1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.getPublishConfigs = exports.computeDownloadUrl = exports.createPublisher = exports.getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo = exports.getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration = exports.PublishManager = void 0;
4 | const bluebird_lst_1 = require("bluebird-lst");
5 | const builder_util_1 = require("builder-util");
6 | const builder_util_runtime_1 = require("builder-util-runtime");
7 | const debug_1 = require("debug");
8 | const electron_publish_1 = require("electron-publish");
9 | const gitHubPublisher_1 = require("electron-publish/out/gitHubPublisher");
10 | const multiProgress_1 = require("electron-publish/out/multiProgress");
11 | const s3Publisher_1 = require("./s3/s3Publisher");
12 | const spacesPublisher_1 = require("./s3/spacesPublisher");
13 | const promises_1 = require("fs/promises");
14 | const isCi = require("is-ci");
15 | const path = require("path");
16 | const url = require("url");
17 | const index_1 = require("../index");
18 | const macroExpander_1 = require("../util/macroExpander");
19 | const SnapStorePublisher_1 = require("./SnapStorePublisher");
20 | const updateInfoBuilder_1 = require("./updateInfoBuilder");
21 | const KeygenPublisher_1 = require("./KeygenPublisher");
22 | const BitbucketPublisher_1 = require("./BitbucketPublisher");
23 | const publishForPrWarning = "There are serious security concerns with PUBLISH_FOR_PULL_REQUEST=true (see the CircleCI documentation (https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/fork-pr-builds/) for details)" +
24 | "\nIf you have SSH keys, sensitive env vars or AWS credentials stored in your project settings and untrusted forks can make pull requests against your repo, then this option isn't for you.";
25 | const debug = (0, debug_1.default)("electron-builder:publish");
26 | function checkOptions(publishPolicy) {
27 | if (publishPolicy != null && publishPolicy !== "onTag" && publishPolicy !== "onTagOrDraft" && publishPolicy !== "always" && publishPolicy !== "never") {
28 | if (typeof publishPolicy === "string") {
29 | throw new builder_util_1.InvalidConfigurationError(`Expected one of "onTag", "onTagOrDraft", "always", "never", but got ${JSON.stringify(publishPolicy)}.\nPlease note that publish configuration should be specified under "config"`);
30 | }
31 | }
32 | }
33 | class PublishManager {
34 | constructor(packager, publishOptions, cancellationToken = packager.cancellationToken) {
35 | this.packager = packager;
36 | this.publishOptions = publishOptions;
37 | this.cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
38 | this.nameToPublisher = new Map();
39 | this.isPublish = false;
40 | this.progress = process.stdout.isTTY ? new multiProgress_1.MultiProgress() : null;
41 | this.updateFileWriteTask = [];
42 | checkOptions(publishOptions.publish);
43 | this.taskManager = new builder_util_1.AsyncTaskManager(cancellationToken);
44 | const forcePublishForPr = process.env.PUBLISH_FOR_PULL_REQUEST === "true";
45 | if (!(0, builder_util_1.isPullRequest)() || forcePublishForPr) {
46 | if (publishOptions.publish === undefined) {
47 | if (process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === "release") {
48 | publishOptions.publish = "always";
49 | }
50 | else {
51 | const tag = (0, electron_publish_1.getCiTag)();
52 | if (tag != null) {
53 | builder_util_1.log.info({ reason: "tag is defined", tag }, "artifacts will be published");
54 | publishOptions.publish = "onTag";
55 | }
56 | else if (isCi) {
57 | builder_util_1.log.info({ reason: "CI detected" }, "artifacts will be published if draft release exists");
58 | publishOptions.publish = "onTagOrDraft";
59 | }
60 | }
61 | }
62 | const publishPolicy = publishOptions.publish;
63 | this.isPublish = publishPolicy != null && publishOptions.publish !== "never" && (publishPolicy !== "onTag" || (0, electron_publish_1.getCiTag)() != null);
64 | if (this.isPublish && forcePublishForPr) {
65 | builder_util_1.log.warn(publishForPrWarning);
66 | }
67 | }
68 | else if (publishOptions.publish !== "never") {
69 | builder_util_1.log.info({
70 | reason: "current build is a part of pull request",
71 | solution: `set env PUBLISH_FOR_PULL_REQUEST to true to force code signing\n${publishForPrWarning}`,
72 | }, "publishing will be skipped");
