2.56 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var t = require('../test-lib/test.js');
2var assert = require('assert');
3var apos;
5describe('Email', function() {
7 this.timeout(t.timeout);
9 after(function(done) {
10 return t.destroy(apos, done);
11 });
13 it('should be a property of the apos object', function(done) {
14 this.timeout(t.timeout);
15 this.slow(2000);
17 apos = require('../index.js')({
18 root: module,
19 shortName: 'test',
21 modules: {
22 'apostrophe-express': {
23 port: 7900
24 },
25 'apostrophe-email': {
26 nodemailer: {
27 streamTransport: true,
28 buffer: true,
29 newline: 'unix'
30 }
31 },
32 'email-test': {}
33 },
34 afterInit: function(callback) {
35 assert(apos.modules['apostrophe-email']);
36 // In tests this will be the name of the test file,
37 // so override that in order to get apostrophe to
38 // listen normally and not try to run a task. -Tom
39 apos.argv._ = [];
40 return callback(null);
41 },
42 afterListen: function(err) {
43 assert(!err);
44 done();
45 }
46 });
47 });
49 it('can send email on behalf of a module', function(done) {
50 apos.modules['email-test'].email(apos.tasks.getReq(),
51 'welcome',
52 {
53 name: 'Fred Astaire'
54 },
55 {
56 from: 'test@example.com',
57 to: 'recipient@example.com',
58 subject: 'Welcome Aboard'
59 },
60 function(err, info) {
61 assert(!err);
62 assert(info);
63 var message = info.message.toString();
64 assert(message.match(/Fred Astaire/));
65 assert(message.match(/Subject: Welcome Aboard/));
66 assert(message.match(/From: test@example\.com/));
67 assert(message.match(/To: recipient@example\.com/));
68 assert(message.match(/\[http:\/\/example\.com\/\]/));
69 done();
70 }
71 );
72 });
73 it('can do it with promises', function() {
74 return apos.modules['email-test'].email(apos.tasks.getReq(),
75 'welcome',
76 {
77 name: 'Fred Astaire'
78 },
79 {
80 from: 'test@example.com',
81 to: 'recipient@example.com',
82 subject: 'Welcome Aboard'
83 }
84 ).then(function(info) {
85 assert(info);
86 var message = info.message.toString();
87 assert(message.match(/Fred Astaire/));
88 assert(message.match(/Subject: Welcome Aboard/));
89 assert(message.match(/From: test@example\.com/));
90 assert(message.match(/To: recipient@example\.com/));
91 assert(message.match(/\[http:\/\/example\.com\/\]/));
92 return true;
93 });
94 });