4.28 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const builder_util_1 = require("builder-util");
4const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra");
5const lazy_val_1 = require("lazy-val");
6const path = require("path");
7const core_1 = require("../core");
8const PublishManager_1 = require("../publish/PublishManager");
9const appBuilder_1 = require("../util/appBuilder");
10const license_1 = require("../util/license");
11const targetUtil_1 = require("./targetUtil");
12// https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/375191/append-to-sub-directory-inside-squashfs-file
13class AppImageTarget extends core_1.Target {
14 constructor(ignored, packager, helper, outDir) {
15 super("appImage");
16 this.packager = packager;
17 this.helper = helper;
18 this.outDir = outDir;
19 this.options = { ...this.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions, ...this.packager.config[this.name] };
20 this.desktopEntry = new lazy_val_1.Lazy(() => {
21 var _a;
22 const args = ((_a = this.options.executableArgs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.join(" ")) || "--no-sandbox";
23 return helper.computeDesktopEntry(this.options, `AppRun ${args} %U`, {
24 "X-AppImage-Version": `${packager.appInfo.buildVersion}`,
25 });
26 });
27 }
28 async build(appOutDir, arch) {
29 const packager = this.packager;
30 const options = this.options;
31 // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/775
32 // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1726
33 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-invalid-template-strings
34 const artifactName = packager.expandArtifactNamePattern(options, "AppImage", arch);
35 const artifactPath = path.join(this.outDir, artifactName);
36 await packager.info.callArtifactBuildStarted({
37 targetPresentableName: "AppImage",
38 file: artifactPath,
39 arch,
40 });
41 const c = await Promise.all([
42 this.desktopEntry.value,
43 this.helper.icons,
44 (0, PublishManager_1.getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration)(packager, arch, false /* in any case validation will be done on publish */),
45 (0, license_1.getNotLocalizedLicenseFile)(options.license, this.packager, ["txt", "html"]),
46 (0, targetUtil_1.createStageDir)(this, packager, arch),
47 ]);
48 const license = c[3];
49 const stageDir = c[4];
50 const publishConfig = c[2];
51 if (publishConfig != null) {
52 await (0, fs_extra_1.outputFile)(path.join(packager.getResourcesDir(stageDir.dir), "app-update.yml"), (0, builder_util_1.serializeToYaml)(publishConfig));
53 }
54 if (this.packager.packagerOptions.effectiveOptionComputed != null &&
55 (await this.packager.packagerOptions.effectiveOptionComputed({ desktop: await this.desktopEntry.value }))) {
56 return;
57 }
58 const args = [
59 "appimage",
60 "--stage",
61 stageDir.dir,
62 "--arch",
63 builder_util_1.Arch[arch],
64 "--output",
65 artifactPath,
66 "--app",
67 appOutDir,
68 "--configuration",
69 JSON.stringify({
70 productName: this.packager.appInfo.productName,
71 productFilename: this.packager.appInfo.productFilename,
72 desktopEntry: c[0],
73 executableName: this.packager.executableName,
74 icons: c[1],
75 fileAssociations: this.packager.fileAssociations,
76 ...options,
77 }),
78 ];
79 (0, appBuilder_1.objectToArgs)(args, {
80 license,
81 });
82 if (packager.compression === "maximum") {
83 args.push("--compression", "xz");
84 }
85 await packager.info.callArtifactBuildCompleted({
86 file: artifactPath,
87 safeArtifactName: packager.computeSafeArtifactName(artifactName, "AppImage", arch, false),
88 target: this,
89 arch,
90 packager,
91 isWriteUpdateInfo: true,
92 updateInfo: await (0, appBuilder_1.executeAppBuilderAsJson)(args),
93 });
94 }
96exports.default = AppImageTarget;
97//# sourceMappingURL=AppImageTarget.js.map
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