73 | }
74 | packager.addAfterPackHandler(async (event) => {
75 | const packager = event.packager;
76 | if (event.electronPlatformName === "darwin") {
77 | if (!event.targets.some(it => it.name === "dmg" || it.name === "zip")) {
78 | return;
79 | }
80 | }
81 | else if (packager.platform === index_1.Platform.WINDOWS) {
82 | if (!event.targets.some(it => isSuitableWindowsTarget(it))) {
83 | return;
84 | }
85 | }
86 | const publishConfig = await getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration(packager, event.arch, this.isPublish);
87 | if (publishConfig != null) {
88 | await (0, promises_1.writeFile)(path.join(packager.getResourcesDir(event.appOutDir), "app-update.yml"), (0, builder_util_1.serializeToYaml)(publishConfig));
89 | }
90 | });
91 | packager.artifactCreated(event => {
92 | const publishConfiguration = event.publishConfig;
93 | if (publishConfiguration == null) {
94 | this.taskManager.addTask(this.artifactCreatedWithoutExplicitPublishConfig(event));
95 | }
96 | else if (this.isPublish) {
97 | if (debug.enabled) {
98 | debug(`artifactCreated (isPublish: ${this.isPublish}): ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(event, new Set(["packager"]))},\n publishConfig: ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(publishConfiguration)}`);
99 | }
100 | this.scheduleUpload(publishConfiguration, event, this.getAppInfo(event.packager));
101 | }
102 | });
103 | }
104 | getAppInfo(platformPackager) {
105 | return platformPackager == null ? this.packager.appInfo : platformPackager.appInfo;
106 | }
107 | async getGlobalPublishConfigurations() {
108 | const publishers = this.packager.config.publish;
109 | return await resolvePublishConfigurations(publishers, null, this.packager, null, true);
110 | }
111 | scheduleUpload(publishConfig, event, appInfo) {
112 | if (publishConfig.provider === "generic") {
113 | return;
114 | }
115 | const publisher = this.getOrCreatePublisher(publishConfig, appInfo);
116 | if (publisher == null) {
117 | builder_util_1.log.debug({
118 | file: event.file,
119 | reason: "publisher is null",
120 | publishConfig: (0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(publishConfig),
121 | }, "not published");
122 | return;
123 | }
124 | const providerName = publisher.providerName;
125 | if (this.publishOptions.publish === "onTagOrDraft" && (0, electron_publish_1.getCiTag)() == null && providerName !== "bitbucket" && providerName !== "github") {
126 | builder_util_1.log.info({ file: event.file, reason: "current build is not for a git tag", publishPolicy: "onTagOrDraft" }, `not published to ${providerName}`);
127 | return;
128 | }
129 | if (publishConfig.timeout) {
130 | event.timeout = publishConfig.timeout;
131 | }
132 | this.taskManager.addTask(publisher.upload(event));
133 | }
134 | async artifactCreatedWithoutExplicitPublishConfig(event) {
135 | const platformPackager = event.packager;
136 | const target = event.target;
137 | const publishConfigs = await getPublishConfigs(platformPackager, target == null ? null : target.options, event.arch, this.isPublish);
138 | if (debug.enabled) {
139 | debug(`artifactCreated (isPublish: ${this.isPublish}): ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(event, new Set(["packager"]))},\n publishConfigs: ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(publishConfigs)}`);
140 | }
141 | const eventFile = event.file;
142 | if (publishConfigs == null) {
143 | if (this.isPublish) {
144 | builder_util_1.log.debug({ file: eventFile, reason: "no publish configs" }, "not published");
145 | }
146 | return;
147 | }
148 | if (this.isPublish) {
149 | for (const publishConfig of publishConfigs) {
150 | if (this.cancellationToken.cancelled) {
151 | builder_util_1.log.debug({ file: event.file, reason: "cancelled" }, "not published");
152 | break;
153 | }
154 | this.scheduleUpload(publishConfig, event, this.getAppInfo(platformPackager));
155 | }
156 | }
157 | if (event.isWriteUpdateInfo &&
158 | target != null &&
159 | eventFile != null &&
160 | !this.cancellationToken.cancelled &&
161 | (platformPackager.platform !== index_1.Platform.WINDOWS || isSuitableWindowsTarget(target))) {
162 | this.taskManager.addTask((0, updateInfoBuilder_1.createUpdateInfoTasks)(event, publishConfigs).then(it => this.updateFileWriteTask.push(...it)));
163 | }
164 | }
