10.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6exports.SwiftGenerator = exports.swift = exports.SwiftSource = void 0;
7const CodeGenerator_1 = __importDefault(require("apollo-codegen-core/lib/utilities/CodeGenerator"));
8const printing_1 = require("apollo-codegen-core/lib/utilities/printing");
9const reservedKeywords = new Set([
10 'associatedtype', 'class', 'deinit', 'enum', 'extension', 'fileprivate',
11 'func', 'import', 'init', 'inout', 'internal', 'let', 'open', 'operator',
12 'private', 'protocol', 'public', 'static', 'struct', 'subscript',
13 'typealias', 'var',
14 'break', 'case', 'continue', 'default', 'defer', 'do', 'else', 'fallthrough',
15 'for', 'guard', 'if', 'in', 'repeat', 'return', 'switch', 'where', 'while',
16 'as', 'Any', 'catch', 'false', 'is', 'nil', 'rethrows', 'super', 'self',
17 'Self', 'throw', 'throws', 'true', 'try',
18 '_',
19 'associativity', 'convenience', 'dynamic', 'didSet', 'final', 'get', 'infix',
20 'indirect', 'lazy', 'left', 'mutating', 'none', 'nonmutating', 'optional',
21 'override', 'postfix', 'precedence', 'prefix', 'Protocol', 'required',
22 'right', 'set', 'Type', 'unowned', 'weak', 'willSet'
24const reservedMemberKeywords = new Set(["self", "Type", "Protocol"]);
25class SwiftSource {
26 constructor(source) {
27 this.source = source;
28 }
29 static string(string, trim = false) {
30 if (trim) {
31 string = string
32 .split(/\n/g)
33 .map((line) => line.trim())
34 .join(" ");
35 }
36 return new SwiftSource(`"${string.replace(/[\0\\\t\n\r"]/g, (c) => {
37 switch (c) {
38 case "\0":
39 return "\\0";
40 case "\t":
41 return "\\t";
42 case "\n":
43 return "\\n";
44 case "\r":
45 return "\\r";
46 default:
47 return `\\${c}`;
48 }
49 })}"`);
50 }
51 static multilineString(string) {
52 let rawCount = 0;
53 if (/"""|\\/.test(string)) {
54 let re = /"""(#+)|\\(#+)/g;
55 for (let ary = re.exec(string); ary !== null; ary = re.exec(string)) {
56 rawCount = Math.max(rawCount, (ary[1] || "").length, (ary[2] || "").length);
57 }
58 rawCount += 1;
59 }
60 const rawToken = "#".repeat(rawCount);
61 return new SwiftSource(`${rawToken}"""\n${string.replace(/[\0\r]/g, (c) => {
62 switch (c) {
63 case "\0":
64 return `\\${rawToken}0`;
65 case "\r":
66 return `\\${rawToken}r`;
67 default:
68 return c;
69 }
70 })}\n"""${rawToken}`);
71 }
72 static identifier(input) {
73 return new SwiftSource(input.replace(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/g, (match, offset, fullString) => {
74 if (reservedKeywords.has(match)) {
75 if (offset == 0 ||
76 fullString[offset - 1] !== "." ||
77 reservedMemberKeywords.has(match)) {
78 return `\`${match}\``;
79 }
80 }
81 return match;
82 }));
83 }
84 static memberName(input) {
85 return new SwiftSource(input.replace(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/g, (match, offset, fullString) => {
86 if (!reservedMemberKeywords.has(match)) {
87 if (offset == 0 ||
88 fullString[offset - 1] === "." ||
89 !reservedKeywords.has(match)) {
90 return match;
91 }
92 }
93 return `\`${match}\``;
94 }));
95 }
96 static isValidParameterName(input) {
97 return input !== "self";
98 }
99 static raw(literals, ...placeholders) {
100 var result = literals[0];
101 placeholders.forEach((value, i) => {
102 result += `${value}${literals[i + 1]}`;
103 });
104 return new SwiftSource(result);
105 }
106 toString() {
107 return this.source;
108 }
109 concat(...sources) {
110 return new SwiftSource(sources.reduce((accum, value) => accum + value.source, this.source));
111 }
112 append(...sources) {
113 for (let value of sources) {
114 this.source += value.source;
115 }
116 }
117 static wrap(start, maybeSource, end) {
118 const result = (0, printing_1.wrap)(start.source, maybeSource !== undefined ? maybeSource.source : undefined, end !== undefined ? end.source : undefined);
119 return result ? new SwiftSource(result) : undefined;
120 }
121 static join(maybeArray, separator) {
122 const result = (0, printing_1.join)(maybeArray, separator);
123 return result ? new SwiftSource(result) : undefined;
124 }
126exports.SwiftSource = SwiftSource;
127function swift(literals, ...placeholders) {
128 let result = literals[0];
129 placeholders.forEach((value, i) => {
130 result += _escape(value);
131 result += literals[i + 1];
132 });
133 return new SwiftSource(result);
135exports.swift = swift;
136function _escape(value) {
137 if (value instanceof SwiftSource) {
138 return value.source;
139 }
140 else if (typeof value === "string") {
141 return SwiftSource.identifier(value).source;
142 }
143 else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
