1 | # apollo-fetch change log
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3 | ## next
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5 | ## 0.7.0
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7 | - Switch to `cross-fetch` for react native functionality [PR #71](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-fetch/pull/71)
8 | - Change log moved into the published package. [PR #16](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-fetch/pull/16)
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10 | ## 0.6.0
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12 | - Added support for UMD and ES2015 modules for tree-shaking. [PR #9](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-fetch/pull/9)
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14 | ## 0.5.2
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16 | - Reverted v0.5.1.
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18 | ## 0.5.1
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20 | - Fixed the build.
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22 | ## 0.5.0
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24 | - Export all TypeScript types. [PR #13](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-fetch/pull/13)
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26 | ## 0.4.0
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28 | - Converted the repository to a [Lerna](https://github.com/lerna/lerna) project. [PR #10](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-fetch/pull/10)
29 | - Support batched requests. [PR #10](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-fetch/pull/10)
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31 | ## 0.3.0
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33 | - Changed the middleware and afterware to accept functions instead of objects. `use` and `useAfter` now only accept a single middleware or afterware.
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35 | ## 0.2.0
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37 | - Added an `apolloFetch` alias for a default call to `createApolloFetch`.
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39 | ## 0.1.0
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41 | - Initial release.