165 | getOrCreatePublisher(publishConfig, appInfo) {
166 |
167 | const providerCacheKey = (0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(publishConfig);
168 | let publisher = this.nameToPublisher.get(providerCacheKey);
169 | if (publisher == null) {
170 | publisher = createPublisher(this, appInfo.version, publishConfig, this.publishOptions, this.packager);
171 | this.nameToPublisher.set(providerCacheKey, publisher);
172 | builder_util_1.log.info({ publisher: publisher.toString() }, "publishing");
173 | }
174 | return publisher;
175 | }
176 |
177 | cancelTasks() {
178 | this.taskManager.cancelTasks();
179 | this.nameToPublisher.clear();
180 | }
181 | async awaitTasks() {
182 | await this.taskManager.awaitTasks();
183 | const updateInfoFileTasks = this.updateFileWriteTask;
184 | if (this.cancellationToken.cancelled || updateInfoFileTasks.length === 0) {
185 | return;
186 | }
187 | await (0, updateInfoBuilder_1.writeUpdateInfoFiles)(updateInfoFileTasks, this.packager);
188 | await this.taskManager.awaitTasks();
189 | }
190 | }
191 | exports.PublishManager = PublishManager;
192 | async function getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration(packager, arch, errorIfCannot) {
193 | const publishConfigs = await getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo(packager, await getPublishConfigs(packager, null, arch, errorIfCannot), arch);
194 | if (publishConfigs == null || publishConfigs.length === 0) {
195 | return null;
196 | }
197 | const publishConfig = {
198 | ...publishConfigs[0],
199 | updaterCacheDirName: packager.appInfo.updaterCacheDirName,
200 | };
201 | if (packager.platform === index_1.Platform.WINDOWS && publishConfig.publisherName == null) {
202 | const winPackager = packager;
203 | const publisherName = winPackager.isForceCodeSigningVerification ? await winPackager.computedPublisherName.value : undefined;
204 | if (publisherName != null) {
205 | publishConfig.publisherName = publisherName;
206 | }
207 | }
208 | return publishConfig;
209 | }
210 | exports.getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration = getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration;
211 | async function getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo(packager, publishConfigs, arch) {
212 | if (publishConfigs === null) {
213 | return null;
214 | }
215 | if (publishConfigs.length === 0) {
216 | builder_util_1.log.debug(null, "getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo: no publishConfigs, detect using repository info");
217 |
218 |
219 | const repositoryInfo = await packager.info.repositoryInfo;
220 | debug(`getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo: ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(repositoryInfo)}`);
221 | if (repositoryInfo != null && repositoryInfo.type === "github") {
222 | const resolvedPublishConfig = await getResolvedPublishConfig(packager, packager.info, { provider: repositoryInfo.type }, arch, false);
223 | if (resolvedPublishConfig != null) {
224 | debug(`getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo: resolve to publish config ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(resolvedPublishConfig)}`);
225 | return [resolvedPublishConfig];
226 | }
227 | }
228 | }
229 | return publishConfigs;
230 | }
231 | exports.getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo = getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo;
232 | function createPublisher(context, version, publishConfig, options, packager) {
233 | if (debug.enabled) {
234 | debug(`Create publisher: ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(publishConfig)}`);
235 | }
236 | const provider = publishConfig.provider;
237 | switch (provider) {
238 | case "github":
239 | return new gitHubPublisher_1.GitHubPublisher(context, publishConfig, version, options);
240 | case "keygen":
241 | return new KeygenPublisher_1.KeygenPublisher(context, publishConfig, version);
242 | case "snapStore":
243 | return new SnapStorePublisher_1.SnapStorePublisher(context, publishConfig);
244 | case "generic":
245 | return null;
246 | default: {
247 | const clazz = requireProviderClass(provider, packager);
248 | return clazz == null ? null : new clazz(context, publishConfig);
249 | }
250 | }
251 | }
252 | exports.createPublisher = createPublisher;