144 return value.map(_escape).join();
145 }
146 else if (typeof value === "object") {
147 return SwiftSource.identifier(`${value}`).source;
148 }
149 else if (value === undefined) {
150 return "";
151 }
152 else {
153 return `${value}`;
154 }
156const { wrap, join } = SwiftSource;
157class SwiftGenerator extends CodeGenerator_1.default {
158 constructor(context) {
159 super(context);
160 }
161 multilineString(string, suppressMultilineStringLiterals) {
162 if (suppressMultilineStringLiterals) {
163 this.printOnNewline(SwiftSource.string(string, !string.includes('"""')));
164 }
165 else {
166 SwiftSource.multilineString(string)
167 .source.split("\n")
168 .forEach((line) => {
169 this.printOnNewline(new SwiftSource(line));
170 });
171 }
172 }
173 comment(comment, trim = true) {
174 comment &&
175 comment.split("\n").forEach((line) => {
176 this.printOnNewline(SwiftSource.raw `/// ${trim ? line.trim() : line}`);
177 });
178 }
179 deprecationAttributes(isDeprecated, deprecationReason) {
180 if (isDeprecated !== undefined && isDeprecated) {
181 deprecationReason =
182 deprecationReason !== undefined && deprecationReason.length > 0
183 ? deprecationReason
184 : "";
185 this.printOnNewline(swift `@available(*, deprecated, message: ${SwiftSource.string(deprecationReason, true)})`);
186 }
187 }
188 namespaceDeclaration(namespace, closure) {
189 if (namespace) {
190 this.printNewlineIfNeeded();
191 this.printOnNewline(SwiftSource.raw `/// ${namespace} namespace`);
192 this.printOnNewline(swift `public enum ${namespace}`);
193 this.pushScope({ typeName: namespace });
194 this.withinBlock(closure);
195 this.popScope();
196 }
197 else {
198 if (closure) {
199 closure();
200 }
201 }
202 }
203 namespaceExtensionDeclaration(namespace, closure) {
204 if (namespace) {
205 this.printNewlineIfNeeded();
206 this.printOnNewline(SwiftSource.raw `/// ${namespace} namespace`);
207 this.printOnNewline(swift `public extension ${namespace}`);
208 this.pushScope({ typeName: namespace });
209 this.withinBlock(closure);
210 this.popScope();
211 }
212 else {
213 if (closure) {
214 closure();
215 }
216 }
217 }
218 classDeclaration({ className, modifiers, superClass, adoptedProtocols = [] }, closure) {
219 this.printNewlineIfNeeded();
220 this.printOnNewline((wrap(swift ``, new SwiftSource((0, printing_1.join)(modifiers, " ")), swift ` `) ||
221 swift ``).concat(swift `class ${className}`));
222 this.print(wrap(swift `: `, join([
223 superClass !== undefined
224 ? SwiftSource.identifier(superClass)
225 : undefined,
226 ...adoptedProtocols.map(SwiftSource.identifier),
227 ], ", ")));
228 this.pushScope({ typeName: className });
229 this.withinBlock(closure);
230 this.popScope();
231 }
232 structDeclaration({ structName, description, adoptedProtocols = [], namespace = undefined, }, outputIndividualFiles, closure) {
233 this.printNewlineIfNeeded();
234 this.comment(description);
235 const isRedundant = adoptedProtocols.includes("GraphQLFragment") &&
236 !!namespace &&
237 outputIndividualFiles;
238 const modifier = new SwiftSource(isRedundant ? "" : "public ");
239 this.printOnNewline(swift `${modifier}struct ${structName}`);
240 this.print(wrap(swift `: `, join(adoptedProtocols.map(SwiftSource.identifier), ", ")));
241 this.pushScope({ typeName: structName });
242 this.withinBlock(closure);
243 this.popScope();
244 }
245 propertyDeclaration({ propertyName, typeName, description }) {
246 this.comment(description);
247 this.printOnNewline(swift `public var ${propertyName}: ${typeName}`);
248 }
249 propertyDeclarations(properties) {
250 if (!properties)
251 return;
252 properties.forEach((property) => this.propertyDeclaration(property));
253 }
254 protocolDeclaration({ protocolName, adoptedProtocols }, closure) {
255 this.printNewlineIfNeeded();
256 this.printOnNewline(swift `public protocol ${protocolName}`);
257 this.print(wrap(swift `: `, join(adoptedProtocols !== undefined
258 ? adoptedProtocols.map(SwiftSource.identifier)
259 : undefined, ", ")));
260 this.pushScope({ typeName: protocolName });
261 this.withinBlock(closure);
262 this.popScope();
263 }
264 protocolPropertyDeclaration({ propertyName, typeName }) {
265 this.printOnNewline(swift `var ${propertyName}: ${typeName} { get }`);
266 }
267 protocolPropertyDeclarations(properties) {
268 if (!properties)
269 return;
270 properties.forEach((property) => this.protocolPropertyDeclaration(property));
271 }
273exports.SwiftGenerator = SwiftGenerator;
274//# sourceMappingURL=language.js.map
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