1 | (function (global, factory) {
2 | typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('cross-fetch/polyfill')) :
3 | typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'cross-fetch/polyfill'], factory) :
4 | (factory((global.apolloFetch = {})));
5 | }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
6 |
7 | var __assign = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || Object.assign || function(t) {
8 | for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
9 | s = arguments[i];
10 | for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
11 | t[p] = s[p];
12 | }
13 | return t;
14 | };
15 | function buildWareStack(funcs, modifiedObject, resolve) {
16 | var _this = this;
17 | var next = function () {
18 | if (funcs.length > 0) {
19 | var f = funcs.shift();
20 | if (f) {
21 | f.apply(_this, [modifiedObject, next]);
22 | }
23 | }
24 | else {
25 | resolve(modifiedObject);
26 | }
27 | };
28 | next();
29 | }
30 | function constructDefaultOptions(requestOrRequests, options) {
31 | var body;
32 | try {
33 | body = JSON.stringify(requestOrRequests);
34 | }
35 | catch (e) {
36 | throw new Error("Network request failed. Payload is not serializable: " + e.message);
37 | }
38 | return __assign({ body: body, method: 'POST' }, options, { headers: __assign({ Accept: '*/*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, options.headers || []) });
39 | }
40 | function throwHttpError(response, error) {
41 | var httpError;
42 | if (response && response.status >= 300) {
43 | httpError = new Error("Network request failed with status " + response.status + " - \"" + response.statusText + "\"");
44 | }
45 | else {
46 | httpError = new Error("Network request failed to return valid JSON");
47 | }
48 | httpError.response = response;
49 | httpError.parseError = error;
50 | throw httpError;
51 | }
52 | function throwBatchError(response) {
53 | var httpError = new Error("A batched Operation of responses for ");
54 | httpError.response = response;
55 | throw httpError;
56 | }
57 | function createApolloFetch(params) {
58 | if (params === void 0) { params = {}; }
59 | var constructOptions = params.constructOptions, customFetch = params.customFetch;
60 | var _uri = params.uri || '/graphql';
61 | var middlewares = [];
62 | var batchedMiddlewares = [];
63 | var afterwares = [];
64 | var batchedAfterwares = [];
65 | var applyMiddlewares = function (requestAndOptions, batched) {
66 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
67 | if (batched) {
68 | buildWareStack(batchedMiddlewares.slice(), requestAndOptions, resolve);
69 | }
70 | else {
71 | buildWareStack(middlewares.slice(), requestAndOptions, resolve);
72 | }
73 | });
74 | };
75 | var applyAfterwares = function (responseObject, batched) {
76 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
77 | if (batched) {
78 | buildWareStack(batchedAfterwares.slice(), responseObject, resolve);
79 | }
80 | else {
81 | buildWareStack(afterwares.slice(), responseObject, resolve);
82 | }
83 | });
84 | };
85 | var apolloFetch = function (request) {
86 | var options = {};
87 | var parseError;
88 | var batched = Array.isArray(request);
89 | var requestObject = (batched
90 | ? {
91 | requests: request,
92 | options: options,
93 | }
94 | : {
95 | request: request,
96 | options: options,
97 | });
98 | return applyMiddlewares(requestObject, batched)
99 | .then(function (reqOpts) {
100 | var construct = constructOptions || constructDefaultOptions;
101 | var requestOrRequests = reqOpts.request ||
102 | reqOpts.requests;
103 | return construct(requestOrRequests, reqOpts.options);
104 | })
105 | .then(function (opts) {
106 | options = __assign({}, opts);
107 | return (customFetch || fetch)(_uri, options);
108 | })
109 | .then(function (response) {
110 | return response.text().then(function (raw) {
111 | try {
112 | var parsed = JSON.parse(raw);
113 | response.raw = raw;
114 | response.parsed = parsed;
115 | return response;
116 | }
117 | catch (e) {
118 | parseError = e;
119 | response.raw = raw;
120 | return response;
121 | }
122 | });
123 | })
124 | .then(function (response) {
125 | return applyAfterwares({
126 | response: response,
127 | options: options,
128 | }, batched);
129 | })
130 | .then(function (_a) {
131 | var response = _a.response;
132 | if (response.parsed) {
133 | if (batched) {
134 | if (Array.isArray(response.parsed)) {
135 | return response.parsed;
136 | }
137 | else {
138 | throwBatchError(response);
139 | }
140 | }
141 | else {
142 | return __assign({}, response.parsed);
143 | }
144 | }
145 | else {
146 | throwHttpError(response, parseError);
147 | }
148 | });
149 | };
150 | apolloFetch.use = function (middleware) {
151 | if (typeof middleware === 'function') {
152 | middlewares.push(middleware);
153 | }
154 | else {
155 | throw new Error('Middleware must be a function');
156 | }
157 | return apolloFetch;
158 | };
159 | apolloFetch.useAfter = function (afterware) {
160 | if (typeof afterware === 'function') {
161 | afterwares.push(afterware);
162 | }
163 | else {
164 | throw new Error('Afterware must be a function');
165 | }
166 | return apolloFetch;
167 | };
168 | apolloFetch.batchUse = function (middleware) {
169 | if (typeof middleware === 'function') {
170 | batchedMiddlewares.push(middleware);
171 | }
172 | else {
173 | throw new Error('Middleware must be a function');
174 | }
175 | return apolloFetch;
176 | };
177 | apolloFetch.batchUseAfter = function (afterware) {
178 | if (typeof afterware === 'function') {
179 | batchedAfterwares.push(afterware);
180 | }
181 | else {
182 | throw new Error('Afterware must be a function');
183 | }
184 | return apolloFetch;
185 | };
186 | return apolloFetch;
187 | }
188 |
189 | exports.constructDefaultOptions = constructDefaultOptions;
190 | exports.createApolloFetch = createApolloFetch;
191 |
192 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
193 |
194 | })));
195 |