1 | # Change log
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3 | ----
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5 | **NOTE:** This changelog is no longer maintained. Changes are now tracked in
6 | the top level [`CHANGELOG.md`](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).
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8 | ----
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10 | ### 2.2.6
11 |
12 | - No changes
13 |
14 | ### 2.2.5
15 | - Added `graphql` 14 to peer and dev deps; Updated `@types/graphql` to 14 <br/>
16 | [@hwillson](http://github.com/hwillson) in [#789](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/pull/789)
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18 | ### 2.2.4
19 | - Minor documentation fixes
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21 | ### 2.2.3
22 | - Update apollo-link [#559](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/pull/559)
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24 | ### 2.2.2
25 | - Fix a bug where `observer` is null during onComplete, onNext, onError [#528](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/pull/528)
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27 | ### 2.2.0
28 | - handle Promises from `retryIf` and `attempts` [#436](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/pull/436)
29 | - udate apollo link with zen-observable-ts [PR#515](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/pull/515)
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31 | ### 2.1.0
32 | - add `retryIf` [PR#324](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link/pull/324)
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34 | ### 2.0.2
35 | - ApolloLink upgrade
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37 | ### 2.0.1
38 | - ApolloLink upgrade
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40 | ### 2.0.0
41 | - Entirely rewritten to address a number of flaws including a new API to prevent DOSing your own server when it may be down. Thanks @nevir for the amazing work!
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43 | ### 1.0.2
44 | - changed peer-dependency of apollo-link to actual dependency
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46 | ### 1.0.1
47 | - moved to better rollup build
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49 | ### 1.0.0
50 | - moved from default export to named to be consistent with rest of link ecosystem