5.86 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6exports.loadConfig = exports.keyEnvVar = exports.legacyKeyEnvVar = void 0;
7const cosmiconfig_1 = __importDefault(require("cosmiconfig"));
8const cosmiconfig_typescript_loader_1 = __importDefault(require("@endemolshinegroup/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader"));
9const path_1 = require("path");
10const fs_1 = require("fs");
11const lodash_merge_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash.merge"));
12const config_1 = require("./config");
13const utils_1 = require("./utils");
14const vscode_uri_1 = __importDefault(require("vscode-uri"));
15const utilities_1 = require("../utilities");
16const MODULE_NAME = "apollo";
17const defaultFileNames = [
18 "package.json",
19 `${MODULE_NAME}.config.js`,
20 `${MODULE_NAME}.config.ts`,
21 `${MODULE_NAME}.config.cjs`
23const envFileNames = [".env", ".env.local"];
24const loaders = {
25 ".json": cosmiconfig_1.default.loadJson,
26 ".js": cosmiconfig_1.default.loadJs,
27 ".cjs": cosmiconfig_1.default.loadJs,
28 ".ts": {
29 async: cosmiconfig_typescript_loader_1.default
30 }
32exports.legacyKeyEnvVar = "ENGINE_API_KEY";
33exports.keyEnvVar = "APOLLO_KEY";
34async function loadConfig({ configPath, configFileName, requireConfig = false, name, type }) {
35 const explorer = cosmiconfig_1.default(MODULE_NAME, {
36 searchPlaces: configFileName ? [configFileName] : defaultFileNames,
37 loaders
38 });
39 let loadedConfig;
40 try {
41 loadedConfig = (await explorer.search(configPath));
42 }
43 catch (error) {
44 return utilities_1.Debug.error(`A config file failed to load with options: ${JSON.stringify(arguments[0])}.
45 The error was: ${error}`);
46 }
47 if (configPath && !loadedConfig) {
48 return utilities_1.Debug.error(`A config file failed to load at '${configPath}'. This is likely because this file is empty or malformed. For more information, please refer to: https://go.apollo.dev/t/config`);
49 }
50 if (loadedConfig && loadedConfig.filepath.endsWith("package.json")) {
51 utilities_1.Debug.warning('The "apollo" package.json configuration key will no longer be supported in Apollo v3. Please use the apollo.config.js file for Apollo project configuration. For more information, see: https://go.apollo.dev/t/config');
52 }
53 if (requireConfig && !loadedConfig) {
54 return utilities_1.Debug.error(`No Apollo config found for project. For more information, please refer to: https://go.apollo.dev/t/config`);
55 }
56 let engineConfig = {}, apiKey, nameFromKey;
57 envFileNames.forEach(envFile => {
58 const dotEnvPath = configPath
59 ? path_1.resolve(configPath, envFile)
60 : path_1.resolve(process.cwd(), envFile);
61 if (fs_1.existsSync(dotEnvPath) && fs_1.lstatSync(dotEnvPath).isFile()) {
62 const env = require("dotenv").parse(fs_1.readFileSync(dotEnvPath));
63 const legacyKey = env[exports.legacyKeyEnvVar];
64 const key = env[exports.keyEnvVar];
65 if (legacyKey && key) {
66 utilities_1.Debug.warning(`Both ${exports.legacyKeyEnvVar} and ${exports.keyEnvVar} were found. ${exports.keyEnvVar} will take precedence.`);
67 }
68 if (legacyKey) {
69 utilities_1.Debug.warning(`[Deprecation warning] Setting the key via ${exports.legacyKeyEnvVar} is deprecated and will not be supported in future versions. Please use ${exports.keyEnvVar} instead.`);
70 }
71 apiKey = key || legacyKey;
72 }
73 });
74 if (apiKey) {
75 engineConfig = { engine: { apiKey } };
76 nameFromKey = utils_1.getServiceFromKey(apiKey);
77 }
78 let projectType;
79 if (type)
80 projectType = type;
81 else if (loadedConfig && loadedConfig.config.client)
82 projectType = "client";
83 else if (loadedConfig && loadedConfig.config.service)
84 projectType = "service";
85 else
86 return utilities_1.Debug.error("Unable to resolve project type. Please add either a client or service config. For more information, please refer to https://go.apollo.dev/t/config");
87 let serviceName = name || nameFromKey;
88 if (projectType === "client" &&
89 loadedConfig &&
90 loadedConfig.config.client &&
91 typeof loadedConfig.config.client.service === "string") {
92 serviceName = loadedConfig.config.client.service;
93 }
94 if (!loadedConfig ||
95 serviceName ||
96 !(loadedConfig.config.client || loadedConfig.config.service)) {
97 loadedConfig = {
98 filepath: configPath || process.cwd(),
99 config: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (loadedConfig && loadedConfig.config)), (projectType === "client"
100 ? {
101 client: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config_1.DefaultConfigBase), (loadedConfig && loadedConfig.config.client)), { service: serviceName })
102 }
103 : {
104 service: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config_1.DefaultConfigBase), (loadedConfig && loadedConfig.config.service)), { name: serviceName })
105 }))
106 };
107 }
108 let { config, filepath } = loadedConfig;
109 if (config.client)
110 config = lodash_merge_1.default({ client: config_1.DefaultClientConfig }, config);
111 if (config.service)
112 config = lodash_merge_1.default({ service: config_1.DefaultServiceConfig }, config);
113 if (engineConfig)
114 config = lodash_merge_1.default(engineConfig, config);
115 config = lodash_merge_1.default({ engine: config_1.DefaultEngineConfig }, config);
116 return new config_1.ApolloConfig(config, vscode_uri_1.default.file(path_1.resolve(filepath)));
118exports.loadConfig = loadConfig;
119//# sourceMappingURL=loadConfig.js.map
\No newline at end of file