
127 const variant = variants[0];
128 const properties = this.getPropertiesForVariant(variant);
129 const exportedTypeAlias = this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasObject(operationName, properties));
130 this.printer.enqueue(exportedTypeAlias);
131 this.scopeStackPop();
132 if (variables.length > 0) {
133 const interfaceName = operationName + "Variables";
134 this.scopeStackPush(interfaceName);
135 this.printer.enqueue(this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasObject(interfaceName, variables.map(variable => ({
136 name: variable.name,
137 annotation: this.typeAnnotationFromGraphQLType(variable.type)
138 })), { keyInheritsNullability: true })));
139 this.scopeStackPop();
140 }
141 }
142 typeAliasesForFragment(fragment) {
143 const { fragmentName, selectionSet } = fragment;
144 this.scopeStackPush(fragmentName);
145 this.printer.enqueue(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
146 // ====================================================
147 // GraphQL fragment: ${fragmentName}
148 // ====================================================
149 `);
150 const variants = this.getVariantsForSelectionSet(selectionSet);
151 if (variants.length === 1) {
152 const properties = this.getPropertiesForVariant(variants[0]);
153 const name = this.annotationFromScopeStack(this.scopeStack).id.name;
154 const exportedTypeAlias = this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasObject(name, properties));
155 this.printer.enqueue(exportedTypeAlias);
156 }
157 else {
158 const unionMembers = [];
159 variants.forEach(variant => {
160 this.scopeStackPush(variant.possibleTypes[0].toString());
161 const properties = this.getPropertiesForVariant(variant);
162 const name = this.annotationFromScopeStack(this.scopeStack).id.name;
163 const exportedTypeAlias = this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasObject(name, properties));
164 this.printer.enqueue(exportedTypeAlias);
165 unionMembers.push(this.annotationFromScopeStack(this.scopeStack));
166 this.scopeStackPop();
167 });
168 this.printer.enqueue(this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasGenericUnion(this.annotationFromScopeStack(this.scopeStack).id.name, unionMembers)));
169 }
170 this.scopeStackPop();
171 }
172 getVariantsForSelectionSet(selectionSet) {
173 return this.getTypeCasesForSelectionSet(selectionSet).exhaustiveVariants;
174 }
175 getTypeCasesForSelectionSet(selectionSet) {
176 return typeCase_1.typeCaseForSelectionSet(selectionSet, this.context.options.mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads);
177 }
178 getPropertiesForVariant(variant) {
179 const fields = collectAndMergeFields_1.collectAndMergeFields(variant, this.context.options.mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads);
180 return fields.map(field => {
181 const fieldName = field.alias !== undefined ? field.alias : field.name;
182 this.scopeStackPush(fieldName);
183 let res;
184 if (field.selectionSet) {
185 const generatedTypeName = this.annotationFromScopeStack(this.scopeStack);
186 res = this.handleFieldSelectionSetValue(generatedTypeName, field);
187 }
188 else {
189 res = this.handleFieldValue(field, variant);
190 }
191 this.scopeStackPop();
192 return res;
193 });
194 }
195 handleFieldSelectionSetValue(generatedTypeName, field) {
196 const { selectionSet } = field;
197 const annotation = this.typeAnnotationFromGraphQLType(field.type, generatedTypeName.id.name);
198 const typeCase = this.getTypeCasesForSelectionSet(selectionSet);
199 const variants = typeCase.exhaustiveVariants;
200 let exportedTypeAlias;
201 if (variants.length === 1) {
202 const variant = variants[0];
203 const properties = this.getPropertiesForVariant(variant);
204 exportedTypeAlias = this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasObject(this.annotationFromScopeStack(this.scopeStack).id.name, properties));
205 }
206 else {
207 const propertySets = variants.map(variant => {
208 this.scopeStackPush(variant.possibleTypes[0].toString());
209 const properties = this.getPropertiesForVariant(variant);
210 this.scopeStackPop();
211 return properties;
212 });
213 exportedTypeAlias = this.exportDeclaration(this.typeAliasObjectUnion(generatedTypeName.id.name, propertySets));
214 }
215 this.printer.enqueue(exportedTypeAlias);
216 return {
217 name: field.alias ? field.alias : field.name,
218 description: field.description,
219 annotation: annotation
220 };
221 }
222 handleFieldValue(field, variant) {
223 let res;
224 if (field.name === "__typename") {
225 const annotations = variant.possibleTypes.map(type => {
226 const annotation = t.stringLiteralTypeAnnotation(type.toString());
227 return annotation;
228 });
229 res = {
230 name: field.alias ? field.alias : field.name,
231 description: field.description,
232 annotation: t.unionTypeAnnotation(annotations)
233 };
234 }
235 else {
236 res = {
237 name: field.alias ? field.alias : field.name,
238 description: field.description,
239 annotation: this.typeAnnotationFromGraphQLType(field.type)
240 };
241 }
242 return res;
243 }
244 get output() {
245 return this.printer.print();
246 }
247 scopeStackPush(name) {
248 this.scopeStack.push(name);
249 }
250 scopeStackPop() {
251 const popped = this.scopeStack.pop();
252 return popped;
253 }
255exports.FlowAPIGenerator = FlowAPIGenerator;
256//# sourceMappingURL=codeGeneration.js.map
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