4.45 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3const assert = require('assert');
4const crypto = require('crypto');
5const helper = require('./_helper');
7// Valid client details should be used
8let Request = helper.Request;
9let Response = helper.Response;
10let pubsub = new helper.createMockConfigClient({
11 key: 'key',
12 secret: 'secret'
16 auth_type: 'basic',
17 url: 'http://un:pw@localhost:8080.com',
18 can_consume: true,
19 events: {
20 'com.test.event': null,
21 'com.test.topic.*': null,
22 'com.test.*.interior': null,
23 'com.splatted.**': null
24 }
27describe('webhook', function () {
29 it('should validate basic auth credentials are correct', function () {
30 // Set the config and parse the basic auth details
31 let success = false,
32 res = new Response(),
33 req = new Request({}, {
34 authorization: 'Basic ' + new Buffer('un:pw').toString('base64')
35 });
37 // Test the return value and that the callback is called for middleware use
38 let authed = pubsub.authenticateWebhook(req, res, () => success = true);
39 // Both should have succeeded, and the request should be flagged to avoid duplicate checks
40 assert.ok(success && authed && req._authenticatedWebhook);
41 });
43 it('should validate basic auth credentials are incorrect', function () {
44 let success = false,
45 res = new Response(),
46 req = new Request({}, {
47 authorization: 'Basic ' + new Buffer('un2:pw2').toString('base64')
48 });
50 let authed = pubsub.authenticateWebhook(req, res, () => success = true);
51 // The return value should be false and the callback should not have been called
52 assert.equal(success || authed || !!req._authenticatedWebhook, false);
53 // If a response object is given then an unauthorized response should be sent
54 assert.ok(res.wasUnauthorized());
55 });
57 it('should validate auth token are correct', function () {
58 // Set the config and parse the basic auth details
59 pubsub.updateConfig({
60 auth_type: 'token',
61 url: 'http://localhost:8080.com',
62 auth_token: 'test-token'
63 });
64 let success = false,
65 res = new Response(),
66 req = new Request({}, {
67 'x-auth-token': 'test-token'
68 });
70 // Correct creds
71 let authed = pubsub.authenticateWebhook(req, res, () => success = true);
72 assert.ok(success && authed && req._authenticatedWebhook);
73 });
75 it('should validate auth token are incorrect', function () {
76 // Incorrect creds
77 let success = false,
78 res = new Response(),
79 req = new Request({}, {
80 'x-auth-token': 'not-this'
81 });
83 let authed = pubsub.authenticateWebhook(req, res, () => success = true);
84 assert.equal(success || authed || !!req._authenticatedWebhook, false);
85 assert.ok(res.wasUnauthorized());
86 });
88 it('should validate key/secret signature is correct', function () {
89 // set the config and parse the basic auth details
90 pubsub.updateConfig({
91 auth_type: 'key_secret',
92 url: 'http://localhost:8080.com',
93 auth_token: 'test-token'
94 });
95 let success = false,
96 res = new Response(),
97 body = { event: 'com.test.event' },
98 req = new Request(body, {
99 'x-signature': crypto.createHmac('SHA256', pubsub.secret).update(JSON.stringify(body)).digest('hex')
100 });
102 // Correct creds
103 let authed = pubsub.authenticateWebhook(req, res, () => success = true);
104 assert.ok(success && authed && req._authenticatedWebhook);
105 });
107 it('should validate key/secret signature is incorrect', function () {
108 // Incorrect creds
109 let success = false,
110 res = new Response(),
111 req = new Request({}, {
112 'x-signature': 'not-this'
113 });
115 let authed = pubsub.authenticateWebhook(req, res, () => success = true);
116 assert.equal(success || authed || !!req._authenticatedWebhook, false);
117 assert.ok(res.wasUnauthorized());
118 });
120 it('should emit using an exact event name', function (done) {
121 let topic = pubsub.config.topics[0],
122 payload = { topic };
124 // Set the listener
125 pubsub.on('event:' + topic, function (data) {
126 // The request body should be passed through
127 assert.equal(data, payload);
128 done();
129 });
130 // Spoof an webhook request skipping authentication
131 pubsub.config.auth_type = null;
132 pubsub.handleWebhook(new Request(payload), new Response());
133 });
135 it('should not receive an unrelated event', function () {
136 let topic = 'com.unrelated.event',
137 payload = { topic };
139 // Set the listener
140 pubsub.on('event:com.different.event', function () {
141 assert.fail('Listener should not have been called');
142 });
143 pubsub.handleWebhook(new Request(payload), new Response());
144 });