1.82 kBHTMLView Raw
1{% include 'pagerMacros.html' %}
2{# use renderBlogPosts to show all pieces as full posts on a page #}
4{% macro renderBlogPosts(pieces) %}
5 {% if pieces %}
6 {% for piece in pieces %}
7 {{ renderBlogPost(piece, { edit: false }) }}
8 {% endfor %}
9 {% else %}
10 <h4>{{ __('There are no blog posts yet.') }}</h4>
11 {% endif %}
12{% endmacro %}
14{% macro renderBlogPost(piece, options = {}) %}
15 <div class="apos-blog-post">
16 <div class="apos-blog-post-heading">
17 <h4><a href="{{ piece.url }}">{{ piece.title | e }}</a></h4>
18 <div class="blog-title-divider"></div>
19 <h6>{{ piece.publishedAt | date("MMM DD, YYYY") }}</h6>
20 </div>
21 <div class="apos-blog-post-body">{{ aposArea(piece, 'body', { edit: options.edit }) }}</div>
22 {% if piece.tags %}
23 <div class="apos-blog-tags">
24 {{ __('File under') }}: {{ piece.tags|join(', ') }}
25 </div>
26 {% endif %}
27 </div>
28{% endmacro %}
30{# ...or use renderBlogPostPreviews to show previews of all pieces on a page (date and title) #}
32{% macro renderBlogPostPreviews(pieces) %}
33 {% if pieces %}
34 {% for piece in pieces %}
35 {{ renderBlogPostPreview(piece) }}
36 {% endfor %}
37 {% else %}
38 <h4>{{ __('There are no blog posts yet.') }}</h4>
39 {% endif %}
40{% endmacro %}
42{% macro renderBlogPostPreview(piece) %}
43 <div class="apos-blog-post-preview">
44 <div class="apos-blog-post">
45 <div class="apos-blog-date">
46 <h4><a href="{{ piece.url }}">{{ piece.publishedAt | date("MMM") }}</a></h4>
47 <h3><a href="{{ piece.url }}">{{ piece.publishedAt | date("DD") }}</a></h4>
48 </div>
49 <div class="apos-blog-title">
50 <h4><a href="{{ piece.url }}">{{ piece.title | e }}</a></h4>
51 </div>
52 {# TODO: add byline once the author field is worked out in A2 #}
53 </div>
54 </div>
55{% endmacro %}