253 | function requireProviderClass(provider, packager) {
254 | switch (provider) {
255 | case "github":
256 | return gitHubPublisher_1.GitHubPublisher;
257 | case "generic":
258 | return null;
259 | case "keygen":
260 | return KeygenPublisher_1.KeygenPublisher;
261 | case "s3":
262 | return s3Publisher_1.default;
263 | case "snapStore":
264 | return SnapStorePublisher_1.SnapStorePublisher;
265 | case "spaces":
266 | return spacesPublisher_1.default;
267 | case "bitbucket":
268 | return BitbucketPublisher_1.BitbucketPublisher;
269 | default: {
270 | const name = `electron-publisher-${provider}`;
271 | let module = null;
272 | try {
273 | module = require(path.join(packager.buildResourcesDir, name + ".js"));
274 | }
275 | catch (ignored) {
276 | console.log(ignored);
277 | }
278 | if (module == null) {
279 | module = require(name);
280 | }
281 | return module.default || module;
282 | }
283 | }
284 | }
285 | function computeDownloadUrl(publishConfiguration, fileName, packager) {
286 | if (publishConfiguration.provider === "generic") {
287 | const baseUrlString = publishConfiguration.url;
288 | if (fileName == null) {
289 | return baseUrlString;
290 | }
291 | const baseUrl = url.parse(baseUrlString);
292 | return url.format({ ...baseUrl, pathname: path.posix.resolve(baseUrl.pathname || "/", encodeURI(fileName)) });
293 | }
294 | let baseUrl;
295 | if (publishConfiguration.provider === "github") {
296 | const gh = publishConfiguration;
297 | baseUrl = `${(0, builder_util_runtime_1.githubUrl)(gh)}/${gh.owner}/${gh.repo}/releases/download/${gh.vPrefixedTagName === false ? "" : "v"}${packager.appInfo.version}`;
298 | }
299 | else {
300 | baseUrl = (0, builder_util_runtime_1.getS3LikeProviderBaseUrl)(publishConfiguration);
301 | }
302 | if (fileName == null) {
303 | return baseUrl;
304 | }
305 | return `${baseUrl}/${encodeURI(fileName)}`;
306 | }
307 | exports.computeDownloadUrl = computeDownloadUrl;
308 | async function getPublishConfigs(platformPackager, targetSpecificOptions, arch, errorIfCannot) {
309 | let publishers;
310 |
311 | if (targetSpecificOptions != null) {
312 | publishers = targetSpecificOptions.publish;
313 |
314 | if (publishers === null) {
315 | return null;
316 | }
317 | }
318 |
319 | if (publishers == null) {
320 | publishers = platformPackager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.publish;
321 | if (publishers === null) {
322 | return null;
323 | }
324 | }
325 | if (publishers == null) {
326 | publishers = platformPackager.config.publish;
327 | if (publishers === null) {
328 | return null;
329 | }
330 | }
331 | return await resolvePublishConfigurations(publishers, platformPackager, platformPackager.info, arch, errorIfCannot);
332 | }
333 | exports.getPublishConfigs = getPublishConfigs;
334 | async function resolvePublishConfigurations(publishers, platformPackager, packager, arch, errorIfCannot) {
335 | if (publishers == null) {
336 | let serviceName = null;
337 | if (!(0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(process.env.GH_TOKEN) || !(0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN)) {
338 | serviceName = "github";
339 | }
340 | else if (!(0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(process.env.KEYGEN_TOKEN)) {
341 | serviceName = "keygen";
342 | }
343 | else if (!(0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(process.env.BITBUCKET_TOKEN)) {
344 | serviceName = "bitbucket";
345 | }
346 | else if (!(0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(process.env.BT_TOKEN)) {
347 | throw new Error("Bintray has been sunset and is no longer supported by electron-builder. Ref: https://jfrog.com/blog/into-the-sunset-bintray-jcenter-gocenter-and-chartcenter/");
348 | }
349 | if (serviceName != null) {
350 | builder_util_1.log.debug(null, `detect ${serviceName} as publish provider`);
351 | return [(await getResolvedPublishConfig(platformPackager, packager, { provider: serviceName }, arch, errorIfCannot))];
352 | }
353 | }
354 | if (publishers == null) {
355 | return [];
356 | }
357 | debug(`Explicit publish provider: ${(0, builder_util_1.safeStringifyJson)(publishers)}`);
358 | return await bluebird_lst_1.default.map((0, builder_util_1.asArray)(publishers), it => getResolvedPublishConfig(platformPackager, packager, typeof it === "string" ? { provider: it } : it, arch, errorIfCannot));
359 | }
360 | function isSuitableWindowsTarget(target) {
361 | if (target.name === "appx" && target.options != null && target.options.electronUpdaterAware) {
362 | return true;
363 | }
364 | return target.name === "nsis" || target.name.startsWith("nsis-");
365 | }
366 | function expandPublishConfig(options, platformPackager, packager, arch) {
367 | for (const name of Object.keys(options)) {
368 | const value = options[name];
369 | if (typeof value === "string") {
370 | const archValue = arch == null ? null : builder_util_1.Arch[arch];
371 | const expanded = platformPackager == null ? (0, macroExpander_1.expandMacro)(value, archValue, packager.appInfo) : platformPackager.expandMacro(value, archValue);
372 | if (expanded !== value) {
373 | options[name] = expanded;
374 | }
375 | }
376 | }
377 | }
378 | function isDetectUpdateChannel(platformSpecificConfiguration, configuration) {
379 | const value = platformSpecificConfiguration == null ? null : platformSpecificConfiguration.detectUpdateChannel;
380 | return value == null ? configuration.detectUpdateChannel !== false : value;
381 | }
382 | async function getResolvedPublishConfig(platformPackager, packager, options, arch, errorIfCannot) {
383 | options = { ...options };
384 | expandPublishConfig(options, platformPackager, packager, arch);
385 | let channelFromAppVersion = null;
386 | if (options.channel == null &&
387 | isDetectUpdateChannel(platformPackager == null ? null : platformPackager.platformSpecificBuildOptions, packager.config)) {
388 | channelFromAppVersion = packager.appInfo.channel;
389 | }
390 | const provider = options.provider;
391 | if (provider === "generic") {
392 | const o = options;
393 | if (o.url == null) {
394 | throw new builder_util_1.InvalidConfigurationError(`Please specify "url" for "generic" update server`);
395 | }
396 | if (channelFromAppVersion != null) {
397 | ;
398 | o.channel = channelFromAppVersion;
399 | }
400 | return options;
401 | }
402 | const providerClass = requireProviderClass(options.provider, packager);
403 | if (providerClass != null && providerClass.checkAndResolveOptions != null) {
404 | await providerClass.checkAndResolveOptions(options, channelFromAppVersion, errorIfCannot);
405 | return options;
406 | }
407 | if (provider === "keygen") {
408 | return {
409 | ...options,
410 | platform: platformPackager === null || platformPackager === void 0 ? void 0 : platformPackager.platform.name,
411 | };
412 | }
413 | const isGithub = provider === "github";
414 | if (!isGithub && provider !== "bitbucket") {
415 | return options;
416 | }
417 | let owner = isGithub ? options.owner : options.owner;
418 | let project = isGithub ? options.repo : options.slug;
419 | if (isGithub && owner == null && project != null) {
420 | const index = project.indexOf("/");
421 | if (index > 0) {
422 | const repo = project;
423 | project = repo.substring(0, index);
424 | owner = repo.substring(index + 1);
425 | }
426 | }
427 | async function getInfo() {
428 | const info = await packager.repositoryInfo;
429 | if (info != null) {
430 | return info;
431 | }
432 | const message = `Cannot detect repository by .git/config. Please specify "repository" in the package.json (https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#repository).\nPlease see https://electron.build/configuration/publish`;
433 | if (errorIfCannot) {
434 | throw new Error(message);
435 | }
436 | else {
437 | builder_util_1.log.warn(message);
438 | return null;
439 | }
440 | }
441 | if (!owner || !project) {
442 | builder_util_1.log.debug({ reason: "owner or project is not specified explicitly", provider, owner, project }, "calling getInfo");
443 | const info = await getInfo();
444 | if (info == null) {
445 | return null;
446 | }
447 | if (!owner) {
448 | owner = info.user;
449 | }
450 | if (!project) {
451 | project = info.project;
452 | }
453 | }
454 | if (isGithub) {
455 | if (options.token != null && !options.private) {
456 | builder_util_1.log.warn('"token" specified in the github publish options. It should be used only for [setFeedURL](module:electron-updater/out/AppUpdater.AppUpdater+setFeedURL).');
457 | }
458 |
459 | return { owner, repo: project, ...options };
460 | }
461 | else {
462 |
463 | return { owner, slug: project, ...options };
464 | }
465 | }
466 |
\ | No newline at end of file |